easterly CNFUIINISRKD I.BT, atora to Bretlow A gTietkowlU ! TXaiRSACTIOltS HZCORDED. WKBTCatXgTKlt RKAL ESTATE). WKflTCHXsrTER REAL MTAT1 AFAatTKatNTS TO LIT. fJKPrHfOlUntB APARTMKKTB TO M7T. t'NFCRNlSHF.D APARTMENTS TO DAVISON TO SPEND ft 80J Fifth avtnue space to French run bslh. run HSLr. Model Company at 173 llroadway, with IJanlcl tllrdaall A Co., the third loft to TRAN8f KRIS, V. Kchmlckl (With name of owner and aVfiuiatvment A Co.. Inc.: at 12 West and address...... nH,llln.l Efficient ON HOME Thlrty-nr- at atreet, allnln.l. 1. I. $200,000 tha third floor to tho addrtta parly of nrat part.) At Pelham Manor l.mplro Coatuma Campany, 840 Incj at Dewntonu. llroadway the eleventh loft to Marko-rl- U WilUrd Av. Uroa., the (South of rourtetnth atreet.) on tenth loft to Mannlo W ATKIt ST. eio. ti a. af. - UoamtA.! al. a b Jacoba A Bona - nnd tha ninth loft to -- 5x80 (foreeloa Aug 11) In- - rin ii uiiiiKcr's new l'nrK clothing Phienlx Company: at 1161 fraiiam, rer, to ijiiiaeti Hnv nana, ti SELL I LEASE $1,500 per Annum House llroadway apaco to Deo Netter, and nt Hept It; attys, lleall A It. 141 i Avcituo Filed 320 Flttli avenue space to William llway 11,000 HOMES I BroJwy, Cor. 80th St. Phone Schuyler 3600 WATHH BT, 412, n s, 110 a Kcaminrl at, i SIX MODERN J llelchcrt. - ' I 20.6x10 (forrilot Aug 11, UK) name. ALL DIFFERENT. CAN Dt- FINISHED TO SUIT. 4 ' Office! Madiion iv Architects. Ooodale. 1'crry A Dwlght rentc-- j in Branch 280 Ara.i at 144th Street. have to same, ii; allrs, same....'. 7,00 SO. 131-3- 75x100 75x1 the fourth floor nt 3 East Twenty-thir- d EAST IIUOAUWAV, lip, a a, 25x?(i Kaat On Plot and Downtown Office i No. , Cor. Liberty St. atreet to II, A. James A Co. j spur llroadway, 1IT, tixTI llarrU stokolakl Larga Shad Treea. to 117 Hast Co, 134 at 3 East Twenty-thir- d street to t llrnadwuy Itealty SALHS OF MANY FLATS llrand at, tntg 151,000, Slept 13: attys. It fl) Freeman: at Weat Twenty-nrs- t Snkelakl A Bon, - atreet 154 Grand St 1100 lORooms 3&4Tiled Baths THE DORILTON- THE BELNORD to Joseph Jltomlri at 171 Madison llAVAHt) KT. IS, n S. tiJ.J e Molt at. S5.C 8to (&".) Broadway. nvenuo to Hachs A Co.; nt 20-2- Weet xlOO .larob Koaenberg to Nlelk Itealty 171 W. 71rt St., Northeast Cor. Drondway to Amstcrdnm Av., 8Cth to 87th St. rni-."- Dressing on Twenty-secon- d street to George Kohmer : 9 Clinton sv, llroni, mtg MaaUr'a Chambar, Room and Bath Suit. , B v rxooms, Kept 14; atty, Ituben- - i 7, and Tho Apartment House complete. Two on Olh St., Near Tnrk 131-3- 3 Twenty-thir- d r, Herman J Hooms rque t Floors at East atrcet tii J. atrln. at II fa Mghls ' 2 and 3 Bath. 7 11 Room, 2, 3 and 4 Bath. 0 ftoaela Weetrle to Ixpex; nt East Twentieth xtreet to UAVAItll 8T, It, ii a, 11.1 e Molt at. 71 4x I ARtfaF. Verandaa Open Fireplaces. Rent $1,600 to $3,300. Ave, Kind Ituycru DcveN Martin A Co.; first loft nt 402 Hlxth S1.7x Irreg me to aame, mtg 124.000, Rent $2,100 to $3,000. your own broker, or InclutHtiK Electric Light Including sleitrlc light, refrigeration aad avemio to Day tiros., and second loft to "I "' aine II Inquire of Meaning. opcrs iuy in Suburbs. L. Sl?rrot.K nr. U. e ISO.5 n Heater at, and RafrlReratlon. vacuum llrnunsteln. , 25x100 (foreeloa) Herman Joseph, ref, JOHN T. BROOK CO., Builders, 120 W. 42d St., N. Y. Cross & Hrown Company haa leafed ( Janet L and ny O HrVlikar, 40 V Tel. Bryant 2456. to the I'lckford Film Coloration n Urge .in si nu mnnirr uexteri it v TbI. Plhm 4755. pare In the Uodfrty UUlldlng as ofllcea f.Sth st, truateer. Kept 11; attys, llenlrr STRATFORD-AVO- N 401 WEST END AVE. The residence to be built for Henry K, 71 llway IJR.OOO and headqunrters. CllltVHTIU BT, 15. ISxIOO Drive, North Corner 93d fit Northwest Cor. 70th St p. or I- .Morgan Itelierra llaum 210 RivenldB anjl Davison, j. ft Co., on Cross & Iirown Company hna If seed in Harry (llegerninti, 14 Murnlngslda nv 10 Rooms. 3 Bathli Ittalty Co, 43 Tlroadway, due May I, NRW JERSEY REAL KSTATR FOR SALE UVeriOOKinp; Iiunson ixiver. the soiiuiwesi turner ot earn avenue the entire building at 508-1- 2 West Eaat, all lima. Kept 14: atty, Len 11 Rental $2,400 and upward. - p c, pr mtg 114,540 H.00O Fireproof, 2 Elertitonw Fifty. eighth street a lon term of T.V- M Hlteraldc Drive 1100 li:o, 12 Stories, refrigerating and low rato for tnJ SIijmmii street, oppoaito the ntw for T. w a, a AN UNPARALLELED Including yeara to the I'lttahurg Taximeter Com- OltKIlNe 31. Hi tlrnnd ft, IJx Brastt. B Room and 3 Batht. electricity r .rtnur curtisa 100 llnbert I. Itrillleht, Iruatea will (tlorough of Th Kronx,) rrilJnc Jinin, pany for Caroline I.udorf, and the fifth Clemenee 1. Htephena, to Wm 1, rook, Rente $2,400. Forty-secon- AV, a w cor Harry st, REAL ESTATE OPTORTUNITY from wnom nc uuugni mg 101 recently, Moor of SI Weat d atreet ' N"Pnrt N'ewa. Va: John ti LONOWood Hr.''L"Cooke, 113 av, Ky; 45.2 Henry Ellaa Urenlng Co to Helen cost i.'uu,uvu, according to pun to the Interborough Ilapld Transit Com th Irfiulavllle, M Kearnt, 411 R 14ld at, prior mtg effered by THE CLIFDEN Firty-nlnt- Clemence A Kerne, llrook Manor, Lau- 83RD ST. panyj runt notir at 311 West ti , 13,500, Hept du per bond: atty. 328 WEST filed xcJtcrday ly tlio architect, walker rel, Md, and llaniiali U .Murrlretti-- Al- II, at DtIyb. 2G4 Riverstdo Drive, South Corner 09th St. atreet to Morgenatern A Co. M, CO, 171 Uay 11.000 Banking DepirtweM, State of Riw West End Av. and Riverside buquerque, N t. t. riuiilrinatlan THAT a Ytit Between ii uiiicuc. win vie a six story fire : IlOlllN AV, a a, 200 Madlaon ar, 10x10 Adjoining urive. 