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Mustang Daily, April 15, 1970

. '• ohlvpc Kennedy vows EOP support by FRANK ALDERETE of. the Mexican American; rTrviouHiyIKuaHAUAUi •kAut MDoui me only--- s— way — —a in 196*70 kicked te Staff Wrttar monetary and educational x person- could get himself Into a MO,000. SAC State students gave Noting that “success of the deprivations In the case of other college was to excell In athletics. $90,000 which enabled 07 more program la related to financial minorities such as Afro- "But now, Kennedy said, "we students to enroll In classes, support,Prei. Robert E. American and American Indian. can admit 2 per cent of minority Kennedy said that "he would Kennedy announced h^ ad­ The ability of an Individual to „ groups Into our campus. Now like to see the EOP program vocacy for the support of the rise up out of the ghetto quagmire they have a chance." expand." but that he would Economic Opportunity Program and to make himself a success is Tomorrow students will vote In rather see "a good program for a In an Interview yeeterday. a problem that has faced the a special election to determine few students than a mediocre one The problem of a lack of underprlvillged for years. whether or not ASI funds could be for a lot." motivation of an Individual Kennedy said that the "EOP used to support the EOP. Kennedy said that the program toward echolaetlc achievement la offers a minority lndivudual the Currently eight state colleges use oould and should utilise any funds ceueed by aeveral reasons— chance to make himself good and ASI funds to support their It could get. liungage difficulties In the case serve aa a symbol for his peers." program. Fresno State CO lltg t Mustang Daily STATE POLYTECHNIC COLLEGE

Wednesday, April 16, 1970 Ben Lula Oblapo, California Volume XXXII Number 12 DA under fire by black, brown

