Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Tenafly Board of Education Monday Evening, July 20, 2020 Held at the Hegelein Building, 500 Tenafly Rd., Tenafly, Nj
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MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE TENAFLY BOARD OF EDUCATION MONDAY EVENING, JULY 20, 2020 HELD AT THE HEGELEIN BUILDING, 500 TENAFLY RD., TENAFLY, NJ DATE ______7~~=5_o __ ~~~-o ______ __ APPROVED ~~~· / (All Public Board Meetings are Recorded and Posted on the District Website) MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE TENAFLY BOARD OF EDUCATION MONDAY EVENING, JULY 20, 2020 VIRTUAL MEETING VIA ZOOM VIDEO CONFERENCE The meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. by Board President Janet Horan who read the following statement: "The New Jersey Open Public Meetings Law was enacted to insure the right to the public to have advance notice of and to attend the meetings of public bodies at which any business affecting their interest is discussed or acted upon." In accordance with provisions of this act, the Tenafly Board of Education has caused notice of this meeting to be publicized by having the date, time and place thereof posted at the Borough office, Tenafly Public Library, administrative building, in the local press and on the district's web site. On roll call, the following Board members answered present: Mark Aronson * Paula Newman Natalie Barbanel * Edward J. Salaski Patricia Flynn * Jocelyn Schwarz lnbal Israeli Miller* Janet I. Horan Jane Juhng * Arrived at: 7:01 p.m. The following staff members were present: Ms. Shauna DeMarco, Superintendent* Dr. Evelyn Mamman, Assistant Superintendent for Curriculum and Instruction * Mr. Vas Usami, Business Administrator/Board Secretary Ms. Danielle Diaz, Human Resources Manager* * Arrived at: 7:01 p.m. A motion was made by Ms. Juhng and seconded by Mr. Salaski that the Board convenes in closed session according to the following: WHEREAS, the Tenafly Board of Education has been formed pursuant to applicable New Jersey Statutes, and WHEREAS, the Board is charged with the responsibility of performing all acts and doing all things, consistent with law and the rules of the State Board of Education, necessary for the lawful and proper conduct, equipment and maintenance of the public schools and public school property of the Tenafly Public School District, and WHEREAS, Section 7 of the Open Public Meetings Act (N.J.S.A. 10-4-12) permits the exclusion of the public ("closed session") from a meeting of the Board in certain circumstances, and WHEREAS, the Board has determined that circumstances exist for such a closed session, WHEREAS, the Board has found the action described below to be necessary and proper, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board on the date indicated above that: 1.) The public shall be excluded from discussion of and action on the closed session herein set forth. 2.) The confidential subject matter to be discussed is as follows: - Legal Matters - Personnel Matters - Student Matters 3.) The Board will return to Open Session at approximately 8:00 p.m. No formal action will be taken. The motion was approved by those present. The meeting recessed to closed session at 7:01 p.m. A motion was made by Mr. Salaski and seconded by Ms. Schwarz that the Board convene from closed session at 8:12 p.m. and go into open session. The meeting was called to order at 8:16 p.m. by Ms. Horan who read the following statement: "The New Jersey Open Public Meetings Law was enacted to insure the right to the public to have advance notice of and to attend the meetings of public bodies at which any business affecting their interest is discussed or acted upon." In accordance with provisions of this act, the Tenafly Board of Education has caused notice of this meeting to be publicized by having the date, time and place thereof posted at the Borough office, Tenafly Public Library, administrative building, in the local press and on the district's web site. On roll call, the following Board members answered present: Mark Aronson Paula Newman Natalie Barbanel Edward J. Salaski Patricia Flynn Jocelyn Schwarz lnbal Israeli Miller Janet I. Horan Jane Juhng The following staff members were present: Ms. Shauna DeMarco, Superintendent Dr. Evelyn Mamman, Assistant Superintendent for Curriculum and Instruction Mr. Vas Usami, Business Administrator/Board Secretary Ms. Danielle Diaz, Human Resources Manager Minutes of the Regular Public Meeting of July 20, 2020 Page 2 Ms. Horan opened the meeting with the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag. PRESENTATION District Return to School Plan- 2020-2021 Ms. DeMarco presented the plan for reopening and returning students and staff to the Tenafly public schools in the fall. She gave thanks to the many contributors who created and collaborated on the plan called, "Welcome Home." (the full presentation can be viewed on the district website) Ms. Horan and trustees thanked Ms. DeMarco