Discover What’s New at Your Library

Vol. 13 ◊ Issue 2 Mar / Apr 2012

Courtesy Notices From Your Library! The free course is geared toward first-e couter ad Iteret users. Lear to set u ad use eail,Your ay library bills or ow offers courtesy eail alerts to hel you aoid oer due ites o file taes olie, search for career oortuies,your librarysho card! olie, icrease educao, get health care ifora o, ad kee i touch with faily ad frieds usigVisit soc ayial DL brach ad gie us your eail address ad we will begi sedig edia. you courtesy reiders about ites checked out o your card that are about to The ery ie lie class is ost beeficialbecoe for due. adults who are ew to couters ad the Iteret,” said erb tachler, iclairs rogra aager. ay The a ocerci- e for 3 week loas is 7 days rior to the due date. ats already hae couters ad Iteret coeci The ocety, e for 3 or 7 day loas is 1 day rior to the due date. but theyreCourtesy ot beig Emails!used to their full oteal. thers la to get a couter i the ear future. IOnly either patrons case, who supply their email address to the library will receive the class really helsEasy the couter oice, roidicourtesyg nocesa , so if you are iterested i receiig these friedly reiders, ju-start for their Iteret eerieces.” lease be sure to gie us your eail address the et e you isit! lasses are beigConvenient offered at the reble outy District Library diistrao ce at . arroAnother t. located reason to give the library your email address: It is ery helful whe o the south sideHelpful of ato), ad the West leadriatros agie the library their eail address. With it, we ca sed you three rach located at 16 N. ai t., Tow all,noces West iflea- you hae oer due ites o your accout. With sail ail, atros dria. y adult, 18 years or older, is eligible receiefor free olytrai- oe oce. Note: We eer share your eail address. ig. FREE Adult Computer Training List of free oect hio lasses i reble outy class sieThe is Preble liited): County District Library and ot bg ud to t fu pot- eiste at the West lexadia iay, Sinclair reble Community outy District College Library (partners diistra o t ce p to gt omput y phe at 937-839-4915 in Connect2-day class) Ohio’s statewide Every t futu I t , Cien Onine (ECO roadand train t p t omput About Connect Ohio: ect hi, a ing project arch are 27happy & 28, to 212: announce 9 – 12 o,. podg jump-tt fo diisi ected a, is a - thategister they wi at e the providing Library diistrao FREE asic ce,t orItt by xp” pfit, techly-eutal pulic- computer training to aduts throughout piate pateship that wks with Classes are being offered at the Preble Preehoe County. at 937-6-2 telecmmuicas pides, usi- County istrict ibrary dministraon ess ad cmmuity leades, i- The free course is geared toward first Office at 450 S. Barron St. (located on ma techly cmpaies, e- me West computer leadria and nternet rach users.3-day class) the south side of Eaton), and the West seaches, pulic aecies, liaies ad Learn to set up and use emai, pay is lexandria Branch located at 16 N. ril 16, 18, & 2, 212: 9 – 11 . uiesies i a et t help exted or fie taxes onine, search for career Main St., Town Hall, West lexandria. adale hih-speed Iteet seice egisteropportunies, at the West shop leadria onine, increase library, or byny ho adult,e at 18 years or older, is eligible t eey hi husehld. F me educaon, get heath care informaon, for free training. 937-839-91 ima aut what ect hi and keep in touch with family and List of free Connect Ohio Classes in is di t acceleate techly i boutfriends oect using social hio: media. oect hio, a diisio of o- Preble County (class size is limited): his cmmuies, isit ected Nao, is a orofit, techology-eutral ublic- hp:www.cecthi. dmiista ce(-day class) riatemot artershi bfi fothat dut works wowith telecouicao s Mach 7 & 8, 01: 9 M – 1 M. roiders,w to busiess omput ad dcouity t It- leaders, iforao eiste at the iay dmiista techologyt,” said coaies, Herb Stachler, researchers, Sinclair’s ublic agecies, li- ce, y phe at 937-456-450 brariesProgram ad uiersies Manager. i a effort p- to hel eted afford-

ablept high-seed d Iteret omput serice to eery d hioWest hous Alexandriae- Branch (3-day class) Itt ot, but t pil 16, 18, & 0, 01: 9 M – 11 M.

 Library Admin. Office  450 S. Barron St. Eaton, OH 45320  (937) 456-4250 2 Library Inklings: Director’s Column Abby Noland, Library Director The at ach hsted a Willie Wka Family Fu iht i Feuay. iety-fie childe ad adults Welcome to our new Library Board Trustee aeded. Thee was cady tees, a chclate u- We wuld like t welcme e Gim as u ew Tustee tai, ames ad cas eeye t ty. May m at. Ms. Gim is a ace cmmuity meme. he wh came cmmeted that it was the est liay als sees the k Fesal ad. he is yeas aki ad fiacial say t he psi as well as a pam they had ee aeded wdeul sese hum.

Trends Thee ae a ew teds i liaies that ae ecmi ey ceale i liaies acss the cuty. e ted is the hue icease ad demad e-ks. This mth the cicula u e-ks i ele uty exceeded the physical checkuts thee u aches. We ly expect this ted t w. Ftuate- ly, yu liay is i a state csum which shaes all the e-k puchases. This ies us me aiety. ut a dze me hi iaies ied the csum this mth. This is a d state-wide shai ted.

t s d aal ted is the icease the i eads t liay mateials. d u ele uty istict iaies The kids the chclate utai ae excep. ut thee yeas a, we lst e 10,000 i "lst assumed" mateials. ast yea, we lst e 0,000. These ae mateials that sme pats hae checked ut ad ee etued.

u liay has had a cllec aecy i place uite sme me. This is hw we ece aut hal the mey mateials. wee, the liay mateials has iceased s damacally that, i de t ptect the iestmet yu made i yu liay y passi the ley, we hae ud it ecessay t limit the amut mateials that ae mst e t etued t us, such as s ad ide ames. We ae ey disheateed t take this step, ut we ealize that t d thi is t iite uthe ause.

The amut items pe cad will emai 50 at a me, hwee the ume types items withi that 50 will e limited as llws: When each limit is DVDs - 15 Books - 50 at Tees, dessed as mpa lmpas, helped reached items must be dui the pam. hilde’s iaia, Teesa Video Games - 2 Audio Books - 50 Play Away audio books - 5 Magazines - 50 returned before more eat, dessed up as Willie Wka Play Away Views - 5 CDs - 50 can be checked out.

ets hpe this ted chaes s.

