Meeting to be held in the Council Chambers, Civic Centre, Commerce Street, Whakatāne at 5:30 pm

Marty Grenfell CHIEF EXECUTIVE 3 JULY 2018




1 Membership ...... 4

2 Apologies ...... 4

3 Conflict of Interest ...... 4

4 Public Forum ...... 4

5 Confirmation of Minutes ...... 6

5.1 Minutes – Whakatāne-Ōhope Community Board 21 May 2018 ...... 6

6 Reports ...... 12

6.1 Activity Report to 31 May 2018 ...... 12

7 Requests for Funding – Ten Applications ...... 32

7.1 Disabilities Resource Centre Trust ...... 35

7.2 Jack Nelson ...... 46

7.3 Wairaka Maori Women's Welfare League ...... 54

7.4 Hospice Eastern BOP ...... 62

7.5 Eastern Eagles Basketball Club ...... 71

7.6 Whakatane Intermediate School - 2018 Rangitaiki Kapa Haka ...... 77

7.7 Whakatane Intermediate School - Rooms 11 and 15 Outdoor Excursion ...... 92

7.8 Whakatane Intermediate School - Rooms 18 and 19 Excursion ...... 105

7.9 ATR Hiphop ...... 114

7.10 BirdsAplenty ...... 124

8 Members Reports ...... 132

8.1 Chairpersons Report ...... 132 WHAKATĀNE DISTRICT COUNCIL MONDAY, 9 JULY 2018 Whakatane-Ohope Community Board - AGENDA 1 Membership

1 Membership

Board Member C Chambers - Chairperson

Board Member K C Boreham

Board Member G P Casey

Board Member N T Delahunty

Board Member C L Hamill

Board Member M J Hanna - Deputy Chairperson

Board Member M Inman

Board Member J B Manning

Councillor S Jarrett

Councillor M van der Boom

2 Apologies

No apologies were recorded at the time of compiling the agenda.

3 Conflict of Interest

Members are reminded of the need to be vigilant to stand aside from decision making when a conflict arises between their role as an elected member and any private or other external interests they might have.

4 Public Forum

The Board has set aside time for members of the public to speak in the public forum at the commencement of each meeting. Each speaker during the forum may speak for three minutes. Permission of the Chairperson is required for any person wishing to speak during the public forum. Applicants seeking funding from the Board are encouraged to speak in support of their application at this time.

Board Members may ask questions of the speaker but these should be confined to obtaining further information or clarification on matters raised by the speaker.

1. Amanda Perfect - Disabilities Resource Centre

2. Jack Nelson

3. Jo Brown - Wairaka Maori Women's Welfare League

4 WHAKATĀNE DISTRICT COUNCIL MONDAY, 9 JULY 2018 Whakatane-Ohope Community Board - AGENDA 4 Public Forum (Cont.)

4. Peter Bassett - Hospice EBOP

5. Kerry Abbot - Eastern Eagles Basketball Club

6. Jean Hawea - Whakatane Intermediate School

7. Jane Hudson - Rooms 11 and 15 Whakatane Intermediate School

8. Kelly Warneford - Rooms 18 and 19 Whakatane Intermediate School

9. Kelly Hohapata - ATR Hiphop

10. Morley West - BirdsAplenty

5 WHAKATĀNE DISTRICT COUNCIL MONDAY, 9 JULY 2018 Whakatane-Ohope Community Board - AGENDA 5 Confirmation of Minutes

5 Confirmation of Minutes 5.1 Minutes – Whakatāne-Ōhope Community Board 21 May 2018


Present: Board Members C Chambers (Chairperson), K C Boreham, G P Casey, N T Delahunty, C L Hamill, M Inman, J B Manning and Councillor M van der Boom

In Attendance: M Houghton (Manager Spaces and Open Places ), J Finlay (Manager Capital Projects) and H J Storey (Governance Support Advisor)

Visitors: V Maru, D Manning, E Green, L Craig, A Winter, A Motion, D and M Howard, J Geerlings, L and J Blyth

Apologies: Board Member M J Hanna and Councillor S Jarrett


Board Member Casey noted that he was representing the Whakatāne-Ōhope Community Board not the Eastern Bay Chamber of Commerce while at the meeting.


2.1. Veronica Maru – Whakatāne Darts Association Incorporated

Ms Maru advised that the Association were supporting the National Youth Darts Championships in Whakatāne in July, which would see 400, 9-17 year olds from Invercargill to the Far North vying for the national titles. She said that the club were seeking sponsorship to cover the cost of the venue hire, heating and waste management. Ms Maru said that they last held the competition here in 1992 and said that the players today were the children of those players.

In response to a question relating to other sponsorship, Ms Maru advised that they had received the 28 dartboards needed to run the championships but still needed to purchase frames and carpeting. She noted that Members were fundraising with catering, sausage sizzles and the like and noted the Association had funds to cover any costs that were not met. Ms Maru advised that there was no entry fee charged to entrants for the championships.

Attendance: Ms Maru left the meeting and Councillor van der Boom entered the meeting at 5.37 pm

2.2. Drew Manning and Erin Green – Allandale School

Refer to pages 4a-e of the tabled items.

6 WHAKATĀNE DISTRICT COUNCIL MONDAY, 9 JULY 2018 Whakatane-Ohope Community Board - AGENDA 5.1 Minutes – Whakatāne-Ōhope Community Board 21 May 2018 (Cont.)

Mr Manning tabled a plan and information sheet on the proposed developments for the Te Puna Taiao Oasis Project being undertaken at Allandale School. He noted that the school was classified as decile 2 and had 400 pupils at present but expected that to rise to 450 by the end of the year.

Ms Green said that when her child started school she noticed the stark contrast from the kindergarten playground to the school one and considered that there was a better way to create a more user friendly outdoor area within the school grounds. She considered that the proposal would increase the health and wellbeing of the students and provide opportunities to learn and gain better self-control. Ms Green said that interaction with nature had important benefits for children and improved their concentration and learning skills so they had established a community garden where the student grew and then consumed healthy food.

Ms Green noted that Ki Mua had indicated that there was not enough friendly space or parks in Kopeopeo and said that the project would address this and create a community asset for children during the day and families outside of school time. She advised that the bike track had been installed in October and since then the dynamics of the grounds had changed and had become a place where children and their families came back to after hours to safely ride their bikes either on their own or with their families, have picnics and enjoy the space.

Ms Green noted that the ideas outlined in the plan had come from the children and the wider community and a funding application had been made to the Lotteries Commission to fund the project. She said that because of the plans, there was a noticeable improvement in the parent/teacher/student relationship and security had increased around the school with the additional activity taking place. Ms Green advised that they were working with the teachers on the outcomes set by the community engagement that had been undertaken and said that they were excited to be part of the project and were pleased at how quickly it had taken off.

Ms Green said that the attendance at this meeting was to introduce the board to the concept and project and seek support for funding applications that would be made and to funding providers. She noted that there would be opportunities for additional support as the project grew.

In response to a question relating to other services such as toilets, rubbish bins and the like being provided, Mr Manning noted that a submission had been made to the Council’s LTP seeking funding to cover the additional cost of refuse collection, security, power and other incidental costs associated with the increased use of the area. He noted that the toilets would be open if the hall was being used and they would consider creating a separate outdoor access to the toilet block if the need arose. Mr Manning also noted that 33.3% of the funding had been provided from the Ministry of Education towards the project.

Attendance: Mr Manning and Ms Green left the meeting at 5.55 pm

2.3. Lenore Craig. Marilyn Bullen, B Webb– Bluey the Duck Book

Ms Craig said she was excited to hear of the proposals for Allandale School, as Sullivan Lake was also part of the neighbourhood. She thanked the Board for the support received with the publishing of the Bluey the Duck book and said that the support gave them the confidence to carry on with the project. Ms Craig said that they had raised $2,300 from the 400 copies printed and had given copies to each of the schools and pre-schools in the area including Thornton and Kawerau.

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Ms Craig noted that a freezer had been purchased for Bird Rescue from the proceeds of the book and they were very appreciative of the support. She said that they would also provide tables and seating on the reserve around the lake and dedicate them to Bluey and noted discussions were being held with Halo to carry out a baiting programme around the lake.

Ms Craig advised that a copy of the book had been sent to Prime Minster Ardern and said that they had received a letter of thanks for the gift. She concluded by noting that the whole experience had been thoroughly enjoyable and profitable.

The Chairperson thanked the group for the feedback and advised that the Board was glad to be involved in such a worthwhile project.

Attendance: The Sullivan Lake Care Group left the meeting at 6.00 pm

2.4. Allen Winter, Alison Motion, Dave and Mary Howard, Judy Geerlings, Lionel and Judith Blyth Ōhope Lions Club

Refer to pages 4f-i of the tabled items.

Mr Winter tabled a letter which had been provided to the Council noting the Ōhope Lions Club concern with the Port Ōhope Wharf upgrade and the impact that this would have on the club. He said that the Lions shed at the wharf had been used for garage sales for the last 25 years and noted they had raised over $500,000 with most of it being used to support the community in a number of ways. Mr Winter said that the Council had been given a 40ft container, which was only a 10th of the size of the shed and was located behind a storage shed so was not visible from the street. He said that where they would normally raise up to $2,000 a month but the last sale was down to $7.00 because there was no room to store items and they were not visible from the road. The ladies club also used the container.

Mr Winter said that they were willing to tidy up the Nissen shed, paint it and install a fence around the remaining land if they were able to stay there. He said that if they were not able to operate in a suitable location, it may lead to the closure of the club. Mr Winter noted that a letter had been received from the Council that suggested the club explore options with Pou Whakaaro but gave no indication of who or what this group was and how they could help.

Ms Motion said that while consultation had been ongoing since 2005-06, the club had received mixed messages and were always lead to believe the club would be looked after so they did not put any alternatives forward. She said that they were always under the impression that there would be a community use shed on the site that they would be able to use. Ms Motion also noted that the club had agreed to use containers, but had asked for more than one because of the amount of items they needed to store with both the ladies and mens groups.

The Manager Places and Open Spaces noted that the lease for both sheds hired by the club were on a month to month basis and the club were notified in 2016 that the lease agreement would not be renewed as part of the redevelopment of the area and the container had been provided as an interim measure. He noted that the leases on the Yacht club and western shed had been extended.

Discussion ensued and Members expressed disappointment that while the shed remained in the concept plan and the space around it, it was not designated for anything but a green space area. It was considered that following the redevelopment there would still be room on the site for the club to use the shed to store goods and hold garage sales.

8 WHAKATĀNE DISTRICT COUNCIL MONDAY, 9 JULY 2018 Whakatane-Ohope Community Board - AGENDA 5.1 Minutes – Whakatāne-Ōhope Community Board 21 May 2018 (Cont.)

Ms Motion noted that a real community spirit was created on sale days and when Members relocated items for a recent garage sale back to the shed they raised $700. She noted that once the club were aware of the development work starting they had not been accepting many goods as they had nowhere to store them.

Attendance: The Ōhope Lions Club representatives left the meeting at 6.33 pm

The Manager Places and Open Spaces tabled an updated site and design plans for the proposed toilet block that would be built under a different contract. He noted that the resource consent was now complete for the development works and advised they would commence next week with the cargo sheds remaining and the Nissen shed being removed.

Members considered options to support the Club’s endeavours to remain on the site.


1. THAT the Whakatāne-Ōhope Community Board support the endeavours of the Ohope Lions Club to remain at the Port Ōhope wharf; and 2. THAT the Chairperson and Councillor van der Boom meet with the General Manager Community Services to discuss the matter.

Inman/Manning CARRIED


Refer to pages 5-12 of the agenda.

Correction: include compliments to Waiotahi Contractors for the traffic management with the Millers Stream works.


THAT, subject to the foregoing correction, the minutes of the Whakatāne-Ōhope Community Board meeting held on Tuesday, 3 April 2018 be confirmed as a true and correct record.

Chambers/Delahunty CARRIED


4.1. Activity Report to 30 April 2018

Refer to pages 13-111 of the agenda.

The meeting was advised of the following items:

No funding would be allocated to the beautification of the Apanui canal area and creation of a walkway until drain modelling work had been completed to alleviate surface flooding in the Peace Street area

9 WHAKATĀNE DISTRICT COUNCIL MONDAY, 9 JULY 2018 Whakatane-Ohope Community Board - AGENDA 5.1 Minutes – Whakatāne-Ōhope Community Board 21 May 2018 (Cont.)

The sealing of Ōhope Road would be commenced in March 2019 It was requested that information be provided to the public on public access to the wharf area while the construction work was taking place.

It was requested that the Chairperson pass on the congratulations of the Board to the Chief Executive on his new appointment as Chief Executive of Tauranga City Council.


THAT the Whakatāne-Ōhope Community Board Activity Report to 30 April 2018 be received.

Casey/Boreham CARRIED

4.2. Review of Discretionary Fund and Request for Funding – Whakatāne Darts Association

Refer to pages 112-126 of the agenda.


1. THAT the Review of Discretionary Fund and Request for Funding – Whakatāne Darts Association report be received; and

2. THAT $2300 be allocated from the Whakatāne-Ōhope Community Board Discretionary Fund to the Whakatāne Darts Association Incorporated towards the cost of hosting the 2018 National Youth Championships.

Manning/Hamill CARRIED

Discussion ensued on review of the fund, the range of applications received and the information provided by applicants.


THAT the criteria for the Whakatāne-Ōhope Community Board Discretionary Fund include a question seeking information on any cash or in kind support received from the Council for the project.

Van der Boom/Casey CARRIED


5.1. Chairperson’s Report - May 2018

Refer to pages 127-129 of the agenda.


THAT the Chairperson’s report – May 2018 be received.



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5.2. Minutes - Combined Community Board 21 March 2018

Refer to pages 130-133 of the agenda.


THAT the minutes of the Combined Community Board meeting held on Wednesday, 21 March 2018 be received.

Hamill/Boreham CARRIED

5.3. Board’s LTP Submission

Refer to pages 134-144 of the agenda.


THAT the Board LTP Submission be received.

Chambers/Delahunty CARRIED


Confirmed this day of


11 WHAKATĀNE DISTRICT COUNCIL MONDAY, 9 JULY 2018 Whakatane-Ohope Community Board - AGENDA 6 Reports

6 Reports 6.1 Activity Report to 31 May 2018

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Whakatāne-Ōhope Community Board Activity Report to 31 May 2018


File Reference: A1301197


This report provides the Community Board with an update on a number of projects and activities delivered within the Whakatāne and Ōhope area during May 2018 and covers the following activities:  Transportation  Three Waters (Storm water, Water supply, Wastewater)  Solid Waste  Reserves and Open Spaces  Buildings and Facilities  Library Services  Museum and Research Services  Aquatic Centre and Recreational Services  Strategy and Community Development  Business Services  Planning  Building  Governance


2.1 Bunyan Road Upgrade The Long Term Plan 2018-28 (LTP) includes a project to upgrade Bunyan Road East, as part of recognising the residential expansion that has and that will occur in this location. Bunyan Road East is currently a narrow sealed road, with a relatively rural appearance. Road stormwater run-off is managed through informal surface water channels, while there are minimal streetlights in place and the formed footpath runs for only 150 metres. During the last few years, development has occurred along Bunyan Road East, and the proposed Opihi subdivision (approximately 400 new dwellings) will add to the increasing number of traffic and pedestrian use along this road. It will also be the route for a marina and a pedestrian bridge should either of these projects come to fruition. The change in use for Bunyan Road now and in the future, requires the road to be upgraded to the standard for an urban collector road, as detailed in the District Plan. Two concept designs have been developed as per Appendix 2. There is also a desire for the Bunyan Road upgrade to be consistent with the Opihi development, and discussions between the parties have been held to seek that uniformity.

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The LTP includes a budget of $1.5M for the work, but preliminary estimates are now indicating the costs are $1.9M for both options, inclusive of contingency and professional fees. The funding for this project is at $950,000 of the total project cost to be funded within Transportation’s Low-Cost Low-Risk budget (with NZTA subsidy), with the balance being funded from Development Contributions. The cost escalation is problematic in terms of Council’s LTP and Financial Strategy. Staff are revising the design to bring the project within budget. The funding implications and alternatives for the project scope will be explored further before any decision to proceed or amend are finalised.

2.2 Keepa Road Cycle Path - Future Renewal and Upgrade An associated project to the upgrade of Bunyan Road is the renewal and upgrade of the Keepa Road Cycle Path which is currently programmed for 2022/23. This path runs between Bunyan Road at Coastlands, and State Highway 30 near the Landing Road Bridge. It is currently a primary route from Coastlands into Whakatāne for cyclists, pedestrians and other footpath users. The footpath is now over 20 years old and is in need of renewal. It no longer meets the standard for a shared-use path. The existing path has several issues relating to insufficient width and failures associated with its age and current condition, such as potholes. The existing cycle path is in an untidy state and difficult to manage resulting in increasing maintenance costs. The current proposal is to upgrade the path to a new, low maintenance 2.5m wide concrete shared use path, separated from the road shoulder and separated from it by kerb and channel. The cost estimate for this project, based on the concept design (Appendix 3) is $965,000 and sits in year four of the LTP 2018-28. Funding is planned to be a loan, development contribution and NZTA subsidy.

2.3 Operational Expenditure – Current Contracts

2.3.1 Eastern Bay of Plenty Streetlight Maintenance and Renewal (WDC, KDC, NZTA): Broadspectrum (NZ) Ltd. Council staff and Horizon (electricity network owner-operator) staff have commenced the Power Undergrounding Projects for the next two years. The small section on Pohutukawa Ave between West End Rd and Mair St is almost complete with one streetlight still to be installed. The works in Ferry Rd are well underway. The programme in Whakatāne for the next financial year includes James Street, between Hinemoa and King Streets. This contract is managed by Whakatāne District Council with costs incurred on the Kawerau District Council and State Highway network on-charged each month.

2.3.2 Street Sweeping Services: Intergroup Routine road-sweeping continues and includes the monthly sweeping of the Whakatāne town centre footpaths, and cycle lane facilities on Gorge and Ōhope Roads. The planned tri-annual sweeping, which is carried out in March, July and November is on track.

2.3.3 Signs Maintenance and Renewals Contract 2016-18: Directionz Ltd. Routine sign maintenance across the District continues. The destination signage project has commenced and installation of the first batch of signs is underway. Once implemented, this will provide more informative signage for tourists and other visitors, in accordance with the NZTA Traffic Control Devices rules. Staff, along with the Business Development

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and Graphic teams have incorporated a ‘Gateway to White Island / Whakaari’ theme on some of the larger signs.

2.3.4 Footpath Maintenance and Renewals: Mac Solutions. Footpath repairs are continuing within Whakatāne township as budgeted.

2.4 Capital Expenditure – Current Projects

2.4.1 WDC Reseals 2015-18: Fulton Hogan Ltd. This contract commenced in 2015, and will expire this year. The tender has already gone out for 2018- 21 contract. The Chipsealing Programme is complete. Outstanding hotmix sites are programmed for this month, and include:  Sections of the Kakahoroa Drive/Bracken St roundabout.  Canning Place-George St intersection - Intersection improvements have been carried out to better accommodate boat trailer traffic. The Ōhope Road curves between Cliff Road and Brown Road were also in this year’s hotmix resurfacing programme, but this has been deferred until next year to enable the water main upgrade project to be completed first.