for her detailed and comprehensive presentation and the incredible amount of time and work involved. Ms. Horan asked the Board if they had any questions. Ms. Schwarz asked for clarification regarding the timing of the phases, and what determines the readiness for the next phase. Ms. DeMarco replied it will depend on the practices that are shifing in the state, and the health condition leading to guidance and decision making. Reassessing will be a steady practice by the groups and teams involved in the district. Ms. Juhng referred to the elementary schedule and asked for clarification of live sessions and the amount of time alotted. Ms. DeMarco clarified the live sessions at home, and that the time span of each session will vary due to several factors. Dr. Mamman explained the process, approach and differences of the teaching in the early spring during the pandemic as compared to the careful planning that is taking place for the fall. Our teachers have been well trained with the proper tools to give our students enriched and engaged learning. Ms. Israeli Miller asked about the safety protocols we will require of bussing companies. Ms. DeMarco replied that we just received this information this afternoon from Region V (our transportation coordinator for bussing) that they have developed and put in place, and this will be reviewed and shared with the Board. Mr. Aronson expressed concern for the virtual days of the plan and how to correct some of the problems quickly that occurred in the spring. He asked if he large group activites (chorus, orchestra, band, plays) will be going forward. Also, he referred to the rules of the NJSIAA, and asked how we can go forward considering in particular the contact sports in the fall. Ms. DeMarco gave a brief statement about the preparedness and strength of our staff with virtual teaching. Regarding sports, Ms. DeMarco said there is a choice of participation this season, and our coaches are prepared and committed to putting in place safety precautions to keep the student athletes covered and protected as best as possible. Participation will be determined by people's comfort level. Regarding large group activites, Ms. DeMarco said we will be teaching drama and theater, but play productions will not take place or other extracurricular activities. Minutes of the Regular Public Meeting of July 20, 2020 Page3 Outdoor spaces will allow for chorus and playing of instruments with social distancing. Ms. DeMarco said we received guidance on July 1 0, and we will reassess as we go along. Ms. Israeli Miller expressed concern and asked for clarification about sanitizing the High School between cohorts of students being together, and if it's not necessary to clean between cohorts she suggested the scheduling of cohorts be changed . Ms. DeMarco replied that there is a difference between the elementary and High School class size experience, and she and Mr. Morrison discuss the factors involved. High School classes are larger, however, it is not typical that all the students will be different in each group. In addition, the 5 hour schedule is done so cleaning practices can be enhanced. Our custodians have access to the spaces earlier to clean and their work continues unti111 p.m. Ms. DeMarco emphasized that High School students desire to be together will help promote safer practices put in place. Surfaces will be cleaned regularly, and Wednesdays will have deeper cleaning done. Ms. DeMarco emphasized the importance of Wednesday's full day of deep cleaning as it is a more thorough and enhanced cleaning allowing for more time for disinfectants to work, and it helps avoid undue stress on our staff. Our custodian stat has been trained to follow strict protocols and they are doing an excellent job. Ms. DeMarco explained the rationale for the High School schedule that the administration thinks is best, and after conferring with School Pandemic Response teams and looking at so many different plans in other districts. Ms. Juhng commented that she thinks part of the success of the plan is to understand how many children will be participating versus the opt-out plan. As cohorts are being formed, she asked when will the administration be reaching out to the community. Also, what best practices will be used regarding safety and security. Ms. DeMarco replied that there is no guidance yet from the state about an opt-out plan. She explained that every district was charged with creating a return to school plan, but districts were not given an option for an all virtual plan. We are waiting for more information. Ms. DeMarco said that at the District Restart Committee today, Mr. Morrison, our district school safety specialist, went to the most recent training and many people have been furloughed this month and communication and access has been limited. However, in August regulations will be coming forward with lockdown drills, etc .. The suggested drills for September are more tabletop exercises, communication drills, and shelter in place.