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TffX 3THJI VTAHDAKD STANDA9.lt THE CONSTITUTION SOOTBERtf . carrier «cUvery, 13 crmta weekly, Vol. XLVL—No. 164. ATLANTA, GA., WEDNESDAY MQRNIN0, NOVEMBER 26, 1913.—EIGHTEEN PAGES. at «ewm»t«»> of the Chicago, Indianapolis and a. stroke of apoplexy he suffered a few louncement ot Dr Edgai Hverhart, a Louisville railway, tin3 Monon Route, inspection over the sv stern vvitn hours before lie did not regain con- ot which the Southern is part owner tate chemist, that poison in quanti- §nembers of th** board of duectois Mi Haiii^on is still a director of the sciousness after he was%tiiclven ies sufficient to poison a half hUn- Mr 13merson attendee! In his Plu "Southern jailv.aj company and of a Mr Finlej s famil>, friends and as- dred people had been discovered In lician and fiienels i tic lied \\i1tiina- ntimbei of thp affili ited companies sociates were wholly unprepared foi .he food eaten by the family |on at an earl\ hour thi, morning on lie is a piactical railway man, though his sudden death Scarcely past the 'Hazlehurst officials who wiil piose- special train fiom tin south 'end ,L la"H^ei, and h *s had much experience prime of life, he was vigorous and en- ute the prisoner have been notified 'of in financial atfans Mr Harrison Is i hile it was, announc i rl during Pie day ergetic, and seemingly in the best of he discoveiy. Dr. Everhart stated to a Vnginian lilt, father having been 111,it his condition vvas improved the i' the pin ate secretary of Jefferson Da.- health, until a moment before he was a reporter for The Constitution last |ame a turn for the vv orse ind lie di il \is, thioughout the das s of the con- felled b^ the stroke He passed yester- night that strychnine had been found 11 o'clock tonight ftJfiacy 1'iancis Burton Harrison, day evening quietly with his family, n both the flour and biscuits which 1 Taken Til In <7corKin. for me i .New i'o'-k congressman and and retired apparently in the best Ursery Is suspected of having poi- Mr Emerson was taken ill sundiv ie^ently appointed governor general of physical and mental condition loijed. It Uupont, Ga , while on in HIM t tion the Philippines, is nis brother Fell Into Wi(e>m Arms. Dr W II Girtman, a Hazlehuist loui of the i oacl of which he vv if pi<<- < onpnian a Feasibility. When he arose about 7 o'clock this physician, who attended the family of |ent He was take n to Maviioss, da Ilie po^sibilit\ of the elevation of moining, he cabiiallv observed to Mrs. Ursery's father-in-law during their dav night, and snent Monti u 1111- \ite PLCbLdent and General "Vlanager Finlej that he had a feeling of slight mysterious illneis that resulted in the IPI the care oL physiiians in i hospual 1, H Coapman to the oresidency was oppresbion in his head She left the husband's arrest, >came to Atlanta Ibei e Last lUrjht he vv is uipuently albo discussed Mr Coipman has made room for a. moment to obtain some mild Tuesday morning: with the flour and lunch bcttei, and was t ik n ttmud a i splendid refold w^fli the Southern remedy "When she returned he was biscuit's. He held a conference with Ipeeiai ttam tor A\ ilmin^ton \ and is known as one of the best opera- leaning over a dresser with his head Dr. .Everhart, in which he produced ting men in the countrv and the pos- IicUiied rfuise ami T, [jfnsiciin he uoulcl siucei-J Mr .Tinier as presi- Aid was summoned and the familj Ursery had purchased an amount of Mi n.neisoti v^as ele t< d p si<,I( n E (1( nirffih. (ompanion rumoi having gain- If the- UUuitu Coast Line, < \j,\ • t it s ed IfflKiiLV to the effect that Mr Fln- physician called It was evident that strychnine. \30 le> n it, to letite f i om active work as Mr Finlej was suffeiing fiom a stroke Weir Analysis Today. 1 piesident ami become chairman of the of apoplex}, and everv effort was made Dr Everhart will make a, quantity Of th* Construe* 1\ e 'INpc. board, co that he might ret*ain direc- lie lose to the* picsiilciit v ol oiu of tion of the affairs of the company and to restore him to consc iousnesS At 1 50 analysis some time today in an en- C SOllUlS RleitCSt lallioiil SV sti Ills be relicieil of the strain ol the great o'elock this afternoon he passed awav, deavor to ascertain whether or not lorn the vtiv i inks b\ SIK cessive rnas<; of detailed ~uork which he in- with Mrs. Finley, three of his daugh- ;he amount of poison In the flour and E>s. first as i lei k in the Height of sisted on doing- as president. ters and his son at the bedside food was the same as that purchased pes, latei as chief cleik in the p sre ti- Fust "V ice Piesident A B \ndrews, er office, then £1 ne>i il fiei-cht 0.^1 nt 1 Associates Didn't Know. jy Ureery who it. o\ ei 70 veais of age, is unde -- Until the end, not even Mr Finley s Ursery's odae is attracting state- lid latei, until lulv, I'lO-, gem i j.' stood to have declined tlie presidency Vaffic manigei, being accounted at at the time of Mr .spencer s death and mobt intimate personal and business wide attention Shortly after his mai - |iat timo one of th-e best ti iffic nien to ha\ e used his Influence for the elef- associates knew that he had been riage to a beautiful and attractiv e the entire country lie liter bo- tion ot Hi F'mle'V and not eonsideied stricken Many of his peisonal friends daughter of Jesse G. Ross, a wealthv ime thud vice piesident e>t the svs- nmotig the possibilities, at it is not be- in railroad circles were in the cit^ at- farmer of Hazlehurst, Mr. Ross and his fem in ( hame of ti.iffii, inrl in Nov em- lieved that he T. ould considei at this' lei, 1905, he was elected president to tending rate hearings "before the inter- entire family were taken simultane- time taking up such a buidensome state commerce commission His only ously 111 with poisoning." An Investiga- lucceed the late R G Kiwln, of Sa- task. |annah, G-a son, W. "W. Finley, Jr. connected with tion was started A sack of flour, fi om He was of the constructive tv pe of Other Vames Mentioned. the traffic department of the Penn- the contents of which biscuits were iilwny presidents, iml e ricourafted the \ numbei of othei names hax e been made for the fatal meal, was s>cnt levelopment of the country through sylvania railroad at Newark, N J , was mentioned as possibilities, among them notified of his fathers condition, and to Dr. E\ erhart and resulted in the 1 Inch the svstem passed as the surest \ i< f Pres'-lent f M Gulp, H B Spen- |nd safest police of the load He wis cer and T C Powell, but it seems gen arrived at the house about fifteen min- poison discovery. Irominent soci i 1\ a Mason of hiijh utes before the death Witnesses were found who teslilied erallv admitteu that the most piobable (.Copyright Davis Jt Sanclford Co New T ork from Underwood & T7nd«rwood.) pr> and too v .in active intenst in t>elict.K>n is Mi Harrison In \ te\v of iMr Finley is survived bv Mi fc Pin- to strangre actions of Uisery during life of the community in wbich lie the tiaditional police of the Solithern ley, Misses Lottie V, Lillie D, Leonoia 1 hib photograph of Mr and Mrs. Francis B. 