FRESNO (UPI)—District A leader of the Mexican- Attorney William C, Daly w u the Amerlcan protest, Mrs. Jeseie de target of sharp criticism Monday La Crus, said the group was from representatives of both the seeking complaints against black and Mexican-Amerlcan police officers for alleged segments of the community. mistreatment of protesters In­ Blacks said he should remove volved In the fracas at the himself from a case against five Reagan dinner, Fresno State College students and a professor because he openly supported the man who filed the complaint. Writers* win And about 2ft persons, mostly Mexlcan-Americans, converged on Daly's office to protest the cash award arrest of six other persons during a melee while Oov. Ronald In a first annual feature writing Reagan attended a fund-raising contest, sposored by the dinner here last week. California Association of Nur­ Dr. Noel Smith of the Black serymen, cash adwards totalling Student defense Committee said $100 were awarded te flee Vhwt Mrt. Irno Knapp assigned members ef the Dining Hall she probably didn't fersee at a news conference "It would be students of last quarter’s feature writing class. ert dess te paint "Faces of Our Time" en these results, l-v ' h,. i: .i , to everybody's beet Interests for Daly to step aside" In the case First place was taken by As well between the new College Union and against the Fresno State Six. Barbara Veness, a junior English - . —. ______’ 4 Joe Toney, black chemistry major from Motto Bay. laeond assistant professor, and the five place went to Oail Hernandos, students, four of them black, senior Journalism major from were arrested following a March Walnut Creek. Three third place Mid East seminar 19 Incident In which Phillip awards were won by Bonnie Walker, acting dean of arts and Etcheson, sophomore from sciences, alleged he was held In a Hayward majoring in Jour­ right of the Palestinian (Arab) Only two Americans came to members were discouraged at barricaded conference room by a nalism; John Capuano, senior people to self-determination." He ■* Nnilnar concerning the the poor turn-out of Americans, group of about ftO students. Journalism major from Chicago, further noted that the Palestine Fslesttnlan problem last but that they would not give up The Rev. Rueben Scott, ap­ and Herb Hoffman, junior resistance Is against the State of JJtwdsy, according to Arab their efforts to present such In­ pearing with Smith, said he had Journalism major from Long Israel, not against the Jewish ^dent Association president formative seminars. He also received a letter from Daly which Beach. ___ 5*® Kotlte. The association noted that the event was well people. stated the .district attorney op­ . The contest was organised by s program 6f five publicized on the radio several posed the rawing of Nathan Harold R. Y c ^ , Dubdeflattens to present diverse days prior to the seminar. Heard, a black author and In­ director for the California graduated from this college In of the problem to the Of the estimated 60 persons structor with the English Association of Nurserymen. March, 1970. He explained the "*®wt ln(] community who attended the seminar, moat department. Young la a gradute of this college. Populetione Palestinian revolution In Its were Arab, Persian, and Scottott salsaid Daly opposed Cash adwards went to relationship to the Iranian »..!! ** rM“y • obame that most Pakistani, according to Kotite. Heard's refilling because Daly students for writing the bast people, noting that most Persians Mints are uninterested In Ail American Jew, David said Heard "called Acting Dean feature on some phase of the rids with the Arabe because both J*t • going on," said Kotite, a Frenkel, who Is the Socialist Phillip Walker names." nursery bueineee. Features are are against the Shah of Iran. w engineering technology Worker party's candidate for Smith judged on the basis of Three Arabs, graduates of dth said Daly’s letter was a “*J°r from Lebanon. "The lieutenant "deliberate attempt to divide the throughness, accuracy and other colleges, spoke on the ?®™r • purpose was to let the In 1970, spoke on "Zionism and community" and that Daly's Initiative. This year's ontrias Palestinian guerilla movement JjJJw^pwtpU know what’s the Arab Revolution." Ho said position revealed an "Inability to were judged by Carden Editoi Mid the progress of the revolution the ". . lasting solution In the relate to ghetto residents." . Sacramento Bee, Dick Tracy ****** that association Middle East Is to support the during the past four April II, 1970 M uiUni Daily Candidate Letters to the Editor Spencer Williams, RepubUcan candidate for Attorney General of California wtU apeak at an ‘View’ biased TrashScarab Architectural stashthe creek and dump areas Organisation and Ecology Action All interested individuals and open meeting of the California We would like to take exception can be fired and (hire ls«M College Republicans, Thursday, to several comments made In Committee are sponsoring a organisationsorga are welcome. Work tape hassel as In the real'll April 16, at 7:30 p.m. In Science . “It’s My View" of April 10. The campus clean-up campaign in will begin at the Poly Canyon elected official. North 201. article made several biased and preparation for Poly Royal on Road gate at 9 a.m., Satu‘ iturday, In the past, when this offle** incorrect statements In regard to an elective position thsr*** Saturday, April 18 at 9 a m. April 18. Williams is the former Proposition 2 of Wednesday’s guarantee as to the conus* Area of concentration will be For further information, please secretary of California's Human the Pol^JDan^oiwoiKnncludln^ call 543-0406. Special Election, the office of the of the person electstf. ft Relations Agency. Williams Secretary. recently resigned his office to run allowed many unqualified» To begin with the author sons to gst the office. The lib for Attorney General. amanhattan. assumed, without having at­ of secretaries will guarantasis Williams and Gov. Reagan tended any of our meetings, that a guality Job la dona. have worked side by side for over SEC had ruahed this through In the past, when this 'flu three years to solve the difficult without due consideration. We was an elective position fen and complex problems of drug discussed both the pros and the was no guarantee si to k ctmt abuse, delinquency, crime, cons of the matter for over a competency of the pvton*. "rill idency and environmental month before taking any action. ted. This allowed m tion, while maintaining Therefore, SEC was not unqualified persons to get it reaponaiblllty. premature In their recom­ office. The hiring of socre mendation. will guarantee that s quality jd EWilliams was one of Gov. Another point which was is done. Reagan’s first appointments. He misleading in the article con­ Concerning the point ibodh was in charge of the Departments cerned the hiring of student situation of the elected seerttr of Corrections, Youth Authority, secretaries. It was suggested that being responsible to the Alls Rehabilitation, Health Care the personnel Committee be used the hired secretary beta Services, Public Health, Mental to effect these ends. As for wages, responsible only to ter Hygiene, Social Welfare, In­ hours, and Job specifications, the ployer— Question? Who kb dustrial Relations ana Human ASI already has one such employer of the hired aecretay Resources Development. secretary and the precedent has Since the money Is budgste All interested students, faculty, been set concerning these areas. through the Finance Committa and staff are invited to attend. It has been stated that this the ASI la the employs office is too large for one person The point was raised ttetb to handle-TRUE, this Is why the election is pushing too mods ASI hired an assistant secretary the students too soon, i and this has proven very ef­ prior knowlsdgs of the quo ficient. Her Job security depends raised. The reaaon want i n on prom press and efficiency. If this special election ballot Bh these are not properly met she students don’t vote In a Merer In the general election and SI same time vote to and the oflte MUSTANG DAILY STAFF David FtapHk Dave JAM Pubii»h»d four tim et a weeh during tha tchool yaar except holiday* and exem panod* uy the tha Auoclatad Student*, Inc.. California State Polytechnic Collage, San Lull Obltpo, California. Printed by itudent* malorlng In Printing Technology and Management. Opinion* axpratiad In thlt paper In ilgned editorial* and article* are the view* of the writer* and do not neceiaarlly S o n g groi repretent the opinion* of the itaff.viewt of the Aitoclated Students, Inc., nor official opinions. Subscription price Is S3 per year In advance. Office room }}*, Graphic Art* Sldg. 54* 313* on televisii

