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Law School Bulletins 1905-2000 Academics

9-1-1930 Bulletin of Information 1930-1931 Fordham Law School

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The School is located on the twenty-eighth floor of the Woolworth Building, in the center of the office district, in the vicinity of the Federal and State Courts, and within a few minutes' walk of the Brooklyn Bridge, the Subways, all the Elevated lines, the New Jer- sey Ferries and the Hudson Tunnels.

A section of the Eveninjr School is conducted also on the Uni- versity grounds, Fordham Road, New York.


The office of the Registrar of the Law School in the Woolworth

Building, 233 Broadway, New York, is open during every business day of the year. Information regarding the requirements of the School for entrance, for degree and for admission to the bar, may be obtained upon application.

For further information, address


Woolworth Building



Academic Year 1930-1931


THE REV. WILLIAM J. DUANE, S.J., Ph.D President THE REV. JOHN X. PYNE, S.J., Regent and Professor of Jurisprudence IGNATIUS M. WILKINSON, A.M., LL.B., LL.D, Dean and Professor of Law

I. MAURICE WORMSER, A.B., LL.B., LL.D. . . . Professor of Law JOHN T. LOUGHRAN, LL.B., LL.D Professor of Law WALTER B. KENNEDY, A.M., LL.B Professor of Law FREDERICK L. KANE, A.M., LL.B ProfessorofLaw JOHN A. BLAKE, A.B., LL.B Professor of Law

FRANCIS J. MacINTYRE, A.M., LL.B. . Associate Professor of Law

LLOYD M. HOWELL, A.B., LL.B. . . . Associate Professor of Law

RAYMOND D. O'CONNELL, A.B., LL.B. . Associate Professor of Lara

EDMOND B. BUTLER, A.M., LL.B. . . Associate Professor of Law JOHN F. X. FINN, A.B., LL.B Associate Professor of Law

JOHN S. ROBERTS, Ph.D., LL.B. . . . Associate Professor of Law

ARTHUR A. McGIVNEY, A.M., LL.B. . . Associate Professor of Law

GEORGE W. BACON, A.B., LL.B. . . . Associate Prof essor of Law

EDWARD Q. CARR, A.B., LL.B. . . . Associate Prof essor of Law JOSEPH L. MELVIN, LL.B Lecturer in Law WILLIAM J. O'SHEA, Jr., A.B., LL.B Lecturer in Law THOMAS F. HENNESSY, A.B., LL.B Lecturer in Law EUGENE J. KEEFE, A.B., LL.B Lecturer in Law JULIAN A. RONAN, A.M., LL.B Lecturer in Law 4 Fordham University

MORGAN J. O'BRIEN, 2d, A.B., LL.B Lecturer in Law

JOHN F. KEATING, A.B., LL.B. . . Lecturer in Law WILLIAM R. MEAGHER, A.B., LL.B. Lecturer in Law

THOMAS E. KERWIN, A.B., LL.B. . Lecturer in Law

GEORGE A. BROOKS, A.B., LL.B. . Lecturer in Law

VICTOR S. KILKENNY, A.B., LL.B. . Lecturer in Law



The design of the School is to afford a practical and scientific education in the principles of General Jurisprudence. The Common and Statute Law of the United States. The System of Equity Jurisprudence. Pleading and Civil Procedure at Common Law and under the Practice Acts of New York, New Jersey and Connecticut. The Course for the degree of Bachelor of Laws covers three years.

The case system of study is used. Under this method carefully selected collections of cases are employed as the basis of instruction, the object being to teach the student to deduce legal principles from reported cases, to apply these principles to other cases, and so to de- velop the power of legal analysis and accurate reasoning by the use of actual decisions of the courts.

Although the aim of the School is to train its students so that they may be qualified to practice law in any common law jurisdiction, special care is taken throughout the course to indicate in each sub- ject the peculiarities of the law of New York. Particular attention

is called to the following courses, which have special bearing on the New York law:

1. Common Law and Code Pleading.—In this course the prin- ciples of common law and code pleading are taught, and the chief similarities and differences between common law pleading and code

pleading (which is in force in New York) are explained. School of Law 5

2. New York Civil Practice.—This course embraces a thor- ough study of the New York Civil Practice Act.

A comprehensive course in Analytical Jurisprudence is conducted which gives due consideration to the ethical and historical aspects of the problems with which the philosophy of the law is concerned.

It is believed that the courses of the School are so arranged as to unite a sound training in the fundamental principles of the law with a training in the practical application of these principles to actual legal work.

Courses in New Jersey Practice and Connecticut Practice re- spectively are given throughout the year. Either of these courses may be substituted for the New York Practice course by third year students; and, by arrangement with the Registrar, all students may take either of these courses specially, provided there be no conflict with regular courses.


The School of Law is open to men and women. Applicants for degrees must be at least eighteen years of age upon entering the first year course, must be of good moral character and must present:

1. A certificate of graduation from a University or College ap- proved by the Board of Regents of the University of the State of New York; or,

2. A certificate showing successful completion of two years of college work, in a college or university of standing satisfactory to the School of Law, and proof of having obtained a law student quali- fying certificate as required by the University of the State of New York and the Rules of the Court of Appeals.

Any applicant who has attended any other law school and has been required to withdraw therefrom, for deficiency in scholarship, will not be admitted to this school.

It should be noted that the University of the State of New York requires certification to it, on its own forms, of completed high school and college work before its law student qualifying certificate will be issued. Applicants are advised, therefore, to obtain such forms as soon as possible from the Examinations and Inspections Division, State Department of Education, Albany, New York, to have same filled out promptly by the high school or college in which the appli- cant pursued his preliminary studies and returned to the same de- 6 Fordha.m University

partment, to secure said certificate. Otherwise serious delay in ob- taining the necessary credentials may ensue. As provided in the Rules of the Court of Appeals, of the State of New York, completion of two full years of college study or the equivalent thereof, in addi-

tion to graduation from an approved high school, is necessary for the procurement of the law student certificate.

The Department of Education issues annually a publication known as "Handbook 27," which contains full information as to the institutions recognized by the University of the State of New York, and the courses which are accepted as college equivalents. Applica- tion for such publication should be made directly to such department.


Students complying with the foregoing requirements for admis- sion to the School, who have, in addition, successfully pursued the study of law for at least one academic year in a law school main- taining standards satisfactory to the School of Law, and duly regis- tered by the University of the State of New York, may, on sub- mission of a proper certificate showing successful completion of such work, be admitted to advanced standing. No student will be ad- mitted to advanced standing beyond the second year without the special permission of the Dean.


A limited number of persons, having a law student qualifying certificate, issued by the University of the State of New York, but not otherwise qualified for admission as hereinabove set forth, will be accepted as special students, not candidates for a degree, on present- ing such evidence as the School may require of their fitness to study law. Generally, such students must be qualified by reason of age and other experience so as not to impede the work of the class. The admission of such students, however, is not encouraged.

The attention of applicants under this classification, who intend to seek admission to the Bar of New York, is called to Rule IV of the Rules of the Court of Appeals for the Admission of Attorneys, which provides that applicants for admission to the bar, who have not received the degree of an accredited law school, must have pur- sued the study of law for four years.

Arrangements may be made also by students who desire to pur- sue specially one or more courses at regular lecture hours. School of Law 7


Every candidate for the degree of Bachelor of Laws is required to take all the courses of the- three years, except that third year stu- dents may elect any one of the Practice Courses.


Every applicant for admission to the School must appear in per- son at the office of the Registrar in the Woolworth Building to fill out the necessary application blank and to file the required credentials.

The Registrar will receive such applications from the third Mon- day in June until the opening of classes in September.

Students will not be registered under abbreviated or colloquial forms of recognized names. The registered name of the student will be entered on all certificates and degrees of the School, except in case of obvious error, or where the student shall have filed with the School a duly certified copy of an order of a court of competent jurisdiction permitting a change of name, and proof, satisfactory to the School, of compliance with the terms, if any, of such order.

All students already enrolled in the School must register per- sonally at. the Registrar's office prior to the commencement of the school year. Students eligible to enter the third year class must appear for this purpose on the Monday preceding the opening of classes between 9 a. m. and 5 p. m. Students eligible to enter the second year class must appear for this purpose on the Wednesday preceding the opening of classes between the same hours.

Any student who fails to appear as above required will not be admitted to classes without the special permission of the Dean.

Matriculation in course is not permitted in the second semester. Special students, however, may register for courses which are con- ducted during the second semester only.

The School does not conduct any courses during the summer.


The admission, continuance upon the rolls, and graduation of every student is subject always to the full disciplinary power of the School of Law. Furthermore, since a student may be or become undesirable without being subject to disciplinary action, the School reserves the right to require any student to withdraw at any time s Fordham University without cause, and without assigning any reason for such action. In such case an honorable dismissal will be given and a rebate of any tuition fee paid will be made pro rata for the unexpired term.


Written examinations are held at the end of each semester in all subjects completed therein and as essential parts thereof. Class- room work, so far as practicable, is also a determinant of general standing.

Examinations are conducted on every week-day. The hours of examination for all classes will be from 4.00 p. m. to 7.00 p. m., except that the hours on Saturdays will be from 3.00 p. m. to

6.00 p. m.

Excessive absences from lectures will bar the student from examination.

Students must present themselves for examination at the ex- amination held immediately upon completion of every subject unless excused by the Dean. Omission to do so will constitute a failure of such examination by the student.

The standing of students will be indicated by the letters A, B, C, D and F, signifying Excellent, Good, Fair, Poor and Failure respectively. A paper of exceptional merit will be marked A-(-.

A grade of D or better constitutes a passing mark in any subject.

To continue in good scholastic standing, however, a student must maintain a weighted average grade of at least C in every scholastic year. Failure to do so will require the student's withdrawal from the School.

Failed or omitted examinations aggregating more than two major courses or their equivalent will constitute a failed year. In such case, also, the student's withdrawal from the School will be required.

Failed or omitted examinations aggregating not more than two major courses or the equivalent may be retaken, in the case of first and second year subjects, at the next regular examinations only, and in the case of third year subjects at conditioned examinations only, held on the five days immediately following Labor Day. If again failed or omitted, the student will be required to repeat the subject. School of Law 9

Failure to pass or omission to take the first examination offered in a repeated course will require the student's withdrawal from the School. LAW LIBRARY

The library is located on the Broadway front of our quarters, with steady natural light by day, and the most modern system of shaded artificial light for evening work.

The location of the space, on the twenty-eighth floor, looking east, with an unbroken view for many miles, and with quiet assured by the height above the street and the solid walls separating the library from the other rooms, all contribute to its attractiveness.

The library is open throughout the year to the students of the School of Law and its alumni after 9.00 a. m.

A library for the use of the University section of the Evening Division is maintained in the new Library Building on the Univer- sity grounds. Students in this section have the privilege also of using the library in the Woolworth Building.


In every class the student attaining the highest average in reci- tations and examinations throughout the year will be awarded a prize of fifty dollars ($50.00) in gold.

A prize, known as the Chapix Prize, consisting of the in- come of the sum of two thousand dollars ($2,000), established by the will of Mrs. Mary Knox Chapin, widow of Professor H. Gerald Chapin, who for man)' years and until his death was a member of the faculty of the School, is awarded annually to that graduate of the School who has attained the highest average in his studies throughout the full course at the School. This prize amounts to one hundred dollars. ADMISSION TO THE NEW YORK BAR

The New York State Bar Examinations are open at once to all graduates of the School who are citizens of the United States and for six months actual residents of this State.

