History of SS. Cyril & Methodius R, C. Church Golden Anniversary 1910-1960 SS. Cyril and Methodius Church, McKees Rocks, PA. CAP at Orchard Lake.

This Parish was organized on March 8, 1910. At that time there were 250 families but the total number of souls is not listed. The SS. Peter and Paul Society, No. 395 P.R.C.U., was instrumental in petitioning the Most Reverend Regis F. Canevin, then Bishop of the Pittsburgh Diocese, for a resident pastor. He granted their wish by appointing, on April 1, 1910, Rev. John Robaczewski as the first Pastor of the newly organized Roman Catholic Parish, especially for Catholics of Polish origin. The following served on the first Church Committee: Andrew Hober, Thomas Letki, Francis Sielatycki, Joseph Wolanski, Marion Olbratowski and Teophil Borkowski, who was the last of this active orga- nizing group to die, on February 10, 1953, at the age of 79. The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass was offered for the first time in the Lithuanian Hall on Locust Street. This served as the Church until November 23, 1913. It is of interest to note that the first records of this Parish coincide with the day on which the First Mass was celebrated, April 3, 1910. On that day the following were baptized: Stephen Papieski, son of John Papieski and Leokadia Swiencka, born March 27,1910; Stephany Śmigielski, daughter of Francis Śmigielski and Stella Obrycka, born March 22, 1910; and Boleslaus Cetnar, son of James Cetnar and Agnes Kapustra, born March 20, 1910. These are the first records in the baptismal register. In order to raise funds to purchase a plot of land on which to build a Church, each family was as- sessed $50.00 and each working single person $25.00. This, with other free will offerings netted $14,500.00. The Parish bought the present Church property for $14,200.00; purchasing a parcel from Jerome Hapman for $3,200.00; a parcel from Sara Arnold for $5,000.00; and a parcel from John Mecolorman for $6,000.00. The deeds for these transactions are recorded as of July 29, 1911. Before undertaking any building for the proposed Church a mortgage of $35,000.00 was drawn on the Parish. This marks the beginning of the Parish Debt, which remained as a burden until June, 1947. Actual work on the Church began in the spring of 1912. It was completed in the latter part of 1913 at a cost of $28,000.00. It is the present combination building which "serves as a Church and the upper floors are used for a school. The balance of this first loan was used to buy the rectory, purchase vestments and other necessities for the Church. The cornerstone was blessed December 15, 1912; the Church was dedicated November 23, 1913. The Most Reverend Regis F. Canevin, Bishop of the Pittsburgh Diocese, officiated at both functions.

1 In 1917, a home was purchased for the Venerable Sisters, at a cost of $6,000.00, and a second loan was drawn for $8,000.00. During the next two years, because of the failure to make payments not only on the principal but also the interest charges and the fact that new loans were made, the debt was, at the close of the year 1919, a total of $51,000.00. On the Fifteenth Anniversary of this Parish, The Most Reverend Hugh C. Boyle, then Bishop of the Pittsburgh Diocese, transferred Rev. John Robaczewski and appointed as his successor Rev. Francis Poszukanis, who took office on March 10, 1925. The conditions in the Parish that greeted the new Pastor were far from normal or satisfactory. A debt of $48,000.00 and due to some misunderstandings among the members, caused by outside influences, the spirituality and the faith of many of the parishioners were at low ebb. This caused the number of families in the parish to drop to 275. The school numbered approximately 350 children which continued to decline until the year 1946. In a few years there was a marked sign of more cooperation with the Pastor and a spiritual awakening of the people to their obligations and duties to God and their Holy Religion. This brought on a spirit of greater confidence and respect for their Pastor. By calling one of the members to the Holy Priesthood, the Good Lord showed that he did not forget the Parish. The Rev. Fabian Czajkowski, O. F. M., the first member of this Parish to be raised to this Holy State, was ordained for the Franciscan Order on June 3, 1932 and celebrated his First Solemn High Mass the following Sunday. Most of those present at this event also witnessed the celebration of his Solemn Silver Jubilee, June 9, 1957. Since the Rev. Fabian, O. F. M., has a sister as a religious with the Sisters of the Holy Family of Nazareth, it is appropriate to mention the young ladies of this parish who have entered the religious life. It is with pride for a Parish of our size to number 14 who are in the following religious orders: 1 with the Felicians; 12 with the Holy Family of Nazareth; and 1 with the Sisters of Divine Providence, a postulant. It certainly is an indication that God blessed this Parish with vocations for the Sisterhood. It would be unjust to omit Brother David Typek, O.F.M., who entered Franciscan Monastery in Pu- laski, Wisconsin, August 1941, and pronounced solemn vows in 1949. At present he is the manager of the Provincial Sandal Shop. On September 29, 1935, the Parish celebrated its Silver Jubilee. On this occasion the Parish edited a Jubilee Album. This fact becomes noteworthy because it was used as a source for the material recorded in this historical sketch. It lists 375 families and approximately 285 children in the Par- ish School, covering 8 grades. One