2.4.2 LED Lighting Upgrade Project 2017-18 The LED accelerated renewal programme has commenced, with works being carried out in Whakatāne, Edgecumbe, Tāneatua, Te Teko and Matatā by our lighting maintenance contractor, Broadspectrum. This work includes the replacement of defective streetlight columns. Additionally, Horizon Services has been engaged to undertake the LED installation works in Murupara. For the most part, this LED programme involves replacing the old lantern with a new LED lantern. However, specific lighting design has also been undertaken on high traffic volume roads – a requirement of NZTA – to ensure these roads meet the appropriate lighting standard. The LED programme also includes installation of a light point controller on the top of each LED, which will enable Council to communicate with and control each light. This central management system (CMS) supplied by Telensa will also enable a more accurate record of power consumption. This project will be completed in 2019.

2.5 Minor Improvement Projects

2.5.1 Millers Culvert replacement: Waiotahi Contractors. Initial service relocation works have been completed. The installation of the primary box culvert work has now commenced, meaning traffic has been reduced to one lane until the installation has been completed. The due date for completion is currently 30 July 2018 but this date may be impacted by recent inclement weather.

2.5.2 Harbour Road / Port Ōhope Intersection The selected option is a standard four-way intersection with the side roads aligned, and some pedestrian and traffic calming improvements.

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3.1 Stormwater

3.1.1 Wainui Te Whara flood mitigation - Stage two (Channel reshaping) The contractor has completed approximately 1350 m of channel reshaping work (80% completion of the full length). Progress has however slowed significantly on the channel cut during the past six weeks due to a number of rain events that have elevated the stream and prevented works in the stream base. During this period, outstanding rock protection work in the upper reaches was completed as the majority of this work can be carried out from the top of the slope. Detailed plans for the reinstatement of the section from King St to Hinemoa St are now complete and works on the new shared path have started. As a result of the weather-related delays, the channel works are now due for completion by the end of June 2018, with reinstatement works to follow in July and August. The project is forecasted to run approximately $475,000 over the budgeted amount approved by the Committee in December 2016. The full project costs for both the structural (Stage 1) and non-structural works (Stage 2 - channel reshaping) is estimated at $3.9 million. With the project rolling through into July, the majority of the cost escalation will fall into the 2018/19 financial year with approximately $35,000 falling in the current financial year. The main factors contributing to the overspend are: 1. Additional consenting costs and scope changes required through the resource consent process. This impacted both the cost of the resource consent and physical works. The major variation to physical works was the installation of approximately 340 timber piles to mitigate potential risks to properties from earthquake-induced slope failures. 2. Additional rock-protection works (more than doubling the original quantities) to armour parts of the channel that were found to be unstable after reshaping. 3. An under-estimation of the channel cut volume. 4. Unplanned service relocations.

3.1.2 Comprehensive Stormwater Consent Opus Consultants completed water and sediment sampling during recent heavy rainfall events and are progressing background sampling at two-weekly intervals. A Consultant Planner has been engaged to guide the preparation of the Assessment of Environmental Effects.

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The contract for modelling of stormwater infrastructure and flood levels has been awarded and work has commenced. It is planned that the model will be ready for review in October/November 2018.

3.2 Water

3.2.1 Shaw Road subdivision water supply The water supply to the Shaw Road subdivision is being provided as an extension from the existing 250 mm diameter main in Mill Road. Waiotahi Contractors commenced works on 30 April 2018. As of 30 May, approximately 310 m of pipe under Mill Road was installed by directional drilling.

Directional drilling equipment

3.2.2 Whakatāne Riverbank Filtration Gallery (RFG) Six investigation boreholes were drilled at 140 Tāneatua Rd in March 2018 to a maximum depth of 20 m. The drilling confirmed the presence of an alluvial gravel layer from 8 m depth onwards which indicates good yield potential. Static water levels in the gravel are approximately 6-7 m below ground level (similar elevation to Whakatāne River level). Preliminary indications are that the gravel is highly- permeable. The Stage 1 investigation results warranted progressing to Stage 2 (drilling of a test production bore, and completion of a seven-day pumping test for which the Council received resource consent). The landowner has recently restricted access to the site because of possible biosecurity risks. This is being discussed further with the landowner.

3.2.3 Ōhope water main renewal This project is for the renewal of the 200 mm watermain under Ōhope Road from the reservoir on Ōtarawairere Road to the West End Road-Pohutukawa Avenue intersection, which was originally planned for renewal during the 2017/2018 financial year, with a budget of $800,000. Following the report to the Projects and Services Committee on 10 May 2018, Council approved a revised budget of $1.35 million, with expenditure of $87,000 in the current financial year and $1,263,000 proposed for the 2018-19 financial year, including a projected carry-over of $713,000. Physical works is expected to commence in August 2018.

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3.3 Wastewater

3.3.1 Shaw Road/Huna Road subdivision wastewater and stormwater services The construction of the wastewater rising main within the Shaw Road subdivision has been completed by Draintech. Waiotahi Contractors Ltd will build the planned pump station and the remainder of the rising main. Works will commence this month, which is later than planned due to heavy rains slowing down progress of earthworks within the subdivision.

3.3.2 Ōhope Wastewater treatment plant – UV and UV pre-treatment installation Installation of the wetlands within the ponds have been completed. Further improvements will include a wastewater recirculation system between ponds M2 and M4 and installation of an additional aerator in the aeration lagoon. Staff received cost estimates for proposed works and the contractor is progressing with procuring the requested equipment. The UV shed has been completed and pipes and supports for the UV filters and chemical cleaning unit are being installed. Once completed, the UV unit including automation will be installed. The UV unit will be commissioned in June 2018.

3.3.3 Desludging Ōhope ponds Desludging of the two facultative ponds (F1 and F2) upstream of the maturation ponds is progressing well. Once desludging of pond F1 is complete, further flow improvements will be implemented, including provision of a sedimentation area and improvement of the outflow from the pond.

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4.1.1 Whakatāne Treatment Plant Filters 1, 2 and 3 located at the treatment plant have been refilled with sand. This will improve the control of turbidity levels and head loss through the plant.

4.2 Wastewater Treatment Sites The waste bins at the step screens located at Whakatāne and Ohope have been replaced and will be managed by Kiwi Waste. The design of the replacement bins will ensure the rubbish bags will remain rodent-free and provide a cleaner environment in which to store the waste.

4.3 Stormwater (Operations)

4.3.1 Appenzell Drive Repair work on the storm water drain originating from Appenzell Drive through to Waiewe Street to the Rock Pit located on Canning Road has been ongoing to reduce the impact of heavy rain events along Canning Place causing flooding in the local shops.

4.3.2 Stormwater Drainage – Apanui Catchment As provided in the stormwater strategic plans, further work needs to be undertaken to resolve the issue of flooding in this area during heavy rain. Whilst there have been some improvements, the area is still prone to flooding. Following two recent 1:20 year events, a number of complaints were received from this area. Although the new McAllister pump station has performed very well, the flat character of Peace Street/Pohutu Street area makes it prone to surface flooding. Conversations with local residents have been held in order to find further localised ways to reduce the impact of surface flooding.

4.3.3 Water Meters A project between the Three Waters and Finance teams to resolve zero readings of water meters is continuing. To date, we have repaired all meters reported, but there are still outstanding ‘unable to find’ meters. Work is also underway to identify new dwellings with no water meters installed. Additional properties have been added to the list and owners advised. This is predominately in the Ōhope and Coastlands areas.

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4.3.4 Trade Waste Site inspections of trade waste facilities will commence in July. Businesses will be advised by letter prior to the scheduling of the inspection. The renewal of 258 trade waste certificates will commence in June. The certificates expire every three years. Work on updating the Trade Waste database is currently underway with a contractor.


5.1 Solid Waste Overview During April and May 2018, 3878 tonnes of solid waste was collected through kerbside collections, street litter bin lifts, private contractor deliveries and public deposits at the waste transfer station. A large portion of solid waste is still disposed of at landfill, but a significant percentage of material is being recycled (glass, paper, some plastics and metals), or reprocessed (greenwaste and construction materials).

5.2 Shared Waste Initiatives As part of the steering group, the Council’s Solid Waste Manager continues to provide input to the Bay of Plenty Local Authority Shared Services (BOPLASS) and Local Authority Shared Services (WLASS) collaborative solid waste projects. The current status of these is listed below:  A regional or cross-regional approach to waste operator licensing and data collection – project scoping is underway.  Diverting putrescent waste from landfill – project scoping is underway. This is a BOPLASS project only with no involvement from WLASS.  A regional facilities strategy – project is on hold.

5.3 Disaster Waste Management The Bay of Plenty Regional Council, Waikato Regional Council, Environment Canterbury and associated CDEM teams have been collaborating on developing a Disaster Waste Management Plan (DWMP) tool. The intention of this tool is to assist local government bodies, CDEM groups and emergency response teams to plan for bulk waste recovery/management/disposal following disaster events. The Solid Waste Manager is part of the group involved in developing testing and implementing the template.

5.4 School Waste Education Programme The current school waste education programme has been extended for another three years (2018- 2021). There are currently about 30 schools throughout the District signed up for the programme. It is intended to expand the programme to also cover some early childhood centres. The programme is funded from the Ministry for the Environment Waste Levy Funding.

5.5 Waste Minimisation Information and Advice Solid Waste information and advice has been provided to the community ‘Green Print’ group and Community Resources Whakatāne to aid implementation of waste minimisation projects.

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6.1 Ngā Tapuwae O Toi Walkway Upgrade Staff are investigating the installation of track counters to gauge usage on various parts of the walkway at different times of the year to assist with maintenance and provide evidence to popularity - to support possible inclusion as a Great Day Walk. Signage improvements are under manufacture for the remaining section of the trail through Mokorua and Ōtarawairere Village, with temporary, removable track closure signage to warn users regarding one section between West End and Ōtarawairere Bay that remains intermittently unstable. An application has been lodged to the Tourism Infrastructure Fund for co-funding the 2018/19 programmed track upgrades.

6.2 Walking and Cycling Steering Group Since the inaugural meeting, there has been some progress in respect of the Great Ride Western Coastal Extension and engagement with consultants to assist in the Walking and Cycling Strategy and Implementation review. Engagement through the Long Term Plan 2018-28 process has opened discussion with advocates for a Whakatāne Mountain Bike Park. The Steering Group will provide strategic direction to a number of walking and cycling initiatives in the District including:  Review of the Walking and Cycling Strategy and Implementation Plan  Safe Ways to Schools initiative  Preparation of the feasibility study for the Western Coastal Extension Trail  Community-led initiatives such as the proposed Mountain Bike Park. A draft Terms of Reference has been prepared and will be reviewed by Executive and the Steering Group.

6.2.1 Cycle Trail Extension Preparation of the Business Case to extend Mōtū Trails Great Ride to Whakatāne is progressing in two work streams including:  Selection of Route  Business Development The route selection aims for a Grade 2 (easy) ride as specified in the NZCT Design Guide. For the Whakatāne section a preferred route has been identified as follows; cross Ōhiwa Harbour to Port Ōhope; traverse Ocean Road dunes; Maraetotora / Burma Road to Ōhope Road; Gorge Road / Commerce Street to CBD; Warren Cole to Landing Road Bridge; stopbanks to Bunyan Rd; along coast to dunes / or unformed road to airport; extend trail to Thornton east. Most of the preferred route is on Council-owned land or where it is not, there is the option to be on Council land. While the majority of the route has scenic coastal appeal, some challenges are apparent such as crossing Ōhiwa Harbour; route access between Ōhope and Whakatāne (Gorge Road is steeper then Grade 2 specifications); Commerce Street is a high traffic zone with no dedicated off road option and; a preferred coastal route to the airport will require landowner approval. Preliminary discussions with Te Rūnanga O Ngāti Awa about options to improve the Great Ride and support their business interests have been positive. The Business Case is scheduled to be completed by end of June however; a workshop to inform the Business Development work stream will be scheduled.

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The draft Business Case will be presented to Council for approval at the 2 August meeting.

6.2.2 Mountain Bike Park Initiative Diane Plant presented the Mountain Bike Initiative to the Steering Group on 12 June. Staff will be convening meetings with Diane and team to review potential sites before developing a plan of engagement with possible landowners to further explore the potential of each site. Representatives from Department of Conservation attended the Steering Group meeting and will be invited to attend future meetings with the Bike Club.

6.3 District Reserve Policy Document A Council Hearing was held on 24 May for those who wished to speak to their submission on the Draft District Reserve Policy Document. Councillors deliberated on these along with 189 written submission points and made recommendations for a small number of additional amendments for finalisation of the Plan. This is due to be presented back to Council at its Extraordinary Meeting on 28 June.

6.4 Desilting Sullivan Lake This project has been deferred until September due to resource consent conditions that restrict works on the site during the winter months.

6.5 Whakatāne Heads Carpark The stone walls at the old Whakatāne Heads carpark were refurbished, with missing stones being replaced and a concrete backing installed behind the wall to prevent these from being dislodged.

6.6 Whakatāne Gardens The carpark at the entrance to the gardens adjacent to the playground off McGarvey Road was resealed by the contractor during May.

6.7 Rex Morpeth Park Athletics Drainage within the tennis club carpark was upgraded including the installation of an additional cesspit and soakage to alleviate flooding from the carpark onto the athletics track during periods of heavy or prolonged rainfall.

6.8 Port Ōhope Wharf Promenade and Carpark Upgrade Resource Consent has been granted for the $2.1M project. The contractor is scheduled to commence work on 11 June for a scheduled 16-week construction period. Staff have been working on final design details of the project, procuring materials, relocation of services and tree removal.

6.9 Whakatāne Holiday Park

6.9.1 General

 Whakatāne Holiday Park has now been under the Council’s management for 12 months. Occupancy and revenue has doubled in comparison to May 2017. Current occupancy rates reflect the anticipated decline in bookings for the autumn and winter seasons.  Staff have completed a programme of works and this is pending Executive approval. A 12 month business plan for the facility is currently being finalised.

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 Edgecumbe residents were scheduled to vacate the premises by 8 June, however a mutual agreement has been reached to extend the contract for two units until 29 June in conjunction with MBIE.


7.1 War Memorial Hall - Little Theatre In 2017, the Council commissioned a report commenting on the Little Theatre’s compliance with various codes and regulations that apply to such facilities. The most urgent safety recommendations regarding fire protection for theatre users have now been completed. The current year’s programme has been focussed on replacing all stage curtaining with fire retardant material. The main stage curtain has been cleaned and treated and a new fire-retardant backing added. New LED lighting was installed on stage to improve the lux levels for those working on set construction for productions. Other improvements in safety have seen a variety of fastenings checked and replaced or removed. Further improvement in stage lighting and the benefits of LED systems will be scoped in the coming financial year. The Council has been appreciative of the efforts of members of the Little Theatre group who have been assisting in completing these works.

7.2 Port Ōhope Development. A meeting was convened with the Ōhope Beach Lions Club regarding the Nissan Shed. The meeting highlighted a number of options for the future accommodation of the club. An options report is currently being prepared and will be presented at the next Policy Committee Meeting. The contractors have established on site and have commenced the set-out and physical works. The project will be completed by the end of September. Recent testing of the Eastern Cargo Shed has revealed that there is an issue with the degrading of the Super Six Cladding and the insulation resulting in positive Asbestos readings. Staff have commissioned a number of tests on the materials and will present a full report to a future meeting on possible options for remediation. The current Lessee has been advised that until the investigations are completed the building is unavailable for occupation. The installation of a new Permaloo-designed toilet will be a feature of the redevelopment of Port Ōhope. The design includes changing facilities as well as four toilets, all housed beneath a gull wing roof. The work programme is yet to be finalised but it is anticipated to be completed in the final quarter of this year. As part of the project, the existing toilet block will be demolished.


8.1 Review of the Library Services Please see the separate report which also includes a summary table of recommendations and a copy of the draft report prepared by Nicki Moen on the ‘Future Direction and Opportunities’.

8.2 Visitors to Te Kōputu More than 188,500 people have visited Te Kōputu in the 11 months to 31 May 2018. We anticipate at least 200,000 visitors during the year ending 30 June 2018. The decline in visitor numbers has been addressed in the Whakatāne Library Future Directions report later in the agenda.

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2012/13 2013/14 2014/15 2015/16 2016/17 2017/18 July 25,520 21,577 21,399 19,803 21,132 19,781 August 20,967 17,792 18,264 16,455 17,085 16,498 September 17,018 17,279 17,474 17,498 18,426 22,646 October 18,564 18,855 19,474 17,704 17,606 17,501 November 16,773 18,166 17,573 16,955 16,995 15,474 December 17,186 19,181 18,966 17,781 17,938 13,837 January 23,534 25,184 20,910 21,963 20,237 17,627 February 17,540 17,754 16,230 18,533 17,465 15,860 March 17,130 18,674 17,814 16,873 18,028 16,488 April 19,813 18,308 17,257 18,062 15,936 17,112 May 18,718 18,480 15,741 17,155 16,164 15,732 June 17,058 20,461 13,705 16,739 16,908 TOTAL $ 229,821 231,711 214,807 215,521 213,920 188,556

8.3 Public Programmes - Library More than 800 children and their caregivers supported and participated in public programmes and events offered during April and May.

8.4 National Simultaneous Story Time

Every year a picture book, written and illustrated by an Australian author and illustrator, is read simultaneously in libraries, schools, pre-schools, childcare centres, family homes, bookshops and many other places. This year was the 18th successful year of Simultaneous Story Time. It is a colourful, vibrant, fun event that aims to promote the value of reading and literacy, using an Australian children's book that explores age-appropriate themes.

8.5 NZ Music Month – Sound Bites NZ Music Month was celebrated with a musical event which enabled local musicians to perform originals or classic kiwi covers. A number of unique visitors attended and the musical and cultural diversity was astounding with the event turning into a jam session for some very talented musicians. Considering most of them did not know each other, it was an amazing show of what can be done with like-minded people getting together. With the positive response and success of this event, staff are planning on making Sound Bites a regular monthly event in Te Kōputu, so keep an ear open.

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8.6 Digital Programmes Whakatāne District Libraries has secured a Memorandum of Understanding with 20/20 Communications Trust, to deliver the ‘Stepping Up’ range of ‘Digital Steps’. Historically we have partnered with REAP to provide this service, however having our own set of seven laptops, provided by the 20/20 Communications Trust, will enable us to extend our reach into other communities.

8.7 Ōhope Community Library

Over 1,500 items were borrowed and returned through the Ōhope Library during April and May; a decrease of 16% compared with the same period in 2017. The Ōhope Library volunteers have started a sewing bee programme in collaboration with Quota Whakatāne to support local charity, The Clothing Project. The group meets fortnightly on a Wednesday at 2pm to sew girls’ dresses, which are then donated to underprivileged local families through The Clothing Project.

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9.1 Museum Collections and Research Centre Redevelopment

9.1.1 Physical Works The following Physical Works at the Collections and Research Centre have been completed to date:  Stage 1 - completed and hand-over achieved on target by 16 April  Collections staff relocated to completed Stage 1 building and items are currently being repacked onto new shelving and storage units  Stage 2 - demolition of old building completed and the construction of the section is underway with completion scheduled for mid-July  Deaccession Project initiated at Commerce Street collections site.

