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Celebrating 's birthday, was a real • .gunpowder. is• laid befw~two anvils and Club set off ab0ut'21 blasts from the arena waving flags to flag,wavers on floats during blast In Terrace while Kitimat residents • the,gaps sealed with grease -- then .the •hill Thursday to mark Canada's 115 bir- the parade. Later everyone converged on really had something to parade about. In Charge is lit and finally if all goes well, friday. Meanwhile, Jennifer and Jacquelyn the Lower City Centre parking lot area for a anvil blasting(top right and left) first the, KABAAA! .The Terrace Centennial Lions Irvine with dad,Len, .in Kitimat were fun time. More, inside.

Some called PoE.T, a dictator but most people/celebrated our birthday • • . A variety of. politicai enjoy a day off, buoyed, . who attelided-an estimated* Causedofficiais to Clear-the' to iight.- "the forces of i Canadian ConsUtution, • the fire was ignited. " but . police said the protests made their mark perhaps,' ~by the brilliant 3,00Oee!ebrati0ns~/cross the Centre Block of.Parliament . narrow nationalism that .-- "The price Of federalism Copies of the Montreal . demonstration was calm. / oncelebrations.'~' DominiOnacr0ss DaYthe sunshineof.thec~tryi.that blessed .... re°st• " c0ncernsc°untry'where.seemed.the tomain. be for'. about two hours. No threaten to ...... engulf us as a . is a 77-cent~:doilar," the Gazette, the' city'.s only Two communities also bomb was found..,, . naUonJ" ' . ':- • :,:.., deinonstrators Cd~ .while Engllsh-language daily .had eomplalntsagalnst the ~ country Thursday, butmost' . ProtestS!! weren,t in gelt~ga~h0t.dog, an-ice' '" By the timeO canada wks "The.annual parade was . staging a mock funeral on newspaper, also were federal government for Canndians were content to ~ evidenCe tor mOst:of those cream,cone, a boiUe 'of ~. :sung by a noon-hour Crowd " much larger than the first the way to a city ~arkwhere burneddudni~ the protest.', spending ~ money on •: .L- .... i: " , . ... ) ./ ; ".i '. ~.~ i~ .!~ ' " , ~tm.Rreen o'r a view of one r" of'a~ut 1"10,000, a scheduled .one organi~zd by $ingh ,in ,' ". : , .. . • .i .. : . ,' , ' fireworks dim~lavs ' " • .~' ~ • " • '. ' " : " : ' ~1. u|.J numq~r~wOXxlrewora8, ringing ot the ~eace 'lower : ,~,o,.uuee yr.u~, a~t~ me. • • " ' i .. . " ' ' In Yellowknit; -M~----,r

.' .... ' " ~Uvn.vM' + : * •"' r -ci~splays~ .... : Carillon, which has been: pa,rti (biebecoisswept.into • ' . IIiAIIm~zmI . " 'M~e Ballantvne resilned ". . i,.~-/i,~'n,~'~u~"~.~,. '"; / '.-.' . lnOtta~,Va, Whereth.every silent',for a~ut two-Y ears P°~er, w.hen.hel~asmali " ~ • / ~~J~.

" " ; Do you,. want parts to fix ' up your " car but your " budgeta r d " the source" of controvers' . y --" celled• ? • . - :. " Pro-separatist [orces also q~n~l,",~ltl ~ ol~,n t ' ' D~'~ ~r there WaS ~ much light at won'twon t allowa it? .BeaLihe 's h;gh cost of new parts with, Progressive Conservatives In• Montreal, , a group Of were acUve-. in Montreal, I ,.,,,~. w~,~v,-.,. • ,,~ ~,.-~, i-o,~¢~-~. lz:~-- -- a,m., co. make- mem.. " • quollfy used parts from " w]'shln • " " I ' ' " : . . -~ ' ...... ~ " • g'to ,tidn.the name English-speaking (~lebe:.~ where more than I00 World of °nr'rt° Pa"" "~ clearly vfsible. /, %A;:km I R, mm'sq, m.~ '/~mi/;~iiAIP ~ ,Domin!on Day./and the.- cersheldaparadetoOp~ members'of the St. Jean I " ~l.,V ~ . , ~ -r .~' i I~ illlrl ~IBI/UII, IP government~;wanting to the. independence" Baptiste society 'fueled a I ~., " - " " m-- i- ~_ =l IklPnRoUdPolrllUlV virlLll.nlkiImi ..... ,~ - . _ • • " ...... ,.. .. changeit IX) uanaaa uay "." movementi Shouting 'Wive "Dominion Day bonfire with [ uomlcs, noroscope 'ages u~ll ,see . 635-2333or 635-9095.; t ' thecelebratJons got off to a.. ie Canada..llhre " rally anefflgy of Prime Minister I. .... ' ' " .', : ~ .~ . ':l 'Birthday, -. : • " ' ,' ,~ ...,;.. ;;_~. • " ' rockyeta-t. .... " .organizerRoopnaflneSingh Trudeau and. several I Classifieds Pages 8,9&lOi ~__ ..... 35900unantlosionm'~f.! ¢s. ; :.,~.¢ : A.tele_ho~ed,L.mb.,,__~_, • -. . . . , ...... , [7~ - : i, ,A, .m~, ca]Jedon the 800 spectat0rs ~. ,unoreo_copnes of the new | . ~ .... , • ~|, page3 "."...,~ ~ ' ' ~ ," /:/~'~;.. . ."--'~ " .. 'i" " " . ' "--, ~,,' .... " , ' - , ' • " t ~ • . .;..~...j,? . -, . . ,- . , , . ., - ~ '~ ~,~2 : ". "' " . • " - " [ . - ...... ,,,',:~lh ' - .... . , .... , ' ('~ ~-., ' ~ I *.i . /.'.' ? . .-. ./ • '•' " "~:i :," . 4'. "

un omhlllr YleWI: n

=_ S ndeckl'= Slcmt •.. Publ shed every ~ebkday ~t 3010 Kalum Strut,' .;,-g':.... :~"l ) TerreCe,,.B'.C.. b ~'" Ste(llng: ...... PubilShers; .Lid: '~ ':. : .:.!l :i!':::i~"i!::::i ':::/' : :, "By:....CLAUDETTE 8ANDECKI " ...... :.~,.ii. 0dceatrmtee is ele~tod, and while he Com~nuea'.tohuld : , guaranteed'. ::: :,:": .. • :" 7'..:" :: .:~ .,,'::.," '.'::"," /. :/,.,:.': ~, . "~; :. 0ffiee, he' hMthe right to view or inspect, on\~roqucst, all ,: , ~,....•,...../ •~:.-, _ i !. minut~::ofLpasi board meetings, insludl~ i~s ~: Terra Fei=::: :~,!i<:•:* ' :L:':i.::•:,.•: ~,i: :/::.ii::::;Qrco:!allon(•i .::.• speekl,.In camera' meetings of the board, x ~'. 635-63|] - ;,. :-., :.,:; ~: :'.' ":~-:.' : i:~::::'.:': 6,15~::...!.; • That Is the opinion of Campney and Murphy,i legal ad- '

• , . J visors to B.C school boards, in a legal opinlm d$ted Juna :.:::Publisher, 0~'rry tidsak .'-', " 2t. -~ . - .... .~. The legal opinion Was requested for .me by the B.~; School

Editor:--: ...... TrustondAsss¢iation following the May i8.J~oard ~eetiag " - Brlan Gregg when the secretary.treasurer stated that I did not have the right to so~ minutes e( in camera meetings held before I was elected tothe board of school ~trustees. - "- Ad~0ertising SaJes: • "An important consideration in this matter, in ou~ ~ew, Terrbce-- David Hamilton is the role of a trustee in dealing with matters ofis~hool board business. Once elected and while he continues to hold Staff Writers. Photogra phers: Sports: " office, a trustee, in our opinion, has the basic right,to attend Mike Howleff Don Schaffer meetings of the School Board, to participate hi' ~ debate. ea matte~_ ~ing before the board, and to vot~ 0n any Reception:Classified: reaoletions or by laws proposed for adoption b) the I~ Carolyn Gibson Eurocan's float was worthy of its parade name In underiaking these activities, and .an~ other~o~ authorized by the board, he is under a duty to act in the best Circulation: interests of the board and edueaflm in the school district. Maria Taylor To fulfill this duty in undertaking these activities, We are of the oplnibn that a trustee would need to be aware of all the '~ NOTICE OF.COPYRIGHT relevant facts in the possession, of ~he board relating to The Herald retains full, complete and sole copyright Issues under consideration, "' in any advertisement produced and.or any oditor tai ,Section 87 (1) of the School Act provides that any person or photographic Content published in the Herald. is entitled to inspect the minutes of regular meetings which Reproduction Is not permifled without the written ~ars open to the public and to make copies ned extracts'of I~rmlsslon of the Publisher. those minutes at all reasonable times on imymmt each time cta fee not exceeding ~0 cents, We are of the opinimi that a trustee, as opposed to a member of the public, is also en- titled to view er inspect all minutes including minutes of special, in camera, meetings Of the board, However,. in our opinion, the trm.tee is nct ontitled to take away with him a copy of the minutes of a special,~ in camera, meetlng without the board's consent. "A number of school boards over the past several'years Budget reaction have expressed concern about trustees disdoelng to the pubile confidential information that was provided to them during a special, in camera, ~meeUng, This concern might ....remainscool ...... arisein the casoof a trustee requesting to vtew the minu~. - OTTAWA (CP).~ The lines are being drawn in the c( a past Special, in camera, beard/meeting. Such a con- economic restraint- battle -- but not all the players are cern, would not, inour opinion, juetify the board in r~oning where they might be expected. to permit the tnmtoe to view those minutes." While some private businesses are lining up behind the The sccrotary-treasurer should have known I weuld " government's six-per-cent, restraint banner', the general thoroughly investigate the accuracy of his statement. Three business .rea'etiOfi-has been cool. -. years ofbourd watohlng has conditioned me to taking every ...... And'~lthough tight reins have been placed on federal statement with a grain of salt to be checked fur accuracy as workers' salariee, the Treasury Board has agreed to wage soon as possible, particularly statements made by the increases almost double the ceiling for two groups of secretary.treasurer, It is commonplace to find that, while ~federol employees during the last two weeks, statements mado by trustees and senior admlnktrators Labor is up in arms about the new budget measures, may sound logical, rational and correct, on inveel~ga'tl~'m Which limit wages for federal public servants to six per cent such statements may bear little ff any relation to the'tmiB7 in the year that .started Thursday-and five per cent the For insanoe, cn two occasions It has been said In a board following year.• ., This hospital float was a protest on cut backs meeting that the reason for rushing a policy• on parent But' some powerful privato-soctor union leaders say D~nnis McDermot~,head:,of~ ~two-m~!pe~n. ember [ | • . ,#,- .... / "~hSd ' ~ Rendl=tl ~tM~Ue l~day shorn=

threatS-//t a pi'61onged general s~;~ke. - Since elected, I've observed that the ideal trtmtee seems " They say they are not sure their traditionally con- to be the one who give~:'tacit support to eves misleading servative rank-und-file will be willing to take illegal action statements by sitting mum and not comtradicting the '~ ,.'against the measures. " • . speaker~'Because I refuse to let go by unchallenged ~.~ In addition, most of the premiers have reserved judgment. statements which I recognize to be misleading or incorrect, : oQ the government s call to, follow its lead in restraint, :/, , e I've earned the ire.o( not only the otber tnmteea, but inL ?which includes holding down prices in government- particular the board chairman, For ff there's cad.thing a /,contr~lled areas• ' =-,._ . . beard chairman won't accept it's a trustee who refuses to The\f~rst ministers' ec0monic m~ting-here Wednesday fall into line~ Every board chairman aims to shepherd 'a ~ended ~th.talk of co-operatlon and harmonybut no board that presents a united front to the taxpayers, even ),agreemen~t\t0 follow Prime Minister Trudeau s six-per- though ~there may be open animeslty and dissent among '~ cent solulio~," " . trustees during in camera meetings. .: With inflati'6~ at 11.8 per cent and unemployment at a By remaining independent of the flock, I've created an " ~ record 1.2 milli0~persons, the premiers agreed restraint is obvious rift in the board visible to all, whichdetracts from ~'needed to turn th~.~economy around.... . " the successful leadership of the beard chairman. But the $' However, the ho~\when andwhat remain unanswered. rift does not damage the credibility.of the board; erroneous ~i Oppositlon MPs h~,~e rotundly condemned Mooday:s statements do. /~bodget for, among othe~things~ forecasting a record $19.6- .o .~.,billion deficit, not lowering interest rates and Singling out The opisionk exlpressed In rids column are those of the :~public servants to bear the'bur~ien of the fight against in- ' writer and do not reflect the oplnfon of the board of school ;!flation• - ~.~"/ ~" " trustees of School Dhdrict 88. ~'i"The first, of two traditionai n~-confideace votes on "the ~new budget was easily turned b~cJt Wednesdayl with the ~Liberals outvoting the combined i~ogr-esaive Conservative %rid New Democrat forces 139 to/lO6, / •~;..Earlier, the government introduc~ legislation to im. Trekers arrived ~lement the pay limits and to eliminate the public servants' I SASKAT(YON (CP) --The Temperance Colony of 1962 ~right to strike against-the.measures. arrived on schedule at noon Thursday in Saskatoon, the¢ity •"~ Contracts signed before the budget will be honored until Drama added to the fun •of the On-Cue Players float created by the original temperadco colonis~a~century ago. .~he next scheduled increase. .~ Unlike their forerunners, who found Httie on the bleak .~ At that point, the contracts will automatically be ex- prairie to reco.mmend the futui'e town'site, members of thin ~tended with the six-per.cent and flve-pei'-cant limits im- year's treEih horse-drawn covered wagons. Mere not L~osed m the subsequent two years -- also taking away disappointed. ~tmions' rights to renegotlate non-pay be'aerie. They received a~receptinn royalty or a movie atar would :/ The bil[affects more than 500,000perseus, including MPs~ Welcome .as they entered Suskatoon from their final ~ nators, judges, Crown corporation employees.and federal campsite just outeide~ the city.• Roads on their route were .¢iyil servants ...... ;'. ~ =:- ...... ~ ...... ~..... '' ..... lined with smfl.ing ~faees,-waving hands and'snapping ;: But 11 days before Finance Minister Allan MacEachen cameras, .;announced the budget, the government approved salary The crowds yelled "Good work, you made• it" and ~creases of about 10 per cent for the staff of cabinet "welcome home? to members of the trek who covered ~/3 " '~nAnlnisters~ . " - - . , kilometresfroin Moose JaW in II days, llving, and travelS,g d 1,600 federal empioyees maintaining Canada's East as their predecesso~ did in the1800s. ~C/east naval fleet in Halifax ratified an agreement Wed- The rousin~ welcome in Saskstonn was an exciting finale ~esday, two days after the budget, giving them a 10-per-- to the trek, bui many found travelling better than arriving. ~ent pay increase. " . .-- • Mel Cieven, who drove thelead wagon bearing a Union .~{ ROsS. Isonore, president of .the Federal Government Jack, said the high point of.~e 10ng journey wag travelling ~[~oekyardTrades and Labor Couneif, said.TreaSury Board over patches of.authentic pr~ff[e near the halfway point of ~fflicials told him the agreement is exempt from the wage the trip and again near the end Wednesday. . • • • ' ~,eze because the memorandum of agreement was ;.Although some m~mbers of the trek had complaints about' ~eached June 17. . - ". how the trek was handled,.alm~t everyone was ready to do Meanwhile, Toronto-based General Foods announc~ it it again. • ~ ,~.,~ , ~.b!.,~~...... ~ill backthe government's'~six.per.cent limit,.imp0singa blmilar level for salaried workers effective •Thursday. ~Timdg~oq~id~l~elt W~,ge~ t~the place when our feet. !,The company advised TreanuryBoard President Donald a~e slttifig ~n a stool, it'll be quite emotional to think about ~- Johnston this week that the budget:has set the tone for it," Hep~Y,!~ ~ ~, a,p~.,rticipant in the trekwh0 lives in. Canada and it's now Up tobtmine~, industry and iabor.to ~o,t-~giv~,, ~k., a~.dy;.!lt=wa~ somuchbetter .than I: • get behind It. • • • - ..... /But by arid large the Canadian bmin~ community is Soifie ,Lr~**,m.e~!~ _~d:~elr~relatives, were.disgrun ~t]_~__~ wary of the budgct and econamints are grim, ./.... :ir: .:No.para.d.e.wouldbe worth watching without a marching band., ~ W~e~y.~Sht beca~ o~•~~isi0n~ des~,th~fin-~ , .: Market reaction wad harsh asstock prices tumbled and -.-- I I I -camp and give participants a final night on their own. :- the dollar weakened, .In trading Tuea~y, clodng at 77:43 --- ~. - -. . ' :' '-if:'.~ ' :- * ~ Hundreds of people hoping to see friends and relatives were cents U.S. " ~:...... :-._ ;.~o...,~,: ' .~ . • • turned away at..the gate and some Were ang~. : '~ While the dollar rallied Wednesday to close aV77.~, However, corn#ere closure of the camp was.the v0te;of ~aders attributt~d it to eusing~U.S, interest rates and HghL~ Sockeye testing• • ~ proves• sUccessful- "~L,:"' : wagon leaders in their co~:with t~e trek committee. ~ction in pre-bollday trading. .... ~VANCOUVER (CP) -- The return of more than three stoelmer said the unimonld-~enhahcem~t: p~gram Many pa~lcip~/tsl appr~inted..that last n!ght without: . And the trend-soiting Bank of Canada rate stayed firm at times.th.e.eexpeeted number of o.SOC,ke.ye salmo~ to Hob|ton ~project, started in 197/, involves aerial tankers spraying ~ltorS as they c~leanbclt~p'and preparedinr the final leg of ~.58 Wedneaday, a move. attributed to concern for .ap--- Lake on vancouver Island has nsnqnes research personnel-•.;\liqnid fertilizer' (n]tregen/a~d pth~l~rotm)*Over::.lakes the .. ong.Journa~., . :. • ~-~.... ==-..:::~..~=-~ .- :, ... pearance so. soon after a budget. ' excited =about their lake fertilization, program. "L " . fi'equonted by sockeye., The' feriliizerstimulated the growih ' Some memi~rS 0f the ~ek alsoeompia~ed that' the days This is the second week the bank rate has remained "It's been phenomenal," fisheries research branch of plankton,~un which salmon feed; .' . , . on the trail were L~Q._]eng. " .... ~latively.stoble after three weeks of risea.that pushed (Vancouver) assistant director John Stocimer says. '?.This •' Prior to i977, the fertilizer was spread from barges; but =.: i~.Jcha'Lischof Ev~, Sask., said if shorter distances grimelendingrates--therateecharteredbenksoffer.their is thetest which shows this can double the numb~rof officials complained- that It was not distributed evenly hadbeen travelled On the first two hot days.of thetrek, the, _ I:~estcustomers -- to'18.25. so~keye returning to:B.C.", - throughout the lakes; • horses would have been better off.

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Cubs, SCOUTS. browhies, guides paraded too.

• Indians cost. millions ' :~''~F*~'?~*/":'*~/7~ ~ VANCOUVER (cP): , for Indian.(.Schoolcosts, has reduced its staff :by It's costing a minimum of • Waichll said that in Mm~t~inSlxy~'s~dle .: A Pet parade •within the Kitimat paradeproved to be just •plain fun $158•million to take care of turning responsibility over Indian band staff has in-

., .... ,. • ! . B.C. Indians this year- to the bands ~e department creased to 1,980 from 300. $2,771 for each of the ST,000- ...... ••• . odd Indians in the province. ~ • • :'- B,C,'s Indians c0ntro] the mNmlm n , to them, and the role of the Birthday.:. cakes =wei'eoffered ' in1Canada bulkIndian of theaffairs money department al]oeated UKERUNNIIm OUTFOR MILK. " has, shrunk.. ~but the / bickering over control R FORIHEDJlMMD. Five-cent hot dogs, tO- •cent ice cream cones and a regional . /,,~'~ bigh-pawered stage show • drew about-45,00O to the lawns of Queen's Park in over I YII Toronto, About 45,000 hot ~esponsi- 0 | ~~[~_~1 ,dogs were sold along with 28,600 soft drinks and 26,000 ice cream bars,. hudgeled I ~f"~k'~l~,~',/ ~f'~"~J . ~-t~ 2. still is ~/'~t ~~/~ ~J~ A birthday cake big : depar~t-~J ~L ~r~["~---._~"'l~ " /~ enough to feed a lucky 1,500 tincludes was baked by chef Jee K. I \, laries for | IL~. ~ ~/~ N ]~ Heng and taken to Robson mployees I ~'*~ k~~J d) " S~usre in Vancouver by a L in ad- / ~", ,l~ll~ ~ ..-i police escort. -~ Eighty-four dozen eggs, .30 kilograms of ; -- less ..5," ~l~l i ~t of the sugar, 30 kilograms of flour and I0 kilograms Of Jam st portion Dairymaid is regular were used to make the cake. - now is 2O/opartly skimmed ol and the milk tha(stores neatly In St. Jol~'s, Nfld., million, On your pantry several hundred, people million in shelf and stays fresh gathered as Newfoundland and $8 for monthswithout ,~ulture-..Mlal,ster. A,en.- ea~e;'Is refrigexati~:~:~::.,; . .'~ ~Stmm~ adt~ hi~et.eboqmla~ rovincial birfl/ddy4~i[e Mmped likd k' = province maple leaf." ...... I errace Pipes ana Drums lea a musical way. also puts up another $5 million or so to meet the bill

..., Child abuse case has serious tone Attend the Church VANCOUVER (CP)- The family is from the toilet seat for hours, andthe passive and .in "~bon-. family in 1977, was cross- Family court heard a tape Lower Mainland but cabot family housekeeper told her dage" to her husl~and.'~,,~ examined by the parent's of- Your Choice recording Wednesday of a be named because the law ~ the father held the boy The grandmother says on lawyer, Robert Bellows. woman alleging that her prohibits the identification .upside down over the toilet the recording that she did Buemann had testified son.in-lawphysically and of juveniles in guardianship and Strapped him. not report the abuse to the that on a visit to the family TERRACE THE 71h DAY SALVATION ADVENTIST emotionally abused his son. cases. The boy~ and the other authorities because she home in 1977 the father- said PENTECOSTAL - In the recording', the Judge Doug Campbell has children in the family were ASSEMBLY ., ARMY 3306Grlfliths feared her son-in-law would he strapped the bey to toilet 637 Walsh Ave. grandmother alleged accepted the recording as so regimented that they ~deny her access to her' Pastor John Caplln -Pastor Henry Bartsch trai~ him~. Buemann also 3511 Eby St., 635-2626 or 635-3232 i 635.7642 numerous abuses by her an exhibit but said it is walked around '?like little grandchildren and vent said the father threatened to son-in-law, including the ~. Terrace, B,C, 635-5446 Services "-- Sat. '9:30 accepted only as a zombies or little robots,'" further anger on them. shoothim if he ret~'ned to 635.2434 SUNDAY SERVICES . a,m. - Sabl~th ~hool denial of food to the point of statement the grandmother she said. Earlier Wednesday, Sven the home. ~\\ 9:30 a.m, -- Sunday (Sunday School). starvation and strappings SUNDAY SERVICES made, and the court would The mother did not Buemann, a ministry of '~ 9:45 Sunday School School for all ages 11:00 a.m; -- Worship that left welts on the boy's not decide upon the truth of protect her children, she human resources.social Buemann maintained the ~" ~1-:00 Morning Worship 11:00 a.m. -- Family back and buttocks. the ststement. said, because she was worker who investigated the ~un threat was made. 7:00 Evening.Service Worship TERRACE The tape, made by the The grandmother has told 7:30' p.m. -- CHRISTIAN grandmother in 1977, has the court that although her Evangelistic Salvation REFORMED been entered as evidence in statement on the" tape is Meeting.. J CHURCH I PRAISE ~_ a guardianship hearing in objects to WEDNESDAY Reverend S. VanDeelen true; she It being Pastor Arnold Peters which the superintendent of 7:30 p.m. -- Ladles' Sparks Street & entered as evidence i .. 3406 Eby St. family and child service is Home League Straume Avenue because it is no longer 635-3015 635-3657 seeking permanent custody Fellowship. Sunday School -- 10 relevant. p Sunday Services of a six-yea'r-old boy ap- In .the recording she says - ZION a,m. 10:30 a.m.. Worship Services -- I1 prehended in Hawaii in the I~ was unloved and 7:30p.m, BAPTIST a.m. and S p.m. April, 1981 while on vacation forced into tptal submission - CHURCH with his parents. SACRED Pastor Paul Mohntnger Llsh~n to the .Back to by his father, who vented God_Hour every Sunday In the tape,, the grand- ...... HEART - Home 635-5309 his frustratlonon the boy, at 8:30 a.m. on CFTK. mother alleges abuse of the The' grandmother said i PARISH Corner of Sparks & Keith apprehended boy's older when the boy was younger 635-2313 ~836 Straume brother, who was sixat the the father would toilet train CHURCH errace- ~,.- 9:4S -a,m. -~ Sunday time of.the.r~rding, .... himby, tieing him to.the ~ --1School ...... r --'7:30p,m: GOD Sunday Mass~ 11:00 a.m. -- Morning Reverend R.L, White 8:30 a.m, ~-~ Worship 3341 River Drive 10:O0a.rn. Terrace, B.C. Secudty breached? 11:30a.m. '"~ST~. MATt H EW' S 638.1561 A~IMGAGL;ICAN 1 10:00 a.m.- LONDON (AP) -- Buckingham' 15alace denied today it is .CHRIST . CHURCH ~Onday S,cho01 4726 Lazelle Avenue invesUgating a leak of the royal baby's name Said to have -- ..... - LUTH E RAN Reverend R.L. White 635-9019 resulted in a betting coup for palace employees. . ." CHURCH- I1:00 a.m. . SUND~Y.SERVICES " The Sun, a London newspaper, said Thursday the palace ...... Mo~n lag Worship • When your carpets need cleaning, B.A., M.DIv. ;~9:-,lS ~.m. :-- Holy 7:~10 p.m. was looking into a.possible breach of security because of a . use the EASY-OFF Steam Carpet Communlon~.~ " Evening. Worship flurry of last-minute bets on William, the name chosen by Cleaner..and SAVEr p 635.5520 635.3485 Some other carpet cleaners rent by b 3229 Sparks Street 10:00 e,m, .Sunday Wednesday 7:30 p.m. - : " .... Prince Charles and Diana~f()r,theirson. the hour. Not EASY-OFFYYou rent ~- i (Corner of Sparks School .Prayer Service" . the easy-to-use EASY-OFF*Steam ,. • 10" a.m. -- Sunday William Hill,~e oniY'Lond0n-boolubaker to take bets on i=&-park(" ~.'. the baby's name, L~ucbdr odds offWilliam to 7 tO 2 f~m 16 ..... Cleaner by the day, so you get a full :. P School° ...... 24hours,of use for just one low rental ;- NOTE: During Julyand to 1 .in th b. .fined days..before the ndm~.wa~=annolmc~ed- ~-fee. In that t me you can-clean one . ii~!, ~' 11"i00~p.m. *-- Fam!ly /;~UPLANDS P Au~i-usL. mbrnlng morn, or your entire honle...all at the. :~ SeI;V i ce'"~- He ly Com, 'BAPTIST ,~ Monday. The baby's full:nanle':is:Wfillam A~ur ~ philip. P worship, will begin at " munl0n eXcept'.'thilrd CHURCH Louis. :" • ~*"': '*~'" " ~ ' "~-: ' " Wlleny()u'rethrough, your carpets ~~. b 10:00. - .., Sunday,- " " "~ l ". The Sun said~one~Jdentifind, mnn~thbugh~ to be a PUts,ca ' :: wllllookgreat:,andsoW I the savings: ~,.i: \ ,' pastor Bob Lesyk " EASY.OFF~' Carpet cleaners• ~':~: ~:~ .... 7:30 p;m." "~. "informal employee;:l~t:&lS0• (t33S).on*Wllli~m a( 16~[o-t odds;:~di~:.:~ •: At ) 9:,L5 a.m. *.-~ 'Sunday ~-~07 y°ursupe.r~narket'-i... " " i.':. .. Chur~ch-Scho01 (.Kin: Service Comer of Halllwell WalKed:away with &2,4o0 ($514o0)plus his*stskembnvy:, '. .., . dergarten .through ,. and N. Thomas ~ The newspaPex'saldpalate poilce bell~e'ihebe'(flag ~oi~p,- adLiit)" " //k~m ":K.NOX UNITED , 9i45 a.m. • • # .involved a.:ha.dful,'Of people,and'~neKed about &5,000 11:00 a.h~. -- Regu!er ,..,, CHURCH Bible l"eachlng " P 1 ($11,250),~;;~,!. :"~".. " *" ~[::~i~ brochure atyour. " ,.~c - i~. worship service,. 7:30 .Sunday School '.'.But a police spok~mah ~ld Friday there.is no. ln.i. • EASY'OFF*display ~!'~ - ~ ".... p.m, evening, worship 4907 Lezello Ave.. ~ 11:0o a.m. ~' VestigaUon under Way,_adding that.as faras she knew no In your supermarket ~ service 3rd Sunday each 635~014 Morning Worship palace employees were tnvolved in a betting coup. month. Rev. David Marlyn, ~ervics •A .William Hill" spokesman;said odds on,Willla~ were I (H01y Communion flrsL B.A., M. DIv. 7t30 p,m, reduced~beceuse Of supplyand demand; hut" he could not Sunday. m~nlng~each Worship- 11 a,m, explahFwh), there wasa rich of bets on" the name in the' month, and .the 3rd Singing and Bible Study. Sundayevenlng o! each Nursery to 6 -- 11 Wednelday 0:00 week before the-announrement. The bookmakers favorite - was,George at even odds .... i i month.) " * a.m. Home Bible Studies Tile s~ok~man said the man who,won &2,400 on~W,l!]lam.. Saves your CarDet... - , Confirmation Grade 7 1o Adults -- 10 ",You Are Welcome Saves you Money,~ . -~,~ , a:m. "~ at Uplands"- wh~.~he'. Odds were s~l. high ulso'-placed be(sOd other t Youth & Adull Classes" names at;the same time. .... ' .....,. : ...... •:'~:~+~--" "" ...... ~"1 " " " " -' i ! I/l

