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AAP2016 Conference Full Program Sunday 3rd - Thursday 7th July Monash University, Caulfield Campus

Sunday 3 July 2016

3.30-4.30 Annual General Meeting H222 4.30-6.30 Registration H116 Welcome and Conference Opening K309 6.30-7.00 The Honourable Justice Pamela Tate Conference Opening Prize Awards: AJP Best Paper Prize; Annette Baier Prize; AAP Innovation in Inclusive Curricula Prize 7.00–8.55 Professor Jeanette Kennett (Macquarie University): Presidential Address

9.00-10.00 Reception H116

Page 1 of 13 AAP Conference – Monday 4 July 2016

HB36 HB32 HB40 K213 K211 H222 H241 K212 K204 K205 K206 K201 9.00-10.30 Keynote: Hille Haker (K309)

Vulnerable Agency. Concepts and Contexts.

Chair: Catriona Mackenzie 10:30-10.55 Morning Tea

11:00-11.55 Neil Sinhab- Lachlan Walmsley Paul Daniels Joseph Ula- David Neil Kamal Heer James Norton James Frankiin Catherine John Howes Sally Shrap- Francis Li abu Please Explain: Presentism towski The ontologi- 'Liberal' Pa- No Luck in What is Logic? Abell Plato's re- nel Responsive- Credence in Radical Enactivism & Passage Does anyone cal interpre- ternalism; Grounding Fictional Real- sponse in the Discovering ness to Rea- psychological and its Explanato- really think that tation of because ism and the Gorgias to his Quantum sons and Ac- explanation ry Debt "p" is true if and informational Beneficence Force of Fic- central ques- Causal Models tual Sequence only if p? privacy does not tive Utterance tion Views of Re- **Postgraduate apply sponsibility Prize shortlist

12:00-12.55 Erick Llamas Stephen Gadsby Antony Cara Maritz Michael Vin- Triantafyllos Brent Madison Greg Restall Sara Uckelman David Bron- Ariel Kruger Abhay Nidri The hard, the Anorexia Nervosa Eagle Naturalizing cent Gkouvas On Justifications Proofs and what Against Truth- stein A New Argu- Sharma easy and the and the Oversized Endurance Intuitions: Is The Deep The Force in and Excuses they're good for Conditional Aristotle on ment From an Re-Inspecting efficacious Experience and Space- experimental Green Ethi- Law: Re- Theories of Memory, Self, Old Enemy Inequality time philosophy real- cists and the thinking the Meaning and Con- (Of Scientific **Postgraduate ly a threat to Inescapabili- Legal Rele- sciousness Realism) Prize shortlist arm-chair con- ty of Practice vance of ceptual analysis Coercion 1:00-1.55 Lunch 2:00-2.55 Stephen Kelsey Palghat Graeme A Kim Sterelny Lucy Mayne Nick Munn Paul Silva Michaelis Jon Keyzer Ruth Boeker Wei Fang Adam Pio- Yablo The Hard Problem Forbes Artefacts, Sym- The Puzzle of [n] infants, Rationality, Michael Why Intuitions Shaftesbury’s How Scientif- varchy If-Thenism of 'Educational Time: Mak- bols, Thoughts the Conflict- [n] votes Coherence, and Leibniz and the About Dis- criticism of ic Models Blaming the Mark Colyvan Neuroscience' ing Things ed Carnivore the Possibility of Limitations of agreement Locke’s Ac- Explain: A Excused: Re- Otavio Bueno True and Misleading Aristotle’s for- Support the count of Holistic Ac- active Atti- Seahwa Kim Ron Gallagher Making Higher-Order mal system of Normativity of Personal count tudes and Matteo Ple- Seeing Double Things Hap- Evidence logic Meaning Identity Causal Re- bani pen sponsibility Joseph Ula- **Postgradu- towski ate Prize shortlist 3:00-3.55 Stephen Hoda Mostafavi Dana Mohammad Sean Lachlan John Bigelow Colin Caret Alexander Karen Green Sholto Maud Doug Mc- Yablo Navigating the Goswick Mahdi Sadrfo- Goedecke Umbers Wittgenstein, Pluralism and Sandgren Catharine From Unrea- Connell If-Thenism social world: So- Hylomor- rati A moral rea- Enfranchising Kripke, and the Contextualism Subjunctive Macaulay as sonable Reactive atti- Mark Colyvan cio-Cognitive flex- phising The Importance son to avoid the Youth foundations of Belief Content: Critic of Metaphor to tudes, rela- Otávio Bueno ibility Lewis' of Biological eating lab- knowledge what is it good Hume Formal Analo- tionships, and Seahwa Kim Transworld Cases of Con- grown meat for? gy in the addiction Matteo Ple- Sidney Diamante Objects ceptual Change Philosophy of bani Predictive coding Engineering Joseph Ula- and arm-based towski cognition in the octopus Page 2 of 13 HB36 HB32 HB40 K213 K211 H222 H241 K212 K204 K205 K206 K201 4:00-4.25 Afternoon Tea