9.2 Museum and Arts Exhibitions and Public Programmes Two exhibitions opened in the three galleries at Te Kōputu on Friday 20 April. ‘Viewpoints’ by Whakatāne Camera Club and ended on 10 June. ‘Growing from the Edge of Space’, by Edwards/Johann will continue until 30 June. Both exhibitions have received a great deal of interest and positive feedback.

9.2.1 Other Public Events  16 June: Visual Expressions exhibition by Whakatāne Society of Arts and Crafts opened.  16 June: Whakatāne Society of Arts and Crafts outdoor market and indoor demonstration celebrated the opening of its new Visual Expressions exhibition.


10.1 Whakatāne Aquatic Centre Visitor Statistics The Whakatāne District Aquatic Centre had a total of 23,336 visits in the period from 1 April to 31 May 2018. This is an increase of 18.7% from the same two months in 2017 with 19,654 visits. The activity has already exceeded its goal of 140,000 admissions and is confident of reaching over 152,000

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admissions by year-end. The gymnasium membership is currently ahead of achieving 650 facility members by February 2019.

10.2 Whakatāne Aquatics and Fitness Admissions

Whakatāne Aquatic & Fitness Admissions

July Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May June Total 2017/2018 10,423 8,302 12,013 15,655 13,318 12075 14,783 15,887 16958 11,766 11,570 142,750

2016/2017 8,877 7,538 12,057 12,320 12,538 11,582 13,121 13,977 14,621 8,445 11,209 10,268 136,845

2015/2016 6,748 7,691 8,652 10,176 10,985 11,351 13,861 13,840 13,936 10,797 9,631 8,934 126,602

2014/2015 6,639 6,035 7,671 9,290 9,138 10,109 10,051 12,111 11,552 8,955 7,037 6,631 105,219

10.2.1 Yearly Closure Planning is underway for the yearly closure of the Whakatāne Aquatic Centre, which is scheduled from 2 July to 8 July 2018. There are a number of servicing and maintenance activities scheduled to be completed within this timeframe, particularly in the plant rooms. Design plans are being completed for the redesign of the reception area with the primary focus of opening up the counter area and managing public entry into the facility. Public and staff have identified this as a congestion issue for the last five years. The aim was to have this work completed in the July shutdown period, however as we are still waiting on design work, August 2018 may be a more realistic expectation.


11.1 Long Term Plan Adoption Development of Council’s Long Term Plan 2018-28 has been a 12 month project including the review of Council’s strategic direction, key policies, workplan and financial limits. The culmination of this project involves the adoption of the LTP by Council on 28 June 2018. Following adoption, the LTP Programme will enter its final phase; making the document available electronically and hard copies; replying to submitters directly regarding their submission points; and promotion to complete the engagement loop.

11.2 Whakatāne Ki Mua The Whakatāne Ki Mua Cross sector Forum met on 11 May and identified an overarching objective for the forum, and five focus areas.

Of these focus areas, the forum determined that the initial area of priority for all members is Drug and Alcohol Addiction. Work is underway already with a stock-take of this focus area in our community, to

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inform a forum discussion about the best course of action moving forward. An Action Plan will be developed to look at how the Forum partners can work together collaboratively on this issue. Some of the key Ki Mua initiatives under way led by Council include; Street Art Festival; Safe Ways to Schools; further projects led by the community include; Whakatāne 0 Waste, Green Print and Project Taiao.


12.1 Strategic Property

12.1.1 Whakatāne Airport RESA Update Following the 7 June 2018 report to Council updating the status of the Runway End Safety Area (RESA) extension, the Mayor and Chief Executive met with the Chief Executive of the Ministry of Transport (MoT) to discuss the MoT position on outstanding monies. The MoT aims to advise Council, at the end of June, the outcome of its paper to Cabinet detailing payment. Staff have met with Air Chathams to keep them updated on the MoT position. Air Chathams are keen to introduce the SAAB 340 as soon as the RESA works are complete. Staff have also kept the Airport grazing land lease holders and RESA Contractors up to date. Runway Edge Lighting Project Update The Runway Edge Lighting renewal project is progressing well. Whakatāne Electrical Contractors (WEC) are on schedule with the civil works, however, Airways International have advised there will be a delay in the overseas supply of the Apron and Hold Pont Lights. CAA have been advised of the delay.

12.1.2 Ports Commercial Wharf Development The inaugural meeting of the Wharf Redevelopment Governance Group was held on 14 June. Discussions with MBIE staff regarding this project are ongoing. A draft strategic case for the project has been completed and a Better Business Case assessment is underway, to bring together the components necessary to help Governance Group make an informed decision on wharf options. The project is centred on the replacement of the current wharf structure, parts of which are over 100 years old. The location, design and replacement options involved could not only provide for the unmet demand for berthage, now and in the future, but also create a vibrant waterfront area for the town, consistent with the aims of the Town Vision Plan. Monitoring of the condition of the Commercial wharf is ongoing, with current use and vehicle access restrictions being reviewed. Opihi Development Consent has been granted, by an independent commissioner, to subdivide the reserves, buffer areas and development lot at 77 Bunyan Road. Title to each of the subdivided lots should issue by mid July 2018. This will be an important milestone which will trigger the payment plan for the block with stage one likely to settle on or before April 2019. The Opihi developer has engaged DC Structures Studio to prepare concept designs for a pedestrian and cycleway bridge as a well as a boardwalk. Council staff have viewed the initial concept designs

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and provided feedback. It is anticipated that concept plans and details on pricing will be available for circulation in early July.

12.2 Visitor Economy

12.2.1 Whakaari/ White Island Project Update There are a number of actions underway in relation to the Council’s Whakaari/ White Island strategy. Current actions include:  i-SITE 3D Model and information zone: Construction of the model is in progress and planning is underway for the surrounding area to support the model.  White Island/ Whakaari mini documentary: Bullseye Productions has been commissioned to produce the documentary with production now underway.  White Island/ Whakaari Merchandise design: Luggage tags and license plate surrounds have been produced and a White Island / Whakaari colouring book is in progress  Remaining Gateway to White Island signs will be installed, including some referring to Gateway to Whakaari, where space allows on the sign.

12.2.2 Marketing and Promotion Recent statistics taken from whakatane.com show the pre-summer and shoulder season (autumn) marketing campaigns were very successful in attracting new site visitors when comparing site statistics with the same period (October to April) the previous year. Domestic visitors to whakatane.com increased by 26.7% and there was an almost 100% increase in visitors coming directly to whakatane.com (visits not via a search engine, social media or another website). This shows that print ads, articles and radio advertising is proving to be successful in both reaching our target audience and persuading them to gain more information by visiting whakatane.com. Whakaari/ White Island features on the cover of the June/July issue of NZ Today magazine, leading to an eight-page article about the island inside.

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13.1 Private Plan Change – Lysaght Development Ltd, Keepa Road, Whakatāne Council received 34 submissions to the proposed Private Plan Change by Lysaght Development Ltd to rezone 23 and 45 Keepa Road from Light Industrial to Residential. A Summary of Decisions requested by those submissions has been notified and further submissions are able to be made until 5pm on Wednesday, 27 June 2018.


14.1 Claim against councils - Shadowclad In 2013, the Ministry of Education (MOE) lodged High Court action against Carter Holt Harvey (CHH) for its supply of Shadowclad exterior cladding to 833 school buildings in New Zealand. MOE alleges that Shadowclad is a defective product and has made claims for remedial costs to repair buildings. In 2013, CHH filed third-party proceedings against 54 councils. CHH alleged that the councils were responsible because defective building practices had been used during construction. CHH did not serve the councils with the third party claim until three years later. The reason for the delay was that CHH had sought to strike out the MOE claim. That strike out application was unsuccessful. In December 2016, CHH served 54 councils with the claim; amongst them was Whakatāne District Council. In 2017, the council jointly brought a strike-out application which included the following; i) That councils were prejudiced as a result of excessive delay in serving the MOE claim ii) That some of the claims for schools in the MOE claim were more than 10 years after the issue of Code Compliance Certificate.

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The court accepted that the councils had suffered some prejudice with the delay. However, as only 6% of the claims against the councils had become 10 year time-barred between the dates the MOE claim was filed and when it was served, the court considered that the prejudice fell well below the threshold required for a strike-out. The councils did succeed in striking out those school buildings where the Code Compliance Certificate was issued more than 10 years prior to the MOE claim being filed in December 2013. This decision has not been appealed. The Whakatāne District Council had a total of 35 school buildings in the claim originally, with that number now reducing to 33 because of the strike-out. The Council will now work to independently verify the extent of the claim in terms of buildings – we are currently unclear whether the claimed 35 buildings still exist or in some cases, whether Shadowclad was indeed used as the exterior cladding. The Council’s defence is part of a coordinated effort by the councils involved.


15.1 Māori Wards Poll A total of 10,831 (44.35%) electors voted in the Māori Ward poll with the result being:  4,801 (44.33%) voting for the wards  6,004 (55.43%) voting against  26 blank and informal votes The result means Māori Wards will not be introduced for at least the next two triennial elections in 2019 and 2022.

RECOMMENDATION: THAT the Whakatāne-Ōhope Community Board Activity Report to 31May 2018 be received.

Report Authorisation

Report writer: Jim Finlay Manager Capital Projects

Final Approval: David Bewley General Manager Planning and Infrastructure

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7 Requests for Funding – Ten Applications



Meeting Date: MONDAY, 9 JULY 2018


File Reference: A1306550


10 applications have been received seeking funding from the Whakatāne-Ohope Community Board Discretionary Fund. The applications are attached to this report and the applicants have been advised of their option to attend the public forum at the commencement of the meeting.


The criteria for the Community Board Discretionary Fund are:

No retrospective funding applications will be considered Supporting documentation on costs is required to justify the amount sought The project must be held within the community board area you are seeking funding from The Community Board has the option to collaborate with other Boards in the joint funding of major projects Grants of up to $1,000 may be considered to support groups attending international or national events Boards generally lean towards funding an annual or biannual event once, but reserves the right to consider each one on a case by case basis A “guarantee against loss” may be offered to support an event that may require either seeding or back up finance – this is to give you confidence that funds up to the value offered will be available following the event if it runs at a loss If successful, applicants will be required to use the Community Board logo on advertising material and other items associated with the event or project to acknowledge the grant made A declaration of expenditure and project report is required once the project has been completed Funds not uplifted within six months from allocation date will lapse

2.1. Disabilities Resource Centre

The Centre are seeking a grant of $6,000 to assist with the cost of providing a beach access mat at Ōhope Beach so that wheelchairs, prams and people with sensory and age related issues can spend time on the beach. The total cost of the mat is $16,000 with the balance coming from the Disabilities Resource Centre and other funding sources.

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2.2. Jack Nelson

Jack is a Year 13 Trident High School student who has been selected as one of two students from New Zealand to attend the European Space Camp at the Andoya Space Centre in Norway from 9-16 August 2018. He is seeking support of $2,243.96 from the Board to assist with the costs.

2.3. Wairaka Māori Women’s Welfare League

The League are seeking a grant of $1,400 to assist with the cost to send delegates to the National Māori Women’s Welfare League Conference in Gisborne from 24-29 September 2018.

2.4. Hospice Eastern BOP

Hospice EBOP are seeking a grant of $4,000 to assist with the cost of running a volunteer recruitment programme with an emphasis on Māori volunteers and Te Reo speakers. Hospice have received the following grants from the Community Board:

$2,500 in 2009 for Toast to the Coast $2,000 in 2015, 2016 and 2017 for Sunshine on a Plate

2.5. Eastern Eagles Basketball Club

The Club have recently set up a basketball club and need to install scoreboards at the Whakatāne War Memorial Hall stadium so that they can hold games at the venue and are seeking $15,561.62. The ideal would be to have a scoreboard for each court, but they would be able to play competitive games with one. Clubs are expected to provide their own equipment when hiring the hall.

2.6. Whakatāne Intermediate School – 2018 Rangitāiki Kapa Haka Festival

The School are hosting the 2018 Rangitāiki Kapa Haka Festival from 10-11 August 2018 and are seeking a grant of $7,640 to assist with the costs of the event. The event involves all of the primary and intermediate schools in the district.

2.7. Whakatāne Intermediate School – Rooms 11 and 15 Outdoor Excursion

The classes are going on an excursion to the Taupō area with a day at the Whakapapa Ski field from 21-24 August 2018 at a cost of $180 per student. The group are seeking a grant to assist with the cost so that all of the students can attend.

2.8. Whakatāne Intermediate School – Rooms 18 and 19 Excursion

The children are going on camp from 29 October to 2 November 2018 to from and are seeking a grant of $7,830 to assist with the costs for the students. The cost is $307 per student and as with the previous application, they would like to see all students attend.

2.9. ATR Hiphop

The dance group are seeking a grant of $750 to attend the 2018 Battlegrounds World Qualifier competition on 14 July 2018 in Hamilton. The team are hopeful to win a place in the worldwide tournament on 30 September 2018.

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2.10. BirdsAplenty

The group are seeking a grant of $2,000 to assist with the promotion of the BirdsAPlenty festival activities in September and October 2018. The group has received grants for promotion from the Board as follows:

$1,500 in July 2012 $1,265 in August 2013


The decisions or matters of this report are not considered significant in accordance with the Council’s Significance and Engagement Policy.


The current balance of the Whakatāne-Ohope Community Board Discretionary Fund is approximately $98,000.


Members now need to consider whether or not to support the applications and if so, the amount of that support.


1. THAT the Request for Funding – 10 Applications report be received; and 2. THAT $____ be allocated from the Whakatāne-Ohope Community Board Discretionary Fund to the Disabilities Resource Centre towards the cost of the beach mat; and 3. THAT $____ be allocated from the Whakatāne-Ohope Community Board Discretionary Fund to Jack Nelson towards the cost of attending the European Space Camp; and 4. THAT $____ be allocated from the Whakatāne-Ohope Community Board Discretionary Fund to the Wairaka Māori Women’s Welfare League towards the cost of attending the National Māori Women’s Welfare League Conference; and 5. THAT $____ be allocated from the Whakatāne-Ohope Community Board Discretionary Fund to EBOP Hospice towards the cost of a volunteer recruitment process; and 6. THAT $____ be allocated from the Whakatāne-Ohope Community Board Discretionary Fund to Eastern Eagles Basketball Club towards the cost of the scoreboard for the Whakatāne War Memorial Hall; and 7. THAT $____ be allocated from the Whakatāne-Ohope Community Board Discretionary Fund to Whakatāne Intermediate School towards the cost of hosting the 2018 Rangitāiki Kapa Haka Competition; and 8. THAT $____ be allocated from the Whakatāne-Ohope Community Board Discretionary Fund to Whakatāne Intermediate School towards the cost of the Room 11and 15 outdoor excursion camp; and 9. THAT $____ be allocated from the Whakatāne-Ohope Community Board Discretionary Fund to Whakatāne Intermediate School towards the cost of the Rooms 18 and 19 Excursion to Auckland; and

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10. THAT $____ be allocated from the Whakatāne-Ohope Community Board Discretionary Fund to ATR Hiphop towards the cost of the team competing in the Battleground competition in Hamilton; and 11. THAT $____ be allocated from the Whakatāne-Ohope Community Board Discretionary Fund to BirdsAplenty towards the cost of the promotion the annual Festival.

Attached to this report:

Applications for funding – 10 Applications for funding

Report Authorisation

Report writer: Janie Storey Governance Support Advisor

Final Approval: Julie Gardyne General Manager Strategy and Economic Development

7.1 Disabilities Resource Centre Trust

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WHAKATANE District Council Discretionary Funds


,.'"−−4 1.1 Name of organisation: ) i...09 CeP•h"?..− __ your i k nts couJ−4e_ fat v Phone: 07 3 '7 ii II+ 1.4r (/ Fax: 07 307 0Ly,t−− 9 ,−−.) (zit Email: y,i,ntibviaarcl−−. Website: Co tl?− i 60, oz._ , , _

Postal address for correspondence:

% ) 1.2 Name of principal contact: . j.−.− ,,„ irAoci−for Position held in group: 0 ff k e−1, )e (V1 '−/t− ,C.,, Coo (., _ Phone (day): r__ Fax: 0.22? −,−(, 7 .•.... 0 7. /I.+ LI_ ...,,;,,,,_/ ,, o'7 ,.:30.,−7 Mobile: (),'",./ II fl 0 GC(Ci Email:

,j•••−, 1.3 Name of secondary contact:

Position held in group: C f 0 Phone (day): 0 /,:zr−−−−/ i 14_,..fr i Fax: (.2 / ::::<0 •...... / f3{nlii(V/^? Mobile: Email: ill I−− .t:._'Z CI irct. , co , i'l 2.__

,−^ − 2.1 How long has your organisation been operating? thi'{ij (• cats

/4−553 2.2 What are your group's main objectives and activities? hrij cfisabitt.−IftS a,' aciiieut, (Jo Is). erl I 'r) −−k) incle_pindeni lives .) kcepi'n9 lase miti atiti:he ;ri s apircaeci oae6s ble 1/4 cpoityuili

n 7C 60.2− 2.3 Is your group GST registered? No Yes Yes, GST No*: / /


36 WHAKATĀNE DISTRICT COUNCIL MONDAY, 9 JULY 2018 Whakatane-Ohope Community Board - AGENDA 7.1 Disabilities Resource Centre Trust (Cont.)

WHAKATANE District Counci Discretionary Funds


3.1 Please provide a title for the project, service, event proposal for which you are seeking funding (approx 8 words):

−− C h &acii Acces. Al cc 4 Give a brief description of the project, service, event proposal for which you are seeking funding (if you have a separate 3.2 project plan or require more space, please list the key points here and attach a full description of your proposal to the back of this form):

'.−1 prUkiritle. aAard C tkitanif1,31 erati'rovviefifail g−Isenc,(13 aild Kcifve, Ohcp co s 1− − e access r ezicil −−tvzoa.ble −1− Incse, tAiitt, mo censer ail_ e, re.lattct i,ssdes lc ci Ili& each im 1 enc s o apci −−aityillj

3.3 How long does the project, service or proposal run? Starts:Evid ;?Cis−

I711/ Finishes: Ongoing:

3.4 Funding Description — tick the appropriate boxes

Provision of seeding funding for a community event

Support for a Community Project

El Purchase of works of art for public reserves 17 Project associated with youth or the elderly

Facility development or upgrade − including property owned by community organisations 17rPride and beautification project within the community El Board generated project, event or initiative El Promotion and advertising El Attendance at National or International Competition


37 WHAKATĀNE DISTRICT COUNCIL MONDAY, 9 JULY 2018 Whakatane-Ohope Community Board - AGENDA 7.1 Disabilities Resource Centre Trust (Cont.)