can notice the decline of the number of school children and an increase of families by 100 during the last decade. The members of the Church Committee at that time were: Stanley Borkowski, John Domka, Joseph Dudziński, Joseph Pospychala, Anthony Kratowicz, Leon Kanoza and Frank Kaczmarek. The Co-chairman for this Silver Jubilee was Joseph Synowka, who, with the first two mentioned Church Committee members will participate in the Golden Jubilee celebration. After serving faithfully for 20 years, the Rev. Francis Poszukanis, resigned in 1945, due to ill health. During his pastorate $38,000.00 of the mortgage was paid. It must be borne in mind that this cov- ered the years of the sad days of the now almost forgotten or little spoken of "depression". Credit 2 must be given for this hard work. As his successor, The Most Reverend Hugh C. Boyle, Bishop of the Pittsburgh Diocese, appointed the Rev. Francis B. Filip, our present Pastor, on the Feast of St. John the Evangelist, December 27, 1945. At this time, there were no definite records to indicate the number of families or souls in the Parish, but certain lists of donors showed that there were about 250 families and a school enrollment of 84 children in 8 grades taught by four Nuns of the Holy Family of Nazareth. The census and the visits to all former parishioners and families of Polish descent during January and February of 1946, increased the number of families in the Parish to 435. This will show a decline due to the evident causes: migration to the suburbs, and1 the opening of new large neighboring Parishes — St. Malachy's, Kennedy Township; Holy Trinity, Moon Run; and St. Colum kill’s in Imperial. The debt at this time, a $11,000.00 mortgage, was not alarming because employment was on the increase. However, sad world conditions, including World War II, made matters uneasy. The need of many repairs and improvements were clearly evident. Material shortages made planning and progress difficult. Because of the financial standing of the Parish this part of the program was set aside for several months and more concentrated efforts were directed towards the spiritual needs of the people. Hence, a Lyceum was organized in February of 1946 which instilled the youth with a closer co-operation ih all the Parish functions and future programs. They experienced a successful youth program for many years and financially helped to furnish the kindergarten, and can boast of promoting some of the largest dances for the Polish folks. Remember the Polish Aristocrats Orches- tra at the dance held at the Stowe High School Auditorium!!! The Lyceum was officially dissolved at a special meeting on May 13, 1956 and the treasury balance of $169.12 was voted to be used for the Grade School Basketball Team. The boys received jackets from this fund. A final word: "The Lyceum was instrumental in helping start the present Sunday Bulletin which appeared for the first time on May 29, 1946. (Active members: Stephanie Tempalski, Joseph Rudzik, Bertha Karpinska, Genevieve Kosiba, Michael Dymora and others). Because of the large attendance at the two ordinary Sunday Masses, a third Mass was added on May 5, 1946. The Rev. John Bober, then Chaplain to the Felician Sisters' Motherhouse, Coraopolis, Pennsylvania, celebrated this noon-day Mass until July 25, 1948, when the Rev. Stanislaus Zachewicz was appointed to assist at this Parish. Due to the shortage of vocations and the sudden demand for the opening of many new parishes in the diocese, the Rev. Stanislaus Zachewicz was transferred on July 3, 1949 by the then Coadjutor Bishop, The Most Reverend John F. Dearden. Since then, the Franciscan Fathers from Ben Avon, Pittsburgh, Pa. assist on Sundays at the busy seasons of Lent and Christmas, the First Fridays and whenever necessary. We appreciate this and are thankful for their service. On September 22, 1946, the formal dedication and the opening of the present Parish Auditorium was observed. Its usefulness for school and church functions is beyond words. At that time, the school was completely remodeled: desks renovated, new birch floors installed by Matt Przewlockl, our own carpenter, shades replaced, etc. During the fall months of that year the school children presented two very successful operettas: "The Magi's Gift" and "Druscilla's Garden". A new lively and encouraging spirit became evident in the Parish. The school term in September also witnessed the opening of the kindergarten. It was discontinued in 1950 because of the lack of Sisters. It is credited 3 for the revival of the parochial school spirit and the increase in our enrollment in the school. The fine work of the Venerable Sisters of the Holy Family of Nazareth cannot be overlooked. One could write several pages of their accomplishments in educating the youth of this Parish, and we know that the future will show results comparable with the best. The first Catholic War Veterans Post in McKees Rocks was organized in our Parish at a meeting of the veterans of our Parish held Sunday, September 14, 1947. Under Post Commander Stanley Roman, the SS. Cyril and Methodius Post 1494 organized its Ladies Auxiliary with Stephanie Triscila as its first President. One recalls their initiative in the several military funerals, parades and above all, their excellent , Welfare and Youth Programs, which are continued to this day. The large bronze Memorial Plaque listing all our parishioners who served in World War II and which is located at the Church entrance, was procured by the Catholic War Veterans at a cost of over $1,000.00. In the