Under the revised rules of the Court of Appeals of New York, candidates, passing the bar examinations, who are college graduates are eligible for admission to practice upon satisfying the require- ments of the proper committee on Character and Fitness, and upon 10 PORDHAM UNIVERSITY

completion of the service of a regular clerkship in the office of a practicing attorney for a period of six months after successfully taking the bar examinations. In the case of non-college graduates, the required period of clerkship is one year. Six months of this time may be served before taking the bar examinations and six months thereof must be served after successfully taking the same. At the student's option, successful completion of a fourth year of law study in an accredited law school may be substituted for the first six month's period. COM MENCEM ENT

The Annual Commencement of the School of Law will be held at Fordham on Tuesday, June 10, 1930.


The first term of the academic year 1930-1931 will begin on Monday, September 22, 1930, and end on Friday, January 30, 1931.

The second term will begin on Monday, February 2, 1931, and end on Tuesday, June 2, 1931. Classes will not be held on any legal holiday, the Friday following Thanksgiving Day, All Saints' Day, the Feast of the Immaculate Conception and Ascension Day.

The Christmas recess will begin after the close of lectures on Tuesday, December 23, 1930, and classes will be resumed on Monday,

January 5, 1931 ; the Easter recess will begin after lectures on

Wednesday, April 1, 1931, and classes will be resumed on Tuesday,

April 7, 1931. FEES

The following fees are payable:

Matriculation fee $10.00 Due upon acceptance of application for registration.

University fee $10.00 Due upon the first day of every academic year from all students.

Tuition fee, per annum $200.00

For students entering the School, one-quarter of this amount is due upon acceptance of application for registration, one-quarter upon the first day of the academic year, and the balance on February 1, following. For all other students, tuition is due one-half upon the first day of the academic year and the balance on February 1, fol- lowing. 1

School op Law 1

Graduation fee $20.00 Due at beginning of final examinations.

Conditioned examination fee $10.00 Due before taking any failed or omitted examination.

No degree is granted or certificate of attendance issued to any student who has not paid all fees due from him to the School.

No student who is in default more than two weeks in the pay- ment of any fee will be permitted to attend lectures or to take any examination during the continuance of such default.

No fee paid or any portion thereof is returnable upon a studentV withdrawal from the School. Where illness, physical disability or other extraordinary circumstance requires a student to leave, he may file with the School a written statement of the causes of such with- drawal. Thereupon the School will take under consideration the equities of the case; but in no event will any fee paid upon accep- tance of application for registration be returned.


The School does not maintain a boarding department, but infor- mation as to where board and rooms can be obtained will be fur- nished on application.


The School of Law has three divisions ; the morning division, the afternoon division, and the evening division, the work of all divisions being identical.

Once registered in a given division or section of the School, a student may not transfer, at any time, to any other division or section.

Morning School.—Classes will be held on every week-day, ex- cept Saturday, commencing at 9.30 o'clock.

Afternoon School.—Classes will be held on every week-day, ex- cept Saturday, commencing at 2.30 o'clock.

Evening School.—Classes will be held in the evening of every week-day except Saturday, commencing at 6 o'clock in the Wool- worth Building, and at 6.30 o'clock on the University grounds.

Class hours are subject to change at the discretion of the faculty.

The schedule may be consulted for the order of lectures. 12 Foedham University COURSE OF STUDIES Subject to change at the discretion of the faculty.


AGENCY. Professor Blake, Associate Professor Roberts and Mr. Keefe. Two hours a week, second half-year. Mechem's Cases on Agency (2d Ed.). CONTRACTS. Professor Wormser, Associate Professor Finn and Associate Professor Bacon. Four hours a week, first half-year; two hours a week, second half-year. Keener's Cases on Con- tracts; Revised Edition by Wormser and Loughran. CRIMINAL LAW AND PROCEDURE. Associate Professor How- ell, Associate Professor Bacon and Mr. O'Shea. Two hours a week, second half-year. Beale's Cases on Criminal Law (4th Ed.). DOMESTIC RELATIONS. Professor Kane, Associate Professor O'Connell and Mr. Keefe. Two hours a week, first half-year. Woodruff's Cases on Domestic Relations (3d Ed.).

JURISPRUDENCE. The Rev. John X. Pyne, S.J. Lectures, two hours a week, second half-year. Jurisprudence, Salmond (7th Ed.). PLEADING. Associate Professor Bacon and Mr. O'Shea. Two hours a week, first half-year. Ames's Cases on Pleading (2d Ed.). PROPERTY, PERSONAL AND REAL. Professor Kennedy, Pro- fessor Blake and Associate Professor Butler. Two hours a week. Kennedy's Cases on Personal Property; Blake's Cases on Real Property. TORTS. Professor Wilkinson, Associate Professor McGivney and Mr. Keating. Two hours a week. Hepburn's Cases on Torts.


BANKRUPTCY. Mr. Hennessy, Mr. Keefe and Mr. Brooks. Two hours a week, second half-year. Williston's Cases on Bankruptcy. (2d Ed.). BILLS AND NOTES. Mr. Kerwin and Mr. Brooks. Two hours a week, first half-year. Smith and Moore's Cases on Bills and Notes. (2d Ed.). School of Law 13

CORPORATIONS. Professor Wormser, Associate Professor Carr and Mr. Kerwin. Two hours a week, second half-year. Canfiehl and Wormser's Cases on Private Corporations (2d Ed.). DAMAGES. Associate Professor Howell and Associate Professor O'Connell. Two hours a week, first half-year. Russell's Cases on Damages. EQUITY. Professor Wilkinson, Associate Professor McGivney and Mr. Hennessy. Two hours a week. Ames's Cases on Equity

Jurisdiction, vol. 1. EVIDENCE. Professor Loughran, Associate Professor Howell and Associate Professor Roberts. Two hours a week. Loughran and Roberts's Cases on Evidence. REAL PROPERTY. Professor Blake, Associate Professor Roberts and Mr. Keefe. Two hours a week, first half-year. Warren's Cases on Conveyances. SALES. Professor Kane, Professor Kennedy and Associate Profes- sor Bacon. Two hours a week. Williston's Cases on Sales. WILLS. Professor Blake, Associate Professor Bacon and Associate Professor Carr. Two hours a week, second half-year. Costigan's Cases on Wills.


CONFLICT OF LAWS. Professor Kennedy, Associate Professor Maclntyre and Mr. O'Brien. Two hours a week, second half- year. Beale's Cases on Conflict of Laws. CONNECTICUT PRACTICE COURSE. Mr. Melvin. Two hours a week. CONSTITUTIONAL LAW. Professor Kennedy and Mr. Meagher. Two hours a week, first half-year. Long's Cases on Constitutional Law. EQUITY. Associate Professor Carr and Mr. Meagher. Two hours a week, first half-year. Ames's Cases on Equity Jurisdiction, vols. 1 and 2. INSURANCE. Associate Professor Howell and Associate Pro- fessor O'Connell. Two hours a week, second half-year. Wood- ruff's Cases on Insurance (2d Ed.). MORTGAGES. Professor Wormser, Mr. Hennessy and Mr. Ronan. Two hours a week, first half-year. Wormser's Cases on Mort- gages. 14 FoRDHAM UNIVERSITY

•NEW JERSEY PRACTICE COURSE. Mr. Kilkenny. Two hours a week. NEW YORK CIVIL PRACTICE ACT. Professor Loughran and Associate Professor Carr. Two hours a week. PARTNERSHIP. Professor Blake, Associate Professor Howell and Mr. Ronan. Two hours a week, first half-year. Gilmore's Cases on Partnership. (American Case Book Series.) QUASI CONTRACTS. Professor Kennedy and Mr. Ronan. Two hours a week, second half-year. Thurston's Cases on Quasi Con- tracts.

SURETYSHIP. Professor Kane and Mr. Kerwin. Two hours a week, second half-year. Ames's Cases on Suretyship. TRUSTS. Associate Professor Butler and Associate Professor Mc- Givney. Two hours a week. Scott's Cases on Trusts. School or Law 15

The Degree of BACHELOR OF LAWS was conferred upon students of the Class of 1929 as follows:

Abramson, Joseph Carroll, William A'Hearn, Charles G. Caruso, James R. Allen, Joseph J. Cassin, William F. Anderson, Thomas M. Charnow, Louis Andrew, Peter T. Choft'in, Leon D. Anner, John L. P. Cimino, John P.

Aragona, Anthony Cioffi, Joseph J., A.B. . Asciutto, S. Alfred Cirincione, Robert S. Ballinzweig, Morton J., A.B. Claps, Francis, S., B.C.S. Baltrusaitis, Francis J., A.B. Clarke, John J. Bard, Herman Cohen, Adolph Barnes, William H., A.B. Cohen, Irving Barry, Edward J. Cohen, Stanley, B.S. Bathon, Edward G. Cole, Wilton D., A.B. Bauman, Morris Coleman, Cornelius V., A.B. Baxter, Joseph A. Condren, Edward I. Bell, William J., A.B. Conlon, James B. Bennison, John F. Connelly, William C. Bent, Walter W. C, A.B. Connery, Thomas J., A.B. Berlin, Hyman Conron, Raymond D., A.B. Bernstein, Edwin T., A.B. Cooper, George Bernstein, Samuel Coppers, George H. (cum laude) Beyer, Frederick W. Corcoran, James A. Bierman, Isidore Corsini, Edward P. Bing, Helen M. Coughlin, Charles C. Block, Aaron, B.S. in S.S. Courts, John P. Blohm, William J. Cowley, Margaret C. Bonnell, James F. Coxen, Gervis J., A.B. Braunstein, Irving Covle, John L., A.B. Brewer, Thomas C, Jr., A.B. Crbake, Richard P., A.B. Brick, Francis A., Jr., A.B. Cully, Joseph F. X., A.B. Brockelbank, George H., A.B. Cuneo, Lena M. Browne, John F. Cunningham, Henry F., J r. Brussel, George, Jr. Curtayne, E. Vincent, A.B. Bruton, William P., A.B. Cusack, Thomas C, A.B. Bull, Reginald V. DaCosta, Aston A. Burke, Joseph P., A.B. Daly, George A. Burke, Thomas A., A.B. Davis, Philip Burns, Henry F. Delaney, John J. B., A.B. Burns, William T, A.B. DelGreco, Michael Butler, John F. Dennis, Joseph R., A.B. Byrne, Martin P. DeSevo, Edward Bvrne, Wilford J. DeWitt, Alan, A.M. Cahill, Daniel J., A.B. Dillon, Francis J. Campbell, Edward M., A.B. Dillon, John J. Canale, Felix G., B.S. Donaldson, George S., B.S. Cannan, Allen J., B.S. Donohue, John P., Jr., A.B. Canton, William Donohue, Thomas B. Carlos, William J. Donovan, William S. Carroll, Joseph P., A.B. Dooney, Thomas F., A.B. 16 FORDHAM UXIVEBS1TY