M anaging E ditor ...... Jan McCabe Concert promotion dess i KI Sport* E d ito r...... R ichard Boschettl Photo Editor...... ,,..KIt Welnrlchter restrict Itself to po«e pekey newspaper articles — ^ Nctrl The promotion for Homo ftai a i will also include I tdr- * - performance by two of the | Advertising Manager...... A nn Jones Involved with the coocerl pn MEMBER Head Production Manager...... Dave Sleroty Thursday evenlni it 1»| . Collegian Quartet and I Women’s Sextet will appeal KCOY-TV, Channel lLupd J™ a promotional show w ij" M ANHATTAN* “LAL"™ Home Concert and Poly " J , ^ OPEN TO THE PUBLIC The groups, who i u THE SHIRT THAT’S specialist in conUmporjaJ - folk music, wlU perforate* ALL-MAN! at WHOLESALE PRICES type of music that they Proud, strong, almost arrogant • concert in the Men’s Gym " Concert is Friday nightstiiu colors...a trimmed-down 7-button The Quartet and SMtM * tapered body...Impressive double TV-RADIO-STEREO-HI FI-PARTS us momherimembers of MesiMW I button cuffs...body-tracing back Women’s Glee and seams...and a longer, bolder "Turf" picture tub#*— television g radio tubes g parts are selling tickets for rm collar, The rugged permanent press phone needles— recording tape— test equipment concert. blending of 65% Kodel* 35% cot­ tools— citizen'* band equipment— antennas— masts ton. All of tttls spells "a-l-l m-a-n' rotors— changers— speakers— enclosures All of this spells Manhattan* "Lean Sam’s photo facts g technical books & Lively". •MCI IIS’ SONY TAPE RECORDERS, TV’s, RADIOS