12 story fireproof, anil sountiprooi ii "teedi, Hept atty, ltoaard It llayiir, 44 I'ltrre-Pon- t T Win Phafer to Thoa W Taylor, Special $2,404). buildlnpr: view of the proof iiouc, ironung u4.s reel on pant TKNANTS FOIl CITY 1IOVBES. Wan at st, llrnoklin, Kept 14, due June I, sacrifice prices from now until 12 Room, 3 Bath. Rent excellent CIIRTSTli: ST, w a. H n llronma st. SS.lx secure en land November 1st to quickly close tha business Hudson llivcrj south- tienuc. adjoining tlio site or Wllllnm Hecker Company 114.4:t.CxllO.C III ill, ighen to mort One Apartment Left. Drive nnd at, - Ionl has leased for Korrj Mtreet Itealty In Klnstfi county); atty, Thot W Taylor, of two corporations. A larga number ot Mnanes resilience uiiu icet on Hixty- August of A LrV' Joshua Hercog, 15. western exposure. One Apt. left. - Kltner Elmer Amend, .'.J."t0,, 41 I'l.rrepoiil al, llrooklyn 1100 r..nin iiiuitiuis; nil- i nc- - chemist.-- , W ,U,,h..",V.,'",, 1JI Lartnoe 1 eholca homealtea In restricted tectlone at Rooms, Baths. rinxt. the three story brick dwelling' nerlier. :S Dway SAME PltoPKHTV Hame to aame, Hept - 0 3 lat hum tor xmn r, immnicricii. I no Felgen-blat- II t:, due Dec 17, 1210, atty, aame. 1150 (lit ANT WOOD. MORSEMEItE, LF.ONtA. BARNARD- nt (28 West 175th street, to I. t. w 3 33 ft: THE Rent $2,500. Yii" ,;5 n U'lancey at, 11IIONX a w l 275 tn JEIt-BE- ficado ul ino wavisnn noueo win in) X100 ' HLVlJ. cor Nenl av. RIDQEF1ELD and TEANECIC, NEW 106-11- S. W. 71st s i.ugene I, Itlchards, temporary re. lltillard nv x:74.1l tu Nereid av ;.5xlli.4 0 Central Park W., Cor. St eicculcd In trick, llmestoen iml terra & eelver In bankruptcy Abr I. nn.l Bargain prlcta of about for- Ooodwlti (loodwln have rented for Piip Kats. "tilth Hlart Co, Inc. tn Dollar Hav Uank, tt 8, 7, B and 9 Room, l ana z cotta. Joseph I.. It. Wood Myron at of Uank, Htatn of N V. to Abr :io 3d Kept M, due Dec 1, IV21, mer prices; within a Sv cent far aan dbh. to titraue tha I. hnaa, J: H Ith tlrnoklyn. at 5v: all Rent $1,200 to $2,600, WEST END AV. story dwell- to; ft. t, Jnti ally, MacKeller A U, 43 Cedar et.H0.000 ana thirty ot Manhattan. 817 four ami basement private ntty. Title (luaranWo A T Co, 174 LOTH 197 to 391, map M Cambrellng al minutes Including Refrigeration. EAST SIDE FLAT BALKS. 4 et Southwest Corner 100th St, ing at 14 Wtit 118th atreet. llway ...II Paaiiuale Uarglulo tn Dollar HaVlnga Alio at Cattle llelthta. North Wtxtta Hrns-al- SAME PltOPEIITV Abr I. to n Fireproof Apartments. D. f. t haa sold the William H. Ware has leased for Kt Hank, 2401 Id av, Pept II, ilu on N. T atucce, roof, modern, ar- Aaaeta LMrpn. 100 Etacx b A Mac-Kii.- rialna. tils Cress company, Oeorgo Wilder tho five story American tt. I'', (addlllnnal mtg); attya, 7, 8 Rooms, Z iirown una null A Jan Si atty, aame A II, 43 Ceil-.- r at (2,000 tistic bungalow, nearly new. WASHINGTON IRVING Bath. Conger two story una basement dwelling nt 32fl West 108th SAME PltOPP.UTV- - Depositor-- .' ,,,i Rent $1,500 to $1,800. luur iu us torpn Afta Summit, Tenkers, 2s. T., Northwest Cor. B'way. IH i:.i.t Klghty-nlnt- h street, on plot street to Leo Paul. . to t.nwer Mort Co. J9 Liberie Alto at Lowerra 601 West 161st St, Sii "mp t00 LIVE STOCK MARKET. beautiful nine room modern detached rxooms (tilOO.ii near Turk avenue. The new wn'JUSf e ,,! 5, o, o ana Dtin. si H.r' " cur Woo.ter tt, IS.Mt;. dwelling, parquet floors, two Areplacta. isner gnvo in pan pnyincnt nn estate tlKXTlNT. IN TIIK COfNTHY. iL"aniA(."..l W 74 llway, Rent $540 to $1.000. THE NORMAN i J""!''". WEEKLY new, 10x100. Also eight reom it vt neacn, j vaiura ni isa.uuo. Anthony 5(pt jj. ftUj. Mr. RECEIPTS nearly plot 37-4- 3 93d West. I. a. Wolf has rented the S Wall at West St., near Central Park Tte txchango involved 1150,000. In , 'nnVeln. ,,r. II Bee tee. Calves. Sheep. Hogs. modern dwelling, all Improvemtnte, plot Mater resilience the Oreat Neck 4 4 - Ideal Location. 1.777 (,M 10x100. WALLACE- Estatca to U K. lamb of Manhattan. .ybr' inkolskl ft al to :JT Fifth Ar Jersey City 4.107 6,: M.KWi; 13,90 Broadway. I 7 Room, 2 Bath. H.AT AND UWELLI. BALK!. B.,,f,i.Co.. 3JH,r?':',. ' 117.000. Central Pnloii :.C4 913 10.I7J II Liberal Terms. Till Ouarantssd. 668 W. 149th St, Southeast Cor. nttya. Hokulikl & Sou, 3S4 (Iran.f for Rent $1.200 to $1.300. WEST SIXTT-TIlIU- D nEOt'I.T AT AUCTION. IIKnVKa -- 4.111 I 1IC STREET Fred- - ' " lterelple, head ears Information addrett, Room and Bath, trick Iirown has purchased '"T. "s 'ii. V V. i jo" w m y. on aale, Including 101 ears nt steers. Mar- from (AT IMS THIIID AVKXUIM ".'J ket opened ilall, with buyers nReilng much LiRht Rooms. William J. Noirla, 331 West Stxty-th'.r- d My Iteorge I'rlre. IniTer for atoera. At n general declln ot BENJ. D. HAIGHT THE HADRIAN nv Itealty Co. 354 llrand at. ;,00o $720 to $840. street, a story flat, on plot AV. n w enr ltph-- n -- t, 100X Fept fj; gokol.kl A Si4 15i2p, n nuhiber ef cart xvere untold nt Special Deputy Hupt. of Xlanke, Broadway. O'lirttnN att),. Hon. ilran.J a up ateady 225 West 80th St., Northcsrt Cor. :T.xlOi), lS feet east of llroadway. oi.l t; A Miinflin.ieiifr sit ! ii iiwiii el late hour. Hulls held to full cara v Ilaraklng Dept., 18 Houghton du r. m th prU es nnd con a ere ratitl steady, except All Large, Light Rooms. The Company Arranged the ai: t:,is.:ii i:;n; l BROADWAY, r- plaintiff iu, . .. . . 1500 iiii-.- I N thin ones, which were selling In some caats DALLAS COURT - ileal. Tli property was held at )0,-00- 0. iitor'rl,ur" Arthur n frnrtlon lower. Common In choice steers 6 Room and 2 Bath. per Broadwav. S. W. Cor. 144th block Sub. NEW REALTY Cllltl'OH ATIIINB. p?. 2 Ti A"trew J UwaM. 54 sold at t?UtO.:n H0 lbs.: bulls at 6V St. Rent $1,200. i S.75; una nr 11 higher IAST 123D STRElvr-- The Lawyers" V. v. ' 1 15.000 Inn it at flgurat; and 7 Room and Bath. .Mortgage Company two Alnhrrt Onrhnrstlnn. Mnnlisttiti! ?.T' " Av A, to: Ix row. at 2.40U.75. dressed beef slow at haa sold three capital, llltritlrrclor-- . K iii :" bet'tlv-Ji- ptr lb. for Uty dretttd native Rente $720 to $1,020. story duelling!!, on plot l.oo: Itinslit laaet. i ! trln l I2ttli4r. KArUiAIN,$6,04WtEA3T IfcKWIS 34.Kxl00.ll, at uirar j. ncntififier sni Arinur Mratin. r f'!"1 Jojephaon In Aug aides. HAMILTON GRANGE 45 ii ml 47 fiW1.'""1. Hales J, Hhambrrg A Hon, Virginia 16 East 133a etrctt. Th II. P. Itfslly Co, Ilrnnx; rsilliil, ll.oeo; llaldwins. U I., mttr II DAIMY ALL YEAR HOME Av., Horn-flt- 11 stters. 