VA Vol 8 No 6 June 1980

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VA Vol 8 No 6 June 1980 STRAIGHT AND LEVEL • • • The 1980 Sun 'n Fun -- it was! Who could com­ were able to see the Spirit and Stinson for the first plain about the 93 " temperature on Thursday, the mid ti me. BO's during most of the week! Those cooling showers Of interest to all were the fly-bys which included on Friday during the passing of a front settled the formation flying by the EAA Air Museum's DC3 and dust and brought back the comfortable feeling of re­ Martin Caidin's junkers JU-S2, sometimes spouting laxation and fellowship. Now there is no doubt that the smoke oil of a simulated engine fire. the decision to move the Sun 'n Fun Fly-In from Warbird participation, although representing many january to March was a smart move that will definitely different types, was definitely lower in number, prob­ enhance the growth of the event in the years to ably due to the high cost of aviation fuels today. Out­ come. Our hats are off to Lyle Flagg, Leonard standing formation flying by T-6s and SNjs were high­ McGinty and Billy Henderson for their outstanding lights and many a photographer was offered excep­ leadership in guiding the Sun 'n Fun organization tional shots of formation flights that included Warbird through its 6th annual convention . types not often seen flyi ng together. The judging and awards were headed up by Rod The daily air shows were excellent and well or­ Spanier, with National Antique/Classic Chief Judge ganized. The show time period of 1 - 3 P.M. was def­ Claude Gray and AI Kelch assisting the other capable initely an asset to the daily planning of events. At the judges. Beginning in 1979 your Antique/Classic Divi­ conclusion of the daily air show many fly-bys were sion has been educating judges throughout the begun and well received by the audience. U.S.A. by using a basic system that has proven itself There is no doubt that the age of the ultra-light is Heading Aircraft Parking & Flight Line Safety will be during the past years at the annual EAA International here. The many varied designs that were flown and Director Art Morgan and Advisor Bob Kesel. Division Conventions at Oshkosh. The reception has been demonstrated exemplify the desire to fly an aircraft of Security will be under the able direction of David outstanding and this year during the 1980 Sun 'n Fun simplicity, economical cost and operating expense. Sun 'n Fun 1980 was a great success. The tremen­ Shaw, with Don Odell and jack Huffman assisting. the system was accepted and used for the entire judg­ dous efforts of the many volunteers ensure that this Many of you volunteers have worked with these ing program. event was what it was intended to be - a fly-in of leaders over the past years and know the fun and The Florida Sport Aviation Antique & Classic As­ sun and fun. service your assistance has meant to all participating. sociation, also EAA Antique/Classic Chapter 1, hosted Oshkosh '80 is only about two months away and Those of you who will be volunteering for the first the new facility of an antique and classic headquar­ most of us have already made our plans to attend the time will thoroughly enjoy the experience with the ters area for use by all enthusiasts. A welcoming world's largest aviation event. Last year our Division aid of trained volunteers who will work with you. committee was on hand during the entire convention recorded over two hundred and fifty volunteers who In the centerfold of this issue you will find a ballot to assist vi sitors and make their presence relaxing and gave their time to make Oshkosh '79 the success it and proxy for the annual election of three Directors, enjoyable. President Paul Hopkins of Chapter 1 is to was. We want to make the 1980 event even more suc­ the Secretary and the President of the Antique/Classic be commended for the effort put forth by himself cessful, but without your help as a volunteer this Division. Please exercise your right to vote by com­ and the members to make this event so successful. cannot be achieved. Our Red Barn Headquarters will pleting the ballot and mailing it as instructed. The During the week, it was noted that daily attendance be open daily and volunteer workers are requested to candidates listed are those nominated by the exceeded that of past years. The attendance of show offer their services here, where manpower commit­ nominating committee, and spaces have been pro­ aircraft was exceptional and many antique and classic teemen will be on hand to assist you. Even if for only vided for write-in candidates of your choice. Each of­ planes appeared at the event for the first time. The a day, an hour or two, or the entire week, your vol­ ficer and director is elected by