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M f l K I fM M t »«*-■ »>. April H, itW -P u. i Haight not a four-letter word by JOHN FITZRANDOLPH Isla Vista, scene of UC Santa SUM Writer the Bank of America burned have college students teaching and serious—a girl aaked Haight Barbara rioting, was mentioned down is because of the war in high school students and high Ac three by five card outside again and again in questions. "I Vietnam. I’ve bean teaching by why he didn’t go for Max Raf­ school students teaching junior ferty's job. Riymond Haight's office In- wouldn't have called out the listening for ten years. I've sold iceteihli "free" hour*. Don’t be high." It doesn’t have much power," National Guard," Haight real estate for it years—so I have He was asked about strikes M«red or polariied if, upon responded. "I would come (with he answered. "I’ve been In a private enterprise which shut down school systems. altering his compact office, you background." politics since I was 13.1 have an licover he i> on the phone or "Every American should have outalde chance that these ideas of buiy in conference with itudenta. College! and universities the right to strike—whether he is mine might emerge.. .and I "must be brought back into He'i running for governor, in a public institution or a private might be into the thick of society." A statewide human nmanber. And hU key cam- institution." something." palin issue is polarization. So relations commission, made up of Taxes? Haight would like to The entire clan rose to its feet nit He uya hie Democratic "every segment” in aoclety- "eliminate all deductions in and applauded as Haight left the Marcuee, Cleaver, Chaves, with cunpaign depend! upon the taxes. I would have one simple room. ______‘vliion and intelligence" of "students sitting at their income tax. There are 321 hidden shoulders "-would be "a very taxes in my ahoee. I'd like to get S.L.O. COUNTY |f1April 7, Haight sc­ powerful force" in maters of the rich man back into our FAMILY FUNNING SERVICE social justice. ented an invitation to speak and society"—have the rich pay taxes Every third Tuozday, 7-9 p.m. While he spoke of commissions without loopholes. 2191 Johnson Avenue ilk and violence and polarization, Toward the end of the class OFEN TO EVERYONEII Haight reminded his youthful Ul) claai. "You fell a kind of gut period—which was both lively QUESTIONS?* Coll 469-7530 reaction," he aaid, explaining audience that he is "A strong ally he "got in*' the race, "you believer in local control,” Helndd get involved." it several times, O f J t n Haight told the class, "I don’t And he aaid "Panthers, the , Free YOUR NEAREST OFF-CAMFUS think you’ll learn about me unless i l W f STATIONERY STORE you interact with me—you in- Universities, all these groups met and you find out how I feel have something in common. They in cousos iouasi cintir are reacting to education. They ■ I find out how you feel." RAYMONO HAIOHT M ilrtir MiRMi Se RMMr'i Sty He ipoke generally about the the Guard) at the request of the are reacting to society. They all wm « awe er am tree 'backward" social trends—air, City Council, not at the request of have something good to offer." had, water and mind pollution,pollution the police chief." Each Californian, he con­ racialil bigotry, "insufficient'"lnsufficl Ho said there is "some tinued, has something to offer society. "We’ve got to stop *V. NelWII Sen UU Ofcltp* health and educational services— question" as to whether colleges Cellef* !*<»•»• 144-1303 Is Intends, if elected, to correct. had actually called the Guard in polarising. We've got to use our Open *tll 6 p.m. Dully A f p.m. on Thursday JUked about his approach to past disturbances. human resources. We ought to cunpui violence, Haight said "Philosophically, 1 would keep 'Too much Interference" adds control in civilian hands," Haight y to already burning student u id , adding that if Vietnam had isuei. Sending the National been in civilian hands Instead of Guard to quiet campus disrup­ military hands, things might be ts "a bad approach," he different. "1 see that one of the reasons GIANT FOOD Record rotates SOUTH BROAD — ON TH1 WAY TO THI AIRPORT for a key—none. They ran to the KCPR esmpus radio disc PRIORI IFFRCTIVI APRIL II • 23 Urrv Stein was running program room for a key—none. c radio program to form They ran to find someone else to waning when something run with them, but there was no FRESH •d him to step out of the one. foom end leave the door Racing against the ending record, Golden headed for the snack bar to track down the Ground Beef .... ,49c, tha LP was ending, disc Greg Golden, neavily #

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Los Oso* luxury homo. 2100 sq. ft. 1 bdrm, l'/» baths. Vlaw of ocaan, J SOUTH AMERICAN • bay, Ooidan Ta* golf coursa and r July !.♦— ** ° 'y‘ m ountains. 141,000. W rit*: 1171 lyracusa Avanus, Ian tfORDANOS GOLDIN CAUfOWJA Dlogo, M in . Phono: 714 411-1144. modern supermarkets* SMS !*»♦ S" ' , Lang *##*••, C*W. Mustang Dally Wednesday, April 1>, lWO-Paia 5

