CONGRESSMEMBER LINDA SANCHEZ’S CITY OF CUDAHY CITY OF SOUTH GATE Jose Pulido, City Manager Michael Flad, City Manager OFFICE Joe Perez, Community Development Director Yvette Shahinian, District Director, Congressmember Arturo Cervantes, Public Works Director Linda Sanchez CITY OF DOWNEY Alvaro Betancourt, Senior Planner Gilbert Livas, City Manager ECO-RAPID TRANSIT Shannon DeLong, Assistant City Manager Michael R. Kodama, Executive Director Aldo Schindler, Community Development Director METRO Fanny Pan, Senior Director, Transit Corridors Planning Karen Z. Heit, Deputy Executive Director Ed Norris, Public Works Director Lillian Burkenheim-Silver, Community Development Mohammed Mostahkami, Public Works Director AECOM Allyn Rifkin, Transportation Planner/Engineer CITY OF HUNTINGTON PARK Nancy Michali, Project Manager Norman Emerson, Emerson & Associates Edgar Cisneros, City Manager Gaurav Srivastava, Lead Urban Designer Rene Bobadilla, City Manager Representative Sergio Infanzon, Community Development Director Catherine Tang Saez, Urban Designer Joel Ulloa, Planner

A special thank you to Congressmember Linda Sanchez for sponsoring this project concept in 2005.

HPLUL-6065(156) Safe, Accountable, Flexible, Efficient, Transportation Equity Act – SAFETEA-LU Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) - LAE1883 Planning Study of Station Area Development for the Orangeline Development Authority, Los Angeles County




4 West Santa Ana Branch Transit Corridor STATION AREA DESIGN CONCEPTS 5 West Santa Ana Branch Transit Corridor

SCAG Alternatives Analysis Recommended Alignments EXECUTIVE SUMMARY In the first half of the twentieth century, the Pacific rail system and to the statewide High-Speed ensure Corridor cities are ready for the future transit housing, retail, commercial, public, and cultural Electric (PE) Railway operated Red Car service along Rail system. Corridor cities have spent countless hours system and the related transit oriented development development. And while station area planning is many rail lines throughout , including envisioning and planning for the future as documented and revitalization efforts. traditionally done by each city through preparation of one running from downtown Los Angeles to downtown in the Station Concepts Plan prepared as part of the individual station area plans, the WSAB Corridor offers Santa Ana. Today, the northern portion of this former PEROW/WSAB Corridor Alternatives Analysis (AA) effort. Future rail station area visioning and planning efforts the unique opportunity for a new vision – creation of a PE alignment is used by the Metro Blue Line, and the This AA proved the viability of reintroducing rail service offer the opportunity to focus private real estate and Transit Oriented Development Corridor with all of the southern 20-mile segment, known as the West Santa public investment in a way that best serves each city. cities working together to create a unique Corridor Ana Branch (WSAB) Corridor in Los Angeles County and With adoption of supportive zoning and development identity, while celebrating each city’s unique role and the Right-of-Way (PEROW) in Orange policies, along with the use of economic development vision. County, is now vacant. Red Car rail service shaped incentives, Corridor cities can encourage private this Corridor’s communities in many ways from the investment creating station areas that provide needed early 1900s through 1961 when it ceased operations. The PE rail system connected the region’s growing communities and created memories of fast, friendly transit service, first homes, walkable downtowns, and reliable transportation to work and shopping.

After sitting vacant for more than 50 years, plans are underway to build a new Corridor rail system. Reuse of this once active transit corridor, along with Figure E.1 - Red Car service operating in Corridor in 1950s implementing station area visions and plans, provides the opportunity to recreate the once vibrant “transit and led to development of preferred station locations main street” that connected Corridor communities with and initial station area visions. This study builds on each other and with the rest of the Southern California those previous planning efforts to provide more detailed region – and beyond. Future rail service will connect station area land use concept plans and design plans Corridor residents to the regional five-county commuter for four of the Corridor’s station areas. These plans will Figure E.2 - View of WSAB Corridor today in city of Paramount

Figure E.3 - Future Bellflower station area with operation FigureSource: E.4 SCAG - WSAB AA Transit Corridor

6 West Santa Ana Branch Transit Corridor STATION AREA DESIGN CONCEPTS 7 “Visioning and planning for future WSAB 1 STUDY PROCESS Corridor station areas will focus private 1 .1 PREVIOUS STUDY EFFORTS development and local public investment to serve 1 .2 THIS STUDY EFFORT each Corridor city.”


This study effort presents station area design concepts investment to serve as a community-driven catalyst for ERT PLANNING EFFORTS AA STATION AREA CONCEPTS The following station area questions focused for four Corridor stations reflecting city-specific creation of economically viable and environmentally Eco-Rapid Transit (ERT) is a joint powers authority As part of the PEROW/WSAB Corridor AA study, possible identification of station area-specific opportunities: visions and a detailed understanding of the existing sustainable cities. Corridor station area land use whose mission is to ensure the development of the new station locations and station area concepts were conditions and future plans for each station area. The planning efforts have been funded or completed by Metro WSAB Corridor transit line and the use of that identified for all Corridor stations as documented in • Identify opportunities to create and/or cultivate resulting concepts provide a land use and urban design SCAG, Metro, and Eco-Rapid Transit. investment to create revitalization opportunities and the PEROW/WSAB Corridor AA Station Area Concepts community identity. framework for local station area economic development healthier communities for Corridor residents. Resulting Report. Local stakeholder groups representing each • Create strategies to integrate future transit stations and revitalization efforts. planning strategies are documented in the ERT Transit- station area were engaged through a series of hands-on to support existing land uses, community plans, and Oriented Development (TOD) Guidebook completed in working sessions. These efforts identified local goals future development opportunities. PREVIOUS PLANNING EFFORTS 2014. The TOD Guidebook provides member cities and and knowledge for each proposed station area through • Build upon and support existing city zoning, general Reuse of the WSAB Corridor for transit operations has stakeholders with innovative planning and economic the eyes of city planners, public works directors, and and specific plans, and overlay zones. been studied through several planning efforts. The development strategies to coordinate the transit other city staff. • Create accessible, multi-modal station areas PEROW/WSAB Corridor Alternatives Analysis (AA) study Eco-Rapid Transit and economic development planning processes, and connecting into adjacent neighborhoods. completed in 2012 was led by the Southern California Transit-Oriented Development to position the Corridor for transit investment and • Identify opportunities to promote connectivity along Association of Governments (SCAG) with Metro’s Guidebook: Southern Corridor economic development opportunities. ERT has also the Corridor ROW to other destinations. participation. The AA study demonstrated the growing prepared background and policy documents on a wide mobility need for reuse of the Corridor Right-of-way range of related issues, such as parking and parking The resulting station area concept plans highlighted Figure 1.3 - Pacific/Randolph station area sketch form city work session (ROW) for transit service. In a follow-on study, Metro, structure decision-making, environmental justice areas of opportunity for transit-oriented, mixed-use as owners of the WSAB Corridor ROW, completed the concerns, and the use of public-private development development and how future land uses could support WSAB Transit Corridor Technical Refinement Study partnerships. creation of a transit-oriented village around each AA DESIGN PRINCIPLES confirming the viability of rail service projected to future station. Design concepts also explored how serve approximately 75,000 daily riders. Today, Metro implementation of a transit system could influence a is moving Corridor rail service closer to reality through surrounding neighborhood, district, and community. completion of California and Federal environmental study efforts and related alignment engineering refinement work. Prepared for: With contributions from: Eco-Rapid Transit - Orangeline Michael Kodama, Norm Emerson, Funded by Development Authority Lillian Burkenheim, Deborah Murphy, TOD Grant from: Member cities Allyn Rifkin, Robin Scherr, Tomas Duran and Dohyung Kim In parallel efforts to the Corridor rail system planning Prepared by: Richard Willson, Ph.D. FAICP September 2014 efforts, station area land use study efforts have addressed how to best use the planned transit system Figure 1.1 - Eco-Rapid Transit TOD Guidebook Figure 1.2 - Alternatives Analysis Station Area Concepts Report

10 West Santa Ana Branch Transit Corridor STATION AREA DESIGN CONCEPTS Chapter 1: STUDY PROCESS 11 1.2 THIS STUDY EFFORT

Building on previous planning efforts, this WSAB STATION AREA CONCEPTS • City and station area future vision, goals, and DESIGN PRINCIPLES • Extend Pacific Boulevard retail activity to the north Corridor Station Area Concepts study effort developed Station areas concept plans and sketches were community needs; The following station area design principles evolved and east-west along Randolph Street. design concepts and plans for Corridor station areas prepared based on future station area visions developed • Station area demographic and other community from the individual and group city discussions and were • Explore shared parking opportunities to balance located in the cities of Cudahy, Downey, Huntington Park in close collaboration with each city, and based on a information; used to guide station area master plan development, future development parking needs and underutilized and South Gate. This document presents the resulting detailed understanding of each city’s and station area’s • Existing land uses, adopted land use plans and and are recommended to guide future station area city parking structures. design plans and illustrates future station area land use, challenges and opportunities. This effort including policies, and future development plans; and design, land use, economic development, and access • Improve east-west pedestrian linkages from Pacific development, and connectivity opportunities designed identifying current plans and policies and future • Regional and local auto, truck, and transit circulation decisions: Boulevard to retail along intersecting streets and to: opportunities for the immediate station area and a patterns, and existing bicycle and pedestrian 1. Place-making – Create a special destination/place into adjacent residential neighborhoods. • Attract private investment to the future station areas. ½-mile radius of the future station: facilities and future plans. unique to each city. • Position Corridor cities to secure transit and 2. Connections – Connect existing and future supporting infrastructure investment HUNTINGTON PARK Using the information gathered from these efforts, residential neighborhoods, employment centers, and Figure 1.5 - Vibrant Gardendale Station plaza with shops and local • Serve as guide for other Corridor cities. interactive meetings and work sessions with city destinations to the station by extending public realm office spaces • Implement Metro and ERT TOD goals and policies. staff, and site visits to ascertain station area design improvements beyond each station area. CUDAHY context based on site conditions, including building 3. Transit as an economic development tool – Future rail station area plans, including land use, and public realm scale and characteristics, special Concentrate jobs and homes in the station areas development and access strategies, were developed features, landscaping, and adjacent neighborhood to reap the many benefits transit can bring to working closely with city and ERT staff and elected characteristics, station area concept plans, sketches, communities. officials for the following WSAB Corridor stations: SOUTH GATE and three-dimensional models were developed • Pacific/Randolph Station – located in the City of and are presented in the following report sections. Each Corridor station area has unique opportunities Huntington Park; These site visits uncovered unique qualities and site- and will have a unique identity and role within the • Florence Station – located primarily in Huntington specific characteristics for each station area, including WSAB Corridor. In addition to the corridor-wide design Park with portions of the station area incorporating identification of cultural and civic assets, opportunities principles, station area-specific design principles were the cities of Bell and Cudahy; to strengthen civic identity, and provide strategic identified with city staff to guide development of the DOWNEY • Firestone/Atlantic Station – located in the City of community linkages. The four station areas studied are station area plans and sketches, such as the following South Gate with a portion of the station area located located within such a short distance of each other that principles identified for the Pacific/Randolph station within the City of Cudahy; and the ½-mile station area radii almost overlapped and area: • Gardendale Station – located on Los Angeles County- began to define a transit-oriented corridor with physical • Cluster new jobs and housing in the station area. owned land, addressed by the Rancho Los Amigos community benefits that extend beyond the individual • Expand the public realm from the station area into South Campus Plan, with a majority of the station Figure 1.6 - Aerial Atlantic/Firestone Station with plaza lined with Figure 1.4 - Study Corridor Map station areas as illustrated in the adjacent corridor plan. the adjacent neighborhoods. area located in the City of Downey. shops connecting to drop-off area

12 West Santa Ana Branch Transit Corridor STATION AREA DESIGN CONCEPTS Chapter 1: STUDY PROCESS 13 WEST SANTA ANA “The PE rail system connected the region’s 2 growing communities and created memories BRANCH CORRIDOR of fast, friendly transit service, first homes, 2 .1 CORRIDOR BACKGROUND walkable downtowns, and reliable 2 .2 CORRIDOR STATION AREA GOALS 2 .3 CORRIDOR STATION AREA CONCEPTS transportation to work and shopping.“


The West Santa Ana Branch Transit Corridor is about friendly transit service, first homes, weekend journeys, funding set the stage, the Corridor transportation investment. Transportation has shaped and reliable transportation to and from work. The PE Alternatives Analysis (AA) study clarified the need, this Corridor since the early 1900s when the Pacific system connected communities together and let riders and the transit system investment was approved Electric (PE) Railway system contributed to the ”see” what each community offered. Freeways took the in 2016 with voter approval of Measure M. Looking development of the Corridor’s communities in the 20th ahead, the Corridor cities have spent countless efforts century. After sitting vacant for more than fifty years, envisioning and planning for the future. The result is the region is looking ahead to the future reuse of the PE the most extensive set of transit-oriented land use and Railway right-of-way allowing the same communities development plans in place in Southern California and to strengthen and revitalize themselves for the 21st perhaps the nation. This Station Area Design Concepts century. Reuse of this once vibrant transit corridor, Study will take the cities further towards being ready along with individual city visions and plans, provides for the future transit system and attracting related an opportunity to create a “transit main street” that development and revitalization opportunities, while connects these communities to each other and to the further reinforcing the importance of a transit system rest of the Southern California region. investment in this Corridor.