1,610 lbs, average, l per 100 lbs.; 310 Convent Southwest Corner 143d buyer Is said to ho the Jewish .il dtrectnrn. IImimr T'rxkln, Ilfckle I'cskln D Weinberg. 144 ItlVlnV. 134 Frnataare. St IMVl.l II. foT.ti' , 19, 1,311. 19.75; 20, 1,257, IMOS Z, 1,290, l loar lo Water. Plot ft. THE STETSON and rukln. )' Very for Deformities and Joint Dis- 4.70; 20, 1,257, 19.40; 20, 1.290. 11,70; in, Ilia 9 rovmt, 2 llh; la new; hta every of Btoadway. desirablo 1 83d St., West eases. The hospital received recently Kaat aide. 1.215, 21 Weat Virginia, 1,116, I .:,". iiiiirenieiiix', in trie ncni, iieaineo ecu 2G2 West 1 t'.IOi lug., walla ptitelled ; large pedrooma. Light S and 7 Rooms, and 2 Bath. m ASSHINMENTS Ol' MOKTIiAtiKSl. (East of Plfth avenue, ::, 19.35! 21, IK. 35; 14, 1,293, ait I 8 Large, Room. Kirt of J 1,000,000 for the exten-U- between Fourteenth LI!, l,l:i. ., llrlng OrepltiTI Manhattan. ,10"' streela.l; II. 1.219. IP: 40, 1,21-- it. in: 34 ohln, Inure rami, with oin I $1,500. Rent $600 to $1,020. of Its work. .r...... Ksmui-ky- , selii t iielcMiorlKaxI: K'df, Urge Ittea near Rent " r, . ;'5: u S1" t. ),3o, :. 1.1 as. 1;: : WALKS AVrJNUE Samuel r".iwen ho a ttTIt PT, :i E rarsons. t Tl.. '. 4.4ioo I. 214. 11.40.l.0i Newton A Cn . 19 West Vir- by; raty ivwiiiiiuni;; near upre.t titiioa. soli 6! i avenue, in wm h rarsonf, i: h un at. nair 551 ginia 1,11,, 14.76; 6". 1,312, 6i K. A. X. .N ( HKMKK, Wales n modern iix pari: Walter 1) Clark, 65 I.lbtrlr Kf.".. !'fand at. mtg IH,co. sierra. Hury apartment on attr. Kept attya. It Sokolskl A Hon, 314 II, 1.361. 19.10; II. 1,113. 19.40; 39. 1.231, t Maiden Ijine, N. 1. Booklet, containing descriptive matter and floor plan of the above and many other house, plot 60x105, t It wr-.- n! 30 Vir- Our 191617 1 at It; 22, 1,202, 11.16; 2". 1,0(5, II 40; for 1. Uavla, to E. who gives RUI.1.1VAN KT, Watson, In lino our offices, or will be 1'clnber. III John l. EAST EMI AV. W ginia, 1.; its. It; tt. t.161, If. i": : h'lfis, may be aecured at any of forwarded on request. In C22 (forer!,..,-l.Kn- ' al propertiea, exchange and 621 Kant lSeth iioiiat c :io w mia ai, ana nn. w l,o:o. 17.50. H. finders, 61 Vlrslnla ateert. trect, trua: attys, Aahforth A Co, It U 4M FhkuZi ref. 1.416, I9j 22, 1,191. 19. 17. 1.394, 11.19; a live story apartment house 1- 'i-- N V. .1 -' ":,' fin'ra'd. Pearbor... 31, 1,417, 19.15, 1,304,.: 19, ea plot CJxlIS. y i,Vv heprd. Hept 11 40. 19.40; 1,1, mvErtsiDH nnivn. ti n a Mtg John"', ' 19.26; 31, 1.211, 9t 311, 1.214. la.Sii 21 Irwin. llway - 4 Co In Paul M Warburg. 17 Rti10th at, at :ol 111. 500 l. .. , ...... n I...II. f. IA. I Msiti-ao- n Weal I IXVP.STOIl BUYS n'KI.Y.-- nl exra; attys, llutchar, T A T, Hide. 7, 934. IC.:6 3. 950. II. in; 7. III. II; 3. 73. FLAT. one (Wetl fl, I sv til. of Plfth avenue, t.rtween Fourteenth 15.75; ID cutes. 1.030. Ill 10, 111. 11.60. irt eV William Mcrulc & Hon rUVF.niMDK DHlVn, 44 Parmer Loan MnJ US. 14; In, 55. I3 IV, 11.40; 99. (19, have sold two ano, Dime "0" atreeta.1 71. I"" f.te and a half story npartmcnt houses Truat ami trua. to t'nloii Sav ..Tit ST. n a. 41 w West End av. 12 0, Tnblii e Hhaiiiinii, 20 Vlrxhila steers, llnnk. 701 Ith sv; attya, Itutcliar. TAT. ''J'."-''- " xioi.nti.jito:it.i: 1.217. tx 45; in, t.'l4. I.l5t 20. 1.02.1. H; rn Marcy avenue, covering 1 tlC.AOO ,u.i." !'!, u plot 75x100. Madlion av A, I; film, ,,, A v Kmifh. 25 Kerituiky, 1.n;i, 17 76: 21. 1.096. 17.50: property was purcliaml by un In 11T1I T. 141 K Lawyer Mtg i: tu IMw : bulls. ::.,. 15. 69 belters. 4,1. ic.26: 2 I Oet I)"! ?.t,r.'.V' 1"'? m tenor. I, Ilallard. !47 W T4th at, t al. trn: atty. A Km tows. 925, II So; 2. 740, 11.25. Mr Tutlno A Cerny havo sold for William all) a, ltobln.on. V. A It. lit ..n,i.l.'""l", llr'''klyn...... iai tt Co., IX Vlrslnla steers, 1.420, 110.20; 1. Ilway 115,000 AUHTKftHAM AV. Ill, s V, Vo i lei.? 1,411. 19.(1: in. 1,303, I9 60; li. 1.190, 19; mils. Jr.. to a client for tnvmtmnil tlm Braax. '.tl. 1.169. 1 101 19, 1,222, 11.60; 4 cows, APARTMENT DIEECTORY cr.t liory un 910. 10. 773. Cnnimlirlon Iiriek Rtnrr. a hint lf.tlon : 11.40: II. Earns 493: DAtiT AV, w a. 111 n Tramont av, x Company, Virginia steers. 1,411, 110; 20, t Th rd nvrnim 3 II Till HOT CO id lloui a liaag, u 1,111, 19.10: II, 1,101. 19,50; II, 1.310, l; David Wield A Sons havn sold a nn KIM at. Ilrooklrn: attr. Tttla tl A T Co. KVrn4w:.r::r-- I II West Virginia. 1,319, 19.50: 17, two family dwelling on Carroll street ITS llwar 11.000 1,1.1, 11.30: 10, 1.221. II, 1.212,; 7.781 lamba, 81.75 APPEARS SUNDAY, TUESDAY, THURSDAY. 1. . ;; ll.760l.4O: ewtt, I1.I0O Mar tne l.astern l'nrttwnv in Mr .1 LOT 445. ma Vri eatata Merton IH..I, .. 19, 1.113, II. IS! 21, 1.191, II.IOl II. 1.111. W 10.90. to K Cuthman, Sl W AV-- l, 41 Ken-nif- Ollara and Edward I.. Puahman Inei T". : ii-- . il Ul.n-'j- lit 31. 1,09". II: 4, 1.110. 17.50: riTTSRt'RO, Sept. IS. Cattta lower; 119th at; alt) a. Mot, M A W, ::J 1.111. IT.IO! 1 heifers. .(I. 11.15! $1,700 Supt. en It ir liVe .. Vun' "anforth Oeer. :, 7 bulla, 151. 16.10! 7 row. and supply, 135 cart; choice, 11.6909; prima, and 4 Roam Premlett llnay nena. Hept 950. II 50: 19.2541 9.50. 104 EAST 40th St! Btsh class apartment or Park Ave. .... 1; 7 1 to tOXO 10. C1TV KP.LLV RT. 10SJ.I0S4 Kloranca I. Hchlrf. st.V.llOO hellers, 171, 16.16: rows. 7I. 12.75. J. tl. supply SI double Oaths. Convenient location. Operating Co. TlirtEAIl PLANT. aa commr. to Plorenca HcMfT. 