Greater New York (1897)
.^- • "\--:^--.-^ -^v/^/.V'-o'-* **.--;^-\.^^ '^<./-'^.<^T--y*' %-^.<^T--,,»*' **.--^--, .^\- - '''r<-„ c-^"^ r' ./% ,'^^ 3^ » " = . <3 ** ^^ o^ :<»k^^ -ov^' ^^0^ ;>"-^<*.. * o.^ ^-<, A^ .>^1^;?/>,•' V cV .^^^g^'. ^^. ..<«' .'1%K'^ V .^"^ /^Sfej^'. ^. .^ /Jv-^c?;-. •^<^_ .-?."*' />S^'. ^^. ^\' j^^ . mm •^•^i" \:^f^'y "^^^^ ' ' • 'S' " c •» v^>^. O V^v"^ ".l .•^o^ ^°-v. ^_ ^^ ^'a ''^'i^ i^MM ^- A " " ,0 c ° o " .H.Ur<"3 'bV "^O^ o V ..-^^ .•-',;>L% ^-^^ ^<^ y^/f^.:^ % C° .i-O^ 4 O ;> ^.^ /i^»'^ ^^ o 'bV-" c> I .•iq. .0^ "^ '<?>•. ' .«»' ,*' o •« o <S* o , .IJ f. Greater New York ILLUSTRATED. OVER ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY PHOTOGRAPHIC VIEWvS OF THE FOREMOST CITY OF THE WESTERN HEMISPHERE. 1899. R.\ND, McNALLY & COMPANY, PUBLISHERS, Chicago and New York. 31691 CopyriKlit. IS.J7. by Rand. AIcNally & Co. Copyright. is,j,|, liy Rand. McNallv & Co. TWO COPIES K£C-|V£D. TABLE OF CONTENTS. PAGE PAGE PAGE of American Museum Natural History ... 195 Gansevoort Market 117 Prospect Park, Brooklyn » ... 249 American Surety Co.'s Buildinj^ ..'.... 59 Grace Church 107 Residences, Northeast 'Corner Madison Avenue American Tract 'Society's Buildinjj 81 Grand Cential Station 151 and Fiftieth Street 165 Astor. Mrs. John Jacob', Residence of .... 171 Grant's Tomb, Riverside Drive 221 Riverside Drive and Grant's Tomb 219 Battery Park anLl New York Bay, from Roof of Hale, Nathan, Statue of 89 Riverside Drive. Looking North from (Iranfs Washington Building g Hall of Architectural Casts, Metropolitan Mu- Tomb 215 Hlaekwell's Island, South End 37 seum of Art 189 Riverside Drive, Looking North from One Hun- Bolivar, Statue of 49 Herald Building 143 dred and Twelfth Street 211 Bowling Green Building 47 High Bridge 233 Riverside Drive, Looking North from One Hun- BiitlgfS, Prospect Pa*k, Brooklyn 247 Holland House 145 dred and Twentieth Street 213 P.rightnn Beach, Coney Island 251 Hotel Waldorf-Astoria 147 Rivenside Drive and One Hundred and Eighth Hioad Street, Looking South from Wall Street .
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