year 1951 the SS. Cyril & Methodius Post No. 1494 was reorganized and is today known as the McKees Rocks Post No. 1713 with Rev. Francis B. Filip serving as Post Chaplain and Stanley J. Roman as Post Commander. Of the 345 parishioners who served in World War II, twelve paid the supreme sacrifice. On Nov. 8, 1947, the Parish celebrated the liquidation of the Parish mortgage with a High Mass of Thanksgiving and a banquet. Those who served on the Church Committee at that time were: Joseph Zyskowski (deceased), Joseph Jasionowski, Walter Latusick, Thomas Lachowicz, Albin Kiesznowski, Frank Przewlocki, and Stanislaus Bialek. On this occasion the Parish edited a Souvenir Album. This burning of the Parish mortgage was a joyful event. The Pastor and the Church Committee acted as the Executive Committee of this celebration. It is evident that if all efforts were concentrated only on paying the mortgage and disregarding the many pressing repairs, the debt could have been liquidated in September of the previous year, 1946. At this time the Parish numbered 425 families and the total enrollment in the eighth grades in the school was 95 not counting 43 children in the kindergarten. There were five full time Sisters as teachers. It must also be mentioned that the Sisters conducted Catechism Classes regularly for the Public School children and continue to do so at the present time. The Parish also became more active spiritually. The Missions conducted by the Franciscan Fathers of Ellicot City, Maryland and the Franciscan Fathers from Pulaski, Wis., together with other devo- tions, were instrumental in this spiritual awakening. This is evident from the fine participation of at least 300 who took part in the Holy Year Pilgrimage to Churches in this diocese and the Marian Year Pilgrimages in 1954 to Churches under the patronage of the Blessed Virgin Mary. The entire year of 1947 was one of great activity and many of the programs that followed in the next several years were the results of much planning done at this time. At this time the YOUNG LADIES SODALITY was re-organized, September 1948 and continues to this day to be an active Parish organization. It was affiliated with the PRIMA PRIMARIA September 12, 1943. For the records, this fact was checked February 17, 1949. The Primary and Secondary Titles are: "Immaculate Conception" and "St. Theresa of the Child Jesus."

4 The Catholic War Veterans dedicated the Parish Honor Roll on June 12, 1949 with a ceremony to be remembered for many years. The Rosary Circle was canonically erected and affiliated with the Arch on the Feast of the Holy Rosary, October 7, 1949. All former listed members and new members were formally received. The Holy Name Society was also re-organized and canonically erected. This was realized on the Feast of Christ the King, October 30, 1949. All former and new members were formally received. The Holy Name is very active and during the past few years has been a fine example to the Parish on the Holy Name Sundays in receiving Holy Communion in a body. They participate in all func- tions on a deanery and diocesan basis. The eighth grade pupils are received into the Holy Name Society each year. They have undertaken the Athletic program of the Parish and are credited of being the nucleus of the CYC. Among the improvements in the Church during this time was the installation of Cushion Kneelers. Other improvements continued in the following year (1951) at a cost of over $20,000.00. Among these are: the Electronic Bells and Chimes at a cost of $2,000.00; an American Gas Furnace replac- ing the old handfired coal furnace at a cost of $3,800.00; plumbing and installing automatic hot water tanks, repainting the entire building by Joseph Graciano Company at a cost of $4,375.00; concrete work on walks, steps at a cost of approximately $5,300.00; school yard covered with asphalt at a cost of $1,000.00. This school yard with its basketball court was the real power that helped to produce two championship teams in the diocese. Here many of the boys learned their fundamentals of basketball. One cannot pass up a few remarks in reference to the Senior Church Choir. Credit must be given to the Director Joseph Majewski, and to the members for their time spent in rehearsals and tak- ing part in the Masses and services. On April 15,1950, in the Parish Auditorium and the following day in the Hamilton School Auditorium before capacity audiences, they presented, with the help of members of St. Casimir's Society No. 237, P. R. C. U. a successful MINSTREL SHOW, of which they certainly can be proud. Mr. Majewski is the director since November 1947, succeeding Mr. Stephen Jakubowski, who served the church faithfully in this position for many years and who is presently with us. At this time, the school deserves recognition, for the following. With an enrollment of only 149 we were able to have a candidate in the seventh grade, Mary Bortnik, crowned the McKees Rocks Champion in the Spelling Bee Contest sponsored by the Pittsburgh Press at the Buhl Panetarlum. She reached the finals on April 28, 1951. At the next contest, Barbara Bialek spelled her way into the grand finals. The Parent-Teachers Guild was organized November 1953 with Albert Bialek as the first President. The Rt. Rev. Msgr. Quigley, Superintendent of Schools, addressed the group of about 15. This organization is functioning until this day, helping the school by providing text books, books for the library, stationery and supplies for the school office, socials for the school children and many other activities.

