When Sin Entered the World Lesson 1

The World Changed Because of Sin

Objective: That the children will understand that death and all the problems that exist in the world came as a result of Adam and Eve’s disobedience, but God still cares about people.

For the teacher: Pray asking God to use this lesson in your life and in the lives of the children.

Draw or look for a picture of a pretty scene or something beautiful that God created.

Now draw or look for a picture that shows a problem that exists in your community. You might cut a picture out of a newspaper. (These two pictures or drawings will be used in the introductory activity for this lesson.)

Now think, if everything that God created is good, why is the world full of problems and difficulties?

Read Romans 5:12: Adam sinned, and that sin brought death into the world. Now everyone has sinned, and so everyone must die.

According to this verse, what was the result of Adam’s sin?

How do we know that God still cares about people? (There are many answers to this question, but one can be found in Romans 5:8.)

Before class: ü Make sure the video equipment is in good working order. ü Learn the song and the hand motions. (The words to the song are found following lesson 5.) ü If you have not already done so, find or draw two pictures to use as an introductory activity. One should be of a pretty scene or something

1 When Sin Entered the World Lesson 1

beautiful and the second should show some sort of problem that exists in your community. ü Make copies of the worksheet for the younger students and bring crayons, colored pencils or markers. ü Bring newspapers, scissors, glue, pencils or markers for the older children. ü Depending on whether you are going to have the older students work individually or as a group, either bring blank sheets of paper for each child or poster board.

Let’s start by talking with God Father God, thank you that you are good and that you made us. Help us to understand why the world is the way it is. Amen.

Let’s talk about our own lives Show the children the picture of the pretty landscape or beautiful thing that God made. Ask, What do you see here? What does this picture tell us about God?

Now show the children the second picture where they can see a problem that exists in their community. What is happening in the picture?

Ask the children, If God is good and he made a good world, why do bad things like this happen? Listen to their ideas, and then explain that the answer to this question can be found in the video they will see. This video tells a story from the Bible.

Let’s watch the video Show the video “When Sin Entered the World”. Ask the children to take note of all the things that changed in Adam and Eve’s lives after they disobeyed God.

2 When Sin Entered the World Lesson 1

Let’s sing the song using the hand motions Explain to the children that the song is written in God’s words as if he is the one singing.

Let’s talk about what we saw Divide the children into small groups based on their ages and ask, How did Adam, Eve and Seth feel in this video? They were sad and worried. They were afraid. What bad things happened to them in the video? Let the children mention the things they observed. For example, Cain killed his brother, Adam and Eve had to leave the garden, they felt ashamed and the land didn’t produce like it did before. Why did these things happen? These things happened because they disobeyed God.

Have the children look up Romans 5:12 in the Bible and read it out loud. Adam sinned, and that sin brought death into the world. Now everyone has sinned, and so everyone must die. Romans 5:12

Say to the children, God never wanted all these bad things to happen. But when Adam and Eve disobeyed, they became sinners. Adam, Eve and all their descendants did many bad things that harmed their lives.

What did Adam and Eve’s son Cain do? He killed his brother Abel. How did this make Adam and Eve feel?

Every one of us is a sinner like Adam, Eve and Cain. Because of this every one of us has to die. Has a family member or friend of yours ever died? How did this make you feel? Let the children tell about their experiences.

Because of sin bad things happen to us also, and sometimes, like Adam and Eve, we feel afraid or ashamed. Has anything ever happened to your family that made you afraid? Would you like to tell us about it?

Then say, God didn’t want these things to happen, but despite the consequences of sin, he still cares about people. How do we know that God still cares about us? Have the children think seriously about this. You

3 When Sin Entered the World Lesson 1

might want to mention God’s mercy, the many ways God cares for us and that Jesus sacrificed himself on the cross for us.

Have the children look up Romans 5:8 in the Bible and read it out loud. But God shows his love for us, because while we were still sinners Christ died for us. Romans 5:8

Worksheet for the small children This worksheet shows Adam, Eve and Seth in their house. Notice that they are afraid.

Read the following verse with the children: Adam sinned, and that sin brought death into the world. Now everyone has sinned, and so everyone must die. Romans 5:12

Also read the line on the bottom of the worksheet: Despite everything, God still cares for us.

After the children color their worksheets, they can take them home and show them to their parents.