WHAKATANE District Council Discretionary Funds


Show us how you will measure that your project, service or event proposal is successful by outlining the benefits to the 4.1 community bepat lox a e., Ctxr CUmillund 12 0−110Witt 4116111 peuq/bpale, cc)fyiritutii('euert (Ai pceviouisi It co oci tiof i arid tcwt aCce SS −k) ev 00−−f−d2or,s mail(h.'&114: es utki cre, preduibusi flie,re. 10 ofOS 1101−2; (bad ve −119 ir)Caa Clifj" and inci per) ce, n our re_otoc ,j − 4.2 Which of the following of the Council's Community Outcomes applies? —tick the appropriate boxes

Wellbeing nEffective Leadership − Striving for our Future aCommunity Needs — A caring community aQuality Services — Excellent Value for Money 17/ Valuing our Environment − Sustaining for future generations

Reliable and Affordable Infrastructure — Meeting current and future needs

Sustainable Economic Development—Working in partnership

What will happen to the project if: • this funding application is unsuccessful or, 4.3 • only a portion of the funds are received or, • a guarantee against loss is provided rather than a grant? nThe project will proceed as outlined The project will be delayed oNcio\−−1− (please specify expected length of delay): On Scurcil oftcv n S 117 The project will be downgraded

The project will be prevented from being carried out


38 . iaiiisRsuc eteTut(Cont.) Trust Centre Resource Disabilities 7.1 AGENDA - Board Community Whakatane-Ohope COUNCIL DISTRICT WHAKATĀNE Funds WHAKATANE Discretionary District Council Application Form

FINANCIAL DETAILS OF YOUR PROJECT, SERVICE OR PROPO,SA −14'd−,:;:17. ooty xp, A, Note: All figures to include GST (if any).

Please provide a breakdown of the budget for the project, service or proposal for which you are seeking assistance:


Description of cost* Amount Income source Amount

Salaries / wages Applicant organisation's contribution $ 5wc. Postage / telephone / administration Fundraising C−r−@c) $ oco , pc Advertising / promotion Donations / sponsorship

Professional fees Entry fees

Travel costs Value of donated material Project materials Other Grants applied for (please specify): $ ' t_CiteXi Labour cost S CC In MU() rilj $ CC o o Venue / equipment hire C CrS $ 8200 o 00

Other costs (please specify):

Other income (please specify):


TOTAL FUNDING SHORT FALL (i.e. 'a' minus 'b')

A463034 39 WHAKATĀNE DISTRICT COUNCIL MONDAY, 9 JULY 2018 Whakatane-Ohope Community Board - AGENDA 7.1 Disabilities Resource Centre Trust (Cont.)

WHAKATANE Discretionary Funds District Council Application Form

Note: All figures to include GST (if any).

What funding assistance has your group/organisation applied for and/or received from the Council over the past 3 years:

Year Amount received Purpose

We the undersigned do solemnly and sincerely declare and acknowledge that:

• The details we have given in all sections of this application are true and correct to the best of our knowledge.

• We have the authority to commit our group to this application.

• All information contained in this application is subject to the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987, and will be included in a publicly available agenda.

• The Council may collect from third parties any information it deems necessary about the applicant or the application.

Name: Oapri re,r−re..0i..._ AM CuA Position held in ronaiion Coorol lcdo group: bioces r

Signature− (InO'VVY

... .. Date:

6r−7ic) Name: IA/ ef) FOX X Position held in group: CEO 4...... Signature:

...... − Date:


40 WHAKATĀNE DISTRICT COUNCIL MONDAY, 9 JULY 2018 Whakatane-Ohope Community Board - AGENDA 7.1 Disabilities Resource Centre Trust (Cont.)

wHAKAT−−EIP% Discretionary Funds District Council Application Form


Please complete the following checklist to ensure you have completed the application process and attached all necessary information:

nAll sections of this form have been completed nRead the funding description and ticked the appropriate category riYou have attached a bank generated deposit slip verifying your bank account details nYou have attached a separate copy of your project plan where one has been developed You have attached quotes for expenses for your project, service or event proposal where these have been 171 obtained You have attached a copy of your latest audited accounts or balance sheet or, if you are a new group, a cgrstatement of estimated income and expenditure for your first year nThe declaration form has been signed by two members of your organisation that have the authority to do so 17 You have made a copy of this application for your future reference euNci ''L/& Jhes& are. 101.−itcv FYuciuccci 6)Gt.4, siAirchele 116' Ji (1 be. ctua.dct,ble ivL1 7iiei s jj, ov7e sun° s (4 .41−It'S to imt •


41 WHAKATĀNE DISTRICT COUNCIL MONDAY, 9 JULY 2018 Whakatane-Ohope Community Board - AGENDA 7.1 Disabilities Resource Centre Trust (Cont.)

Ohope Beach Access Mat Proposal

Lopac Beach Access Mat trials, Mt Maunganui 2016

Plan Outline

Aim: To provide Ohope Beach with better access for those in our community who are mobility impaired, including the elderly, those who need wheelchairs or walking frames, those with sensory disorders that prevent them walking on sand, and families with prams.

Proposed Solution: It is proposed that a beach access mat be placed at an access point close to the Ohope Beach on every summer day, beginning the summer of 2018−2019. Only removed during very high tides or bad weather, it could be stored over winter at the Surf Club. A teardrop banner will mark the entrance to the access mat, let the public know when it is in use and provide sponsorship recognition opportunities to contributors.

Expected Cost: Access mat is approximately $6000 per 20m segment. Estimated cost for Ohope Beach is $16,000. Lopac Australia generously provides these mats at cost as a service to the mobility impaired. Mat segments can be added as finances allow. The mats are either 1.5m or 1.8m wide and are available in lengths of 10m, 15m, 22.5m or 30m and weighs a maximum of 30kgs.

Expected Lifespan: Although it can be left in the open permanently, storing the mat indoors during winter and king tides will extend the expected lifespan from seven to fifteen years.

Expected Positive Outcomes: Improved access to Ohope Beach and inclusion in community events for the mobility impaired; increased tourist visitor numbers and positioning of Ohope Beach as a destination for schools and community groups; excellent community engagement and positive consumer relations for contributing organisations.

42 WHAKATĀNE DISTRICT COUNCIL MONDAY, 9 JULY 2018 Whakatane-Ohope Community Board - AGENDA 7.1 Disabilities Resource Centre Trust (Cont.)

Why a Beach Access Mat Environmentally Friendly: Access mats are temporary and very little impact will be made on existing beach structures. The mat is able to be cut and formed around dunes and the UV stabilised polyester material is recyclable after use. When an access mat is removed, minimal impact can be seen on the beach itself.

Quick Installation: Mats have a quick 'roll and pin' installation, and two people can lay down or remove and stack a mat in ten minutes.

Inclusive: Any member of the public can use the beach access mat and no special equipment include using expensive or extra help is needed. Other options for improving disabled access of the beach. surf chairs or hoists, and serve to disconnect disabled users from other users

Minimal maintenance: access mat can be cleaned with a broom or leaf blower. No other maintenance should be required.

The Main Beach Experience

The Mt Maunganui Main Beach access mat is 60m long and was installed early 2018 by Tauranga City Council (TCC) with partial financial backing from local business and charitable clubs. Council contractors have responsibility for the mat with Mt Maunganui Surf Club lending a hand. TCC has been trialing the mat outside 24 hours a day, only packing down during very bad weather. To date no vandalism or damage has occurred. The Main Beach mat has been so successful and had such strong positive visitor feedback, TCC is already planning to purchase more matting to use at other venues where the ground is boggy or sandy. Tauranga City Council has been generously assisting the Ohope Beach Access Mat Project with time and information.

43 WHAKATĀNE DISTRICT COUNCIL MONDAY, 9 JULY 2018 Whakatane-Ohope Community Board - AGENDA 7.1 Disabilities Resource Centre Trust (Cont.)

Issues for Consideration

General Mobility Access at Mahy Reserve: At present it is difficult to get from the mobility need access carpark at Mahy Reserve to the sand with limited mobility. Some work may to be undertaken by the WDC to improve access from the Mahy Reserve carpark to the beginning of the access mat.

Funding Options and We are confident this project can be funded through a mix of community grants private/public contributions. For example:

Funds − Lotteries Community − JR McKenzie Trust fundraising with Whakatane Surf Club, Lions Clubs, Quota, Rotary − Community from WDC and DRCT − Contributions Sponsorships from local business −

Possible Community Group Involvement

Disabilities Resource Centre Ohope Beach School

Idea Services Ohope Lions Club

CCS Disability Action Sunshine Lions Club

Sport Bay of Plenty Halberg Disability Sport Trust

Salt Spray Surf School Whakatane District Council

Whakatane Surf Club Parafed Bay of Plenty

Next Steps

Please consider what part your organization can play in this exciting project. We are happy to take on board feedback or discuss any questions you may have.

Amanda Perfect

Information Services Co−ordinator

Disabilities Resource Centre

[email protected]

07 307 1447

44 WHAKATĀNE DISTRICT COUNCIL MONDAY, 9 JULY 2018 Whakatane-Ohope Community Board - AGENDA 7.1 Disabilities Resource Centre Trust (Cont.)

Disabilities Resource Centre Trust Statement of Financial Position As at 30 June 2017 Note 2017 2016

Current Assets Cash & Cash Equivalents 2 921,900 580,713 Debtors & Sundry Receivables 777,352 396,064 Trident High School − Gym Bond 100 100 Inventories 7,626 13,061 Total Current Assets 1,706,978 989,938 Non−Current Assets Property, Plant & Equipment 5 644,303 696,258 Shares 1 1 Intangible Assets & Goodwill 3 13,990 20,384 Total Non−Current Assets 658,294 716,644 Total Assets 2,365,272 1,706,581 Current Liabilities

Sundry Creditors 44,950 56,417 Rehabilitation Fees Received in Advance 270,674 Current Portion of Term Liabilities 6 25,643 24,248 GST Payable 260,387 196,679 Provision for Holiday Pay 471,674 529,658 Wages Payable 88,561 108,148 Total Current Liabilities 1,161,889 915,150 Non−Current Liabilities

Term Loans − Secured 6 204,425 230,138 Total Liabilities 1,366,314 1,145,288 Net Assets 998,958 561,293

Trust Funds

Retained Profits 998,958 561,293 Total Trust Funds 998,958 561,293

These financial statements are to be read in conjunction with the accompanying Notes.

Page 5 Focus Chartered Accountants Limited Whakatane

45 WHAKATĀNE DISTRICT COUNCIL MONDAY, 9 JULY 2018 Whakatane-Ohope Community Board - AGENDA 7.2 Jack Nelson

7.2 Jack Nelson

46 WHAKATĀNE DISTRICT COUNCIL MONDAY, 9 JULY 2018 Whakatane-Ohope Community Board - AGENDA 7.2 Jack Nelson (Cont.)

47 WHAKATĀNE DISTRICT COUNCIL MONDAY, 9 JULY 2018 Whakatane-Ohope Community Board - AGENDA 7.2 Jack Nelson (Cont.)

48 WHAKATĀNE DISTRICT COUNCIL MONDAY, 9 JULY 2018 Whakatane-Ohope Community Board - AGENDA 7.2 Jack Nelson (Cont.)

49 WHAKATĀNE DISTRICT COUNCIL MONDAY, 9 JULY 2018 Whakatane-Ohope Community Board - AGENDA 7.2 Jack Nelson (Cont.)

50 WHAKATĀNE DISTRICT COUNCIL MONDAY, 9 JULY 2018 Whakatane-Ohope Community Board - AGENDA 7.2 Jack Nelson (Cont.)

51 WHAKATĀNE DISTRICT COUNCIL MONDAY, 9 JULY 2018 Whakatane-Ohope Community Board - AGENDA 7.2 Jack Nelson (Cont.)

52 WHAKATĀNE DISTRICT COUNCIL MONDAY, 9 JULY 2018 Whakatane-Ohope Community Board - AGENDA 7.2 Jack Nelson (Cont.)

53 WHAKATĀNE DISTRICT COUNCIL MONDAY, 9 JULY 2018 Whakatane-Ohope Community Board - AGENDA 7.3 Wairaka Maori Women's Welfare League

7.3 Wairaka Maori Women's Welfare League

54 WHAKATĀNE DISTRICT COUNCIL MONDAY, 9 JULY 2018 Whakatane-Ohope Community Board - AGENDA 7.3 Wairaka Maori Women's Welfare League (Cont.)

No.− WHAKATANE Discretionary Funds


Qilti wsly‘1 1.1 Name of your organisation gi;lc 4 mao,„. ‘iii−,0 we 4,.. ktcr Phone: 07 3C 5 i 00 Fax: 104.,i,cooiv,..6 Email: 1Website: .01,

Postal address for correspondence

2 Pt octil,k, AVE− t‘kitV a−koti−− 1 1.2 Name of principal contact 3−0 ea vJv.\ R.,„−,.e_t., Position held in group:

Phone (day): Fax: 0 1 3cse, 5− 1 0 3 i focet, I )44vicnb 0 Mobile: C X 1 1 0 9o23 Email: TAAet tw

.−−−−", fOrtilje,c 1.3 Name of secondary contact: u k,i,,r'Ve

F,71(4.XY'le−t) .1−eicii:olei Position held in group: Phone (day): is 1 e 3ck., 13 4.... Fax: Mobile: es lk 112 Email: C.I.loAL f'chAlt−IR v1/410.nabe‘ 3c2... • IA−6_


t4.451‘ /1 2.1 How long has your organisation been operating? rk{t

2.2 What are your group's main objectives and activities?

xn 1−xt, ttlAjt.tA44,1 −‘/OSLA4„ 5SZIOA CAOAAiret gke • P.S exv cbc. 41 4 via• OfniL gcs jv tyv% ci −10\4tveA VV−A141'11

ri 2.3 Is your group GST registered? No Yes Yes, GST No'


55 WHAKATĀNE DISTRICT COUNCIL MONDAY, 9 JULY 2018 Whakatane-Ohope Community Board - AGENDA 7.3 Wairaka Maori Women's Welfare League (Cont.)

tfr− WHAKATANE Discretionary Funds


3.1 Please provide a title for the project, service, event proposal for which you are seeking funding (approx 8 words). cz\k\MAJwt, Conitfriona. cc tek4−ic‘Act\

Give a brief description of the project, service, event proposal for which you are seeking funding (if you hove a separate 3.2 project plan or require more space, please list the key points here arid attach a full description of your proposol to the back of this form): CUOMA−Ct.1 Net−k8NeL\ Ccae,4414?o(t, KWIWL− iI K, 4. G_Vo...−A− Cct_c−il ..4 ob−, It,1 Ceikkviko4. CV\144 414 4V−Aiet Vie/ t p 4,,s4u, c„eated 6v14− .. it t?),(60.−1A,v‘ WAN, p iSkraLl We− c−CilvItlk−kk. c,,..11Ylkuviiii 'c'o,e−114._k t− k−ct‘i:.ilJ e, CAN't s..c.__ck Lty We. IV& •tklit • 1−W0

ct ‘33 Finishes: kw3A," 2,0 Ongoing:

3.4 Funding Description − tick the appropriate boxes

CIProvision of seeding funding for a community event iiSupport for a Community Project CIPurchase of works of art for public reserves PrProject associated with youth or the elderly 0 Facility development or upgrade − including property owned by community organisations r−i Pride and beautification project within the community nBoard generated project, event or initiative flPromotion and advertising CT'. Attendance at National or International Competition


56 WHAKATĀNE DISTRICT COUNCIL MONDAY, 9 JULY 2018 Whakatane-Ohope Community Board - AGENDA 7.3 Wairaka Maori Women's Welfare League (Cont.)

WHAKATANE Discretionary Funds


Show how will that project, service −1 4.1 us you measure your or event proposal is successful by outlining the benefits to the community TkLt\;a\CX\ or4(y&JO alittVebkMAG t 0111,,Ad etCW1 et− CAMft, ikkAelii6L),(.0−4Pott− rak CAttaAVel 1430A 6e c w491 00}/ &CIO ivv.A4tki'c avt−i'Ll4AlhL&Awl 44 liScx:6M 40 Olt_ As a Va−o/O−av I_ / er−‘,0.1 ktvv be4/44 44) 4114_ attwuktvitt ‘,1 444.

4.2 Which of the following of the Council's Community Outcomes applies? − tick the appropriate boxes

rar− Effective leadership − Striving for our Future Wellbeing

Community Needs − A caring community

Quality Services − Excellent Value for Money

Valuing our Environment − Sustaining for future generations

rill Reliable and Affordable Infrastructure − Meeting current and future needs

Sustainable Economic Development Working in partnership

What will happen to the project if: • this funding application is unsuccessful 4.3 or, • only a portion of the funds are received or, • a guarantee against loss is provided rather than a grant? rirThe project will proceed as outlined 171 The project will be delayed (please specify expected length of delay) ElThe project will be downgraded

The project will be prevented from being carried out


57 . ark ar oe' efr ege(Cont.) League Welfare Women's Maori Wairaka 7.3 AGENDA - Board Community Whakatane-Ohope COUNCIL DISTRICT WHAKATĀNE

Discretionary Funds Noe—• WHAKATANE District Council Application Form


Please provide a breakdown of the budget for the project, service or proposal for which you are seeking assistance:


Description of cost' Amount Income source Amount

Salaries / wages Applicant organisation's contribution $ /Lice czz.)− Postage / telephone / administration Fundraising $ 2CC− CO

Advertising / promotion Donations / sponsorship $

Professional fees Entry fees

Travel costs Value of donated material

Project materials Other Grants applied for (please specify): 5

Labour cost

Venue / equipment hire

Other costs (please specify): ci−ovA.INOCVLO $ Cei) Pvo $ ;JQ CLC Other income (please specify):


et) 0 0 TOTAL FUNDING SHORT FALL (i.e. 'a' minus 'b') (c) $ ODY UY2018 JULY 9 MONDAY,

4463034 58 WHAKATĀNE DISTRICT COUNCIL MONDAY, 9 JULY 2018 Whakatane-Ohope Community Board - AGENDA 7.3 Wairaka Maori Women's Welfare League (Cont.)

kr WHAKATANE Discretionary Funds Application Form

6 OTHER COUNCIL FUNDING Note: All figures to include GST (If any).

What funding assistance has your group/organisation applied for and/or received from the Council over the past 3 years:

Year Amount received Purpose nhi


We the undersigned do solemnly and sincerely declare and acknowledge that:

• The details we have given in all sections of this application are true and correct to the best of our knowledge

• We have the authority to commit our group to this application.

• All informatio.n contained in this application is subject to the local Government Official Information and

Meetings Act 1987, and will be included in a publicly available agenda

• The Council may collect from third parties any information it deems necessary about the applicant or the application.

Name: 11,4E_

Position held in group: .e3F rkF2,Pr




Position held in group: A v e Signature:

Date: IS 1


59 WHAKATĀNE DISTRICT COUNCIL MONDAY, 9 JULY 2018 Whakatane-Ohope Community Board - AGENDA 7.3 Wairaka Maori Women's Welfare League (Cont.)

Discretionary Funds # HAKATANE • Application Form

and attached all necessary I Please complete the following checklist to ensure you have completed the application process information:

riAll sections of this form have been completed riRead the funding description and ticked the appropriate category nYou have attached a bank generated deposit slip verifying your bank account details developed You have attached a separate copy of your project plan where one has been

have attached quotes for expenses for your project, service or event proposal where these have been InYouobtained You have attached a copy of your latest audited accounts or balance sheet or, if you are a new group, a ri statement of estimated income and expenditure for your first year ElThe declaration form has been signed by two members of your organisation that have the authority to do so 7IYou have made a copy of this application for your future reference


60 WHAKATĀNE DISTRICT COUNCIL MONDAY, 9 JULY 2018 Whakatane-Ohope Community Board - AGENDA 7.3 Wairaka Maori Women's Welfare League (Cont.)