4:30-5.25 Stephen David Premsharan Ronald Planer Sara Bern- John Muralidharan Shawn Stande- Erik Anderson Maksymilian Katrina Andy Connor Yablo’s Sceptical Siblings? Evolving a Lan- stein Thrasher Anantharawan fer Silence Is Sipowicz Hutchison Dualism and replies A Comparative guage of Ethical Puz- Paths to Bayes + Moore = Brandom’s Logi- Golden Anthropology Sex on the the Logical Appraisal of Hume Thought zles of Time Justice: In- Uniqueness? cal Expressivism Between bench: Biases Structure of Open Q&A and Madhyamaka Travel consistent and Logical Politics and in im- Love Buddhism Choice and Inferentialism Ethics: Kant plantable the Social on the Histor- device testing Contract ical Orienta- tion of Hu- manity 5:30-6.25 Stephen Sonam Thakchoe Giles Field Matthew Spike Samuel Ajay Raina Jennifer Munt Kai Tanter James Hig- Steve Yablo’s A Case Against Necessary Rules and ran- Mawson How Cogent Evidence Subatomic In- gins Matthews replies Zombie-Buddha and Suffi- domness: recog- Consistency Is A Compara- ferences Reasonable Saying 'no' to Thesis: Tibetan cient Condi- nising and mea- Worries for tive Theory Deliberative heroin Open Q&A Madhyamaka Phi- tions of suring linguistic Time Dis- of Justice Justification losophy of Mind Ontology structure and counting Debate complexity 6.45- Women In Philosophy Social Gathering (Racecourse Hotel)

**AAP POSTGRADUATE PRESENTATION PRIZE The AAP offers a prize for the best paper presented by a postgraduate student at the annual Conference. The winning paper will be announced at the con- ference dinner on Thursday evening. The prize is offered to encourage postgraduates to present at the Conference, and to recognise the philosophical contributions from excellent Australasian postgraduate students. Members of the judging panel will attend the presentations by the short-listed applicants. The winner will be chosen based on both the quality of the submitted paper and the quality of the conference presentation.





Page 3 of 13 AAP Conference – Tuesday 5 July 2016

HB36 HB32 HB40 K213 K211 H222 H241 K212 K204 K205 K206 K201

9:00-9.55 Douglas Mac- Andrew Lath- Sam Baron Stephen Robbie Arrell Vanessa Alessio Tacca Otávio Bueno Heidi Savage Andrew Ben Kilby Cei Maslen Lean Aver- am Do not revise Mann The Ethics of Schouten Relevant Al- Identity and Names Are Not Cantwell Girls and Degrees of sion, Avoid- Population- Ockham's razor Natural in- a Biochemical Climate ternatives and Quantification Predicates An evaluation Philosophy Causation ance, and the Level , Individ- sity and natural- Antidote What To Do hauer's theory Ensuring ual-Level istic inten- About Tu- of will Gender Equi- tionality valu? ty in a Philo- sophical Anco Peeters Community Free Will Put of Inquiry to the Test