Activity for the older children For this activity you need: ü Newspapers with articles about suffering and evil. ü Scissors ü Glue ü Sheets of paper or poster board (depending on whether the activity will be done individually or as a group). ü Pencils or markers

Have the children look through newspapers for articles about sinful things that happen. They should cut the articles out, then glue them onto their papers or onto the poster board and write a caption below each one saying “God doesn’t want ______” (describing the negative

4 When Sin Entered the World Lesson 1 thing shown in the news.) They should also copy the key verse (Romans 5:12) onto their pages or onto the poster.

Help the children find news articles that show the effects of sin. Explain that these things don’t come from God.

Each child can do this activity individually, creating his or her own page, or the activity can be done as a group. Leave time at the end for the children to share their work with the rest of the class.

Let’s talk with God to end the lesson Thank you God that you are good and powerful. You never wanted all these bad things to happen. We believe in your power to change our future. Amen.


am am sinned, and Romans 5:12 sinned, and so that sin brought brought sin that Ad Now everyone has

everyone must die. death into the world. Despiteeverything, Godstill caresus. for WhenSin Entered theWorld Lesson1 When Sin Entered the World Lesson 2

Sin Separates Us From God and Others

Objective: That the children will understand that sin affects every area of life: our relationship with God, with others, with ourselves and with the world.

For the teacher: Pray asking God to use this lesson in your life and in the lives of the children.

Read the story of Adam and Eve found in Genesis 3. Then look for the answers to each of the following questions: After they ate the fruit what attitude did Adam and Eve have towards God? (Verses 8 and 10)

When God asked them if they had eaten the fruit, who did Adam blame? Who did Eve blame? (Verses 11-13)

Why do you think they blamed someone else instead of admitting that they had sinned?

How did Adam and Eve view their own bodies after they had sinned (vs. 7 and 10)?

How was nature changed after they had sinned (vs. 17-19)?

Think about your own life. Sin brings guilt, shame, fear, the desire to lord it over others, and the desire to blame others for things we have done. Sin also makes it hard for us to appreciate what God gives us.

Which of these feelings do you have?

Describe some times when you felt far from God or you felt like your family didn’t understand you. Do you sometimes feel like you don’t even understand yourself very well? Do you ever feel like the world is a hostile place?

7 When Sin Entered the World Lesson 2

Before class: ü Prepare to have the children act out the story of Adam and Eve eating the forbidden fruit. o Look up Genesis 3:1-24 in the Bible, and be prepared to read it while the children act out the story. o Print out a copy of the snake mask on a piece of thick paper. Color it and cut it out. Attach a piece of yarn to both sides of the mask so it can be tied on to a child’s face. o Find a kind of fruit that is easy to hang and to eat (for example, an apple, grapes or a banana). o Look for a way to hang the fruit. For example, hang it from the roof of your classroom, from a tree or tie it to a stick that someone can hold during the skit. o Look for some large leaves or branches with leaves that Adam and Eve can use as a covering after eating the fruit (if you can’t get large leaves or branches, make some leaves from green paper). o Look for skins or brown cloth that the person who is acting out the part of God can use to cover up the children who are performing the roles of Adam and Eve. ü Make copies of the worksheet for the smaller children. Bring glue or tape and a sheet of black paper for each child. ü For the older children, make four copies of the worksheet. Also bring four pieces of black construction paper.

Let’s start by talking with God Father God, thank you that you are good and that you made us. Help us to understand how sin separates us from you and from others. Amen.

8 When Sin Entered the World Lesson 2

Let’s talk about our own lives Ask the children, Have you ever wanted to spend time with someone who didn’t want to spend time with you? Would you like to tell us about it? Let the children share their experiences.

How did that make you feel? Explain to the children that sin separates us from God and from other people.

Let’s act out the story Get ready to act out Genesis 3:1-24, which tells the story of Adam and Eve eating the fruit.

Bring a piece of fruit that is easy to eat (for example, an apple, grapes or a banana) and hang it in your classroom.

Choose children to perform the roles of the serpent, Eve, Adam and God.

ü Tie the serpent mask on the child who will play that part. ü Explain to Adam and Eve that they should use the branches and leaves to cover their bodies after they eat the fruit. ü Give the brown cloth to the child who will be portraying God, so he can cover Adam and Eve with it in the last scene.

