THfi SUN, TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 19, 116. 18 easterly CNFUIINISRKD I.BT, atora to Bretlow A gTietkowlU ! TXaiRSACTIOltS HZCORDED. WKBTCatXgTKlt RKAL ESTATE). WKflTCHXsrTER REAL MTAT1 AFAatTKatNTS TO LIT. fJKPrHfOlUntB APARTMKKTB TO M7T. t'NFCRNlSHF.D APARTMENTS TO DAVISON TO SPEND ft 80J Fifth avtnue space to French run bslh. run HSLr. Model Company at 173 llroadway, with IJanlcl tllrdaall A Co., the third loft to TRAN8f KRIS, V. Kchmlckl (With name of owner and aVfiuiatvment A Co.. Inc.: at 12 West and address......... nH,llln.l Efficient ON HOME Thlrty-nr- at atreet, allnln.l. 1. I. $200,000 tha third floor to tho addrtta parly of nrat part.) At Pelham Manor l.mplro Coatuma Campany, 840 Incj at Dewntonu. llroadway the eleventh loft to Marko-rl- U WilUrd Av. Uroa., the (South of rourtetnth atreet.) on tenth loft to Mannlo W ATKIt ST. eio. ti a. af. - UoamtA.! al. a b Jacoba A Bona - nnd tha ninth loft to -- 5x80 (foreeloa Aug 11) In- - rin ii uiiiiKcr's new l'nrK Manhattan clothing Phienlx Company: at 1161 fraiiam, rer, to ijiiiaeti Hnv nana, ti SELL I LEASE $1,500 per Annum House llroadway apaco to Deo Netter, and nt Hept It; attys, lleall A It. 141 i Avcituo Filed 320 Flttli avenue space to William llway 11,000 HOMES I BroJwy, Cor. 80th St. Phone Schuyler 3600 WATHH BT, 412, n s, 110 a Kcaminrl at, i SIX MODERN J llelchcrt. - ' I 20.6x10 (forrilot Aug 11, UK) name. ALL DIFFERENT. CAN Dt- FINISHED TO SUIT. 4 ' Office! Madiion iv Architects. Ooodale. 1'crry A Dwlght rentc-- j in Branch 280 Ara.i Broadway at 144th Street. have to same, ii; allrs, same....'. 7,00 SO. 131-3- 75x100 75x1 the fourth floor nt 3 East Twenty-thir- d EAST IIUOAUWAV, lip, a a, 25x?(i Kaat On Plot and Downtown Office i No. 140 Broadway, Cor. Liberty St. atreet to II, A. James A Co. j spur llroadway, 1IT, tixTI llarrU stokolakl Larga Shad Treea. to 117 Hast Co, 134 at 3 East Twenty-thir- d street to t llrnadwuy Itealty SALHS OF MANY FLATS llrand at, tntg 151,000, Slept 13: attys. It fl) Freeman: at Weat Twenty-nrs- t Snkelakl A Bon, - atreet 154 Grand St 1100 lORooms 3&4Tiled Baths THE DORILTON- THE BELNORD to Joseph Jltomlri at 171 Madison llAVAHt) KT. IS, n S. tiJ.J e Molt at. S5.C 8to (&".) Broadway. nvenuo to Hachs A Co.; nt 20-2- Weet xlOO .larob Koaenberg to Nlelk Itealty 171 W. 71rt St., Northeast Cor. Drondway to Amstcrdnm Av., 8Cth to 87th St. rni-."- Dressing on Twenty-secon- d street to George Kohmer : 9 Clinton sv, llroni, mtg MaaUr'a Chambar, Room and Bath Suit. , B v rxooms, Kept 14; atty, Ituben- - i 7, and Tho Apartment House complete. Two on Olh St., Near Tnrk 131-3- 3 Twenty-thir- d r, Herman J Hooms rque t Floors at East atrcet tii J. atrln. at II fa Mghls ' 2 and 3 Bath. 7 11 Room, 2, 3 and 4 Bath. 0 ftoaela Weetrle to Ixpex; nt East Twentieth xtreet to UAVAItll 8T, It, ii a, 11.1 e Molt at. 71 4x I