j Press flicks Sail your old baatup 1t70 Corvottt Sail your Harrnes Puma (Marcury with s Mustang Classltlod ad. Cougar) with a Mustang Classified. Mustang classified ads can ba placad Sail your Jatp with a Mustong, or a contest here naarly any day In OA 211 Sronco Classlflad. Vote ‘yes More then 1000 photographic prints will be judged on campus this weekend (April 17-18) In the by Alejandro Reynozo annual .California Press Photographers Association PHONE 543-9510 (CPPA) judging contest. D a v id H an n a .San I ; 986 MONTEREY During the past week, student* appeared before Telegram-Tribune various campus clubs urging them to vote in favor of and vice president < funding the Educational Opportuntles Program charge of the contest. The (EOP). The fervor of the campaign stems from the Journalism Department is in charge of campus arrangements. miny problems arising from the state's cut back of Contest judges will be Cliff EOP funds at the state college level and channeling McDowell of United Press In­ funds Into the community colleges. ternational, Dick Strobel of Sales Why should the Educational Opportunities Program , and Dr. Robert be primarily a state college program and not a com­ Kennedy, college president and a Rentals munity college program? former newsman. Ranns said that savan i ' v. photographic divisions will be Kenneth Washington, special assistant for judged In the Oraphlc Arte Repairs Educational Opportunity and Human Relations In the building Friday night and Saturday. Contsat winners will be lUte chancellor’s office has said: "Most EOP students announced at the June Con­ require housing on or near the campus, Colleges vention of the CPPA to be held In generally are not located so that there Is easy tran- Lae Vegas. iportatlon to and from 'target' communities. Further, miny of the homes and neighborhoods from which Author to talk l ^ l r r r r a p n these students ~come afe anything but conducive to #* study." EOP In the State College system would enable on mualc-math those with academic potential to escape their present environment and concentrate on studies in an Do vou know how music Is Complete related to ms theme tics, science educational environment on a four-year college and psychology? Would you like esnpus. to know? Lubrication Alexander Capurso of the Dr. Harry Kitano, associate professor of racial Music Department Is noted for hie work relatfhg muelc to 75c with this coupon. velfere at UCLA, in a study brought out these im­ mathematlca, science and portant findings: Minorities remain "grossly under­ paychology. Capurso will be represented in California higher education in­ ■peaking on “Mualc and Super Test Tires and Batteries stitutions." We make up only 5.S per cent of the state Mathematics” tomorrow at 7:10 p.m. In Math and HE 236. Any size Recap - $10.95 college enrollment. EOP students are "carefully The Math Club announces this no exchange necessary icreenedfor intellectual and academic ability." They event as “a masting with an "do not constitute bad academic risk," nor do they Informal and Interesting lecture lever academic standards. "Restricting programs to open to the public." at Capurso has also published a book "Curriculum Planning for tha Gifted” and co-authored MISSION HANCOCK my view "Music and Your Emotions". Corner of Monterey and California

die Junior Colleges would effectively exclude minority •ad low-income students from state colleges.. The “•tete would run the risk of turning the urban com- TIRE SALE ■unity colleges into de facto segregated Institutions." tiuno also observed that "moat of our interviewers $ C F.E.T. each When you buy the first wowent to the community colleges.. .were shocked 2nd Tire 6.50 x 13 tubeless V weh things as racist remarks" by administrators wd faculty members. Biackwail at regular price Tubeless Regular 2 nd Plus r.E T . Blackwall Price lire _ b a report coming out of San Jose State College it Each size Each Only mi found “that 10 to 15 per cent of the community w°uld carry 75 to SO per cent of the minority 6.50 x 13 9.95 5.00 .32 haiards (ascapt rapairabia ‘-t* enrolled in the California community 7.00 x 13 pwncturat) or tram datocts 10.95 6.00 .40 In matarlais er work­ »• ” The report goes to ask, "Where will 6.95 X 14 manship tor tha lit# of tha *ty students go if the schools in their area are original traad. incase at 7.35 x l4 failure, wa will aachanga How can students from an economically 10.95 6.00 .45 tlra tar a naw ana, (harem* 7.35 x 15 only that par flan at tha »ed background afford to move to an area with a currant ragwiar poet (plus 7.75 x 14 Federal • *«lae Tea) -®“n,ty college that is open? Where would they 10.95 6.00 .45 •quivaiant to tha parcant at - What alternatives would this prospective student 7.75 x 15 traad 8.25 x 14 11.95 7.00 .51 ^Kino's report ends by saying: "As college 8.15x15 »nce becomes the norm for all youth in our • "Hi also become the demafid of minority 8.55 X 14 yia. ,, v O dC u 1f 11.95 7.00 .54 »»us the EOP programs, coming as they are at a X JJjJd t strain both from within and without, may uttle, too late, at least they have opened a wedge 8.85 x 14 111 1 t QA9J 7/ e W OO .55 m* student* who would probably never have been 8.85 x 15 ~ «nter a state college or a university." with traaa i* tim aft ysur car WHIT! WAUI |l 00 ^Mdvantaged? ,tudent* t0 c*0,e the door t0 " , . 1 TIRE OUTLET "***" on EOP today. - ___ 1351 Monterey NOW UNDER STUDENT MANAGEMENT 543-1900 Mustang Dally The Other End by Dale Kern and Ray Morawski Feedback: What are your views on the Oscars