'Sayre, as they appeared before the wedding Tues- lived the illness of his wife's fstnllj Ho to Till all \ancancics bv tlie promotion and Celestine Finley anel bis son Miss day. \\as taken by direction of Mrs. V\ oodrow Wilson. Mrs. Sayre was the former MibS Jesfeie Wood- Born March J' 1S">1 in Piebie conn of men alrt^nlv in the sei^ice and es- and his wife were tile only ones who |\, Ohio hi was, in thi si-vtv-thiul \ e ai Liottie was out of the citv, and could row Y\ ilson, second daughter of President and Mrs. Wilson. Mrs Sabre's wedding gown, as de- pecialH in ^ levv of the amount of good were not victims of the ipoisoii It was \t his ai,o He Hist intiied tlie i ail- not reach here before her father's scribed by the modistes, is made of lustrous white satin/softly draped and tfimmed with real lace, the tirnbei in tin pie=ent organization, it said that he Chad been seen acting sus- ^ av service as a clcik in the freight death is not beln v. ed that theie is a pot,si- folds being held in place with clusters of orange blossoms. The bodice is embroidered in orange blos- piciously In •vicinity of the new sack Jilfiecs at Hageibtown Ohio and in bilitv of the selection of an outside Kuueral Ne^t Kriilnv. flai ion. Inel betotmiifr liter chief som design, which outlines the open neck and extends down the side of the skirt. The sleeves are also of flour whioli later repealed the man The funeral services will be lield in ifht and ticket a^ri nt Tt Fort \\~ivne- stry-chnine St Johns Kpiscopal church this iltv. finished off with the same det-ign from which falls a deep frill of the lace. The tram is m the court lor the Muncie and Cincinnati rail- style, cut square A sti iking phase of the case 1-5 tho road. at 11 a m next Friday Burial will lojalty of ills girl wife, who strongl> ("note **outlt In IS75. be in Oakhil! cemetery The full length -veil, is of tulle The head arrangement is in the Dutch cap st} le, the same lace asserts belief In her husband's inno- Ho tvas latei genei il ti tveluie- pas- Mi Kinley had been apparently in being mtioduced as is, used on the gown. It is sprayed with orange blossoms. cence, despite the suspicion that Iwh se n^ci a^, nt ut tin LHttoit «incl Indt m is SWEPTgood health, and the fatal stroke tightened around him Slip visits him inapoiis Tbioui,!! line Hi came seuith frequently, and her lovalty to the siih- came without warning With bis fam- [in Janllai\ 1S75 .ind v\ ts ti st clerk pected man has made him many fcup«- the Geneial fit i^ht ciifict ot the ilv, he had recentlv returned fiom his porters JChai lotte, Columbia and VUf,ubta lail- BY DESTRUCTIVE FIRE country home at Warrenton, Va, and Miss Wilson and Mr. Dell Defends Client. |ioacl ni Columbia, S C leopened his town house in the capital S D Dell, a well-known attorney of Kiv e j fart, later he became cliief FEDERALS FLEEING Wav iiesboio Gi '•Tovpmbei IT—Fne Hazlehurst has been engaged as coun- IcIeiK 111 the eem i il fiei-;ht and p is- •sketch of W. W. Flnley. tii it staiteel in the liveiv stable of J sel for Ursei y He has stated that his |faenjjer clepaitmint ol tlie \tlmtie Mi Finley was horn on September 2 client Is merely a victim of an unfor- I'o'k Kinsr sho tlv aftei 11 o clock to- Wedded in the White House Coast Lane 111 A\ iluiin^too aelv IIH in^ J8~>J in Pass Chrisian, on the gulif tunate chain of circumstances, and that Ibucoetsiv el\ to issistant f,enei.il i s;ht clcstrovfd that prop* i tv and the his prosecutors will later "become coii- Ifreiglit at,ent itmunin^r continuouslv coast of Mississippi He was educated REBELS live stock, ICiO b>ale ^ of rotte>n on the \inced of his innocente He scouts the Jin tbe boi v u u of the \.tl intie Coast in the pnvate schools of Pass Chi is- v iul of 51 P Thomas 300 bales of eot- tian and grew to early manhood in the theoi> that his client had tried to [Line except foi a \cu spent at ftich- Scene in East Room One of poison his wife's relatives in oidei to Jmonel \a as assist t i, nei'il tuiRht' ton on the void of C W SiKinnei, atmospheie of this picturesque section m Miivoi Palmer s residence a cloven ne5- ef the south ^t the age of 20 he en- inherit then money and pasbengei !„< nt ol the CUebapeake | Rare Brilliancy Touched Dr lOveihart. In talking with a Con- j and Ohio Ttiilvv n In Isxj he^ became j io housts and Ins tpiead to the real teied the rulroad set vice as a stenog AREINJOTPURSUIT L stitution reporter last night, declared 1 laphei and by 1889 he had filled al- eiiil tuinht .uicl p issensei nesboio son, second daughter of the president eie and two bisttis iNu in Indiana, \t 2. 0 tht fire was unejer control Look for Thanksgiving port was not made known l—The riage late today at the white house Tht fune i il will be conducted Thuis- irig-s and no indication of a f m ther Constitution Classified Col- fore Coal Train. cho ifti i noon at ^ o clock irom St spread Five carloads of loaded car- federal forces which have engaged before a company of distinguished offl John's Episcopal chinch thib eit\ and tridges exploded, but noboeH was in- umns. General Francisco Villa's rebel troop^ cials of the United States government Weather Prophecy tbe inteimtnt will bi in the tamily lot Fat turkeys, tender and near Tlerra Blanca for the last two members of the diplomatic corps, clos in the Oakdale ctmeteiv lieie- jured Engineer Sidney Leonard, aged 40, PAIR. juicy, are offered to Atlanta days have been defeated and r outed a married man, living at Inman Xar(is, friends and relatives WINDOW IN MEMORY AVIATOR IS KILLED people this morning in the according to an official message sent TV as shot to death in a fight with a It was a scene of lai'e brilliancy tonight by Geneial Francisco Villa, negi o last night as the result of a dis- touched, through the ten minutes o Georgia—Pair AVednessIaj. slightly OF WHIT EL AW REID WHEN CRAFT CAPSIZES Want Ads as well as in the commander of the rebel forces, to the the ceremony, with a giave solemnity warmer cast portion; TharNila> fair. display columns. pute over a "shaker bar' lying on rebel chiefs at Juarez the tracks on fiont of a coal train as the president of the United State, Lvcal JVcport. -New i ork, .