Spoilercast Episode 15: One More Spoiler Please, Sherlock September 6, 2013 [Intro music] Shannon: Hi, this is Spoilercast 15 and this is Shannon! Dixie: And this is Dixie! Geny: Hi this is Geny! Shannon: How are you guys feeling? Filming has wrapped, this may be our last set of spoilers, at least for a very long time… Geny: Nooooo! Dixie: I’m celebrating by getting drunk, so… one of us is drunk. Shannon: Yeah… [laughing] Shannon: Well I have to go into work still, so no drinking for me. But we still have a lot to talk about, because despite the fact that filming wrapped several days ago, there are still spoilers that have come out that we haven’t covered yet. So we’re going to get started with the really big one that everyone’s been talking about. And that’s the BBC Drama trailer. What did you guys think of that? Geny: Ah, just the two of us… Shannon: Against the rest of the world. Geny. As it should be, honestly. Thank you BBC, that was like a really great thing to finish the whole setlock thing with, by just jumping right into showing us what Sherlock is going to be, uh… Showing us, so to say, in January hopefully? Shannon: Or sooner… Geny: Or sooner! Oh my God. Shannon: I know there’s – there’s been some speculation where people were saying, “Oh because this was supposed to be the 2013 drama lineup” that that’s hinting that it’ll come out sooner. But the BBC did also tweet that there are no transmission dates yet. So ­ maybe people wanna hold off on getting too excited. Geny: Yeah, Mark tweeted about it again as well, that he’s blue in the face about answering this question again and again, which means there is no airdate yet, unfortunately! Shannon: But you know what’s really funny, because we’re spoiled we got to enjoy different glimpses of Sherlock in this trailer that the unspoiled couldn’t appreciate. Just because there’s a lot of action going on. So, what did you guys think about Mary’s presence? Dixie: Most people didn’t know that that was them on the motorcycle. Only the people that had been spoiled, so… but it was like what, 8 seconds? All we got was 8 seconds? I wanted 10 seconds, or 12. [laughing] Dixie: Gimme a little more! Just a little more. Geny: It’s just so very interesting that really only the people who were there at the beginning of setlock knew that this was Mary on the back of the motorcycle – well, that this was Sherlock and Mary on the motorcycle, so to say. Shannon: Right… and we knew that because of costuming. People paid attention to what Mary was wearing, especially those white shoes – I remember finding it kind of weird, why is she wearing white with all this dark clothing? But it did really help pick her out. Geny: Yeah, I mean that orange jacket is kind of a pointer as well. Shannon: True. Geny: But, yeah that was the very first night out, filming in… Bristol on March the 25th… something like that, 26th. So, a long, long time ago. But because of that we could also tie in certain other scenes that were shown that were not showing Sherlock, were not showing Mary, or anybody that we knew from Sherlock. Shannon: Yes! Geny: People staring at the bonfire, which also was invisible ­­ you only saw the reflection of the fire in their faces and their eyes. And you were able to basically place those people into Sherlock because we have setlock and we knew that there were people standing around the fire. We knew from the casting list that there was going to be a younger girl screaming at the fire because she realizes there’s a real person in there. Which kind of gave setlockers more info than people who were only seeing it for the first time or people who were not spoiled, that kind of missed half of the stuff they showed us. Shannon: Cause when I was watching it I kept looking for that you know, iconic curly hair and you know, Sherlock’s coat. And we got plenty of that. But the either lesser­known characters or you know, ancillary action that people wouldn’t know about is gonna seem like it might belong to another show for people who aren’t spoiled. So that’s kind of the charm of it, is that people who aren’t spoiled could enjoy the drama trailer without being spoiled for anything. Cause again, someone was joking about, we didn’t even get to see John’s mustache here, like it was too hot for primetime or something. [laughing] Geny: It’s true! They also didn’t give away the Mary thing yet, because people would not know that it’s Sherlock and Mary on the motorcycle. Shannon: Right, and I read somewhere someone was com­ commenting on the lack of women, um, being apparent in the trailer for all these shows. Um, they were very men­fronted and it was kind of neat because we could see how, well, you can’t tell Mary’s in there cause she’s a new character. But those of us who know what to look for can see Mary, and the fact that we got to see those three prominent characters – we didn’t, as far as I could tell, see any other characters from Sherlock except Sherlock, John and Mary. So that’s kind of an interesting way to hint at these pivotal characters for series 3. Geny: And I love the Bond connection in the beginning when Sherlock was once again on the rooftop; it was like a very typical backdrop for, um, the Bond film with Daniel Craig. I found it very interesting to see two very completely different television events, so to say, with the same backdrop and having such a different meaning all of a sudden. Because it’s a very patriotic backdrop for Bond, where all the Union Jacks are flying. And for Sherlock it’s just angst, again and emotions. You see him looking out, you see him on the rooftop, you’re like, “Get down there!” It was a great introduction to the character and I don’t know if it’s going to be in the series. Shannon: Well you know, I think it will because what – you were seeing it as patriotic, I was seeing it as, it’s who we’ve talked about before being another major character in the television show and in the Sherlock Holmes canon. And I was so, I guess I had tears in my eyes when I was watching it cause it seems so majestic to me that at first I thought, what is he looking at? Is that his mind palace? But it was only on re­watching that I was like no, no, that’s like the … the city scape, you know from – it’s beautiful, and really majestic in a sense. And I thought comparing it to the Bond footage, it was more beautifully shot. We have a closer up view of Sherlock and London together. Whereas Bond is a bit more isolated, cameras pulled further back. And I just thought oh, yeah this is, it’s almost like a romance. Dixie: He looks so lonely. Geny: Yeah! Dixie: He looks so lonely without his John. Geny: Like Batman looking out over Gotham City. Like Sherlock is watching his city, as soon as you hear, like, “Sherlock!” somewhere he’s going to jump off that roof – well, I shouldn’t say it like that. Dixie: Ohh God, no! Geny: Dixie what did you think of the scratch on Sherlock’s lip in the last part of