Happy Thanksgiving! Des Moines Area Community College, Boone Campus

Volume 4, Issue 6 November 24, 2004 Construction running out of good weather Josh Hutt too cold or too warm. The new system will Banner Staff regulate the heating and cooling automati- cally. The duct work is set to be opera- A lot of work is getting done on the tional by next fall. Boone Campus. As a result there will be no air con- The north addition currently has a clo- ditioning for a time during the summer sure around certain areas to help heaters semester. dry concrete and warm the workers. As The biggest project recently was the winter weather begins to set in, workers removal of the chiller from the boil- are getting as much work done on the out- er room. “It took about four days of side as they can. preparation before Reppert Rigging came “We know we are running out of good in to take it away,” said Construction weather,” grounds superintendent Dean Superintendent Dan Goldsworth. Hatch points out. A crew of four workers cut the chiller Weather has been an issue for the into four pieces in order get it out of the workers. Construction remained on track building. Workers took off doors in order despite the rain and cold weather. to get it out of the building. The parking lots are now opened for The device was scrapped when it was the students, despite no lights in the north all said and done. lot. The electrical wiring is already in On Saturday, Nov. 20, the water was place but lights will not be put up until shut off on the lower level of campus. The next spring. plumbing on the upper level was left on. The new addition is the main focus Campus would have had to be shut down outside Courter Center windows, but what if the water was completely shut off. Water isn’t noticed is all the work being done on remained off until Monday afternoon. the campus heating and cooling system. It has become routine for Hatch when it New duct work is making its way come time to shut off certain utilities. across the campus. The heating and cool- “When we get the news; we just do it,” ing is currently not equally regulated Hatch said. contributed photo among classrooms, making rooms either Reppert Rigging removes one of four pieces of the chiller from the boiler room. Holiday season may trigger domestic violence Editor’s Note: This is the first of a and the marriage only six months. The experienced this sort of crime.” Conis gets not believe that police will do anything two-part series on domestic violence. abuse escalated after the marriage.” a number of students who come to him and about the incident. However, only half of The first part deals with the victim and She continued, “The abuse ranged from ask what he had done before coming to domestic violence incidents are reported the police, the second part, which will a verbal and emotional abuse (criticism, teach. Once they find out what he used to to police. African-American women are be published in the Dec. 8 issue, deals silence, cruelty) to actual physical abuse. do, they will share information and ask for more likely than others to report their vic- with volunteers and workers in the The first time was about four months into timization to police. program. our relationship, and it was one of the Dr. Conis said, “My biggest frustration worst. I ended up with a black eye and with law enforcement is about 25 per- Breget Medley bruises on my body and arms. After that, cent generally have very little respect for JNAD 121 student I learned how to avoid that much violence women. That’s not just law enforcement. by not bringing up certain subjects, not If you look around at various occupations, Part 1: The Victim & The Police confronting him, basically, not having an women are always second fiddle. They opinion. just don’t command the respect that they Women are threatened, assaulted, “As the relationship wore on, we would deserve. In the ‘good ole boy’ situation, raped, mutilated, and killed every minute have violent eruptions from time to time. it doesn’t make any difference if you are around the world; statistics underestimate The worse incidence of violence occurred female or any minority, you aren’t going the extent of this problem each year, in the end, during the weeks when I was to command any respect.” according to the National Woman Abuse trying to leave him.” Results of a “Survey Conducted by Banner File Photo Prevention Project. Of 200 thousand visits to the hospital the Metropolitan Police Department of Dr. Pete Conis The violence cuts across boundaries of emergency room, 40 to 50 percent were Victims who Reported Violence Against culture, wealth, faith, and ethnicity. female victims who were assaulted each Women,” in only one-third of the domes- Dr. Debra Marquart, Assistant Professor year by their intimate partner; one out of direction. tic violence calls did an officer take photo- of English at Iowa State University was a five domestic violence victims will seek Conis said, “The problem with domestic graphs or ask about prior abuse. victim of domestic abuse. professional medical treatment, according violence in a small town is that everybody Conis was a law enforcement officer She said, “The man that I married was to the Bureau of Justice Statistics and The knows everybody, and there is so much for 27 years. Most of the time he was abusive before we were married, and I United Nations International Children’s pressure on the victim not to report. on patrol; as a result, he spent a lot of knew that he had been abusive in an ear- Emergency Fund (UNICEF). And if they happen to be close friends time responding to domestic results. The lier relationship. According to the U.S. Department of with law enforcement, there is so much last four years of his career, under a fed- Although Marquart’s husband had told Justice, men are more likely to be victims pressure for them not to act. If a police eral grant under the Stop Violence against her these things, she chose to ignore of violent crimes but, domestic violence officer is involved in domestic