
3. Historical Evolution of Descriptive and Genetic Knowledge and Concepts

By W.C. Pat Shanks III

3 of 21 Volcanogenic Massive Occurrence Model

Scientific Investigations Report 2010–5070–C

U.S. Department of the Interior U.S. U.S. Department of the Interior KEN SALAZAR, Secretary

U.S. Geological Survey Marcia K. McNutt, Director

U.S. Geological Survey, Reston, Virginia: 2012

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Suggested citation: Shanks III, W.C. Pat, 2012, Historical evolution of descriptive and genetic knowledge and concepts in volcanogenic massive sulfide occurrence model: U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Report 2010–5070 –C, chap. 3, 6 p. 25


Hydrothermal Activity and Massive Sulfide Deposit Formation on the Modern Seafloor...... 27 References Cited...... 31


3–1. Map of seafloor tectonic boundaries, metalliferous distribution, locations of seafloor hydrothermal vents and deposits, and distribution of U.S. Exclusive Economic Zones...... 28 3­–2. Representative examples of large seafloor massive sulfide deposits...... 30

3. Historical Evolution of Descriptive and Genetic Knowledge and Concepts

By W.C. Pat Shanks III

Massive sulfide deposits of base are among on continental hot springs (White and others, 1963), and, in the earliest metallic deposits known and extracted because particular, discovery of modern seafloor hydrothermal activity of their high grade, strong contrast with country rocks, (Miller and others 1966; Bischoff, 1969; Edmond and others, staining and gossans at the surface, and their relatively simple 1979; Hekinian and others, 1980; Spiess and others, 1980). and extraction. However, understanding the timing and mode of emplacement of these deposits proved much more difficult, and it was not until the second half of the twentieth Hydrothermal Activity and Massive century that several lines of evidence, not the least being the discovery of hydrothermal activity on the modern seafloor, Sulfide Deposit Formation on the conspired to convince researchers and explorationists that Modern Seafloor these deposits form syngenetically at or slightly beneath the seafloor by hydrothermal exhalative processes. The recognition of abundant and widespread hydrother- Most workers in the nineteenth century believed massive mal activity and associated unique lifeforms on the ocean sulfide deposits, including many that would later be recog- floor is one of the great scientific discoveries of the latter half nized as VMS deposits, formed by fissure-filling and (or) of the twentieth century. Studies of seafloor hydrothermal selective hydrothermal replacement. The source of the fluids processes led to advances in understanding fluid convection was controversial, with some researchers favoring lateral- and the cooling of the ocean , the origin of greenstones secretion from country rocks and some favoring fluids from and serpentinites, and the origin of stratiform and statabound granitoid intrusives (Stanton, 1984). Emmons (1909) studied massive sulfide deposits. Suggestions of possible submarine so-called segregated deposits in the Appalachians from hydrothermal activity date from the late 1950s when a number Newfoundland to Georgia and established that many of the of investigators debated the importance of “volcanic emana- deposits were formed prior to regional . He tions” as a factor in the widespread occurrence of noted the complete gradation from schistose country to nodules and other ferromanganese deposits on the sulfide-schist laminations to massive sulfide, and concluded seafloor. For example, Arrhenius and Bonatti (1965), in their that the country rock and interbedded and massive ore are classic paper “Neptunism and Vulcanism in the Oceans,” all of the same age. Despite these seminal observations and stated the following: interpretations, most workers accepted epigenetic theories, The origin of authigenic on the ocean floor and even Emmons switched to a selective-replacement theory has been extensively discussed in the past with for Ducktown (Emmons and Laney, 1911). The work of emphasis on two major processes: precipitation from Lindgren (1913) emphasized magmatic hydrothermal replace- solutions originating from submarine eruptions, ment theories and was very influential, especially in North and slow precipitation from sea water of dissolved America. elements, originating from of continental In the 1950s, discoveries of stratiform volcanic-hosted rocks. It is concluded that in several marine authi- massive sulfides in the Bathurst area of New Brunswick genic systems these processes overlap. (p. 7) opened the door for syngenetic interpretations (Stanton, 1959). These ideas coincided with the emergence of the exhalative Boström and Peterson (1966), in another classic paper, theory as applied to massive sulfide deposits of the Norwegian published evidence for extensive and widespread Fe-rich and Irish Caledonides (Oftedahl,1958; Dunham,1964). metalliferous on the seafloor with a distribution Though still controversial in some quarters, the modern strongly correlated with the mid-ocean ridges (fig. 3–1). They era of studies of volcanic exhalative massive sulfides emerged stated: in the 1960s through a combination of new discoveries and On the very crest of the East Pacific Rise, in equato- new exposures, improved radiometric dating, fluid inclu- rial latitudes—particularly 12o to 16oS, the sedi- sion studies, new stable and radiogenic isotope studies, work ments are enriched in Fe, Mn, Cu, Cr, Ni, and Pb. 28 3. Historical Evolution of Descriptive and Genetic Knowledge and Concepts


