Reviews in Economic Geology, Vol. 15 Banded Iron Formation-Related High-Grade Iron Ore S
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REVieWS IN EConomiC Geology Volume 15 BANDED IRON FORMATION-RELATED HIGH-GRADE IRON ORE Editors S. Hagemann, C. Rosière, J. Gutzmer, and N.J. Beukes SOCIETY OF ECONOMIC GEOLOGISTS, INC. Society of Economic Geologists, Inc. Reviews in Economic Geology, Vol. 15 Banded Iron Formation-Related High-Grade Iron Ore S. Hagemann, C. Rosière, J. Gutzmer, and N.J. Beukes, Editors Additional copies of this publication can be obtained from Society of Economic Geologists, Inc. 7811 Shaffer Parkway Littleton, CO 80127 ISBN: 978-1-629495-73-6 Review15 FrtMatter 6/11/08 7:40 AM Page iii SPONSORS The Society of Economic Geologists Publications Board thanks the following sponsors for their generous financial support of this volume. TIER 1 RIO TINTO EXPLORATION Rio Tinto Exploration Pty. Ltd. Companhia Vale do Rio Doce (Vale) TIER 2 Kumba Iron Ore ASSMANG TIER 3 Centre for Exploration Targeting (CET), Paleoproterozoic Mineralization University of Western Australia Research Group (PPM Group), University of Johannesburg Review15 FrtMatter 6/11/08 7:40 AM Page v CONTENTS Sponsors iii Author Biographies vii Introduction: Banded Iron Formation-Related High-Grade Iron Ore Steffen Hagemann, Carlos Rosière, Jens Gutzmer, and Nicolas J. Beukes 1 Part I — Origin of Banded Iron Formations Chapter 1: Origin and Paleoenvironmental Significance of Major Iron Formations at the Archean-Paleoproterozoic Boundary Nicolas J. Beukes and Jens Gutzmer 5 Part II — Constraints on the Genesis of Banded Iron Formation-Related High-Grade Iron Ore Mineral Systems Chapter 2: Origin and Timing of Banded Iron Formation-Hosted High-Grade Hard Hematite Deposits—A Paleomagnetic Approach M. O. de Kock, D. A. D. Evans, J. Gutzmer, N. J. Beukes, and H. C. Dorland 49 Chapter 3: Structural Controls on High-Grade Iron Ores Hosted by Banded Iron Formation: A Global Perspective Hilke J. Dalstra and Carlos A. Rosière 73 Chapter 4: Hypogene Alteration Associated with High-Grade Banded Iron Formation-Related Iron Ore Lydia Maria Lobato, Rosaline Cristina Figueiredo e Silva, Steffen Hagemann, Warren Thorne, and Má rcia Zucchetti 107 Chapter 5: Mineralogical and Microchemical Methods for the Characterization of High-Grade Banded Iron Formation-Derived Iron Ore Erick Ramanaidou, Martin Wells, David Belton, Michael Verrall, and Chris Ryan 129 Chapter 6: The Geochemistry of Banded Iron Formation-Hosted High-Grade Hematite-Martite Iron Ores J. Gutzmer, Benny C. Chisonga, Nicolas J. Beukes, and Joydip Mukhopadhyay 157 Chapter 7: Application of Numerical Modeling to Extension, Heat, and Fluid Flow in the Genesis of Giant Banded Iron Formation-Hosted Hematite Ore Deposits John G. McLellan and Nicholas H. S. Oliver 185 Part III — Regional Studies of Iron Ore Provinces and Deposits Chapter 8: Banded Iron Formation-Related Iron Ore Deposits of the Hamersley Province, Western Australia Warren Thorne, Steffen Hagemann, Adam Webb, and John Clout 197 v Review15 FrtMatter 6/11/08 7:40 AM Page vi Chapter 9: The Itabirites of the Quadrilátero Ferrífero and Related High-Grade Iron Ore Deposits: An Overview Carlos A. Rosière, Carlos A. Spier, Francisco Javier Rios, and Viktor E. Suckau 223 Chapter 10: A Hydrothermal Origin for the Jaspilite-Hosted, Giant Serra Norte Iron Ore Deposits in the Carajás Mineral Province, Pará State, Brazil Rosaline Figueiredo e Silva, Lydia Maria Lobato, Carlos Alberto Rosière, Steffen Hagemann, Márcia Zucchetti, Franciscus Jacobus Baars, Roberta Morais, and Ivan Andrade 255 Chapter 11: Geology and Genesis of the Major Banded Iron Formation-Hosted High-Grade Iron Ore Deposits of India Joydip Mukhopadhyay, Jens Gutzmer, N. J. Beukes, and Harendra Nath Bhattacharya 291 Chapter 12: An Integrated Exploration Approach to the Sishen South Iron Ore Deposit, Northern Cape Province, South Africa, and Its Implication for Developing a Structural and/or Resource Model for These Deposits Dennis Alchin, Vanessa Lickfold, Pieter J. Mienie, Deon Nel, and Marius Strydom 317 Chapter 13: Genesis of the Pic de Fon Iron Oxide Deposit, Simandou Range, Republic of Guinea, West Africa I. L. Cope, J. J. Wilkinson, A. J. Boyce, J. B. Chapman, R. J. Herrington, and C. J. Harris 339 Chapter 14: Brief History of High-Grade Iron Ore Mining in North America (1848-2008) Philip E. Brown 361 Part IV — Developments in Iron Ore Exploration Chapter 15: Advances in Geophysics Applied to the Search for Banded Iron Formation-Related, High-Grade Hematite Iron Ore Marcus Flis 381 Chapter 16: High-Grade Iron Ore Exploration in an Increasingly Steel-Hungry World: The Past, Current, and Future Role of Exploration Models and Technological Advances Hilke Dalstra and Marcus Flis 393 Part V — Glossary 411 vi Review15 FrtMatter 6/11/08 7:40 AM Page vii AUTHOR BIOGRAPHIES DENNIS J. ALCHIN is a senior exploration geologist with his work on depositional environments in the Paleoprotero- Kumba Iron Ore (Pty) Ltd