In the past, the PE Railway system helped create the Southern California dream of fast transit connecting Figure 2.2- Red Car service in downtown Los Angeles unique communities together, and created memories of rail system’s place and drivers buzz by cities that all look alike from the highway. Travelers have to take an off-ramp and get beyond the gas stations and fast food to “see” each city. Today, plans are underway to rebuild

the once extensive urban rail system reconnecting the SARTC region and its communities again. As a community member said, “If a community isn’t on the urban rail system, it’s not visible to the rest of the region. No one else knows what you have that is special, worth visiting, or worth investing in.” Figure 2.4 - Pacific Electric Right-of-Way/West Santa Ana Branch Corridor

Figure 2.1 - Red Car operating in Corridor Figure 2.3 - Future Metro light rail service


FLORENCE STATION “COMMUNITY • Future: Gateway to South Gate with multi-scale,

GATEWAY” mixed-use land uses:

Residential, office, and commercial uses • Today: single- and multi-family housing Hotel, conference space, and restaurants 1. PLACE-MAKING neighborhood with commercial/retail along Iconic plaza with retail, community gathering Florence; Salt Lake Park serves as a local/ regional place, and daycare facilities Make the station the center of a new destination that is special and unique to each community. Achieve true integration recreational destination Shared station and development parking between infrastructure, adjacent development, and public space. • Future: Mid-scale, mixed-use neighborhood station with new commercial with housing above along Florence Avenue commercial corridor; and improved GARDENDALE STATION “EMPLOYMENT access to upgraded Salt Lake Park CENTER” PACIFIC STATION “REGIONAL RETAIL WITH RECREATIONAL USES 2. CONNECTIONS DESTINATION” Connect existing and future residential neighborhoods, employment centers, and destinations to the station. Do so, by • Today: industrial, manufacturing, and county • Today: major retail/commercial street surrounded facilities surrounded by single-family housing extending public realm improvements beyond the station area. with low scale, high density residential • Future: Per current Rancho Los Amigos South • Future: City Gateway with community gathering Campus Plan, future site of 4,000 government jobs; place with high density mixed-use development plan is being revised and future uses may include with housing focus; enhance Pacific Blvd. as retail/ soccer fields, stadium, and related facilities. entertainment destination Mid-scale office/community uses, local/regional 3. TRANSIT AS AN ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT TOOL. recreational uses Two-acre site set-aside for low-scale station area Concentrate jobs and homes in the station area to reap the many benefits that transit brings to communities. Transit development with retail/childcare uses FIRESTONE/ATLANTIC STATION Shared office development and station parking access adds value to adjacent parcels. Developments capture this value, and, in turn, support transit networks by Adjacent county use sites may become multi- “GATEWAY DISTRICT” sustaining ridership. family housing in future • Today: primarily industrial uses with retail/ commercial along Firestone Blvd. and Atlantic Ave.; Azalea Shopping Center with retail/entertainment uses; surrounded by low-scale residential neighborhoods



The future WSAB Corridor rail system will be located design concepts activate the station area at ground unprogrammed. Transit riders access the station within existing rail rights-of-way, and the decision on level with a welcoming space for community platform via stairs and elevators from the ground each station’s vertical placement – whether located at- activities framed by ground level retail and/or level. grade, or in an elevated configuration above street level community uses to activate the space. Stations were – will be based on a balance between safety concerns designed to accommodate multi-modal access with 3- ELEVATED RAIL, STRADDLING STREET and community desires and rail system operating and pedestrians arriving on-street, at a transit plaza, or Assumes that trains arrive at an elevated station cost issues. from adjacent neighborhoods. platform, while straddling a street below, allowing • Integration with station area character and cars to maneuver freely. Transit riders access the Under Metro’s rail grade-separation policy, aerial development opportunities – All of the cities saw the station platform via stairs and elevators from the Little Gold Line Station, Los Angeles, CA Little Tokyo Gold Line Station, Los Angeles, CA Del Mar Gold Line Station, Pasadena, CA stations may be recommended based on factors, such importance of the station and related development ground level, or from bridges connecting to buildings as: fitting with the envisioned station area character, immediately adjacent to the station platform. When trains arrive at an at-grade station platform, transit riders have more direct and easy access to the surrounding • High level of car, truck, and bus street activity; scale, and land uses. The cities strongly embraced neighborhood at the ground level. A transit plaza should be welcoming and serve as a usable public space framed by • Existing or projected high levels of pedestrian the opportunity to integrate the future station, active ground floor uses. activity; and whether at-grade or aerial, with existing and future 4- ELEVATED RAIL, RETAIL BELOW Assumes that trains arrive at an elevated station • Complexity of the infrastructure context, such as station area development. platform, with opportunities for active ground floor crossing or operating adjacent to an active freight uses tucked underneath the rail line. Transit riders rail ROW, flood control channel, and other utility. Various rail configurations were studied to determine access the station platform via stairs and elevators • From a Corridor city perspective, the key station the appropriate platform vertical configuration at each from the ground level concourse housed underneath decision-making issues were related to the quality station to maximize pedestrian connections, station area the rail line. Office/Residential of the resulting community fit and pedestrian vibrancy, and fit with existing and future station area experience: development. • Gateway experience – Corridor cities viewed their 5- ELEVATED RAIL, BUILDING future stations as a gateway to their city, and they 1- AT GRADE RAIL INTEGRATED Office/Residential desired to create an inviting station area experience Assumes that trains arrive at an at-grade station Assumes that trains arrive at an elevated station with unique cultural and community characteristics platform. Transit riders are welcomed by a transit plaza platform located on the second story of a building, representative of their city. at the ground floor level. with active retail uses on the ground level and • Pedestrian experience – Corridor cities sought residential or office on the levels above. Transit to have as inviting a station area experience as riders access the station platform via stairs and possible with direct access from the station platform 2- ELEVATED RAIL, TYPICAL elevators from the ground level concourse housed Assumes that trains arrive at an elevated station Ground Floor Retail Arrival/Departure Plaza Arrival/Departure Plaza to the surrounding neighborhood. All of the proposed underneath the rail line. platform. Space below rail are typically left Del Mar Gold Line Station, Pasadena, CA Figure 3.1 - At-Grade Rail


Elevated Expo Line in Culver City, CA Elevated Expo Line in Culver City, CA Elevated Gold Line in Chinatown, Los Angeles, CA Elevated L Train in , IL Elevated train in

When trains arrive at an elevated station platform, transit riders can access the platform via stairs or elevators. With an elevated station platform, there are opportunities to program the underside of the rail with active uses. In However, it can be difficult to “activate” the ground floor level since transit riders arriving/departing the station are this case, the rail line can straddle the street below, allowing cars to maneauver freely. Transit riders can access the removed from the ground level. Therefore, it is important to program the ground level with active uses, (i.e. retail). platform via stairs or elevators from the ground level, or from bridges connecting to buildings immediately adjacent to the station platform.

Elevated light rail in Charlotte, NC Elevated train in Taipei

Pedestrian Connection to Adjacent Buildings

Ground Floor Retail Arrival/Departure Plaza Arrival/Departure Plaza Elevated electric train in Holland, Netherlands Elevated train in Taipei Figure 3.2 - Elevated Rail, Typical Figure 3.3 - Elevated Rail, Straddling St.


ITT Campus in Chicago, IL Hackescher Markt in Germany Hackescher Markt in Germany Memorial Park Gold Line Station in Pasadena, CA Original “High Line” freight trains in New York, NY

If space allows, there is an opportunity to tuck active uses underneath an elevated station platform. In this case, retail It is also possible to integrated rail with building into one seamless system. In this case, an elevated station platform can or other ancillary uses (i.e. ticketing booths, transit office) can operate below the station platform and help to keep the occupy the second level of a commercial building - with active retail on the ground level and office or residential on the ground floor level well activated. levels above the station platform.

Commercial or Residential Above

Hackescher Markt in Germany Original “High Line” freight trains in New York, NY

Active Ground Floor Retail Ground Floor Retail Tucked below Rail Arrival/Departure Plaza Active Ground Floor Retail Plaza Bridgemarket/Queensboro Bridge in New York, NY Disneyworld in Orlando, Florida Figure 3.4 - Elevated Rail, Retail Below Figure 3.5 - Elevated Rail, Building Integrated


region, Pacific Blvd has maintained a character of a Between 2008 and 2012, approximately 28% of the city’s THE STATION AREA Paci c Boulevard historic “main street,” while offering unique commercial population lived under the poverty line. Furthermore, Station Area: Context amenities. With one of the highest residential densities between 2000 and 2012, the city’s home ownership rate The Pacific Blvd Station is proposed to be located on in the country and one of the highest transit mode- stayed relatively consistent at 27% - half of the county’s Proposed WSAB Transit Pacific Blvd just north of Randolph St. as the alignment Corridor

shares in the county, Huntington Park is exploring average of 54%. The majority of housing dwellings in Ave Fe Santa Malabar St Blvd Paci c bends north from Randolph St. Situated at the northern 55th St Proposed Station Location

ways to better serve its residents through commercial 2012 were single family homes at 55%, while 34% of Soto St end of the Pacific Blvd commercial corridor, this station City of Vernon revitalization and higher density housing. dwellings were composed of 5 units or more. CITY OF VERNON City of Huntington Park would provide direct access to Huntington Parks’ most CITY OF HUNTINGTON PARK 57th St popular regional commercial destination. This stretch of Unincorporated Between 2000 and 2012, Huntington Park’s population Employment opportunities decreased between 2007 Los Angeles County

Pacific Blvd is also one of the busiest transit corridors State St declined by 5% to a total of 58,300 residents. Despite and 2012 from 17,033 jobs to 15,963. The four largest CITY OF VERNON City Boundaries in the county. As such, this station will serve both daily Slauson Ave Slauson Ave the decrease, the city’s number of households of employers in the city are comprised of the education commuters and commercial visitors. Parking is also a 14,800 stayed relatively stable through 2012 at 14,600, (29.3%), retail (15%), manufacturing (14.3%), and growing challenge in Huntington Park, and high capacity as well as its household size, at an average of 4.0 professional (9.7%) industries. Between 2007 and 2012, Regent St transit in the heart of the city and adjacent to its most Belgrave Ave Belgrave Ave in 2000 and in 2012. In fact, 56% of households in the share of opportunities in education increased 3%, Randolph Ave

attractive destination will provide alternative options for PARK HUNTINGTON OF CITY Figure 3.6 - Map of Station Area in the context of the City Huntington Park are composed of 4 persons or greater while manufacturing decreased almost 2.5%. Alameda St commuters and direct service to city residents’ largest throughout the city. In 2012, the City of Huntington employment destinations – Los Angeles and Vernon. Park’s median household income was approximately In 2010, approximately 30% of the City of Huntington Randolph Ave PACIFIC BOULEVARD Pacific Blvd lends itself to more than retail, serving $35,000, increasing by 20% since 2000. Additionally, Park’s workforce traveled to Los Angeles for work. The “THE HEART OF HUNTINGTON PARK” as grounds for annual carnivals and public events Clarendon Ave 69% of households in the city earned less than $50,000. City of Vernon was the second most popular destination such as the recently formalized Huntington Park Gran at 8%, followed by the City of Huntington Park at 4.5%, The City of Huntington Park, a residential community Prix. The City of Huntington Park acknowledges the and the City of Commerce 3.5%. Most employees Gage Ave in southeast Los Angeles County, is bound by the corridor’s significance to its residents and has pursued traveled to work by automobile in 2012, where 78% of industrial City of Vernon to the north, generally bordered planning efforts intended to enhance Pacific Blvd’s the travel mode share consisted of vehicle commuters, by the UP San Pedro Subdivision to the east, and the physical streetscape, while improving its economic Blvd Paci c which increased from 75% in 2000. Specifically, Zoe Ave to the west. It is neighbored by the competitiveness. The General Plan was last updated single-occupied vehicles within this category increased cities of South Gate, Cudahy, and Los Angeles County’s in 1991. However, a more recent Huntington Park unincorporated Walnut Park community to the south. from 53% to 64% during the same time period, while Arbutus Ave Downtown Specific Plan (HPDSP) – approved in 2008 Ave Fe Santa Miles Ave

carpooling decreased significantly from 22% to 14%. Rita Ave Seville Ave Ave Staord Ave Templeton Rugby St Rugby Middleton St This distinctly historic community is marked by one of Malabar St – has identified strategies for revitalizing Pacific Blvd Saturn Ave Public transit mode share including biking and walking, Saturn Ave the most unique commercial corridors in the county corridor from Florence Ave to Randolph St. The city is declined from 26% to 22% in this same period. Public – Pacific Blvd. Historically, one of the most successful also working to introduce new retail tenants that may transit alone decreased from 16% to 14%. 0 0.25 0.5 commercial destinations for residents throughout the capture a broader consumer target and draw more Miles ¯ Figure 3.7 - Iconic water storage tank regional attention to the corridor. Figure 3.8 - Pacific/Randolph - Station Area Context

28 West Santa Ana Branch Transit Corridor STATION AREA DESIGN CONCEPTS Chapter 3: STATION AREA DESIGN CONCEPTS 29 Blue Line, which runs along the western edge of LAND USE Paci c Boulevard Station Area: Land Use Huntington Park from Long Beach to Los Angeles Huntington Park is a community of residential and (Circulation Element Policy 4.2). Proposed WSAB Transit commercial uses that transitions from industrial and Corridor