violence, Women Act, he started the program called, them. “I knew that he had come from a is primarily a crime against women from they lose all rights and privileges to fire “Stop Violence against Women Project” at physically violent home—his father was their intimate partner. arms, if convicted of domestic assault.” the Iowa Law Enforcement Academy. His violent with his mother, and his father was Dr. Pete Conis, a DMACC sociology The Bureau of Justice Statistics Fact responsibility was to train new recruits violent with him when he was a teenager. professor is considered an expert in the book states that the most common rea- and in-service officers on how to investi I knew him for a year, and then we moved field of domestic violence. sons for not reporting domestic violence in together and lived together for seven He said, “There is a certain portion of to police are that victims view the incident years. We got married after seven years, the DMACC student population who has as a personal or private matter, they fear Continued on Page 8 retaliation from their abuser and they do Campus News, Page 2 Volume 4, Issue 6 November 24, 2004

SAC encounters snafus DMACC Despite the water problems, construc- Matt Christensen struction work. Water service was shut tion workers were invited by Mathes to eat Banner Staff off to portions of campus, including the News free of charge. Courter Center Campus Cafe, as part of Mathes said she estimated between The Boone Student Activities Council new water heating-and-cooling system 300 and 400 plates would be served when does not have much to be thankful for this instillation. Cafe workers said they were Creative Writing she placed the food order with Fareway. season. The Council encountered road- forced to boil bottled water on the kitch- Campus Cafe workers estimated 350 peo- blocks in their plans for their only two enette’s range to get hot water. Contest deadline ple were actually served meals. activities, a student game-show program In addition to the hot-water short- Joanne Temple, of the Boone business/ and free Thanksgiving dinner, planned for age, sources in the Cafe said they didn’t coming close financial aid office, said this year’s din- November. know that most of the Thanksgiving din- Just a reminder that the deadline ner cost SAC $797.03. Fareway received The game show, originally called Dash ner would have to be reheated by Cafe is approaching for the DMACC cre- $797.03. The Campus Cafe received $30 for Dollars, was scheduled for Nov. 17 but employees, or that all of the stuffing had ative Writing contest. Entries must for preparing the stuffing. was cancelled due to scheduling conflicts to be made at the Cafe just hours before be postmarked by Dec. 6, 2004 SAC President Nate Lahner said the with the company SAC hired to plan the the buffet-style meal was served. If students are attending next postponed game show, now being titled event, Kramer Entertainment, Inc. With the exception of stuffing, Fareway fall, there will be a $1,000 scholar- Blizzard of Bucks, is rescheduled for Jan. “Kramer had two events scheduled for supplied the dishes served, which includ- ship given out. The $500 scholar- 25. Mathes said Kramer has promised to the same day so we had to reschedule,” ed turkey, baked beans and corn. Campus ship is for runner-up best writer. extend the length of the program by a half said Lisa Mathes, faculty adviser to SAC. Cafe employees reheated the food before For those who are planning to hour to compensate for the scheduling The Thanksgiving dinner held on Nov. the meal was served to students and fac- graduate or transfer for the next mishap. 22 was hindered due to effects from con- ulty at 11 a.m. academic year there’s $100 for best story, $50 for runner-up; and the same amounts go for poetry. Grading appeal process America in the Movies Sports and the American Culture Jason Moore to help you with your next decision; pur- After all of this if the appeal still isn’t Banner Staff sue the appeal process or not. resolved you can proceed to “Step Four” During the spring semester, After the first informal steps if you by submitting the appeal form which the America in the Movies class If a student receives a grade that he or still believe that you still have received includes the “Step Three” signatures to (Humanities 133) will feature a she feels is unfair, numerous steps can be your grade under an “unfair grading pro- the Chairperson of the Judicial Review variety of films involving individ- taken to appeal the grade. cess”, you will need to obtain a copy of Board within five full college class days ual, social, psychological, and cul- A student may appeal the following the Student Academic Appeals Procedure. of the dean’s decision. tural issues. actions related to his or her academic They are available in the office. If you disagree with the finding of the One class meets on Tuesdays performance: assignment of a final grade, After you submit your Student Judicial Review Board, you may submit and Thursdays, from 11:15-1:15 in sanctions taken for failure to make satis- Academic Appeals Procedure, which your appeal for which includes all four the theater. This class is full, so factory academic progress or academic includes a written statement that provides steps with signatures to the Senior Vice another class featuring the same misconduct, enrollment denial or drop or details in support of your appeal, the President of Academic Affairs for a final films will meet on Wednesday eve- other faculty/staff actions. Ombudsperson, instructor must complete the “Step One” review. nings from 6-10 p.m. Both class- Rita Davenport for the Boone DMACC portion of the of the Student Academic At each step of the appeal, you will es are taught by Boone DMACC campus, is available to assist students Appeals Procedure. be notified of the decision in writing in instructor, Dr. Jerrine McCaffrey. through the appeal process. After this is completed, you must sub- five days of receiving the written appeal The movies for the spring semes- If