10:00-10.55 Fei Song Jake Farrell Lok-Chi Chan David Kalk- Bhaskarjit Mark Bu- Nicholas Di- Jc Beall Jamin Asay Michael Julia Lerius Tim Oak- Risk and Lia- Linguistic and The Argument man Neog dolfson Bella There is no The Best Thing Lazarus Incorporat- ley bility Rule Philosophical from Modal Beyond in- Moralism and Climate Probabilistic logical nega- about the Labour, Money ing Women No de- Intuitions Intuition: A formation vs the Limits of Change, Proof of an tion: gaps, Deflationary and Need:- Philosophers’ fence for Critique influence: A Morality Feasibility, External World gluts, both, Theory of Marx’s Ethical Thoughts epistemic John Zerilli multidimen- Political and neither Truth Critique of and Ideas in infinitism Against the sional ac- Realism James Mill the School “System” view count of Curricula of modularity communica- tion 11:00-11.25 Morning Tea

11:30-12.25 Donald Nord- Aidan Lyon Martin Vacek Carl Brusse Ramon Das Dave Rip- Naoyuki Kaji- Patrick Girard David Tan Wojciech Jennifer blom What is Psy- Beyond the Responsive- Evolutionary ley moto Duality, para- Domain Re- Kaftański- Bleazby Mind-Brain chedelic Expe- Impossible ness and debunking of Dog- Following Quus consistent striction and Kierkegaard on Can Special Identity, the rience? robustness in morality and whistling is modal logic, Legal Subjec- Comparison, Religious Grain Problem the David companions (mostly) and advanced tivism Selfhood and Education and the solu- Lewis sig- in guilt not coded modalizing Moral Value and Secular tion from nalling game speech Ethics Edu- Introspective cation foster Error Growth?

12:30-1.25 Lian Zhou Xavier Michael Arnaud David Coady Rob Spar- Blair Vi- Paul O’Hallo- Catherine Andrew Somayeh Immunity to Symons Lazarou Pocheville Epistemic row dakovich ran Legg Inkpen Khatibi error through The Unity of What the Glut? Giving sub- Injustice as Robots, A Genealogy of Solving the A Properly The force of Moghadam- misidentifica- Consciousness Metaphysical stance to Distributive rape, and John McDow- vagueness Pragmatist Nietzschean Community tion and 'I' in Perceptual Indeterminacy biological Injustice representa- ell's Epistemo- problem by Pragmatics parody of Philosoph- Experience and Explaining information tion logical Argu- counting with- ical inquiry the Many ment in /Mind out numbers as an effec- Erol Copelj and World/ tive model Towards a for peace phenomenolo- education gy of mindful- ness

Page 4 of 13 HB36 HB32 HB40 K213 K211 H222 H241 K212 K204 K205 K206 K201 1:30-2.25 Lunch

2:30-3.25 Luc Faucher Keya Maitra Daniel Nolan Heather Adam Gjes- Janna Kate Phelan Zhuo-Ran Chris Cousens Jun Wang Karen Bland A ROAMER Emotions in Theoretical Browning dal Thompson A Question for Deng The Politics of On the Con- Philosophy: with a (bet- the Bhagavad- Conservatism Won't some- Social Norms The Wrong Feminist Epis- The Conceiv- Context temporary Just Do It! ter) View Gita in Metaphysics body please and Moral of Genocide temology ability Fallacy Nature of think of the Hindsight Bias Poetic Lan- mammoths? guage

3:30-4.25 Douglas Robert Far- Uziel Awret Xin Zhang Mathew Rebecca Ross Barham Mary Walker Eleanor Gor- Richard Weir Millicent Campbell quharson Stoljar, Geroch Image of Hammerton Harrison The Concept Diagnosis, don-Smith Plural Bodily Churcher Doxastic De- Path Integra- and positive S- ADHD in Ensuring and Sexual vio- of Objectivity identity, and Uptake, Re- Self-Aware- Resisting sire tion in Con- Truths. Light of the Timing of lence and the experience fusal, and the ness: Schmid, damaging nectionist Evolutionary Wrongdoing the pre- of asymp- meaning of Zahavi, and imaginaries: Networks Medicine sumption of tomatic dis- "no" Merleau-Ponty A structural innocence ease role for Christopher Smithean Pollard sympathy Merleau-Ponty and Embodied Cognitive Sci- ence

