MALAYSIA T YPOL OGUE Transasia Fine Papers (Malaysia) Sdn Bhd Lot 10 & 10A. Oce Block, Jalan Tandang 46050 Petaling Jaya, Selangor, Malaysia t +603 7785 6613 / 7785 6623 f +603 7784 7628 e
[email protected] SINGAPORE Transasia Fine Papers Pte Ltd e
[email protected] Vintage Natural 240gsm Dolce Vita 320gsm Dolce Vita 240gsm Touch N Feel 240gsm Fabria Bianco 300gsm Sandgrain 250gsm } • Dimensional stability r a n • Tensile strength i i Foldability r • r Water resistance pe • e Archival quality t • a • Opacity ri • Colour or shade permanence c side Food grade certification • • Bulk e • Is thin paper more suitable? on Grain direction e of p • m } c • Environmental certification c r n o e So • Paper enhances design t ig p { • The tactile feel of paper hoi s a heightens the appreciation c e and message of the P design concept D • Design can be paper led & c • Wrong choice of paper can destroy good design • Paper, Design, Concept and Printing need to phi complement each other a • Choice of paper must reflect r sophistication of project and size of budget G { TOP! Ask yourself:- why are you reading this? ¶ Because it looked interesting ¶ Because Sthe design, the text, and the combination of graphics and typography arrested your attention ¶ Because it felt good when you turned the page ¶ Because every page feels different, and you receive a different message from the subtle sensation between your fingers¶ Typologue ¶ It’s the constant, creative, ceaseless conversation created by combining colour, design, typography and specially-selected