The Palaeohotanist 37(lJ • 125·133, 1988

Palynostratigraphy of the Lower Gondwana sediments from Shobhapur Block, Pathakhera Coalfield,

Suresh C. Srivastava & O. S. Sarate

Srivastava, Suresh C &. Sarate, 0 S. (1989). Palynosrratigraphy of the Lower Gondwana sediments from Shobhapur Block, Pathakhera Coalfield, Madhya Pradesh. Palaeobotanist 37( I) 125·133.

Palynoflora] investigations carried out on bore· hole samples from Shobhapur Block, Pathakhera Coalfield in Madhya Pradesh revealed two distinct palynofloral assemblages. Assemblage Zone·! is rich in radial monosaccates, chiefly Par-asaccites and includes the lowermost coal seam of the area, the Bagdona Seam Assemblage Zone·2 is charaCterised by the dominance of nonsrriate·disaccate-scheunnglpollenites, distributed in the younger coal seams including lower (~iddle)and upper (Top workable). Assemblage Zone·!, corresponding to the known Upper Karharbari palynofloras, establishes the existence of Karharbari sediments in Shobhapur Block of Pathakhera Coalfield, which were hitherto assigned to Barakar Formation The Barakar palynoflora has continued into the lower part of Motur Formation in bore· hole no CMPS 43 of Shobhapur Block.

Key-words-Palynoslratigraphy, Karharbari Formation, Barakar Formation, Lower Gondwana ().

sur-esh C. snuastaua & 0. S. Sa rate, Bir-bal sahni InstitUle of Palaeobotany, 53 Ul1IueYsity Road, Lucknow 226007, India.

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SATPURA Basin is the westernmost Gondwana Basin GENERAL GEOLOGY and includes Mohpani, Pathakhera and Pench· Kanhan coalfields. The former represents the The Pathakhera Coalfield, named after a small northernmost limb while the latter two represent the village-Pathakhera (22°06': 78° 10'), lies in the southern and south·western limbs of the Satpura of Madhya Pradesh. It is 19 km east Basin. Anand·Prakash (1972) studied the sporae· from Ghodadongri Railway Station. This coalfield is dispersae from Pench·Kanhan and Pathakhera area one of the most promising source of coal supply for but the information as such does not throw any light western India. Shobhapur Block represents the on the age of the coal seams of Pathakhera Coalfield. northernmost portion of the Pathakhera Coalfield The present investigation has been undertaken to (Map 1). develop palynological succession in bore-holes The Archaeans here form the basement for the CMPS-3S, 38 and 43. Lower Gondwana sediments which chiefly comprise 126 THE PAlAEOBOTANIST

gneisses, schists and quartz veins. They also form ~I _IF •• • hills of considerable heights on the northern margin. { The Talchir sediments overlie the basement metamorphics and include khaki green needle shales, yellowish coarse-grained sandstone and the mudstone bands boundary in the south-east and west is faulted. The Talchir sediments are overlain by Barakar Formation which is the only coal-bearing horizon in Pathakhera Coalfield and includes three coal seams_ The Barakar sediments mainly consist of coarse-grained sandstones, rarely fine grained with occasional shale bands and coal seams. The Motur

Formation overlies the Barakar Formation and + N -l.t.OI consists of greenish coarse-grained sandstone and INDEX t2J OECCAN § 81)ORI rORIolATIO/'o' red, yellow or green clay. The clays are calcareous in ~ i nature with occasional shale bands The Bijori o 8 ...R... K...N rOI<: ... ",IIO,.. TAlCHIA rOA ...... lIQW

Formation overlies the Motur Formation and contains u:rrJI)M01UR rORIolAIION W PR(C ...... SRI A,...

