1.. :-··... ,· «: .. -. ~ . " . Baruch College • City University of New York November 11,1992 ' •••..:: 111 .M·. - .. - ~ .. :.--; .., . '\,,0.1;1. ,'. ...'-Ji'" -- __.._,~-.. , ; '. -'. PresidentOutlines GoalsandAcbievments inAddress ByFarah Gehy tuN direction of the college. led to tbisseme&ters tuition tbefacultyfor-therecognition etc. On ThUl'Sday, October 29, -rhe state bas cut appro- increase and the four million just paid by B~in Goldstein is also propos-· PresidentMatthe:wGol.~ .1t~~.~~qty.U~ver- dollar budget cut Baruch had listmg the Barueb MBA pro- ing to start a Volunteers Pro­ delieveredastate of·theeol- .'·sity,maldngitdifticulttofunc- to implement. '.gram,as one Of 20 ,acrOSs the gram.·'ftWipmgramwouldlook legeaddlessin~msditCrium.~tieR~...,.venatthe -rhia resulted in our not eouritry di~shedon the towardsalumni,friends ofthe atl1LexingtoriAv.~high.,; fuftclamental level," said beingabletoapp'ointanumber basis oCquality and value.- eOnege~peOple in :the neigh­ lighting ~~ed ... ~in.:.r~(~~ng. ~ the. ofvaluedemployees,havingto Another recognized borhood, friends andrelatives bytheC,itT~~t..t:~,·.: ~~~JDilliQn_~CUNY .faced ,'retrencha few positionsandto achievementlistedwasForbes ofthoeewhowOrk andstUdyat York'~~"~~~:~~.·~:.~:""~~'~~<~ecutincDase class sizes - placing. magazine, which earlier this Baruch to "give something hea~burdensODfaculiy,eoun-' year listed Baruch among the .back- to the echool, by'means selorsandothersuppristafl- 10 most pro'i1inent business ofhiribgBarueh students. _ s8idGOldst»in. .. program. in the country. Regarding·the· buildingof' Goldstein went on'to con- -rhesearetwoimportantiDdi- the new campus . sites, gratulate the echOoI'. support catiODS «the national reputa- Goldstein saidthat Site A, 10­ staffontheirworkinngistra- tion enjoyed by our school of cated at 25th Street between .tion, deparbnentoftices ~d Businessand Public Adminis- LeDngtonand'lbirdAvenues, building and groundS opera- tration.- Goldsteinrecopized is!UDningon sc:hedUle. Some .'. tiona. .,know I spe±for ourthecaliherof'Baruch's.students oftbe servicesin the site 1rill . : faaIlty and students when I hysaying: ~ .students be: the library, which wiD'be _ylamveryapprec:iative:be aretbefuturecfNewYorkand able to eeat 1,600 etodente,.a Mid. the fUtme·oCAmerica.· confel'8DC8center,amecti.een- ..He al80 .8pC)b ofthe -dra- -. Lestyeer~the ~'. port- ter end a CGIlII01idatioo oCtile 'matie- tuiticrl incnae which. folio or 8pOIl8GI'8aceecled $3 school'. COIDPutereenteraand· eame into effect thia 88Dlslt..' mi11icJIl for the first time, said .....support services·Jib fi· 8DCltoldfillcultyandstafrmem- Goldstein. DSDdal·8id. bemDOttOfcqetthehalcWDpI The Baruch Fund, ~t,...apollitiveandna1• ... -=:--~~=~~~ =tP;;h.~~~:;: '. every raise m'. College~. the IIC'hool witli-.fairamOantMieh.el. Zawlle• .:·iD;""":"•. wi~.•Dec!' . or.~ ~:...~Ui the~appJ.dm.optimMm·.1 :...•ty.......:..... Fundecl BHearch 1neent1~ .·~__aolil,..wm:m!W. ~c: .t&J~JODciIIldlel'ieh- Aw8rcL. up&1r"~_.,,-1IIIW ~,~~,..:bnDg toBench Col- 'fbiapant.~ . ~~m8D,"...af .:~.N-.- ·1..,....,....1Iad ....tdeDowfaeuJtyad.....· ~~.,.ta~ -I €~_.~~....£. "1D;:~.:"4iW1C!'With..,.,...........;ia .. _ .. ·~".i_k.