5 In December of 1955 the Grade School Basketball Team was entered in the South Hills Section of the Diocesan CYC Athletic Program. Joseph Cosnek volunteered to coach the team. To the surprise of many outsiders we not only won the section championship, but reached the finals. Two years later the Grade School team won the West End Section Championship. It is hoped that the future, under the leadership of Joseph Cosnek, the School will continue to have not only a team, but a well disciplined group of "true sportsmen". This will be a trophy in itself. It is proper to mention that we are most thankful to Director Ed Ferris for permitting our basketball team to use the McKees Rocks Boys Club gymnasium for league and practice games. During the year 1956, the Chapel at the Convent was completely renovated, a new altar with its appointments, and also ordinary furnishings for the Sisters were provided; the Parish purchased two homes: one at 531 Island Avenue and the other at 107 Cutler Street. The Henry Hunt Studios, installed the Stained Glass Windows in the Church at a cost of $5,000.00. The parishioners were generous in their donations. The radiators were removed from the walls, the aisles covered with ceramic tile. As a happy event, of the year 1958, the statue of the Pilgrim Virgin Mary was brought to our Church. Impressive devotions in both languages were held for an entire week and on the following Sunday in solemn procession the Statue was taken to St. John the Baptist Ukrainian Greek , McKees Rocks, Pa. This event marks the beginning of the uninterrupted devotion of the First Saturdays in honor of Our Lady of Fatima. The Rosary Circle is appointed not only to take an active part in this devotion, but also to help in spreading it among others. As a preparation for the Bicentennial observance of the City of Pittsburgh, the Catholic War Veter- ans of McKees Rocks Post 1713 sponsored their first Annual Essay Contest under the title: "What Pittsburgh Has Given To America In tits 200 Years", Patricia Mihal of the eighth grade, by winning First Prize for the best essay in the district and County has brought honors1 to her Parish School and the Sister-Teachers. Incidentally, at this Writing, Norma Cousins, eighth grader placed first in their second annual essay contest. Over 20G1 students participated in the contest entitled "Why Catholics Can Be Proud of Their Contributions to America", and Stanley J. Roman, Jr., a seventh grade student outpolled contestants from six other schools in the recent contest sponsored by McKees Rocks Post 1713, Catholic War Veterans. He received the Father Raymond Heintz Memorial Trophy and a CWV Citation. The Most Reverend John J. Wright, D. D. was installed as the Bishop of this Diocese on March 18, 1959. This year also marked great preparations for the Golden Jubilee of the Parish to be observed in 1960. In preparing for this, the entire church and school had undergone a complete renovating program. The new Stations of the Way of the Cross were canonically erected on November 13, 1959. On March 18, 1960, the Parish participated in an afternoon Dialogue Mass. This marks the beginning of the fulfillment of the Church's wish to have such participation in the Holy Sacrifice. The Most Reverend John J. Wright made his first visit to this parish on Sunday, March 20, 1960 at 7:30 P. M. on the occasion of conferring the Sacrament of Confirmation on 70 candidates. His Excellency has consented to be the Celebrant of the Pontifical Solemn High Mass of Thanks- giving to be offered on Saturday, May 14, 1960 at 10:00 A. M. 6 The Parish was also blessed in a special way during this Jubilee Year with the ordination of the se- cond priest, the first secular from among its members. The Rev. Francis B. Lachowicz was ordained March 25, 1960 and celebrated his First Solemn High Mass on March 27, 1960. The Confraternity of Christian Doctrine and the Catholic Youth Council were just organized in April of this Jubilee Year. We hope that the Youth, the future generations of this Parish, will by their sincere work and concentrated effort, add glorious pages to the history of this Parish with the motto: "All for the Greater Glory of God".