DIP "''''0 SlAII([ fine-grained buff coloured sandstones, shales and (OAl 50[1.101 "" SCALE ---<)0' ~AUli \k~ __ DIP ....NO STRIKE or rOlIATIO,.. 0--- ...... -z~ micaceous flags. These exposures are seen on the '----' . banks of in the north-central part of the AF"I( ~ l; S.I Pathakhera Coalfield. Map 1- Geological map of Pathakhera Coalfield, Madhya Pradesh. The geological succession (after Sastry et aI, 1973) in Pathakhera Coalfield is given below Sample Depth in LithOlogy Palyno· Recent to Detrittal mantle Soil and newer alluvium no. meters fossils Sub-Recent sub-soil Older alluvium Present (+) Absent (-) Upper Cretaceous Dolerite dyke and trap Rare (0) Basic intrusives 1 1819 Variegated clay ...Unconformity ... 2 1970 Variegated clay Upper Permian Bijori Stage Green to grey sandstones, 3 20 Flrte grained sandstOne ( Rartiganj) shales and micaceous flags 4. 45 Green fine grained sandstone 5 4565-47 Green fine grained sandstOne « Middle Permian Morur Stage Green to grey sandstOnes 6 4R 50 Clay + fine grained sandstOne ~ (Barren Measures) with minor shales and 7 49 Green fine grained sandstOne ~ Cl coal seams 8 50 SandstOne Z 9. 57 Micaceous sandstOne o Lower Permian Barakar Stage Grey sandstOnes with <.J 10 59 Fine green sandstOne (not exceeding minor shales and coal 11. 61 Fine greyish sandstOne 500 m) seams 12. 61.50 Greenish sandstone + c:: :.u 13 62 Fine greenish sandstone ~ o 14. 63 Gritry sandstone . Talchir 150 to Talchir series Greenish fine-grained 15 635 Fine grained sandstone 600 m, maximum shales and sandstOne 16 64 Fine grained sandstOne + shale + in [he west) (boulders are recognised 17 67 Gritry sandstone + shale + in other adjacent fields 18. 67 5-68 55 Variegated clay to the west) 19 685569 5 Green variegated clay 20 70 Green fine clay ...... Unconforlllitv. 21. 755 Green clay Archaeans Gneisses, schists, quan· 22. 7675 Greyish sandstone zites, crystal Iine Ii mestone 23 775 Fine grained sandstOne with micaceous streaks Collection of samples-All the samples are from 2" 78 Variegated clay the bore-holes. Bore-hole no. CMPS·43 is 27320 m ... Morur·Barakar boundary .. in thickness (Litholog 1) and is located at about 25 km west of Shobhapur coal mine The clay band at 25 7R.75 Fine grained sandstone with coal and micaceous streaks 78.75 m demarcates the overlying Moturs from 26. 9050 Fine grained sandstone + underlying Barakar sediments. The details are as 27 9425 Coarse grained sandstone + under: with clay SRIVASTAVA & SARATE-PALYNOSTRATIGRAPHY OF LOWER GONDWANA SEDIMENTS 127