you, the membership, attendance by the EAA Air Museum's Spirit of SI. unteer services are needed to make our Division ac­ to serve the Division to the best of his/her ability. By Louis and th e Stinson SM-BA drew daily crowds who tivities function. Our Manpower Chairman for voting you will show your support of the Division and admired the presence and daily flights of these out­ Oshkosh 'BO is again, John (jack) Copeland. He is a your interest in helping to elect the officers who you standing aircraft. Many thanks to both Verne jobst Division Advisor and will be assisted by Matthew feel will best serve the membership of the Antique/ and jim Barton, for through their efforts many visitors Worner. Classic Division. Editorial TIlt= VI~TA(3~ AII2VLA~~ Staff OFFICIAL MAGAZINE EAA ANTIQUE/CLASSIC Publisher DIVISION INC. Paul H. Poberezny of THE EXPERIMENTAL AIRCRAFT ASSOCIATION Editor P.O. Box 229, Hales Corners, WI 53130 Gene R. Chase Copyright" 1980 EAA Antique/Classic Division, Inc., All Rights Reserved , 1948 Temco Swift, N23348 flown to Sun 'n Fun '80 by JU NE 1980 VOLUME 8 NUMBER 6 owners Jim and Marianne Montague, Lake Elmo, MN. (On The Cover . )953 Cess na 170B at th e 19BO Sun 'n Fun Fly-In al Lakeland, Florida. O wner is Joseph M . Sz ymanowicz, EAA 89563, AIC 507 ), from Eri e, Pennsylvania.) Associate Editors: H. Glenn Buffington, Edward D . Williams, Byron (Fred) Fredericksen, Lionel Salisbury (O n Th e Back Cover . A very original 1949 Lu sco mbe ll A Sedan own ed by Wings of Hop e and fl own b y Cap lain Clarence H ess, Lockporl , Illinois.) Readers are encouraged to submit stories and photographs. Associate Editorships are assigned to those writers who submit five or more articles which are published in THE VINTAGE AIR· TABLE OF CONTENTS PLANE during the current year. Associates receive a bound volume of THE VINTAGE AIR· PLANE and a free one·year membership in the Division for their efforts. POLlCY·Opinions Straight and Level by Brad Thomas . ... , .... , .. ..... , , ...... , ..... .. .. .. , . 2 expressed in articles are solely those of the authors. Responsibility for accuracy in reporting A/C Hot Line by Gene R. Chase, . , . .. .. .. ... ... .. .. .. .. ... .. ... .. .. .. 4 rests entirely with the contributor. AIC News by Gene R. Chase, .. ... .. , .... " ... ... ., ... ......... ... .. , . , , , " 5 Directors Claude l. Gray, Ir. Morto n W. l este r The Standard Story by Ches ter L. Peek ... .. .. ... .... , , . , . , , ...... , . .. 6 PRESIDENT 9635 Sylv ia Avenue P.O. Bux 37 47 Surviva l by Ev Cassagneres .. .. , .... , . .. , . .... " . .. " . " . ... , .. ........ 8 Northri dge, CA 9-U14 Ma rr insvill e, VA 24112 W. BRAD THOMAS, JR . 1980 Sun 'N Fun EAA Fly-In by Gene Chase .. , ..... .. ... .. , ..... ... " ........... , 11 301 DODSON MILL ROAD Noti ce of Annual Business Meeting and Election of Officers and Directors .. .. ... 22 D ale A. Gu stafson Arthur R. M o rga n Nominees For Officers and Directors of Antique/Classic Division ... , ... ... ... ... 22 PILOT MOUNTAIN, NC 27041 7724 Shady Hill Drive 3744 North 51st Blvd. 919/368-2875 Home In dian apoli s, IN 46274 Mi lwau kee, W I 53 216 Borden's Aeroplane Posters From The 1930's by Lionel Salisbury . , .. ....... ... 24 919/368-2291 Office Yes , I Want My Aircraft Judges by Claude Gray .... ..... .. , , .. , . .... .. ... .. .. 26 Calendar Of Events . .. .. , .. ... ....... .... , . .. ... .. , . .. .. " .. ... ... 27 VICE-PRESIDENT Richard H . Wagner Jo hn R. Tu rgya n P.O. Box 181 1530 K u ~e r Road JACK C. WINTHROP lyons, WI 53 148 Trent o n , NJ 086 '19 ROUTE 1, BOX 111 EAA ANTIQUE/CLASSIC DIVISION MEMBERSHI,P ALLEN, TX 75002 2141727-5649 ' AI Kelch o NON-EAA MEMBER - $22.00. Includes one year membership in the EAA Antique/ nh W . 612 N. Madiso n Aven ue Classic Division, 12 monthly issues of THE VINTAGE AIRPLANE ; one year mem­ SECRETARY Cedorburg, W I 53012 bership in the Experimental Aircraft Association and separate membership cards. M . C. "KELLY" VIETS SPORT AVIATION magazine not included. 7745 W. 183RD ST. Advisors STILWELL, KS 66085 o EAA MEMBER - $14.00. Includes one year membership in the EAA Antique/Classic 913/681-2303 Home John S. Copeland Sian Gom oll Gen e M orris Division, 12 monthly issues of THE VINTAGE AIRPLANE AND MEMBERSHIP CARD. 9 Joa nne Drive '1042 '!Oth l an e, NE 1.7 Chandelle Drive (Applicant must be current EAA member and must give EAA membership number.) 913/782-6720 Office Westbo ro ugh, MA 01 58t Minneap oli s, M N 55434 Hamps hire, Il 60140 TREASURER E. E. " BUCK" HILBERT Ro nald Fritz Robert E. Kesel George S. York 2896 Roosevelt SI. 455 Oakri dge Drive 18 1 Sloboda Ave. P.O . BOX 145 Conklin, MI 49463 Roch ester, NY 14617 Mansfield, O H 44906 ,.
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