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. Baruch College • City University of New York November 11,1992 '

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, ; '. -'. PresidentOutlines GoalsandAcbievments inAddress

ByFarah Gehy tuN direction of the college. led to tbisseme&ters tuition tbefacultyfor-therecognition etc. On ThUl'Sday, October 29, -rhe state bas cut appro- increase and the four million just paid by B~in Goldstein is also propos-· PresidentMatthe:wGol.~ .1t~~.~~qty.U~ver- dollar budget cut Baruch had listmg the Barueb MBA pro- ing to start a Volunteers Pro­ delieveredastate of·theeol- .'·sity,maldngitdifticulttofunc- to implement. '.gram,as one Of 20 ,acrOSs the gram.·'ftWipmgramwouldlook legeaddlessin~msditCrium.~tieR~...,.venatthe -rhia resulted in our not eouritry di~shedon the towardsalumni,friends ofthe atl1LexingtoriAv.~high.,; fuftclamental level," said beingabletoapp'ointanumber basis oCquality and value.- eOnege~peOple in :the neigh­ lighting ~~ed ... ~in.:.r~(~~ng. ~ the. ofvaluedemployees,havingto Another recognized borhood, friends andrelatives bytheC,itT~~t..t:~,·.: ~~~JDilliQn_~CUNY .faced ,'retrencha few positionsandto achievementlistedwasForbes ofthoeewhowOrk andstUdyat York'~~"~~~:~~.·~:.~:""~~'~~<~ecutincDase class sizes - placing. magazine, which earlier this Baruch to "give something hea~burdensODfaculiy,eoun-' year listed Baruch among the .back- to the echool, by'means selorsandothersuppristafl- 10 most pro'i1inent business ofhiribgBarueh students. _ s8idGOldst»in. .. program. in the country. Regarding·the· buildingof' Goldstein went on'to con- -rhesearetwoimportantiDdi- the new campus . sites, gratulate the echOoI'. support catiODS «the national reputa- Goldstein saidthat Site A, 10­ staffontheirworkinngistra- tion enjoyed by our school of cated at 25th Street between .tion, deparbnentoftices ~d Businessand Public Adminis- LeDngtonand'lbirdAvenues, building and groundS opera- tration.- Goldsteinrecopized is!UDningon sc:hedUle. Some .'. tiona. .,know I spe±for ourthecaliherof'Baruch's.students oftbe servicesin the site 1rill . : faaIlty and students when I hysaying: ~ .students be: the library, which wiD'be _ylamveryapprec:iative:be aretbefuturecfNewYorkand able to eeat 1,600 etodente,.a Mid. the fUtme·oCAmerica.· confel'8DC8center,amecti.een- ..He al80 .8pC)b ofthe -dra- -. Lestyeer~the ~'. port- ter end a CGIlII01idatioo oCtile 'matie- tuiticrl incnae which. folio or 8pOIl8GI'8aceecled $3 school'. COIDPutereenteraand· eame into effect thia 88Dlslt..' mi11icJIl for the first time, said .....support services·Jib fi· 8DCltoldfillcultyandstafrmem- Goldstein. DSDdal·8id. bemDOttOfcqetthehalcWDpI The Baruch Fund, ~t,...apollitiveandna1• ... -=:--~~=~~~ =tP;;h.~~~:;: '. every raise m'. College~. the IIC'hool witli-.fairamOantMieh.el. Zawlle• .:·iD;""":"•. wi~.•Dec!' . or.~ ~:...~Ui the~appJ.dm.optimMm·.1 :...•ty...... :..... Fundecl BHearch 1neent1~ .·~__aolil,..wm:m!W. ~c: .t&J~JODciIIldlel'ieh- Aw8rcL. . up&1r"~_.,,-1IIIW ~,~~,..:bnDg toBench Col- 'fbiapant.~ . ~~m8D,"...af .:~.N-.- ·1..,....,....1Iad ....tdeDowfaeuJtyad.....· ~~.,.ta~ -I €~_.~~....£. "1D;:~.:"4iW1C!'With..,.,...... ;ia .. _ .. ·~".i_k.·JOaIJr.""';-·"· .,~~.ti"Iai~:·:".~·I~~ ·. :;).P.#ani9.•·;pIatici,..ia· ~W· ·neaPir·I·• nc1·,...... -. '.:' \ .' .

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Deep BudgetCutsHurt Baruch enI • Liberal Arts Workshop1orFreshmen ... • Summer BusiDessInternships· . ByParahGe1l...... :Y . r8culiy." operatmg .budget is the big~ 'The1993 summer internships in investmentbanking, corporate law, TheCUrrlcular.Guidariee Office ofthe 'School of Liberal Arts. and . Due to the budget cuts . .The School ofLiberal Arts . gest, said Zavelle. management'consulting and accounting. The objective of this program, Sciences will offer the following workshop: implemented because of the andScienceshas alsosuffered Chairman oftheAccount­ ....- from theSponsorsfor EducationalOpportunity,isto introduce outstand­ Liberal Arts Freshmen Workshop on Curriculum on Thursday, fiscalinstabilityinAlbanylast due to the budget cuts. Last ingDepartmentStevenLilien, ing college men and women from minority backgroundsto the .above December3, 1992 at 1:00 p.m. spring, Baruch college is fac­ year their operating budget said, "class size has- increased .,.., (I). o- career on the basis ofproven academic ability, extracurricular activities, The workshop will beheld inRm. 1604, 17Lexington Ave. Liberal ing many. cutbacks in it's' was$14.8million, thisyearit's close to60studentsperclass." E Arts students and those interested ina liberal artsmajor who have 25 ­ sehoolsand departments. $13.6 million. Thoughhisdepartmentdidnot (I) work experience, interpersonal skills and maturity. ~ TheSchoolofBusinessand "Our budget was reduced face thelossofmanyadjuncts, o> The programs are for undergraduates only. Overwhelming majority credits or less. The base curriculum and other curriculum subjects will Z be discussed. For more information stop by the Curricular Guidance Public Administration's·bud­ to $1mi1lion from $2 million it faces cuts inhuman and pe­ ofstudents selected must have a GPA ofatleast 3.0. The-accounting get has been cut from $13.8 for adjuncts," said Norman ripheral resources. Office in 1530, 17 Lexington Ave., or call 387-1360. programis limited to accountingmajors whohave completed a minimum Rm. million last year to $12.7 mil­ Fainstein, dean of the School Juanita Howard, chair­ ofthree accounting courses scoring a B or better. lion this year, said Michael ofLiberal Arts. Between 150 woman of the department of " . Zavelle, vice president ofAd­ .and 250 adjunctS were not re­ ~ology and anthropology, Graduate Programs in CUNY ministration. . appointedthis year. remarkedthatclasssizeinher Musical Excursion Students are invited te attend 'the CUNY-wide Graduate School With a $1.1 miIlion- cut Becauseofthat, the School' . department increased on .an .' Open House scheduledfor FridayNovember20thfrom 3 - 6 p.m. The back, the Business school had had to decreasethe numberof average offiveto tenstudents Ajointexcursion ofthe Conversation CluhlWriting Club isplannedto an increase in the number of event will be held on the 17th floor at the Graduate Center ofthe City sections being offered, and per class. : . the musical comedy "Fiorello," 1b~day,November12, at 8:00p.m, adjuncts thisyear. thus,hadtoincrease the num­ University of New York, 33 West 42nd Street (between 5th and 6th Her department had to let For moreinformation call the Writing Center at 387-1182 or stop by the .According toDean Francis ber of registrants in all its go of three adjuncts and now Writing Center, Rm.1113, 17 Lexington Ave. Avenues). Representatives from each CUNY senior college campus Connelly, the school has hired courses. has 11 full-time'faculty teaeh­ ,,--'.---.. offering graduate programs will be available to meet with you. . equivalent faculty members. Unlike the School ofBusi­ .ing this semester. Anequivalentfacultymember ness,theSchoolofLiberalArts "I am teaching an addi­ .,'~ . ,Mlcheal'Zsvelle, vlce--p,..Ident-of~Admlnlsb'atlon.. ' Interviewing Workshop isequatedinwhichfour-eourses .lost no full-time faculty. tional' course because' of the equala full timeposition. Last The School ofEducation, budget cuts," said' Howard. each, now meet for four hours .'The $1.4 million remain­ The Placement Office (Pass Office) ofthe School ofLiberal Arts and Golden Key Membership Deadline 'Students who have been invited to join the Golden KeyNational semestertheschoolhad 34 such whose operating budget was This, she said, takes heraway a weekinone section, saidDr•. der ofthe $4 millicm cut was Sciences will offer and InternewingTechniques Workshop, November positions, theynow have 48. at$2.2millionlastyear,isnow from her dutiesofchair. WalterReichman, chairofthe feltatnon-teachiDgposts, said Honor Society are reminded thatthe deadline for submitting member­ 19, 1992 at 1:15 p.m., Room 15M, 17 Lexington Ave. For more Although the number Qf' workingon a $2.05 million op­ The Department of Psy­ department. Zavelle. This amount was information, call the Pass Office at 387-1370. ship applications isNovember20th. Studentswho mailin membership adjunctshasgoneup,thenum­ erating budget. chology has gone through a "This situation is terrible. takenfromlibrary,enrollment, materials after this date will notbe able to have theirnames included in ber of full-time positions has Although 90 percentofthe dramatic change. The Intro­ Students are. forced to sit in a. studentdevelopmentandeom- the printed program that will be distributed at the Friday,December lowered Currently, there are majors are in the School of duction to Psychology course, large, dim auditorium for 100 puter services. It also encom- Conversational and Writing Skills Workshops 4th ceremony scheduled for 6:15 p.m in the Baruch CollegeAuditorium, 108full-time professorsteach­ Business, stated Zavelle, ev­ which previously had 23 sec­ minutes with almostno direct passesthe offices ofthe presi­ ing in the school of business, erystudentmust take pre-req­ tions that met for four hours interaction with instructor: dent and Pro-Vost. For those who wish to improve their language, conversational or 17 Lexington Avenue. whilelastyearthere were 205. uisite courses· such as En­ for bothlectureand.recitation, said Reichman. "This is not All in all, Zavelle said, writing skills the English Department is offering their: "Some retired early- and glish, history, psychology, now has two jumbocourses. conclusive to good learning." "we'refunctioning pretty well. Conversational Club which meets everyTuesday, 1-2:30 inRm. 1112, some quit," said Connelly. mathematics - in the School of These jumbo courses, Ofthe 21 adiuneta teach- As well as I had hope." 17 Lexington Ave. "Students deserve full-time Liberal Arts - that's whytheir whichholdabout500students inglastsemester,17 werefired. Topic for Tuesday, November 17: Aspects ofAmerican Culture TheWritingClub,which meets-every Thursday,1 - 2:30inRm. 1112, 17 Lexington Ave. Topic for Thursday, November 12: Personal Experiences Topic for Thursday, November 1!lOurLives, Our Parent's Lives Bookstore Donates Goldstein 'Iextbooksto Library Speech SUJWERJNTEBNSHleS . The Baruch College book­ geta numberoftextbooksthat . . . seale: visiorif«IJarueh." . store, thelibrBry,andtheDay are utilized in classes and said .Daphne Leroy, vice Currently officerinternshipsexistforqualifiedcollege Freshmen, and Evening Session Student make them available to stu- . presidentOftJ1e ·Day Ses­ Sophomore and Juniors. JAG OfficerAttorney internships are Governmentshave placed the dents in the library," said sion Student Government. Aaron. Butbecauseofthecost also available for qualified Law SChool students. For more textbooksofapprcximately40 "My concern at the DISCOVER of the books and the lack of currentcoursesinthe reserve present,istobaveadequate information call Captain Sammel orLieutenant Buckingham at spaceinthelibrary,itwasnot reading room. undergraduate day and 516-228-3682 -, The idea of placing the feasible. evening studentrepresen­ CUI N' A The idea about providing textbooksin thelibrarybegan tationon the Presidential the books was-raised with the with fonner dean of educa­ commission, so that the Baruch Collegebookstoreand Ronald Aaron, Associate dean ofstudents .-' '~TUKOUGU tion, Audrey Williams, who scope of student concerns .an agreementwas workedout Lavonda Davis and Kurt -rhebooks will fill a need• broughttheideaupata presi­ such as restoration of club dents Cabinet meeting, said were they would donate the Skeete were able to donate Ifitgoeswellthissemesterwe hoursare adequately~ textbooksatthecostpriceand money for the program, said maydoitagain,"addedAaron Ronald Aaron, associate dean andaddre.ed,"saidLeroy. CUNYI ofstudents. the DSSG and ESSA under Aaron.