Santa Fe Ave Fe Santa Malabar St Blvd Paci c • Pursue alternative uses of the Union Pacific manufacturing uses at the north/northeast of the 55th St Proposed Station Location

city. Land uses throughout the City of Huntington Park Soto St City of Vernon Railroad ROW on Randolph St, such as green CITY OF VERNON space, parking, and bike paths, if the right-of-way is are generally low density residential at its eastern CITY OF HUNTINGTON PARK City of Huntington Park 57th St and southeastern extremes, medium-high density Unincorporated abandoned for rail (Circulation Element Policy 5.7). residential in the northeast and center, and commercial Los Angeles County State St CITY OF VERNON City Boundaries The Station Area north of Randolph St is characterized uses with the proposed Huntington Park Downtown Slauson Ave Slauson Ave Specific Plan (HPDSP) along its center spine clearly Current Land Use by larger general commercial retail with ample marked by Pacific Blvd. Industrial uses also mark its Commercial surface parking lots as well as low-medium density

Regent St Huntington Park residential uses. South of Randolph St, parcels along western border surrounding the Alameda Corridor. Belgrave Ave Belgrave Ave Downtown Speci c Plan While a significant portion of the city’s land uses are Randolph Ave Pacific Blvd are part of a Huntington Park Downtown CITY OF HUNTINGTON PARK HUNTINGTON OF CITY Parks/Open Space designated low to medium density housing, Huntington Alameda St Specific Plan designation, allowing a mix of commercial Figure 3.10 - Pacific Blvd. retail activity Figure 3.11 - Pacific Blvd. looking north Public Park is one of the densest in the county, and even the and residential uses. Most notably, Pacific Blvd, south Low Density Residential country, at just over 19,000 residents per square mile. Randolph Ave of Randolph St, is lined by an uninterrupted face of Med-High Density storefronts and historic buildings occupied by a variety Clarendon Ave Residential of retail tenants. City-owned parking lots are located The city’s unique commercial destination, as well as its Industrial along the backside of these retail uses. A few blocks residential and commercial density and transit-reliant Utilities and Transportation population would clearly support a high capacity transit Gage Ave east and west from Pacific Blvd, land uses transition to system. The following policies are principles from primarily medium-high density residential.

Huntington Park’s General Plan that support transit and Blvd Paci c transit-related improvements in the city: Zoe Ave The City of Huntington Park adopted the HPDSP in 2008 to identify strategies for revitalizing downtown

, while Arbutus Ave Huntington Park with a central focus on Pacific Blvd. The

• Encourage community-oriented retail Ave Fe Santa Miles Ave

Rita Ave Seville Ave Ave Staord Ave Templeton plan identifies land uses to support economic and dense Rugby St Rugby Middleton St continuing to reviatalize Pacific Blvd as a regional Malabar St Saturn Ave retail destination (Land Use Element Policy 1.2). Saturn Ave urban development near and along Pacific Blvd and streetscape improvements directed at introducing public 0 0.25 0.5 • Coordinate connections to transit, like to the Metro ¯ amenities that will enhance the corridor’s pedestrian Miles Figure 3.12 - Pacific Blvd. looking north Figure 3.13 - Pacific Blvd. looking south Figure 3.9 - Pacific/Randolph - Station Area Current Land Uses

30 West Santa Ana Branch Transit Corridor STATION AREA DESIGN CONCEPTS Chapter 3: STATION AREA DESIGN CONCEPTS 31 experience. Additional to the HPDSP, the city prepared Paci c Boulevard and is significantly used by passengers within the city. Paci c Boulevard the Downtown Huntington Park Business Improvement Station Area: Pacific Blvd serves as a central transit spine served Station Area: Transit District Strategic Plan for Downtown Management Road Classi cation by two lines (60 and 251), and two Metro Proposed WSAB Transit to identify economic challenges and opportunities Proposed WSAB Transit Rapid lines (751 and 760). Of all of the major corridors Corridor Corridor Santa Fe Ave Fe Santa Malabar St Blvd Paci c throughout the corridor and establish a long-term 55th St Malabar St in the city, Pacific Blvd is the busiest in regards to 55th St 254 Proposed Station Location Proposed Station Location

Paci c Blvd Paci c 60 Soto St business plan to secure the economic health of the city’s Soto St transit. Almost 15,000 transit passengers board City of Vernon Santa Fe Ave Fe Santa City of Vernon 760 751 central commercial district. CITY OF VERNON one of these bus lines every day along Pacific Blvd. CITY OF VERNON CITY OF HUNTINGTON PARK CITY OF HUNTINGTON PARK City of Huntington Park 57th St City of Huntington Park 57th St Traveling along the corridor, the most transit-active Unincorporated Unincorporated intersections include Pacific Blvd at Slauson Ave with Los Angeles County

AUTOMOBILE ACCESS State St Los Angeles County State St CITY OF VERNON over 6,000 passengers per day, Belgrave Ave with over CITY OF VERNON City Boundaries Slauson Ave Slauson Ave City Boundaries Slauson Ave 358 358 Slauson Ave The City of Huntington Park is primarily accessible 1,000 passengers, Clarendon Ave with approximately Transit Facilities Road Classi cation by large thoroughfares without direct access from 1,600 passengers, and Gage Ave with almost 3,700 Metro Rapid Primary Arterial Regent St passengers per day. Regent St Metro Local Bus Line any major freeway. The Interstate 110 (I-110) runs Belgrave Ave Belgrave Ave Belgrave Ave Belgrave Ave Secondary Arterial Randolph Ave Huntington Park COMBI approximately 3 miles west of the city, while Interstate Randolph Ave COMBI CITY OF HUNTINGTON PARK HUNTINGTON OF CITY Collector Alameda St Beyond Pacific Blvd’s regional commercial and cultural Alameda St 710 (I-710) runs about a mile east. Interstate 105 (I- PARK HUNTINGTON OF CITY Local Bus Line Stop Truck Route 105) and Interstate 5 (I-5) also operate approximately 2 draw, it serves an overwhelming quantity of transit Multiple Bus Line Stop Randolph Ave COMBI miles south and north of the city, respectively. Slauson riders only through bus service. A transit station at the 60 Randolph Ave Ave, Gave Ave, and Florence Ave serve as major east- northern stretch of this already active transit corridor Weekday Bus Clarendon Ave Clarendon Ave Boardings and Alightings* would provide an additional transportation alternative 254 west arterials. Pacific Blvd, also a major arterial, carried 1 - 99 between 17,000 and 18,000 vehicles per day. Randolph for commuters and visitors. As parking capacity 100 - 499 St is classified a secondary arterial and serves between Gage Ave continues to affect the city, this proposed station would Gage Ave 110 110 8,000 and 11,000 vehicles per day. Within the station serve as an alternate transportation option and open direct access to the economic and commercial heart 60 500 - 999

area, major truck routes include Slauson Ave, Randolph Blvd Paci c Zoe Ave of the city for transit users. From the West Santa Ana Zoe Ave

St., Gage Ave, Florence Ave, Santa Fe Ave, and the Blvd Paci c stretch of Pacific Blvd north of Slauson Ave. Branch/PE Right-of-way Alternatives Analysis Study, the 1,000 and above Arbutus Ave Pacific Blvd Station is projected to be the 6th busiest Arbutus Ave Santa Fe Ave Fe Santa Miles Ave Miles Ave Santa Fe Ave Fe Santa 760

Rita Ave Seville Ave Ave Staord Ave Templeton in Los Angeles County with almost 3,000 passenger Rita Ave Seville Ave Ave Staord Ave Templeton Rugby St Rugby St Rugby Middleton St Middleton St Malabar St Saturn Ave Malabar St Saturn Ave TRANSIT ACCESS Saturn Ave boardings per day. Approximately 2/3 of passengers Saturn Ave were projected to board during peak hour, indicating The City of Huntington Park is well served by bus transit, 0 0.25 0.5 strong commuter activity, with 35% accessing the 0 0.25 0.5 including Metro and its own city-operated shuttle, Miles ¯ Miles ¯ system by walking and 63% by bus transfer. COMBI. The Station Area is also well served by transit Figure 3.14 - Pacific/Randolph - Existing Street Access Figure 3.15 - Pacific/Randolph - Existing Transit Access


BICYCLE AND PEDESTRIAN ACCESS 1 CLUSTER JOBS AND HOMES. Develop TOD opportunity parcels by clustering The City of Huntington Park has prepared its Bicycle jobs and homes directly adjacent to the station. Master Plan and Complete Streets Policies that were nationally recognized in 2012. The Bicycle Master 2 EXPAND THE PUBLIC REALM. Plan promotes the development of a bicycle network Use the of Pacific and Randolph as a 3 throughout the city that encourages cycling, connects transit plaza that serves as the arrival space for to major destinations, and improves safety for cyclists transit users and the front door to regional retail and pedestrians. While the city does not currently have on Pacific Blvd. bicycle lanes or any extensive cycling infrastructure, it recognizes the significant use of public streets by cyclists. In fact, the city has hosted the Huntington Park 3 EXTEND RETAIL ACTIVITY. Extend retail activity and the street character of Gran Prix for two years since 2013, inviting finalist historic Pacific Blvd to new developments north competitors to race their bicycles along Pacific Blvd. Figure 3.16 - Photos of bicycle event hosted by city of Huntington Park Source: flick.com/robrovira of Randolph. 1 In 2012, the City of Huntington Park ranked 3rd on Pacific Blvd. Source: flick.com/robrovira nationally for its Complete Streets Policy. With funding 4 EXPLORE SHARED PARKING from Caltrans and the Local Government Council, the OPPORTUNITIES. City of Huntington Park will prepare a Complete Streets Locate parcels which can accommodate shared 2 Plan to improve safety conditions for all users. parking structures or lots between transit, retail, and housing. Within the Station Area, the Bicycle Master Plan 4 proposes designating Belgrave Ave, Clarendon Ave, Gage 5 IMPROVE PEDESTRIAN LINKAGES. Ave, Zoe Ave, and Saturn Ave as east-west Class III Bike Improve pedestrian linkages (via public realm 5 Routes. Malabar St., Miles Ave, and Pacific Blvd north improvements) beyond the station area to of Randolph are also proposed as Class III Bike Routes. adjacent neighborhoods. Pacific Blvd between Randolph St and Florence Ave is proposed as a Class II Bike Lane with a road diet, while Randolph St is proposed as a Class I Bike Path along the entire stretch of the city. Source: flick.com/robrovira Source: flick.com/robrovira Figure 3.17. Pacific/Randolph Area Sketch Diagram

34 West Santa Ana Branch Transit Corridor STATION AREA DESIGN CONCEPTS Chapter 3: STATION AREA DESIGN CONCEPTS 35 New at-grade center-median station platform along Pacific Blvd. 3.2.3 STATION AREA DESIGN CONCEPTS New pedestrian “scramble” crosswalk and 4-corner transit plaza arrival space for regional retail along Pacific Blvd. During red light stops, the entire intersection can

Pacific Blvd Pacific become an extension of the public realm.


The first alternative assumes that the train departs and arrives at-grade from a center-median platform along Pacific Blvd, north of Randolph St. Passengers New multi-family residential with active, New public are welcomed by generously-sized transit plaza on ground floor retail below parking structure

the north-east corner of Pacific and Randolph, framed New multi-family residential with by active ground floor retail uses (with multi-family active ground floor retail (typical) residential above). In this case, as a way to further are located adjacent to the station. extend and expand the public realm and accentuate New public parking structure. the significance of the station, each of the 4 corners at this intersection can employ similar public plazas New multi-family New pedestrian “scramble” residential with active, facing Pacific and Randolph. During red light stops, the crosswalk and 4-corner transit ground floor retail below plaza arrival space. intersection becomes a “scramble” crosswalk, whereby Randolph Ave pedestrian flow is prioritized over that of traffic. During this instance, vehicular traffic is stopped in all Improvements to the public directions, while pedestrians are allowed to cross the realm (i.e sidewalks, landscaping, street, even diagonally. Doing so, increases pedestrian lighting, etc) should extend beyond the station area. Existing Walgreens safety and elevates the prominence of the intersection as the departure and arrival space for regional retail along Pacific Blvd. Superiors Randolph St. WSS


N 99 Cents 1/4 mile (5-min walk) Figure 3.18 - Conceptual sketch plan of the 1/4-mile radius station area at Pacific/Randolph Figure 3.19 - Conceptual rendering looking northeast at Pacific and Randolph Existing Conditions

36 West Santa Ana Branch Transit Corridor STATION AREA DESIGN CONCEPTS Chapter 3: STATION AREA DESIGN CONCEPTS 37 New building integrated station platform on 2nd level of offices. New pedestrian “scramble” crosswalk and 4-corner transit plaza arrival space, where buildings are oriented to face the intersection at a diagonal. During red

Pacific Blvd Pacific light stops, the entire intersection becomes an extension of the public realm.


The second alternative assumes that the train departs and arrives along an elevated, building-integrated New public station platform on the second level of a new parking structure commercial building on the north-east corner of Pacific and Randolph. Like in Alternative A, there is a scramble crosswalk and an expanded transit plaza extending New multi-family residential with active ground floor retail (typical). across the 4 corners of the intersection at Pacific and New office buliding New public parking structure. with active, ground New multi-family Randolph. In this case, buildings are oriented to face floor retail below residential with active, ground floor retail below the intersection at a diagonal, further accentuating the New multi-family significance of the pedestrian zone. New building integrated station residential with active, platform on 2nd level of offices. ground floor retail below New pedestrian “scramble” crosswalk and 4-corner transit Randolph Ave plaza arrival space.