\o\embei ,,—f.i&hop , Bue, France, November 25—iMlmonel Ua\id H (jrieei. ot the New loik di i- You're going to eat tur- General Villa *?aid in the message The shooting is said to havp been seen stood by his wife, their faces astudj Lowest tempeiature 48 cest of the Piofestaiit i:pistOi)al Perrevon. one of the best known avia- that the federal troops were in a dis- Highest temperature t,] key — that's settled; you by Fireman IXonehoo Several negroes in deep emotion, as thev gave in mar Mean temperature 51 eliuitli anrioum ed todav at a mutiny , tors of Fi ince, was killed today when of the tiustees of the Cathedial ol at want the .best one you can graceful retreat" to the south, and that also saw the shooting, but as far as Is riag-e the first of their children. It wa Normal temperature J liw Real la to imbassadoi to Gieat Periev on held several altitude ree- Constitution Classified and on which thev had come to the battle- cape, is said to be Will Katchford, of spoken befoi e an altai of palms, fern l.nt an ma vv is presented to the ca- 01 ds While flvins alone at Buc on display ads and learn what field 23-8-iB Williams stieet Report! From Vnrloiu Station*. tht-di il t, hit, widow and white lilies March 11, this % ear, he attained a Fighting on West Flank.. A.NI> Mis i , ui ul^hed thdt nouS) ot the the merchants have to say According to the version of the af- Lord'a Prayer, Then Wedding tlarch. rerapcratura. f.aln height of 11,8'jO feet In June he as- Fieice fighting was in piogress late Stfel* of I _'4 hr * Oi t not be _iven until atter the >i_n- foir given county policemen, the engi- With a pretty double ring service WEATHER. 7 D m. I High cended with a Passenger at Buc to, about their droves. Then tonight on the west flank of the i ebel ri,M, J-""^ <-""<>» ot the episcopal an altitude ot Ib 31.8 teet and a little ^ neer, after a few -words with the ne- the couple were united and the assem Atlanta, clear | 55 | 01 '""oo" Decemb, '* vvi'u!o" « '" ^e llnv lle,l choose the one whose mes- u tun t latei tne same month at Vienna mad tioops, south of Juarez, where General gro, struck him over the head with an blage spoke the Lord's prayer In mono Birmingham, clear [ GO SS CO tout^.lkf rrliel , rfr,,n' i" the cathediaeial ot lMl Reid sage appeals most strongly Marcelo Curaveo, commander of one Boston, cleai . JS 42 OH 11,180 feet with two passengers iron bolt and knocked him to his knees. tone. Then the marine band struck u Brownsville, clear 70 82 OD to you. of the federal columns, is lepoited As the black fell he jeiked out a pis- the wedding march, of Mendelssohn Buffalo, cloudy . . 46 | J6 00 making a desperate attack on this sec- Charleston, cleai .. 56 I 58 tol from his hip pocket and began fir- r ,0(1 If you have a good turkey tion of Villas foices in an attempt to and from that moment the white hous Chicago, cloud> iO \ 53 00 dinner and need more people break through Juarez ing from his kneeling position. Leon- was transformed into a scene of gay Denver, pt. cldj 50 6-i .00 ard fled at the first shot and died same Des Moines, cloudy 48 j -IS Ol Atlanta Owes Recognition^ to help eat it advertise for At the center and east wing of Vil- animation and joyfulness Duluth, clear 10 j 5J oo la s army the flghtms Seems to hive several hundred feet away.- His body A reception for the guests by th Galveston, clear I bb i 70 .00 them in tomorrow's Consti- subsided, and only occasional shots aie was not'found for twenty minutes. The Hattcras, pt cldv. I (4 ) 52 oo tution. Put an ad in today exchanged by the contending forces negro at once made his escape Helena, pt cldv 34 4J 00 To Georgia Corn Club Boys A train bearing six. wounded reached Continued on Page Five. Jacksonville, clear 00 70 .00 and your table should be full Juarez tonight, bringing the total num- County police were notified m a Kansas City, eldy. | 48 50 00 short time, and Desk Sergeant Car- Knoxville, clear I 50 | 56 00 tomorrow. Call up Main ber of wounded rebels being cared for Louisville, clear 1 5J >4 Ol) 5000 or Atlanta 5001. The here to 116 Mrs Francisco Villa has roll dispatched seven men to the scene Memphis, e'lear . , 56 60 00 One thousand Georgia Corn Club boys are comjng to Atlanta next Tues- taken charge of the hospitals in Jua- in an attempt to capture the black. WATCH IT GROW Miami, cloudy 74 7b .00 day and Wednesday as a simple reward for the splendid and meritorious Want Ad Department will rez, where the \vounded are being Patrolmen Baker, Ford, Casey, Wal- Mobile, clear 86 70 00 service they have rendered in the development of the state. treated ,. Montgomery, clear 60 70 uo help you write an ad that teis, Whitford, Allen and Pope scaured New Orleans, cloudy 64 72 Federals Reported Cut Off. The circulation of The i 00 These boys have been invited to come because they have won the right will bring in people with the woods around Inman Yards with- New Tork, cleai 42 IS 00 to the invitation, and it is Atlanta's duty and privilege to entertain them for Repoits which cheered the constitu- out avail. Other officers were sent to Atlanta Constitution Oklahoma, cloudy . 54 54 -'4 the short two or three days they will be here. good appetites and better tionalists in Juarez emanating from watch the address given on Williams Phoenix, cleat | b4 70 00 street, where it was believed the negro yesterday Plttsburg, cloudy i 44 ib 00 Earnest and energetic effort on the part of the Atlanta Chamber of purses. General Villa's headquarteis in that Portland, cleai ! 50 54 .00 Commerce has succeeded in securing Atlanta homes for only 450 of these city were that the federal forces were might seek a change of clothing and was 48,796 Raleigh, cleai 50 56 00 boys; homes for 550 more must be had by the end of this week. Index to Want Ads. Page 15 about to be < aught betwen two forces money to aid his depaiture from At- San B'ranctsco, clclj 56 | 00 Jt> of rebels, that 2,000 Sonora lebels lanta Increase over the same day B, St. Louis, lain !S I 52 .04 It would be to Atlanta's lasting shame to have to tell not to come even Col. t The police were also seeking to flnd of last year "I St. Paul, cloud} i 4!