Eaton Teens take advantage of the programs offered by the Preble County District Library’s Teen Services Department Chrisna ones

the Teen Librarian offers Kale Me, me hilde’s iay ssistat, weekly clubs and programs ceated the mpa mpa display usi pape for them to enjoy mâché. The sucke was ceated usi a all. 3 Mobile Library Catalog is pleased t auce the itduc- BookMyne , a smartphone app to allow on-the-go access to the library cata- log. BookMyne, available for both iPhone/ iPad and Android -based smart-phones, allows patrons to use their smartphone to Preble County Room Event: access their library accounts, renew mate- Genealogy 101 Workshop QR (Quick Response) Code rials, place holds, and search the catalog. Patrons can also use it to scan a book's ISBN barcode (e.g., when they're at a store) to see if PCDL owns ea eealy asics thuh iclai’s llee iel ea- the book, and then to even place a hold on it if we do! i pam Jyce Yu the ele uty Geealy ciety

will peset “Geealy 101: Yu Kw Whee Yu ‘Gees’ ame To install BookMyne for Android: hps// Fm?” The wkshp will e eed tw sepaate dates: atu- id=sirsidynix.bookmyne day, Mach 17 m 9:30am - 1 ad Wedesday, Mach 1 m 9:30am t 1 . th wkshps will e held at the ele To install BookMyne for iPhone, iPod touch, and iPad: uty istict iay dmi. ce lcated at 450 . a t., hp// at. The ee each class is 5.

Aer the BookMyne app is downloaded to the smartphone, eista is euied ad is pe ul the day the class. cpy follow the prompts to nd PCDL (it will give opons based on the eista m ca e ud the We: your locaon). All seven PCDL branches are listed. . pies the m ae als aailale at the ele uty m, 450 . a t., at. yu ca call View the video giving a quick tour of the app: iel eai at (937) 51-5184 (937) 51-37. hp// v=rDWzrw7ng&feature=player_embedded#! Night Owl Prowl. The ele uty m ta, the ele uty What is a QR Code It is a two-dimensional matrix barcode that Geealical ciety, ad the mmde ele hapte, is readable by smartphones with cameras. ae hs athe iht wl wl atuday, Mach 17 m 5-11 M. lease eiste y calli the m at 456-4970. Camden Library Thanks Camden Police Dept.

The amde liay wuld like t thak the amde lice epatmet the wdeul caie ce demsta- they eed at the amde iay. eye wh aeded leaed what a caie ce ca d ad hw they help keep u cmmuity sae.

ign up for courtesy lirary noces to your eail y giving your irarian your eail address ote: All eail addresses are condenal 4 Your library has its finger on the pulse of entertainment!

 According to , Steven Spielberg is set to start filming his next project, the biopic film Lincoln . The film will be based on the last four months of the life of our 16th president, Abraham Lincoln. Actor Daniel Day-Lewis is set to portray Lincoln. The film is based on the 2006 biography, Team of Rivals , by Doris Kearns Goodwin. The book is available Recent Theatrical Releases on DVD from your library in the following for- The Big year mats: book, eBook, and audio CD. Takers Carjacked  fans rejoice! The newest film is due out in early Cheaper to Keep Her November. Skyfall will star Daniel Craig as Bond, Judi Dench Psychic Experiment as M along with Ralph Fiennes, Albert Finney and Naomi Har- Blackthorn ris. Not much is being disclosed regarding the plot, but 30 Minutes or Less according to , the plot resolves around an Main Street old secret that threatens Bond’s loyalty to M. The Devil’s Double Mr. Nice James Bond 007 was, of course, created by author (and one-me Real Steel spy an lemn. he lbrary oers the follown Bond tles n The Whistleblower ebook format: Her Majesty’s Secret Service, , Love, Wedding, Marriage Goldfinger, From Russia with Love , and many more! Several au- Jury of Peers thors have connued the Bond leacy wth ther own books: Ice Quake Sebasan aulks wth Devil May Care , Jerey Deaver wth Carte Mob Wives Blanche , wth Double Shot and Zero Minus Ten , ombie pocalypse Redempon and John Gardner wth Cold Fall . n 2007, author Mtch Slver The mityville Haunng based hs debut novel, In Secret Service , on the real world of an Glee in Concert lemn filled wth “spes, love, passon and daner.” n 2006, rmed and Deadly author Charles Hson bean hs juvenle seres, . The Game Time library has the first two books: SilverFin and Blood Fever . Dream House Hugo

Available soon! Audio CDs War Horse Ficon Footloose Down the Darkest Road / Tami Hoag One for the Money Reader Kristen Poer Gideon’s Corpse / Douglas Preston & Lincoln Child Old Favorites Reader David W. Collins Gone with the Wind The Rider of Lost Creek / Louis L’mour Reader Jim Gough Children The Trail to Peach Meadow Canyon / Louis L’mour Stellaluna Reader Jim Gough Lady and the Tramp (DVD & Blu-Ray) Sixth Column / Robert . Heinlein Puss in Boots Reader Tom Weiner

Biographical Adventure Black Wave / John Silverwood n exhilarang real

-life adventure of one family’s extraordinary voy- age of self-discovery and survival against incredible odds. Reader Carrington McDu & Joe Barre. See what the future holds for many popular authors! 5 2012 Forecast Message: April n ncommon Educaon / Eliabeth Percer The library automacally purchases books by many popular authors. If you are interested in any of the tles listed here, May please request them at your library. The Road to Grace / Richard Paul Evans olds can be placed on any tle oered June from the library’s catalog. Search and Destroy / Tom Clancy Between You and Me / Emma McLaughlin & Nicole Kraus

July Thirteen / Kelley rmstrong (Women of the nderworld) Return to Willow Lake / Susan Wiggs (Lakeshore Chronicles) The Next Best Thing Novel / Jennifer Weiner August it out! Sweet Talk / Julie Garwood Caravan of Thieves / David Rich Sneaky Pie for President / Rita Mae Brown Slver Gult / Judth Cutler September A Lfe f Brght Ideas / Sadra Krg Winter of the World / Ken Folle (Book two of The Century Trilogy ) Redwd Bed / Rby Carr oo / James Paerson & Michael Ledwidge Wanted Man / Lee Child (Jack Reacher Novel) The Chese Jars / Wllam C. Grd: A noi ysty st in San Fancisco. October Gssp / Beth Guthe Peaches for Father Francis / Joanne Harris (author of Chocolat ) Mssg / Shelley Shepard gray The Woman Who Died Lot / Jasper Fforde (Thursday Next Novel) Free lec Cross / James Paterson The Great Gatsby / . S tgerald The Sins of the Mother / Danielle Steel Dasy’s Bak Tw / Rahel Gbs