6.30-8.00 Alan Saunders Lecture: The Ethics of Being of a Foodie by Susan Wolf

State Library of Victoria, Village Roadshow 'Theatrette'

328 Swanston Street,

Page 5 of 13 AAP Conference – Wednesday 6 July 2016

HB36 HB32 HB40 K213 K211 H222 H241 K212 K204 K205 K206 9.00-10.30 Keynote: Sally Haslanger (K309)

Ideology, Illusion, and Material Injustice

Chair: Katrina Hutchison 10:30-10.55 Morning Tea

11:00-11.55 Adam Andreot- Alexander David Paul Griffiths Jessoica Is- Louise Sandy Boucher Albert Atkin Blaise Pren- Irene Delodivi- Rosa Terlazzo ta James Gillett Chalmers Holding serow Richardson- Conceptual and The tice-Davidson ci Are Adaptive Introspection is Reassessing The Virtual and Pathology Moral Modal Self Broadening and Ethics of Belief Externalism and To resolve prob - Preferences What? Distributed the Real Hostage Realism Intersections Pragmatic the Indetermi- lems not posed. Bad for Us?: Cognition of Privilege: Stances nacy of Transla- Merleau-Ponty Children, Trans- Hate tion on literary formative Expe- Caitrin Dono- Speech, language rience, and van Harm, and Adaptive Pref- When Two Be- Social Hier- erences come One archy

12:00-12.55 Andrew Lee Nikolai Alksnis Dominic James Garrett Cullity Emma Jarrah Aubourg Kerstin Knight Shang Lu Ned Howells- Kevin Vallier The Deep Why offline Dimech Maclaurin Moral Virtues Atherton Thought Exper- Narrative au- Some features Whittaker Public Justifica- Structure of cognition does Hume on Cau- Human obso- and Respon- Being a Wil- iment and Fic- tonomy in that make a To Elaborate Is tion Grounded Experience not guarantee sation: Projec- lescence: siveness to ful ‘Slut’: tional Narra- health care discourse more No Avail: in Social Trust representation tivist and Scep- Why strong AI Reasons Political tives objective Agency & Nar- tic is not the Progress and rative problem the Regula- tion vs Reclamation of Sexist Speech 1:00-1.55 Lunch

2:00-2.55 Be Pannell Richard Corry Ben Fraser William Matthew John Williams Anson Fehross Tianxiang Ma Monte Pember- Erin Nash Thinking with Models, Mecha- Moral Mismatch Ransome Joseph Rational Incon- Valuing for Modern Crisis of ton Scientific dis- Deleuze and nisms and Mod- Pluralist Let's Talk sistent Belief: A Others: A Chinese Tradi- Towards an sent: threats to Zen ularity: Lessons Virtue About Cen- New Version of Framework for tional Philoso- Australian Psy- two key liberal, for the meta- Ethics, Self- sorship the Preface Proxy Decision phy, behind chogeography democratic, Mark Saward physics of cau- Effacement, Paradox Making Economic De- and egalitarian Physics' In- sation and Best velopment In values evitable Road Action the New Era To Dualism

Page 6 of 13 HB36 HB32 HB40 K213 K211 H222 H241 K212 K204 K205 K206

3:00-3.55 Andy Mckilliam Miri Albahari Dinh Nghiem John Cleary Andres Luco Joanne Neil Levy Hazem Zohny Natividad Do- James McK- Materialists' Is Cosmopsy- (George) Platonism and From Revo- Faulkner Science gone Global justice minique Man- eahnie Need Not Ex- chism a Coher- Nguyen Mathematical lutionary ‘Reconcilia- wild: explaining and enhance- auat Property from plain What it's ent Position? Causal Mod- Invention Moral Fic- tion,’ Racial irrational be- ment: An ex- Wo/man as Honour and Like elling for Re- tionalism to Difference, liefs panded Health Amorphous: Reputation publicans Revolution- and ‘the Impact Fund Philosophising ary Moral Child’: the Aswan in Realism Thinking Filipino Culture Relationality as Embodiment and the of Evil Post-colonial with Luce Irigary 4:00-4.25 Afternoon Tea