> 50 .00 one of these boys who have so well contributed to the prosperity of Atlanta were making for the rear of the fed- Shrevepoit, oloudv I Ct 84 erals' and should be able to begin a out the names of all the men alleged Increase over the same day * oo and the state. THE ATLANTA CONSTITUTION to have seen the shooting:. First ef- of last month 'I Spokane, cloudy I 4S 50 00 flank attack by tomorrow; and that Tampa, clear - I GS 7b 00 Will you take two of them in your home? I -TT J»nl>iifTm~r- r—rir" Geneial Manuel Chao's rebel command forts wei e directed at finding the as- sailant, and railioacl men declaied they Increase over the last gov- E A74 Washington, clear .| 4t> 1 50 00 If you wilt do this much for Atlanta and for Georgia, write or telephone ' eminent report .alw • • at once to the Atlanta Chamber of Commerce your favorable reply. did not know the names of all who C. F, Von HKRRMATOJ, Continued on Page Fifteen. saw, tUeenme. „ Section Director t JOE WALCOTT GIVEN to six months In' the house of correc- shoulder blade. Tn« ball ranged found.the civil service r«iulatlon« tn through the shoulder and lodged in terfere with his authority to "hir. an tion today, after the .police of the fire" •men under^ him. had a talk wit* TERM iff WORKHOUSE South End station had told a story of the neck. He will live. . - Assistant Secretary of the Treaauri BOY SHOT The police were called. Officer Lon 28 FIRES IN ONE DAY ONE HUNDRED CONVICTS Newton' today and decided to stay li several raids and liquor seizures at Evans went to 586 Gordon street where the service. . • Boston. November 25.—Joe Walcott. the fighter's home. Walcott claimed he found Philip Poster, aged 11 years, a -_wetl-lcn»wii negro welterweight that he had a gymnasium in his house chopping: wood unconcernedly in the pugilist of a decade ago. was sentenced where he taught boxing. back yard. The playmates of the BREAK LOCAL FREED BYGOV. BLEASE WHILnKATING wounded bpjr had accused hiro^of the shooting. At first he denied it Later, Your Kidneys Arc however, the po|ice say he made admis- Eight Alarm* Were Result of Number Includes 26 Persons sion, saying- tliat he did not intend to Blame Police Say That Philip Fos- shooting the Thompson boy, but had Setting Lawn Grass on Fire, Convicted of Murder and 26 fired at Walter Mooney, a boy aged 13, Says Chief. Convicted of Mansluaghter. Thousands of men and women ar« Thanksgiving Clothes ter, Aged 11, Admits Fir- of 700 Gordon, street. iiniveli as the result of the kidney* failing to filter the blood properly. ThJ He and the'Mooney boy, the police dangerous feature of kidney diseasj ing Shot That Wounded say, he stated, had quarreled only a Atlanta's flre record for one day was Columbia. S. C., November 26.—One 'CQn.siets tn its subtle and delusivf few minutes prior to the shooting. broken yesterday. Up to 7 o'clock last hundred convicts at the state peniten- character, and so Insidious are its ravi, Harold Thompson, 13. He had gone home for his brother's night the department responded to tiary and on chaingangs throughout a^res that many victims do not susper-" pistol, which he slipped out of the the state were today accorded execu- its existence until the advan-ced stagtv For Men and Boys! owner's room. The police report says twenty-eight, alarms in different parts have been reached- This is not strang; tive clemency by Governor Cole L. when we consider that the complicate! Eight boys between the ages of 10 that he had hidden behind the shelter of the city. At one time, during the Blease The number includes twenty- and delicate structure of the kidney, and 13 years were roller skating on the in waiting for the crowd of skaters, afternoon live fires burned at the same six convicted of murder and twenty- is poorly supplied wlfih sensitlvf and, that as they came into sight, he time in different parts of the city, and six convicted of manslaughter. One nerves. As the function of the kidney^. The .Thanksgiving Dinner is an sidewalk at Lucile avenue and Gordon aimed at the Mooney youth, shooting man waB granted full pardon, one's is to remove Impurities, they are ver street late yesterday afternoon. Ttitey for the first time in many months the sentence was commuted and the others susceptible to disease, and any di£ important event in the social life wildly in his excitement. entire department was at work. paroled during good -behavior. order affecting them is dangerous, a ; were speeding- in formation down an The companions of the wounded boy, Chief Cummlngs and his men did Governor Bleaae, in a recent state- it causes impure matter to be retaine of Americans! It's the most cel- incline along Lucile avenue. As the Charles Mooney, 700 Gordon street; splendid work preventing the. fires ment, said the convicts are granted in the blood and affects the whole syt,'i Hudson Peurifoy, 90 Greensferry ave- spreading and causing a large prop- clemency "that they might eat their tern. ' By. restoring the kidneys an. ebrated meal of the year. Every- group rolled alongside a small wood Thanksgiving dinners at home with liver to health and activity, Warner; shed,, near the corner, a pistol was nue; Walter Fisher, 127 Wellington erty loss. their .loved ones." Safe Kidney and Liver Remedy enablt body likes to "spruce up" for fired from the corner of the structure. street; Charles Sanders, 663 Gordon Commenting on the fifes last night. This is the largest number liberated these organs to properly perform the'" - street; Willie Haynes, 32 Inman Chief Cummings declared ,that eight of in any single day by the g-overnor, this occasion. Harold Thompson, aged 13, of 36 In- who since coming into the executive functions and free the blood from ur: . street, and Willie Owens, of North the twenty-eight fires were caused by office three years ago has granted nary and biliary poisons. The expert man street, >vlio was in the center Wellington street, each are said by the persons setting the lawn grass on flre. nearly 900 pardons, paroles and com- enco of thirty-six years has democ Men and Boys will find THIS of the skaters, plunged forward, "The people should bo careful and strated the fact that it a-^ts speciflcal) police to have seen the Foster boy fire mutations. On last Thanksgiving day upon tihe kkinej-s and liver in such r store fully prepared to sell them screaming' as he fell. He was picked the shot. not use the match to clean up their Governor Blease paroled seventy-five. manner that it establishes a health; up by his comrades and carried to his He was carried to the Juvenile De- lawns," the chiet said. "It is dan- condition of these vital organs and j the smartest of CLOTHING, FUR- tention home on Central avenue, where gerous, especially when the wind is has therefore became a standard ren; hume only a short distance away. As his case will be investigated today. " high. Dry grass burns like oil, and HE'D "HIRE AND FIRE," edy for kidiiey and liver diseases. ?' NISHINGS, HATS, etc.