Firearms and Ammunition


Signed at Washington April 3, 1996




Agreement Amending the Agreement

Effected by Exchange of Notes at Washington June 25, 2003 and March 4, 2004


Pursuant to Public Law 89—497, approved July 8, 1966 (80 Stat. 271; 1 U.S.C. 113)—

“. . .the Treaties and Other International Acts Series issued under the authority of the Secretary of State shall be competent evidence . . . of the treaties, international agreements other than treaties, and proclamations by the President of such treaties and international agreements other than treaties, as the case may be, therein contained, in all the courts of law and equity and of maritime jurisdiction, and in all the tribunals and public offices of the United States, and of the several States, without any further proof or authentication thereof.”


Trade: and Ammunition

Agreement signed at Washington April 3, 1996; Entered into force April 3, 1996. With annexes. And agreement amending the agreement. Effected by exchange of notes at Washington June 25, 2003 and March 4, 2004; Entered into force March 4, 2004.


The Goverrunent ofthe United States of America and the Goverrunent ofthe Russian

Federation, hereinafter referred to as the "Parties,"

In the context ofremoving a number of existing restrictions on the importation into the

United States offirearms and ammunition from the Russian Federation;

Recognizing the foreign policy interest ofthe Parties in expanding trade in firearms and ammunition between the United States and the Russian Federation in a manner compatible with domestic security;

Recognizing the intention ofthe United States of America that United States policy with respect to access to the United States market for firearms and ammunition be applied in a non­ discriminatory manner to all ofits trading partners;

Wishing to promote trade and cooperation on an equal and mutually beneficial basis between the United States and the Russian Federation and to expand economic opportunities in the two countries; 2

Have agreed as follows:

Article 1: Definitions.

The following definitions apply to this Agreement:

(a) "Ammunition" means any ammunition, cartridge case, primer, bullet, or

propellent powder designed for use in any .

(b) "Firearm" means any nonautomatic, semiautomatic, or automatic firearm, to

caliber .50 (12.7 mm) inclusive other than a , or any component or part for such


(c) "New model ammunition" means a type of ammunition the manufacture ofwhich

began after February 9, 1996.

(d) "New model firearm" means a type of firearm the manufacture of which began

after February 9, 1996.

Article 2: Firearms and Ammunition Export Prohibitions.

The Government ofthe Russian Federation shall not allow the exportation from the 3

Russian Federation, destined to the United States, ofthe following firearms and ammunition:

(a) any firearm, including any new model firearm, except a firearm described in

Annex A to this Agreement;

(b) ammunition described in Annex B to this Agreement; and

(c) new model ammunition.

Article 3: Consultations.

(a) Each Party shall provide to the other Party, on request, information necessary for the implementation and enforcement ofthis Agreement. A Party shall keep confidential all information received from the other Party that is designated by the providing Party as confidential and shall not provide it to any other government or any private person without the providing Party's written consent.

(b) The Parties agree to consult promptly, not later than 30 days after receipt of a request from either Party, regarding any matter concerning this Agreement.

(c) At any time, either Party may propose that a firearm be added to or deleted from

Annex A or that ammunition be added to or deleted from Annex B. The Parties shall consult 4

promptly regarding such a proposal and may amend either Annex by written agreement ofthe


(d) Where a question arises as to whether a particular firearm or ammunition is subject to

the export prohibition in Article 2, the Parties shall consult promptly. The firearm or

ammunition shall be subject to the export prohibition pending resolution ofthe matter.

Article 4: Construction.

Nothing in this Agreement shall be construed to affect the applicability to firearms,

ammunition, or other products ofthe laws and regulations ofthe United States or the Russian

Federation imposing restrictions or requirements on importation.

Article 5: Actions to Ensure the Effectiveness of this Agreement.

Either Party may take any action, as provided in its laws and regulations, necessary to ensure the effectiveness ofthis Agreement.

Article 6: Emergency Actions.

Ifthe Government ofthe United States determines that the actual or prospective importation ofany firearm described in Annex A or ammunition other than that described in 5

Annex Bis causing or threatens to cause damage to the domestic security of the United States,

the Government of the United States reserves the right to take any measure it deems appropriate

consistent with the Agreement on Trade Relations, signed between the Union of Soviet Socialist

Republics and the United States ofAmerica at Washington on June 1, 1990, as amended, brought

into force between the United States ofAmerica and the Russian Federation pursuant to an

exchange ofnotes on June 17, 1992. The Government ofthe United States shall consult with the

Government ofthe Russian Federation prior to taking any such measure. Ifprior and prompt

consultations are not possible because ofan emergency situation, the Government ofthe United

States shall consult with the Government ofthe Russian Federation as soon as possible after taking the measure.

Article 7: Amendments.

This Agreement may be amended by written agreement ofthe Parties.

Article 8: No Effect on Articles in U.S. Customs Territory.

This Agreement shall not affect the fulfillment ofcontracts with respect to firearms or ammunition entered or withdrawn from warehouse for consumption in the United States on or before February 9, 1996. 6

Article 9: Annexes; Entry into Force; Termination.

(a) The Annexes to this Agreement are an integral part of this Agreement.

(b) This Agreement shall enter into force upon the date of its signature by both


(c) Either Party may terminate this Agreement by providing written notification to the other Party at least twelve months prior to the date oftermination.