Read Genesis 3:1-24 out loud while the children act out the story. Help them know where to stand and what to do. You may want to have them repeat their lines after you read them out of the Bible. Be sure to include the following:

Scene 1: Adam and Eve stand beside the fruit when the serpent comes to tempt them. Eve speaks with him. Then she takes the fruit, bites into it and gives it to Adam who also bites into it. (Verses 1-6)

Scene 2: Adam and Eve cover themselves with leaves or branches. (Verse 7)

9 When Sin Entered the World Lesson 2

Scene 3: God looks for Adam and Eve. They hide from him. God finds them and speaks with them. (Verses 8-20)

Scene 4: God covers Adam and Eve with the skins (or brown cloth) and sends them out of the garden. (Verses 21-24)

Let’s sing the song using the hand motions

Let’s talk about what we saw Divide the children into small groups based on their ages and ask, After Adam and Eve disobeyed God and ate the fruit, what did they do when God was looking for them? They hid from him. Why do you think they hid? Let the children express their ideas.

Have the children look up Colossians 1:21 in the Bible and read it out loud. You used to be far from God. Your thoughts made you his enemies, and you did evil things. Colossians 1:21

Explain to the children that when Adam and Eve sinned, the relationship they shared with God was broken.

How did Adam and Eve feel when they realized that they were naked? They were ashamed and tried to cover themselves with leaves. Why do you think Adam and Eve were ashamed to be naked? Let the children express their ideas and then explain that the way they saw their bodies was changed by their disobedience.

Who did Adam blame when God asked him what he had done? He blamed Eve. Who did Eve blame? The serpent. Why do you think they blamed others? Let the children express their ideas and then explain that when Adam and Eve sinned, relationships between people were broken.

In what ways was the earth changed as a result of sin? How did this affect Adam and Eve? Why were things more difficult than they had been before? Let the children express their ideas and then explain that nature and everything on earth was also changed because of sin.

10 When Sin Entered the World Lesson 2

Explain to the children that none of these changes or broken relationships can be easily fixed. Human beings can’t fix the damage which Adam and Eve’s sin caused but God can! He is at work and he is waiting for us to approach him so he can fix all that is broken in our lives.

Pray with the children God, we know that just like Adam and Eve we have sinned against you. That’s why our lives are full of so many difficulties. Help us to obey you, to draw close to you and to be healed in every area of our lives. Amen.

Worksheet for the small children This worksheet will be ripped to show how sin separated us from God, how it separated us from other people, how it changed the way we view our bodies and how it even affected nature.

The following materials are needed: ü Copies of the worksheet for each child ü Glue or tape ü A black sheet of paper for each child

Give each child a worksheet that they will color. When all the children have colored their pages, bring them together and do the following activity.

Ask, Who do you see in this picture? Adam and Eve. Rip the page in half separating God from the figures below. Tell the children to rip theirs also. Explain that when Adam and Eve sinned it created a separation between God and them.

Then rip the lower half of the page into three pieces and explain that sin also damaged relationships between people and that sin changed many things in nature for worse.

And finally, use a pencil to make a hole in Adam and Eve’s hearts, and explain to the children that sin entered each of our hearts. That’s why sometimes we think or do things that are wrong.

11 When Sin Entered the World Lesson 2

Each child should glue the pieces of his worksheet onto a sheet of black construction paper. They should let some of the black paper show between each piece of the worksheet, demonstrating the changes that have occurred because of sin.

Read the verse with the children: You used to be far from God. Your thoughts made you his enemies, and you did evil things. Colossians 1:21

Activity for the older children To do this activity you will need: ü Four copies of the second worksheet that says, “God wants….” ü Four pieces of black construction paper ü Glue ü Pens or markers

Divide the children into 4 groups. Give a copy of the worksheet to each group and assign each group one of the four relationships that were affected when Adam and Eve sinned. With God With other people With nature With ourselves

Explain that each group should write the relationship that they were assigned on the very top line. Where it says “God wants…” each group should write a phrase describing God’s intention for that particular relationship.

For example: 1. With God: God wants us to love him and worship him, because he loves us. 2. With other people: God wants us to love each other. 3. With nature: God wants us to enjoy and care for nature. 4. With ourselves: God wants us to love ourselves and be at peace.

12 When Sin Entered the World Lesson 2

After this, they should carefully rip the sheet in half diagonally, and glue the two pieces onto a piece of black construction paper, allowing the black to show through between the two pieces of white paper. This is to show how this relationship has been broken by sin.

Where it says, “Now we see…” each group should write bad things that happen in our world as regards that particular relationship.

At the end bring the children together so each group can share what they wrote.

