QUANTUM INFORMATION and COMPUTATION for CHEMISTRY 2016 Workshop Chairs Alán Aspuru-Guzik (Harvard University) Michael Wasielewski (Northwestern University)
NSF WORKSHOP REPORT QUANTUM INFORMATION AND COMPUTATION FOR CHEMISTRY 2016 Workshop Chairs Alán Aspuru-Guzik (Harvard University) Michael Wasielewski (Northwestern University) This report prepared with additional help from: Jonathan Olson, Yudong Cao, Jhonathan Romero, Peter Johnson, Pierre-Luc Dallaire-Demers, Nicolas Sawaya, Prineha Narang, and Ian Kivlichan Based on the contributions from workshop participants: Alex Cronin, Andrew Marcus, Angela Wilson, Ceren Susut, Christoph Boehme, Claire Cramer, Colby Foss, Danna Freedman, Daryl Hess, Dave Shultz, David Cory, Dirk Englund, Emily Grumbling, Evelyn Goldfield, Garnet Chan, Guebre X. Tessema, James Whitfield, Jarrod McClean, Joel Yuen-Zhou, Julio Barreiro, Ken Brown, Kenny Lipkowitz, Lin He, Marjorie Langell, Mark Pederson, Mat- thew Krzyaniak, Mikhail Smelyansky, Nathan Wiebe, Nick Rubin, Peter Love, Dilution refrigerator for Ryan Babbush, Sabre Kais, Seth Lloyd, Shaul Mukamel, Sue Dexheimer, and superconducting quantum bits. Tingyu Li Image courtesy of Google. Contact information: aspuru@chemistry.harvard.edu Cite as: Olson, J., Y. Cao, J. Romero, P. Johnson, P-L. Dallaire-Demers, N. Sawaya, P. Narang, I. Kivlichan, M. Wasielewski, and A. Aspuru-Guzik, “Quan- tum Information and Computation for Chemistry,” arXiv:1706.05413 (2016) Report design by OPUS TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. INTRODUCTION ........................................................................................ 1 1.1 Background ............................................................................................
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