, 1996, in duplicate, in the English and Russian languages, both texts being equally authentic.

For the Government of the For the Government ofthe United States of America Russian Federation ANNEX A

Firearms Permitted to Be Imported into the United States from the Russian Federation

Pistols/ 1. German Model P08 2. IZH 34M, .22 caliber Target Pistol 3. IZH 35M, .22 caliber Target Pistol 4. Model 1896 Pistol 5. MC-57-1 Pistol 6. MC-1-5 Pistol 7. Polish Vis Model 35 Pistol 8. Soviet Nagant 9. TOZ 35, .22 caliber Target Pistol

Rifles 1. BARS-4 Bolt Action 2. Biathlon Target Rifle, .22LR caliber 3. British Enfield Rifle 4. CM2, .22 caliber Target Rifle (also known as SM2, .22 caliber) 5. German Model 98K Rifle 6. German Model G41 Rifle 7. German Model G43 Rifle 8. IZH-94 9. LOS-7 Bolt Action Rifle 10. MC-7-07 11. MC-18-3 12. MC-19-07 13. MC-105-01 14. MC-112-02 15. MC-113-02 16. MC-115-1 17. MC-1251127 18. MC-126 19. MC-128 20. Saiga Rifle 21. Soviet Model 3 8 Carbine 22. Soviet Model 44 Carbine 23. Soviet Model 91/30 Rifle 24. TOZ 18, .22 caliber Bolt Action Rifle 25. TOZ 55 26. TOZ 78 27. Ural Target Rifle, .22LR caliber 28. Rifle 29. Winchester Model 1895, Russian Model Rifle ANNEXB

Ammunition Prohibited from Being Imported into the United States from the Russian Federation

1. 7.62X25mm caliber (also known as 7.63X25 mm caliber or .30 Mauser) COI'JJAll!EHHE ~ME)f(J(.V llPABHTEJJbCTBOM COEJ(HHEHHb!X IIITATOB l'JJ\fEPl!KH Jf JIPABJ!TEJJbCTBOM POCCJfHCKOH

flp:unncJ1bcTno CocJlHHc11111>1x llharon AMepm

n KOll'l"elT n Coe,llunen11b1e IllTaTbl or11ec-rpeJ1b11oro opy)tmJI H 6oenpm1acou H3 Poccuik1

np11suan<>,q BHellll1eno;111TW1ecKy10 3amrrepecoaammC"rb CTopon B pacmnpeunn Topron.m1 orneCTJ)CJibHblM opy)KHCM H 6oenpHIIacaMH MeJKJ.\Y Coel\ffitemlbtMH llhaTaM.n AMepnKH H PoccniicKOH TO l'OOTl3f~TCTBOmt110 mrrepecaM BHyrpennew 6e:m11ac110CTI1 CTopoH,

111m31wna.q, 'ITO Coe.uHHeIIHhie illTa1111 HaMepenht npuMeIIJITh noJIHnIKy n amomcllllH .uocryna Ha aMepnKaucKHii pbIHOK oruec-rpeJibHoro opy~m1 H 6oenpm1acon

KO BCCM CBOHJ\I ToproBblM naprnepaM na ne,lllICKpHMHHC\UllOHHOfi OCHOBe,

<:TpeMHCh co;tdicmo1~aTh Topron;w H c01vy;1m1•iecTny MC)l1MH

HJr;rraJ\m a Pocc11.ik!

corJ1acn;mc1> o mnKecJie.!\yIOllleM: 2

CmambR 1. OnpeoeAenua fl.mi 1(eJ:cii Cor.'lamemrn llpHMCJUIIoTcn CJie, onpC.lleJ1e11n11:

(a) "fio;'llJlHllan.1" o:ma•11, 1

MeTaTCJlbllblC :3ap11.llbl' 11peJUia31la•1elillblf' )\JUI HCllOJJb:30BaJUfjJ ll JIJo6oM on1ecTpCJJhllOM opy))(Jm. (6) "OrnecTpeJ1buoe opy)l(He" oana•iaeT mo6oe ueaJ3To111an1•1ecKoe, nonyaBTOMaTH'ICCKOC HJut aBTOMaTlf'.JeCJ

(12.7 MM) BICJllO'JllTeJJbllO, 3a HCICJIJO'H.'llHCM l'Jla,Lll1 HOBblX MO.l(eneii" oana'laIOT nm 6oenpnnacon, nponaBo.llCTBO KOTOpblX Ha'JaJIOCb llOCJie 9 ¢eBpa.i111 1996 ro.l(a. (r) "OrnecTJlCJibHoe opy)l(He HOBbIX Mo.l(eneii." oana'laeT nm on1ec1pen1>11oro opy:aum, npmrnBOJ.iC113G KoToporo na'laTo nocne 9 ¢eBpaJijJ 1996 ro.l(a.