November The Giving Quilt / Jennifer Chiaverini (Elm Creek Quilts) The Black Box / Michael Connelly The 5-atr Det / Harley Pasterak The Sanctuary / Ted Dekker Gu Dgest 2012 The Buard Table / Margaret Maron (Deborah Kno) Tta Tral / Cmpt The ew Mm / Da Csgl December The 9th Girl / Tami Hoag (Return of Sam Kovac and Nikki Liska)

An ncommon ducaon liabeth ercer For fans of Prep , Dead Poets Society , and Special Topics in Calamity Physics , an ele- gant and remarkably insighul coming-of-age debut, in which a young woman learns the limits of her power to save the people she loves with an underground Shakespeare Society at Wellesley at the heart of the novel.

The Secrets of Mary Bowser Lois Leveen Based on the true story of Mary Bowser, a freed slave who returns to Virginia to spy on the Confederates, [this] is the powerful story of a woman who must sacrifice her freedom to truly achieve it.

The Snow Child A Novel owyn Ivey Modern re-telling of the Russian fairy tale about a girl made from snow by a childless couple trying to survive a harsh laskan environment. Wonder of wonders, the snow child comes to life and the couple grows to love her. Is the girl real...or imagined?


Digging Gardening Mysteries Devereaux’s Dime Store Mystery ile ho o oiide / enise wanson: Mystis that fatu a gadning th is just Devereaux Sinlair is the happy ne oner of the th ct fo gng in th ood fo sping adorable old-fashioned shop in her small Missouri Autho Hath Wbb wits th Nina Quinn ton. But hen a revenge-raed op auses Dev of ysty sis. Nina Quinn is an Ohio landscap dsign who has murdering her ex’s fianée — and the murder eapon a pnchant fo soling uds. So fa th a si tls in th is found ith her fingerprints all over it — Dev’s store sis A Hoe Lot of Trouble, Trouble in Spades, Digging up Trou- and her life quikly turn from harmed to troubled. If ble, Trouble in Bloom, Weeding Out Trouble, and Trouble Under she doesn’t find the real killer soon this five-and- the Tree . Oth authos who ha pnnd gadning-thd dime oner ill be serving tenty-five to life. ystis includ Ji & Joyc Lan (Pggy L Gadning Mys- Summary from the author’s website: tis) Ann Riply (A Gadning Mysty fatuing Louis

Eldidg host of a tlision gadning show) and May Fan A Haunted Souvenir Mystery (A Gadning Mysty fatuing landscap Rachl O’Conno). Murder Buys a T-hirt / Christy Fifield: Glory Marne nfotunatly ths sis a closd (aning no nw tls ha has inherited her unle's Florida souvenir shop one bn addd to th sis fo uit so .) stued ith ollebles mementos of mes gone by- -and ghosts--ho like her ustomers refuse to let go Rcnt ystis that ha a gadning th includ autho of the past. But things take an even more unexpeted Paig Shlton’s Farmer’s Market mystery series and Sheila Connol- turn hen a loal football hero dies far too suddenly ly’s Apple Orchard mystery series. For more gardening-based mys- and suspiiously. No Glory has to unover the truth tery tles go online to before someone makes her history… New Gardening series due out in June!

The Azalea Assault : A Garden Soiety Mystery / Good Buy Girls Mystery Alyse Carlson: Roanoke Virginia is home to 50% Off Murder / Josie Belle: Maggie Gerber-one of some of the ountry’s most exquisite gardens the founding members of the Good Buy girls- loves and it’s Camellia Harris’s job to promote them. her quiet life in St. Stanley Virginia. But all that She’s goen the premier naonal magaine for hanges hen Sam Collins her old flame moves bak garden lovers to feature one of Roanoke’s most to ton as the ne sheri. On top of that Claire spetaular gardens—and orld-famous pho- Freemont a librarian and the neest member of the tographer Jean-Jaques George is going to shoot Good Buy Girls starts ang uerly strange. the spread. But hen Jean-Jaques turns up dead Cam disovers there’s no good ay to spin When Maggie goes to visit her the next day at the murder. Pub date: 6/12. On order . library she finds the body of a very dead man. Turns Psst! Next book: The Begonia Bribe (Pub date: 4/13) out the man is someone from Claire's past. As the handsome ne sheri eroes in on Claire it's up to Maggie and the rest of the Good Ne Mystery Series set in Amish Country Buy Girls to use their bargain-hunng skills to hunt a killer-hile mak- ing sure they don't pay …. FYI: Josie Belle is a pseudonym for author earse and Buggy: An Aish Mystery / aura Jenn MKinaly. Bradord: Claire Weatherly has fled her high-stress lifestyle for one ith a sloer pae in Amish oun- Mystery in the Islands Mystery try’s Heavenly Pennsylvania. She’s only planned Adri on t. John / ebea M. ale: No one knos on a short visit but instead finds herself opening beer than resort manager Pen Hofstra that the idea an Amish speialty shop Heavenly Treasures. of a tropial paradise is an illusion. So hen a young Claire loves her ne home and is sloly making oman named Hannah Sheridan disappears o the friends among the loals inluding Esther a young island of St. John she is not surprised that all is not Amish oman ho orks in the shop. When the hat it seems to be. Poinng out Hannah's resem- former oner of the store is murdered and the blane to the Amina Slave Priness from the 1733 man Esther is seet on beomes a suspet Claire feels ompelled slave revolt on St. John--hose ghost is rumored to to get involved. Also on the ase is nely returned Deteve Jakob haunt the island--the loal ommunity quikly lathes Fisher ho le Heavenly—and his Amish upbringing—as a teenag- on to the belief that her spirit is behind the sinking and the er. None of his former ommunity ill speak to him but Claire’s disappearane… onneons make her the perfet go-beteen as the to try to

