Specialist Leaders of Education 2017/2018

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Specialist Leaders of Education 2017/2018 Specialist Leaders of Education 2017/2018 Specialist Leaders of Education Area Name School Setting Assessment Louise Rainey (also Science) Secondary Julie Sharrock (also whole school curriculum, timetabling, data and tracking, disadvantaged Secondary students and ‘diminishing differences’) Attendance & Behaviour Chris Airey Secondary Chris Hunt (also /Safeguarding/Leadership) Secondary Phil Pemberton Secondary Matthew Reynolds Secondary CPD/Facilitation/Leadership Andrew Dickens (also Maths and ITT) Secondary Jenny Ogunmyiwa Secondary Julie Sharrock (also Leadership, Closing the Gap, Assessment) Secondary Curriculum / Teaching & Kathryn Chapple (also Safeguarding & behaviour) Secondary Learning Data / Progress / Tracking Sonia Schofield Secondary Thom Copestake Secondary EAL Klaudia Giermaniuk Secondary Early Years Alison Dean Primary Jill Dring Primary English Amy Burkes Primary Helen Cleary Secondary Niamh Devlin Secondary Ben Dugdale (also Raising Attainment, Assessment) Secondary Beverley Jackson Primary Kate Jones (also PE) Secondary Monika Maloszyc-Gibbons Secondary Jill Martland Secondary Claire O’Hara Secondary Nichola Wiggans (also Leader of Curriculum) Primary Jonathan Williams Secondary Lucy Yeomans (also ITT, Leadership of Curriculum) Secondary Finance Edward Vitalis Both Food Technology Lou Clutton Secondary HR Lynette Beckett Both Humanities Sarah Butler (Humanities) Secondary Sara Cheston (Humanities / RE) Secondary Scott Davenport (RE) Secondary Huw Dickson (History) Secondary Sarah Frost (History / ITT / Leader of Curriculum / CPD) Secondary Laura Lakin (Geography - also Assessment for Learning, Global Learning) Secondary Melissa McMillan (History) Secondary Matthew McPartland (History – also Leadership of Curriculum / Assessment) Secondary Abigail Morrissey (Geography and also RE) Secondary Nicki Wilson (Geography) Secondary Jennifer Winters (Geography) Secondary ICT Anna Black Primary Jason Welch Secondary ITT/ NQT Suzanne Curryer Secondary Bridget Dooley Secondary Kal Hodgson Secondary Leadership Lisa Fathers Secondary Marketing & Communications John Brennan Both Maths Suzanne Best Secondary Helen Boyle Secondary Dianne Ellithorn Primary Fiona Hagsharfi Primary Alison Heathcock Secondary Mandy Hickman Secondary Komal Hirani Primary John Lamb Primary Gemma Lavelle Primary Elaine Mackintosh Secondary Andrea Malkin Secondary Simon Mazumder Secondary Jonathan McNamara Secondary Sarah Mears Secondary Emma Soper Secondary Yvonne Trimble Primary Hayley Wood Primary MFL Paul Eager Secondary Jenny Greenwood Secondary Alex Havers Secondary Claire Horn Secondary Angela Stokes Secondary Michelle Thompson Secondary Frances Thomson Secondary Music Julia Mayall Secondary PE Andy Buckle Secondary PSHE & Citizenship Emily Mitchell Secondary Science Jason Bach (CHEMISTRY) Secondary Zoe Hulme (BIOLOGY) Secondary Kathryn Langridge (CHEMISTRY) Secondary Mukesh Singadia (PHYSICS) Secondary Oliver Walker (CHEMISTRY) Secondary Jason Welch (PHYSICS) Secondary SEN/Inclusion Julie Barnett Secondary Maree Jordan Secondary Isobel Walters Secondary Rachael Wardle Secondary Teaching & Learning Sarah Rostron Primary Danielle Tedford Secondary Nicola Walker Secondary Assessment Name Louise Rainey SLE designation January 2017 (Date of designation & Altrincham Grammar School for Girls / Alliance for learning Teaching School) Current School Sale High School, Trafford (LA or Sponsor) Recent OfSTED judgement Good with outstanding features (June 2015) (Overall and Leadership) Context of School Sale High is an 11-16 foundation school with Technology Specialism in the selective authority of Trafford. It is a smaller than average school with a challenging cohort and a high FSM (40.1%). The school is dedicated to improving outcomes for all students and recently achieved a P8 score of 0.15 (RAISE 2016), one of the best scores of the High Schools in the local authority. It is a school that has been on a journey from Special Measures to recently being graded ‘Good with outstanding features’ (Ofsted 2015). Examination results are better than national averages including in many subject area, English, Science, Modern Foreign Languages, History, RE, Art, Expressive Arts, Music and Technology. Particular area(s) of Lead on raising standards through close analysis of data (RAISE and schools own) Expertise/Strength and supports all departments in meeting their targets. (please show supporting Several years’ experience coaching departments in tracking progress, identifying data/information) gaps and planning interventions. Training and advice on the implementation of the new government measures resulting in a positive P8 score and the transition from ‘life without levels’. 