Cmamr,a 2. 3anpe1l(eHue ua mccnopm oiuecmpe.llbUoio opy)f(.UR u 6oenpunaco6 TipaBHTCJlhCTBO Poccniic1e.llepaium ue paapemaeT s1e.llepaQHH npe.nnaana•xenuoro B Coe.lllfHCllllbie lllTaTuI AMepHKit c.lle.llyromero on1eCTJ)eJ11>Horo opy)KIUI n 6oenpnnac01~: (a) JUo6oro on1ecTpeJlbnoro opy)IUUJ, BKJIJO'IM mo6oe oniecTpeJlbttoe opy)IU1e JIOllblX MOJleJ1ci,j, 3a HCleJibllOl"O opy)Klrn, YICa:JallllOl"O B flp11JIO)ICCllllH A K 11acTmllllcMy Cor;;a111c111110; (6) 6oc11p1111acou, y1ca:.im111L1x u llp11;1m1cc11H11 l> 1c nacTomncMy CormU11c11n10: 11 (B) 6oenpnuacon HOBblX MO,lleJieii.

Cmambst 3. J(oncy.Tlbmau,uu (a) Ka)lc.natt Giupoua npe.l(ocTa.11JrneT .npyroii trnpoHe no ee npoco6e tt111):>opMa1.uuo, 11eo6xo.uff111y10 wm Bbmonuennn JI o6ecneqemm co6Joo.l(e1rnn nacTomuero Cornamemrn. Ka)K,[IM CTopo11a coxpaimeT 1<011qJH.llCHllHaJlbllOCTb nceii noJIY'Iemmii mupopMaQIDI OT .npyroii CTopOIIbI, m:rropan 0603naqeua npe.nocTaBAAI01ueii CTopo110Ii mu< i;ompu.nemvrnJlhHM, 11 ne 6y.lleT nepeJ1aBa10 ee ;oo6oMy .npyroMy npaBHTeJI1>cruy H.'IU •1aCTimMy .lllII-IY 6e3 m1cb111e1moro paapememrn npe.l(ocn1BJ1.mo11leif CTopOIIbI. (6) CToponb1 corJ1amaioTcH He3a.'l.e.l(.rmTeJibHo, HO ne 110:3_n11ee 30 .llffdi nocne nonyqemrn oqmu:na.1b110H npoch6b1 o.nnoii H3 CTopon, npono.nnTh 1

(e) ~an H3 CTOJmH MmKeT npe,LVIO)KllTb B mo6oe epeMJI, 'IT06h1 KaKoe-.1U160 on1ecTµeJibHoe opy:>1KeHJU1 A HJIH •rro6b1 JII06oi1 H3 6oe11pmrncou MOI" 6b1Tb Ul(JIJU'ICll HJIH HClKCIIHe 110 lIHCbMemtoMy corJiacmo Cropou.

(r) B CJI)"-Iae 0031rn1moee1lID! eonpoca o TOM, pacnpocTµami:eTcJI JIH 3anpeT, npe.uycMOTµeunbIH B CTaThe 2, na aKcnopT KaIKIUI HJIH 6oenpunacoB no.uJie:>KHT 3anpe-ry .uo yperyJIHpoeamui aToro Bonpoca.

CmambR 4. To.111Co6auue Htt•rro B uacroJIJlleM CorJ1aI11eHHit ne .UOJI:>KHO 6bITh HCTom<0Bano KaK

3aTµaI"JIBaIOJllee npHMeue1rne I< ornecTpeJlbuoMy opy>KHio, 6oenpttnacaM Hml HHbIM ToBapaM 3aKono.uareJlbcrna 11 npaBHJI Coe,l\Hl1ennbIX illTaToB H Pocc1iHcKoH

CmambR 5. M epbl no 06ecnetJeuu10 oeucm6euuocmu Coz.11ameuua KIDK.llan Cropona Mo:>KeT npe,l\11pmmTh mo6b1e .ueiicTBIDI, cooTBCTCTBYIOIUHe ee 3aKOHO,llaTCJlbCTBY H upaBHJiaM, Heo6xO.LUIMbie .Um! o6ecne11eHJU1 ,l\CHCTBCHHOCTH nacTm1mero CorJiarne1rnJ1.

CmambR. 6. qpe36bl•taUHble .Mepbt

Ecmt IIpaeHTe.'IbCTBO Coe.LUIHCHilblX illTaToB ycTa110.BnT 1 'ITO aKTWiecIKHJI, ym13aimoro B IlpuJio:>Kenm1 A, HJIH 6oenp1macoe, noMH~IO Tex, K~TOpbie yKaaaIIbI B IlpuJio:>Kemrn Ii, nanocHT ymep6 HJIH yrpoJIK.lly Coem111enHbIMH illTaTaMH AMepIIKH H CoJ030M CooeTc1mx Cou1mJiucTH'lec1mx Pecny6mm, no.1umcaimb1M B Bam11urrone 1 mom1 1990 nma, c n11ccc11111>1MH n:1MClll'llUJIMH, B1WJ-lc11111>1M u .11ci1cT1111e MC:>l1MH UharaMH Am~pttKH H PuccnikKoii 1x UlTaToB 6y.ueT KoncyJihTHpoBaThCH c DpamtTeJibCTBOM PoccnikKoii

BBH.llY 11pe3BbI'IaHttoii curyau1rn, HC3aMl'/J,JJUTeJibJlblC KOUCYJlbTaQHH, npe.uwecrny10lll)le 4 npmunlllO TaJK)'TC.H ueno3MO)KIIhIMH, IlpanHTeJibcrno Coe,ll1ll1ennh1x lllrnToB KoucyJibnrpycrc.11 c IlpaBHTeJThcrnoM Pocc11ncKoi1 e,Aepaunn Ka.K Mmrmo cKopee noc.1e np1m.11nm YKa3aHJihlX Mep.