Let’s talk with God to end the class God, thank you because you love us. We confess that just like Adam and Eve, we have disobeyed you and are separated from you. Please change us. Save us from sin so that we can love you and others. Amen.

13 Serpent Mask To dramatize the story: When Sin Entered the World. Lesson 2

Instructions: • Print this mask on thick paper. • Cut out the mask and the two holes for the eyes. • Color the mask. • Attach two pieces of yard to the sides of the mask so it can be tied onto a child’s face or tape the mask to a stick so the child can hold it up to their face.

You used to be far from God. Your thoughts made you his

enemies, and you did evil things. Colossians 1:21


When Sin Entered the World Lesson 2

When Sin Entered the World Lesson 3 … Now . For theolderFor children. n 2 wesee WhenSin Entered theWorld,Lesso

Godwants… 16 When Sin Entered the World Lesson 3

God Made Peace with the World Through Jesus

Objective: That the children will experience the peace that only God gives.

For the teacher: Pray asking God to use this lesson in your life and in the lives of the children.

Read Colossians 1:20: And God was pleased for him to make peace by sacrificing his blood on the cross, so that all beings in heaven and on earth would be brought back to God.

According to this verse, what did God do? How did God bring everything in heaven and on earth back to himself?

Go over what you know about Jesus and his death on the cross (you will be sharing with the children about this during the lesson). Who is Jesus? Why did he die? How did he conquer death and evil? (If you need help answering, read Philippians 2:6-11)

Think about your own life. Since coming to know Jesus, how has he helped you to experience more peace in your life? 1. In what ways have you experienced peace with God? 2. How have your relationships with other people improved? 3. In what ways have your views and treatment of nature changed? 4. In what ways have you learned to love and accept yourself more?

In what areas of your life do you lack peace?

Pray asking God to bring peace to each area of your life and to the lives of the children.

17 When Sin Entered the World Lesson 3

Before class: ü Make sure the video equipment is in good working order. ü Make copies of the worksheet for the smaller children. Also bring glue, and the following figures cut out of skin colored craft foam or construction paper: one circle, one rectangle and four long skinny triangles for each child. ü For the activity with the older children, make sure there is a safe place where they can go to pick up trash. Or if there isn’t a good place to take the class, then bring an assortment of different colored disposable items or trash to class for the activity. Also bring blank sheets of paper or a sheet of poster board, glue, scissors and a damp cloth to clean up any dirty trash.

Let’s start by talking with God Father God, thank you for making us and for wanting us to be close to you. Help us to understand how very, very much you love us and thank you for all that Jesus did for us. Amen.

Let’s talk about our own lives Ask the children, Have you ever broken something that couldn’t be fixed? Would you like to tell the class about it?

Or, have you ever lost something that couldn’t be replaced? Listen to the children’s experiences.

Or, have you ever said something to someone that you wished you could take back? Let the children share their experiences with the group.

Tell the children that when Adam and Eve sinned, many bad things happened as a result. These things were completely beyond their control to change. The only one who can fix what has been damaged by sin is God.

18 When Sin Entered the World Lesson 3

Let’s watch the video Show the video entitled “When Sin Entered the World” and watch it with the children. As they watch, ask them to think about how the relationships that were broken by sin could be restored.

Let’s sing the song using the hand motions

Let’s talk about what we saw Divide the children into small groups based on their ages and ask, What problems did Adam, Eve and their family have? Let the children mention different problems that they saw in the video.

Could they fix these problems themselves? Why could or couldn’t they?

Tell the children, only God can fix all the things that are wrong in our lives and give us peace. That is what he did when he sent his son to the world.

Ask the children if they are familiar with Jesus’ life story. Who is Jesus? Jesus is God’s son and he is also God. He became a man and was born as a baby many years ago.

Why did Jesus die? Explain to the children that when Jesus was living on this earth, the religious leaders got mad at him because he spoke the truth and because they were jealous of his power. They nailed him to a cross and killed him even though he never did anything wrong.

How did Jesus conquer death and sin? Explain that when Jesus died, he didn’t remain in the grave. God raised him from the dead and made him King forever. With his death and resurrection, he paid the price for our sins so that we can have peace with God and with others.

Have the children look up Colossians 1:20 in the Bible and read it out loud. And God was pleased for him to make peace by sacrificing his blood on the cross, so that all beings in heaven and on earth would be brought back to God. Colossians 1:20

19 When Sin Entered the World Lesson 3

Ask the children, according to this verse how did God re-establish peace between him and us?

