2016 Annual Report

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2016 Annual Report Thriving Through Adversity. Annual Report 2016 Helping Children Through Positive Parenting Our Vision. The Parent Centre strives to contribute to a society in which every parent/caregiver is able to raise resilient and well-balanced children in ways in which they can develop their full potential, protected from victimisation and abuse in communities free from violence. Our Mission. Through primary prevention and positive parenting we aim to: i. Facilitate the safety and emotional development of the child from conception till early adulthood. ii. Promote involved and nurturing motherhood and fatherhood. iii. Promote the well-being and self-esteem of parents/caregivers. iv. Prevent child abuse, victimisation and neglect. v. Contribute to the prevention of teenage pregnancy, substance abuse, HIV/AIDS. vi. Enhance the child’s capacity to be a resilient, caring, competent and creative member of society; and vii. Encourage the establishment of a loving, nurturing environment that strengthens the family and society. We do this by working directly with parents, caregivers, professionals and practitioners and indirectly by collaborating with other people and organisations which support and work with parents. 1 As I look back on 2015 I am filled with immense Director’s gratitude. I am grateful for having the continued privilege of leading such a special organisation, with such a vital and fundamental mission of transforming society through empowering and equipping Report. parents and caregivers to raise well-balanced and resilient children. I was recently reminded of this when a father walked into our offices desperately seeking help as he was enraged by his son’s behaviour and was scared that he would hurt his son. I am grateful that the Parent Centre has overcome, and has even grown stronger and sharper through many challenges this year. 2015 was one of the toughest financial years in the Centre’s 32 year history. This is elucidated in the Treasurer’s report. The Parent Centre Board and staff pulled the organisation through, by sharpening our focus; working extremely hard; “gutting up”; finding new ways of fundraising and generating income through our own tried and tested services; taking a hard look at practices and operations and making some tough decisions in order to operate more leanly, efficiently and ensure sustainability, and still maintain high quality services. Practicing integrity and good governance continued to be top priority. This was displayed in saying “no” to funding that would compromise integrity or required mission or strategy drift. 2 "In judging our progress as individuals we tend to concentrate on external factors such as one's social position, influence and popularity, wealth and standard of education... But internal factors may be even more crucial in assessing one's development as a human being. Honesty, sincerity, simplicity, humility, pure generosity, absence of vanity, readiness to serve others qualities which are within easy reach of every soul are the foundation of one's spiritual life”. Nelson Mandela We also continued to expect board, management and staff to live the values of the organisation and I am proud that the Parent Centre: to perform to expected standards, which has • Reached more than 30 000 beneficiaries - parents required some very necessary but difficult and caregivers; children; professionals, community processes with certain staff. workers and other social services providers this year. I am grateful for our Board who has such a strong • Disseminated positive parenting information and moral compass, board members who are highly messages millions of readers and listeners through skilled and who have the very best interests of our media work this year. the organisation at heart. Here I wish to express • Continued to offer quality and impactful service, special thanks to our extraordinary Board as is shown by the impact stories in this report. Chairperson, Vanessa Pather, who has gone • Continued to practice strong, authentic and beyond and above the call of duty, providing transparent leadership. We are blessed to have an expert guidance and support in labour matters; exceptional management team. facilitating a new partnership with Kirstenbosch • Continued to place high priority on staff wellness, Lions Club, continuously networking on behalf of learning and growth. the organisation and even raising funds through selling ceramic art pieces which she produces in I remain in awe of parents, like the father her spare time. mentioned earlier, who acknowledge that they and/or their children are struggling and who I am grateful and often humbled by the courageously try to access resources so that they generosity of our funders and donors who choose can be better parents and provide a better life for to give their often hard-earned money to the their children. Parent Centre’s cause. Their financial contribution is much needed, even within a diversified Venecia Barries sustainability strategy. The significant financial Director support which we received from the Western Cape Department of Social Development and Trifid Trust this year helped us to navigate the very stormy financial waters this year. 3 “Caring, involved, positive parenting equals Transformational Leadership which transforms society”. (Suzanne Ackerman-Berman Director of Transformation at Pick and Pay, 2016) How does one begin to describe a year like the one South Africa, The Parent Centre Treasurer’s and indeed probably each and every one of us has gone through? The economy is like being on a rollercoaster – one minute there is good news and we are on a high and the next thing we are brought crashing to the Message. ground. Not a rollercoaster you want to be on! How difficult it is to plan and budget in these circumstances. Many donors are fearful of the future, which directly results in funding being reduced. Overseas donors are wondering what is going on in the country and are holding back. One can understand their concerns, but yet we still need to do what we do best and that is go out there and help children through good parenting! Our financial results for the year ended March 2016 see us with a loss for the year of R 1 332 301. This is a 216% increase over our loss of last year of R 421 443. Looking at the detail, the main reason for the huge loss is the decrease in donations received – in total our income has decreased by 17%. Having less money in the bank has also meant that our interest income has dropped by R 70 000 over last year, equating to a 41% decrease over 2015. 4 As is the norm with The Parent Centre, With the economic climate as it is, we need when our funding does not materialise, we to find new ways of fundraising and provid- immediately start cutting back on our ing income earning services. I am pleased expenses with the result that our expendi- that we have gone a long way in imple- ture has only increased by 4% over last menting strategies in both of these areas, year. We managed to significantly reduce including work on marketing and branding. the following expenditure: Advertising and Our sustainable services in the form of promotions, AGM and Annual Report workshops, counselling and group sessions expenses, printing and stationery, refresh- have given pleasing results in recent ments, Staff Welfare, telephone and venue months and remain a platform we must hiring costs. Unfortunately there are some continue to build on. costs not under our control and the year saw our rent increase by 8% and Municipal There is nothing stronger than the heart of expenses by 18%. Luckily for us, we have a volunteer! While most of our staff are not not had any cash flow issues, which is a volunteers, each and every one of them factor of good budgetary and goes the extra mile for the organisation – management controls. this is the Passion of the People of The Parent Centre. Our staff and volunteers The year has not only been tainted by pour their souls into the organisation and financial factors, we have had some serious that is why we continue to thrive in these staff issues which have been immensely difficult, uncertain times. Why have we time-consuming and have taken its toll on managed so far when so many other NGO’s the organisation. The Parent Centre man- have had to close their doors – because our agement and staff have to be commended staff have not allowed this to happen and I on the way it has handled these issues and believe our future still looks bright despite resolved them. The organisation can now the hardships we are facing. once again channel its focus on key areas of delivery and fundraising. Debbie Coombe Treasurer 5 Counselling Service. (Established 1983) 359 parents and caregivers, caring for 588 children, accessed counselling this year. This was a decrease of 15% and can be attributed to service suspension in Hanover Park due to gang violence and in Hangberg due to low utilisation and also reduced number of available counselling staff. General challenges experienced The Parent Centre’s model of working is to provide services to parents and caregivers whilst working closely with other ancillary family services. We have seen repeatedly in counselling that the children themselves need individual interventions including educational and psychiatric assessments and individual therapy. The cost of private facilities is prohibitive for low income families. We have found yet again this year that the free or low cost facilities are not enough and have long waiting lists. Also, the number of school social workers is totally insufficient with one social worker per region. Another challenge has been referrals by the Childrens’ Court and Statutory services. Often these parents are ordered to attend a Positive Parenting Training Course which may not be running at the time of referral.
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