Waugh in Pieces the Critics
98 THE CRITICS A CRITIC AT LARGE 6 WAUGH IN PIECES Cruelty and compassion mingle in the short stories of a master. BY ANTHONY LANE N July, 1956, Evelyn Waugh gave a Complete Stories of Evelyn Waugh” dinner party for his daughter Te- (Little, Brown; $29.95). The title is clear, I resa. In anticipation of the event, although in the Waugh canon a short he wrote to a friend, Brian Franks, with story is not easily defined. The unfin- a description of the menu, closing with ished yet gracefully rounded tale “Work the words “Non Vintage champagne for Suspended,” for instance, which con- all but me.” Rarely has an edict been is- sumes eighty-four pages of the present sued with such a firm smack of the lips, book, feels almost a match for “The yet nothing could be sadder. At Oxford Loved One,” “Helena,” and “The Or- in the nineteen-twenties, Waugh had deal of Gilbert Pinfold”—the brisk, chosen his friends on the basis of their peppery, death-haunted trio of novellas ability to handle, or entertainingly mis- that Waugh produced in his riper years, handle, the effects of alcohol; “an excess and which are available only in individ- of wine nauseated him and this made ual volumes. He himself was a chronic an insurmountable barrier between us,” bibliophile and a connoisseur of typog- he wrote of one college acquaintance. raphy, who was admired in his youth Now, thirty years later, he would sit in for his capacity to illustrate rather than solitude, grasping his glass, bullishly compose a text, and his fussing is conta- proud that there was nobody present gious; as a rule, I am quite happy to read who deserved to share a drop.
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