: TNG & DS9 JumpChain V 1.0 Beta KOTOR Anon

Intro Space: the final frontier. Blah, blah, blah, voyages, blah, blah, mission to explore the galaxy, whatever. Hello there, you probably don't know me, that's fine I'm a bit of an enigmatic person, in fact humans in this universe didn't even know I existed until a short time ago. Anyway your little friend Hopchan, or whatever her name is, brought you here to entertain her. Now, I know normally she'd be the one giving you the intro, but I just found this whole thing so interesting that I've decided to tag along, yes, that's right, you'll have to entertain ME as well. You're going to arrive in 2365, one year after the first mission of the USS Enterprise-D. A lot of very interesting things will be happening in the next ten years, the Federation will make new enemies, superpowers will rise and fall, and you'll be here to experience it all. You get 1000cp to spend on the choices below. Good luck human, you'll need it. -

Starting Location: 1. Earth: You arrive on the streets of San Francisco. Earth is the very heart of the Federation, and one of the most important planets in the entire galaxy.

Age & Gender Roll 1d8+20 to decide your age, and keep your current gender. You may also pay 50cp to decide your gender and age on your own. Note; your age must remain within the roll range.

Backgrounds 1. Drop-In [Free]: You suddenly appear out of nowhere in the middle of command! Fortunately the people here are used to weird stuff happening, so as long as you have a good enough excuse (or enough power to blast your way out of the building.) you shouldn't find yourself in too much trouble. You will not gain any memories of a life you've not lived, and you will have no history in this world at all once you arrive. 2. Defense [100cp]: It's a dangerous, and often underhanded job, but someone's got to do it. You're a member of either the Security or Intelligence branch of Starfleet, working to ensure the safety of the Federation & it's citizens, and bring about the defeat of your enemies. Security officers work as soldiers, guards, and military officers in order to protect the Federation directly. Members of Starfleet intelligence however operate as spies and spec-ops agents, working behind the scenes to gather information for the Federation and conduct secret missions. There's also rumor of a top-secret agency know as Section 31, a clandestine agency that goes against everything the Federation stands for in order to ensure victory. 3. Health & Science [100cp]: Never really one to enjoy fighting, you decided you wanted to help people and try to make a difference in the world. You're a member of the Medical branch of Starfleet (Which for some reason always seems to do way too much science for a medical branch.) and you'll soon be responsible for taking care of the crew of a starship. As a medical officer you can expect to have pretty much all the same responsibilities as a modern day ship doctor, except you'll have the benefits of advanced technology & scientific knowledge to draw upon. 4. Command & Operations [100cp]: The stories of new life and new civilizations inspired you to become an officer. You've been trained in one of the many fields necessary to keep Starfleet running smoothly. Whether you're a communications officer, an engineer, or just the guy who operates the teleporter, you can be sure that you'll always have a lot of work to do, and that your occupation may change every few seasons months. 5. Pirate [150cp]: You've spent your entire life traveling the galaxy with a band of rouges from several different species, but you have recently decided to leave them so that you can seek fortune on your own. The life of interstellar piracy has been dangerous, but also incredibly rewarding. You have a wide range of skills, an intricate knowledge of starships, a lifetime of experience with aliens, and a large network of contacts all across the galaxy. You have a small criminal record in the Federation databse, but it's not severe enough to warrant your immediate arrest.

Species Either roll 1d8 to decide what species you become, or pay 100cp to decide yourself.

1. Human: Humanity is one of the four founders of the United Federation of Planets, and has played major roles in the last several hundred years of interstellar history. 2. : An elf-like species with a religious devotion to logic and emotional suppression. Vulcans are the one of the founding members of the Federation, and were the 1st alien species ever encountered by humanity. They're notable for their long life spans, great physical strength, and incredible psionic abilities. (Add 40 years to your age.) 3. : A highly aggressive and dangerous species with a long standing warrior culture. The , both as a species and as individuals, are one of the Federations oldest enemies. They've been in several conflicts with the Federation over the course of it's history, and have held hostility towards humanity before the Federation even existed. Physically, Klingons are incredibly strong and durable, but they're intelligence is often hindered by their emotions. 4. : Currently under the control of the , the are a fierce yet spiritual species who worship powerful beings know as the Prophets. They do not have any significant mental or psychical advantages, but it is believed their lifespan may be slightly longer than an average humans. 5. Trill: A human-like species with spots running along their bodies. They're members of the Federation and have the same level of technology as humanity. Oh, and they're also able to bond with symbiotic organisms that record the memories and personality of each host they've been implanted in. Trills joined to a symbiote are rare, both because of how few symbiotes exist and because of the strict selection process someone must go through to receive one. For simplicities sake, you begin as an un-joined Trill, but you may be able to acquire a symbiote during your time here. 6. Betazoid: A peaceful species with human-like features and powerful telepathic abilities. Betazoids are physically indistinguishable from humans in every aspect except for their solid black irises. They posses natural telepathy and can easily sense the thoughts and emotions of any living thing. Betazoids are members of the Federation, and commonly serve as either counselors or negotiators. 7. : One of the founding members of the Federation, the are a proud and militaristic species. They rely on their Antenna for balance and are able to survive in a wide range of environments. 8. Caitian: A feline species with fur and golden eyes. Caitians are members of the Federation, they have a reputation for being intelligent, loyal, and cooperative. Their physical attributes are low-light vision, incredible hearing, and soothing voices that many species find comforting.