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ffistory, Geography and Culture courses taught American government Managerial accounting in english Art through the ages Marketing Biology: the unity and diversity of life Materials in the lavv of business contracts • ReId trips to the Forbidden City in Beijing and Brief calculus with applications Mathematics for calculus C'omo se dice--? Microeconomics: pn"vate aud blic ch " to histone cities- like Wuxi and Suzhou. CalcuJ ·th auaJ " pu OICC Editorials: 4 ~s WI ytic geometry Norton Anthology ofworld mastapieces • Cost $2690 Includes tuition, fees, housing, Cases.lD maJUlIem~t acc:ouotiDg aud CODtroI system The Politics of the administrative process meals and field trips Chemistry for cbaD&mI times Principles ofcorporate finaDce Cost accounting: a maDaJeriai emphasis Psychology Letters! Op-eds: 5 • f1nandal aid applies Dbase ~ Plus Relevance lost: the rise and fall of " EconoD1lcs Today: the macro view Harvard BusiDess School Press JIUIDaIeIDeDl. accouutiDI • SCbolarsblps Avallablel EJem~tary algebra f.or coUeae students SlMSOC: simulated society . Features.: 9 .EsseDtiaIs ofLotus 1-2-3.RJcase 23 Smither' and :RobenoDo. busiDess Jaw f'or more Infonnatlon, please contact: FilWlCiallCCoUDtiDj McGraW-HiD .SocioIoJY CunY China Programs Coordinator .A Fust course ~ ~ matbematics Stratqic 1IIIIIapIIIeIIl: a focus OD proCess . Arts: 17 Center for Intematlonal service In~ accoUDtiDI SysIaDs' 1IDdeastidD' aid for fiDaDciaI accouJItiDa The College ofStaten Island/CUNY _In~ .alpm for co~ students ToacIa-I)rpe11Io tcyboud Iabulloaa 30 Bay Sbeet, 2nd Moor AD iDtroducdoa fp elisa· :.., ID8thematica UsiDa COIIIpIIIeft The Law ofbuliDea COW. Wordperfect 51 quick pide Staten IsJand, riY 10301 refeRuce Telephoae: (718) 390-6530 hxJ(718) 390-6537 Next· Issue:· November 25 .' ' Ad 'Deadline:: :NoveMber.18 / ..... - -1/J'/~.I.~ Informal Interviews will be conducted on Tuesday AbOVe •• partial Uat ofthe.X1bOoka on....."..the Baruch Llbrary.Thecall •• 10a~ November 10, at to 2pm In the main blJ,lIding. number. ofthebooka can "calledup on the CUNY .. DPAC Deta.-.

...... " '. "',.... .- . 5 4 .~.... ~

•••'.... - ~ 5' The Feminine Mystique . ~ . ~ CI» Established In 1932 • z o Rafael A. Martinez Bars, Breasts and Bimbos; < To the Editor: ., CI) Editor in chief 3 Owen Grier has got to be kiddi~g. 0­ .,CI) ~- HeactuaIlysaidthat~ afonnerEditor-in-ChiefofThe.Ticker iWhat~ Next? tise:~paper No Sweat! '- Kathryn Garcia should asa mediumforlettingpeopleknowabout Q) - theimpadofbudgetcutsonBarucheollegeratherthan"sniping" By Beth Gerber - .a Managing editor ...co ~ Street Fair, the largest and most popular event ofthe spring semester has been at the library. Yes I am a woman. Yes I practically toss money at about. co y()~ these women, actually, they. 3) One more fault. There I\) ~ Farah Gehy Mr. Grier,.where the hell have been? I've Peen writing' am most definitely canceled, dealing yet another bloW"'to the already suffering student life at Baruch about the CUNY budget and its impact consistently since April intimidated by the vision of tuck it in their g-string. So is absolutely nothing leftto News editor College. 1990!.~~~~-~~~-I--was.~~g-peop~~thow)~~g_.~Hd ~Jo.n_~ h~~t: and , if_.~J't~s .man 1.S going. to . Imagfna.tion., . Try· apathyWoUld~ect~he qualityofedacationwereceive here~you hardtoned andnearperfect recefve' any kind of undressing one of those This time though, the blow was dealt, not by the administration, but .by the _Massimo S. Salerno . seemeti~·little~.Wlitingin another:-paper-:about-aD bo.dies.-- M~ woz:stmghtmare: r~c~gnitio~_he~~avea gi~ls. ~j~ y~ur -e.ye!l-; You student representatiyes who sat at last year's College Association board meeting. Op - eels editor the women-you've "had" and how feminists should be thankful wouldbeto see the gUy I am' .full wallet. And he must cant because they are for chauvinists. dating at the movies with also. know in the back ofhis already undressed. In a frenzy to protectthe budgets ofthe day, evening and graduate governments; Sharlce Conway You dO'P~t knowme, Mi. Griet, solet me introduce myself:' one -efthese bimbos. But mind- that he will go home John Garofalo, a steady the so-calledstudentrepresentativesdecidedthattheywould notshareinpayingthe Features editor When student leaders last year were desperately trying to you see, that would never penniless and more likely customer ofFantasy Island ra11yfor~figh~JIw~·th~re~andIdidnotsee you.. When CUNY's happen. Come on girls, let's than winninglotto, woman- informs me: "I would say cost ofthe StudentServicesAccountingUnit, butwould letthe StudentCentercarry Roberta Ransaw elected representative made a fiscal mockery out ofeverything . put our heads together and less. . eight outoften ofthese girls Arts editor westoodfor,Ispokeout~nsthim,an~ldidnot~eYou.When think rationally instead' of 2) There has been so much come from broken families the burden by itself Baruch'sfledglingchildcarecenterneededvocal representation, our usually bitchy self. controversy over the orjust have no other life at That would be a really great idea, except that the Student Center is already Zelphla PhillipS I was there, .and I did not see you. When the Administration, .. Topless ·bars are all just all." So naturally I had to underactingPresidentJoyceBrown,sta.rtedtoyingwithimposing places where men can ask him why he hangs out Photo editor sufferingfrom the same fiscal problems as the rest ofthe college and itjustdoes not a 12-credit limit on all students, I was the one who let people indulge their fantasies. "These women at these bars. "I go there to have the money available to payfor the Accounting Unit and student events at the know, and I did not see you. When 200 CUNY students went to In fact, that is the name hang out with tbe guys, Dlptl Gosalla believeitor not," saysJohn. s~eti~. face the statelegislaturein Albanyhead-on with the specifics of of one bar I know. I called are allfake. . Copy editor our plight, Lwas there, and I did not see you. When President my friend Phil Gr-iffo, the Actually John·,? I do Now, the current members of the Association can deal with the problem in a Goldsteinfounditunnecessarytoruuneastudenttohisemergency manager and promoter of Fake as in believe you and it's quite Tony Harvey budget commission, I spoke out, and I did not see you. "Fantasy Island," a topless all right. In my eyes I would number ofways. Production manager And now, after I spent two-and-a-halfyears fighting tirelessly bar in Rockland County. I p tastie cfiruit.·"... rather have my man One, they can do a President Bush and ignore the problem, hoping that the to represent student's needs, you have the gall to level this said Phil: "why do guys socializing in a topless bar Maggie Veloso personalattackagainstmebecauseofaJOKEabo~tthelibrary?hang out in these places?'" than in a regular.bar where funding for the City University ofNewYork will improve within the next year. But Advertising manager Get a grip, Grier. Phil said: "It's a· fantasy methods of breast that beautiful blond could I'm gladsomeone spoke out in defense ofthe library, but let's a way from reality." enlargement that he has to b e a psych maj-or or a given the current economy, that wouldn't be prudent. be sitting at the bar at one graduating lawyer. Warren Chan get real. Baruch's resources, excellent as they are, are still And that my female Two, the students can agree to an increase in student activity fees to payfor the limited. Mr.Gri~rhimselfstatedtandlquotet"... i~swellknown friends is exactly what I point and ruin this whole I believe us women on the Business manager that the librarylacks the physical capacity to accommodate the mean. For a man to be perfectimage infront ofhim other side of the coin have Accounting Unit, butgiven the fact that most students can't afford to buy their own eritire college communitY." Arid when yoii- can't tina. what ·y~u sitting-in one ofthese bars, ··bythinking-to.himself~care an - uppeT hand- in - this books it is doubtful that they are going to go along with that idea. Linda Williams .want at Baruch, Hunter's library and the New York Public it has to be more than just those real?" .Another dilemma. You see, we have Office manager Library are excellent and, depending on the subject you're staring at big breasts and unfortunate reality-most the ability to present this , _Three, the StudentCenter canraise moneyto supplementitsbudgetbycharging researching; sometimes superior alternatives. But don't ask naked bodies. Just look at "of these women are fake. bad-girlimage which seems the down side for men who students andclubs for suchthings as cleaningupthe studentcenter after a party, or Roslyn Bernstein me-askthescoresofotherstudents w:h9"f:ind_th~~~l~~~~.~ng Fake asin plasticfruitt fake to excite men. We can pour these otq.er av~}ab)~resources. Didyou kno~ thatyoucan use . go to-tl1et;e topless bars:' as those miTrors in onthatmake-up,bewaiting to use the typing room, or for the use ofthetable tennis paddles. Itcan alsocutback Ailsa Solomon any libniry-iri·tneCU'NYsystem i:fjotihave a:Banich LD. card. ,~} He;~n hav~ to spend carnivals that make you· ·at hQJJl~·~l;hthai,sexy lace Consultants litiiit'Y~f?· ~~.n~r ~ ~et :n?~lc~c!_~ N~w_ app~aT thin, as fake-as ~hey . .outfie, al;\~ ,wprk',-out until 0 :. • ~ ~ ~ ~ ~_. So why ... _ . •• ,; L• _.. _. _ -on cleaningstaff,-elimina..te more. programs.such.as.Leadership Training..w.eeken4, ~...:_:_~ ~ !.:...... -..~ ~..:..~ ... .. __ ...... ee- '.-- . '.- - - - ..-...,". # Club Fair orshut the building down a couple ofhours earlier than usual. That will save the Student Centermoney; to bad it will definitely kill student life at Baruch. Staff Four, the students on the CollegeAssociation board'canapprovethe cost sharing plan. TheplanwoulddistributetheexpenseofrunningtheAccountingUnitamongst Shameek Supreme Allah theStudentCenter,andthedifferentclubs and organizations ofBaruch. Sharingthe Roxanna Bello By Charisse Nelson , someone is viewing me as a Hillel N. Caplan Shopping can tum into such potential criminal. "We don't allow any school burden will allow the Student Center to do what it does best, plan events for the K.C. Sierra :-­ a degrading experience for The City Beat African-American people. It agedgroups regardless ofrace Daphne Leroy benefit ofthe atudents ofBaruch, while saving them money and student life in the may sound a little paranoid into the store during school long haul. Danny Gesslein buttbereisaconsistentpattem hours, but never have I heard Eric Grossman The Juryis StillOut amongstoreowners;managers, . of any rule barring people .in Geneen McCauley and workers whenever I walk because theyare black; thatis Rafael A. Olmeda into a store. . the mostracist garbage thatI Chanize Thorpe On the Jury I hadan experience ina small boutiquein anAlbanyshopping Sue-Peng Chua ,1 Wesley Smith ByK.C.Sie~ -Whydi." that~appen?-IwoWd mallwhenmythreegirlfriends " .••he did I confess, I don't know much like to ·t _·nlt.·:tiu~'jurY· did· not and I went there to browse . The TIcker Is published about Lemrick Nelson. ' seeeno ·hevldencetoeonvict, around. The saleswoman was 1I bl-weekly, seven times a I wouldlike tothinkhereally but nwhatlittlelknow, automatically distractedfrom confess tha: he­ semester, by. The wasn't guilty of the charges that does 't seem. reasonable. her customers as soon as we brought against him in the Things turned out rathe; walked in. When we went to told his TlckeTedltorlal staffat I 137 E. 2200 Street, New nllH"der ofYankel ~nbaum interes~ingly. Police said thebacktolookattheassortment -empl(J1ees--ttJ-~-~ --.-- York,N.Y. 10010, Room lastsummerinCrownHeights. Rosenbaum identified Nelson cL tasteless garb, she.actually beforehe~~ 301F. All work except I was not there whenacarina reportedIyfrom excused herself from her motorcadestruck and-killed a customerstoask us, "wouldn't watch us printing Is done by young black boy, igniting youratherlook atthesaleitems Baruch undergraduate seriousracial tensionsbetween lknow that the up front?" because 'we and graduatestudents. blacks andJews. This was so humiliating. I looked , . All typed and slgned I was notthere when the riot blood. on the. , .., contributions and1etters began. I·was not there to ltear suspicious•." - '. -; .arewelcomed,andshould ifnoters~erereallyscre~g knife wtl$ c:an~t.sayj.t be mailed to the above -xill.theJew.:-soJ: _.~' .- '.' '" ~-s-.- really happened. I ·was· .~t .'1!osenooum "8 address. Our office Is . .-. _. . opened during regular there to See ifa gang mahOut' 15 _blaek,".~~_;,tbi!!.~e. _ ~~ "'-t.YB~~ school hours. Anydlsplay : . ....-....'... -., advertising questions should bedl~tothe Advertising Manager, Business Manager or Managing Edlor • (212) 387·1182. -.>f • E .. t.