a student believes he received an mit the form which includes the “Step from you. ter include the following: incorrect final grade, the first step is One” signatures to the chairperson or Chariots of Fire to collect information about the course group leader of the appeals process within Pride of the Yankees requirements to help make an educated three weeks of the next college term. Hoosiers decision. The sources should include the If resolution of the appeal cannot be Any Given Sunday course syllabus, an informal discussion made with the chairperson/group leader, Feed a Body Love and Basketball with the instructor to learn the expecta- you proceed to “Step Three” by submit- A League of their Own tions for the course and the recorded ting the appeal form with which includes Miracle earned grades. the “Step Two” signatures to Vivian Feed A Mind Seabiscuit This is the informal step in the grade Brandmeyer, the campus provost, within National Velvet appeal process, basically a session for you five full college class days of the chairper- Tammy Hartmann The Hustler to hopefully resolve your differences and son/group leader’s decision. Contributing Writer Victory November 24, 2004 Center Stage Volume 4, Issue 6 Did you hear it? Chugga, Chugga... Enter the Dragon Editor In Chief Josh Hutt [email protected] Chugga, Chugga...Maybe you’ve seen it? Feature Editor Robin Cazavilan [email protected] Big, brightly colored in red, lots of empty Opinion Editor Ashley Crouthamel [email protected] cars. It’s the Feed a Body / Feed A Mind Plasma TV update Sports Editor Brandon Kleinke [email protected] train sponsored by the Tau Phi Chapter of The new plasma television in the Copy Editor Matt Christensen [email protected] Phi Theta Kappa, and it pulled into the Courter Center is currently nothing Reporters Megan Shadle [email protected] DMACC station on Nov. 17. Jason Moore [email protected] more than a wall hanging. The train will be here through the Grounds Superintendent Dean Boone Campus Banner is a student newspaper, published bi-weekly at Des Moines Area Community College, 1125 coming holiday season to collect non- Hatch has called MediaCom several Hancock Dr., Boone, Iowa 50036 (515)433-5092. Boone Banner is distributed free to all DMACC students, staff perishable food items, as well as, new or times over the past month with no and alumni. Subscriptions can be purchased at the annual rate of $10 to the general public. The editorial office gently used books to be redistributed to reply. Hatch has even written to of Boone Banner is located in Room 219. the community. With rising food, heating MediaCom hoping for a reply. To Editorial policy and medical expenses hitting the Midwest, date there has been no response. Boone Banner welcomes letters in an attempt to provide a forum for the many diverse views of the campus. lending a helping hand to those in need The views expressed in Boone Banner are not necessarily the views or endorsements of Des Moines Area The intent for the new plasma Community College or the Boone Banner editorial board. Letters should be no longer than 250 words, signed can bring joy to both the giver and the television is to broadcast CNN and and brought to the editorial offices of Boone Banner or can be e-mailed to [email protected] or mailed in receiver. the occasional sporting event. It care of the college. Boone Banner reserves the right to edit as necessary for libelous content, profanity, copy- Help to fill the cars with “food” for the fitting, grammatical and spelling errors or clarity. also will serve as a message board Adviser mind and the body. for campus events. Jan LaVille Member of Boone Campus Provost ICMA & Vivian Brandmeyer Printer Wilcox Printing and Publishing Inc. ICCMA Campus News, Page 3 Volume 4, Issue 6, November 24, 2004 College students at risk for deadly disease

Ashley Crouthamel It is also associated with other diseases, found on college campuses, with a result avoid amputations and fight septicemia. Banner Staff like those that are mosquito-born. It can of 5 to 15 deaths. Survivors aren’t always People who have come in close contact be spread by people-to-people contact or safe after the disease is treated; up to 20 with infected persons can also take an Dorm life usually consists of living in by insects. percent have long-term disabilities such as antibiotic to help avoid contracting the close quarters with one or more students, Signs of viral meningitis are those com- damage in the brain, hearing loss or limb disease. A vaccination called Menomune sharing each other’s air space. Typical mon to the flu or cold: fever, headache, amputations. is available to reduce the risk for the college life, right? It may be fun and a stiffness in the neck, fatigue, rashes, soar Bacterial meningitis has two forms: majority of adolescents and young adults. start on getting to know new friends, but throat and even vomiting. These symp- swelling of the membrane surrounding the Menomune provides three to five years it may also pose a different, more serious toms occur roughly one week after being brain and spinal cord, or the more deadly of protection and has no reported serious problem. exposed, and can last around 10 days. blood infection meningococcemia. The side-effects, but sometimes can come with Bacterial meningitis can be spread by There are no treatments since antibiotics bacterium that causes this deadly form a slight fever and redness. Vaccines are air droplets and direct contact with infec- don’t work against viral meningitis. of meningitis is called Neisseria menin- available for around $110. tion persons. Coughing, kissing and shar- Viral meningitis can be prevented by gitidis. For more information, go to the ing cigarettes, lip balm, utensils and cups keeping up personal hygiene and avoiding Bacterial meningitis is often confused National Meningitis Association website, are all ways to spread and catch it. Late mosquito bites during season when they with flu or even migraines, and early signs http://www.nmaus.org. winter and early