Peile #, Tin 14~rldd, Friday, July 2. I~l'J ...... I

" editor: dall, -her,old : don schaffer

, .... : : :~:+"' i' ' .... ::.... , 1+ : +utten* brJte is tOpB• ' +I' :::,:?+ ' ~ ' ~ ~ ' :" : '1' ' ~ :I ~ "' + ' -Arg'+: ...... e na ep..... itaph + +++ In today s other mmond-reund match,... , ~' I~' 4 ; TORO~ '(:~'- toe'S f !gL '~ old; " CQ.mmgnwealth"htark:.Of 2:m.43set lit " .MADRID'. (Reuter) '-Champion ' ' ...... ' " ;:'" double johnte~l ohher knees and ankles'*, and " +': year by Susanne Bm~nedon"of BritiShand IONDON '(~) --..... Defending" : "champlon• Chris' Ever, i Argentiha~ fights for' World LCup'sUrvivai ' : • fo'rmer~ chmpl0n WestGern~any meets" -:Spain in a Group B hi. Madrid!s • ,'.. on her Way :to _beceming one :of the best °' • the Canadian stsndardof 2:~,Slset ~n 1979 today but.its star player, Diego Moradona, game' Llbyd dashed. Billi.e"Jean Kinl/'S hopes for a seventh has already provided the team's epitaph,. Bern.aims Stadium. Eagland; which, drew ?+ women's breasts(r0ke swimmers ".in r the'. " by Shells .De~euw d Hamilton;:: tide,. ~walng • . • . Wimble~n al ngl~. the 38,yenr-old 6`0 with the Germans on Tuesday, cOm- !';world. " : : ' . "! believe the golden'age ofArgentinc American 7"~t 3-6, 6-3 in semlflmd notion to~ly at ~e pletes the group."- "+.' : . . :: AnneOttenbrito of whO,by, 0st,, twice The Ajax Aquatic Club member then football will be over With this World Cup;" the All-England Lawn Tennis and Croquet club. There have been +pereiat~t rePntta of ' set a Commo:nwenlth record for the 200:. ~n][]e baek iatcr:in day to bette/" her Muradona said as Argentina prepared for Evert, eeecled second,, now advances to .the final : 'discontent in the German cJmp' apd they.'. .+ metrebreUtaiJrokeevent Thursday asthe :.0~ ..reeoN,:c_~U+ting. the.herd ,~aining by today's"eeeond-round match against '++ . ~T. " ' Seturdayagaindt topped Mm~ina NavraWova, a + ; have not moped the notice' of SPanish "four-day trials began selecting the coach Paul Moranen for her victory. Brazil. It Is a game +the Ar~enUnes must For Davis the driving force was 6,2, 6-2 Wilton" today over NO: 11 seed Bet,ins Borage win to stay in the compafltlon. [| manager JoseSantamaria. "Germany is '~ Canadian team to compete in the world in the other ali-Amerioan semifinal. Navrattlova, a psychological. ,, ~ 1 " Maradona said Argentine football "Is very nervous," he Mid. champlon~ps from July 29 to AUg.'8 in nativeof Czeehoaiovakla, has not lost a set en route to •. Guayaquil, Ecuador. He had clocked a poor qualifying time of nqw finishing a cycle and will have to be - "Their,style, like +England's, Is fore. l:07;07,Oulyfifth beat and settinghim on the final. renewed bit by blt.~ -. Victor Davis, I8, of Guelph, Ont., who King, playing in her 104oh match at the grass.court Ours is faster and what we'U try to do is :swims for the RegiOn of Waterlco club, an outer lane for the final. "After these four years together and all force.them to play at the rhythm we ira. "I talked to my eeach (after the'heat) tournament; fought gallantly. She won five straight those matches we've played, I believe the i qualified for the team easily by setting a games to grab the second set, then fe~l+dad off four pose. ~! Canadian record of one. minutev,.3.45. and we agreed I wasu't myself,,'+//iy"usual golden age of Argentine football will be The Soviet Union faces what should be a animal self," said Davis, "And +I sat. and match points before finally falling. over with this World CufF .seconds in the men's 109.metre breast- Rain brought play to a halt in the third set. The titanic tusalt with Poland on Sunday after stroke-- the fastest time recorded in the realized that, so I just went hog wild and Argentina was pushed to the brink of putting Belgium out of the tournament shaved all my head and everything:" women, who had met 23 times previously with Lloyd elimination when it lost 2-1 to Italy in.the : world this year. 1 " I I with a 1-0 Group A win in Barcelona last The previous world-best time set, this, holding 16 victories, returned to the court after a 40- openingGroup C second-round match, in i But the dsy belonged to Ottenbrito, night. minute delay. Barcelona's 40,0oo-capacity Sarria ;whose time of~ 2:33.23 in winning the year was I:04.00 by Gennadi Utenkov of Lloyd immediately gained her second match point Stadium_lut Tuesday. . ithoren Oganesyun struck the winner :women's 200-metre breaststroke final the Soviet Union. The world record is 1:02,86. -with a forehand passing shot, but gave It right back The same cramped arena will stage after 4a minutes. It was s rare move of sapped a me,eerie rise to prominence. It is by drilling a backhand wide'of the ~park. today's game and the Brazilians are quality by a Soviet team which could not ~.the fifth fastest tin~ recorded for the event Davis has his sight set on the men's 200- King, seeded No. 13, staved off a third match point, concerned that the highly charged at- produce the fluent soccer which had been a in the world this year. The world record is metre breaststroke scheduled :for seized the advantage with a beautifully executed drop mosphere that played a part in making the feature of the first round. But manager ".2:28.36, set three years ago. Saturday, Heholds the short-course (25- volley and served out the game to pull to 3-5. Argentina-Italy match such a niggling Konstantin Beskov said: "In future She was an unknown on the national, metre) world-best time..f0r the distance, King then set the crowd abuzz by taking the first affair may have a similar effect this:time. matches we shall try to be more an. seene untilshe won the 100-and 209.metre Also £1ualifying for the team was Dan two points from Lloyd in the next service game. But Zico, Brazil's midfleld maestro, tertnlrdag." ~breaststroke events at the Canada Games. Thompso.n, 26, of Toronto, wh0 el0cked the her younger opponent maintained her composure and seknowledged.it would be a tough match The Belgians went out of thetoarnament ~last summer in Thunder Bay, Ont., placed third best time' in the world this year, won the next three points, angling a drop shot winner" because Argentina bad to win. "Any hard bees+u~..~as manager~Guy Thys nald: "We ~,fourth in an intematinnai, short-course winning the 109.metre butterfly in 55.00. off of King's drop volley to gain her fourth match play will be the referee's buninms," Zico ...... usually know ~ ,to score goals in ~.meet in Florida .last January, setting a Other qualifiers were Naomi Marubeshi, point: said. Belgium but they simply dried up in :Canadian recor.d, and won both thai00 and ,18, of Toronto, in .the women's tg.metre King pulled to deuce with a forehand volley, but MaHo Rublo of Mexico is tho referee in Spain." :'200 breaststroke events at the Canadian freestyle with a time of 57.8O; Cheryl Lloyd hit another sparkling passing shot and then question. He lists climbing among his Austria also made its final bow Thur. short-course championships earlier this Gibson, 23, of Edmonton, in the women's toppled the 20-time Wimbledon champion with the hobbies and may need all his stamina to sday after a 2-2 draw agaimt Northern year in Brantinrd, Ont. ,4oo-metr©individual medley with a time of last of a handful of wail-disguised lobs from the keep on top of today's seuth American Ireland in a Group D match in the Ottenbrite broke the Commonwealth and 4:52.2O, and Peter Szmidt, 2O, of backhand side.. showdown, Caideron Stadium here. Canadian records in her qualifying heat Edmonton, in the men's 200-metre The tw0-hour victory marked the fifth consecutive Brazil has not lost .to Argentina for 12 Ireland, inspired by two headed goals with a time of 2:34.27. She bettered the freestyle witha time of 1:52.44. year that Lloyd, a three-time Wimbledon champion, years and must be favored to maintain this from BWy Hamilton; continue to confound has reached the final. record today. Its place• in the semifinals expeetati0n~ but must beat France on King yielded just two points on her first two service would then depend on the outcome of its Monday to reach the last four. A draw games in the opening sel~, but was broken In the fifth match against Italy on Monday. would put the French through. ,.

Tucson, Toros beaten ..... game. However, she broke.rlght back and the two exchanged service to go to the tiebreaker. Ron Kittle and Jose Trappers beat the Tucson beating Phoenix 6-7 and 6-3, " From 2-2,,Lloyd tore .off threastraight points and Castro drove in two runs Toros 7-6 in Pacific Coast Salt Lake scored a 9-8 home maintained that.cushton to set point, which came each while Chris Nyman League actioh, turf victory over when King netted a smash: Sanderson was frightened? and Jay Loviglio paced In othe'r Thursday night Albuquerque 9-8 and Navratilova, who became a U.S. citizen last year, is Edmonton's 17-hit attack games, Portland swept a Tacoma won at Vancouver going,after her third Wimbleden singleS crown. She MONTREAL (CP) -- Scott Sanderson, •Brad Mills said appeared to come fromthe with four'hits apiece as the doubleheader at home by 8-3. Hawaii's game at also captured the title in 1978 and 1979. Montreal Expos starting pitcher Thursday runway near the Montreal dugout, failed to - night, probably felt as frustrated as the provide inspiration. • Spokane was .postponed by Navratilova needed neither theatrics nor patience frightened .squirrel that scurried around After running around the flelcl for about rain. against Btmge, taking little more than one hour to the Olympic Stadiumturf in the fifth in- defeat the former star of the West German fivelminutes; the squirrel was escorted by ning of the National League baseball Federation Cup team who lives in Coral Gables, Fla. field attendants out a door down the left- I / I " 11 -- ~ ' I I A[ ~cson, Kittle's two- game. field line. Bunge held serve to open the match, onlyto have i ~I~AI~qlllAA~ | run triple • coupled with The Expos right-hander held New York "We needed this game by Mike badly," Navrafilova str~lg~tugether the next five games en. I ~&~ t,,=& w vv~6 I - Castrp's RBL,single gave Mete to only six hits in d complete-game route to the O~-set win.:*:. + 'l said New York manal~er C~o.rge Bom- i . ;~ ~ :, I=ll.~.d~to n, K'I+~ 1sad in the performance but a pair Of unearned runs ber~1,: ~'{s effLm~.,' ~ ~ I~ "I'm. enjoy~nib, more ' thanever," said:, i Alr~J/,,jr~,Ir~1l, l~g_ li'.+drI+'t'" inning;. Tucson in the third inning led te, a 2-1 defeat. Navratilova, Everything seems to be going my way. i i I,,~mi ,,,,ii~ .... retaliated with tWo runs in The loss prevented the Expos fi;o-m~t~ing 'I can't believe I've won so easily. I've only had to The only run Scott allowed was in the the first. - 1- St. Louis..C~-dinals and Philadelphia. go to four all once in this championship. But I'm not first as Tim Wailach drew a two-out walk, AdUlt Oriented Phillies for first pla~:ein the East Division. worried about the games being too easy. If I'm AI Oliver singled and Gary Carter stroked Nyman's run-scoring Instead, they trail by one game entering a an RBI single. single in the second and pushed, I'm aura I'll rise to it." five-game, three-day series starting It was Scott's first victory as a starter --2 bedroom suites Castro's third-inning RBI She proved that in the second set when Bungs broke tonight against the Pirates in Pittsburgh.: since April. He had spent much of the last single padded the Trapper her. serve in the second game for a 2-0 lead. But --Close to downtown Sanderson contributed to his downfall by month in the bullpen trying to correct'his lead to 5-2 before Tucson N.avratilova responded by capturing the next six yielding a two-out double to rival pitcher problems. scored twice in the fourth. games, holding two of her service games at love. Mike ScOtt in the third. Scott had another Jesse 0rosen boiled Scott out of an . Phone BaCk-to-back doubles by With a victory Saturday, Navratilova would cap. double in the eighth...... eighth-inning jam, getting Warren Nyman and Lorenzo Gray turea $500,000 bonus and be only one step away from Speedy Mookie Wilson then hit a ~-emartie to gr?und out with runners at made it 6.4 in the sixth in- winning another ~SOO,0OO. grounder to third baseman ~Tim Wallach, first and third, '635-4422 ning. The P]aytex Challenge is a prize of $1 million.for whose throw sailed over the:head of first When Oroeco walked Dan Norman the woman professional tennis player who e._an win leading off the Expos ninth, Nell Allen four specified major tournaments in a 12-month baseman A1 Oliver allowing Scott to tie the relieved. Chr|a Speler sacrificed Norman period on four different surfaces. If a player wins:" score 1-1. Wilson, who took second on the to second before Allen retired the next two three of the four, she receives $500,000. errant throw, scored the Winning ran when batters for his 16th save. The tournaments are the U.S. women's indoor Bob Bailer, the next batter, singled to centre, In a doubleheader at Pittsburgh tonight, championship, played On a synthetic surface; the Charlie Lea, 6-3, anti Dan Schstseder, 1-4, Family Circle Cup, clay court; Wimbledon, grass The Expos, who have lost six of their last will pitch for the Expos against John court, and the 1902 U.S. Open, hard court. eight games, managed only six hits against Scott, 6-5, in 7 2-3ihnings. Even the Candelaria, 3-4, and a pitcher yet to be The left-hander, who.now makes her home in squirrel, which Expos utility infielder determined. Dallas, already has"~v~n the U.S. women's indoors LAST 3 DIGITS OF THE .~~ NUMBER WINS $25 and the Eamily Circle Cup. If she loses Saturday, Navratilova still ~:~iildreceive $500,000 by winning the U.S. Open in September, a title she has never If the last 3 digits of your jackpot number are identical to, and in the same -captured. Baseballs runsbunched .r--t-r,- , .. order as the.three digit number above, you win $25. Navratilova, in +reaching the final in her 19th consecutive tournament, has been devastating this _Texas and New York bunched their runs down the "right-lined llne fol' a-game-. ~ll~k~'S NEXT TOTAL year, winning 53 of 54 matches, Her only loss cam e In early Thursday night, the Rangers jum- winning, bases-loaded, two'-run-double in the title match of the:Avon championships in New ping on California for-five runs in the -the bottom of: the ninth, York in bhu'ch to Sylvia Hanikn. fourth inning en route to a 7-2 victory over Indinu 9 Orioles 2 The men, meanwhile, were to ~mplete their the/regals, the Yankeespouring their five Yon Hayes had a three-run homer -- his quarter-final round.. Defending champion John runs across in the first inning to pave the second consecJdly_eth ree=RBl game -- and lV[cEnroe of the U.S. was to face fifth-seeded Johan way to'.a 5-3 triumph over Milwaukee a double to lead cleveland to its fourth Kriek of South Africa, while..Tim Mayotte, the • Bt'ewers.: ...... : succemdve victory. Hayes h#s. !8.RBI in

uuranked American in his second year as a pro, was. In the rest. Of the American Leasue, ? me-past ,~ games, .% . ,,. 1.. to oppose No. II Brian Teacher of the U.S,, a six-yeur Detroit Tigers defeated Boston Red Sex 5- Twins 9 White Sox S Wimbledon veteran, 4, Cleveland Indimls :-b~at Baltimore Roclde Kent llrbek chipped In with two Orioles 6-2, Minnesota 'I~wins mauled RBI, but hls wasn't the only blg hat for " Chicago White Sex 9-2 and 'Seattle Minnesota. JUNE 30 Mariners defeated Toronto Bltte Jays 4-3, :- 'On Wednesday it was Seattle 10 Toronto Gary Ward opened the scoring in the 4, C'teveland 9 Baltimore 0, Detroit: 12 second with an RBI triple, then he Boston 3, Milwaukee 9 New York 7, Texas 5 homered In the fourth~ iAnd Ron ' California 3, Oakland 4 Kansas City 0, Washington hit a bases-loaded triple in the St ts Minnesota 4-Chingao o. " . sixth. _ : ' In the National LeagUeit was New York Mariners 4 Blue Jays 3 , , Mets 2 Montreal Expos I anc~ Pittsburgh 5 Bruce Bochte's seventh;Inning/double '~ .. Chleago Cube 2. ~: ~,-i;: " - ,broke a tie~and gave seattle,s 4&year-old

NATIONAL LIADON AMIaIc&N LIAOUS • .._~'I1..WeUl/~litly .',.L~.::...... l~ W~t6 .~.r'ltl~OU~ffJi ...... ~.~-.. ; FOaylord "'' Perry'" his"* ' ~ ;" :--Hfbtime * ~victory. " " lilt Olvlllllfl ' lilt Divllkm ". ("~l,~oe^ q ]Mnnt~nl . 1 • .- • Vlllqi~li~bV V, .~Jv~.owJ 4 ~d=,wewvvv ."ynel, J~e~. ~,, *~ ourreuevemtouow~lhtmtothemouna,,- ~....., 1. • . , " w t. p~. OSL • W ,. P~.,0SL -- ,- ..... " --"- ~ - ' -- .:" -* " BUlCauc~ll'pleking up Ms 14th ave . Phllodolphlo 41 33 .SO0. ?~ Boston 44:0 .S, -- .tmumomPmau a~. t, oms. at~.,~uan.~, a;...:' .~,...... ~,...; ~ . .., • :'. St, LOUI0 43 34 ,S~il ? ~A Mllwllukoo 43 $3: Jdl 3 . ~ontr*el to 3~ .3~I t' lllitlrnore 31 SS',S31 ,~ .Honaton4andsanl~rancisco~7,.Cl.~Innat~;.,.,..~e.t~..S:~z.Pos 1. ::: .~ .:,:.- '. : ." Plttsborsh 31 36 .I00. 4: Detroit '. 31 33 .331 4v~ 6. los Ar~eles.spilt a do.ulnas.de.r, with i. ~i._::_ ~her; Mlke "Scott doubled, twice, and..i - New York 3? '39 ,dO? 3~ Clove end 31 3|•.S14 6 '~ ChiCagO 31 41 .3~S +4:', New .York 34 37 .m .IV, San Diego winning 5-1-and losing 6`4,. . +. -scored arun to lead New..;y~k Meis, ".- :: If only the Illet elx;fivo; tour or throe digits on your ticket ere I~entlcalto arid in the- some order as the REQULA RwINNING NUMBER8 above, your ticket is eligible woo, o,.,,,. ,llrom wo,, :' 33 ,, .,, ,, The =s'.,mk T..a plt s, ...... ,..:. d to win the correopondillg Drizo, DIvisloll " .: • " - ..... : ...... :m em coox aDvantage?el a, uar -- • sinAflonto. Diego -4345 29"]2 .HI.308.3 ?q6 Coilforlllll 45 31 .sga second complete game of the semmn, aelx. ..~ ...... ~ .... ~,, .,.. _.~.-.~ .... - last 6 dlglto WiN t~ loot 3 dlglU L.os AIIO01O0 41 t1" .136" 6 Xlln,.o-.C,ty 41 33 ,m ~v, *,,,..+hl**~', n..,,Ide.._, Dave Host~tur's.. four~:H*'.. Small. mrowmg. ,err°r oy mlm.., caiman . ~ Expos Tlokell Sen Pronolsco 3| 41 .41| !1: cm¢llso 4o s4 ,s4I ':..I u'm,, a.,...1., a OBI a^,,~.l' k-,.,, ,h e Tim Wallach*to eraseMbnt~Wis I:O lmtd -'" ','~="4 v" "- to,u..,. . 1100 , redeemable by preoenting., the WHOLE Clnclnlllltl Sl 44 .41| 14t II1! 5 dlgltl WIN . S/IO0', _ TICKETIo any parhc,oaling retailer or by Houston Sl d4 .dl3 14: 0oklsndsomuo _ . 334~ 4535 .435.sat 134w - . . )- . . . • "~" with a pair of unearned'~'t~i off k~ott-::,: -- ~ following tho ¢lotro procodum on t he back •Texao 39 40 ,430 laVJ vicf~orIj. " .... -_- ...... 8anderson, 64, .:, _ MIllnlNIonl 31 S4 .ST) l SV, Yankees S Brewers 3 TOIIIsSt'O eomllll Molltrelll o! PlttoburOh .... : Tonli~teo ,lolls ~Tho .Yankees" early buret allowed pit- Plrstos S Cubs | ...... - Mt~or Catlh PHIn: Wlnnorl of major prizes mira/claim their vrl,/e by following the claim proce- Clnclllnatl ot AtIIIII0 Mew York m CNmimd -" .char Mike Morgan to burn the Brewers; It CatdierTony Pens knocked in two rune dure on the back el tho Ilcknt. Phllldolphlo of NOW York 10ltofl It MIIwoukoO with a single and a ~dple :to lead Pitt- Otbof CIoh Prlzol: Olhor cash prlzOS up tO 8rid including O 1.000 may bo cashod itAny branch Son Prll~:lx0...lt Ik~ Slog0 S ~lltflO It c~..m , was'l~..qlan's first complete game in 11 :o~he Conadlln ImOertal Bank of Commsrce In Western Canada. or by following Ihe clo~m t" c " '"-*y~'aia~m,ilds'sesson,_ with the Yankees. sbuq01 overCh/eago, . :.. : OmCe¢lurl on Iha back of lhe fickol InlhllMnloldllcre I)II nc y ~IWQPrl. his Iq Iltl~ Ii~lollCWlllMflnn' q nttfllbO ~ I *+I lll$~pltifll~JllylI11|UOf 0~I Slitvrdey O|meo Daltlmoro It ~ Tigers S R~I'Sos 4 ~'nrtqus/io~o, took over'from 0| |h+ FourWfRhofl 1~ Lllllr Iht+ll I~ellv~ll • . , :e.s, Cinc!lllllotJ If At lIMe Toxoo at oamM " " Detroit (dimity Kirk Gibson) "=~;'~ the Montreal et lllttll~r0h i starter ROamBaumgarten in the.sixth and llflrloy OllMn Pffilodolllhlo It NoW York kattlo, at Cfl1¢.19o beat for last. Gibson, who had singled for a won We game, Rome did not allow a cm.,o mv. ~l, v,.o at o.~llna .run in the thIM~ inning, pulled an Inside bam,~m. Over the final four innings, 'SanHouVo~ Prentice at um at ,,mo, lln m Ollloo- - ~nvlemon Ywk at MII~IOKNm c~vmnd H H ~ plteh from Boston"relief "nee Mark Clear-. reUrtn8 12 cousecutive Cubs. e

/ .:; ...... ~.~../ ,i L . . : :" ='" "I-,'

' " . . " ~.,!.':,.,, .,: .,... , . ," ' • ' ,,i,'.,. • t...,.. OVle ~ .~!, ;~.,. :' :~ t '.: ,-,.~.~.-~ ts runn i "to .invade]

, :~ '~o~ou~ mmtary ,. e.mlorse¢! ~reeze on nuclear :.lear,n, ~thai "Egyjptiana,K.',' t P~0 mlea o~ support Jer'a ' 'As!pr~e~gYptlan 0ell,ef~..;Israelinv~i~l~r~id .,,C~olr~e ~Ultz to ~place /he~.sald, • " " ~h~ 'i~ e"abar~.':weapo~, ....would ~. ma~e, ..... thlLe .,,---... .~lieve , •,.,~.e United'. ,...... 8tatu .,-...... pres/denttal...... •.~..,,.bid by..~hea...... that. .,~the, ...... ~i~lted - . '. lares'...... '/ ...... : . ".~[~"~y "Ha~...'Y:', , '" " '"..... " ' •,"",~:" , ...." " -, %~ . be!Vor- e"uow' :that:" "our ~[~e fac1 ....country •,dangerousl y; k~ew in: advance'. :and '• . .Site ;~e¢~et~,y :Almmnd~ .:'sa~c~i6ned ,the-inl~slon.•~ that•,•:thbUnite~the iiiraeli'k ':. b~]! :~:: I~di~n)said tho Unl~ •'• mHitar~ ~ rand the.• v~e~a.ble,~.n.~]~b.l~ekt... _.s~. ct~on~.~.~¢::,h..ra~l •..]~_.-... ~l~_.!g ~ .l~,•.m~ r~. ]Bned ;..,Reagao:.:: sa!dy- .., W~:~e: ...m.q.b.ii~¢¢ • ~tti~d: man~,:. :umm::.. f .d~.. flmt•w~lmvA shown•the ' aS =e I! • "' th Y came,, . ' + The/. stfgtpglc~.-:.i:ht~ms;, month: "<:/: :'.:"7. ='r ::: L ")~L S"4i" "=:k':" "4"".'2"" " i%~'.'!':" : ~=',':":&':' 'k "='~i:' ':::}'"": ".i~' : ='~: !{ has C~' N ~" ~t~"U~ ;' " ' : :' : " :"" =:" t :: q' :=~:'''' : ::" =' ' " 2 :' ": : :,ie~ure. ~r~!.(~du~tlons..: tvard 'with: the military " ~.il~,!fii~:.tohlsr~eb i: r~!~;be~'~..~:die :,.: )Vuring' ::!a:..~'iluneh~n;':::,.'~,/i,.0h, .h~::il.me j0reidn"..:...~ t f0r..s0m~i~ .~. ~h~y-'/i;.~sarrsaldi~e"~;0iddn0i.-,!wt~~.s0viet'un~m'..,!nee ..buUdup,l, Wbatbaabrou~t i ,~,U~sfrom her~ for .:..:2u!~;S~t.m~d ~S0~ie!•• .qu~u,~d~wler.:: ~-/.: m!n~n~!o ~"~..~. :.•:~%o~v~,~',=~.•'we :~.,/h,~: •••a.c~epted... ~=is', :.. ~e S~,,d.:W=~d W.,;~" ::. ,the So~.: U~o,, ~o a~ !:.' yae~tio0.:. itch, gan-;_.. told .. ,~,=on....ueZ~ "~eWy. and s,on~ ..Xea~an :.w..,. ~8~.~. !o/;, -~aP,,:~m~nded. :..;:we.~ no r ac~..¢o~v?, n,sq~,,o.n a-w~.sgo ~f bet. '.,."'~ Uank.p~. o~ it ',, r~e, t , ~oUaUng ~le =squ~ay iiee~t~.....,,#iiad~stors and emtors .mary. mxe m0nms cr..even ..about .A . purported .'. Number:/one, :I L' don,t ~ ana:g|veoor e0.n~..t.--:mat, th0ughi" it:w0uld :. h~ve ..",. yU~has bee~i b~eam~ weasthey came. And It's this Thured~y in '.Los. years before they are • statement,, by. Egyptlan believe he .(l-I~l ha~ bush ' w~ w~eaware0f it ~d .didi: defeated the." arms-' Ourselves mbarked on' a that wethink will ~ thin el~s thaihi, increase in ' c0mpleted " t.' ( ' ' Foi'eign Minister Kamai ' amblti0nsi and, number .nothing about it We Were M.a.,.,,,," " ,=,,. ~,h,, "program • of unllateral there "' ' : ..~.~ef'ef]'ce'spe~g also will Reagan also told the,. HAman Aly that theUnited " iwo, believeme, he se~ed ~caught~Ismu.ch.bysurprise .:~ .. " ' ...... : " r ' " " " " I : i~'ik~" the i,~viets at the' bread~sters and editors'- States ~w l)srael Piailn~. hisc0~t0olong~0have " as~yone;" '. :ii " ~ ~ " ~ . :, - ~ ....' • -.i ".{~i;I " L ~ " -' " " " " ' " ~ '' ' i " " " ' ~ " " "" ' Skwna Cedar Kings flares.___,_.,sra ,i. drops' to warn PLO - . ." _ , SO0 CLUB WINNERS [ ,, ~,,~,,tm'itol~l plan~ thundered, beeaw~e the terrorists k~pt . Undersearing Israel's Allah is the 'Moslem name Minister Shafik Wazzan are ., for the moatb ,if ;:~,vet~.';:~e .Leb~ese capital them as heetagea." growing impatience were • for God. - close to reaching a formula ~3~pFlyt0~ay, dropp~n8 flares The'Israeli invaders sre the pre-dawn meck air raids But no bombs were acceptable to the pLO and :~qd amokb' c~misters !~ a ' th'reat6ning to storm the ~.apporently intended to show dropped, and the cea~fire Israel for diming ,the second warning to Yasser PLO bunkers in what would happen if the , arranged "by Hablb ap- guerrillas and ssnding them JUNE Arafat's Palesltni'an predol~'lnantly. Moslem guerrillas refuse to move. peared~ robe holding with abroad. ~'~erri!las ~to quit their West .• Beirut to evict the As th~ jeta shattered the only n~inor infractions; . But former Lebanese Tloket Ilmken II1-111 .,~ Israeli-ringed enclave in.. guerrillss by foree anle~ sound barrier over Beirut Israel invaded Lebanon primeministerSaebSulam, No'. 063. Ron Smsha :,,~Wsst Beirut. , they. surrender their heavy today,thousands of panicky June 6 to eliminate the PLO another key intermediary, 4515 Park Ave. - , :~ 1'he mock air; raid weapons and leave l~banon West Beirut residents as a military threat. The said arranging the details is Terrace, B.C. ~:~Jollowed. a similar peacefully. jammed basements and PLO, 4ighting for- .a "easier said than done." •~'~msn0euvre before dawn An invasion of the PLO's bomb "shelt~_s, some ~cur- Pelestinisn state on Israeli- He told reporters there is ~r-Jrhursday. and w~s seen as 2~squareqdlometre enc- sing Israel and the- United occupied lan.d, hss enjoyed still no Agreement on which Tieket Hmb, ri :1111-Ill

bid to quicken the pace of' lave would mean s heavy States,. the Jewish state's virtual autonomy in Arab countries will accept No. 259 - Ken Parley ;~iplomatie efforts to force toll of soldiers and eiviliaun. chief arms supplier. • Lebanon since 1971 when it the guerrillas, what guns Abbetsford Prizes may be claimed -;",~rafst's 8,OO0 Palestine Lebanese officials say the. "May Allah give the was evicted from Jordan. they will bo allowed totake, ~t the Skeena Hotel, ,; Liberation .Organization war has already claimed Israelis and tho Americans Lebanese government who .will disarm them of .~ guerrillas ou~ of the. 15,000" Hves although the manyslecplessnish~sl':one sources said Habib and heavy weapons alid whether SKEENA CEDAR KINGS FASTBALL SOCIETY No. S-1/241 • Lebanese capital. lsraelis insist the figure is woman was heard shouting, acting Lebanese Prime they can take their families. ;,~,~Israel earlier agreed to much lower. . ~delay invadi~West Beirut Lebanese sources in ,'to. give the U~S;-spunsored Beirut said the United diplomatic effort more States has extracted a ",time, but it also accused the prcmise from Begin to give .::~PLO of using Lebanese n~0re time for. diplomatic •:.,civillans.as hostages in an efforts to ~ti6 the crisis, , effort to block an Israeii U.S. presidential envoy How will Autoplan's new attack. Philip Habib met Lebanese "Indeed we do hesitate to intermediaries in Beirut

. ._~.i____gointo West Beirut." Israeli through Thursday to try to Prime Minister Menachem - reach ." a compromise Begin-:said _Thursday, in, agreement between the Claim-Rated Scale affect you? sisting his forces have no. PLO 'and Israel. ...wish ~o.i~:m the estimated But s high government cffieial in Tel Aviv Said "the ::;i ff~' '.t'.~'B~['.Bq~in told' Israe! time element is cruciaiY Let your independent agent explain it to you, step by slop. i,'~i:':!...... :!:: ~.~,~,:P~it comes to a flight, "We are not going to be ~t~•Civllians) may get dragon into protracted '?i~;not because we intend negotiations lasting weeks :"~ We do not .-- but or months." .:y......

, " " .' 1,~ '. ~'~1 eftLl'J b~rr'lfi~4111 1o "llt;O 8 lJffl ~J.~nf~frl-J~t' "~

;ill equipped? -.. . . (Router) -:- Britain went to war over the Falkland Islands "'With missiles that did not w0ri¢• and soldiers who used ...... ~ " :/dlsoa#ded Argentine weapons because they: Were better .... x,, ,

than their.own. Correspondents returning from the South ---- '.... • ...... " : Atlantic reported today. " . - , :- " " ' • ' " " " i The Daily; Express, in a report called The Falklands -- " The Untold StOry. said British soldiers opened fire on each ~- --, . . olheJr during confusion in the ¢isrk and took rifle magazines from dead Argentinluns after they ran out of ammunition. _. " • Reporter Robart McGowad and photographer Tom Smith . .... also said a British Army medical officer killed a badly. wounded Argentifiien ss an act of kindness by shooting him through the head. Gareth Parry of The Guardian, in an account of how British ships went into battle around the islands, wrote: , "Themuch-vaunted misaile systems .did not inspire con- • fidence or a feeling of security. • "Too-often they switched themselves off, tumbling drunkenly out. of their launchers and falling into the sea." ~_ ! • No immediate Defence Ministry comment on the reports I " " ~' " was available.--The .Express correspofidents said their ' account wasthe.first description of the war not to have been' " Effective on 1983 renewals, Autoplan will inffo- " • 85% of all vehicle owners will enter the new scale. :~i~ ,: checked by British military censors. " duce a claim scale that is more rewarding to motorists at the lowest level: ~.:i / The Eypresa report said an Argentiulan who stepped on a who are claim-free and provides higher penalties • For those motorists who are high on the scale, ~ii::. / mine after' the hattie for Goose Green had-his stomach for those who cause accidents frequently three consecutive years of clain~-free driving will be .: ,i bbwn away andwas On fire. "~ ~ ".... /.. : I "Humanely, a paramedic took out his pistol and put a Under the new scale, themore accident claims a rewarded with a return to the.base rate* :. :: . , roundthrough his h e d," McGowanand Smith said. "It was vehicle wner is miblc fo]; the higher the premium. An'd thebad... not a savage act but one of some kindness from one soldier ~ "-'~ - : , ':. :to'an0ther.".... : A comprehensive broch~e, explaining the Claim- ! Every' accident. elaan. will• cost a •move th ~~ steps . ' ..:-',; ~; ~ • They said a British soldier, was Rllled.by his own aide . i...... Rated Scale, is available from y0urindependent ...... up the rating scale...... : ...... ::~:'~:,4!(,=: - dfflfig an-exchange of,tire in: thedark. And in another in.. - Auto#an gent or Motor Licence Office...... ::% ': ~:.: . cident, four British soldiers were wounded when men from " " ~;The more accident claims a vehicle Owner is ~ .: : the samecompany opened fire on them .with mortar bombs. If you have any qu~tions-about how you Will • • responsible for,'•the higher the premium. - Both'.The Express men and Parry said the landing ship =- 'rate on.the new scale, ask your independent agent. Sir Galahad, bombed by'Argentine jets, was sent into Bluff . " your agent is ,the best a uthori~y on the new Cl~dm- i • Tfiere is no upper limit to fl~e mount of ~e prom!,urns CoveWlth0u[ protection. Soldiers waiting to go ashore were ." l~ted ~-,ale and will.be pleased tO explain, step by .... ' those who frequently, cause accidents ~ pay watching video, films when the planes launched the attack ~.~.

