© in This Web Service Cambridge University Press
Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-88839-4 - Barcodes for Mobile Devices Hiroko Kato, Keng T. Tan and Douglas Chai Index More information Index AC coefficient, 168, 169 biometric data, 66, 67, 92, 123 access control, 66 biometric encryption key, 67 Active Book, 98 bitmap (BMP), 166 Active CyberCode, 104, 105 bitwise-XOR operations, 143 Active TRIPboard, 107 blob, 70, 71, 73, 145 adaptive thresholding, 106, 172–174, 176 block code, 131 additive colour space, 124, 160, 161 blog, 31, 45, 115 Advanced Television Systems Committee Bluetooth, 76, 117–119 (ATSC), 131 Bluetooth device address (BD_ADDR), 118 Air Transport Association (ATA), 23, 60 Bose–Chaudhuri–Hochquenghem (BCH) code, 131 alignment failure, 203, 207, 210, 211, 213 bouse, 89 alignment pattern, 52–54, 147 brightness coordinate in colour space, 124 American National Standards Institute (ANSI), 61 bull’s eye, 12, 13, 36, 76, 145 American Standard Code for Information burst error, 54, 131, 137, 140, 141 Interchange (ASCII), 22–24, 33, 35, 36 business card scanner, 91 anti-aliasing, 91, 123, 147 byte compaction mode, 33 application identifier (AI), 41–43 application programming interface (API), 95 area sensor, 28 central circular finder pattern, 146, 155 arm in mCode symbol, 70 centre guard pattern, 24, 112 associative law, 132 charge coupled device (CCD), 12, 28, 31, 45, 58, 89, au (KDDI), 51 91, 97, 110, 122, 149, 158, 214, 215 augmented reality (AR), 31, 94, 97–99, 103–105, 108, 109, 121, 127 camera, 32, 37, 48, 58, 60, 69, 76, 78, 92, 100, Australian Communications and Media Authority
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