19181 542·1853 FAX 19181542·4694


WHEREAS, the Quapaw Tribe ofOklahoma is governed by a Governing Resolution that was duly adopted by the Quapaw Indian Council on August 19, 1956, and approved by the Commissioner ofIndian Affairs on September 20, 1957; and

WHEREAS, the Governing Resolution delegates authority to the Quapaw Tribal Business Committee to speak and act on behalf ofthe Quapaw Tribe; and

WHEREAS, the Quapaw Tribe of Oklahoma is a federally recognized Indian Tribe eligible for program funds, by authority ofP.L 93-638; and

WHEREAS, the Quapaw Tribe ofOklahoma is in pursuit of the goals, desires to improve economic conditions of its members; and

• NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that pursuant to Section 63 ofHB 2208, to be codified at Oklahoma Stat Title 68, §t500.63, that the Quapaw Tribe of Oklahoma Business Committee hereby authorizes the Chairwoman of the Business committee to enter into a contract with the State ofOklahoma.

IT IS FURTHER RECOGNIZED, it is in the best interest ofthe Quapaw Tribe of Oklahoma to enter into a contractual agreement pursuant to House Bill 2208 codified under Oklahoma State Law as Tile 68 O.S., whereby the Quapaw Tribe ofOklahoma would cause its retail motor fuel outlets to be subject to Oklahoma's motor fuel taxes on all sales to member and non-members alike with remission of Oklahoma's motor fuel taxes to the Oklahoma Tax Commission in consideration for which the state will consider then the Quapaw Tribe of Oklahoma a participating tribe pursuant to House Bill 2208 and, thereby, cause the Quapaw Tribe of Oklahoma to be entitled to quarterly payments pursuant to the formula specified therein from the Oklahoma Tax Commission.

IT IS FURTHER RESOLVED, by the Quapaw Tribe of Oklahoma Business Committee that it is in the best interest ofthe tribe to be in full compliance with the law regarding motor vehicle fuel sales and that as much as the Quapaw Tribe ofOklahoma resolves to cause any and all retail motor fuel outlets ofthe Quapaw Tribe of Oklahoma to be subject to Oklahoma's motor fuel tax law in consideration for which Oklahoma sha1l consider the Quapaw Tribe ofOklahoma as a participating tribe pursuant to the provisions of House Bill 2208 codified under Oklahoma State Law as Title 680.8 • 500.63, et seq. BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED, that this resolution hereby rescinds any and all • proceedings relevant Quapaw Tribe of Oklahoma resolutions which may be inconsistent with this authorization.


The foregoing resolution of the Quapaw Tribe of Oklahoma was presented and duly adopted by the Quapaw Tribe of Oklahoma via phone poll on DECEMBER 22 .2000 with a vote reflecting __4_ yes, _0_ no, __0_ abstaining, -..:h...- absent. i

{I" /- . , - '-', ; / .. - ! . "­ ..J ! I·' (L 'CL /:., I "Ii '/ Tamara R. 1'vlartin, Chairwoman Lloyd Buffalo, VicecChairman Quapaw Tribal Business Committee Quapaw Trib~.L.Bil£iness Committee •


.' •. ".-"_~ ' •• _ e • .> ..

(918) 5.12-1853 FAX (918] 5J2·4694



WHEREAS, the Quapaw Tribe of Oklahoma is governed by a Governing Resolution that was duly adopted by the Quapaw Indian Council on August 19, 1956_ and approved by the Commissioner of Indian Affairs on September 20, 1957; and

WHEREAS, the Governing Resolution delegates authority to the Quapaw Tribal Business Committee to speak and act on behalf of the Quapaw Tribe; and

WHEREAS, the Quapaw Tribe of Oklahoma is a federally recognized Indian Tribe eligible for program funds, by authority ofP.L. 93-638; and

WHEREAS, the Quapaw Tribe of Oklahoma has contracted their portion of the Tribal Operations funds from the Bureau oflndian Affairs, Miami Agency; and

NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Quapaw Tribal Business Committee • has empowered the Chairman, Vice-chairman, SecIfreas_ &Or the Enrollment Clerk, to Sig!1 as the Tribal leader or Representative, '.vhen issuing BLA~-FO!U\14432, VERfFICATION OF INDIAN PREFERENCE FOR EMPLOYMENT


The foregoing resolution of the Quapaw Tribe of Oklahoma was presented and duly adopted at a regular meeting of the Quapaw Tribal Business Committee on November 18, 2000 with a vote reflecting _6__ yes, _0_ no, ---..12_ abstaining, _1_ absent. , j QUAPAW TRIBE OF OKLAHOMA

(9181 542~ 1853 FAX (9181 542~d694 RESOLUTION NO: l02300-A

A resolution to grant a limited waiver ofa sovereign immunity of the Quapaw Tribal Contracting Corporation, a Corporation to conduct general contracting services.

Whereas, The Quapaw Tribe of Oklahoma is a federally recognized Indian Tribe and is governed by a Governing Resolution, approved by the Commissioner ofIndian Affairs on September 20, 1957; and

W·hereas, as empowered by the Resolution Delegating Authority to the Quapaw Tribal Business Committee to speak and act on behalfofthe Quapaw Tribe ofIndians, signed on September 20, 1957; and

Whereas, the Quapaw Tribe of Oklahoma has a chartered Tribal Development Corporation pursuant to the Business Corporation Act ofthe Quapaw Tribe of Oldahoma; and

Whereas. Section 201( c ) ofthe Quapaw Tribal Corporation Act provides the right ofa corporation to amend its Articles ofIncorporation to change, enlarge or diminish its corporate purposes; and

• Whereas, Section 202 ofthe Quapaw Tnbal Corporation Act provides for amendment to the Articles ofIncorporation shall be adopted by resolution ofthe Board ofDirectors ofthe Quapaw Tribal Corporation Act and adoption by shareholders shall not apply; and

Whereas, the Quapaw Tribal Development Corporation desires to amend the current Articles of Incorporation to create a subsidiaIy known as "The Quapaw Tnbal Contracting Corporation" to engage in the construction industry as a general ~r or construction manager; and

Whereas, the Articles ofIncorporation ofthe Quapaw Tribal Development corporation provides the Quapaw Business Committee may grant a waiver ofsovereign immunity ofthe Corporation with respect to any written contract entered into by the Corporation,

Now Therefore, Be It Resolved the Quapaw Tnbal Business Committee does adopt this resolution for the purposes of reactivating the Quapaw Tribal Contracting Corporation effective October 21,2000 to engage into written contracts and sovereign immunity ofthe Corporation in hereby expressly consents to the jurisdiction ofany court which would have jurisdiction but for the sovereign immunity of the Corporation, including courts of the or ofany state or of the tribe, with regard to any written contract entered into by the Corporation, • Furtber, Be It Resolved that the Quapaw Tribal Business Committee shall grant such a • waiver of immunity for the purpose ofconstruction contr:u.:ting limited to thirty six (36) months in duration. The Quapaw Tribal Contracting Corporation shall advise the Business Committee on the starus and recaprure of all contracts made.


The foregoing resolution of the Quapaw Tribe of Oklahoma, being presented at a meeting ofthe Quapaw Tribal Business Committee on October 23, 2000, at which --':L members were present constituting a quorum, was duly adopted by a vote of~ for, .-0. against, --IJ absent and ...D­ abstaining with three vacancies.

...---..." -.e--.i"'. ~ f') ~"'- (\ =t>,~'j:~~ Beth Blalock, Secretary/'freasurer •

• ',' - l'-"'': .', ~f.' ,- ,....., ,,­ ..ti..llij;;. tn' \.}i\LAHOMA

O'.J ," ';:) .. , -- .. ~:.

(9i 8) 5421853 FAX (9161 542-4694


WHEREAS The Quapaw Tribe of Oklahoma is a federally recognized Indian Tribe organized under the Governing Resolution approved by the US. Secretary of the Interior on August 19, 1956; and

WHFRf'AS: The Business Committee ofthe Quapaw Tribe ofOklahoma is empowered to act on behalf of the Tribe in accordance with the Governing Resolution; and

WIIEREAS: The Quapaw Tribe ofOklahoma has authorized and designated the Bureau ofindian Affairs to administer a Code of Federal Regulations Court ofIndian Offenses until such time as the tribal government is itself prepared to administer such law and order and judicial system; and

WHEREAS: There exists an immediate need to enact legislation authorizing certain procedures in certain civil and criminal matters involving law and order issues; and

• WUEREAS: There exists an immediate need to enact legislation regulating and prohibiting certain conduct within the Indian country subject to the jurisdiction of the Quapaw Tribe of Oklahoma; and

WHEREAS: The recently established rules in the Code ofFederal Regulations do not prohibit certain activities or conduct which is offensive to the integrity and values held by our tribal families and Indian community; and

WHEREAS: 25 C.F.R Part 11, Subpart D - Criminal Offenses at Section 1L449 provides that it is a criminal offense for a person to violate a duly enacted tribal ordinance approved by the Secretary ofthe Interior, and further provides that upon conviction thereofshall be sentenced in accordance as provided in the tribal ordinance.

Now TBEREFORE BE If RESOLVED AND ENACTED, mAT Section 11.315 of 25 CFR., Subpart C ­ • Criminal Procedure is amended by revising paragraph (a) to read as follows: Section 11.315 Sentencing.

(a) Any person who has been convicted in a Court ofIndian Offenses of a criminal offense under the reb'lllations ofthis pan may be sentenced to one or a combination ofthe following penalties: • (I) Imprisonment for a period not to exceed the maximum permitted by the section defining the offense, which in no case shall be greater than one year. (2) A money fine in an amount not to exceed the maximum per.mitted by the section defining the offense, which in no case shall be greater than Five Thousand Dollars ($5,000 00).

BE IT FURTHER ENAClT'J) ANI) RESOLYED, that a new section 319 01'25 C.FR., Subpart C - Criminal Procedure is added to read as follows:

Section 319. Warrantless Arrest in Cases of Family Violence or Domestic Abuse

(a) Definitions (1 )"Family Violence" or "Domestic Abuse" means any criminal offense under this part when the victim and the perpetrator are family or household members. An act of family violence or domestic abuse includes, but is not limited to, intentional or negligent infliction ofbodily injury; unreasonable confinement; stalking; intimidation; cruel punishment resulting in physical har.m, pain or mental anquish; any sexual contK,i intended to sexually gratifY the person making the contact and which is without consent or obtained by intimidation or fraud; intentional infliction of threats, humiliation or intimidation; unauthorized or improper use offunds, property orother resources; or criminal trespass upon a spouse, for.mer spouse, family member, present • or for.mer household member, or co-parent (2) "Family or Household Members" means spouses, ex-spouses, parents, children, persons otherwise related by biood or marriage, or persons hving 10 the same household or who for.merly lived in the same household, including the elderly and the handicapped.