Dowling, John J. Giles, Irving S. Downey, Willard C. Gilmartin, John P. Doyle, Charles J., A.B. Ginsberg, Benjamin Drury, Vincent K. Giordano, Amedeo, A.B. Duncanson, James D., A.B. Gleason, John A., A.B. Dunne, Raymond W. Goldberg, Charles (cum laude) Durham, Hobart N., B.S. Goldberg, Charles E., A.B. Dwyer, Edward J. Goldberg, Morris Dwyer, Thomas A., A.B. Goldstein, Benjamin Edwards, John H. Goldstein, Gene Ehrhorn, Victor J. Goldstein, Sidney Eisenhandler, Hyman Gorman, Owen T. Ellenbogen, Philip Gottlieb, Morton D., A.B. Elsenheimer, Adalbert G. Graham, Elizabeth M. English, John H. Greany, Charles E., A.B. Espositio, John G. Greenberg, Harris Etra, Harry, B.S. in S.S. Greenberg, Joseph D. (cum laude) Grieco, Joseph Fahey, Gerard M., Ph.B. Grossman, Saul (cum laude) Growney, Patrick J. Faithfull, George E., B.S. Hahn, Bernard Fallon, Edward A., A.B. Haimowitz, Jack Farrell, John L., B.S. Haley, Francis J. Farrell, Norman J., A.B. Hall,' Glen R., Ph.B. Fauser, Louise M., A.B. Halloran, John J., A.B. Feinberg, Abraham Hammer, David H. Feldstein, Harry Haniver, Edward J., A.B. Fiencke, Edward R. K., A.B. Hannelly, Charles L., A.B. Finnegan, George D., Jr. Harawitz, Howard L., A.B. (Graduate U. S. Military Academy) (cum laude) Fitzpatrick, Bernard H., A.B. Harding, William J., Jr. Flamhaft, Jack Harman, Frank S., B.C.S. Flanagan, James J. Harrington, William A., A.B. Flynn, Cornelius L., B.C.S. Healy, Alton H., A.B. Flynn, Daniel F. (cum laude) Healv, J. A. Cassin Flvnn, John L. Heelan, Paul A., A.B. Flynn, Robert, A.B. Helferich, George Foley, Edward H. Higgins, Everett A., A.B. Fowler, Erna K. Hintelmann, Joseph P., A.B. Fox, John J. Holden, James Fox, Lawrence Howard, Joseph M. Freda, Louis J., A.B. Huber, Edward F., A.B. Freel, Eugene L., A.B. Hurley, Edgar T., B.S. in E.E. Fuerst, Murray C. Indzonka, Allen J. Furey, John F. Jackson, Harrison S., B.S. Gallin, Nathaniel M. Jacobson, Milton S., A.B. Gambino, Salvatore T. Jaeckel, Alfred O. Gaudino, Joseph (Graduate Webb Institute Naval Gannon, Joseph C, B.S. Architecture) Geifrle, Eugene V., A.B. Jarema, Stephen J. Gellman, Joseph H., A.B. Jennings, Livington S. Gendell, Louis, A.B. John, Alfred D., B.C.S. Gereghty, James R. Jones, Robert F., A.B. Giamo, Joseph Jones, William A. School of Law L7

Kane, Edmund J., M.E. McDonald, Miles F., A.B. Kane, Arthur J., Jr. McFadden, Edward F., Jr. Karl, John M., B.C.S. McGee, Charles E. Karp, Maurice F., A.B. McGoldrick, Joseph D., A.B. Katz, Bertha McGough, James A. Kaufman, Charles McGowan, Francis M., A.B. Keefe, Thomas Francis McGrath, Harold, B.S. Keeley, Martin J., McGrattan, James P., B.S. B.S. in Bus. Admin. McGuire, Wm. J., A.B. Kcenan, Charles B. McKenna, Joseph E., A.B. Kelleher, Virginia M. McKeon, James T. Kelly, Helen E., A.M. McMahon, James J., Jr. Kennedy, John J. McManus, Thomas J. Kennelly, Edward F. Mack, Margaret M., B.S. Keuthen, Augustus F. Magovern, John J. Kiely, Michael J., Jr., A.B. Maguire, Francis T. Kieran, Lawrence D., A.B. Mahon, Thomas F. Kiernan, Howard P. Mahoney, George F. Kissel, Charles Maier, Louis, B.S. Klett, John A., A.B. Manahan, John F. Knapp, George F., A.B. Mancusi, Vincent A. Korn, Nathan Mangravite, Francis J. Koseff, Nathan, B.C.S. Manning, Daniel T., A.B. Kozminski, Francis J. Marino, Albert Kraus, Bertram L., Jr. Markel, Jesse Krupp, Max Marran, Donald J. Kupfer, Isidore Marro, Marie D. Lancaster, John W., A.B. Mauser, Charles Lane, William J., A.B. May, James Lang, David L. Medler, Henry J. LaRosa, Sofio Mencher, Joel Lawless, Matthew Mercolino, A. Robert Leavitt, Ezra G. Meverowicz, Abram Leonard, Laumer C. Michels, John H., A.B. Libby, Carl L. Milella, Nicholas J. Litter, William F., B.S. in Econ. Miller, H. Gregory, A.B. Livoti, Anthony M., B.S. Miller, Isidore H.', B.S. in S.S. Loccisano, Dominic, B.S. in S.S. Mitnick, Myron J. Loehr, Stephen F. Moleti, Anthony J. Lombardi, Frank P. Montstream, John M., B.S. in M.E. Luongo, Frank P. Moore, Reginald, A.B. Lynch, John A. Morrone, Angelo C. Lvneh, John P., A.B. Moscowitz, Morris L. Lynch, Phillip J. Mulcahy, James E. Lynch, Thomas P. Mulhern, Peter F. Lyons, Martin J. Mullins, Joseph A., B.C.S. McAleer, Thomas J., Ph.B. Murray, Charles P., A.B. McAvoy, Harry L. Murray, James A. McCambridge, Francis J., A.B. Musselman, Francis C. R. McCarthy, Andrew C, A.B. Mutino, Anthony McCarthy, James J. Napolino, George McCormack, John J. Neville, Walter T. McCreedy, Robert E., A.B. Nobiletti, Caesar, B.S. in S.S. McDermott, Cyril L., A.B. Nugent, John F., A.B. IS FonmiAM University

O'Brien, Francis A. Rose, Robert N., A.B. O'Brien, John Joseph, A.B. Rosenthal, Albert O'Brien, Leo F., A.B. Rosenthal, Julian B. O'Brien, Margaret Rossi, Leopold O'Brien, Philip M., Jr., A.B. Roth, Sol O'Brien, William J., A.B. Rubacky, Robert O'Donnell, James J. Rugoff, Ralph Oetheimer, Edgar A., A. IV Ryan, George L., A.B. O'Grady, John E. Ryan, John F., A.B. Ohalek, Stephen J. Ryan, John T. O'Keefe, Cornelius J. Ryan, Joseph F., A.B. O'Neill, Gerald B., A.B. Ryon, J. Farrell O'Neill, James W., A.B. Sarulla, Thomas Opramolla, Norman D. Scanlon, Thomas J. O'Rourke, Arthur J. Schechter, Harry (rum lau'de) O'Rourke, Vincent F., A.B. Schiele, Louise M. (cum laude) O'Shea, John J. M., A.B. Schild, Edith, A.B. Ottavi, Romolo Schmidt, Frederick J., A.B. Parlante, Nicholas A. Schmidt, Louis W., Jr., A.B. Pelletier, Cleary Sehmier, Herman D. Peloso, Francis A. Schramm, Ebben, A.B. Perlman, Louis Schwartz, George M. Perlman, Samuel Seigenfeld, Philip Perlstein, Arnold H. Shalloe, Francis J., S.J., A.M. Perrine, Edward G., A.B. Shapiro, Joseph J., M.E. Peters, Robert G., A.B. Shea, Cornelius D. Petruzzi, Edward H. Shefkowitz, Reuben, A.B. Phelan, John H. Sheridan, Andrew J. Piznak, Michael Sheridan, Francis J. Plesser, Morris Sheridan, Paul H., Jr. Plum, Francis Sheridan, Thomas J., A.B. Pollock, Maxwell Short, Albert E. Porcelli, Joseph C, A.B. Siefken, John W. B., A.B. Powell, Manfred G. Sileo, Vincent L. Provisor, Nathan H. Sklar, Abraham Purcell, Thomas R. Smith, George B. Quinlan, John L. Smith, Henry I., B.C.S. Quinn, J. Arthur Smith, Joseph A. Quinn, John E., A.B. Smith, Lawrence J. Quinn, Peter A., B.S. in C.E. Smith, Robert T. Racicot, Ernest T. Sober, Pincus, A.B. Rammol, Thomas L. Soloway, Herman, A.B. Reddington, John J., A.B. Spark, Eli M., A.B. Reed, John Francis, Jr. Spector, Ben jamin Reichman, Edward E. Spring, Julius Reilly, Eutrene Stahler, James P. Reilly, William A., A.B. Steffens, Francis X., A.B. Riccobono, Thomas Stillerman, Lillie Riley, Bennett A., B.C.S. Stirone, Emilio M. Riordan, Jeremiah J., A.B. Stothers, John, B.S. Rock. John F., A.B. Sullivan, William F. Rogers, Francis J., A.B. Tall, Bernard Rohan, Thomas E., A.B. Tarby, Joseph Romano, Frederick Y. Tegrarian, Nelson H. School of Law 19

Tepper, George B. Wagner, Charles Tierney, Raymond M. Wansboro, Helen R., A.B. Toomey, Thomas J., Jr., Weinstock, William W. B.S. in C.E. Weissman, Alex Torpy, Anne M., A.B. Wilkins, Henry J. Torre, Gabriel E. Williams, Louis P., B.S. in S.S. Tuffy, Patrick J., A.B. Winogradoff, Solomon Turano, Eugene Wolski, Paul J. Turner, Gertrude P. Woodward, Laurence N., Ph.B. Tymann, Vincent C. Yaconetti, Anthony J., A.B. Uhlinger, Jerome F. Yanuzzi, Anthony Underwood, Nelson Yelton, John P. Useo, John Young, J. Frank Vahey, Owen J., A.B. Zagat, Arthur L., B.S. Valenti, John A. Zerman, Samuel W., A.B. Valicenti, Anthony J. Zimmerman, Louis H., B.S. in S.S. Varga, Andrew A. Zingaro, Angelo H. Verga, Frank A.

The Honors of the Graduating Class were awarded to:

Louise M. Schiele Mohning Division Charles Goldberg Afternoon Division Daniel F. Flynn Evening DivisioNf Gerard M. Fahey, Ph.B Evening Division*

' Section.' fBronx Section.

The Chapin Prize was awarded to: Louise M. Schiele

The Prizes for the Highest Standing (1928-1929) were awarded as follows:

Third Year Class Morning Louise M. Schiele Third Year Class Afternoon Charles Goldberg Third Year Class Evening* Owen T. Gorman Third Year Class Eveningf Daniel F. Flynn Second Year Class Morning Emma C. Lawrence, A.B. Second Year Class Afternoon William T. Griffin, A.B. Second Year Class Evening* Abraham Kurtz, B.S. Second Year Class Evening-)- Casimir J. F. Patrick, A.B. First Year Class Morning Robert R. Bauman First Year Class Afternoon Milton T. Chester, B.S. in S.S. First Year Class Evening* Joseph J. Merry First Year Class Evening! Albert L. Sciieibelhut, A.B.