ath a killer...Pub date: 6/12 On order . All are on order 7

Available from publishers in March - ee a le ou lie eues i a our librar

Auhor Tile eries or FYI #  Amanda Stevens author of the exellent paranormal Graveyard Queen mystery series is slated to release Josi . Kilpack Banana plit Culinary 7 books to and three in quik suession. The King- Jenn McKinlay Due or Die ibrary over’s 2 dom will be released in late March and The Prophet in ril he wrin is t-ntch and the raveyard da Madison The Probability of Murder ophie Knowles 2 theme shuld interest anyne with an interest in the heila Connolly Fire Enine Dead Museum Mystery 3 sirit wrld - and raveyard lre

arah eel et Them Eat take Vampire Chef 2  lan radley authr the wildly antasc lavia e eann weeney The Cat, the Wife & the Weapon Cats in Trouble 4 Luce mysteries is hard at wrk n the next bks in the series ccrdin t the authr’s website the Elizabeth Bailey The Deathly Portent ady Fan Mystery 2 tle the h bk will be eed o nit and the tle the sixth bk will be The Dead in Their Carolyn art Death Comes ilently ardcover Death on Demand 22 Valted rches (2014) 10 bks verall are lanned Joanne Fluke Cinnamon Roll Murder annah wenson 16 in the series P.S. nther tle is an arund the internet r the sixth bk ( The Nasty Light of Day ), manda ee The on tch ood Niht Embroidery Mystery 4 , usan Wi lbert Cat's Claw Pecan prins 20 The Dead in their Vaulted Arches

aura Childs ony of the eaves Tea hop Mystery 13  I j c Ud haron Pape ketch a Fallin tar Portrait of Crime 3 , d d A L-W d A Lack of Temperance , nne Canadeo Till Death Do Us Purl Black heep Knin 4 fi Have Typewriter Will Travel c Judi McCoy Fashion Faux Paw Do Walker Mystery 6 c d ee ollis Death of a Kitchen Diva Food & Cocktail 1 Ac c c d cc d c d- .. McKeve Buried in Buercream avannah Reid 17 d c, Jess ourey November unt Murder-by-Month 7 C.J. Box Force of Nature Joe Picke 12 ave he paence of a sain ea on for he line-up of Jane K. Cleland Dolled Up for Murder ardcover nues Mystery 7 Coz Mseries coming ou laer his ear

Jul Available from publishers in April - ee a le ou lie eues i a our librar  The Wurst is Yet to Come / Mary Daheim Mararet race Mix-Up in Miniature Miniature Mystery 6 (Bed-n-Breakfast)  In a Witch’s Wardrobe/ Juliet Blackwell inda O. Johnston ounds bound Pet Rescue Mystery 3 (Witchcra)  Carol iins Clark ypped Reaan Reilly 15 Murder on the alf hell / orna Barre (Booktown) Clea imon Cats Can’t hoot Pru Marlowe 2  ethal Outlook / Victoria aurie (Psychic Eye) Elizabeth ynn Casey Reap What You ew outhern ewin Circle 6  Plon at the PT / aura lden Rita Mae Brown The Bi Cat Nap: 20th nniversary Mrs. Murphy Mystery 20 (Beth Kennedy)  Death of a choolirl / Joanna Campbell-lan Jessica Beck Drop Dead Chocolate Donut hop Mystery 7 (Jane Eyre Chronicles)  Chris Cavender Rest in Pizza Pizza overs Mystery 4 Red Velvet Revene / Jennifer McKinlay (Cupcake Bakery) Nancy therton unt Dimity and the Villae Witch unt Dimity Mystery 17  Beef tolen-Off /iz ipperman (Clueless Cook)

December  nd Then You Dye / Monica Ferris (Crewel World Needlework)  take and Es / aura Child (Cackleberry Mystery) 8

Steampunk Women ’s Fiction

2012 will see a multude of steampunk romance tles comin from The Gilly Salt Sisters / Tiffany Baker: In the isolated Cape Cod vil- publishers. What exactly is steampunk The best denion I’ve seen lage of Prospect, the Gilly sisters are as different as can be. Jo, a came from the key sellin points of the book “The Janus ffair” found fierce and quiet loner, is devoted to the mysteries of her family's in one of arpercollins catalos. ccordin to the publisher, steam- salt farm, hile Claire is popular, prey, and yearns to ee the salt punk is a type of sub-enre con that “...combines a re-imained at any cost. But the Gilly land hides a dark legacy that proves im- history, oen of the Victorian era, with heihtened technoloies nev- possible to escape. Although the community half-suspects the Gilly er seen in the steam power ae.” Think .. Wells’ Time Machine or sisters might be itches, it doesn't stop Whit Turner, the ton's ealthiest bachelor, from forcing his ay into their lives. It's Jo ho Jules Verne’s 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea as examples. first steals Whit's heart, but it is Claire--heartbroken over her high

school seetheart--ho marries him. Many books from the steampunk sub-enre are fantasc adventure stories that contain futurisc innovaons as imained throuh the Years later, estranged from her family, Claire finds herself thrust eyes of Victorian era inventors – technoloies and invenons pow- back onto the farm ith the last person she ould have chosen: ered by steam, sprins, cos and ears (clockworks), and air. lthouh her husband's pregnant mistress. Suddenly, alliances change, old most steampunk does take place durin the Victorian era, many au- loves return, and ne bale lines are dran. What the Gilly sisters thors have expanded the enre’s horizons to include the merican learn about each other, the land around them, and the poer of wild west and even fantasy worlds. In fact, because steampunk novels the salt, ill not only change each of their lives forever, it ill also are anachronisc in nature (meanin that they contain a chronoloical alter Gilly history for good. inconsistency of some kind), the sky is the limit where me and Imperfect Bliss / Susan False-Hill: Meet the Harcourts of Chevy sen are concerned. Chase, Maryland. A respectable middle class, middle-aged, mixed- uggese reaing - jus o ge ou sare race couple, Harold and Forsythia have four eminently marriage-