(3) "Co-parent" meallS persons who have a child in common regardless of whether they have been married or have lived together at any time.

(b) A law enforcement officer may arrest without a warrant a person anywhere, including his place of residence, if the peace officer has probable cause to believe the person within the preceding seventy-two (72) hours, has cornrnitted an act offamily violence or domestic abuse as defined as a criminal offense, although the act did not take place in the presence ofthe law enforcement officer, ifthe law enforcement officer has first observed a recent physical injury to, or an impair.ment of the physical condition of, the alleged victim.

(c) A law enforcement officer shall not discourage a victim of domestic abuse from pressing charges against the assailant of the victim, provided, that the law enforcement officer may require the victim to sign a complaint in such matters. (d) Liability. No law enforcement officer shall be held criminally or civilly liable for making • an arrest pursuant to this section, provided he or she acts reasonably and in good faith. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED AND ENACTED, that Section 1j .450 is amended by revising paragraph (a) • ( I) to read as follows (I) If the offense is a misdemeanor. to a term of imprisonment not to exceed one (I) year or to a fine not to exceed $5,000.00, or both;

BF IT FlJRT1UORRESOLVED AND ENACTED, that the following criminal offenses and range of punishments are hereby enacted and are enforceable as additional criminal offenses in the CFR Court of Indian Offenses and are subject to the jurisdiction of the (Indian Tribe)

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED AND ENACTED, these criminal offenses shall apply to all persons violating its provisions within the territorial jurisdiction of the (Indian Tribe).

BE IT FURTIIER RESOLVED AND ENACTED, that the following criminal offenses are adopted and enacted and are added to Title 25 Code ofFederal Regulations, Part II - Law and Order on Indian Reservations:

Section 11.451. Intoxication

A. It shall be unlawful to be under the influence ofan intoxicating beverage, drug, or other controlled substance, or a substance having the property of releasing vapors, to any degree, in a public place or in a private place where one unreasonably disturbs another person, under circumstances not amounting to disorderly conduct.

• B. Intoxication shall be punishable by a fine not to exceed Three Hundred Fifty Dollars ($3S0.00), or by a term ofimprisonment in jail not IO exceed six months, or both. However, ajudge or the arresting law enforcement officer may order the release from custody or the dropping of a charge under this section if he believes further imprisonment is unnecessary for the protection of the individual or another and the individual is in a sober condition at the time ofrelease. The Judge may also commit the person convicted to a facility for treatment ifit appears that the person is dependent upon the intoxicating beverage, drug, controlled substance, or vapor producing substance, for a period not to exceed six months.

Section 11.452. Possession of an Alcoholic Beverage

A. It shall be unlawful to buy, sell, serve, give away, consume, furnish, or possess any beer, ale, wine, liquor, spirits, or any other beverage or product containing alcohol for ingestion by human beings; or to appear or be found in a place where alcoholic beverages are sold and/or consumed, • withour written authority ofthe governing body ofthe Tribe. B. Possession of an alcoholic beverage shall be punishable by a fine not to exceed Two Hundred Fifty Dollars ($250.00), or by a term ofimprisonment injail not to exceed three (3) months, • or both. C Each can, bottle, or any other container ofan alcoholic beverage shall constitute a separate offense under this section.

D. Any such alcoholic beverage handled in violation ofthis section is hereby declared to be contraband subject to seizure by law enforcement officers and civil proceedings may be had against such alcoholic beverages or containers for forfeiture as provided by law.

Section 11.453. Abuse of Psychotoxic Chemical Solvents

A. It shall be unlawful to purposely smell or inhale the fumes of any psychotoxic chemical solvent or to possess, purchase, or attempt to possess or purchase any psychotoxic chemical solvent, widl the intemion ofcausing a condition ofintoxication, inebriation, excitement, stupefaction, or the dulling of the brain or nervous system; to sell, give away, dispense, or distribute any psychotoxic chemical solvent knowing or believing that the purchaser or another intends to use the solvent in violation ofthis section.

B This section shall not apply to the inhalation ofanesthesia for medical or dental purposes.

C. As used in this section, "psychotoxic chemical solvent" includes any glue, cement, or other • substance containing one or more ofthe following chemical compounds: acetone, acetate, benzene, butyl-alcohol, methyl ethyl, petone, pentachlorophenol, petroleum ether, gasoline, cleaning solvents, or miler chemical substance capable of causing a condition of intOlGcation, inebnatlOn, excItement, slUpefaction, or the dulling ofthe brain or nervous system as a result ofthe inhalation ofthe fumes or vapors ofsuch chemical substance. The statement oflisting the contents ofa substance packaged in a container by the manufacturer or producer thereofshall be proofofthe contents ofsuch substances without further .:xpert testimony ifit reasonably appears that the substailce in such container is the same substance placed therein by the manufacturer or producer.

D. Abuse of psychotoxic chemical solvents shall be punishable by a fine not to exceed Three Hundred Fifty Dollars ($350.00), or by a term ofimprisonment in jail not to exceed six (6) months, or both, and the Court may order any person using psychotoxic chemical solvents for inhalation to be committed to some facility for treatment for a term not to exceed six (6) months.

E. Such psychotoxic chemical solvents kept or used in violation of this Section are hereby declared to be contraband and civil proceedings may be had against such psychotoxic chemical solvents as provided by law. • Section L1.454. Dangerous Drug Offense

A. It shall be unlawful, except as authorized and controlled by Federal law, to manufacture, • distribute, transfer, possess with intent to distribute, dispense, create, possess, or cultivate a controlled or a counterfeit substance; or to obtain or acquire possession ofa controlled substance by misrepresentation, fraud, forgery, deception, or subterfuge; or to knowingly or intentionally use any communication facility in committing any ofthe above prohibited acts.

B. Controlled or counterfeit substances shaH consist of the substances listed in 21 U.S.c. Section 812 (1972), and any other chemical substance. natural or artificial, defined as a controlled or dangerous substance the possession, sale, distribution. or use ofwhich is prohibited by federal law, except peyote.

C. Controlled or counterfeit substances include, but are not limited to, any precursors or other materials or compounds used in the manufacture, distribution, or cultivation of a controlled, dangerous, or unlawful substance.

D. A dangerous drug offense shall be punishable by a fine not to exceed Five Thousand Dollars ($5,000.00), or by a term of imprisonment in jail not to exceed one (1) year, or both. Upon cOfi\/iction under this section for sales distribution, possession with intent to distribute, manufacture with intent to sell, or cultivation with intent to distribute, banishment from the tribal jurisdiction may also be imposed for a term not to exceed ten (10) years.

E. Any substance handled in violation ofthis section is hereby declared to be contraband shall be subject to seizure by law enforcement officers and civil forfeiture proceedings may be had against • such substance as provided by law,

F. Any personal property used to transport, conceal, manufacture, cultivate, or distribute the controlled dangerous substance in violation of this section shall be subject to seizure by law enforcement officers and forfeiture as contraband by civil proceeding as provided by law.

Section 11.455. Unlawful Flight

It shall be unlawful to move or travel to Indian country lands within the jurisdiction of the (Indian tribe) with intent either (1) avoid prosecution, or custody, or confinement after conviction, under the laws ofthe place from which he or she flees, for a crime which is an offense under the laws ofthe place from which the fugitive flees, or (2) to avoid giving testimony in any criminal proceedings in such place in which a felony is charged, or (3) to avoid service of, or contempt proceedings for alleged disobedience of, or lawful process requiring attendance and the giving of testimony or the production ofdocumentary evidence before a court ofthe place from which he or she flees. Unlawful Flight shall be punishable by a fine not to exceed Five Thousand Dollars ($5,000.00), or by a term of • imprisonment in jail not to exceed one (I) year, or both. That upon a showing ofprobable cause, ajudge ofthe Court oflndian Offenses is authorized to issue a warrant to apprehend and arrest a person suspected of committing this offense, and to deliver that person to the authorities in the jurisdiction where he or she is subject to arrest or lawful • process, either before or after prosecution for the tribal offense of Unlawful Flight. Section 11.456. Contributing To The Delinquency of a Minor

A. It shall be unlawful for a person eighteen years of age or older to

(I) Knowingly or recklessly sell or give to or otherwise make beer, liquor, wine or other alcoholic beverages, or controlled substances or psychotoxic chemical solvents, or dangerous weapon available to a person under the age of eighteen years; or

(2) Knowingly or recklessly, by act or omission, encourage, participate in, cause or contribute to the delinquency ofunlawful conduct ofa minor under eighteen years of age,

R Contributing to the delinquency of a minor shall be punishable by a fine of not more than One Thousand Dollars ($1,000,00), or by a term ofimprisonment injail notto exceed Six (6) months, or both.

Section 457. Weapons Offense • A. It shall be unlawful to: (I) Have a dangerous weapon in one's actual possession while being addicted to any narcotic drug; or after having been deciared mentally incompetent; or whiie being intoxicated or otherwi se under the influence of alcoholic beverages or other intoxicating substance, drug, or medicine~ or while possessing the intent to unlawfully assault another; or while under the age of sixteen years oid, and without the consent of his parent or guardian,

(2) Carry a loaded firearm on his or her person or in a vehicle on a public road without lawful authority to do so; or to discharge any kind offirearm without lawful authority to do so; or to discharge a firearm from, upon or across any public highway without lawful authority to do so,

B, Definitions:

(I) "Dangerous weapon" means any item that in the manner ofits use or intended use is capable of causing death or serious bodily injury. In determining whether an item, object or thing not commonly known as a dangerous weapon is a dangerous weapon, the character ofthe instrument, object or thing, the result produced, ifany, and the manner in which the instrument, item or thing was • used shall be determinative, (2) "Firearms" means pistols, revolvers, ritles, shotguns, and any device that is capable of being used as a weapon because it expels a projectile by some means of force • (3) A firearm or other weapon shall be deemed loaded when there is an unexpended cartridge, shell or projectile in the firing position except in the case ofpistols and revolvers, in which case they shall be deemed loaded when the unexpended cartridge, shell or projectile is in such position as next to be fired.

C Weapons offense shall be punishable by a fine not to exceed One Thousand Dollars ($1,000.00), or by a term of imprisonment in the Tribal jail not to exceed Six (6) months, or both.