"Manhattan Section. fBronx Section. )

20 Fordham University



Arcana, John S. Gruning, John E., A.B. Arnold, Salvatore P. (University of Notre Dame) Aufieri, Vincent E. Gunn, Samuel L., B.S. in S.S. (College Baut, Francis S. of the City of New York) Hart, John M., A.B. Real, Harold (College of the Holy Cross) Beauduy, Raphael H., A.B. Heibig, George M. (St. John's College, Brooklyn) Held, Jacob, B.C.S. Beehan, Joseph A., A.B. (New York University) (Brown University) Henchel, Charles Berber, Albert Herrmann, Richard T. Blumenthal, Florence L., B.S. Hickey, (Fordham University) Richard M., A.B. Bourney, George L. (Niagara University) Higgins, Joseph P. Brady, John J., Jr., A.B. Howley, Francis I., () A.B. (Fordham University) Bucci, Radamesse J., A.B. Joyce, Mary Martin (Catholic University) Bunevich, Robert Katz, Martin Canty, James C, A.B. in Ed. Katz, Max, B.S. in S.S. (Howard University) (College of the City of New York) Cappazola, Joseph Kelly, Albert C. Caravetta, Joseph A. Kelly, John F. Carlin, John H., A.B. Koerner, Robert L. (Columbia University) Kovacs, Louis T. Chadorkow, Louis Kozakiewicz, Edward A. Dalton, William J. Kronman, Robert M. Dannin, Maurice L. Kulze, Richard Dean, John G. LaGamma, Vincent DeWalsche, Charles Lawrence, Emma C, A.B. Dillon, Catherine, A.B. (Vassar College) (Trinity College) Levine, Louis H. Dillon, Irvin F., B.C.S. Levy, Herbert M., B.S. in S.S. (New York University) (College of the City of New York) DiLucia, Francis X., B.S. Lilly, Robert A., A.B. (Fordham University) (College of the Holy Cross) Donovan, Denis P., A.B. Lipp, William W. (Pennsylvania State College) McCabe, James K., A.B. Dooley, Edwin B., A.B. (Manhattan College) (Dartmouth College) McCann, Joseph J., A.B. Doyle, William J., A.B. (Manhattan College) (Lafayette College) McCue, Matthew F. Drieband, Alexander McGann, John A. C, A.B. Felitti, Dominick P. (Fordham University) Fiore, Hannibal M. McManus, Lawrence J., A.B. Foley, John A. (Manhattan College) Frankenstein, David E. Maglio, Frank R. Genghof, Christian H., B.S. Mazzola, Michael F. (College of the City of Nezv York) Meyers, Harry B., A.B. Godiner, Israel (Columbia University) Greene, Edward P., A.B. Mintz, Julius, B.S. in Econ. ( Columbia University (University of Pennsylvania) ) )

School of Law 21

Mitchell, Milo A., A.B. Schroeder, William K., (Cornell University B.S. in Bus. Admin. Monaghan, David F. (Syracuse University Morrisey, John B., A.B. Scileppi, Paul J., A.B. (Cornell University) (St. Thomas' College, Scranton, Pa.) Shalleck, Mulligan, Denis J. Milton, A.B. (University Pennsylvania) (Graduate U. S. Military Academy) of Singer, Abraham Murray, Thomas J. Spencer, Cuthbert P., B.S. Obligato, Joseph A., A.B. (College of the City of New York) (University of Notre Dame) Taylor, Jr., Alfred A., A.B. O'Malley, Ann M., A.B. (University of Notre Dame) (College of Mt. St. Vincent-on- Hudson) Thomas, Dudley H., A.B. Politis, Algert F. (Harvard University) Ulman, Leon, A.B. Reese, Charles E., A.B. (Columbia University) (Fordham University) Weinbloom, David C, B.S. in S.S. Reiss, Louis (College of the City of New York) Riley, Russell A., A.B. Williamson, Richard P., A.B. (University of Notre Dame) (Hamilton College) Roche, Garrett A., A.B. Winograd, David, Ph.B. (Manhattan College) (Emory University) Roche, James P. Wolchok, Irving B.


Alpert, Edward A., M.D. Gallagher, William T., A.B. (Fordham University, School of (Fordham University) Medicine) Gillen, John J., B.S. Amateau, Morris A. (Colgate University) Aronson, George J. Greenberg, Maximilian I., A.B. Baker, Edward G. (Columbia University) Booth, Francis A., A.B. Griffin, William T., A.B. (Amherst College) ( College of the Holy Cross) Buckley, Jr., Charles P., A.B. Helfenstein, Jr., Harry G., A.B. (Union College) (Fordham University) Burke, Morgan J., A.B. Hershkowitz, Martin (Manhattan College) Hoffman, Leo L. Butler, William A. Hoffman, Wilfred E. Carroll, J. Roger, A.B. Kanrich, Albert D., B.S. in Econ. (Fordham University) Cashman, Paul R. (University of Pennsylvania) Kaplow, William L. Conboy, Jr., Charles R. Karp, Murray C, A.B. Costarella, Flavio N. (New York University) Coyle, Hugh S. Koppe, Richard C. Creamer, Joseph M., A.B. Lerner, Samuel (Dartmouth College) Levy, Henry C, A.M. Cunningham, Charles S., A.B. (Columbia University) (Union College) Levy, Morris Doughertv, Thomas F. Linetsky, Jack Doyle, William T. Lupiano, Vincent A. Fastenberg, Leonard, A.B. Lyman, Melville, B.S. (College of the City of New York) (College of the City New York} Finkelstein, Robert C. of McKeon, Edward R., A.B. Fisch, Leonard (Manhattan College) Frager, Maurice J. McLaughlin, Francis J., A.B. Francis, Abraham G. (St. Francis' College, Brooklyn) )

22 Fordiiasi University

McMahon, Edward M., A.B. Scott, Robert W., A.B. (Fordham University) (Virginia Union University) Menken, Arthur vonB., A.B. Seibert, William L. (Harvard University) Sexton, John E., A.B. Mitchell, Harry, B.S. in S.S. (Manhattan College) Sheerin, John B., A.B. (College of the City of New York) (Fordham Monfried, Richard M. University) Siegal, Lewis J., M.D. Moore, Joseph S., A.B. (New York Homeopathic Hospital) (Fordham University J Sklarsky, Harry G. Nevins, Joseph A. Talley, Jr., Alfred J., A.B. Nixon, John F. (Fordham University) Perissi, Ferdinand A. Thees, Oscar D., A.B. (Columbia University) Peterson, Francis R., A.B. Timmes, Charles J., A.B. (College of the Holy Cross) (Fordham University) Pierce, Isabel B. Tobin, Julius D. Pucillo, Delafield P., A.M. Tobler, Guy A. (Columbia University) Verdon, Jr., William P., A.B. Raphael, Martin E. ( College of the Holy Cross) Rosman, Alexander J., A.B. Vogel, LeRoy (College of the City of New York) Wildermann, Rudolph F. M., E.E. Samuelson, Sigmund, B.C.S. (Brooklyn Polytechnic Institute) (New York University) Williams, Walter E., B.S. Schmidt, Jr., Godfrey P., A.B. (Manhattan College) (Fordham University) Zollino, Anthony J.


Alexander, George F., B.S. Cassidy, Francis S., B.C.S. (Columbia University) (New York University) Anchin, David C. Chessari, Sante J., B.S. Archer, Hugh B., A.B. (Fordham University) (Fordham University) Clark, Donald J. Barrett, Francis J., A.B. Del Guercio, Eligio, A.B. (Manhattan College) (Fordham University) Begun, Harry M., A.B. Diamond, Richard A. H., (Columbia University A.B. (College the City Berkery, Edwin A., A.B. of of New York) Doran, Arthur (University of Notre Dame) J., A.B. Berrent, Samuel G., B.S. in S.S. (Manhattan College) (College of the City of New York) Dowling, James W., A.B. Billingham, Ira E., B.S. (Niagara University) (Colgate University) Dresnick, Isaac J., B.S. in S.S. Bradley, Charles R., B.S. in Com. (College of the City of New York) (Nciu York University) Dwyer, John A. Brett, Henry T., A.B. (Graduate Webb Institute Naval (Fordham University) Architecture) Bruckman, Arthur S., B.S. in S.S. Ebin, Herbert S., A.B. (College the City (College of the City of New York) of of New York) Burke, Adrian P., A.B. Ehrenberg, Isidore (College of the Holy Cross) Ellison, Roy H. Burke, Jr., John W., A.B. Elman, Hyman A., B.S. (Fordham Unh'ersity) (College of the City of New York) Burns, Edward D., A.B. Ephron, Irving, B.S. in S.S. (Manhattan College) ( College of the City of New York) Casey, Thomas H., A.B. Feldman, Herman, B.S. (Manhattan College) (College of the City of New York) )

School ok Law 23

Fennelly, William F., A.B. McMahon, John E. M. (Fordham University) Meehan, Charles J. Finnegan, Thomas J. Meehan, Francis D. Fitzpatrick, James M. Melaragno, Hugh A., A.B. Fournet, Henri D., Ph.B. (Western Reserve University) (Brown University) Merrick, Harry J., A.B. Fullam, Martin A., M.S. (University of Michigan) (Manhattan College) Michels, Solomon, B.S. Funke, John F., A.B. (Columbia University) (Amherst College) Moore, Joseph D., B.S. in Econ. Galloway, Jr., Edward T., A.B. (Univers'ty of Pennsylvania) (Fordham University) Moriarty, William E., A.B. Garbarini, Louis A., Ph.D. (Fordham University) (Gregorian University, Rome, Italy) Murphy, Thomas F., A.B. Gaynor, John H. (Georgetown University) Cornelius J. Generi, Francis J., B.S. O'Brien, O'Brien, Justin M., B.C.S. (College of the City of New York) (New York University) Goreth, Mansfield F., A.B. O'Connell, Joseph J., Jr., (Syracuse University) Gorges, Michael J. B.S. in Com. and Econ. (University of Vermont) Halkin, L., B.S. in E.E. Abraham O'Malley, William G. (Cooper Union Institute) Packer, Irving B., A.B. Halpin, Thomas L., A.B. (College of the City of New York) (Fordham University) Papp, John P., Bus. Hare, William C, A.B. (Columbia University) ( College of the Holy Cross) Patrick, Casimir J. P., A.B. Herron, William J., (College of the City of New York) B.S. in Com. and Econ. Phillips, Frederick E. (University of Vermont) (Graduate U. S. Military Academy) Hirsch, Hyman, A.B. Porter, William F., A.B. (College of the City of New York) (Fordham University) Hirsch, Jacob Raskin, Julius, B.S. in S.S. Horowitz, Louis, A.M. (College of the City of New York I Reynolds, Gerald V. (Columbia University) Horowitz, William, A.B. Rosenblatt, Milton Rosenbluth, in (College of the City of New York) Arthur G., B.S. S.S. Josephberg, Maurice, B.S. (College of the City of New York) Russell, Richard F. ( College of the City of New York) Krakow, Herbert, B.S., C.E. Salottolo, Armand L., A.B. (Mt. St. Mary's College, (College of the City of New York) Emmitsburg, Aid.) Lehman, Edward N., A.B. Sander, Alvin J. (College the City New York) of of Schafer, Milton, M.C.S. Levin, Harris, A.B. (New York University (College of the City of New York) Schorr, Leopold, B.S. in S.S. Levin, Ben jamin, B.S. in S.S. (College of the City of New York) (College of the City of New York) Shapiro, Maurice, B.S. in S.S. Low, Elmer, B.S. in S.S. (College of the City of New York) ( College of the City of Netv York ) Sheehan, Joseph D., A.B. McBride, Arthur J., A.B. (Fordham University) (Fordham University) Sherlock, Joseph R., A.B. McDonough, Henry G. (Fordham University) McGinn, Lawrence J., A.B. Siegel, Emanuel M., A.B.

(rordhcm University) (College of the City of New York I McGowan, Richard P., A.B. Singer, A. Charles, A.B. (Fordham University) (College of the City of New York) Mclnerney, James M., A.B. Spohr, Jr., George A., A.B. (Fordham University) (Fordham University) )


Sweeney, Daniel P. A. Weiss, Israel J. Vescia, Francis L., B.S. in C.E. White, James W., B.S. in E.E. (Manhattan College) (New York University) Weir, Joseph F., A.B. Wright, Harry M., B.S. (St. Thomas' College, Scranion, Pa.) (College of the City of New York) THIRD YEAR—EVENING CLASS Manhattan Section

Alden, Everett R., Ph.B. Ferrall, William J., A.B. (Brown University) (Fordham University) Allen, Joseph D., A.B. Ferris, Lincoln S., A.B. (Union College) (Amherst College) Arcese, Madeline T., Ph.D. Fitzpatrick, John B., A.B. ( Fordham University) (Fordham University) Baulch, Harry H. Frank, Jack, A.B. Berber, Saul, A.B. ( College of the City of New York) (College of the City of New York) Friesner, Ben jamin, B.S. Black, Joseph D., B.S. in M.E. (College of the City of New York) ( Tufts College) Gallaher, John J. Blooman, James J., A.B. Gannon, Vincent de P., A.B. (Fordham University) (St. Joseph's Seminary and College, Breen, James E., A.B. Yonkers, N. Y.) (Fordham University) Gillette, Jr., George A., E.E.

