RWFF the Big Puddle

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RWFF the Big Puddle First Cast ... Welcome to the autumn edion of your Big Puddle. Aer the hoest, driest summer since 197 with water temperatures topping 25 degrees it$s a refreshing change to see some cooler weather over Rutland Water. By all accounts the summer 'shing has been mi)ed, obviously marred by the high temps as has almost all *y 'shing venues throughout the world. Reading reports from Scot, land, Ireland, .orway and even Arcc Russia, they too have had less than fabulous 'shing. Only now the Sco0sh rivers are *owing normally and their salmon have come onto the ta1e. 2he e)cepon seems to have been Iceland which has been under dense cloud all summer, so their rivers have 'shed well. 3ere on Rutland Water there has been no absence of trout, many follows and signs of 'sh but oen ta1es were scarce, meaning frustrang 'shing for most of us. Certainly some catches were impressive, mainly from the boils and the main basin however, the trout were de'nitely not ag, gressively feeding li1e they should. .ow, in September, the water is cooling down nicely and the 'shing has started to improve, as the cover photo shows 5 Jake Waterman with a beauful 6 pound 5 ounce brown trout caught on dry fly earlier this month 6 Keep in the loop with RW88 .ews page, and please everyone, add your comments, pictures and latest catches. RW88 8ishing .ews hps9// 4104 8197/?fref=ts 2his is a private page for RW88 members only. 2he idea is that we can post catches, suggesons, locaons etc immediately to give accurate reports and ps. It$s proving more and more popular. Keep an eye on the page and post your informaon , you may need some info yourselves some, day. Join the Club 2ogether with all the other per1s of Aoining RW88, this e)clusive 8aceboo1 news page gives mem, bership even more value. Let$s encourage more *y 'shers to Aoin the club. Enrol your 'shing buddies and visitors, even people who only visit Rutland occasionally can bene't from membership, and more members means the club can grow stronger and have more posive in*uence on our 'shery.. see hp9// RWFF Annual Subscripon Join & Pay Online Now 8ull Eembership F27.00 Concession 5OAP or Student6 F22.00 Gunior Eembership 5under 18 years old6 F5.00 Payment by CheHue payable to IRutland Water 8ly 8ishersJ sent to9 Er Paul Wild, 33 Kelthorpe Close, Keon, Stamford, Lincolnshire, PE9 3RS. 2el9 01780 720308. Payment by Internet/2elephone Ban1ing .ame of Ban19 Barclays Ban1, Sort Code9 20, 3, , Account .umber9 107895 9 Please use a reference as follows9 LinialM LSurnameM RW88 e.g. PWILNRW88 2 Rando Casts 3ere$s a nice new 'shing map produced a few years ago by Sean Cu0ng, for your pleasure. THE LAKE 8ishery and Ban1 Report from Gohn Wadham. 8ollowing the hoest summer period since the reser, voir opened to 'shing in 1977, the water level, even by the end of Guly, had only fallen slightly. 2he 3 main reason for this is, what was the second weest April of the century, recharged the rivers and ground waters thus, enabling water to be drawn from the source rivers unl the end of Eay. 3owever, during August and early September, the la1e level has declined rapidly. Nue enrely to low rainfall in August and so far in September. In 197 , the reservoir was only parally 'lled so this ma1es 2018 the hoest summer in the history of 'shing. Eercifully, unli1e last year, the boils were in full wor1ing order and no doubt saved what would almost certainly have been catastrophic condions for the 'sh. Even by the end of August, the water temperature at the head of the boils was in the region of 22O C. 2his suggests that the heat penetrated very deeply9 even more so than the hot summer 2003. So, the 'sh had a choice9 either descend to the slightly cooler deo)ygenated level9 say, below 20 m. Or remain near the surface where the water, as one would imagine, would be uncomfortably hot. 2he conseHuence of this is that the 'sh were limited to a very small relavely cool and rela, vely well aerated water P the thermocline,at around 1.5 m to 3 m down. 2his was clearly borne out by the 'shing, most of which was most producve in this layer with *oang, hover or very slow sin1ing intermediate lines. Eostly due to the high temperatures and low dissolved o)ygen levels 'sh have fed very lile. Some of the 'sh feeding around the boils did contain shrimps. 