Skills If you purchased any background other than Drop-In you receive 2 free skills from the category that matches the background you chose. All other skills in that category not picked up for free are 50% off. Pirates can select 3 free skills but do not have any discounts. You can purchase any skill from any category. All skills are 100cp by default.

Defense 1. Combat: Hand to hand fighting is an ancient and quintessential skill for every soldier no matter what time period. 2. Stealth: Your ability to sneak around unnoticed. This will help you take down enemies unnoticed, infiltrate secure facilities, and steal thing without being detected. 3. Weapons: Knowledge in the operation and repair of personal and mounted weaponry. 4. Espionage: Manipulation, subterfuge and information gathering skills that are essential for every good spy. Health & Science 1. Medicine: Training and knowledge in First-aid, diseases, surgery, anatomy, health and nutrition. You're a fully qualified doctor of the 24th century. 2. Robotics: A combined study of mechanical engineering, and computer science. You learn how to make a wide array of machines, and you could even figure out Android or technology if you studied it enough. 3. Physics: How the universe works. The law of gravity, the conservation of matter & energy, quantum physics, etc. Remember though, there are dozens of creatures in this universe that defy the laws of human physics, so you may want to try and rewrite a few of these books while your here. 4. Physical Sciences: Understanding of the natural laws which govern the physical world. Biology, chemistry, geology and ecology. Again, you may want to rewrite a few of these books while you're here.

Command & Operations 1. Engineering: You've been trained in the maintenance and repair of Starships. Not only do you have a significant amount of mechanical and computer knowledge, but you also know a great deal about physics. 2. Communications: You're fully versed in reading and operating digital transmissions and sensors. You also have training in linguistics in and diplomacy. 3. Piloting: How to operate starships and other space worthy vessels like shuttles and Runabouts. 4. Navigation: Training in how to locate your position and plot courses. You can navigate both with a computer, and without one using astronomy.