Tell the children: I want you to close your eyes and think about these questions, Are you at peace with God? Why or why not? Are you at peace with your family and with other people around you? Are you at peace with yourself? Do you accept yourself and love yourself just as you are? What is your relationship to the world in which you live?

If you are not at peace in any one of these areas, ask Jesus to help you. You should confess your sin and ask him to change you. Would you like to pray with me?

Let’s pray with the children Lord Jesus, I know that I have sinned and that I can’t make things right myself. Please forgive me. I know that you gave your life to forgive and change me. Thank you for dying in my place and that you were raised from the dead. Thank you for the peace that you give me. Amen.

Worksheet for the small children The following materials are needed: ü Copies of the worksheet for each child ü Provide each child with one circle, one rectangle and four long skinny triangles made from skin colored foam craft or construction paper. ü Glue

There is a large cross on this worksheet. The children should assemble Jesus’ body, which is being crucified, by using a circle, a rectangle and the four triangles for his legs and arms. The people in the drawing have their eyes on Jesus who has given them peace in every area of their lives: with God, with others, with themselves and with the natural world.

20 When Sin Entered the World Lesson 3

Read this verse again with the children: And God was pleased for him to make peace by sacrificing his blood on the cross, so that all beings in heaven and on earth would be brought back to God. Colossians 1:20

Activity for older children The children will create a peaceful scene from plastic bags, trash and other disposable items.

For this activity the following are needed: ü A sheet of paper for each child or poster board if they are going to do the activity as a group project ü Glue and scissors ü Trash or other disposable items (the children can go out and look for things to use for this activity) ü A wet rag to clean any dirty items found

Take the older children to a place where they can collect trash: plastic bags, food wrappers, discarded newspapers etc. Explain to them that each one of us was like trash. Nobody loved us and we were useless. But God loved us, gathered us to himself. Through Jesus’ sacrifice God made something beautiful out of our lives.

If there isn’t a place to collect trash, then bring an assortment of discarded articles in a variety of colors to class for this activity.

With the pieces of trash they collect, the children will create a scene that represents peace. Help each child to clean up the dirty things that he or she found. Give them glue and scissors and invite them to use the trash to create flowers, houses, and people. They can even spell out words in a verse using pieces of trash glued onto the paper.

21 When Sin Entered the World Lesson 3

Challenge the children to think about how their scene can represent the peace they have with God, others, toward themselves and a renewed relationship with nature. They can also write Colossians 1:20 on their worksheets or poster.

Let’s talk with God to end the class Lord Jesus, thank you for loving us so much that you gave your life for us. Thank you for making it possible for us to have peace with you. Amen.



When Sin Entered the World Lesson 3

And God was pleased for him to make peace by sacrificing his blood on the cross, so that all beings in heaven and on earth would be brought back to God. Colossians 1:20

When Sin Entered the World Lesson 4

We Can Submit to God and Resist Evil

Objective: That the children will not let sadness, revenge or anger control their lives, but instead, will choose to submit to God and resist evil.

For the teacher: Pray asking God to use this lesson in your life and in the lives of the children.

Read Genesis 4:4b-5: The Lord was pleased with Abel and his offering, but not with Cain and his offering. This made Cain so angry that he could not hide his feelings.

The Bible doesn’t tell us why God didn’t accept Cain’s offering. But whatever the reason, this made Cain feel angry and sad. What situations in your life make you feel angry or sad? What situations do you think cause the children in your class to feel angry and sad?

Read Genesis 4:6-7: “Why are you so angry?” the Lord asked Cain. “Why do you look so dejected? 7You will be accepted if you do what is right. But if you refuse to do what is right, then watch out! Sin is crouching at the door, eager to control you. But you must subdue it and be its master.” (New Living Translation)

What is the first thing God asks Cain? What does this question tell us about God?

What positive opportunity or promise does God give Cain? What warning does God give Cain about sin?

Cain decided not to obey God. He ignored God’s warning. If God were to speak to you in the way he spoke to Cain, how would you like to respond to God?

24 When Sin Entered the World Lesson 4

Before class: ü Get the following materials ready in order to tell the story of Cain and Abel: o Color the paper figures for Cain, Abel, the vegetables and the sheep found at the end of this lesson. Cut them out. o Attach the figures of Cain and Abel to disposable cups or to another object that will hold them upright. o Put a ring of tape on back of the vegetables and the sheep. o Get some stones to use for the two small altars. o Bring a black pen or marker in order to draw angry eyebrows on Cain. ü Practice telling the story of Cain and Abel as it is written below. ü Make copies of the worksheet for the small children. ü Bring a piece of blank paper for each of the older children. Also bring pencils or pens and a few rulers.