, .-t.hat;l~l,~ 50 Welsh Guards. - stj~p, how it will aff~t your future Autoplan rates. - . Meanwhile..; " ...... ,: dlPar~ry ~id: "According to survivors there had been A " " " r " ' ' I '' '=~' f~iousexchungeofsigilalsbetweenthelandforcefiagship " .. Here are Some of the highligtits o[ the Claim-Rated &.ale: • :- ". ffyouarerespomibleforanacc~dent esultingm~a7 Fearless and the carrier Hermes. The.carrier explained it . .: _., Here's the goodnews: : cl~-payment made in £982, and if your next renewal .... couldlnot .provide any form.of'air or sea pro tectlon." / He'added:"q'h~SirGalahadanchoredthereinfall view. " •EvewyearofcW_un-freedrivingm.eans..amoveone " o~ursinD82,~uwillloseyourSafeDrivingVehicle.; •

q ~ "~t ~ r Arg~tin~ fofi=si~ho~~o~e she started to Stel:idown the scale. (To a level eqdal t() 65°/o of i ~untasintheI~asLlf, h°wever'~eI~ymentismade::'iiii:~"a :~.~ir~e~., "";","::":' ,'?"'.. : - " *h,,~erate*~. , - .. af~rJulyl,1982,andifyournextrenewaloccursin. ,~ ii!::"/~!i , :-Ig83,the new rating scale Will affect yo p tun. ~:.: :~ • agai~t Argantl[na's']~cet ~l~si!~" whlc~ '~nk!"ther /. • A new fourthlevel of discounthas been addedto- .-:-:. ,: :. ,..- !.::. ,. : ' ' . . - " ..... , :.". :',~ii::.'i!. ] destroyer Sheffield were deriV~ fro~ J~.SeconitW6rld War, ,, :. " :reward• good drivers more. than •e'~er before. : :: .... ":.,:: •': :: : now on care!ess ddving. •i:, :~:,•:i?::::::i::i • {eclmklue ofahooting, s~ Of alumh~lum:foil//i th~-~lr ~. '::~ ..... " ". " . ' . "' : ' ;- ' ' ...... - .:::..";~-.." ., . " " " • ' " ~r..- - .:'.:.~;-:,~.¢::"::.:-:~.~ "baffle"tli~ liom~:nieehmiisin: :-. ~" :;.. . " ' ' ..,::~- : :: ',.. : • Those.drivers Who .have only an..~caslonal ace,den t ...... :~... ,...... cost more.Muc hmore,.. .,:.. ~:~_:;i!~|. - :?A.ttempta,w.er,~,ven m.~q.de~..s.e.n. d~t, alo,t-froni/:th~sdtP":" :':"i i. :' '":. will payless x~der..th, e Claim-Rate d ~e ~an [~fore./: ::-:.:.:/~e Lme.ra!eis~epremium~foreno-c!aimdiscoun~. :" :";~::;i:'; i~i" " ~.~,~[o::p~ee.t' ~, ca'rr~'~.:j .~~in.~!~le, he wrote, adding . • ....,. _...... •...... ' . :'. ... - . . ::'...... ' =:.,-: .,'.". . .: ...... , • ...... ,..;:::./.'..~:~ .

~'--"'~i,'~~~!f~Jlnahellcopter.r'~L"'bl~m• in the hops that a•soa.s,lfJmming ....• :.7--~""" ': - • . ,i.!;..'. .",; -". .. /. : ". "."'. • " " ... , . ."i...... • . : •'- t. ' ..... r~ . .• ' ... '•., ..... • ._ •.., . : , ~. • __ ...... --:__z..' --. ....- ~ .:• . ~!:; ; -....ii[!i!i.[ ,~.t.,~,~:~ . • . "~;~ "'co~d beseduced into attacking itinstead. :.,, . ' ' : " " ,e Express said Argentine forces who seiZed the' .. ': ' ...... " ' . -' : -7 [-=T~ ~'-,---: .... better fed than'soldie~ fn~n the British task force. , ' ,.' ." . - .. • '...... ': ,., .- ... • -::. -: :-: . ..: .•-: - ' :=McG0~van and Smlth're'iiorted that as the British force ' ...... ' "- ...... steamed toward the Falklands soldiers were asked d~ a " • . @- , a : , ~ :" ~'= . : r " ~:..~" ~j " ~ , :" ~: : ~ ~: : ¢ -'t .'~: "~ ~ : ~':~:-:: ' :: -- ~:'"" ~ - ...... "' . ~: ,le~turo ._w..hat-~ey shoulddo If ArgenUnlans in a tr~ch " - " " ' .... :" ...... "~ ..... :-" " ..... -~ =~" :-"-":-":"< :

- " " ' - .. . ' ...... : : ' : /';tat::::. 7 ;.b'.~'~ ..~ . . neXtqmsfl~."Stillshcot~them,", came the reply andthe ..... •~.: :,, ...... " ...... ' "..... " '/,: .... " .:~.: '"- : " = : ...... - " -"'~ .- -~ " -...',it : -..,;.~,~/:~ leetur~ ~mil e~ nd said: ."RIKht,' ....." . : .'- ...... -. . -.~ .. -.: ...... "...... ,...... " .~.":'" " : " : ' ' ' " ~:"::". "; " : "~"' '"~:":"" " ' " " "' ' "' :~ ~ ' :~ _ :. . __ --- - " . " ' " " " " " . ~- ,- - , • . . " " " t " .. ,,.~ ~.,''.~ ...... - ...... , ...... ~ =~.---~-~---:-: -~ • -- . ..: -...... • - ...... - ...... " " ~ ...... ,; t ...... " [,..'~" /, :'i ;:::~ .:,.. --- { ..... , ,.. / i " i" " ,...4 i 6

~PaIe 6, The H.r~d~ l~r!day. July 2, I~2

. .~'~.'h


• rr t: I ]I;[!li;],.. _ . H •,. •

-: ,~e~x0^v,~vs; ~m ,, ~:? :.: :' ':: .~qi~atldi!dd;z.ywiRtemoe.. -. mm';~;.m~lyoumayta~de~, ,~< .~ ' ,i'~ ~ ~Jlt~t~t the ,.... "'~. to~ ,p~tpo~,d Ckn~e~c I~.,":.. :.y~ ~..Don't sUcc~ ~b ....to eX: ..... -L '! '~Gm . .~,~y~s~, .,/,,:.' .""-~o.~i~ire overinduigence~, ~ • .,":.:..:, :,,:., (I~W..= :-"/i!/::.~ ....'.,for.you. :" . WoWeekend Jaunts are mere,to .,,'-.:,tikgth~ ~ Ho~Z,;~ ~:g .;,. -.-,.be, be.f~ f~, Sl~rts, em-cL,~ or the ;..umm; ] • .,• "•., . , . . . -L~ntJcipated/Ill your rush to bea~bea~wlil put you in a festive :ego. _.. "" - - - i~njoy good tunes, you eou~i m0~xL R~nrmnc~ ts m your, ' " ,,become careless about some , agenda. .. (Dee. ~.to Jan, 19) ANimALcencKees YOU m*e ~ this hotlday . ." • . , . (,~, u to~.,,i~L ~)., ...... ~Apr.20 to May 20) . Yau may take advantage of assignments, tsm [ beee~ a : Soma may want to tie up holiday sales. You're .very recluse, though, ,s~re others some Io~e ends on a work pro- enterprising around the bout,. want X~Y. ject. You have extra energy and could decide to .nmk~ AqUARIU8 ~: ~ow, and will find construetlve ,~mnemaJorchangm. . . (Jan. Z0 to Feb. 18) ~tlels for it. LWRA- Travel and friendships are (Sept.23tooct. 22) :IiI II. Ii JIIL~ accented now, though a loved You're, enthusiastic and one may beM~y aro-,~l ~mme ,~May ~.Zto June 20) determined now, but of your friends. Make sure ,; Despite smm minor dlf- remember to consider the eye.one feels included. erences about f~ances, this feelings ~ others. Weekend hould be a wonder~uiU me to pleasure trips are ab~onted, (Feb. 19 to Mar. 20) I.urtharthe course of romance. 8CORPIO m.~ You'll make some impor- Expect goodtim~.. (Oct. 23to Nov. 21) ..vrm- tant decisions regarding your I~ANCER . ~t.4 Financial developments are career or '~ intereeds, tJune~.lto July ~2) ~",-¢ favorable, but it's best to keep but remember to set. aside ;" Home activities are favored the news under your hat. It is time for your fatally. SHOE

"l FORSUNDAY, JULY 4,1962 .lEO (Mar.21to Apr.19) . Travel not only will mean a " You're .in a romantic mood (Nov.~.toDec•21) ,~,- . J..-:'Z'~-..' ,J""- ,~ ..~i chance ~ get away and consequently are t all, but ~ could pro- somewhat impressionable. mood and want new woridd to vide you with h bena-flde ~ holiday activities and conquer. You are blessed with ... ctreer opportonRy. important home d~i- ,..r...,., ,,..,,.. .,, TAuRus ~ons. should nmet with s~ccess. L . "I :I "~ II " I. '~] .~ (.~r.20to May 20) vumo CAPRICORN .- .I/,¢tZ~ You have inspired hunches ( Aug. 23 to Sept. 2~) (Dec.~.tojan.19) v~ ~l~ . I ",2' "" ,.-/ , regarding financial matters. Relaxing at home fills the It's a llme for relaxation A trip for two makes for a very bill for many of you now. and the enJoymont of pemml 91eammt holiday. Romance is Towards nightfall, however, pursuits. After a bit of .~ely, you're itching to go .out for solll~de,-youJoin others for special good times. holiday acfivtUm• (.~lay 21 to June 20) Lm~ " -n.Z'~ AQuAmus ~t, ,i A close friend brings out the (Sept.23 tooct. 22). ( Jan. 20 to Feb. 18) I~st in you. The accent is on. Weekend jaunts stimulate Benefits come through BROOM-HILDA emnance and recreational your creativity. You may buy friends, so be sure to accept ! l~.Ursuits, but job interests are something special ,for the social invliaflo~. New career home. Be sure to capitalize on ot0t0ortonliies:nlso appear on _ holiday bargaim. your horizon. (.jane ~.1 ~ juiy,~. ) "@I~'" Wou may hear of a (Feb. 19toMar. 20) moonlighting opportunity. (Oct. 23 toNov. 21) You'll make a hit with Singles meet with romantic Time spent by yourseff others and may receive op~rtanitie~ and marrieds renews the spirit. Lal~r, you'll deserve~ recognition. Take ~ill enjoy a special feel like greeting .the world part in community activiti~ tegetherne~. with a smile. You may receive and enjoy happy fellowship.

! FOR MONpAY, 3ULY 5~, 1962 .... " ~'_~?.,%;~, ~. ~,;LT. ~.'~.~/~, ~j:~; ~le ~md. have excup- " "coines ~a liighi~Y,~like]y '~ tk rm~ ~;k{lls ln'p'r'omotion and ~When in a ponition to in- source. Real estate and' self-expression. Advert~ing, ~ence others, you will do a domestic activities are heavi. travel, brokerage, writing, great deal of good. You get a ly a~ented now. Speaking, politics and public the AMAZING SPIDERMAN

green light for most of your YOU BORN TODAY are service are fields in wldcqz = aetiviUes. adventurous and dislike you'll find fulfillment. YOU" #AV/Ne routine work. You are, lo~e interest quickly and are H/~$ecF (Apr. 20 to May 20) -, espe~y, gi~ted. in dea~g liable to change careers • f~o~ A K : :.". . 1--- . NEA.~- Nou're shrewd nnw, and will FATAl. make an ~ffective bargainer. ' PALl,., I Iffs a good time for buying, I ~,~o~ selling or ~g agreements A~AIN h with others. GEM~ lt~ CROSSWORD 4trACK/I.'" (May 21 to June 20) b 9 Eugene Sheffer -' -- . .- In social games you're , ,. . liable to come out a winner. What's more, you'll impress a loved one favorably. Your ACROSS 44 New: comb. 3 Roman 23 Young cod -- popularity increases, 1 Pouch form statesman 25 Gain or 4 Public 46 Danger 4 Itigbest Moreno (June 21 to Juiy 22) vehicle 50 Tomato 5 I. love: Latin M Heroic in .. - " You may make som'e 8 Seize ,, 55 Time of life 6 Caesar's 14 scale ~*C. changes around the house or roughly 56 Incite 7 Notion ~7 Far: comb• make an important decision 12 Greenland $7 Row 8 Lawn ' " form ' :~ " - " ~' ' ' ' a~.tln.g.ndi~st~ks~e• Com. F.akimo h I p~untl. ~...f~ 13Among gazelle 9Robotdrama20sevietclty ~, l~/Vl~-'~ll~ ; " ' J [l ~oO~IT" ~ I t :~'--:=; ~--". J (Julv 23 to Aug. 22) 06~ 14C~reseent- ~D~s~_r~. 10~d 20Carpenter's ,. ~ J ' . ' ' ~,.~T f' ~~ • Y~u ma see friends Ln a shaped figure60 Mineral-l, Eg~tisn god need .... "~.~r~.-. ~~ I~ '~ '~ H~'I ~_'_~_~'~ ~r~ .\ new.... hght,--and discussing 15Grass? . springs.-_ 17Nursery 31Polyn~lan - . . ~ ~/.,'•' .,. - . ~ . ,-~ ..... ~.~- i~_ . things w zth tbem caldd lead to IS Porakeets 61 Sea bird w'r ,beverage...... -. ~ ~.~ I ~ '~. [. ~ ~' ' some revi~J opinions. Travel 18 Des~oy DOWN IS Anger ' 35 Assistants ..= :.,,~' ~,~<-~'.)~ ~ l P" ~,. I Y/I| I .. ~ ' ! in,n .ed...... / , . : -:,., : I ' ...... v mt~_,. _ t "" I~)~ ZlRacemthe ZAbove " ' instrument 40TellataU , : Ml'~ / s~, , :~\YII I: '. ~-'g~"~ X'f"~l ~I~[[ ~ - ./~@~'.. ";\\,Y,41 {~gur~.~t~on to'At " engine Avg, solufloatlme:=m/n, tale " II ~ , _'~J-'~ ~f ~mmxj- . i ., .. ~JL . • [ ' ~ .... -i~.~_ - ahead in life b~.s.... Imprint e/AFren. ch cap -I~IOIAITIIAIDIEINIIDIOI~I 42 Size of coral "-...... ~"=- ~."I - .,~ I ~""". .~--/';;;,±" .... fe~Iback from omers. Keop ~$mRton, as. ~L~U-~I 4SMalkesa ...... : ...... :,,,~,=,.,.. ,, ...... ~.~ .. . .. Z,u~--- your• eye open: for ;new: ...... '-.-'- a schoolb0y : S I'M P L ~ T O.N . N_ O!R] " " choice...... :-:-: :-;/-:::/,:-'-:-:-::-?...... : ....L i ~.... Y:'i:: ...... "/"!:~.:::': " /:::."-:; "'=/:":::::..::-:~:-.:---:;:i::~:;-::7:~-~:":-:-":7; ...... :::--i~: =' :..... ::": bi~lne~ opportunities, .. " .. ' -. 32 Mature . -. ~.~.~Cl~l~l 47 Storm -. . • - " " " 2, , " • r '. :~ ~" --~':- .... ' I'"- ~ '' .. ffi ' ~ffi~_~ -- '~ ~: ~ffi , '- ~'~- " -~___~.~ . ~ " . , ffi :

LIBRA - • ~I~'~ ~Mr:Onaemis ~-~~ 48Muslcal I' DO ONEgBUItY. " I I i' "I I ; " :: ' " ' f "' ~" " I""" I" I : : `- I I I " : ..... : I:"""'" .. ` `i ": ' " ~ '

vis|ta w~th old me,ds prove ..... ~~effffff~ . .... I, II ~/~.'~,~"~.~A ~..~.,I.l.sm~um,- X~u~,~N I I II ,~m~, ~.,w~Zw,eT"l I stimu~ung. ' ' . • ~'":",~ ; ~~--I~~ ._...~? P II ~'~o,~,'~-~ l ln~r,,~ ~r,~,-- Iio ll;i:~Y:-Z@'~:seq~d I" I~I)IlPIO . m ,t~ ' ~ .- ' INIF;IDISITIEINIRIEIEIDI . ?z V!~u)rY " r, ~1 '''~" ~•'<.'=,~,L'"I I ~.~'~ ,

sa~rrr~u~g x#.~ I I I I~I I - ~I, I' , "~-,-~m~l . . .'==~E,/I I-~ '=='=',~| I. • (ov.ntoDee.2~). 'E~ ,~ ~ ,7 [ I I , %~,,e,~,®,~ I I I~ I I I I I~I I'-_~ , ~I~-II'~~'~I I i be/ztbzpeoplenow, Teday you'. .. . I,,.l I h, , ~--:to I I m--m~ - " " l=~lff"z=,==~~l ~I I p~yt~roleof~c~r~, ,I I I.. I .~ _~_ I I __eI___~__~_. . • - " .... , ~~ :.,_: ' ...... "...... ~ otl~ers,will appreblate;your. ~:.I~j2~ I.. 122 ~- 88~24.1 1-25--26" 27 . " . • ',,.".. " . ~, . " " . . .. '...... " . -'. o : - " . .... • : "

C.~l.~liI(~)i~l 1~ - ' 12s I~ 130 I-: I I " : 31 '~1~ I ' " :" . ' "''m~W Vr 'U . ' . " . - ..... " .. ' ' " ...... (l~ec.~Jan.19) '".'I I I l~ I I " ~ I ~ . . . . .- :' ' " .. . • ' - " ...... ; ...... ,:-~--." . . - ...... ".-.~ ~. 'A revised plan leads to " .... :I~"I' 34 ~ .I ~s, N36 : • r , . -_• '"'~...... --"~i~. ,. '. , '.' .. ~IIr ~,:,,,,,~' . , , _..-?~, I, ,: .m. ,® : I'- 0 ' : ' ' 37 38' 39 40 ...... ' '~!:.J.jl!~,, ,.~InII~' I~I~l,t~IJI~.lqI#w: . • • : - .... ." , , " • .. I.I . I I .... ~'3"~,~]20 to Feb 18) .~.J~l,• ' I~ 44 ' 48 ~ II 47 48 49 "I ~ ,~ ~ ~. IP~'- ' - _._~"I~,"~,.,/ ~ F~ I~; '~"~(.~ / s time you got to .lu~. ' ' ~I- ' ! : ...... ' • " " . " :..:1 " " "" ~. i ~,.*, " :". :"". : ","~ " otl~rs better, Heart-to.he~ " " leO/I" .,152 I If-~3":l~J~', i ' ,~ ~~ ~'Z'Z'Z'Z'Z'Z'Z'Z'Z~'III ._!. ~ :.: i .':I~ ~ ~ :~~~l ....

tal~ can be had wldle vaca- . I'.-. I " " ~ " ' ~Zl ,,'- " f'--'" . ..: . - ." ,, " .,, . I . ,-.,-- o, ,,-,-. - ,- I I 0, I m, ..... II. ',-:-:11:

lemure-time. • pursm.ts . • . I .- ~ . .I ~ I • i ' . , . , ~ -, ....:..,--", .' ...... T Pl~ . . ~.. . -.. , ~. 6, j ~ ~ ~ , .. :,.,,,,:., ~ ,. . ~ ..~. :..

...... ~ o , . 1 ~ ' ,~ . ~.,,~..... ,,,,.'.i~,~

i ~~! i/~o~l ,:?.~,': ,: :+.~,+!! .:+ ;:+ ,:+ ::: : .... '-:

~~+ ~ ''~ + LI' /:: ':' ~+:~; :?" :...... ,.p'~ '''''''~'+''L".~~, to'-':kln, otmedlcaUonlor.hllp~..~~.~..~~, • ! ...... " .... ,• . : . . . ' ..... ,,,;:,'l,,:,;,, :. .;.:, .. , .bloO~ reuure,+Uonepr,w~ea . - ~L=I~, ...... I ~" !~':'~\| ...... ':'~~]~~/'] ...... t .... - "' ...... We are aware ol " lho • emo- ' , im p oPlnce, the phyaicion " _1~, .ea~ ~ •I~ •" : ' ! k ...... • . ." . I' ~ ' ~1~ , shd.~d "C liang, e toa n other, A . ~.wlle. M~e~ sm~uoflhoh" ~e "

, " . , .', "~lt_ • ' ' • ~ ~ ~I~ wca~ M~us~p,~ . • o ...... • * In el. , four uetore ne hlts on one t • , ~:~:...... •..... - ...... ?~ ~ ...... ~ ...... - .... ~m~holl~ " " " . " " ' ~ P~ the P~ Ue.t ,~,eavv el. ~, . • ..--'_,I~.,,,,--~' • " fmrm~.__ : , ~m.--=.m wh... dh~ ~. maehQ lntacL ~a n • a good .. ' ' ' I " I " " I .... k" I" " ~ " r , . . • . . • , • " •., . , +.... , .,~w u~-, ~ ,,,,~,.,,~ m • do u . . •, . ~ .... . ~ ...... '. ' . • ~ . ,.. ~....', ' : ' ' . : '.. - . ..+ ...... :. : almost m commm as ma_~-- " I ~ d I ' ' '" ~--'~ Is happy elm~...... ' r I" " " . . ' ".'':'" .+.''" .... :." ". ". ". ", .." ' " "" '.' " " '" ~', ' ' ' .'.'. ' ~r~le,.It~M.,.~,~m~/d ~ .; ~OVee .. tbl-~-_~e..Tbo -.chil~t~

...... ' ' ' I I . - . ' . , : . ' -:' L.. O--,,,, O-~11,,' • . . +, _"_~-..~'~-'__-~"Z"~._,.~___" I didn't owe for your an- i~es ba~ goue up mrm_~ '' " " ...... '' - - +, " ~" • :'" " • '- ~M I~11'1~1111111 ' " ilJm U~U'Ii 101" llllr~l. UI.W .Iglm.. row+r ~ *lb. mmnilum~, wh+.. ' ~0"~. The ~ Ul .~ • ...... ~ ...... , ...... ~ me , y.ounl~e~..[u~be~ • ...... _ . • ...... =~. . , __ ...... ~p,,( ol ~~,~~ a .mary~g. . e., ~,,.. ~ ...... m0~a +.t ,_ and ,_ in,__ ,,+,~,,,,.~...._,.,__, ...... ~ 'I ~ :~ l~'Pu~e~ I • ~- I .. .,' f.,,~,A-~,~,-,~.,n~. ~, • .I ~-r t,~~ %, " :.,.I'. . • TMuyou, Ann. -- Angtmaea ~_a~_~ ~_~__m~. ~ .~,, The ex-wHe looks ~ muen ..... " ~ The most Important thing , ~pum~ ~ae umqnumr m~um whe~ Idle ~ tO • I ), l Y \ l time. nave handed the ho~l.~' ¢~m~, I L ~'~'~_ "~ " .... ] I" / ~./ v~r...~=~ I • I " I ~;-~,,Et~. ~ I ' | h remain suppo~ive and al-. I her moOs~ mkad fer • ~b~--mMe~ 0~ I ' / - : ~~1. ( ~J~MI~IHW~'~',J I '1 ~..~u~ --£. I L I ~nL ~e worat Udngyou can thenL ' ' ~-~b~oummkb~ • I : :-~-~ ~~ ~~../ I ( TklE~t J | . dobgiveOmollcitedadvlee. ]]mveflveddldre~Tbey ti~om~llemend unkl~ I "i ~P~+ " " II , ' ~ ~1 ~ "|+ I f.t~de~,artingspouse~as all moved out lo tbey co~kl do Imur~abo~t.the ~ | : ,~ ~4/. ~ I | ~ "| ' ~t',dlli~-- / ~ci~,r~eea~r,tOw~a~ ~ ~ OWn mlq~+Not one el Tbe~l~F~h~..~'~ • , . . . th~ekMseve~oflmr~ltoglve e~rae~mou~-mo¢l~- ol deeem ~,

I : ~11 ~ ~ I a. !_ ( // _ ~ ~ I - I .mnqer :ana s~yeet oec.ause you meat, Not Ioug ago, when I and,_ ~ mint be very eel~m I ! . -- ]PldT~ I | ~_. ~ ~ v ), }P I [ fT]~tl~ _~ . . I. .ml~t_. have to. ea.t u)em one ~ thorn to tetmm the keys to limre doue that --IWSlu~ • I + + /FY'~"~I I ~ I//, ( ~ ~ "f~---'~J/ ...... I P ~ .:'R~ ~ .~r . i~ asy, :~n~. Iouowmg letmr might to 'the home, ~ noses were wamtsd to be lroe so -he I . ~\~h '+' I! • ~L"~--\d, ''u~ " I ~.C_+-"'~}/ : I :be or in~erem+ .... outolJoinLWeU, Umt~Ju~tco nmsrommL" " , I t '. ~ ~ .. I" '"~" %\ . i x~.~-~,~ ~ I e~jj~.~ ~m~. ~.~..~R..._w~.la~. MF, .~..=~st~m..._.~...... I.~ ,~'/~_~5..~ . • I • tlt'~ , I. ~1~ ' "~ '1 ...... N~. ".uoa !orma l .m~a,~ court_ eem~aUme.uum~l I + ,. .+.,~gl~l~ . '! . ,lll\~+-~ I I~11 -~'~1 . llanaa:-3~oJr-oJam0taeroJ waitnonoueo~laem~Fm fmrti~ttwouumtobavedme~ i : ' -- =- : : : L ' ~1, ~1~. )V~ - ' .... ~s p,~m.er ! _sll|U.~g this --. ¥onr Imto ~e Io~s timee cMklnm m~r ...... • mmmnmo~-msmu~smmral__mY t/an. "- nou- MolU~t " - mm~+]MIt i~ ~ t1~ • • - ~.~lre~r .selMum.~ m~y .qo~ You certain]~ have a lmlnt, ~ ~ I ~ ~ a " • ..... ,... ,-- m^.M-ll. + uo~ when em we_.ce~a, re but those children LIVI~D at lot and ~ tin ,. . . . " -: . . v~..~,, .,.~..---'~I our.anmvers~r~.. AIS0,.UOW home--_whlchlswhytheyhad would keep thelr mgan; • _.... ~ ...... " . " +many .years. nave we ueen the keys. I.see no reasoh for .spirited comments to IIKIII~' • ~11 UO ~k~:oll~a:~ue 'nl~_~'~,,,7~,,,,~ ~ ' • .. ,., _ • eurrled?. ... them to give YOU the keys to lewes......

' " ' " ~ ~./~I~2RJ[JI¢ ~lil~'J, 1070. We were mardad course,come. u}ey want you to m _muer. -- ,vim ,~ mm~.. I"}1,1 IM~MY~,P~L~t~,Z~+I tt~uu~m ~t,~'3 ~,,,,_. ' II~A#WHI~I ._,.._,.,.., ,r,.~,,, manoc~eanuporoothemun- FOUrMOre ,. ~+. . | P~ N I.~C,. .A~d~ mW Inoipeg . -.. dry ..... , .

• t • ~~ ~ i ,/~ . ' . Now that you are living Here s our letter, but. • ~ Since you are making a. w ' '~" [i q~ +"-1+1+...... mmmmm~._T~_~_~+um~+, ~~,r..._~(.~,.~ I "-""""~" .... I su...... -'"-ou cel~ alone and r.ould like your dont thh~ it will shut an& I II ~I1~~,~ r~0~,., t 'n'+ I/ ~C~'l~l~ I ;'"~::+~=o" ~'=.v'r7 . =" prw+aey, you naveeveryr,ght moutM.People|w~tlove~go~ I ' ~ ,~.'~ I "* M.,~\ ~ ' J - ! "7~ I orateyour a ~m e sary on , to ask :that ~ hand the keys slp. The lmpprtant .thln~ .1~ • • . . . y : y, y u w~mom hesitation. • P~: You sow~l like a .preuX,

I I ,A ~ I ,~r ~ I / % -, ] ' I XMMMI~.~MI...~..d~.~%. I son to celebrate time spent merits I Gf~l ~ ~1 g~MIMI I -_.~,~-_g,d/'J7 V~,'# :~1 ,/,,~'Y% I ~IMM',P--~ I a p, rt • a~ ,~ ~u to a,,~,um~ o~r~.,mu,,~,~g® i I[T-~ ~t~.~ I~"/Y" I k,~'~. ~ | " .~!1~1~:- . -J Mentaimidgets f rie.nds for ~ cards~ .lle~. -_ .my.. newopaL.~r;" and attache.. i 1L'~'~II~ "~ ~ ~ I ~"~'~,dbe-,d ,~ .i ~(~dse-'~ I1:,,.. i ~i • .. . vlmto ~ imone earn aurmg to l~wasa etlpplngolyourco.~,~ ... I ~,~,~mm~,~,,~,..~ /~,~ r~"'.B r ~J~'~,'~t~ P ~ Iloved.yourusw.+.er.to..the myre~atilines~Ttmdmslsb umn. The, heading: Dept. ,~ i l~:,~'~I~.~.-. ~~/~J/~Wk~"4s,:11 IW~IIg~J,I~'~ "%--~.-,~-,.~T ...... 1 womanwaowucnuemm.ner to the doctors ua numee at PlanRepay.sDo~IgleSouv~w~.- . ~r~w-~..~ I~ -om,~-~~0..c-+.~".,'"~l " w u'Iou¢" .who men neer County General. Since~ly, When~p~ereaupthepape~,...... J, glaSSes ~or wee and salad. Jane Doe." Or.be_tier ~"We I was revolted to dlscover that + I r I ' ' ' ' . forlm for the fish. You said, "A would like to thank our friends the person who inade this"ape- • ~,, o,,--eii m..-,. ...,,.,,..,,,to,. and relaUv~ fer the food, eial delivery" had gone to. ' .- • , . . ~ ,~v.. .'~-- I" . ' come ~by Socially eor-. flowers and memorial contri- quite a lot of trouble. He (of • :. . ' recthora, , butiomat~het/meefFather's she) had gathered a sJzabb't _ - ...... ,,. ~ • " - ._ . -- _ . , , ~w~^v.. -rf~k,.'-r~,~" .... 11~atletterrominded meof- douth.Sincerely, theJohnDne amnunt of doggie-do and-, • ' " " ," -'1 ~~.~1[ "-i / +':=1 ~v ---~: ~/,,.;, I ~l' / POORTRA1tlJUl~ I nP~r.rll./ a lecture I attended recently.~entl~. Fandly." . sm.ea.rod it sll over the f r=o~: . _ _ ~~ I _k !11 ~ ~KII'J# " ~_~ fl'~Ml"i~t'~l I On the way home my friemlfriend The last time s seat flowers ano haCK p~gP~. I am oame¢ .snld~ "Did you notice the to,a s/ek friend it cost me a .as to why a person who woul¢l." speaker iMsproao~eed ha.r- b~ue. Sending_,a memorial scoop up and.,q,;-ead that duff memen.tT" I ~'plle~ "Is THAT contrlhm/ou Isn t cheep ei- around wmtld mind stepping all you got out of her brilliant ther, And prcparlng an attra¢- in It, . :..,, presentation? five eus¢~ole takes time and + I've 9_beerved that most elfort. People who go out of The leash taw Is not enloree

16. I..,-,v,,rT/.~ TOI• W~.¢I.IN~R~;)NOT"~' '"" '"~ TAN$1.I.N,--" " I Y,-".;-"-",~-.'.I-,'~,Y~~"-'T~"" -':" I / " 'AA II I~: ' /~M_y " ~ miter wnac. MY. iIl~irleM ~oulddolesaisb~mvmuam, be thanked.To aria each one need any i]mRs m p mla i o

I -~F"" ...~/-n~m Dq~/_l.~....""-;_~,., ~l~l~,~.~"".;C .... / "~-~/( I I m~a~e4~ow t.mn .~ apwn grov~ cam mat sa~o Maybe you oust ~ xo~ 1.7 M~F/E/M/~Y/Z'.~..~ ~ I']1[ I]~m'M~ ',. " ~L(q~.~MI~I~L.~~ "~lJ~ / I l.rlel~li IS .ro~ H ~ thought, "Wha~ a sp£enom romps aQd find om wna~ he,: ~' iIr/~/~-/~j~, j~///dl [~g~'~ 1~.~1~1~,'I1~.~ ~MII~4,~i ~/~ I I " aatmg, going to wnaSe.Ual! idea!" . does -- and wbere, ". g il/lll'r~'~M~, "~SY////]M ~ ~::%~ ]~'~'~',~h~~'~d[ -Y'I ~1~/ ~ I g.ames,, having a .ouderlul . ' ' ' . ' :'i R~ anle. • • ' . : " , . "' No young guy wants to take . " " - ,,-. •

abe .~heg/T endslhad '

i "~-.'.'-:,~- ~ -- A BBk.~ F - -- --: ------.-: ~:~- :'~[~~q~ common anymore. Some of I$ /J~?~ ( .~ ~ ~ T~ ? ~ } I i';"

I=,~& ~,~ 6.~[~.Z_'l_~#,[k~//q ~Y _ ~ --- : -- :-:- ~1 I/l~..~...':..J • ~ ~~me. " I_l . ~'J~\~ I | ~ v ~ : ~l .....