--at attrac- his parents were away he was then once it gets a start it rir a. difficult is sold by t»H drugrgrists. or ive wij carried to a nearby grocery store, matter to prevent It from spreading." BUT RULES PREVENT send you a free sample if you addren tive prices! Come and see! whore a doctor was summoned. A bul- ESTATE OF $10,OOO,OOO Warner's Safe Remedies Co., Dept. 21= . U-t hole was found beneath the right Washington, November 25.—J. W. nochcster, N. Y. I Bailey, custodian of the federal build- . Men's Suits from $15 to $45 LEFT BY STEPHEN BULL WOUNDS HIS WIFE > ing at Raleigrh, X. C., who offered nis AND KILLS HER LAWYER resignation several days agro when ne Men's Overcoats from $15 to $50 Racine, Wis, November 25.—The Buy your Thanksgiving will of Stephen Bull, Sr.t who died a Fort Worth, Texas, November 35.— Buy your Thanksgiving; week ago, was filed for probate in the John C. Stokes, .a saloon keeper,, shot THURSDAY! produce from Constitu- county court today. The exact valua- and killed 1C. Shields, a Dallas attor- produce from Constitui tion Advertisers. You'll tion of the estate is not known, but ney, and wounded Mrs. Stokes late to- Thanksgiving—Turkey—Home Cooking it la estimated at $10,000,000. The day, when the woman and her lawyer —Cleanliness—OtherGood Things—50c tion Advertisers. You'll only beauest to charitable institutions went to the Stokes home here to pro- get service, satisfaction, cure an inventory to be used in a suit COME ON DOWN get service, satisfaction^ was one of SUU.ouu to a local orphan for divorce. Stokes surrendered. He quality and courteous at- asylum. The bulk of the property -was would make nb statement of the cir^ quality and courteous at-f given to three daughters and one son cumstances attending the shooting'. AMERICAN LUNCH ROOM tention. witn smaller legacies to the grand- At the hospital to whi^h Mrs. Smokes tention. i children. was taken it was said her injuries are 45 East Hunter not serious Chamberlin-Johnson-DtiBose* Co. Atlanta-New York-Paris——Chamberlin-Johnson-DuBose Co. A. Thanksgiving Day Today for 400 Women The Coat Sale of the Season Our enthusiasm is about to lead us to seeming exaggerations, when it would be better to leave the facts to the statistics of the sale in hand and rest our case with the women of Atlanta who know Chamberlin-Johnson-DuBose Co.'s sales and what they stand for. Four hundred coats make up the sale. There are more than thirty distinct models to choose from, which, when one considers the different colors, it would seem there is a model for every YOU. But best of all is the fact that we have not been able during the whole season to find more strikingly beautiful and graceful and stylish coats than these that carry with them the greatest sav- ings of the whole season. They are coats that stand above and out of the ordinary. Not a disappointing one in the whole lot. The only question to be answered is—do you need a coat? If you do, and it seems that we are still to have our cold weather, there is but one thing to do the first thing this morning— Here: .50 For $1250 and $15 Sport Coats For $1975 $2250 and $25 Coats Snappy and smart in line and trimmings, usually big buttons, "Baby Doll" cloth is much in evidence here. It is a very fine finished with belts and big patch pockets; fabrics are Steven's jersey cloth in black and navy, also Ural lamb in black, chinchilla cloth, boucles and zibelines, Copenhagen, navy, boucles in black and black and white stripes. Choose from green and red. They will grace the game Thursday. With these are draped ,half a dozen styles. One notably fine model has a fine panel back outlined with matelasse coats that seem all sleeves, in mahogany, white and brown, lined velvet buttons, plush collar and cuffs, brocaded or plain, fasten with rich silk with peau de cygne. They are $15.00 coats. frog, three-quarter length, slightly cut-away. Kimono and set-in sleeves. Self- colored and contrasting colored linings. $ ^ A For $2750 $3350 and $35 Coats $ $ $ A wealth of these! For 35, 40 and 45 Coats Broadtail cloth coats with fox and skunk and moufflon col- There are brocaded velours, graceful affairs, copies of im- lars and cuffs; Persiana cloth coats; brocaded velours with 20 ported models, broadtail cloth, Persian cloth, in black and '25 rich brocaded and plain satin linings. Some show yokes, navy. The linings are elegant and colorful, large frog fastenings, collars of some others set-in sleeves, others with kimono sleeves. One unusually smart are imitation (coney) mole. $20.00 never did such service. model is a Russian blouse; the belt is a 6-inch black silk braid. Coats to Three-quarter length, kimono sleeves as a rule. exclaim over.

Chamberlin-Johnson-DuBos•'.,.•'' • • • •' • ' . ' . ' ' ' . ' • ;•'--e ' Gompan.


Tulane ahiyerslty, of Louisiana, and on June 2, 1910, the same degree wan conferred upon him by, the. State uni- With Words You Can Really Hear, versity, of Kentucky. OVER $200,000 STOLEN ATLANTA REGRETS •-, Worked tor Good .Roads. Madame Hartley Delights Audience He -was vice president ajid chairman of the executive committee of the BY $75 A MONTH CIM American Highway association, which DEATHJptEY Is the clearing- house for the good roads Miss Margaret Elizabeth movement in' the United States. He James Foye Had Run of New was ;one of the founders of the organi- Stillwell Wins Ovation by Late President of Southern zation and through It aided the road York Trust Company--$10O,- movement throughout the south. Her Expressive Piano During" his incumbency Mr. Finley 000 C«sh Not Recovered. Railway Had Paid Many paid much attention to the agricultural and economic development of the Solos and Her Wo'rk as Visits to City and Was south, and was a versatile writer and New York. November 25.