
Lesson -14 The

Q1. Fill in the blanks:

1. The rotates around the .

2. A group of stars is called constellation.

3. Moon is the natural of earth.

4. When we cannot see the moon in the sky, it is called amavasya.

5. The is a star.

Q2. Choose the correct answer:

1. Huge glowing balls of fire are called______. a) b) sun

2. The moon rotates around the ______. a) Earth b)

3. A group of stars forms a ______. a) Satellite b) constellation

4. We can see on ______. a) Amavasya b) purnima

5. The moon gets its from the ______. a) Earth b) sun

Q3. True or False:

1. Stars go away from the sky during the day – False.

2. Moon gets its light from earth –False.

3. We can live on moon –False.

4. Earth is the first from the sun – False.

5. Sun gives us heat and light – True.

Q4. Match the following:

1. Sun - (5)

2. Moon - constellation (4)

3. Earth - satellite (2)

4. Leo - star (1)

5. - third planet from sun ( 3)

Q5. Give two examples each of:

1. Heavenly bodies:

Ans: (i) Moon (ii) .

2. Planets:

Ans: (i) Earth (ii) mars

3. Stars:

Ans: (i) Sun (ii) pole star

4. Constellations:

Ans: (i) orion (ii) Leo

5. Satellites:

Ans: (i) moon (ii)Earth

Q6. Short answer:

1. What does the consist of?

Ans: The universe consists of heavenly bodies like stars, planets and moon.

2. What do we get from sun?

Ans: We get light, heat and energy from sun.

3. Planets do not have their own heat and light. Then how do they shine with a steady light when seen from earth?

Ans: Planets do not have their own heat and light. So they get their heat and light from the star they move around.

4. When the moon is called ?

Ans: When no light falls on the moon and we cannot see the moon at all, it is called new moon . 5. Why can we not see the stars during the day?

Ans: We cannot see the stars during the day because light from sun is too bright.

Q7. Long Answer:

1. Why is there no on the moon?

Ans: The moon is the nearest neighbour of the earth. The moon is a natural satellite of the earth. If we look at the moon from the earth, the sun and the moon seem to be of the same size. However, the moon is much smaller than the sun. It looks big because it is closer to the earth than the sun. The moon moves around the earth. It has no light of its own and reflects the light of the sun. It has no air or water. So there is no life on the moon.

2. Draw a labelled diagram of the phases of moon.


3. What are stars? Why do they appear small?

Ans: A star is a huge ball of hot, burning gases. They have their own light and heat. The stars are much bigger than the sun, but they appear to be smaller because they are far away.

4. What are constellations? Draw any one.

Ans: The group of stars that appear to make patterns in the night sky are called


5. Describe the .

Ans: The solar system consists of the Sun, eight planets and their satellites, and other heavenly bodies. The sun is the centre of the solar system. The eight planets in the order from the sun are , , Earth, Mars, , , and . All the planets revolve around the sun.