Improvements to the public realm (i.e sidewalks, landscaping, lighting, etc) should extend beyond the station area.

Superiors Randolph St. WSS


N 99 Cents 1/4 mile (5-min walk) Figure 3.20 - Conceptual sketch plan of the 1/4-mile radius station area at Pacific/Randolph Figure 3.21 - Conceptual rendering looking northeast at Pacific and Randolph Existing Conditions

38 West Santa Ana Branch Transit Corridor STATION AREA DESIGN CONCEPTS Chapter 3: STATION AREA DESIGN CONCEPTS 39 New building integrated station platform on 2nd level of offices. New 1-corner transit plaza where the station building is oriented to face the intersection at a diagonal. The crosswalk remains a regular pedestrian crosswalk. Pacific Blvd Pacific


The third alternative assumes that the train departs and arrives along an elevated, building-integrated station platform on the second level of a new commercial building on the north-east corner of Pacific New public parking structure and Randolph. Passengers are still welcomed by a generously-sized transit plaza on the north-east corner New multi-family residential with New office building active ground floor retail (typical). of Pacific and Randolph, framed by active ground floor with active, ground New multi-family New public parking structure. floor retail below residential with active, retail uses (with office above). However, in this case, the ground floor retail below transit plaza is limited to the north-east corner of the New building integrated station New multi-family residential with active, intersection. The intersection remains as is (a normal platform on 2nd level of offices. ground floor retail below crosswalk), where pedestrians and vehicles traveling in the same direction cross at the same time. New 1-corner transit plaza.

Randolph Ave

Improvements to the public realm (i.e sidewalks, landscaping, lighting, etc) should extend beyond the station area. New office with retail below

Superiors Randolph St. WSS


N 99 Cents 1/4 mile (5-min walk) Figure 3.22 - Conceptual sketch plan of the 1/4-mile radius station area at Pacific/Randolph Figure 3.23 - Conceptual rendering looking northeast at Pacific and Randolph Existing Conditions


as a whole (approximately 2,500 residents per square average. The city has a high percentage of single-family THE STATION AREA FLORENCE STATION mile). In 2011, the city’s unemployment rate was 16.0%, housing stock (60%) and multi-family housing of five CITY OF HUNTINGTON PARK Proposed WSAB Transit which was 40% higher than the county rate of 11.5%. In units or more (27%). A significant majority (82%) of CITY OF BELL Gage Ave Corridor The West Santa Ana Branch (WSAB) Transit Corridor 2012, the city’s median household income was 73% of Cudahy’s residents were renters in 2012, which is 1/3 of Proposed Station Location is planned to operate along the western edge of the Zoe Ave that for the county, and 28% of city residents were living the county average. city traveling along the Ports-owned, UPRR-operated City of Cudahy below the federal poverty line, resulting in one of the City of Huntington Park San Pedro Subdivision right-of-way (ROW), adjacent St State county’s lowest home ownership rates (18%). With few The total number of jobs located in Cudahy numbered to Salt Lake Ave During the PEROW/WSAB Corridor City of Bell employment opportunities in the city, and almost 50% of approximately 3,300 in 2012 – a decrease of 7% from Bell Ave Alternatives Analysis study effort, the City of Huntington Walnut Park the city’s households investing over 1/3 of their monthly the 2000 employment numbers. In 2012, the top three Bell Ave (Unincorporated) Park had requested the station be located at Gage Ave income in housing, it can be argued that new public employers for Cudahy residents, representing more California Ave City Boundaries as the conceptual ridership analysis showed strong transit options are a significant need for this community. than 60%, were Education, Manufacturing, and Retail. demand at this station. Since then the proposed station Employment in Education, which includes health has been relocated to Florence Ave at the request Pl Mission In 2012, Cudahy’s population was approximately 24,000 care, increased by 3% between 2000 and 2012, while of the Huntington Park City Council. This is a much residents – a nominal decline from the 2000 Census, Manufacturing declined by 3%. opportune location both from an existing and future Figure 3.24 - Map of Station Area in the context of the City while the number of households increased slightly with Florence Ave transit ridership perspective and the station’s ability to Walnut St Bear Ave approximately 200 new households. The city has an Of the top places where residents commuted to Otis Ave conveniently serve the cities of Huntington Park, Cudahy, average household size of 4.3 people – higher than the work in 2010, the City of Los Angeles was by far the Florence Ave S CITY OF CUDAHY a and Bell all in one. lt L top employment destination, attracting more than a County of Los Angeles’ average household size (3.0). k Live Oak St e COMMUNITY GATEWAY A v e Cudahy’s median household income grew between 2000 25% of Cudahy job travel. Cudahy residents make

The Florence Ave Station is proposed to be located just S and 2012, but remained 27% lower than the County their work trip predominantly by automobile, which a CITY OF BELL State St lt The City of Cudahy is a predominantly residential city L south of Florence Ave on the San Pedro Subdivision a CITY OF CUDAHY k e increased from 57% in 2000 to 70% in 2012, with a Hope St A located in southeast Los Angeles County just west of v e ROW adjacent to Salt Lake Ave The station area is California Ave corresponding decrease in carpool commute travel. the I-710 and . Bordered by the cities primarily surrounded by single-family housing with This is a significant percentage of auto work travel of Bell, Bell Gardens, Huntington Park, and South Gate, a range of commercial uses along Florence Ave and when compared with the fact that 47% of the city’s total Olive St Cudahy is located in the “Gateway Cities” subregion. Just Salt Lake Park on the northwest corner of Florence 1 /2 over one square mile in size, Cudahy has one of the households have either one or no vehicles registered, M Ave and California Ave While a two-story commercial ile indicating a highly transit-dependent population. The LOS ANGELES COUNTY HIll St highest population densities in Los Angeles County. In CITY OF HUNTINGTON PARK development is located just west of the tracks fronting CITY OF CUDAHY transit mode share for work trips in 2012 declined from CITY OF HUNTINGTON PARK 2010, it had a population density of 20,250 residents per on Florence Ave, Huntington Park staff identified the site the 10 and 12% reported in 2000 and 2010 respectively. square mile, which is 2.5 times denser than the City of as a future transit oriented development opportunity. The share of commuters traveling by transit and other Los Angeles with 8,000 residents per square mile and This station area would serve the densely developed alternative methods (including biking and walking) was 0 0.1 0.2 0.4 ten times the population density of Los Angeles County adjacent community residents who would arrive by foot, ¯ Santa Ana St Miles consistent at 15% between 2000 and 2012. Figure 3.25 - Current rail right-of-way conditions Figure3.26 - Florence Station Area Context

42 West Santa Ana Branch Transit Corridor STATION AREA DESIGN CONCEPTS Chapter 3: STATION AREA DESIGN CONCEPTS 43 auto drop-off, or the frequent bus service on Florence FLORENCE STATION: AUTOMOBILE ACCESS FLORENCE STATION: Ave, which is one of the busiest transit corridors in the CITY OF CITY OF ROAD CLASSIFICATION HUNTINGTON PARK LAND USES HUNTINGTON PARK Gage Ave CITY OF BELL Gage Ave Proposed WSAB Transit region. CITY OF BELL Proposed WSAB Transit Florence Ave is a major east-west corridor in the station Corridor Corridor area serving heavy vehicular, truck, and bus transit Zoe Ave Zoe Ave Proposed Station Location Proposed Station Location traffic. Identified as a primary arterial by the cities of

LAND USE City of Cudahy City of Cudahy

State St State State St State Cudahy, Bell, and Huntington Park, Florence Ave has 4-6 City of Huntington Park City of Huntington Park The Florence & Salt Lake station area is almost entirely lanes in the segment between State St. on the western City of Bell City of Bell residential. Heavily-traveled Florence Ave is lined Bell Ave edge of the study area and Otis Ave on the eastern Bell Ave Walnut Park Bell Ave Walnut Park Bell Ave by 1-2 story commercial uses between State St. on (Unincorporated) edge. Commercial parking is provided on both sides of California Ave (Unincorporated)

California Ave the west side of the study area and Otis Ave on the City Boundaries Florence Ave at various locations. Salt Lake Ave, on the City Boundaries eastern edge. The current commercial land uses are other hand, is classified as a secondary arterial north of

Current Land Uses Road Classi cation Mission Pl Mission

primarily auto repair shops with some restaurants and Pl Mission Florence Ave. Commercial Major Arterial retail. Huntington Park’s large water tank, located on Mixed-Use Primary Arterial the southeast corner of Florence Ave and Salt Lake According to the Purpose and Need Report that was Parks/Open Space Secondary Arterial Florence Ave Florence Ave Ave, serves as a local icon. Located at the backside Walnut St part of the WSAB/PEROW Alternatives Analysis Study, Walnut St Bear Ave Collector Bear Ave Public Otis Ave of commercial development along Florence Ave are Otis Ave Florence Ave east of California Ave, and California Ave Truck Route Low Density Residential Florence Ave Florence Ave S primarily single-family and multi-family residential S north of Florence Ave, currently operate at a Level of a a lt lt Med-High Density L L a a k uses. Salt Lake Park is located northwest of the station k Service (LOS) of F, which means that the corridors are Live Oak St e Live Oak St e Residential A A v v e e

and provides residents with much needed open space operating beyond their capacity in those segments. Industrial

S S CITY OF BELL a CITY OF BELL a State St l State St t and recreational amenities. lt L L CITY OF CUDAHY Utility/Transportation a CITY OF CUDAHY a k k e e Facility A Hope St A Hope St v v e e California Ave California Ave TRANSIT ACCESS Currently, the general plans of Cudahy, Bell, and Huntington Park do not identify future development in Due to its compact size, the City of Cudahy has relatively Olive St Olive St the proposed station area since the transit corridor is 1 1 limited transit service provided by two Metro Shuttle / /2 2 M M still in an early planning stage. Huntington Park and i ile Lines (611 and 612), a Metro Local Line (260), and Metro le LOS ANGELES COUNTY LOS ANGELES COUNTY HIll St HIll St

CITY OF HUNTINGTON PARK Bell’s general plans have not been updated since the CITY OF HUNTINGTON PARK CITY OF CUDAHY Rapid Line (762) along Atlantic Ave. CITY OF CUDAHY CITY OF HUNTINGTON PARK CITY OF HUNTINGTON PARK 1990’s, while that of Cudahy’s is currently undergoing Broadway Broadway revision. This presents an opportunity to develop station Lines 611 and 612 connect Cudahy with surrounding Source: SCAG 2008 Land Use; City of area-specific plans for inclusion in the next round of Huntington Park General Plan; City of communities, including South Gate, Lynwood, Source: City of Huntington Park General 0 0.1 0.2 0.4 0 0.1 0.2 0.4 Plan; City of Cudahy General Plan; City of Santa Ana St Cudahy General Plan; City of Bell General ¯ Santa Ana St Miles general plan updates. ¯ Miles Plan Huntington Park, Maywood, and Vernon. Both Metro Bell General Plan Figure 3.27 - Florence Station Area Existing Land Uses Figure 3.28 Florence Station Area Existing Street Access


Local Line 260 and Metro Rapid Line 762 connect 110 FLORENCE STATION: 1 USE THE WATER TOWER AS A residents south to North Long Beach and north to CITY OF TRANSIT RIDERSHIP HUNTINGTON PARK Pasadena and Altadena. In addition, the city operates CITY OF BELL Gage Ave Proposed WSAB Transit CENTRAL PLACEMAKING FEATURE. 110 Corridor Maintain the existing water tower infrastructure its own additional circulator – the Cudahy Area Rapid Zoe Ave Proposed Station Location and use a central placemaking feature unique to Transit (CART).

City of Cudahy the station area. State St State The proposed station area is currently served by a City of Huntington Park City of Bell variety of bus and shuttle options, including three Metro Bell Ave 2 CLUSTER JOBS AND HOMES. Develop TOD opportunity parcels by clustering Bus Lines, one Metro Shuttle, Cudahy’s CART service, Bell Ave Walnut Park 3 (Unincorporated) jobs and homes directly adjacent to the station.