Cmami.a ]. HaMeueuua CorJiame1rne MO)l(eT 6hITb H3Meueuo no nncbMemmMy corJiacmo Cropou.

C mami.a 8. H enpw11e11enue 1w.110JKeuuu Coviameuua K mo6apaM., uaxoo.m~U.MCR 110 ma.MO)lce111IOU meppumopuu CIHA I lacToHll\ee Con1ame1rnc 11c :i;rqianmaeT Hc110;111c11m1 1m1rqnuCJlbllOfO opy>KllJI IIJIH 6oenp1UtaCOB, BBe3ellllhlX HJlH BblBC3eJllJblX co CJ !) (Jic>np;urn 19!)() ro;\a BKJllO'Ul.TeJibHO.

Cmami.a 9. llpu.110;,ceuua, 6cmyn.ne11ue 6 cu.11y, 11peKpaiu,euue iJeitcm6ua Coi.;iameuua (a) Ilp1IJio:>Kemm K 11acTo.11meMy Con1ameumo .!IBJUIIOTC.!I ero 11eoTI>e.:.1JieMoii •IaCTblO. (6) HacTo»~ee Cornamenne BC'rynaeT n cn;1y c ,l\aTbl ero UOJlllilCamu1 CToponaMH. (n) KaiK.lla.11 CTopona MO}l

Coneprneno n r. Bammwroae, " " a11pe1UI 1996 r., B .llBYX Ipax ua a.IU'JifilicJ

3a IlpanHTeJibcTBo 3a IlpanHTe.I!bCTBO Coe)l1rnemlhIX llharon AMepmrn PoccfilicKoii e.nepauHn n pUJ10)Ke11ue A OiuecmpeAb1t0e opy:;Kue, paapewennoe iJAR u.11mopma 6 Coeouue11.1tble mmambt U3 Poccuuc1wu

Jlncro//eTbl/peBO.!lhBClll!l 1. HeMCUKHii IlllCTOJieT M.O,L\emt n0-8 2. CnopnmillilH IIHCTOJieT I-DK 34M Ka.11.22 3. CnoprnBnhIH IIBCTOJieT l1/K 35M Kai1.22 4. IlttcTOJieT May3ep MO.I.\. 1896 5. IlncTOJie-r MU-57-1 6. IIncrcJICT MU-1-5 7. IloJlhCY.Jffi IlllCTOJieT "Bue" MO,L\CJlb 35 8. Coee-rcKIDI peDOJlbBep "Haratt" 9. Cnopnrnnb1ii m1cTOJieT T03 3.5 KaJI.22

Jl!IH_TQ}Jf(l_l 1 . B1111Tom«t "fo1pc-ti" co c1<0111>:JHHUIJ1I aaTBopoM 2. C11opTnn11;u1 mmTomnaTJ1011" 1«u1 .22LR 3. A11r1mwcK:ui BHllTOBKa "::Jmlm;1.1.l" 4. C11op111B11ru1 unnrom

llpUJlOJKeuue B

Boenpunacbt, 3anpew,euu1>1e o.11a u.Mnopma o Coeow1eum,1e HImambt ua PoccuiicKoii

1. 5oeupuuac I

Russian Federation on Exports ofFirearms and Ammunition from the Russian Federation to the United

States ofAmerica, signed at Washington on April 3, 1996 (the "Agreement"). Article 7 ofthe

Agreement provides that it may be amended by written agreement ofthe Parties.

The Government ofthe United States ofAmerica proposes that Annex A ofthe Agreement be amended by adding the 7 4 types offirearms on the enclosed list.

Consistent with Article 4 of the Agreement, the Department wishes to emphasize that addition of these types of firearms to Annex A does not constitute a determination, in any given case, that a particular firearm is eligible for importation under relevant U.S. laws and regulations.

Ifthis proposal is acceptable to the Government ofthe Russian Federation, the Department proposes that this note and the Embassy's note in reply shall constitute an agreement between the two governments that shall enter into force on the date ofthe Embassy's reply.

Enclosure: List offirearms to be added to Annex A

Department ofState

Washington, 25 June 2003

DIPLOMATIC NOTE Additions to Annex A

PISTOLS LIST State Unitary Enterprise °Konstruktorskoye Buro Priborostroyeniya", Gorod Tula 1.19­ MTS 440 Pistol .32 1.20 MTs 57-1 Pistol 5.6mrn 1.21 MTs 59-1 Pistol 5.6rnm 1.22 MTS 1-5 Pistol S.6rnm Joint Stock Company - Tula Armament Works 1.25 TOZ-3SM Starter pistol 5.6rnm proizvolniy Joint Stock Company Izhevsky Mashinostroitelniy Zavod 1. 26 Biathlon-7k Pistol .22 . 22WMR