7 years’ experience as a MLL of Science, improving standards, outcomes and ethos. How have you supported I have coached MLL in using the data to meet their agreed and often challenging targets. other schools or middle This has involved CPD sessions on analysing and using the data that they are accountable leaders and senior leaders in for, having regular meetings to support and challenge MLLs on their data and plans for your own school? improvement. Once groups are identified it is transferring those numbers into intervention strategies and securing the best outcomes for the individual pupils. I line manage several staff, support them through quality assurance, moderation, schemes of learning, staffing (new staff) and personnel issues. I also give them time to be reflective and so utilise and develop their own leadership skills. Under my leadership Science results increased year on year and have reached record high. I believe in accountability, self- belief and investing in people resulting in several members of my department going on to other leadership roles. What was the Impact of your Ofsted 2015 includes how we identify students swiftly so ‘timely interventions can take support? place ensuring the students make good progress’. My role then and even more so now allows me to play a key role in student progress, the identification of key groups and so support improvement. The Ofsted Report 2015 commented that science was making consistently good progress against challenging targets for all year groups. This was confirmed by students’ books and our own internal data systems. The Ofsted Report stated ‘… the rate of progress is significantly above average in science and modern foreign languages.’ This trend has continued and in the latest RAISE 2016 science continues to be above National Averages in all areas of science as well as the schools’ progress 8 figure of +0.15. I have played a key role in shifting the culture from the C/D key marginal students to progress for all students and working with colleagues on strategies to get the best progress measure for our school. Assessment Name Julie Sharrock SLE designation Altrincham Grammar School for Girls / Alliance for Learning (Date of designation & September 2017 Teaching School) Current School Wellacre Academy (LA or Sponsor) Recent OfSTED judgement Overall : Good (May 2017) (Overall and Leadership) Overall (at previous inspection): Requires Improvement (May 2015) Context of School Wellacre Academy is an 11-16 all boys High School situated in the borough of Trafford. The Academy is subject to the selection policy at the age of 11 which operates within the borough. Wellacre’s intake is broadly in line with the national average on prior attainment; however the more able cohort is below the national in all year groups. The percentage of SEND students is significantly higher than national average whilst the cohort of disadvantaged students is broadly in line with the national average. Our motto of ‘Inspiring all to achieve’ is at the heart of everything we do. We have worked hard as a school community on our vision and values. We believe a commitment to such values results in success and achievement for all. Particular area(s) of Expertise/Strength Whole school curriculum and timetabling (please show supporting Assessment and reporting data/information) Data and tracking Disadvantaged students and ‘diminishing differences’ Line management of English, Maths, Humanities, MFL and Science Middle Leader SEF Outcomes Line manage whole school numeracy and literacy leads How have you supported I have facilitated OTP and ITP courses through the National College as part of the GM other schools or middle Challenge and I have also provided school to school support in History. leaders and senior leaders in I have planned and delivered many CPD sessions to staff on assessment, Appraisal, target your own school? setting, evaluating Teaching and Learning, quality assurance for Middle Leaders. Last year, I completed Pupil Premium Reviewer Training and I continue to work collaboratively with Trafford schools on the Pupil Premium agenda. In the second half of the Spring Term 2017, I was the Acting Principal at Wellacre and this significantly broadened my experiences and my work with staff. I also link closely with SLEs in school and am experienced in articulating their impact against agreed targets. I have used coaching to support several members of staff to improve and develop their practice and have facilitated two colleagues from other schools on Leadership Residency at Wellacre in 2016 and 2017. I have supported and coached the Leader of Maths to develop his faculty to ‘good’ by improving T&L and student outcomes from significantly below national to significantly above national at C/4 in two years. Likewise, I have supported and developed
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