Let’s start by talking with God Lord Jesus, thank you for defeating death and evil. Help us to follow you. Please don’t let Satan control our lives. Amen.

Before telling the story Ask the children, What are some things that make you feel sad and angry? Listen to the children’s answers. For example, when other children make fun of me, when my parents fight, etc.

Have you ever wanted to do something bad to another person to get back at them for what they did to you?

Explain to the children that today we’re going to see what happened when Cain felt very sad and angry. Instead of listening to God, he let sin control his life.

Tell the story to the children Invite the children to sit in a circle on the floor. Sit down with them and tell the story of Cain and Abel using the figures at the end of this lesson to illustrate the story as you relate it.

25 When Sin Entered the World Lesson 4

Place the figures of Cain and Abel where all the children can see them. Then say, Cain and Abel were Adam and Eve’s first two children. Cain was a farmer. Tape the vegetables to Cain. Abel was a shepherd. Tape the sheep to Abel.

One day, Cain and Abel brought offerings to sacrifice to God. They each built an altar. Build a small altar in front of Cain with some of the stones, and build a second altar in front of Abel.

Cain brought some of his harvest. Put the vegetables on Cain’s altar.

Abel brought the best lamb from his flock. Put the lamb on Abel’s altar.

But God wasn’t pleased with Cain’s sacrifice. Cain got really angry. Draw eyebrows on Cain showing how angry he was. God said, “Cain, why are you so angry?“ But Cain didn’t answer God.

Then God said, “If you do what is right, I will be pleased with you. Don’t do the wrong thing. Don’t give in and let sin control you. “

But Cain didn’t obey God. He went for a walk in the fields with his brother Abel. Have Cain and Abel walk together to a different place.

Suddenly Cain threw himself against his brother Abel and killed him. Take the figure of Cain and use it to knock down Abel.

God said to Cain, “What have you done? Your brother’s blood is crying out to me. Now, you will have to go far away from this place and far from my presence.”

26 When Sin Entered the World Lesson 4

Have Cain go off to one side, but leave Abel lying down in the place where Cain attacked him. So Cain wandered around like a fugitive, but God promised to protect him.

Pause for a minute, looking at the figures of Cain and Abel and thinking about what had happened. How sad that Cain didn’t pay attention to God. How sad that he killed his brother.

Let’s talk about what we saw Look up at the children and ask, What made Cain so angry? How would you feel if God accepted your brother’s offering but not yours? You would also probably get angry.

When Cain got mad, what did God say to him? God said that Cain shouldn’t be controlled by his anger.

What promise did God give Cain if he would do what was right? God said that he would be happy with him.

God knew how Cain felt and he spoke with him, but Cain didn’t pay attention.

Explain to the children that Cain had to decide if he was going to obey God or respond out of his anger.

We also have to decide what to do when we are angry and sad. If we do what Satan wants and let sin control us, we will hurt other people. As a result, many bad things can happen to us and to our families.

We all probably know someone who is angry and who allows himself or herself to be controlled by anger. This might make us feel sad or it might cause problems for us.

Have the children look up James 4:7 in the Bible and read it out loud. Surrender to God! Resist the devil, and he will run from you. James 4:7

Would you like to pray with me asking God to help you resist evil?

27 When Sin Entered the World Lesson 4

Let’s pray with the children Lord Jesus, my life is yours. Don’t let me be controlled by anger. Help me not to hurt other people. And I ask you to keep me from being hurt by anyone who is angry with me. Amen.

Let’s sing the song using the hand motions

Worksheet for the smaller children This worksheet shows Cain and Abel. Explain to the children that Cain decided not to listen to God, and he let evil control his life.

On the other side of the page is a picture of a person without hair, looking at Jesus. The children should add hair like their own and write their name underneath.

Read what it says in the box: I (insert your name) want to give my life to Jesus and resist evil.

Read the verse that says: Surrender to God! Resist the devil, and he will run from you. James 4:7

Tell the children, when we give our lives to God, we are no longer under Satan’s authority but we come under Jesus’ authority. God changes our hearts and gives us the strength to do what is right.