104 &'t:tr t""lmt:" '"" Clirlla A Hon, I bull. 1.310, 14.75; 2. 1.240, Hlirep tteadyi deckt; Door of Ave. $2,600 lt iTo Vi fi ."' x prima wethers, culls and com- Orb Eet Park 12? fifth Av.. Hope pi, aatrx; attia, A A It Dloch, J n L"x 1. 1.210, 21. 1,00s. ,1.;..: it, 94c, lltrt.26; ae a. mon. I3.I0U6; lamba, l!(j 11.50; Ttal calves, cM a plot, 1 Na.aau It 7. 9ft,, 15i: t, .11.; ito. 30x200, on (Merc avenue LOTH S3 :e, map In Pronx it 40; 15; 4, 145, IS: 14 eowa. ;, 112 60U13. , S and 11.20 High class apartment: cen- from TO 4: lota I. 77. tl Hoia lower; receipts, 10 double decks) Sixth to Hcventh nvenue, lKng H lltilg Co. lne. to Joa J lir.ll. ?00 w 15. 15: s. 15.60: ll, ivl, .15; s. 127, SONOMA Rootna. lo trally located. Superintendent av. ICOt 9l. prime heavlea mediums and heatv Yorkers, 17M-173- 1 tilar.d City, Com-fan- y M Napolla. U iiiLu'.iJl'V" t'3" 3. 13. bo; S, . 4 RROADITAV, and 8 Cov.ted southwestern on Prrmliea. to tlio aiobe Thread fiprlna at; atty, i: JJ1 lllth J 14.60! I'., tJ. JUillllf. 111 40ii 11.60; light Yorkers. S 10 U 10.50, ft.7Ca. at iioo "nI,ert Wright A Co., 3 bulls. 701, 15.10; 2 cne, N.rlheast Corner Mth Srre4. Ralht. of Manhattan, which, will erect 410, IC. pigs, II.60U9.I0, roughs. 19,603 10.25. a four LOTS 3! TO ST, aame map iama to aniuai 40, 16.60; 2. (60. II, 2 hellers, nary factory building. 110V f;t?r;fpt",?.,yYTc,T,vvv A B. Dlllenbnrk, 20 bulls. , KAN IN CITV. Hept. lings Ra. atty, aame ilenrge I.. II 1 1 IHAMiril.l.lTY. IIKlNirV. 15,75; 117, 5.t6l 15. 15.60: 13. 404,!, relpia, 11,500: etronr. Hulk. Iicuosr 11.10; ""theambassador Apply at office -- -. If. 75. I I S3!. COMPORT. xVftMAN BKi f. ii i nn, lsr.0: 445. IS: 1. neaty, nu.iggii paraera ami imicnert, ROOMS nil 7KI T, TItACT VOIt. BUNGALOWS. RATiarir.ii MOHTtiAnr.a. r,,. I 1.400. light, I1U.60U 11.16; COLUiViBfA tn Tha molt mo.t, n elevator MAN HKAI.TV CO. 970. 14.75. Andrew Mullen. nil. 1O769U.10; plga, COURT j In 't at- - -- 4. B1B-8I- BATH. B35.0. Apt. Columbia Cohen 610-5!- .' llArn.iril Mnintiota l.n -- nl.l I.I- - n n. n (With nam and aiblr-- ot Ifinter'a 41 A T 'c 'S'. Ui a"T' Tills 14; 9, I.O:. 15 65: 1, 10.50. 16.50; 125. I9UI.26. S DT. .3 i M. " rom ii, n iini;i in tornry-- 15.26; 3. Itacelnta. l?.noO. 701) WST ltsrd Vicinity. 4, l USD ST. N4 a 18.40; . 7S3. 15 35: 22, 710. I5. attl tncln.llnr arrttt on tho eouth tldo of Merrick W, s. 380,;Y.,a:YjV"ll 17; ;. al;. i. ooO. II; Houthern.; steady lo 20c lower. Prima fei HT, n a. M Av II. Sflit4 P. ri 15: i row. no. n.76: toad in till, 10TII let ..I .s . 13. steera, beef 17 6011 tnvn nf ltnhvtmi in,n ...... m uno l.vneli. :. 11 15; 3. 163. 14; 21. 719. llotill; uret.ed ateert, r July 1. 18H1 Andrew iunl ref, to Morgan E Cnmsn. V l.n:s. RADFORD CHAMBERS Superb new a'et-ftte- ' tl M.lllliattnti whn mI1I Ii....m.... trual-- a 1:4 44tli st 2.603 en 9,75; Houthern steera, l,76u.35: tows. Apir. ,, I'nlon Trut Co. will laraal PAL P. Receipts. 4,440 head; 14 75(17.25; lieltera, HO 1 and 8 saeia mem house entering to ' H'th r.r. Cor-fi - K O sap, and l 60, slucUira and nnlv tilllirulmn .,!!. wiic-tiut- ii for tirimllt ot Mars't rnlta. Veala were In (air demand X. HAI'I'O'lt). ""'- v. icr ! fee.lerel.ij 1.26; bulls. S3t.25; caltet, 131 In Iulve tilele Urea,. aero or morn. Tlilui'iw tn- - aattantil of record without iiroductlon nf generally tteady. but losing weak on the West 74th Street, and Hath. 87140, fust nuts.: muldt ."n,.r A Mnn.ger. urr.av. nrlalnal mort by ordar HupriMne Court; ",-.?;-??- undergrades: Kl.iaaeis. with som nilt'lda On tho Trendies. M feet Khore frontage on A Hheep nacelptt. 17,000: tteady tn. t5c, Near Broadway. and tulcts In uttcndanie. llrvat Sautli ell lor pel'r. Dan. Tracy Mfllarron. demand by feeders, held up nnd yearlings lower. Lambs. 60; yearlings. Car. I. J. Wolf negotiated tha deal. 1BO llnay were lust nbnul steady. Common to choice 9.t6tri0 r, i?1..1.3, n,,,' Title A T ; 17.5041.15; wethera, I7li7.75; ewet. 11.5'JU itt veala sold at 9li 13.76 per 100 lbs a few 7.35. itEtfttnuEii Lr.Asr.a. u"'" llttla bunches at 14c: culls at 17(14.60; 4 rira ef few remalnlna hle-li- i HOJIIi SITE AT SCAItSDALU. . grassera at 16177.50; yearllngi at I34f. ST. I.OPIS, Sept. 1I. Hnge nerelpta, LIFE BUILDING rtoema rla apts. b.low t;e st.l HAHVE:t. Manhattan. 5,100; 6U1UC. x 011 City drested xrata sold al KvKOHc; higher; lights, tl0.90ini.36; nnd III. Mold sertlca. iWla te-- edi Sui''' ' 'retnlssi. Tilt Hc'inuliln r ..I.. ii 184TH PT. M-S- E, flW.ll. all Erar-ar- country dressed at 151129c. inlaej ami butchers, 1 10 '0 If 1 1.40 ; pigs, 21 W. 31st Hath. In f.t.l.. Uagra,Ja 174 E TltU Guar A Tru.l Co, 17 Uvv good Street rooitia. has olil thn -lrmlArli.!, alriir,ln,n llrtKerlft to Clirlailan ft".... .$ Hale-t- ilenrge nnd U H. Dlllenbackt II 7.75f1i heat). lll.SSU li.60; u. iiiii,ii uiui,nln. 7 11115; 5: eornir of iirecnMprpH...... n :id at. rra from Mar I, attya. Ilntnv, veals. Its lhx, average, 113 75 per 100 Ibt.l bulk, 110.1(0(111.33. . iivrnii. nmi iii.f.. ii, fll aim SO; Iteceliits. 1 1,400; 10c. I linger! a ii,ii,wai ii, 112; 63. 152. 111. 3. 320. Ill; Cattle steady to LAURISTON $1800 DufT & toil - :.. 14. THE Conger road. tn.nixir.rA. g Bpacleut v . . . .U,ru.l,.ln. t ,. . .'..fill;, ln, r,l..iiii- - 44TH KT, 150 W, :t sty bldg, all Klnta IXITR ifl ...... 24 112. :.50; 11 gratters. 242, Inwor. Native beef tteera, 7.5itill; tear-lin- 8 4 9 Room reemt MiLi ... -...... W tvn - nilied. Maills.i-- i I'iri- lm n v V'..... V.- il.v, - Itealty Co to I.nula ll.innnt. 152 44lh 17.60; 7, :00. 17.25! 17, II. Jelllffe, ateera and heifers,; rows. to with Houthera tuirt, ino .1 1. ntty. n Il. 1239 Madison Ave., 2 Batha tupotur.. lur ,ncr will st, yra from May I!'I7; llnbt ii . ,. 11 more Wright A Co.; 12 veala. 175. 