—The theft speaker on problems relating to the Accompanist. of mere than $200,000' .worth of Union . Well Known Here. material advancement of the country Pacific Railroad company and General traversed by the lines of which he was 1 Electric company securities from the head. Found-r— A concert singer who will The death of President Finley has "put across" her words so that her au- Farmers' Loan and Trust company of come as a se.; ere blow to the officials dience can hear perfectly every '.line this city became known tonight when of the Southern Railway company in and syllable. A rare artist, indeed! James E. Foye, 35 years, .old. a former Atlanta. The head of every depart- That was the' unanimous verdict of |V5 u' mpnth clerk of the trust com- ment and many of the other officials 14,000 WORKMEN QUIT an appreciative audience of music lov- pany, was arrested as he stepped from j ers who heard Madame Sybil Owen- and clerks knew hirn personally, and ' Hartley in her first Atlanta concert a train from Philadelphia. Foye w'as their feelings were those of deep 'grief Tuesday nigrht at Cable hall. Her enun- charged with being * ^fugitive from on Tuesday when they were given ciation was the clearest that has been justice. •••-•* their rirst notice, watch was followed FOR TWWANIONS heard on the concert stag-e fn Atlanta by one from H. W. Miller, of Atlanta, At police station, where Foye was for many months. When she rendered searched, the police alleged that a assistant to President Kinley. the old English "Shepherd Song" hy Mr. Miller was in Washington at the All the Employees of the Gen- Purcell, she told you all about the mead- certified check for ?9~,000 and more time, bavins? g-one theru for a confer- eral Electric Go Out at the ows and the sheep, the brooks and the than $5,000 in cash were found in his ence with the head of the road. The nymphs. When she sang Henschel's blow came as a terrific surprise to clothes. There also were several . Schenectady Plant. "Morning- Hymn," you heard and felt trans-atlantic steamship circulars, him, especially as it came at a time her every word of praise for nature in when he expected to be with the presi- the glory of the morning sunshine. And which led the police to believe Foye' dent for sorno time in business and so- Schenectady, N. T., November 25.— when she sang her "Love's Philosophy," Had planned to sail for Europe. rial .relations. With more than fourteen thousand em- you could understand the emotion and Couldn't Find 91OO.OOO In Cash. -Mr. Miller will remain in Washing- ployees of the General Electric company doubt and love conveyed simply by the The check, the police say. Foy re- ton until funeral arrangements are voluntarily Idle, this city tonight faces words. . You didn't have to be a deep completed, and will then accompany an industrial -crisis. However, aside student of music to understand. ceived today from the firm of Charles the body, with hundreds of other offi- from numerous meeting's of workmen This was probably why Madame T. Brown, band broker, of Philadelphia, cials of th«.- Southern, to its final rest* and orderly crowds in the streets and Hartley's concert made jEiuch a big hit but ?lo'o,000 in cash, which the police lug place. about the bulletin boards in front of with the writer of this "criticism." The also charge that he received from the the various la'bor union meeting halls music critic of the staff was sick Tues- sale of bonds during the past week, Funeral ' Plans .Vot Knorvn Here. there is no, excitement resulting from day night and so the city editor picked I out a mere ordinary newspaper report- Photo fcy ' Hlrshburg, could not t>e .found. In the Atlanta ortrce. none of th« today's walkout of nearly all the force I er to report the. Cable hall concert. Be- The discovery for the loss of the plants for the funeral were known of the largest manufacturing plant of ing one of the great throng of "com- MISS MARGARET ELIZABETH STOGUL- stocks and bonds, the police allege, was Tuesday night, according to Lauren its kind In the world. mon-folk" he had been, bored to death WEDL. by many a "first appearance" concert, made soon after 'Foye left the trust Foreman, publicity agent for the Throughout the city there was an company's employ, about three months, Southern Railway company here. The atmosphere of preparation. In a dozen and he thought he'd be bored again. sition to Atlanta's niusical and artistic Suffice it to say he received a delight- world. ago. Coincident with the announce- men in the local office are awaiting: th« or more labor headquarters meetings } ful surprise; —an d he stayed to the end! Mtas Stillwell Applauded. ment of the theft and Foye's arrest, ut'11'ciu.l announcement of the . disposi- were held and preparations begun for Every number on the program was en- it became known that New 'York anu tion oB the body of their president be- what many fear will be a. lengthy jooyey d and met with a warm response Miss Margaret Elizabeth Stillwell, frofrom the entire audience. who assisted Madame Hartley as ac- Philadelphia bankers affected, by the fore taking- steps to go to Washing- struggle. In a central hall heads of I While Madame Hartley's voice might companist and piano soloist, received loss held a meeting here to, discuss the ton. the various unions met and discussed well be worth a half-colmn of praise an ovation from the audience. She best methods to follow in dealing with President I^lnley was born in Missis- ways and means of carrying on a from a musical standpoint alone, a rendered a very difficult polonaise from the case. sippi, and lived for a number of years strike, should one be called. Mean- splendid range and power being shown Liszt that called for a wide range of While the exact amount of the stolen in Niivv Orleans, and it is regarded as PRESIDENT W. W. FINLEY, while, the leaders were emphatic in in her various selections, the tribute ability and execution of which she was their statements that there is no strike intended by this article, however, is fully capable. Her accompaniment w-rk securities could not be learned, It was 1-ironable that he will be buried ,in the Of the Southern railway, who died suddenly Tuesday morning at his home as yet. They explained today's walk- merely the approbation of her recital was also very expressive and at all known to exceed $200.000. The theft south. Officials here expect that the in Washington. out as a "demonstration of strength to from the standpoint of the everyday .times smooth and delightful. .Miss was kept secret, while private de- funeral train wil! come to Atlanta, and show that the General v Electric com- man. It was interesting all the day Stillwell, who