ARtfaF. Verandaa Open Fireplaces. Rent $1,600 to $3,300. Ave, Kind Ituycru DcveN Martin A Co.; first loft nt 402 Hlxth S1.7x Irreg me to aame, mtg 124.000, Rent $2,100 to $3,000. your own broker, or InclutHtiK Electric Light Including sleitrlc light, refrigeration aad avemio to Day tiros., and second loft to "I "' aine II Inquire of Meaning. opcrs iuy in Suburbs. L. Sl?rrot.K nr. U. e ISO.5 n Heater at, and RafrlReratlon. vacuum llrnunsteln. , 25x100 (foreeloa) Herman Joseph, ref, JOHN T. BROOK CO., Builders, 120 W. 42d St., N. Y. Cross & Hrown Company haa leafed ( Janet L and ny O HrVlikar, 40 V Tel. Bryant 2456. to the I'lckford Film Coloration n Urge .in si nu mnnirr uexteri it v TbI. Plhm 4755. pare In the Uodfrty UUlldlng as ofllcea f.Sth st, truateer. Kept 11; attys, llenlrr STRATFORD-AVO- N 401 WEST END AVE. The residence to be built for Henry K, 71 llway IJR.OOO and headqunrters. CllltVHTIU BT, 15. ISxIOO Drive, North Corner 93d fit Northwest Cor. 70th St p. or I- .Morgan Itelierra llaum 210 RivenldB anjl Davison, j. ft Co., on Cross & Iirown Company hna If seed in Harry (llegerninti, 14 Murnlngslda nv 10 Rooms. 3 Bathli Ittalty Co, 43 Tlroadway, due May I, NRW JERSEY REAL KSTATR FOR SALE UVeriOOKinp; Iiunson ixiver. the soiiuiwesi turner ot earn avenue the entire building at 508-1- 2 West Eaat, all lima. Kept 14: atty, Len 11 Rental $2,400 and upward. - p c, pr mtg 114,540 H.00O Fireproof, 2 Elertitonw Fifty. eighth street a lon term of T.V- M Hlteraldc Drive 1100 li:o, 12 Stories, refrigerating and low rato for tnJ SIijmmii street, oppoaito the ntw for T. w a, a AN UNPARALLELED Including yeara to the I'lttahurg Taximeter Com- OltKIlNe 31. Hi tlrnnd ft, IJx Brastt. B Room and 3 Batht. electricity r .rtnur curtisa 100 llnbert I. Itrillleht, Iruatea will (tlorough of Th Kronx,) rrilJnc Jinin, pany for Caroline I.udorf, and the fifth Clemenee 1. Htephena, to Wm 1, rook, Rente $2,400. Forty-secon- AV, a w cor Harry st, REAL ESTATE OPTORTUNITY from wnom nc uuugni mg 101 recently, Moor of SI Weat d atreet ' N"Pnrt N'ewa. Va: John ti LONOWood It.ls Hr.''L"Cooke, 113 av, Ky; 45.2 Henry Ellaa Urenlng Co to Helen cost i.'uu,uvu, according to pun to the Interborough Ilapld Transit Com th Irfiulavllle, M Kearnt, 411 R 14ld at, prior mtg effered by THE CLIFDEN Firty-nlnt- Clemence A Kerne, llrook Manor, Lau- 83RD ST. panyj runt notir at 311 West ti , 13,500, Hept du per bond: atty. 328 WEST filed xcJtcrday ly tlio architect, walker rel, Md, and llaniiali U .Murrlretti-- Al- II, at DtIyb. 2G4 Riverstdo Drive, South Corner 09th St. atreet to Morgenatern A Co. M, CO, 171 Uay 11.000 Banking DepirtweM, State of Riw West End Av. and Riverside buquerque, N t. t. riuiilrinatlan THAT a Ytit Between ii uiiicuc. win vie a six story fire : IlOlllN AV, a a, 200 Madlaon ar, 10x10 Adjoining urive. 