Wairaka Maori Women's Welfare League Statement ofFinancial Position As at 31 March 2017

Note 2017 2016

CURRENT ASSETS 11,596 13,616 Bank − Cheque Account Taxation 7 4 26 13,642 Total Current Assets 11,600

NON−CURRENT ASSETS 512 701 Fixed Assets as per Schedule

TOTAL ASSETS 12,112 14,343

CURRENT LIABILITIES Taxation 7 Accounts Payable Unallocated Portion of Funds Total Current Liabilities


Represented by; TRUSTEES FUNDS Retained Earnings 12,112 14,343 TOTAL TRUSTEES FUNDS $12,112 $14,343

Financial The Financial Statements have not been audited. The accompanying notes form part ofthese Statements and should be read in conjunction with the reports contained herein.

For and on behalf ofthe Trustees:


The accompanying notes form part ofthese financial statements. These financial statements have not been subject to audit or review, and should be read in conjunction with the attached Compilation Report. − 3 −

61 WHAKATĀNE DISTRICT COUNCIL MONDAY, 9 JULY 2018 Whakatane-Ohope Community Board - AGENDA 7.4 Hospice Eastern BOP

7.4 Hospice Eastern BOP

62 WHAKATĀNE DISTRICT COUNCIL MONDAY, 9 JULY 2018 Whakatane-Ohope Community Board - AGENDA 7.4 Hospice Eastern BOP (Cont.)

39 Got Nikt PO Box 4./3 Rau ora A hundred pathways to well−being WHAKATANE Ph: 07 307 2244 Fax: 07 307 805−/ hospice www.hospiceebop.org.nz eastern bay of plenty

24th May 2018

Janie Storey Whakatane District Council Private Bag 1002 WHAKATANE 3158

Dear Janie

Application for Community Grants — Discretionary Funding

Hospice EBOP would like to thank Whakatane District Councillors for the opportunity to apply for assistance towards the costs of with the proposed "Volunteer Recruitment Drive" for Hospice EBOP

Hospice EBOP provides a community based service, supporting terminally ill patients to be cared for, and to die with dignity, at home if they wish. The government funding we receive makes up less than 65% of our operating expenditure and we rely on grants, donations and fundraising to make up the shortfall.

Hospice EBOP supports patient numbers well in excess of our contractual requirement and we continue to rely on the support of our local community to enable us to continue to provide our current level of services throughout the eastern Bay of Plenty Thanks to the generosity of our community Hospice services continue to be provided free of charge to all patients.

Hospice services are identified as being essential in and our work is best summarised by Dame Cecily Saunders, the founder of the modern Hospice movement,

"You matter because you are you, and you matter to the last moment of your life, and we will do everything we can not only to help you die peacefully but to live until you die."

We very much appreciate your continued support.

Kind regards,

Peter Bassett Chief Executive

63 WHAKATĀNE DISTRICT COUNCIL MONDAY, 9 JULY 2018 Whakatane-Ohope Community Board - AGENDA 7.4 Hospice Eastern BOP (Cont.)

kre− WHAKATANE District Council Discretionary Funds


1.1 Name of your organisation: Hospice Eastern Bay of Plenty

Phone: Fax: 07−3072244

Email: Website: [email protected] www.hospiceebop.org.nz

Postal address for correspondence: PO Box 275


1.2 Name of principal contact: Peter Bassett

Position held in group: CE

Phone (day): Fax: 07−3072244

Mobile: Email: 021−814 402 [email protected]

1.3 Name of secondary contact: Samantha Hope

Position held in group: Finance. & Administration manager Phone (day): Fax: 07−307−2244

Mobile: Email: [email protected]


2.1 How long has your organisation been operating? 32 years since 1986

2.2 What are your group's main objectives and activities? Hospice provides palliative care services to support

those living with a terminal illness, who reside in the Eastern Bay of Plenty. Hospice support

continues into the period of bereavement. We provide care co−ordination & assessment, pain

mangement & symtom control. 24/7 telephone support & loan of specialist equipment.

ri n 2.3 Is your group GST registered? No Yes Yes, GST No*: 514 384 / 21


64 WHAKATĀNE DISTRICT COUNCIL MONDAY, 9 JULY 2018 Whakatane-Ohope Community Board - AGENDA 7.4 Hospice Eastern BOP (Cont.)

WHAKATANE r District Council Discretionary Funds


3.1 Please provide a title for the project, service, event proposal for which you are seeking funding (approx 8 words):

Volunteer recruitment campaign for Hospice EBOP

Give a brief description of the project, service, event proposal for which you are seeking funding (if you have a separate 3.2 project plan or require more space, please list the key points here and attach a full description of your proposal to the back of this form):

We need to increase the numbers & diversity of our current volunteer base, with an

emphais to increase Te Reo speaking & Maori volunteers. There is a demand for patient

story writers and sitters who can speak Te Reo that we currently struggle to accomodate.

Over 35% of our patients are Maori compared to less than 10% of our volunteers, whilst only

14% of our volunteers are male of which there is no ethnic representation.

3.3 How long does the project, service or proposal run? Starts:

Finishes: Ongoing:

3.4 Funding Description — tick the appropriate boxes

El Provision of seeding funding for a community event El Support for a Community Project El Purchase of works of art for public reserves rill Project associated with youth or the elderly El Facility development or upgrade − including property owned by community organisations El Pride and beautification project within the community El Board generated project, event or initiative El Promotion and advertising El Attendance at National or International Competition


65 WHAKATĀNE DISTRICT COUNCIL MONDAY, 9 JULY 2018 Whakatane-Ohope Community Board - AGENDA 7.4 Hospice Eastern BOP (Cont.)

WHAKATANE re− District Council Discretionary Funds


Show how will that your project, service or event proposal is successful by outlining the benefits to the 4.1 us you measure community

Our services increasely cover a growing geographical area, including as far around the

coast as Te Kaha. We are finding there is a growing demand for speakers of Te Reo which is

a first language for a portion of our older rural patients.

As the demand for our services grows so does the need to deliver specialist patient equipment,

This equipment can offen be cumbersome to lift and move. We currently rely on a small group

of male volunteers to ensure delivery to patients however we restricted by their availibilty.

4.2 Which of the following of the Council's Community Outcomes applies? — tick the appropriate boxes

nEffective Leadership − Striving for our Future Wellbeing

Community Needs — A caring community

Quality Services — Excellent Value for Money

Valuing our Environment − Sustaining for future generations

Reliable and Affordable Infrastructure — Meeting current and future needs

Sustainable Economic Development — Working in partnership

What will happen to the project if: • this funding application is unsuccessful 4.3 or, • only a portion of the funds are received or, • a guarantee against loss is provided rather than a grant?

The project will proceed as outlined

The project will be delayed (please specify expected length of delay): Six months nThe project will be downgraded O The project will be prevented from being carried out


66 WHAKATĀNE DISTRICT COUNCIL MONDAY, 9 JULY 2018 Whakatane-Ohope Community Board - AGENDA 7.4 Hospice Eastern BOP (Cont.)

WHAKATANE Discretionary Fund. District Council Application Form


Note: All figures to include GST (if any).

Please provide a breakdown of the budget for the project, service or proposal for which you are seeking assistance:


Description of cost* Amount Income source

Salaries / wages $ 2,000 Applicant organisation's contribution 170

Postage / telephone / administration $ 500 Fundraising

Advertising / promotion $ 1,500 Donations / sponsorship

Professional fees $ 700 Entry fees

Travel costs Value of donated material

Project materials $ tom Other Grants applied for (please specify): Labour cost

Venue / equipment hire

Other costs (please specify):

Other income (please specify):


TOTAL FUNDING SHORT FALL (i.e. 'a' minus 'b') (c)$ 4000


67 WHAKATĀNE DISTRICT COUNCIL MONDAY, 9 JULY 2018 Whakatane-Ohope Community Board - AGENDA 7.4 Hospice Eastern BOP (Cont.)

WHAKATANE Discretionary Funds 41'7' District Council Application Form

6 OTHER COUNCIL FUNDING Note: All figures to include GST (if any).

What funding assistance has your group/organisation applied for and/or received from the Council over the past 3 years:

Year Amount received Purpose

2015 $6,000 Three year multi grant for medical supplies 2016 $2,000 Grant for Gourmet Market

2017 $2,000 Grant for SSAP


We the undersigned do solemnly and sincerely declare and acknowledge that:

• The details we have given in all sections of this application are true and correct to the best of our knowledge.

• We have the authority to commit our group to this application.

• All information contained in this application is subject to the Local Government Official Information and

Meetings Act 1987, and will be included in a publicly available agenda.

• The Council may collect from third parties any information it deems necessary about the applicant or the application.

Name: Peter Bassett

Position held in CE group:



Name: Samantha Hope

held Position in Finance & Administration manager group: − Signature:



68 WHAKATĀNE DISTRICT COUNCIL MONDAY, 9 JULY 2018 Whakatane-Ohope Community Board - AGENDA 7.4 Hospice Eastern BOP (Cont.)

WHAKATANE Discretionary Funds District Council Application Form


Please complete the following checklist to ensure you have completed the application process and attached all necessary information:

ElAll sections of this form have been completed InRead the funding description and ticked the appropriate category O You have attached a bank generated deposit slip verifying your bank account details 71 You have attached a separate copy of your project plan where one has been developed You have attached quotes for expenses for your project, service or event proposal where these have been Jobtained You have attached a copy of your latest audited accounts or balance sheet or, if you are a new group, a n statement of estimated income and expenditure for your first year nThe declaration form has been signed by two members of your organisation that have the authority to do so nYou have made a copy of this application for your future reference


69 WHAKATĀNE DISTRICT COUNCIL MONDAY, 9 JULY 2018 Whakatane-Ohope Community Board - AGENDA 7.4 Hospice Eastern BOP (Cont.)

Page 6

Hospice Eastern Bay of Plenty Statement of Financial Position As at 30 June 2017

Note Actual Actual This Year Last Year $ $ Assets

Current Assets Bank accounts and cash 3 180,948 209,509 Debtors and prepayments 3 226,836 72,627 Other current assets 3 1,120,000 940,000 5,781 GST receivable − Total Current Assets 1,527,784 1,227,917

Non−Current Assets Property, plant and equipment 4 1,324,307 1,372,103 Total Non−Current Assets 1,324,307 1,372,103

Total Assets 2,852,091 2,600,020


Current Liabilities Creditors and accrued expenses 3 18,623 90,146 Employee costs payable 3 109,878 79,092 Unused donations and grants with conditions 3 40,878 1,487 GST 34,989 − Total Current Liabilities 204,368 170,725

Non−Current Liabilities Loans 3 _ 200,000 Total Non−Current liabilities 200,000

Total Liabilities 204,368 370,725

Total Assets less Total Liabilities (Net Assets) 2,647,723 2,229,295

Accumulated Funds Accumulated surpluses or (deficits) 5 1,977,723 1,909,295 Reserves 5 670,000 320,000

Total Accumulated Funds 2,647,723 2,229,295

This Statement should be read in conjunction with the attached Notes and the Auditors Report.

Page 6

70 WHAKATĀNE DISTRICT COUNCIL MONDAY, 9 JULY 2018 Whakatane-Ohope Community Board - AGENDA 7.5 Eastern Eagles Basketball Club

7.5 Eastern Eagles Basketball Club

71 WHAKATĀNE DISTRICT COUNCIL MONDAY, 9 JULY 2018 Whakatane-Ohope Community Board - AGENDA 7.5 Eastern Eagles Basketball Club (Cont.)

72 WHAKATĀNE DISTRICT COUNCIL MONDAY, 9 JULY 2018 Whakatane-Ohope Community Board - AGENDA 7.5 Eastern Eagles Basketball Club (Cont.)

73 WHAKATĀNE DISTRICT COUNCIL MONDAY, 9 JULY 2018 Whakatane-Ohope Community Board - AGENDA 7.5 Eastern Eagles Basketball Club (Cont.)

74 WHAKATĀNE DISTRICT COUNCIL MONDAY, 9 JULY 2018 Whakatane-Ohope Community Board - AGENDA 7.5 Eastern Eagles Basketball Club (Cont.)

75 WHAKATĀNE DISTRICT COUNCIL MONDAY, 9 JULY 2018 Whakatane-Ohope Community Board - AGENDA 7.5 Eastern Eagles Basketball Club (Cont.)

76 WHAKATĀNE DISTRICT COUNCIL MONDAY, 9 JULY 2018 Whakatane-Ohope Community Board - AGENDA 7.6 Whakatane Intermediate School - 2018 Rangitaiki Kapa Haka

7.6 Whakatane Intermediate School - 2018 Rangitaiki Kapa Haka

77 WHAKATĀNE DISTRICT COUNCIL MONDAY, 9 JULY 2018 Whakatane-Ohope Community Board - AGENDA 7.6 Whakatane Intermediate School - 2018 Rangitaiki Kapa Haka (Cont.)

WHAKATANE 5.9District Council Discretionary Funds



hilitakaJew IAAntuditzh 1.1 Name of your organisation: / (...

Phone: 0 7 ?so r 64 to Fax: 07 s?0 y 3740 Email: Website:

ijea,,,,e 12,4s/earn. cc/lay/ −) Postal address for correspondence: ,7„

&tilAX−S it)/ Th−e−et AikeukairtAx,_ , Ale: le . 1.2 Name of principal contact: , 0 − ttit , p Position held in CApal group: 0 ,−I) _ Phone (day): Fax: 0 7 ? e 6 a tfo 0 7 20s 6− 7‘. 0 Mobile: Email:

1.3 Name of secondary contact: j'i. gt,e4jea,

Position held in group: #ets,/_ 64444.11/eg„ iviwiekjed1/t

Phone (day): Fax: O 7 30s 64go 6

IC ak −,Q4670/4 , ca co Mobile: Email: nt /24 ,


5'.7 2.1 How long has your organisation been operating? /q69 2.2 What are your group's main objectives and activities? proir _e_ot−icsvrtai arid (−61.14−crca spork oppor4aLdi:a Apikem, aeld

n I No*:,2 / 2.3 Is your group GST registered? No 13 Yes Yes, GST


78 WHAKATĀNE DISTRICT COUNCIL MONDAY, 9 JULY 2018 Whakatane-Ohope Community Board - AGENDA 7.6 Whakatane Intermediate School - 2018 Rangitaiki Kapa Haka (Cont.)

WHAKATANE District Council Discretionary Funds

words): 3.1 Please provide a title for the project, service, event proposal for which you are seeking funding (approx 8 leAt_ 'QS1ilrea

Give a brief description of the project, service, event proposal for which you are seeking funding (if you have a separate back 3.2 project plan or require more space, please list the key points here and attach a full description of your proposal to the of this form): 7;ke eriutleet4.191)v41 442.h7( Cai62− MPAi −4.11 −e−144ty co−Ld ute.4vatta 6S−Icticzi 061/el iusite okoo& /040 rez,lS &P Of 05/&9 art otcleZ novi 64e ;lite ,/ 84,7a (−viti at,tsuccp,,./ /04.4− 3.3 How long does the project, service or proposal run? Starts:

Finishes: ac,e6i 04− Ongoing: t−c−271−− 20( r

3.4 Funding Description — tick the appropriate boxes

Provision of seeding funding for a community event

Support for a Community Project

Purchase of works of art for public reserves

Project associated with youth or the elderly

by organisations Facility development or upgrade − including property owned community

Pride and beautification project within the community

Board generated project, event or initiative

Promotion and advertising

Attendance at National or International Competition


79 WHAKATĀNE DISTRICT COUNCIL MONDAY, 9 JULY 2018 Whakatane-Ohope Community Board - AGENDA 7.6 Whakatane Intermediate School - 2018 Rangitaiki Kapa Haka (Cont.)

WHAKATANE Ibl'.5"1"1" District Council Discretionary Funds


Show how will that project, service event proposal is successful by outlining the benefits to the 4.1 us you measure your or community ,20 it Rai, deut kapctilaM '&4−vett Af.ar 4,11 _of l't−i−ety et, ,0,04ve__ and pra eit,t draws etuLck ihit•xv. fritse /oat/ arid 1.00)9(er 600441.“ t ( og−en crow& 12000 oitg− =102AY .4e_ −It pexple − 9 locld /2“−ttiC roc Ow− ako, 10i−beide ciA−bk \e−frid theNroty−llowing 4.2 Which of of the Council's Community Outcomes applies? —tick the appropriate boxes 0 Yrite.,i

Effective Leadership − Striving for our Future Wellbeing

Community Needs A caring community

Quality Services — Excellent Value for Money

Valuing our Environment − Sustaining for future generations

Reliable and Affordable Infrastructure — Meeting current and future needs

Sustainable Economic Development — Working in partnership

What will happen to the project if: • this funding application is unsuccessful or, 4.3 • only a portion of the funds are received or, • a guarantee against loss is provided rather than a grant?

The project will proceed as outlined

The project will be delayed J (please specify expected length of delay): nThe project will be downgraded rmj The project will be prevented from being carried out


80 . hktn nemdaeSho 08Rniak aaHk (Cont.) Haka Kapa Rangitaiki 2018 - School Intermediate Whakatane 7.6 AGENDA - Board Community Whakatane-Ohope COUNCIL DISTRICT WHAKATĀNE District council Application Form

Note: All figures to include GST (if any).

Please provide a breakdown of the budget for the project, service or proposal for which you are seeking assistance:

PROJECT COSTS PROJECT INCOME Description of cost* f Amount Income source Amount Salaries / wages Applicant organisation's contribution

/ telephone / dministratiA Fundraising $ 5 Set−usage Postage CC − Cc L Advertising / promotion Donations / sponsorship

Professional fees ILA Entry fees ci cies e Gs $ Travel costs Value of donated material

().4st specify): Project materials j cirejsulY Other Grants applied for (please 5cco co &9y /nesy Labour cost

Venue / equipment hire Aicy kie,„,c,/ SouhciAt4/ Other costs (please specify):

Se) ca9E kA Gt./3 WCtid−e)li (please specify): LtA−ri Other income O( ,)(OCLUC1501qs o citco

(a)$ 3)/1710 615 TOTAL INCOME TOTAL ESTIMATED COST • (13)$ 2o 500 eo ,

TOTAL FUNDING SHORT FALL (i.e. 'a' minus 'b') (7k/c−,5− cos 7 2018 JULY 9 MONDAY,

A463034 81 WHAKATĀNE DISTRICT COUNCIL MONDAY, 9 JULY 2018 Whakatane-Ohope Community Board - AGENDA 7.6 Whakatane Intermediate School - 2018 Rangitaiki Kapa Haka (Cont.)

WHAKATANE Discretionary Funds District Council , Application Form

6 Note: All figures to include GST (if any).

and/or the What funding assistance has your group/organisation applied for received from the Council over past 3 years — either by way of a grant or "in kind" support:

Year Amount received Purpose


We the undersigned do solemnly and sincerely declare and acknowledge that: the best of knowledge. • The details we have given in all sections of this application are true and correct to our

• We have the authority to commit our group to this application. Official Information and • All information contained in this application is subject to the Local Government Meetings Act 1987, and will be included in a publicly available agenda. about the applicant the • The Council may collect from third parties any information it deems necessary or application.