28. 102.50 Fine grained clayey sandstone 66. 263- 264 50 Sandy shale + 29. 10290 Fine grained clayey sandslone 67. 265-2655 Sandy shale 30. 110 Coarse grained sandstone with BG-l 266-267.20 Coal coal streaks BG-2 267-20- Sandy shale + 31. Coarse grained sandstone with 267.40 coal streaks (greenish) BG-3267.70 Sandstone + 32. 115 Coarse grained greenish BG-4 268.35 Coal sandstone with shale patches 68. 268.5 Shale + 33. 124 Fine grained greenish gritty 69 269 Micaceous shale + sandstone 70. 270.50 Shale + sandstone 34. 136 Micaceous shale + 71. 270.60· Sandy shale + 35. 136.5 Fine grained sandslone with 271.60 micaceous streaks 72. 272.30 Fine grained sandstone with 36. 138139 Shale micaceous bands 37. 139.25 Fine grained sandstone with 73. 273.10· Micaceous shale + shale patch 273.30 38. 147.85 Shaly sandstone + 39. 15190 Sandy shale + ..Bore-hole closeo.. 40. 153 Fine grained shaly sandstone + 41 156 Fine grained shaly sandstone + The other two bore-holes CMPS-35 and CMPS-38 42. 16410 Coal are located at about 1.2 km north-west of Shobhapur 43. 164.25· 165 Carbonaceous shale mine and the details of samples are as follows. 44. 181 Fine grained shaly sandstone + A·1 18932 Shaly coal + BORE-HOLE NO CMPS-35 A 2 189.54 Coal 19020 Depth in meters Palyno· A·3 189.20· Shaly coal + fossils 190.82 Present (+) 45. 19120 Shale + Absent (-) B·l 21153· Coal Rare (0) 21225 16496166 Coal Upper Workable seam B· 2 212.25· Carbonaceous shale 166-166.10 Shale Upper Workable seam 212.42 166.10· 16660 Shale Upper Workable seam + B·3 21242 Coal 18236·184 Shale Lower Workable seam + 21285 184-184.30 Coal Lower Workable seam B·4 21285 Coal 184.30·185 Shale Lower Workable seam + 21385 185186 Coal Lower Workable seam B·5 214.40 Shale 186186.50 Shale Lower Workable seam + 216.42 B·6 216.42·217 Shaly coal + BORE-HOLE NO CMPS-38 B·7 217·217 20 Coaly carbo shale 16516513 Coal Upper Workable seam 46. 217.40 Carbonaceous shale 165 13-16565 Shale Upper Workable seam + 47 218·219 Sandy shale + 16565-166 Coal Upper Workable seam 48 221 Shale + 16616683 Shale Upper Workable seam + 49 226 Shaly coal 183-50· 18390 Coal Lower Workable seam 50 227 Greyish black shale 18390-186 Shale Lower Workable seam 51 228.5-229.5 Carbonaceous shale + 18618695 Coal Lower Workable seam 52 23060 Shaly sandstone 18695-187 Shale Lower Workable seam 53 23130 Fine grained sandstone with 18718773 Coal Lower Workable seam + micaceous streaks 54 242 Fine grained sandstone with micaceous streaks PALYNOFLORA 55 243 Shaly coal 56. 24324355 Sandy shale + In the present palynological investigation the 57 244·24760 Fine grained sandstone with + following taxa have been recorded: micaceous streaks 58. 248 Shaly sandstone + Indotriradites korbaensis Tiwari 1965 59 24860·250 Fine grained sandstone with Horridi triletes nOulis Tiwari 1965 shale 60 250 25 Shaly sandstone Breuitriletes crasslIs Sinha 1972 61 25170· 252 Sandy shale + B. communis Bharadwaj & Srivastava 1969 62 252 70· 254 Shale + Pla)jordiaspora amlUlata Tiwari & Rana 1980 63 25625775 Shale Pseudoreticlilatispora barakarenSis Bharadwaj & 64 25725 Shale 259.70 Srivastava 1969 65 259.75 Greyish black shale + Latosporites intragranllloslis Singh 1964 260.25 Ca//umispora tenllis Bharadwaj & Srivastava 1969 128 THE PAlAEOBOTANIST

C. tenuis var. minor Bharadwaj & Srivastava 1969 Weylandites obscurus (Tiwari) Bharadwaj & Dwivedi 1981 W dubius (Venkatachata & Kar) Bharadwaj & '0 Dwivedi 1981 I --.L '" x 0 w .~ Parasaccites distinctus Tiwari 1965 a a~ z 0 P. Tiwari 1965 ;-- obscurus " ~ I '" IX P. diJJusus Tiwari 1965 o - --- e; P. bilateralis Tiwari 1965 o z Plicatlpollenites indicus Lele 1964 .. ~ ~o~ '" ~o !:!:o~~o(::z: u'"u~ U :e;~3~§~; ...J0 l:JCl.v_ "'" 'l( ~~ ...JQ.. 2 "" ... et: >- ..., ct. -I-a: «~«~o VI­ coa:vu-!! r~ ~~li:!~~~Vlt ~ «3~ «o(~ ~ ~ ... o ..... ~:! > o a::v:.t" ~~~~£~~~~ I.J 2-'1aJ a: ~o: ~O«:'l! ~~ o( .... v)~=~...J PALYNOASSEMBLAGE ZONES ~~'" ~u'" I:~a..a..>0.'" .... VlIllI=I/Ia..L:J 01{ The palynoflora recovered from t,he three bore­ holes is distinctly divisible intO two palynozones Hl&togram la-Showing palynofloraI assemblages in bore·hole which are here designated as Assemblage Zone-1 no CMPS-43, Shobhapur Block, Palhakhera Coalfield and 2. SRIVASTAVA & SARATE-PALYNOSTRATIGRAPHY OF LOWER GONDWANA SEDIMENTS 129