3owever, club mem, ber Roger Gill, caught a 'sh which con, tained a number of shield bugs. 2hese may well have come oD the ban1side trees and ma1e Huite a substan, al mealR although, a lile hard. 2he Ergasilus infestaon is not as bad as one might have feared with such high wa, ter temperatures. 2he advice is that, if you do catch a badly infested 'sh, be sure to 1ill it9 this is the main contribu, on we can ma1e to curtailing this outbrea1. Eercifully, the Browns appeared to be free of this pest with some 'ne 'sh being caught9 club member, Ga1e Waterman ta1ing a lovely 'sh of lb 5 oS on a suspender Ein1ie in a boat some 0 m out from the blue pipes at .ormanton. 2his has been submied for the RW88 2rout 8isherman 2rophy for the best Brown. See Big Puddle cover Pic. 8or a long period during Guly and August 'sh, parcularly the larger 'sh could be seen leaping for no obvious reason. 2his occurred when the water temperature dropped a couple of degrees during a brief cooling oD period and especially occurred around the boils. Nuring this me, odd 'sh were caught from the ban19 but essenally with the wind at one$s bac1 thus 'shing in relavely cool water. Nuring the few spells of heavy rain we have e)perienced 'sh were very acve in the sur, face9 but stopped when the rain eased. 2his may well be due to cooling of the surface. 4 With a marginal ban1 water temperature of 19O C, at the me of wring, not surprisingly the 'sh are sll unwilling to enter the margins to feed near the ban1 despite the abundance of fry, cori)a T shrimps. 2he upside is that, with the water now down some 3 m, you can 'sh below all the roc1y ban1s. Late good news indicates that some good 'sh are being caught at the top of the south arm. Let$s hope this is the commencement of the 'sh starng to spread out. As I$m sure most people are aware there is a very large head of 'sh le in the la1e and thus prospects loo1 seriously good. With plenty of weed, in the margins, all ban1s should 'sh well. Water Aid Aer Huite a few recruitment problems we managed to get 've e)perienced Gillies to help out as volunteer boatman. 2he weather was Huite reasonable with a gentle south,westerly wind and Huite warm. 2he 'sh responded reasonably well being caught mainly on intermediate and *oang lines. Some were caught using the rudder. A big than1 you to all those who helped out on the day. 2han1s, especially to Colin Best, whom we dragged out of bed at 7 o$cloc1 in the morning. 2han1 fully, he won two priSes in the raUe as a small reward for his eDorts.38 anglers caught 50 'sh for a total weight of 93 lb 4 oS. Best 'sh was a 3lb 15oS Brownie caught by novice angler Steve Evans out with RW88 boatman Eic1 Connor. 2op rod on the day was RW88 Chairman Chris Evans 'shing for Electric Eels who too1 8 'sh for 15lb 1oS. Caroline Wa1elin represenng Water Aid outlined the wor1 being carried out in under, developed countries in developing water supply and sanitaon. She went on to than1 all who had helped to ma1e the day a success9 parcularly Rose Shisler who came in new to the event and for 5 Amber Claughton who acHuied herself very well. Caroline than1ed RW88 president Gohn Wad, ham for organising the boatman. Gohn replied by emphasising that the Ghillies did all the wor1 and helped to ma1e the day such a success. 2otal raised from the event was F ,500. Gohn Wadham has been 'shing Rutland since it opened and has a wealth of 1nowledge on our la1e. A fountain of 1nowledge, he has wrien a number of e)cellent boo1s on the subAect, including RUTLAND WATER: BAN% ANGLER'S GU,DE BOAT REPORT Report from Rob Waddington Wow, what a summerV 30 degrees and higher oen with *at calm days with blinding heatV As the Summer connued the trout made their way to the main basin around the o)ygenated bubbles and comparave coolness of Wthe Boils$. It too1 a while for the 'sh to coon on to this oasis of o)ygen but when they did it was virtually impossible to catch a 'sh anywhere else. 3uge bags of 30 and 40 'sh were ta1en and released from any of the 7 massive aerators to be found in the main basin. Ea1e no mista1e, this 'shing is not prey, as ge0ng into the right posi, on even for a few casts ta1es some doing only to be blown away again by the force of the bub, bles. 2hen, as soon as they came on, they would Wswitch oD$ as the trout grew possibly wary of boats and lures cast at them me and me again.
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