Section 11.458. Aggravated Weapons Offense

A. It shall be unlawful to carry a dangerous weapon concealed on the person or to threaten to use or exhibit a dangerous weapon in a dangerous or threatening manner, or use a dangerous weapon in a tight or quarrel; or to possess a shotgun or rifle having a barrel or barrels ofless than eighteen inches in a Ienf,'th or an altered or modified shotgun or riIle less than twenty-four inches overail length.

B. Aggravated weapons offense shall be punishable by a fine not to exceed Five Thousand Dollars ($5,000.00), or by a term of imprisonment in the Tribal jail not to exceed one (1) year, or both. • Section 11.459. Obstructing Justice A. It shall be unlawful, with the purpose to hinder the apprehension, prosecution, conviction or punishment of another for the commission of an offense, to:

(I) Harbor or conceal the other; or

(2) Provide or aid in. providing a weapon, transportation, disguise or other means of avoiding any identification, apprehension or effecting escape; or

(3) Conceal or destroy evidence of the offense, or identity ofany person, or tamper with a witness, informant, document or other source ofinformation regardless ofits admissability in evidence; or

(4) Warn the other ofimpending discovery, identification, or apprehension, except if such warning is given in an attempt to get the other person to comply with the law; or

(5) Volunteer or provide false information to a law enforcement officer for the • purpose of preventing the identification, apprehension ofone's self or another; or (6) Obstruct by force, threat, bribery or deception anyone from performing an act which might aid in the discovery, identification, apprehension, prosecution or • conviction of another person. B. Obstructing justice shall be punishable by a fine not to exceed Five Thousand Dollars ($5,000.00), or by a term ofimprisonment in the Tribal jail not to exceed one (1) year, or both.


The foregoing resolution was passed at a regular meeting of t.!-je Business Committee of the Quapaw Tribe ofOklahoma on October 21,2000, by a vote of--.-1-Yes; _O_no; _O_abstaining; and:. _3__vacancies

~~3::::,Q c~~ /v:=rL(J....~~~~I!...'o""""'''CAlJ Tamara Martin, Chairw Beth Blalock, SecIrreas. Quapaw Tribal Business Committee Quapaw Tribal Business Committee • Quapaw Tribal Business COImnittee Special Meeling FebruMy 1R. 2000

• Call 10 Order: I:35 p.m. Roll Call: Ed Rodgers Present Lloyd Buffalo Present Harry F. Gilmore Absent Jesse McKibben Present Kim Carrigan Absent (excused) Shirley Pay10n Absent (excused) Flossie Maihews Present

Declaration of quonuu announced by Flossie Mathews.


A presentation covering the great river bridge was given by the following: Tim Garret. Marion Butler. Lori Rhodes. Eli/abcth Romero. John Miller, Bill Richardson, Tim Klinger, Ed Rodgers, Lloyd Buffalo, Jesse McKibben. Earl Hatley'. Carrie V. Wilson, Flossie Mathews and Debbie Wray. No action was taken.

Attached vou will lind infonnation given during ihe meeting. Additional informatiou is available in Ihe librdry at the Quapaw Tribal Complex.


• Approved by the Qnapaw Tribal Business Committee this __ day of , 2000, WiUI a vote rclJccting yes, _ no, __ abstaining, __ absent.

Is/Harry F. Gilmore, Scc.ffreas. Quapaw Tribal Business Committee


, 1 ":00"", .,- _\t.~ .. ,(?~,..J . __ ,',,; ~~-::':,~'i.-;j

(9181 542·185J FAX (9181 542469.1

RESOL[TlON NO. l0022000A


WHEREAS, the Quapaw Tribe of Oklahoma is a federally recognized Indian Tribe and is governed by a Governing Resolution adopted by the Quapaw Indian Council on August 19. 1956, and approved by the Commissioner oflndian AtTairs on September 20, 1957; and

WHEREAS, the Governing Resolution delegates authority to the Quapaw Business Committee to speak and act on behalf of the Quapaw Tribe; and

WHEREAS. the Quapaw Tribal Business Committee is thus empowered and obligated to transact Tribal businesses including attorney contracts; and

WHEREAS. the Quapaw Tribal Business Committee desires general legal representation • and counseling with respect to business development, litigation, governmental operations and other legal services as required from time to time by the Tribal Business Committee or Its deSignee; and

WHEREAS. the Quapaw Tribal Business Committee delegates to the Tribal Chairman the authority to enter into an attorney representation agreement and client engagement letter with Gardere & Wynne, L.L.P., such that Gardere & Wynne may represent the Quapaw Tribe generally on any and all matters requiring legal advice, consultation or services as required by the Tribal Business Committee or its designee; and

WHEREAS, the Quapaw Tribal Business Committee acknowledges and agrees that the attorney representation agreement and client engagement letter between the Tribe and Gardere & Wynne LL.P., shall contain a waiver ofthe Tribe's sovereign immunity tor the limited purpose of providing for the arbitration of fee disputes between the Tribe and Gardere & Wynne, as well as for the enforcement of any arbitral award, whieh is a standard requirement in Gardere & Wynne's dient engagment letters • , , I.


The foregoing resolution of the Quapaw Tribe of Oklahoma was presented at the regular meeting of the Quapaw Tribal Business Committee on OCTOBER 2 . :2000. with a vote retlecting _.!:__ves, _O_no, _.Jl...._abstaining and ~_O_absent.

//11I;' .' '-=1>- --..,...,. ~.::~m<:!A-4- ~~ -f~Q~-"- -" " t- __ r: Q-" L.' "- Tamara R. Martin, Chai?fuan ~ Beth Blalock, Secretary/Treasurer Quapaw Tribal Business Committee Quapaw Tribal Business Committee


• QUAPAW TRIBE OF OKLAHOMA -:L A ,.& ..:L ,JL ".a. .1,,'" ..,::'h "i!, .,.~ 1']\' -r.'%, ~;+.~"~ ,,;:;1 -A! ~"L";l],, ~~ ,.;L .Aft ,.JL .~al<',~.j;:q}g,;&;>;''';''C&\\~~,;;;.;!;";~.,,.''"Lj;~rilj":ta:l~~l'"}.0'.0~Z"'-~'~~~iil

'u ~ox 765 (918J 542·1853 Quapaw, OK /4J63 0765 FAX 1918) 542,4694


WHEREAS, the Quapaw Tribe of Oklahoma is governed by a Governing Resolution that was duly adopted by tbe Quapaw Indian Council on August 19,1956; and

WB [REAS, the Governing Resolution delegates authority to the Quapaw Uusiness Committee to speak and act on behalf of the Quapaw Tribe; and

WHEREAS, 25 CFR 900,8 (d) requires the tribe to rerjuest the Bureau ofIndian AITairs services in the form ofa contract, ie., a resolution, bv the tribal governing body, and

WHEREAS, the Quapaw Tribe of Oklahoma adheres to the concept of Indian Sell' Determination and desires to re-contract the following individual contracts for FY­ 2001, Aid to Tribal Government, Housing Improvement Program, and lndian Child Welfare.

• :"lOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Quapaw Tribal Business Committee authorizes the Chairman and/or his designated representative, the tribal administrator, to negotiate, execute, and modify or amend the contracts or grants as needed, The authorities granted herein shall remain in effect for the period October I, 2000 through September 30, 2001


The foregoing resolution ofthe Quapaw Tribe ofOklahoma being presented at a regular Quapaw Tribal Business Committee meeting on June 17, 2000 with a vote reflecting _~'L_ves, _.Q_no, _~abstaining,_~absent


---_._-_._~---QL\'J . Ld H.odvcrs, Ch:"nnn;\n Ty F G"norc. Sccrctary{frcasurcr Business CommLttec Business mi1tce • (~lIapa\Y Tribe 0 f Oklahoma Quapaw Tnbc 0 t' Ok lahoIna QUAPAW TRIBE OF OKLAHOMA ~~rJJiJl~~(.fj~,,!~i:.:t':J:11~~]J:~~~~·:~~;:~~;~:~~~:J!~~:lliz~Jm~~~h:.d~AU

1918) 5421853 Quapaw. OK 74363-0765 FAX 1918) 5424694 RESOLUTTON NO. 6172000 [3 RESOLUTTON TO OBTAIN DEATH INSUR..-\NCE FOR ENROLLED TRIBAL MEMBI-:RS

WHERL-\S, the Quapaw Tribe of Oklahoma is governed by a Governing Resolution that ,vas duly adopted by the Quapaw Indian Council on August 19, 1956, and

WHEREAS. the Governing Resolution delegates authority to the Quapaw Business Committee to speak and act on behalf of the Quapaw Tribe; and

WHEREAS, the Quapaw Tlibal Business Committee wishes to act in the best interest of all Quapaw Tribal members, and

\VHI-:REAS, Insurance Agent Keith Wilson ofBomford, Couch, and Wilson has proposed death insurance benelits for all enrolled tribal members for one year in the amount of ~4 per person per month payable 10 r>.1ember Service Life, an Oklahoma division of Blue Cross and Blue Shield, with a renewal option after the first year; and

WHEREAS, upon the death of an enrolled Quapaw Tribal member, a representative of the deceased shall present a certified death certificate to the tribe; and

WHEREAS, the tribe will provide Keith Wilson with the certified death certificate, and

WHEREAS, Keith Wilson will inform Member Service Life ofthe death; and

• WHEREAS, the tribe shall receive a check from Member Service Life in the amount of $ 1,000; and

WHEREAS, the tribe shall issue a check for the amount of $650, instead ofthe previous $500, (0 the representative ofthe deceased tribal member; and

WHEREAS, the remaining amount, $350, shall be placed in a designated account to be used as the Quapaw Tribal Business Committee determines.

NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Quapaw Tribal Business Committee acting in the best interest of all enrolled Quapaw Tribal members will el1ler into an agreement with Member Service Life through Bomford, Couch, and Wilson Insurance Agency to obtain death insurance for all enrolled tribal members for the duration of one year from the contract date CERTTFICATION

The foregoing resolution of the Quapaw Tribe of Oklahoma being presented at a regular Quapaw Tribal Business Committee meeting on June 17, 2000 with a vote reflecting O yes, ~no, o abstaining, ,,12._absent


RESOLUTION NO. 061 72000-C

WHEREAS, the Quapaw Tribe of Oklahoma is a Federally recognized lndi,m Tribe. and

WHEREAS, the Quapaw Tribal Business Committee is authorized to act on behalf or'the Tribe. and

WHEREAS, there is critical need to develop and provide child care development liJr Indian families in the area; thus pro\iding and improving child care in this area. and

WHEREAS, this program is submitted lor consideration for development. and

WHEREAS, the chairperson or his designee is authorized to review this application • and any amendments thereto, and approve and sign narrative reports and fiseal management instruments, and submit. and

WHEREAS, authorizations shall remain in effect until such time as the Quapaw Tribal Business Committee chooses to withdraw said authorizations by resolutions,

NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Quapaw Tribe of Oklahoma supports the application lor Child Care Development.