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t "h " II I " "* .... I II I I II LADIES WEIGHT Do you ever need help In a KSAN TERRACE SLIM LINE • PREPARED WATCHERS hurry? Need a lob done or HOUSE HOMEMAKER 6 FANTASTIC FRIDAYS at TAKE A BREAKI CLUB masting held every Tuesday need s ic~? Phone SOCieTY CHILDBIRTH the Terrace Public Libraw. Hove me come into your meets Monday evening at SERVICES CLASSES at.7 p.m. In the Knox Unitod GOLDEN RULE • 'wishes to announce the 'provides asslstanc:e" with Something now each week: home and do your 6:30 p.m.- United Church .Church Hall, 4907 Lazelts Sponsored by the Terrace •Stories and --Puppet EmploymEnt Agency availability of Ksan .House household management and housework. Ono day. • week basement, Kitimat. " Ave. women,s Resource Centre. ShowsI --Craftsl --Skill -- of Terrace for women and children who dally!lvlng octlvltles to el, as your .time permits. 635-4535or drop in at No. 2. Instructor: Marianne Gamesl --Movlasl -- t,~ny sotlafled cllents; For need a temporary home aged, handicapped, con. Weafon. Call 638.0228 bet-. INCHES AWAY CLUB TERRACE 3238 Kalum Street next TO_ Plcnlcsl. For ages 6 and up. more details phone 6311.8386. during a time of mental or valescents, chronically IIh wesn noon and 4 p.m. week. meets every Tuesday night LOAN B.C. Tel Office. Fridays 10:30.t 2:00 (pS.21l) physical cruelty. If you or etc. days, or 635.2942 anytime. at 7:30 p.m. In the Skeena CUPBOARD your children have been 4~03D Park Ave. beginning July 16. Come to ' Health unit For In; = 1 oool Come to all slxl Free- I • _ _ " ...... ' Hospital equipment . ALANON& bettered and need a safe ; IklS-Si38 WOMENOF Tormatlon pnone 03~-a141or- avallable f0r use ~In the~ ...... ~Ai:.ATEEN - - refuge call the local RCMP ...... - TERRACE no regtslratlon. For more information phone-1~81T~ 635.4565. home. For more In- MEETINGS at 635-4911, the Crisis Line KERMODE i The Women's Health formation please call: at 638.8388, or dutlng nor. FRIENDSHIP " (nc-1611) DEI~T Monday at Mills N~norla!_. Coalition has set up a 8:30to4:30 mal business hours, the Hospital at 8 p.m. CENTRE Women's Health Ca re BOTTLE DEPO Three COUNSELLOR 4311.0311 Mlnls~._y/~, of , Human 635-4N~ and CONSUMER PhoneMarllyn Dlrw~tory. The purpose of Rivers Workshop, 5010Agar Evenings eso~j~.~ Tell- them you Services: Counselling and -- II 6,154545 this directory Is TO aid Ave., 635-2238. Open CO_M~LAINTSOFFICER ~18.4574 went to. come 1o Ksan referral on U.I.C., housl'ng, ,1603D Park Ave., Terrace, women in choosing a Monday to "Friday (9:00. TRI-PAi~ House'. They will make Alcohol & Drug Counwlllhg, B.C. VaG IV5. Free old to physician, eccol'dlng to 3:00) Saturday, 12:00-3:00. ~)aclalists In cracked The Imn~edlote arrangements Education problems, social, anyone havlng debt MILLS MEMORIAL ~helr needs as ..women. if (nc) cylinder heads :~ ,1~! THREE for you to come to us; We cultural & "recreational problems through THRIFTSHOP you would like to share your casting repairs. RIVERS would like to help you. pregrams;~atlve culture Is overextending credlt. Mills Memorial Hospital experience with other --Exchange 4.53 or 4-71 WORKSHOP the main focus. Lay Budg~et advice available. Auxiliary would appreciate women in health care call cylinder heads, L11~.21. is open to public. We have counselling. . Consumer complaints any donations of'goed, clean MEALS anytime or 638-O228 --Exchange 335.400 clothing, anll household macrame, quilts and onWHEELS Assilen~?, batwenn 12-4p.m. or drop by Cummlns heads c.w i handled. Area covered 7- If you are new to tha clty, Items, toys etc. for their various wood products. Available to elderly, hen. the Women's Centre st ,L~2 valves, 8110.00. Cat :. mile radius of Terrace. Call have no frlends, are lost, Thrift Shop. For pickup Hours: 9 a.m. to /3 p.m. dlcopped, chronically ill or Dark Ave. heeds also avallabll. !Terrace 638-1256, 9.4 p.m. lonely or Iooklng for a place • service.phone 635.5320 or Monday to Friday. convalescents -- hot full BIO YARD SALE-- Fur. 862-7811 : for'appointments. Office TO llve- Terrece's IMlan ABUSEDWOMEN'S nlture, plants, dishes, atc. at 635.5233 or leave donations course meals delivered TRI-PAR i hours 1.4 p.m, only. Klflmat Frlendshlp Centre wlll SUPPORT GROUP 3757 Paquotte.. , July .-'call 632-3:139 for ap. attheThriflShopon Lazelle Monday, wednesday and Prince George RAPE RELIEF support, understand and Every Thursday 8:00 p.m., 3, all day. !p01ntments. Office hours Ave.on Saturdays between Thursday. Cost: Mlnlmal. (acc-Fr) Abortion Counselling assist you. Call us: 6334906 Conference Room • Mills .... (sift ~second Tuesday of every 11 a.m. and 3 p.m. Thank Phone Terrace Communlty and Crisis Line --or come for coffee. We're Memorial Hospital month. ~* you.- Services at 635-3178. 63843111 open daily 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Psychiatric Wing. Tran. oportatlon provided. Phone: I~E JARDIN , Programme Cadre 635.9063 or 635.2054 after d'ENFANCE 6:00m, " (Terrarm French Pre- de FRANCAIS School) has vacancies for EH gUll II exlste a (nc) INDEX English or French speaking Terrace, L'educatlon en WOMEN ADDICTS CONCRETE FORM HIGH" QUALITY Stereo I Cgmmunity Services ;~ • Services chlldrenp three and four Francels pour les enfants de 2 Coming Events 24 Situations Wanted 49 will not be meeting Until RENTALS system -- 35 watt Wonted to Rent years Of age. Centrally maternelle ala 7e annoe. 3 Notices ~1 TV & Stereo 50 Homes for Sale Blenvonue a tous. Pour plus September. Call the FOUHDATIONS Ultralinear speakers, Sanyo e Information Wanted 29 Musical InstrUments $1 Homes Wanted Iocatedat the corner of 5 Sirths __ " 30 Furniture & Appliances $2 Women's Centre*at 638.0220 E. Haler & Sons turntable, Kenwood Property for Sale Sparks and Park. For more amples Informatlons 6 Engagements 31 Pots 53 Property Wanted telephonez au 635.4400, between 12 • 4 p.m. week. IL~S-26~ camffe tal~ deck, and 7 Marriages • ~ 32 Livestouk "- - 54 Busies ProPerty~ Information telephone 635- days. 8 Obltuorlse ,. 3,1 For Sale MiScellaneous 5S Buslnosa OppOrtun]ty Inscription 635.311S. (p20-2311) amplifier. Excellent can. 9 Card of Thanks 35 Swap & Trade S6 Motorcycles FiLTERQUEEH dltlon.. SaSO. OBO. Phone 10 In Memorlum " 311 Mllcellaneous Wanted ~utomoblles WOMEN ADDICTS NORTHWEST tl Auctions 39 Marine Trucks & Vans 63,5-9676. 12 Garage.Sale 40 A support group for women DEVELOPMENT Sales& Service (P3-25,29,2 Equipment 59 Mobile Homes TERRACE CHILDBIRTH • 13 Personol 41 Machlnery - 60 ' Recreational Vehicles with alcohol or drug ad- EDUCATION Phone 14 8uslness Perounol 43 For Rent Miscellaneous • 63 EDUC. ASSOC. 63,5-7096 (P3.25,29J,2July) Aircraft dictions, themselves or In ASSOCIATION General 15 Found 44 Property for Ront 64 Finonciol For more Information call 16 Lost 45 Room & Board 68 Legal their families, Meets every meeting on Thursday, July (ah~.31A) ~ 19 Help Wanted 47 Margaret 635-4873. For Suites for Rent 69 Tenders second Wed. on the second 8, 7:20 p.m~ Library AHs ?'~ For Hire 41 Homes for Rent breastfeedlng support call and fourth Wed. of each .Room (basement). TOP SOl L & Blrgitte at 635-4616. In month at the Terrace SAND--GRAVEL ~r r Kltlmat 'eatt~£-~t ~Wo~n~ Resource Centre, Co~l~!t~ve.~rl.ces the office at 233 Nechalt'o .~ I./~,,A #.'[*' tli*lAt I)S ~)l;If'l~ 4~42 Park Ave. Call 638-0228 ~ OROTHY LIVE~SAY, a ,-,~ ~-..-~-., ._ ,,;L;SSI='~IO ~, RATIi '~ cLASSIFIED ANNOUNCEMENTS Centre...... "; '~' :: "'~ " (aCC-30l) ONE ELECTRIC stove for LOCAL ONLY Notices 6.00 for more Information; feminist ix)el, will be doing 20 wards or less $2.00 per Insertion. Over 20 ' " sale. Phone 635-5534. Births 6.00 between 12-4 p.m. weak- a poetry reading at the words S cents per word. 3 or more consecutive Engagements 6,00 ARE YOU AFRAID DYNAMIC (p2.211) insertions $1.50 per.Insertion. days. Northwest Women's Marriages 6.00 TO LEAVE THE WATE R WELL LTD. Ob;tUories 6.00 Festival and speaking on REFUNDS Card of ThanKs 6.00 - SAFETY OF HOME? The Terrace Locally owned and ...... Firstrinsertlon charged for whether rtm or not. women's issues. Public InMemorlum J 6.00 Or do you fear: walking CHILDBIRTH operated. Reasonable ram ~~,~ Ab~lutely no refunds aftorad has been set. Over 40 Words, $ ~ce~ts each eddltloneT~.~?d." . welcome, free of charge, ~ ~"*~"~ "~'i"~,~'3" • PHONE 63,5.6357 -- Clusslfled Advertising alone; .• driving alone; EDUCATION GROUP . Call Len at ~~.~ Saturday, July 19, 9 p.m., CORRECTIONS Department, crowded places; depart. hasa loan program of Infant Must be made batol;e second Insertlon. and toddler car seats. !10 Klsplox Festival site. Allowance can bo made for dnly one Incorrect SUBSCRIPTION RATES ment stores; super- (acc.141u) ad. 1 " Effective October I, 111110 markets; restaurants. You .daposlt, $5 returned). Call Single Copy 2.5¢ 635-4873.We are also looking THOMSON & SONS 4 KITTENS, 2 female, 2 BOX NUMBERS By Ca rrler ruth, 13.50 are~ not alone. Take that $1.00 plckuD By Carrier . year 38.~0 first steP, and contact the for donations of car seats TO General Contractors male. Litter trained, eating $2.00 mailed By Mall 3 mths; ~5.00 add TO our loan program. Sewer and water con. on own. To glveaway. 635. By Mall 6 mthe, 35.00 Mental Health Centre for CLASSIFIED DISPLAY BY Mail I yr..TA.00 further Information at 3412 nectlons, digging, back- 2021 mornings and Rates ovollable upon request. Senior ClIlzen I yr. 30;00 Kalum 5t. 635.6163. A.A. filling, septic systems and evenings. NATIONAL CLASSIFIED EATI British Commonwealth and United States of Kermode Friendship snow plowing. AI Thomson. (nc-9il) 32 cents per egote line. Minimum charge $S.00 America .. I yr, ~LS.00 KITIMAT A.A. Group 435-7517 ...... I~er Insertion. (am.31Au) ~ The Herald reserves t,e right to claisIfy ads Construction Group Meets every .Tuesday BUSIN ESS WATCH LEGAL • POLITICAL and TRANSIENT" AD. under appropriate headings and to set rates In K Itlmat VERTISING theref()re, and to determine page location, evening 'at 8:30 p.m. Four local summer' 37 cents per fine. telephone632.3712 Everyone Is welcome to Students on the Summer The Herald reserves the right to revlse,edlt, MEETINGS attend. BUSINESS PERSONALS ctatelfy or_.re]ect any advertisement and to Youth Employment 85.00 per line per.month. On.a minimum four retain any answers directed to the Herald Box "Monday -- Step Mee' :Is 3313 Kalum St. Program sponsored by the month bosls; Reply Service and to repay the customer the sum 8:30 p.m. Catholic CI- -ch Terrace, B.C. Terrqce Detachment of the i I paid for the advert'isement and box rental. "COMINO lVlNTI Hall. 635-4906 -- R.C.M.P. will be making For Non-Profit OrEonlzltlonl. Mlxlmum S dlye Box replies on '" HaM" instructions not plckecl up Wednesday -- Closed door-to.door contact within LOST-- Fema'le Siamese SPOT CASH Insertion prlor to Great for no chergl. Must be within 10 days of expiry of an odverlls~mont wlll Meetings 8:30 p.m.£athollc for your good Used words or l~s, typed, and oubmltted he our office. be destroyed unless malllng Instructlonl are BIRTHRIGHT the Business Sector. cat - lost Wednesday, June recelved. Those answering Box Numbers are Church Hall. 23 on Scott. $25.00 reward. furnitUre, beds, T.V.'s Pregnant?. in need of SERVICES: and guns. requested not to send orlglnels of documents to -. Fridays -- OPen Meetings support?- CaJ'l Birthright By providing Individual Please phone 635.9028. DEADLINE avoid FOSS,All claims of errors In advertisements QUEENSWAY DISPLAY mutt bo received by the pablisher within 30 days 8:30 p.r~. Catholic Church 635.3907.Office Is now open premises In the Terrace (nc-611) Noon two days prior to publication day. after the first'publication. . ~..... Hall. every l"t~ursday 9 a.m. to 9 area with in.fp'matlon as to TRADING AI.Anon Meetings -- 3115 Kalum Ci;ASSlPIRD -- It IS agreed by the dd~/ertlMr requesting space p.m. No. 3 - 4621 Lakelso . how they could reduce the I1:00 a.m. on day provious tO day Of publFcation- 438-1613 that the .ability of the Herald in the event of Tuesday, 8 p.m. United Ave. Free confidential :-possibilities of a crime Monday to Friday. failure to Publtsll an edvertlsemonf or I~ the Church Hall 632-5934. ..(ac.tu,fr) ownt of an erroroppaorlng in fho advcrti~menl pregnancy tests available, occurlng. This will be ac- ~S pUhl|Shecl shell be limited to the amount pold " .compllShed by providing ALL CLASSIPiED CASH WITH ORDER other by the advertiser for only one incorren~ IMiortlon TERRACE recommendations such' as HAY FOR SALE-~:I n the lt~n BUSINESSES WiTH AN ESTAELISHED for the portion of tht odvlrtlllng IkOa¢ooccupied TERRACEW()MEN'S ACCOUNT. by the Incorrect or amlffed item only, lind that RESOURCE CENTRE ALCOHOLICS ..... alternative locking devices, ,field. Charlle Houlden 846-. there shall be no llabIllty to any extent greater than tha imotxlt paid for such advartlllng. A support service--for ANONYMOUS screening windows most 5817 evenings. 635,4646 6354461 vulnerable, lighting their AVON Service charge ol SS.00 on ill N,S,F. cheques. women; Information (I)4-211) Aclvertlsements suit comply with the British Meetings- Monday Knox areas, and marking Want to beat inflation? We Columbia Human RIghtsAct wffich prohlbltl Gay ref0rral; newsletter WEDDING DESCRIPTIONS have ~'ery competitive FOR SALE-- Lake tubes, advertising, thof dlsorlmlnMse agolnst any collective; Status of Women United Church 8:30 p.m. regularlly--.stolen mer- NO charge DrOV#dld news Iubmitted wlthin one Person because Of hll race, religion, sex, color; small 5.00, large 10.00, large month. adtlon group; lending Thursday - Mills Memerlal chondise in obViouS places, prlclngl We have h)gh natlOnlllfyt onc~ltry or plocl of o~lgln, or skldder tubes ...... 20.00.. bocouse hls 4SO il,.botween-44,M1d 65 yurl, library; bookstore; coun- Hospital 8:30 p.m. This service is available quality pr0ductsl We have a 'Available at Ka!urp~ .Tire, JOX |9~, TlrrlcI, S,C. H01tll Bolivlrl~ unless the ¢ondltlon is justlfled by • bond tldo selling; support groups. Saturday Open Meeting . to all businesses. In:th9 !00"per cent money back VIO 4B4 Phone 43S-aN0 'requlrement for:theWork Involved. Hwy.'16 West, 4808Terrace; Drop.in Centre, 4542 Park Mills Memorisl Hospital Terrace.Thornhlll area guarantee. To buy.or sell (accS-2il) Ave. (formerly the District 8:30 p.m, from June until the end of cell Mary. 638-1850, House) Open 12-4 p.m. August floe of cberge, Flnd (cffn.6.4-82) TERRACE PARENTS out how to help yourself this -. Monday to Frl day. FOR FRENCH 1981 19~' HOLIDAIRE/ Telephone 638.0228, summer. Contact Arlene THE KITIMAT Marlin ...... T .,,cE j,,. would like to advise the Christie.at 638.03,139.5. Swim Club will be hiring: trailer, fully equipped and public that registrations are (nc~aug) ' coaching staff for the 1982. 'Lawnlng and much more. I KITIMAT The currently being accepted at 1983 season. Please send 1981 - GS 100 Suzuki dirt, gill TERRACE FOST~R KItl K'Shan School for applications to P.O. Box 85, immaculate,• cond!t!on. 6 PARENTS ASSOC. French Immersion Kin. PROPOSED Kltlmat, .B.C..vac 2G~. hrs. only. ....offers education resources.-- clergal~ten and Grade 1 for AGENDA (pe-22,~,29,121u) One complete codar d0yble and support for local foster 1982.83. (Please note that 1) Agenda , door and frame; Phone &~;: parents. If you are a foster Grade 1 Is available without 2) ~inute~ of Meetings: .... 6703. parent or would like more having had French KIn~ Special.26 May. 1982; HELP WANTED'.'.Men,.- +_. (o5-211) Information call us dergarten). For in: General.22 June '1982; ladles ondstudonts. Full,',or~: m anytime. Jacqule - 635-6727, formation call Kltl K'Shan: Special.23June 1982 part;time, w,ork. DIr~ct. ~4~ CkDAR S.'AXES,hand h Trean - 635-2865, Bev- 635- School 635-3115or Terrace 3) Business Arising selling. Fh0~ 635.6584 or-:'. split, resawn,$60 per; 3248 eve. only. Parents for French 635-2151 4) Statement of Receipts & :. cell at Electrolux office. square. Phone 638.1912. or 63~.~ or 63~-~]. Disbursements • May 1982 ~ 4~19Lakelse Avenue. .: (p5-511) * Classified Mail.in Form PARENTEDUCATION,- r': 'St Reports: a) ~ Superln .... ". . (p_10"MII) Your 'Ad ' -- GROUP ONE PAR'ENT FAMILIES fondant of. Schools; b) Wednesdays 7:30, Skeena Association of Canada .. a Standing Committees; c) * MARIa Health unit, 3412 Kalum St. •local .groul) Of concerned Trustees - " ~aed~,~ • 9.~::~~:~.~:= .~ ENTERPRISES Name ...... Address ...... Films, guest speakers, parents wh~. are, Intel-estod 6) Notice of Motlon:, Mrs. - ~.,• .~~ Asphalt shingles, vinyl group discussion. in helping out othe~ mother Kr, so; Paront Advisory ~~ and. -alum Inure .siding Town ..... ' ,.Phone ,~_ :NO: of Days ...... or fathers who may .be 'only Groups o : Sold, alumlnum Classification ...... i..: ...... ; ...... Send ad along with NURSING MUMSl week~d Parents. We are p01!cy Amendments: 6.06 awnrngs, alumlnum Breastfeeding support Aflendencb at Conventions roofing, metal ~:'roofl~ 20 words or less: $2 per gay cheque or money order to: pr0Vldlng Pot Luck Sup group. For Informat!on," pars, Blrthday Parllas for .7). Pollcy Amendments: .... WILL DO HOUSE and sldlng~ Ornamental : .... DALLY HERALD supporh concerns, call Mrs, Sandeckl (3) REPAIRS, paint, car- S 4.50 for three consecuflve days 3010 Ka I um St. Chlldren and Group Ac; wlndmllls. Blrglffe638-,1616or Pam 635. tlvltles; which Involve 8) Old Business pantry, plumbing and ap- Above material sold and $6 for four consecutive days Terrace, B.C, 5271. Everyone welcome to parents and thelr chlldren, 9) New Business, pliance repairs; frldge, Installed after 4 p.m. $7~50 for five consecutive days VaG 2M7' our meeting held 2nd Custody o.f •your child Is not. 10) Adlournrmnt stoves and dryers. Phone.. Thursday at the month at necessary. Phone Bee. 635. 11) Questions from the floor 635.3242 ask for Larry. Skesna Health unit. 8 p.m. 3238 or t~ob*'635.9649. (nc.13JI) .... (p15-1911) ..::~ ,:..:...... ;~,t,~-.~ - " ...... "

...... ~ .. LI ; .

. ., . 1.1 ~ -" • ,..

" -* PAGE IO , '~~,Idlng " F(J+R!sALE'BY-TENDER !ONE & I;W0; BEDRI, "|IBEORi~)Mh0usoforront. "~ SU!t+~l?ito.r.a.~ott~ge:or ':.:1975 DRQTT SELLER suites;. ,vallable+':: Ira,+ ' Also three• •trailers. I\ ~ mvm,,==n / I W~t~K~,..~us! De'rewlrea BUNCHER, ~:ent engine . medlately.~ Phone after 6' Avallablp July 1, 19112, =-3 | I:lou"Z~--th'A~nrh in I "~/~I~T~.d~)BoMU;ho~::. Overhaul. Go~d ,racks. B ds' p.m ".~!~+7,'L. '.' " '+.:+ L: ~• " ~ ~" ' 1"11 ' AS'' 1~ 1" " I ~ ~;~n~m: hI • .' .. _ • accoplad untll July 20,1982. .+. ":,, _ +-':(pI0-91!) July:,+, !982,".I.-3 bedroem I~~'~;;,;:1 63s-2~lS+atter ~ p,m;: ...+' + :~ Highlmt or.,any +offer', not: +., ..... ":-i.~ ~-r' ''+':':'~'"" ?'i • traller]-Phone. 63S-,t~!'~ ::or.. l~~f- +,i:x i : .:, . /.+:., ;L'~ (~tfii:~+m~m,t+~y, ~:mmd, Fo~:: umoE,ew mm.k~., ::e+,m; :.+ : ~. : :.: :,:: :,f, i,..-r~++~;., ~..~ "• ...... ' . . . . . more 'Information phone+ +r0om;'.sultable for :worklng"." ... *:11.:' '' :FL "~ I r r : (p2"~ I I ) I' ~~': ;W; I FOR SALE -- 40+ d!annel- . Adrlene' Enr.lght,...FBOB,. men..StoVe,: fildge;!, di~h~ ~-+ +.+ . ,: .' " . +::~ .'.. :~:'~+:. . I'~~:~,~o~ .~.. trarmce~+v~+,: wlth', an.t~+.pa, .+ .. :Terra~(. B,C. ~5.49si',,; +..:;.! ':-Pots" 'and::.pani,, .beddlng ' • .-FOUR+ BEDROll, ~ .OI~+sE:.:"."~~,~n~: 'I I !b+ench,.;. ~e~ Valuedat ~jr~100,Beat.0fh+r no .':..', .. - ..~(~c~o~2e~l complete)y-~fu~!~,.!~. ':ne+r:~ml.ma;:,.ondpark;:t..~, I ~o~.ut,~v I' ,i" ,,.L.anc!ng.:,,( lower than S200,':Phene 63S~ . +-." 2,S,6,9,12'.,13,1~,1911) - c!udea:.all Utilltlaa::Cen)ral .bath0,..unflnlahad basement,. :l"room.+ r,m,,,~: ,,~,m:.l I +arran~d. 'Call )'42}'. " -.."..+ ...... ,- .". :: :.... :locatlon,'Nperato~trance: ' ceilmprt,.la~geYard.Sd~Oper I ~~d"-be'" "c~".'. I 'I .'afte'.~ S p.m..". .. ~ .' ..:. (snc-tfn) . FOR. ,SALE B.Y, TENOER .+Cable Incladdad.Phone 63S-.. month, Phone 631-1717.. " l, rto+" +t+o-two- ,,or' I ,I \ .- ."..:. . "' .... " ...... 19}'3 Mac Legglng truckand'.. 7d.~9. . - (p3.2ii) I bedrooms or-offl-Ces~ - I " , UNO~RWOOD ELECTRIC 1973Columbla traller .... (p3-21"I) - . Carpeted throughout, ' .... typeWri,ter.~-- portable/As+ :Hlgheet..or any bld. not - . . : +. .HOUSE.FOR RENT:. New Also_.Include,~Insulatad. PICTURESQUE 2 STOREY " new:'$1~0.Tw0eturdydeaks+ necessarily accepted. Remo-- 3 bedroom house garage & large garden HOUSE," revenue from 2 --~x4S~ I~0, with 4 drawers + Contact: G.R; .... Batty, KEYSTONE APART. • with basement, on half acre MENTS now taklng. shed plus ample:other +. rental suites. ~ acre, park. each;'. ~x39, 150.'Phone 635. F.B.D.B. 635-4951 for more lot. Partly furnished, storage Inside & out. II1~, above river, one-third 9676:..' . " .' . Into. Closing date for ton- applications. Spacious, fireplace. Available July clean aperts., 1, 2, and 3 Designed for use as two down, bargain price. Owner FOR SALE ;. :; .. (P3.25,29J2J.uly) ders- July IS, ~962 ISth, 1982. Phone 63~772. or more • separate will finance balance. 4344 : (acc21-14[u) bedroom suites. Extras (p7-gJl) .'.f Include heat, hot water, ~r~sldences. Suitable for Queansway. Phone 635-2435, ii0 GALLON OIL DRUMS, 1) three or five bedroom 635-2837. 1300 sq. ft. 3 bedroom condominium laundry facilities, LARGE 3 BEDROOM stan~!,s and space heaters. homp with two to four (p20-3011) located close to downtown. One full balh S01d ~I Uni~ilorsepara~ely. storage !,ocker, HOME, ~ large lot, on :~+++.+:~E+++~:+~+++~;:,++ playground.,/:~+please bedroomo, basement and 2 half baths, fully carpeted, very well Also one men's tO.spend bench. ,Available .~lm- suite with separate phone ~16.S224. mediately. Reference NEW 1320 sq. ft. FULL kept, recently redecorated. bike. Phone 635-S464. (acca-I fin) entrance. 2) rental (p3.211) required 1625 month. Call investment property. 3) BASEMENT, large lot. Will after S..63S-&183. institutional or private consider low downpayment I~IASSEY 44 TRACTOR ow (pS-SII) group living home. All. and willing to carry mar. :Priced to_sell at $43,000.00. 2 BEDROOM basement tgage on balance or will ', ~+," " ~" ~;~?~'~7;Ji+,,~!~ L'%~. hydraulics, flat belt pulley realistic offers con- : "~';: ' 01:"; ":++ and P.T.O. $1700 OBO end suite, unfurnished, with slderad. Phone 638-8290. trade for good used front 1969 GMC Suburban 307 frldge, and stove. Available • '~.':+ '~++. ~. v ' S74,000 assumable mar. end loader or dump truck. Call 635-7307 automatic, radial tires. Sg00 July 1, 1982. Low. rent for tgage. (l~-tu, fr-3011) Phone Fred at 63S-3936. OBO Phone ¢]5-6455. quiet, steady couple. In- (p20-2311) after 5:00 p.m. .: -.. -_ _: : - _.:_ (pl-211) terested parties only call 635-5738. WANTED TO RENT-- WANTED (p3.211) Small furnished suite or a TOBUY WOODOREEN APART- large mobile home or travel MUST SELL 2 drawer filing cabinet; MENTS 1, 2, and 3 bedroom trailer. Required from July Multi Tenant Service ;I drawer filing olbinet; suites for rent. Partly 15 Io October 31, for, older adding machine; furnished. Phone 635.6772. responsible couple. No Photo copy msd).ine. (p13.1611) children or pets. Phone to WANTED: Commercial Buildings Call 635-2744 after 6. Neat, reliable, leave message. 636;1639 (snc.tfn) quiet, single work ng girl to between 6:30- 12:30. share house 'In Thornhlll (p3-30,S,611) with same. Non-smoker FOR LEASE WANTED: 1 set hydraulic preferred. Phon~ ~L18-1080 WANTEDTO RENT-- Four after 5 p.m. camper lacks In good bedroom house In the 1,737 square feet unltswith.sfore fi:ont and overhead condition. Phone 635.4880. (1~-'211) Horseshoe or Bench area. doors in back. New building, well located at corner -. (sff) Phone N. Stevenson 635- of Kelth &. Kenney.; Excellent condition-- 1976 14 x 70 Sierra. 6x20' IonY i 7216. ALSO WAN;ED: export quality 3 BEDROOM HOUSE .(p2;2Jl) shack, utility shad Included, "built.In stove- Two unlts, 951 square feet, comes with 14x14 dishwasher. Will help finance. spruce and hemlock saw Living room, kitchen, overhead doors, lecated ,at corner of Kenney &. legs. For more Intormatlen dining room, wall to wall. Pohle• phone 636.4.~18 ask for Joe. Fireplace upstairs and To *view call (p5-211) down stairs. Downstairs • ,Serious parties ROOM FOR RENT-- In- laundry room, store room, Phone 635-7459 635-906.7 only) cludes use of electric range, one bedroom, big play frldge, washer and dryer. room, washroom. Phone 2704 Suth Sparks. Phone 635. 635.5485. FOR SALE BY OWNER 3 9610. (pl-2]1) bedroom family home •with (p3-2il) large kitchen on V2 acre in town. Natural gas heat and 3 BEDROOM upstairs, 2 excellent flnsnclng $64,500. 16,~1'~ , FIBREGLASS bedroom suite downstairs. Call between 5-7 p.m. 630. business directory "Wlnne~";.,gubby hardtop Both for rent. Near hOSl~lta!. 13,59. AvallablkPU;'l t~h~d1~'~ly. ~:~'¢ t ~., o~J~t-, ~,r, " ~ ~ .... ~'" Pho~le ,durJn9 9-5, 638.-0371. • • "+ '' :". ,' ,- .'7 , J+~, "Road "+ Runner++ '638-3510 e~enlngs, j '' 3 BEDROOM full basement TRI-R-SER'Yi-C] trailer.' Phone. 635.4,%55 or (p2-211) home on corner lot. PAVING ~. ",y Terrace 635-26,53after 6p.m. Ask for ONE BEDROOM furnlshad Halllwell& N. Sparks. Was Tony.. apartment. 2 blocks from 3 BEDROOM house for rant, $79,S00 now S69,500 Call WlEBE CONTRACTING LTD, Fresh - (p10-1411) center of town. Worklng In .Thornhelghts sub- 7477 for appointment to people only apply, Call after division. Phone 635-9393: view. Paving Driveways and Parking Lots Fruit & Vegetables 20' RIVERBOAT 3S1 Ford 5 p.m. 635-(;672. (p6-30],2,s,7,e,91l) (p10-1411) --Grade Work-- (p2-211) In case lot or broken ceaes. Marine, ~ stage Hamilton SUPPORT YOURLOCAL BUSINESS let. Custdm Inferior, New y pointed. Phone 627-7300. 2 BEDROOM basement 635-2020 (p5-711) suite• Available July 8. 4805._, Soucie Phone 635.4218. 635-3934 Free delivery Terrace & Thornhlll ~!~ DEPARTMENT OF Terrace, B.C. Les Wiebe MONDAY--WEDNESDAY--FRIDAY 22 FT. FLAT BOTTOM ' (p2,211) BOATTraller; tandem axle, FISHERIES and OCEANS factory made. Asking $1,400 SUITES FOR RENT Phone .~. OBO; Contact Rupert 636.1268 SALMONID ENHANCEMENT PROGRAM Buying? Selling? Swapping? Towing, Prince Rupert, (p10-21) il, B.C:~624.2722. (acc&16,18,23,25,301,2ju) ROOM TO RENT FOR INVITATIONTO TENDER Use the SINGLE PERSON. Non. SESTD.mm 16 ft. cOBRA Sidewinder ski smoker: Private bedroom SEALED TENDERS, addressed to*the Chief, Ad- HEATING * PLUMBING * SHEET METAL with dnsuite and share daily herald classifieds boat.with 115 h.p. Johnson. ministration Division, Fisheries Management, CONTRACT OIL TO GAS Galvantzed calglass trailer. kitchen.dining room. Ren't Pacific Region, Department of Fisheries and • PLUMBING 635-3897 CONVERSIONS Skis, and life jackets. SS,000 includes sOme useof sauna Oceans, 1090 West Ponder Street, Vancouver, B.C. 3931 Paquette, Terrace 635-4086 after 6 p.m. ' and ]acuzzl room. Phone V6E 2P1, and marked RESIDENTIAL-- COMMERCIAL--INDUSTRIAL (p5-21i) 630.8290. ~- TENDERS FOR: (p10-911) KITIMAT RIVER HATCHERY .... I~"~ REZNOR~/p~,# ~ LAARSW FUA,*C=S /VlmWO~ salem No. 7 635-63 CONTRACT ONE BEDROOM apart- RESIDENTIAL * INDUSTRIAL * SPECIALIZING IN OIL FURNACES ' ~%-" ment for rent. Close to will be received up.to 2:00 p.m., July 15, 1982. dewntox~r+635-6155. Tenders must be accompanied by ~he Security as OWNED BY BOB GUYETT (p20-3011) specified by the tender documents. 3 BEDROOM BASEMENT F. McKENDRY suite. Wall to wall carpet, The silo InSpeCtion will be held July 6, 1982at 11:00 i~ Hor~rzglass 1981 CHEV 1 TON wlth 10 frldge and stove. Natd+:al a.m. CONST' LTD. Plarr bir g & Heacir ton capecltydumplng. 12 ft. gas heat, available Ira-+ Foundations, Framing, mediately. Phone 635.2360 Work under this contract will Include, but not be flat deck. Duel tires. Like General Contracting t24 HOUR SERVICE or view Let 4733 Davis limited to, the following: new. 8,000 kin. Asking Commercial & Residential S12,000 635-2945. Avenue. Phone The construction of'various civil engln~eerlngworks -. Phone • "+ . • (pS-OJl) (pS-Sil) Including aseoclatad mechanical and electrical ...... r.... 635"35)1 ...... 635-4613 ...... : -- " ...... sei'vlces for:-- BOX 84, R•R. 2 ':• ~ TERRACE, B.C., VoG3Z~) "

