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Kirsti Bergstø is a Norwegian politician for the Socialist Left Party. She is the former leader of the Socialist Youth, the youth wing of the Socialist Left Party, and held this position between 2006 and 2008. Coming from Nesseby, she served as a deputy representative to the Parliament of Norway from Finnmark during the term 2005–2009. She was a deputy member of Finnmark county council from 1999 to 2003. From 2010 to 2012 she was a State Secretary in the Ministry of Children, Equality and Social Inclusion. Hilde Bjørkhaug has been a researcher at the Center for Rural Research in Norway since 1997. She has a PhD in Sociology and throughout her career has been involved in research on different aspects of agricultural restructuring. More recently, she has conducted research on power relations in the food chains in Norway and internationally. Gender perspectives have been employed in most projects, and many also had a specific gender focus. She has followed the Norwegian legislation on gender balance in the boardroom through research projects and the public debate. She has published widely on this topic. Agnes Bolsø, Associate Professor, is head of Gender Studies and Deputy of Department of Interdisciplinary Studies of Culture, Norwegian Univer- sity of and Technology, former editor of the Norwegian Journal for Gender Studies, currently managing ‘Mirror, mirror on the wall, who’s most powerful of them all? Gender as a symbolic and social structure in organizations’, a research project funded by the Research Council of Norway. The project involves 14 scholars from Norway, Sweden, the UK and the USA. Marina Brogi is Full Professor of Capital Markets as of 2007 and Deputy Dean as of 2011 at the Faculty of Economics of Università di Roma ‘La Sapienza’, and she has over 20 years of experience in research and training in banking and finance at both university and executive level. She is the author of numerous publications on banking, and capital markets. She participated as Commissioner in the Examinations for CONSOB (’s Securities Markets Authority) and worked as a consultant to the Italian Ministry of Interior. She serves on


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the and of several Italian listed and non-listed companies. Andrea D. Bührmann is a Professor at the University of Goettingen, . Her main research fields are entrepreneurship studies, diversity and gender studies, and sociological methodologies and methods. Recent publications are: Unternehmertum jenseits des Normalunternehmertums: Für eine praxistheoretisch inspirierte Erforschung unternehmerischer Aktivitäten, Berliner Journal für Soziologie, 2012, 1: 129–156; and with K. Hansen, Broadening the view: diverse types of entrepreneurs, Rivista di Politica Economista, 2012, April: 53–72. Laila Dåvøy is a Norwegian politician for the Christian Democratic Party. She has been a member of the Norwegian parliament since 2005. She was leader of the Norwegian Nurses Association, 1992–1998. From 1989 to 1990, during the Syse cabinet, Dåvøy was appointed State Secretary in the Ministry of Culture and Church Affairs. In 1999–2000 she was appointed Norwegian Minister of Labour and Administration in the first Bondevik cabinet. In the second Bondevik cabinet, Dåvøy was Norwegian Minister of Children and Family Affairs 2001–2005. Cristina Finocchi Mahne is an economist, an expert on corporate governance, and Professor of Advanced Business Administration at Rome University La Sapienza, Faculty of Economics, Italy. She is a board member of listed companies; Co-Chair Italy of WCD (Women Corporate Directors), international association of board members. Previously, she was a member of the Committee, as Director of Investor Relations and Group Strategic Communication, of two main financial blue-chip companies, both with a market capitalization over €5 billion. She has been a keynote speaker at national and international conferences. Heather Foust-Cummings, PhD, leads Catalyst’s research on corporate governance, with a focus on understanding relationships between diver- sity, corporate governance, and board and firm performance. Prior to joining Catalyst, Dr Foust-Cummings taught at Columbia University and conducted brand analyses at Young & Rubicam. Dr Foust-Cummings received her PhD and MA from Emory University, USA; she received her BS from the University of Tennessee at Chattanooga, USA. Katrin Hansen is a Professor at Westfälische Hochschule in Germany, Ruhr Area. Currently she holds the position as Vice-President Planning, Finances, and International Relations. Her teaching field is management and human resources development. She has research interests in the fields of organizational development, women leaders and women on boards,