Name: le_a7A (−V −e_Ot

Position held in '1:, group: ' cli I kosi (0. PLAA,C" re,)peLreic−/e , co −e€ 4 Signature: 4111P;


Name: .//).riaird Position held in ai group: −ii anCA iL4CMCC •,... −−> Signature:

Date: /S. tw C___, 2(g•


82 WHAKATĀNE DISTRICT COUNCIL MONDAY, 9 JULY 2018 Whakatane-Ohope Community Board - AGENDA 7.6 Whakatane Intermediate School - 2018 Rangitaiki Kapa Haka (Cont.)

Funds f WHAKATANE Discretionary ,00* District Council Application Form

Please complete the following checklist to ensure you have completed the application process and attached all necessary information:

1 All sections of this form have been completed nRead the funding description and ticked the appropriate category nYou have attached a bank generated deposit slip verifying your bank account details r−i You have attached a separate copy of your project plan where one has been developed You have attached quotes for expenses for your project, service or event proposal where these have been 1 obtained You have attached a copy of your latest audited accounts or balance sheet or, if you are a new group, a r−i statement of estimated income and expenditure for your first year 71 The declaration form has been signed by two members of your organisation that have the authority to do so 1 You have made a copy of this application for your future reference


83 WHAKATĀNE DISTRICT COUNCIL MONDAY, 9 JULY 2018 Whakatane-Ohope Community Board - AGENDA 7.6 Whakatane Intermediate School - 2018 Rangitaiki Kapa Haka (Cont.)


2018 Rangitaiki kapahaka Festival action plan

2018 Rangitaiki Kapahaka Festival hosts: Whakatane Intermediate School 11th 2018 Confirmed date: Friday August 10th − Saturday Proposed venue: Day 1− Whakatane Intermediate School Day 2 −Whakatane Memorial Hall

Proposed plan: 'Plant

It has been agreed among the majority of Rangitaiki Delegates during the second delegate meeting on 26/03/18 that the previous Rangitaiki kapahaka festival held in Kawerau was far too long for all those involved. Initially it was held within one day, beginning early in the morning and finishing very late in the night so as to allow all groups to perform on stage (whakangahau, novice and Whakataetae/competitive).

On reflection, we as a host school in 2018 would like to avoid having to have a prolonged day for this years festival. It has been discussed among delegate members, kapahaka tutors and W.I.S staff that we will have this years kapahaka festival allocated over two days (Fri proposed that since will host the pohiri at school 10/08/18 − Sat 11/08/18). It has been we our in the gymnasium on the first day (Friday) in the morning, it would be possible to successfully combine the pohiri with the first category performances (whakangahau groups).

The pohiri consists of a formal welcome extended to previous and current participating schools, where taonga/trophies that were won previously are returned and blessed and prepared for the 2018 kapahaka festival. This would also be the official 'opening' of the Rangitaiki Kapahaka festival. After the formalities we will then commence the first category whakangahau (entertainment of the Rangitaiki Kapahaka participant groups − the roopu category).

There are approximately around 10+ whakangahau groups representing various regional schools within the Rangitaiki area. We estimate that if we begin the pohiri at 10.30am we could finish the first category (whakangahau) by around 2.30pm. The added benefit of having the pohiri combined with the VVhakangahau performances held at our school is that this would technically be at no cost in terms of venue hireage. We would also be able to comfortably host the lesser amount of traffic and people on day 1 as opposed to hosting both days from our school grounds, as day 2 would consist of a much larger audience and more traffic.

Venue specifics Day 2:

Saturday 11th August would be the main day of the 2018 Rangitaiki Kapahaka festival and will be held at the Whakatane Memorial Hall (see site map). The memorial hall will cater for a

84 WHAKATĀNE DISTRICT COUNCIL MONDAY, 9 JULY 2018 Whakatane-Ohope Community Board - AGENDA 7.6 Whakatane Intermediate School - 2018 Rangitaiki Kapa Haka (Cont.)

much larger audience and also accommodate a larger stage for performers. The Reception lounge within the venue will be allocated for our kaumatua/elderly who may wish to support tamariki who are performing and this area will be equipped with a large screen where live footage will be available for kaumatua to view in comfort.

The grandstand seating area within the venue will seat approximately 300+ people and the floor will be set up with approx 400 plastic seats in rows facing the main stage which will be in line with the grandstand seating. The positioning of the judges seating has not yet been confirmed at this stage, but would most likely be positioned in front of the main stage in one row with an aisle break in the centre for the purpose of allocating media personel/photographers.

Canteen/catering and food stalls:

The internal kitchen on the left of the back entrance will be utilised as a canteen which will be run by HD catering and will operate for the majority of the day as an independent service. HD catering will provide a menu and price list of available items prior to the day which will be displayed within the venue. Separate catering form our school will be provided for the festival judges and kaumatua which will consist of light snack foods and tea, coffee, water and juice.

Food stalls will be allocated outside of the main building on the field and participating schools will be invited to set up and register their own stalls for fundraising purposes etc, however 10% of all profits will be allocated to the host school (Whakatane Intermediate School). Stall operators will be given a booklet that outlines specific rules and regulations pertaining to the operation of food stalls during the festival, as will all caterers. Food businesses that sponsor our school will be exempt from having to forward 10% of their profits and will have the opportunity to have free advertising via stage announcements, posters, radio and will have a platform to provide information re: their business etc.

Note: Joanne will email me in regards to extra contacts for catering opportunities re: iti

Non−food stalls:

There will be an opportunity for independent vendors to set up non−food stalls during day 2 provided they donate up to 10% of their overall profit for their stall sales made on that day to our school (Whakatane Intermediate). Registration forms will be sent out before August 10th to those who may be interested in having a stall during the day.

Limited spaces will be available however at this point an exact number for the amount of stalls allowed has yet to be confirmed. Non−food stalls will be allocated on the front grass area of the main entrance of the memorial hall and right hand side field area (see site map). Stall operators will be required to bring their own equipment ie: gazebo, table, merchandise etc. Advertising for these stalls will be announced intermittently via stage announcements by our M.Cs during the day.

85 WHAKATĀNE DISTRICT COUNCIL MONDAY, 9 JULY 2018 Whakatane-Ohope Community Board - AGENDA 7.6 Whakatane Intermediate School - 2018 Rangitaiki Kapa Haka (Cont.)

Stage set up/ stage rehearsal program:

The main stage will be set up from Tuesday 7th august by a team of volunteers under the instruction of the person allocated to the role of stage manager. Measurements and safety checks will be done on this day before beginning the stage rehearsal program which will run from Tuesday afternoon 7th August until Friday the 10th. The stage rehearsal program will include a slotted timetable for each participating school in the competitive and novice sections for day 2 (Saturday August 11th).

Each group will have the opportunity to check stage measurements, go over their group formations on stage and have a time slot for rehearsal. The stage rehearsal program will be completed and emailed to participating schools by August 1rst after final school kapahaka registrations are due in by July. All information regarding stage rehearsals etc will be put up on online via a group page specifically for the 2018 Rangitaiki Kapahaka Festival to keep everyone updated. This page will not yet be available until a later date and admin for this page will be run by Matua Maui and Jean Hawea.

Time frames (day I and day 2):

For Friday the 10th August it is aimed to begin the pohiri process at around 10.00 am with the formalities scheduled for an hour (welcome, karakia. return of taongaitrophies and official opening). The first category (whakangahau/entertainment) for the kapahaka festival will commence around 11.30 am and we aim to finish this section by 3pm.

On Friday evening it is aimed to have a noho marae for the Whakatane Intermediate Kapahaka group in the multi cultural room from 6.00pm until 8.00am Saturday morning. This noho marae is for the purpose of allowing the group to have a final practice and get prepared before performing on the main stage on the Saturday. Tutors and staff from syndicate A will be present overnight to supervise and organise the group. Transportation will be required for the morning of Saturday the 11th August from the school grounds to the war memorial hall including a school van and preferably a bus to accommodate 43.

Day 2:

with the next category for the kapahaka festival (novice) Novice − It is aimed to commence from 8.00am Saturday 11th August after the opening karakia. Intermittent stage breaks will be scheduled throughout the day and these times are yet to be confirmed.

Competitive −The competitive section will be aimed to commence from around midday depending on the number of novice groups performing beforehand (this is yet to be confirmed at this stage).

will be for All categories and all participants judges Prizegiving − The prizegiving as per followed by results and it is aimed that we will begin the prizegiving around 4.30 − 5.pm a final performance of the winning kapahaka group for the 2018 Rangitaiki Kapahaka Festival.

86 WHAKATĀNE DISTRICT COUNCIL MONDAY, 9 JULY 2018 Whakatane-Ohope Community Board - AGENDA 7.6 Whakatane Intermediate School - 2018 Rangitaiki Kapa Haka (Cont.)

Kapahaka Festival action plan updated timetable and Draft − 2018 Rangitaiki − venue specifics

2018 Rangitaiki Kapahaka Festival hosts: Whakatane Intermediate School 11th Confirmed date: Friday August 10th − Saturday August Proposed venue: Day 1 (Friday) Whakatane war memorial hall Day 2 (Saturday) Whakatane war memorial hall

upckaect Proposed plan #2: and cutgrey\−1,

In the previous drafted action plan it was agreed that as a host school for the 2018 Rangitaiki kapahaka festival, we would hold the festival over a two day period. However the idea was to have the pohiri on day 1 (Friday) combined with the first section of the non−competitive categories and the venue for this was originally decided to be held at Whakatane Intermediate School in the school gymnasium.

The issue with this that was considered was the extra work of having to set up and prep two separate venues within a short time frame, particularly the stage and stage equipment. In addition to this, after consulting fellow delegates within the Rangitaiki Delegate Committee it became apparent that the previous action plan for the time table and venue specifics would still be far too long a process even though we were to hold the event over two days, this is what we as a host school aim to avoid therefore the previous time table defies the purpose of shortening the overall time frame of the event.

As a solution the host school would continue to have the kapahaka festival held over two days, however the hosts would combine the pohiri with the first non−competitive section (whakangahau) and the novice section ending with the non−aggregate prize giving on day 1 (Friday 10th August). This would draw a larger audience and traffic so it would be better to change the original venue for day 1 from the Whakatane Intermediate School gymnasium to the Whakatane war memorial hall.

Day 2 (Saturday 11th August) would consist of the competitive entries only and finish with memorial hall. the final prizegiving which will be held at the same venue − Whakatane war Tentative bookings with the Whakatane District Council have been made for both these days including pre−bookings for the stage set up (Friday 10th *note try and get stage set up date earlier).

Further note: It has been discussed with delegate representatives the extra travel involved over a two day period and it has been taken into consideration those schools that are located outside of Whakatane, although delegate representatives have agreed that because this is a prefered timetable

the organisation of transport will be not too problematic.

Here is what the updated timetable will look like as below:

87 WHAKATĀNE DISTRICT COUNCIL MONDAY, 9 JULY 2018 Whakatane-Ohope Community Board - AGENDA 7.6 Whakatane Intermediate School - 2018 Rangitaiki Kapa Haka (Cont.)


Draft − Pohiri begins on Day 1 at 8.30 am followed by groups as below.

.,.._ Day 1 Friday 10th− Times Day 2 Saturday 11th Time Note Novice Section Competitive section

1.St Joseph school 10.00 am 1 Waiohau 8.30 am , 2. Apanui school 10.15 am 2. Te Teko 9.00 am , 3. Ruatoki 10.30 am 3. WAS 9.30 am , 4. Te Teko 10.45 am 4. Taneatua 10.00 am , 5. Allandale 11.00 am 5.Tawera 10.30 am − 4 6. Kawerau Putauaki 11.15 am 6. Te Orini 11.00 am , 7. Paroa 11.30 am 7. Paroa 11.30 pm , Lunch break 12.00 pm Lunch break 12.00 pm

Whakangahau section: 8. Whata Tau 12.30 pm

1. Tawera 12.30pm 9. Ruatoki 1.00 pm

2. Te Teko 1.00 pm 10. 1.30 pm . , 3. Apanui 1.30 pm Final prizegiving 3.00pm ... 4. Aliandale 2.00 pm , 5. Whatatau 2.30 pm

6. Paroa 3.00 pm

7. Kawerau Putauaki 3.30pm

Non − comp prizegiving 4.00pm

88 WHAKATĀNE DISTRICT COUNCIL MONDAY, 9 JULY 2018 Whakatane-Ohope Community Board - AGENDA 7.6 Whakatane Intermediate School - 2018 Rangitaiki Kapa Haka (Cont.)

8.30 followed by below. Draft − Pohiri begins on Day 1 at am groups as

Day 1 Friday 10th− Times Day 2 Saturday 11th Time Note Novice Section Competitive section

1St Joseph school 10.00 am 1. Waiohau 8.30 am

2. Apanui school 10.15 am 2. Te Teko 9.00 am

3. Ruatoki 10.30 am 3. W.I.S 9.30 am

4. Te Teko 10.45 am 4. Taneatua 10.00 am

5. Allandale 11.00 am 5.Tawera 10.30 am

6. Kawerau Putauaki 11.15 am 6. Te Orini 11.00 am

7. Paroa 11.30 am 7. Paroa 11.30 pm

Lunch break 12.00 pm Lunch break 12.00 pm

hakangahau section: 8. Whata Tau 12.30 pm

Tawera 12.30pm 9. Ruatoki 1.00 pm , Teko 1.00 pm 10. 1.30 pm , *, ,t,e,..nui 1.30 pm Final prizegiving 3.00pm \ , , 4 Allanda e 2.00 pm

5. Whatatau 2.30 pm , Paroa 3.00 pm

7. Kawerau Putauaki 3.30pm

comp prizegiving 4. 0

89 WHAKATĀNE DISTRICT COUNCIL MONDAY, 9 JULY 2018 Whakatane-Ohope Community Board - AGENDA 7.6 Whakatane Intermediate School - 2018 Rangitaiki Kapa Haka (Cont.)

Ltd Outlet Productions r" wwwoutlet.CO n z Ph: 073089161 Fx:07 308 0365 PC Box 775 17a Commerce −„−e.e, Valakat zinf 95.553842 Quoic \ umber − −− Kaixt ilaka Conlp 05−2018 0: iangitaik Quoic I )ale \hui I V 0()I10 .!−Ch001.11/ ISik'Ct)1 Account NI, ilicr

her Order Number N. IlL1111

hen! he0)4 32992 I Total 1 i)rint...,.. ,i ...... _ .,...... Price a\ r− 1...... CSC...... On n ()t\ a, −,. .

„ − 20'18 kilpa llaka omp I Oth− I I th August Oth et up • d\ &I Prokiuction record each group to o\kr ivcvideo feed to overflo‘\ 4:\I c_amera,, three ti\ed, one operated. Is S7.4I ,:amcra1Oflsv,itcher.graphic and record i1114 computer, OrganiSing usb driVQ It.) the ‘\ Isopith a Master performance C011111111RN with and mp4 of each groups

haI&UCC SS I .0 1c%,'11 over flow .475 itI 15 \kith sound ssstcflt ton;,c lumen projector,

8 ,3 101 15 sy−Ient. lumen projector v−,1111 −350 iO ot:\ i operatioi 5 S805,0 and .;,:;.01,T3.0perait.)r

notc ,0und and hghtiit quou,' orii\ahid − accepted

3.872 57 I ticpoit & 3 months to pa:, IX (iS1 t()TAL collected & stock returned to shop on la\ Iv, iiot S585:4− GS F Al.

It)LiA S4.4

90 WHAKATĀNE DISTRICT COUNCIL MONDAY, 9 JULY 2018 Whakatane-Ohope Community Board - AGENDA 7.6 Whakatane Intermediate School - 2018 Rangitaiki Kapa Haka (Cont.)

Outlet Productions Ltd •1•••••• • www.outiet.co.nz QUOTE

Ph: 07 308 9161 Fax:07 308 0365 PO Box 775 17a Commerce Stree GST No: 95−553−842 Quote Numbcr B19 Riiiiaki Kapa Haka Comp : Rite Datc 08−05−2018 1−c I oono nmui U \\IsiCCOM.SCh001.11/ Account Numbcr ('ash

Order Number No number

k:licm Phone. 02041;209'9 a\1 Description Price ota .

...v....,Ye, .••••••• e•••••• ••• Ye.

taiki Kiipa Haka Comp 10th− 1141h August 201 ,et up 0th No\ armernorial I laO

4000‘N lhi '−vsten1 ind 3000w flown dela, speakers tor ,2randstand and mill. 04000 2 ch consule 16 comp eci Iscd d I I 1 \\ ircle!‘s mic for , rack. \ 1−0 monitors on mikes to suit ka .ahaka

Sx par(.4 5x 56 up lights. ii 2x1 nude an. par 350,0 I15S603. I ,5 conAtk= dimmer pacs −87:75 15.0 −S445.01 1)ISCOt N c'olor packa2e. deal 1,aboui 700stil S805.01 setup .3−30.1)115S805.0' operut ion

deposit & 7, months to pa Y 13Y I IRMS. ,) EX OS I I $4.889.83 returned shop 01 .NI 0" fec− on lak11,.\'s nut collected & oc to _ • S ••••••• e ••••••• ••••••••• '1−2N f„.

(,)1 (dIE TOTAL oNi ,n01 −Xi ID FOR 30 DAY',

t)lR1t. I r 10 1)1 : tiC )489 01S7316 00

91 WHAKATĀNE DISTRICT COUNCIL MONDAY, 9 JULY 2018 Whakatane-Ohope Community Board - AGENDA 7.7 Whakatane Intermediate School - Rooms 11 and 15 Outdoor Excursion

7.7 Whakatane Intermediate School - Rooms 11 and 15 Outdoor Excursion

92 WHAKATĀNE DISTRICT COUNCIL MONDAY, 9 JULY 2018 Whakatane-Ohope Community Board - AGENDA 7.7 Whakatane Intermediate School - Rooms 11 and 15 Outdoor Excursion (Cont.)

WHAKATANE District Council Discretionary Funds

1.1 Name of your organisation: _ri−1 '41' A 0 kct. 1 cr 1−) e termed' g64 8.(3 Fax: Phone: al C:;' 07 ,oc? 5760

Emaii:,:loyor‘oiNisiecorrN.sckcoi,(Nz Website:

Postal address for correspondence: /0/

−. i 20

1.2 Name of principal contact:

i Position held in group: −−−−−−−−)

Phone (day):(day): 02−1 0676/1 Qi Fax: eidviS+:2−Ccva−−−) c;c−−Lvztoz. 1 Mobile: 021 0 6 7 6 7 i 9 Email: ct a a −

1.3 Name of secondary contact: A 8c, /10 r 0 11 x Position held in group: rea c −.1 1 e r− Phone (day): Fax:

Email: iqq4€99mati Mobile: 02 7 /05 0 (1 5 oar('rA too x. .0


has organisation been operating? 2.1 How long your 50 ec r −5 2.2 What are your group's main objectives and activities? A−q6k ckea

n ri No*: 2.3 Is your group GST registered? No Yes Yes, GST


93 WHAKATĀNE DISTRICT COUNCIL MONDAY, 9 JULY 2018 Whakatane-Ohope Community Board - AGENDA 7.7 Whakatane Intermediate School - Rooms 11 and 15 Outdoor Excursion (Cont.)