something like those guys. They silly. How can you etagn surprised that "Midnight Neal Ashurst, Sen., Arch Donna Seifert, Jr., Home Ec. “I don’t think that this kind of were so smooth." musical performance win "I think that John Wayne is a " won as it was great, •* C question belongs In “Mustang dramatic one. I think Hal h good actor and ha probably I guess that It was kind of a Ed Long, 8en., Arch Daily”. I think that Mustang people behind the kwom Sea deserved an Oscar, but I think surprise as It was an "X” rated “I was pretty happy with the get more credit tor wtet Ir picture.” Daily should be concerned with way the awards went. I would that did a bettor things happening on the campus do." . job In the picture he was In. I feel have liked to have seen "Butch that “ MldnlgBf. ' Cowboy,” and In the community. This Jim Peacock, Jr., Joof. doesn’t relate to us as it is Cassidy" win, but I think that deserved best picture but I think Bob Mumme, Soph., AMI “Dustin Hoffman In “Midnight something far away and in a ‘” was a really that a lot of people are going to Cowboy” was a lot better than good movie, too. I think that John "I think that ^Butch Cm* disagree since it was a restricted fantasy land. It Is interesting to and the Sundance Kid" M John Wayne in “”. I the student but it doesn’t have Wayne has been really trying picture and therefore not think that It was a sentimental hard so I am glad that he finally have gotten the best ptetum a everyone will be able to see it. I anything to do with their lives far aa beat actor, I think Is type thing for Wayne as he never here; It's just entertainment." got an Oscar, but I think that do feel that It had significant won an Oscar before. If you Dustin Hoffman really should Dustin Hoffman should hm n social value.” analyse the performances and have won It” it. I didn't think that Map not the movies, then "Midnight Bob Graman, Soph., City Plan. Smith deserved beet Kina Cowboy” was the best movie. I “I didn’t see any of the movies, Ray Larsen, Jr., EE liked the Idea of the award hi Joe lecola, Sr., IT was given to Cary Grant, let "It seemed to me that the trend think that Hoffman was a lot but I heard that “True Grit” was "I thought that the best picture really a good idea. I Ihhkh was to give the awards to the better than Wayne. I think that really corny. I did see “Butch should have been "Hello Dolly" they just gave it to John Up older actors, when the young Maggie Smith really deserved Cassidy" and thought that It was because I really love Barbra because he won't haw i guys did a better Job. I'm not it." really a great movie. I'd like to do Streisand. I didn't think that John Wayne did such a superb acting more chance of getting om. job, I think that the only reason that he got it was because he has Rahim Noorbakhsh, In , Ml been up for it some 12 times “I don't think that John before. I think that the whole should have gotten ill McDonald’s Other Sandwich . . . thing with the Academy is like a it should have gone to political thing. . I aw Cowboy” and thought Mary Pabst, Soph., Math acting was just memtaa "I liked “Butch Cassidy" much really depicts the Amortom better than “Midnight Cowboy” of life, the ego of the mak, th hustler. It was a wry although "Midnight Cowboy" done movie. I don't partis was a good movie. I liked Dustin FILETOFISH Hoffman's portrayal of the care for John Wayne. Ho Ink weirdo a lot bettor than I liked guy who just shoots." John Wayne's performance. John (the fish that catches people) Wayne had always acted like Laurie Button, Sea., Bis. M John Wayne. I think that Maggie “I think that John Way* |d Smith deserved it. I saw her because he Is like a tradllhai movie and I think that she really think that Magsie Smith ■ deserved to win the Oscar.” very good. luke Cowboy", but I alio liked 'M* Lis Higgs, Fr., Hist Cassidy" and thought IM1 “From what I heard the best deserved more thaa II I* picture had a lot of meaning. A lot "Midnight Cowboy" waii • M ild North Atlantic white fish, of people were disappointed with controversial and "J*® fried crisp on the outside, tender the best actress, Maggie 8mith, Cassidy" was just a fo e * and |ulcy on the Inside they didn't think ahe was so good, People seem to like things * i think that the Oacars are kind of are more controvenial, • M cD onald’s own p e d a l sauce

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The rally

Photos by Russ Brabenac


Number on* man Ron properoi to ilam boll Part 6-Wednoedey, April 15, 1970 Mustang Daily