4:30-6.30 Professional Development Sessions

1. What can Philosophers Learn from Science Communication (HB36) with Paul Willis, Upulie Divisekera, Leslie Cannold, Antonia Case and Patrick Stokes

2. Postgraduate Mentoring Workshop - What’s next? Life and Work in (and out of) the Academy (HB32) with Rob Sparrow, Joanne Faulkner and Sally Haslanger 6.30- Pub Night Racecourse Hotel

Music by the HoneyCatz

Sami Shah hosts a line up of local and visiting philosophers

Sally Haslanger - Social justice and social movements

David Chalmers - Are we living in a computer simulation?

Marina Oshana - Philosophy of Harry Potter

Rob Sparrow - Should sex robots consent to sex?

Karen Jones - Trust and trustworthiness

Patrick Stokes - Do the dead live on in Facebook?

AAP Conference – Thursday 7 July 2016 Page 7 of 13 HB36 HB32 HB40 K213 K211 H222 H241 K212 K204 K205 K206 9.00-10.30 Keynote: Susan Wolf (K309)

Aesthetic Responsibility

Chair: Justin Oakley 10:30-10.55 Morning Tea

11:00-11.55 Book Sympo- Claudia Passos- Michael Dun- Christopher Michael Rubin Matheson Michael Ryan Tonkens Greg Dawes Christine Cre- Katherine Dis- sium Ferreira can Mesiku Does Aris- Russell Mitchell Virtue and Kid- Empiricism and men erens Talia Morag Do newborn Composite The FWT totelian Natu- Tw o Ki n d s o f A Response to a ney Selling Q is for Qualia The Political Author Meets babies have Objects, Ex- time-bomb ralism Offer an Discursive Concern Re- Affinity of Critics experiences of tended Simples, Escape from Respect garding Imme- Peirce and Paul Griffiths agency? and Heteroge- Moral Twin diacy in Richard Arendt Dan Hutto neous Proper- Earth? Moran’s Theory Catriona ties of Self-knowl- Mackenzie edge

12:00-12.55 Book Sympo- Richard Toby Solom on Jane McDon- Anne Suzy Kilmis- James Justin Oakley Bruce Langtry Chad Steven- sium Menary Acting as nell Schwenken- ter Willoughby Creating regu- Divine Provi- son Talia Morag The Plasticity Though You Wigner’s becher Dignity, Burden of Proof latory environ- dence and Un- What is good Author Meets of The Modern Have Free Will: Puzzle and Collective Respect, and Claims Are ments for prac- restricted Actu- for your life Critics Mind From Pragmat- the Py- moral action Public Dis- Epistemically tical wisdom alization might not be Paul Griffiths ics to Episte- thagorean problems and course Bankrupt and role virtues good for you Dan Hutto mology Heuristic ‘we-reasoning' in medical Catriona practice Mackenzie 1:00-1.55 Lunch

2:00-2.55 Jack Reynolds Dan Marshall Desmond Timothy Anna Malav- Hannah Clark- Bryanna Moore Andrew Tedder James McGuire Keith Hankins Embodied cog- How to argue Sander Deane- isi Younger Character at Descartes' Cre- Embedded Productivity nition and nat- for and against Can we do Freeman Reflecting Logical Omni- the End of Life: ation Doctrine Moral Agency and Self-Re- uralism abstracta without Real- The Bitter on Global science and the Why is and Theory of and the Promise spect in a ism? Lakes of Develop- Logic of Ques- Shooting itself Modality of Moral Tech- Growing Econ- Time - dura- ment tions in the Foot nology omy tion and pollution in Andrei Tarkovsky’s Stalker