Perks & Abilities 1. Investigator [100cp]: You have a knack for discovering secrets and finding out useful information. You can sense traitors almost immediately and see clues where others cannot. (Free: Defense) 2. Surgeon [100cp]: You’ve been trained in the art of physiological modification. You’ll be able to perform facial and bodily modification procedures that can greatly alter someone’s appearance. At first you’ll only be able to perform minor surgeries, like making a human look like a Vulcan, but with time and practice, you may be able create exotic and terrifying chimeras. (Free: Health/Science) 3. Speedy Promotions [100cp]: Whenever you're a member of a hierarchical organization (Like a military or corporation.) you'll always find yourself being promoted at a faster rate than your peers. Whether this is because people like you, or you’re simply in the right place at the right time is entirely up to you. (Free: Command/Ops) 4. Honorary Xeno [100cp]: Aliens will naturally like and trust you. They'll always see you as an equal no matter what animosity may exist between your species and theirs. (Free: Pirate) 5. Cosmic Awareness [100cp]: You have the incredible supernatural ability to perceive alterations in Space-Time. You'll be able to instantly know when your surroundings have been altered. This ability allows you to perceive changes made by events, (Singularities.) objects, (Mind altering artifacts.) people (Q.) and creatures. (Giant energy beings.) (Discount: Drop-In) 6. Our Darkest Hour [300cp]: With this perk you'll find yourself getting stronger as your situation becomes more desperate. Whenever you're in a dangerous or life-treating situation, you'll be able to think faster and more clearly, and your physical abilities will be strengthened by 1.5%. (Discount: Defense) 7. I am not God [300cp]: Acquiring knowledge is great, but what's the point of knowing everything if you can't share it? This perk will allow you to teach and communicate with any sentient being no matter how primitive they are. You can now understand obscure languages, integrate your knowledge into alien cultures, and help primitive societies understand science. (Discount: Health/Science) 8. Overpowering Authority [300cp]: This ability makes you extremely intimidating to anyone with a higher rank than you. Your drill sergeants will hesitate to yell at you, your teachers will grade your work less harshly, even leaders of government think twice before messing with you. (Discount: Command/Ops) 9. SPACE PIRATE! [300cp]: From now on none of your crimes will ever earn you the death penalty. Take a starship hostage but get thwarted, you'll be spending the next decade in prison. Rob the interstellar bank, have fun getting frozen in carbonite. Note, your prison sentences will increase to match your crime, and you can still be killed in any battles leading up to your capture. (Discount: Pirate) 10.Mental Alarm [300cp]: You can now sense whenever someone is trying to read your thoughts or emotions. This ability won't provide you with any defense against mind reading, but it will let you know the identity of the person trying to read your mind. (Discount: Drop-In) 11.The Anti-Worf Effect [600cp]: From now on you'll be able to take down a single significant foe once every 24 hours with only the most minimal amount of effort. Anyone nearby who is allies with the person you attack will be temporally stunned and afraid of you, and your allies will gain a significant moral boost after seeing you act like such a bad ass. (Discount: Defense) 12.Augmented [600cp]: You were born as an enhanced human. You're 3x stronger, smarter and more agile than you should be, your senses are sharper than a normal human's could ever be, you're immune to disease and sickness, and you can withstand energy weapons like Phasers better than others. (Discount: Health/Science) 13.Would follow you into a supernova [600cp]: Your capacity to inspire others becomes the stuff of legends. Thoughts of treason and disobedience are virtually wiped out from the minds of your followers and you can be sure that people under your command will now go though with any plan you come up with, no matter how crazy or stupid it seems. (Discount: Command/Ops) 14.Grand Theft Starship [600cp]: You gain the ability to steal any ship regardless of how complicated it is. You'll be able to pilot Galaxy class Starships out of dock and get them from point A to point B. This ability will not make you a one man crew, and aside from basic piloting and executing FTL jumps, you'll be extremely limited in what you can do by yourself. (Discount: Pirate) 15.Q This [600cp]: It's time to show those “transcendent” beings who's boss. With this perk you can negate the powers of a single reality warping creature so long as your directly observing them. You can also cancel out the effects of time and space warping phenomena, like black holes and singularities, by observing them as well. (Discount: Drop-In)