Salinas victory by BARNEYn aDkiirv niT9«riuair«rGUZEN8KE ^ Sports Writer Capturing five of the six first place In the event. Jta possible first places the Mustang Ericson from Yavapi CbOaashw Rodeo team left Salinas last the next best ride and Edm Sunday with another victory In Kutz landed the third ^otfcrfc National Inter-collegiate Rodeu locals. » Association competition. In the bull riding Greg Mg Piling up 401 points the team stuck with his animal bu defeated the University of enough to give the MiHtaul W.T Arlsona with 351 and Meets another first place, fliit+n but Community College with 110. from Hartnell and Itm Hard riding Melvin Dick Priborsky of Pomona did t« brought home his third All-Round second and third. Championship with a first in Sharon Meffan proved tobfc I saddle bronc and a third in the best goat tyer, followed by 0* Barebm k Goodman of the U ef i Sharon Meffan tied with Sharon Gill from Poly. Barbara Bell of the University of In the break-away ropuj Arizona for All-Round honors, as Barbara Bell of the U of A dm the U of A won the girl's team her loop faster than the rsd of h trophy with 425 points to Poly’s fir Is to earn a first. Shim I 17».— - Meffan finished second, ahaadd | As in the past when one facet of Tootle Truesdale from HarW 4—;?* the Mustang team ran into rough and Donna Carter. competiton or bad luck the other Robin Duncanaon ended t ^ ■ 9 9 BR k __ half came through. This week the third in the barrel racing behind hard luck befell the timed event Linda Browtning and BarbarM Tom Ferguson iltdei off Mi H orn onto M i flrvt Hi* bait two-go-round overage ta win tha itaar Steer Solurdoy oft*rnoon Ferguson turned In contestants. both from U of A. wraitllng avant. Photo by Barney Guienske. Tom Ferguson was the top The next action for tha tun steer wrestler for the two days, will be at home Poly Rtpl and the only team member to weekend. place in the timed eventa. Netters win again Competing as an independent, Gobs of goo Jim Ingrams, from Poly, tied by RUM BRABENAC down a first place in the calf Sporte Writer Eaaley lost an unfortunate Valley State, San Fernando trails UPl-Ai may I Amidst tha moggy, putrid air match to Riverside’s Jerry the Mustang team in conference roping to keep Cy Remington of as 960 new oil wells may k of tha cities Pomona and Carlos 64, 44, 6-1. Bert had standings by one game. the U of A from picking up drilled in the Santa Bartei I Rlvarilda, tha Mustangs last severe trouble breathing due to The Mustangs will host the valuable team points. Channel under permits aptm weekend choked and sputtered the smog. This loss spoiled s 17 match, the action beginning at High kicking and hard spurlng by the Interior Department, Rw | their way through two conference game winning streak for Bert, 2:30. Dennis Pleasant led the way as George Brown said today. tennis matches. Nest Friday, the Mustangs will Steve Messmer, last year’s Poly swept the bareback riding Although the netters were test their 6-0 conference play NCAA College Champion, who event. Following Pleasant in The Army Corps of Eng unaccustomed to the smoggy record and 174 overall record was not present for the last order were, Charlie Castle, still must grant permiad* k | atmosphere, they won easy against strong San Fernando match the Mustangs had with San MelvlUanDick, and Richard the drilling on the 1! victories over Cal Poly Pomona Fernando, will be at the first already approved by InMne I Few found the saddle bronc and UC Riverside. Giants hurling ; position for the Matadors against Secretary Walter Hickel, Btn | riding as easy as Melvin Dick, as Cal Poly Pomona succumbed the Mustang's. said. 74-14. Larry Mores lost a close Marichal out he won both go-rounds to take match to Don Riddell 6-1, 24, 84. The San Francisco Giants may Mores and Bert Easley tied their finally be feeling the abeence of doubles match with Riddell and Juan Marichal Tucker because time ran out Marichal Is trying to recuper­ while they were still playing. ate from an ear Infection and Hurley's Pharmacy In the match against Riverside a virus which hit him Just be­ on Saturday, the Mustangs fore the season began. repeated their performance of San Francisco dropped its. the previous day, walking over season opener and then came the Highlanders 7-2. After the back with four straight victories. Featuring: photography department singles were over, the Mustangs But the Giants have lost their last lad 4-2, thus needing only one three and undoubtedly would not complete line of cosmetics doubles victory to ice the match. like to rely so heavily on young They won all 3. hurlers. • stationery • magazines “ The best • prescriptions American war comedy since sound came in." 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