Assemblage Zone·! - The palynofloral Assemblage Zone·l is distinguished between 273.10 to 243.55 m in bore·hole CMPS 43 with an average representation of Parasaccites up 10 60 per cent x ~~:; (Histogram·la, Table 1). As we move from older to • - L - - .1 ~ ~ ;; the younger sediments there is a slow but steady ~ change in lithology (HislOgram 1b, Table 2). ~ il The palynoflora of Lower Workable and Upper t ~ Workable coal seams encountered in bore· holes CMPS 35 and CMPS 38 (Histogram 2, Table 3) shows the dominance of Scheuringipollenites and thus correlate with Assemblage Zone·2. In bore· hole CMPS 35, the Parasaccites and Faunipollenites are Histogram lb-Showing palynonoral assemblages in bore·hole present in almost similar percentage in Lower no. CMPS·43, Shobhapur Block, Pathakhera Coalfield 130 THE PAlAEOBOTANlST

Table I-Showing the percentage of various genera in Bore-hole no. CMPS·43


Genera Sample no. 73 71 69 68 BG-3 _BG-2 66 65 64 62 61 59 58 57 56

LeiOlri/eles ------1 Callul1l1spora 4 2 5 4 5 6 13 6 2 2 - 2 I 1 Brel'ilrtleles - 2 2 4 - 4 4 7 3 4 3 13 2 2 2 Horridilrileles ------I - 1 1 _llicrobafulispora - - - I IndOlriradiles I 1 I 1 - 1 - 1 1 - 1 ParasaCClIC'S 78 72 74 68 73 62 54 49 62 35 60 52 65 54 32 Plical/pollen iles - 2 ------I Virkkipollen il es S 3 5 3 - 1 2 3 7 4 11 4 9 4 3 POlonieisporiles I ------I Rhizomaspora -- 1 P/alysaccus 2 - 1 1 -- 2 -r 1 1 Sirimiles - 1 3 6 1 1 8 13 8 10 5 3 3 3 10 Verliopollelliles ------1 - - - 1 Lahiriles ------1 Faunipolleniles 6 I 6 7 9 4 5 3 6 8 8 7 21 13 Sirialopodocarpiles 2 1 2 2 I 6 10 4 14 6 4 11 7 8 Scheu ringipolleniles 4 6 2 I 10 11 3 3 2 10 3 4 2 3 26 Tiu'ariasporis 1 2 - 1 - -- 1 1 - 1 - I 2 Siriasuiciles Pilasporiles Gillkgocycadophylus ------I 2 Aleles 1 I 4 3 I 5 3 -4 6 9 2 4 I 3