spring are when most are abundant. are often misdiagnosed. Some symptoms cases occur. The other form is bacterial meningitis, include high fever, headache, stiffness in There are two types of a disease called also known as meningococcal meningi- the neck, confusion, nausea, vomiting and meningitis—viral and bacterial. Viral tis. It’s more serious, and even deadly, if exhaustion. Later on, a rash may develop. Places to obtain a meningitis, or aseptic meningitis, is the not found quickly. Twenty-five percent If any of these symptoms occur unusu- meningitis vaccine more common form, and most people who of cases in adolescents result in death, ally sudden and sever, contact a physi- Mary Greeley Hospital contract it recover quickly — therefore it’s with the disease striking about 2,500 cian—don’t wait! 1111 Duff Ave., Ames 515-239- rarely serious. It’s an infection of fluids Americans each year—that’s roughly 625 Antibiotics in heavy doses are used for 2523 that surround the spinal cord and brain. American lives taken by this disease. treatment of bacterial meningitis. In 2002, Polk County Health Department It’s caused by a number of different virus- College students living in dorms are at according to the National Meningitis 1907 Carpenter, Des Moines 515- es, and about half of the cases in the U.S. more risk than students living at home or Association, a new drug called Xigris 286-3748 are caused by common intestinal viruses. alone. An estimated 100 to 125 cases are was available on the market, which helps Merle Hay Family Practice 4631 Merle Hay Rd., Des Moines 515-278-0949 Students raise money to fight fistula Robert A. Lee, MD 2555 Berkshire Parkway, Clive Erin Bradley la. A doctor by the name of Dr. Catherine 515-987-0025 Contributing Writer Hamlin runs a hospital that is able to per- form surgery on these girls. They are able Many of us do not know what fistula is to have children again (through a caesar- or who it affects. In Ethiopia and Nigeria, ean operation) and a normal life. fistula is a well known disease and unfor- The surgery to correct this problem tunately part of everyday life. costs anywhere from $100 to $500 depend- Girls as young as 10 are married off ing on the severity of the tear. With this their goal and help a girl at a chance to a and then start having children. But since money the girls are given the surgery, new life. their bodies are still small and have not physical therapy, a new dress and a bus You can also donate to the Fistula yet developed, the process of childbearing ticket home. Foundation by going to the website www. causes them to tear in their uterus. Pete Conis’ Courtship, Family & fistulahospital.org and clicking on “How Once this happens the baby is left in Marriage class is having bake sales on to Help.” the womb to die and the young woman is Thursdays to raise money. The goal is The group appreciates all of who now left childless and socially unaccept- $500 but would love to collect more. helped them out at their last bake sale and able. She is given back to the family and Donating a little bit can help them toward hope students and staff continue to do so. www.fistulahospital.org isolated from society, usually forced to Amcelet in her aunt's house in Gedeno live in a shack outside the home. Because Village, Ethiopia. Amcelet suffered of the tear in her uterus she is unable to an obstetric fistula at age 16 and was control her bowel movements as well. sent away from her village so as not to Fortunately there is a way to treat fistu- bring shame on her family. Feature, Page 4 Volume 4, Issue 6 November24 , 2004 Nearly naked actors romp around in British accents

Jason Moore The actors all fit their rolls extremely well. Banner Staff Bill seemed to always be distraught with the impending doom that looms over his head. The lights went dim. I uneasily shuffled Tom supplied comic relief by mak- around in my theatre seat, which is obviously ing threats to cut off the penis and give a built for an 11-year old girl and not a full-fig- vasectomy to the man who slept with Judy. ured gentleman such as myself. However, my Tom also came off extremely loyal to Bill, interest perked when I saw naked people on although reluctant at first, to go through with stage. Well, almost naked. Bill’s insane schemes. This near-naked display was the opening to Rachel’s mother Daphne, played by Jessica Robin Hawdon’s play “The Perfect Wedding.” Peel, although a minor role, kept true to her From the moment the play started, I knew I was status as a mother by constantly singing bits in for something completely different. and pieces of “The Wedding March” and Bill, played by Kevin Bushwald, and Judy, making sure that Rachel’s dress was hemmed played by Emily Cue, wake up in a hotel suite to perfection. Julie the chamber maid also and realize they’ve made a huge mistake. Bill added much to the humor element — she is thinks he has cheated on his fiancé, Rachel, the first one to find out that Judy is actually played by Liz Bennet. Tom’s girlfriend and drops numerous hints To make matters even worse, he doesn’t around Tom and Bill. know the woman he has slept with. To make Overall I thought the play was a good things even more complicated, Bill is supposed show. I was entertained the whole time and to be married that day. In the meantime, Bill’s kept trying to guess what would happen friend Tom, played by Neil Garvey, shows up next. to find out what has happened. To make things The only folly was that, occasionally, the even more complicated, Bill convinces Tom, actors and actresses would accidentally slip before Rachel shows up, to act like he and out of their British accents and use their nor- the chamber maid, Julie, played by Danielle mal accents. Later in the scene they’d usu- Knutson, were the ones sleeping in the hotel ally remember that they were supposed to be suite, and not Bill. British and eventually everyone would jump When we find out that the woman that slept back on board with the accents. with Bill is Tom’s girlfriend, all hell breaks