Activity for the older children For this activity you will need: ü A blank sheet of paper for each child ü A pencil or pen for each child ü A few rulers (optional)

In this activity the children will re-write Cain’s story with a happy ending. That is, when God speaks to Cain, instead of rejecting God’s advice, Cain will humble himself, give his life to God and not kill his brother. The children can illustrate this story as a cartoon or as a series of comic book images, or they can write it

28 When Sin Entered the World Lesson 4 as a story. The teacher can decide if the activity will be done individually or in groups. Let the children be creative, but if they are having a hard time, you can make the following suggestion:

Fold the sheet of paper once in each direction to divide it into four parts. In each part the children can draw and/or narrate the following scenes:

1. Cain and Abel offer sacrifices to God. 2. Cain becomes very angry because God doesn’t accept his sacrifice. 3. God speaks to Cain. 4. Cain repents and gives his life to God.

If a child wants to write his own story or the story of a family member, he should be encouraged to do this. The story should include something that made the person feel sad or angry, and his or her decision to submit to God.

Let’s talk with God to end the class Lord Jesus, thank you because you know everything that happens in our lives. You are our king. We want to submit ourselves to you completely and not be controlled by anger. Help us to resist evil. Amen.





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WhenSin Entered theWorld When Sin Entered the World Lesson 5

Jesus Defeated Death, Satan and the Demons

Objective: That the children will trust Jesus to protect them from evil and to give them eternal life.

For the teacher: Pray asking God to use this lesson in your life and in the lives of the children.

Think about the things that scared you when you were a child: What was the thing that frightened you the most? Why were you so afraid of it? Think about a time when something happened that scared you and be prepared to share this with the children.

Now think about the people in your community: Of whom or what are the people most afraid? What stories of fear, evil or oppression are told in your community? How does Satan use death to make people afraid?

Read 1 Corinthians 15:20–26: But Christ has been raised to life! And he makes us certain that others will also be raised to life. Just as we will die because of Adam, we will be raised to life because of Christ. Adam brought death to all of us, and Christ will bring life to all of us. But we must each wait our turn. Christ was the first to be raised to life, and his people will be raised to life when he returns. Then after Christ has destroyed all powers and forces, the end will come, and he will give the kingdom to God the Father. Christ will rule until he puts all his enemies under his power, and the last enemy he destroys will be death.

According to this passage, what can Christians look forward to? What is the last enemy that Christ will defeat? (Verse 26) Thinking about the Scripture we just read, what would you say to a child who is afraid of demons, a bad person or death?

32 When Sin Entered the World Lesson 5

Before class: ü Make sure the video equipment is in good working order. ü Make copies of the worksheet for the younger children. If you like, you can bring something special with which to decorate the crown, such as glitter and glue. ü For the activity with the older children, you will also need a blank sheet of paper for each child, pencils and crayons or poster board if the children will be working in groups.

Let’s start by talking with God Lord Jesus, thank you that you died and rose from the dead to save us from sin and evil. Protect us from all evil and help us to trust in your power. Amen.

Before watching the video Ask the children, What things make you afraid? Let the children mention the things they fear. Don’t scold them or make fun of them for sharing what they are afraid of. Then tell them some things you were afraid of when you were a child.

Ask the children, are you afraid of dying? Why or why not? Listen to their answers.

Explain that the Bible teaches that Jesus died and came back to life. When he came back to life he showed that he was more powerful than death. He has promised eternal life to everyone who believes in him.

Have you ever prayed to give your life to Jesus, and asked him to be your Lord and Savior? If you have given your life to Jesus, God has promised to give you eternal life with Him.

If you haven’t done this yet and would like to, we are going to have an opportunity later today for you to pray and give your life to Him.

Let’s watch the video Show the video “When Sin Entered the World” and watch it with the children. Tell the children to pay special attention as they watch the video to discover who is God’s enemy and how he became his enemy.

33 When Sin Entered the World Lesson 5

Let’s sing the song using the hand motions

Let’s talk about what we saw Divide the children into small groups based on their ages and ask, Who is God’s greatest enemy? It’s Satan.

Can one of you explain how Satan became God’s enemy? Let one of the children explain what he saw in the video: In the beginning God created the angels to worship and serve him, but one angel wanted to rule over his own kingdom in heaven. He became proud and he wanted to be equal to God. Because of this, God threw Satan out of heaven together with the other angels who followed him.