came from Scranton, Pa., tectives watched the stock markets in in that case many of them will wait pany cannot crush unionism." through— and a rare treat. Madame with her father, H. E. Stillwell, about several cities for sales of the missing :ind join the party on its arrival, and - (or Comrades. Hartley, who has recently come to this a year ago, is one .of the most popular will aecom.paiiy the body as an' escort announcement is made of their ar- .President Finley. Mr. Grant immedi- city from Chicago, is a distinct acqui- members of Atlanta's musical set. securities. of honor. , rangements. ately telegraphed his condolences to The union workmen are not looking Received Firat Clue. President Finley was, more to Atlanta Mrs. Finle'y. ,Iie has as yet made no for shorter hours or more pay, they In case the funeral and interment are plans to attend the funeral. Provided point out, 'but correction of what they Batiks also were asked to watch for held in the north, many of the more than merely a name and a figure at he can arrange his business, however, claim to be an unjust discrimination the bonds and stocks, and when a prominent ofiiftula will loave Atlanta the head of a giant railroad line. Time he .will be present. against two of their companions — representative of the Brown firm to- to attend the services as soon as the and again business trips arid social As H. W. Miller, assistant to the Frank L. DuJay and Miss Mabel Leslie, yncl other calls have brought him here. president of the Southern, is in Wash- •botih of whom have been active in Real Condition of Schools day deposited them in a Philadelphia, On those occasions he renewed the ington, where he had gone for a con- union 'circles. The two were lal-d off bank the detectives received their many acquaintances he made "while lo- ference with Mr. Finley that was pre- recently, the company claiming their first clue, and search for Foye was be- cated here as commissioner for the old vented by the sudden death of the removal was a part of a policy of re- gun. railway and , steamship association-. president, Mr. Gi^tnt was the only offi- trenchment. To Be Shown by Photographs cial representative of the road in At-, The union -workers, however, assert Little could be learned tonight con- Here Several Times. lanta when the news came Tuesday. the laying off of the two was due to cerning "the methods by which Foye The reason for In speaking of Mr. Finley the At- is alleged to have obtained the securi- His last visit to Atlanta was during lantan paid a deep personal tribute to past activities In lanor union ' circles. the spring- of the present year, when the dead president anil also commend- They also claim that the receipts for Mrs. Thomas K. Glenn is chairman he to agitate or place criticism on any ties. According to the police, be is he came to address the students at the ed him for the work he had done for tlie current month exceed by more than of the parent-teacher committee which individual or institution, but merely a brother of Policeman Foye, who was saying that you'd Georgia School of Technology. Since the south in general and this section $1,000.000 the receipts for November to inform the public at large who have tried by police commissioners for fail- that time he had been through Atlanta 1,912. will present one of the most interest- not had time to investigate what the in particular. George E. ,Emmons, general manager ing features in the forthcoming child Ing to take prompt action at the time on more than one occasion, but had not "I regarded Mr. Finley as onp of the demand for schools in Atlanta is and of the murder of Herman Rosanthal, Better pay at 'had time to leave his private car. On most powerful factors in the develop- of all the company's plants, in a formal welfare exhibit which will hold in the haw the demand is met," said Mrs. these occasions the only Atlantans who ment of this part of the country," said statement today denied that any dis- Leyden house, December 1 to 16. Glenn when asked about the scope of the gambler. The police also said ,Foye yaw him wore road officials who visited Mr. Grant, ".ant he will be greatly crimination was intended. This we*s Mrs. Glenn and her committee are the exhibit. at'one timo was employed by the late I iiis car on business or merely to greet missed, not only by the road, but par- the only statement bhat emanated from "There is a concentrated effort John W. Gates, and also by the late least $2,5 I him as he passed through. ticularly, by this section." the company's offices. However, those arranging a series of charts which will being male 'by the women's organiza- Among Atlanta business men, the close to the officials said preparations show certain conditions existing In the tions of Atlanta to create a pu-blic in- Charles G- Gates. d.eath of President Finley is looked were being made to cope with any public schools of Atlanta, which should terest in bettering the .school facilities, tor one of our ready suits upon 'as a loss not only to his railroad emergency that might arise. In this be remedied. These aharts will indi- which will necessitate an increased ap- lines, but to the entire south, in which HEAD OF SOUTHERN connection they stated that the com- cate the size of certain school build- propriation from, council for school he ivas born and reared,'and for which pany had countermanded all large in- ings, the facilties therein, and the •purposes. "What the taxpayers of At- Prouty for U. S. Senate. or overcoats is the value he was always eager to give his time OVERCOME BY APOPLEXY •comlng- orders. •" amount of space which is given the lanta work for they can get, .and I be- and means. Company "Won't Vleld. children of Atlanta in school grounds lieve the exhibit whiah - the parent- that you're going to get Numbers of tributes were paid him for recreative purposes. It will be In- teacher associations will present at co^mm^rce.'commissioil. may become .the Tuesday. Officials of the Atlanta of- Continued From Page One. The belief prevails that the company teresting to note just how these charts the child welfare exhibit,' will not only fices of the road felt the loss as a per- will not reinstate ->~" ^^""Htribtlv abreast on f-fforts he was working- as much for he was chosen president of the South- calling- of a strike. San Diego, Cal.. November 25.