(Iowa City, Iowa), 1963-11-23
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I • I• foday's CilCU/otion Colder MIctty f .. -' ~ hIIIay -' .......... HItIIs 10,000 today In tn. •. Pertly cloudy -' not Ie ceId • Serving the State University of 10t00 and the People of Iowa C", SunMy. Iowa City. Iowa - Saturday, November 23,lII3 • as ssaSSI·n.. was swa arge • ,. be- It Authorities Say He ' Killed Kennedy, Policeman Friday Grief Spreads Talces Oath President Killed • I'n U.S., World Sarah~~:;s~:~f~~i:C~:: T. Hug ..... a K,n"edy ap- \ By Hidden Sniper point.., " Mrs. K,nnedy on. Tht ceremony took plKt in MIDNIGHT BULLETIN til. cabin of t h. pl'ulcNntlal -National- -World- DAUAS (AP) - A 2.... year-ol .. Texan, who ence .... plant at Lovt F'-Id In Don ••, Iy THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Iy THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Tex,,,. JucItt Hug.... w.. til. feued a love for Ruula, Friday n"ht WOI charwted with the fll'lt woman In hl.tory to I""ar mur"er of Pres'''ent Kennedy Friday. The as assination of Pre s- Word of President Kennedy's In a prelident. - AP Wirephoto The charge was filed agolnlt Harvey lee Oswald. 24, ident Kenn dy Friday brought assassination struck the world's Offlcen sold he wal the man who hid on the fifth floor forth outpourings of grief from capitals with shattering impact, of 0 textbook warehoule and snapped off th'H quick men in high office ncross the leavini heads of state and the .holl that killed the Pre.ldent and wounded Gov. John II. land. Lament crossed par t y man in the street tunned and Connally of Texas. lin s and differences. grief-slricken. Stunned almost Into dlsbeli~f, While messages of condolence DALLAS (AP) - A 24.year-old Fort Worth man, who (our they called for prayer. poured Into the White House from years ago said that h was applying for Russian citizenship, was presidents, premiers and crowned Former President Harry S. Tru· ane ted within an hour aCt r Pre idenl K nnOOy was a sas man in Independence, Mo., the un heads, the IItUe people of many harmed target of an assassination lands reacted with numbed dis· In ted Friday. attempt 13 years ago, was too belief. DaJla police have d flnilely slablish d th t th man, stunned for immediate comment. Pubs In London and cafes in Harvey lR 0 wald, who ha lived in th vi t Union and is Paris fell silent, lIS tbe news came In New York, two former presi marri d 10 a Rus ian woman, was in a building from whjch the dents, Dwight D. Eisenhower and over radio and television . Herbert Hoover, issued statements IN MOSCOW, a Ru sian girl hots w re fir d at th time of th a sa ination, 01 sorrow. walked weeping along down the Although it h not been e tabli h d th t Oswald f the street. At U.N. headquarters In "J share the sense oC shock and a a In, J) h been cbnrgOO willi the murder of a Dallas dismay that all Americans feel at New York, delegates of 111 na· the despicable act that resulted In tions bowed their heads In a mo poJjc rn n. the death of our nation 's Presi ment of silence. Three hots reverberated from a high-powered rifle. ~\ dent," Eisenhower said. I Moscow radio broke Into a Th as a mation occurr d just as th President's motorcade HOOVER commented: "He loved broadcast to announce that the America and has given hi s life for President had been shot. It then was J aving downtown Dalla at th nd of a triumphal tour his country. I join our bereaved began playing funeral music. through the city's stre Ls, nation in heartfelt sympathy to In BUenos Alr'!l, newspapers Hi P' ial cnr - with th prot ctive bubble down - was j ' Mrs. Kennedy and their two chil sounded sirena reserved for news dren." of the utmost gravity. moving down an inclio into an undcrp 55 that leads to a fr • Flags were lowered to half-staCf Britain's Prime Minister Doug way rout to th Dallas Trad across the nation and business las-Home sent condolences ond Sir Mart, wh re h was to peak. came to a standstill as Americans Winston Churchill branded the Wilne s bard three Ibots. Two tried to express their ,rlet. slaying a monstrous act. hit the Pre Ident, on In the bead Dnd one In th n k. Former Vice President Richard "THE LOSS to the United States M. Nixon, who lost the presidency and to the world is incalCUlable," Blood pr n8 (rom th Pre I· to Kennedy said: "The assasslna· Sir Winston declared. ''Those who d nt', fa . H (eU face downward come alter Mr. Kennedy must IIII the