Occasionally a line was flubbed up or loose. someone spoke out of turn, but it was not The entire play takes place in the hotel suite such a problem that it ruined a scene or the previously mentioned. The set designs were play as a whole. With that aside, the play extremely good and very appropriate for the deserves 3.5 stars out of 5. Definitely worth play. The best details were the little painted Contributed photo a look, but nothing spectacular. hearts all over the walls of the suite. Liz Bennet looks ready to strangle her intended groom, Kevin Bushwald, during the fall play last weekend on the Boone Campus. Jamie Foxx Uncanny performance Commentary Ashley Crouthamel and copying styles like that of Nat King We’ve go spirit--how ‘bout you? Banner Staff Cole, Charles finally finds his own voice and style which led to his success in the Three hours of an affair and a 1960’s and revolutionized American pop- struggle with a heroin addic- ular music. Throughout the next Ashley Crouthamel tion. Three hours of 15+ years, his music diversi- Banner Staff swinging jazz, gospel, fied into other styles such rhythm & blues and as country, soul, gospel, Free. That word is music to students’ of how many have been attending games, country music from and R&B, making him ears. Not much is truly free anymore, but but mentioned that attendance improves the ‘50s, ‘60s and hit the top of the charts; one thing that is free are sporting events drastically nearing December and confer- ‘70s. Three hours of his affair with one of the and plays. ence play. “We are proud of the following Ray Charles Robinson’s Raylettes, his backup sing- School spirit is an apathetic struggle we have received in the past and look for- struggle and success in the music business ers, led to an illegitimate child; his drug at some schools, with lack of interest and ward to having this year,” he said. in the new movie simply titled “Ray.” addiction finally led to rehab. As Charles’ participation from students — meaning “I think it’s important that students go Comedian and actor Jamie Foxx (from fame grew, his “on the road life” involv- lack of support for sports players and [to games] because the teams need the “Collateral”) did an uncanny performance ing drugs and women posed a threat to those involved in drama. Do DMACC support of their fellow classmates,” said in the movie “Ray.” The movie goes strip away the things most precious to students have school spirit? Tasha Ridde, 18, of Boone. through his struggle as a blind black musi- him—his wife and kids, and his music. Volleyball season is over, and there Kay Mueller, head of drama, estimated cian with a powerful voice and an incred- Overcoming those demons in his life have already been a few men’s and wom- between 40-45 students attended the fall ible talent on the piano trying to make it showed the audience how inspiring this en’s basketball games, as well as the fall play. “Not only would I like to see more in a Jim Crowe world and overcome the man was, and makes “Ray” a true story of play “The Perfect Wedding.” How many students attend, I would also like to see prejudice against the blind. human triumph. of DMACC’s 1,438 students have sup- more students audition for the play. I The movie starts out when Charles This movie was better than I had antici- ported the campus Michael Jordans in would also like to see greater non-student is seven, living in poverty in Florida in pated, showing the sides of Charles and training, or applauded those who strive to attendance,” she said. 1937, dealing with the death of his young- aspects of his life most probably don’t be the next Julia Roberts? Some students seem to have the spirit er brother and his battle with becoming know, let alone expect. The swinging Orv Salmon, athletic director, said and support our school’s activities, but blind. It then goes forward to the begin- music made me sway in my seat, and sing about the sports, “Our community and there are quite a few who don’t. It’s not ning of Charles’ quest in the 50’s to make softly when I know the words. But, the school involvement is certainly as good just the students — community involve- it in the music industry. From there, flash- shadowy parts of this incredible man’s life if not better than any other school in our ment is also appreciated and welcomed. backs from childhood flood Charles’ mind made me tear up. I feel this biographical conference.” So next time there’s a game or a drama as he gets deeper into his drug addiction, drama of Ray Charles Robinson deserves Salmon said that since students and production, instead of sitting at home, helping round out the story of his life. 4 stars. faculty are admitted free with a library come cheer on the efforts of our play- Through his different styles of music **** card, it was hard to come up with a count ers, and applaud a job well done to our Feature, Page 5 Volume 4, Issue 6, November 24, 2004

Not just any Iowa concert Megan Shadle Banner Staff

The average concert is about two to three hours long, but the last concert at the Maintenance Shop in Ames on Nov. 13 was almost five hours long. It featured four bands for the price of one band, $14. This concert wasn’t just any concert; it was one central Iowa has been longing for for the past two years: a punk/ concert that was affordable. The line up for the night was the fast- paced punk/rock music from The F-Ups. Then came the jumping saxophone and from the punk/ska band Big D and the Kids Table. Next was the all girl pop/ punk group Go Betty Go. The feature act, a hardcore/ska/Latin band called the Voodoo Glow Skulls, closed the show. The F-Ups are an incredible band to start the night off with — they were young and energetic guys from Minnesota who just wanted to play. The band consisted of four wild members who liked to rock as hard as they possibly could. They played at least five songs in their set before Big D and the Kids Table took the stage. The crowd died down waiting for Big D and the Kids Table to start their set. After all seven members got into