 able daughters...Forsythia named her girls aer Windsor royals in eelhans (avemercy series, #4) / Jaida Jones & Danielle the hopes that one day each ould find her true prince. But princes Benne. Previous: Havemercy, Shadow Magic , & Dragon Soul . are far from the mind of their second-born daughter, Elizabeth All are available through MORE. AA Bliss, ho, in the aermath of a messy divorce, has moved  Heart of Brass: A Novel of the Clockwork Agents, #1 / Kate Cross back home and thron herself into earning her Ph.D. All that ub ate /1. coing tle in the series A Touch of Steel changes hen a -style reality television show called (12/12) FYI: Kate Cross also writes as Kathryn Smith and Kady T Vigin takes Bliss’s younger sister, Diana, as its star. Though she Cross. ghts it at rst, Bliss can’t hel ut e drawn into the roanc dra-  le arao series y ail Carrier Souless, Changeless, a that ensues forcing her to reconsider everything she thought Blameless, Heartless , & Timeless . she knew aout love, her faily, and herself.  : Phaeton Black, Paranormal In- Ten Girls to Watch / Charity Shumway: funny and uliing deut eator llan tone . ame Bon meet herlock novel aout stuling through the early years of adulthood while Holm-tyle paranormal teampunk trloy”. 889 Vctoran taking (or not taking) the advice of woen who've gone efore Enlan. Next: The Moonstone and Miss Jones ( 0 N: you. ere rom ennton eroca lne pulhe uner the Braa

Imprnt. The Thirteen / Susie Moloney: Dspt Huswivs eets T  ixRisig: A Mntry o Pecular Occurrence Pp Wits f Estwik in this novel aout a woan who returns with Ballanne. Earan teampunk ere. pcomn: The Janus her teenage daughter to her childhood hoe, not knowing that Affair 59. she's steed ack into a counity run y a grou of witches . Arrr All are on order

gAsssggsriss irri:  Inernal Dece ere y Caanra Clare: Clockwork Angel & Clockwork Prince  The teampunk Chroncle y ay Cro: The Girl in the Steel Corset an The Girl in the Clockwork Collar (coming in May)  iaan i y co Leviathan, Behemoth, &

Goliath  Corsets and Clockwork / Trisha Telep  Fever Crumb Series by Philip Reeve: Fever Crumb & Web of Air 9 Sally Sin Returns in May: eBook Format Only Wife Mother Spy Romance Forecast: 2012 See authors or tles you lie Sally Sin nternaonal Mom o Mystery / eth McMullen: Lucy Hailton Request them at your library! would like to forget that she ever was gent 26 of the USWMD May (United States gency for Weaons of Mass Destrucon), known to a select ll Sell Breaks Loose/ Lisa Shearin (Raine Benares, #6) few as Sally Sin. She has seled into suuran life with an adorale, unre- dictale, ve year-old son, and a loving husand, and now she has her hands June full thinking aout where Theo will go for kindergarten. Blackhearted Betrayal / Kasey Mackenzie (Shades of Fury, 3) The Line Between Here and Gone / ndrea Kane But when Director Gray of the USWMD is taken hostage, Lucy is once again called ack into acon. What Lucy does not know is why Gray's cators de- July and her involveent—is it to sele an old score that egan years ago on a The Wedding Party / Royn Carr reote ountain in Kathandu? In an adventure with lenty of twists and Big Sky Mountain / Linda Lael Miller turns told with her tradeark sass and huor, Lucy reunites with her old ll Suer Long / Susan Mallery neesis, the (devastangly) handsoe illegal ars dealer Ian Blackford, and That Thing Called Love / Susan ndersen Sion Sll, her old oss at the agency who has a agrant disregard for her Persuasion / Brenda Joyce new life. Fire Kissed: The Shadow Kissed Series / Erin Kellison Teng Fortune / Jo Beverley s she juggles arent-teacher conferences, covert interrogaons, and a very Dead Ringer / Mary Barton oorly ed ysterious out of stoach troules, Lucy also discovers hid- den secrets fro a forgoen childhood that ake her resent struggle to August save herself, her faily, and the world all the ore eaningful. Nowhere to Run / Nancy Bush eoo Release date: 5/29/12 My Valiant Knight / Hannah Howell Dying Screa / Mary Barton

March & April Romance October The Perfect Hoe / Nora Roerts (Inn Boonsoro, #3)

March My Lord Vaire / lexandra Ivy (1st in trilogy) Perfect on Paer / Janet Goss Book Buzz Catch of the Day / Kristan Higgins nsider Publishing News Rainshadow Road / Lisa Kleyas gainst the Night / Kat Marn  News from publisher Hyperion Books: Food Net- By a Thread / Jennifer Este (Eleental ssassin, 6) work star and lifestyle expert Sandra Lee has The Surrender of Miss Fairourne / Madeline Hunter signed a deal with Hyperion Books and Disney Wicked Edge / Nina Bangs nterae edia roup to write two noels - Now or Never / Michele Bardsley (Wizards of Neverore) her rst foray into the on realm he rst Born to Darkness / Suzanne Brockann (1st in a new series) book will be published in the summer of 2012 The Cowoy Takes a Bride / Lori Wilde and the seond in the summer of 2013 he books will be loosely based on food haraters April and will inlude reipes Deeloping… The le Orchard / Susan Wiggs  Aording to her publisher, Adriana Trigiani will Under a Vaire Moon / Lynsay Sands diret the big sreen ersion of her rst noel, Crystal Gardens (Ladies of Lantern Street) / anda Quick “Big Stone ap” Posted on her Faebook page is Sunrise Point / Royn Carr the following: “ am asng the moie now Plan The Garden of Hay Endings / Barara O’Neal to lm later this summer and during early fall” Sierra Falls / Veronica Wolff Sounds promising! Deeloping… Just Down the Road / Jodi Thoas Elizabeth Lowell will be publishing Mr. Darcy Forever / Victoria Connelly  her rst book in two years Perfect Stor / Lori Foster Scrific will be out in late ay of The Seducon of Lady / Julie London (Secrets of Hadley Green, 3) 2012 Much do out Rogues / Kasey Michaels Turn in the Road / Deie Macoer  homas Kinkade and Katherine

Deadly is the Kiss / Rhyanna Byrd Spener will introdue a new series In the Flesh / Pora Da Costa (the Ladies Sewing Circle) in ay alled Angel Island bki The Inn at Angel Island 10

American Sniper: The Autobiography o the Upcoming From Publishers Most Lethal Sniper in U.S. Military History / Chris Kyle: HddAc Advent / James Treadwell: ,cddbud f, Advent dcbwcw ddbNSEALb... wd,dw--dEbdc uc. Pub Date: 7/12 On Order 19992009,U.S.NSEALCK