·JOaIJr.""';-·"· .,~~.ti"Iai~:·:".~·I~~ ·. :;).P.#ani9.•·;pIatici,..ia· ~W· ·neaPir·I·• nc1·,............... -. '.:' \ .' . ..~;" ..... ~ ·.~ ......~.. ~·r.lr' l*J'it t ..iaci-.. ... '.. ~'h ..• ':..···P,•••,.nl· ~<·_:-- , . ". '..>:'.'." .' .•il.·• ...,•... __· ...i.tjla·t Prri·..Col _ •. ~. ~ . ,,1;~...' .;~;~'>-.~._ ~~;:.- ~~:: .~·:;:i..!)i) .~~:r~~"'-~~·. ;·~---'A.~a~.,jJe-"· .;... .. :.." .. :-' . ",J" ~:',':,~-.&..tn4A_........O•. I at.""••' .....~•••strt.. ~< ··4 .'&iQil'_,....:..:~.. ·;:·;·. '.. .: ;,. ':: :: ·'.A- t~: f''~' ~':~~' ~ ....~: .~.~ ~ : .'~. ': "."... .. '.. ...<:.. :>'f' ,.. .. -: .. ',' , ., .. ,.... ..>• ~" . ../. •• ':~'. r, • ...... :.- ~ .' ;..._ ..<::..,:.'¥_:.~ ~, , , . ".-- .... - • t: t . .. ~ .~. ··,ot·;':. -. ,~. ... - <...... ". '.' " l • . ...... ," : :-.......;..- ~,"" . .... ... ." .' . .' .... ' ... ,). ; .', . t __ ..' _- • ~ . ..:.:,'" ~.' _'• '" ~ •" ...: • : •.•...:....:.. ,; _~; ~ ~ ~ -:_~·"~L· .~, ~:. .. ' ;:..- ;.:"__ : .. ':". ':.__ .' '.'''..'' "-...--~- ,.....---~-- "3-;- .- ". :.-...... 2 ----...;.-----------------------~--.;..;.-~~......--.-~ ,~ ..........._. zG Deep BudgetCutsHurt Baruch enI • Liberal Arts Workshop1orFreshmen ... • Summer BusiDessInternships· . ByParahGe1l....... :Y . r8culiy." operatmg .budget is the big~ 'The1993 summer internships in investmentbanking, corporate law, TheCUrrlcular.Guidariee Office ofthe 'School of Liberal Arts. and . Due to the budget cuts . .The School ofLiberal Arts . gest, said Zavelle. management'consulting and accounting. The objective of this program, Sciences will offer the following workshop: implemented because of the andScienceshas alsosuffered Chairman oftheAccount­ ....- from theSponsorsfor EducationalOpportunity,isto introduce outstand­ Liberal Arts Freshmen Workshop on Curriculum on Thursday, fiscalinstabilityinAlbanylast due to the budget cuts. Last ingDepartmentStevenLilien, ing college men and women from minority backgroundsto the .above December3, 1992 at 1:00 p.m. spring, Baruch college is fac­ year their operating budget said, "class size has- increased .,.., (I). o- career on the basis ofproven academic ability, extracurricular activities, The workshop will beheld inRm. 1604, 17Lexington Ave. Liberal ing many. cutbacks in it's' was$14.8million, thisyearit's close to60studentsperclass." E Arts students and those interested ina liberal artsmajor who have 25 ­ sehoolsand departments. $13.6 million. Thoughhisdepartmentdidnot (I) work experience, interpersonal skills and maturity. ~ TheSchoolofBusinessand "Our budget was reduced face thelossofmanyadjuncts, o> The programs are for undergraduates only. Overwhelming majority credits or less. The base curriculum and other curriculum subjects will Z be discussed. For more information stop by the Curricular Guidance Public Administration's·bud­ to $1mi1lion from $2 million it faces cuts inhuman and pe­ ofstudents selected must have a GPA ofatleast 3.0. The-accounting get has been cut from $13.8 for adjuncts," said Norman ripheral resources. Office in 1530, 17 Lexington Ave., or call 387-1360. programis limited to accountingmajors whohave completed a minimum Rm. million last year to $12.7 mil­ Fainstein, dean of the School