Table 2-Showlng tbe percentage of various genera In Bore-hole no. CMPS-43


Genera Sample no_ 5 I ';0 48 47 B6 45 A3 Al 44 41 40 39 38 34 27 26 17 16 12 Leiolrileles ------1 I Callumispora I 2 2 6 2 I 1 3 2 I I - I 7 4 7 Brevilri/eles - -- 1 I - ') - I 4 - - -- 1 Iiorridilrileles 1 - - - - I IndOlriradilC's Playjordiaspora LalosporilC'S ------1 Parasacciles IS 8 19 22 16 8 10 5 5 17 15 13 14 7 13 10 22 10 12 Plicalipolleniles - - I 1 ------2 I 2 VirkkipolienileS 4 - 5 2 - 1 -- 1 1 3 7 - 2 POlonieisporiles ------I 13 - - 1 I Dens/polleniles - --- - 1 1 - - 2 - - 1 I Rhizomaspora - I - 1 -- - - I 2 I - I 2 1 Primllspolleniles ------I 2 Corisacciles ------I Lueckisporiles ------3 - 1 Allrangapolleniles ------2 Plalysaccus - 2 - - - - 3 SII-iar iles 8 2 2 3 3 2 3 5 1 2 2 2 I 2 3 I 2 Veri icipollen iles 1 5 - 1 - 1 ------1 Fcwillpullelliles 10 4 4 8 22 24 17 9 20 26 5 7 21 10 19 12 8 7 13 Siriaropoducalpiles 12 4 15 7 3 3 3 4 1 2 9 6 I 2 4 5 5 4 7 LUnalisporiles ------I I Scheu ri ng/pollen iles 42 71 52 52 47 57 54 58 69 48 52 42 60 77 52 62 42 60 55 Falcisporiles ------1 Tiwariaspuris I - I 2 SlriasuicileS 2 ------2 Weylandiles ------1 I 2 tHarsupipolieniles Ginkgocycadophytus ---- - 1 Aleles 3 1 2 3 5 2 6 3 -- 3 I I - I 2 2 SRIVASTAVA & SARATE-PALYNOSTRATIGRAPHY OF LOWER GONDWANA SEDIMENTS 131

75.0S •• I. I} lJ _._ _._. :r3' 228.5'1 ...... 1l'.51 ' ._, ._, '_tJ 51 24 •• 0 230.30 --- - - 52 25 0 0 0 ••••• , 53

••• 26 ••• 400 ••• •• • 2)).,., ••• ••• 2)'.7_ ••• 27 • - • 41 , I. •• • •• ••• I • - -l- ••• 164.05 42 ••• 164.18 }- 4J ~ ~54 ••• :::••• ••• • SS ••• ~; ••• 244.2) ~_::?=-~';6 ·~ r···'z.' !'.'..··..... >. >- I •:: 110, 40 245.55~ 5110 5' 1 1 ~ 3 I\. '0

h~" ~ ,: 60 24.11 r' ...., :::· .. , . :.I , I: 6 ::: 30 : ~: 2m ===6~ 26.60 I' ••I ••• 28.5\ • •• • I. .1 • •• ·.. \0 0 . ~44 • • • • • • • • .• • ·• .• . 38.0S ·. ••• 33 18'.32

3'.'1 ::: :~~.~i=tIP'"I_!II!~_l!lIlllll'--4' I 268 ~18 41.3S • • • ~_ -~} 42.81 • ••• ••• i./Q.OU ---- 70 r. 7\ 44.74 · 4 ::: ::: ~~~~~j¥#///l#U72 & 7) :}s ·•••. . .• .. OEP1H IN ME1RES SAMPLE No 47.48 • •• · ~ · .. .. • ··· 8 ••• ••• INDEX • ·• ·.. . .. ---- ::: ::: 1::.::::",»,)~ SANOY SLUD~ · 131.23 ••• COARSE C,RAINED SANDSTONES · 133.30 ••• MEDIUM C,RAINED SANDSTONE5 S6,16 " •.. , , c=J 51,66 -• 10 : ••. c=J FINE C,RAINED SAND5TONES

• II '36.33 -t------c::::J ~~ 211.53 '{'f]JJ]J. ALTERNAIE S>1ALE a. SANDSTONES 60.60 •.••. 12 ~ 131,81 l6 61·41 ------13 13'.11 11 BI TO B7 SANOY S>1ALE 61. 'S ..••. 14 = · 15 m:z~ fZ!llZl CLAY 63.92 .• '. • 16 141.5' ~\U~ ~~ 1-- - -I 5>1AlE e ft'n~ :: _ COAL 67.53 " ~" 19 •• • "8 69.69 20 ••• SCALE 11