Items and companions 1. Universal Translator [50cp]: A tiny device implanted into your ear that will automatically translate any language you hear. The translator is usually infallible, it can even understand the languages of aliens one one's ever seen before, but it does have problems understanding some forms of grammar, and it is completely unable to translate metaphorical speech. (Free for all backgrounds except Drop-In) 2. Latinum [50cp]: Gold plated metal that serves as a common currency is many parts of the galaxy. One purchase gets you 500 strips, enough to live comfortably for a few weeks. Pirates receive 10 Bars of latinum for free. (Don't ask how they got it.) 1 Bar is equal to 20 strips by the way, but it's worth noting that the value of a bar doesn't always follow the exact exchange rate. (Free: Pirate) 3. Medical Kit [100cp]: In addition to a full supply of bandages and gauze, this kit also contains a , a device that can inject liquids without breaking a patients skin. The hypospray comes with vials of anesthetic, antibiotics, and healing boosters that automatically refill after 24 hours. 4. Holographic imager [100cp]: This device functions similarly to camera, but it is capable of capturing images in full 3D and then replicating them as either holograms or 3D computer models. The imager can also project holograms over a 2002 ft area. The device runs off a large rechargeable battery, and it can be plugged in to any standard outlet you come across. 5. Type 2 phaser [100cp]: The standard issue weapon for all Federation personnel, this thing can fire an energy beam at 16 different intensity settings, ranging from stun to vaporize. It can also modulate to fire at different frequencies and project and area of effect beam. 6. TR-590 XI [100cp]: A palm-sized computer filled with a variety of sensors, databanks, and communication aids. It is designed to gather scientific data, geographical information, and environmental readings. The model available here won't be developed for another 15 years, and it has additional features that let you interface with starship computers. 7. Compression phaser rifle [150cp]: Essentially this a more powerful version of the type 2 phaser, the compression rifle has 16 power settings, multiple-target acquisition, and auto-stabilization features. It can also fire wide area beams and is effective in dampening fields that disable regular phaser weapons. 8. Tr-116 Rifle [150cp]: A silent sniper rifle that fires tritanium bullets at incredibly fast speeds. Tritanium rounds are 3x harder than diamond and can easily break past personal . In addition, this weapon has been modified with a micro- and an exographic scope. The transporter will allow you to beam bullets directly to a target, and the scope will allow you to see through walls and other artificial obstacles. 9. Thruster Suit [150cp]: A tight fitting environmental suit equipped with a thruster pack. It can provide up to 24 hours of oxygen and will regulate pressure and temperature until the suits systems are destroyed. The thruster pack is primarily designed for use in space, but it can be used to help boost your jump while you're on a planet. The suit cannot survive in extreme environments and the thruster pack only has a limited amount of fuel. 10.Companion Import [200cp]: The galaxy can be a lonely place, why not bring some friends along? You can import up to 8 companions into this world, and each one will receive 500cp. 11.Personal Hologram [300cp]: Some holograms are characters designed to fulfill a specific purpose, kind of like A.I but more human. This personal hologram is sentient and has a custom appearance that you can decide on. The holograms appearance must be similar to one of the species in this universe, and once it's appearance is set it cannot be changed. Holograms are made of solid light particles and can only exist in either a holographic environment or as projections for a holographic imager. Sentient holograms are legal in the Federation, but some people, including the holograms themselves, question the moral, ethical, and philosophical nature of their existence. 12.Portable [500cp]: Much smaller and lighter than a regular replicator, but still just as capable. This device is able to fit inside of a backpack and can be powered of large amounts of solar energy and raw matter. It can create pretty much any known physical object, but it cannot replicate dangerous or complex things like antimatter or living organisms. 13.Portable Transporter [600cp]: A hand held device that functions almost exactly like it's ship-board duplicate. The portable transporter has built-in laser that can mark the places you want to go. These locations are stored in the transporters internal memory, which means that you can instantly teleport to any location you've marked at any time you wish. Note; the transporter cannot take you to different planets or across universes. 14.Runabout [400cp]: A small warp-capable ship slightly larger than a shuttle. It comes equipped with a living quarters, a food replicator, a transporter, 4 phaser arrays, a torpedo launcher, and deflector shields. This is should be able to keep you safe against bandits and pirates, but it'll be almost completely useless against a military ship. You hold all the necessary documents to prove you own this vessel, and you'll be able to fly it regardless of your piloting experience. • Tractor Beam [100cp]: A gravity beam that can allow you to pull objects and starships towards you. This beam will only work on objects that exert a weaker force than your own. (Requires Runabout) • Holosuite [100cp]: A smaller and more streamlined meant for fewer people. This holosuite can be integrated into your ship to allow you, and any companions you bring, the ability to experience fully interactive virtual environments. Food, people and scenery will all appear realistic, but in truth everything is just a very elaborate illusion. The holosuite is completely safe comes with a full owners manual. (Requires Runabout) • [100cp]: A machine that will allow you to render your ship completely invisible any time you wish. In addition to invisibility, the device will also hide your ship from most enemy sensors. This is a Federation cloaking device from a possible future timeline, it's incredibly valuable so don't lose it. (Requires Runabout)

Complications You can select up to +600cp worth of complications.