the trailer? Dixie: He gets hit twice, I think! That is not a headbutt. Geny: Yeah, it’s not a headbutt, right? Because he only had a nosebleed from the head – Dixie: I wish Mary would slug him. Geny: What if it was Mary though? Mary is wearing rings on both hands, actually. Dixie: Yeah that looks like something – like a ring would cut his lip. So hopefully, maybe she did! Shannon: Wait a minute, so you think the headbutt wouldn’t affect – would only affect his nose, not his nose and mouth too? Dixie: No. Geny: Well that I don’t know, but the photos from that night did not show a bust lip. Shannon: Maybe they had an actual fight like in the bar not just John headbutting Sherlock but maybe there was an actual, you know, throwdown with the wait staff and everybody got involved and that’s what Sherlock’s all excited about. Geny: They did have a fight, uh, according to the casting thing the manager of the fancy restaurant has to kid of separate two people fighting, so maybe it’s that. Dixie: But his lip’s not split in those pictures though. Geny: Then maybe the kind of teaser trailer that we got is showing us two different things? Dixie: Maybe Mrs. Hudson slugged him, wouldn’t that be awesome? [laughing] Dixie: She threw the teakettle at him. [laughing] Geny: What about the quote though? It’s “The thrill of the chase, the blood pumping through your veins, just the two of us against the rest of the world.” Shannon: It’s a great quote. You know, it thrilled me in the way they broke it up. I mean I’m assuming it all aligns together, that it’s one uninterrupted quote. I mean, when Sherlock is saying this the very end when we see his face speaking to John, he looks very emotionally charged, like thrilled, and the way it comes out sounds very impassioned. And I know people have been setting it up for that’s what leads to the angst in that particular episode, that’s where John breaks it to him and he says, “Well it’s not the two of us anymore, it’s me and Mary now, you left me.” Or something like that. Dixie: And that’s when I’m gonna start to cry. Right there. Geny: I would also say it’s definitely Sherlock being excited about him and John, maybe it’s like, “Yo John, I’m back, do you remember how great it was just the two of us against the rest of the world? Don’t you want this back? Because I’ve observed you and you’re now just being this doctor, using the Tube every day, and it’s boring.” I would say it’s something like this rather than him trying to convince John to leave Mary or make fun of him in any way, being like, “Oh it’s you and Mary, just the two of you,” like this mocking somebody. Uh, it was also suggested that Sherlock might be in the mindset of a criminal, and this is the, that he’s recounting a Bonnie and Clyde kind of thing, that he is basically in the head of the criminal. Whenever he had had a case, he has never referred to the criminal in this certain personal way. He’s always distanced himself by not – the language, in a way that would insinuate that he is in the mindset of the killer. Shannon: Right. Geny: So I doubt he would do it now. Shannon: I agree, I think he’s speaking for himself. Geny: So but the slap… I don’t know, somebody is saying John is left handed, which is true, and the injury’s on the right­hand side of his face. Shannon: Left­hand punch though, I think that’s… good call. Geny: And we know there’s going to be a fight in the restaurant from the casting that has been about the manager who has to break up the fight between two people in a fancy restaurant. Shannon: So our next spoiler concerns more casting news, and some of this is – well, we’re revisiting a familiar face. Tomi May is back! What the hell, why am I surprised by this? Geny: Because we haven’t heard of him since the beginning of the filming of series 3, I guess. Back then, he was announced by Sherlockology as one of the first cast members for series 3, and then he was never heard of again. He tweeted something about going to rehearsals for Sherlock and then it was quiet for a long, long time. He retweeted something regarding Sherlock when they were filming at Hansel castle together with Lestrade, Molly and Sherlock. But we don’t know if he was there during those scenes. But interestingly enough he was tweeting just a few days ago on August 29 that he’s doing some interesting ADR for Sherlock... And this of course brings the question, isn’t episode 1 locked already? Being it’s done with? And is this ADR for s – um, series 3 episode 3? And then, why is he in both episodes and we’ve never heard of him again ever since he was mentioned once by Sherlockology? Shannon: Yeah, we don’t know his character’s name. That’s something that’s also still eluding us. Geny: But some very interesting sleuthing has brought up something... very interesting! Shannon: Well, we have to say it happened right now just as we were recording, and we had to edit this like half hour segment out because Dixie found something. Dixie: Apparently, he was in ,what was it, the Hound of the Baskervilles. Well, we think that’s him. Cause it does look like him, and the – what was it, the torture scene where he’s torturing Moriarty? Shannon: At the very end when you see Moriarty in the room leaving where it’s got “Sherlock” scratched all over the walls, we see this blond guy who’s kind of got this menacing face. He’s not credited. I looked through the credits, he is not credited in Baskerville. It doesn’t say “random dude in suit” and, um, we know that they’ve done this once before because in the first episode, for , Mycroft and Gatiss’ Mycroft is also not credited if you roll through the credits because they wanted to keep that a mystery so people couldn’t figure out that he wasn’t Moriarty until the reveal at the end of the episode. So we know that they have a history of doing this, so is this possible? Dixie: I think so. Geny: Yeah it definitely looks like him, all the creases in the face really do look like him and if you just cover up the top of his head and think of some hair there, or think away the hair depending which picture you’re looking at. It really looks like him. We’re also going to link to a picture where he is clean­shaven as he is in the role and in a suit kind of thing, so you might have a better comparison. We think it’s him, so, is he back in episode 1 as, what, is it gonna be recycling the extra and it doesn’t have anything to do with The Hounds of the Baskerville scene? Shannon: Mm­hmm. Dixie: Or does he work for Mycroft? Geny: Exactly. Shannon: Yes. So we’ve been going about this maybe the wrong way thinking oh he might be Moran, although he could still be – but that would mean he pulled one over on Mycroft. Or he could be – yeah, somebody who’s really significant and we, we’ve heard that we’re gonna know more about Mycroft or see more of Mycroft, I think, in this series. So that might be part of exploring what Mycroft does with the British government? Geny: More Mycroft. I’d like that. Dixie: Yeah. Shannon: We have another bit of casting news that we’ve just uncovered as well; I mean, a lot is happening while we’re preparing this recording. Geny: Uh, yeah, and that is Hugh Holman, everybody go look at the picture and tell me he does not look like the double that series 3 episode 1 was calling for as a waiter in the restaurant. You might remember this one bit of casting news that came out via a certain Tumblr asking for a waiter, male, 29­35. “A waiter in a nice restaurant serving John and his lady friend who bears an uncanny resemblance to his old cohort Sherlock. We need an actor who must be tall and thin.” And looking at the guy, with the curls, and with the cheekbones, and his height, and being thin, he absolutely could fit into this role and Casting Call Pro lists him as, um, working for Hartswood for Sherlock under Jeremy Lovering, which would be the first episode. And it lists his role as – it could be the wrong listing of a director, we had this before, but I really think this fits. It definitely fits. Shannon: The next bit concerns location filming on a base. Uh, and this kind of ties into some speculation people may have had about a military connection. Um, Geny can you tell us a little bit more about that? Geny: Yeah they filmed in St. Athan, I hope I’m saying this correctly, at the MOD base in Barry, it’s kind of a remote location and a lot of has been shot there in the past. And it having been a base a military base, an aircraft base, does not necessarily mean that those things will be represented in the series. There are a lot of big hangars as well so they’ve got a lot of room to shoot something very, very big, or something very, very small depending on where they are on this thing. It doesn’t have to be necessarily what it represents in real life, as we know. So we don’t know anything else about it, there were, um, there was no way you could have any insight, there’s an open field there as well, there’s definitely enough room for an airplane, there’s enough room for a lot of extras, there’s enough room for a military exercise. It could really be anything and everything. Shannon: So let’s move onto the next one, which is kind of curious, that this – we had tweets that suggest that there may have been a scene filmed that include John, Mary, and Mycroft! And this is a bit weird. Geny: Yes, definitely a little bit weird, but definitely official because it came from ’s Twitter account. She kind of had everybody guess whose legs and feet could be seen in the photo and it was very obviously Mycroft slash , and then a lot of speculation about if ­ whether it was John whether it was Mary or whether it was one of the doubles. And it turns out, as she confirmed it is definitely John, definitely Mary, and Mycroft hanging out together. The peculiar part of this, though, is that John and Mary see to be one of those couples who kind of wear the same thing because the shoes and the jeans kind of look the same ­ so the question is, are they one of those couples or is that maybe, I don’t know, part of a scene that they have to look alike? Shannon: I think the latter. Not that they’re one of those couples, because we haven’t seen them dressing alike before and what’s noticeable I guess is um, John is wearing his kind of brownish wing­tipped shoes that we saw a lot more in Series 1, and you could see his jeans, and that’s not a common shoe for women to wear but Mary has on a ­ a similar pair in women’s sizes so it’s making me think, are they doing kind of a bait and switch where there’s some, some sneaking that needs to go on where Mary needs to be dressed similar to John? And one of the things that we’ve observed is that in real life, um, Amanda Abbington is not that much shorter than , so maybe from a distance with a wig, it’s like cosplay, she could perhaps resemble him for some reason and, and, you know, with Mycroft involved, what the hell? You know, again now we’re getting into the secrets of the British government. Is there some undercover something going on, or is it for someone’s own safety that they need to be sneaked out somewhere, perhaps on an airfield or something? Dixie: Ooh I know, she’s his beard! Shannon: What? [laughing] Geny: We can always count on you, Dixie! Shannon: What, how do you get that from shoes? Geny: You don’t? Dixie: Because I started thinking about mustaches and her wearing a mustache and then I got to beard and it’s like, voila! Shannon: Okay… your mind is an amazing place, Dixie. Dixie: It’s a scary place. Shannon: Our next spoiler, also location based, has to do with a remote, remote, remote location that was actually really hard for fans to find and get to. Um, and we’re trying to figure out what might be going on there. Geny: Yeah, it took them quite a while to get there and it was, quote, “one of the remotest locations” they’ve ever seen, it was apparently field after field after field and right in the middle a house. Shannon: What on earth could be going on there? Is that supposed to be, like, I know there’s been speculation is this some secret place or is it just, like, the building was that terrific that they wanted to film there, or were they trying to avoid fans? Geny: [laughing] All of it? Dixie: All of the above. Geny: There’s been some theories going around, especially whether this is them filming the retirement scene, when Sherlock and John basically move to the countryside. But then again the question is, this is the end of series 3 we know there’s going to be 4, why would they flash forward so much? And another theory that has been hinted at – well not even hinted at, it was just posted, a hint was posted by ladycharliem who was there as well and I’m just – assuming it’s the same day. She is saying, um, they were headed to the location, they can’t say a lot about it because Sue asked them not to, and um, they said it’s a nod to a previous thing said in series 1. And they can’t wait to see how the whole scene/setting plays out. And then there’s a tiny clue of a wall, wallpaper, stone, in a red pinkish color. Shannon: What [sighing]…I have no idea. I’m trying to think what was mentioned – wasn’t Mycroft also seen there? And he was reportedly not in his typical pinstripe attire. Geny: Yeah, apparently it was casual Friday! Shannon: Okay, here’s a theory. We’re going to the Holmes estate, does it seem like it would be big enough for an estate, and is this like maybe the Christmas dinners? Was he wearing a Christmas sweater? [laughing] Geny: Mycroft with the reindeer antlers on! That would be so much fun. I don’t know about the house, they didn’t take a picture of the house because it was a private residence, that’s why they’re not providing a picture of the house which I think is very nice of them. Dixie: And Sherlock is there, but John isn’t? Geny: Sherlock is definitely there, they were not sure about Martin and Amanda being there. But