place, the saxo- phone, and players began the first number. Then the drums, and finally the vocals came in, which got the audience in the mosh pits to . Big D and the Kids Table is an excellent punk/ska band of their time, especially at a time when ska in Iowa has almost died. After Big D and the Kids Table fin- ished their set, the pop/punk all girl group Go Betty Go came on stage. They tried in vain to play their instruments and sing at the same time — the lead singer ended up screaming their songs while trying to play guitar. Go Betty Go has a good instrumental sound, but the screaming drove people out of the Maintenance Shop to stand outside and wait for the next band to start. When it came time for the Voodoo Glow Skulls to perform, the lead singer came on the stage with a Mexican Wrestler’s mask on, and performed the set while wearing it. After about four songs, a guy in a costume jumped on stage wearing a mask with huge bulging eyes and just danced around on stage. The Voodoo Glow Skulls sang a few songs in Spanish, but rocked the heck out of the Maintenance Shop with audience participation. This was an awesome concert that was memorable for the Maintenance Shop. The audience had a great night, seeing four punk/ rock/ska bands for a reasonable price. Opinion, Page 6

Volume 4, Issue 6, November 24, 2004 Behind the Desk Remember to register for next semester E d i t o r i a l

Ashley Crouthamel To make your appointment more effi- Banner Staff Give thanks for Thanksgiving cient and go faster, pick up a copy of the A noticeable trend is happening on a yearly basis. classes offered and look through it. You Department and grocery stores are taking down the decorations of Dracula and For all of you who are coming back in can highlight the classes that interest you Frankenstein and are immediately replacing them with elves and jolly fat men. The for the spring semester should be aware or are needed for your major, and it will problem is that the decorations were replaced on November 1. that classes are filling up fast. help your counselor out a lot. Did they forget about Thanksgiving? If you’ve been procrastinating and put- Remember though, you don’t have to Thanksgiving is a big holiday. It is a time to give thanks. It is also a time spent ting it off, don’t be disappointed when register in person. Registering is also with your family and friends. There are no gifts exchanged or stockings stuffed with your Spanish 102 class is filled up because available by phone, fax and via the goodies from Santa. It is just a time to realize how thankful you really are. there’s only one section of it. Next time Internet. But the stores owners don’t care if you’re thankful or not, they just care about you you walk by the offices on your way to For those who have registered by last buying presents. After a while, the public may look at Thanksgiving as another day class, sidetrack and make an appointment week, bills for next semester were sent we don’t get mail. with a counselor for as soon as they can out and most should have received them It is important to celebrate Thanksgiving. To be able park yourself among your get you in, and you’re halfway there. already. All that’s left is paying for family with a belly full of turkey and cranberry sauce while adjusting your belt is Setting up a schedule doesn’t even take classes, and you’re home-free until books something to be thankful for. that long, especially if you have in mind arrive in the bookstore. It really shows how forgotten Thanksgiving is when your own school gives only what classes you’re wanting to take. two days off to celebrate this holiday. Many schools give their students a week off. There is a stretch run coming up for students as far as grades go. The semester is coming down to the final weeks and this is an important time for students. The need to buckle down becomes evident. After so long, students tend to get burnt out and run out of energy at the end of the semester. The concentration leans more toward the holiday vacation rather then Turkey-Day Top Ten maintaining or pulling up their grades. 10. Family gatherings With a week off students would be more thankful. Students can recharge their bat- teries, and when it comes time to celebrate Christmas, students would be thankful for 9. Friends the better grades on their report card. 8. Macy’s parade That would be something unforgettable. The opinions expressed are those of the Banner staff and are 7. Turkeys not necessarily expressed by the college or the student body. 6. Mashed potatoes 5. Grandma’s home cookin’ 4. Walt Disney World 3. National Treasure release 2. Football games 1. Free food in Courter Center Letter to the Editor

Dear Editor, 800-944-8220 or [email protected] From now on, when I hear the num- and she will help you set up a (free) test ber “102” I will think of the 102 people at a local medical facility at your conve- that were generous with their time and nience. I have already been approached energy and stopped by the Bone Marrow today by several persons interested in Registration Table Monday November completing this process—-don’t put it 15th to have their names put on the Iowa off! and National registries as possible donors I whole-heartedly applaud the Phi for life-saving bone marrow! Even Theta Kappa student who organized and more, I will think of those who couldn’t sponsored this event. Their work has donate, but still stopped by to show their undoubtedly changed countless lives. support… those who generously gave The kitchen staff was WONDERFUL valuable funding dollars…those mem- and helped prepare the spaghetti lunch! bers from our community who came to (Thank you ladies!) With their help we the Boone Campus for the sole purpose raised over $300 which was directly given of signing up…those young people who to the Iowa Marrow Donor Program to had never donated blood or had a blood offset the expense of tissue typing our sample drawn and yet sat so bravely as blood samples. Barilla America, Inc. they were poked…and those whose life