Dr. John D. Grainger | 219 pages | 19 Dec 2013 | Pen & Sword Books Ltd | 9781848848252 | English | South Yorkshire, United Kingdom Rome, Parthia and India: The Violent Emergence of a New World Order 150-140 BC PDF Book Welcome back. November 12, — Shelved as: asia-history-culture. Be the first to write a review. Picture Information. Just a moment while we sign you in to your Goodreads account. About us. Watch list is full. Thanks for this, Steve - all very clear, and the maps are an extra treat. Product Description. Du kanske gillar. However, this is not the case in the book, and I especially think calling the territory in and around modern Iran by its modern name is misleading. Refresh and try again. About John D. About this product. There are 1 items available. What John D. Open Access Content. Author: D. Abhijeet Borkar marked it as to-read Oct 25, Catalogs, Flyers and Price Lists. It sets the battle and campaign in the wider context of a war which included action in the West Indies, Europe, Africa, Asia, and at sea; shows how movements of the French and British navies were a crucial factor; and, overall, reassesses the causes and significance of the battle. Other Editions 1. Rome, Parthia and India: The Violent Emergence of a New World Order 150-140 BC Writer

Discovery Services. Includes more than photographs, color illustrations, paintings, and maps. He has over thirty books to his name, divided between classical history and modern British political and military history. Lucullus complicated relationship with Sulla and Crassus is explored and the study concludes with the retirement of the man memorably referred to as 'Xerxes in a Toga' -- a patron of the arts and master of a life of horticulture and reflection. He took Eudoxia and the other imperial ladies back to Africa with him, subsequently defeating further attempts by the Eastern to recapture the vital North African territory. An investigation of the socio-economic role played by soldiers permits a reassessment of the cleruchic system and shows how soldiers' associations generated interethnic group solidarity. Distant Decisions. Many have never before been available in a modern language, and all are fully set in context with expert commentary and extensive annotation. Recent studies of vocal development in infants have shed new light on old questions of how the speech capacity is founded and how it may have evolved in the human species. How did he fight? It then explores Brutuss story through the Middle Ages, as the centerpiece of Britain's national consciousness and an important tool in royal and national propaganda and foreign policy i. This book contains surprising and controversial conclusions that will appeal to the general reader as well as those studying or teaching courses on ancient history or archaeology. The Hills of Judaea. But Pertinax was nothing of the sort and when he then attempted to reform the Guard, he was assassinated. As an example, already at the beginning of their rise, when they were still in eastern Bactria, they issued coins on the model of those of the Greek rulers of Bactria, even maintaining the Attic standards of weight and purity. Part two examines the histories of all the legions that served Rome for three hundred years starting in 30 BC. The Romans, under the leadership of the province's governor, Publius Quinctilius Varus, were taken completely by surprise, betrayed by a member of their own ranks: the German officer and secret rebel leader, Arminius. Previous page. Antiochus' ambition was to drive the Romans from the whole of Sicily. People also searched for. Contact the seller - opens in a new window or tab and request postage to your location. After the defeat of Antony and Cleopatra at the naval battle of Actium, Octavian swiftly brought it under direct Roman control, though it took several campaigns to fully subjugate the whole country. A chapter is devoted to the famous Varangian Guard, which included many Saxons in exile following the Norman conquest of England. His return was timely as northern barbarian tribes threatened Italy and had previously defeated several Roman armies. Sunita marked it as to-read Apr 20, John D. Sufyan, his cousin and the formidable governor of Syria to construct a fleet and carry on the war against Byzantium. Philip's death marked the passing of the classical age of Greek history and warfare and the beginning of its imperial age. As siege tactics became an integral part of war, generals employed the minds of engineers and scientists to develop tactics that ranged from penetrating the defenses or blockading the city through tricks and deception. To accept cookies from this site, please click the Allow Cookies button below. The two remaining brothers shared the Empire for the next ten years, with Constantius ruling Egypt and the Asian provinces, constantly threatened by the Sassanid Persian Empire. After Alexander the Great's death in BC, his immense Macedonian empire was divided between his ambitious generals, who in turn formed their own monarchies across Eastern Europe, Asia and North Africa. Armed with spears or pikes, standing shoulder to shoulder with shields interlocking, the men of the phalanx presented an impenetrable wall of wood and metal to the enemy. Open Access and Research Funding. But the proud Greco-Iranian kingdom and once easternmost province of Alexander the Great's brief empire of Bactria was overrun by the nomads. References In: How the