Mark was definitely there and Benedict was definitely there as well. Dixie: I hope it’s the Holmes estate. Shannon: Yeah, I do too and I’m thinking what if the, if what they were showing that hint, that wall, it looks almost like pink stucco which made me think: okay pink, but if they said the first episode then we know A Study in Pink so that’s, I don’t know it’s making me think family and I can’t help but think back to the comment that Mycroft did make about “you can imagine the Christmas dinners,” what if we’re getting to see one? Dixie: Oh, I would love that. Geny: That would be amazing. Because even at SDCC people were asking if they’re going to see the Holmes family any time soon and Mark was like, we’ll have to wait and see! Who knows. Shannon: So this leads into the next spoiler, my connections that I’m making in my brain are probably completely off, but we have a question about perhaps more villainy goodness coming up, with , who was spotted again out in . Geny: Lindsay Duncan was spotted on location one or two days after filming in their remote, remote location, so she has definitely nothing to do with um whatever was happening on that field. And um, she was seen together with, um, Magnussen filming a scene. We have a few pictures of, from the above, so to say, but that’s definitely her head. If people from Tumblr can do one thing, then it is recognizing people by their hairline. [laughing] Geny: And that was Lindsay Duncan. For sure. Yeah, Lady Smallwood, who was, uh on set together with Magnussen. Back then when it came out that Lindsay Duncan was on set and that her role is Lady Smallwood, we were kind of guessing that she is the one that I being blackmailed by Magnussen, so why would she all of a sudden hang out with him? Shannon: Is that what they were doing? Were they being chummy? Geny: What was observed on set was basically Magnussen and a lot of people in a lot of suits walking around and sitting around, kind of in an office­y kind of thing going on, and Lindsay Duncan was definitely there with Magnussen together. Were we right about her being blackmailed? Being the victim? Or is she working together with Magnussen kind of like the same thing, idea we had with Yasmine Akram and her character of Janine? Which we first thought was a friend of Mary’s or a date of Sherlock’s and now she seems to be connected to Magnussen all of a sudden as we’ve talked about in the last Spoilercast. Dixie: But Mycroft is also in that picture, isn’t he? Geny: Apparently not no, because I remember Charlie tweeting about, uh, “And that’s a wrap for Lars” and then she was like “Oh, Mark just showed up.” Yeah, she – she’s even writing in the, in her post she’s writing that “he wrapped Lars waved to us as he left the building then we were discussing where was Mark when he suddenly appears, speak of the devil.” It can’t be Mycroft fucking up again? Shannon: No, but this is interesting because again Mycroft is by himself then. Because we – this is on the day after they had wrapped for John, Mary, and Sherlock, right? This was like the final day of filming, when Mark Gatiss had tweeted about having, you know, he was sick but the had a final push was that – Well back to this discussion about Lindsay Duncan possibly being the blackmail victim, possibly being in cahoots with Magnussen. This is a possibility: you can be both, you can be a blackmail victim who’s then turned to work for the person blackmailing you as a way to kind of, um, buy out your blackmail. But it could also be something else and that Magnussen’s character may serve multiple roles. So we may know him as a villain because we know he’s been cast as such thanks to Sue’s tweet. But he could also be a regular person who has a career in other ways. And this kind of leads us into our next spoiler. So we’ve got a bit of a convoluted way of getting at that. This has to do with a court case that we see being announced in a prop newspaper. Geny, you wanna talk about that? Geny: Yeah, it’s, um, the court case of Trepoff being found guilty in a court of law. And we have a German newspaper, which is called Deutschland Heute which means “Germany Today” and apparently a daily newspaper, and then we have, interestingly enough, the CAM Global News, which makes me think just how influential is this villain? Because it is definitely the same design as it was on the glass doors to CAM tower, where we observed the filming of Sherlock and John in the elevator. And, um, C­A­M, of course, Charles Augustus Magnussen in this case, and he has a newspaper. So is Sherlock taking on the world? I dunno. The Trepoff case is very interestingly enough canon, and it is a story that Watson only barely wrote about basically because he was married to Mary and working as a doctor again, and Holmes was off solving cases which kind of led him to Odessa, and, um, there was this guy Trepoff who was either the criminal mastermind or he was the victim, and they kind of don’t talk about it and later on it turns out that he was this Russian fanatic that tries to get close to, I guess you would translate it as Count Aleksei and he tried to kill him but he died. So in canon he died, but here he is found guilty and this is not the first court case that we’ve heard about, right? Shannon: Right, right, cause there was that one that had, that we actually saw around filming that was going on in Cardiff a few weeks back. Geny: And that was an Austrian/German court as the tweeter said and the verdict was not guilty. Shannon: To bring this back to Magnussen though, what’s very interesting here, two things: we see a newspaper and we’ve seen one before because the filming in Cardiff, you saw this Geny when, um, I think it was Lestrade noticing something in a newspaper, like there’s a very brief shot of him looking at a newspaper and reacting to it. Geny: Yeah, I remember that and it was definitely about the front page of the newspaper that he saw. Shannon: Okay. Okay and so now we see a prop here with CAM on it and this is making me think, going back to our villain, he may have a day job. He’s not just somebody who bribes people and this made me think of a recent set of allegations in the media and it made me think about a large media mogul a lot of people are familiar with, , who ­­ and this is pulling just a general overview from the Wikipedia page on him ­­ in July 2011 he faced allegations that his own news companies had been involved in hacking the phones of celebrities, royalty, and just members of the public, and that he’s facing investigations into bribery and corruption by the British government and the FBI. So I was wondering if what we’re seeing here is Magnussen being modeled a bit on Murdoch and that CAM is his media conglomerate so that he can certainly interact with people like Lady Smallwood or whomever in his professional capacity, but then he may also be underhandedly running or supporting certain kinds of, of