Bryan, John E., A.B. ( Renssalaer Polytechnic Institute) (Fordham University) Gillick, John F., A.B. Burns, Mary M., A.B. (Niagara University) (Adelphi College) Grady, Francis P., A.B. Callahan, George A., A.B. (Fordham University) (Fordham University) Graves, Eben Montgomery, Caputi, Sebastian P., A.B. B.S. in Chem. Eng. (Manhattan College) (University of Michigan) Carrington, Edwin J., A.B. Guterl, Gerard W., A.B. (College of the Holy Cross) (College of the Holy Cross) Carson, Gerald J., A.B. Hamil, Ralph E. (Niagara University) Harshman, Harry C. Conlon, Pierce S. (Graduate U. S. Naval Academy) Connolly, James V., A.B. Healy, James J., A.B. (Ohio Wesleyan University) (Fordham University) Courtney, Jeremiah J., A.B. Hearns, Thomas F., A.B. (Boston College) ( College of the Holy Cross) Cowan, Alvin R., A.B. Hecht, Wilbur H., A.B. (Cornell University) (Colgate University) Cowan, Oliver T., A.B. Hirschberg, Nathan, B.S. in S.S. ( College Cross) of the Holy (College of the City of New York) Cusack, Thomas P., A.B. Kelliher, James E., A.B. (Fordham University) (Boston College) Damone, Joseph Kennedy, William F., A.B. Darmstatter, Francis J., A.B. (New York University) (Catholic University) Keogh, Eugene J., B.C.S. Donegan, Denis J., B.S. (Nezv York University) (Princeton University) Keogh, J. Vincent, B.S. Doyle, James E. (Fordham University) Drechsler, Samuel N., A.B. Kiernan, Edward P., A.B. ( Colleae of the City of New York) (Fordham University Felder, Isidor, B.S. in S.S. Kurtz, Abraham, B.S. (College of the City of New York) ( Colleae of the Citv of New York) Feldman, Philip, A.B. Lahiff, Noreen C, A.B. ( Columbia University) ( Columbia University)

I ) )

School of Law 25

Lieb, Charles, B.S. in Econ. O'Connor, Daniel J., A.B. (University of Pennsylvania) (Fordham University) Liegey, Gabriel M., A.B. O'Malley, Walter F., A.B. (Fordham University) (University of Pennsylvania) Loffredo, Charles A.*, B.S. Ordman, Theodore, B.S. (College of the City of New York) (Massachusetts Inst, of Technology) Loftus, John P., A.B. O'Riely, Frederick J., B.S. (Manhattan College) (Hobart College) Lutzer, Harry H., B.S. Orr, Jr., Alexander, B.S. (College of the City of New York) (Lafayette College) McDermott, Cyril T., A.B. O'Sullivan, Clement C, A.B. (College of the Holy Cross) (College of the Holy Cross) McDermott, William R., A.B. Padlon, Joseph F., B.S. ( College of the Holy Cross) (Manhattan College) McGarry, Everett J. Powers, Charles E., A.B. McGaughan, Terrence F., B.S. (College of the Holy Cross) (Dartmouth College) Purcell, Thomas J., A.B. McGroarty, John C, A.B. (Fordham University) (College of the Holy Cross) Reilly, Edward J., B.B.A. Mclnerney, Francis M., A.B. (College of the City of New York) (College of the Holy Cross) Requa, Isaac L., A.B. Mclnerney, John J., A.B. (Princeton University) (College of the Holy Cross) Rodier, Phil. L., B.S. in M.E. McManus, Jr., V. Paul, A.B. (George Washington University) (College of the Holy Cross) Roleke, Herbert G., B.S. McMurray, John L., A.B. (St. Mary's College, (Manhattan College) St. Mary's, Kansas) McNamee, Thomas H. Sacks, Ralph M., B.S. McNamee, William C, A.B. (New York University) Sands, Joseph W., A.B. (College of the Holy Cross) ( Georgetown niversity Mahoney, John E., B.S. U Santelli, James E., B.S. in Com. ( Fordham University) York University) Maslak, Stanley F., A.B. (New Scheuermann, John L., B.S. (Fordham University) (St. John's College, Brooklyn) Misterly, Frank S., M.E. Schneider, George V., A.B. (Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute) (Fordham University) Molnar, Paul J., B.B.A. Schwartz, William Paul, (College of the City of New York) Mooney, Stanley R., B.C.S. B.S. in S.S. (New York University) (College of the City of Nczv York) Morehouse, Terry B. Sexton, Raymond A., A.B. (Graduate U. S. Naval Academy) (Manhattan College) Mullay, George F., A.B. Shea, Donald J., A.B. (Fordham University) (Fordham University Murphy, John L., A.B. Shea, John D., A.B. (St. Francis' College, Brooklyn) (Georgetown University) Murray, Jr., John A., B.S. Sheridan, John J. (Fordham University) Silverherz, Irving, B.S. in Econ. Murtaugh, Jr., Edward V., A.B. (Univers-'ty of Pennsylvania) (St. John's College. Brooklyn) Simmons, Otto T., A.B. Nagle, Robert D., A.B. (St. Stephen's College) (Georgetown University) Smith, George J. Namack, Thomas J., A.B. (Graduate U. S. Military Academy) (Georgetown University) Solarz, Sanford, B.S. Nelson, Thomas S., Ph.B. (New York University) (Brown University) Spear, Sydney L., B.L. O'Brien, John C, A.B. (Rutgers University) (College of the Holy Cross) Steinfeld, Jacob W!, B.S. O'Connell, Leon J. (College of the City of New York) (Graduate Webb Institute Naval Tarrant, Eugene J., A.B. Architecture) (Fordham University) ) ))

26 Fordham University

Tomasello, Joseph J. Winter, Martin, A.B. Wagenstein, Harry B.,'B.S. (Columbia University) Worthington, Francis X., A.B. (College of the City of New York) (Fordham University) Wallace, Thomas A., A.B. Zarilli, Canio L., A.B. University) (Fordham (Columb a University) Walsh, John P., A.B. Zelkin, Max, B.S. in S.S.

(College of the Holy Cross) (College of the City of New York ) Werckle, Gerard J., A.B. Zinn, Charles James, A.B.

( Fordham University) (Fordham University ) SECOND YEAR- MORNING CLASS

Adler, Alfred H. Duggan, Francis J., B.S. in C.E. Alexander, Lawrence H., (Villanova College) B.S. in S.S. Dwyer, Robert J. (College of the City of New York) Edwards, Frederick M., A.B. Basile, Orazio R. (Set on Hall College) Bauman, Robert R. Eile, Maxwell J., A.B. Bazil, Samuel I. (Dartmouth College). Behrman, Bernard Erstein, Joshua Berkenfeld, Emanuel M., B.C.S. Esposito, Anthony J. (New York University) Estoff, William D., A.B. Bloom, Max (Syracuse University) Blumenthal, Herman, B.S. in S.S. Feingold, Beatrice, A.B. (Syracuse University) (College of the City of New York) Finale, Bradv, Edward J. George D., B.S. (Fordham University) Brooke, Robert, B.S. Finale, Stephen D., B.S. (New York University) (Fordham University) Cafaro, Frank J. Fink, Nathan Cantales, Joseph P. Forschmiedt, Michael, B.S. in S.S. Capodici, William M. (College of the City of New York/ Cardo, Vito A. Gottlieb, Louis I., A.B. Cassese, Vincent J. (Cornell University Christopher, Lloyd R. Graziano, Josephine D. Clemons, Charles M. Greenbush, Abraham Cleveland, Harold F. Higgins, John V., A.B. Cohalan, Cornelius J., A.B. (Fordham University (Manhattan College) Hyland, Matthew J." Cohalan, Timothy E., A.B. Jordan, Reuel M. (Manhattan College) Judge, Mary A., A.B. Cohen, Emilie N. (College of Mt. St. Vincent-on- Coleman, Meredith Hudson) Corcoran, William J., A.B. Kidder, Jerome (Manhattan College) Kiernan, Edward L., A.B. Crapanzano, Joseph E. (Boston College) Cullen, Joseph J. Kiley, Raymond J. Dacci, Guy P., A.B. Kirchmyer, Raymond J., (St. Bonaventure's College) B.S. in Bus. D'Agosto, Louis A. (Columbia University Decillis, Anthony D. Kissling, Joseph P., Ph.B. DeNicola, Gaetano A. (University of Notre Dame) Klein, Charles W. Deutsch, Moreal W. Kloppenburg, Henry J., A.B. Donegan, Thomas J., A.B. (Fordham University) (Columbia University) Lee, John F. Dougherty, Virginia M., A.B. Left, Isidore B. (College of Mt. St. V incent-on- Hudson) Loehwing, William H. ) ) ) )

School of Law

Lotz, Theodore Risi, Angelo P. McCarthy, Leo A., A.B. Rosenberg, Louis I., B.S. in S.S. (Manhattan College) (College of the City of New York) McCarthy, Thomas A. Ryan, Edward V., B.S. Mahoney, Robert J. (Fordham University) Mancuso, Fred, A.B. Ryan, William H., A.B. (Syracuse University) (Fordham University) Mari, Salvatore D. Samis, Milton Samuels, Archie H., A.B. Martin, Malcolm G. Meehan, George H. (Columbia University Scala, Anthony I. Mitchell, Joseph J., A.B. Scarpulla, Anthony T. (Colgate University) Monti, Michael A. Schafer, George B. Morris, Irving Schwartz, Benjamin F. John Mullins, James C, A.B. Shamsey, (Manhattan College) Silvestris, Francis N. Murphy, Jr., John A., A.B. Spilka, William (College of the City of New York) Steinbugler, Catherine M. Myers, Thomas E. Steinthal, Augustus Neumann, Edna G. Swirsky, Edward L. O'Mally, Thomas P., A.B. Tenenbaum, Isidore (Fordham University) Tierney, James J. Orloff, Arthur E. Timpone, Joseph P. O'Shea, John C. Ulsamer, Andrew J. Palisi, John Virciglio, Thomas F. Papantonio, Edward Waldeier, Fred C. Pickens, Jr., William, A.B. Walsh, Arthur H. (Lincoln University) Weinkrantz, Herman H., Powell, Frank R. B.S. in S.S. Raleigh, Walter E., A.B. (College of the City of New York) (St. Francis' College, Brooklyn) Yanowich, Milton Reich, Solomon M., B.S. Zeig, Roy M. (New York University) Phillip Reisinger, Andrew J., A.B. Zichello, J. (Fordham University) Zimmerman, Edward V., A.B. Ricca, Jr., Hugo F.,"A.B. (Fordham University) (Fordham University Zobel, Isidore, B.S. in S.S. Riley, Vincent J., A.B. (College of the City of New York) (Manhattan College) Zulauf, Gordon B.