The t(Jrcgoing resolution of the Quapaw Tribe of Oklahoma, being presented at a meeting ,,['the Quapaw Tribal Business Committee on June 17,2000, with a vot _r]_ves:.Ono: _0 abstaining: 0 absen ~ U"~">:5 Ed Rodgers, L nairman J more, Secretary/Treasurer Business Committee Busin S5 Committee • Quapaw Tribe Quapaw Tribe QUAPAW TRIBE OF OKLAHOMA

• Resolution No. 052000A Resolution of tbe Quapaw Tribal Business Committee designating the Tolte' Mounds, 3LN42, a Quapaw Sacred SIte

\\iHEREAS, 1~,c Quapaw Tribe of Oklahoma i. a federally-recognized Indian Tribe, pursuant 10 P.L 103454, 10& Stat. 4791. and is governed by a Governing ResolUlion. that was duly adopted oy the Quapaw General Council on Augwt 19, 1956, and approved by the Commi:%ioner of Indian Affairs on September 20, ! 957; and

WHEREAS~ rhe Governing Resolution delegates aut.hority to the Quapaw Business Committee to speak and act 0\1 behalf or lb. Quapa", Tribe; and

WHEREAS, The Quapaw Tribe" a federally-recogIlll.ed Ind,.n Tribe eligible for program funds. by authority of P.L q3-638; and

WlfEIUAS. The Quapaw Tnbe artests thai the Tnbe has aboriginal. historic, and rreaty lands which include lands and waterways In Arkansas~ and

WHF.REAS, The Quapaw Tribe, recognized as the pasl inhabitJlIlts of Arkansas by its treaties and with regard to cOJucmporaxy goverrunent-to-government consultation with federal and Slate agencies in accordance willI Executive Order 13084, is C()ncerned with enviromnental. issues and cultural resources• induding American Indi2ll Cultural Sites aJld Sacred Sites. in our ancestral lands; IUld • WHEREA..'i, United States Pr<:','ildem \\'illiam Jefferson Clin[on bas recognized American rndian Sacred Sites and the need to protect and preserve rndian religIOUS practices thfQcgh the Executive Order 13007; and

WHEREAS, ·n,. Quapaw Tribe attests any alteration of a Sacred SIte andlor removal of cultural items. including human rernams, desecr.ates the sanctity of that site and,s a violation of our religious and cultural heliefs, and

WV..ERE,AS, The Quapaw Tribe attests further that the adulteration of rhe intrL"sic and aesthellc quality whIch embodies a Sacred Site impacts the -spiritual integrity of the site and is also a violation of our n::hglOus and cultural beliefs, and

\\o'HF.REAS, The Quapaw Tribe, III consultaticm wit!:. our Tribal elders and in cooperation with Arkansas State Parks, establIshed and consecrated the Keepsafe Cemetery (AS P. P.D, 6290) at Toltec Mounds for the ,'s:("CUfCO: and p-ennanent reinterment of repatriated Natlv~ American human remains indig-enous to Arkansas. aud

WHEREAS, The Quapaw Tribe recognizes its ancestral American Indian Cultural SIte, referred to as Toltec Mound" ,ite 3LN42, which i, in<:luded in ""kansas State Parks Sy,tem as Toltec Mounds ArcheologIcal State P.rk, is s...... d b) virtue ol'lu religious and cultural signifIcance to the Quapaw Tribe;

"'OW THERf,FORE BE IT RESOLYrn thar lbcQuap",", Tribe MOklahorna hereby declares the Toltec Mounds, lLN42, a Sacred &te.

• 1',0, Box 765, Quapaw. OK 74363 phone: 918-\42-185} fax: 918-542·4694 • QUAPAW TRIBE OF OKLAHOMA Resolution No. 052000A

Resolution of tbe Quapaw Tribal Buslne.. Committee designating tbe Toltec Mounds, 3LN41, a Quapaw Sacred Site


The foregomg Resolution of the Quapaw Tribe of Oklahoma, was presented at a special meeting of the Quapaw Tribal Busmess Committee on May 20, 2000, with a vNe of~yes; _~no;...5':_ abstammg; .---L_ absent.

£: s;, ~?""~ _---,-,_ Ed Rodgers, Chairman Harry Gilm , Secretary-Treasurer • Quapaw Tribal Business Comrmttee Quapaw Tribal Business Committee

P.O. Box 765, Quapaw, OK 74363 • phone: 918·.142-1853 fax: 918-542-4694 QUAP!W TRIBE OF OKL!HOMA ~;;!\.,-""" .~~<~~ ~~>; }~;J~CJ

PO Uo,765 (9181 542-1853 Quapaw, OK 743630765 FAX 1918) 542-4694

Resolution 05202000-8


WIIEREAS, the Quapaw Tribe of Oklahoma is governed by a Governing Resolution that was duly adopted by the Quapaw Indian Council on August 19, 1956, and approved by the Commissioner of Indian Affairs on September 20, 1957, and

WHEREAS, the Governing Resolution delegates authority to the Quapaw Tribal l3usiness Committee to speak and act on behalf 0 the Quapaw Tribe; and

WHERE:AS, the Quapaw Tribe ofOklahoma is a federally recognized Indian Tribe, and

WHEREAS, advancing the health, safety, welfare, and education of the people ofthe Quapaw Tribe of Oklahoma are responsibilities of the Quapaw Tribal Business Committee; and • WHEREAS, the Quapaw Tribe of Oklahoma will express its sovereignty as an independent Tribal Nation by issuing Quapaw Tribal Tags to enrolled tribal members throughout the state of Oklahoma. \.;/,.[

\".1; NOW TH~:REFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Quapaw Tribe of Oklahoma will issue Quapaw Tribal Tags through the Quapaw Tribal Tax Commission created in Ordinance 4-135-A 011 April 13, 1985_


1 hereby certify that the foregoing resolution was passed at a regular meeting of the Tribal Business Committee ofthe Quapaw Tribe ofOklaholJ1a on this day of ______, 2000 with a vote reflecting ~ yes, _J1.... no, ~ abstaining, ___--l-__ absent.

Ed Rod?ers, Chaimlan HaIry F. Gilmore, Secretary! Treasurer Quapaw Tribal Business Committee Quapaw Tribal Business Committee QUAPAW TRIBE OF OKLAHOMA ~ • ~ox 765 (9181 542·1853 CJuapaw. OK 74363·0705 FAX (9181 542·4694 RESOLUTION NO. 041500j,2


WHERAS. the Quapaw Tribe of Oklahoma is a Federally recognized Indian Tribe and is govcrned by a Governing Resolution adopted by the Quapaw Indian Council on August 19, 1956, and approved by the Commissioner of Indian Affairs on September 20, 1957; and

WHEREAS, the Governing Resolution delegates authority to the Quapaw Business Committee to speak and act on the behalf of the Quapaw Tribe; and

WHEREAS. 25 CFR 900.8 (d) requires that before the can enter into a contract with a tribal organization, it must be requested to do so by the Tribe to be served under the contract. It further states that the Tribe's request shall be in the form of a resolution by the tribal governing body, and;

WHEREAS, the Quapaw Tribe of Oklahoma adheres to the concept oflndian Self­ Detern,ination and desires to contract an individual contract for FY 2000 as follows:

Hazardous Material Project - demolition and removal of resulting debris at the Old • Eagle-Picher Site in Cardin, OK NOW LET IT THEREFORE BE RESOLVED, that The Quapaw Tribal Business Committee authorizes the Chairman and/or his Designative Representative, the Tribal Administrator, to ncgotiate, execute and modifY/amend the contract, as needed. The authorities granted herein shall remain in effect for the duration of the proposed contract, for the period as follows:

The Contractor shall commence work within fifteen (15) calendar days after the date of receipt by him of Notice of Award and complete the entire work within 180 calendar days. The contract completion date will be computed starting fifteen (15) calendar days after the date of the Notice of Award.


The foregoing resolution of the Quapaw Tribe of Oklahoma was presented at the regular meeting ofthc Quapaw Tribal Business Commlttee on April 15, 2000, with a vote reflecting 7 yes, ~__ no, 0 abstaining, and b -absent.

_QL \~nJL --­ ~{,=_:-.~il"''-rLel'-, T=-r=:e~:":a-'-s\.:clf-=e-r- . "7'-'1"e"'tary4L':':_ Ed Rodgers. C~ ~~w ec • Quapaw Tribal Business Committee nbal Business Committee QUAPAW T~IBE OF OKLAHOMA

(9181 542-1853 Quapaw. OK 7..tJt3-0765 fAX (9181 542-4694


Whereas, the Quapaw Tribe ofOkl:lhoma is governed by a Governing Resolution, that was duly adopted by the Quapaw Indian Council on August 19, 1956, and approved by the Commissioner of Indian AtTairs on September 20,1957, and

Whereas, the Governing Resolution delegates authority to the Quapaw Business Committee to speak and act on behalf of the Quapaw Tribe, and

Whereas, the Quapaw Tribe is a federally recognized Indian Tribe eligible for program funds, by authOlity ofP.L 93-638, and

Whereas. the Quapaw Tribe ofOklahoma deems the welfare ofNative American women a pliority; and

Whereas, the Quapaw Tribe of Oklahoma finds it imperative to continue its services • ofTered to all Native American Women who have been victims of Domestic Violence; and

Now therefore be it resolved that the Quapaw Tribe of Oklahoma applies for continuation to the Department of Justice for the STOP (Services, Training, Officers, Prosecutors) Violence Against Indian Women Grant for the FY'OO.


