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,-! ¸ ~ ' , ' ! I 11 . LEGISLATIVE 'LIBRARY !. t J PARLIMENT BUILDINGS x ~ ;i ¸•,. •!; i.. • •~- •,7i.,:( . Victoria; B,C. 'I - , ! - ~t:!7 VSV IZ4 9 . ~ • 'l'.'J. ,, ' 1 • " • L.L 7 .......... !D; ~i .rT,;~ 7#7 ;t : ~:, . LT,~ ' ~ .............. ; . : -- ~ ~ ..* ; ~ : " . , li -I t - • ...... " ~ ".7 ,~. , . i ' :i " ~; IF J , ' ; ~ . a £L , . + Ooze., :4:/.,:ii31 imi i i, I lerr/ce.RiTimUT....... resioenTI ....icelel)rale ¢;¢inndl I I)irtlldoy ' 1 " , . ~ g II • . UI, I ' 7~ "2 , , Kdi II I I II , ,+ . • o ,+ I .I I if - ' 7 I" L .. ? • ,~-j"7." '''• .... i • ',, ./ " , II.~ • . I ..dIIh.'~ " ,, . '; ~.~, /. .................... • -:---, ~,_~u~: ' Celebrating Canada's birthday, was a real • .gunpowder. is• laid befw~two anvils and Club set off ab0ut'21 blasts from the arena waving flags to flag,wavers on floats during blast In Terrace while Kitimat residents • the,gaps sealed with grease -- then .the •hill Thursday to mark Canada's 115 bir- the parade. Later everyone converged on really had something to parade about. In Charge is lit and finally if all goes well, friday. Meanwhile, Jennifer and Jacquelyn the Lower City Centre parking lot area for a anvil blasting(top right and left) first the, KABAAA! .The Terrace Centennial Lions Irvine with dad,Len, .in Kitimat were fun time. More, inside. Some called PoE.T, a dictator but most people/celebrated our birthday • • . A variety of. politicai enjoy a day off, buoyed, . who attelided-an estimated* Causedofficiais to Clear-the' to iight.- "the forces of i Canadian ConsUtution, • the fire was ignited. " but . police said the protests made their mark perhaps,' ~by the brilliant 3,00Oee!ebrati0ns~/cross the Centre Block of.Parliament . narrow nationalism that .-- "The price Of federalism Copies of the Montreal . demonstration was calm. / oncelebrations.'~' DominiOnacr0ss DaYthe sunshineof.thec~tryi.that blessed .... re°st• " c0ncernsc°untry'where.seemed.the tomain. be for'. about two hours. No threaten to ......engulf us as a . is a 77-cent~:doilar," the Gazette, the' city'.s only Two communities also bomb was found..,, . naUonJ" ' . ':- • :,:.., deinonstrators Cd~ .while Engllsh-language daily .had eomplalntsagalnst the ~ country Thursday, butmost' . ProtestS!! weren,t in gelt~ga~h0t.dog, an-ice' '" By the timeO canada wks "The.annual parade was . staging a mock funeral on newspaper, also were federal government for Canndians were content to ~ evidenCe tor mOst:of those cream,cone, a boiUe 'of ~. :sung by a noon-hour Crowd " much larger than the first the way to a city ~arkwhere burneddudni~ the protest.', spending ~ money on •: .L- .... i: " , . ... ) ./ ; ".i '. ~.~ i~ .!~ ' " , ~tm.Rreen o'r a view of one r" of'a~ut 1"10,000, a scheduled .one organi~zd by $ingh ,in ,' ". : , .. • .i .. : . ,' , ' fireworks dim~lavs ' " • .~' ~ • " • '. ' " : " : ' ~1. u|.J numq~r~wOXxlrewora8, ringing ot the ~eace 'lower : ,~,o,.uuee yr.u~, a~t~ me. • • " ' i .. " ' ' In Yellowknit; -M~----,r .' .... ' " ~Uvn.vM' + : * •"' r -ci~splays~ .... : Carillon, which has been: pa,rti (biebecoisswept.into • ' . IIiAIIm~zmI . " 'M~e Ballantvne resilned ". i,.~-/i,~'n,~'~u~"~.~,. '"; / '.