California Ave and the Huntington Park-operated COMBI shuttle. Transit City Boundaries ridership along Florence Ave especially is significantly Transit Facilities and consistently high. Given the high existing bus and Metro Local Circulator Line 3 4 Mission Pl Mission CONNECT TO SALT LAKE PARK. shuttle ridership and the transit-dependent population Metro Local Bus Line Improve pedestrian linkages to the Salt Lake Park, a regional recreational destination, across living in the station area, the Florence Ave Station 251 Metro Rapid Bus Line 111 ridership is anticipated to be higher than that originally Florence Ave The Gate Circulator the street. Walnut St Otis Ave

Bear Ave identified for the Gage Ave Station in the WSAB/PEROW 612 Huntington Park COMBI 111 Florence Ave Alternatives Analysis Study. S Circulator Bus Line Stop 4 a l IMPROVE PEDESTRIAN LINKAGES. t L a k Improve pedestrian linkages (via public realm Live Oak St e Local Bus Line Stop A v e improvements) beyond the station area to Multiple Bus Line Stop


S a CITY OF BELL Weekday Bus State St lt adjacent neighborhoods. L a CITY OF CUDAHY k Boardings and Alightings* e 2 Hope St A The cities of Cudahy, Huntington Park, and Bell do not v e California Ave 1 - 49 4 have bicycle facilities currently in place. The Gateway Cities Council of Governments is currently working on 50 - 100 Olive St an “Active Transportation Element” under its Strategic 1 /2 Transportation Plan being prepared for the subregion, M 101 - 199 4 251 ile LOS ANGELES COUNTY HIll St

with the aim of identifying projects that can increase CITY OF HUNTINGTON PARK CITY OF CUDAHY CITY OF HUNTINGTON PARK 612 active transportation and promote safety for pedestrians Broadway and cyclists. Several corridors in the station area have 200 and above been identified as potential bicycle projects, including 1 0 0.1 0.2 0.4 Source: LACMTA; City of Huntington Park ¯ Santa Ana St Miles the WSAB Transit Corridor, Gage Ave, and Santa Fe Ave. 612 *Note: Ridership Data for June 2013 Figure 3.29 Florence Station Area Existing Transit Access and Ridership Patterns Figure 3.30 Florence Station Area Sketch Diagram

46 West Santa Ana Branch Transit Corridor STATION AREA DESIGN CONCEPTS Chapter 3: STATION AREA DESIGN CONCEPTS 47 Explore opportunities to allow the station canopy to extend above Florence Ave, 3.3.3 STATION AREA DESIGN CONCEPTS making it visible to drivers and pedestrians from afar. Maintain the existing iconic Huntington Park water tower as a central place- making feature unique to the station area. Configure a new bus/car drop off zone around the water tower. ile radius (5-minute FLORENCE AT-GRADE RAIL 1/4 m walk) FLORENCE, AT-GRADE RAIL

The Florence Ave and Salt Lake Ave station takes on a more residential and community-focused character than its neighbor stations along the transit corridor. New multi-family Because of adjacent residential uses and its proximity residential with active, ground floor retail below to Salt Lake Park, the station area can embrace new, medium-density multi-family residential development immediately adjacent to the station. At the ground floor level, new active uses (like retail) help to enliven street life and reinvigorate existing commercial uses along Florence Ave The existing iconic Huntington Park water tower can be reused as a central place-making feature Activate Florence Ave with new Florence Ave development. unique to the station area - doubling as a new bus/car New multi-family drop off zone for transit riders arriving and departing Maintain the existing water tower residential with active, from the station. as a central place-making feature. ground floor retail below New transit plaza and bus/car drop off zone. New multi-family residential with active, ground floor retail below California Ave New shared parking garage.

Salt Lake Ave Florence Ave New multi-family residential with active ground floor retail (typical).

Salt Lake Ave

N 1/4 mile (5-min walk) Figure 3.31 - Conceptual sketch plan of the 1/4-mile radius station area at Florence Station Area Figure 3.32 - Conceptual rendering looking east at Florence Ave and Salt Lake Ave Existing Conditions


Public realm improvements (i.e. The Florence & Salt Lake Ave sidewalks, landscaping, lighting, station benefits from its close etc) should extend well beyond the proximity to Salt Lake Park station area. New developments across the street at Florence Ave should embrace clustering jobs and California Ave Public realm and homes within the station area, improvements should establish focusing on placing active ground clear, safe, and visible connections floor uses along the street edge, (via sidewalks, crosswalks, with residential or office above. In signage) for pedestrians and this case, Florence Ave will benefit cyclists to/from the station and from an improved street life. local destinations.

Figure 3.33 - Conceptual sketch vignette looking west along Florence towards station Existing Conditions Existing Conditions Figure 3.34 - Conceptual sketch vignette looking south along Florence at Salt Lake showing new station area housing


Today, it faces the challenges of generating employment than the county average. South Gate’s housing stock is THE STATION AREA Firestone and Atlantic opportunities and driving economic revitalization with primarily single-family (71%) with a wide range of multi- Elizabeth St Station Area: Context limited vacant land available. Despite these challenges, family housing types. The proposed station is located within the Ports-owned, Proposed WSAB Transit South Gate’s efforts in regenerating its local economy Santa Ana St CITY OF CUDAHY Corridor UPRR-operated San Pedro Subdivision right-of-way Wilcox Ave and increasing employment opportunities for its The total jobs located in the city numbered 18,944 in CITY OF SOUTH GATE (ROW) just east of Atlantic Ave in the central northern Proposed Station Location residents are clearly reflected in its most recent general 2012 – a decrease of 6.5% from 2007. In 2010, the top portion of the City of South Gate. The proposed location City of Cudahy plan goals, specific plans, and projects currently under three employers, representing approximately 60%, were is only a block away from one of South Gate’s busiest City of South Gate construction. education, manufacturing, and retail. Employment in Atlantic Ave intersections – Firestone Blvd and Atlantic Ave. The City Boundaries education, which includes health care, increased by Cecelia St City of South Gate has already identified various Station Area Plan In 2012, South Gate’s population was 94,320 residents, 2.8% between 2000 and 2010, while manufacturing opportunities for development in the area including a Salt Lake Ave Azalea Regional Shopping reflecting an approximately 2% decline, or the loss employment declined by 2.5% and dropped from the Center station area plan for the city’s proposed station and a of 2,055 residents from 2000. The total number of second highest job category for residents to the third regional retail center currently under construction. households also declined while the city’s household highest. Retail employment, now the second highest Patata St size (4.1 persons) remained larger than the Los Angeles employment category, remained steady between 2000 Firestone Blvd and Atlantic Ave are major travel CITY OF CUDAHY Figure 3.35 - Map of Station Area in the context of the City County average (3.0 persons). Median household income and 2010 as did professional (5.5%) and wholesale CITY OF SOUTH GATE corridors and are two of the busiest highways in the city. grew between 2000 and 2012, but remained 24% lower employment (5.1%). A variety of small-scale retail, automobile dealerships, CITY OF SOUTH GATE manufacturing, and warehouse uses are located along Of the top places where residents commuted to work Firestone Blvd “CENTER OF THE REGION” both corridors. Across the street from the proposed ¨¦§710 in 2010, the city of Los Angeles was by far the top station on Atlantic Ave, is a new development featuring employment destination – attracting more than 25% The City of South Gate is located in southeast Los retail, restaurants, and, in future phases, multi-family Los Angeles River of job travel. The next top job destinations, totaling Atlantic Ave Firestone Blvd

Bryson Ave

Burke St Angeles County. Bisected by the I-710 and lying only a housing. Known as the Azalea Shopping Center, the Dudlext Ave

approximately 16%, were Vernon, Long Beach, and Vossler Ave few miles north of the I-105, the City of South Gate is new development brings new entertainment and Southern Ave 1 Commerce. South Gate residents predominantly make /2 central to the “Gateway Cities” region. The I-710 and employment opportunities to South Gate. Conveniently M their work trip by automobile, which increased from il Firestone Blvd cut through the middle of the city, and located across from the proposed station location, the e Southern Ave

65% in 2000 to 75% in 2012, with a corresponding Dorothy Ave provide major highway access to, from and through Azalea Regional Shopping Center is an example of the decrease in carpool commute travel. During the same Duane Ave the city. A once thriving manufacturing base with city’s efforts in planning for diverse and economically Rayo Ave time period, commuting by public transit and other, a variety of major automotive companies such as robust destinations for city residents and even regional Southern Ave

which includes walk and bike access, remained steady Hunt Ave

Annetta Ave Firestone Tire Co. and General Motors, it has faced the visitors. The shopping center opened in 2014. Hildreth Ave Kau man Ave at approximately 8% and 4% respectively. Missouri Ave same challenges that many other neighboring cities 0 0.25 0.5 have encountered with the loss of manufacturing jobs. Miles ¯ Figure 3.36 - Looking south on Atlantic Ave. Figure 3.37 - Firestone/Atlantic Station Area Context

52 West Santa Ana Branch Transit Corridor STATION AREA DESIGN CONCEPTS Chapter 3: STATION AREA DESIGN CONCEPTS 53 uses extend along Firestone Blvd and south on LAND USE Firestone and Atlantic Firestone and Atlantic Elizabeth St Station Area: Land Uses Atlantic Ave with single-family residential uses located Elizabeth St Station Area: Community southwest of the intersection of Firestone Blvd and Plans In the city’s general plan, both Firestone Ave and Atlantic Proposed WSAB Transit Santa Ana St Atlantic Ave Industrial uses occupy a majority of the Santa Ana St Proposed WSAB Transit CITY OF CUDAHY Corridor CITY OF CUDAHY Ave are currently characterized primarily by retail and Wilcox Ave Wilcox Ave Corridor CITY OF SOUTH GATE CITY OF SOUTH GATE Proposed Station Location existing land use surrounding the station area, and service commercial uses. The Azalea Regional Shopping Proposed Station Location City of Cudahy will pose challenges to reusing station area land and Center has set a precedent for future development in City of Cudahy City of South Gate connecting north to Cudahy’s residential neighborhoods. the area, and has contributed to the city’s diverse land City of South Gate Atlantic Ave Atlantic Ave City Boundaries use plans surrounding the proposed station location. Cecelia St Cecelia St City Boundaries Proposed Station Area Plan The city of South Gate has identified 6 community The following policies from the General Plan reflect the Station Area Plan Azalea Regional Shopping specific plans in and adjacent to the station area. All city’s vision for development of a transit-oriented station Salt Lake Ave Salt Lake Ave Center plans propose a transition to a wider variety of land Azalea Regional Shopping area with supporting land uses: Center Current Land Use uses –ranging from flex industrial, office, commercial, South Gate Distric and Corridor Patata St Commercial mixed-use and medium and high density residential. Patata St Plans • Coordinate the provision of non-motorized Mixed-Use Gateway District networks (bicycle and pedestrian) with adjacent CITY OF CUDAHY CITY OF CUDAHY CITY OF SOUTH GATE Specifically, the “Gateway District Plan” addresses CITY OF SOUTH GATE jurisdictions to maximize connectivity (Mobility Parks/Open Space Rayo Industrial District the station area, and identifies development to serve Element 2.1-Policy 8). Public Firestone Industrial District Low Density Residential as a “gateway” into the city from Cudahy, the I-710 Ardine Industrial District Firestone Blvd Freeway, and Firestone Blvd. The plan envisions a major Firestone Blvd • Encourage Metro to enhance regional transit ¨¦§710 Med-High Density ¨¦§710 Firestone Corridor Residential transition from a primarily industrial zone to a mixed- connections in South Gate through additional routes Atlantic Corridor Industrial use district that includes retail, a transit village, office and increased service frequency (Mobility Element Los Angeles River Los Angeles River Atlantic Ave Atlantic Ave Firestone Blvd Utilities and Transportation and research and development, and higher density Firestone Blvd Bryson Ave Bryson Ave

Burke St Burke St

Dudlext Ave 2.2-Policy 2). Dudlext Ave

Vossler Ave Southern Ave Vossler Ave residential development. The plan’s boundaries include Southern Ave 1 1 /2 the Azalea Regional Shopping Center, and the city’s /2 • Encourage and support all potential rail transit M M il proposed Firestone and Atlantic Station Area Plan. il serving the city, including a high speed, grade e Southern Ave e Southern Ave

Dorothy Ave separated, environmentally friendly transit system Dorothy Ave Duane Ave The “Firestone and Atlantic Station Area Plan” Duane Ave along the Union Pacific Railroad right-of-way Rayo Ave Rayo Ave addresses the portion of the station area located on (Mobility Element 2.2-Policy 7). Southern Ave Southern Ave

Hunt Ave Hunt Ave the northeastern corner of the Firestone Blvd and

Hildreth Ave Annetta Ave Hildreth Ave

Kau man Ave Kau man Ave Annetta Ave Missouri Ave Atlantic Ave intersection, and extends north to Patata Missouri Ave Currently, a majority of the proposed station area is 0 0.25 0.5 Source: SCAG 2008 Land Use; City of 0 0.25 0.5 Source: City of South Gate, St bordering Cudahy and east to the proposed Wilcox ¯ General Plan 2006 occupied by industrial land uses. Retail and commercial Miles ¯ South Gate General Plan 2006 Miles Figure 3.38 Firestone/Atlantic Station Area - Existing Land Uses Figure 3.39 Firestone/Atlantic Station Area - Existing Plans

54 West Santa Ana Branch Transit Corridor STATION AREA DESIGN CONCEPTS Chapter 3: STATION AREA DESIGN CONCEPTS 55 Ave extension. Separated into three phases, the first (ADT) of 43,000 vehicles west of Atlantic Ave and Firestone and Atlantic Firestone and Atlantic Elizabeth St Elizabeth St phase of the plan features multi-family residential Station Area: 50,200 east of Atlantic Ave. Atlantic Ave carries 36,500 Station Area: Transit developments with some ground-level commercial uses Road Classi cation vehicles north of Firestone Blvd and 18,500 south of the Proposed WSAB Transit 762 Corridor between the ROW and Firestone Blvd and a new transit Santa Ana St same intersection. Several corridors in the study area, Santa Ana St Proposed WSAB Transit CITY OF CUDAHY