14− WHAKAT−AN E District Council Discretionary Funds


seeking funding (approx 8 words): 3.1 Please provide a title for the project, service, event proposal for which you are

0 ooyy) 11 A 15 Oudco res cuv5 seeking funding (if have separate Give a brief description of the project, service, event proposal for which you are you a full description of proposal to the back 3.2 project plan or require more space, please list the key points here and attach a your form): (....'4.4.o his ck eol

3.3 How long does the project, service or proposal run? Starts: 2. /

Finishes: 2 ii/os/ Ongoing: El I 3

boxes 3.4 Funding Description — tick the appropriate

El Provision of seeding funding for a community event El Support for a Community Project El Purchase of works of art for public reserves El Project associated with youth or the elderly

owned by community organisations El Facility development or upgrade − including property El Pride and beautification project within the community El Board generated project, event or initiative El Promotion and advertising El Attendance at National or International Competition


94 WHAKATĀNE DISTRICT COUNCIL MONDAY, 9 JULY 2018 Whakatane-Ohope Community Board - AGENDA 7.7 Whakatane Intermediate School - Rooms 11 and 15 Outdoor Excursion (Cont.)

W HA KATAN E District Council Discretionary Funds


proposal successful by outlining the benefits to the Show us how you will measure that your project, service or event is 4.1 community 01)−(YOW/ 4te... t e1 4 Re, fed − −−/−E, ' 4 it.i,ldreteelfei_035/ il_e;t4 frs .0..o.t.k.t...... ,62c..c., (itr '−f−S ..1:4/1...ci i− − t ql i LeCi.,Kil,q _._.... o0L04 04,,,e,cd−ia")cii SiktILS c4a4144e.).,4,.45/6_,) , s−ocA i _ / C cx_ −.1/ ali it−P−−*−−e !...e i−4−4− 44.5 1;', −− ..a..0− Lk% <4..12. ai95/00 ..i._ CaldeAr riVi− 31./eq_ifOrei: 0 Di 4− etet el') 1−1 i'l ;0 − c7−eCtv CA. i 1107 14...t. da ...t. ..i4elo N − 4 / , , I it 0/ aeracu a−e−is LitiNe−− 0 l a r0‘di, −atr \,) e−41,0 i 14−14n/14 ..ct, n,e4− tx−ik ..h,on− IA tA−(164, ' −40 tO .4t.'a zriti / ..h4learviAle ei 0 −te−r,L. e− wri. 1 11 , i 5. −Nto bAca−−4)7 i Nie−rApvto; i 6 €4, 4.2 Which of the following of the Council's Community Outcomes applies? —tick the appropriate boxes

for Wellbeing r−i Effective Leadership − Striving our Future 0 Community Needs — A caring community

for 71 Quality Services — Excellent Value Money future generations nValuingour Environment − Sustaining for and future needs riReliableand Affordable Infrastructure — Meeting current

partnership r−i Sustainable Economic Development — Working in

What will happen to the project if: • this funding application is unsuccessful or, 4.3 • only a portion of the funds are received or, grant? • a guarantee against loss is provided rather than a riThe project will proceed as outlined The project will be delayed ri (please specify expected length of delay): nThe project will be downgraded r−i The project will be prevented from being carried out


95 . hktn nemdaeSho om 1ad1 udo xuso (Cont.) Excursion Outdoor 15 and 11 Rooms - School Intermediate Whakatane 7.7 AGENDA - Board Community Whakatane-Ohope COUNCIL DISTRICT WHAKATĀNE District Council Application Form

5 (60−1−01 Note: All figures to include GST (if any). ) c k e

for which seeking assistance: Please provide a breakdown of the budget for the project, service or proposal you are


Amount Description of cost* f Amount Income source organisation's contribution Salaries / wages Applicant

Postage / telephone / administration $ Fundraising $

Advertising / promotion $ Donations / sponsorship $

Professional fees $ Entry fees $

$ Travel costs $ Value of donated material

Project materials $ Other Grants applied for (please specify): $

$ Labour cost $

$ Venue / equipment hire $

$ Other costs (please specify): $

$ $

$ Other income (please specify): $


TOTAL FUNDING SHORT FALL (i.e. 'a' minus '13') ODY UY2018 JULY 9 MONDAY,

A463034 96 WHAKATĀNE DISTRICT COUNCIL MONDAY, 9 JULY 2018 Whakatane-Ohope Community Board - AGENDA 7.7 Whakatane Intermediate School - Rooms 11 and 15 Outdoor Excursion (Cont.)

Funds WHAKATANE Discretionary „ District Council Application Form


Note: All figures to include GST (if any).

and/or the Council the past 3 What funding assistance has your group/organisation applied for received from over years:

Year Amount received Purpose


We the undersigned do solemnly and sincerely declare and acknowledge that: application and correct to the best of our knowledge. • The details we have given in all sections of this are true this application. • We have the authority to commit our group to subject the Local Government Official Information and • All information contained in this application is to Meetings Act 1987, and will be included in a publicly available agenda. information it deems about the applicant or the • The Council may collect from third parties any necessary application.

Name: j otir\e 4−1 ukd so r‘ Position held in i 4e−o−c group: S e.r,‘' 0 ex

Signature: i 4,,,,,−41 P" . 6−−−,−−......


Anyon 60 Name: 24−

Position held in ecfchei' group: /




97 WHAKATĀNE DISTRICT COUNCIL MONDAY, 9 JULY 2018 Whakatane-Ohope Community Board - AGENDA 7.7 Whakatane Intermediate School - Rooms 11 and 15 Outdoor Excursion (Cont.)

Funds WHAKATANE Discretionary District Council Application Form


and attached all Please complete the following checklist to ensure you have completed the application process necessary information:

7.17 All sections of this form have been completed

Read the funding description and ticked the appropriate category

details You have attached a bank generated deposit slip verifying your bank account

developed 71/ You have attached a separate copy of your project plan where one has been have been You have attached quotes for expenses for your project, service or event proposal where these obtained

if You have attached a copy of your latest audited accounts or balance sheet or, you are a new group, a statement of estimated income and expenditure for your first year

do The declaration form has been signed by two members of your organisation that have the authority to so

nYou have made a copy of this application for your future reference


98 WHAKATĀNE DISTRICT COUNCIL MONDAY, 9 JULY 2018 Whakatane-Ohope Community Board - AGENDA 7.7 Whakatane Intermediate School - Rooms 11 and 15 Outdoor Excursion (Cont.)

15 2018 PROPOSAL FOR A CAMP − Room 11 & Room Teacher in charge: Jane Hudson, Aaron Box.

Location: All Seasons Holiday Park, Taupo

Purpose of this camp / Through a change in environment and range of activities day trip: students will develop and build interpersonal relationships with their peers and other adults while exploring the uniqueness of the Central Plateau, . Students will: Ski or snowboard, snow play, lesson and practice at the Whakapapa Ski field Visits to: Prawn Farm, Craters of the Moon, Taupo AC Baths, Huka Falls, Aratiatia Dam and Taupo Centre

From: Tuesday 21st August to Friday 24th August 2018 Educational objectives: Movement Concepts and Motor Skills. Demonstrate a willingness to accept challenges, learn new skills, and extend their abilities in movement−related activities. Relationships with Others. Identify the effects of changing situations, roles, and responsibilities on relationships and describe appropriate responses. Managing Self. Personal Health and Development. Access and use information to make and action safe choices in a range of contexts. Planet Earth and Beyond Level 4 − Nature of Science − Earth Systems: Develop an understanding that water, air, rocks and soil, and life forms make up our planet and recognise that these are also Earth's resources. WHAT DOES THIS LOOK LIKE AT W.I.S: Volcanoes/Earthquakes−fault lines,tectonic plates/Geothermal area/Geothermal power.

Type of Camp / 4 Day trip: Environment, Science and Health.

Proposed Transport: Parental assistance

Estimated Cost: $180.00 per student Means of fundraising: Student contribution/sausage sizzles/car wash/cake stalls

Perceived risks: Travelling to and from destination. Swimming at the AC Baths pool. Cooking at the camp kitchen. Falling on the playground, running around camp Tripping or falling while walking/tramping. Intended method for eliminating risk. Licensed drivers, planned route and drivers to travel together.

99 WHAKATĀNE DISTRICT COUNCIL MONDAY, 9 JULY 2018 Whakatane-Ohope Community Board - AGENDA 7.7 Whakatane Intermediate School - Rooms 11 and 15 Outdoor Excursion (Cont.)

4 to 1 Adult student ratio while by any water. Clear boundaries set out. Adult supervision of cooking and kitchen area. Adult supervision on all walking tracks. Mobile phones on site for emergencies. Correct attire for the mountain conditions/ski, snowboarding First Aid Kit.

Relevant staff / volunteer competence, qualifications: Parents and teacher have relevant camping experience.

Required adult/pupil 1:5 in camp 1:4 Swimming ratio:

Number of volunteers 11 adults required:

Seen by: Senior teacher / Principal

bates recorded on camp register:

Board of Trustee approved:

100 WHAKATĀNE DISTRICT COUNCIL MONDAY, 9 JULY 2018 Whakatane-Ohope Community Board - AGENDA 7.7 Whakatane Intermediate School - Rooms 11 and 15 Outdoor Excursion (Cont.)

All Kiwi Holiday Park Booking Confirmation − Seasons All Seasons Kiwi Holiday Park Taupo Taupo 16 Rangatira Street Taupo Reference: 37174 Tel: 0800 777 272 or 07 378 4272 Property: All Seasons Kiwi Holiday Park Taupo Fax: 07 378 1272 16 Rangatira Street, Taupo, 3350 Email: [email protected]

Customer Name: Whakatane Intermediate GST No.: 93199081

Customer Address: New Zealand

Customer Contact: Email: [email protected]

Arrival Date: Tuesday, 21 August 2018

Departure Date: Friday, 24 August 2018

Stay Period: 3 Nights Status: Confirmed

Reservation Details All amounts are New Zealand Dollar (NZD)

Category Description Rate Amount Nights $432.00 Accommodation Basic Cabin − Large − Nightly $144.00 x 3 8 x Children $432.00 Accommodation Basic Cabin − Large − Nightly $144.00 x 3 Nights 8 x Children Nights $228.00 Accommodation Basic Cabin − Small − Nightly $76.00 x 3 4 x Children Accommodation Basic Cabin − Small − Nightly $76.00 x 3 Nights $228.00 4 x Children $228.00 Accommodation Basic Cabin − Small − Nightly $76.00 x 3 Nights 4 x Children Accommodation Basic Cabin − Small − Nightly $76.00 x 3 Nights $228.00 4 x Children Nights $228.00 Accommodation Basic Cabin − Small − Nightly $76.00 x 3 4 x Children Accommodation Basic Cabin − Small − Nightly $76.00 x 3 Nights $228.00 4 x Children Accommodation Basic Cabin − Small − Nightly $76.00 x 3 Nights $228.00 4 x Children $228.00 Accommodation Basic Cabin − Small − Nightly $76.00 x 3 Nights 4 x Children Accommodation Basic Cabin − Double − Nightly $0.00 x 3 Nights $0.00 1 x Adult Accommodation Basic Cabin − Double − Nightly $46.00 x 3 Nights $138.00 1 x Adult Accommodation Standard Cabin − Nightly $86,00 x 3 Nights $258.00 1 x Adult, 2 x Children Accommodation Standard Cabin − Nightly $86.00 x 3 Nights $258.00 1 x Adult, 2 x Children Accommodation Kitchen Cabin − Nightly $111.00 x 3 Nights $333.00 3 x Adults Accommodation Kitchen Cabin − Nightly $88.00 x 3 Nights $264.00 2 x Adults Accommodation Kitchen Cabin − Nightly $88.00 x 3 Nights $264.00 2 x Adults Accommodation Standard Cabin − Nightly $86.00 x 3 Nights $258.00 3 x Children

Total Cost: N204,461.00

Total Cost Includes tax of$581.87

Payment Policy: One night deposit required when booking. Balance of accounts are payable on arrival. Payment must be made for full time booked.

Cost of damage to property or accommodation will be recovered. Any extra cleaning will incur a cleaning cost.

Cancellation Policy: Peak seasons deposits/payments are non refundable.

Non peak seasons − if a booking is cancelled within 7 days of arrival the deposit is not refundable.

Any refund will be less a $20.00 cancellation & administration fee per unit/site.

101 WHAKATĀNE DISTRICT COUNCIL MONDAY, 9 JULY 2018 Whakatane-Ohope Community Board - AGENDA 7.7 Whakatane Intermediate School - Rooms 11 and 15 Outdoor Excursion (Cont.)

Castings for Snow camp 2018 Room 11/15

Students Cost

Accommodation $ 68.00

AC Baths x 2 $ 7.20

Prawn Farm $ 8.00

Day 1 skiing/snowboarding $ 80.00

Food (going to bringing in food and making things before going on camp) $ 25.00 3x breakfasts 3x lunches 3x dinners

Total $188.20

Fundraising a total of at least $30 per student to bring cost down to below $150

Adults Cost

Accommodation $68.00

Day 1 skiing $80.00

Catering $30.00

Total $178.00

102 WHAKATĀNE DISTRICT COUNCIL MONDAY, 9 JULY 2018 Whakatane-Ohope Community Board - AGENDA 7.7 Whakatane Intermediate School - Rooms 11 and 15 Outdoor Excursion (Cont.)

Organisation on the Mountain.

Please refer to RAMS provided by Whakapapa Skifield (attached)

Wednesday 22nd August — DAY ONE:

5.45 — get up and dressed for ski day 6.15 — Breakfast 6.45 — 7.00 am leave for Ruapehu Ski field 8.15 — Arrive at ski field 9.00 — Issue all mountain/lower mountain passes. Meet hostess and have introductory talk 9.30— Get rental gear 10.00— Buddy up (pairs) Group 1 beginners discover lesson SKIING Group 2 beginner discover lesson SNOWBOARD Group 3 Explorer lesson SKIING Qualified Ski Instructors move off with the groups. Adult supervision is NOT required while lesson are in progress

base Valley for lunch. 11.30 − LUNCHTIME: All groups meet back at camp in Happy After free buddies adult lunch − ski with and W.I.S supervision. 1−5 RATIO All Mountain Passes free to go to Upper Mountain 1:5 RATIO − experienced adult skiers and Mrs Hudson 12.00 —Group 1 beginners 12.30— Group 2 beginners remain in Happy Valley and Lower MOuntain. Miss Temple and Adult supervision. TWO NON SKIING ADULTS will be remaining at cafeteria all day with first aid and refreshments. They will be encouraging ALL students NOT to give up and keep on going.

3:00 — meet at happy valley. CONFIRM booking for Wednesday. RETURN unwanted rentals. skiing/snowboarding 4:00 — Depart from mountain with gear for students Day 2.

Thursday 23rd August — DAY TWO:

5.45 — get up and dressed for ski day 6.15 — Breakfast 6.45 — 7.00 am leave for Ruapehu Ski field 8.15 — Arrive at ski field 9:00 — meet at ticket office. Issue mountain passes and sort out gear. 9:30 set up camp in Happy Valley 10:00 Break into groups and areas for skiing, snowboarding, snow play, sledding etc. Allocate parents to groups − 1:5 RATIO 12:30 Break for lunch 1:00 More skiing/ snowboarding. Rearrange groups and parents TWO NON SKIING ADULTS will be remaining at cafeteria all day with first aid and refreshments. They will be encouraging ALL students NOT to give up and keep on going.

3:00 Meet at Happy Valley and return rentals. 4:00 Leave mountain back to camp

103 WHAKATĀNE DISTRICT COUNCIL MONDAY, 9 JULY 2018 Whakatane-Ohope Community Board - AGENDA 7.7 Whakatane Intermediate School - Rooms 11 and 15 Outdoor Excursion (Cont.)

2018docx 13/06/2018 Snow camp gear list − Google Docs

2018 Snow Camp Gear List everything needs benamed − to

Snow clothing • Warm shoes (sports shoes) or boots (gumboots) • 2 pairs of warm socks (thermal/wool)− essential • Waterproof pants/ Long pants/ski pants− essential • Thermal for under jersey− essential • Warm sweater (polar fleece or wool)− essential • Waterproof/warm jacket − essential • Beanie/hat− essential • Gloves−waterproof not woollen− essential • Sunscreen−essential • Sunglasses or goggles− essential

Other gear • 5 pairs of socks • 5 pairs underwear • Thermals • 2 pairs long pants • 4 long sleeved shirts/tees • 2 sweaters/jerseys • Spare cap or hat • Warm pyjamas • Swimming togs • Warm sleeping bag/blanket/pillow • Swimming towel, 2 bathroom towels

Also ••• • Small back pack and drink bottle • Toiletries −toothbrush, toothpaste, brush, soap, shampoo, conditioner. • Camp notebooks, pencil, pen etc • Indoor games • Packed lunch for Tuesday • Home baking− collected at camp for camp lunches, morning tea and supper. • Spending money (maximum amount allowed $50) • Book to read • Students− NO electronic games, chromebooks, mobile phones etc. • Students are allowed to bring camera or Gopros at own risk. Students have sole responsibility for them

https://docs.google .com/document/d/lxbRLSZarlPEJnKKgW7nDW6tHIL8vK8y0ehXZf67MMbk/edit 1/1

104 WHAKATĀNE DISTRICT COUNCIL MONDAY, 9 JULY 2018 Whakatane-Ohope Community Board - AGENDA 7.8 Whakatane Intermediate School - Rooms 18 and 19 Excursion

7.8 Whakatane Intermediate School - Rooms 18 and 19 Excursion

105 WHAKATĀNE DISTRICT COUNCIL MONDAY, 9 JULY 2018 Whakatane-Ohope Community Board - AGENDA 7.8 Whakatane Intermediate School - Rooms 18 and 19 Excursion (Cont.)

7 WHAKATANE DMrict Council Discretionary Funds

KA.'")0\&iteiC,e )960(CACI* QCIIA' 1.1 Name of your organisation: Phone: 01 308 6450 Fax: Email: Qteyv1/41\skccrn 54100) Website: . .(12.

Postal address for correspondence: ,N4R− el− tot day) E.,s 0 trA 1.2 Name of principal contact: Way()

0,65S Position held in group: t eaChe./ Phone (day): q 30 \35 Fax: 021 tttae(−01 Mobile: Email: 10 S61001 ' ' oL

\NI −−b1(11 1.3 Name of secondary contact:larr)

Halla et, held 'e−−C1(11&%i Position in group: joi yjryleAn Cl5&(001 , Phone (day): 021 31+ no−−−i u Fax: 111 jecom A 1, Mobile: Email: vii av\fi arn , , _ _ 6

• , •

bp 2.1 How long has your organisation been operating?

2.2 What are your group's main objectives and activities? 4%5 Schoo\ (ovIde zuott teatin Cfp0( C6\a/erA 10− yeats.

ri 2.3 Is your group GST registered? No Yes Yes, GST No*:

.0111■1, WHAKATANE DIS1 LAAJNCIL FILE: ...... BEG. No...... JUN 201a DATE

A463034 ACTIONED ...... 1 ...... 2 ...... 3 ......

106 WHAKATĀNE DISTRICT COUNCIL MONDAY, 9 JULY 2018 Whakatane-Ohope Community Board - AGENDA 7.8 Whakatane Intermediate School - Rooms 18 and 19 Excursion (Cont.)