6 7 .I ~ o' A CD .'.~.'.. ..~.. I.~ 0- <, -.-.11iW.41.,..__JBJI.... '"C The Revolutionary Generation :;] state of war tha't the modem Collectors Corner o' :;] nationswouldbe In, I:D atmost en • everyregioriintheworldwhere • C\I Z 0) Sign ofThe Times there is an ethnic, tribal, or Comics: Art, Junk or wealth? 0) . 0 civil war,Youcan findtheC.IA By Ronald Anderson. < -r:. ByShameekSupremeADah ruins(therecentonesfrom the . "And they say: There. is andMidwesternstates,butalso CD or other Western covert Twice a week, on 3 :: 'To what day is the doom past 10,000 years or so) and naughtbutourlifeoftheworld; the Californian earthquakes, Comics#27(whichcontains the The rnain reason \Vhy I conventions. One day every . cr we die andweliveandnothing the typhoons of the South organizations working among Wednesdays and Fridays, I go first appearance of Batman) is CD ~ fixed? To the day ofDecision. .have yettodiscovertheearlier collectcomicsis for the escape. month and one weekend twice Bimbo """ the the people (sometimesonboth to my local comic book store worth up to $70,000. Amazing continued from page 5 -4 .E And whhat will make you ones. These ancient nations destroys us but time, and they. Pacific,themmsoonsof Indian For example, when I come ayearmerchantsandcollectors -4 ~ sides of the connict)by andbuythelatestissues of my Fantasy #15 ( which contains compre end. what the day of became inordinatetothelaw's havenoknowledgeofthat;they . subcontinent, the sandstonnsof horne wi th a new comic, I can gather from differerit states to trying to understand why -4 instigating disputes and favorite comics. I've donethis the first appearance ofSpider to o Decisionis? Woeonthatdayto righteousness and eventually only conjecture." (Al-Qur'an the Sahara desert, thevolcanoes open it, and suddenly I'm in buy, sell, trade and talk about men enjoy being In.a topless to Z the rejectors! Did We not declined from the global scene 45:24) ofPolynesianislands,andmany training mercenaries. This every week for seven years. Man) is worth up to $8~OOO and Gotham City watching comic books. bar is that there is nothing N destroytheformergenerations? because evil cannot last in This civilization is so is done so thatthe aftermath Part of this ritual is the Captain America #1 is worth BatmanandRobin swingfrom When I Hrs"t started wr.ong with men for wanting ThenWefollowed themup with .GOd's creation. Now, in the saturated with luxury and ofthebattlesareintheWestern conversation I have with my up to $19,000. The reason why rooftop to rooftop with the collecting. comics, my to escape reality once in a later ones. Thus do We deal most wicked era in the annals entertainment that its people powers; interests. Itis the old mother upon arriving.home I use the termup to is because moon silhouetted in the g,irUriend . Ismm y wou Id while-all right, once a with the guilty.· (Al-Qar'an ofhistory, Isthe time for the believe thatitisthe best thing The time buteffective technique known witha bagofnewcomics:"Why to better the condition of the background. Or I'm on the ask the same question my week- and goout to topless as *Divide and Oonquer". do you buy those worthless comic, the more it's worth. mother woald.,«why do buy .. 77:12-18) Western civilization to Yield that man had made and that bars on "guy's night out," • . The time has come for this its position to the poor people nootheronecanfollowit. They has come "Permission to fightis given comic books?" These are the Comicbooks are printed up to this junk.'" I wonder, do Women have to be secure civilization to fall because of of earth so they can build a are thuslimitingtheirpotentials tothose on whom warismade, first words out ofher mouth. a certain point, then they stop. What ifI then' women go to s ome secret enough with themselves to its corruption and destructive worldotloveandhappiness, or for creating a better world and for this because they are oppressed. It seems to me, that women Older comics had a lower schoolsnd receive the same understand there is really actions against humanityand the'GardenofParadise"ofthe are becoming less productive AndsurelyAllah (God)is Able (mothers in particular) don't circulation than comics made you list of dumb questions to no big mystery behind the ~ understand why people would told that its habitat. In their quest for Scriptures. to the cause of the those in civilization r To assist them.-(AI-Qur'an today. The forces ofsupply and ask men? Why do YOct buy doors of topless bars. I can power, the wealthy people of "And Allah(God) setsforth a need. .22:39) collect them. They look at a demand determine comic book this comic comics? Why do you watch assure you because I have --the world are exploiting the parable: A town safe and "When the earth is shaken to fall ... The God who,created. us and comic and see junk. When I prices.Thefewernumbermade, football? Am I to fat? Did visited my friend Adrianna Third World nations and the secure, to which its means of withhershaking,andtheearth our Universe is not blind or . look at a comic, I see art. I the higher the demandfor that contains the you chan ctp your room? who bar tends at poor people of the developed subsistenc:ecameinabundance brings forth her burdens, and indiffel'e!lt to the il\iustices almost see the story unfold in comic. Andthereforethehigher And 0%\ and on. Goldfingers, one ofthe most countries. They are bleeding from every quarter; but it man says: What had befallen that the world powers are front of me. I see one of my the value placed on the comic. first. However, now she does not popular topless clubs. their victims dry of their disbelieved in Allah's favors, ~er? On that day she will tell more catastrophes that are inflicting upon the opPressed. favorite heroes come to life. Although money and mind as much going with me. Inside is nothing but the reso~makingitincreasingly so Allah made ittastea pall of her news." (Al-Qur'an 99:1-4) happening around the world. He.sendsdownmessengersand Would you call a 54 year old investment may be a good appearance of Although I do still occasionally images we portray in our impossible f~ them to develop hunger and fear because of Earth is the mother of This is the Earth's way of revelations tothem invarious comicjunk? maybe you would. reason for some to buy comics, hearhersighsofboredomafter heads. Yes, we can surely themselves and their nations, what they wrought." (Al­ humanity,forshehasnurtured expressing her anger at the religionstostrengthenedtheir What if 1 told you that this it is not my main reason. I Superman and a few minutes. imitate the bad girl and'thus keeping them poor. Qur'an 16:112) '. and sheltered us in our evil that has spread all over hearts and assure· them that comic was the 'first issue of would be Iying if I sai d it was Now, it is time I come out of phenomenon, and we can But the oppressed need not Americaislike thetown that spiritua1evolution. Inresponse her surface and offacilitating He is on their side of the Action Comics, Still junk? not a reason at all. There are is worth up to the closet, (or the comic book enjoy it, because in reality, despair, for the Creator of the felt invincible from everyone, to the harsh Conditions that the ruin of this world for the struggle. Withoutthespiritusl What if I then told you that severalreasonswhyI buythem: shop in this case) and tell the it is all a fantasy. Universe has appointed a day includingGod,andtoowealthy this world is treating her coming ofa better one. support ofour Divine Father, this comic contains the first One is the stories. I like to $60,000. truth. Mom, Tammy if you of Decision, otherwise called to ever be in need. We can children, our planet is «By those running and we would gi.ve up hope appearance ofSuperman and read my favorite characters everreadthis I wanttotellyou Judgement Day. It is not a witness the spiraling decline retaliating by uprooting this uttering cries! And those centuries ago and engage in is worth up to $60,000. latest adventure. I like to see loud and clear. MY NAME IS regular24-hourday,buta time ofhereconomyintoa recession eivilizationfromitsfoundation. producing fire, striking! And mass suicide, especiaDy today Like beauty, junk is in the Spider Man battle The Green streetsofMetropolis pointing RONALDANDERSON. lAM in history when the oppressed that does not seem to have an Never before in history has those suddenly attacking at when discontentment have eye of the beholder. Large Goblin.OrseeCaptainAmerica at a figure flying overhead A COMIC BOOK majorityrightly winsbackthe end. 'Ihereisalsoanincreasing there been so many natural mourn! Then thereby they never been higher. values for comics are not matchwitswithTheRedSkull. saying,"It'sa bird,It'sa plane, COLLECT,QR AND I AM planet from the grasps of the tension among her White disasters that 10'1 so many .raise dust, then penetrate . -And they say: When will isolated to this one issue. Or see ThePunishertake down It's Superman." PROUD·OF IT. ' dominatingrich minority. population about an uprising people ata time and destroy 80 thereby gatherings. Surely this threat be executed, ifyou According to Comic Values a druglord. When I open the A part of collecting that Thetruthhasbeen toldandthe There have been many bytheBlacksandotherpeople much extensive amount of manisungrateful tohisLord," are truthful? Say: 'the Annual, Batman 411 is worth pages, I can almost see these . appealstomeis attendingthe cxmic bookink shall setyou free. civilizations in the past that ofcolor wholive in the ghetto, property. Thereisnotonly the (Al·Qur'an 100:1-6) knowledge is with Allah (God) up 'to $25,000, Detective adventures first hand. annual comic book Comicbooks aren