•:: 226.01 ~~ 22 ,. .11 •• 226.43 ~ ~ 15.0S ISI,to-t ...... _ ....._~ g~.~; 50 4 !olE TAES

L1tbolog I-Succession of Lower Permian sediments in bore·hole no. CMPS·43. Shobhapur Block. Palhakhera Coalfield

Workable seam while it reduces in Upper Workable the Lower Karharbari palynoflora is characterised by seam, The percentage of Faunipollenites is Callumispora and Parasaccites while in Upper considerably higher (28%) in the Lower Workable Karharbari Parasaccites attains overall dominance. seam of bore-hole CMPS-38. Both the assemblages were recorded in the subsurface of in a continuous and DISCUSSION conformable sequence and similar occurrences have also been reported in latter works on Karharbari The Lower Karharbari Seam from Formation. Coalfield (Srivastava, 1973) contained the dominance of CallumisDora and Parasaccites, while The palynoflora recorded from the Bagdona the Upper Karharbari Seam contained Illiniles and Seam of Pathakhera Coalfield and lower part of the other non~triate-disaccatepollen graihs. In bore-hole CMPS-43 contains the dominance of subsequent investigation from Korba Coalfield Parasaccites and in this respect it compares with the (Bharadwaj & Srivastava, 1973) it was obselved that lower part of Upper Karharbari palynoflora of the 132 THE PAlAEOBOTANIST



DEPTH IN "ETERS "I - "UO 18430-18~'82.38-184 1&4.96 -'66.10 187-187.73 '83.90-186 166 -166.13 ,,~-'66.15


IUstogram 2-Showing palynofloral assemblages in bore·hole nos. CMPS· 35 and 38, Shobhapur Block, Palhakhera Coal·field.

Korba Coalfield. In the Barakar type area too, contains significant percentage of Ginkgocycado­ Parasaccites dominant assemblage underlying Lower phytus and Callumispora. The palynoflora recorded Barakar palynoflora has been recorded from Pusai­ from (Srivastava & Anand-Prakash, Shampur region by Tiwari (1973) which also 1984; Zone-2) also contains the dominance of compares with the present palynoflora. The Upper monosaccates but the association of zonate trilete Karharbari palynoflora recorded from Kauakoh Nala differentiates it from the present assemblage. In the Section from (Srivastava, 1980) adjoining ]ohilla Coalfield also, the dominance of also shows similar dominance of Parasaccites but monosaccates has been recorded from ]ohilla Coal

Table 3-Showing the percentage of various genera In Bore-hole nos. CMPS-35 and 38


Callumispora Brevilrileles Indolriradiles Lalosporiles Parasacciles Plicalipolleni1es Virkktpolleniles Densipolleniles Rhizomaspora Primuspolleniles Lueckisporiles Plalysaccus Sirialiles Verlicipolleniles Fau nipolleniles SlrialOpodocarplles Scheuringipollen lies Tiwariasporis Weylandiles Aletes SRrvASTAVA & SARATE-PAlYNOSTRATIGRAPHY OF LOWER GONDWANA SEDIMENTS 133