S. W



T S PENINSULA ANTARCTIC O L 60ºW AG T RAINBOW SOUTH AMERICA s o ROUGH Y fossil Galapagos Rise U.S. Exclusive Economic Zone t RISE High-temperature hydrothermal vents and related polymetallic sulfide deposits Low-temperature vent sites and other hydrothermal deposits —Including Fe-Mn crusts and metalliferous sediments f

LL E CHILE ala pa g i



HAWAII LAU KERMADEC Modified after Hannington and others (2007) Bostrom (1969) 180ºW rench FIJI Marianas T Marine National Monument IZU-BONIN MANUS BASIN MARIANA Map of seafloor tectonic boundaries, metalliferous sediment distribution (modified from Boström and Peterson, 1966), locations AUSTRALIA

120ºE ASIA Distribution of Seafloor Metalliferous Sediment, Massive Sulfide Deposits, and Hydrothermal V Figure 3–1. seafloor hydrothermal vents and deposits (modified from Hannington others, 2005), distribution of U.S. Exclusiv e Economic Zones. [Al, aluminum; Fe, iron; Mn, manganese] 0º 30ºS 60ºS 60ºN 30ºN Hydrothermal Activity and Massive Sulfide Deposit Formation on the Modern Seafloor 29

The correlation of these areas of enrichment to areas on the mid-ocean ridges (fig. 3–2), including the Trans- of high heat flow is marked. It is believed that these Atlantic Geotraverse (TAG) site on the Mid-Atlantic Ridge precipitates are caused by ascending solutions of (Humphris and others, 1995), the Middle Valley site (Zie- deep-seated origin, which are probably related to renberg and others, 1998) on the northernmost Juan de Fuca magmatic processes at depth. The Rise is consid- Ridge, and the 12o43’ N site slightly east of the East Pacific ered to be a zone of exhalation from the mantle of Rise (Fouquet and others, 1996). the earth, and these emanations could serve as the In the back-arc extensional environment of eastern original enrichment in certain ore forming processes. Manus Basin, massive sulfide deposits with high concentra- (p. 1258) tions of Cu, Zn, Au, Ag, Pb, As, Sb (), and Ba (fig. 3–2) are hosted by calc-alkaline rocks ranging in composition At about the same time, the discovery of hot pools from to rhyolite. These deposits have been sampled on the floor of the Red Sea (fig. 3–1) indicated the possibility and drilled for exploration purposes (Binns and Scott, 1993), of direct precipitation of metalliferous sediments (fig. 3–2) and high grades and significant tonnages have spurred some from hydrothermal on the seafloor (Miller and oth- companies to complete environmental studies, and develop ers, 1966; Bischoff, 1969, Hackett and Bischoff, 1973). This seafloor mining technology, and seek permits in anticipation discovery more than any other resulted in a revolution in the of mining (Herzig, 1999; Baker and German, 2007; Kunzig, field of and a reassessment of the origin of massive 2009). All of these studies confirm the interpretation of a sulfide deposits. genetic kinship between modern seafloor deposits and ancient Following the Red Sea discoveries, several lines of VMS deposits. evidence from mid-ocean ridge studies and laboratory experi- Studies of deposits on the continents have proceeded in ments on basalt- reaction (Bischoff and Dickson, concert with seafloor discoveries. Applications of chemical 1975) indicated that seawater circulation through and reaction and isotopic methods, interpretations of physical volcanol- with ocean crust, owing to convective heating by subseafloor ogy and tectonic settings, and increasingly sophisticated chambers, played a dominant role in the formation of fluid inclusion studies have improved understanding. The ore-depositing fluids. These investigations set the stage for the recognition of ophiolites as fossil oceanic crust formed at discoveries of active hydrothermal vents and related sulfide seafloor spreading centers (Gass, 1968) was accompanied by deposits on mid-ocean ridges, island-arc volcanoes, and back- the realization that associated massive sulfide deposits were arc spreading centers. Active and inactive syngenetic with their host volcanic strata (Hutchinson, 1965; systems and hydrothermal deposits on the modern seafloor are Constantinou and Govett, 1973). Studies of Kuroko deposits in more abundant than anticipated, especially considering that Japan established them as volcanic exhalitive in origin (Lam- only a small percentage of the ocean ridge and convergent bert and Sato, 1974; Ohmoto and Takahashi, 1983). Besshi- margins have been explored in detail. Over 300 sites with type deposits were recognized as deformed stratiform deposits evidence of significant past or present seafloor hydrothermal (Fox, 1984; Slack, 1993), and deposits from Archean and activity are now known (Hannington and others, 2005). greenstone belts, especially in northern Ontario, In addition to the Red Sea brine deposits, several large were recognized as volcanogenic (Gilmour, 1965; Franklin (millions of tons), high-metal-grade deposits are now known and others, 1981). 30 3. Historical Evolution of Descriptive and Genetic Knowledge and Concepts