WHAKATANE District Council Discretionary Funds

3.1 Please provide a title for the project, service, event proposal for which you are seeking funding (approx 8 words): AuOnj 'CCIty) 53 A 'S CAI & 0 0

Give a brief description of the project, service, event proposal for which you are seeking funding (if you have a separate 3.2 project plan or require more space, please list the key points here and attach a full description of your proposal to the back of this form):

3.3 How long does the project, service or proposal run? Starts. vo .a4h oc6er(otn) _bdcAL1)1')ct Finishes: 201 Ongoing:

3.4 Funding Description — tick the appropriate boxes

Provision of seeding funding for a community event

Support for a Community Project

Purchase of works of art for public reserves

17" Project associated with youth or the elderly

Facility development or upgrade − including property owned by community organisations

Pride and beautification project within the community

Board generated project, event or initiative

Promotion and advertising

Attendance at National or International Competition


107 WHAKATĀNE DISTRICT COUNCIL MONDAY, 9 JULY 2018 Whakatane-Ohope Community Board - AGENDA 7.8 Whakatane Intermediate School - Rooms 18 and 19 Excursion (Cont.)

WHAKATANE District Council Discretionary Funds


Show how will measure that your project, service or event proposal is successful by outlining the benefits to the 4.1 us you community

4.2 Which of the following of the Council's Community Outcomes applies? — tick the appropriate boxes

Effective Leadership − Striving for our Future Wellbeing

Community Needs — A caring community

Quality Services — Excellent Value for Money

Valuing our Environment − Sustaining for future generations

Reliable and Affordable Infrastructure — Meeting current and future needs

Sustainable Economic Development — Working in partnership

What will happen to the project if: • this funding application is unsuccessful or, 4.3 • only a portion of the funds are received or, • a guarantee against loss is provided rather than a grant?

The project will proceed as outlined

The project will be delayed (please specify expected length of delay): 71 The project will be downgraded

The project will be prevented from being carried out


108 . hktn nemdaeSho om 8ad1 xuso (Cont.) Excursion 19 and 18 Rooms - School Intermediate Whakatane 7.8 AGENDA - Board Community Whakatane-Ohope COUNCIL DISTRICT WHAKATĀNE „„....ii•""""1” District Council Application Form

Note: All figures to include GST (if any)

Please provide a breakdown of the budget for the project, service or proposal for which you are seeking assistance:


Description of cost* Amount Income source Amount

Salaries / wages Applicant organisation's contribution 9,2Eo 4160 $ Postage / telephone / administration Fundraising $ 17o Advertising / promotion Donations / sponsorship

Professional fees Entry fees

Travel costs CD Value of donated material

materialsrLecA4y, Other Grants applied for (please specify): Project e,c−FeAffer−K−ES C t E3C)C_ Labour cost

Venue / equipment hire /4c_co 4,050 Other costs (please specify): ..2, oc)c)

Other income (please specify):


TOTAL FUNDING SHORT FALL (i.e. 'a' minus 'b') (c) $ 7, Sw−0 2018 JULY 9 MONDAY,

A463034 109 WHAKATĀNE DISTRICT COUNCIL MONDAY, 9 JULY 2018 Whakatane-Ohope Community Board - AGENDA 7.8 Whakatane Intermediate School - Rooms 18 and 19 Excursion (Cont.)

Discretionary Funds f WHAKATANE District Council Application Form

Note: All figures to include GST (if any).

What funding assistance has your group/organisation applied for and/or received from the Council over the past 3 years — either by way of a grant or "in kind" support:

Year Amount received Purpose

CA/k0, 800USalt. OWB 4 01

(201B 4 200 it/4(1404Se( E6 aova kno 1111−0,6k−− btf•i; 1{ , − ,

We the undersigned do solemnly and sincerely declare and acknowledge that:

• The details we have given in all sections of this application are true and correct to the best of our knowledge.

• We have the authority to commit our group to this application.

• All information contained in this application is subject to the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987, and will be included in a publicly available agenda.

• The Council may collect from third parties any information it deems necessary about the applicant or the application.

Nail Name: ..), ( Position he ld in '\−Qacheii• . aSS 'Vr0 group: 0 Signature: 4AL, I IS Date: tk

Name: IlVka

. .. − −−−−−. id Position held in f f nit)'• aSS ' group: 10 ,, a . ..

Signature: r L



110 WHAKATĀNE DISTRICT COUNCIL MONDAY, 9 JULY 2018 Whakatane-Ohope Community Board - AGENDA 7.8 Whakatane Intermediate School - Rooms 18 and 19 Excursion (Cont.)

WHAKATANE Discretionary Funds District Council Application Form


Please complete the following checklist to ensure you have completed the application process and attached all necessary information:

r−i All sections of this form have been completed r−I Read the funding description and ticked the appropriate category nYou have attached a bank generated deposit slip verifying your bank account details riYou have attached a separate copy of your project plan where one has been developed You have attached quotes for expenses for your project, service or event proposal where these have been r−i obtained You have attached a copy of your latest audited accounts or balance sheet or, if you are a new group, a 1 statement of estimated income and expenditure for your first year 1 The declaration form has been signed by two members of your organisation that have the authority to do so

You have made a copy of this application for your future reference


111 WHAKATĀNE DISTRICT COUNCIL MONDAY, 9 JULY 2018 Whakatane-Ohope Community Board - AGENDA 7.8 Whakatane Intermediate School - Rooms 18 and 19 Excursion (Cont.)

Teacher in charge: Will Doney and Kelly Warneford


Accommodation $20 S4080

Food $25 $2000

Snowplanet $52 $3224

Parakai Springs $9 $496

Navy Base Museum $2 $124

Sky Tower $12 $696

Kelly Tarltons $50 $3150

Petrol $1000

Rainbows End $33 $2600

Ferry $9 $510

TOTAL $307 $17,880

Incoming Unit Total

Camp fee $155 $8,700

Fundraising $155 $8990

TOTAL $17,980

FLOAT $500 (from class accounts)

112 . hktn nemdaeSho om 8ad1 xuso (Cont.) Excursion 19 and 18 Rooms - School Intermediate Whakatane 7.8 AGENDA - Board Community Whakatane-Ohope COUNCIL DISTRICT WHAKATĀNE


Monday the 29th of Tuesday the 30th of Wednesday the 31st of Thursday the 1st of Friday the 2nd of October October October November November • Meet at school • Wake up • Wake up • Wake up • Wake up • Leave for Hamilton • Breakfast • Breakfast • Breakfast • Breakfast Gardens • Snow Planet • Rainbows End • Pack up camp • Leave for Waihi (scavenger hunt) • Lunch • Leave for • Sky Tower Tour • Lunch at Waihi • Arrive at Hamilton • Parakai Springs accomidation • Ferry to • Leave for for lunch • Dinner • Dinner Devonport Whakatane • Leave for Auckland • Bed • Bed • Devon port Navy Intermediate • Arrive at • Base Tour School accommodation • Dinner • Orientation of • Kelly Tarltons camp site (staying the night • Set up camp at the venue) • Dinner • Bed • Bed ODY UY2018 JULY 9 MONDAY, 113 WHAKATĀNE DISTRICT COUNCIL MONDAY, 9 JULY 2018 Whakatane-Ohope Community Board - AGENDA 7.9 ATR Hiphop

7.9 ATR Hiphop

114 WHAKATĀNE DISTRICT COUNCIL MONDAY, 9 JULY 2018 Whakatane-Ohope Community Board - AGENDA 7.9 ATR Hiphop (Cont.)

115 WHAKATĀNE DISTRICT COUNCIL MONDAY, 9 JULY 2018 Whakatane-Ohope Community Board - AGENDA 7.9 ATR Hiphop (Cont.)

116 WHAKATĀNE DISTRICT COUNCIL MONDAY, 9 JULY 2018 Whakatane-Ohope Community Board - AGENDA 7.9 ATR Hiphop (Cont.)

117 WHAKATĀNE DISTRICT COUNCIL MONDAY, 9 JULY 2018 Whakatane-Ohope Community Board - AGENDA 7.9 ATR Hiphop (Cont.)

118 WHAKATĀNE DISTRICT COUNCIL MONDAY, 9 JULY 2018 Whakatane-Ohope Community Board - AGENDA 7.9 ATR Hiphop (Cont.)

119 WHAKATĀNE DISTRICT COUNCIL MONDAY, 9 JULY 2018 Whakatane-Ohope Community Board - AGENDA 7.9 ATR Hiphop (Cont.)

120 WHAKATĀNE DISTRICT COUNCIL MONDAY, 9 JULY 2018 Whakatane-Ohope Community Board - AGENDA 7.9 ATR Hiphop (Cont.)

121 WHAKATĀNE DISTRICT COUNCIL MONDAY, 9 JULY 2018 Whakatane-Ohope Community Board - AGENDA 7.9 ATR Hiphop (Cont.)

122 WHAKATĀNE DISTRICT COUNCIL MONDAY, 9 JULY 2018 Whakatane-Ohope Community Board - AGENDA 7.9 ATR Hiphop (Cont.)

123 WHAKATĀNE DISTRICT COUNCIL MONDAY, 9 JULY 2018 Whakatane-Ohope Community Board - AGENDA 7.10 BirdsAplenty

7.10 BirdsAplenty

124 WHAKATĀNE DISTRICT COUNCIL MONDAY, 9 JULY 2018 Whakatane-Ohope Community Board - AGENDA 7.10 BirdsAplenty (Cont.)

Discretionary Funds


1.1 Name of your organisation: BirdsAplenty

Phone:308 7074 Fax:

Email: [email protected] Website:

Postal address for correspondence:

43 Melville Drive, Whakatane

1.2 Name of principal contact: Jacqui Hughes

Position held in group: Cordinator

Phone (day): 308 7064 Fax:

Mobile: 027 3087064 Email: [email protected]

1.3 Name of secondary contact: Morley West

Position held in group: Co-ordinator

Phone (day): 312 5116 Fax:

Mobile: Email: [email protected]


2.1 How long has your organisation been operating? 15+ years

2.2 What are your group's main objectives and activities?

To Promote and celebrate the diverse birdlife and their habitats in the EBOP

To Showcase the work of the many environmental care groups in the region

To promote birds through art, lectures etc

Yes, GST No*:__: We prefer to be given purchase orders but 2.3 Is your group GST registered? No Yes if required Eastbay REAP will hold our   funds.


125 WHAKATĀNE DISTRICT COUNCIL MONDAY, 9 JULY 2018 Whakatane-Ohope Community Board - AGENDA 7.10 BirdsAplenty (Cont.)

Discretionary Funds


3.1 Please provide a title for the project, service, event proposal for which you are seeking funding (approx 8 words):

The promotion of birdsAplenty 2018 to be held Sept/October

Give a brief description of the project, service, event proposal for which you are seeking funding (if you have a separate 3.2 project plan or require more space, please list the key points here and attach a full description of your proposal to the back of this form): We are seeking funding to cover some of the costs of promoting the festival. We plan to have at least two full

pages in Eastern Bay Life and Opotiki News as well as a feature in Plenty and la Vita if possible We will purchase a package of advertising spots on 1XX

Advertisements will be put in other BoP papers if funding permits. Media releases will go to a wide range of outlets.

I will endeavour to get an interview on RNZ National

How long does the project, service or proposal run? Starts: 3.3 Mid Sep

Finishes: Ongoing:  30 Oct

3.4 Funding Description – tick the appropriate boxes

 Provision of seeding funding for a community event

Support for a Community Project  

Purchase of works of art for public reserves 

Project associated with youth or the elderly 

Facility development or upgrade - including property owned by community organisations 

Pride and beautification project within the community  

Board generated project, event or initiative 

Promotion and advertising  

Attendance at National or International Competition 


126 WHAKATĀNE DISTRICT COUNCIL MONDAY, 9 JULY 2018 Whakatane-Ohope Community Board - AGENDA 7.10 BirdsAplenty (Cont.)

Discretionary Funds


Show us how you will measure that your project, service or event proposal is successful by outlining the benefits to the 4.1 community

Community groups work and locations will be promoted

Out of town visitors will come to attend events

Use of public spaces will be promoted

General awareness and participation by community in activities

Promotion of the District in external media

Bird life and the environment will continue to be enhanced by volunteers

4.2 Which of the following of the Council’s Community Outcomes applies? – tick the appropriate boxes  Effective Leadership - Striving for our Future Wellbeing

Community Needs – A caring community  

Quality Services – Excellent Value for Money 

Valuing our Environment - Sustaining for future generations  

Reliable and Affordable Infrastructure – Meeting current and future needs 

Sustainable Economic Development – Working in partnership 

What will happen to the project if: . this funding application is unsuccessful or, 4.3 . only a portion of the funds are received or, . a guarantee against loss is provided rather than a grant?

The project will proceed as outlined  The project will be delayed

 (please specify expected length of delay):

The project will be downgraded  

The project will be prevented from being carried out 


127 .0Brspet (Cont.) BirdsAplenty 7.10 AGENDA - Board Community Whakatane-Ohope COUNCIL DISTRICT WHAKATĀNE Discretionary Funds Application Form


Please provide a breakdown of the budget for the project, service or proposal for which you are seeking assistance:

PROJECT COSTS PROJECT INCOME Description of cost* Amount Income source Amount $ As each group carries their own costs, income $ Volunteers and staff of Salaries / wages Applicant organisation’s contribution required is for promotion promotion only other councils and DOC than in kind by various Council departments Postage / telephone / administration $ Donated Fundraising $

Advertising / promotion $ 4000 Donations / sponsorship $ 2000

Professional fees $ Entry fees $

Travel costs $ Value of donated material $

Project materials $ Other Grants applied for (please specify): $

Labour cost $ BoP Regional Council for promotion TBC $1500

Venue / equipment hire $ Donated Forest and Bird TBC $500

Other costs (please specify): $ $

$ $

$ Other income (please specify): $

$ $


A463034 128 .0Brspet (Cont.) BirdsAplenty 7.10 AGENDA - Board Community Whakatane-Ohope COUNCIL DISTRICT WHAKATĀNE Discretionary Funds Application Form

TOTAL FUNDING SHORT FALL (i.e. ‘a’ minus ‘b’) (c) $2000 ODY UY2018 JULY 9 MONDAY,

A463034 129 WHAKATĀNE DISTRICT COUNCIL MONDAY, 9 JULY 2018 Whakatane-Ohope Community Board - AGENDA 7.10 BirdsAplenty (Cont.)

Discretionary Funds Application Form

6 OTHER COUNCIL FUNDING Note: All figures to include GST (if any).

What funding assistance has your group/organisation applied for and/or received from the Council over the past 3 years –

either by way of a grant or “in kind” support:

Year Amount received Purpose

Purchase order 2016 -7 Advertising of one event given

2015-6 In kind Setting and printing programme - communications team

Most years In kind Articles in external magazines- Communications team

2015-7 In kind Assistance in mounting exhibition of photographs – gallery and isite


We the undersigned do solemnly and sincerely declare and acknowledge that: • The details we have given in all sections of this application are true and correct to the best of our knowledge. • We have the authority to commit our group to this application. • All information contained in this application is subject to the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987, and will be included in a publicly available agenda. • The Council may collect from third parties any information it deems necessary about the applicant or the application.

Name: Jacqui Hughes

Position held in Coordinator group:


Date: 30.6.18

Name: Morley West

Position held in Co Cordinator group:


Date: 30.6.18


130 WHAKATĀNE DISTRICT COUNCIL MONDAY, 9 JULY 2018 Whakatane-Ohope Community Board - AGENDA 7.10 BirdsAplenty (Cont.)

Discretionary Funds Application Form


Please complete the following checklist to ensure you have completed the application process and attached all necessary information:

All sections of this form have been completed   Read the funding description and ticked the appropriate category  You have attached a bank generated deposit slip verifying your bank account details  You have attached a separate copy of your project plan where one has been developed You have attached quotes for expenses for your project, service or event proposal where these have been

 obtained You have attached a copy of your latest audited accounts or balance sheet or, if you are a new group, a

 statement of estimated income and expenditure for your first year  The declaration form has been signed by two members of your organisation that have the authority to do so  You have made a copy of this application for your future reference


131 WHAKATĀNE DISTRICT COUNCIL MONDAY, 9 JULY 2018 Whakatane-Ohope Community Board - AGENDA 8 Members Reports

8 Members Reports 8.1 Chairpersons Report



Meeting Date: MONDAY, 9 JULY 2018


File Reference: A1308808


The report is to provide information on the activities undertaken and events attended since the last meeting.


Date Event/Meeting Attended by

24 May At the Council office 4-5pm re Ohope Lions’ The writer, Cr van der Boom, Council Club (OLC) shed officers Mike Naude and Mary Bates

31 May 12.30pm further meeting at WDC offices with The writer, Allen Winter, Alison OLC representatives Motion and Council officers Mike Naude, Mary Bates and Mark Ross 4.00pm site meeting at Port Ohope wharf The writer, OLC representatives and Mark Ross

7 June 10.00am site meeting with Councillors prior to The writer, Board Member Inman, Council meeting to view Ohope Lions’ shed and WDC Councillors and OLC surrounds representatives

19 June 4.00pm meeting at WDC offices with Deputy Mayor Judy Turner (chair) Councillors and staff to further explore options Crs Andrew Iles, Gerard van Beek, with respect to the above Mike van der Boom, Scott Jarrett, OLC representatives Alison Motion, Allen Winter, and the writer

22 June 12 noon town and river bank walk with Kiwi John Pullar, Neil Hutton and Hannah Trust representatives to discuss siting of bronze Flatman (Kiwi Trust), artist Liz Grant, kiwis Simon Stokes (BOPRC), Jade Kinghazel (DoC) and the writer

132 WHAKATĀNE DISTRICT COUNCIL MONDAY, 9 JULY 2018 Whakatane-Ohope Community Board - AGENDA 8.1 Chairpersons Report (Cont.)


3.1. Ohope Lions’ Club Shed and Wharf Development

Following the presentation at our previous Board meeting, a number of meetings have been held with Council staff, Councillors and Ohope Lions’ representatives in an endeavour to find a satisfactory solution to accommodate goods storage and site for the once monthly Paddy’s market run by the Ohope Lions.

At the 7 June 2018 Council meeting the matter was referred to the Projects and Services Committee. The meeting on 19 June 2018 was to further explore all options and give Councillors the opportunity of meeting with Ohope Lions’ representatives. As a result of that meeting General Manager Community Services, Mike Naude is to provide a further report to the Policy Committee on 12 July 2018. The options are:

0.3. Whakatane Kiwi Trust Council to provide sea freighter containers in lieu of the current shed (Council’s preferred option) the Lions’ to be offered a further lease and the shed to be refurbished (Ohope Lions’ preferred option) a finite two year lease while the Club finds other accommodation or the possibility of the shed being purchased by the Lions’ Club.

The Whakatane Kiwi Trust are most appreciative of the funding provided by the WOCB which provided an excellent “kick start” to the project. Air Chatham has now also provided funds and support for the project which should be completed prior to Christmas of this year


4.1. Long Term Plan

Regarding WOCB’s two submissions to the Long Term Plan a formal response has yet to be received. Once this is received the Board can discuss ways in which the two projects can be progressed.


THAT the Chairperson’s Report be received.

Report Authorisation

Final Approval: Christine Chambers Chairperson