criminal behavior for his media services. Geny: I like that. It’s just, for me, it’s kind of weird to see Sherlock take on apparently someone who owns the world, you know. I know Moriarty had, like, his web all over the world and in remote locations, someone here, someone there, doing evil in the name of Moriarty or with the help of Moriarty, and ­­ but now we have this super rich guy who owns a global newspaper who has this tower. It’s just, I really like the idea of them drawing a comparison to the Murdoch thing but it almost seems a little bit too big for me, you know what I mean? Shannon: But it’s a nice way of modernizing it because I think if you think about Milverton collecting bribes as a way to blackmail people, what he was doing was small time like sending letters to people so people found out each other’s secrets. But the media’s a great way of exposing incredibly powerful people today. And it’s kind of a nice way, again, of moving Sherlock into the 21st century. So I don’t mind that he’s actually dealing with someone with a lot of influence, and it may also explain why we may be seeing so much more from Mycroft. If the British government is after this guy as well. Geny: True, and Gatiss said that there will be more Mycroft. But then why would he go after Mary? Shannon: Hmm. Geny: Small fry, you know. Small fry. Shannon: She must have some connection on a certain level, you know, like tied into something big. Geny: Her past, okay. Shannon: Yeah. Or her past, or maybe she’s from a very influential family. Geny: I can’t wait to see how this all pans out. I’m very intrigued, very intrigued. I love this. Shannon: But the next one might be more, uh, up Dixie’s alley. Cause this is, we’re turning back to John and Sherlock and ­­ just a follow­up to something we talked about in our last Spoilercast, because we had observed some filming where John was seen sitting inside a restaurant and Sherlock kind of walks by a window and stares at him. We were talking about that and there was no dialogue exchanged, but there have been some more photos to follow up on this, and Geny has again reblogged a fair bit. What we see now is this took place in something called New York Pizzeria; that was kind of interesting. And they do in fact both sit down inside. We see John sitting and shots of him drinking coffee with a plate in front of him, and then shots of him in the same seat with a glass of wine. So, Sherlock is not with him but at a later point Sherlock appears to be in the same seat, but at a different time. And this is what we glean from looking at, um, the condiments that are not there. And he’s just drinking coffee. So we’re trying to figure out what, what is this signifying? What’s going on here? Geny: With the condiments in front of John but not in front of Sherlock, I would dismiss a very nice theory but, uh, now of course, uh, not very relevant anymore that Sherlock was observing John in the restaurant and then John went to the toilet or to pick up his order whatever, stepped outside for a short amount of time and in that time Sherlock took place in his seat and was just like sipping his coffee. Maybe John does not yet know Sherlock is alive. I mean this is the third episode but it could be a flashback. Um, after all you know it’s Moffat and Gatiss. So is this flashing all the way back, is this mind palace action, or is it just waiting, John waiting, waiting for what, why would he be waiting there if not for Sherlock? But then why don’t they have scenes together? Shannon: Yeah, and it’s a full meal I mean if you have time to have coffee and wine and we notice again, John is still not wearing his ring. Um, but he’s alone. That’s kind of a sad scene of loneliness and what I can’t get over is, you know, why a New York pizzeria? Now Geny you were kind of saying it looks like from some of the camera angles that the word New York Pizzeria which is right over ­ it’s like in neon red letters, may not be in the shot at all, and you also observed that there was some degree of that particular restaurant had a lot more American stuff on the wall that had been taken down for the shoot. Geny: Yeah, definitely, the flags got taken out of the window for the shoot. It looked like the wall behind Sherlock from where the camera was set was, um, kind of made naked, so to say, that there was not much on there. And you didn’t see the camera being further away in the street so they could capture the entire front of the building or even the shop. Um, it looked like it was very close to the window. There was the stills photographer who was basically right outside of the window taking pictures of Sherlock sitting there and the camera and the screens right next to him. So the question is how much of the shop are we going to see? Or if this, if it’s just really him at the, um, barstool at the window, if not maturing [sic] that it is an American pizzeria. Dixie: If this is episode 3, I mean, why would they be apart? Haven’t they made up by now? Geny: Yeah that’s what I was saying earlier. I don’t know how much they’re going to play with the timeline. We know that they will play with the timeline of course, but to what extent if it just spans one episode or may be in this case all three? Dixie: I mean if it would’ve been in episode 1 I would have thought it would be neutral meeting ground of some sort. Geny: Yeah. Like the bench. Dixie: Yes, like the bench. But, for episode 3, I’m clueless. Geny: Yeah, then we still have the option of the mind palace, but ­ you know, that Sherlock would like to keep John unmarried. Shannon: Mm­hmm. Geny: But I’m not – in his mind place, so without ring. Also the clothes are very interesting. Because he – what we’ve observed while we were in London in the last few days of Setlock is that if John is wearing his black jacket with the leather patches all the time. Which kind of makes me think that episode 3 will take place in a very short amount of time, in a very short amount of time span, you know what I mean? Because he’s not changing his clothes a lot. But in this scene, where he’s in the pizzeria, he’s wearing the clothes that we’ve seen him wear at Westminster Tube station and Charing Cross, which is the longer coat that kind of reminds us of Sherlock. He’s not wearing the scarf he was wearing back then, nor the gloves he was wearing back then, so I doubt it is a direct flashback to that scene. He’s definitely not wearing the black jacket with the leather patches that we’ve observed him wearing basically everyday. Shannon: Right. And those, those patches and that – the jeans, that look, that’s his like “John and Sherlock on an adventure, on a case.” This look is not John on a case. This is John, without Sherlock. That’s what I see that look being. It’s indicative – wasn’t he wearing that coat in the mustache scene early on when he – in episode 1 when he was seen walking to 221B? Geny: Exactly, that was when they were