A Land More Kind Than Home / Wiley Cash : Az cddckUd bubdbwwbd S.TPffic- fcNCw,udbu cd150fKk( cfJHdTk.Td- uAccdw109),bu dcc-J;AddL,wdwf dcdfubfbk.Iq dccc;dCBd,ffw ufdKucd-S(d) wfu.Tufcu- dcdbud. fcfcudwfc dku. 3/28 On Order KddufwSEAL,M,d U.S.Ad,wcdwddccucf 15 Seconds / Andrew Gross Rw:“Awkuck-u- d.dufb,K- -d.Ejdckuf.”-HCb fuccufdbdck Pubd:7/12 fwf. Winter o the World / Ken olle (Bk2TCuT) ATwdcdduw Pubd:9/12 f,Kwcdd-bcdj N.A9/11,wuff Caravan o Thieves / David Rich (Afuc) T,dfudcwd-cw- PubD:8/12 fdbud.Hcdd-cd2,100-dk udBdd;uj,Kbdcu ufMd;Rd,ddw uwccb.Kkbu fw—fwcbdcc dfwcfd.

Book Buzz: Inside Publishing News

Just in...Action Thrillers & Westerns  Au David Lyons wc uM. Ice Fire will introduce readers to U.S. District Agent 6 / Tom Rob Smith: Three decades. Two murders. One Federal Judge Jock Boucher. The judge goes rogue when conspiracy. Who is Agent 6? he decides to take jusce into his own hands.  If you enjoyed the movie True Grit and would like to learn EVE: Templar One / Tony Gonzales (Eve series, Bk 2) Based on more about the real Rooster Cogburn, Kensington Books the popular EVE online video game. will be releasing his autobiograhy wrien by his great-great

grandson, Bre Cogburn. Rooster: The Life and Time of the Real Covenant / Dean Crawford: It’s the biggest discovery in histo- Rooster Cogburn, the Man Who Inspired True Grit will be coming ry...but there are some things Man was never meant to know. out in Setember. When archaeologist Lucy Morgan uncovers a seven-thousand-  Tom Clancy (along with co-author, Peter Tele) will be unveiling year-old tomb holding remains alien to our world, she realizes another military thriller when Search and Destroy hits the stands in she has stumbled upon something important--something with June. the potenal to rewrite history.  ichael Connelly will connue his arry Bosch mystery series The ast Gnghter series onnes when the second book, The Black Ice , is ublished in November. Montana Gndown / William W Johnstone: Frank Morgan is  According to his website, Nelson Deille will release The Panther , the last of his kind--unl he confronts a young gun who shares another John Corey/Kate ayfield book in October. his name, skill, and maybe even his blood. . .Like Father. Like Son. Like Hell.

MaCallister: The Killing / William W Johnstone 11

EFEENCE DATABASES Nonfiction Trn to PCD’s SEARCHABE DATABASES! The World of Downton Abbey: The Serets and History SPOTIGHT: Unloked / Jessia ellows: A lavish look at the real world--both the secret history and the behind-the- scenes drama--of the spellbinding Emmy Award-winning Masterpiece TV series Downton Abbey.

Got a paper due? Try the Student esearch Center! Students The library also offers seasons & 2 of can search by topic such as: Arts & Media, English/Language Downton Abbey, the TV series on DVD! Arts, Business, Careers, Health, History, Math, Science, Social Studies, Sports, and Technology.  The Job Search Soluon: The lmate System for Finding a Great Job Need to search a parcular resource? Student esearch Now / Tony Beshara Center allows user to search magazines, newspapers, books  5 Best Jobs for Your Skills / Laurence Shatkin and encyclopedias, biographies, radio and TV news tran-  Volunteer Vacaons / Bill McMillon, et al scripts, country, state, province reports, primary source doc- uments, maps and flags.  The 6 Husbands Every Wife Should Have / Steven Cray

 Basic Fishing /: A Beginner’s Guide / Wade Bourne Whatever your assignment,  Steve Jobs Thinking Differently / atricia Lakin Student Research Center’s gotcha covered!  Going : The Extraordinary ise and Surprising Appeal of Living Alone / Ginger Wadsworth Aess it!

hp://wwwpdllibohs Referene Desk Stdent Researh Center Just In! Biography

Paper Dollhose: A Memoir / Lisa M. Masterson (Co-Host of the Emmy Award winning TV show The Doctors)

irst Girl Sot: The ife of Jliee Gordon ow / Ginger Wadsworth: Just in me for the th anniversary of the Girl Scouts in 22, a lavishly illus- trated account of the fascinang life of the woman who started it all.

I Got This: How I Changed My Ways and ost What Weighed Me Down / Jennifer Hudson:

My Rssian Grandmother and Her Vam Cleaner: A family Memoir / Meir Shalev: Here we meet Shalev’s amazing Grandma Tonia, who arrived in alesne by boat from ussia in 2 and lived in a constant state of bale with what she viewed as the family’s biggest enemy in their new land: dirt.

Biography Forecast:

k or Something ike It / Kenny ogers: As a singer-songwriter, Kenny ogers has won hundreds of awards and charted more than 2 hit singles, but beyond his busy marital life (five marriages) and his Kenny ogers oasters eateries, most of us lile about this surprisingly recent man. This memoir changes that. ub date: /2 12 Your library keeps your changing needs in mind

An interace progra Reminders…

for nursing hoe We Care: A Caregiver’s Support residents Group meets the first Monday of every month at 2 PM at the Sen- ior Center in Eaton. The programs last 1–1-½ hours. The progra for March will be “Pot of Gold”. The progra for The Senior Center will provide FREE handicapped acces- April will be “The State of Maryland”. sile transportaon. Call the Senior Center one wee efore the meeng to schedule transportaon - eyond ooks is ade possible through kind donaons 97). We Care is sponsored by the Preble County Coun- fro our counity. To donate, please contact cil on Aging, Preble County District Library, Heartland, Marlene Ressler at 456-4376. Vancrest, Greenbriar, and Crossroads. Schedule: All Programs & events begin at 2PM inshi onnecon eets the 2nd riday of eery April 2: Power of Music

onth at 10 AM at the Senior Center in Eaton -- or ore inforaon, contact utreach Coordina- 800 E. St. Clair St. If you, or soeone you know, is tor Marlene Ressler, PCDL at 456-4376 or Juanita Moore, Preble County Council n Aging at in the posion of raising soeone elses children, 456-4947. PLEASE gie this uniue, suppore group a try.