-.' . lnOtta~,Va, Whereth.every silent',for a~ut two-Y ears P°~er, w.hen.hel~asmali " ~ • / ~~J~. <i. : i i i . 'him~lf /o accepting'the ;. , i/::~.,3,~,, v...,-..,,.... "vi" :-/ '". ' 'nameor the day.lias_heen for renovations, was e~n-i.'momrcaoe .... !~: : ~ - • '~.~ ' " . ' . • . fireworks, even though .~ " " ; Do you,. want parts to fix ' up your " car but your " budgeta r d " the source" of controvers' . y --" celled• ? • . - :. " Pro-separatist [orces also q~n~l,",~ltl ~ ol~,n t ' ' D~'~ ~r there WaS ~ much light at won'twon t allowa it? .BeaLihe 's h;gh cost of new parts with, Progressive Conservatives In• Montreal, , a group Of were acUve-. in Montreal, I ,.,,,~. w~,~v,-.,. • ,,~ ~,.-~, i-o,~¢~-~. lz:~-- -- a,m., co. make- mem.. " • quollfy used parts from " w]'shln • " " I ' ' " : . -~ ' .. ..... ..... ~ " • g'to ,tidn.the name English-speaking (~lebe:.~ where more than I00 World of °nr'rt° Pa"" "~ clearly vfsible. /, %A;:km I R, mm'sq, m.~ '/~mi/;~iiAIP ~ ,Domin!on Day./and the.- cersheldaparadetoOp~ members'of the St. Jean I " ~l.,V ~ . , ~ -r .~' i I~ illlrl ~IBI/UII, IP government~;wanting to the. Quebec independence" Baptiste society 'fueled a I ~., " - " " m-- i- ~_ =l IklPnRoUdPolrllUlV virlLll.nlkiImi ..... ,~ - . _ • • " .... ........ .. ,.. .. changeit IX) uanaaa uay "." movementi Shouting 'Wive "Dominion Day bonfire with [ uomlcs, noroscope 'ages u~ll ,see . 635-2333or 635-9095.; t ' thecelebratJons got off to a.. ie Canada..llhre " rally anefflgy of Prime Minister I. .... ' ' " .', : ~ .~ . ':l 'Birthday, -. : • " ' ,' ,~ ...,;.. ;;_~. • " ' rockyeta-t. .... " .organizerRoopnaflneSingh Trudeau and. several I Classifieds Pages 8,9&lOi ~__ ..... 35900unantlosionm'~f.! ¢s. ; :.,~.¢ : A.tele_ho~ed,L.mb.,,__~_, • -. , ........ ........... , [7~ - : i, ,A, .m~, ca]Jedon the 800 spectat0rs ~. ,unoreo_copnes of the new | . ~ .... , • ~|, page3 "."...,~ ~ ' ' ~ ," /:/~'~;.. ."--'~ " .. 'i" " " . ' "--, ~,,' .... " , ' - , ' • " t ~ • . .;..~...j,? . -, . ,- . , , . ., - ~ '~ ~,~2 : ". "' " . • " - " [ . - . ........ ,,,',:~lh ' - .... , .... , ' ('~ ~-., ' ~ I *.i . /.'.' ? . .-. ./ • '•' " "~:i :," . 4'. " un omhlllr YleWI: n =_ S ndeckl'= Slcmt •.. Publ shed every ~ebkday ~t 3010 Kalum Strut,' .;,-g':.... :~"l ) TerreCe,,.B'.C.. b ~'" Ste(llng: ..... ..PubilShers; .Lid: '~ ':. : .:.!l :i!':::i~"i!::::i ':::/' : :, "By:....CLAUDETTE 8ANDECKI " . ..... :.~,.ii. 0dceatrmtee is ele~tod, and while he Com~nuea'.tohuld : , guaranteed'. ::: :,:": .. • :" 7'..:" :: .:~ .,,'::.," '.'::"," /. :/,.,:.': ~, . "~; :. 0ffiee, he' hMthe right to view or inspect, on\~roqucst, all ,: , ~,....•,...../ •~:.-, _ i !. minut~::ofLpasi board meetings, insludl~ i~s ~: Terra Fei=::: :~,!i<:•:* ' :L:':i.::•:,.•: ~,i: :/::.ii::::;Qrco:!allon(•i .::.• speekl,.In camera' meetings of the board, x ~'. 635-63|] - ;,. :-., :.,:; ~: :'.' ":~-:.' : i:~::::'.:': 6,15~::...!.; • That Is the opinion of Campney and Murphy,i legal ad- ' • , . J visors to B.C school boards, in a legal opinlm d$ted Juna :.:::Publisher, 0~'rry tidsak .'-', " 2t. -~ . - .... .~. The legal opinion Was requested for .me by the B.~; School Editor:--: ................ TrustondAsss¢iation following the May i8.J~oard ~eetiag " - Brlan Gregg when the secretary.treasurer stated that I did not have the right to so~ minutes e( in camera meetings held before I was elected tothe board of school ~trustees. - "- Ad~0ertising SaJes: • "An important consideration in this matter, in ou~ ~ew, Terrbce-- David Hamilton is the role of a trustee in dealing with matters ofis~hool board business. Once elected and while he continues to hold Staff Writers. Photogra phers: Sports: " office, a trustee, in our opinion, has the basic right,to attend Mike Howleff Don Schaffer meetings of the School Board, to participate hi' ~ debate. ea matte~_ ~ing before the board, and to vot~ 0n any Reception:Classified: reaoletions or by laws proposed for adoption b) the I~ Carolyn Gibson Eurocan's float was worthy of its parade name In underiaking these activities, and .an~ other~o~ authorized by the board, he is under a duty to act in the best Circulation: interests of the board and edueaflm in the school district. Maria Taylor To fulfill this duty in undertaking these activities, We are of the oplnibn that a trustee would need to be aware of all the '~ NOTICE OF.COPYRIGHT relevant facts in the possession, of ~he board relating to The Herald retains full, complete and sole copyright Issues under consideration, "' in any advertisement produced and.or any oditor tai ,Section 87 (1) of the School Act provides that any person or photographic Content published in the Herald. is entitled to inspect the minutes of regular meetings which Reproduction Is not permifled without the written ~ars open to the public and to make copies ned extracts'of I~rmlsslon of the Publisher. those minutes at all reasonable times on imymmt each time cta fee not exceeding ~0 cents, We are of the opinimi that a trustee, as opposed to a member of the public, is also en- titled to view er inspect all minutes including minutes of special, in camera, meetings Of the board, However,. in our opinion, the trm.tee is nct ontitled to take away with him a copy of the minutes of a special,~ in camera, meetlng without the board's consent. "A number of school boards over the past several'years Budget reaction have expressed concern about trustees disdoelng to the pubile confidential information that was provided to them during a special, in camera, ~meeUng, This concern might ....remainscool ........ arisein the casoof a trustee requesting to vtew the minu~. - OTTAWA (CP).~ The lines are being drawn in the c( a past Special, in camera, beard/meeting. Such a con- economic restraint- battle -- but not all the players are cern, would not, inour opinion, juetify the board in r~oning where they might be expected. to permit the tnmtoe to view those minutes." While some private businesses are lining up behind the The sccrotary-treasurer should have known I weuld " government's six-per-cent, restraint banner', the general thoroughly investigate the accuracy of his statement. Three business .rea'etiOfi-has been cool. -. years ofbourd watohlng has conditioned me to taking every ......And'~lthough tight reins have been placed on federal statement with a grain of salt to be checked fur accuracy as workers' salariee, the Treasury Board has agreed to wage soon