The foregoing resolution of the Quapaw Tribe of Oklahoma was presented at the regularly scheduled meeting ofthe Business Committee on April 15,2000, with a vote reflecting ~ yes, ~no, ~abstaining,z: absent, and no vacancies.

~~~- Ed Rodgers, Chair n Quapaw Tribal Business Cnmittee / 'j . i(/.,)' I Attest/Jli~;S>l1 /lf0 !t;tc..r:!r'2--, • I-tarry F. [filmore, Secretary-Treasurer QUAPAW TRIBE OF OKLAHOMA

(918J 542-1853 FAX (918) 542-4694 Resolution Number 041 02000-A


VV HEREAS, the Quapaw Tribe of Oklahoma is governed by a Governing Resolution that was duJv adopted bv Ihe Qw,paw Indian Council on AUh'llst 19. 1956_ and approved bv the Commissioner of Indian An"irs on September 20. 1957: and

WIlE REAS, the Governing Resolution delegates authority to the Quapaw Tribal Business Committee to spc:lk and act on behalf of the Quapaw Tribe: and

WHEREAS, the Q..,paw Tribe of Oklahoma is a federally recognized Indian Tribe: and

WHEREAS, tile Miam' Indian Health Center is located in,Miami. Oklahoma

WH EREAS, the group of tnbes located in the nOrUleastern comer of the state of Oklahoma have COlldlll;tcd a feasibility study which indicales it is economically feasible to manage Lhe existing lHS Miami Indt;ml1calth Center operation under P.L. 93--638; and

• VV HE REAS, tile group of tribes located in northeastern comer of the state of Oklahoma have conducted a pl;ummg stndy which has provided an organizational framework. development of infrastrucmre. policies and procedures to manage tile healtll services under Tribal consortium: and

NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Quapaw Tribe fully supperts and endor

BE IT FURTHER RESOLYED, that the Quapaw Tribe of Oklahoma "ill participate as a member of the Tribal Consortiunl and authorizes the Tribal Consortium to contract or compact Mth the department of Health and Human Services to provide health services for Qmpaw Tribe of Oklahoma members.

CERTIFICATION TI,e foregoi ng resolution of the Qmpaw Tribe of Oklahoma was presented and duly adopted at the special scheduled meeting of the Quapaw Tribal Business Committee on April 10.2000. wi a vote reflecting k> yes. 0 no. 0 abstaining, I- absent.. I ---,-- • ------+-c- J' (7\ ), -~~"--?'.~=--~ Ed Rodgers, Chaffm'.m ( Gilmore, Sec./Treas. • Quapaw Tribal Business Committee Tribal Business Committee QUAPAW TRIBE OF OKLAHOMA

(918) 542-1853 FAX (918) 542-4694

Resolution Number 03282000 - A


WHEREAS, the Quapaw Tribe of Oklahoma is governed by a Governing Resolution, that was duly adopted by the Quapaw Tribe on August 19, 1956 and, approved by the Commissioner oflndian Affairs on September 20, 1957; and

WH EREAS, the Governing Resolution delegates authority to the Quapaw Tribal Business Committee to speak and aet on behalf ofthe Quapaw Tribe; and

WHEREAS, the Quapaw Tribe of Oklahoma is aware of the need for support and • limding to host the Annual Quapaw Powwow activities; and NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Quapaw Tribe ofOklahoma supports the submittal of application to secure funds from the Oklahoma Arts Council.


The foregoing resolution ofthe Quapaw Tribe of Oklahoma was presented by motion and passed at a meeting ofthe Quapaw Tribal Business Committee on March 28, 2000 with a vote reflecting ~ yes, ~ no, ~ abstaining, L- absent.

-~~ Ed Rodgers. Chairrntm Harry F. ilmore, Sec.!Treas. Business Committee Business Committee Quapaw Tribe of Oklahoma Quapaw Tribe ofOklahoma • " QUAPA"'N' TRIBE OF OKLAHOMA

{9i Sl 5,,12·1853 fAX (913) 5~2·M:9.1

Resolution ~'ui11ber 03 1820UO 13 _

ReSlllutlon to Support the Miami Tribe of Oklahol11a To Apply tar the Enhancement Grant From the Institute of Museum and Librarv Services

WIIERL\S, the ()uapaw Tribe of Oklahoma is governed by a Governing Resolution. that was duiy adopted by the Quapaw Tribe on August 19. 1956 and, approved by the C'll11l11issiuller of Indian Affairs on September 20, 1957. and

WHERL\S, the Governing Resolution delegates authority 10 the Quapaw Tribal BUSIness COl1lmittee to speak and act on behalf of the Quapaw Tribe: and

WHEREAS, the Quapaw Tribe of Oklahoma is aware of the importance of the proposed activities llfthe Miami Tribe's FY2000 application that will benefit the area tribes in • technicil assistance. Internet access and specialized training: and '\lOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Quapaw Tribe of Oklahoma wishes 10 continue to be a part of the (]-IARLfE Net>-vork and we support the Miami Tribe's submittal to secure funds for sucb enhancements, from the Institute of Museum and l.ibrary Services.


The taregoing resolutilln of the Quapaw Tribe of Oklahoma was presented and adopted at a meeting of the Quapaw Tribal Business Committee on March 18, 2000 with a vote relkeling 1> yes, _...Q.__ no, __0_ abstaining, _----.L_ absent.

Q~ \Lu-L - -/--!~!:::3..,?---f---'+--,I-l-'"-.'3L&~:':!:. ------e==:::=Ed Rlldgers, ChaIrman . a ry F. G' ore. Sec/Treasurer l3usincss Committee Business Committee • Quapaw Tribe of Oklahoma Quapaw Tribe ofOkJahoma kCvU'i CU Miami Tribe of Oklahoma

Trihal AdJllini~tr:u:illn SenilJf Snvice Center • (Ql~.) 14-:. -;,;"-;­ l'il,) '42·144\ . Fax: (9181 542·1260 Librarv,/Archivcs . (9l8) 542·· ('ax ('omrni~si(lIl Tribal Police . (918) 5·r~·ll·N 3 Hl-ll1sing Irnprovcmcm Domestic \'iolencl'//Erm'n;efH:\' Shcitl'f • Service· (918) S42-86(),~ Child Care l.'llfnrnlllli1y Health Tribal Longhouse . (918) 6i5-48(\5

2112 Somh Eight Trihes Trail P.O. Box 1326 Miami. Oklahoma 74355 March 2. lOOO

1);1Jl .... milh .\I.:tmg rribal Administrator ()Il;l P;) \\ J ri be P.(). I~l),\ 7h~ ()u"p:nv. I), n'('.J

In the p'I't. Ihe CllI\RLll: lihrary network was funded !{)[ three years, providing equipment. V)n\,,~trc, Inll'rrlCllraining. and the services ora professiunal librarian to catalog hooks. for [Ile trih,d libraries in this area. which chose to participate. Once again. the vliami Tribe is including [he CII,\RI.lL library network in its F.nhancement grant proposal. which is being submitted to the • ilhlitutl: orVluscum and Library Services. I hl~ veaL we arc asking Cor the needed equipment to make the Vv'innchJgo automated circulalion :'YSlt:/ll work as ir was originally deSigned, ["vith all tribes able to access the same database. v.,hich "oulll be constantly updated], Internet access for all, and $] .000 for hook/videos purchases for each site. We also hope to have funds to ofTer Laurie F.chrenbach's cataloging skills again.

II' lUU would like to participate Ihis year. please send a lribal resolution to us. by April 14. rEven il!ou submit your own Enhancement proposal. including participation in the CHARLIE \il-: I'WORK will strengthen your long-range plan: as electronic networks continues to he a "hot" item 10 timd. 1. ike the are CHRs, the more the tribal libraries coordinate, the greater the accomplishment for everyone.l If you have any questions, you may contact Les Cusher, Lauric Fehrenbach, or me at 542-4505.


Karen Alexander Library,Archives Director • Enclosure (I) The Miami 'leal has a blue backgrou.nd, rcpre.H'nring peace ana rranquility; red, reprc.,entm~ courage, tu.:in teepees spell out rhe tA;orJ "Miami". tlie words "nwnwquc" "J)e1lkukia" means "toger1ler peace". QUAPAW TRIBE OF OKLAHOMA

',j,. ­

:.,<' L •. \

(918) 542-1f353 FAX !:918) 5J2-J69,;t



WHI<:RAS, the Quapaw Tlibe of Oklahoma is a Federally recognized Indian Tlibe and is guverned by a Guverning Resolution adopted by the Quapaw Indian Cuuncil on August 19, 1956, and 'Jpproved by tbe Commissiuner of Indian Affairs on September 20, j 957; and

WHEREAS, the Governing Resolution delegates authmity to the Quapaw Business Committee 10 speak and act on the behalf of the Quapaw Tribe; and

WHEREAS, the Quapaw Tribe is a member of the Tribal Association on Solid Waste and Emergency Response (TASWER) and represents EPA Region VI un the TASWER Board of Direclors; and

\VHEREAS, the mission ofTASWER is tu provide oversight fur Tribal Superfund and Emergency Response programs and these issues are a primary concem of the northeast • Oklahoma Tribes; NOW LET IT THEREFORE BE RESOLVED, that The Quapaw Tribe of Oklahoma is honored tu agree lu hust (or co-host with the Miami Tribe if they accept) the Natiunal TASWER Membership Meetmg to be held in September 2000,


The furegoing resolutiun of the Quapaw Tribe of Oklahoma was presented at the regular meeting of the Quapaw Tlibal Business Committee on March 18,2000, with a vote reflecting _6"---_ yes, ,_,_~_ no, 0 abstaining, and 1 absent.

.U, F. G' ore, Secretary-Treasurer Quapaw Tribal Business Committee • tor.v. I.)OX 7'"0,) (918[ 542-1853 Quapaw, Or( 74J03 0765 FAX i9i al 542-4094 RESOLUTTON NUMBER 02192000 B


WHERI£AS, the Quapaw Tribe of Oklahoma is governed by a Governing Resolution, that was duly adopted by the Quapaw Indian Council on August 19, 1956, and;

WHEREAS, the Governing Resolution delegates authority to the Quapaw Business Committee to speak and act on behalf of the Quapaw Tribe, and;

WHEREAS, 25 CFR 900.8 Cd) requires that before the Bureau of Indian Affairs can enter into a contract with a tribal organization, it must be requested to do so by the Tribe to be served under the' contract. It further states that the Tribe's request shaH be in the form of a resolution by the tribal governing body, and;

WHEREAS, the Quapaw Tribe of Oklahoma adheres to the concept ofTndian Self­ Dctcnnination and desires to re-contract as individual contracts for FY 2000 as follows' • Aid to Tribal Government Housing Improvement Program NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Quapaw Tribal Business Committee authorizes the Chairman and for his Designative Representative, the Tribal Administrator, to negotiate, execute and modify/amend the contracts/grants, as needed. The authorities granted herein shall remain in effect for the duration of the proposed contracts/grants, for the period October 1,1999 through September 30, 2000.


The foregoing resolution of the Quapaw Tribe of Oklahoma being presented at a regular meeting of the Quapaw Tribal Business Committee on February 19,2000, with a vote '~"i~{Ol ye;, --9 ", --<:L ,b."oi,& I~

i~d~cG~~,'C:'fiiiTihan -_. Ha F_ Gil ~, Sec.fTreas. ;r/,><,) I/<..jJv Business Committee Business C littee Quapaw Tribe of Oklahoma Quapaw ribe of Oklahoma • .. _...... ,' -­ ~


A Nonprofit Corporation


Sccrion 1. Name. The name of the Corporation is ,he National Tribal Environmental Council, 3 nonprofit Corporation incorpocatcd in the District of Columbia.

Sectior, 2. Loc:ltion. The principal off!ce of the (,1fporation is located in Albuquerque, New Mexico. The Corporation may have such other offices, either within or without New Mexico, as the Executive Committce may determine or as the affairs of the Corporation may require from time to tin'c.

Sectiol< 3. Corporate Objectives. The objecti';es of the Corporation are to:

a. Promote an understanding of the environment based on traditional tribal cultural and·spiritual values:

b. foster support for tribal control and management of tribal lands in accordance with individual tribal political and economic priorities;