Mine (Anand-Prakash & Srivastava, 1984; Zone-2) but Measures Formation of the Damodar Valley) are yet in the presence of Scheuringipollenites and to be distinguished in the sediments of Pathakhera Vesicaspora this obviously differs from the present Coalfield palynologically. Feistmantel (1879) palynoassemblage of the Pathakhera Coalfield classified most of the coal seams of Satpura Basin (Zone-I). under Karharbari. This contention is applicable only Anand-Prakash (1972) described the sporae for the lowermost Bagdona coal seam of Pathakhera dispersae from some bore-hole coal samples of the Coalfield which contains Upper Karharbari Pathakhera Coalfield, but he did not provide the palynoflora. quantitative representation of various palynospore genera. The present investigation provides a greater detail of the spome dispersae of the Barakar CONCLUSION Formation and the nature of palynological succession in Pathakhera Coalfield and adjoining The lowermost Bagdona coal seam in bore-hole areas_ Bharadwaj, Navale and Anand-Prakash (1974) CMPS-43, contains the dominance of Pamsaccites representing the Upper Karharbari palynoflora and studied the palynological succession among the thus is different from the two younger coal seams, coals from Pench-Kanhan Coalfield. Their viz., the Lower Workable and Upper Workable coal Assemblage-F is also dominated by Scheuringipo!­ seams which contain Scheuringipollenites dominant lenifes associated with Pilasporites and Lower Barakar assemblage. The eqUivalent of Hennellysporites. In this respect it differs from Bagdona seam of CMPS-43 has not been studied in Assemblage Zone-2 of the present investigation the bore-holes CMPS-3S and 38. The two coal seams two genera being absent. Bharadwaj and Anand­ studied in latter two bore-holes correlate closely Prakash (1972) described Scheuringipol-lenites with the two younger coal seams of bore-hole CMPS dominant assemblage from the coal-bearing beds of 43. Further, Bagdona Seam being the lowermost and Mohpani Coalfield. The present assemblage of coal­ associated with the Upper Karharbari palynoflora, bearing beds and associated sediments from contains better quality of coal as compared with the Pathakhera Coalfield compares in the nature of the two younger coal seams. dominance of various taxa but differs from it in having very small amount of B1-evitriletes and Indotriradites which are associated in subdominance REFERENCES in Mohpani Coalfield. In Korba Coalfield (Bharadwaj & Srivastava, 1973) the Scheuringipollenites Anand-Prakash 1972. Sporae dispersae in the coals of Pench­ assemblage (Zone- 3) succeeds the underlying Upper Kanhan and Pathakhera Coalfield (M.P), India. Palaeo· Karharbari Parasaccites dominant assemblage, but it botanist 19 : 206·210 Anand-Prakash & Srivastava, S C. 1984. Miofloral studies of Lower is associated with Brevitriletes and thus differs from Gondwana sediments in johilla Coalfield, M.P., India. Palaeo· the present assemblage. In the botanist 32 : 243· 252. palynoflora recorded from Bali and ]atkuti seams Bharadwaj, D. C. & Anand-Prakash 1972. Geology and palyno· shows similar dominance of Scheuringipo!-lenites stratigraphy of Lower Gondwana formation in Mohpani Coal· and paucity of trilete palynospores. field, Madhya Pradesh, India. GeophylOlogy 1 : 103- 115. Thus, in Pathakhera Coalfield (Bore-hole no. Bharadwaj, D. C. & Srivastava, S C. 1973. Subsurface palynological succession in Korba Coalfield, M.P, India. Palaeobotanist CMPS-43) the Scheuringtpo[[enites dominant 20 : 137·151. assemblage occurs at the close of Pamsaccites Bharadwaj, D. c., Navale, G. K. B. & Anand-Prakash 1974. Palyno· dominant assemblage. This transition is gradual and stratigraphy and petrology of Lower Gondwana coals in continuous either in sedimentation or palynofloraI Pench-Kanhan Coalfield, Satpura Gondwana Basin, M.P., succession. The clay band at the depth of 78.15 m India. GeophYlOlogy 4 : 7-24. and onwards marks that there is a distinct change in Srivas(ava, S_ C. 1973. Palynostratigraphy of Giridih Coalfield Geophytology 3 : 184-194. the lithological constituents of the sediments which Srivastava, S. C. 1980. Palynostratigraphy of Lower Gondwana are deSignated as Motur Formation. The sandstones sediments in Chirimiri Coalfield, M.P., India. Geophytology in this horizon become coarse-grained and greenish. 10: 62·71. However, Scheuringipollenites-complex continue Srivastava, S C. & Anand-Prakash 1984_ Palynological succession of Lower Gondwana sediments in Umaria Coal­ unabatedly alienating them with Barakar sediments. field, M.P., India_ Palaeobotanist 32 : 26- 34. The palynoflora representing the Upper Barakar Tiwari, R. S. 1973. Palynological succession in the Barakar rype Formation and also Motur Formation (= Barren area. Geophytology 3 : 136-183.