1. ,Sul~ply and Installatlen of 300ram diameter FRP Hot Water Supply Pipeline-(Approx. 1050 lineal -- Custom car stereo Installation ECONOMICAL metres). -- Service onmost brands : 2. Supply and Installation of 200mm dlamtor PVC -., tv's and stereos WAREHOUSING .Well Water Supply Pipeline c-w Power and Control --:- Service on Sony, RCA and Cables (Approx. 350_lineal metres). _ m .0w,ow. T..Ce Sanyo video recorders ,ns are available. We also Custom Build The c0mpletlon date for Contract No. 7 Is Sap. Iiw tember 30, 1982+ .... TERRACE ELECTRONICS 0MmECAStainiNG Suitabie for a full range_ of ~orage - .~.. Supplies & Industrial DI,tributors requirements from the homeowner,to the~ Plans, specifications and tender ck)cuments may be" wholesaler,/~. seen on application to the Chlet,-Administration 635.4543 ehave building lots available In Terrace & Prince R Divlslen, Flshei'les Management, elh Floor, 1090 No. 4- 2903 Kenney St. 635-6381 " .. Supervised space in a modern :.building,. West Pender SWeet, Vancouvel', B.C., V6E 2Pi~ on on rail, heated~ ~forkllft~seryice available or after June 28, 1982 or may be.obtained on loan -- all Individual :'space~-rem~l(~i!"~++for from the above, on the depo~lt of one hundred dollars in the form of a .cheque.~or money order :. L~,)I)(;EI'()LE ((()N.~THI ;CFI()N Buying? Selling? Swapping? security .... ,, +. ,+ ++,: +.+ : • ~,n~de" payable to the Receiver ~eral for Canada, ~,~.! ~,;-.. . . ' ~;/HOMES ',Open 8 a.m.- 5 p.m. v~eekd.aY~/~'~ .... ~ -:: Plansand spe(:lflceflon~ will also be • Use •the ._ " ..... " FoundationtOCompleli0n .:+~Mini~d++'~!~dk ;ii+iila hie ".loosq, ft,. viewing at the Consfruntlon Assoolaflen viewing 2 : i [ :~:'+ "'.~, "; " " " - rooms 'In Vancouver, Victoria, Terrace.Kltimat, • or ' daily herald classifieds F0r... morel+:lnfqrmati~)n. + rca|l .+ Prince Rupert, Smlthers, Prince Geocge and .... Logwork Only~ KamlOops. 635-7400 .... i? : 635-3762 For lechnlcal Inquiries, contact Mr~ Gregg Morris, .~. , ::,~ - :, Senlor'Prolect Engineer, (~+-3118, Vancouver,'B.C. Prince George (112) 971- 2384 .... ; ~or space requirements in excess ef 2500 635-6357 ~:sq. ft.,call The Department reserves the right to reject a.n.yor all tonders, and the lowest hinder will not necessarily be accepted. For information on running your ad in the business ...... i77 638 . . L,+ ::~ or drop Into 4,123 Railway Ave. M. Crulckshank .... Chief, directory call :i..:..*::~..: (SouthoftheBusDepot) ~• Admlnlsh'atlon Division 635-6357 i + " 1

'~:'''''''Fr''"J'''I'9": pIY u, y sher,ff' ..... h o+,s b ad, d ay ' Squa:'' ~, " ; '~"' ~~1' ' ] '

EoR+ooh~: 2 ~th, full wa a bad ...... + .... ~, ...... !e~ .... 'P ~Y .... U P ~date : p prt0rty:Thedeputy o~ s~ by judges, ~d, Mldadeputyshe~ pick~ ~saldthe~: • bawment ¢(mdo Qu at end ~ _~S!o. day for a dep?ty more. ~v : ~ : WlUI I~ workload, ~[f a Court shedff~ execum al~ut,!5o : mostly ~I~ 0~elerSBi~t say !s+ act~ig!+ o0: the co0rt'l ~heri(f s InS r~s~ . •unlt, newly decorated, new .oem~ on the: ex~utl~n~; v L~$,roenensk| a s,~ed : the Order is not executed within : .~ordera an~h ~nonlb and : a:Pe~+~r cem~y mint• afithoHty •;hut stlll •has pr0perty that I.~ !!!~+

cross11) scKoms, downtown; + ~on ::~rocnens,q; m- +a;pnnclp~10r anemployee t~ + d ..... eh~ .... ~0id S " '+: r / i r...... ):~;...... • ...... " ...... :' ".'.':. " -" ...... • "".'.:',...... ' ...... '*'.W~..~ i ,' (~DII~y fS 1 :]). I~ ;.'.:.L ...... 1.,,'~,..'~...:.~y.adeb~, ~' ,..'::: ...... Picks .... da+d • awa~dal Jeourtecol~oeo :....

wll! a¢¢elPt qu. lly:+moton: /charge::ofexeeu(~g ¢~ur~ ef:the=m "•'/:' ' '~0' yre~,t0~is~h~e-hi ~ Tl~e :de i~ ; ~ ~e:~ • ~; ~.i.I: Fqeri ~' ~sa! a'L ~y .... . * ...... :.'L .... " ",' ...... " ..... I ' I ...... % ...... ' ...... k " " ' ', ..... " ...... ~ ' ' +" t ...... P + : b a" I'; nome as..aown' • raero .... P' ...... ~ " " " ~ .... '" , ...... "...... , ' , ...... tY • ''~ .'riffs ...... '' , '.': '::, ke.'"'. ng ' ...... who•' ' ,: ~erJ.. ff ~1 and t,.. ~ ~to .... U~e pro pejr tY...... has .bee ...... payment, o ....+Xlaitg~toff!cetowers ...... ~. He was...... never part~ of the ! i~t'andtl~ or derbe0om= ~ x ecute awlde.... vari of ...... su ervlae# the exeoution ...... 111 .... " I ' ' ' I ..... [ auc...... Avaliabl~ Immedlately; mdapartment~ b ks m Coma ::'She ,, ...... :...... : et~ .... p ...... ~u~e:and~any:~ tlonedoff: .... :

Assumable 16 per cent Vanc0uve~inhiksear h)r w,~ n,;Iv ;m[~e•~, • •,~m,,;. •+ I ' " +" ' .... t ::++ .... ' I .... ~ r I ...... " • • ...... • ne~mas..Hesaldtheoepoty~:.' , ut seizure a hat

mort0amto.~14atS42~j)er ..... J ~ . " ' " I ' L ...... " ; .... ) > : :+ .... ! : ; .... i~ i : ~ sheriff mlmt know re~sr[ Thedeput~,~herlffS m ...... '/ !S defends,to ~ho 0wed+here~Hesafr!endeffl~e,. ~ v ' : :: ~ ...... ; w ...... en~ Phone 6357681; S.ms tnL~liin0 mnr,+ '6~" '.,,;,:.~,~;,= : ' :~m~ S : :: I . " i ~ . : beforehand that the 0uldl)re(ertog~¢a~hora • • :+ (p lll -:" : -:: :-- ...... :::• :• ,:: [:; llllmnlJ::l n t 111,11 +..: • 00 y to the eh un: :r: II i : . • : : He returned to ~e ]~lW: wnen;~e deputy ~e~f ~w v,~r s s~a~ I s~,~V ~I I~,~%FIkA !:|/&~k~l ~i~~ . ~ person Dal~ed ~the ¢onrt K rochenski ::estlm~d ~ Courts at Robson Squareat:::~ce~e Lw_nem +er. any°nero me CAP~ i ~ANAVEBAL, The flight plan call~l :for WednesdaY;, : ,;0 NASA order. He sald the person that .eour_.t a=uo.s+/mll~,t ~iii the end of his ~hi~t with no " ' ,,,.,ewwucra mem~ F!. (Ai') . ~lumbia~ ~estflrlngs some of the rotated i~esbip:alinlght to deem t!~eeassadly need to getomy ~. to 40 c~m on t#e ~~+~~~,::: ~-ro,~rt- ,.-., che.~uee~ .... ^.~.~,~i...... wasnow,..~i[,~ ,,;....= me recoPUOmSt.~--~ :;~ ..... astronauts :..... :.had ....a eloae; ...... eraft's let~ to seehow ....well ~.,,,!ve i_ sides ~,,,,.~...... _._...... ,._~have clear. title to the oouarvmun...... of magnum .... This i~ pathetic/' he reo'_~,_~" '.'~'_ mm,y:.=mu e~coun~, toaay,, pnskmg they operate after'expoanre :to the sun. That did the ,,,,pert;.. : seized...... ~eaid ' p©ateu ~ne questlon; just 12.4 kilometre~ below to the cold shpd0ws of "trick. . . '. . ~ .... :.: .. apparently to the manager, the orbiting remains of a rspace, more navigation of$,01 Hudson ACRES. Bay Beautiful Mountain. view 5 The defendants ranged But the person at the other junked Soviet rocket checks and some tests of the from the head of a realty end of the ]lne didn't seem to min. walk to Lake Kathiyn. beoatsr. • Canadian-made mechanical -The shiI~ cannot land with Asking $37,$00. 638-1978. corporation to a man who know where the defendant gave the address of a city was, either. .,If there had been any arm designed for future its doors ajar, and if (p10-1411) hostel as his own. Fifteen of threat of coilfsion, Columbia deployment and retrieval Of necessary,' the astronauts NOW RENTING/ were prepared: to walk the 16 defendants were not In the morning, .... would have taken evasive satellites. LOT FOR SALE In town. at the business or home action. It wasn't necensary. The astronauts .also outside the ship to dose the City sewer 'and water. Krochenski divided • the SUMMIT APARTMENTS addresses on the court Mieston Control alerted looked forward to having door latches manually, 63x132f Phone 53,$-6704. + court orders assigned to.-. TERRACE orders. The 0nly defendant astronauts Ken Mattingly some time today for what (p2-211) him into small bundles for KrochensKi managed to and Henry Hartsfield to look flight director ChuekLewis such areas.ns downtown and A few minor problems One & TWO bedrooms featuring: "WHY BUY A SKI CABIN IN. contact was the owner of a East Vancouver. for the booster as they called "a shopping list of cropped up aboard JULYf Now Is the time to retail store, a man who • There are only three passed 300 kilometres above non;priority items." Columbia. A test to measure eFrldge, stove& drapes fix up and paint, A.Frame claimed a great injustice people assigned to .the the eastern coast of "There's some photo the pressure wave of the ski cabin on the Hud~ian Bay had been done but promised Australia, They. ~vere out of work, some in-cabin •work, oWall to wall carpeting execution squad in Van- plume created by firing of eRAQUETBALL COURTS Mountain, Smithera.' THE to have a cheque reedy in contact at the time of en- and some demonstrations," couver ,and their territory any of the shuttle's 44 - eGymneslum fanllltles. PRICE IS RIGHT! Phone: five days. includes Lions Bay,. the counter and when they next Lewis Said.• • steering jets was believed to • George Wall 847.2833or 847, talked with the ground they cOn.site management But Krochenski heard North Shore, Vancouver Among the chores Mat- have failed, Lewis said not 4485 gave no indication they had plenty of explanations along and suburban Richmond. tingly hoped to get to were getting _the data won't (acc.30Ju) spotted anything, the way, Despite this small staff, Putting on a pressurized prevent NASA from placing Controllers said it Would spacesuit that the For your personal viewing visit : LOT NO.20 In Thornhelghts "Mr. ?" a receptionist Krechensi~ said the squad satellites.in apace but would have appeared out their astronauts would wear if become important when the our apartments daily at: . subdlvlslon Prlced at only front window, passed over ,. !$16,400. Phone Daveat 635- they needed to walk on the shuttle moves close to a the shuttle and disappeared 3276. outside of the shuttle, and satellite already in orbit. 2607 PEAR ST. behind its tail. further testing some• suc- (p20 26li) or call With Columbia travelling tion-cup shoes designed to more than 27,oookilometres make' it easier getting An0ther'test that samples_ an hour, the.rendezvous was "around inside the .vehicle. the quantity and .type of gas 635-5968 short and chance of sighting One job the astronauts released from the slim. spacecraft during its MAJ ESTIC MANAGEMENT LTD, LAND TITLE ACT will definitely make time journey may have failed, If IN THE MATTER of Mattingly and Hartsfield for ia more exercising. At Certificate of Title No. were in good spirits as they_ midday Thursday, the crew and was to be redone ieday. " . I ! .1974 HONDA 70 CC S425 buy until you compare this one. 14x68, 2 bedroom all B~198 to Lot 7, Block 8, awoke today on the shuttle's .beamed dow, television OBO after 5 p.m. call" 635- fourth and last test mission 2980. appliances. In tip top shape, District Lot, 61L Range 5, pictures Showing Hartsfield Coast District, Plan 3154. -- which is to end Sund;~y atr (p5-711) Mated with natural gas. running har¢!.~n a treadmill. (P.S. a saving of 500.00 per WHEREAS, proof of loss Edwards Air Force Base, The major event Thur- year). Drive by No.16, of Certificate of Title No. Calif., "with a personal sday was the suecessfuJ CRRRIER Terrace Trailer Court and B5398 to the' above welcome from President closing of Columbia's described land, issued In the see for yourself. F~" fu~ller Reagan. " payload bay doors. A name of JOSEPH SMOLEY Informstion and : ap. After breakfast, Mat- warpingof thevehide from has been filed in this office, CONTEST polntment to view phone tingly and Hartsfield temperature extremes had 635-7559. notice Is hereby given that I plunged into another day of prevented the 'doors from (p3-211) shall, at the explretlen of Accumulate the most points testing Columbia's systems, shutting properly on ;1980 CORVETTE-- Brown, two weeks from the date of and winlll Immaculate, 13,000 roll.as. the first publication hereof, .Serious inquiries only. 635- FOR SALE: Excellent issue a Provisional Car. 7957 home; 635-4925 work. condition, 1978 14x70 ft. tlflcste of Title In lieu of the (pl0-gll) three bedroom Slerra seld Cerflflcete, unless In mobile home. Includes 8x20 CosmonautsretUrn Grand IO _ the meantime valid ob- F,~R SALE--..by, sealed bid ft. IosY shack, Insulated and iectlan be made to me in Moscow,(AP,) --,.French cosmonaut Jean-Leup Chretien until July 7, 1982..One 1972 carpeted. Bx9 ft.- U~ltlty writing...... returned to Earth after eight days in space today, landing in Volkswagen Beetle, One shed. Stove-dishwasher DATED at the Land Title Soviet Kazakhstan with two Soviet crew mates, Moscow (Mosl points for 1111411:" combination. Located at 81 3rnonths) 111111- 1978 Ram Charger, One 1976 Office, prince Rupert, B.C., television reported, Peerless Page log trailer. Pine Park. Asking price This 17th day of June 1982. S29,500firm. Must be seen to Chretien, the first Western European in space, landed in Royal Bank, P.O. Box 100, W.G. Gandy, the Soyuz space capsulewith Soviet' space+, veterans Terrace. Affentlen: Lyla be appreciated. To view call REGISTRAR Vladimir Dzhanibekov, the mission commander; and Mahon. 635-9067 after 4:30 p.m. DATE OF FIRST Alexander Ivanchenko. Monthly (accS.311) (pd-301u) PUBLICATION JUNE 25, 1982. Five minutes after the landing, the Soviet news agency Prize • . .- , SPORTY PLYMOUTH " 1974 MOBILE • HOME (acc2-25,2Jl) •Tass said the three Cosmonauts are "feeling well; they send Plus Points , _ + Horizon. TC3, 1979, 2 door Perfect starter home• Only greetings to their families and friends." hatchback, red with raring 5 per cent down of total The telecast said the landing occurred at 6:21 p.m. '--New Customers . strlp~...end fin. Only one price. Newly decorated,_ BC TIMBER LTD. Moscow time (10:21 a,m. EDT), about two minutes behind --Incresseof Tuesday Paper~ : ' ' : i +il / ~ . • MOST POINTS owner.:. $4,500. OBO. Phone carpeted. Washer and .Take notice that a schedule: Television did not show the actual landing. --Prompt Payment of Bills ' +- ...... EACH MONTH dryer• Fully furnlshedl Also 635-9676. Management and Working Chretian and his crew mates blasted into-Earth orbit on --No Customer Complalnts-+~:- + / ':~g~ ..... (P2.29,2July) workshop, . landscaped; Plan under T,F.L. No.1 Is June 24, docking with the orbiting Salyut-7 space station. fenced on 75xlO0 private lot. being prepared for sub- The next day, they entered the station where they spent a --House Count "- ' :M0nthly • Cement foundation. Priced : ~.'::1~.9.6S. ' P O I~ T I A C mission to the Chief week pertorming a series of medical, biol0gical'and ' := : ~M:ISENN E Station to sell. Must be seen .to'be Forester of the Province of minus Points ...... /:+Ruhner Ul: astrophysical experiments designed by French scientists. ' ...... Wagon Good shape Phone appreciated. Phone 635- Brltlh Columbia. This plan Two other Soviet cusmonauts, Anatoly Berezovoy and after 6 Sl,400 OBO &%~-4848. 2000.. --, . • Is being prepared for a --Customer Complaints • .. . • Prizes Valentin Lebedev, who have been aboard the space station~ (nc-911) (P5-511) replacement Ilcence. The --Stops for Poor Service. Management and Working since May 14, will remain there for an undisclosed period0f --No Customer Uats Rled 3 RUNNERS-UP FOR SALE-- 1972Atco - 3 Plan will take effect on time. in Office Additional GIftl EACH MONTH The flight was purt of the Soviet Intercosmos series, in. bedroom mobile home. January I, 1984and be for a DO0 a Suds ~:,~*~':.:~8~'I ~:,!~ ~~;:~~.~i:~::'!" ",.~ "~i~';'~': ~...~ :'~:'.~ ~+:~ ~:~,.~+,~.-..~: %~':~~"~: ~ " Main appliances and deep perlod of five years which, cosmonauts from other countries have. gone into freeze. S20,000 FIRM Phone Written aubmlsslon or space with Soviet crews. All of the previous missions have Gift Certificatp ,638-8330. requests for Informatlon involved pilots from Communist countries allied With the (p581l) should be dlreded to Mr Soviet Union.. 1981 FORD 12 Passenger D G MacKlnnon on or The mission .received extensive .coverage by theSoviet Winners Each Month Window Van for sale. Ex. before August 1, 1982. - nmvs media. For only the Second time, Soviet television " - ..- ..... -- ~.. cellent shape. Full set D.G. MacKInnon, R.P.F. showed the blastoff live. The first time was in 1975, during .,. : Forester I.c Ad. June-July Rugust winter and summer radials the joint U.S.-Sovlet Apeilo-soyuz mission. - . :.... . : - ---: - .. = ,, . on rims. Phone 635.4880 or mlnlstrotlon 63[5-3476 after 6:30 pm BC Timber Ltd. (sff.nc) Box 1000, Terrace, B.C VBG 4C4 635.2222 (acc2-25,2il) ...... L " "' 1979•TOYOTA SRS Pickup, 1977 26 It. KIT COM- 70,000 km. Good condition. PANrON, Fully S.C. Ex- ~+ . L • . + --...'- + - + $43,000. Phone 635;5743after cellent condition. Phone 635- , .... .'J~S, ...... + . ,:1

.. : (ncSil) " (P$-7il)

1980 ~A TON GMC New. '81 ROADWAY CAM. condition. Asking $8500. PERETTE, stove, sink, Ice Open to offers. Phone 635- box and water tank. Sleeps 4 1 2HO. - three.. $3,000 FIRM Phone =+ j" - Now you're talkin taste. ,: (pS.301) 635.3310. INVITATION • -" : (p4.2ll) / wr/VAN, 6 cyllndeP; Ford TOTENDER Econollne 100. Good con. Sealed tenders marked 82. di.tlon. Price $2200. Phone 1972 CORSAIR. 20 ft. travel 02, renovations, to change 635-4448. traller,:Self contained. Has rooms, dorm shower rooms - jps-2oi) .separate bedroom. Sleeps and automotive, computer, six.' Excellent condition, carpentry and' olsch'onlcs I .~ I " .I~1500. Phone 638-83~. classrooms will be reealved . . (p5-311) up to 2 p.m. local time, IS of July, 1982, ..and those : " " 1 available at that time will • 21 :ft. TRAILER• Just like be upped in public at the new. Full langth:awnlng, Board room ot-+ - :: :• • i : =: !/ ~~I•• :•~ ~ • ••• • FOR SALE-- 2 bedroom storm windows, eye. level': Northwest Community 5bteway Manor. Set up In oven..BIg 3 wayfHdge, full College/ local Waller court. $10,000 bath room; .tape deck, 2 5331 McConnell Avenue + Phone 638.1392 evenings . tables, sleeps 6. Lots of Terrace, B.C, VgG. 4C2. (nc~ll) cupboards• Haste be seen. to Tendering documents be appreciated. Phone 625- may be obtained at the 2 BEDROOM 1967 10x50 5138. maintenance building of ~e • • ,• •• L • , trailer In Woodland Heights .. (pS-2il) aboveaddreus after 8 a.m. trailer court. $7500 Phone an the 8th Julw 1902. - MALT LIQUOR., S ~ 63S-9530. - Tenders must be filled on • / .... (snc-tfn) ~tt. TRAYELEZEEtrevel .the forms provided In LIQUEUR DE MALT • , ~ ...... 1.fN12 ' xm...... pansy turn,shecl " .trailer .__" Air. conditioning,...... sealed, " clearly marked Windsor M0bi le honie-wlth-= lrrloge~-, stove~-torceo---talr--eflVelOp~l+- ...... •......

12'x30' finished addition, furnace, separate bedroom The lowest or any tender I '~SklngS20,000or~stoffer. endbath. AsklngS7500flrm.- will not necessarily be I~one 63S-90S4. 636.1976. . scceptecl. ~ .... [nc-sff) (lY~J4II)_ 1~cl.211} L +

k ,/



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- 7 " -

Happy Birthday Canada may be over for another year, festivities. Two popular destinations for the weekend's but Terrace-Kitimat area residents will be taking ad. •actlvltles Include the Wllllarns Lake Rodeo and the July . vantage of the long holiday weekend,Jo continue the 4 celebrations in Hyder Alaska.

.+ .,_ • ...... ::: :;:<-:<:"i-:-::~-".:i ...... -: " ...... " ...... : ...... • ...... --:I::-L ;"-'.;::7, .:: ;" : ' " ..... " .... : " ...... • , . , . . • "-,..: :...,-:. ., ~ ,. . - _ "---.' : , ..... • :. :, 7,.~7~,/~- i>:


)E~,~'---- • . -~.~-.~, :. ~ !',--: -:,<17, ~ . " ':~+ ":"":"=:~;:"~~<~'~<;;"<+:: ~:I 7;: ~<1'< YVLi .... Stin gs, :,TAround~¢ Own--Ter:ace and

~: ..... I'TV movies; Real ;Estate ':"~i~77~7{<~~;<:, Lis Entertainment Idea;s,

• ." ~.~ ., ",'~ :.:;-.~-~l--'~-,';'+z'>~~ ~'~T

Friia~i!~,iulv;,12i t982 :i ~ ; SupplementltotheTerrace-K.itimat Daily Herald . : .~'ll- ,.#" "." ," , ~" " i ' ".'~ ,,. :, ::," : " ~ :.. ,. - ~ ; . " " " " . ,'' -- Z. " ..,., ".i , : " ..:. . . . q",'l P~e Rround Terrace

' ' "= ~ a~;..... ~ ~ " '' ~ 1 Skeeuatothevlce-P.ll~IsAdp Oljr.Secondary

;t. ~;:---- at S~uem. Pmdou~y ~e

" " " " ~ " " ' ~ ; " " " ":' : :" " ' ": ' : ' " 1 position of director of • Women's Athletles at UBC.

