Congressional Record—House H4666
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H4666 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE June 27, 2006 Vehicles may be lost, but the lives of Nation a very happy topic. I rise to are we talking about? What would in- astronauts should be protected. We congratulate the Oregon State Univer- duce people to go out into the ocean need answers, and I look forward to sity Beavers on winning the College and catch 75 salmon, a commercial getting those answers as soon as pos- World Series baseball tournament. fishing boat? They couldn’t answer sible. This is indeed a Beaver Nation. After that. f taking on UCLA, Stanford, Arizona, So we said, your regional counsel rec- and USC, all sunny States, we in the ommended a disaster declaration, and HAMAS-LED PALESTINIAN AU- rainy Northwest, with a team of kids you sent it back. When will you process THORITY, A TERRORIST ORGANI- from smaller communities all around that? They said, oh, well, we have al- ZATION the State, have successfully won a ready sent it back again. We said, why (Mr. ENGEL asked and was given world championship. This is probably did you send it back? They said, well, permission to address the House for 1 the first world championship since the because they made a recommendation minute and to revise and extend his re- Portland Trail Blazers won the NBA of a disaster. marks.) championship in 1977. The people who manage this agency Mr. ENGEL. Mr. Speaker, more and in the region recognized the disaster. f more information is emerging that this They recommended a disaster declara- week’s kidnapping of an Israeli soldier SPECIAL ORDERS tion to the national bureaucrats. The and the killing of two others was a The SPEAKER pro tempore. Under national bureaucrats said, no, you can’t do that. They sent it back. They Hamas plot from day one. Several the Speaker’s announced policy of Jan- had to strip out their recommendation newspapers are reporting that the at- uary 4, 2005, and under a previous order and then they sent it back and they tack and kidnapping were carried out of the House, the following Members said, okay. by Ahmed Jaabari, the commander of will be recognized for 5 minutes each. the Hamas military wing who takes his So when are you going to process all orders from Khaled Mashal, the senior f the facts on which they made that de- Hamas leader based in Damascus, The SPEAKER pro tempore. Under a termination? They said, not until Feb- Syria. previous order of the House, the gen- ruary. Well, why not until next Feb- According to the Associated Press, tleman from Connecticut (Mr. LARSON) ruary? Because people might go out two senior aids to Palestinian Author- is recognized for 5 minutes. and catch 75 fish, and that might make ity President Mahmoud Abbas said (Mr. LARSON of Connecticut ad- a difference in whether or not there is that Mashal gave the green light for dressed the House. His remarks will ap- a disaster. It is extraordinary tortured logic. the operation. This is a stinging indict- pear hereafter in the Extensions of Re- You can’t get there from here. So we ment of the Syrian regime’s participa- marks.) said, how about you just issue the dec- tion in global terror and a brutal re- f laration of a disaster. No, their lawyers minder about Hamas. SALMON FISHING SEASON A say they can’t do that. I asked to see I and others have called the Hamas- DISASTER the legal opinion. They said, no, they led Palestinian Authority a terrorist couldn’t show me the legal opinion; organization. Congress recently passed Mr. DEFAZIO. Mr. Speaker, I ask that they couldn’t do that. a bill banning any assistance to the unanimous consent to replace Mr. LARSON. We asked to see the recommendation Palestinian Authority until it ends ter- from the regional people about the dis- ror, recognizes Israel, and abides by all The SPEAKER pro tempore. Without objection, the gentleman from Oregon aster, and they said, no, you can’t have agreements signed by the Palestinian that. You are only Members of Con- Authority. But most of all, with this is recognized for 5 minutes. There was no objection. gress representing these people. You terrorist attack, Hamas has once again can’t have those documents because we shown its true stripes. It remains the Mr. DEFAZIO. Mr. Speaker, today I had an extraordinary meeting with the haven’t made a decision yet. When are murderous terrorist group which car- you going to make a decision? When it head of the National Oceanic Atmos- ried out scores of suicide bombings in is too late for the fishers and their pheric Administration, Mr. the 1990s. families. When they have already gone Lautenbacher, and his deputy, Mr. Ho- Our U.S. Ambassador Jones said yes- bankrupt. Whey they have already lost garth. They met with six Members of terday, ‘‘The problem is in Damascus their boats. That is next winter when Congress representing the west coast and that is where we should focus the they might get around to making a de- fishers in the United States, particu- world’s attention.’’ This is the key cision about this year’s season. point. The Syrian Government con- larly from Oregon down into Cali- So, then, I said, okay, how about tinues to play host to a range of ter- fornia. this: why don’t you just close down rorist groups, including Hamas. And These gentlemen met with us so we this lame season that you have cre- now, one of the outlaws in Damascus could ask them to ask, in all sincerity, ated, this 75-fish limit on a few days; has kidnapped an Israeli soldier. when they are going to declare the just close it down, declare a disaster, As the author of the Syria Account- salmon fishing season, which has been and get some assistance to the fishers? ability Act and Lebanese Sovereignty essentially closed by their agency, a They said, oh, no, they couldn’t do that Restoration Act, I demand that the disaster. Their answer was: never. Or because they have already made a deci- government of Syria close the terrorist maybe next year. sion that is based on certain docu- bases in its country and bring the mur- It was an extraordinary meeting. ments, and they couldn’t go back on derer Khaled Mashal to justice. And I They said that because they allowed an that. I said, just declare an emergency. ask President Bush to impose the re- extraordinarily limited season, that is, No, they are not going to do that. maining sanctions of the Syria Ac- a fisherman can go out and catch up to countability Act which it has not yet 75 salmon, which won’t quite pay for b 2245 imposed. the fuel to leave the dock, on a few oc- They are getting orders from some- f casions during the year, that they where higher up in this administration can’t anticipate whether or not it will that is embarrassed, embarrassed CONGRATULATING COLLEGE be a disaster for those folks. about the politics, embarrassed that 4 WORLD SERIES CHAMPION OR- Now, the deputy was a little more years ago, to make hay in an election EGON STATE BEAVERS honest, and he admitted that it was year, they diverted water from irriga- (Mr. WU asked and was given permis- even worse than they thought. No one tion, from the river to irrigation. They sion to address the House for 1 minute is fishing. No one is going out with fuel got headlines. They made great polit- and to revise and extend his remarks.) prices like this, and, in fact, there is ical hay with us with it. Now if they Mr. WU. Mr. Speaker, we deal with virtually no activity. But they thought declare a disaster on the returning such serious topics in this House of that people might go out. Maybe the salmon, the class of that year, they are Representatives, and so I want to bring price of fish will go way up. I said, to essentially admitting that they im- to the attention of this House and this what, a hundred dollars a pound? What pacted that. VerDate Aug 31 2005 05:11 Jun 28, 2006 Jkt 049060 PO 00000 Frm 00108 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K27JN7.256 H27JNPT1 rfake on PROD1PC77 with HOUSE June 27, 2006 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H4667 In fact, in the Senate, they have al- for only one single slaying, the rape, gested for some time. This apparent ready said that this is not a natural stabbing and beating of a Houston doc- consideration of options could not disaster. The Parliamentarian there tor whose husband watched the execu- come at a better time, given the poor ruled against emergency assistance by tion tonight, saying people have to un- readiness posture of the Army and Ma- the junior Senator from Oregon, be- derstand what evil really is. rine Corps equipment. cause he said this was not a natural Resendiz’ sentence was objected to by Over the last several years, we have disaster; it is manmade. The Bush Ad- the Mexican government, who tried to seen readiness rates plummet as the ministration made this disaster intervene today in U.S. Federal courts operation tempo in Iraq has climbed. through their mismanagement of the to prevent this justice from occurring. Readiness rates for equipment have resources in that region. The Mexican government instead fallen so far, so far that I fear that now So now we have the agency saying should pay reparations to the nine fam- they present a strategic risk to our they are not going to declare a dis- ilies he murdered, since Mexico encour- ability to respond to contingencies we aster.