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1222 unanimous of the Local Medical Committee Alice Lloyd Lloyd-Williams. London Royal Free Hospital) School finding of Medicine for Women ; Kenneth McFadyean, University College; that the operation " was not of a kind which can Robin Gordon Mack, St. Bartholomew’s Hospital; Bruce Maclean, and in the best interests of the University College; Gladys Matthews, London (Royal Free Hos- ,consistently patient pital) School of Medicine for Women; Puthiyaveettil Narayana be properly undertaken by a general practitioner Menon, University College; Farid Morcos, St. Mary’s Hospital; with and skill." The sub- Ernest Itudolf Dudley Nagel, St. Thomas’s Hospital; Martin ordinary competence Herbert Oldershaw, University College ; Alexander Edward Patrick committee which had inquired into the question had Parker and Frank Portas, King’s College ; Eric Denholm Pridie, ’ University of Liverpool ; Henry Norman Pritchett, Guy’s Hos- recommended that the Insurance Committee should ’ pital ; Olive Rendel, London (Royal Free Hospital) School of accept this decision of the Local Medical Committee Medicine for Women; John Charles Ryder Richardson, London and should the matter to the Insurance Hospital; Gabriel Francis Rodrigues, University College; James report I Paterson Ross, St. Bartholomew’s Hospital; Eleanor May Commissioners. One of the speakers at the meeting Scarborough, London (Royal Free Hospital) School of Medicine for William Iteith John -of the Insurance Committee said that from an inter- Women; Scroggie, University College; "Simeon Cyril Shaw, Middlesex Hospital; Reginald Henry view which he had had with the Commissioners Sunderland, London Hospital; Noel Tayler, University College; at the time of the of the and from what Montague Beavan Tench, Middlesex Hospital; Benjamin Thomas, passing Act, St. Mary’s Hospital; *Daniel Jenkin Thomas and John Herbert he heard the Chancellor of the Exchequer say at a Thomas, University College; George Edwin Tilsley. University conference of the there could of Bristol ; Charles Maitland Titterton. St. Bartholomew s Hos- Advisory Committee, pital ; Alfred Robert Tothill, King’s College; Kenneth Itobert be no doubt that the intention was as expressed by Traill, Guy’s Hospital; Kenneth Tratman King Wallington, Uni- Richard London the decision of the subcommittee. it was versity College; Walters, Hospital; Sydney Eventually Arthur Thomas Ware, St. Thomas’s Hospital; Frederick William agreed that the matter should be further considered Arbuthnot Watt, London Hospital ; Gladys Millicent Rutland the and the ultimate result if it Webster, London (Royal Free Hospital) School of Medicine for by subcommittee, Women ; Alfred Douglas Weeden. Middlesex Hospital; Sik To leads to the Commissioners laying down principles Wong, Guy’s Hospital; Sydney Carver Woodhouse. London Hos- which their rule is to be will be pital ; Irene Yates, London (Royal Free Hospital) School of Medi- upon interpreted cine for Women ; and Frank of interest. Young, Guy’s Hospital. ____ *Awarded a mark of distinction. The advanced free lectures in will GLASGOW AND UNDELIVERED MEDICAL CARDS. following physiology be delivered during the third term of the session 1913-14: At Glasgow the Borough Insurance Committee 1. A course of eight lectures on Oxidation in the Tissues, has had to consider the case of over 40,000 insured at University College, by -Alr. C. Lovatt Evans, D.Se., persons who have not received their medical cards at 4 P.M., on Fridays, May 8th, 15th, 22nd, 29th, and through the post owing to unnotified changes of June 5th, 12th, 19th, and 26th. Attendance at this course is in connexion with the B. Se. address. The Commissioners had suggested remov- recognised (Honours) in 2. A course of four lectures on the the names of these from the degree Physiology. ing persons registers, Regulation of the Composition and Volume of the Blood, but the chairman at a recent meeting of the com- in the physiological laboratory of Guy’s Hospital, by Dr. that it had been decided before mittee stated doing J. S. Haldane. F.R.S., at 4 P.M., on Thursdays, May 7th, this to take further steps to get the cards into the 14th, 21st, and 28th. 3. A course of four lectures on the hands of those for whom they were intended. Gaseous Exchanges of the Body, in the physiological laboratory of King’s College, by Dr. T. G. Brodie. F.R.S., professor of physiology in the University of Toronto, at 4.30 P.M., on Monday, June 8th, Wednesday, June 10th, Monday, June 15th, and Wednesday, June 17th.-The Medical News. following lectures in advanced medical subjects will also be delivered free during the third term : (1) A course of three lectures on Carbohydrate -Aletabolism in Health and in UNIVERSITY OF LONDON.-At the Second Diabetes, by Dr. Hugh -AlacLean, at St. Thomas’s Hospital Examination for Medical Degrees, held recently, the follow- Medical School, at 5 P.M., on Tuesdays, May 5th, 12th, and ing candidates were successful :- 19th ; and (2) one lecture on Recent Observations upon Part I.. Organic and Applied Chemistry.