I RIFLES LIST Izhevsky Mekhanichesky Zavod State Enterprise 2.1 Sever Double barrel 2.2 Izh-18MN Single barrel break action rifle 2.3 MR-251 Over/under rifle 2.4 MR-221 Double barrel rifle 2.5 MR-141K Rifle 2.6 MR-161K Rifle State Unitary Enterprise Konstruktorskoye Buro Priborostroyeneiya Gorod Tula 2.7 MTs 116-1 Rifle 7.62x51 2.8 MTs 116M Rifle 7.62x51 2.9 MTS 112-02 Rifle 5.6 2.10 MTS 115.1 Rifle 7. 62mm 2.11 MTS 113-02 Rifle 5.6 2.12 MTs 105-01 Combination gun S.6x39/20 ga 2.13 MTs 105-05 Combination gun 20ga/7.62x54 2.14 MTs 7-17 Combination gun 12ga/7.62x51 2.15 MTs 7-12-07 Rifle-shotgun 12ga-7.62x51 2.16 MTS 7-07 Rifle 7.62x51 2.17 MTs 109-12-07 Rifle-shotgun 12ga-7.62x51 2.18 MTs 109-07 Rifle 7.62x51 2.19 MTs 106-07 Combination gun 12ga/7.62x54 2.20 MTs 19-97 Rifle 7.62x51 2.21 MTs 19-09 Rifle 9.3x64

1 2.22 MTs 18-3M Semiauto rifle .22 2.23 MTs 125 Serniauto rifle 7.62x51 2.24 MTs 126 Semiauto rifle 7.62x51 2.25 MTs 127 Semiauto rifle 5.6x39 2.26 Berkut-2 Semiauto rifle 7.62x51 2.27 Berkut-2Ml Semiauto rifle 7.62x54 2.28 Berkut-3 Semiauto rifle 9x53 2.29 Berkut-2-1 Serniauto rifle 7.62x51 2.30 Berkut-2M2 Semiauto rifle 7.62x54R 2.31 Berkut-3-1 Semiauto rifle 9x53 2.32 Ots-25 Semiauto rifle 7.62x39 2.33 MTs 20-07 Rifle 7.62x51 Joint Share Company Izhevsky Mashinostroitelny Zavod 2.34 LOS-7-1 bolt action 7.62 sporting rifle 2.35 LOS-7-2 bolt action 9.53 I sporting rifle ' 2.36 LOS-9-1 9.3X64 2.37 Sobol Bolt action .22 (Sable) sporting rifle 22WMR 2.38 Record 2.39 Bars-4-1 Bolt Action 5.6 sporting rifle 2.40 Saiga Serniauto 5.6 7.62 .222.223 2.41 Saiga-M Semiauto 5.6 7.62 .222.223 2.42 Saiga-308 Semiauto 7.62 Saiga-308-1 Saiga 308-2 2.43 Saiga-9 Semiauto 9x53R 2.45 Korshun Semiauto .22 .22WMR 2.46 Ural-5-1 .22 Ural-6-1 Ural-6-1 2.47 SM-2 Bolt Action .22 SM-2-1 Target rifle 2.48 Biatlon-7-3 Bolt Action .22 Biatlon-7-4 Target rifle 2.50 Rekord-1 Bolt action 7.62X54 Record-2 target rifle Rekord-CISM

2 2.51 Rekord-1-308 Bolt action 7.62x51 Rekord-2-308 target rifle Rekord-308 CISM 2.52 Vepr Semiauto 7.62X39 5.45x39 .308 Win . 223 Rem . .30-06 .300 Win Mag .338 Lapua 2.53 Vepr-Super Semiauto 7.62X39 5.45x39 .308 Win .223 Rem . . 30-06 .300 Win Mag .338 Lapua 2.54 Vepr-Pioner Semiauto 7.62X39 5.45x39 .223 .222 2.55 Vepr-Safari Semiauto 7.62x39 5.45x39 .308 .223 .30-06 .300 Win Mag .338 Lapua 2.56 TOZ 109 7.62x51 2.57 KO 44-1 7.62X53 2.58 T03 78-01 Bolt Action .22 2.59 KO 44 7.62x53 2.62 T03 99 Semiauto .22 2.63 T03 99-01 Semiauto .22 2.64 T03 55-01 Zubr Double Barrel 9.53 2.65 T03 55-2 Zubr Double Barrel 9.53 2.66 T03 120 Zubr Double Barrel 5.6x39 7.62x51 9x53 2.67 MTs 111 Double Barrel 7.62x51 7.62x53 9.53 2.68 MTs 109 Double Barrel 5.6x39 Combination 7.62x51 7.62x53 9x53 2.69 TOZ 122 .223 Rem

3 5.6x39 7.62x53 7.62x51 9x53 2.70 TOZ 125 Semiauto 6.5x39 7.62x51 9. 3x64 2.71 TOZ 28 Triple Barrel 5.6x39 7.62x53 7x57R 7x65R 2.72 TOZ 300 Triple Barrel 5.6x39 7.62x53 7x57R 7x65R 8x57

Note: Numbers in left column represent the numbers assigned to each item in the original Russian proposal.