Page 8 of 13 HB36 HB32 HB40 K213 K211 H222 H241 K212 K204 K205 K206

3:00-3.55 AJP “Women Dan Hutto Ben Blumson Robert Sin- Bob Simp- Peter Slezak Jonathan Her- Hora Zabarjadi Thomas Corbin and Philoso- Memory and Comparative nerbrink son Intuitions and ington Sar A Fine Balance: phy” Narrativity Resemblance Mood and Minimalism the Omniscient Against the Migration as a Hobbes’ Sov- Panel Discus- Nominalism Movies: and Deter- Observer Right to Know journey toward ereign and the sion: Aesthetic minacy in ‘Authenticity’ challenge of Janna Thomp- and Ethical Human meaningful son, Lorraine Aspects of Rights limitation Code, Karen Cinematic Green, Moira Moods Gatens & Denise Russell

*This session runs from 3.00-4.30pm 4:00-4.25 Afternoon Tea

4:30-5.25 Monima Chad- Daniel Stoljar Raul Saucedo Caroline Stephen Het- Antonia Smyth David ha & Jennifer Chalmers vs The Collective West herington Individuals, Macarthur Windt Chalmers Grounds of Personal Not Fearing Institutions and Skepticism, Reflections on Relations Identity, One's Being the Right to Pragmatism and Cross-cultural Individual Dead Object: Ad- the Social and In- Autonomy dressing Section Fragility of terdisciplinary and Group 8 of the Victo- Epistemic Re- Philosophy of Rights rian Abortion sponsibility Mind Law Reform Act 7.00 Conference Dinner - The Local Taphouse 184 Carlisle St, St Kilda

Prize award: AAP Postgraduate Presentation Prize

Page 9 of 13 Key to the Program

The numbers are session numbers. 1-6 are on Monday; 7-12 are on Tuesday; 13-16 are on Wednesday; 17-21 are on Thursday. The division into subject areas is very rough and ready. A lot of work was done to try to group similar papers together, and to avoid clashes between papers with similar subject matter. While the result is imperfect, it is likely better than a random distribution.

First, by rooms:

K309 Presidential Address, Keynotes HB36 1-2 Philosophy of Mind; 3-6 Yablofest; 7-8 Decision Theory; 9-16 Philosophy of Mind; 17-18 Book Symposium; 19-21 3CR Broadcast (Joint with IAPh) HB32: New Perspectives in Mind (all 21 sessions) HB40: Metaphysics (all 21 sessions) K213: 1-2 Experimental Philosophy; 3-15 Philosophy of Biology; 16-19 Philosophy of Science K211: 1-18: Ethics 19-20: Aesthetics H222: Political Philosophy (all 21 sessions) H241: Epistemology (all 21 sessions) K212: 1-11 Logic; 12-21 Bioethics K204: 1-14 Philosophy of Language; 15 Chinese Philosophy; 16-19 Philosophy of K205: 1-15: History of Philosophy / Continental Philosophy; 17: Philosophy of Mind; 20-21 Ethics K206: 1-4: Philosophy of Science; 5-6 Political Philosophy; 7-11 Philosophy in Schools; 12-21 Political Philosophy K201: 1-6: Moral Psychology; 7 Metaphysics; 8 Epistemology

Page 10 of 13 Second, by "subject areas": Aesthetics: K211 19-20 Bioethics: K212 12-21 Chinese Philosophy: K204 15 Decision Theory: HB36 7-8 Epistemology: H241 1-21 Ethics: K211 1-18; K205 20-21 Experimental Philosophy: K213 1-2 History of Philosophy / Continental Philosophy: K205 1-15 Logic K212 1-11 Metaphysics: HB40 1-21; K201 7 Moral Psychology: K201 1-6 Philosophy in Schools: K206 7-11 Philosophy of Biology: K213 3-15 Philosophy of Language: K204 1-14 Philosophy of Mind: HB36 1-2, 9-16; HB32 1-21; K205 17 Philosophy of Religion: K204 16-19 Philosophy of Science: K213 16-19; K206 1-4 Political Philosophy: H222 1-21; K206 5-6, 12-21