donated 80 POUNDS of spaghetti and 84 stories and experiences were so incred- jars of sauce! McDonalds donated the ibly heart-warming. juice! What a team effort the day was!! Our Phi Theta Kappa Chapter had Thank you Boone Campus—Thank you high hopes of getting 65 persons signed Phi Theta Kappa students—Thank you onto the registry—but WOW we ended EVERYONE for all that you did. up with 102! What a success! If you did not have a chance to stop by Monday Nancy Woods and register with the Iowa Marrow Donor PTK Advisor Program, please contact Deb Hoyle at Sports, Page 7 Volume 4, Issue 6, November 24, 2004 Letters of intent out of the way Brandon Kleinke the 3.” It’s Banner Staff Smith was a First-Team All-Region Official: DMACC selection for the Bears her freshman sea- Bears Women’s Basketball son. Her presence in the post made a (from left profound impact on the Bears’ 27-6 record to right) last season. Katie atie Reihman, a 5’8” shooting “I had it down to Missouri, UNI and Reihman, K Michelle guard from Marengo, IA has committed Drake,” Smith said. “I thought I’d be a Smith, to Ohio University. Michelle Smith, a better fit in Missouri Valley Conference.” and Al 6’3” center from Cresco, IA, has com- Coach Conrad agrees with Smith on the Stewart mitted to UNI. Reihman and Smith have perfect fit. all signed become the Bears’ first women basketball “I told Michelle, if she came here and letters of intent players to sign to a Division 1 school in did exactly what I told her for an entire to play DMACC’s history. year, she would have Division 1 offers. Division “It’s cool. The program (Ohio Same thing with Katie. Most kids we 1 bas- University) is up and coming,” Reihman bring in here we believe have a great ketball. said. At Marengo High School, Reihman chance at playing Division 1 ball. If we Reihamn -Ohio was 1st team SICL all-conference three didn’t think they had a chance, more than years, and a letter winner all four years. likely we didn’t think they were good DMACC Bears’ Coach Conrad found Ohio enough to play for us. Michelle is a great University a well-suited fit for Katie. big strong kid. She does a lot of good “Katie’s a great shooter,” said Conrad. things by the basket.” “Ohio needed a shooter. I haven’t seen a Mens Basketball whole lot of kids that can shoot the ball Al Stewart, a 5’10” point guard from like Katie can.” Chicago Ill., has signed a national letter Drake started this summer in the Capitol game. Win at the junior-college level, Although Reihman was injured most of of intent at Drake University, indicating City Summer League in DesMoines. then do it at the four-year school,” Stewart her freshman season at DMACC, she still he will join the Bulldog men’s basketball There he had a chance to play with and said. “But first do it in the classroom.” was able to contribute some key baskets program. Although Stewart redshirted against many of the Bulldogs. “The play- Both mens basketball coach Orv Salmon last year at DMACC, he averaged 16.2 ers pretty much recruited me before the to the Bears’ season, helping them reach and women's basketball coach Ben Conrad points, 12.1 assists, and 4.9 rebounds as coaches did,” Stewart said. a 27-6 record. have sophomores that have good chances a senior and was a two-time All-Chicago With the pressure of finding a four-year “I’m excited to go on and play some- to sign to a four year Division 1 school Public School selection, while earning school to play for off the table, Stewart where else,” Reihman said. “I like their throughout the rest of the season. All-Sectional honors as a senior at Manley turns his attention to this season and win- style (Ohio University). I like to shoot Academy in Chicago, Ill. His future with ning. “You gotta win first. Go game by Head of fitness and sports management arrives at Boone Brandon Kleinke Knutson’s work study stu- Management, with the she said. “We have just Banner Staff dent, is excited to be work- idea that we needed it. I added golf, and the crowds Jenny Spry-Knutson, ing for someone with so never really thought about at games are getting bigger the head of sports man- much passion. “She’s very teaching it full time, but than ever. agement and fitness at hyper-active. It makes it I thought it was a good “One thing I’d like to DMACC, finds herself on really fun,” Adams said. idea because I knew about see is people more aware. the Boone campus. Down Spry-Knutson, who DMACC and I knew about Some people don’t even the hall, through the gym, commutes from Story City, Boone campus,” she said. know the Bears logo or past the lockers, into the knows eventually she will “What we want to do DMACC’s colors,” Spry- equipment room, and have a nice office. Her is offer some P.E. class- Knutson said. pressed against the wall… new office should be fin- es at non-tradition times. While she deals with is her office. ished with the new addition During breaks are great her location now, eventu- But Spry-Knutson sometime this summer. times for people to pick ally the new addition will doesn’t let her office loca- Spry-Knutson is going up some credits, and hope- bring a new office, a stor- tion get her down. She’s on her 10th year as a fully we’ll be able to do age room, and a cardio- much too busy with what’s DMACC employee. She some weekend stuff,” she vascular room. The free started as a part-time said. weights above the gym- Team Spirit - Head of fitness and sports manage- happening on the Boone teacher for about five “The Boone campus is nasium will remain where ment Jenny Spry-Knutson. campus. Ashley Adams, Spry- years. “I wrote the pro- nice because we can work they are. gram for Fitness Sports closely with the athletes,” NBA BAD BOY Commentary complain about Terrell Owens doing a The Palace of Auburn Hills became Josh Hutt promo with a “naked” woman, Ron Artest a riot inside of an enclosed cage. Fans Banner Staff gets a $5 cup of beer poured on him and who weren’t fighting were throwing any- jumps in the crowd to beat up a drunken thing they got their hands on. This is not After a day of