Benjamin, Robert S. Citron, Wolf Bimberg, Alan J. M. Clarke, Ward Brandon, John J. Clarkin, James E. Brizzi, Louise R. Cleary, Frank J., A.B. Brook, John R., A.B. (St. John's College, Brooklyn Collins, (Amherst College) John R., A.B. Butler, Charles R., A.B. (Manhattan College) Corso, Joseph R. ( Colgate Un iversity Byrnes, Frank A., B.S. Curcio, Anthony (New York University) D'Alessandro, Dante, Ph.B. Caputa, Joseph J. (Brown University) Chapman, George J. Davidson, Miriam H. Chernow, Louis DeNicola, Francis A. J. Chester, Milton T., B.S. in S.S. Derritt, Wendell H. (College of the City of New York) DeSantis, Alfred F. ) )

28 Fordham University

DiStefano, Pasquale M. McKee, Harold K. Donnelly, Ardsley J., A.B. Mallen, Bernard J., A.B. (St. Joseph's Seminary and College) (Fordham University) Duggan, William J., A.B. Marsi, Fred V. (St. Joseph's Seminary and College) Martin, Thomas W. Felix, Ramon B., B.C.S. Moore, Abraham (New York University) Moses, DeMaurice Steven E., A.B. Feraca, Newman, Samuel (Manhattan College) Finkel, Abe H., B.S. O'Connell, James C. (Fordham University) Orzach, David, B.S. Frangipane, Anthony S. (New York University) Galloway, Jr., John H., A.B. Palitz, Herbert, B.S. in S.S. (Fordham University (College of the City of New York) Garrett, Charles E., A.B. Puzzo, Ignatius P. (Seton Hall College) Reardon, Edmund C, B.S. Golden, Frances F., A.B. (New York University) (Hunter College) Rebecchi, Raymond Gripp, John J. Rebholz, Joseph W. Hadden, Clarence A., B.S. Rosenthal, Alfred R., A.B. (Fordham University) (Ohio University) Harris, Leonard Samuels, Milton M., A.B. Hendron, James J., A.B. (Columbia University (Fordham University) Samuels, William M. Hertz, Edithe, A.B. Saracino, John J. (Hunter College) Schylinski, George Hertz, Miriam, A.B. Shatzkin, Ralph D. York University) (New Smith, Furlong T., A.B. Hirsh, Sol (Princeton University) Howard, Cecil R., A.B. Stern, Elizabeth, A.B. (Denver University) (Cornell University) Hurley, Arthur F. Taub, David Ingber, Esther T., A.B. Tierney, Jr., William L., A.B. (Hunter College) (Williams College) Jacobs, E. Burke Tillim, Louis Kaufman, Isidore Trainor, Robert J. Kitay, Milton, A.B. Visconti, Joseph A., M.D. University) (Columbia (University of Maryland) Knob, Frederick J. Wahrman, Abner D. Lahey, William J., B.S. in Bus. Walsh, Patrick J. (Syracuse University) Weinroth, Norman C. Lieberman, Alexander, B.S. in S.S. Weiss, Samuel (College of the Citv of New York) Lockhart, Albert M., A.B. Winberry, John J., A.B. (Hobart College) (University of Notre Dame) McGinley, Francis W., B.S. Wren, Edward J., A.B. (Colgate University) (University of Vermont) McGrath, Hubert A., A.B. Zagarino, Patrick E. (College of the Holy Cross) Zelnick, Max, B.S. McGuire, Catherine M., A.B. (College of the City of New York) (Marymount College) Zimring, Charles C. McGuire, Douglas L. Zito, Frank J. SECOND YEAR—EVENING CLASS Bronx Section

Abrams, Morris, A.B. Bedell, Harry P., B.S.

(College of the City of New York I (Princeton University) Balog, John J., A.B. Bergin, Charles G., A.B. (Fordham University) (Fordham University) ) )

School op Law

Bigotto, Felix Farley, John T. Bobrowsky, J aeob Fawer, William Bogdanow, Isidore R., B.S. in S.i Finkelstein, Samuel York) (College of the Citv of New Forstenzer, Hyman M., A.B. Boyle, Norman T., B.S. in E.E. (College of the City of New York) (Villanova College) Gallagher, James F., A.B. Brady, John J., A.B. (Georgetown University) ( Colicge of the Holv Cross) Gallagher, John J., A.B. Brick, William R., B.S. (St. Thomas' College) (Manhattan College) Glass, Brill, Edward, B.S. Moe Leo (College of the City of New York) Grady, W. Vincent Broderick, John J., A.B. Greger, Arthur, A.B. (Fordham University) ( College of the City of New York) Buckner, William P., B.S. Grippa, Anthony (Georgetown University) Haczela, Adolph P., B.F.S. David, B.S. Burger, (Georgetown University) (College of the City of New York) Havender, James J., A.B. Burke, John F. (New York University) Burlinson, Alexander C, A.B. Hayes, Thomas. V., A.B. (Fordham University) (Fordham University) Clancy, Vincent F., A.B. Hein, Robert J., B.S. (Fordham University) (Fordham University) Clarke, Joseph G. Hennessy, John F., A.B. Colombo, Louis P. (Fordham University) Connelly, Francis H., A.B. Henning, Joseph G. (Yale University) Isserles, Solomon Connolly, Raymond J., A.B. (Fordham University) Katz, Sirol, A.B. Conwav, Michael J. F. ( College of the City of New York) Keegan, Robert J., Corbett, Thomas F. A.B. (Fordham University) Cotter, John F., A.B. Kellner, Sidney (Fordham University) Cregan, John G., A.B. Kennedy, Henry P., A.B. (Fordham University) (Fordham University) Cunningham, Edward A., A.B. Kiernan, Daniel F., A.B. (Manhattan College) ( College of the Holy Cross) D'Adamio, Ovidio C, B.C.S. Kirschman, Morris (New York University) Koenigsberg, Sidney, A.B. Daley, Raymond A. (College of the Citv of New York) Daly, William H., B.C.S. Lang, William, B.S. in M.E. (New York University) ( Cooper Union Deno, William R., B.S. in C.E. Lanzetta, John M. (Manhattan College) Lawler, Francis H., A.B. Devine, Eugene J., B.S. (Fordham University) (College of the City of New York) Leonard, George H., A.B. Donnelly, Walter A., A.B. (Fordham University (University of Notre Dame) McCulloch, Robert J. Dowdall, Joseph T. McGroddy, Charles B., A.B. Durkin, Frank J., C.E. (Fordham University) (Manhattan College) McNally, Arthur R.," B.S. Duross, Neil B., A.B. (Fordham University) (Fordham University) Madden, John P., A.B. Edwards, Joseph C. (Fordham University) Ehrhardt, Erwin F., A.B. Mahar, Thomas D. (Manhattan College) Markey, Jr., George W., A.B. Enright, John R., A.B. (Fordham University) (Seton Hall College) Marshak, Samuel A., B.S. in S.S. Ettinger, Samuel S., B.S. (College of the City of New York) ( College of the City of New York) Martone, Mario ) ) )

30 Ford e cam Univkhsity-

Morreale, Arthur J., A.B. Schlesinger, Theodore, A.B. ( Fordham University) (College of the City of New Yorki Nestor, Francis X., A.B. Selk, Morris, M.E. (Manhattan College) (Stevens Institute of Technology O'Brien, Francis V. Seymour, Francis I., A.B. Olwell, Francis X. (Fordham University) Parsont, Alfred, A.B. Shiel, Robert F. (College of the City of New York) Siegel, Max B., B.S. Pavarini, George F. ( College of the City of New York I Polonsky, Norman H., B.S. Stitik, Paul G. (College of the City of New York) Strati, Gaetano V. Porcelli, Joseph A., A.B. Sweeney, J., A.B. (Fordham University) Raymond Port, Leon (Fordham University Tananbaum, Alfred A. Ricco, Peter F. Rinn, Roger F. Tannenbaum, Israel W. Romagnoli, Vincent N., A.B. Troshinsky, Leonard, B.S. in S.S. (Fordham University) (College of the City of New York/ Roos, George W. Urell, Thomas E. Ryan, Edward F., A.B. Villamana, Carman E., B.C.S. (Fordham University) (New York University) Sacks, Henry, B.S. in S.S. Weisberger, Herbert S. (College of the City of New York) Welch, Arthur J., A.B. Scheibelhut, Albert L., A.B. (St. Joseph's Seminary and College) (Fordham University) Wilder, Valentine D.


Barron, Joseph V. Conway, Charles R., A.B. Batten, Walter L., A.B. (Fordham University) (Fordham University) Coral, David, A.B. Bayer, Daniel, B.S. in S.S. (College of the City of New York/ (College of the City of New York) Costello, Thomas J., A.B. Beebe, Robert A., B.L. (St. John's College, Brooklyn ) University) (Rutgers Cunningham, Edward J. Bloomfield, Benjamin Curry, Daniel F., A.B. Boeke, Thomas (Fordham University) Bowden, John F. Daly, Charles B., A.B. Bowes, Edward F., A.B. (Fordham University) (Fordham University) Delaney, Agnes D., A.B. Burke, James T., A.B. (Fordham University) (Lafayette College) Delaney, Raymond F., A.B. Carey, William P. (Fordham University) Casey, Frank P., A.B. DePhillips, Arthur E. (College of the Holy Cross) Charak, Charles, B.S. Dinneen, Charles F., A.B. (College of the City of New York) ( Colgate U nivcrsity) Chorosh, Benjamin A., Dolan, Cecelia M., A.B. B.S. in Econ. (St. Joseph's College. Brooklyn) (Wharton School, University of Dougherty, Thomas G., A.B. Pennsylvania) (Fordham University) Clair, Thomas B., B.S. Drugach, John L., B.S. (Dartmouth College) (Lafayette College) Coleman, James A., A.B. Duffy, John M., B.C.S.

(St. Thomas' College. Scranton, Pa.) (New York University ) Concilio, Vito A., A.B. Eletz, Abraham, B.B.A.

(Lehigh University ( College of the City of New York i )) ) )

School of Law 31

Fadden, Charles E., A.B. Kirby, Augustus V. (St. Thomas' College, Scranton, Pa.) LaMontagne, George, A.B. Farrie, Robert E. (College of the Holy Cross) Fass, George, A.B. Landsnaes, Erling R. University) (Cornell Lanigan, Wilhelmine R., B.S. Finnegan, Joseph F., A.B. (New York University) (Columbia University) Lawless, Thomas P., A.B. Fitzpatrick, Thomas F., A.B. (Fordham University (College of the Holy Cross) LeMaistre, Fontaine, Fitzpatrick, Thomas J., A.B. B.S. (Princeton University (St. John's College, Brooklyn) Fullam, Jr., Francis A., A.B. Lesser, Armande, A.B. (Fordham University) (University of Pennsylvania i Linsky, F., Gallagher, Edward S., A.B. James A.B. (Georgetown University) (Fordham University) Gegen, William C. Lucey, Stephen J. Gill, Charles A., B.S. Lynch, Edward J. (Columbia University) Lynch, Marshall K., A.B. Gill, George T., E.E. (St. Thomas' College, Scranton, Pa.) {Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute) Lyons, Jr., John J., A.B. Gilmartin, Haroid J. (Fordham University) Gleeson, David F., A.B. McAniff, John E., A.B. (Fordham University (Fordham University) Goggin, William C, B.S. in Econ. McCaffrey, John B.,"A.B. (Fordham University) ( Villanova College) Gold, Nathaniel, B.S. McGrath, Charles E. (Rochester University) McKanna, Joseph R., Ph.B. Gorgens, Leopold M. (College of the Holy Cross) Gough, Daniel J., A.B. McKenna, John P. (Manhattan College) McLaughlin, Martin J. Haggerty, Vincent F., A.B. McMahon, Richard H., A.B.