Page 11 of 13 Sessions Professional Development Sessions Wednesday 6th July 4.30-6.30pm 1. What can philosophers learn from science communication? There is increasing awareness among the philosophy community globally of the need to engage with the public about what philosophy is and why it mat- ters. But there’s also considerable uncertainty about what form, exactly, this public engagement should take. Should we be doing ‘public philosophy’ – that is, doing philosophy in and with the community? Or should our aim be ‘philosophy communication’, the fostering of philosophical literacy? And how do we know if we’re doing a good job? Science Communication, by contrast, is now well-established and has many successful practitioners. This session will bring science communicators and philosophers together to ask: what can philosophers learn from science communication? 2. What’s next? Life and work in (and out of) the Academy? Notoriously, the academic job market in philosophy has become fiercely competitive in recent years, as a result of knock-on effects of the general finan- cial crisis in the US, defunding of higher education in an era of “austerity”; the corporatisation of universities; and larger numbers of potential applicants for every position advertised. While tenured academic jobs still offer rare privileges, for many academics now work is increasingly casualised and precari- ous. Inevitably, many philosophy graduates will not succeed in finding a secure academic position. This event, which will feature a number of speakers of- fering perspectives on the contemporary situation, aims to provide an opportunity for reflection and conversation about: what individuals and the profes- sion might do to try to resist or wind back these developments; what early career researchers might do to improve their chances of landing an academic job; and, the other ways in which the study of philosophy might contribute to finding rewarding work or living a good life.

Panel Sessions 30th Anniversary Australasian Journal of Philosophy “Women and Philosophy” Panel Discussion: Janna Thompson, Lorraine Code, Moira Gatens, Denise Russell and Karen Green Live radio broadcast on 3CR “Radical Philosophy” program Joint AAP, IAPh event Book Panel Session Author Meets Critics In this session, Paul Griffiths, Daniel Hutto, and Catriona Mackenzie will discuss the book: Emotion, Imagination, and the Limits of Reason (Routledge, June 2016) by Talia Morag, who will then reply. This is a book in philosophical (including moral) psychology that inquires into the nature of emotion, their for- mation and subsidence, and their relation to practical reason. The book criticizes contemporary philosophical views of emotion and proposes a new ac- count, based on key insights of psychoanalysis, that relies on imaginative and distinctively non-rational capacities of the mind. For further information about the book, see https://www.routledge.com/Emotion-Imagination-and-the-Limits-of-Reason/Morag/p/book/9781138656949 Page 12 of 13 Streams Stephen Yablo If-Thenism A number of strategies have been proposed over the years for finessing apparent truth-conditional commitments: fictionalism, quasi-realism, and presup- positionalism, to name a few. The simplest such strategy, if/thenism, which treats S as predicated on an unspoken assumption A, has fallen largely out of view I ask why this might be and look at ways of modernizing the view to avoid standard criticisms. Convenor : Stuart Brock Philosophy in Schools In this stream, presenters will consider various approaches to teaching philosophy in schools, as well as the benefits and potential problems with these dif- ferent approaches. Matthew Lipman conceived of Philosophy for Children in the late sixties. Heavily influenced by the ideas of classical pragmatists John Dewey and Charles Sanders Peirce, Philosophy for Children involves transforming the classroom into a Community of Inquiry where students engage in crit- ical, creative and caring thinking in order to explore philosophical problems and construct meaning. However, the idea that we should be teaching philoso- phy in schools can be traced back all the way to Plato. Today, Philosophy for Children and other approaches to teaching philosophy in schools are practiced all over the world and this idea continues to influence official curriculum documents, such as Australia's new critical and creative thinking curriculum and the ethical understanding curriculum. Convenor : Jennifer Bleazby New Perspectives on Mind This stream will host papers in philosophy of mind conceived as a cross-cultural and/or cross-disciplinary enterprise. Authors whose papers address issues, debates, or individual figures in philosophy of mind that are either cross-cultural, cross-disciplinary or both should consider presenting in this stream. This stream aims to showcase the newest work in this area. Convenors : Monima Chadha & Jennifer Windt Philosophy of Biology Philosophy of biology focuses on the theoretical and conceptual issues raised by the life sciences, and occasionally, though less typically, normative issues as well. Traditionally, conceptual issues provoked by evolutionary theory have been the main target of reflection and analysis, but the range has slowly broadened to include other fields within the life sciences, and the stream will reflect this growth in diversity Convener : Kim Sterelny

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