1. Temporal Anomaly [+0cp]: It looks like you've landed in some kind of alternate universe! Your actions and history from the Star Trek Original Series jump will carry over, and the time line will be altered accordingly. 2. Ensign Mary Sue [+0cp]: Uh, are you sure you want to take this option? Because if you do the entire universe will be transformed into a bad fanfiction. You'll have to deal with poor writing, edgy characters, self inserts, weird fetishes, and even crazy crossovers like TNG vs Halo! 3. Tragic Past [+100cp]: You've been involved in a well documented incident that still haunts you to this day. Almost everyone you meet will know of your history and distrust you over it. You'll have fewer allies to rely upon, and your superiors will constantly attempt to hold you back. Fortunately, with time and effort you can get people to trust you. If you picked Drop-In as your background then people will just naturally distrust you. 4. Hybrid [+100cp]: Make an additional roll for species and combine the result with what you rolled initially. In addition to having a hybridized appearance, you will also gain all the negative traits of your second rolled species. Klingon hybrids will be aggressive and often lose their temper, Vulcan hybrids will have trouble controlling their emotions, and Betazoid hybrids will have weaker telepathic powers. Also, despite hybrids being more common now then ever before, some people will still give you trouble over you mixed parentage. 5. Black Coat Society [+100cp]: Remember when I mentioned Section 31? Yeah well, they're real, and they've suddenly taken a major interest in you. For the entire time you're here Section 31 agents will constantly try to get you to join their organization. It wont matter how many times you say no, they'll keep coming after you like a bunch of yandere stalkers until you agree to join them. They'll never hurt you, but expect to be kidnapped and manipulated into doing their dirty work on a daily basis. 6. Evil Twin [+200cp]: Whether they were created by a transporter accident or an insane scientist, you now to deal with a crazy, jealous, and evil doppelganger. This individual will constantly attempt to ruin your life, and they will not stop until you're either dead or have lost everything important to you. They possess no supernatural powers or items, but they do have all of your skills, and they're also extremely charismatic and manipulative. 7. Recurring Character [+200cp]: Instead of becoming a new addition to one of the main plots for this time period, you'll instead be a recurring guest in both! You'll cross paths with the Enterprise at the worst possible moments, and every time you're forced to visit DS9 something bad will happen. 8. Tortured Character [+200cp]: The universe has decided to make you it's punching bag. If you're near an explosion it'll throw you to the ground, If you or your friends ever get attacked you'll somehow get injured, a hostile energy being has shown up, you'll be the first one attacked. Etc, etc, I'm sure you get the idea. None of these incidents will kill you instantly, but you'll have to be careful and make sure that your allies will be able to save you in an emergency. 9. Do Not Energize! [+300cp]: You're molecular structure isn't compatible with the transporters in this universe. If some ever tries to beam you from one location to another, you will die. This also applies to the personal transporter. 10.So disappointed in you [+300cp]: Well now you've done it, you've gone and betrayed the Federation! You're now one of the most wanted criminals in all of Federation space, and if anyone ever catches you, you'll be sent to prison for the rest of your life. Your crime is sever enough to warrant the Federations best efforts to apprehend you, they'll even be willing to infiltrate enemy territory to get you back. 11.Alien Threat [+300cp]: You've been targeted by two incredibly powerful and dangerous intelligence organizations, the Obsidian Order and the Tal Shiar. Both of these organizations have significant authority over their governments, and they will do everything in their power to capture or eliminate you. 12.Resistance is futile [+600cp]: Everything’s gone wrong! The Borg invaded early and are now in control of almost the entire Alpha Quadrant. Picard, Sisko, and Janeway are all dead, Earth has been conquered, and the galaxy's only hope rests with the few fleets still remaining. Instead of arriving on Earth you'll start off on the Enterprise. The ship is badly damaged, and it's lost almost all it's crew, so be careful, and good luck. Future Well now, I am impressed. You successfully managed to keep both me and Hopchan entertained for the entire 10 years. Now, what do you want to do next?

• Go Home: Well, space is the final frontier, what else could there be that could possibly live up to this? You return home at the exact moment you left, along with all your purchased items, abilities, and companions. • Stay Here: Oh, not interested in leaving are you? Well I suppose I can't fault you for that, there's just something about this place that organics find mesmerizing. You remain in this world for the rest of your life, all your chosen complications are removed (If you wish them to be.) and you receive my promise that I will not bother you again. Maybe... • Move On: Leaving so soon? Choosing this option means you depart from this world, possibly forever. Time will remain paused here so that if you do find a way back you won't have missed anything. Remember, you get to take anything you've purchased with you as well as anything you can manage to stuff in your pockets.

Notes 1. “The Anti-Worf Effect” can only be used to non-lethally disable an opponent. This power will ignore any plot armor a character has, and regardless of how powerful they are you'll always be able to knock them off their feet. Once this power has been used the character you targeted will be disabled for varying amounts of time depending on how powerful they are. (Ex. Superhuman characters like superman will only be down for a few minutes but regular human and humanoid enemies can stay down for a day or longer depending on how hard you hit him. 2. Ammo for the Tr-116 Rifle will appear in your warehouse once every day. 3. The personal hologram is stored in a memory chip for the duration of your time here, but they will gain the ability to exist outside of holographic environments if you decide to leave. 4. If you have an alien form and you chose to leave, you're automatically reverted back to your original human form. However, you also gain the ability to switch into your alien form at will.