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women entrepreneurs, diversity management and intercultural manage- ment, recently integrating these streams into the field of entrepreneurial diversity. Vibeke Heidenreich is a PhD student in sociology at the University of Oslo, Norway. She is studying the effects of gender quota on recruitment to Norwegian company boards. Heidenreich is a sociologist (cand.polit) and a historian (cand.philol). Elin Hurvenes was a key player when Norway implemented bold, world-leading legislation requiring Oslo Stock Exchange-listed com- panies to have 40 per cent women on their boards. Through a series of pioneering events she generated an arena for chairmen and chief execu- tive officers to expand their network to women board candidates whilst tackling complex financial and strategic issues in a board-like situation. The Forum now operates in the UK,; and the Netherlands,; and will open in Switzerland and Hong Kong in 2014. Elin has a BA from Oxford Brookes University and an MBA from London Business School, UK. Morten Huse is Reinhard-Mohn-Chair of Management and Governance at the University of Witten/Herdecke, Germany, and Professor of Organ- isation and Management at BI Norwegian Business School. His research focus is on value-creating boards and the human side of corporate governance. He has published extensively about women on boards, and has been a speaker at executive and academic events in many countries, including presentations at the Italian and British parliaments and on TV channels in several countries. Gro Ladegård is Associate Professor in Leadership and Organization Science at UMB School of Economics and Business, Norway, and has several years of experience as a business consultant on human capital development. She has a PhD in Business Administration from the Norwegian School of Economics. Her main research areas are human capital of corporate boards, leadership and leadership development. Merete Lütken has 20 years’ top management experience in Norwegian business and 12 years’ experience as non-executive board member in companies within technology, health, education, media and industry. Currently she is working as a management consultant, board member, speaker and writer. She is Vice-President of the Norwegian board network Styrelederen, and a member of the expert panel at Her work is published in the scientific magazine Magma,

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and she is the author of the financial thriller Supergirl. The novel is on the syllabus list at BI Norwegian Business School. Silke Machold, PhD, is Professor of Corporate Governance at the University of Wolverhampton Business School, UK, where she also serves as Co-Director of the Management Research Centre. She is the founding co-editor of the International Journal of Business Governance and Ethics, and current chair of the Strategic Interest Group on Corporate Governance at the European Academy of Management. Her research interests are in board processes and behaviours, and feminist perspectives on corporate governance. She teaches and consults on these topics in the UK and overseas. Dorothy Perrin Moore, PhD, is an Emeritus Professor of Business Administration at The Citadel. Her most recent book, Womenpreneurs: 21st Century Success Strategies, is a nominee for the 2013 Axiom Book Award. She is also the author of Careerpreneurs: Lessons from Leading Women Entrepreneurs on Building a Career Without Boundaries,a Foreword Magazine Gold Award winner in business. Her co-authored book, Island in the Storm, Sullivan’s Island and Hurricane Hugo,a bronze award winner, is now available as an e-book. Ingvild Ragna Myhre gained a degree in 1982 as a civil engineer, and shortly thereafter she became a sought-after board member. During the past 20 years she has been a board member and also board chair of many of Norway’s most important and largest enterprises. She is now working as a partner in the consultancy LOS, and her main activity is as a board member. Nini Høegh Nergaard was born in 1972 in Oslo, Norway. In 1998 she graduated from the University of Oslo with a law degree. She then went on to work in the Investment Banking division of Svenska Handels- banken. When leaving the banking world in 2005 she devoted herself to motherhood and board work. Currently she holds three board positions. Nini lives just outside Oslo with her husband and two sons. Viviane Reding is Vice-President of the European Commission, in charge of Justice, Fundamental Rights and Citizenship policies. She began her third five-year term in February 2010 and is currently the Commission’s longest-serving member. In 1999, she was named Educa- tion, Culture, Media and Sports Commissioner. Mrs Reding was re- appointed in 2004 and served as Telecoms and Media Commissioner. She was responsible for reforming EU telecommunications rules and cutting the price of mobile telephone roaming charges. Her career in European