filming episode 2, but finished episode 2 with filming pickups for episode 1. Shannon: Pickups, yes. Dixie: He looks as if a woman is buying his clothes. Geny: Okay… Dixie: Better dressed. Shannon: So we’re still thinking, you know, is this mind palace or is it a sign of something else? Because again, no mustache… why would we be seeing stuff from episode 1, is it flashback? But then, you know when I saw the scene, and I saw the looking through the diner or the fact that John is by himself, there’s no Mary there and he has the chance to go through a full meal and have a glass of wine and coffee, that he’s waiting and it made me think of that movie, and again the New York Pizzeria’s making me think about that, what was it, is it An Affair to Remember or something where two characters are supposed to meet on the Empire State Building, on um Valentine’s Day or something? But the woman isn’t able to make it because she gets hit by a car and so the man is left waiting. So it made me think about, is this a moment of angst here, is this some disconnect because the characters? Geny: But why? Dixie: I know why Mary’s not there… Geny: Why’s Mary not there? [laughing] Dixie: Because she’s deeeeaad! It’s canon. Shannon: Or she’s been smuggled out of the country for her own safety! Dixie: [laughing] Possibly. Geny: I’ve heard a lot of people saying, like, what if something happened to Mary and what if Sherlock – it’s Sherlock’s fault that something happened to Mary and this is them meeting afterward? Um, I would peg John Watson as a guy who would not take off his ring this quickly though. Shannon: Mmmm. Dixie: No. Geny: You know, for him to take off the ring, seeing what kind of man John is, I would say there has to be a great amount of betrayal in there – Shannon: Yes. Dixie: She was evil. Geny: ­ for him to be like, fuck that and take off the ring. Or, it’s a flashback to the time when he was not married yet. Those are the only two reasons I can think of why he wouldn’t wear a ring. Shannon: But why would Sherlock be sitting in the same seat, having a cup of coffee, staring out the window? Geny: I don’t know. That’s why I would think mind palace you know? Like Sherlock getting into John’s – no, but if it was John trying to, trying to retrace Sherlock’s steps or something, John would be wearing the wedding ring if it was episode 3. Shannon: And, Geny, you also were arguing – cause, I’m, I’m trying to build this up to be like oh is this a climactic moment or something, is this the cliffhanger, and you were saying that you don’t think that they would film it so late. You’re pretty convinced that it may have already been filmed and taken place indoors, on set. Um, because it might, what, I don’t know… get people too riled up and excited? Dixe: I’d be pissed if the cliffhanger was at the pizzeria. [laughing] [laughter] Geny: Yeah, because right now we can only imagine things that would not be very cliffhangery for us, I guess. Dixie: Yeah, John’s choking on pizza, here comes Sherlock! [laughter] He’s gonna save him! I mean, so… I would be very disappointed if it’s that! Geny: The reason why I don’t think they would film the cliffhanger, first of all that out in the open and, second of all, that late in the series is the linear thinking of onlookers who um, well, don’t really know how things like this work. I mean I don’t think I know exactly how everything works but if you’re coming to an end of a series, they think, oh my god it’s the end of the episode they’re filming the end of the episode so whatever they film in the last three days, or in the last week, and you observe the main actors there, could possibly be a cliffhanger. But if they really wanted to keep it very, very quiet, they would have done it inside and in the beginning, probably? Shannon: Wait, you mean like with , how that was filmed inside? [laughing] Geny: That’s the problem! I was just thinking about this, they did that outside. Shannon: They like drama! Geny: But nobody cared back then, that’s the problem. Shannon: Right, right. Geny: There were not a thousand people present with a thousand mobile phones or iPads raised into the air who were filming this back then. They had the, the privilege of being able to do something like this outside. Shannon: So let’s move ahead to the next one, and this is really more about the score. So we heard from a tweet that, um, some people up in Edinburgh were treated to a sneak peek of the score from Series 3. Geny: Lucky bastards! Shannon: Was this going on while filming was taking place in London? Geny: Y – that was the filming at Heron Tower with Sherlock and John going up and down, up and down in the elevator. Shannon: So while that was happening, some people were treated to some of the awesomeness that they’re gonna be hearing eventually. And then there’s also been, um, the composers are trying to see if there’s interest in people attending a Sherlock prom. What is a prom? I know in the US, it means something completely different that they don’t mean here. Geny: Yes, I was very confused when I read that first about Doctor Who, but apparently it’s just a huge get together of fans of the show. They’re playing the music of the series and kind of doing a – major characters show up, like the Doctor would pop up and the companion and then the cybermen walk in or the Daleks. Something like that, a very interactive evening where people from the show would somewhat interact or re­enact scenes or you would see the scenes from Doctor Who on a huge screen. And, um, they would play music from the series and, one of the composers was asking whether there was an interest in that. I personally would fly over for it in a heartbeat, I’ve always wanted to see one of those. I think the music of Sherlock is definitely worth it and should fill one of those big arenas. There hasn’t been a lot of feedback sadly, so if you guys wanna follow the links that we’re providing, maybe just give a comment if you would go and, um, if you would bring a friend, like it. There’s 722 people who liked it by now and 93 people who have shared it by now, so you see there’s definitely interest and the more the merrier, the more people are there, the higher the chances that we’ll actually be seeing something like that. That would be rather amazing. Dixie: I would kill to go. Shannon: Oh you probably would! [laughing] Dixie: That’s what sucks about living in the States! We miss all this fun stuff like that. Love to go to that. Shannon: That would be glorious, I hope something like that does happen because it would give us something else to get excited about and look forward to while we’re waiting for series 4! [laughing] Geny: Can we watch series 3 first? Shannon: Ugh, I don’t know if I want to because I’m getting sad now! Because this is our last spoiler which is kind of wrapping things up here. Um, Arwel is hurting us again with his taunting tweets about, this time things coming