c . Encourage federal governmcntal agencies to adopt and implement policies that fulfill the trust responsibility to tribes and that reflcct the government-to-government relationship between tribes and the United • States;

d. Support tribal governments in their efforts to protect, regulate, and manage their environmental resources according to their own priorities and values;

e. Sponsor and conduct programs to enhance tribal environmental regulations, capability and inCrastructure.

f. Expand public and institutional awareness of the needs and capabilities of tribal environmental programs; and

g. Serve as a clearinghouse for information concerning tribal governments, tribal environmental regulations and policies, technical data and regulatory models as well as federal and state environmental policies, regulations and methodology.

Section 4. Restrictions. All activities of the Corporation shall be consistent with the policies that:

a. The Corporation is not to act cs a regulatory body; and

• Page I of 10 I'

b. The Corporation is not to compete with tr'ibal governments for funding designated for tribal governmems lO address local, as opposed to national, • concerns. ARTICLE II.

Section 1. Classes of Members. Membership shall be uftwo elasscs:

a. Member Tribe. Any federally-recogniLcd American Indian or Alaska Native tribal government shall be eligiCie to become a voting Member of the Corporation.

b. Associate Member. Individuals. organizations, Corporations, foundations, non-federally recognized tribes, state recognized tribes or other entities shall be eligible lO become non-voting Membas of the Corporation.

Section 2. iVlembership Application 'md Qualification. Application and qoalification of Member shall be as follows:

a. Membership application shall be by submission of a tribal resolution or other duly executed documelH of the governing body indicating the governing body rS desire to become a Member. Tribal governmental applicants shall qualify for Membership upon receipt and acceptance of • the application by the Nominating and Membership Commitiec. b. Associate Membership shall be conferred afler nomination and designation of the Associate Member by tile Nominating and Membership Committee.

Section 3. Designation of Representative. Each Member Tribe shall designate a delegate and may designate one or more individuals as its alternates, although only one alt.ernate may act at a time. Designated delegates and alternates shall continue as such until a successor is designated by tile Member Tribe. Designations silall be in writing.

Section 4. Resignation. Any Member or Associate Member may resign at any time by filing a Notice of Resignation with the Nominating and Membership Commillee.


Section I. Powers of tlle General Council. The affairs of the Corporation shall be managed by the General Council, which is comprised 0: the voting .\1ernbers of the Corporation sitting in General Council. After a quorum is established and upon • 8ffirm:ltive vote of those Members present at the vote, the General Council shall Page 2 of 10 I,ave Ihe authority to: (a) amend the A[1icles of Incorporation; (b) amend, alter or rep.eal these Bylaws; (c) elect the Officers of the Corporation and two at-large 'v1embers 0 f the Executi ve Committee; (d) authorize the sale, lease, exchange or • IllC! ~gage of all or .substantially all of the properly of the Corpora!ion~ (e) amend, alter or repeal3ny resolution of the Executive Committee; and (f) provide ka\icr~hip anu gUl/lance [u lhc l)fijcers Oi:~ the COipo;-aticn, ti:c COl~1I11lac;.:: Managers and the staff of the Corporation.

Scction 2. Regular Session of the General Council. There shall be at least one regular scs:;ion of the General Council annually at the time and place designated by the Executive COllllllittee in the call of the Illeeting. The Chairperson oCthc COI'Poration shall preside when the General Council is in session.

Sccrion 3. Special Sessions. Special Sessions of the General Council may be called from tlille to time by the Chairperson of the Corporation Or upon the caliaI' 15% of the General Council Members. The time and place of the Special Session shall be dcsignated in the call thereof.

Scction ·1. VOl~ing, Quorum, Proxies, Conduct of Meeting.

a Whcn the General Council is in session, each ,vlember Tribe shall have one vote which shall be cast by the Membccrs delegate or its alternate.

b. A quorum shall consist of 1/3 of the General Council "-'!embers, whose • representative shall be present at any time during the session. c. The affirmative vote of the majority ot'General Council Members present at the vote shall constitute the act of the General Council.

d. No voting by proxy shall be allowed.

e. All meetings of the Corporation shall be conducted in accordance with the most current revision of Robertrs Rules of Order.

Section 5. Notice of Meetings. Written notice of the place, day and hour of the annual session ofthe General Council, and in the case of a Special Session, the purpose or purposes for which the meeting is called, shall be delivered not less than seven (7) days in advance of the meeting.

Section G. Records of Meetings. Minutes ofall sessions of the General Council sllall be made in writing and maintained in the official records of the Corporation.


• Section 1. Advisors. The General Council, acting through the Nominating and Membership Cormmttee, shall seek out and offer associate Membership to individuals and

Page30r 10 organizations who reflect broadly diverse backgrounds and expertise, including scientific, spiritual, cultural, organizational, legal and any other necessary or aPilropriate expertise.

• Section 2. Selection and Term of Service. The NOInmaling and iVlembership Committee ::[-::11[ ~:o!i{,~it .~nd reC0Jl1n1end .A.dvis0fS ro the Generai Council. The General Council, or the Executive Committee when the General Council is not In session, shall orra a two-year term of scrvice to the Advisor and confer Associate Membership in the Corporation on those who accept the position.

Sccrion J. !{ok of the Advisors. The Advisors shall provide technical and other guidance to ivlel11bers, statTand committees of the Corporation. Thc Executive Committee shall establish the method by which advice is sought and provided. An advisor mclY sit on any standing committee oftbe Corporation and. when acting as a committee Member, shall have a vote on any matter bdare that committee.

Section ~. Compensation. Advisors shall not receive compensation for their services. At its discretion, however, the Executive Committee may authorize reimbursement for expenses incurred in connection \vilh service as an Advisor.


Section 1. Officers. Duly elected Member Tribes shall hold the offices of the Corporation which shall consist of a Chair, a Vice·Chair. J Secretary and a Treasurer. The dUlies, responsibilities and qualifications for each ofiiee shall be exercised • through the Member Tribe fS delegate or altemate as tallows:

a. Chair - the duties of the office shall be performed by an elected official. The Chair shall preside at all GenerJI Council sessions and shall perform other duties and exercise other authorities delegated by the Executive Committee, including the power to sign all certificates, contracts and other instruments of the Corporation which may be authorized by the General councilor Executive Committee. The Chair shall act as official spokesperson for the Corporation and is responsible for developing and maintaining the external relationships of the Corporation and maintaining regular interaction with the Executive Committee and staff ofthe Corporation. The Chair shall be a voting member of the Executive Committee.

b. Vice-Chair - the duties ofthe office shall be perfonned by an elected official. The Vice-Chair shall act as the Chair in the absence ofthe Chair and, when so acting, shall hold all the authority of the Chair. The Vice-Chair also is responsible for developing and maintaining the external relationships of the Corporation. The Vice·Chair shall be a voting • member of the Executive Committee. Page 4 of JO c. Secretary - the duties of tbe offtce shall be performed by the Member Tribers delegate or alternate. The Secretery sball keep tbe minutes of the General Council and shall cause notices 0 Cail meetings of tbe General Councilor of the standing committees to be given in accordance with • these Bylaws. The Secretary shall be the custodian of the corporate ',.::CO,d3 :1r,d perform the usu::l1 d'Jt~es 0r~\:e office and ~uch orher c111ties as the General Councilor Executive Committee may prescribe from time to time. The Secretary may delegate cerrain functions of the office to staff of the Corporation with the approval of the E~eeutive Committee. The Secretary shall be a voting member of the Executive Committee.

d. Treasurer - the duties of the oftice sbell be performed by the Member Tribers delegate Or alternate. The Treasurer shall have charge and custody of the funds and securities of the Corporal!on: shall reccive and give receipts for monies due or payable to [he Corporation; shall deposit all monies in the name ofthe Corporation in such banks or otber depositories as the Executive Committee so detemlines: :md shall perform the usual duties of the otTice as weil as such otber outies as thc General Councilor the Executive Committee may prescribe from time to time. The Trcasurer may delcgate certain functions of the ofllce to the stalToftbe Corporation with the approval of the Executive Committee. The Treasurer shall be the Manager of the Finance Committee. e ,-.,cellOn, . 1... _ At·large Representatives. In addition to the oftlcers of the Corporation, two At-large Representatives shall be elected to serve as general representatives of the members at meetings of the Executive Committee.

Section J. ~:lC'ctiolls and Term of Office. The officers of the Corporation and the At-Large Representatives shall be elected at the General Council session by a majority vote oflhe members present and voting. If the election shall not be held at such meeting, the election shall be held as soon thereafter as convenient, by secret ballot mailed to each member. The term of office is three years, except for the first tenm of the Vice-Chair, the Secretary and one At-large Representative, which shall be two years.

Scction 4. Removal and Vacancics. Any officer or representative elected or appointed may be removed by the General Councilor by the Executive Committee whenever the best interests of the Corporation would be served thereby. A vacancy in any office because the delegate or alternate is no longer able to perform the duties of the office or because the Member Tribe has not designated a replacement for a delegate that was not re-elected to tribal office shall be filled for the remainder of the term by a majority vote of those present at a duly called meeting of the Executive Committee. e

Page 5 of 10 ARTICLE VI

