Southern Indian Studies, Vol. 6
STUDIES Volume VI October, 1954 The Southern Indian Studies was established in April, 1949, as a medium of publication and discussion of information per taining to the life and customs of the Indians in the Southern states, both prehistoric. and historic. Subscription by member ship in the North Carolina Archaeological Society (annual dues $2.00) or $1.00 per year to institutions and nonresidents of North Carolina. PUBLISHED SEMI-ANNUALLY by THE ARCHAEOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF NORTH CAROLIN A and THE RESEARCH LABORATORIES OF ANTHROPOLOGY THE UNIVERSITY OF NORTH CAROLINA Chavei Hill TENTH SOUTHEASTERN ARCHAEOLOGICAL CONFERENCE The tenth meeting of the Southeastern Archaeological Con ference was held in Chapel Hill, North Carolina on November 20 and 21, 1953. All sessions were held in the Faculty Lounge of the Morehead Planetarium, University of North Carolina, and the following papers were presented: Friday, November 20, 1953. Morning Session. Topic: Paleo-Indian in the East. New England: Douglas Byers, R. S. Peabody Founda tion. Pennsylvania: John Witthoft, Penn. Hist and Museum Comm. (read by Coe). Virginia: B. C. McCary, William and Mary College. Tennessee: T. M. N. Lewis, University of Tennessee. Afternoon Session. Topic: Archaic Cultures in the East. New England: Fred Johnson, R. S. Peabody Founda tion. Kentucky: Raymond H. Thompson, University of Kentucky. Georgia (Savannah Area): Antonio J. Waring, Savan nah, Ga. Georgia (Mid-Coastal Area): A. R. Kelly, Univ. of Ga. After Dinner Session. Topic: The Excavation of Mound D at Kolomoki. A movie in color, narrated by Wil liam H. Sears, University of Georgia. Saturday, November 21, 1953. Morning Session.
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