Wilcox Ave 611 Wilcox Ave plaza surrounding the proposed station. The second Corridor including Atlantic Ave, Firestone Blvd, and Rayo Ave, CITY OF SOUTH GATE Proposed Station Location City of Cudahy phase proposes an extension of Wilcox Ave south to Proposed Station Location also serve as major truck routes. 260 Firestone Blvd and extending a new perpendicular City of Cudahy City of South Gate 611 street to Atlantic Ave The station and its surrounding Atlantic Ave City of South Gate Atlantic Ave City Boundaries Cecelia St TRANSIT ACCESS Cecelia St Station Area Plan plaza would link the station with the Azalea Regional City Boundaries Shopping Center and the new housing development. Station Area Plan Azalea Regional Shopping Salt Lake Ave The city of South Gate is currently served by a Salt Lake Ave Center Additionally, phase 2 features multi-family housing and Azalea Shooping Site combination of Metro Local and Rapid service, as well Transit Facilities a day care center just northeast of the ROW and west as by two city-operated GATE circulators. The City also Metro Rapid Bus Line Road Classi cation of the proposed Wilcox Ave extension. The third phase Patata St provides affordable local transit via its GATE Express Patata St Metro Local Bus Line proposes a mixed-use, transit-oriented development Major Arterial Metro Local Circulator Line covering both the western portion of South Gate as well CITY OF CUDAHY Primary Arterial CITY OF SOUTH GATE that would include office buildings just north of the as its Hollydale community in the city’s eastern edge GATE Westside Route proposed station, single family town-homes, and a Secondary Arterial across the Los Angeles River. GATE Eastside Route Collector shared 4-level parking structure. 115 Local Bus Line Stop Firestone Bl Proposed Collector Firestone Blvd ¨¦§710 The proposed station is located near the city’s busiest GE ¨¦§710 Circulator Bus Line Stop AUTOMOBILE ACCESS Truck Route intersection – Firestone Blvd and Atlantic Ave. The Multiple Bus Line Stop Proposed Truck Route 762 station area is served by two Metro Local Bus Lines, GE Los Angeles River Weekday Bus Boardings and Alightings* Atlantic Ave Atlantic Ave 115 Firestone Bl Firestone Blvd 1 - 49 Bryson Ave Bryson Ave The city of South Gate’s main regional access corridor Line 115 along Firestone Blvd and Line 260 along Burke St Burke St Dudlext Ave Dudlext Ave

Vossler Ave Southern Ave Vossler Ave Southern Ave into the city via automobile is the I-710 on the eastern Atlantic Ave. The two lines carry 17,470 and 12,940 daily 50 - 99 1 1 GW portion of the city. Major corridors providing intercity /2 passengers, respectively. Additionally, Metro Rapid Line /2 M M GE i i travel and direct connections to neighboring cities le Southern Ave 762 carries 4,580 daily passengers along Atlantic Ave, le Southern Ave 100 - 199 260 Dorothy Ave include Imperial Highway, Long Beach Blvd, Garfield Dorothy Ave and Metro Local Line 611 serves 1,930 daily passengers Duane Ave Duane Ave Ave, Paramount Blvd and, in the study area, Firestone Rayo Ave just north of the future station and operates throughout Rayo Ave Blvd and Atlantic Ave These corridors serve as the the city of Cudahy. South Gate’s GATE Express Eastside Southern Ave Southern Ave 200 - above

Hunt Ave Hunt Ave GW

city’s main arterials exceeding four lanes in many Route also serves the station area along Firestone Blvd. Hildreth Ave Hildreth Ave Kau man Ave

Kau man Ave Annetta Ave segments and at times reaching eight lanes. Currently, Missouri Ave Annetta Ave The three Metro bus lines operating along Firestone Missouri Ave 0 0.25 0.5 Source: City of South Gate 0 0.25 0.5 ¯ Source: LACMTA; City of South Gate Firestone Blvd experiences an average daily traffic ¯ Blvd and Atlantic Ave generate a combined ridership of Miles *Note: Ridership Data for November 2012 Miles General Plan 2006 Figure 3.40 Firestone/Atlantic Station Area - Existing Street Access Figure 3.41 Firestone/Atlantic Station Area - Existing Transit Access and Ridership Patterns


1,830 daily passengers at bus stops in this intersection; Firestone and Atlantic 1 Elizabeth St CENTRAL ORGANIZING FEATURE. the majority produced by line 115. Station Area: Organize the proposed development around a Road Classi cation central transit plaza and open space amenity. With implementation of WSAB Transit Corridor rail Santa Ana St Proposed WSAB Transit service, the future Firestone and Atlantic Station would Wilcox Ave Corridor attract a high level of ridership, including new riders Proposed Station Location 2 CONNECT TO CUDAHY. who currently do not use transit. The initial ridership City of Cudahy Provide a new pedestrian and bike connection 1

analysis prepared as part of the Pacific Electric Right Atlantic Ave City of South Gate to Cecilia St to provide transit access to Cudahy of Way/West Santa Ana Branch Corridor Alternative Cecelia St City Boundaries residents. 2 Analysis Study showed the Atlantic and Firestone Station Area Plan Salt Lake Ave station as being the 3rd busiest station in Los Angeles Azalea Regional Shopping 3 Center CLUSTER RESIDENTIAL AWAY FROM County. Only Union Station and the Metro Green Line FIRESTONE AND ATLANTIC. transfer station were estimated to have higher ridership Patata St Existing and Proposed Bicycle Facilities Develop TOD opportunity parcels, but cluster in 2035 after several years in operation. residential units away from Firestone and 4 Bike Path (Class I) Atlantic Blvd - the station area’s busiest 3 Bike Lane (Class II) BICYCLE AND PEDESTRIAN ACCESS Proposed Bike Path (Class I) industrial corridors.

Firestone Blvd Proposed Bike Lane (Class II) The City of South Gate has limited existing bicycle ¨¦§710 Proposed Bike Route 4 infrastructure, but has ambitious plans to extend the (Class III) COMPLEMENT RETAIL AT AZALEA. Complement St. retail at the Azalea Center across existing network throughout the city. Currently, the Los Angeles River Atlantic Ave Firestone Blvd the St. by programming active, ground floor Los Angeles River Class I Bike Path crosses the city Bryson Ave Burke St

Dudlext Ave

Vossler Ave commercial uses along Atlantic Ave on the east side traveling as far south as Long Beach. Southern Ave 1 In efforts to increase safety, support bicycling and /2 M i promote healthy lifestyles, the city has prepared a le Southern Ave 5 IMPROVE PEDESTRIAN LINKAGES. 5 Draft Bicycle Transportation Plan identifying goals, and Dorothy Ave Improve pedestrian linkages (via public realm Duane Ave 5 implementation strategies to expand its existing bicycle Rayo Ave improvements) beyond the station area to infrastructure. Class I Bike Paths are proposed along Southern Ave adjacent neighborhoods. the San Pedro Subdivision (the future WSAB transit Hunt Ave Hildreth Ave

Kau man Ave corridor) and Patata St, with Class II Bike Lanes along Missouri Ave Annetta Ave 0 0.25 0.5 ¯ Firestone Blvd, and Class III Bike Routes along Atlantic Miles Ave and Hildreth Ave. Figure 3.42 Firestone/Atlantic Station Area Existing Proposed Bicycle Facilities Figure 3.43 Firestone/Atlantic Station Area - Sketch Diagram

58 West Santa Ana Branch Transit Corridor STATION AREA DESIGN CONCEPTS Chapter 3: STATION AREA DESIGN CONCEPTS 59 Station architecture can be iconic and unique to each community, representing a prominent arrival space for transit riders. In this scenario, 3.4.3 STATION AREA DESIGN CONCEPTS retail is tucked underneath the elevated rail line above. Transit plaza should welcome pedestrians from Firestone and Atlantic FIRESTONE/ATLANTIC, and establish a clear access path to the station. ile radius (5-minute FIRESTONE/ATLANTIC, 1/4 m walk) ALTERNATIVE A: ELEVATED RAIL WITH RETAIL BELOW ALTERNATIVE A: ELEVATED RAIL WITH RETAIL BELOW

To mitigate against potentially unsafe traffic impacts along Firestone Ave, an elevated station platform is Park & Ride arguably the best solution for the Firestone and Atlantic parking structure New multi-family New multi-family residential with active, Station. From an urban design perspective, en elevated residential with active, ground floor retail below Provide a pedestrian and bike ground floor retail below station platform may make it more difficult to “activate” connection to Cudahy residents. the ground floor level, since transit riders arriving/ departing from the station are removed this level. Instead of letting the ground floor level give way to Central “paseo” and central park connects pedestrians throughout unusable, empty space, it is important to program it with new development. active uses, (i.e. retail), and allow it to become part of a Atlantic Blvd “Park & Ride” parking structure. larger public space to be used by other visitors. Retail tucked underneath rail line. Prominent transit plaza.

In this alternative, retail and other ancillary uses Auto and bus drop-off zone. New office with active, New office with active, (ticketing booth, transit office) are tucked below the ground floor retail below ground floor retail below elevated station platform (see Chapter 3.1.4), and help Active ground floor retail with office above fronting Firestone. to frame a large central transit plaza that welcomes pedestrians, bicyclists, and motorists (via a drop-off Firestone Ave zone). The plaza can play home to farmers markets, Atlantic Blvd etc. Commercial uses (office and retail) line the edges of Firestone and Atlantic, which are heavily trafficked, and at the same time compliments the Azalea Shopping Center across the street. Multi-family residential uses are located interior to the parcel and are organized around a central green/open space paseo, which also serves as a direct access connection to Cudahy in the N northeast. 1/4 mile (5-min walk) Figure 3.44 - Conceptual sketch plan of the 1/4-mile radius station area at Firestone/Atlantic Figure3.45 - Conceptual rendering looking north and Firestone and Atlantic Existing Conditions


Like Alternative A, this alternative also places In this alternative, retail and other commercial uses along Firestone and Atlantic, while ancillary uses (i.e. cafes, transit offices, residential uses are located interior to the parcel, all ticketing booth, etc). can be tucked organized around a central green/open space paseo. underneath the elevated rail line above. Provide a pedestrian and bike In this case, the elevated station platform straddles connection to Cudahy residents. This helps to activate the ground floor a street below (see Chapter 3.1.3), allowing cars to even though the rail is elevated above. maneuver underneath the rail line. Transit riders can access the elevated platform from side stairs or Central “paseo” and central park connects pedestrians throughout elevators from the ground level. new development.

Atlantic Blvd “Park & Ride” parking structure. Prominent transit plaza. Elevated rail line straddles St.. Auto and bus drop-off zone.

Active ground floor retail with office above fronting Firestone.

Firestone Ave

N 1/4 mile (5-min walk) Figure 3.46 - Conceptual sketch plan of the 1/4-mile radius station area at Firestone/Atlantic Existing Conditions Figure 3.47 - Conceptual sketch vignette looking southeast along Firestone/Atlantic Station

62 West Santa Ana Branch Transit Corridor STATION AREA DESIGN CONCEPTS Chapter 3: STATION AREA DESIGN CONCEPTS 63 ile radius (5-minute FIRESTONE/ATLANTIC, 1/4 m walk) FIRESTONE/ATLANTIC, ALTERNATIVE C: ALTERNATIVE C: BUILDING INTEGRATED ELEVATED RAIL BUILDING INTEGRATED ELEVATED RAIL Like Alternative A, this alternative also places commercial uses along Firestone and Atlantic, while In this alternative, the elevated station residential uses are located interior to the parcel, all platform is integrated into the second organized around a central green/open space paseo. Provide a pedestrian and bike story of a building. While ground floor In this case, the elevated station platform is integrated connection to Cudahy residents. spaces are occupied by retail and other into the second story of a building (see Chapter 3.1.5) commercial uses, the second story into one seamless system. While ground floor spaces becomes the station platform. are occupied by retail and other commercial uses, the Central “paseo” and central park connects pedestrians throughout second story becomes the station platform. Floors new development. above beyond the station platform can be occupied by Atlantic Blvd “Park & Ride” parking structure. offices or residential. Prominent transit plaza. Building-integrated rail. Auto and bus drop-off zone.

Active ground floor retail with office above fronting Firestone.

Firestone Ave

N 1/4 mile (5-min walk) Figure 3.48 - Conceptual sketch plan of the 1/4-mile radius station area at Firestone/Atlantic Existing Conditions Figure 3.49 - Conceptual sketch vignette looking southeast along Firestone Ave.