SchoolBeat ~ cOntmuealriiiii:page~5 tha~s·-. ...-...--' .. "rlowYJittin-gto-be1i"eve' .. _ -.-.. '._' __ .•._ _-_ _-_ - ,---"_._~~---,~-~-~_.-,--",,,,----....--..._-_.. Respect place If he had' not been us against thepolice. Hope For Defunct Libraries stabbed, so the stabber is tbe I thought I couldstop writing continuedfrom page 5 killer, no matter how you look on thissubject,butwhen I found people caught stealing at the compact disc section at it. out why Nelson was acquitted, the GAP where he works way in the back without any But was Lemrick Nelson the I shuddered. It finally comes to have been African­ supervision at all if this is a stabber? The police said so. this. The jury was asked to American. Also, just a few security procedure. YankelRosenbaumapparently believeone oftwoaccounts, and weeks ago, a mob of young, The manager denied ever said so. Even Nelson said so. when it mattered, they did not African-American using discriminatory But then he took it back. In believe the police. As n city, we teenagers ran through practices towards African­ whatever presence ofmind he probably hope they were right JamaicaAvenue's shopping Americans but he did had, Nelson would not confess in this case. area in Queens and robbed confess that he told his on camera. Soit came down to It's probably axiomatic t hut . stores of everything that employee to watch us this for the jury- were the you cannot try two people for they could get their hands because, ·welooked police telling the truth about the same crime. Rosenbaum's on. The police had to guard suspicious." When I asked Nelson's confession? Or was killer will not be brought to the area for the next couple him what made me look Nelson telling the truth when justice, whether or not it was of days. suspicious, he just he confessed? The jury was Lemrick Nelson. In the long Such behavior can stir up willingtoaccept.thatthepolice run, justice has not been done. par a noi a among store were lying about the Maybe some feel that is owners. Store's lose lots of confession. Their statement fair.Maybe some think that money as a result of thefts wasthattheyjustdidn'tbelieve , "I'm not c robberies and damage the police account of what causedby patrons, They do prejudiced; happened. "Rosenbaum's have a right to be in fear of It, is interesting that their becoming victims of such many ofmy argument was not that the killer will not be attacks. original confession was However, is it fair to workers are coerced. Nor did the jury broughtto assume that every person assume that the original of a certain group is black." confession was a raving justice, whether automatically a thief just accountbya scaredyoungman on the basis ofcolor? There in a police station. No, thejury or not it was r .. 'was another instance when stammered and went on to just didn't believe the police, a girlfriend and I Were say, ·rm not. prejudiced; and that's scary. Lemrick looking around in Barry's many of my- workers are Scary, but understandable. Record Storeon 23rd street. black.- Policehaveseenpublicsupport Nelson:" We were in the vinyl section Humiliating patterns erode to never-before seen and the manager told will continue to prevail as levels in recent months. They· another employee to "watch long as prejuQic:es remain•. are not trusted anymore. since the man who' drove the those two.-, It seemed Before. this ~hole problem Because of the publicit.y carthatkilledGavinCatowas imprison~ ridiculous because for one, can be wor••·~ ~t, .8~re surrounding Gary Spatz in not the murderer we were right up front owners are,gpingto )lave to. Teaneck, who shot'a young ofY8Dkel RosenbauIn should wb~re . everyone could see be more car.ful.bouttbeir b1aek man·he thought was abo ...go .. free. -'There are us..: Also, how could we pulling oat a pn. becau. of difFerences, to be Al1'8. One generalized ~!titu.e, to- to m~nage .Jar.g~ to steal.=- : w.~rd. Af""Naft-.A.1perkans. Michael ax-r... who ...• d.dh ruled .. -1ICd«Jimt. ~lb~~;.i~.~dn~.t-even" record Howev&r.,:th~r.muetlpe r.~ ..,.. clee1er ia • tIP' ill. Tbe cJ.any.iIliJi_.. s~~~ Jogie~l1';~~~~ . A1MI __ •_ Will· ....,. .•d.jt: spee~~ euetOlD.er8. .WJway._.-....,.. . mor~que.~~~l,w~,why' ".'-.eo,: .J.I. if. 1iIlWcIIJw ..ia aacl:....i9t~.JVQ&n il1·~· emc•• m Aaad-... we~r~Jh•.re. V(,bite patrons in.. ...,••...,••ab~who..•· now __ 4 - to.~d-~~"t1.~ .. ~ur9iqoeq~."1~* ..••d .....i ..'.a ...... - .,;: i!.. -.. ..; 'c...9 .t.. !3 an . " .. - ... ." t¥- &.&.. • e


8 ~ en z0 A nnetteFuenteson: Mainstream Journalism

By Heidi Henle porters," referring to the scenario of In addition to Halloweendecora­ police brutality. The tension between tions in the FacultyLounge there were police, themayor,andcommunitylead­ treatsanda few tricksfor studentsand ers has sparked police frustration and faculty alike who gathered on October demonstration. . 22, 1992 to hear Annette Fuentes, as­ Fuerites described the hardship sistant viewpoints editorfor New York which can occur when attempting to Newsday, give a lecture andanswer an represent both sides of a story. The important question: Do Op-Eds and ongoingdisputeagainstMayorDinkins, editorials shape public opinion? with the Patrolmens BenevolentAsso­ _...... ~ The Op-Eds section ofthe newspa­ ciation President, Phil Caruso, is just per stands for opposite the editorial, one example: "He refuses to talk to bothliterallyandfiguratively. Fuentes anyone atthe paper," saidFuentes. He explained how editorials reflect "the also encourages other officers to do the . position of the paper collectively on same. In thissi tuationNewsday had to New York." find other avenues for achieving bal­ Each day the editorial boardmeets ance. Ex-police officers proved to be tochooselettersandeditorialopinions, somewhat successful, acording to as well asassignpiecesandmakeplans Fuentes. to address upcomingissues. Mechani­ Journalism professors strictly ad­ cally, New York forum, Newsday's edi­ here to the priciples of objectivity. torial section, prints two pieces each day along, with interviews.and suP- jects of importance. Theobject, said ~ ;teft~,.te)S·ftH~ . to" ".!tup eMI Be 8S·~--"···-~-----'-_.. __.~---_..v.,- _ .•.__._-._~ to be dry." . Newsday tries to present diverse Editors' ~ewsrepresentingvmnousurbanvmces in its editorials and Op-Eds: Indians, Pakistanis,Asians,Dominicansarejust ofthe a few cultures represented. The objec­ tive is to address pressing issues with objectively. "Opinion piecesarenotcut his movie. One student in the lounge interestingSubmissionsthattargetthe Op-Eds and dry,. said Fuentes. "When run­ questionedNewsday~shandlingofthis controversy currently in the news. ninga pieceyou bearcertain liability." situation. Fuentes cited SpikeLeeasa Fuente's example referred to the sen­ section A writer and editor must be particu­ public figure who uses the media to sationalized Amy Fisher story. Opin­ larly sensitive to language, racial, and stake out opinion. "If you generate ions on fairness, victimization, and ethnictermsas well ashowtheyfit into controversy you're fair game; it's the women'srights can providea forum for stress context. way you generate it," she said. Op-Eds topics: "We have to step back and look at Thegatheringatthefacultylounge "We try to maintain a separation the bigger picture," said Fuentes. expressedpleasureatFuentes'lecture. between opinion and hard news,"Isaid subjectivity. "There is the larger issue ofresponsi­ Prof, Alisa Solomon, who invited Fuentes, citingthedistinction between bility to the audience at stake. The Fuentes to speak saidthat she thought reporters and the Op-Ed staff. She LA. riots sparked emotion. A lack of the lecture was terrific. Fuentes "pro­ used the example ofthe separation of fairness and inappropriate language videdthornyexamplesandhoweditors church and state to describe the ex­ Fuentes said "I don't think there is could have potentially contributed to deal with them." Prof. Charles Riley pression that publications use when anything that can be called objective racialtensionandbias,"addedFuentes. indicated, "It's good that we have a referring to the separtion of news ad­ journalism." Editors ofthe Op-Ed sec­ Sometime ago, Lionel McPherson, diversity ofapproaches to journalism, vertising. tion stress subjectivity. a reporter for'Newsday, wrote a view­ because not everybody thinks the 0pI November.17 - 21 "News works independently," said One ofthe biggest questions about point criticizing Spike Lee for encour­ Edpageisessentialjournalisticmode." .Tuesday • Friday 8pm Fuentes. "Op-Eds take cues from re- subjective journalism is how to edit aging students to play hooky and see Saturday, November 22 at 2pm