Brahmins Won. Picture Information. A new tripartite division of Ptolemaic history challenges the idea of gradual decline, and emphasizes the reshaping of military structures that took place between c. Over color and black-and-white photographs and illustrations included. These are revealed wherever possible for each of the wars and battles in this book. Like the other volumes, this book gives a clear narrative of the course of these wars, explaining how the Roman war machine coped with formidable new foes and the challenges of unfamiliar terrain and climate. Using the newest battlefield technologies bows, chariots, and hand weapons , the new pharaohs pushed the frontiers of the New Kingdom into Syria and Ethiopia. The game system emphasizes command control. John Grainger's detailed study looks at aperiod of intrigue and conspiracy. People who viewed this item also viewed. Limited quantities on some issues. The Ptolemaic rulers had allied themselves to Rome while their rivals went down fighting. Online User and Order Help. Mithradates was able conquer in part because his other enemy, Baktria, was preoccupied with the nomad invasions which led to the destruction of Ai Khanum. Rome, Parthia and India: The Violent Emergence of a New World Order 150-140 BC Reviews

Maybe what niche publishing and the internet means is that there will be more awesome books like this on things I have always wanted to know more about like the Parthians. Indeed, Byzantium was one of the longest lasting social organizations in history. An interesting review. This attitude, while incomprehensible to their American and European enemies, has its roots in the samurai tradition of fighting for their master or nation regardless of personal safety. The challenge to British colonial rule was on an unprecedented scale. Submit Information. In this remarkable book, Anthony Wells charts fifty years of change, turmoil, intense challenges, successes and failures, and never-ending abiding Five Eyes relationships. The final chapters chart the course of Sparta's successes through the period of the Persian and Peloponnesian Wars, through the Corinthian and Theban wars of the fourth century BC, which culminated with the shattering military defeats at and 2nd Mantinea, and the years of her decline with the Spartans as a source of mercenaries for the wars of other states. This second volume studies how they applied that experience and further developed the art of war in a further four decades of warfare. Thomas tells of how the crew suffered from an appalling lack of food, the intense cold, and the stark conditions endured for weeks on end berthed in Archangel in the cold of the approaching Russian winter. In the process, the great cities of Carthage, Corinth, Ai Khanum, and Pataliputra were destroyed, while Antioch and Seleukeia-on-the-Tigris were extensively damaged. A fresh appraisal of the great clash at the Catalaunian Fields in offers new insights into the mechanics of the fighting and shows that it was a true battle of nations which decided nothing less than the fate of human civilization. From the failure of the Emperor Julian's invasion of Persia in AD to the overwhelming victory of the Emperor Heraclius in , the Romans and Persians were engaged in almost constant conflict. The origins of this force can be traced back to the time when the cavalry units of the British India Army were mechanized, in the late s. Sunk with all hands, the submarine I remains outside Darwin today, testimony to bravery but also to folly. The work is not concerned solely with the military necessity to use the bombs, it also investigates why that necessity has been increasingly challenged over the successive decades. To Philip belongs the title of the first great general of a new age of warfare in the West, an age that he initiated with his introduction of a new instrument of war, the Macedonian phalanx, and the tactical doctrines to ensure its success. This fascinating book explores the development of siege warfare in the ancient world from Ancient Persia in the 6th century BC to the 4th century Roman World, examining the techniques and weapons on this period. Rating details. The Doolittle Raid on 18 April came as such a shock for the Japanese High Command that it caused structural changes within the Japanese air defense system and speeded up the introduction of new types of fighters. David C Weinczok A wall in the distant north cuts the world in two. The main emphasis is on the use of air power both offensive, defensive and air transport during the protracted Burma Campaign. His album contains mostly photos of his time with 2. The first king, Seleukos I, established a pattern of rule which was unusually friendly towards his subjects, and his policies promoted the steady growth of wealth and population in many areas which had been depopulated when he took them over. Includes strategic, operational, tactical, and logistical analysis of these campaigns and battles, highlighting their long-term significance. This first volume covers the tactical organization of Army and Navy ground forces during the war. This highly readable account of this contest for power gives a vivid insight to their battle. These leadership stories tell the story of the birth of the United States as well as providing case studies that can improve your leadership. Appendix, index, biblio. Gott Strafe England. Constantius, was now sole ruler of the Empire but it was an empire beset by