California region. Historically, Downey has served as a 2012, with approximately 33,990 households and an THE STATION AREA Gardendale Station Area: major employment destination to the region. Previously average household size of 3.3 residents, slightly larger Imperial Hwy Context a major location for aerospace manufacturing, Downey than the county average. The city’s household median The Gardendale St Station proposed for the West housed the former NASA Industrial Plant which income increased between 2000 and 2012 by $11,000, Proposed WSAB Transit Santa Ana Branch Transit Corridor project is located Old River School Rd Corridor produced components for various aerospace programs. and is 4% higher than the county average. The share of within the Ports-owned, UPRR-operated San Pedro Proposed Station Location With the reduction in aerospace manufacturing home ownership decreased by approximately 2% to 50% Subdivision right-of-way (ROW) which runs through City of Downey throughout Southern California, Downey has developed and is comparable to the county ownership rate of 54%. City of South Gate the southwestern corner of Downey. The future station Rives Ave and implemented significant projects to expand and Downey’s housing stock is primarily single-family (61%) presents an opportunity to provide convenient access City Boundaries regenerate its local economy and increase employment with a significant amount of multi-family housing with ¨¦§710 for future Los Angeles County employees traveling to Rancho Los Amigos Campus opportunities throughout the city. five units or more (33%). Gardendale St Plan (Los Angeles County) the planned Rancho Los Amigos National Rehabilitation County of Los Angeles Center South Campus Plan to accommodate In 2012, Downey’s population was 112,000 – an In 2012, the total jobs in the city numbered 39,150 – a Property approximately 4,000 new jobs. approximate increase of 5,000 residents from 107,000 decrease of 6% from 2007, but an increase over 2010 Metro Green Line/Station in 2000. While the city’s population increased, the total job numbers. Currently, the top three employers for Los Angeles River Freeway On/O Ramp The City of Downey’s 2011 General Plan Annual Report number of households in Downey, and their average Downey residents are education, professional, and identifies a number of future development projects and size, remained relatively constant between 2000 and retail. Education employment, which includes health plans that are underway throughout the city. While Gar eld Ave care, increased from 23% in 2007 to 26% in 2012, as did

many of the projects are not directly located in the 1 / employment in the leisure category (from 9.1% to 9.8%). 2 proposed Gardendale St station area, they represent m i The remaining three employers remained consistent le the city’s ambitious economic development plans. (retail) or declined (professional and finance). CITY OF DOWNEY Representative development projects include Downey’s Figure 3.50 - Map of Station Area in the context of the City purchase of the former 66-acre NASA Industrial Plant In 2010, the city of Los Angeles was by far the top and its development into Downey Landing, Downey employment destination for Downey residents – Main St Studios, a new Kaiser Downey Medical facility, the CITY OF DOWNEY attracting more than 20% of the city’s residents. Columbia Memorial Space Science Learning Center, Century Blvd Paramount Blvd Downey was the 2nd highest job destination followed CITY OF PARAMOUNT MAJOR EMPLOYMENT CENTER and Discovery Sports Park. Other plans currently CITY OF SOUTH GATE by Long Beach, Santa Fe Springs, and Commerce. CITY OF PARAMOUNT under construction in the city’s downtown area include The City of Downey, located in southeastern Los Angeles The primary work travel mode was by automobile – Downey Gateway, a major retail center and a 50-unit Gar eld Ave predominantly by single occupant automobile, which County, is approximately bounded by the I-5, I-710, affordable housing complex. ¨¦§105 I-105, and I-605. These freeways provide direct access increased from 77% in 2000 to 82% in 2012, with a Downey Ave to the city and link Downey to the rest of the Southern corresponding decrease in carpooling from 17% to 13%. 0 0.25 0.5 ¯ Miles Figure 3.51 - Existing rail line and industrial uses Figure 3.52 Gardendale Station Area Context

66 West Santa Ana Branch Transit Corridor STATION AREA DESIGN CONCEPTS Chapter 3: STATION AREA DESIGN CONCEPTS 67 The future station is bounded by 212.5 acres owned by LAND USE Gardendale Station Area: Gardendale Station Area: Los Angeles County for the Rancho Los Amigos National Current Land Uses Imperial Hwy Community Plans Imperial Hwy Rehabilitation Center. The site is bounded by Quill Drive Today, the station area is predominately characterized Proposed WSAB Transit on the north, Rives Ave on the east, Gardendale St. on Proposed WSAB Transit Old River School Rd Corridor by commercial manufacturing uses to the north and Old River School Rd Corridor the south, and just east of Garfield Ave on the west. northeast, industrial land uses to the north and south Proposed Station Location Proposed Station Location Imperial Highway, a major east-west artery, bisects the along the rail corridor ROW, and single-family residential City of Downey City of Downey property creating distinct North and South campuses. A City of South Gate neighborhoods to the south. The future Gardendale City of South Gate Rives Ave Rives Ave master plan of the property proposes improvements to St station area is located in the cities of Downey and City Boundaries City Boundaries ¨¦§710 the existing medical facilities for the North Campus and ¨¦§710 South Gate. Both cities, along with Los Angeles County, Rancho Los Amigos Campus County of Los Angeles Plan development of a new South Campus to accommodate Gardendale St Property have identified development and revitalization plans to Gardendale St County of Los Angeles County administrative facilities. Metro Green Line/Station support creation of higher-density, mixed-use land uses. Property Freeway On/O Ramp Metro Green Line/Station A major portion of the proposed Gardendale St station

The City of Downey has identified the following relevant Los Angeles River Community Plans Los Angeles River area is located within the City of South Gate, which has goals and policies in its General Plan: Current Land Uses Rancho Los Amigos Campus proposed land use policies in its latest general plan Plan Commercial specific to the station area. South Gate has identified Gar eld Ave Imperial Industrial • Promote mixed-use developments with housing on Gar eld Ave Mixed-Use three community district plans within the area that District the same site or in proximity to commercial services Parks/Open Space 1 1 Hollydale Industrial / aim at supporting employment generation, commercial / 2 2 Public District to reduce the need for trips by vehicles (Land Use m m i l development, and increasing housing density. Directly i Policy 1.2.1 – Program e Low Density Residential le Gareld Corridor Boundaries CITY OF DOWNEY CITY OF DOWNEY south of the proposed station, the city has identified land CITY OF SOUTH GATE CITY OF SOUTH GATE Med-High Density CITY OF PARAMOUNT CITY OF PARAMOUNT Residential uses adjacent to the ROW as the “Hollydale Industrial • Capitalize on the regional draw generated by Main St District” to promotes light industrial/flex uses, allowing Stonewood Mall, Downey Landing Site, and other Industrial a mix of industrial, office, and retail within the same Main St regional-oriented land uses (Economic Development Commercial Manufacturing building. South along Garfield Ave, called the “Garfield Paramount Blvd Policy 9.1.2 – Program Century Blvd Paramount Blvd Century Blvd CITY OF PARAMOUNT CITY OF PARAMOUNT Corridor,” South Gate has proposed policies to support the development of a “main street” corridor with a • Promote multi-modal improvements strategies variety of retail and housing options. The “Imperial

Gar eld Ave

to improve the regional transportation network by Gar eld Ave Industrial District” northwest of the station area, coordinating with Caltrans, MTA, SCAG, Gateway ¨¦§105 ¨¦§105 encompassing the intersection of Imperial Highway and Cities COG and other agencies (Circulation Element Downey Ave 0 0.25 0.5 Source: SCAG 2008 Land Use, City of Garfield Ave, proposes a mixed-use district with housing 0 0.25 0.5 ¯ Source: City of South Gate, ¯ Downey General Plan 2005 Miles Policy 2.4.1 – Program Miles General Plan 2006 Figure 3.53 Gardendale Station Area Existing Land Uses Figure 3.54 Gardendale Station Area - Existing Land Use Plans

68 West Santa Ana Branch Transit Corridor STATION AREA DESIGN CONCEPTS Chapter 3: STATION AREA DESIGN CONCEPTS 69 and retail that promotes job growth through the creation staff with new office space for approximately 4,000 AUTOMOBILE ACCESS Gardendale Station Area: of research and development, office, manufacturing, and employees. Existing County uses include the Los Imperial Hwy Highway System flex industrial land uses. Angeles County Data Center, Sheriff’s Crime Lab, Office Residents, employees, and visitors have direct access of Public Safety, ISD Management Warehouse, Public Proposed WSAB Transit to and from Downey via the I-710, I-5, I-605, and I-105 Old River School Rd Corridor Health Lab, and storage for the Department of Health RANCHO LOS AMIGOS CAMPUS freeways. Several of Downey’s major corridors provide Proposed Station Location Services and Public Defender. The future building access to and through the city and carry significant City of Downey program includes the following new and existing volumes of vehicular and truck traffic. In the station City of South Gate The Los Angeles County-owned Rancho Los Amigos Rives Ave improved land uses: Daycare Center, Restaurant, Retail, property has been active for more than 120 years. A area, Paramount Blvd, Garfield Ave, and Imperial City Boundaries Community Facilities, Commercial and County Office ¨¦§710 Rancho Los Amigos Campus Plan was developed for Highway serve as primary vehicular arterials. In 2011, Rancho Los Amigos Campus Uses, Flex Tech, and other Uses. Gardendale St Plan 123.5 acres, or approximately 60% of the county-owned Imperial Highway experienced an Average Daily Traffic County of Los Angeles property, based on two “project drivers”: (ADT) of 36,000 near the study area, while Gardendale Property The South Campus is envisioned as a low-scale, St carried 9,800 vehicles between Garfield Ave and Metro Green Line Station landscaped, multiple building County administrative Paramount Blvd. Garfield Ave accommodated 21,600 • The court mandate to retain and expand the Rancho Los Angeles River Freeway On/O Ramp campus. New office space will be organized around ADT, while Paramount Blvd had an ADT of 29,600 and Los Amigos National Rehabilitation Hospital. Road Classi cation courtyards and anchored by rehabilitated and adaptively Figure 3.55 - 3D conceptual rendering of the Rancho Los Amigos Main St. 4,100. Within this portion of Downey, Imperial Campus Plan. Source: ahbe.com Primary Arterial reused historic buildings. The South Campus will Highway, Old River School Road, Garfield Ave, and Gar eld Ave • The need to establish new county administrative Secondary Arterial provide employment opportunities, recreational space, Paramount Blvd also serve as truck routes. offices to replace aging and costly leased and owned 1 / Collector and commercial establishments for the residents of 2 facilities currently located throughout the county. m i Truck Route adjacent communities. In the future, with development of the County le The 49.4-acre North Campus Plan focuses on the administrative office space and the limited capacity of Projected parking requirements for these planned uses CITY OF SOUTH GATE CITY OF DOWNEY National Rehabilitation Center and creation of the four-lane Gardendale St, implementation of future CITY OF PARAMOUNT total 9,415 spaces. It should be noted that the identified supporting commercial uses, while the 74.1-acre rail transit service and provision of a Gardendale St parking requirements do not reflect provision of future Main St South Campus plan emphasizes provision of County Station could provide an important transportation LRT service. Two planned nine-level parking structures administrative offices. The remaining 40% of the alternative for the anticipated 4,000 employees that will Century Blvd Paramount Blvd will provide 9,520 spaces immediately adjacent to CITY OF PARAMOUNT site not included in the Campus Plan house the commute to the new County facilities. the planned LRT station. There may be an opportunity Downey Courthouse, the Los Angeles County Library to reconsider the plan’s parking requirements with Administrative Building, and the Rancho Business Park. Gar eld Ave future implementation of a LRT system, along with the TRANSIT ACCESS The South Campus portion of the plan is located to the ¨¦§105 possibility of reallocating some of the planned parking east of the future Gardendale St station, and is planned The City of Downey is well-served by a combination Downey Ave for LRT patrons. Figure 3.56 - Conceptual site plan of the South Campus, Rancho Los 0 0.25 0.5 ¯ Source: City of Downey, General Plan 2005; as a major employment center for County administrative Amigos Master Plan. Source: Gensler of transit options including bus, light rail, and a city- Miles Deptartment of Public Works Figure 3.57 Gardendale Station Area Existing Street Access

70 West Santa Ana Branch Transit Corridor STATION AREA DESIGN CONCEPTS Chapter 3: STATION AREA DESIGN CONCEPTS 71 operated circulator – Downey Link. Metro local bus Gardendale Station Area: service operates along many of the major north-south The intersection at Garfield Ave and Imperial Highway, 117 Imperial Hwy Transit Ridership and east-west corridors throughout the city. Downey just north of the station area, has the busiest bus Link service, operating out of the city’s transit center Proposed WSAB Transit ridership. Served by Metro Lines 117, 258, and 120, the 258 Old River School Rd Corridor intersection has a combined ridership of approximately near Downey Ave and Firestone Blvd, runs four lines Proposed Station Location 300 riders per day. The second busiest bus stop, at with one line operating through each city quadrant – City of Downey the Northwest, Northeast, Southwest, and Southeast Rancho Los Amigos served by Metro Line 117, has over 120 City of South Gate Rives Ave 230 passengers daily. lines. Along the southern portion of the city, the Metro City Boundaries ¨¦§710 SW Green Line links Downey at the Lakewood Station to the Rancho Los Amigos Campus Metro Rail system. A new Metro Green Line station is Gardendale St Plan The proposed Gardendale St Station would increase proposed south of the Gardendale St Station to provide County of Los Angeles transit activity in the area, and provide a new, faster Property West Santa Ana Branch Transit Corridor passengers transportation option for residents and future County Freeway On/O Ramp with a transfer to the Metro Green Line. employees. The initial rail corridor ridership analysis, Los Angeles River Transit Facilities prepared as part of the Pacific Electric Right of Way/ While the city is well-served by transit, the future station Metro Green Line/Station West Santa Ana Branch Corridor Alternatives Analysis Metro Local Bus Line Study, identified the future Gardendale St Station

area has minimal transit service with a single Metro bus Gar eld Ave line operating to the west on Garfield Ave reflecting the Metro Express Bus Line as attracting and serving approximately 1,300 daily 1 Downey Link Southwest / 258 current lack of high-density station area development – 2 passengers with a majority of riders (69%) using the m Route i l system for work trip purposes. The AA Study ridership industrial to the north and west, single family housing e Metro Local Bus Stop CITY OF DOWNEY analysis was based on the station area’s existing land to the south, and the largely vacant Rancho Los Amigos CITY OF SOUTH GATE Weekday Bus Boardings and Alightings* South Campus to the east. The closest bus stop to the CITY OF PARAMOUNT 1 - 49 uses and did not consider future development plans. proposed station location is located approximately a 1/4 Main St With future implementation of the Rancho Los Amigos 50 - 100 mile to the west at the intersection of Garfield Ave and South Campus Plan and the City of South Gate’s surrounding land use proposals along Garfield Ave, Gardendale St. Metro Line 258 serves Garfield Ave and Paramount Blvd

CITY OF PARAMOUNT 101 - 199 carries approximately 2,000 daily passengers. North Century Blvd 265 Imperial Highway, and in the Hollydale community, this of the station area, Metro Lines 117 and 120 operating station has the potential to attract significantly more on Imperial Highway serve 9,800 and 4,500 daily riders. Future analytical work will update the ridership