hard work, there is fan. sports. nothing like wiping the sweat off your I have been an avid sports fan for the Sports are supposed to be an escape brow and kicking back in your favorite past 17 years, and what I saw was a per- from everyday life. Sports are also a place recliner to watch the sports world unfold fect example of stupidity and violence. It where children watch their heroes perform reminded me of watching Monday Night great feats and do the impossible. before your very eyes. So when did sports photo by KRT become a constant episode of Dallas? Raw. The one highlight on Sports Center this Over the past week fans have been The event had everything from steel weekend that I will never forget wasn’t the SIDE NOTE bombarded with a constant story line chairs flying, to Jamal Tinsley bringing great Hail Mary pass or a half court game Former DMACC men’s basketball rather than an athletic performance. When out a foreign object from the locker room winner. It was a little boy who came to standout Ian Young scored 3 of his 28 I turn to Sports Center, all I want to see is and interference from out of nowhere. see a simple basketball game, and ended points on a last second shot, giving the Auburn Tigers the win over Temple. highlights, not the latest cliffhanger. Artest almost ripped his jersey, but he holding on to his dad’s leg crying because is no Hulk Hogan. The only difference he saw his idol and people act in a way no Young holds the DMACC record for This all came to a head last Friday. most points scored in a game at 42. After a week of hearing the sports world was the fans were involved. sane human being should act. Flipside, Page 8 Volume 4, Issue 6, November 24, 2004

The Other Side of the Courter by Jason Moore What is your favorite Thanksgiving television special?

Connie Kappos Jason Peterson Marcin Konarzewski Vicki Imerman Ankeny Gilbert St. Catharines, Ontario Boone The Macy’s Day Parade The annual Thanksgiving NFL games A Charlie Brown Thanksgiving Who watches TV? I’m there for family. his wife, his son, and his daughter. The Emotional abuse is so much worst than among police officers is higher than in Domestic Violence neighbors heard them screaming, and we physical abuse.” the average population. Law enforcement From Page 1 responded to the call. When we got there There is plenty of help out there; more has a tendency to track individuals, and he decided that he was going to beat up so than ever before. Conis said when he officers are in a mode where they want responding to domestic results. The last on law enforcement as well. That didn’t started there was only one shelter in Iowa. to know everything about an individual’s four years of his career, under a fed- work well. Once we got him subdued, we Women had to travel half way across the life and want to control individual’s lives. eral grant under the Stop Violence against had not realized that he had a knife hid- state. Now there is one shelter for every They’re into giving directions and having Women Act, he started the program called, den. After we got through wrestling with three counties. their orders followed. Some people can’t “Stop Violence against Women Project” at the guy, we looked over and saw the bread In addition, there wasn’t a domestic compartmentalize their lives; they can not the Iowa Law Enforcement Academy. His knife. That could have been disastrous. It law in this state until the early ‘80s. Before say I’m off duty now and this is my fam- responsibility was to train new recruits and took two officers to take him down. He that it was a civil matter. Basically, unless ily. They treat their family as if they’re on in-service officers on how to investigate spent very little time in jail.” the victim wanted to sign the complain- duty, and sometimes there is a power con- domestic assaults and sexual assaults. Conis said that there is only a manda- ant’s affidavit, there was no action by law trol issue. Law enforcement officers and The problems Conis encountered tory two days now for domestic assault. enforcement. “Regrettably, there are still the military have a higher rate of domestic were unlimited, everything from sexual “There are a lot of great judges in Story a lot of law enforcers out there who still assault than the general population; but abuse that was typical in families that are County but the judges refuse to give think that way,” Conis said. it’s very well taken care of Conis said. plagued by domestic violence, to child them more than a few days, even for an Conis said he’s convinced that a law- Very little research has been done abuse, to spousal abuse, parents being aggravated misdemeanor, even for a sec- suit might begin to put a dent in domestic regarding domestic violence among police abused, emotional abuse, and the abuse ond offense or serious offense,” said Dr. violence. “It would basically take a class officers, Conis noted. He said that it’s of firearms. Conis. action from victims. If the department very difficult to get that information even Conis related the worst case he had Conis urged young students need to head is not pro victim, and if they’re not as an insider. “Once you step across the encountered: “A large individual beat up recognize the signs and have some edu- concerned with domestic violence and line and ask for this information, its career cation on what constitutes domestic vio- sexual assault stopping, there’s a good threatening. If convicted, you’re gone. lence. “People who care for each other chance the command staff isn’t. Then, There’s no job for you; you’re out of don’t push or hit each other; they don’t there’s a good chance the detective divi- there. Military is the same way, too. It’s demean, dehumanize, or demoralize the sion and patrol division is not. It starts at a historical problem, it’s also a problem other person. Yelling, screaming, cursing, the top,” said Conis. people like to ignore.” calling names is not a caring relationship. Conis admitted that domestic violence

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