111.70: II, I5.50lrt; atuckera and f lira, li.lo n, lh St., or erect n Culonlal ilivrlllnir '.; .v- v, .In-rs- , Car. 9lh M. $2000. for Ills lloyer. Suti Hoy Il.wo . '""emiin '''' 3l i: 153, 113.59; 41, 141, 113! :. 113, II. : . Its 'rexas. quarantliie. 6.5MifS',o Fupt oil rniltaa. OUll l.i.mi'.!irv tin 42 prime Southern i V, 111.6a; II, 204, 110; 34, 232. 19: grasters. slerr. Jn9, 1, it; and llrant. LtiNilWOill) AV. e'Vlarry'Vli 7, 22 liellrre, 1 4 50 41 . pllin" e,irlilica, r- -i .... . 203. ,,20; n. 190. Andrew Mullen: $1800 DufT & 1BOTII ST. 251 E. da Ftallo lxr,iros to as 113.55: . 123. and li.lfirt, ft,'4 Bpaclout fnome Conger T( Ui:VELI)I 5!1 av, A yra iienry l. vealt. I2. 113.50: 7. 141. ft.inyj liatlto tulii'i, S & 9 Room JKHSKV in Congatto Vlllano. Morris llrenlng Co. C3 E ;.(th t- -i a 1261 Ave. Ma on AClll.ll. A 43 tt. nili :.s. IIS ; s, 112. tw.oo; a cunt, ii.i. Madison to with Snuthtra ii, At. ai from Aug 1; ally, Muckeller (i, 17.25. A Bon; Hlieep Ilerelpt.. 3,600. v to 25. 2 , l'Mtik lluglics has sold 1384 to 1450 grasaere, 204. J. O. Curtis Bath eipoturt. SClli Hi or for tho riould Cedar st ai vealt. 166, 113.75: 40, 141, 240, lower. Lambs, Ifniu76: slaughter ewes, Hi, $2100. on 'state 21 Lake-'W- , Hnlpeter IIS:,:, 1 5 Car. Mth furl (.ramltta acres on Main avenue. to American Cooper Jtlu' .v-liig- a 14,. no; ; fl 7.25; blutlng cms, 9ulo, toarllngs. N. A in: si, ij, 0i(9 60. J oppoalte olympln lMrk. inld-,'ta- v LIS rr.NIlK.S'S. I.oin As.n. 147 E i:5th at, Aug : 13 fed calves. 3;:, 17.75: 47, ru"i."'194. 17.25; tetwren 1'awirtc and I'aterron, to Manhattan. ' ,il grat-er- 201. 17: 42. 142. I.7i,i 2. KAST IIITFALO, tl Cattle Ha 8 Poom Rensonab! Comfort and Service .r:,n,";', n T,,,i:MLi'-:i- " w MarmloiVkVrtOx 1 jearllng. 400. ; 2. 020. 5; 10 relets, 6,000; alow; shipping njnUlcHte T T West of men av av. 41. Ix AaaaA' n aw a I a .. a j steers. MT Central Park "l'"-x:o-. lWnie headed by IITH 8T, s a. 101.4 West End in i .Hire i,ovtTi Houthern calves, 7. 201. II. 26: 20, 10..0, liutchers, lirifera, Itent. Modem r.levntor Apartment. "" V; ngt V 19-i- ill. til; l..76.9; I61.I; I J. Bertram llolden and Edward N. 100.1 llenjamln Mordeeal tt al tln. Wftuhliifftnn""i,i nv. Ma 15: attv. 205. W. n. Hume: 17 veala, 116, 111.76; cows. I3.50U 7.26: bull., 15(1 7.25; Ca, Uga" rnmrrnpartment. ' Wllllnm HI. 1 ft t. I .1 I'. ttoc'ra Cor.90tr St. "The Keiltt, who huvo Incorporated the Union Hauaa lleulty Co rt al (amended AHra T.lMl'analaln- f - 21, U.S. 113.50; IK. 149. 112 50; 7. 1M. 112; and tprlnsers. I5.75V7; aloik heifert. of mortgage); atty, H II Cardoso. OIKKCino- AV . VV3V1." 4, 15 rulle. 161, ; U9 grnasers, 5., 5: 5t l)t AiiMclatlon. Tho prli paid Is re- Wathl-igto- "rTonVkV. 12i, freth cum and atirlnuar. ir... rJT, n a. Ilt.3 tt. :i.l ..' 177. 17; l:125, 111. 14.75: 2, 138. 14. Kernt 1504 105. t??i ported llTlt to be about 150,000. Havings 61 114; 146, Emigrant Industrial Tank F Oers, 732 Van Nsst av (correctlnn Cnmmlsslon Co.: veals. 151, II. Veala Iteratnla. 1.90a .-...... xS (foreclosure ..II.. s.r..,, BOHOKIII OF ifOORLYN ron HALT. 11(11 l X agt Aan Walah et al at deed), Aug 1; attyt, Knox A D 17 Cedar 113.75: I, 116, 111: I. 101. 110: ll West si coins. MAYOR DEFENDS LAND LEASE. Til l'T E It A E O'Oorman. 111.60; 44 115. 19.50; TO IMl-nOV- WEST mortgage); aiDa, J Virginia, III. mixed. Iloge Receipts. 12.000: active; heavy and BIDE PLOT. !:U riT, 112 to 111 E Equitable Life As- I.TTIt dt". '."',, i '.' ''.w av,' 3H W. stern calvet. S00, 11.60; 65, 261. t.7C rnlseii, :,; ONP, 1'AMIl.Y HOCSP.S. dturhed, ' vouriiannt 2 Aorker.. 11.26 a Poclety of U S agt Jefferson .V' 6. 4; veala. 14S. l.5o; 11.50; nine rooms, taili, showers, elect'l Tlio Nu-ia- n surance the . 10 324. I rulls. pigs, t.50 9.75; II.SOtT o Ja- Cordctte Itealty Company, r. 'iiouia, noni, aioisa er-llng- s. rnusht. Aaaerta Bnlliiek'a Charne M Levy et al (foreclosure of mortgage); Oe atnnn 2M..1'"' 15th at. July 14: atty. grassera. IIS. 87.60; 4. 315. l.60l I VII; ttaga, IJjjl.50; light Vorkert. 9.76x( 1't.hi" vaitiuin rieature, steam, pamu"try, Illrh president, owners of 102 attya. Alexander A (Jreen. 341. 6j 4. III. 15.60 Tobln A maica nay Deal I t'ntrne. t.1 45). .' exsh - menthly and 1nresi. ASTOR 104 Wei--t Sixty-fourt- h V TV 21 110, 113.79: 49. 144. 113) st Take Wesr lhul DWELLINGS street, n plot 144TII HT, 214 W Margaret Relb agt MPUDqCK . AV, .. "li Itan.t'ali VtV'lS i Hliannnii! veala. Sheep nnd Lamb- s- ltocelpt, td. C00- - HLMI. DllltS, 77lh lllurt-gagr- ); 1 110; s ar. 4I , I, I'JlOO. 25 feet west of llroadway. are Hamuel Adlcr ct al (foreclosure of 100 I.nml Co 7 nf Edrimald tn Prlti 113.60; is. :is, ti:: 14. ar. mils, U; lamb;. i:.6. 1 1.76; le.irllngt. u'tatr Mayor Mltchel astertrd yesterday that subway, Muulclpiil UIJl'.. to 77th. Id,. l!r.iir,l, l'npurlng ulty, N Duller. J..Nor'.!.'n.,'ur.':i-"- n July l lot, II; 3 nrassers. 313, IC; 10 yearlings, .'.25; wether., HS.25; '"'"h m i, in i rn,,,. to lniprovo with a twelve 0 l"ti H. 11 ewes. IIV7.76: of In Jamaica Hay, which niiii 13:U HT, a r, 100 w Ainatcrilam av, 4I.SX ntty, Frits J 170 16.25; 4, 222. Bandera! teal., eheep, mixed, tho leaso land -, wry building. E Ufitli 47. I' Thrw klnry. '.'.- font 01.11 American nible S.ioltty agt ltoli-e- rt - ,,, 1100 114; Ol. Ul. 113.75; 14, 143. 113.60; 20. tho Hurrau front Ho i.. ,t .,,.n 10 4. riNPINNATI, ept. II. llogsllrcetDts Wllllnm Ilullock. director of AD.IOIMNO PltoarKCT PARR: fam. Conairurtlon Co it t PEW WICK AV, n w a, 0 s w Perot 153. I13.:5; 17. 119. 113: 9, 100. 112.50! 4,100 2 2 Friedman rt .t, 19.60; .' IMcker. and butcher, carefully Ilv bruk, 11 rooms, lallia. (utnaret; Hl.1,000 (roreclotura ot mortgaga) J attys, Harris 1. iq li.o, no: :. 105, i:. m. io; cuii, 111 City Inquiry, attacked was i anca llltll.N.V AP.lllT.MENT. .iiiunaiin j.ury Ml'. 