Gar eld Ave passengers, respectively. Downey Link’s Southwest Line 200 and above projections to reflect evolving station area development 460 ¨¦§105 operates west along Imperial Highway and north onto and changes to the station area’s bus and city circulator Downey Ave Rives Ave connecting passengers with the Rancho Los 0 0.25 0.5 ¯ Source: LACMTA; City of Downey services to serve the new station and station area Miles *Note: Ridership Data for June 2013 Amigos North Campus. development. Figure 3.59 - Gardendale Station area context Figure 3.58 Gardendale Station Area Existing Transit and Ridership Patterns



Imperial Hwy Bicycle Facilities Develop TOD opportunity parcels by clustering

The City of Downey has made significant steps towards Proposed WSAB Transit high-density jobs directly adjacent to the station.

becoming a “healthy city.” From encouraging residents Old River School Rd Corridor 5 to exercise with the Mayor during his “Walking Proposed Station Location 2 4 Wednesdays” to joining Metro and Bike San Gabriel City of Downey CLUSTER RESIDENTIAL. Develop TOD opportunity parcels by clustering Valley in conducting Bicycle Safety Education courses, Rives Ave City of South Gate medium-density residential adjacent to the the city is moving forward with its resolution to “Create City Boundaries ¨¦§710 station. a Healthier Downey.” Rancho Los Amigos Campus 2 Gardendale St Plan 3 County of Los Angeles Currently, Downey has limited existing bicycle amenities Property 3 CONNECT TO NORTH CAMPUS. Improve pedestrian linkages to the Rancho Los and most are oriented to recreational use and are not Metro Green Line/Station located in the public ROW with Class I Bike Paths are Amigos North Campus. Los Angeles River Freeway On/O Ramp located along the Los Angeles River and Rio Hondo 1 to the west, and the San Gabriel River to the east. In Existing and Proposed 4 Bicycle Facilities EXTEND FLORES ST. efforts to promote a healthier community and reduce Gar eld Ave Bike Path (Class I) Improve overall site connectivity by extending traffic congestion, the city has pursued grants from 1 Flores St. to Garfield Ave / Proposed Bike Path (Class I) 2 Caltrans to develop a citywide bicycle plan. The City of m i Proposed Bike Lane (Class II) South Gate has developed an extensive bicycle master le CITY OF DOWNEY Proposed Bike Route 5 IMPROVE PEDESTRIAN LINKAGES. plan in partnership with the Los Angeles County Bicycle (Class III) CITY OF PARAMOUNT Improve pedestrian linkages (via public realm 5 Coalition and has proposed several bicycle facilities Main St improvements) beyond the station area to near the Gardendale St station area. The South Gate adjacent neighborhoods. plan proposes: Class I Bike Paths along the rail corridor

ROW (San Pedro Subdivision) and along the periphery Century Blvd Paramount Blvd

CITY OF PARAMOUNT of Hollydale Park; Class II Bike Lanes along Garfield CITY OF SOUTH GATE 5 Ave and Gardendale St. west of Garfield Ave; and

Class III Bike Routes on Garfield Ave, Monroe Ave, and Gar eld Ave Gardendale St. east of Garfield Ave. ¨¦§105 Figure 3.61 Gardendale Station Area Sketch Diagram Downey Ave 0 0.25 0.5 ¯ Source: City of South Gate, Miles General Plan 2006 Figure 3.60 Gardendale Station Area Existing and Proposed Bicycle Facilities

74 West Santa Ana Branch Transit Corridor STATION AREA DESIGN CONCEPTS Chapter 3: STATION AREA DESIGN CONCEPTS 75 Create a prominent arrival/departure transit plaza serves as the “front door” to 3.5.3 STATION AREA DESIGN CONCEPTS the station area and the Rancho Los Amigos South Campus. Reconfigure the proposed South Campus’ parking garage layout to accommodate the station, a new auto-drop off zone, and a parking garage that can be shared between the station and the Campus. ile radius (5-minute AT GRADE RAIL 1/4 m walk) AT GRADE RAIL The Gardendale St. Station Area in the City of Downey can be developed in two phases: Extend Flores St. to intersect with Phase 1: Develop the East Side of the Tracks Garfield Ave • Allow the transit station to become central to a larger new development with a prominent arrival/ departure plaza that is visible and accessible from Cluster homes near the station, i.e. Garfield Ave Gardendale St.. This will serve as the Rancho Los TOD residential village. New medium-density multi- Shared Parking Garage Amigos South Campus’ new “front door.” family TOD residential village • Provide adequate pedestrian linkages to the Rancho Reconfigure the South Campus’ Proposed Rancho Los Amigos Los Amigos South Campus. South Campus Plan (being • Reconfigure the South Campus’ proposed parking proposed parking garage layout to updated by others). accommodate the new station. garage layout to accommodate the new station, an New ancillary uses (i.e. office, auto drop-off, and “Park & Ride” garage that can be Transit station is central to a larger retail, child-care) with active ground floor uses. shared by the Campus and the station. new development with a prominent • Provide St.-fronting ancillary uses (i.e. retail, child- Gardendale St arrival/departure plaza. care, office) that will activate Gardendale St. and New ancillary uses (i.e. office, retail, child-care) with active provide transit users with amenities before/after Proposed Rancho Los Amigos ground floor uses. boarding the train. South Campus Plan (being updated by others). Gardendale St. Phase 2: Develop the West Side of the Tracks • Extend Flores St. (it currently dead-ends before the rail tracks) to intersect Garfield Ave This provides an additional means of access to/from the Campus. • Cluster homes adjacent to the station. Develop the LA County Public Works parcel into a TOD residential village of 2-3 story townhouses, row-homes, condos. • Provide additional ancillary uses that front Gardendale St. on the west side of the tracks. N 1/4 mile (5-min walk) Figure 3.62 - Conceptual sketch plan of the 1/4-mile radius station area at Gardendale Station Figure 3.63 - Conceptual rendering looking northwest at Gardendale Station Existing Conditions


Providing land for a future rail station and related station area development will:

• Demonstrate the County’s commitment to the successful development of the Rancho Los Amigos South Campus. • Make the South Campus an easy to access local and regional destination. • Support the feasibility and desirability of developing the South Campus by -- This page is intentionally left blank. -- providing visible “front door” access. • Provide space for amenities to serve future South Campus employees and station area residents. • Make the South Campus an attractive location for future County employees and developers.

In the future, the station and amenities will:

• Support the South Campus as a mixed- used regional employment center. • Provide an alternative to car-only access to the South Campus for approximately 4,000 anticipated future employees. • Reduce parking requirements for future South Campus development. Figure 3.64 - Conceptual sketch vignette looking northwest along Gardendale Station

Existing Conditions

78 West Santa Ana Branch Transit Corridor STATION AREA DESIGN CONCEPTS Chapter 3: STATION AREA DESIGN CONCEPTS 79 NEXT STEPS & “Station area planning will ensure the rail system 4 investment serves as a community-driven catalyst IMPLEMENTATION for creation of economically strong residential 4 .1 IMPLEMENTATION STRATEGIES neighborhoods and business districts.”


ile radius (5-minute 1/4 m walk) The WSAB Corridor stretches from Union Station The visioning and planning for future station areas revenue sources, and the first phase of recommended SHORT-TERM OPPORTUNITIES in downtown Los Angeles southeast to the city of offers an opportunity to focus private real estate economic strategies to attract private investment. The The WSAB Corridor is a unique corridor with unique Artesia. This densely developed Corridor faces development and local public investment to serve implementation strategy will be updated over time as short- and long-term opportunities. With operation economic challenges, while conversely offering each city. With adoption of supportive zoning and projects are implemented based on changing Corridor of the first segment of the rail line not planned until economic opportunities if planned for in an integrated development policies, and the use of economic market and economic conditions and lessons learned as approximately 2027 and the full system by 2034 based and sustainable way. Today and in the future, the development incentives, Corridor cities can encourage public infrastructure and private projects are completed. on current Metro plans, there may be opportunities Corridor is home to approximately one-third of Los and facilitate private investment in station area transit

for more immediate projects to set the stage for Garfield Ave Angeles County’s jobs and population. While still the oriented development (TOD) providing needed multi- the success of future station area development. For manufacturing heart of Southern California, the Corridor family housing, retail, commercial, public, and cultural example, an international soccer organization is looking TOD residential village (i.e. townhomes, condos, etc). lost more than 400,000 jobs between 1990 and 2010. uses. for land to build facilities to encourage development This on-going loss of businesses and jobs has had of future soccer players and fans. The WSAB Corridor Shared parking structure a significant impact on the Corridor’s communities While station area planning is traditionally done by each offers a unique opportunity to meet their needs through resulting in high unemployment and a high number of city through development of individual station area development of soccer facilities at the four future 5,000 seat soccer stadium low-income households. plans, the WSAB Corridor offers the unique opportunity station areas studied in this effort. The proposed for a new vision – creation of a Transit Oriented New transit station, plaza, and “Soccer Village” corridor concept could include: stadium forecourt Even with these economic challenges, the WSAB Development Corridor with all of the cities working Gardendale St • Soccer fields, stadiums, and facilities located in the Entertainment, food, retail Corridor remains an untapped economic powerhouse together to create and market a unique Corridor, while Florence and Gardendale station areas. Figure 4.1 with more residents than the city of San Diego – celebrating each city’s unique role and vision. presents a conceptual sketch plan of how soccer Hotel California’s third largest city. The current Corridor Figure 4.1 - Florence Station Area housing facilities could fit with future Rancho Los Amigos population is approximately 2.3 million people – one A WSAB Corridor Strategic Implementation Strategy South Campus plans and future multi-family housing Medical facility, community center million more than live in San Diego. This untapped should be developed identifying land use and economic located on current county facility land. Figure 4.2 economic power is demonstrated by the success of development strategies to provide a foundation shows improved public access to new soccer fields the Azalea regional shopping center – located adjacent for Corridor cities to leverage their future transit proposed at Salt Lake Park in the Florence station to the future Atlantic/Firestone Station in South Gate. investment. The phased plan could address both area. Measure M funding for a rail system connecting the individual city and Corridor level strategies. • Hotel, retail, and restaurants located in the WSAB Corridor cities with each other and with the The implementation strategy would incorporate land Firestone/Atlantic station area. region can serve to focus economic opportunities use and policy recommendations, corridor-wide • Entertainment and restaurants developed in the throughout the Corridor. organizational options, public infrastructure needs Pacific/Randolph station area and along Pacific and a range of funding required, possible funding and Boulevard. N 1/4 mile (5-min walk) Figure 4.2 - Conceptual sketch plan of the 1/4-mile radius station area at Gardendale Station assuming integration with a future soccer village/”Healthy Sports Campus”

82 West Santa Ana Branch Transit Corridor STATION AREA DESIGN CONCEPTS Chapter 4: NEXT STEPS/IMPLEMENTATION 83 ile radius (5-minute 1/4 m walk) LONG-TERM STRATEGIES organization has provided for: clear, efficient 4. Strategy to Secure Funding from Other Sources The biggest challenge that every development plan decision-making in coordinating public and private – Other funding could come from public sources, faces as it moves from planning to construction is sector efforts; and the political and financial ability which are highly competitive and subject to changing developing and following a feasible implementation to secure the depth of project funding and financing political and market conditions. Rather than action plan prepared based on the understanding that resources required to secure private development individual cities pursuing state funding requests, the plan will be implemented by multiple stakeholders investment. The WSAB Corridor has an existing JPA the Corridor cities or JPA could use their integrated over an extended timeframe. A viable implementation and which, with city agreements to revise its role, political strength to deliver funding for Corridor- strategy should be framed by the actions taken in four could become an organization capable of attracting wide needs. On the private sector side, developers key areas. Soccer fields and guiding Corridor TOD development and public should be involved throughout the planning process infrastructure improvements. to incorporate their input and groom their interest in 1. Land Use Plans and Policies – Develop and adopt future station area projects. city development plans, policies, and processes to 3. Committed Funding Stream – A long-term revenue Florence Ave stream will be required to fund large scale public provide a strong, predictable framework for future Community Center station area development. The focus of these efforts infrastructure projects that may be beyond the Hotel should be to incentivize development in the WSAB funding capacity of a single city. Currently, needed Corridor by making it easier to develop in future Transit station and plaza revenue resources are proposed to be provided station areas. Other incentives that would attract Transit-oriented development through formation of Enhanced Infrastructure Financing Districts (EIFDs). EIFD formation could developers include environmental clearance of the California Ave offer the ability to generate a long-term funding station area plans and a city commitment to a 30 day Salt Lake Ave review and approval of development plans designed stream for public infrastructure to provide transit- to meet adopted plans and policies. and pedestrian-friendly station area public realm improvements. Fourteen Corridor cities, with 2. Implementation Authority – Organizational varied city size and funding capabilities, will be agreements can ensure the successful funding challenged to secure individual EIFD agreements and development of the rail system, station area with Los Angeles County, but with a JPA and development plans, and public infrastructure Supervisorial support, a Corridor-wide EIFD could be improvements over an anticipated 25 years plus accomplished. timeframe. In other transit and land use projects,

formation of a project-specific implementing N 1/4 mile (5-min walk) Figure 4.3 - Conceptual sketch plan of the 1/4-mile radius station area at Florence Station, assuming integration with a future soccer village/”Healthy Sports Campus”

84 West Santa Ana Branch Transit Corridor STATION AREA DESIGN CONCEPTS Chapter 4: NEXT STEPS/IMPLEMENTATION 85