(College of the Holy Cross) (Fordham University ) Hala, Otto W. McNicoll, Patrick J.', B.S. in C.E. Hanley, Kathryn W., B.S. (Cooper Union Inst, of Technology) (College of Mt. St. Vincent-on- MacWilliams, Edward J., Ph.B. Hudson) (Muhlenberg College) Hart, Lucille M., A.B. Madigan, John P. (Barnard College) Maloney, Andrew P., A.B. Hawkes, Edward J., A.B. (Catholic University) (Columbia University) Maloney, William T., A.B. Hearn, William G., A.B. (Manhattan College) (University of Notre Dame) Mangan, James F., A.B. Heinsohn, Henry G., B.C.S. (College of the Holy Cross) (New York University) Marsicano, Philomena R., A.B. Henderson, Frederick S., A.B. (Fordham University) (College of the Holy Cross) Martin, Jr., Peter G. Hickey, Richard J. Massey, Richard, B.S. in S.S. Hill, John R., A.B. (College of the City of New York) (Niagara University) Matthews, Jr., Joseph G., Hull, Vincent E., A.B. B.S. in C.E. (Fordham University (Manhattan College) Jordan, Hilary W., B.C.S. Meigs, Joseph V., B.S. in Chem. University) (New York (Massachusetts Inst, Technology) Kanrich, of Nathaniel G., Merry, Joseph J. B.S. in Econ. Miller, Richard C, B.S. in E.E. (Wharton School, University of (University Notre Dame) Pennsylvania) of Mockaitis, John B., B.S. Keating, Patrick J. (Villanova College) Kerwan, James L. Moran, Harold J., A.B. King, Joseph T. (College of the Holy Cross) )

32 Fordiiam University

Mullins, Joseph S., B.S. Rooney, Richard L., A.B. (Georgetown University) (St. Francis Xavier College, Antigonish, N. Murphy, Jr., Edward j., A.B. S.) (Fordham University) Rooney, Thomas F., A.B. Murphy, Maurice K. M., (Fordham University) Rosen, Bernard M., A.B. B.S. in Econ. (Syracuse University) (Wharton School, University of Salmon, Robert J., A.B. Pennsylvania) (Fordham University) Newbie, Percy E., A.B. Sieghardt, Ferdinand A., A.B. (Howard University) (University of Pennsylvania) O'Brien, John J., A.B. Smith, James P., A.B. (Fordham University) (Fordham University O'Connor, Jr., James C, A.B. Sorokoff, Hyman, B.S., in S.S. (University of Notre Dame) (College of the City of New York) Orens, Lincoln, A.B. Steiner, Leo (Johns Hopkins University) Swords, Joseph F., A.B. Osterholz, Henry D., A.B. (Fordham University) (Columbia University) Teaken, Frank T., A.B. Parkhurst, William M., A.B. (St. John's College, Brooklyn) (Union College) Thompson, James, A.B. Pfister, John V. (Hamilton College) Polkosnik, Henry A. Venter, Frederick A., A.B. (Fordham University) Quinn, Paul F. Wilson, Peter W., A.B. Raab, George R., B.L. (Mt. St. Mary's College) (Rutgers University) Young, Alvin R., B.C.S. Reilly, James J. (New York University) Rieschl, Martin A., A.B. Zegri, Ferdinand E., B.S. in Bus. (University of Wisconsin) (Columbia University) FIRST YEAR- MORNING CLASS

Ajamian, Edward G. Conroy, Harold W. Allen, Jr., William E. Coppola, Eugene E. Aristides, Alexander Cramer, Emil J., A.B. Backiel, Louis S., A.B. (Amherst College) (Colgate University) Curcio, John H. Baffino, Francis P., A.B. Defino, John J. (Fordham University i DiCarlo, Joseph C. Baris, Sadie N., A.B. DiRusso, Louis P. (Hunter College) Bartolomei, George Dobson, James R. Bartos, Frank E. Doscher, Nathan, B.S. Baskind, Seymour (College of the City of New York) Feldman, Morris D. Bornstein, Philip Fioravanti, Albert Borzellino, Anthony, A.B. Fitzmaurice, David G. (Lafayette College) Brown, Raymond V. Fontana, Edward J., A.B. (Fordham University) Burkan, Henry F. Forte, Anthony J. Camardella, James V. Fournier, Thomas L. Carissimi, Louis J., A.B. Freda, Joseph W. (College of the Holy Cross) Cawse, Jr., Alfred J. Geluso, Giacomo J. Clohosey, Addison B., A.B. Gershtenson, Jacob (Seton Hall College) Giaquinto, Biagio F. Cowan, Benjamin Gladstone, Burnett C, B.S. Conforti, Pasquale E., A.B. (Fordham University) (Fordham University) Glennon, James A. )

School of Law

Goldstein, Robert, A.B. Mazarella, Anthony (Syracuse University) Megali, Pasquale R. Gregory, Francis G. Melius, Jr., Frederick N., A.B. University) Grottola, Raphael V. (Colgate Mendelsohn, Jack Catherine M., A.B. Halley, Meyer, Herbert N. (College of New Rochelle) Mlott, Ludwig S. Halsband, Samuel, B.S. in S.S. Molineaux, Vincent deP. (College of the City of New York) Hamelburger, Lester Molitoris, Joseph T. Hammer, Henry Moyna, Jr., Joseph P. Muller, Arthur J. Hannigan, Dorothy M. Sidney P. Harms, August W. Nadel, O'Malley, Raphael H., A.B. Hayes, Arthur P., A.B. (St. Francis' College, Brooklyn) (Manhattan College) O'Reilly, Anne L., A.B. Heller, Maurice, B.S. in S.S. (College of the Sacred Heart) (College the City New York) of of Panettiere, Joseph S. Higgins, Joseph F. Pearl, Sam Holman, Sandow, B.S. Perlman, Albert L. (New York University) Hughes, Jr., John T. Perrone, Louis P. Jarvis, Robert B., C.E. Reuter, Edmond J. (Cornell University) Reville, Joseph J., A.B. Jones, Robert W. (Fordham University) Kaplan, Morris J. Riley, James I. Keller, Otto W., B.S. in S.S. Roberts, Russell R. (Colleqe of the Citv of New York) Romer, John P. Kelley, Daniel F., A.B. Rosenberg, Morris (Fordham University) Rossini, Frank A. Kilcullen, Thomas J. Sabbatino, Catherine T., A.B. King, Henry J., A.B. (St. Joseph's College, Brooklyn) (Fordham University) Sacco, John C. Klein, Harvey L. Salvati, Lello C. Konesky, Edmund Samuels, Julius, B.S., in Econ. Kramer, Benjamin M. (University of Pennsylvania) Lally, Thomas F., B.S. in Econ. Santandrea, Michael R. (Villanova College) Sarrapede, Stephen S. Lalor, James F., A.B. Savage, David A. (Fordham University) Scancarello, Joseph LaMonte, Francis S., A.B. Schnabel, Joseph H. (Fordham University) Lea, Charles A. Sens, Josephine M. Lieblich, Neil M. Siebert, Robert A. Linsky, Lawrence P., A.B. Skehan, Vesta C. (Fordham University) Smith, Mary Lou Baker, A.B. McCann, John T. (Barnard College) McCarthy, William G. Span, Abram N. McCullough, Frank S. Spiess, Lawrence B., A.B. (Fordham University) McDonnell, Terence J. Steckler, William J. McGuire, John L. Strum, Maurice S., B.B.A. McNally, Robert J. (College of the City of New York) McVay, William R. Swanick, Arthur J., B.S. Magid, William B. (Fordham University) Maguire, Gladys H., A.B. Thompson, Doris T. (College of New Rochelle) Thurlow, Paul E., A.B. Mancuso, Ferdinand F. (Columbia University Marshal, Arthur P. Tighe, Herbert A. Martino, Alfred C. Trager, Isadore ) )

34 Fordham University

Upperman, Walter J., A.B. Weinstein, Milton M. (Howard University Weiss, Benjamin Uretsky, Harry, A.B. Wilson, Nathan (College of the City of New York) VanEyk, Richard Wren, Jr., Joseph VanNortwick, Daniel D. Yelen, Henry, A.B. City Wazeter, Francis J., A.B. (College of the of New York) (Fordham University) Zaleski, Marion H.


Bachmann, Charles F., A.B. Hoffman, Harold M. (Fordham University Horrigan, Richard J. Bauch, Marks J., B.S. Jacobs, Cary D., A.B. (College of the City of New York) (Shaw University) Berg, Harold F. Johnston, Christine E. Berkenfeld, Israel, B.S. Kampelman, Harry (College of the City of New York) Brennan, Irving T., A.B. Kaplan, Harold L., A.B. (College of the Holv Cross) (Upsala College) Brody, Herbert, B.S. in S.S. Kavenoff, Max, A.B. (College of the City of New York) (College of the City of New York) Brykczynski, Edward W. Kern, James V. Carozza, Carmine J. Kessler, Isidore, B.S. (New York University) Carroll, Joseph P., B.S. Lane, Jr., Joseph V., A.B. (College of the Citv of New York) (Fordham University) Caughlin, Jr., Walter B., A.B. Machtev, Israel (Manhattan College) Marcus', Chale, May F., A.B. Albert V., B.B.A. (Hunter College) (College of the City of New York) Chirico, Marius Marino, Ubaldo N., A.B. Clark, Joseph W. (Manhattan College) Marrone, Michael M. Clarke, Gerald V. Mele, Pasquale A. Cobb, Joseph P., A.B. Mellow, Dominic M. ('Fordham University) Corcoran, Thomas L. J. Moore, Richard J., A.B. Cox, William D. (Canisius College) Mulligan, John J., A.B. Cunningham, Elmer M. (Villanova College) Daly, Richard F., A.B. Murray, Lawrence J. (Villanova College) Nicholson, John J. Dandridge, Jr., Robert E., A.B. O'Neil, Frank C. (Howard University) O'Neill, Jr., Francis A., Doherty, Jr., James E. A.B. Eschwege, Emanuel (Fordham University) O'Shea, Edward A., A.B. Feinstein, Paul (Georgetown U niversity) Frank, William J. Pescia, Edward V. Friedlander, Benjamin F. Phelan, James V., A.B. Garozzo, Philip (Fordham University) Glenn, LeRoy C, A.B. Plunket, Thomas J. (Johnson C. Smith University) Pomerantz, William Grainger, Charles W. Pompilio, Thomas E., B.S. Green, Joseph W., B.S.S. (Fordham University) (College of the City of New York) Provisor, Abraham S. Heermance, Jr., Clayton J. Ragonetti, Jr., John L., Ph.B. Heller, Howard (Brown University) Heyser, Jr., Carl J., B.S. in B.A. Robertson, Francis J., A.B. (Lehigh University) (College of the City of New York) ) )

School of Law 35

Roth, Frank Sullivan, James V., A.B. Scala, Mafalda M. (Fordham University) Thierer, Arthur J., A.B. Schilling, Carl F. (Fordham University) Scholly, Robert E. Wallberg, Herman H. Shapiro, George Wein, Elio F. Shapiro, Ralph Weldon, Catherine D., Ph.B. Sheridan, H. Trenor (College of New Rochelle) Siegenfeld, Saul White, Raymond C, A.B. University Sitowski, Jr., Anthony J., A.B. (Fordham Winkler, Joseph (College of the Holy Cross) Spitzer, Albert, A.B. Wolfberg, Lawrence (West Virginia University) Woolner, Maurice A.


ALspach, Harold T. Fitts, Joseph D., A.B.