~ ~MBER LODGE "Serving Fine Foods 7 days-a wlak" resultHer .ppoll~Uaent of Ken Robinson is the i ~ Breakfast, lunch and dinner aceeptinlanadmininfxat/ve • 6~1-6302 " . Sandra Froese Jody Bellamy ~,mm In m,~e. " I i , ,,,, Orpl~ M the thlrd ' " 2 3 " 4 . " . Carenport Hlgh School Many CHS graduates annuaIRegattaIsKenn°denow underCan°eway. [ : ~¢.~= ' 5 9 12 13 principal Julian, emUnue their education at -' . " " Only three people are in. Orwmaloeld has m~meed univemtty,collel~ or ~ volved in the orpnisation ,._. ea'rm,o.av " that ,~.a ~ ~ ,~oo~. ==. ==.e to the and operation of the ~lnl unl/nb " -: Jod~ Bellamy d Tem~ BAbleCollqleat CamperS. : . - rq~atta, "th~ m looking ' o~l~ . , m two of 14o Grade 12 CHS. oltm's a eoume.,-ol fm',u many eat'am m wlmUW~o, nic. t.odIes i Ix~Ible, eapeehdly from womnn's Fo,z Finam T.mn iliad clusis an all-thee Salkatchewan depertinent out-of-towneanoeiste. They ~. vmis ,.averne wimu~. ~" Go,,~m .high for the schoul, up.tree o~ educatioa. In addIUou to - ' 1912 . Prs'm end " Lodies RaVager " Perlex-Mol Un Be • last year's rec0rd.brcaldng..._ the regular high ~hool are hop/Nl to draw not only

:15 Wlmblodon the Lord ' Shirley Final " Zorm SaM b'tle Mira. Ll~v~dluil canO~, hat 8111o :30 Women's " Praise Hesth¢liff. wlmu~mnn sum ermhend ram,,- flg~e. " tie'sees, each student teams of canoes Involving

:~ Finals- " ~ ~.m q A~rmach~k, tidies Bunny s,moh,~ csv,~ The Caronport High studies the Bible in detail three me, three women

...... air2 - Wo¢Id. Goidie Final Magic e Oet~ " t.. Cord, School (ale students), and receives a definite and three canoes to compete •1fists Wimbl~do~ Tomorrmv Gold- Wlmblodnn Oil Painting Tog Raids • located at Caronport, Idblioal emphasis in all i~ Women'S Caries " ACt.. "" " Ladies MoneY JnglrMsnd Oo~our for-the Challenge Trophy;-: JLtI~ Finals SeNate Jack t Finel Game S~movloor Daliffie ~lskst~ewan in a pdvato classes. ~ tro~ goes to the team .... Chrbtian ~hool operated Meanwhile, closer to d canes that have the 191',1 • Imsgln, ABC Wneker Zig . i L.aw~ G~,dnn I.es "

JL&:~ Women's " Barriers Amerlclln Fern. • S@y it ~ du College, an eranS~ and tl~steesofSchoulDistriet88 in the recreational class - Rnqs Ssrrlert Sendmnd• brown , Wi~ Sign.. ~ SamKll inUi~'denolklinaflQ118] school In Terrace ill pleased to ~alor Sports American barles C~elDI, Home CIsI~Ique. _ Of/ the Bible with 660 announce : that .Nancy opm class does not count. 'mrj;i) -. :.-,~,-.~----w.~-~---0,~,,.~---or,...... bsrmHter ..... Feminine ...... Ideally, these tennis would :30 Sat.bell si~ Up Kreskln .~?Ig." oceenum eeter students, Neb~ has been appofnted he .spem~ by various A¢ :45 ~talor weekend Front Oreskln " Ocesnus " Jackass - ' buaineuea, kroups, or "1 ~ L.sgu. Sports Family Outdoors Marl. Pmllct cisulque ------'' Baseball weskend Special ...... UnllmlhKI The UnlwrM Feminine dubs. T0.Promote this the Malor Sports ' Family You Can Love Prolest • Peter , regatta committee is .. " LlsOue weekend Special Do It Girl . . Unlveres ,~ Jecklen q~nmrln¢ its own team, which challenges all ~/talor ' __. .. w.,. . .,o,.. ...,.. " ANNOUNCEMENT ' Laegue ~ Summer " of Inn~ent TBA .. Bagatelle comers; Their aim is to • Saseball wseknnd do9 Sports " Movie_ TeA ' Dogatell~. ~ keep the +Omllmge Trophy • ~,,-b,. ' ~m.,, ', in Terrace and challmge ~." ~ .,,blerW'i'ng' ~.AT"". ....i,'mel' +say team to take It fan -,-mmer .,.-- , The TERRACE HOTEL, • Journal . MallOrBaSil Wrestling &mar.Playl'loumo ' TBA " 61111)111. ' ) T,.,sw..,, ~,, ~.t, w,. ,.,.,r,... ,ntr=,u*i,. =.~,, In eeMbliI World Pleyhooes • Io Computere bsaeNtm ', ' i i Remo ,Bar Ranch. ap-

ThroffllFoil , Ma,o,.~ Norlhwest. ,merle,Pleyh~Jes ,.=,,Foufouil IIsNball,-.,,. =) wishesto announee Proxinmtely four mllmwest of TmTsce - at the mouth of Kilnger be.,e.,I Wl~, w,*. " w~,~ ~, b,..~i . | • the Zyn~otitz (Zymsourd) :15 Complm~i. ,_.,,,. w.,, w., c, ,~.....,, the SUNDAY BUFFETS :30 KiNG 5 bsN'b411 of . of 191= The Festival ~ "- ' " " Rivet'.: It flnislbm at the :45 News ~a, sw. ~ cop,m he'~"er" ~''" " i eJUIC,~ e r e Exchamsiks River Boat will be 11 d fo th Launch. appmdmat~v 34 I~ '.15 News'. TbA of sporls Hour A " ', Tetaffoo mum west M Terrace - on n :30 King S TbA Komo . RIIKly .TelovlIIOfl" River o.=~'~ V :45 Magazine TBA News 4 S~t Grow Hlslory Time A~mlqm I duration of the the •west side of the

~'~IP_" 7- ~ Enterlsln. TeA . The• : T,;xl _ Nnvs ..... CamKllln EschamUm River. The Thls Week - TBA Lawreflce~ Taxi,: ..... NOVI~ ...... ~_ Oo.;~rflment 2"IFar ...... -~.~* i ...... S_umer boHd~qys. -~ Ten~Re,_Ce~tenninl LLlous .+. Entertain, .' TBA Welk Circus. Nova 'AUgUItl ...... : I.e. ' " . . i will beputt~_ oua l~- This Week TBA Sl~;ow - , - Circus 1 Nova " I 1 : " ' ~UMI ' " SlmMne, ," " ...... ". • ~" ~..~ . . beque for all: racers and Here's CSC .... Todsy;s . Aced .... . SU~IvII':~- XlldorY . Perle. • :'15 Boomer Summer" FSl Perf. . SI~Klel • Ar¢'nlt. spectators at the finish sate, • ~45'30 HarPer , Movie , Today's' " Bugs Survfv|l , CaNIcl~ .o,..D°Hler ; Look for the Re~ua boats are •Damsln Valley ' Alligator FBI - ' . bunny . "" Special at War provided mainly..by the D'Hler • Terrace Search and Rescue PalKe CBC BOat RonNir T~rl Nova • Oimsln BRUNCH & D~R Neohville -~_ Summer - love MOVIe To the NOVS- p'Xler group, with able amdstence Peler.e Movies • Duet Rk)vls N~nor Born Hovs . .~.i~: " .BUFFETS to resume from a few others as well. : ~lh:iS NOC Dallas FantMy .\ Trawxrr Aulfln Dotantc ," D'Hler They are on hand to help /~geslne Dallas IIIsnd . " John, MD - City.Llmlls ~n "any 'canoeists who eh.~dd " &V:~" :30 ~lm Dallas Fentssy. " Trappm" Auslln . Making Dallas Illnn(I John, MD ! City kl~lhl ~ ." •"°o.,_, foUow the LaboUr . halq~ea to dump er who fed t~yam unable to complete

• :IS $ New1 ' National NIwI . Pi~mplll . "" r c,.m.Intox ~ Day weekend, ) the m~ 'Oq~nisers hope :30 KING"° Night : " .r 'HI-,,U"~ m el"~" " Clnemq ' • ~. . II :,IS S News " Final ,. ,: Movienl~lt Final LIW " Off te Imve eae Rseue I~. t Per fl~ee o¢ four eancos. To .%" - a . NeWS .. Angels ::'~':• 111y." Lira NIOM'. "• Have Sa~e and KING 5 Charlk~ . ~ Father. :. Show Movie • " .. c~m, •- NB AnOIIs. 'J, FO~II~It ' , M " ' • _' . , .... " See.. ' • An Sign i ,Movie - Terror, • 'n • • . =...~[ happy• summer! • :iS Evnnlng Off-,. , . ~ In the TIIIle , 'Terrace' " 1 ~. WaX " , ' " WCT " " ¢Ine- / • '~0 " It the Slgr~'~ ; nn~v~ : Museum Tennl| ' . .u, . 4S51 Greig " ." ' " 6,15,2231 :45 ' iml~ov Off Nult __£_ ...... _~ ...... I ]1" i i i i :i..~.::page3 :* e 3 .i ., L,,.~ I..... I " , I' I, , _ , :II III I , , ''++, J:...... r1...... r ,\ Around Terr ce ond Kitim0t II II I I I I I_

from;page 2 River Marathon is for Fox Run will be held. All reunion to be held in Van- A, Vancouver, B.C. V6A will be by donnflon only. men's, wmnen's and mixed O=e t~,, it Is ver~ Jm. ~ 1 ~ nd eommu~ties, couver. A gala and busy IRS, or caU Mrs. Phylis There is a suggested entry events using recreational portoi~ to them. to have throushout B,C. are. invited weekend is planned by the Hepplewhite at (604) 321- ~ fee.of ~5 but no one wlll be canoes only. mntries must received as many entries as to,orlganlze their own run. Vancouver WRENS for. aU turned away. All par- be received, by July 31 at a pmible by the july ax Entry into this year's run throe who served in the ticipants will receive a coktnf $10. All'other entries I deadline. It is jumt too hard will be by donation only. Canadian Navy during 8unclay, BepL 19 certificate and+ an irun.on are $15; Contact Kathy to tind ~tra remeue boats on There'is a+suggasted entry World War II and the The secomLa~,ml Terry deval '(limited e~tio~) at Craek at Box 1, Sl~mrland race day. + fee of .~ but no me will I~. Korea n Conflict+ Fox Run will be held.i ,All the end of the race. All + Road, Ten'ace, B.C.; ~VSG - qlm aim in holdinll the turned away. +All perz Registration d~adllne is schonls~ and commtmitias donations will be directed 4W or.i~une m+4757. See : reptta Is to promote ticipants will receive a June.30 so plon.se hurry by thro~out B.C. are invited toward new and innovative dotaik ekewhere in Around eeri~lesto and an iron-0n+, writing to WRENs Reunion to organize their own run. research vis the Terry Fox • Terrace... " . . " Northwest and to mske the decal (limited edition) at I0e3,P.O. Box 14130, Stel/on Enlz'y into this year's+run Marathon of Hope Fund. KermodeCameRe~ the Tburid=y..Ao~=t Z=-= llm.,md -of the race, -All : I~igmt, eanod~ event o~ Lut call for rq~aflen donatioas will be direetod - . theyonr, for tlds area. All is issued by the Vancouver ~m mv lregatm Women's Royal Canadian Marathonrasenrcht°ward+and+inn°vativeviaotHope.the Terry~Fox.. ~' k~i 6o lack Into the next 3mm~s Naval~ S+tvice Association rERRACE+REAL rqptto to Ll~Ip.make it for the ?40th +anmiverury i Idl~er and betl~, says • ramies to be hdd inl~Van- LTD. + Kathy Cr=k. .weekend il planned by the and 4635 Lazelle Ave. 636-037.1 VnncouV~- WRENS'fer all those who served in the .Terrace artIst Canadian ' Navy durin~ Kitimot Noti0nwide Relocation Se ice World War+ II and the Bolten will-be joining 'Don't forget that the hundreds of othor native • Korean Conflict. Summer tennk playoffs and erl~is in IWa~+~+~ +this Registration deadline is So~er playoffs are this weekend to 'take part in a June 30 so please hurry by weekend (July 3=1)/ Safe direct art ~ale ~ponsered by w~tL,~ to WRENs Reunion bnaU~ week in Canada Is the Indian Arts and Crafis !9~, PIO. Box 1420, Station from July 1-7. A, Vancouver, B.C, .V6A IT'S A BUYER'S So, sty of B.C. The two.day --S-TAMP OUR RENT FRESH PAINTI 'lhtWedsy,Angast 111-32 • MARKET + show scheduled for the IR3, or call Mrs..Pl~lls So if you're going to With this3 bedroom, full Newly painted and. Plaza Ballroom of the Hyult Hepplewhite- at (604) 321-. Last call for registration make a move, move fast basement home with spruced.up two Re~oncy hotelis expected to .~16.. is issued by the Vancouver on this 3 bedroom older detached garage, large bedroom house on a draw hundreds of b~ecs Women's Royal Canadian home. It Is located lot and low taxes in 60'x100' fenced lot lust interested, in purchasing , 8nn~y, Sept. ~t9. Naval- Service. AssocIsti~ across from Skeena • Thornhlll; Start In. right for the small' directly It(us the arlisL The second annual Terry . for "the 40th anniversary Junior High School. Call vesting in your future family. Also Included for more details and Instead of your landlord. are an older single car • garage and storage Thursday, July IS viewing on this $52,000 Asking $,~,~)0 MLS. home. shed. This home. IS It's back by popular I Io~Md,only' one block domandl '/'he pre4ehool from Lakelso Avenue QUALITY SPEAKS • OEsIGNEDTO FiT story llme at the Terrace and reduced +to $38,000 Public Library features FOR ITSELF • Comeand take a Iopk at + : this. sharp h)wnhouse MLS. . ' +-"~ stories, pmes+ puppst Well constructed .and attractively decorated condo that" Is within shows and finger pla~; is the mood for thl.~ 1"- walking distance' of Every ~ at = p.m. year old,+ foil basement shopping and all DON'T MISS OUT imtil'Aul~. 19 for ~Kildron home on Agar Avenue, schools. 3 bedrooms, • On a .+ spacious 3 ugm=3 to S, Please Please call for more living-dining area and - bedroom home,.1,200 SCl.+/q prere~ter at the library - details .on the 161,000 +storage space. .. ft. Family room and~l call e38.817;. mumable mortgage AssUmable S30,000 worksl~p.ln besement~ 'I and an appeiptment to .mortgage until Jan. Extra .large lot of q view today. ~Asklng I +1987. Priced at 105"x135 '+ located on ~a.i ~. i63,000 MLS. S~,500.00. motet stre~ on the ~nch ~' FrMay, July m with some view of the q m ~L~ 1 funt"UC'-" I vailey. 'Asking price:, : ? Fridays at the Terrace BEAUTY, WARMTH Public Library With 'RESTAURANT • and VALUE :HOMESTEAD something new each week . On this .spacious 4 40 acres of land with a "bedroom (3 Up, 1 clBwn) ineleding stories and puppet flveLyear.old, 2 • HORSESHOE AREA ~ -~,: ..... + 21/= bath,, fireplace and /bedroom, storey and a Three bedr.oom. shows, CrlL-'~; skill, games, -FULL FAClLITIES~ ...... r natural gas heated half log .cabin. ,It Is `+ bungalow with ~ountry-' movim and plc~td~a,~-For:~ •-home. • Assume - the located on the. north side + style / kitchen;:: garage , ...... ' ugas,6 anti, up lran 10:30+. ' exlstlng mortgagd Of • of .the skeena+ River 'and a ~very back Yard. • :: + - " a.m; to .12 noen. . It'sfree *++ ---ONlinE & +++ about S.~,()00'at 13 per nsar~Klhmlas. This Is L~,ated In _Horseshoe *l und there IS no rel0stratim... cent until Sept. 19113on your opporlunlty to get ~ ++arm close to schooli. ++~ Come to one or ~me to all OAMADIAII FOOl)-- this . 189,500 property, away from It sill Priced + This'home can be yours _~qf Call today to vlawl at $40,000. • for only $66,000. +..I sLt. ~ mo~'e i~'ormatlon -AIR O011DITIONEB- .... -DININGLOIJN6E-- WE HAVE RENTALS AVAILABLE AT THIS TIME FROM 3300 TO $700 PER MONTH. PLEASE INQUIRE. i Saturday, Aug. 7 ...... 'Jrne third annual Ker- -BUSlNESS~LUNOHES- ~ • mode Canoe Regatta ~dibe Man. to Fri. 11am-1~ +.2~ pro/+ i held finn Remo.Bar Beach ~+.. te Exebanudks River Boat I I "1 •launch. This S0 mileskee~a SUN.-TilURS.*.... ' 11 a.." '" 1:. "I ~' 2 1 ) . . l ", FR l.; &+++;S A T::,:'H~;:a;m/+-;+. ~.-,2: a,m.,'::'*~:?: + " " " I +, TOTIE ®Am Tmn~ !!,t+w ~Vo~l ~ Oedlimm az+m, ~.mdld 4114= liAR'• A'I!U E Pll01E+;~,+.~iil+l re.ms + + .*z~,- : ...... / ,m+m, m.m~ + !~ . • . . . .. A C~C~UP. + - , . . .+ ...... w+,.. + . Page4

," } Record Review


When Joe Jackson of tongue-in,cheekiness music contemporaries, table 30,000 copies in Chinatown and Target. "grooved" against a ,dram released his album Beat reflected bY Beat Crazy's Jackson followed up Beat 'Canada alone, Respectable, The latter is yet another maebiseon that s~y little Craw two years ago he campy~i'toon covei'? Crazy last year with but.not a landmark cam- example of the profound success story, Hooked On included the euH~ous Perhaps someof both, But Jumpin' Jlve; an album .of merclal Success by current effect John Lennon's Classics, last year. notation that it represented assuredly Jackson, who near-pure '40s swing that Standards. slaying had on the world in From the opening a "desperate attempt" to emerged on the recanting transcended levels of camp Withhis new release, genera] and fellow recor. overture, Slavish rendition make some sense of rock scene amid the late '70s new by its honest-to-gosh Nigh t and Day (A and 51 cling artists in particular: of I'm SoGlad l'm Standing music. "Deep in our hearts wave rush, has given same authenticity. Records), Jacimen offers a • "I'm no one spedal, But in Here Today, we suspect that we knew it was doomed to" serious analysis, to the So far removed was Jive .llmlted compromlse -- it's any part of town Someone the ordmatral contributions failure,"" he wrote. "The current pop-r0ck drift, from the contemporary new materlal, rooted in could smile .at me Then are a. lost cause. That question remains: Why-did Almost as if to sounds, including Jackson's moderate rock, definitely shake my hand then gun me Grammy-nominatsd song, we try?" disassociate himself from own three previous efforts, inspired by issues of the "down." day, but liberally laced with Night and Day.is strongly - performed so simply and. A loKy prognosis on the the stark and frequently that it's surprising it sold as • . beautlfully:by Joe Cocker state of new music? Or a bit slap-dash efforts of his well as it did --. ~respec- an undercurrant .at jazz,. recommended. There isn't a with The Crusaders on their blues and Latin forms. weak aim'eat in the nine- last album, becomes I The prosentation Js song ~chage. •...... overbearing at the hands of I basically simple; 'the net mending Jam, blue+~ an~ 4 -+. ~ M' q5L 1" " " 9 12 + 1:3 maestro Sidney Reginald 3 results are simply terrific. funk.comes naturally to the Garrls and crew, Not only is Night and Day instrumental group The Jackson's first work to be Cru~dem, who have honed , At other times throughout SUNDAY recorded in New York -- their craft through various the.allure the orchestra is which is reflected both in forms for'more than two simply redundant, all but Directions " winlbiedoA Sunday the mtudc's "feel" and the • decades. lost beneath the spunky Tonnll Directions TaNtls Morning Men's Pralca AG USA Mlfl'l Sunday nature of the lyrics -- it'a But on. their ambitious musicianship of' saxist 8i' w._ I AG USA Final Morning • iPlnela : I I I I also the first album to new project, the two-disc , keybonrdist Nlmbled~n World Billeting Wlmbledon Six-Gun Parlez-Mol I.ml feature him heavily TM on Royal Jam (MCARecerds), and driver :~ ronnl~ So,hiring Tennis Heroes Silos Av~mtorsl keyboards and soxaphane. they step all over them. . " • Vkm'l ~r KldsWOrld ~'l The Bells PreMiered " - LAD Joor '~45 i Flnels • iWorld ~: Kidsworld I Final " I of Rocarlta SkMdllng du .Seigneur His extended piano solo on selves by trying to take pop Sides three and four of I I I . a cut called Cancer, and six CUp Slllblll Wlmblldo~ Slim Outofl Flatirons fusion a step "further, into Royal Jam feature guest :15 Tonnis So~r Bunch Tennis Culllne T~9 ~o accompaniment on T.V. the realm of neoclassicism. artist B. B. King, whose World KidS Mtn'a This 01d Undsfldlnd [.'Art Age, give evl~enee of It's a live album recorded vocals .fare better thnn his 10:: --Flneis $occar are Final HOOM •. Se~vlo~r - Ille|dsurMIo~ I I I I I Jackson's strong sen- in Britain with members of "impeccable blues guitar w,mh,., o,.+,m. People Wlmbleds~ Ireland--- Ouhm Tog Unlvlrl slbillties toward both jazz the Ro~al Philharmonic work in a sound mix that :15 Tonnil GOMI Too Tennis A Wit Gehtl des MIm's Old Tirol This " MIn's Telavlilon Humlm SFOrI~ and blues. Orchestra, the group that leaves much to be desired. 11:Flnels, Gk~nel Wnek Flfltl Hlitory Behevlo~r Unlver~ •For the most part, the I I I I I 2 Wlmbledon Jimmy wire David W'lmbl~i~ HIINnI~. 011frdsneH°tnar del .album is heavy on rhythm, :IS Tennis Swagglrf Orlnkley Tennis HIsFanlcs Sporlli finely colored by the per- 30 Men's Jimmy" vlewl~nt Mm'k Tony O¢lNInUS Unlvm :45 _Finals '_ Swsgglrf m ~ , Final Brown 0ceanul spiral Cussives of Sue Had- I I ' I 1 I ~Nlmbledon Spiral The Big '-'=" Wlmbledo¢ Wa~lngton Prolecl ClaSSlque - jopoulos, Valley Tennis Week Universe. Feminine Away from his native The Big Mlfl'l Wall St. Introd. , PMer . .i+15 Finals weekend Valley Final Weak Biology JlCkSo~ Brltain,. Jackson seems I I I I I . I , Rt the Theatre almost intlmldated.by the sml,- sw~ Explorldlon Orla Gm! Intm,- Clsuique wenkl~l Norlhwlst R0berll Perf. Slology Feminine pace of. American blg-city :15:30 .~O~S ~ sports American Jimmy . Great 0~OlnO- PMIr . life, notably marked by his I SPortsman, I Swsggart I Parf¶ I I,raptty I JlclUl~l. Whatever else needs to be there is no dearth of fresh, songs Real Men (the macho said _about the state of young talent. S~Jn Ear~l Amorlnan Rex Great Age of TIIII.. syndrome among gays),. :~ ~s bound" Spor~man H~mbard Porf;: Uncertainty Hll0do-D. Canadian theatre today, ' Hymn Wide Plsyars i " NAACP ~ of Film When the Stratford 143 world, lain9 I WOrld I Intern. I 1912 Uftcartalnly Film ~ Festivalopened its 30th Outdoor Jimmy sOfport; Tlnnls " Convstlon 'Computers ~tores Tlnnls Summary Computers Jimmy World ' Q~mtl~n The . MIIdc ' planned and cast by its new i;15 iAfiald i Swlg01rt ..... iSporlS ~P#rlod,..... , REgulators ill.- iVoyag~ • artistic ~ director, John "' For the • IO,O00 K'O~O um,m~, IOn, . Swain univm • Hirsch, well over a third of News 4 Frofltl~r ~" ' GOVl. Wlngl Inconllua /. its acting talent was'new to KING 5 TBA + ABC'I WetM;ter World Anlmll Unlvers

~,15 iNaw~ ITBA , sHews . ' W~ . i CUp L~lv~r 1. In¢o~nui it. - . -. NBC Walt 'J~ql :15 Novtl Disney J~Ndlr,g Hour Soo=Ir Trmeel .~lmllne There are 143 actors and :30 HOW Wilt Town For the 5wvlvel Feces of verfe Renord P, rr rob ALL t oth~ company artists such O ~,IS Coma OIIm~ I J~lting I I r~l¢lll llhe Piano . i Vsrtl as directors and dcslgners Anlmalymplc~ Bnech Code DQkes of Survival Body In " C~ ': 15 Anlmalympica I comhers REd Hallard SIN¢III Qmllnon. I~ila • listed in this year's festival 'i~ ArilmslymPlcal Hanoln . Codi ~k~ of ~|k ~ ~ in SUNDRY, JUNE 27 souvenir book. Fifty-five of .Anlmalymplcl. In : . Rnd . - Hsl~JIrd Provlm : ~ ~ "1 " I r " ' I' . " I . ~:4hem ~ are ':making ~their_. : 5 p.m. - 10 p.m. ~Im ~l~ Nova i Msn's DlmlmChel ' festival debuts. Another 30 :15 CI~IIMI ~ ABCS~ndly Chll~ • NoVa RillglOol Lel :~ Chim Lovers . NIOm ~I~ NOVI PrlMmeker- Beltm Soup or Salad arnin their second year at • " t Cl+lps I Lovers " t Movla I C,hlpl I NOVa i~!111 , " iDImllnchel . the festival. SEAFOOD PLATTER i .11 ~ll~y National A • ~JlnCy MasterPle,~ Inllrn. LOt Drnem While Q~InCY Theatre Develqpmeot BelmX - with Tartar Sauce QolncY MiMerlPlece BOll DIr~llCh~ There are, of courso, a l ~L;$ Night Nltlonal forthe French Fries or. Baked Potato ted' the i Or~m . ]Killing o~l~y_ iy_he.~*, iWaY ' :. li.~ , Cream Chesos Cauliflewer 'nmnber of actors who had ABC The - • ~lmlorlca $!NN:i!I * B4mtrx/' long been with the company ~0 :IS MUM¢ • SuldaY BeSt America Ik~e(:lals Dlmanchu Battered Green Peas Night of America Spe¢lill " • TelglOUmll Dessert . " .but .who dropped out of ::~ ~,,. . ~i~ Merle W-S Arem'lca Sp4¢.lils Sport . " Tea or Coffee siaht; or were dropped, • • " .'; " ' I " .~. l . .when_the+ ~edtival went HeWS . - NsIIonal - Aa¢ Nows H~ . N,WS co~p. through, its harrowing I1++.,.o,' FiVe Stir +.Night FourmoM Hour " Ali III Sign - ~' ' months after the departure ' 1 '8.25 IS a Movie . . .I Final ' - iMovla. ~ •.iPlnll • fllelFimlly - Off' ~lnckl' I .... I . I , " /of former.artistic direc~r • • -81', Ryln's . Sign 1"1~' SO/May. " ~ + dl -*'. • "Jl;ts ooughor o~ ".- + " Night :,..' ' ~ +':'i Robin l~lml)s. - I~:1o FiveStar Slim , : ~P/.: ii:~. ~ • ' Off . , . iW~ .. • , .... .=..~'" Some ~left in bitterness, .. Nll~lt. :- ' ...... lmimlma sangman tan • :~'5. : . . , Hwy 16W Terrace 635.9151 .and it may be a:long time of ~July of MOVie .... - ' ' Flndos" .N~ ~' / - .wIImln9 . lml-lo~s before they return" ff they doreturn. : " :--= :],.j+".- .~ , . /'~ll ..+ .... Trovel Feotum

~L~] . • . : "

FROBISHER- BAY, hiking isn't for everyone. water lyingon the surface of three hours from Montreal .... overlmking the bay and to .1940s, is heightened by 'the contrast to the southern N.W.T. (CP) -- On the "Anyone who goes up the ice sheet. on Nordair's regularly the area'~ original lnalt Aretic~ barrens or wind, there must be really Mayor Martine Johnson scheduled Boeing 737s' -- eommanlty, Ape](; a duster suburban-style, federally- swept glaciers "you can't prepared, in a sense, for the says the turquoise fades can't be ignored. of rundown pre-fab shacks funded housing :~-"for pretend you're something . worst. You must take good with the break-up and the The 43 kilometres of five kilometres up the inlet, government employees; to you're not," says Maggie equipment .and know what next splash of color comes Cracked asphalt and gravel the squat, plastic-sheathed elementary school; ort0 the Jones. you're doing, you-must in mid-July; whim .Arctic roads eriss

6• ck ot th • Theotre i i i II I I II'/ I "

TORONTO (CP) -- Ten. an awkward concert hall. the theatre, they wanted He operates on a budget of "Unless we deal with suggested by former years ago, the sagest advice He proposed a program of light, straw-hat en- t850,000 and his .audiences those phenomena, we ere provincial NDP leader Marion Andre could get in challenging; contemporary tertainment. are surpassed only 'by missing the boat. Stephen Lewis -- s th(p .Toronto.. theatre world plays, dealing with political, Andre prov~l them all Toronto Arts Productions, "Jean-Paul Sertre (the dramatic story about two was: !'It can't be done." But moral and social problems. wrong with Theatre Plus, the winter seuson thestre in left-wing French sons of an Injured miner, Andrehan done it. Everyone in the Toronto his company at the St. the St. Lawrence Centre. philosopher and writer) one extreme right-wing and He arrived in Toronto theatre community told him Lawrence Centre, It has Andre, the son of a Jewish said people are afraid to ask the other left:wing. After from Montreal --where he there was no audience for become Toronto's second- pharmacist, was raised in ques.tions, even of them- two months, the playwright had been artistic director of that sort of thing during the. largest professional theatre Poland. Marion fought selves. But when they are found the subject boring, the Soidye +.Bronfman summer. Theatregoers In _ente~rise, staging four TO against the German oc- sitting in a darkened Centre for five years -- to the city went to their ru~iil six plays a year for four. cupation coder an assumed theatre, they can ask those "I think many of our establish a high-quality cottages. If they did decide week runs for more than identity in the Polish on- questions which they have playwrights are-befuddled summer-season theatre in to spend a summer night at .7,000subscribers., derground in the Second inside them but are afraid to by situation comedies on TV," says Andre. "They are .... " , '.... " : ~ " ' " " 1 World War uaW he became ask outside.~' looking for the facile rather / ..'i a German prisoner of war.+ Andre would like to deal with ~such questions in a than the gripping." 4+ 9 .:. 12..: 13: After the war, bebocame 5 . : " a writer, translator and theatrical way'. However, some theatres r 3 + ...... director of theatre, radio "For instance, I don't have done well working with and televisionIn Warsaw. In understand how fev/plays playwrights, he: noted, • + : . ' :]967 Andre .emlgrated} tO. there are about the .quebec. citing the cases of Maurlce ++ Canada, continuing, the situation, seen not from.the Podbery .of Montreal r • I same kind of work • in ~bec viewpoint but from working with playwright R - ~r~y, eeKhc Good, - Canada Morning • English in Montreal. With the viewpoint of English : Jimmy " Morning .. - A.M. / Morning " David Femmrio (Balcon- News Swaggerl America Canada Mlater the Saidye Bronfman Canada." ville, On The Job); and Bill :45 News 100 • . ',I America A.M. ' " Rogera • , Centre from 1967, he re -- He currently is working Glassco i. Toronto working Seattle Huntley AM Kereen'a- Se~me Polka. established English- with a Montreal playwright, with David French'(Jitters) :15 Today street.. - NorNOrthweSt " Yoga Street " Dot doer + . language professional Roger Fom'nier,onsplay to and Mi~el Tromblay in : 30 Seattle pol001nll It's Sesame Read :4S Today Northwest Your Nk~Po StrlMt--+~ -- About it theatre in Montreal. feature actress Louise translation. Disagreement with the-' Marlenu. It is about a Seattle Welt • Love Joyca Eke:trio Home . Ouvwrture ' : I:~ Today Ft. Giant 6oat * - Davldson • Company Gardener MouV/mlent Bronfman Centre board French-Canadian woman . Andre agrees with John Simmons ~,ster LOVe.. What's 6Qok - . Home 0to SoleU ._among a group of English- Hirsch, artistic director of Show O~'e~aup + Boat Cooking . Imfl~l-O~ Inferiors ' Man Aml . over. the choice of a play prompted Andre's move to Canadian men. the Stratford Festival, that ~me +/ Family . Deflnltlon Footsteps Prmdlond N~lgozlne Andre's playbill at the development+of new • :15 " Doctors Street . Feud Deflnitlon . F0otsteps: Sketching Ex~81 ' Toronto In 19~2, where he Search for Sesame The Edge Pay Cards ~ Human Wlckle • formed Theatre Plus. Theat~'e Plus hasbeen Canadian. plaYS on con- 11. ;~ *+¸Tomorrow Street . . of Night • pay Cards easy . BWlavlour Wickle ,, The diminutive, greying predominantly English, temporary themes should World All my Noon • Ologral~ly Your - LS Via direator~manager, his eyes European and American be left largely to the Cup - Children. News BIogrol=41y eullnees . . Telei, -flashing with geniality and, ~cgntemporery ~ama, for regional theatres. S~"cer i All my M~mmle C~tallno Do to AVlS ," ' . Lives World • Children Maude Maralhofl. Sell de Rechorch enthusiasm, described in an which he ha~ TO buy per- interview his conviction forming rights in com- Government funding •I WorldAn°ther Cup One Another H';'rrah'a Tuktu Lel Soccer Life World 1125,000 . Toktu . Tl'~Ivalllel that theatre must reflect: petition with other agencies have programs to Another. W. Cup TO Another Torlnla Voynge Rofhl~ producers. help Canadian theatres World ' Soccer whatjs going on in the world Live World Shootout Voyage' o'+Ull Pllyl • work with Canadian °'+' and the current concerns of Rights for the Engl~/i Wok • Ganerel Texas . Horrah;s Applied • • 0ocume~alf plays he 'Wants often are playwr~hts, but there are with Yen Hokoltol " Texas $125,000 ~ " SkMchlng C~lt~a individuals. Chll~ Canadian General. Texas Teflnla • . Ad Do(urn. , "lthink our streets are Sold to New York producers flaws in the systole, Andre Ollps Reflectlo~l Hospital Texas SI~ World .. • ClIMKIkI~ paved not with gold but with in deals' that include sald~ The Ontario Arts The ~Oo~ ...'s' The co~ ~ • ~,m . oo~m. the subject matter for •Toronto performing, rights. Council :will give- grants to The M Night - Hope - Alan Clasllc Math Clmadlaml He thiziks it wrong TO con- playwrights r~commended eallld Take HIPtDY. Thlcke +' " Kl~h'a Incrodlhll + Lag" dram~itic plays. What abovt ~ • Of Thl~y . Days L-Show Kitchen Forest Marles" Western alienation? What - sider Toronto merely .an by an Ontario theatre, but extension Of the New York there ions requirement that Cable Wok wlfll ThL.. ILIttle Sesame Ofowlno A . ' : about the enormous, te~- is Hogan Yen • J~rv Houee Street. " Yoarl Tlrl signs in the world? Our own audience. the writer produces scrip~ ~0 Movie MUPI~II • Griffin on the Sm~me Ecology " Plmfreluche for production by the 4s ' Movle Show ~ow Prairie strut Ecology FImfreluche "-State is in a turmoil. ~ " He has Included sense new -Canadian plays in his' theatre recommendinghim. King 5' Heppy Korea Hawaii MIMlff DO(4't YOU 1.41 " programs. But ThentrePlus • ', I'$ News Days ' News.4 Fivl.O ROGIrl : Know ~ " :30 King S TK ' Komo Hlwlll ' World : Nlo~h, " 1:1111 - can rarely find either the The Canadn Council :aS Hews Nlwl News 4 Flvl.O Cup Wind ChaW~+alllf$ money or the time to imposes no requirement on NBC - Barney ...... - ABC. Nlwa . +11N12 .. HiComls " LIP.. . . commission_ Canadian, Canadhm. theatres_ to ~lller '+ . News Hour W. Cup ~lllng, V~bond playwrights and work with Canadian plays but en- King $ - Rill. " KOMO Newi Business , N~- Angle N~S Pmplo N~ Hour Report lied Angle oh.era intendvely to create courages them to do so by + • . the new plays, eonsidering Canadian Entorlalnmen Rul PM Llwla MacNell. ~ • TIIIioumal :15 Tooloht . -, PeopIt NOLO..~_+t. IIM Clark Leflrar Scene TMMIOUmil He got one -playwright to content in their programs • 30 TIc Tic For Muppat '~" Slaarrt World of - Anlmal Tele[. examine a Northern Ontario when they seek._operating. .... ;45 Oou~h ,. ttKhers Show-. + Bizarre .' lhe Sea " ' 6~d~avloor: Nad~M~ii . ::miningL*family Sltunti0p : .grahts. ,- : _)~-.- ~+ ~: ...... :: A" : LIIUa PrlvMe ABC'I Houee "": Nu~. : PrIMmlkaf. DU Tac -. : : Houm Bamlllmln ,'Vlo~ldly Cilia ' Uno... Quill • - All TIC . : ml the WKRP In NIglMr Thrill of Takll Intrch • Stla¢tlo~ ~M' :45 Prairie " CIn¢lnnltl Blla~oall a.Llhltlme : U ~ " tO ~ p. 1 T~ HEWIN TOUT " ! Nee ' MASH AOC'a ' CTV Great • Intro. S~km ' Monday Monday Mof~ly ... Railway. BiOlOgy Tell. ' ,~ Nlgl~ • NIgfll." JownlYa. ProlW't " Salectlml 1t"III5 PUT Page Ballea=lll Movll ,,,World : UntwfIM + Tall- ogT ]H[HAT

. :'iS tel Natlonal Sale~lll Scarllt " Jelz the Earth FORYOU! &~mllclml ~ <11 O'Hara Fl1~Ival Un~'llll~+ : " " ° .A~ 10:+ :,5 Mov~m ' show'+ ' ~'-" wm ' war*" -";m~ . ~°"+=" earn.*.