196, 17 gr.nsers, oli coiiinion lu rhidre, 10.25; hr, of rood tianeli, 15,(0), Llitle iash. A To Inlyre. 803 W 74th tt. mtB, 15.000. Kept ICS, X; 2 (ed calves, 60: I 15 tin goou mu 45 A vint. 4 6. und Hall... 504110.40. slag., ' cotieldcred, anu a uaiuaui iui ax rent. Pull partwulart. IlV'tlxLin. "OBERT LF.VERS. 376 Lenox Av. plot 153,0x27.2 tho side Bronx. 11; atty, J CI Mclntyrr. 303 W 71th at 210. 17; . 193, 10; xrarllngs. 402. C.1IIV tlecelpls, Jly. Wllloi.ghbv tn south It A .17 veala. 141. 111.75; 4, 4.000. slow. S'lK.r. Slrett. Newton Co: I 4 if 7 liitli meet, extending from Hnuth-"- NORTH BT. a w r Jerome r.v. 75x100: also 9 116. 16.60,14:5; heifers. 50 ; COWS. 8 4 . mendac- i MORni.IilES. 165. lo; 74 Virginia. 214, 110; culla, o "Knowlmf ltullocVs habitual Uoulnvaid to lots 1 and panel 12, map ehowing raltes, ateady, Jt. 50(112. Marlon avenue, will bo nam, II 10. !; i I I uy without fear that aiproved auliill' Islon nf property of the estate nf (With nnd address of lander and Hhee Iteceliits, l.odi); tti-ad- :. ity. think cm RKAI. I'HR SI.K OPEENS. ,VV. with n six story apartment AN1 llerelpta. 1,4I7 lambs i . Is true," lTATi: "''"OKI ' William II Oxden; alto lota S3 mid C, lender'a uttorney.) HIIEKP IMHei stead), SiIt, 75. ii.-- what ho charges not U(c by iho Com-I?11- Iloulevard Molding ? same map - I, head: 13 cars on aale. sheep steady, with parcel in, Catharlm- Downtnnu. tho Mayor. ! 7 I Cohen, piesldiMit. w demand; good tn prime lambs were 21c. said .,.V,0,",':.'.,S' ''""' l'r''4, ,. e,lh (ieoigo ivynne sat Laurence iiniiasner el (Houth of air IDEAL HOME .JilJJ'Ibmrs,"T i, . selling a illi s t 1,1 r Fourteenth street.) tower; medium grades tiers at , hiimiii. iircmtect, llk'd tho plans yes. ul iiinitltlon null); nlla, li A Pfrirrer. DIVIDENDS. (of 9 rooms unit bath near thn Sound Phono 4 ,?7M npf-- ,i iji t.Ox 11ROAI) HT. l!7-:'- i. Hnuth at dee'dua. A few lata arrltnla were twr, nnim. ,,i'.'iil ev llrd.iy. The coct In estimated I65.U00. THEMONT AV. Ii e e lluneywvll av. nee (15.101, greiter WILLS AND APPRAISALS. rvrr, gnr. eleetrli liot w.iter 2. at 100 llarin-- t llrnlnltsky agt llldg ito.,x47,Sx47.S llroad Hireet llospllal likely to be held over. Common to prime 32.I ...v roHirlcteii Erlyn tn Hankers Co, 11.50(17.60 per 100 culla, inlnutet to St. 7iii Ate,: Va et al (uitlon In font loan inecbuulca' Trust trusleu for bond- aheip sold nt lbs.: Block of Pay. locality, privilege of prltale bathing be.ih I holders. :o yrs, Harry H lambs. 11051 12; culla, I7WI. Orleans, died NPl'ItMMIr:!) AlAltlUlATN 1(1 i.tfV, ri'llLISIIEIIH TAKE SPACE. lien); atty, II rt lirulsrh. in; att), II; Drttsed lir.NHY- O. SUI.XAB Of New iltep anchorage! perfect tllle. 3"0 Hlewart. 113 .aolil lioinia ana Orl-i- tis pf,'1"10"1, able. ..- ...... , ... I water THEMONT AV. 4Mi t.'lnnent II Bmlth et lluav. ti.'. mutton tlrmer at I0r10c,i drciied lamba New ny. A Lt. May irtipii-v- i .l..l.n- I.VOtl.l. iash, bnpmra p.i) menu, s HTKI"lll..s-- , Henry Holt & Co., URKKN'E HT. SI, w a, 94 s CSrnnd 'iSx 17(1 q. . it. isii 1. ' publishers, have ul agt Charles. I. (TamniHiin et (par- . . . . tnay nt 20c. I1." entire personal estate. W. al tun f i Yoiiiig-inw- h Sept. 30 value nf decedent's SON. ilS 34th St. tin, twelfth I (!, .1.. Halet Newton A Co., 261 W. Vs. lambs, A Ohio Itlter - . -- - Ped door In tho new tition suit) utiy, Ilnlin. to 11 liayiie, nei him i" imtn.n- Iierkrley GIIAV PT, w a. 250 n Mcilrne.' 50x100 Houard 73 Ht Mark's pi, 44 lbs. average, 812 per 100 Iba.: 477 pf. 2r'c Sept. 10 Hept. 30 s'nte, llenetlclarles: Mary 1.. reade HuIIdlng, l!i to 25 nr. II 3 i:o,94. I of It. irs. addrett, 67 Wall 71, 113; 42 I'ennaylxnnla, 72. 111.35; Natl, Puel (las, 12.60,, , Hept, 30 West ist P 22 Mary A KuanaiiKli nat Emrlle Ochantt at i, 'ct. li; llullnik. not related, bonta ar.r: tup. npw 335 14th St. stivot and IS t,i 11110 2 115. 11.75; 2. 15, 4 eheep, Crue. Steol nf.. related life iiorsr.s at lu.ty-llft- (foreclosure nf mortgage); attys, Clmke, yearlings. l; aci.. li.f,. Urt, If, Harriet A. Stoll. imt i:li:vaiiik h LEWIS HT, 53, w a. 150 n A: , I..00I. 1 atreet. for ten ears, Krn.ll & ltcldy. Delanrey st. 17 50: 3, 100, s.;,0. Coniinlsslnn Ht, I.. 11.. M. P. Co. H an 85.400: lhnlly ll. :r.xlii0: .w in, n c, 14:, Krm rnt. Oct. lo In erot lii bonds. -G aggregata of i:,u,uoo. i, tii st, tlx 75 Virginia Inmbs. (4, 112; ir.i Hutch, sugar Pl in., .mc.Hept. 30 i ct, 5 lire In bonds. ROOMS ft rental This 5.0! 107th st, J36 E. a a, 100 w Co.. West 11 not ielate.. e.ti.l" Hew Gardens ttr-- t Ut nv. i;t, 111.40; 2 Htnte, 70. 11.6n; 210 uuh. Sugar i'l.. ext. 2in M pi, jo 5 1.400, Orleans Home for Incurables iii,i:. i tl' leiisu lu the building. It was MECHANIC'S' I.IKNH. st. n , 75 w Hlnle. H. lift. New y 15 Herald Sq. kxtr Mgutlatrd luth ii IMrlc Pennaylvanla, 44. 111.60; 67, 77, 111.40; 214 Nova ' A C pf., q :',.sept, .10 ('Lt. 15 remainder, appraised at 15.19... lteshl-liar- minutes frnm XltKANl.t,!). Alll NII.VNT I'lliL by Hre?a & v. :.1xlfl0.ll! 115th at, 7 11 17S e -- thn I . (J.jodf. Manhattan. E, 111.21: 214. 71. 253 S.W. Cn.Ltil,, pf n., liV,M,.pt. 7 1 shales, HP.XIT. III. M III l.wlng r.h av. 4 E. a i, 250 p Kentucky. H. III.ll: Oct. es'at" dlvlden Into three ll.icon A Heii'v have Icaaed Ar l:,l st. 253. S, 110.50; SI, S.W. Co.Lld., ar, pf., r.Sopt. J7 1 Churles 55TH FT, 35t E Held Jaeger, Inc. agt 2rt av, 60x100.11 : 6th nv, lluiralo, 03, 110.05; III. A 1, Oct. Henry O. Selxna and l.oult ATP, iiTi:i).cosi sirs n.v Lot ati;i) I arson I " t. Kcott A :131.43, aan 21 17.60; Ch. P. N. Ilk.. u 10 s A. Wlesand, not I.ONO ISLAND RKAL Poll SAI.r. I'ii., dry Roods Itoman Calhullc C'hureli nr Nt 110.28; 17 culls, 44, tlieep. Ill, 2i.Sopl1 Oct. nnd John tlm 131st at. Os.llxtl: 13ltt at. 4 II. s s, II; ("II, Com, Nat, q., 2,-1- nephews, ileora l1 RENTS itn-ct- . owner; - 16.60; 5. 