N~ /(}

TioconhCTBO PoccHlicKoli e.nepan;HH B Coe,D,HHeHHhIX lllTaTax

AMepHKH CBH,D,eTenhCTByeT CBOe yBa)KeHHe rocy.napcTBeHHOM)'

,[(errapTaMeHTy Coe,D,HHeHHhIX lIITaToB AMepHKH H HMeeT qecTh

IIO,D,TBep,D,HTh aMepHKaHCKYJO HOTy OT 25 HIOIDI 2003 r. cne.nyrom;ero


'Tocy.napCTBeHHhIB ,ll;errapTaMeHT OTChmaeT TioCOnhCTBO

PoccHHCKOH e.nepan;HH K rreperrHcKe Me)K.ny Coe,D,HHeHHhIMH

lllTaTaMH AMepHKH H PoccHlicKoli e.nepan;Heli OTHOCHTenhHO

B03MO)KHOro BHeceHIDI rrorrpaBOK B CornameHHe Me)K)J,y


TipaBHTenhCTBOM PoccHlicKoli e.nepan;HH 06 3KCIIOpTe

orHecrpenhHoro opy)KIDI H 6oerrpHrracoB H3 PoccHHCKOH e.nepan;HH

B Coe.nHHeHHhie IllTaThI AMepHKH, rro.nrrHcaHHoe B BamHHITOHe

3 arrpeIDI 1996 (.nanee - CornameHHe). CTaTMI 7 CornameHIDI

rrpe.nycMaTpHBaeT B03MO)KHOCTh BHeCeHIDI rrorrpaBOK rrocpe,D,CTBOM

IIHChMeHHoro cornameHH}I CTopoH.


Ilpa.BHTem,cTBO Coe,n;HHeHHMX lllTaTOB AMepHKH rrpe,n;.n:araeT

BHeCTH rrorrpaBKH B IlpHJio)KeHHe A K CornameHHIO, ,n;orronHHB ero 74

BH.ZJ;aMH orHeCTPen1>Horo op)')KIDI, YKa.3aHHhIMH B rrpmiaraeMoM


PYKOBO,ZJ;CTBYHCb CTaTbeH 4 CornameHIDI, roc,n;errapTaMeHT

XOTen 61>1 IIO.ZJ;llepKffYTb, tfTO BKil!OlieHHe 3THX BH,n;OB orHeCTPeilbHOfO op)')KIDI B IlpHJio)KeHHe A B Ka)K.ZJ;OM cnyqae He 03HaqaeT 3aKnIOlieHHH


3aKOHaM H rrpaBHJiaM CIIIA ,n;TIH HMrropTa.

EcnH TaKoe rrpe,n;.n:o)KeHHe HBTIHeTCH IIpHeMneMblM .ZJ;IlH flpaBHTeJibcTBa PoccHHCKOH e,n;epan;HH, r OC,ZJ;errapTaMeHT rrpe,n;naraeT CliHTaTb ,n;aHffYIO HOTy H OTBeTHYIO HOTy IloconbCTBa cocTaBHhIMH qacTHMH CornameHIDI Me)K,n;y .ZJ;BYMH rrpaBHTenI>CTBaMH,

KOTOpoe BCTYfiHT B CHJiy c MOMeHTa rrepe,n;aqH OTBeTHOH HOTbl



BKilIO'tiaeMI>IX B IlpHJio)KeHHe A."

B CBH3H c BbIIIIeH3IlO)KeHHbIM flocon1>cTBO HMeeT qecT:& coo6III.HTb o cornacHH IlpaBHTen1>cTBa PoccHHCKOH e,n;epan;HH c

YKa.3aHHbIMH ,n;orronHeHIDIMH H HCXO.ZJ;HT H3 Toro, liTO HOTa rocy,n;apCTBeHHOfO }.l;errapTaMeHTa OT 25 HIOHH 2003 f. H HaCTOHIII.aH

HOTa cocTaBHT CornameHHe Me)K.ZJ;y IlpaBHTenbcTBOM PoccHHCKOH

e,n;epan;HH H IlpaBHTeJibcTBoM Coe,n;HHeHHblX lllTaTOB AMepHKH o

BHeceHHH ,n;orronHeHHH B CornaIIIeHHe Me)K.ZJ;y IlpaBHTenI>CTBOM

PoccHHCKOH e,n;epan;HH li IlpaBHTenbCTBOM Coe,n;HHeHHbIX lllTaTOB

AMepHKH 06 3KcrropTe oraecTPen1>Horo op)')KIDI H 6oerrpHrracoB H3 3

Pocc11licKoli e.nepa:u;HH B Coe,n11HeHHbie lliTaT1>1 AMepHKH OT

3 anpeIDI 1996 r., KOTopoe BCT)'IlHT B cmiy c ,naTbI nonyqeHmi: f'ocy,napcTBeHHbIM ,z::(enapTaMeHTOM HaCTmu:u;eli HOTbI, B CBX3H c qeM

IlocOJibCTBO npOCHT f'ocy.napcTBeHHbIH ,z::(enapTaMeHT IlO)l;TBep,nHTb

,nary ee nonyqeHmi:.