Juanita Howard, chair­ ofthree accounting courses scoring a B or better. lion this year, said Michael ofLiberal Arts. Between 150 woman of the department of " . Zavelle, vice president ofAd­ .and 250 adjunctS were not re­ ~ology and anthropology, Graduate Programs in CUNY ministration. appointedthis year. remarkedthatclasssizeinher Musical Excursion Students are invited te attend 'the CUNY-wide Graduate School With a $1.1 miIlion- cut Becauseofthat, the School' . department increased on .an .' Open House scheduledfor FridayNovember20thfrom 3 - 6 p.m. The back, the Business school had had to decreasethe numberof average offiveto tenstudents Ajointexcursion ofthe Conversation CluhlWriting Club isplannedto an increase in the number of event will be held on the 17th floor at the Graduate Center ofthe City sections being offered, and per class. : . the musical comedy "Fiorello," 1b~day,November12, at 8:00p.m, adjuncts thisyear. thus,hadtoincrease the num­ University of New York, 33 West 42nd Street (between 5th and 6th Her department had to let For moreinformation call the Writing Center at 387-1182 or stop by the .According toDean Francis ber of registrants in all its go of three adjuncts and now Writing Center, Rm.1113, 17 Lexington Ave. Avenues). Representatives from each CUNY senior college campus Connelly, the school has hired courses. has 11 full-time'faculty teaeh­ ,,--'.---.. offering graduate programs will be available to meet with you. equivalent faculty members. Unlike the School ofBusi­ .ing this semester. Anequivalentfacultymember ness,theSchoolofLiberalArts "I am teaching an addi­ .,'~ . ,Mlcheal'Zsvelle, vlce--p,..Ident-of~Admlnlsb'atlon.. ' Interviewing Workshop isequatedinwhichfour-eourses .lost no full-time faculty. tional' course because' of the equala full timeposition. Last The School ofEducation, budget cuts," said' Howard. each, now meet for four hours .'The $1.4 million remain­ The Placement Office (Pass Office) ofthe School ofLiberal Arts and Golden Key Membership Deadline 'Students who have been invited to join the Golden KeyNational semestertheschoolhad 34 such whose operating budget was This, she said, takes heraway a weekinone section, saidDr•. der ofthe $4 millicm cut was Sciences will offer and InternewingTechniques Workshop, November positions, theynow have 48. at$2.2millionlastyear,isnow from her dutiesofchair. WalterReichman, chairofthe feltatnon-teachiDgposts, said Honor Society are reminded thatthe deadline for submitting member­ 19, 1992 at 1:15 p.m., Room 15M, 17 Lexington Ave. For more Although the number Qf' workingon a $2.05 million op­ The Department of Psy­ department. Zavelle. This amount was information, call the Pass Office at 387-1370. ship applications isNovember20th. Studentswho mailin membership adjunctshasgoneup,thenum­ erating budget. chology has gone through a "This situation is terrible. takenfromlibrary,enrollment, materials after this date will notbe able to have theirnames included in ber of full-time positions has Although 90 percentofthe dramatic change. The Intro­ Students are. forced to sit in a. studentdevelopmentandeom- the printed program that will
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