What does Satan do now? He tries to destroy everything good that God made. Explain that Satan does many things to oppose God. Sometimes he uses people to hurt us and to make us afraid of him.

Have you ever been afraid that someone is going to hurt you? Let the children share their experiences.

Tell the children, Jesus was killed, and Satan thought that he had destroyed Jesus. But Jesus rose from the dead! He conquered death and all evil. One day he will return and all his enemies will be humbled under him.

Have the children look up 1 Corinthians 15:25-26 in the Bible and read it out loud. Christ will rule until he puts all his enemies under his power, and the last enemy he destroys will be death. 1 Corinthians 15:25-26

What can you do if you are in a difficult situation and are afraid? You can pray and ask Jesus to help you or you can read a psalm to let God know how you feel.

Have the children look up Psalm 23:4 in the Bible and read it out loud. I may walk through valleys as dark as death, but I won’t be afraid. You are with me, and your shepherd’s rod makes me feel safe. Psalm 23:4

34 When Sin Entered the World Lesson 5

Would you like to pray right now and ask Jesus to be your Lord and Savior, and to protect you from evil?

Let’s pray with the children Lord Jesus, I give my life to you. I want you to be my king. Thank you for dying for my sins and for rising from the dead so I could have eternal life. I want to love you and obey you all the days of my life. Please protect me from all evil. Amen.

Worksheet for the small children This worksheet shows Jesus with all his enemies humbled under his feet. The children should color the worksheet, then decorate the crown on Jesus’ head to show that he is our king.

Read the verse with the children: Christ will rule until he puts all his enemies under his power, and the last enemy he destroys will be death. 1 Corinthians 15:25-26

Activity for the older children For this activity you will need: ü Blank sheets of paper or poster board ü Crayons or paint ü Tape or something to attach the mural to the wall

The children will make a mural illustrating Jesus’ triumph as described in 1 Corinthians 15:20-26.

Divide the children into two groups. Using an easily understood version of the Bible, have one group read 1 Corinthians 15:20-23. The other group should read 1 Corinthians 15:24-26.

Ask the children, what is Jesus doing in this passage? For example, Jesus was raised from the dead (15:20), he will raise people from the dead (15:21), he will destroy all powers and forces (15:24), he will reign (15:25), he will put all his enemies under his power (15:25) he will destroy death (15:26).

35 When Sin Entered the World Lesson 5

How will we benefit? He will raise us from the dead and we will live under his righteous rule.

Give each group blank pieces of paper or poster board and instruct them to draw a picture, or several pictures illustrating the things mentioned in the verses they were given. Bring all the children together at the end of the activity and have them share their drawings with the rest of the class, then tape the drawings on the wall, forming a mural.

Let’s talk with God to end the class Lord Jesus, thank you that you are all powerful and that you conquered death, Satan and all bad things. We trust you to protect us from all evil and to give us eternal life. Amen.


Christ will rule until he puts all his enemies under his power, and the last enemy he destroys will be death. 1 Corinthians 15:25-26 When Sin Entered the World Lesson 5

Song: You Will Know the Depth of My Love

I took the dust and formed you with my hands. Then I breathed and you received the gift of life. I put you in a special place, and gave you everything you’d ever need.

And still you disobeyed me. Oh, why did you not trust me? Yet even so, I’ll never leave you. I suffer with you every time you wander Away, away from my presence.

But you will find my love to be eternal. And that my compassion has no limit. One day the conflict will be ended, And you will know the depth of my love.

Song: You Will Know the Depth of My Love

I took the dust and formed you with my hands. Then I breathed and you received the gift of life. I put you in a special place, and gave you everything you’d ever need.

And still you disobeyed me. Oh, why did you not trust me? Yet even so, I’ll never leave you. I suffer with you every time you wander Away, away from my presence.

But you will find my love to be eternal. And that my compassion has no limit. One day the conflict will be ended, And you will know the depth of my love.


When Sin Entered the World © 2017 Asociación Viña

Lessons designed to be used with the video Cuando el pecado entró al mundo © 2011 From the Deditos® Bible story series www.deditos.org.

These lessons can be reproduced for use with the video, but without altering the content. Resale in whole or in part for profit is prohibited.

The Biblical references were taken from the Contemporary English Version © 1995 (The American Bible Society)

For more information, or to translate this material into another language, contact:

Viña Studios [email protected] 9a Av. B, 7-19 Zona 2, 07001 Sololá, Guatemala 502-7762-3231 www.vinyastudios.org