back at of his car. III strive the more to achieve the $Ulowans Shocked- wi( clutched his head and tried to Pres. Hancher ldeals of world peace and buman TOdayl sTilt Ken"neay Saw lift It, crying, "Oh, NOI" happiness and dJenity to which his Half an hour later, John F. Ken· Expresses Shock presidency was dedicated." nedy was dead and the United Douglas·Holtle said: "The prime With N.D. Irish,' Iowa States had a new president, Lyndon SUI President VlrgU M. Han· Nov. 22; A Dark, minister bas learned with the most B. Johnson . cher Friday expressed "shock profound shock and horror of the and grief" al the news of Presi· Cancelled Battle Here The third shot wounded Gov. death by assassination of the Presi John B. Connally of Texas in the dent Kennedy's death. and said dent of the United States." It will lower American "stand The Board of Athletic:a Dark Day at SUI Four year ago unday, John side but his condition was reported ing and prestige throughout the Harold Wilson, leader of Brit met early thl. morning and F. Kennedy was in Iowa City "not critical." world." ain's Labor party, commented : AS THE gunfire rang in the decided to cancel the game By CURT SYLVESTER ttending the OJ· otr Dam "Without respect to political "I pay tribute to one who bas Friday aCternoon wa very dark. The h avlly overcast Iowa "'ies street, a reporter .In the caravan between Iowa and Notr. football gam . screamed, "My God, they're shoot or partisan affiliation, all think been a good frlehd of this country, poured rain most of lIle lime. Strong winds whipped COOLS, umbrellas Ing citizens are deeply grieved a great world statesman and a Dame today due to the and sheets of driving rain. And the President of the United Slales was Mr. K nnOOy was at that inll at the President!" by the great tragedy," Hancher great fighter for peace." death of President Kennedy. The motorcade slowed and then as as inated in Dallas, Texas. time, Nov. 24, 1959, D United said. He was informed of Mr. FRANCE'S President Charles de sped forward at breakneck speed • Kennedy's assassination while The announcement wal The SUI campu became a sea sequences would be. States Senator from Mas schul to Parkland Hospital near the HARVEY LIE OSWALD I I Gaulle issued a brief tribute: attending a meeting at the Un· "President Kennedy died like a mad. by both Unlvel'$itles. of puzzled, worried and somber Campus life continued but not setts and unofficially campa1anlng Trade ~art. Had RUlla.n LNnlllt. Ion. soldier, under Cire, for his duty The game will not be played faces. Cia se were forgotten as with the common college student COr the Pr idency. Onlookers, terrWoo at the sight Hancher met with Mr. Ken· and in the service 01 his coun and sound of the assassinalion, man ever elected president. nedy last June to discuss civil at any time. students and Caculty gathered at abandon. An air of speculation and As the hold r of an honorary The last Pre.idential victim of an try. In the name 0' the French television and radio sets. When the meditation huna In the cold No degree Crom Nolre Dame and a dived face forward for protection assassin was William McKinley, rights problems in the nation's people, a friend always of the guest oC the governor of Iowa, onto a grassy park at the entrance schools. Hancher told the Presi· President's death was announced, vember wind in Iowa City. who was felled at close ranae tn American people, I salute this Research Grants Mr. Kennedy said be was (aced oC the underpass, fearing more 1901 at BulCalo, N.Y., by a CJ;ized dent at the time that he regret great example and lhls great me girls in dorms burst into tears, with an important political deci· shots. Police swarmed Into the ted not meeting Kennedy in 1959 gunman who approached him ID the mory." heads shook in disbelief and most sion. "Someone said I should cbeer scene. guise of a friend who want.ed to when the then Senator Kennedy Awarded to SUI for Iowa and pray for Notre visited Iowa City and attended Canada's House 01 Commons studeO[s telt only shock. Set Kennedy At the hospital emergency eD- shake hands. listened in silence as Prime Min Dame." Notre Dame defeated Iowa trance, Associated Press reporter Kennedy's aaaasain was not 10 the Iowa·Nolre Dame football For Physics, Math By Friday night, the cold rain 2().19. game. Ister Lester B. Pearson announced had turned to sleet and snow but Jack Bell saw the President bold . He fired from a bidln, plaCe.