down instead of going up. Geny: Yeah, oh… Dixie: That’s so sad. Geny: He kind of shocked us though, by now he should know to put a detailed description into a tweet if it’s something that goes right to the heart. He tweeted about taking down a set, and of course everybody thought it would be 221B Baker Street and he later on made sure that we all knew that it was not 221B Baker Street, that this particular set gets packed up more carefully for… next time! Shannon: Yes! Geny: We know it’s going to be a Series 4 by now so, it’s not a big secret anymore. But the question is what were they picking up this sloppily basically? I know the walls that were standing on the right hand side were definitely from New Scotland Yard, and he – his words were, this used to be something very special. What is so special about New Scotland Yard, or are we talking recycled props? Shannon: Hmm. Geny: It’s the BBC, after all. Shannon: Yes, that’s true. Geny: What I was thinking is that, hospitals also have those stripey walls, you know how you have to follow a certain striped color in order to get to a certain wing in the hospital? So what if it’s a hospital thing that they were not filming in Cardiff, but inside the studio in Cardiff? Shannon: So that this might have been where Sherlock was hospitalized? Geny: Yeah! Shannon: Are we gonna see some crazy deathbed confession thing, is that what the cliffhanger is? Nooo! Geny: Oh my god! Dixie: Oh… Shannon: Is that his last vow? No! John, I’ll never do this again I promise! Geny: Why do you do this to me right now, Shannon? Shannon: Because I’m sad, because I think we’re coming to an end of spoilers! Dixie: Noooo! Geny: I’m sure the BBC will provide us with stuff. Shannon: It’s not the same, it’s not the same as us hunting it down and figuring it out and piecing things together! I mean, there’s still stuff that we can do, cause of course there may be dribs and drabs of casting reports that come out and a few other things, and we’re going to be putting up our crime scene wall, all the theories that we’ve raised on Spoilercast now that the transcripts are coming in fast and furious. So I’m gonna do that, you know, to occupy myself but I’m really, honestly ­­ I’ve felt a great sense of loss when they called the end to filming. Geny: Yes, absolutely, the crime scene wall is going up and we don’t just mean like, on the computer – I have literally cleaned off my bedroom wall and I’ve bought a lot of flash cards and a lot of green and red stickers, and a lot of string in order to connect the theories – uh, yeah the new semester at Uni is starting up so it’s bound to get very, very boring in my life and uh, this is just the right thing to help me through the day when my phone is not going off every five seconds with a new spoiler from set, so. I’m going to miss it dearly but, um, I think I’ve found a almost worthy substitution and I hope the BBC keeps on bringing in the good stuff, the new stuff that only the setlockers can connect. Shannon: Absolutely. And we’ll continue reblogging theories or posting some of our own as we start making connections. Cause I think, once you get a little distance from the spoilers that are fresh, you start to see things and we’ll be posting more of that to our Tumblr. And just a quick shout­out, those of you who are looking for more to listen to, um, the regular Three Patch Podcast is still coming out with stuff and they just recently released their Sexpisode. Our Sexpisode deals with the issue of sex and romance in the Sherlock fandom. So that should keep a lot of people occupied. We’ve got a Halloween themed one coming up soon, um, and other stuff that’ll be going out. So we’ll still be busy with that, but um… I am kind of sad to have so much free time. So I’m gonna look for a way to fill it that isn’t just grading my students’ papers. [laughing] Geny: Yeah I don’t remember… you don’t how you don’t remember the time before fandom, and then you don’t remember the time before Tumblr? I don’t remember the time before setlock! Shannon: The time before spoilers! Geny: The time before spoilers, what did we do? Shannon: I have no idea. And, hopefully we’ll be seeing those episodes that we’ve seen in spoiler format coming together in the very near future. And we’ll be all over that when that happens, although I’m so ready for series 4 to start filming. [laughing] Geny: Now that setlocking is over it might be very interesting to go to Sherlockology’s Sherlock people list, Sherlock cast and crew list, and make sure that you follow the post­production people as well as the pre­production people. You remember how Arwel was sending out all those “ooh, where does this go” and “guess what this is going to be” and “we need some more wallpaper,” I’m really hoping that the postproduction people will do the same thing basically. Which they’re already doing with the music, with the score. Shannon: Yes, yes. Geny: They’re just tweeting some photos, tweeting some info here and there. And it’s nice that we can keep it going a little bit longer you know, that before actual setlock we had some setlocking already and after actual setlock we have still a little bit more keeping us afloat so to say until we get real trailers and the real series. Shannon: And one final shout­out, just to close the show, um, with a big huge thank you to all our consulting transcribers who have been working like mad to transcribe past episodes of Spoilercast so in case you want to revisit the theories and you can’t remember where you heard what, so a shout­out to Caroline, Jana, Chicagocadgirl, Roberta, Saskia, and sherlockappreciationblog. You guys are awesome thank you so much. Geny: Thank you guys! Dixie: Bye! All: Byee! [Closing music] Dixie: Setlock is finally over, so I’m gonna have all this free time. I’m going to read an obscene amount of Johnlock porn, and try to get prepared for all the emotional and mental trauma that Moffat and Gatiss will inflict upon my person during season 3! Emma: Well, I think I’m gonna be doing some writing! I haven’t done a heck of a lot of writing; really since setlock started happening I kinda stopped writing and got all excited about spoilers, um, actually I’ve kind of already started! So I’m looking forward to digging back in and playing with these characters a little bit more before series 3 starts. Drinkingcocoa: Now that filming is wrapped, I have to catch up on reading fanfic before we get new canon. And if Emma lets me work on her new stories, I will drop everything to beta them. Shannon: So now that filming’s wrapped and I have all this free time? What am I gonna do with myself? I’m finally gonna indulge in my new fannish obsession! One Direction, baby! Move over Cumberbatch! Louis, call me? Geny: What will I do now that spoilers are done with? I don’t know… w­w­what do normal people do? God, ugh, wish me luck! Oh wait – there’s a new casting spoiler! [Sherlock theme song outro]