.Section 1. Committees. There shall be five Standing Committees of the Corporation and such other committees as the General Council or Executive Committee may establ ish from time to time to t-ul fill the purpose of the Corporation. The Standing ("n,~, •.,.';tt'"""'(~ ,... i="tl"", C... ,.-,r- .... or.--,r;"n ~h-111 hf':::I<: ',(,''''",cl'-~~,.' \./, 'In", j'-'-' 1./ .C~C"J'. _,,<--... ,,_,,~ •..•fnlin\l,J'"~ ._'

:1. Executive COlnmittcc

(i) Roles and Responsibilities. The Executive Committee shall exercise the powers of the General Council when the Council is not in session except that actions taken by the Executive Committee shall not be in conflict with or comravene the action or policies of the General Council. The Executive Committee shall provide guidance to the staff of the Corporation, through the Executive Director, and make recommendations to the General Council with regard to management and poiicies of the Corporation, through the Corporation Chair. The Executive Committee shall select and ;uinually review the Execuli"e Direcwr. The Executive Commitlce shall prepare the Annual Repon of the General COllncil.

(i i) COlllposition. The Executive Committee shall be comprised of nine (9) i'v1clllbers: the four Corporation officers, the two At~Large Reprcsentatives; and the Managers of the Nominating and Mcmbcrship Committee, the Planning and l'rogram Committee • and the Government Relations Committee. The Executive Director of the Corporation shall be a non-voting Member of the Executive Committee.

(iii) Manager. The Members of the Executive Committee shall select a Committee Manager annuallv. The Manager shall manage the Committee proceedings and ensure that the Committee fulfills its duties and responsibilities. The Manager is responsible for preparing the Annual Report on the CommitteefS activities for the General Counei I. The Chair and Vice~Chair of the Corporation and the Executive Director shall not be eligible to serve as Manager of the Executive Committee.

b. Nominating and Membership Committee.

(i) Roles and Responsibilities. The Nominating and Membership Committee shall be responsible for recruiting new Members, recommending Advisors, scheduling and coordinating elections and recruiting and recommending Committee Members for appointment by the Executive committee. The Nominating and • Membership Committee also serves as the advisor to the Executive Page 6 of 10 Director on Corporation personnei issues, including recruiting, hiring and retention of Corporal ion scaff al though the ultimate responsibility for Corporalion personnel issues rests with the • E;.~eclltive DIrector. (i i) Composition. The riOmlll~i.iiJns ;.Ind l\':~'~r:b~r~:!lp C(':i-!~J.1ittce Sl:;lll be comprised of up to eleven (11) Members, Advisors and Corporation staff appointed by the Executive Commiltee.

(iii) Manager. The Members of the Nominating and rVlembership Committee shall select a Manager annually. The Manager shail manage the Committee proceedings and ensure that the Committee fultliis its duties and responslbJiities. The lvbnager is responsible for preparing the Annual Repon 011 the Committeefs actiVities for the General Council.

c. Finance ~Ild Fund-r:1ising Committee.

(i) Roles and Responsibilities. The Finance and Fund-raising COlllJllittee is responsible for mailltaining the integrity or the CorporJtion fS t1nancial systems. revie\ving and approving quarterly Ilnancial reports ~llld r12\'iewillg and asslsting in development activities.

(ii) Composition. The Finance and Fund-raising Committee shall be • comprised of up to eleven (II) Members, Advisors and Corporation staff appointed by the Executive Committee.

(iii) Manager. The Treasurer of the Corporation shall be the Manager of the Finance and Fund-raising Committee. The Manager shall manage the Committee proceedings and ensure that the Committee fulfills its duties and responsibilities. The Manager is responsible for preparing the Annual Report on the Committee fS activities for the General Council.

d. Planning and Program Committee.

(i) Roles and Responsibilities. The Planning and Program Committee is responsible for strategic planning for the Corporation fS programmatic activities, for assisting the Corporation staff identify and develop programs that meet the needs of the Members and for reviewing and reporting on the programs of the Corporation to the General Council.

(ii) Composition. The Planning and Program Committee shall he • comprised of up to eleven (II) Members, Advisors and Page 7 of 10 .'

Corporation staff appointed by the Execu:ivc Committee.

(i ii) Manager. The Members of tbe Plal1l1ing and Program Committee shall select a Manager annuaily. The Manager shalJ menage the • Committee proceedings and ensure that the Committee ti.tlfills its Juties r[~rGiisihir:tie~. The ~.'L~n8gF.T is respcm~ihlc for preparing the Annual Repnrt on the Committee oS activities for the General Council.

e. Government Relations Committee

(i) Roles :lnd Responsibilities. The Governnent Relations Committee is responsible for identifying and coordinating relations between the Corporation and federal. state, and local govcrnments regarding issues of concern to the Members. The Government RdatlOns Commitlce shall assist the Executive Director to develop and communicate tbc positio'l of the CorporationFs '''lembcrs on isslles of policy. The GoverLllJenl Relations Commitlee shall also assist the Executive Direclor to identify and communicate the Corporation M~l1lberfs position on matters re-bring to laws that affect the Corpomtion fS Members.

(i i) Composition. The Government Relations Committee shall bc comprised of up lo eleven (II) Members. Advisors and • Corporation stafe appointed by the Executive Committee. (iii) Manager. Tbe Members of the Governmcnl Relations Committec shall select a Manager annually Tile Manager shall manage tbe Committee proceedings and ensure that the Committee fulfills its duties and responsibilities. The Manager is responsible for preparing the Annual Report on the·Comlllitteefs activities for the General Council.

Section 2. Committees Selection and Term of Service. Delegates and alternates of Member Tribes, as well as Associate Members and Advisors, may volunteer to sit on any standing committee, except for tile Executive Committee, by submitting their name to the Nominating and Membership Committee. Recommendations on tbe composition ofeach standing committee sball be submitted to tbe Executive Committee, which shall appoint the committee Mcmbers. Committee Membersbip will be detennined by the Executive Committee annually. In the event ofresignation or removal from a committee, including removals for the best interest of the Corporation, the Executive Committee may fill that position at any tirr.e with an otherwise qualified Member. ~ . ,,~. • ,_,('ellon Quorum and Meetings.

Page80f 10 a. A Quorum shall consist of 1/3 of the designated Members ofa Committee; cxcept that a quorum of the Executive Committee shall consist of five (5) Members. An affirmative vote of the Committee Members shall be cast by a majority of the Committee Members present at the vote. • b. AI! Committee business may be accomplished by mail. teicphone conference. telefax or other electronic transmission. The Committee Manager, in the case of the Standing Commirtees, and the Corporation Officers, in the case of the Executive Committee, need not be presem to conduct the business of the Committee as long as a quorum is met. ff present. the Committee Manager, in the ease of the Standing COlllmittees, and the Chair, Vice-Chair, Secretary and Treasurer, in that order, in the C3se of the Executive Committee. shall preside at the meeting. A Member shall be considered present for purposes of a quorum and vote if present via telephone eonlcrence. If Committee business is conducted via mail Or telefax or other electronic transmissioll. ",riltell conselll, setting fOrlh the action taken ,vith reasonable specifici!\'. shall be signed after the taking of 3ction by the Committee.

c. All Committee meetings shall be called with as much advance notice as is practic31 under the circumsta[~ces.

d. The Executive Committee shall meet four (4) lImes e3ch year. The meeting shall be conducted at the following locatiotls: one (J) meeting 3t the location of tile annual conference: one (I) meeting at the location of the Corporation fS principal oftice; and 1\\'0 (2) meetings 3t locations • selected by vote of the Executive Committee at the I3st-calkd meeting. ARTrCLE VII.

Section 1. Rules. The General Councilor the Executive Committee may establish or delegate the authority to establish rules consistent with these Bylaws which shall dcfllle the policies, procedures and programs of the Corporation.

Section 2. Indcmnification. The Corporation shall indemnify its officers, committee members, employees and agents in accordance with the laws of the District of Columbia and any other jurisdiction where Corporation officers are located.

Section 3. Legal Counsel and Auditor. The General Councilor the Executive Committee may appoint legal counsel to provide advise and counsel the Corporation and an independent auditor to perfonn the annual independent audit [or the Corporation.

Section 4. Dues. The General Council or the Executive COlllmittee may establish and assess Membership dues, if any.

• Section 5. Amcndmcn t of thc Bylaws. These Bylaws may be amended by a m3jority of the Members present at any regular or special meeting of the General Councilor of the ICxccutive Committee.

Page 9 o[ 10 "ilCSC Bylaws adopted by the General Council on Apnl 6. ]994.

Ai\'IENDi\1 ENTS: r ebruary 15, 1996 • April 15, [997

LL:,~l~i(lL~,,/u LIi 7--/-' _ Cheryl y;,lcscamf), i'iTEC ScerctQrY S\J"lile[~{Utc ]nd.dll Tnbe

/)1 l\(), PagclOof IOf QUAPAW TRII~E OF OKLAHOMA ."'. iil .

P. ox 765 19181 542-1853 Q'Japaw, OK 74363-0165 FAX 19181 542-4694

RESOLUTION NO. 021900-1\


WHERAS, the Quapaw Tribe of Oklahoma is a Federally recognized Indian Tribe and is governed by a Governing Resolution adopted by the Quapaw Indian Council on August 19, 1956, and approved by the Commissioner of Indian Affairs on September 20, 1957; and

WHEREAS, the Governing Resolution delegates authority to the Quapaw Business Committee to speak and act on the behalf of the Quapaw Tribe; and

WHEREAS, there is established a National Tribal Environmental Council (NTEC) for the purpose of a~,sisting Native American Tribes with meeting the important and pressing demands of environmental issues, as is more fully set out in the NTEC By-Laws, which are attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference;

WHEREAS, it is in the best interest of the Quapaw Tribe of Oklahoma to participate in the • National Tribal Environmental Council; NOW LET IT THEREFORE BE RESOLVED, that The Quapaw Tribe of Oklahoma desires to join, be a member of and participate in this National Tribal Environmental Council and authorizes the Environmental Program Director to be designated the representative for the Tribe on this Council.