Studio Theatre, Rm. 911 ·23rd Street Building Story

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WiJJjams ~ Zentek .js ~ to have served • 5.25DSHD S35/100pcs N/A paniesmakeuptheirBoardofTrustees classical, contemporaryandcollege ra­ andin various mediums ar-e offered to CD· . • ·3.5 DSDD $35/100pcs $45 en more than 80,000 customers New York, October. 26. - How does a and makes all their broadbased deci­ diostations. The New York times has the public as a package deal. The nationwide for over five years. • 3.5 DSHD $55/100pcs $65 • '. . small theater survivein thiseconomy? sions for the company. A quarter of free advertising in their Arts and Lei­ alliance ofResident Theaters in New 2 Now we are offerin& students Printer Ribbon o • This wasjust one ofthe questions dis­ theirincomeisthroughbox office sales sure section and'the Daily News offers York is a non-profit organization who < C\I and a cbaDce to purchue We CaDY IIont '!'IuD 400 DIfl'ereat CD our =name ~ ad Typ_ ofPdata...... cussed at a press conferenceyesterday en and subscriptions, and they receive free ad space as well. . helps off-broadway theaters market 3 ,...en ~ hardware at wholesale held by the John Cocteau Repertory at a .JK!CCS. UPGRADES unearned income through donations "Sometimeswe try and have a pho­ theirownproductionsandrelatedservices.' CD . ~ ,... If~ order DOW, you CID buy • Baruch College. from private foundations andcorporations tographrunwith thead,becausepeople The Repertory has nine resident ,... Zentek ~ Motrrerboard With CPU at die same pnce The Cocteau Repertory, like the who wantto reinvestinto thecommunity. respondmore tovisual ads than verbal actors and have a rotating repertoire '- that rdlil stores pay. T'bItmaDS - (J) • 388SX.25Mbz..AMI BIOS - many other off-broadway theaters in to ~ _vings offrom $100 to 5500, or • 386SX.33Mhz. AMI BIOS There are 200 other off-broadway ones,"said Mr. Hupp. Theyalsohave a enabling them run several produc­ E you cOuld resell the system for • • 386DX-40Mm 641(. AMI BIOS NewYork City,are strugglingtomain­ theaters in the city who are all compet­ part time press agent who tries to get tions at once. All their materials are (J) ~fit. • 486OX~33Mhz 641(. AMI BIOS taintheirproductionsinspiteofshrink­ > Yoo'U fiDel that Zentck's ~ • 486DX·33Mhz 256K. AMI BIOS ingforthe sameaudience. Because the reviews oftheirproductionsin thepapers. selected in June and run in August. o • 486OX-50Mhz 256K. AMI BIOS ing federal and state funding. How­ Z are extremelyCOIIIp!:titive, aDd our • 486DJC2.5OMbz 256K. AMI BIOS Repertory's -budget is limited, there is Part of their marketing strategy Although their mission is to perform systems are ~~.... reliable. ~256K. ever, they still receive limited funding ADd we ship-;nr.~ aDd fax • AMI BIOS almostnofundingforadvertising. "Part involves-segmentationorselectingwho classical theater with a rotating com­ GRIcn witbiD 24 ~ . Hard DIsk from the city. of the problem of attracting a larger theywanttomarketto. Themajorityof pany, they attempt to take such pro­ .• 42MBIDE 28IDIHD Ifthere is ever a DlOblem with a 249 .Unlike.the commercial theaterson audience is because we can't afford to their demographics are 60 to 80 year . ductions as Shakespeare's "Much ~ we ottera )0day money": • 89MB IDE ISms HD 279 • 106MB IDE ISms HD Broadway, the Repertoryis considered hire well known actors," says Robert old.white women, but their goal is to AdoAboutNothing"and Dostoevsky's, back guarantee, and a one year • 130MB IDE 16ms HD 3J9 warranty on ~ aDd labor. . 9 a non-profit charity with an annual Hupp,ArtisticDirectorofthecompany. make-their productions accessible to a "The Idiot", and translate them into • 210MB IDE16ms HD 79 Forhisth gUal~ & ~ service • 245MB IDE ISms HD Ii budgetof$400,000 most ofwhich goes However, there are several ways they largeraudience. One such methodisto universal themes portrayed in a at affonl8bfe pnces, caD or visit Floppy Drive Zentek's showroom/factory, and towards production costs. They try to try to work around their limitations. swap and trademailinglistswithother modern setting. mCntion this ad. . • 1.2 MB 5.25' Floppy Dr1ve keep their administrative costs to a • 1.44 MB3:5"' F'IoppyDi1Ye =~ r However, there area number of off-broadway theaters Qr. larger the­ The Repertory was established 22 Memory Module minimum by having only three full places where they receive free adver­ aters like the Joseph Papp Theater yearsagobyEve Adamson who named ZENTEK 386SX-33Mhz ZENTEK 386DX·40Mhz ZENTEK 486DX-33Mhz • 256 Kilobyte SlMM .7Ons time people on staff: the artistic direc­ tising such as college bulletin boards, located nearby. The Theater Develop­ the theater after Jean Cocteau, r~­ .,386SX~MbzCPU ~! • 386DX-4.OMbz CPU • 486DX-33Mhz CPU • One Megabyte SlMM • 70na $IJ9 tor, managing director and business· restaurants, posters, the New Yorker ment Fund (TDF) is another excellent nowned author and playwright who • ~ faster than 386SX·25 CPU • 64K Ultra-fat Cache MemoIy • 64K Ultra-fast Cache MemoI)' • Four Megabyte SlMM - 70ns • Socket for Intel or Weltek Math- • Socket for Intel or Wettek Matb- • Socket for Intel or Weltek Math· DIsplay Monitor ! manager. Volunteersfrom variouscom- and NewYork n:~':lzinesas well as on source for mailing lists. loved all aspects ofthe arts. Coproc:eMOr Coproce"8iIX Coprocesaar • 1 Meg8byte 01 high speed 70ns RAM • 1 Megabyte at fd&tl8peed 70na RAM • 2 MegabytesofhIgb speed 70na RAM • IX,Amber Monoc:brome MOIlItor 7 9 • 42 Megabyte 28ma IDE hard drive • 42 ~ 28ma IDE h8n1 cIrtve • 89 Megabyte ISms IDE hard drfve. • 14· SVGA 102U768 (0.39rIm1J . 129 • 1.2MB 5.25· or 1.44MB3.5· floppy drtve • 1.2"B 5.25. or 1.44MB 3.S- !IoPPY cIrtwe • 1.2MB 5~' or 1.44MB 3.5· Ooppy dttve .• 14· SVGA 1024x768l0.28mm) t279 319 • ~ Daktop or Minl Tower cue • Compact Desktop or MinI toWa- cue • Compact Desktop or MInI 1'cMer case • 14· SVGA 1024x768l0.28mm) Nt with 200 Watt power supply with 200 Watt power supply . with 200 Watt power supply Video Adapter • Super10£-10 c:oatroDerwith 2 Ser1aL • Super IDE-IO c:anlroIIer with 2 Seda1 • Super IDE-IO cantroUer with 2 5ertaL 1 IWaIIel a I Game Porta .. 1 PanJleI a I Game PoI1s 1 Parallel a 1 Game Porta • .kumoe 16 bit VGA wf2SJJK A.M.A and ·Rhode Island: A Conference Affair • 101 Key Enhanced keyboard • 101 Key EnMnced keybo8r'd • 101 Key Enhanced keyboard • Trident 16 btl Super VGA.1512K • TrIdent 18 ~t Super VGA ./1MB 75 • EIght eq:wrwlcm 8Iota • EIgtlt expansion" • EIght expantIOn slots m • FCC .8" • FCC CIaaa • FCC .• ftlBBJIOVSBau. .a- CIua "8. • JIIUZM)USB • na:BJfOVSE EImD Monochrome system . $650 Monochrome System $699 Monochrome System $1149 • Zentek 2400 BPS Internal By Sami Butterfield the entire family. • Zentek 2400 BPS ExtemaI (wIatonoctlrolH monitor) (wimonochro••-.onilDr) (wllftOIIOChrOIMIIIOfIitDr) On October 30 to November 1, over Baruchwasthelargestcollege there • Zenlek 9600 BPS Intem,al 239 SuperVGA System $795 SuperVGA System $875 SuperVGA System $1349 • Zentek 9600 BPS ExtemaI 200 college students were at the 1992 for the second year in a row, except for • GVC 9600 BPS Internal is!252 (_12K11 bit SVGA eMS (w'512K tl bit SVGA C8Id (wIt- 11 bit SVGA en 264 & 1... SVGA IaOnIeor) & 1...SVGA -.onItIOr) .. 1...SVGA IftOfIlIlDr) • GVC 9600 BPS External $79 A.MA Eastern Regional Conference the host school, Johnson and Wales • Zentek 9600/2400 FAX/Modem in Warwick Rhode Island. University. Baruch had representa­ Ii. EmIl The conference washeldto educate tivesfrom theA.M.A.-andtheD.S.S.G. We Specialize in: Repairs. Maintenance. Networking, Upgrades, Installation • Arlee ~buUonserial mowe $J5 TEMIS: Software students in the field ofmarketing, ca­ . '!heamferenceconsistedofseveralsemi­ ·ZENTEK ORDER. LINE:.516-678-2065 • VlSA,MC. 000.Cab. Certified Qcck reer assistance and networking with narssuch as: "How To SellyourselfInAn • s·c.oo -.efor COD orden • W-IJIdowa 3.1 (OEM: $49 TIleDeep Discount TECH SUPPORT/cUSTOMER SERVICE: (S16) 671-2079 • N~ Ya sales tax ~ apptialllc • DOS 5.0 (OEM) $45 others. "TheEasternRegional Confer­ Economy That Sucks," "Should I Attend· ComputerFactorv • 30 Dlymoncy beck pa...- GraduateSchool", Demographicsof FAX ORDER. : (516) 671-2551 KEY II : PBR • One )"CII' warndy en putllnlIl8ba ADd Much More.•• Please CaD ence. provides us with a great place to "n1e 367()..12 W. OceansideRoad Plet••k c... JIIIIat.ea. ac·n ..... CD-ItOIL • Shipped within 24haws Ace...... etc.) meetother studentsinothercollegiate aging-HealthCareMarketing"and"Fund ZENTEK Oceanside,NY 11572 HOURS: MONDAY-SA1U1lDAY 9:OOAM~:OOPMEST • PI'ic:qis ~ to chqe wi1IIoul noIicc chaptersas Will asprofessionals," said Raising . Roundtable." Tim Dugan the Gina Monaco, an AM.A. member who B.C.C.A.MAPresidentandLeonHeadley,. ROBEIIO-1Ett16Nl1S attended the conference. Vice President ofFinance spoke.OI1 "Suc­ The keynote speaker Friday cessful 01spterProgmmmiD&"which at­ evening,-8tepheRLomberdi ~eC'Jtive_ ~abU8audienc:e. _. __".~_ Director of the Providence Cmc Cen­ -- -The-AM.A.-.·was-very. pleased toH_.­ ter, spoke on "Sports and Event Mar-' haveDr.AlexKathov,avisiringprofes- Mg.:.>"-, ,,**** Truly hHarious." keting." He stated something surpris­ sor from Russia, 'speak at' the confer- TIm Dugan, AMA ~ldent and Leon HeadJey,V.P. of~ -1aIlIMn CCInaI, NY DAIlY NEWS ing: Baseball gamesare shuttingouta ence. Kathov spoke on "Future Mar- . Beiiissimo "Roberto Benigni is... a triple large share ofthe children market. By ketinginRussia." AccordingtoKathov "I am sorry I wasn't able to go to tive weekend where wereceiveddiffer- having too many nightgames younger almost anything can be sold theredue RhodeIsland but I am really looking entperspectivesfrornthediversespeak­ threat phenomenon." fans growtiredand disinterested. The to shortages or low quality. Intema- forward to going 1:.9 New Orleansin the ers. The various backgrounds of the - vn:.nICGnbr. DIE HEW 'IOIIC TIle Caffe 1992 world champs, the Toronto Blue tional marketersshouldknowRussian spring,"saida newmemberoftheA.MA speakersandthestudentsaddedtothe culture~geography, "Ariotous coinedy. Jays, realize the potential- ofthis mar­ political strudure "I heard it is really going to be fantas- flavor ofour new found outlooks. ket, as a result they are having early and their ~cal.situation in order to tic,"added the member- Cozy & 1Wmantic Italian '.Bistro Absolutely uproarious. ~tabili~. One·of the funniest actors games making baseball an outing for maximize business The conference was a verY instruc-

TI ~Tesfi on the face of the earth:' aWl tal wliDlf'll ,16lelI 161 '15 1 W!'IIII!WlIltllI6fl w~peleeelill!!/l8ll8tWl wllMlw lI(WIlI .. IlMeM6l 'F I I' Pasta . •Gene SIlaII.TODAY SHOW

& Homemade 'Desserts ~\.,\."\.,"""','\.,'\.,"''\,\.'\.\.\.'\.,''''\\.,''',\.,'''~ 11 -.- 0 ''l" CK:CItI ac. .•••... c • lIP I ••• Baruch's Hunks and Babes in IBJ~_~__~ NlWUNEaNIIIA•. "Great food and astonishing prices" ~ype o~ lI_ir'ftI_ I ...wiial:A"· PlllDAY... WESTCHESTERE ...... _ BASS Calendar!- .9l 'Different of{'j7L - New York Observer __ 113RD AYE.AT61THST. 1=1 CIE.-s _11II 73C.-G302__.._ 2ND AYE. AT 12TH $T. 521-6111I SCARSDALE m-tnI By Clairesa Clay I am the only photographer," said "Run, don't walk to Bellissimo" _.------BAS.8. is planning an unusual Phillips.."Theideahasinspiredmeand Edward Pessen- History Dept. - Brent Garber event this year. We are currently put- broughtaboutmygreatestchallengesofar." COMIC MANIA ting togethera-caIenaar.--That's right, . It took organizational-and leader- . By Massimoos. Salerno IIAwesome appetizers and pasta to die fore, ~-J a calend8rfor 1993. The calendaris a ship as well as manag~rial and social , "Theonly thingnew in the worldisthehistory thatyou don'tknow." - Village Voice collective -student· volunteer project. skillstQbringthis-projectalive."Itfeels HarryTruman uttered these words. The onlyproblem is, the history Students came'after work and on Sat- good~theideasthatwereonpaper in which you must know often can beboring to many. Come and see why the critics rave! SOL.AR urdays to support thisidea. and. the creativity come to life", said At Baruch,like.all college history courses is a required; it need not "I am excited and flattereq,--said Daphne.Le~anorganizerandmOdel. be boring ifyou take·Professor Edward Pessen. Melanie V'ailloo, a model. -It's some- -Every scene has a different look and As Barucb's Distinguished Professor of History, Pessen teaches Ll(O{CJ{ . 'D19{'J(1:9t- $5.95 • $9.95 thing different.". The proceeds gener- distincttheme." Leroy added,-rhereis Historifrom 1945 ~thepresent. Itishis bestcoursesimplybecausehe ated by tbe,.calendar sales wl11 help a lotofenthusiasm·behind this project isthoroughlyknowledgeinthisareaandneverleavesoffan9PPOrtunity 100/0 Discount with Valig Student 1.0. support events durirignext semesters and I ~ confident that it win be a togive long and informative anec:dotes in class. . African.American History Month and success. It's dealing with so much en­ His exams are in essay form and no student should have trouble theestablishmentofa~hol~}1ipfund ergy for aPQSitive cause.- _~nderstanding the course ~ork simplybecausePessen notonly teaches :Free'lJe{ivery/Iaf{venue from the studentbody;- One· soUree of . ana beT~ in·the cal~ndar.· -. someonewhohasparticipatedin i~' Peseen dearlyenjoySteachingsinee taleisDean George, af~~-designer. ." ~~~l AaronHyde,changed.from it offers him a-w:ay tQ relive hi~ by telling students what actually (~twun 21st &' 22ndStruts) SPORTS -Iamgmngtogettbeopportumtytosee -hisvi-ntage~ear~~le.heS81d,~t happenedandis a firm be1ieveTthathistorysbou1d~J»ewatereddown.­ [myclothiDc~]~~•. llike~ feelsgeat.. Iama1m08t~ItlS . Heisinauniquepositiontomake.uretbatthis dOes DOtoceurthrOugh_ 254-3235 myc1othiDgtobeeee~~hesaicL .~~ :. ~~~ m calendar" ~~ money his t.e&chiDp-encl writings. theliard_mm tbecoklbiaeeJDentand;· .8nd;eeelllg fellow stQ.d8nts. . Dresle~in-tweed:8uita, Peese~ who hold a Ph.d !rem Colmnna Open 7 days WORLD still dumDu~Youneecl,tosee.~t~--~~--~-~.1ike tbia(c:aJend8l!l~.in .Univei-8itY, Can ee-ny·1J8:miataken as a visitingproCessor &om any Ivy. 215 f. 23rcJst. mode1S.~.b8sie.atlY~~~~.',.: ~~you~'t.~ap1~of ·1....~rsity.· ~~t-eoale~ti8lf.J'IMiuiredbistGrycoura. PhotOIraPbei'~Jii.~~ 11 .e,:~J'1OIl8!W~«)CKt. sbould,~·rforProfessarPesseD'.·COUI" '!1 re8cqUainted Ao~ . clothe ahoOtingfor dMical~'!'ld~ .~ ...clLiJ& J"ob,:,fICJO. a m~1. . I" .. .'_. TE·L. 212 213096'1 ~~ M9NR~X ~AWR.QA~. J':4~ her.~~~~~~~-nu..ia the ~ phGt;o-priieet,1 tIitick.tMJlWMGYot·~~~~~~~~I~I~!llllla.l.alllllllllgaoar;"~ ~ '~' ..'.. -.. ,; , .. - .TO. 7plJ:I .• y •• ..~~ ~~"'''~,,~~,~. ~ .) ,., J9 ; ~on.a_."",-,.c: g¥iMed,Rofl ...Atkl__~~·Jr.~-:'. • f .. • r ~ ~ '" '" • , .. ' " • .<1( -'.: . ' .. ~ ... '"" ." ... Jlil., -,': ....' ~.~... , .•• _" .~ to or .'~'*" 4 ~";. ..' ~ ~~~-+' "''''''~'.'':.:'.''' .•'.'.''''.'.''''•.•• ~.''.'''''''' ~~ .. ~~...-~••. , -".. • , ...... -- - . -. ~ - - ", ,--.' .. ,--;..'" _. . - ''':~ ...,'. '''. -- • < .. • /~. - . .