and currently manages the Sibelo zoic. His biggest strength remains field geology and sedimen- iron ore exploration project in the Northern Cape province of tary basin analyses. He is recipient of the Jubilee Medal and South Africa. He completed his B.Sc. (Hons) degree in 1980 Draper Award of the Geological Society of South Africa and at the University of Stellenbosch and earned his M.Sc. degree Honorary Fellow of the Geological Society of America. In from the same institution in 1993, with a thesis study investi- 2005 he was selected as SEG Regional VP Lecturer for 2006. gating the structural and stratigraphic setting of the Rosh Pinah zinc deposit in the Gariep belt in Namibia. He has au- HARENDRANATH BHATTACHARYA graduated from the Ja- thored and co-authored several papers on the Gariep belt and davpur University, Kolkata. He obtained his Ph.D. degree Rosh Pinah zinc deposit, as well as on the Sishen South iron from the same university. His main area of interest is ore ge- ore deposit in the Northern Cape province of South Africa. ology and sedimentology. He has taught geology for more than 30 years and currently he is the head of the geology de- FRANCISCUS JACOBUS BAARS is a South African born and ed- partment, Presidency College, Kolkata. ucated Dutch geologist and permanent resident of Brazil with an M.Sc. degree in metamorphic geology, under Dr. John ADRIAN J. BOYCE received a B.Sc. degree in geology from the Moore, from the University of Cape Town. He has performed University of Glasgow in 1980, and a Ph.D. degree in applied geologic cartography of four sheets at a 1:100,000 scale in the geology from the University of Strathclyde, in 1990, for his re- Espinhaço Range and has worked widely in Brazil and shield search into the origin of Irish-type Zn-Pb-Ba deposits. Since South America, mainly on exploration geology for De Beers 1985 he has worked at the Scottish Universities Environmen- Consolidated, Companhia Vale do Rio Doce (Vale), and as an tal Research Centre, where he has published widely on the independent consultant for, among others, the Brazilian Geo- application of stable isotope analyses to the understanding of logical Survey-Companhia de Pesquisa de Recursos Minerais, a large variety of ore deposits, through collaboration with col- Pan Brazilian, Minmet, Caraíba Metais, Gold Fields, Eldo- leagues in the UK and across the world. He is currently a rado Gold Corp., Lara Exploration, IMS-Jaguar Resources, member of Council of the Society for Geology Applied to EBX, GME4-Global Minerals Exploration, ERM-Engen- Mineral Deposits (SGA), and on the editorial board of Min- haria de Recursos Minerais, MMX, Fundação Gorceix, Kin- eralium Deposita. He is a Fellow of the SEG, for which he ross, BHP-Billiton Metals, Anglogold Ashanti, Mineração has recently completed a stint on the Fellowship Committee. Santa Blandina, and Amarillo Gold, on a broad range of com- He maintains a strong commitment to applying the principles modities, including gold, diamonds, iron, manganese, alu- and practice of stable isotope analyses to genetic modeling of mina, base metals, PGM, Ni, rutile, Ti, kaolin, phosphate, and ore deposits, particularly through postgraduate training and potash. At the Survey, Baars coordinated the conceptual GIS development. plan and the mineral resource compilation, as a key fourth au- thor for the 1:2,500,000 geologic, mineral resources, and ge- PHILIP E. BROWN received a B.A. degree from Carleton Col- otectonic map of Brazil, published in 4 sheets and in DVD- lege (1974) and M.S. (1976) and Ph.D. (1980) degrees in eco- GIS format with some 210 co-authors. He has authored a nomic geology from the University of Michigan. Since 1981, chapter on the São Francisco craton in the 1995 Oxford Uni- he has taught at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, where versity Press volume on greenstone belts and has co-authored he is professor of economic geology and teaches a range of a number of peer-reviewed papers, most particularly focusing undergraduate and graduate classes, many with a significant on the metallogenic evolution of the Carajás mineral province. field component. He has undertaken research projects on several continents and has focused on fluid inclusions and DAVID BELTON completed his B.Sc. (Hons) at James Cook gold deposits for the past 20 years. Present research interests University North Queensland. He was a senior research sci- include magnetic studies of layered mafic intrusions, entist with CSIRO Exploration and Mining in Melbourne, Phanerozoic vein and disseminated gold in Nevada, and char- Victoria, until 2007. acterizing the fluids involved with the development of the his- toric iron districts of North America. NICOLAS J. BEUKES was born and raised in Harrismith, South Africa. He studied at the University of the Orange Free State JOHN B. CHAPMAN is a postdoctoral fellow in the Mineral and the Rand Afrikaans University in Johannesburg, where he Deposits Division of the Geological Survey of Canada.