IlocOJibCTBO IlOJih3yeTC.sI cnyqaeM, qTo6bI B0306HOBHTb f'ocy,napcTBeHHOMY ,z::(enapTaMeHT)' yBepeHIDI B CBOeM BeCbMa


IlpiuIO)KeHHe: CilHCOK BH.n;OB ornecTPeJibHOro opy)KIDI, BKmoqaeMbIX B IlpHJIO)KeHHe A.

l/ "MapTa 2004 ,D;onoJIHeHHe KTipHJIO)KeHmo A K CornameHmo MeiK.lJY TipaBHTenbCTBOM PoccH:HcKo:H e,z:i:epan;HH H TipasHTenbCTBOM Coe.ri:HHeHHbIX lllTaToB AMepHKH 06 JKcnopTe ornecTpenbHoro op)')KWI H 6oenpHnacos H3 PoccH:HcKo:H e,z:i:epan;HH B CoeAHHeHHLie lllTaTbI AMepHKH OT 3 anpeJUI 1996 r. ilHCTOJieTbI:

1. CnopTHBHhIH nHcTorreT :MIJ, 440 2. CnopTHBHbI:H nHCToner :MIJ, 57-1 3. CnopTHBHbIH IlHCTorrer :MIJ, 59-1 4. CnopmBHblli IlHCTOJier :MIJ, 1-5 5. CnopTHBHblli nHcroner T03 35-M 6. CnopmBHblli IlHCTOJier "liHaTnoH - 7K"


1. ~YCTBOnbHoe p)')Kbe "Cesep" 2. Pyxcr,e IDK-18J\.fr.I 3. ~YCTBOnhHoe p)')Kbe MP-251 4. ~YCTBOJibHoe p)')Kbe MP-221 5. Kapa6HH MP-141 K 6. Kapa6HHMP-161 K 7. BHHTOBKa CilOpmBHWI :MlJ, 116-1 8. BHHTOBKa cnopTHBHWI ~ 116 M 9. BHHTOBKa :MIJ, 112-02 10. BHHTOBKa:MlJ, 115-1 11. BHHTOBKa:MlJ, 113-02 12. Pyxcr,e :MIJ, 105-01 13. Pyxcr,e :MIJ; 105-05 14. fy)Khe~7-17 15. Pyxa.e :MIJ; 7-12-07 16. Pyxa.e :rvrn; 7-07 17. Pyxa.e:rvnJ; 109-12-07 18. Pyxa.e :rvrn; 109-07 19. Pyxa.e :MIJ; 106-07 20. Kapa6HH :MIJ; 19-97 21. Kapa6HH :MIJ; 19-09 22. Kapa6HH :MIJ; 18-3M 23. Kapa6HH :MIJ; 125 24. Kapa6HH :MIJ; 126 25. Kapa6HH:MIJ; 127 26. Kapa6HH "Bepeyr-2" 2

27. Kapa6HH 11Eep:eyr-2Ml 11 28. Kapa6HH 11Eep:eyr-3 11 29. Kapa6HH ''Eep:eyr-2-1 11 30. Kapa6HH 11Eep:eyr-2M2 11 31. Kapa6HH 11Eep:eyr-3-1 11 32. Kapa6HH OIJ;-25 33. Kapa6HH WJ; 20-07 34. Kapa6HH "JlocL-7-1 11 35. Kapa6HH 11JlocL-7-2" 36. Kapa6HH 11JlocL-9-1" 37. Kapa6HH 11 Co60Jlb 11 38. Kapa6HH 11PeKop.n" 11 39. Kapa6HH Eapc-4-l 11 40. Kapa6HH "Caiira11 41. Kapa6HH 11 Caiira-M11 42. Kapa6HH "Caiira-308", "Caiira-308-1 ", "CaH:ra-308-2" 43. Kapa6HH 11 Ca:Hra-9" 44. Kapa6HH "KopmyH" 45. BHHTOBKH CIIOJITHBHLie 11Ypan-5-1", "Ypan-6-1", 11Ypan-6-2" 46. BmrroBKH cnopnmHLie CM-2, CM-2-1 47. BmrroBKH cnopnmHLie "EHaTJIOH-7-3 ", 11EHaTJIOH-7-4 11 48. BmrroBKH cnopnmHLie 11PeKop.n-l ", 11PeKop.n-2", "PeKop,n-CISM" 11 49. BmrroBKH cnopnmHLie "PeKop.n-1-308", "PeKop.n-2-308 , "PeKop.n-308-CISM" 50. BmrroBKa "BenpL" 51. BmrroBKa "BenpL - Cynep" 52. BmrroBKa "BenpL - IhmHep" 53. BmrroBKa "BenpL- CaapH" 54. Kapa6HH T03-109 55. Kapa6HHK044-1 56. Kapa6HHT03-78-01 57. Kapa6HH K0-44 58. Kapa6HH T03 99 59. Kapa6HH T03 99-01 60. ~,nsycmoJThHoe T03 55-01 "3y6p" 11 61. ~ ,nsycmoJThHoe T03 55-2 "3y6p 11 62. ~ ,nsycmoJThHoe T03 120 "3y6p 63. fy)Kbe .nBYCTBOJThHOe WJ; 111 64. fy)Kbe .nBYCTBOJILHoe WJ; 109 65. Kapa6HH T03 122 66. Kapa6HH T03 125 67. fy)Kbe 'I'peXCTBOJILHoe T03 28 68. ~ 'I'peXCTBOJThHOe T03 300 Unofficial translation

The Embassy of the Russian Federation to the United States of America presents its compliments to the United States Department of State and has the honor to confirm the US diplomatic note of June 25, 2003 that reads:

"The Department of State refers the Embassy of the Russian Federation to communications between the United States of America and the Russian Federation regarding possible amendments to the Agreement Between the Government of the United States of America and the Government ofthe Russian Federation on Exports of Firearms and Ammunition from the Russian Federation to the United States of America, signed at Washington on April 3, 1996 (the "Agreement"). Article 7 of the Agreement provides that it may be amended by written agreement of the Parties. The Government of the United States of America proposes that Annex A of the Agreement be amended by adding the 74 types of firearms on the enclosed list. Consistent with Article 4 of the Agreement, the Department wishes to emphasize that addition of these types of firearms to Annex A does not constitute a determination, in any given case, that a particular firearm is eligible for importation under relevant U.S. laws and regulations.