12 13 -I'

c=r;II::' Give a Can, F-eed the Hungry CD CD-' a" c:m By Kevin Corriea Session StudentGovernment (DSSG), CJ) • • According to the article "Below the Haitian Cultural Society, Jewish Stu­ z Safety Net" from the April 13th 1987 dent Alliance (JSA), Puerto Ricans for o < issue ofTime magazine, approximately Involvement, Development and En­ ct> 3 T­ 25,000 homeless and hungry men and lightenment (PRIDE), Retail Trade CJ T- women visit New York City soup kitch­ Society, Society for Human Resource CD '- "'" Q.) Management (SHRM), The Ticker and ~ .0. ens every weekday in search of food. ~ E The possibil i ty exists that this figure The Office ofStudent Lifehave decided Q.) > can be understated when, one takes to conduct an on-campus Canned Food o Z into consideration the severity of the Drive from October 19th to November current recession. Simultaneously, a 25th for City Harvest, Inc. Conducted by: Kathy Garcia great amount of food goes by wasted City Harvestis a 10 year old New daily. Therefore, the situation is one York City non-profit association that Photos by: Zelphia, Phillips where on one hand there is a large collects dry goods,cannedfoodandleft­ 'numberofhomelessand hungry people overfood from such donorsas the Royal with nothing to eat while on the other Canadian Pancake House, Hot & there are those with too much to eat. Crusty Bakeries, Benny's Burritos, ca­ Regrettably, the former outnumbers terers, hotels, corporate cafeterias and the latter. othersuch placesandannuallydistrib­ The plight of the homeless and utes nearly four million pounds offood .- , hungry is huge in our City. For this free of charge to soup kitchens, home­ reason, The American Marketing As­ less shelters and senior citizen homes A.M.A., SHRM, JSA, D.S.S.G., C3rlAylman & City Harvest Rep. Describe the most exciting thing about sociation (AMA), Beta Alpha Psi, Day like Jackie Robinson Senior Center in Manhattan and other places where hunger is in abundance. Though the drive is in its third­ fourth week, it is progressing slowly. strip joints? As of Friday, November 6th approxi­ mately 51 cans of food have been re­ ~ ~ PHI :"." CIP 1. ES (J / S () l :".' l) R L 'I I R L .\ 1 E :'\ T I \" E S 'I 1 C ceived. With the cooperation of and assistance from the Baruch Commu­ ni ty, it is expectedthat the drive can be as successful as that conducted by the .7 .. ~ / students and teachers of PS 48 in ~ ~ ~~ .. " .,j-.., ..< ./... Bensonhurst who contributed in ex­ cess of 3,200 lbs of canned food last April. Another success was the New York Stock Exchange's200th Anniver­ sary celebration this past May from which City' Harvest collected 5000 lbs offood. Just as the above organizations' driveshavebeensuccessful, thereis no doubtthat Baruch's can be also. Drop off bins"are situated in the , lobby-,of.each.b.uildi..ng(18_St~S.tuden t 14mB Walker.sophom,ore __ .... Center» 23.St, 24St)andintlle 5thfloor ..-SabriDaDesruisseau,..senior·. . crSeeing:tbe~Womari~naked· ,Know whatrm.._ Cafeteria at 26 St. Students, Faculty, "'Just the curves, just imagining what's saying?" Administratorsand othersareurged to under that. Always make sure you have a donate and make this Thanksgiving a ball and a good time." betterone for boththemselves and oth­ ers because no shouldhave to go hungry.

LaurieCaropolo, upper freshmen ."It's the·excitementofjust seeingthem IRONICALLY, THE TIME TO START ~ [men], with no clothes and you build up fantasies in your head about what they SAVING FOR RE IS WREN IT LOOKS will be like in a pleasurable way. Their bodies their face, oh God! It's exciting, an LIKE YOU CAN LEAST AFFORD IT. women wild, with money. Theatmosphere o is great, you got these men and they just build up these fantasies inside your head a n 't afford to save for retirement? Even ifyou're not counting the years to thatone dayyoucanhavethathunk. That C The truth is, you can't afford not. to. retirement, you can count on TIAA-CREF perfect guystanding right in front ofyour Not when you realize that your retirement to helpyou build the future you deserve­ face." can last 20 to 30 years or more. You'll want with flexible retirement and tax-deferred to live at least as comfortably then as you annuity plans, a diverse portfolio of invest­ do now. And that takes planning. ment choices, and a record of personal By starting to save now, you can take service that spans 75 years. advantage oftax-deferral and give your Over a million people in education and money time to compound and grow. research put TIAA-CREF. at t~e top of ' Consider this: set aside just $100 each their list for retirement planning. Why not month beginning at age 30 and you can join them?

C~I ~. '-~'" ,:,~ ~ accumulate over $192»539* by the time today and learn how simple it is . - --. _ ..,": .. _.-.... .;.•.;.' "'.. ' ...... " .....- .' . .. -..' ...:.: :.:,.i'...... aem~r you reach age 65. But wait ten years and to build a secure tomorrow when you V-mcentMaDDetta,J~o" Louise Tramonte, " -seeing 801l\e ~ and you'll have to budget $227each month have time and TIAA-CREF working on When the girl'atthe tabJe dancesinfront of reallyhot guys . you, tha~sPnttyfun. getting back at your boyfriend by going.to . to reach the same goal. . your side. It'scomradery,you're there With J01B friends, you are really not stripjoints. Itgivesyou a (_ling~getting , .. .there to~~tb..girls. The pisarea wayto let ···.~~k~··, even.- .:'~,':~;:( .: . ~, ..... ~. "·,;~~tt:. .-' ~~::':""~':':, future . ' , /"1~;:·.~~~~~~ Bomring the , . . ~. for those who shape it-SM • .; a •

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-r: 15 14 =! so :.~ ··~·f'-'···"···· ~ ·' .'-'··-0'".:~"'~:e''_.. '11'·-r. .... ,....-~.'...... "Wh'.. - .' •. .-"to"~·~·.r..,...... " .-' CD- '0' -:r:._: - -'-."':.>. 'O:U' ··.·0...... "J-p- ." C)" • me-' :~ .' o' .' '.' .' '. r- •• A. . . .- .".... . - . .-c: CD - (I) By Ch8 n i ze Thorpe alia- . °otnave a membership to theseplaees, • Tonys MCCray .. thesefashions aretastelessvSowhois z • o (\I . 'Let's talk about leather; ladies. "Mr~ Versace desiping- for'? You, you < en CD en -Let's talkaboutyouandme.·I;et'stalk fool]. ..Can't .you See that you are 3 ,... abolltallthe good things and _the bad inhibitedand.repressed? Can'tyou see xr ,...- tit, CD ,... thi}lgs leathercanbe.' Let'staIk about that you .will only trulybe fashionable ~ ~ ". ­~ ~ 'DearLonnie, eachoffice theinformationyou discuss leather, "leathereverywhere. . Q) ifyou have a Ieather choker andchain ..0 I am a foreign student with a will be kept confidential. I don'tknow about you, but when I .arcundycurneckf Don'tyouknowyou co E to _ Q) strongaccent; I work very he,.rd think of the word leather, Iirilmedi­ secretlywanttobea dominatrix? You - ~ > o do weU in" my classes. One of my Dear Lonnie, atelythink ofa motorcyclejacket or a don't see? Good. I was beginning to Z professors told me to drop a class Pve been in thiBcountry for sea- pair ofshoes. Leatherhas alwaysbeen worry about you. o For ye4rs en end we 5lKJered in, because my English was not good eralyears. My familycamein-hopes a mainstay in the fashion industry, so Mr. Versace doesn't mind some of ~ took. much rnorelhan we fVt m: enough. AmI'beiAgili8criminated . for a better'life'My father""" been it's no big dealright?Wrong!Leather' the negativecriticism he has received - against because of my race or .unemployed for the past ,ear and. is considered back on the scene with from his latest invention. "I under­ et1inicity1 .: What can I do; . m.y pa-rentB are t:(,nBtantlyezpress- thereemergeneecf'theIeethereviator standifthesestrapsofleatherarenoto . _S.~gnlld, Victim ingtheirregretsaOOutcominghere. andbomberstyle-jackets. All theseare everyone'sliking. I don'tmindifpeople I consider myself an "American." .turning up onthe streets, in the clubs, say I'm vulgar." Well if you don't Dear Victim, but my parents dislike my views, ontherunw:aysandinsomeofAmerica's mind... You're vulgar! My only advice Fromyourletteronecanonlyimag- thoughts and defensiveness when mosttrendyandfashion-forwardmaga­ to Mr. Versace is to keep his fantasies ine that'you mustfeel frustrated and '. they ·talk harshly of this country. zines. Itisalsobeingupdatedinquilted ofwhat women should l~k likeinhis upset by the comment your professor No matterwhatI say theycontinue. styles (check out Al.B. Sure's latest head and keep to the stuff that he madetoyou. When someone expresses to feel depressed and dissatisfied video for great quilted leather vests knowsbestabout. Ifhe messes around their lack-of confidence in you it can with life. How can 1 make them see and hot pants). with the wrong people (meaning the 1/- makeyoufeelclepressedandconfused. that being here ien't so bad1How . Leather shoes and boots' are also people whohave the money to buy his These feelings can influence one'sfeel- can I help'them'! .becoming more stylish andmore popu-. clothes), he _may~e to fantasize .Anti now they S!'Y the bill'5 CIJme dtJe I ing of self-worth and may make you Signed, Worried lar withallagegroups. From 70'sretro aboutall themone . atwill inevitably 1h6f ~q: 'lh1t~./ It Hk1l't f:x? uu/> I trUSt them full./ fpt tffy71 fftt i1~;d. doubtful aboutyouracademicabilities. platforms, spiked vampboots, bikeror disappear from his. k account. All ~We'II90. to pump satetJfher chump.! ~'d nEVer Qf1ibble! and rm relieve ./ The questions you pose do not have Dear Worried, , "MC"boots,leatherisdoingfor shoesin he'll have is a showroom full of S&M ;:- 1he~ by Not /iirte ~~~ juSt CbJ41d /rump:' served free lunch I 1heu may wanttoask to as~ ?ou~~lfho~:rou WlI~ feel Ifyou New York City For ..... lnfo"••tIon cd t 800eKAP-TEST. the. professor forclSrlDcation on' the cannot~ange.thelrperceptions:These 137East22 S'treetroom30·IF. ., comment. slbe made to you, Perhaps . are not questions that are easlly an­ therewasSome misunderstandingthat sweredandit may behelpful for you to Att'Features For more information call: took place. Ifyou are not comfortable speak wjth a co~nsel~r ~ut the de­ doingthistherearesome~vethird ·WJa:of~~ur~.dYs SItuationandhow: ... , .....-. Baruch College, Office of Graduate Admissions ._.~-'- - parties you can Contact.to/~~the ,o.tht\f,are.~ec.~~yo~.Acounselor~ o°bel~ ~th~lssuesandproVlde 2121447-3920 situationwith: 1) theDeanofStudents· ...... in ~ Office of Student DeVelopment' ":,oe-wjth.'1nbiJnation ~ut support (r oom 1702 17th floor·360.?~.~,2t se.Mce~J.!!_~~e_~1I!~~ty_t~~ ~ ~ the pref~asion8:(~iorsin theOf'· aYa11abletoyourparents.. .. .+_~_~'-.~ ~".'":" ,.~ ,.t'~_~ :";.~ .., • .... .• ...... ,_ .:-. ," . ~ting ., ...... ~ ).- ~ :..', ~ ; ficeof and Psychological· ~e.'" -,,-... . Baruch College . 01 .J,: ' , . ;' '...... - Services (rCom 1743, 17th floor 360. TheCIty Un",.,..,of New York P.A.S·.),and 3) Helpline peer c0unse­ lors (room 516; 5th f1oor,26tb St.). In .. ,',,:'