The foregoing resolution of the Quapaw Tribe of Oklahoma was presented at the regular myeting of the Quapaw Tribal Business Committee on February 19, 2000, with a vote reflecting ---'(JJ"'---_ yes, Q no, 0 abstaining, and I. 'absent.

-. ~ Qc~ 'bll-mj~Lr'!.:"'" t.jj..ecj,'::.a-su-r-e-r-­ Ed Rodgers, (':::h:::~'-"'""""'>7"------"I • Quapaw Tribal Business Committee'. Quapaw Tribal Business Committee , . QUAPAW TRIBE OF OKLAHOMA

t' ....-1. Box 765 191 BI 542·1853 Quapav', OK 743630765 FAX 191 BI 542·4694

Resolution Number 01292000


WHEREAS, tile Quapaw Tribe ofOklahoma is govemed by a Governing Resolution that was duly adopted by the Quapaw Indian Council on AUf,'Ust 19, 1956, and approved by the Commissioner of Indian Affairs on September 20. 1957: and

WHEREAS, the Goveming Resolution delegates authority to the Quapaw Tribal Business Committee to speak and. act on behalf of the Quapaw Tribe: and

WHEREAS, the Quapaw Tribal Business Committee has a commitment to the prosperity of the QuaJXlw Tribe of Oklahoma: and

WHEREAS, the Quapaw Tribal Business Committee believes it is in the best interest of the QuaJXlw Tribe [0 cllg;Jgc a management company to operate the Trioc's gaming enterprises: and

WHEREAS, the QuaJXlw Tribe ofOklahoma has entered illlo agreements with Wolf Tree development • Company. Inc. to provide such management services; NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, llle Business Committee of the Quapaw Tribe of Oklahoma authorizes and directs Mr, Jake Prinee, President and majority stoekllOlder of Wolf Tree Development Company. Inc.. to act on behalf of the Tribe on gaming contract matters, Mr, Jake Prince is hereby invested with sole signatory responsibility for the duration of WolfTree Development Company. Inc, 's Management Agreement with !he Quapaw Tribe ofOklahoma, This signatory responsibility relates only to gaming contract matters and neither Mr. Jake Prince nor Wolf Tree Development Company, Inc. may obligate tbe Quapaw Tribe ofOklahoma beyond !he duration ofWolfTree Development Company, Ine,'s Management Agreement with the Quapaw Tribe. This Agreement is only for approved budget c'p"nditures at the Quapaw Casino & RV Resort located at 5RlOO East 66 Rd.. Miami. Oklahoma,


Thc foregoing resolution was presented and duly adopted <.It a SJX2cial Business Committee meeting of the (),U ara,', \\' Triba"l, BUSinc,SS Conmlittec on FebruaI)' 12. 2(X)O with a \'Ol~ectjng the following: __ }.; .. :cs. _~_... C- no. ~ abstainjng. _-L absent. /'} / ,

( '",;' ,---.\,..'.J.L~ z:....L_b' ~1it$~ Ed Rodgers, Chairnl' • Quapaw Tlibal Business Conunittce j QUAItW TRIBE OF OK8.HOMA

19181542-1853 FAX 1918)542-4694



WHERAS, the Quapaw Tribe of Oklahoma is a Federally recognized Indian Tribe and is governed by a Governing Resolution adopted by the Quapaw Indian Council on August 19, ]956, and approved by the Commissioner of Indian Affairs on September 20, 1957; and

WHEREAS, the Governing Resolution delegates authority to the Quapaw Business Committee 10 speak and aCI on the behalf of the Quapaw Tribe; and

WHEREAS, the Business Committee of the Quapaw Tribe is committed to the protection of the environment and conservation of natural resources within Tribal lands by Treaty with the United • Slates of America; and NOW LET IT THEREFORE BE RESOLVED, that The Quapaw Tribe of Oklahoma supports Wisdom's Pump Service, Inc, 's bid for an Automated Tank Monitoring and Line Leak Detection System for the O-GAH-PAH Convenience Store,


The foregoing resolution of the Quapaw Tribe of Oklahoma was presented at the regular meeting of the Quapaw Tribal Business Committee on January 15, 2000, with a vote reflecting _ yes, no, abstaining, and absent.

Ed Rodgers, Chairman Harry F. Gj Imore, Secretary-Treasurer Quapaw Tribai Business Committee Quapaw Tribal Business Committee • 19181542-1853 ~AX (918) j42-~6'14

ResolutIOn Number 0 1082()()()~


WHEREAS, the Quapaw Tribe of Oklahoma is governed by a GoYerning Resolution thaI was duly adopted by the Quapaw Indian Council on August 19. 1956, and approYed by the Commissioner of Indian AlTairs on September 20. 1957~ and

WH EREAS, the Governmg Resolntion delegates authority to the Quapaw Tnbal Business Commlllee to speak ,md lcl on behalf of the Quapaw Tribe~ and

WHEREAS, the Quapaw Tribe of Oklahoma is a federallY recognized lndian Tribe eligible for program funds by authority ofPL 93.(J38~ and

WHEREAS, the Quapaw Tribal Business Committee supports the Miami Tribe of Oklahoma and their end"'tYor to place land in trust. Said land is described as Lot 25 & 26. Block I, Martba Kav addition 10 the tOV'n of North ,"[iami. Oklahoma located at 702 Oak Street; and

WHERE,\S, tlle Qilllpaw Tribal Business Committee supports the transfer oflands into trust. However. the Q""paw Tribe stipulates and restricts the Miami Tribe of Oklahoma from operating any gaming operating, liquor sales and or smoke shops, and economic developments on said land.

NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVE, the Quapaw Tribal Business Committee hereby supports the • transfer of land mto trust by the Miami Tribe ofOklahoma, with the restrictions and stipulations srnlcd aboYe.


The foregoing resolution oflhe Quapaw Tribe of Oklahoma was presented and duly adoptcd at a Special Mcetlllg of the Quapaw Tribal Business Committee on Janu,lIy 8, 2000, with :y\'ote reflecting _.1__\'cs. __-9_uo. __O_abstaining. _~_absent. ~'y--~~ Ed Rodge,~, Chainnanc::::::, Quapaw Tnbal Business COmmltlee

• u w RISE OF 0 OMA

P.O. Box 765 (918) 542-1853 Quapaw, OK 74363-0765 FAX (918) 542-4694 Resolution 041500---:A­


WHEREAS, the Quapaw Tribe of Oklahoma is governed by a Governing Resolution that was duly adopted by the Quapaw Indian Council on August 19, 1956, and approved by the Commissioner of Indian Affairs on September 20, 1957; and

WHEREAS, the Governing Resolution delegates authority to the Quapaw Tribal Business Committee to speak and act on behalf of the Quapaw Tribe; and

WHEREAS, the Quapaw Tribe of Oklahoma is a federally recognized Indian Tribe; and

WHEREAS, an WlSettled economy, combined with a world-wide realignment of priorities and political agendas, have forced organizations and governing bodies, at all levels, to seek innovative, cost effective, and efficient methods to provide goods and services including tribal medical and related services; and

WHEREAS, The OklallOma Native American Behavioral Health Circle, a non-profit organization based at 430 North Kickapoo, , Oklahoma engages in innovative and cost effective activities aimed at enhancing and supplementing tribal behavioral health, alcohol and substance abuse treatment, and related social services programs; and

WHEREAS, the Oklahoma Native American Behavioral Health Circle provides regional and national behavioral health related training and operates an adolescent Diagnostic & Assessment Center providing free psychological and substance abuse evaluation services to tribal youth (aged 11 to 24 years) throughout the state; and .

WHEREAS, timely and appropriate behavioral health care compliments and enhances existing medical and social Tribal programs; and

WHEREAS, the Oklahoma Native American Behavioral Circle has been established by interested Tribal, Indian Health Service, and State of Oklahoma behavioral healthcare professionals to identify and address areas of mutual concern; and

WHEREAS, the continued support of sovereign Indian nations is essential to the work of the Oklahoma Native American Behavioral Health Circle; .

THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Quapaw Tribe of Oklahoma recognizes the need for enhancement and supplementation of tribal behavioral health programs and supports the OklallOma Native American Behavioral Health Circle and its activities.


The foregoing resolution of the Quapaw Tribe of Oklahoma was presented and duly adopted at a regular scheduled meeting of the Quapaw Tribal Business Coinmittee on April 15, 2000, with a vote reflecting ----.1L yes, ----u- no, -----!:tl abstaining, ~ absent.

Ed Rodgers, Chairman Harry F. Gilmore, Sec.rrreas. Quapaw Tribal Business Committee Quapaw Tribal Business Committee ,.'.. QUAPAW TRIBE OF OKLAHOMA

P.O. Box 765 (918) 542-1853 Quapaw, OK 74363-0765 FAX (918) 542-4694 RESOLUTION NO: l02300-A

A resolution to grant a limited waiver ofa sovereign immunity ofthe Quapaw Tribal Contracting Corporation, a Corporation to conduct general contracting services.

Whereas, The Quapaw Tribe ofOklahoma is a federally recognized Indian Tribe and is governed by a Governing Resolution, approved by the Commissioner ofIndian Affairs on September 20,1957; and

Whereas, as empowered by the Resolution Delegating Authority to the Quapaw Tribal Business Committee to speak and act on behalf ofthe Quapaw Tribe ofIndians, signed on September 20, 1957; and

Whereas, the Quapaw Tn'be ofOklahoma has a chartered Tribal Development Corporation pursuant to the Business Corporation Act ofthe Quapaw Tribe ofOklahoma; and

Whereas, Section 201( c ) ofthe Quapaw Tribal Corporation Act provides the right ofa corporation to amend its Articles ofIncorporation to change, enlarge or diminish its corporate purposes; and

Whereas, Section 202 ofthe Quapaw Tnbal Corporation Act provides for amendment to the Articles ofIncorporation shall be adopted by xesolution ofthe Board ofDirectors ofthe Quapaw Tribal Corporation Act and adoption by shareholders shall not apply; and

Whereas, the Quapaw Tribal Development Corporation desires to amend the current Articles of Incorporation to create a subsidiary known. as "1)e Quapaw Tnbal Contracting Corporation" to engage in the construction industry as a general contractor or construction manager; and

Whereas, the Articles ofIncorporation ofthe Quapaw Tribal Development corporation provides the Quapaw Business Committee may grant a waiver ofsovereign immunity ofthe Corporation with respect to any written contract entered into by the Corporation.

Now Therefore, Be It Resolved the Quapaw Tribal Business Committee does adopt this resolution for the purposes ofreactivating the Quapaw Tribal Contracting Corporation effective October 21,2000 to engage into written contracts and sovereign immunity ofthe Corporation in " , hereby expressly consents to the jurisdiction ofany court which would have jurisdiction but for the sovereign immunity ofthe Corporation, including courts ofthe United States or ofany state or of the tribe, with regard to any written contract entered into by the Corporation. Further, Be It Resolved that the Quapaw Tribal Business Committee shall grant such a waiver ofimmunity for the purpose ofconstruction contracting limited to thirty six (36) months in duration. The Quapaw Tribal Contracting Corporation shall advise the Business Committee on the status and recapture ofall contracts made.


The foregoing resolution ofthe Quapaw Tribe ofOklahoma, being presented at a meeting ofthe Quapaw Tribal Business Committee on October 23, 2000, at which ~ members were present constituting a quorum, was duly adopted by a vote of...:t for, --0. against, -Dabsent and -Cl. abstaining with three vacancies.

~~~~ Beth B1a1oc~ SecretaryfIreasmer

" ,