'li 41 King S Nlgltl "Komo CTV .... +: Buddy . .'+~+ Sills ",~ ". d~._ /: ll+tS ..+, - Pl+.i.:+,:.m~, . N--. " H~y , m, ""- "i~ Tolllgllt TK evlml~ ABC, Hour" • Remlnllcll~l. Sign ~ & , JL ~ .'" " News _.- NIDh?ilne . Final. Buddy' .,. Off

. of ' ' LMI ' Q~In~ ..'; -/ . " Emlsslo~aaa I. : ~t' ' ~ k + r' ~ " + : ~ +" ~y +k "+' Fin U m 1+'+ Night • Mason ' ' Wl~k • I Quincy .. ,'...... +.. , .-'mlssl~,S',

Nancy Gourlle "I' " Wllh O. . ~ie way .... Lof~m.n ~fon Song ~;. 11 " ' ' ~,~o~o~ " 824-2821 or 624,3359 , ~ --:;~,.- , , .o. ' +; :. m.w..k.. move, , '. comm~.,.- • .+, ,,:; ., , • & D~RIVE IN - ,... ' tat Ave. W.et 6th St. • • m m " " ~" L • . • Page 7 Book R#view

A sap of secret dealings From the outset~ Strat- renewed search for a festival in settlement I~rconallties? a"priest in Poland, --.working at crossed ford lookedto England for director and finally the payments, The final two p~es brin~ ."Some people close to purposes -- and general aetors and directors acceptance of the post by The east of characters in the anna ~lgbt up to May, .Phillips were betting that, ineptness in finding a becaune there was no great = Hirseh. all this is le~ian, Knelman 19~, with Hirsch preparl~ before the end of.19~, he successor to Robin Phillips pool of developed talent in Involved too were documents all their careers for the June;opmin~ of would, return to England as artistic, director of the Canada. That it should Phillips' plans to take the well, and makes the tangled Stratford's 30th season, permanently,'" " Kne]mun Stratford Festival is told in continue to do so when festival company to the drama readable, although De~r back m the bee- concludes. A Stratford Tempeat .by Phillips was appointed in Haymarketin london, with one wishes he painted better lance 81obetrotting ehrcult, Toronto theatre writer 1973 to succeed Jean Peter Ustinov and William word pictures, of the _~afl.d Phillips in London A Stratford Tempest by Martin Knelman, Gasoon, the festival's fist Hutt in King I~ar. These characters as people. What directing The Jeweller's Martin Knelman; •. Before John Hirsch took native-born artistic and other plans were do they look llke? What Shop, a play written by McClelland and Stewart, 240 the. Job 18 months ago and director, smacked of ar- aborted at great cost to the mannerisms reflect their Pope John Paul II when was pages, |!8.95) ....: hired producer Mu~t~iel tistie colonialism. Sherrin "to mount last Mter five years, Phillips season's - program, the was ill or determined to festival earns" close to quit. He had carried a far collapse. heavier burden than most If it had died, Canada artistic directors would, wouldhave lost a t!nlque overseeing even such national treasure and North details as the quality of America• a continental paper used for souvenir resource. That wan Hirseh's notepaper packages sold in yiew, recounted near ~he the festival's boutique. end of the book. Early in 1979 he wrote to laso sq. tl. vnree SUPERB veneer is w.,ng to But, as he said, this the festival's board EnloY the sun in your country has a great urge to bedroom, cathedral HOUSEKEEPIHGI help. Three bedroom; own backyerd. Swim In • chairnlan,Pd)bert V. Hanks, eflfrance on large !~c122 • hug all its troubles and Charming, aflradive, full basement home the beautiful 11x26 pad. a Toronto corporation corner lot. Central with 6 fantastic difficulties close to its well.carnd for home m Large master bedroom lawyer and festival fund fireplace, ensuite large lot with excelhmt mountain view. The has ensuito plumbing breast. raiser, that he would leave plumbing, wrap around garden area. Bright vandor waMs to sell and AndKnolman serves the and I)klcony overlooking at the end of the 1980soason. patio under roof, large family room wHh weed will buy down the tim pool. Sltuatnd on a country, and partieularly The board was determined rK room, and cleuble stove. Three bedrooms, mortgaga to 15 per cent quiet .street in -the the arts community, well by to hang onto him. garage., Lot fully land- two baths, over 1000 sq, •-Im'-oM year. Listed at Horseshoe area. A- scapud with IMs of fruit $/5,000 and open to hugging Stratford's troubles The story of rivalries ft. Lots of fruit trees and westigious home for tim trees and shrubs. berries.+ offers. in : this book. - within the board, dealings discerning purchaser.+ Dispa~ionately and with a by Hicks and other board reporter's penetrating ~,HOMES OVa RI~JN)wO00 : members,- unfeeling at- 5~!7 Evergreen MOBI LE HOMES LOTS aTACREAOE 4827 Olson 5030 Agar digging he tells Just how titudes of businessmen on ON LOTS 3953 Simpson 5236 Mtn. Vista 3527 Cottonwood 5228, 523O, 5308, 524O delieate the balance Is the:beard towards artists, 2711 Thornhlll between business dealings 4817 Hamer+ 2156 Laurel+ 3643 Cottonwood Mtn. VEsta and the artists suspicions of and artistic integrity. 3323 Eby 5310 Mtn. Vista+ 5031 MaRne board actions fills the book. 3075 Thornhlll 3814 Marshall 4915, 4910, 4908, 4906 ...... • Knelman first sets the 5024 McConnell 5330 Mtn. Vista MOBI LE HOMES L~mbly The saga includes the scene with the IoeBhminp of Mtn. Vista Drive+ IN PARKS - 3710 Caledonla No. 45-4625 Graham the Stratford~Festival, when appointment and sub- 5324 McConnell+ HOMES UNDER SIO,000 4421 Grelg+ • 124 Marsh CresCent+ No. 26, 39 Timberland the late Tyrone Guthrie #a~ sequent dismissal of a (our- No.9 & 26 HawThorne 5044 Graham+ No. 35-3889 Muller wooed by Tom-Patterson, re.ember directorate to HoMEs UNDER I;90,000 No. 99 Walnut 3969 Doble succeed Phillips, the 2205 S. Kalum+ then a young Stratford 4931 Lazelle+ 5024 McDoak RURAL naming of John Dexter from Eby *& McConmll+ reporter covering city hall, 5003 Ager-h .. 5136 Agar _ RESIDENTIAL •England'in its place and the $244 Haugland to come, to Canada and 4118 Anderson+ S44S HeR~Ie |st Ave., Laketse. Lake subsequent federal Irwin Lake+ mount ~'a Shakespeare 4107 Yeo+ Corner of Mlst & No. 38 Kroyer Road Kroyer Road+ - festival in a tent beside the government's refusal of a 4823 Hamer+ : Furlong Woodland Park Dr.+ J~llls Avenue Avon River. work permit for Dexter, the Kalum Lake Dr. HOMES UNDER NI0~ CONDOMINIUMS Kalum Lake Drl. ,1022 Bennor+ No. ]3-4714 Davis iNDUSTRIAL &./ 4629.31 Oavls No. 8.4714 Davis COMMERCIAL 5111 Mills+ No. 1-,1719Walsh 4613 Lakelea+ 2105 Pear+ No. 12345~ Straume 1679 KemNorth -4817 Davis No. 103:4530 Scoff " Lloyde Street:l- .... Llstlngsl marked with I1 Gossip Column ,1818 Tuck No. 11-4714 Davis (+) are MLS " ~M 4431 Grain.

:" " " -, -L • Q. We hear that his movies are shrouded Woody Allen's next in.. the tightest secrecy. PARK AVENUE-, ~ d " v .~ movie will be about none His ~'fall ~project" other than Mae West. currently in production isn'l she a rather is no exception. Singer REALTYLTD." tmusual choice of sub- actress Marilyn Michaels tells me she was hired to ..... Invites you to view ~m--- ject s for Allen? - Y.G. BE do. a,.Mae West ira- JUDITH J EPHSOH listings on REALSCOPE I ~ - BRAD VANZANT ~ 1 ~ .- personation in the film, 638-1652 " 63~1490 but things didn't work J out, The. role, which in- :vo.!ves singing at least m one dumber, was taken over by female im- personator Jim Bailey, whose interpretation of Mae is a staple of his act. Marilyn may get to have the last.',w.ord, however. FRANK SKIDMORE JOY DOVER DWAI N McCOLL PAT QU I NN KE ITH WILl.JAMS'. She's writing a book , ~.~9~ - ~.~7o 635-2976 638-8741 635-5439 ,A. AS e,~eryone knows about. Woody's new by. now, Woody takes mo~,ie but it won't the gi'eatest Of pains to • •come until the. pi"ture make sure. the plots of does. ' " " Pitch.In And Smile moroth on Feoture i i I

VANCOUVER !CP) -- At~ after his doctor suggested the perkiness of a London to complete the mile. When 75, Hugh Clifford's main he "get rid of some of the sparrow, articled to an he achieved that goal, he ambition is to take part in I/~rd" - following heart engineeringfirm, worked as went on to repeat it three the 1983 marathon run in problems 10 years ago. a bartender, ~,as employed consecutive days. England along its route Today, cashing his pension in the shipyards during the Once he ~eeided..to at- from Greenwich on the cheque Is about the only Second World War and had tempt the marathon! he took River Thames to attention he pays to his. his own custom-framlng a fitness, cheek. Glwm the _ Buckingham Palace, the years. business. green light, he trained finishing point. He is a member .of the Typically,almost 50 years seriously with the YMCMB Probably Br'itish Master Athletes Of B;C. and ago he sailed for England as North Shore _Marathon Columbia's most popular holder of two- Canadian a deckhand on a Belgian Clinic. runner, Clifford of West runningrecords in the over- boat and brought back a On his first year in the Vancouver launched his 40s class ~:clocldng a time bride -- his childhood marathon, he was logging career.in a big way of 22.47.5 for 5,000 metres sweetheart and kin- frustrated at notesmpletlng and 47.39.7 for the 10,000. . dergarten mate. the 26-mile course in four Retired, at least from the The yo~i~ couple lived, in hours; Another challenge he l work force, Clifford lives in a rented cottage On the • went on to meet, not once a comfortable log home but twice,, and now it's a beach in West Vancouver, maker of bettering his time .2 3 4,¸,¸5 9 12/::13 _Within sight of :the ocean adding -rooms as the. ' that has been= so much. a chil~ren came -- 'two" and. adding another win- part of his life; He'soniy a ner's medal to his man- • .. TIJE$DEY • daug.hears and a son -- and couple-0f bloclm from where • tlepieee. Today ~echc. GOOd " - conade Mornlng . using a tarpaulin as a "I'm not too fond of Show Jimmy Morning A,M. " Morning he began Jogging at night comforter when they slept uneducated amateurism," News Swaggers " America Canada Ml~er 'and along the sea wall. "I: on the porch one snowy 100 Morning A.M.. Rogers Clifford says. "I always find was too self-consoious to be w!ntar. the' faces are pretty Se"" Huntley ANt KareeN's SeSame Polka ', . seen in daylight in the early . If jobo failed, they grew :15 Today StrmH Northwest 'toga Street . • Dot door" revealing once one becomes Seattle 11~ AM It's ' ' S~rdlma days." yegetables, caught fish and Rsatl .... involved. I get more and Today IJnchlnd'. " Northwest : VourMovw Street. Along ,, Almost immediately he swapped clothes with the pulled his Achilles tendon more intercste~l." Love JOY~ • : Elentrl¢ ' Ouvortum . neighbors. " i Today Fr, Giant' Boat Osvldlon Company aardm~r . ~mmmmt but stubbornly "walked it He also believes that this s.,. Mr, Love What's Book " 1O:w~ ills Simmons Home virginia, . Clifford keeps on going -...sort of interest keeps him Show Drallup BOlt : COoKINg Imilda Ilmwlors Lls Pournl~ out." He describes his i , frustratlons at the time. because it's the habit of a healthy, happy and young *" : I $ ~l 1 Seume Fernlly Definition F~dwl~ FrYerS ~alr. lifetime.. When he began enough to keep competing Street Feud" Definition ~nnttttll~ ' Skntchlng Express "!was fed up with all the Search for Sesame The Edge Pay Ad, Ad Hlldi puffing and .,blowing, my running he was determined "against myself." Tomorrow Street Of Night Cards : el~w " ' World Heidl • rusted muscles and Noon America Many I.~ Vie ungreased James." Mavto [ 2 Special . ,. ChildrenA, my Newt Americe.. Facet • SecrMa • ,' " He says running is still" :15 our The All my Maude kmericl Go to " Avis de II I I Lives • Treasure Children Maude kinetics • Sell . R~11~rche "uncomfortable," but adds that his family has always Another . ~ ' 1 One Another- ~. ' ~Ovle - No Place LOs : t$ World lhe llfe World The Like Home, Trnuvallln accepted anything he un- ::tO Anothor Sierra to Another Cowboy VOylg@ RenMI l dertakes as "normal," •as. World " Madra ' Live World end VoyIPe d*un PaYS Gossip Column which, is just as well since Chips Movto . General Texas . iha • Applildl I~eflato " . • : t$ .. CHIPS • • Special ~ Hosplfel Texas Lady Sketching d'ufl Pays Clifford has been running Chips ~oronatlon . General Texas. . . Movla Super Clooma after• challenges all his life. :. ' Chips Street. ' Hospital .! Texas ~ovla. Markgtlng Mon Born in St. John's Wood,' Q. Somehow we seem Thompson and Marian- ' Movie . The Edge Ryan's The Magic of Co~nltlve ami • London, he bought a 11.5- ':15 Winner of Night Hope Alan Palntlng ' Psychology. la " to sense a change in Nan-. ne Gordon. the two Take Take H~ppy Thlcke This Old Social lion metre yacht at age 21 and .cy Reagan's publi(~ biggest stars of the • :45 All . Thirty. 3aye . Show ' Houm Ptycholo0y . Ctoeme sailed with four friends to tmage. What's this all . dl " Mavis Wok with ! The : klHla se~tma Genetics " ' A the British Honduras. There .about? - B.C. : 15 Winner Yan Merv Housa, Street Genetlce Tire he served as an engineer on • :~ Take MUppet' Griffin .. on the,' Sesame Am•. " ~nte, • "&~. All Show - Show Prairie Street Foundation Le Petit schooners, some of them rum-runningto. Prehlbition- King $ ..... Heppy Koma Hawaii ' ! Miter ~ " : 1=ass Tell-S :15 News Days News 4 Fiv@-O - Roger1 FO~. lrd II. Tale-5 bound America. :30 King 5 TK Evening. Komp Haweii World Vision Tale.5 At 23, he was paid eft as Flve-O • :,iS News Nt)wl News 4 Cup IN~ On Tal~$ first mate from a cargo boat " NBC " " Barney ABc : News ~' World APplied Quincy :_ in the Port of Vancouver, Hour N-- -- N. Cup 19/12 SkM¢hing" Quincy With $7_in his pocket he • King 5 LOU Komo News Bualnest Growing. Quincy News , Grant News 4 Hour Report Years Quincy" talked his way into Canada followinga short stopover ".m 7..!~ Entertain.. Lou PM/ . The MacNell Rovoloflons. t.~ _., Tonight Grant . ' Northwest Joffer~ons Lehrer • Of 1141 " Talelournll the slammer, courtesy the for such a corn porn Tic Tsc $1r.~a " MUPl~t • St8~ World of Development Talel. immigration authorities. A. The new image is show, and quit? - C.W. Dough. JOorn~l, ." show , -, . owIce...... S@e i.: . M Ih~U. " " National the work Of 32 year old A. You must not have In short order he was been paying attention to Brat • '" The Happy : Falcon Danger • tree Noes earning $2 a week sweeping James S. Rosebushi who :15 Maverick Nature Days Crut UXB " Way ' is her new chief of staff the - gossip columns :30 Brat.- of . , Laverne & FalcOn Dlnger Oceent~ ~omlquet up in a diesel.engine.store, t4~ Maverick Things . Shirley Crnt UXB " Oceanoa Noos. and ieplaces Peter Mc. •recently, including mine." the. Greek owner .having Coy. McCoy was Well Marianne and Linda 9 ~ Cl~lle & Tllrl~'S Thrsa'O alrm~n IZ~to~y ~ Home lel given him the room behind have bee, off the show : --IllsCO, & " ' Comlmny Coml~ny Senson MaliCe -. Lntoriorl - O0miqt~e liked, but the feelingis • ~ TOo ClOM TOO Close HOfiky Mor~ pll0p[.~'s Premiere the shop in which to sisal) that he didn't really talk for a while for an ex- 145 . toe Comfort for ~ L TOOK "" ~ought , Law Page ..... and some wood to huild tough e~ough to the first cellent, reason: Both gave himself a bed. birth.. Linda, married to ~*~1~ Flamingo fhe . ' - Hart to .~- Hart to Nova Nova" F;rsmlre lady "and get her to say II nl :15 Road Natlonal ' Hart HuM Nova -. ' '-- Nova Page Clifford, like many and do things that would Bruce Jenner, hadason, :~ Flamingo The - Hera to 14111 to Nova ' Nova . . Prppon M • loggers of ~tliose days, / make a better impression Brandon; nine months Road Journal HS~ " Hers Nova . Nova, • C~nfld. - J handed over his $2, eaeh on the American public, ag~).:As: for :Marianne, King $ Might I Komo " CTV U,S. Sign : Alhel week to a nearby Chinese Youprobably won'trhear .....her presentation of a :renianrant./Por that he; much about the Son,~,Christopher Cody, ll: TooIght New~ . .i ABC ' Hour ~k -:' SoSign [e .. Show "" Night• News . : Final. -. ' Pt'~vlm ' . Vie " rearc~dt.,,~,_., ..,.= Michegan born to singer Kenny Rogers. °d~o~ ~"al~l Rosebu.~h as he wants tO. four~.,months, ago. made

Spy ~-, : isilnd , ~ AIl(~l : : Wlncll~er.. • ~m.ched in f0t~ ~ 7meals " do his'job and Stay in the .the~!!..covec..of./P.eople- IL4~, Late. ' Spy . Fentaly ' Show WgRpIn : '.' ?3 ' .' • "You ~)uld eat -~fill for t background...: . r: ' +. ;' .'*+ magagi,~.ne.~:t:i,near:::oom • Night. ISpy ' :. ISil~d. • :.... I , " ClncInmln/. .... " Cir./" ...... ~.. , . . • •,.. •,::,:•/.•.• .~..:::•- •i•:new-;moms.:a#e:exp~ted ~ms,, • ~t.m • _ ~-'¢~e/'cCwu~.... , " . ..:~seantiund3ScmtSbou~h~-. Q. Asa fan of 'the .back.so0n0n~the:,'Hee a modest Steak/,he recall".."Hee Haw" :TV show,.: HazY.'.' ."ghow, " .~vhich ." elm O. : Sign ", :: KOMO McCloud' . L " " , keflerntan ' Mf ,. .' Nm'4 " " ~ 1 . tk~cC,lobd •'. • .' ' " ': .-..AlterS, - thati:~:Cllfford; ~a • ve been..,' wondcnng ; .-~,beginshs;.14thseason m ,. :irim.whl~~with ,what-became-of:, Lends • N~h~illein~uh&'.. ' • " "

.... .2. /

• • -" - - Art World I I i i I ?~ i ?,..,, OTTAWA (CP) -- Paris, wan "the strongest But his collection of works w. gee .,- Modernism began to influence on the develop- borrowed from a numl~r of emerge in Qusbee art Jn the mant of contemporary art in galleries and private to concemrate their art on .... y.,.,:~/Y/~a*,'. :: "~: ; b:~" P 0 " " " ' 'Pr early years of the 1900s, Quebec until after the collectors traces the • . " perhaps a generation P mithen..,. Terrace... Seegad World War. beginninm of medm~m earlier than most, art Teacha~ for Quebec art back to. about 1016. There to the Art Gallery.of Wind- " ''""~' """ ~"'"' " " " ' historians suppose, says the schools were recruited .was not a new burst of ser July AUg..,• ~ Slumber :• curatOr, of a new egldblt by thero, 'and young artists modernism in 1940, no Musee .d'art contomporain ~ call'Slumber Lodge or the National Gallery of aerieasly in togding to make rupture with the past, but Canada. a earoerin art went to Paris --almply,an acceleratl6n of 15, the Redmnn Hall Art Jean'Rene 0stiguy, to stody. developments, research curato~ of Tl~.Influlce of Paris.and Canadian art, has put ur(Wan~ after the Works by Paul-Emile Quebec Jan., ~.to Feb. U ~- together a show of ill works Socund World War-when ~Mua~, who died in 1960 at next year. dailng from- the 30-year ~~ts looked, to theage of 55, 8re sprinkled 1 r period 1916-1946. The through "the show, in- developm- : " a~. . --; • dicating bow his-style exhibit, which ended a stay eats in New York, Ostiguy ~i• I[ at the National Art.Gallery anid in an interview. ,Paris evolved. A self-portrait of Canada thts week, now now ts pmtmim regaining its point~l about m~, given to =2 3 4:, 5 9 1 2 13 will travel to Windsor, Ont., : prestige among today's the National Gallery. by his widow in I~9, is a striking Montreal, St. Catharinen, young artists, but the in- ' " " WEDNESDAY I Ont.~ and Quebec Qty.• fluencas come from a example of his'earlier work | The show is striking in the displaying . modern ~I~ : " . number of other centres, Morning various artist#, frequent use inc|uding C,~-m~. technique: R~ , '~ of bright colors, At: the "For some years now, in Ostiguy said there is lithe National Gallery it wan the area of quebec art if any indication of artistg Seatlil Htmtley. AM • ~___KIW~S ' - SeSame Pollul displayed in five rooms • :15 Todly Strllt ~ - Street )or door" ' : ' " history at least, it has been political discontent during • 30 Seaffil. I00 ." AM ~ Sesame Read " which had beun painted in felt that the beginning of the that p~ried. 1"anugh artists :45 Today ,. GidllwJws I~Mltm~l~f ~ Sfreet " ' Aboot It muted tones of the blue, modern period ought to be often are in the forefront of ' Seattle @@llew~ys I,.ove. ,16Mcs Sk~-~ ' Home • Omrturt white and red of the French :!5 Today Fr. Glard " ~ , I ' Company Gardof~r MOUV~IHIflt sot in 1940," Ostiguy writes radical movements, their £V:~in ,Immom Mlmr L..m~' ". --Iw Book. IMme J~M.... " Tricolor; in a catalogue ac- attitude at that time, Show.'~ Ov'mmup • B~d'' ~ " Imkle Inlwlors Drp0on . France, and specifically companying the Show. strongly influenced

• StreM '" FmKI ' Dellnltlml. FOOtMIpl ~tl~NIIMi ~ . Search for Sesame The Edge Pay ~ Human Un Anlmll .. T~rOw Street of" night Cards , Behavk~r des Animlux I Days ' S~'les ' All My Noon Nova Ycmr La Vie :15 of by Children News Nova i~u~neu Secrete All My ~'" i Nova Co~pt~ers AVI| de

12::• Lives"-. /~lrsh- ~ildnm i Nova • m(i ...... RKherr,~e Rrtist8 World : 1 ~h~ S~I~ ' .,' Edu¢.~l~ Les • : 15 World by " ~" Life . World. Hoard C4mp~M1 TrOUvlllles I :30 Another Lost Io Anolher, It -~ Imcl ReflehJ :,1,5 World Kingdoms Live W0¢ld Thr~ Edw.~k:n d'un OTTAWA (CP) -- Fear Automatistes. , his fascination with the and faecination ~re fused in Otlps ~Hm~'ll, Texas ' Applied PIYl . Although he was regarded heavens, earth and nature is Chips HosPital Texas ~m. " ~i~ R~I~ .' . • ~IPS Coronation Glnorll Texas the art of Paterson .Ewen, as a significant abstract' shown in the titles Of some Unclorstind Le -: ¢'i111:11 " Street " He~plfil Texas Says Joseph Martin, acting artist by the 1960s, .Ewen of them: Forked Lightning, 14,5 ~ Before ~vlo~r.. Tamps director of-the National could not yet devote his fall Hailon the Coastline, Solar Move The Edge Ry~n's The Sdectet Control dm Gallery. :15 ' of Night ,' Hope ~n ~lll '----/ E~I~I~ VIV~ time to art. Eruption, Moon over :30 . Take Hippy Thlc;ke Nine of Ewen's unusual Finally, in 1968 he moved Tobarmory, Gibbous Moon, :45 Movta Thirty Days Show, i sculptured paintings on to London, Ont., says and Rocks.. Moving in the The Little Sesame :, I~rit A Tire ~- o. plywood --. carved with a Jemdca Bradley, curator of Current'of a Stream. :15 " YWl~ • Merv Home Street. ~ d~Alle carpenter's electric router :~ Movie /b~l~ • G0ffin ~_ an lira , Sesame. Control of . cantomporary Canadian art Writing the preface to • ~ovlo Show ;__ ., Slmw PraWle Street . ' TKhno. Fantomes -- make up Canada's at the National G~llery, and Bradley's catalogue for the exhibit at the 40th in- virtually all the patterns exhibit, Martin said Ewen'a .King $ Hlppy ,- - Kcmo :15 ~ • O4~.. . News4 Heu~ ~' HOrN ' Aml|. . ternational showing of and omdWous of" his ]fie fascination with earthly and TK Kemo . v~mday : Wesld Rmeweb~ Un ~e . News4 contemporaryart in Venice. : changed. He started, to heavenly phenomena is Cop ~ ham The show, known, as the devote his full time to art, .~vitaI'.~z~ by hlstech,~qoe, HB¢ . !~ ~ 1~ Tike" Film Bieanalenms h,om june 13 and started searching for Smxlr Time Local and "allows him to depict KING 5 ~le News B~ness Lan~age Tell], to Sept. 28 and then new means of expression. the p~rtonts el disaster and • ~ws aLmkw N~ws4 Hour Canada's exhibit levee to the merciless quality, of Entwtlk~. N~IlOf • PM Fall ! M~cNell Crtt Bi~bklI i London and Par]L , Ewen dispensed with nature without losing sight :15 TOell0ht ~. t~f, Gw Lehrer Hunter Bleebill Ewen, born in Montreal in • brushes and began painting i~ TIcTK I~ll~lllI ' - A4~Qpet . The Flit M o# Cme BeNgali of magic and wonder,". .. i Do~0~ ~1o~ .. ; . Show @W, N~ SR Hunfer• Biesbal / 1925, had boyhood mnbitidns with pieces of felt dippm in • Canada .has .been of becoming a geologist. But paint. If and When the paint exhibiting at the Venice ~ii- ~" ' : ~ .... "~ ~" 611~batt ' after the Second World War, dribbled acres his work, he Biennale since 1~2 and Baseball -,~ ~ ~.. to ~p. in which he served in the accepted it, and saw in the maintains " a national Ba~lll' ch'thbles Canadian Ar~y inr~iOl~nd, the. patterns of pavilionin the Italian city of. ~., F~ ' Th, Fall -- llali M " Intro. SINblll his romantic faselnation (~elestlal bodies mewing canals and gondolas. At the : : Of I.Jfo . Ill " ~ * " P.I. Fim~ Biology . B4seball ::,15 , I.ove, " Hairy ' TIM Fill Magmmt, Hall Of • ' ProJKt Fest de I ~th the earth was lost in. through space. 1980 Blenna!e, Canada Sldmy . ~ : " ~' P.I. Fame Unlvtrae Jazz ' the dry scientific approach now ~are .. His paintings showed "23 works of Morse Umlor~emd /unrefoll of his profe~rs, i' done on .sheets of, vtd~tsped art, and in the :ls ~lncy I • Morse th# Em'th Lo Rlvhlre ~:~ Oulncy Olnumy He turned to the Montreal plywood in which outline Made '. U.I TlteJ, . . j past has built showson the ~-y Jtmmat Otmwy " me lannnd~ natler~I ~" Museum of Fine Arts school. • draw~-- and sometimes works of Michael Snow, of art and design, and first complete baek~md areas Greg Comes, Ran Martin KING $ N~ - ~ 4 ~ , . .~m ' Pro~ tt 11:1, News FINII.. ABe ; News " Movie d Dff. O~nfld. was influenced, by the late" -- mr ~ armywith an and Henry Saxe. ,. -- . __ . dbdb:4s s~w " Love News , Fk~; Gooch:.idge Roberts, with el,~rie muter. He uses ~:. . Cla.~ " whom he went on'lendscape metal, ilnolmun,-~canv~s, and Other materials to build L4rede : sketching trips. :: Late . Laredo j~.~-, He .then ._ :became up areas, '~ paints over NtWd Lentd~ . ;:' ' • associated in the 1~8 with- ~ with.aeryilca. the abstract palntorsled by The moon •appears in ~,:. ': li.. • " ".' " ' " 4 Paul-Emil~ Who SeVe~al:;~)f:thenlne works bV.W. ', .... ,' : . were " kix()~;h:. !'a~ ~: Uie:" "~'.~,.~ ~ Venice, and P age 10 I I I I ...... II ...... ,- IL_ .IL, _ J_ I i. I r I II I I [ I " " "~'111 . I I { Lifestqle Feature

, . ....