.' " 11., ..',' : -I -~-~- '.:-:"~ .'. ·r - .---:-' ,':":.l:: -.' • -- j". " -~ '~ -?~.-:-;'"7~~-=-~_,-_. ," .... ~·o ._ - __ ., .. ---' r" ..:," - '-'. -,··c' ,. =--_. - '--. - -. _. ".-, ,",'.:_ .. : ;.... .:.,. "o'wFZ -.-.. ~' ...~. -_:;>~ . -,".-., .i:·_·..._:·.-J4.~_-;--...;~~· . 16 I (/) '17 CD -f :::) 0' - .. ox co ...... CD -Q) ... U- Hot Timeat.T.be. Multicultural.' Carnival » Q) :l - ..._. " ._. - _._.0'- ...... __ .. ._ (I) ~ - • ,:·»ti~::::.::$.1'-:~;9,.-,;".T·:·::::·:::··:·::::::: (,) - ~ ""••o<"';;"9I;W. ..••••• • ~ z 0 • < C\J CD 0) 0) 3 oy- a CD oy- ... oy- -. -. "- Q) - .0 -. 'CD E CD Q) I\) > ,z0

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The lead singer of the "D-Rebels gets the houseto rocking with ..----- Baruch's most beautiful women take the stage at the carnival. ~." some Vincentian tunes! .----• :~------' ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• • :::.

By Rafael A. Martinez " :::--

The Disney company has scored then we discover, inoneofthe bestuses another hit with their latestanimated ofcomputeranimation, thatonlya per­ Aladdin, Jasmine and Abu take a magical carpet ride musical film "Aladdin." The voices of son whoislikea "diamondin thorough," over Agrabah. Robin William's, as the Genie, Scott can recover the lamp. Weinger asAladdin andLindaLarkin We are then transported to the cause Jasmine must marry a prince magiccarpetandretumstoAgrabahto as Jasmine,havecreatedprobablyone mythical Arabian city of Agrabah, before she reaches her quickly ap- confront and defeat the vizier. of the funniest animated films ever where Aladdin is on the run from the proaching 21st birthday. "Aladdin" is a departure for the released. ~ity guards after stealing a melon. He Jasmine does' not want to marry, Disney company.' The film has a good The film opens with a storyteller finally losesthe guards, with the help becausefor herentirelife, shehasbeen soundtrack, but chances of an Oscar riding a camel in the desert telling a of his gallant monkey Abu (Frank told what to do, where to go and now nomination for best songare slim. The tale f;>f a lamp and how itchanged the Welker). .wantstostartmakingher own choices. songs just don't have the samequality Representatives, Bernadette (left) and Lisa, of the Student Women of Nicole Davillar of Club Caricom wows the audience with her life ofa young man. It may soundlike After the chase across through the Jasmine flees the palaceandheadsout andexcitementlike thosein"TheLittle Color Network showing their hot fashions curves during the beauty pageant a dull beginning, but the voice and city, Aladdin goes to his squalid home into the city in a bid for freedom. Mermaid" or "Beauty and the Beast." jokes are provided by Williams andhe atopa towerthatfacesthepalace. While She meets Aladdin when he helps Itmay be the death ofsongwriter ; can make a anythingfunny. staringatthepalace,hetellsAbuabout her escape from an angry fruit seller HowardAshman, whohelpedcompose ...... o' ..• Ashe-is-sjieaking;~-he"scene shifts ----ms-dremn-s-o-C'marrying-tlle-oeautffiiT "--tllaf ~ going'-fo' ~t" offner h~jt-~· ror .. t~e 'songsTor-rh~LrttT~)We! iiJ~~"'~~d " to ~nothe~ part'ofthe desert "were an princess~" .... ".." stealing an apple and giving it to a "Beauty and the Beast," the reason f WILL HELP YOU evil looking fellow named Jafar At the same moment in the palace, hungry child. . behind the lack ofany decent tunes in (Jonathan Freeman)is meeting with a PrincessJasmine has rejected another Jafar, who is revealed to be the the film. fat, shrunken thief. Thethiefhasjust suitor with the help of her pet tiger, Sultan's vizier, is looking for Aladdin The singing voices are provided by WRITE... r.Don't flip burgers this January!~ stolen the amulet that wi111ead Jafar Rajah. Herfather, theSultan (Douglas because he is the only one who can Lea Salonga ofMiss Saigon fame and to the magic lamp, which it does, but Seale), does not know what to do be- retrieve the lamp. Brad Kane, who has had several guest COME WORK AT OUR HOUSE .... PUBLISHERS CLEARING HOUSE. EARN UP TO $800 In a quickly occurring chain of appearances on; television shows like IN JANUARY (DEPENDING ON ASSIGNMENn AT OUR LONG ISLAND LOCATION! events, Aladdinis captured, allowedto "Law and Order." They are excellent : escape and lead to the lamp. He es- and ifnot for them the songs would be *Papers NO EXPERIENCE NECESSARY ;* eapeswiththelampinascenereminis- a complete waste. Call Personnel CoHect at (516) 883-5432 (or send the form below). ~ cent ofthe narrow escapes in the Indi- The animation is what you expect » ana Jones films. in a Disney film. Excellent. With *Appllcatlons ~------~------* Aladdin then rubs the lamp and vibrant colors and interesting draw- . MAIL TO: 0... PUBLISHERS CLEARING HOUSE, PERSONNEL DEPARTMENT .~ the real adventure begins. The Genie ings ofcharacters that seem very hu­ @ ~ P.O. BOX 803,' PORT WASHINGTON, NY 11050 :~. can not be described, but only experi- man. It also has more computer ani­ *Proposals PLEASE SEND APPLICATION TO: ::~ enced. As usual, Robin Williams is a mation such as the magic carpet, that NAME _ juggernaut of humor and any descrip- was done by computer alone. , *Letters ADORESSi;.-,----:- _ tion given would ruin the experience. The true star-ofthis film though is Aladdin receives three wishes. He the genie. Williams really pulls this uses two and in the process, through film outofthe bag. All ofhis maniacal *Resumes lies and deceit, paints himself into a energy shoots off the screen and you cornerwhileattemptingto winthehand will not know what he is going to do ofJasmine. next. In fact) they shouldhave entitled *Articles Jafar discovers Aladdin'strueiden- the film "The Genie Guest Starring tity, steals the lamp and takes over the Some Guy Named Aladdin." The .:. kingdom of Agarabah, enslaving the ending of the film leaves open the :.: .:~ DONORS WANTED!! $ .:< ~ -» ;:;. .:< « ":::. :::. .;. .;;; .:;;. ;:;- Sultan and Jasmine. He banishes possibilityofa sequel. AfterWilliams) Aladdin and Abu embark on an adventure. Aladdin toafaroff'mountain top to die, performance there is no doubt that YOU WILL LEARN TO but Aladdin escapes with the help ofa there will be one. WRITE EFFECTIVELY. Rider," "Baby I'm Loving You Now" back to the trash. Woops! I mean Sperm donors wanted and the great "All I HaveTo OfferYou album. ·Record Reviews Is Me." All I have toofferMc Bride isa The group consists of Terry noose. McBride on bass, Ray Herndon on gui­ I am .a college instructor/ for Midtown Clinic you're. right. Yes, we hear the same Do wereally need tohavea country tarand BillyThomas on drums. What, f Me BRIDE & THE RIDE sound from this album as everyone movement" in New" York? Isn't just no fiddle? These three combine to give -, else, man with his genitals caught in a tolerating Garth Brooks and Reba ussongsthatarequitelaughable.Speed corporate trainer in writing Total Anonymity $50.00 Sacred Ground meatgrinder. Mc Bride & the Ride will MacIntyre bad enough? Do we really itup, slowitdown it's still country. It's MeA Records strike you as your typical country and have tolikethem? Andwhere does this a shameisn't it? Some songs sound as . westerngroup. Shall lcontinue? Whynot. leave Me Bride and the Ride? How iftheyweredrunkwhentheyperfonned andoeste grammar. I'm sure thatyou'll appreciate the about the bottom of the barrel? Like them. per good specimen B.\· Danny (;esslein singingonthisalbum. Ithasthatsame the group'speers, theysubscribe to the I won'tevengetintotalkingaboutthe Ca//212679-7602 rare quality that a cat, singing at four samecowboyphilosophy:booze,women group'sname. Ofcourseitdoesremindme Call 212 779-3988 They say that country music is in the morning, has. It will probably andhorses are whatmakethe worldgo cLthatjokeabout Texas and sheep. making a comeback. Let us bow our provoke thesameresponse. Haveyour 'round, All I can say iscountryhas enough ....\ heads in prayerso that thishorror will I boots ready tofling. Yes friends, these "Bee Haw" re­ problems. Does it really need these pass over us. Ifyou're notready togo outandbuy jectsare tryingtomake theirnamesin guys? McBride should ride on out of Ifyou: think that one country and this masterpiece, thenlistentosomeof the music business. Well I have a New York and the music business. :..J>. . ~ ~ t l .::.. • r.. • J ~ ,. I,. westernsongis thesameasalltherest, the 'amazing titles. You have "Trick couple of names for them. Anyway Vee haw!!