Episode 15: One More Spoiler Please, Sherlock

Consulting Fans: Shannon, Geny, Dixie (with special appearances by Emma and Drinkingcocoa)

In this episode: We discuss spoilers for Sherlock series 3 and what we’re going to do now that filming is over. (SPOILERS below, obviously.)

1. BBC drama trailer [1]

2. More casting news: Tomi May is BACK. [2] Is this a familiar face from Baskerville? [3][4] Hugh Holman as the waiter in S3E1? [5] [6]

3. MOD base filming – hangars – air base – military [7]

4. Scene John – Mary – AND Mycroft? [8]

5. Remote, remote location – what could that mean? jet? cottage? [9] And what’s up with Mycroft in casual wear? [10]

6. Villain­y goodness – [11] [12] – WITH Lindsay Duncan

7. Trepoff case – GUILTY! [13] canon? CAM GLOBAL NEWS? just how influential is this new villain?

8. John and Sherlock at a pizzaria follow­up. Why a New York pizzaria? [14] [15] John drinks coffee AND wine [16] and Sherlock is in the same seat but at a different time [17] Is this Mind Palace or a sign of waiting and angst?

9. Sneak peek at score from Series 3 in Edinburgh. [18] Could there be a Sherlock prom in our future? [19][20] Would you go? [21]

10. Taking down sets … but which one? [22]

Look for the Crime­Scene Wall, table of all the theories raised on Spoilercast, coming soon.

A special shout­out to our Consulting Transcribers: Caroline, Jana, ChicagoCadGirl, Roberta, Saskia, and Sherlockappreciationblog

Other links of interest:

Geny’s daily spoiler roundup posts [23]

Ruther2’s Making of Sherlock Series [24]

The #setlock tag on Tumblr [25]

The #setlock hashtag on Twitter [26]


Please remember when contacting us concerning spoilers to include SPOILERS in your email header.

Email: bored@three­patch.com Website: http://www.three­patch.com Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/threepatchpodcast LJ: http://threepatch.livejournal.com Skype: threepatch.podcast Twitter: https://twitter.com/threepatch Tumblr: http://three­patch­spoilercast.tumblr.com/ (or our main Tumblr at http://threepatchpodcast.tumblr.com/)

Music Unless otherwise indicated, all music is available for purchase through online retailers such as amazon.com and iTunes.

– Rockwell, Somebody’s Watching Me – David Price & Michael Arnold, One More Miracle How to Cite APA By Fans 4 Fans (Producer). (2013, September 6). Spoilercast Episode 15: One More Spoiler Please, Sherlock. Three patch podcast. Podcast retrieved from http://www.three­patch.com/2013/09/06/spoilercast­15­one­more­spoiler­please­sherlock/