external enemies. Valentian was selected and proclaimed as emperor in AD , when the Empire was still reeling from the disastrous defeat and death in battle of Julian the Apostate and the short reign of his murdered successor, Jovian Contains the administration, ranks, logistics, weapons, campaigns and fortifications of the Byzantine Armies from AD until the fall of the empire in AD. This book commences with a brief general overview of the Roman conquest of Britain and an explanation of what the Roman camps were used for, with a look at layout, orientation and holding capacity. And none played a more prominent role during the brief period when the hopes of the nascent Confederacy were at their apex, when it appeared as though the Army of Northern Virginia could not be restrained from establishing Southern nationhood. Showing The Last Days of Stonewall Jackson recounts the events of that fateful night. PJs short for para-jumpers , are members of an elite unit whose commando skills are so wide-reaching they often seem like something out of science fiction. Must have been hard though to prove your true Persian credentials when you were too far away to have the Hellespont whipped! Ritika Sahu marked it as to-read Jul 29,

Rome, Parthia and India: The Violent Emergence of a New World Order 150-140 BC Read Online

This gripping account, sets the record straight. Army developed the most sophisticated system for the transport and treatment of injured and sick soldiers, pushing the boundaries of available technology to give their men the best chance of not only survival but a full recovery. This is her story and the story of the Evergreen Cemetery, a small-town burial ground that acquired national fame. Manfred Griehl Late in , the German Navy Supreme Command commissioned a report into the combat effectiveness of its airborne divisions. In this volume of the outstanding Luftwaffe at War series, Manfred Griehl showcases a photohistory of the development of the Kriegsmarine airborne capability from the early Condor missions to the introduction of Me A-1a jet fighters in Lawrence was one of the earliest practitioners of modern unconventional warfare. Charles D. A—the second production variant of one of the best-known German tanks in existence. The battles fought by B crews during raids on such tough targets as Schweinfurt, Berlin or Ploesti were nothing short of epic. Asian Studies. To stem the advance of Communism throughout the region, the Americans stepped in to support the pro-Western South Vietnam regime and threw vast quantities of manpower and money at the problem. Alan W. The ancient world had a very different moral structure, and to judge it by modern standards is I admire Grainger's efforts to show how events occurring across widely dispersed geographical areas impact each other and future historical developments. The Advance from Mons The Experiences of a German Infantry Officer Walter Bloem This is an outstanding personal memoir penned by a German infantry officer recalling his experiences during the initial days and weeks of the war in the West, July-September Fuel, Fire and Fear RAF Flight Engineers at War Colin Pateman This book provides the reader with an explanation of the origin of Flight Engineers, the training of these men and the complexity of keeping large bombers in the air is an enthralling story. The stories are fiction but are based in reality with plenty of supporting real-world details. Twelve Days on the Somme is a memoir of the last spell of frontline duty performed by the 2nd Battalion of the West Yorkshire Regiment. Gilbert This intimately researched work tells the story of the thousandplus civilian contractors who came to Wake Island in to build an air station for the U. Sales Managers and Sales Contacts. The contents of captions focused on the various modifications of these panzers. Want to Read saving…. Prefer the European side of the war instead? In considering how the opposing commanders are likely to have planned their campaigns, enduring principles of military doctrine and tactics are discussed. What John D. The Turkish Lines Broken. Delete Cancel Save. The Battle for Palestine As Paul Hill demonstrates in this compelling new study, documentary records and the growing body of archaeological evidence allows these questions to be answered with more authority than ever before. Enemy at the Gates Panic Fighters of the Second World War Justo Miranda When the Nazis started to threaten the world with their efficient machine of propaganda, the main concern of European governments was the overwhelming reaction of panic that the expected bombing of the Luftwaffe might cause within the civil population. If you don't follow our item condition policy for returns , you may not receive a full refund. The blockade ensued as the Soviets orchestrated a determined program of harassment, intimidation, flexing of muscle, and Socialist propaganda to force the Allies out. Sign in to annotate. Ladda ned. The battle-hardened Viet Cong were masters of the art of striking hard, then slipping away. Kimbrough Oller. Select a valid country. Yet this confused period in the history of maritime warfare has rarely been studied — it is little known and even less understood. The prevailing view from the time of the raid to well into the twentieth century— that his actions were the product of an unbalanced mind—has shifted to the idea that he committed courageous acts to undo a terrible injustice.