Large Print Titles

 Springe in the Spirit The Great ar series Maureen Lang

 So Target Stephen Hunter

 Skeleton Leers Laura Childs

 A Mortal Terror: A illy oyle orld ar II Mystery Jaes R. enn

 The ounded Heart: An Aish uilt oel Adina Sen

 Thread Reckoning: An Ebroidery Mystery Aanda Lee

 Life Studies ancy Goer Gates

 The lack Moth Georgee Heyer

 True lue Diana Paler

 The Deils Elixir Rayond Khoury

 Helltown Massacre: The aily Jensen illia . Johnstone

 Crucixion Rier Marcia Muller ill Pronini husbandwife wring tea - rst collaboraon

 The Coforts of Hoe Jodi Thoas

 All for ne Melody Carlson The our Lindas

 eside Sll aters Tricia Goyer A ig Sky oel

 Proise of Yesterday S. Dionne Moore

 Reclaiing Lily Pa Lacy

All e-Readers can be set to LARGE PRIT o ore waing for your faorite books to coe out in large print 13

New Paris and West Alexandria ew Paris Branch est Alexandria Branch N Barbara Dungan, Branch Librarian W Michelle Laughlin, Branch Librarian

The est Alexandria Library always has soething fun going on. Here is a look at what is The ew Paris Library is currently haing a happening in March and April. e sure to also look on our website or our acebook page “Teen Tuesday” and “Tween ight” on “est Alexandria ranch Library of the Preble County District Library.” Tuesday eenings at 5:00. These are ii gaing nights and hae been well aend- Monthl Programs ed. rochet/nit Grou: Proble with a project? ant to learn soething new? eed soe new paern ideas? r just want to chat about a hobby you enjoy? Visit the library the 1st ur K-4 Storyes are on ednesday and 3rd Monday of each onth at 6 p and join a group of fellow crocheters and kniers. aernoons at 4:30. Miss Lisa reads to the Adult Reading Program: Loe to read? Loe to enter drawings? Siply check out and read children and proides the with niy cras any library book, ll out an entry for for each book and you could win our onthly prie. and art projects to create. It usually lasts 30 inner is drawn at the end of closing on the last day of the onth. -45 inutes. riends o the ibrar Meengs: The second Tuesday of each onth at 6 p. Pre-K Story e for 3-5 year olds is cur- March Programs rently held on riday Mornings at 11:00 ra aset Giveaa: In celebraon of aonal Cra Month we will be giing away a bas- a.. ur focus is on early learning. ork- ket lled with cra ites. Siply isit the est Alexandria Library any e during March ing colors and counng into the reading and check out an ite to receie your entry. e with stories, songs nger plays. This St Patric’s Da : Saturday March 17th - Visit the library wearing green and receie a treat. progra usually lasts 20-30 Hint: Taste the rainbow inutes….depending on the “suiries” American hocolate Da : Monday March 19th - In celebraon of Aerican Chocolate Day we will be passing out snack sie Hershey candy bars to eeryone who isits. In March we celebrated Pencil Da : riday March 30th - This day in history the “Pencil with an eraser” was patented Dr. Seuss beginning in 1858 Visit the library and receie a free pencil. with a birthday party. Aril Programs

aonal aramel Pocorn Da : Saturday April 7th – Visit the library and receie a sall bag

of hoeade carael popcorn. Secials Das: aonal ibrar ee: “You elong @ Your Library”, April 9th – 14th  In ebruary we celebrated Valennes ibrar riends ae Sale: Monday, April 9th Day by aking “hoopie”pies. Oen House: Tuesday, April 10th –  In March, for St Patricks Day , we Mae our on oomars: ednesday, April 11th offered our patrons “Potato Candy” Scrabble Da: riday, April 13th  n March 27, there will be an “Angry “I S” at the librar: Saturday April 14th irds Progra” for grades 4th -12th aonal Animal racers Da : ednesday April 18th – Visit the library to get your tasty riends of the ew Paris Library eet on anial cracker treat. the second Tuesday of the onth @ 7:00. Mr Potato Head Da : Monday April 30th - Visit the library and try your hand at aking a They hae helped the library with undrais- paper Mr. Potato Head to be displayed on the circulaon desk. Also enter for a chance to ers and purchasing aterials and euip- win your own Mr. Potato Head. ent for the library. e would loe to hae you as one of our riends

or more inormaon regarding librar rograms & events lease see our monthl Program alendar cdllibohus 14 Stories of Love and Faith

Just In! The Scent of Cherry Blossoms / Cindy Woodsmall Inspirational Audio Books on CD onfall / Terri Blacstoc n nterenon oel By the Light of the Silery Moon / Tricia Goyer Sarai / Jill Eileen Smith Wies of Patriarchs Treasury of Miracles for Women / Karen Kingsbury The Messenger / Siri Mitchell Reader: Melissa Hurst Song of My Heart / Kim Vogel Sayer Sunday Morning in Plains: Bringing Peace to a Changing World / To Loe and to Cherish / Kelly rin Jimmy Carter Reader Lonestar ngel / Colleen Coble Lonestar, 4 Water’s Edge / Robert Whitlo Wedding Blunder in the Blac Hills / Kim O’Brien House of Secrets / Traci Peterson Reader: Morgan Halle

To hae and to Hold / Traci Peterson Reader: Ka orbes Whisper of Peace / Kim Vogel Sayer Reader: Chrisna Moore Valley of reams / Lauraine Snelling Wild West Wind, B 1 Reader: Sna ielsen eeper Water / Robert Whhitlo Reader: Suzy Jacson

Spring/Summer Forecast 2012 Love Inspired Aprl Lgg fr Hme / Kathryn Springer Mirror Lae: t seems The Surrender / Gilbert Morris lie the perfect soluon: hotel mogul le Porter ill man Lady nne’s Quest / Susan Page ais Prairie reams age his sister's smallton bedandbreafast hile she hon eymoons. But he gets more than he bargained for hen he finds himself clashing ith feisty café oner Kate ichols. Jue Sip Roc Shallos / Jan Watson allg fr the rema / llie Pleiter The Scarle Thread / rancine Riers The Cwby Tutr / Linda ord Historical The Midife’s Legacy nthology / Rhonda Gibson, et al Yesterday’s Stardust / Becy Melby

July Bees in the Buery Garden / Maureen Lang /1 When Hope Blossoms / Kim Vogel Sayer /1