—Gustave Adler, London Ulcer of the Stomach, by Dr. Charles Bolton, at University Hospital; Eric Miles Atkinson, St. Bartholomew’s Hospital ; Hoy College Hospital Medical School, at 5 P.M., on Friday, Douglas Aylward, London Hospital ; Kenneth Norman Grierson 22nd.—The Semon lecture in will be Bailey, St. Bartholomew’s Hospital; Santiago Ernesto Barraza May Laryngology, 1914, and John Churchill Blake, University College; Harold John delivered by Professor Gustav Killian, of the University of Blampied, St. Thomas’s Hospital; Joseph Erwin Adolphe Boucaud, Berlin, at the Royal Society of Medicine, Wimpole-street, on Geoffrey Bourne, and Norman Jesse Boxall, St. Bartholomew’s at 5 the Hospital; Charles Hargrewves Bracewell, University of Liverpool ; Thursday, May 28th, P.M., subject being Suspension Reginald Bertram Britton, University of Bristol; Elsie Charlotte Laryngoscopy and its Practical Use. The chair will be Bulley, University of Liverpool: Ellinor Marjorie Burnett, London taken by Sir Felix Semon, K.C.V.O. Admission free, byticket (Royal Free Hospital) School of Medicine for Women ; Francis obtainable from the Academic of London. Caldecott, Guy’s Hospital; Thomas:Carlyle, St. Bartholomew’s Hos- Registrar, University pital ; Duncan Gillard Churcher and *Wilfrid Edward Le Gros -In the physiological laboratory at South Kensington a Clark, St. Thomas’s Hospital; Apollo John Cokkinis, St. Mary’s course of eight lectures on the Rate of the Blood-flow in Hospital; Eric Vere Corry, University College ; William Adlington Man in Health and Disease will be Dr. G. N. Date, St. Mary’s Hospital; Charles Owen Davies, University of given by Liverpool; George Vincent Davies, St. Mary’s Hospital; Edwin Stewart, professor of experimental medicine, Western Frank Deacon, Guy’s Hospital; Simon Cyril de Silva Wijeyeratne, Reserve University, Cleveland, U. S. A., at 5 P.M., on Tuesdays, University College; Phyllis Decima Dixon, London (Royal Free 5th, 12th, 19th, and 26th, and June 2nd, 9th, 16th, and Hospital) School of Medicine for Women ; Howard Lexter Douglas. May London Hospital; Monte Edwards, St. Thomas’s Hospital; Guy 23rd.-Dr. Arthur Cyril Hudson has been recognised as a Waterman Elkington, Guy’s Hospital; David Washington Evans, teacher of the University (Ophthalmology) at the Royal University of Bristol; Grace Hamilton Ewart, London (Royal London in Free Hospital) School of Medicine for Women; William Feldman, Ophthalmic Hospital.-A University studentship University College; Gerald Hartas FitzGerald, Guy’s Hospital; physiology, of the value of q50 for one year, will be awarded *Richard Kenrick Foulkes, King’s College ; Maximilian Walter to a matriculated or graduated student of the University Geffen, University College; Nannie Gibson and Dorothy Gilford, to undertake research in and will be London (Royal Free Hospital) School of Medicine for Women; qualified physiology, Lawrence Gill, Guy’s Hospital; Ernest Howard Glenny, St. tenable in a physiological laboratory of the University or of a Bartholomew’s Hospital; Henry Gluckman, London Hospital; school of the University. Applications much be received by London Free of Medi- Eryl Glynne, (Royal Hospital) School the on or before 31st.-The National Dental cine for Women; Alice Muriel Griffiths, University College, Principal May Cardiff ; Herbert Glynn Hall, University College; Joan Hardy, Hospital and College has been admitted as a school of the London (Royal Free Hospital) School of Medicine for Women; University in the Faculty of Medicine (in dentistry only) Leslie William Hefferman. Middlesex Hospital; Kenneth Reed until 30th, 1916. Hill, University College; Bertha Hinde. London (Royal Free Sept. Hospital) School of Medicine for Women ; Eric Clark Hinde, Guy’s Hospital; Edward Arthur Holmes, King’s College; Joseph SOCIETY OF APOTHECARIES OF LONDON.-At Christopher Campbell Howe, Guy’s Hospital ; George Franklin the Primary Examination held on April 6th, 8th, and 9th the Wise Howorth, Middlesex Margaret Kerr, London Hospital; Amy candidates in the indicated :— (Royal Free Hospital) School of Medicine for Women; John Isaie following passed subjects Knhne, King’s College ; Felix Raoul Leblanc. Guy’s Ilospital; Biolo(i!l.-A. S. Newton, l.iverpool. Emily Catherine Lewis, London (Royal Free Hospital) School of Chemistry.—A. S. Newtou, Liverpool. Medicine for Women; Gordon Parmiter Lindsay, G ay’s Hospital; tlattcrita Medica and Pharmacy.—G. H, C, Harding, Liverpool; 1223 A. E. Pollitt, Manchester; F. Simpson, Charing Cross Hospital; the David Lewis Northern Hospital, Liverpool, the Infirmary and F. Smith, Manchester. for and the Bootle Anatomy.—E. V. Briscoe, St. Mary’s Hospital: D. V. Halstead, Guy’s Children, Liverpool, Borough Hospital. Hospital; P. Hughes and T. F. Reason, St. Mary’s Hospital; has been R. D. M. Tims, St. Thomas’s Hospital ; and C. U. G. Winter, THE Reverend Walter John Barton St. Mary’s Hospital. appointed to the head mastership of Epsom College, which Physiology.-E. V. Briseoe, St. Mary’s Hospital ; D. 1’. Halstead, will become vacant at the end of the summer term, owing to Guy’s Hospital ; D.