102. 15; 12 culls, Ilk., ; Oct, s one of tha thaies. $J0 UPi laer'hants of 115 Wntth one and Evanaellst, Uernianla Engineer- 75 o 6tll av. 35X90 11, Hrpt 15 Lorettil 7. 100, 7; 7. 81. Coil A I. Nnt. Ilk., lerettlng A: on uo. 14. A Hhnimon, 17 l'tnnaylvaiilix q, 2'", Hrpt, 13 Oct. 2 nssets: I,0u0 slmrra Octuv Land half floors In the hulldlnc under cjii-'r- u lne contiruci inc. contrac Corpn to Harry II lloeen, 273 v 901I1 tt, 97. Tol.ln Jol, A Cltl, It. It., 1", tor 1130 Int as lambs, 72, 111,75: 17. 14, 111.60: 14, 11, il, ' 23 Oct. 2 Compaii). apprulted nt 150.000; nintlns, OCEAN FRONT HOTEL tinri nt Id! nvenue, north-'e- st (10 inns pr nutet; ntty, Abr A Plic. Tel. A Tel., Hi'r.Mept III 15 Fourth LlltnilTV ST, Calvin Tomklna ant Bllbtrberg. 230 llway 26; 210 Kentucky, 74, III 25; 119 .stale, l. Oct. jeweVry and other p.rtonalty. I6.99S; iah tn N. V, Ilirbor, 45 p Twenty-eight- h Iiotea 130,000 III I'nlon Trust, ., A", 1 select Sia line, cini, of street. Tho no mi i.orp, owner: r 174, 40. 111! 14 theep. 112. 17; Sept. 25 Or! 111,915: notes, 1200: bend - NEW RUM DING i.inertr ti t'impiiinn Kaat Hide. 5, 111.251 Ynrkrlltn Itank, i . 17 baths, steam heated, fulit- fur. i,fP t'ontraitliig Co, ll.4SH.3j 4v,. Sept. rn Sept, 30 lloustoi! Hlectrle Hireet Itallwnv 1 II If. II I'ta. I' 1PHP "'mi inn for over forty years In tiintractor, b, 122, t'l.S". ntouiTFi ,.ii nun. mini.,, ". It Co I. 1 iiMied mil quipped, extra uioan.l. for 01"T HT. IS E 1' Hindi nut (Estt ef Fifth between 14 Pennsylvania, Can Hrpt, 22 Sept. So 120.246; bonds Columbus an litM.',ii pWiir Jr"n' iiuartcrs. Jamea John Heniie, Fourteenth 67. It). 60; 105, 71. 111. 25: Itendlng Co. 2d pf 1 rj.;,, . ("ompiny. dltlons, hill lii'CII eucceselully londuclrd, ll mrihiinl. .MacNell, owner; P II Chapman Contract-In- c and Until ttreeta.) 65, 17: 3 ahesp. .rVp, Hi Oct, 12 and Iron Company. Ili.unn, II "Hi" Soiiora 71. 60: 0 rulls, IIS, Alll. Seed. M. pf., i Hocking Coal great chnnce lor the ilytit man tn own nnd iMt PhonoKraph Corporation - 11 Ill llj'J.Sept, 30 16 Hallway Complin', tlllll-- Co. Thompson Hlar- 10ITH HT, s, 101 w 17 14 75: 2. 15. 11.50. McPher-..i- i 1 "rt. Allanta Street a high 'mh Hole) in this well lilt la ll 1'lia.ti Park av, 17x100,11 :6: 49. II. All! Si'i'il. . Sent. 30 16 bond. a I'peritc leafed tho entire building nt 30 reit Co. contractor 11,551.19 (tenet lex II Michel I, .c. West Vlralnla, lamba. 72. 112; Oct. 110 1(0. Decedent owned reilty In known rrsiden. ii.ort, Appl 10 ROOKS urtil Until. fi 47 in Toneenrt Co. Cali."..W.Cn.,t,td.,pf..ialti.Sept. 15 I ct. 2 . as soiuioei '"Tlu a EAKT IIUtiAllWAV. Morris Melnlik Cannon, 3'i3 W t, 3 r. Hhamberg A Hon. :0S " Lniitsiaun a Iliiuinerated WM. It A 17 St., IIIUjii. o, Miii, atiect for warehouse. This Is 7ih r. atty, yenrllusa. 90, II. J. C.lll.C.-- ,i .1 Ve Sept. 15 2 and P. Co, i'i Moirntuo M.i, (i;n, f;n, i agt Mendel Kpateln. owuur ntnl con Lawyers A T Co. K11 fr; , 17 rulla. Oct. rejected claims i, II fourth building In this vicinity leased Title llway ,3,(I0U l Virginia lambt. li:; 4. IJIinlr.i Water, A wire' in"' y 3 Z03-20- 5 v Dalit it. erroneous 98th Si. y Urn triictur IU5 tl i 3 yearlings. 100. M; 4 sheep. 10, Sl.r.o. It. pf , i , 117.600; claims growing out "f Vct corporation as a wnrehouse. AV. I113-:i- pll Weat Hide. Pant. II Popt. 10 pool. In ' LK.XI.MITON IsatP. lie .1 A 95 Htalo lambs, lt alleged subscriptions to slock for a email wllllani owner; il Funis foil, Ohio Hint Tel !.'1st pf q.. Com-pain- - IP VOP Altll I.ooKIMl A. Whlto A Sons have loased I'ljn ni!t E Herger. Frank Htrauli (Wott of Fifth ateniie, betwren Fourteenth 25 llncklng ("oil und Iron li lirge, eh.i ly 1 293. 10. 111.60! 224, 09, 111.26! Hept, and linusa with largo pan and . . . 10th IllliO: t Oot. 2 Henry I Iroih-y- , Jn parlor store 140 West Thirty-urt- h .aUii!i lioldman, iMntractorti .170 und ttreeta.) BBS Hlisop. 166, 17: 3, lli'r I.. In I.OO.OiO, und l. Pint, nr. rnniidrte for nt rulla. II, 21. 41, f Arkulisaa A P, 1st pf., 10 nctr station BT. 413 11 a. lit na .llm.l 4 month-Iv- , Mreet to Dr. Hamucl II. Moss. llrnnt. 47TH W. 150 w "In nv. :5x 107 Ul 60, 101, l; 60, 101, 15.50. Jelllffe, . I "44 Pept. 10 Oct. : llol llklss. leiiatee, 11.276. 011 ti rins of 116 down nnd Gainsborough Studios 100.5, Hept II Albert II A 74. II1.K0 la tuspended III the eniisea of n; lion answer nt once, oN'NUIt, 105 Plat-bus- h wertlieltn have tho PRORPECT AV, 1324 David Kudlk and Wlllielmlna Wright A Co., 163 Htate lalllht, tlou y c, A.Clear leased Kleea, exrs. Ac, tn (Irrenutch C Mrs. Panny, C. llrooklyn. 222 Mtlor G81 Isldor Heller agt Christina E Warner, Havlngt 3. nil, I0; 3 rulla. 43, 14; 9 sheep. 126. galntt Aie West 59th Street store In -r PROBES DROWNING 0. Lexington avenue to Rank. 14 4lh nv, due A Int na p- bund, 15 Htato lambs, OP 4 BOYS. and nt axecutrls of Levi Apartment ol' :i liiHim- - owner and contractor 837,7 j "lu 15, Andrew Mullen. S4. H, nnd llaili in Sehaler. 13,000; . 411 Hnsklns Henry dealer In atitlquea: atore In pr ling utt)s, Rowers H, :'-- 100, W. Hume, deceated. and Henry T Ideal ( iiiiptc. ' II1.6H: 9 aheep, 16. It. na ru.-tee- t WATe-ltl'ltON- lur llai'lii lnror Last Forty-elxht- h Cedar ut , I:,000 SI, 15, 111,25; 1 Leverlch and Henry 1. Hr.tchUlia. PP.PHPnKT " atreet to Charles KATlnFIKU MECHANICS' LIEN'S, 4, 'Htule lambs, 72. III. 50; Coroner Pel n A houses, f .t.non up .o build- - HI. hers Acta at Rniaeat III biinliruptcy of Lathrop, llusklns ltungolowe nnd James E. Ball, Manager for term years. t'plown. 