15 Kitchen & More

Cook Books & More Gardening & More Small is Bounful: Geng More Crops from Your Pots / Liz obbs Ho to Gro More Vegetables / John Jeaons Cook Books Eeryday Garden Soluons Taste of Home Baing Gardening Shortcuts eliciously Gree / Elizabeth Hasselbec The Essenal Guide to Herbs / Lesley Bremness Cupcaes, Cooies and Pies, Oh, My! / Karen Tac Gro ruit aturally / Lee Reich Bean By Bean / Crescent ragonagon Beauful oMo Yards / Eelyn J. Hadden Taste of Home Busy amily aorites The Pete dantage iet / Jim Karas The Wholesome Baby ood Guide / Maggie Meade Teas Eats / Robb Walsh Med t eer rs M. ah: ont Hello, JellO / Victoria Belanger hide that patch, mae it a bold, beauful Chloe’s Kitchen / Chloe Coscarelli ood etor Cupcae Wars inner embellishment! Repair holes ith bright Savings thread and a creae darning stch re ie a stained shirt ith fun embroidery! ia on a ime / Jenn Brennan n Mend t Beer, popular cra blogger The $1 Challenge / iona Lippey Krisn M. Roach puts a ne spin on Joyful Momma’s Guide to Shopping & Cooing rugally / Kimberly Eddy mending by adapng tradional tech Saing Say: Smart and Easy Ways to Cut Your Standard of Liing and niues for todays cray seers. Giing / Kelly Hancoc

Crochet Your Heart Out g t uue p ur Heels Pars f Crhet Slppers: eaturing creae paerns for people of all ages and feet of all sizes, this proect collecon is a faorite among crocheters. esigned for men and omen,

paern sizes range from a child's small to a men's etra large and are made ith orsted eight yarn. Paerns include coboy boots, house slippers, hightop sneaers, tennis socs, or boots, trac shoes, Mary Janes, and si boots.

Cute Crhet fr Grls: Desgs Szes 2

Tddler t 6 wth Aessres Lsa asret Website in the Spotlight: Sweet aby Dresses Crhet Lsa Dva’s a Dme: Where rugal Meets abulus asret www.dvasadme.m Tps yu’ll d: d, u, rugal, & Dva TV (Vde hw-t) All are rder! 16

Chrsa Jes Coing Back Stronger: A Meoir / Drew Brees: In Tee Lbrara the aermath o one o the most devastang natu- ral disasters in U.S. history, the city o new Orleans lot of ecing things happened in January and needed a hero. er urricane atrina ravaged the ebruary for PCL—Teen Serices. The Eaton Branch hosted a lie Gul Coast in 2005, the residents o New Orleans acon Agry rds Prgram . Teens craed Pom Poms that looed desperately needed something-anything-to believe in. nd aer being told he might never play ootball lie ngry Birds and Teens too their chance at the lieacon game again due to a horrific shoulder injury, quarterback slingshot style. Points ere gien for ho many boes ere noced Drew Brees needed a team that believed he could don and prizes ere aarded! sll playand win. What happened net is nothing short o provi- denal. n ebruary, the Teen Logo rt Contest for The Hunger Gaes Coanion / Lois H. Gresh: Go Whimsical Ink ended and James Mitchel, an deeper into the post-apocalypc world created by atn een, n the i cad t al-Mat Suzanne Collins than you ever thought possible—an f his desin. Oveall, Peble Cunty eens alternave uture where boys and girls are chosen enteed ith a ttal f 8 desins. een Sevices rom twelve districts to compete in “The unger Games,” a televised fight-to-the-death. When si- is sll tain submissins f the Whimsical Ink , teen-year-old atniss learns that her lile sister has the een nline ts and iteay maaine, unl been chosen, at steps up to fight in her place—and pil 16, 01. e have eceived eveythin fm sht sties t the games begin. This unauthorized guide takes the ne at submissins. S eens eep submin reader behind the stage.

celebate the mvie adapn f the een b The Hunger What Teens are Reading: Games by Suanne Cllins (cmin t theates Mach 3 d ) the atn  Cirque Du Freak Manga Series Vol. 1-11 by Darren Shan anch is hsn a Hunger Games Party . Come compete with other  Why We Broke Up by Daniel andler Teens to test your archery skills, survival knowledge, and take part in  Vampire cademy the Ulmate Guide by Michelle owen the Cornucopia Challenge. Hunger Games themed snacks will be  served and you can also make your own mini bow and arrow. Prizes The Fault in Our Stars by John Green will be awarded to those who survive with the most points!  The lchemy o Forever by very Williams  Dark Inside by Jeyn oberts Preble Teens Grades 6-12, celebrate Teen Tech Week March 4-10.  Illuminated by Erica Orloff Geek Out @ Your Library all month long by taking part in our Picnik  Jason and the rgonauts by Dan Whitehead compeon. is a ree photo eding website and we want to see some un, altered photos o PCDL Branch Libraries. See the Teen FB or watch your branch picture screen or more ino. Entries are due March 31st! There will be 3 prize categories: 1st Place=$30, 2nd Place=$15, 3rd Place=$10. Winners will receive Wal- Mart gi cards. Steaunk Gear, Gadgets and Gizos: enon! TweensTeens Grades 4-12 @ the New Pairs Branch! The A Makers Guide to Creang Modern Ar- Angry Birds live-acon rogra is coming on March 27 th @ 6 p.m. facts/ Thoas Willeford: Unleash Your Prizes include ngry Birds posters and puzzle erasers. Inner Mechanical Mastermind. Welcome to the wondrous world o Thomas Willeord, enon! TweensTeens Grades 4-12 @ the West Manchester aka Lord rchibald "Feathers" Featherstone, in which he shares his Branch! n Angry Birds Lock-In will be held at the library aer hours closely guarded secrets o Steampunkery. Filled with do-it-yoursel especially or you on pril 2, 2012 rom 5:30 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. Be sure to get your permission slip rom your Branch Librarian. ll projects, Steampunk Gear, Gadgets, and Gizmos: Maker's Guide to Teens must have a signed permission slip returned to the library in Creang Modern racts shows you how to build equisite, ingen- order to aend. There will be pizza! ious contrapons on a budget.

Publicaon created by Cheryl Richter, 1 ll boo synopsis’ taen from the product summary unless otherise noted. Send your email address to to get on the Library n Eesleer email distribuon list.