DEPARTMENT OF STATE OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA Washington, D.C. NOTE: This is an unofficial translation provided by the Government of the Russian Federation. When the official English translation becomes available, it will be added to this publication. 2

If this proposal is acceptable to the Government of the Russian Federation, the Department proposes that this note and the Embassy's note in reply shall constitute an agreement between the two governments that shall enter into force on the date of the Embassy's reply. Enclosure: to be added to Annex A."

In view of the above the Embassy has the honor to inform the US side that the Government of the Russian Federation agrees to the mentioned additions and proceeds from the assumption that the note of the Department of the State of June 25, 2003 and this note will constitute the Agreement Between the Government of the Russian Federation and the Government of the United States of America on Additions to the Agreement Between the Government of the Russian Federation and the Government of the United States of America on Exports of Firearms and Ammunition from the Russian Federation to the United States of America signed on April 3, 1996, which shall enter into force on the date of the State Department's receipt of this note. In light of this the Embassy wishes to request that the State Department confirm the date of the receipt of this note. The Embassy avails itself of the opportunity to renew to the Department of State the assurances of its highest consideration. Enslosure: List of firearms to be added to Annex A.

Washington, D.C., March" L; ", 2004 Additions to Annex A to the Agreement Between the Government of the Russian Federation and the Government of the United States of America on Exports of Firearms and Ammunition from the Russian Federation to the United States of America signed on April 3, 1996


1. MTs 440 Pistol 2 . MTs 57-1 Pistol 3. MTs 59-1 Pistol 4 . MTs 1-5 Pistol 5. TOZ-35M Starter pistol 6. Biathlon-7k Pistol


1. Sever Double barrel 2. Izh-18MN Single barrel break action rifle 3. MR-251 Over/under rifle 4 . MR-221 Double barrel rifle 5. MR-141K Rifle 6 . MR-161K Rifle 7 . MTs 116-1 Rifle 8 . MTs 116M Rifle 9. MTs 112-02 Rifle 10. MTs 115-1 Rifle 11. MTs 113-02 Rifle 12. MTs 105-01 Combination gun 2

13. MTs 105-05 Combination gun 14. MTs 7-17 Combination gun 15. MTs 7-12-07 Rifle- shotgun 16. MTs 7-07 Rifle 17. MTs 109-12­ Rifle- 07 shotgun 18. MTs 109-07 Rifle 19. MTs 106-07 Combination gun 20. MTs 19-97 Rifle 21. MTs 19-09 Rifle 22. MTs 18-3M Semiauto rifle 23. MTs 125 Semiauto rifle 24. MTs 126 Semiauto rifle 25. MTs 127 Semiauto rifle 26. Berkut-2 Semiauto rifle 27. Berkut-2Ml Semiauto rifle 28. Berkut-3 Semiauto rifle 29. Berkut-2-1 Semiauto rifle 30. Berkut-2M2 Semiauto rifle 31. Berkut-3-1 Semiauto rifle 32. Ots-25 Semiauto rifle 33. MTs 20-07 Rifle 3

34. LOS-7-1 bolt action sporting rifle 35. LOS-7-2 bolt action sporting rifle 36. LOS-9-1 bolt action sporting rifle 37. Sobol Bolt action (Sable) sporting rifle 38. Rekord Semiauto rifle 39. Bars-4-1 Bolt Action sporting rifle 40. Saiga Semiauto

41. Saiga-M Semiauto

42. Saiga-308 Semiauto Saiga-308-1 Saiga 308-2 43. Saiga-9 Semiauto 4 4 . Korshun Semiauto 45. Ural-5-1 Rifle Ural-6-1 Ural-6-2 46. SM-2 Bolt Action SM-2-1 Target rifle 47. Biatlon-7-3 Bolt Action Biatlon-7-4 Target rifle 48. Rekord-1 Bolt action Rekord­ 2 target rifle Rekord-CISM 4

49. Rekord-1-308 Bolt action Rekord-2-308 target rifle Rekord-308 CISM 50. Vepr Semiauto 51. Vepr-Super Semiauto 52. Vepr-Pioner Semiauto 53. Vepr-Safari Semiauto 54. TOZ 109 Semiauto 55. KO 44-1 Semiauto 56. TOZ 78-01 Bolt Action 57. KO 44 Semiauto 58. TOZ 99 Semiauto 59. TOZ 99-01 Semiauto 60. TOZ 55-01 Double Zubr Barrel 61. TOZ 55-2 Double Zubr Barrel 62. TOZ 120 Zubr Double Barrel 63. MTs 111 Double Barrel 64. MTs 109 Double Barrel Combination 65. TOZ 122 Semiauto 66. TOZ 125 Semiauto 67. TOZ 28 Triple Barrel 68. TOZ 300 Triple Barrel