120, 17; s, 120, A- I W I itedt a nf Manhattan, beep, Cn., Hlld Atw.iod. Vlolel n Ing Iota on lUndaf lln and ef. 1l.iv; ll A Stem have leased In 44 to 80 HO ST, 211 W John A Hoffman agt J (Manhattan, north of llotli street,) IIOliN Itecclpta, 4,276 head: 7 ran nn of Vlt'llma Pa I her a. connected Ihe Coliimbua and Korku. Ictv !! s, nuv term. Send for piriliu-- Thirty-secon- d Itnarnberg et ul, 14, 12S-3- E, a 2011.7 and I e higher, wlih nnd other claims .us, JOHN' J It N I i.M I, I ejtori 1,1 street tho eleventh Walter July lUH'lJir, 113TII ST. a. e Park av, sale. Mailiet .Prin Thn fathci'H of fmir boys who xvern Cal and lion Cnmpani, I'r 'Jt T0TII HT, 501.501 E Plerlllig Celling A 41x100.111. Hept ti Clara Pollak t 111.10V per 100 Iba.; roughs, arising tho pool transactions pending New Doug'as L. ,.'" M'"r'H Freundllcli, mid In 30 to - to sales at U.0 (lrnwniMl from 156East79t.St. . Killing- en nm et 317 W 5 xvhfii u lo.iky rowbnat was up-t-- ct J ha.t Thtrty-thlr- d j, aiunosram iisany ci Ham Hernard. tOth at, re, 0 ''a'-Y- attoct tho sixth loft 31. WIS 11 r- bogs, 171 Iba. by thi ,n.A,!xT,,X,,i:Scn:U 7- . al, Au ".115 i. iir mtc f 10.0001 attv. Ariilni II Mn u' gandara. Ill Btat swell uf u passim; craft III (ho dli.l CITY RF.AI, EST AIR. .1 -8 FOOmsSBUflS Elliman&Ca. Lavlno A (Jo. AMI: I'llOPKllTV Frank K Wlsa li Mun. 44 at per 100 Iba 120. 193, 11 1.40; I Hurryrlllleln. Total " tlemann, Cedar 13.000 average. 111.40 feiiteniher 4 16, 1915 Appraiser L 111 Tho aame. Ill I I, 1103.44 SO; 31 rouglil, 308, 1 1 00. niver wroto it letter 11.1-- 1 v mpSn f'.'lHKI 14) filial, Mii'llMiilAv James McCreery Iteally Corporat- Ihc. all ItU 7T1I AV, n cor ISM at, 34x73. Hept 14 1411, 111. Kerna yesterday KelnherR, asaeta, 177,01.1; hot e.tlle, I2.li70. j ion Im,, SAME PIIDI'EIITV Oriental Fireproof Sit Itealty Corpn to 43 Htate hogs. 108, 111,40; lo larael u Coroner, W llngel, urn. recslted 112.761, and l.dllh rented tho second floor In Iho John J Commission Co. n h'usli A liunr uu ngt aame, rept ic, iIiih March I. 1917, f. p cj ntty. i,: 111.3m k0 Penlisylvalila, 152, 111,40; demanding that ho lnvr.aHi-.if- niivn A. h tfold, not relale.l, a llie csiiue 111 JiCreery llulldlng at Twenty-thl- rl ml.--. fj- - ii 16,71m! Ill :.'.! Title Hilar A T Vo. 170 llway. .. ,:s, lino 10 roughs. 291, Tobln A Shannon, 02 lalii'M xvhtch, they belluve, prove II.1.1B7, Assets werel Hnultv i'npi'hmiii:ii III l.i;i HIIONX. .r i,0. tho HoraceS.Ely&Co. irtu mid Hlxth HT, W (llldenberg , 125.000; eijiilty .ri avenue to Max 1IDTII lt)l Paul agt 14D HT. 1 V a. 210 w l.ennx nv, Hlale hogs, 1J9, e "1. hoys cuuld huvo been Itrooina tile, t, appraised at Itosert Realty Carpet ul, Aug 31, 1911 Hi Hept 1 ll.."i nncd but for the appraised at a Co., wholesale furriers, now 40x99.11. Nancy Kaufman tn Mcriieraun A Co., 9 Hlnle hugs, 221,; IS.4I5 III 102 tllen tlleel, 11(117 AVP 9".' 93". II" 1. 5 bond) II, 131 6 rrllnlnal negligence of a plerxvatclimati, 10,401'. 622 Second avenue, rooit.a, cl uvrnuo ami Twenty-llrs- t Joa Yeake, 155 lllverslde llliir, ra, 3 roughs, 213, 19,(0. n equity Ill ESTATE ale, liy, Iriephone liiqulro Janllore. fifth street, d REAL ti Hrons. 0 p r, pr mtg 124,000; ally, Max rullioail and the CHptiiln nf u ferry boat. apprilaed at IM.OUO, equity J13.095 In arstclu A Llnnehlii have Ic.ixr-- tho 1ITTH HT. 741 E ItafTaela Hallacava y Other I'lllra' Lire Slock Market. I at 150,000; "Ui aat 90 llu IIO.OOii Tlio Investigation Iiiih begun. Hinyte.ant atret I. appraise Hour nt l!i Madison avenue to Albert el ai. auuo u, KT, 350 W, a a. 325 a Sill mv, Hept. 1logs Itecelpta, 10,. The 0.'."t7 In 4 Siuyvesint elrer I. iianr isie if, 143D 25x rillCAdO, II. rqully 21 Liberty St. 489 Fifth Av. TO I 1 Twen-M-nliit- 13 nverage. parents assert that a watchman forced 11,010 In APAHIMLMN l.l'.l HMMII'll. "tea A. iloldsmltli: ut 7 West li 90,11. Hept lletsy Psrrlah to rtunl A 000; steady at about Hatunlay'a at J56.000. equity 3013.13 light. get TiviiiD-setini- street, .trect a hi en I', S. Custom Ilouae Iterelpta, HlngerrnHn, 29 W lOlth at, dun A Int na Hulk, lto.504 11.40; Ilo 36r ll,6n; Iho bo'H tn bar!; Into u boat which he We.i appraised at - to Urey A Urey, ilo.05 11.46; III 172 . n . . per bond, pr mtg 114,000; atty, Laitynra 11.60; heavv. 111 t rqultv 10,249 Orcll.inl street, Ltd-- , i'ii-i- t.i.,1...... : uilie.l, tlo.lOtt uh have feel! una ilaiigeiotls, that tlio -u stlilt'O 1110 Tha total receipts for duties at the A 051) 10.25; pigs. 1711 10. ino.i'Oo, deposits, RKAI. KBTATK OVT OP TORT. ibg i'iiiii nvriiutt iu Title T Co, 140 llway Is.mlo lough. 110 refused to heed npprnlaeii at I: :. mori. Gainsborough Studios iJarinmit Company, and In tha Custom House yesterdny wera 1453,- - 140TH HT, a a, (41,1 w llway, HC.Sx inn. Cuttle Itecelpta, 25,000; weak. Native frrrj boat caiitaln passed. gages nnd nnlrt. 110.175, un.l sioiks, 1925. '"'no building with Hernard Wurten-"r- e 827.56, of which 8221), 211.81 wus for Sept II llnnio Constr Co In Van Uyek beef cattle, 14.409 11. 20 Western ttairt, nci xvho told lilm thn boys wern strug-gllni- ? JOHN DKNNIHTON, died June 21, THE ONLY HAPIS way for a prudeet 222 59th av, 14(11.401 feedert, 14,(0417,16; Kopp) nan to buy country fully ex- West Street the Vor-Jhn- er ettats. Madlaon ilu May I, 1917, ttoi'kere and In the water and should bo rescucil, 1910 (Appraiser Total asset", do a borne entire lentli floor to tl, merchandise withdrawn from bonded III lease, Noi Hi & 1 P 01 atty, K U Avtry, 111 Madtaon cowtjtiid hellers, 1.609.6; calm. H.tS potlta and pirsniially. 15,027: net estate, plained bv Piirnlthed tttullo tn llghb Son:1-- at 4 Uaat Twanty-U- rt warehouaee 3I4,840,73 for raoent and that the rallroml should not have b'liill-clar- 1.1CAOUB. deelrabl" for and av 44,009 Lheep 14,137, Cutan H. DennliU'ii, aunt, COUNTRY HOME vry nrtlsl street, with Uaatlna t Cts, Ui importations. SAUK PHOP, Bept 11 Bams t MadaJ RlMtpt, I4,4II wk. Wetkers, lied three bargaa at th end of a pier, . . .s It Watl ltd Bt. Pkon. Mad. Da. III. JAMI'." .', HALL, Mauager.