Armeny, Eustace G. (Fordham University > Bagarozy, Guido M. Flattery, Thomas J., A.B. Benjamin, Stanley N., A.B. (Fordham University I (New York University Flynn, Francis M., A.B. Brady, Patrick V., A.B. (University of Notre Dame) (College of the City of New York) Fortini, Frank F. Brock, Lawrence V., A.B. Fountain, Henry F., A.B. (Fordham University) (Columbia University I Brownyard, Win. H. Friedlander, George H., A.B. Callahan, Stanton J. B., A.B. (College of the City of New York) (Manhattan College) Friedman, Samuel Campanella, Dominic S. Ginsburg, Isidor Carroll, John K., B.S. Gittleman, Henry, A.B. (Fordham University) (College of the City of New York) Carroll, Paul B., A.B. Goldfarb, Benjamin P. (Fordham University) Graulich, Jacob M., B.S. in S.S. Cheasty, John C, A.B. (College of the City of New York) (Manhattan College) Griffith, John P., A.B. Collins, Joseph T. (Fordham University) Collins, Thomas A., A.B. Gurwitz, Milton (Fordham University) Heafy, Thomas J., A.B. Crozier, Arthur B., A.B. (St. Joseph's Seminary and College ) (Fordham University) Hopkins, Walter J., A.B. Decker, David J. (Fordham University) Diamond, Francis P. Horan, Matthew J., B.S. in C.E. DiPasca, Roger F., A.B. (New York U niversity) (Fordham University) Horowitz, Milton, B.S. DTsernia, Alfred L. (College of the City of New York) Donnelly, John E., B.S. in E.E. Jacobs, Joseph, B.S. (University of Vermont) (Fordham University) Durante, Julius J., B.S. Kaplan, Samuel S., A.B.

(Fordham University) (College of the City of New York ) Duross, Charles E., A.B. Kearns, James E. (Fordham University) Kleinman, M. Murray, B.B.A. Etra, Gustave (College of the City of New York) Fasano, Henry E., B.S. Kopstein, Alexander S. (Manhattan College) Landy, Gilbert M., A.B. Finn, Jr., John J. (Manhattan College) Fiorella, Anthony J. Libenson, Irving )

36 Fordham University

Lindemann, Paul, B.S. in S.S. Pagnucco, Louis A., B.B.A. (College of the City of New York) (College of the City of New York) McAuley, Harold J., A.B. Pell, Joseph C, A.B. (Fordham University) (Lafayette College) McCarthy, Jr., James J., A.B. Politzer, Donald (Fordham University) Polizzi, Emanuel McGinty, John P., B.S. Rodgers, Leo J. (Fordham University) Salerno, Pompeo, A.B.

McMahon, Thomas A., A.B. (Fordham University I (Catholic University) Satenstein, Hyman, A.B. McNabb, Frank J. (Lehigh University) Scanlon, Joseph I., A.B. McNally, Edward J., A.B. (Fordham University) (Fordham University) Schrade, George F. McNamara, Joseph F. Schwartz, Kenneth C, B.S. in Com Madigan, Francis V., A.B. (New York University) (Fordham University) Sheehy, Clinton P. Mahar, Clement G. Starr, Joseph, B.S. M alloy, John F. (College of the City of New York) Massimiano, Americo V. Sweeney, Roger D., A.B. Massler, Montrose H. (St. Joseph's College, Philadelphia) Thompson, George S., B.S. in M.E Meagher, Niall O. (Purdue University) Morrison, Eugene L. Toner, Philip E. Morse, Joseph C, A.B. Torpv, John K. (Fordham University) Traynor, Thomas P., B.S. Myron, Ben jamin G., A.B. (Fordham University) (College of the City of New York) Trotta, Maurice S. Nista, Joseph G., A.B. Walsh, David T., A.B. (Fordham University) (Fordham University) O'Brien, Jr., William F., A.B. Walsh, Joseph A., A.B.

(Fordham University) (Fordham University > O'Neil, John J., A.B. Wilkinson, John F., A.B. (Providence College) (Fordham University


Alderdice, Joseph J., B.S. in Econ. Breen, George F., A.B. (University of Pennsylz'anial (College of the Holy Cross) Androvette, Murray J., A.B. Campbell, James T., A.B. (Manhattan College) (St. Thomas' College, St. Paul) Ansell, John W., A.B. Campbell, Kenneth R. (Columbia University) Carmichael, John M., A.B. Bailey, Jr., William F., A.B. (St. John's College, Brooklyn ) (Fordham University) Carney, in Bannon, Jr., David J., A.B. Helen M., B.S. Educ. (Fordham University) (New York University) Barlow, Albert W. Carter, Eunice H., A.B. (Smith College) Bernfeld, Seymour S. Carvlin, Bernard A.B. Bishop, Francis M., B.S. in E.E. C, (Manhattan College) (Union College) Cerina, B.S. Bowe, Jr., William J., A.B. Joseph, (Fordham University) (Wesleyan University) Boylan, Joseph J., A.B. Clune, John P., A.B. (Manhattan College) (Fordham University) Brennan, Thomas M., Conroy, Harold J. B.S. in Bus. Admin. Cookman, Brant S., A.B. (Lehigh University) (Yale University) School of Law 37

Courtney, John P., A.B. Hayes, Edwin J., B.S. (Villanova College) (Washington and Jefferson College) Dalton, Gabriel J., A.B. Heberle, Robert J., A.B. (Fordham University) (Catholic University) Davis, John M., A.B. Hirsch, Sidney, A.B. (Manhattan College) (College of the City of New York) Dechert, Jr., Daniel O. Holland, Henry E., A.B. DiFrancisci, Vincent R., B.S. (Manhattan College) (College of the City of New York) Holloway, Francis J., A.B. Dennehy, John F., A.B. (College of the Holy Cross) (Manhattan College) Hopkins, Joseph G., A.B. Dolan, Francis J. (Fordham University) Donovan, Robert F. Hunter, Eleanor L., A.B. Doran, Edwin, A.B. (Vassar College) (Fordham University) Irving, Thomas J., A.B. Dorsey, Jr., John J., A.B. (Fordham University) (Fordham University) Jarvis, Francis G. Doyle, James M., A.B. Joerren, Ernest A., B.S. in Ch.E. (Seton Hall College) (Newark College of Engineering) Edelstein, David Joyce, Thomas W., A.B. Eschenlauer, Harold C, (Georgetown University) B.S. in Bus. Admin. Kalosky, Francis D., A.B. (Lehigh University) (Manhattan College) Evans, John E., A.B. Kalwaic, John J., B.S. in Econ. (Fordham University) (Wharton School, Univ. of Penn.) Fallon, Bernard J., A.B. Kane, Anne Marie, A.B. (Boston College) (College of Mt. St. Vincent-on- Faulkner, John F., A.B. Hudson) (Fordham University) Kassof, Milton, B.S. in S.S. Feeney, Walter R., A.B. (College of the City of New York) (St. Thomas' College, Scranton, Pa. Katzman, Max L., B.S. Ficke, Russell H. (College of the City of New York) Finkelstein, Adolph, B.S. Kelly, Edward J., A.B. (College of the City of New York) (Manhattan College) Fitzgerald, Thomas I., A.B. Kelly, John G. (Fordham University) Kelly, Thomas D., A.B. Fitzhenry, Joseph J., A.B. (St. Mary's College, Kansas City) (Fordham University) Kenney, John J., A.B. Foley, John J., A.B. (Fordham University) (College of the Holy Cross) King, John A., A.B. Galway, Andrew V., A.B. ( College of the Holy Cross) (Manhattan College) Klinger, David, A.B.

Gibbons, John F. ( College of the City of New York > Gilmartin, David H., A.B. Laufer, Arthur M., B.S. in S.S. (Fordham University) (College of the City of New York) Giordano, Anthony F., A.B. Lee; Gregory A., A.B. (Manhattan College) (Fordham University) Glaccum, John H., B.S. Lenahan, Henry J. (Georgetown University) Leonard, John H.E., M.E. Glennon, Matthew J. (Stevens Institute of Technology) Graham, William J. Levy, Frederick E. Greco, Louis E., B.S. Lynch, Arthur V., B.S. (Seton Hall College! (Fordham University) Halleron, William M., A.B. McDermott, Hamilton R., A.B. (Manhattan College) (Manhattan College) Hamilton, Robert A., McDermott, Jr., James J., A.B. Ph.B. in Com. (Fordham University) (University of Notre Dame) McGuire, James I., A.B. Hastings, Stanley B., A.B. (Fordham University) (Haverford College) Mclntyre, John F. "

38 Fordiiam University

McLoughlin, Jr., Emmett, A.B. Reid, Edward T., A.B. (Georgetown University) (Manhattan College) McNamara, Marie C, A.B. Roberts, Helen F., A.B. (New York University) (College of New Kochelle) McQuade, Eugene S., A.B. Robinson, Jr., Thomas F., A.B. (Fordham University) (Fordham University) Mahoney, John E. Rosen, Morris I., A.B. Manion, John J. ( College of the City of New York) Rubin, Irving Marlowe, Leon, B.B.A. (College of the City of New York) Ruskin, Gertrude Marrin, Joseph J., A.B. Ryan, Jr., Francis J., A.B. (Fordham University) ( College of the Holy Cross) Martin, John, B.S. Ryan, Gerald T., A.B. (College of the City of New York) (College of the Holy Cross) Mendes, Reginald V., A.B. Ryan, Thomas W. (Fordham University) Sakalauckas, Peter E. Merola, Matthew F., B.S. in S.S. (College of the City of New York) Schinuck, Edward J. Milella, Philip P., A.B. Serwer, Zachary A., A.B. (College of the City of New York) (College of the City of New York) Monaco, Dante G., A.B. Sheedy, Anna Toole, A.M. (Seton Hall College) (Columbia University) Monaco, William F., B.S. Sherry, John C. (Dartmouth College) Singer, Morton, A.B. Moore, Philip T., A.B. (Cornell University) (Columbia University) Smith, Maurice J. Moore, Richard T., A.B. Snook, Albert J. (Fordham University) Sommerfield, Arthur M., Moran, Patrick A., A.B. B.S. in S.S. (St. Thomas' College, Scranton, Pa.) Morhous, John A. (College of the Citv of New York) Speckels, Wm. A., A.B. Moriarty, John J., A.B. (Fordham University) (Fordham University) Spitzer, Morton J. Morley, William B., B.S. Stewart, Emily L. (Fordham University) Mulcahy, Henry A., A.B. Sullivan, Francis A., A.B. (Fordham University) (Fordham University) Mulvey, John F., B.S. in Econ. Sullivan, Joseph E., A.B. (University of Pennsylvania) (St. Thomas' College, Scranton, Pa.) Murphy, Raymond C, A.B. Swanin, Joseph E. (Manhattan College) Tighe, Austin T., A.B. Nilssen, Morton O., A.B. (Villanova College) (Upsala College) Vacca, Angelo W., A.B. Nolan, Frank M., A.B. (Fordham University) (Columbia University) Vaughn, Jr., James J., A.B. O'Melia, Charles J., A.B. (Washington College) (Manhattan College) Walker, Thomas H., A.B. O'Toole, Bryan J., A.B. (Columbia University) (Manhattan College) Walsh, Michael J. Phelan, Jr., Finton J., A.B. Watson, Jr., Fred G., A.B. (Fordham University) (Villanova College) Piatt, Herman, A.B. Watt, William A., A.B.

(College of the Citv of New York) (St. Francis' College, Brooklyn ) Postner, Wm. H., A.B. Whalen, William D., Ph.B.

(St. Vincent's Collenc , Beattv, Pa.) (Brown University) Pyle, Joseph B., A.B. White, John Joseph, A.B. (Fordham University) (Fordham Uniz'ersitv) Quealy, John K., A.B. Winters, William G.", A.B. (St. John's College, Brooklyn) (Fordham University) School of Law 39


Anderson, J. Alfred Hayes, William F. Arnold, Louise K. Hoffman, Kenneth L. Banigan, Leo A. Lyons, John L. Cuffari, Antoni J. McMillan, Caroline E. Cossey, Cecil R. Murtha, Thomas V. Down, Geoffrey H. Rehberger, Frederick F. Featherstone, Joseph G. Rodenwald, Jr., William MacN. Friedman, Charles S. Ward, James V. Halliday, Walter J. Wood, John W. Harrison, Theodore