A. Mineralogic of Metalliferous Sediment beneath the Atlantis II Deep Brine Pool, Red Sea


? ? ? ? ? ? ?

? EXPLANATION ? ? ? ? ? Ferroan Smectite 6 METERS ? Ferroan Oxide

0 Sulfide 0 2 KILOMETERS Hemipelagic Vertical exaggeration = 250 Basalt

B. Middle Valley Massive Sulfide System C. TAG Sulfide-Sulfate Mound, Mid-Atlantic Ridge

NORTH Bent Hill SOUTH sulfide mound ODP sulfide mound 856 B 856 C 856 H 1035 F Black smoker complex 1035 C 1035 E 1035 H Collapsed area Anhydrite cone Sill Massive sulfide zone White smoker Debris apron and Sulfide metalliferous Sulfide talus Sill ? feeder zone sediment Anhydrite ? ? Zn-Rich Deep zone marginal Silicified, pyritic stockwork 50 METERS facies 50 METERS Chloritized ± hematized basalt No vertical exaggeration


Basaltic Sulfide Rubble Alteration pipe Massive Sulfide No vertical exaggeration sill complex Sulfide Feeder Zone Copper Replacement Zone Basaltic flows Basaltic Sill Complex Basaltic Flows

D. 12°43’N EPR sulfide mound E. Solara-1 massive sulfide deposit, Eastern Manus Basin

WEST EAST METERS 80 METERS 20 Massive sulfide Drill holes 0 0 200 METERS Sulfide 0 Vertical exaggeration = 2 mound 0 40 METERS Axial rift zone Vertical exaggeration =2 Pit crater Sediments

Andesitic to rhyodacitic volcanic rocks

Figure 3–2.­ Representative examples of large seafloor massive sulfide deposits. A, Cross-section of metalliferous mud facies, Atlantis II Deep, Red Sea (after Hackett and Bischoff, 1973). B, Cross-section of Bent Hill and Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) mound massive sulfide deposits, Middle Valley, Juan de Fuca Ridge (after Zierenberg and others, 1998). C, Trans-Atlantic Geothermal (TAG) sulfate-sulfide mound, Mid-Atlantic Ridge (after Hannington and others, 1998). D, 13°N sulfide mound, East Pacific Rise (after Fouquet and others, 1996). E, Solara-1 massive sulfide deposit, eastern Manus Basin (after Baker and German, 2007). References Cited 31

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