CPY Document
IA M)(XRAHS ON TH EVATION OF TH CACINIC RISK OF CHCA 'I MA: Sorn Cabartes, Thiocarbates and Carbazides Volur 12 This publication represents the views of an IA Working Group on the Evaluation of the Carcinogenc Risk of Chemcals to .M which net in Lyon, 9- 15 June 1976 lAC WORKING GROU ON TH EVATION OF TH CAINOENIC RISK OF CHCA TO MA: SC CATE, THICCTES AN CAIDES Lyon, 9-15 June 1976 Mernbers1 Dr R.R. Bates, Associate Corssioner for Science, US Foo and Drug Adnistration, 200 C Street SW, Washington IX 20204, USA (Chairman) Professor E. Boyland, TUC Institute of Occupational Health, London School of Hygiene and Tropical l1icine, Keppel Street, London ~LIE 7ll, UK Dr G.J. van Esch, Head, Laratory for Toxicolog, Rijks Instituut voor de Volksgezondheid, Antonie van Leuwenhoelaan 9, Bilthoven, The Netherlands ( Vice-Chairman) Dr D.E. Hathway, Senior Research Scientist, Cetral ToxicolCX.l Laratory, Imial Chercal Industries Lirted, Alderley Park, Cheshire SKIO 4TJ, OK Dr W. Li j insky, Frederick Cacer Research Centre, PO Box B, F'rederick, Maland 21701, USA Professor U. !-hr, Director, Abteilung ftr Exrimtelle Pathologie, Medizinische Hochschule Hanover, Kal Wiechert Allee 9, 3 Haover 61, FRG Dr S. D. Muhy, Assoiate Professor of Toxicolog, School of Pulic Heal th, Depart of Physiolog, Haard University, 665 Huntington Avenue, Boston, Massachusetts 02115, USA Dr V. B. Okulov, N. Petrov Research Insti tute of Oncolog, 68 Leningradskaya Street, Pesochny-2, Leningrad 188646, USSR Dr C. Ral, Stockholm Universitet, Wallenbrglalratoriet, Lilla Frescati, S- 104 05 Stockholm 50, Swden Dr B. Teichr, Akadere der Wissenschaften der DDR, Zentralinstitut ftr Krebsforschung, Lindenbrger Weg 80, 1115 Ber lin- Buch , GOR Dr B.
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