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began in 1989 when she was elected a Member of the European Parliament, where she served two consecutive terms. Monika Schulz-Strelow is President of FidAR – Frauen in die Auf- sichtsräte e.V. In 2006 Monika Schulz-Strelow founded FidAR – Frauen in die Aufsichtsräte e.V. (Women to the Boards) which is a non-partisan, Germany-wide, well-known initiative, campaigning for an increase of female board members in Germany. She studied political sciences and has worked in international business. Through Monika’s long-standing affiliation with the BAO BERLIN International GmbH, where she spent nine years on the board, she is very experienced with supervisory boards and is a member of the board of the Deutsche Klassenlotterie Berlin. With her company group, she advises international invest- ment agencies. Ruth Sealy has global expertise on women on corporate boards, and has led the research for the UK’s annual Female FTSE Women on Boards report since 2007. Ruth’s research interests cover many aspects of women in leadership. She speaks regularly at academic and practitioner conferences, lectures on postgraduate courses, and has written a number of book chapters and journal articles. Prior to becoming an academic, Ruth was the Managing Director of a specialist holiday company. She then worked as a management psychologist, before joining Cranfield in 2004. Cathrine Seierstad is a Lecturer in Human Resource Management at Brunel Business School, Brunel University London, UK. Her research and publications focus upon aspects of gender, equality, diversity, leader- ship, corporate governance and the use of affirmative action strategies. She has published in Work, Employment and Society and the Scandin- avian Journal of Management and has also contributed to various books and edited editions. Siri Øyslebø Sørensen gained her PhD in 2013 from the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) in Trondheim, Norway. The title of her PhD is ‘Genderless equality? A study of how gender quotas on corporate boards were assembled as a policy reform’. The PhD thesis explores the cultural meanings of gender equality in Norwegian policy-making, analyzing the process of introducing gender quotas to corporate boards. She has been a visiting scholar at Stanford University, USA, and her publications have received awards. She is now a researcher at Department of Interdisciplinary Studies of Culture at NTNU.

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Elbjørg Gui Standal worked at BI the Norwegian Business School, Norway. In 1995 she founded the consultancy company Elinora Consult- ing Ltd, doing business with a number of Norwegian companies. Before she joined BI she held a number of senior positions in Norwegian companies. From 1968 she worked with board questions, and initiated the research work and teaching within this field at BI. She was responsible for all the courses that BI teaches in Board Competence – from Bachelors to Masters programmes. She held a number of board positions in Norwegian companies. She published several books includ- ing Diversity in the Board Room and Handbook for Board Members. Elbjørg Gui Standal died in February 2013. Mariateresa Torchia, PhD, is Post-Doctoral Researcher at Witten/ Herdecke University, Germany. Her main research interests are in the area of boards of directors, with a specific focus on the topic of women directors and board diversity. She is the author of several publications on the topic and she is involved in the European Academy of Management where she co-chairs a track on women directors on corporate boards. Susan Vinnicombe OBE, MA, PhD, MCIM, FRSA is Director of the Cranfield International Centre for Women Leaders, Cranfield School of Management, UK. Her particular research interests are gender diversity on corporate boards, women’s leadership styles, and the issues involved in women developing their managerial careers. Her research centre is unique in the UK with its focus on women leaders, and the annual Female FTSE 100 Index is regarded as the UK’s premier research resource on women directors. Susan has written ten books and over 100 articles, reports and conference papers. Susan was awarded an OBE for Services to Diversity in the Queen’s New Year’s Honours List in 2005. Daniela Weber-Rey is Partner at Clifford Chance, Frankfurt, Germany, and has been a member of the Partnership Council since 2010. In 2008, she became a member of the German Government’s Corporate Govern- ance Code Commission, and was nominated to membership of EIOPA (Re-insurance Stakeholder Group). She has over 25 years’ legal experi- ence in company law, corporate governance and mergers and acquisi- tions. Since 2012, she has been a member of the European Corporate Governance Institute (ECGI, Brussels) and an member of the International Centre for Insurance Regulation (ICIR, Frankfurt). Christine Wetli (MA HSG) is currently a Doctoral student at the University of St Gallen, Switzerland. Her research focuses on the contribution of women on boards of directors in publicly listed com- panies.

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Thorhild Widvey was a member of the Norwegian Parliament 1989– 1997. She represented the Moderate Party (Høyre), and during 2004– 2005 she was the Norwegian Minister of Oil and Energy. She also has experience as Political Secretary in other ministries. Since she ended her tenure as Minister of Oil and Energy she has been a very popular candidate for many boards in Norway as well as in other countries.

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