12 story fireproof, anil sountiprooi ii "teedi, Hept atty, ltoaard It llayiir, 44 I'ltrre-Pon- t T Win Phafer to Thoa W Taylor, Special $2,404). buildlnpr: view of the proof iiouc, ironung u4.s reel on pant TKNANTS FOIl CITY 1IOVBES. Wan at st, llrnoklin, Kept 14, due June I, sacrifice prices from now until 12 Room, 3 Bath. Rent excellent CIIRTSTli: ST, w a. H n llronma st. SS.lx secure en land November 1st to quickly close tha business Hudson llivcrj south- tienuc. adjoining tlio site or Wllllnm Hecker Company 114.4:t.CxllO.C III ill, ighen to mort One Apartment Left. Drive nnd at, - Ionl has leased for Korrj Mtreet Itealty In Klnstfi county); atty, Thot W Taylor, of two corporations. A larga number ot Mnanes resilience uiiu icet on Hixty- August of A LrV' Joshua Hercog, 15. western exposure. One Apt. left. - Kltner Elmer Amend, .'.J."t0,, 41 I'l.rrepoiil al, llrooklyn 1100 r..nin iiiuitiuis; nil- i nc- - chemist.-- , W ,U,,h..",V.,'",, 1JI Lartnoe 1 eholca homealtea In restricted tectlone at Rooms, Baths. rinxt. the three story brick dwelling' nerlier. :S Dway SAME PltoPKHTV Hame to aame, Hept - 0 3 lat hum tor xmn r, immnicricii. I no Felgen-blat- II t:, due Dec 17, 1210, atty, aame. 1150 (lit ANT WOOD. MORSEMEItE, LF.ONtA. BARNARD- nt (28 West 175th street, to I. t. w 3 33 ft: THE Rent $2,500. Yii" ,;5 n U'lancey at, 11IIONX a w l 275 tn JEIt-BE- ficado ul ino wavisnn noueo win in) X100 ' HLVlJ. cor Nenl av. RIDQEF1ELD and TEANECIC, NEW 106-11- S. W. 71st s i.ugene I, Itlchards, temporary re. lltillard nv x:74.1l tu Nereid av ;.5xlli.4 0 Central Park W., Cor. St eicculcd In trick, llmestoen iml terra & eelver In bankruptcy Abr I. nn.l Bargain prlcta of about for- Ooodwlti (loodwln have rented for Piip Kats. "tilth Hlart Co, Inc. tn Dollar Hav Uank, tt 8, 7, B and 9 Room, l ana z cotta. Joseph I.. It. Wood Myron at of Uank, Htatn of N V. to Abr :io 3d Kept M, due Dec 1, IV21, mer prices; within a Sv cent far aan dbh. to titraue tha I. hnaa, J: H Ith tlrnoklyn. at 5v: all Rent $1,200 to $2,600, WEST END AV. story dwell- to; ft. t, Jnti ally, MacKeller A U, 43 Cedar et.H0.000 ana thirty ot Manhattan. 817 four ami basement private ntty. Title (luaranWo A T Co, 174 LOTH 197 to 391, map M Cambrellng al minutes Including Refrigeration. EAST SIDE FLAT BALKS. 4 et Southwest Corner 100th St, ing at 14 Wtit 118th atreet. llway ...II Paaiiuale Uarglulo tn Dollar HaVlnga Alio at Cattle llelthta. North Wtxtta Hrns-al- SAME PltOPEIITV Abr I. to n Fireproof Apartments. D. f. t haa sold the William H. Ware has leased for Kt Hank, 2401 Id av, Pept II, ilu on N. T atucce, roof, modern, ar- Aaaeta LMrpn. 100 Etacx b A Mac-Kii.- rialna. tils Cress company, Oeorgo Wilder tho five story American tt. I'', (addlllnnal mtg); attya, 7, 8 Rooms, Z iirown una null A Jan Si atty, aame A II, 43 Ceil-.- r at (2,000 tistic bungalow, nearly new.
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