"~- -. :-~- - -- ~-_. - ~~-~------~------. --~--_._---_. - -. .. -- ~ .. ------. x -,s aacx• .... ' • 0, . ,,_...... ----'. . - 'tid' 5i%Wm z ------.------~- ---; ----_... _.. "------,....- -~.. _------.-. ------'---'---. --.- a • • • _.1,.. •.-. .... $ . - .. - 18 .<:1 r

I~ecord R~views barr:ageofdifferenttypesandstylesofmusic. Metheny -t_. Cont, sounds like he's tryi~g.toshow everyone what he js appear. On theremixoftheirfirSt bit, .... capableof. Although itis'quiteimpressive,it doesn't East Coast Family .: "Motownphilly" the temposloWS down ' ~ It'~· -. ~ leap out at you. The words "blown out" didn't even Volume One with a softer-sounding harmony. -­ :> .Expose enter my mind when I played it. more mysterious and romantic than ::1 • Various Artists Ch Expose Like the CD's cover, the work itselfis a collage of thepoppitchoftheoriginal. vocaiss.re . • . - - MotowBIBIV -to also still strong on CUhli Ahh- ('rne -­ Z Arista Records many different ideas. "Above the Treetops" is a mix 0 Sequel).'" Ifyou enjoyed the original, < ofmodern music with a Cambodian hymn. It sounds CD ~- By Roberta Ransaw as ifit shouldhave been a cut on the Best ofthe '60's By Daphne Leroy you'll love the sensuous sound, deep 3 ~ a- .... collection. bass line and new lyrics of the . CD (1) -. .D Exposeare stronger than ever. The wonderful ­ The album blends, sometimes successfully, in­ There's also a remix of the song that . ..to E . ~iv 10, a l~l run byMichael "Biv" made their mark as talented vocalists, ..to (1) voices thatbrought us"Point OfNoReturn,""Let Me struments from different areas of music. Classical > BIVIns ofBell BIV Devoe and New Edi- ."It's So Hard To Say Goodbye." Two ..to o Be The One" and "Come Go With Me" are back. meets keyboards. Harp meets harmonica. And after CO Z tion fame, hits the scene with Eoet- movie soundtrack tunes, "Sympin'" CO Jeanette Jurado and are nowjoined by, awhile, mouth meets Pepto-Bismol. I\) Kelly Moneymaker who has replaced Gioia Bruno Secret Story reallyisn't that bad, it'sjustconfus­ C008tFamilyVolume One. Bivgives from "WhiteMen Can'tJump"and"End (who left the group due to serious throat problems). ing. Methenytries to put so many different styles on us a taste of the marketable music Of The Road" from "Boomerang!" cap Despite the change, Expose still has the musical it that the enjoyment is lost. The album leaves you­ that's making mo' money for this 24 off the Boyz II Men's input on this touch that has made them famous. with the same feelingyou get when you talk to an old year old artist. Referring to the New project. The selfentitledalbum, Expose, is a mixture of relative. Itjust goes on and on and you have no idea York-basedandMotown distributedBiv Biv'syoungestartists,AnotherBad ballads and dance tracts. Fantastically produced by of what's being said. Nor do you care. 10 label, Bivins says, "We're gonna Creation, also gets on the mic. They their long-time partner, Lewis A. Martinee, this Thejazztracksare notworth waitingfor. Metheny deliver. 'nl:e public ~on't be disap- swing their beat on the "Playground album is a definite improvement over their sopho­ plays with the different styles until he comes to this pointedwith whatwe'llbecomingwith." (Remix)"and the new track, "All These more production, What You Don't Know. section. The rnusic is like a heavy metal guitar solo; In that connection, the album features Wanna Be's (Tease)." The new single Also contributing to this album are producers you've heardit all before. Makesyoujust want torun his success stories, Boyz IT Men and accuses KrissKross of being wickedy­ Steve Thompson and Michael Barbiero (who has out and buy acopy, doesn't it? AnotherBadCreation, who he man- wack-wanna-be ABCs. created hits for Madonnaand Guns N'Roses), drum­ Ann Curless, Kelly Moneymaker, Secret Story really isn't bad. It's just bland. ages through Biv Entertainment. It Speakingofwickedy-wack, we also mer Omar Hakim and Grammy winner , Jeanette Jurado are better than ever. The album isuncoordinated. It's drive without direc­ also introduces new flavors of the Biv have cuts by Tam Rock and M.C. DianneWarren. Warren wrotefour songs on Expose, tion. It's potential without power. It's... Oh, for 10 bunch. Brains. Tam Rock has a "Chit Chat includingone which wasco-written with thelate Roy heaven'ssake' It'll kill offyourbrain cells faster than The main dish ofthis project is "1- (Interlude)" with Yo¥o and performs Orbison, "As LongAs I Can Dream." And itis on this listening to a politician double-talk. Now what else 4-AlI-4-1," a mixture of pop, R&B and "Listen Closely (Bozack)." The tired lovely balladthat Ann Curless really gets to sing her can possibly claim such an honor? Hip-Hop. Artists include: Tam Rock, track and lyrics will put you to sleep. heart out. Pat Metheny Whytgize, Cale Brock, Tom Boyy, LIkewise, M.C. Brains'"Pump YaFist" Ofthe 12 tract album, all 12 songs are potential Secret Story lOlQYvetteBrown,HaydenHajdu, is soft and silly, nufl' said. hits. Their first release, "1 Wish The Phone Would Geffen Records Fruit Punch,LadyV, Mark, Rico & Biv 10 strives to build the careers ~illg" is getting plenty ofairplay. There is so much Finesse and Anthony Velasquez. of the above artists while bringing us to choose from Expose, that it is hard to say which The different styles and vocals of this more young artists of tomorrow. East song will be their next release. However, "Angel" By Danny Gesslein Biv 10 crew are capturedon this crisp Coast Family Volume One is only the should be their nextsmash-hit. This songis reminis­ and catchy production. first step on theroad ofgreatersuccess. Slammin' sounds ofBiv's most sue- Let's hope that rno' music and not mo' centofDonnaSummer's'70's hit"I Feel Love." With My first response when listening to the new Pat Michael Bivins' East Coast Family an intelligent OJ at the table, this single can easily Metheny album, Secret Story, was, "What the hell cessful discovery, Boyz II Men, also money keeps Biv on the right track. become a club favorite. is this? The words! Where are the words?" Other slammin' dance tunes are, "Face To Face," Now that I have listened to the entire CD, I look "Touch And Go," and "Give Me All YourLove." "Give at it in a new light. Iam able to take a step back and Me All Your Love" has a touch of their early rut, evaluate this work as a whole. So it is with true "." But, the music does not stop conviction that I say, "What the hell is this?" there. The trio has outdone themselves with the Metheny's style is completely off center. The lis­ Records. The group is made up of Style." First off to truly rock the lyrics are devised straight up street remake of "." Take my advice, tenermustbeware when hearingthe CD for the first rappersCool Money Cee and DJMenal jeep, you need the required fat 808 freestyle, reminiscent of Naughty By corning straight from the streets. The drum kick with asolid kick pattern to Nature with a twist of carnivorism. their version will have you dancing all night. time, because once you're pulled in there's no way Nothing exciting about Pat Metheny Producingfresh and enjoyable material, Expose out. Metheny has no lyrics or central frame of topics oftheirlyricsrangefrom alcohol accent the 808's boom. This cut easily Eastcoastfreestyle atitsbest,noholds are most definitely back! reference. The listener is therefore exposed to a toyourmindtofreestyle. RuffLife has meetsthatrequirementandthensome. barred, go for what you know and you a interestingbalancebetweensamples Joining in, is the steady tambourine better rock the show. and original score. The original music with a tightjazz snare drum hit on the Overall I found Ruff Life to be _--,Qy fiu:...f For this track Ice Cube is paired accompanied by highly potent bass .::. f t j If you need help in Call. Algbr. -Precalc­ PLUS $100 FOR THE :.:. with Don Jaguar, a reggae artist, on drum kick and you have the flavor of i Calcu lus-Stats-Probability- Fi nite & the hard core rap tip. Once again Ice this cut. Well produced, this track .-. **** SPEED READ**** .::. flows down smooth and you'll find .... I ; Learn in 1 session (1 on 1). At least double Discrete math-P hysics-Chemistry­ MEMBER WHO CALLS! Cube has called on his previous rela­ French-Spa_n.-German-Span comm. tionship with Public Enemy and The yourself at the bar requesting round i or triple speed with increased No obligation. No cost. Bomb Squad when it came to creating afterround ofthis 100 proofrecording, corres. & export proced-GMAT & GRE .comprehension. Bob718-383-4769, leave You also get a the music style. The whole song is not The general tone of this album is message. prep -I offer prof. one-on-one tutoring ­ only littered with two samples from set by the first true full cut, "To Da $15/Hr- Call Ray Bacchus 718-493-6942 FREE HEADPHONE RADIO P.E., but their sonic technique ofusing Head." This cut establishes the head just for calling layers ofnoise to create music is in full boppingposition thatyou will undoubt­ after 4 PM. evidence. The thunderous drums of edly assume throughout this listening "Welcome To The Terrordome" are at experience. Although the initial si­ STUDENTS or ORGANIZATIONS. rens and trumpet hits will grab your Earn $500 - $1000 weekly stuffing the forefront ofthis composition, while Promote our Florida Spring Breakpackages. ·1-800-932-0528, Ext. 65 samples of Flavor Flav's Trademark attention, it's the hard thumping kick Earn MONEY and FREE trips.Organize envelopes. For details -RUSH $1.00 voicetickleyourears. In trueround the drum and overall body tick inducing with SASE to: GROUP FIVE way style, the sound ofsirens is a con­ bass line, that will sell you on this .SMALL or LARGE groups. stant mainstay on top of the chaos. track. Don't ~riously expect to play Call Campus Marketing. 800-423-5264 57 G ree ntree Drive, Suite 307 Thelyricstakeyouona tripthrough this songonly once. Standby the radio Dover, Delaware 19901 HELP WANTED the world as seen by the eyes of the in preparation for a repeated rewind (Please flush right the above address) Work on your own! Earn Cash, Free Cube himself. The neighborhood life, session. Make\ure younger listeners Trips and morell Openings Available to the rhyme style, the women and the don'tgeta hold ofthistrack, because it politicsofsocietyare all covered in this has a lyrical hook line that might be a I------f promote our SPRING and WINTER intense, less than five minute time pe­ 'uttletoostrongfor theirheads. Pulling • ALASKA JOBS • PACKAGES. riod. Asyou knowfrom before, nothing no punches the Bros tell you exactly Intellectual and Single? - FISheries ­ CALL Epicurean Tours TODAY is sacred when this man picks up the what is that they are about, .Step up Studen.tsNeeded! Eam$600+perweekincanneries mic. The song could have been played and get 0(1 the back or catch a slap. AcademicCompanionsisadatingnetvvorkfor (516) 379-4-FUN or$4,000+ per month on fishing boats. Free trans­ acappella and still be expected to sell. When it comes to street beats, . Bothers UV DA Blakrnarkets The Ruff Life. .. bright, creative achievers.1st ad only $2. portation! Room& Board! Over8,000openings. No Ice Cubehasalways managed to bring I'm always looking for a track that; experience necaauy! Male or Female. For em­ forth the gut urban experience to the will.be able to stand the test ofthe Primarily NYC and suburbs. Academic ploymentprogramcall: (206) S4S4155 ext. AS133 massesinan noncompromisingtrueto jeep system pumpablity. Nothing Companions,P.O. Box346,Cinton t NY13323 formfashion. On this trackhedisplays accompanies jeep beats like a well COMING UP NEXT ISSUE: why heis still one ofthe best rappers! accomplished freestyle, 'cause -R.EM. producers in the hip-hop world. when the beatisehumpmgyou don't Moving down.the line brings-us to want to hear some Mickey Mouse «Bon Jovi

_--:"'~ ....J-_-..__._.._._.....-..•__...._.__.._- -~. ._._-.._._..- -.•...... _ _------~ rap style. Thus the Bros entryinto __ _----_._.__ the Brothers UV DA Blalnnarket • Plus more Movie andRecordReviews debut album Ruff Life on Select the jeep beat contest, "Ruff -Neck . . - ...... - . CD -'teo- ~ • • . Support the ~ 0) ~



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