KEY WEST, Fla, (AP) -- life. Fie did, on the Donna , the 't:loating home, "as long pulling a l~-foot Boston He sips 100-year-old sherry lII, a 13-metre boat in Key as he's happy." whaler behind," he laughs. weaving paing-stained cut- West -- s long way from He's had enough Pomerey suffered a heart offs, grease and dirt 'pinstripes and limousines, problems and disap- attack in 1976. That, plus streal~, his face, .Ralph from credit Cards and pqlntment~,: :~,Jor one seeing what wealth had Hldden somewhere In the papefrarg~9,Teri'ace Pomeroz, a former caviar; a long way from his lifetime." done to his wife and phone numbers; If you fl.~'d'~em ~d,~ l:s.:y0urs m!llionaire, couldn't be millions. A native of New York, ehfldron, helped him make you wln two FREE passes... ,, ~ ..... happier...... I ba;.'e a*bl~er life his deeison. • Tlcke~ mustbe~k~"~p.~at. ~ Pomeroy was a bla~tsmith Four years ago, he left his now," says Pomeroy, a big, by trade and eveatua]ly "I gave them a year," he The Dally Herald ' Bay Head, N.J,, home, wife gentle man with thick up amanufacturlng corn- said. "I told them I was .. '3010 Kalum St,: ~'~ •.and daughter.mid stopped forearms /from doing pany.LHe mat.tied early and going to sell' everything and .~F .down as head of five eor- blacksmith work; "I love it had two dai~hteTs. But as m~ve toKey West, They had -- I I~ I poraUous to'find a simpler here and the people are he became more successful a eholee: Learn the -- - ~ --,[~JU'-'%- . 7 * " fabulous. This is myworld in business and gained business and take it over, or and I'll never leave it/' wealth, he saw his family some with me. The learned The ~6-year.uld 'Pomeroy change, the bu~neM." ( • • -lives with his new wife of a "My wife and daughter •Donna,. and ~their would measure people by :5 ': 9 • 12 137 :dog,TaEalon~, on money he the money they had, and if I • ,...... fy, • , : ' ... earns from odd "~ r " -- • gave one daughter a • . :. scraping boat bottoms, ~00,0~0home l'd have to " ...... THURSDAY carpantry, painting -- and give the othei" 'danghter - income from his in- $300,000 in eash," he said. Gossip Seschc. vestmmts. :15 Show Morning AM • "The people around us Jimmy The I~nna III is home -- 8i: . ,o,.,NeWS Sw~0rt. -America Canada. • Mister " enjoyed drinking the good Nova Morning AM Rogers its salon on the main deck booze and I~ the big Polka duttered with tools, old :30 Senttle Hu~tley AM KlrlHm'l setome ' steaks, but they were Q. is it true that Mick :15 Todey StrNt Northwest Yoga . Street Dot'donr. newspapers, dog dishes and • " Seattle 100 AM It's Your ' Sesome Reed phone~. I didn't want to be Jagger is always 'on,' :45 , Tod0y Inside "I" Northwest. MO~O 1, Street ' ~long magazines. The deck below like them." even when he's off stage has a family area and large Pomer0y would rather eat and out of the spotlight? Outside - Love Joyce Electric Homo Ouw~uro' • fl:30~15 TocleySeattle Fr. ~enf Boat Davldson Company oerclener Mouvemesf galley, complete with.., globs of peanut .butter on -U.W. Simmons Mister" Love What's' B~k Home - PUl~lU~ 1 A . MOck happens to be v :'45 Show Dresiup Boot Cooking Inllde Intorlors Rlconta washer and dryer and Russian rye bread and refrigerator. The master follow it with pastries. one of those great en- Sesame Family O~finlflon " "" Footstege . : Friend ' Maglzl~w bedroom and full bath are He first visited Key West tertainers so. naturally :15 DO~O~ Street " • Feud Detlnlflen F~tege Sk~chlng Express charismatic they seem to Search for Seams The Edge Pay Ov~ Ad, , • Joe Io aft. There are two more in 1968 and fell In love with icarry their'own spotlight 1!: "Tomorrow Street Night . Cards . ' ~- Eesy ' ' World FUpIIIf bedrooms and a head for- its el.san water ~ed frl~dly, with them. The rock. All MY Neon DIl~tr Super • IJ Vie ward. The beat is air con- people. He learned to scuba superstar, accompanied Children News UXB Merketlng secrete Tbere's- a Sire and .visited our All My ~aude D~ger . Firs1 Avis ditloned, atso, at. least by a young couple, was 12"' :Lives "°'World Children Maude ' UXB • Ynrl • Recherche telephone and radar and once a year. • spotted emerging from a used Onb Anofher~ , MStI~e Science : ~ heat, if needed. "I to have my :food emporium on New World Soccer Life World• at FOUR(10tlon Tr~lvlIIIIll Donna Pomeroy says chauffeur drive me to Key7 York's West Side during Another World To Another : Its" Voyage R~flM~ World ' Soccer she's comfortable living on West in the limousine, a recent spring af- Live. World. ', Ollou Voyage d'un Pay8 ternoon.- While the Chl~ The Edge Oenerel Texas " BUffalo 1 " . Appiltd R~tm couple; flagged a cab, • 15 ChipS ' Of Night.. , Ho~oltel Texas " 1 Stlmppde - SkMChlng ' d'on Poya MOck. wearing a .long : 30 ChipS Coronation General ,. Texas1 ~i~ attic Goto La . 45 Chll~. Street '., Hospital Texas Ruby Sell COUpe green satin coat, merrily danced his way down the Movie World Ryon'e ' The Fesilng M~ de : 15 Whatever Cup HOPe Alan Good Math block and then opened .30 Hspgen~l ~occer • Happy Thlcke , Insldl O~1 de the taxi door with a great ;:45 tO World Days Show Bullnesl World Soccer theatrical fiourish~ An Aol~f' ' ~. Cup The Little ~me G~wm0 ~ amused onlooker ~om' IS A a'" ~c'r ' Me ~ I ' HO~ ' Str~ -- 1 V'~ erand~l mented: "Jagger's :.am- " - 30' Movie World Griffin on the Sesame Arts' Ootollles 4 45 Movie " ~ Soccer Show PrjIrle " Street Found~n~• de Po.. promptu Sidewalk dance . . L , • 4( 2 VVIIMi" IIlaeliJ Vi flVlq/P .~, was spectacular • and, ' ~ ~1 King 'i Happy Komo Hawaii Mar Fo~ ~Wr~ ~ ~ *~ _ ~ ~* what's more, he didn't • ':Is News ~ Bay, " rows 4. FZve-O ;. noah', FO~,.;S, ~ ¢ " (~ 7:00 & 9:15 ~ .uon =~,,m h;,,h " ~ : ' :30 King 5 TKEve. ABC Hawaii World Self'" .... Vlvne 4( . Mill__ .~ "~'~.,*'.,~,~,~:,,,,6-,. ,. 3 :4S News ' N~ ~ NeV~' Flve-O " , C~pl~ ' InCorF~ stroll ~ " , ' q~* '~ " VKY.~WIL::'A [aMaHs ..... NBC K I W " ~ July i i-~ and very i VivaCious R:~ ,er~y omo . !NEWS ".... mid : to.dies aml.,,Ion 4( A ~• i'.. -- ~i. , i ~ ;$1nllv~n~AV;#nm~4;.n,s,= Newt Miller ' News 4 : Hour. CUp 1913 Government S~clo~ * " " "" E-BA AA AoA • • •'1,, :i- .v..;,--vv~.. ~v...~...... ,.~ i 145 Kings Love i Korea New15 . . NIWly.: Computer, Smfes~• ,~ 5 r.q/lltlllg'lD : . ~ featured ira a.bzg: up- News Boat NeWS4 Hour Rm.'t md sly:line 6 - ...... " 4( ' ...... : •coming:~ musk:al::, mayl Xenlght L~ . Pm " " CFL ~N. " • Edu~flo, • Xe~l. ~ 7 ..:. ' .... 7:00& t.'.IS; k: ~ prove to bEa washout as . ' ; ...... , ~ " ~ ~" " ~~ ..... Tonight .... ~t ;~" Norlhw~t 12 .... Ll~rer .... Computtrl R~" " " ; 8 ' ' ..... ;" " * .... ' " ...... ~ Mature ~ an interview subject 'A : TIcToc " TBA ' MvPpet '1~ hlfllest Worldof- z~l :. Teal, 9 " : " ;'~ ' ": .... :" ~ ": " ~ . . I ' • . [' ~:• i • • ~4s ~Ug" -- ' TEA:: " ShoW ..... Hobo " ~SEI :,: Edur.a~lo~ Nsflonol ~ 10 :I '- "" ..... :' ...... ;...... :: :~ ...... ~:: .wrlter, try}rig toconouct . i .... ' " " ' ' . . • .E .". • .... _- . : ,~ .4( . an interview with theac- • i O :ZS: Feme '; Family Dark ' Magnum'. SmHik. .... ~' ~ ~ " ':: ' ,- ' ". " "' " 4~ tress a While.bdck,-con- • O :~ Fame 1 '~' ' n~ room P h , ~r~ ~pIeno or,r~, E _ , ~¢ fideo,.iX~he;t.ndo;n:..rk Fame' - Fantasy Dark ' Magnum This Old O~ESnul F ms l& I " '" ' - .... " , ' " , ' r ""~ ~ " O ~Z'~" ~Z# I~ ~ a ~ Fame leland room P.I, He,ll O~nue I.~ ¢ July "I ~ =~:~ ~.L m, ~ iightl/ and: quotable

~1~r~ !~ \ Ol,er,,tl Knoll ' Barney • "; Dnf'rent' ' : Evening" I ,am, ero,~, ~ 2 ~JY~ ~ |OQ~~ .... : ~:i: responses. ~re: , ashard • . nterl~ i # Strokes Landng Miller Strokes if ~ Flme 4( 3 : ~/.ZZ ~ toextract ashen steeth. Glmma Knl~l i~o ul Live It evening Butane Les ,It • ., "."," "1~' l-l~e~ve: ~r]lf~eor~n s~nd

1 O ~ " '''" I" T" ~ ~'~0 " 'Hill '.IS--rot Ferns . 'July • d~,--ll,--"'-- -. r~ " " she's a lovelY lady who • ~" "~ ~"" : :~ i|,'~'. :f ~ ~'~'~; ~,,. ; z . . %di~klllpglg .,. ~:;.~'"surprisingb;~::~ seems: .to. I o :: mm .... Mfne~ : ~0 :~. "f" ". ~V,i .... CM~m~' Cormd ' ~ 3 " ' " " " " * ' ' : 9": :c°mpletely lack"a~Sense ~"~ i '. I ~ . ' . • . :~ " ' ' -. " ...... i ,,~~._'~ of humor.,. : ' ~' 4. Kings Nails : . KO~O " ,.,CTV ' ." --Is .,:- $1gn IJ ~,,, . ; : ' mimNro ,~K : ...... , , , . • .

LI -~ ~,ght ' " AOC ;' .our : ,W~, S,~, ~ de . ' ~ Y IBI" 1 * L " I "' . R ~r" ~ ' ~ " ' " " ~ I " " ' ' " " ' ' " . I ., ...... ,,. : .... , .. , : rah-t.n -...NUMBERS GAME. ~,,~m . . ._" ' ' , . • ' . ' ~ S. • . ~ w ~E.,.~n.,~. :~n:: ;.. ,g.: Actresses are.notorlous .' ' Sons • V~m$ ' Tl~ ~lncy ~ de " ' '" .;-w- ~ ~ ...... ' :" .... ,: .. ~- .... c . ... •.... or kf,~r, v--s : .-~" ~,,f--. ' ' :' -:~ 6 :.. ~' ~,. ::'~-- .... -.; .... ,, : :.~,.: .fof¢onyenmuly!hackmg •

, .' Off . NlWl4 . &W~ -~ ' CIIIMI~. ( "~, :] * ~,'.~.~.~:.'i : ~ ~" ,~:'~.~;~;-~ ':. : • " ' : ":: ~:'~1~ "a.~llllllt~',S.i:.wsl, ll~'al s~;Iz~] • . i " . .-. i. ' . : ,*..~k'~ .*~*~dr*sk~kik~k~rd~k~k~,**~iksk~ /,/screnctedentials. ~, , .

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...... Page 11 • I I I.... I1 I " i i i i

Women's Feotum " I "~ " "

TORONTO (CP) -- One remalnleckedinreaetion," country's moat powerful perennial women's altos. -.- fall. blustery day in January, "Frledan concludes, "they feminist group, the National problems such'as day care No one type,of feminist Then there are women 1969, a Toronto woman will continue to awing Action Committee on the and equal pay for work of appears to eXiSt. There'are like Judith Ramirez, .a entered a winter bikini between extreme versions Status of Women, has equal value, the high profile spokesmen Toronto activist for the contest sponsored asia ofonebalf-lifeoranother-- pledged to harness the such as Anders0n~ Laura rights for fore~ domestics' publicity stunt by an ap- the feniJnine myatique or its energy of those who lobbied The feminist movement Sable and Lynne Gordon, and wages'for housework.' pliunce dealer, feminist reversal- never for .inclusion of women's has forced many Subtle chairman of ~the Ontario On stage,, the woman embracing the fullness of rights in the accord, changes in attitudes, par- Status of .women Co'until. Some feminists prefer to threw off her fur coat to fife." Ander~son, 56,-who has ticularly by younger men - - operate in small, cohesive disclose -- not a skimpy. Many feminists .are been involved in the who ' have witnessed There are' Unda Ryan- collectives, battling swimsnit--butthatshewsa skeptical of Friedan's new women's movement for every thlmg from female Nye, Toronto, and Pat discriminatory laws and fully clo~ed. Proudly she line. They want to steel Years, said the-action hockey teammates to Hacker of ()ttawa r~WhO attitudes a]~out lesbian wore a banner proclaiming, themselves with further committee will fight for wurldng side-by-side with successfully coordinated motherhood or producing I Have.'a Mind. concessions before ad- such wide-ranging changes women on construction the constitutional lobby last feminist publications. Her action was one small matting the traditional as: ~. example of howvshement softness sf women in -- Amendment of the IP' . . ' feel now about being per- In the United States, an women do not lose their ~¢~ ceived as sex objects; as overriding concern of Indian status when beIng the .butt of sexls[ feministohasbeentbeequai m ar~'ylngnon.lndians. advertising In the print and rights amendmect.to ban -- Establishment of '~ . FRIDAY - television media that they sex discrimination, first region~ clinics.to provide consider discriminatory proposed by Congress In medic~u'e-funded abortions Today., aeKhc." Good "' Canada Morning . and deplorable. 1972. To be adopted in the and counselling services. (~ :is Show Jimmy Morning A,M. Mornlng Anger at sexism is only U.S. Constitution the .-- Reform of the O i~ News • Swoogert America, Canada Mister ' News 100 : , Mernihg A.M. Rogers , one aspect of the women's amendment must be Canadian pension system.to Seattle Huntley AM The Sesame ~olka movement, an explosive ratified by two-thirds of the include all homemakers. O :~5 Today Strut " Northwest Colgary Street. Dot door '" soclologlcal revolution that states. The current deadline The workforce could sub- 30 seattle.' }0Q AM .Stampede sesame ,~reo. most feminists agree hasn't • toobtain ratification is June sidize contributions for ~ :/5 Today WorldOf Northwest' Perode Street . WInos yet reached its zenith. 30. women tending children su.,e • plants - LOVo The EiKtrlc O~. Cure,tore Betty Friedan, whose ManY women complaIn under the sge of seven or lfl~ Today ., Fr, Giant Boat' Coig,ry Company Tag . . Moovament; book The Feminine that by focusing on the disabled family members. ,,IksuI~::4S $howSlmm°na MisterDreStupI ~'~Love • Stamperleperode InsldeB°°k MolecolorBl°chem& FablioLaBolts Mystique was the bible for losing fight for the amend- buthusbands would have to T~ Se~rne Family Definition Foolsteps Gusto1 Too Magazine feminists, in the1960s and ment, proponents are make contributioas for all 11:~5 Do~ors street Food c~in.io. ~oot,ttoa wiso~ ex~., '70s. recently published The engaging in narrow "single- other women who choose to .LA~ ~ Search for Sesame The Ed0e SuPer. Poy Over Human " ' Defi . Tomorrow Street Of Night ' Csrdo Easy Sehovlour nell Second Stage. In it L;'Hedan issue politics,', ignoring the stay home. , diseussesherconeern,that need for vital changes in -- Introduction of 1L'':~ °~avs r..i,~ ~ surviv,s, su. L.V,. • Calgary Children News SPecial Morkeflng Secrets the options for young other ~sbcial areas, legislsUon to protect bat- - Out i Stempede All My N~aude SurvlvsJ Senior Avis de women may have changed B u t s i n g i e- i s s u e tered wives. 14S LIveS " Parade Children ,Mauda SO~:lal Chef I~Kherche but arejustas restrictive as politicizing .worked last -- AdopUon by Canada of .s ~othw r~. one A~ther" Ha. Of Sc,..ce ~ee, ever. year in Canada when a a leadership role in world 1 i~ Worlds Calgary Life • World • Fame PoQndatlon Trouvaliles - Another Stampede to Another Hall Of Voyage Roflots Now women may feel group of women sue- disc,mascot by declaring :,s World Parade LIve World Fame Voyage d'onPays compelled to become cessfu]ly lobbied for in. the country a weapons-free ,.~ ' TBA Garmroi" Texas The Materi..Is 'Reflats doctors, lawyers and stock- elusion'Of,women's rights in rune and by cutting-in half. :.~ creptChll:l TBA Hospital Texas Nlxon Stresl d'on Pays -- ' " Z Chlpl • :oronotion General Texas interviews Your Clneme brokers because home is a the new Constitution. the de,once budget. . 145 Chlpt Street Honpltol -'. ,Texas with Susleess Let dirty word, . Doris Anderson, newly MOVIe Th~ Edge Ryan's . The David To Dernleree "As long as women elected president of the lln addition there are the '~:~s Show Of Nlghl _.HoI~ ...... Alan From' HaolHI Nalges .... -' O :~ Boat Take Happy Thlcke Sign, With .-- du , ,, Movie Thirty Days '._ Show Sign Yon prlntar~l~L.

OWN-ER ,t" Show Wok with The- utile Seas'ms ~an Mode A Tiro ..... BOat fen Merv House Street World - d'Ails .... FOR SALE BY - :. Movie . Mup~t Griffin on the , Sesame Science . P~oinof • Movie Show Show Prairie Street T.,~hn; Pot01flot

"Q~ ~,a,,a~,~ Cozy farmhouse .type family home, m" ' Kings ... HoR0y Koran N~vs Mlstar Trode ' HiMolre ..... Jl~i~,~ .~..,~ .,..,.ak situated In a doslreeble, quiet and at- ~:,S NEWS. Days news, Hour Rogers Offa ,sTrains ~, tractive area on the bench. Provides ~1~ :30 Khlg 5. o TK Koran Hews World . F'o~f~ll Hlstolro . almost one acre of landscape(~ and com- :~ News _. . News , Nm 4 " I-~Jr~-" " Cup 19112 Foofoull OeS Traln~ pletely fenced grounds. " NBC Barney ABe . CFL World, " / ApgI~Od , .I L't~royabls Added attractions makes this the best buy i~ News Miller Nows Football ~up 1~12 Sketching. ' Hulk R King S. Love , KOMO CFL Business Growing L'lrtcroyabls in town . .~. " ~ :4s News Boat Nlwl Fonlbol! Rsporf Yells Hulk" 4k3 beclrooms, plus a 4fh of" an office. CFL MacNe. FUnds. • 7 i4~ nntert' n LOVe PM Toielnurnll @Large farmhouse type kitchen with built- Tonight Boat Northw~t Football Lehrer Human Geo. Toiolo~msl in dishwasher. - T c Tl~: The Facts MuFFet CFL World of, AliVe & Total. • - - -.. Dough .... of Life .. . $11ow ,. - ~3~1~111 . the.sea ...... ' 'f,'oll ... : -.. I Notoonal ..

~~i~i~' . ,~kJl~d LI~ ~,d @Naturale40x25 ft.gas Ingroundhealing ' kidney, shaped 8 :~ KING..... SCTy 6enson ". CFI. Wash.'. AScent GenieS - SCTV. ' • B4ns~l Footbolli' WNk Of N~ln en Harm swimming pool, heated by natural' gas, ' Friday SCTV • Making, CFL. " Wall Sl. A~:ent Hors Includes many accessories...... 145 Night SCTV a Living Fonlblol Neck Of Man S4rie ILCt may be sub.divided. -. Movie Dallas ABC Mill BiOgraphy intro. Horl :'~ .Large assumable mortgage at 11 per "f~i~S" Dollverance Dallas Friday Puch Slogrephy Slolngy aerie KING S DolIH Night One Day Good Prolect Le cent. Movie Oollll Movls Its Time Nelghb. Universe Television eWorkshop ,

'e'A' Frame children's tree fort. . Notional : KI'dS Haz~ard TIne4dra l)~iopment Autree @Fruit trees.and shrubs. ~s L/V~cl°lrl'a Royal . Friday D,kee nf &~lstorpll~a RiSe of Pro~)ee e~i 10 Ca~dla n AF Movie . Ha]~ord " Tmtro MOd4Wn' Confld. - @Over 2000 square feet-of planted qlql Kings Night' ''KOM0 -C1V Mystery' Sign Clnem. vegatablo garden. :~s NeWS ' Final r News"4 News Malice off L'Apprenfla Be the envy of your oslghbors, whilst LL :~ ,~vOht News " ABC Hour " More- Sign de

cooling off In your swimming pc01, waiting c~art~'s News Flnll thought Off..' ' oocldy h) harvest the Isrge variety of vegetables.. /I ~l, Tonight Angels . • Fildays... ,'111e cos - ' . Kravitz

" ASKmNG PRICE $12S,000 IJl'e AI~Nll Fridays Show Movie . : " . Nvlt For an appointment to View, ' r ,~elephone. - :is • " ~.~ ~w , WEerrW - • i -. cl..m. ' " 438-1747 or 635-4335 At ~ ,.m. ; slon ~ "~. CII~ImS ~" i i I J [ II I I Page. 12 • Robin Adams Slb n's Gossip Column

Q. Who is'Miles Davis. who's been married twice has been offered the lead in a Q. By far our favorite TV lesbian in her latest audiences, they've the man actress Cicely be/ore and is' known as a new musical he's writing, star is Anthony Geary. the movie? is she out to managed to include a Tyson recently married? trendsctting clotheshorse ~Murder at the Follies." It's sexy young actor who plays destroy her, wholesome homosexual transvestite What can you tell us about and lover of expensive the bushy-haired, street- image as Supcrman's character in the plot. The him?- L,M. foreign cars, He's also smart survivor on "General girlfriend, Lois Lane? - part is portrayed not by known as • demanding Hospital." What's his-hack- G.S. Kidder but by actor Ran professional taskmaster. ground? -- H.M. A. You've a bit mixed Lacey, Who played the The 4?-year-old Cicely, who A:> Geary bails from up on that. MargOt does villainous Nazi in has the reputation of beinga Coalville. Utah. stands at like adventuresome par- •'?Raiders of The Lost demanding star in her own six-feet-two in(:hes, h,;s blue ts; that's why shesigned Ark.'" As for Lois Lane, right, seems to have married eyes and dark blonde hair. on as a .prostitute op- "Margot says she might as a man every bit her match He appeared in at least one posite Richard Pryor in well forget the part in the when she picked Miles as her feature movie an(] "several "Some Kind of Hero." upcoming "Superman second husband• TV shows -- including. The love scenes were ex- ill'" movie since she Q. What's this about tremely torrid and made Some. highly un- Phyllis Diller starring in a realistic, but wound up- flattering remarks not big-budget Broadway show? a big-budget affair, more for the most part on,he long ago about the A. As anyone even re- We thought she was strictly than $2 million to get the cutting room •floor. producers. motely knowledgeable about a nightclub comic; -- K.K. show on the road and then to Margot's now doing modern jazz will tell you. A. Phyllis can do-lots Broadway• Rirkwood isn't something of~an about Miles Dewey Davi~ Ill ns a •more than crack jokes about certain of the timing so 1 face in her latest movie key figure -- a trumpeter. her husband "Fang" and her- can't say when the show -- since it's a Walt Disney composer and band leader •facelifts. Writer James combining lavish song-and- production. She plays a of. such artistry that .h.e's Kirkwood. who, • won a dance plus murder mystery spy in the movie Called "Trenchcoat." But, sin- exerted a major influence on Pulitzer Prize for co- -- will open. But Phyllis fello~~fisicia ns. Personal- authoring the super-success- seems set foe the lead as a •ce the Disney folk.~ are .ly. the 55-year-old Darts is a ful musical "A Chorus ~ funny lady fr6nt~ng a line of Q. What's this about aiming their newer diminutive. stylish -man -- . Line., assures me that Dilier ostrich-feathered chorines, MargoLKidder playing a movies at more adult


• EVENINGS 3227.KQlum st. Laurie Forbes Jim Dufh/- • 635-5382 635-6688 • TERRRCE • Rod Cousins Gordon Olson 635.5407 Stan• Parker 635'636i 638.1945 - 635-4031


Assumable. Mortgages Oldie But Goedle . Move to the Top Family Spe¢ialL . ~- First Home ' Glrdeners Delight' ' --Scott Ave., 1098 sq. ft., Excellent.location close Here'ls e home tosuit. '- Here Is an attractive 3 WhY pay rent when you This comfort 3 bedroom • 2bedrooms. Natural gas to schools and the down your needs. Three yfmrs .bedroom home situated could own thls "at- ho'melssituated on an heat.. 10 per. cent until towPI core., New natural old in ,1tractive new on no thru street. Yard .: tractive ,llitle two. 85x127 lot on quiet • Sept. 83. Asking $56,500. gas furnace. Very at. " subdivision with ex. Is fen'ced and land.. bedroomhome In town. " str.eet., Large garden" -.--Agar Ave., 720sq. ft. 2 tractive yard. This one cellent" view ofthe seeped. Also large , 'Features lots ofextra area; fruit :trees and bedrooms, recently. should not be mountains. Features 3' sundeck with storage - '. goodies. =ShouJd be berries;: Other features redecoratecl; 60x200 lot. - over'looked. Offers' to. ' hodrourns. Fireplace,. area,,Prl(!ed at Seo,ooo,,. viewed, to. be..:.. ap~: ai~e'a-large'.work shop; / "natural gas heat with a preclated. Only $$4,000.: storage eree and .: c0of ' $32,000flrst mortgage at S79A~O.'" " • ' .~ " Ready for Summer fenced and landscaped • " room/ Also ''go0d 10per cent Until July, Comforleble. 4 bedroom . yard. Plus there Is an • - assumable, mortgage. .1983. Asking. $44,500. home on quiet street. Well priced Homes excellent assu(nable lower Priced . " ' "Asklng:S64,,~00. :,...'- ' --Straume Ave. 1170 sq. ~ Features hvo fireplaces, --Webm"Ave., 1000 ~,.. - :. --McDeek ~ve., 96O sq. mortgage of $4s,000at !1 L natural gas heat end .. . ft. Finished besemont, 5 per cent renewable In ft. 3 hedroom. Carport, 1 '/ " ft.' Full• basement, 3 bedrooms,., two .. • Se,,t :g4 -Pricedat fully landscaped yard. nafuralgasheat, feflced . :--i ' ':t bedrooms; 'fireplace,. ... fireplaces, rec .room, ' " ~..... ~ ' . Also $47,000 assumable :;/ard.:'pr!ced hi $s5,000. . ltTt Hlghlins~NoHbern ~,! - carport, sundeck. • carport, double paved $78,000. - - mortgags at tO per cent. '--Walker St., 10Nsq. ft.: -.: Padcage ~, .-:i~-- ~-::i • t~ $43,000first mortgage at" driveway. Asking price lrlbe.Prlce Is Right Asking $95,000. ' : ' . .... ,3 bedroom, franklin, ..14x70, Ig'~, Insulation, 10~,4 per cent until Aug.,-- $79,500 This.: ___ 3 bedroom home.... Is . Good Starter Home . ~ir ep la ce, carP0rt,i **:fu!l..wldth frame' :and Asking $69,5OO. 4 t 17~. • Ave ;:-1120 sq : smJmea" eed I ' I on£:a a :,nicely .. Ideal family home 1140: , '. ~.ga#ckm"shed . Pr Iced.at.- ..:asphalt peaked:;r0of. : . . . ft. - Full 'basement, 4 "i~ -'~ -,4dal lwell Ave., 1226 bedrooms;:, fireplace, , • . t won't la.~ I ong.se m~.. " i landscaped endfenced , "Hagen i~.St. 12x6g I :man'y additional .~. ,sq.:ft;.Full basement, 4 rec . ~'oom,..carport, .lUsh~jto ~ecg. It:~OUt yard. Good assumable ~moblle~home with ad. I fufures. Allappllances: • ,~ ".~b~clroo'ms:, . two :. f(mced' yard with bar, ' smo 1.o Sell. ' 81' LWI,UUO"/ mortgage. Also close to i .~litlon~.2bedrooms, very, i,.ilk)'be Included all deluxe , ~,~.. ~flreplaces, rec room . beque and frult trees.. - Keeping Awey •from ' schools and' downtown, r. n!cely, deve.lq)ed.. Ap.. 'l feafureS'i Asking gN,500: , ~Nlth wet:Mr; Carport, Good financing . HighMortgagas~.. • Priced at S66,0o0...... pllances and •most | --12x55. Glendale !" ~sundeck, 30,000 first . available: 'Asking price .:Check out thoSe t~o . - $,10AN 10~per cent -- furnishings " Included.- I mobile, 2 bedroom has mortgage at 13 per cent . : $~,~ • ' " " 1 " . ~ mob!le homes. 12x68,:3. " 644 --¢115 payments • Qualifies' for CMHC | iust'been renovated ur~tll June, 1~5. Make ...--.Firecre'ek Road. bedroom; :northern' . .Can't beat.this bw at. , financing, Prl~:ed-at | appliances, Open to your Offer tO the asklng' . Brend-new" 1380 s(~. ft. package very wel/kept" I 4626S¢ottwhlch has lust • :$46,500. - . ' | ioffers to $10,500. • ' • prlce of:$79,000. ' ' basement . home, :3." andnlcely sot.up with I ~been reducedto sell at ,, ,~Cop.per Rive[- Rd. I-~-Halfacreoneastslde ..Check these, homes out .. bedrooms, mestor wlth .custom built add,lop_ | $SO,000..Cozy, familY: ' 12X~ meblle bornewith:: | of~Lakel~ Lake~Askln~: .and fled out from our emulte. Large rec room wlth covered end fenced .I home.'welI enalntalned,- two '. additions, 4 ."I I~000.'. :.". ',::" :.... :- sales statf lUst how ealY • with brick .fireplace, sundeck. .Taste'fully I -cl~e todowntown,and: 1 bedrooms, garage" with ' I .--2 Resldentlal,lO~On I 1~ could be for you:to get , ~r!~rt~ sundeck, on 2 decorated..: Asking I schools.:Mbny- ap.' r 1 'shop; 80X105 feflc~d.- lot. | Queensway r' :DHve.( --.: / '.. into your own home. ' "; acres. Priced at sg0,00o. ' • $19,(i00.' .... • . : . '. pealing featoms. : ..' .~ " Prlced to sell at S~I6,000,,.: I: •mOO0 fer :both;. .:'~:'; ;

--. /., .... , ...... ~,J,,,':.•,~•..','.~.,•...,.... ~... :,~ . , ~...i,..,•~.-,..~•..;,,,•:•,1-,.,%,,,..,,,.,,.,•. , •• •