—Serv- as in what he gets out of it. his native section as .he was for the ern in succession to Samuel Spencer, Union leaders tonight perfected ices over the bodies of Lieutenant Kric As potato cars are to be heated in lv^y^a^etn?hl«^ofession. who was killed In a read-end collision plans for picketing the works. I.. Ellington and Lieutenant H. N. winter, the earnest hoT>o will proceed railway." Kelly, killed yesterday at the Morth These $25 suits apd leaves F*or AVnshfnprton. on thn morning of Thanksgiving day. to disguise himself as a potato. Colonel Andrews was on his way to six years a so. Birmingham to attend an Important Menfled Mnny Hond*. overcoats are a very good board meeting, but on hearing of Pres- ident Finley's death he abandoned his Mr. Finley was president not c'nly of illustration of the way we, plans and left Atlanta immediately for the 'Southern railway, but also of the NOT SHOCKED Washington on a special train. By the Southern Railway company in Missis- death of Mr. Fir.ley. lie Is again the sippi, the Mobile and Ohio Railroad- Turkey Dinner—To- as makers, and our retail ranking officer of the Southern Rail- way company, which place he' filled company, the Cincinnati, New Orleans and Texas. Pacific Railway company, BY "INNER STUDIES" during the Interim between the death dealers are really rendering of the Kite Samuel Spencer and the the Ala'bama Great Southern Railroad day, Wednesday, election of Mr. Finley as president. t-ompany. the Georgia Southern and you a value-service. "The loss of such a useful mtm is Florkla Railway company, the Virginia They Flocked io Court to Hear deplorable, and it is a most bitter blow Eat With Us to me personally, for I had a s'reat and Southwestern Railway conipanj Advice to Expose Nude His profit in the $25 sale .affection for Mr1. Finley. Of him. it can a.nd the Northern, Alabama Railway Turkey with Cranberry Sauce, Oyster dressing, be truly said, that he worked himself rompany. KB was also a director of Bodies to the Sun. choice of Mashed Potatoes or Candied Yams, isn't as great as yours to death. Hit. only interests outside of the Chicago, Indianapolis and Louis- considering the. wo!f:\re of his fanilly Greefi Peas, Choice Tea, Coffee or Milk^Hot were the development of the Southern ville Railway company, the Old Domin- Rolls and good old-fashioned home- railway system, the Krowth of the ion Steamship company, the Equitable Chicaso, November 25. ——If Ottoman Hart Schaffner & Marx south, and tht- betterment of conditions Life Assurance sociaty anil other com- Zar-Adush-Hanif=h escapes conviction made Mince Pie in. restaurant and affecting .its people." , panies, ami a trustee of the John F. on the charge of .sending objectionable at Soda) Fountain Good Clothes Makers .Tohn %V. Grant, the only director <>C Slater (educational fund. literature , by . mail, he expects to the Southern Railway company in shake the dust of Chicago from his Oforgia rereiveil formal announce- On March 3, 1910. the degree r/f LL. D., ment Tuesday night of the death, of was conferred' upon Mr. Finley by the priestly robes. His "temple" is advertised for sale, and he is saf-d to be seeking a site for On all Furniture means big sav- a colony in the vicinity of New Or- This Store Will Be Closed ings for Christmas. We will tag leans. 20% and lay away till then. All The "Miss Gardner," to whom he is All Day Thursday, marked in plain figures. You can alleged to have sent a copy of "Inner wait on yourself and take one- Studies," was Dana F. Anffier, a postal fifth off. Best woods, oest inspector, who was gathering evidence Thanksgiving OFF in the case. styles, biggest measurements. Prepared for a Many fashionably dressed women were among the persons massed in the United States district court t* hear the reading of "Inner Studies," the book of instrxictions o.f the cult. Judgre Mack suggested that women l«Save the Today!! Pleasant Day courtroom to avoid possible embarrass- Today!! \ ment. None left and attorneys for the defense said nothing could be adduced tha't would give offense. When it's Thanksgiving, the "'game' is Before- the reading started, three Second and Last Clearance Sale men, thought to be members of the sun worshipers, started burning in- the thing." If the weather's right, it's cold. cense outside the courtroom door. The fumes penetrated to the bailiff, and of Remnants of Silks and Dress Goods of this season. Be on hand early—8:30 it the impromptu shrine was ordered Te- To bustle about in a big overcoat and root— rn ov ed. starts, not a moment before. All on tables for quick buying., You know Passages from "Inner Studies." as read to the jury, are: how we do it. that's the best part of the show. "Every morning and evening the body should be aired, exposing it to Season's Choicest the sun. Eeal Genuine Sensational Sale of Remnants of Silks There's yet a shopping day ahead of the "Woman Is of the living Silks — lengths 1 to 8 God, for she is the mother, the life- Today—Starts 8:30 a. m. giver. Yards appointed time. - Remember it and keep it full "Oriental women are the most beau- tiful In the world, for the reason Remnants Silk Messaline YOUR that they walk in the air in a nude of the Thanksgiving idea. . condition for several hours each day," Remnants Silk Taffetas CHOICE Hanlsh will attempt to prove that the book is a medical work and that Remnants Pompadour Silks ... Put this one with it: There's some new his religion is based on the teachings of Zoroaster. Remnants Crepe de Chines: .. When court adjourned, 41 out of the Coats gust in at MUSE'S. They're Chin- 206 pages of the book had been read. Remnants Crepe Bteteors To this point the book was devoted to an exposition of .the theory that the Remnants Canton Crepes 47 c chillas, blue and gray, with shawl collars, methods used in creating a fine breed of cattle could be applied to advantage Remnants Moires ., a Yard. to human beings. single-breasted, patch pockets, belted backs, Assistant District Attorney Stans- Remnants Chiffon Cloths ; Values up to $2.50 bury announced the government would not' attempt to bring Mrs. William Yard. tiirn-back cuffs, quarter-linpd, three-quarter Lindsay and her son. William, bf Phil- Remnants Kimono Silks '...;.- adelphia, here as witnesses. Mrs. Lind- length— say's cult name was ""Vahdah." All Remnants of Dress Goods Must Be Closed Out Today. Values to $1.75 ACTRESS MAIDA DUPREE Remnants of Broadcloths ., Yard, lengths from 1 to 5 Yards, Gray $27.50 KILLS SELF WITH POISON Remnants of French and Storm Serges. Philadelphia,! November 25.—Maida Remnants of/Wool Poplins •- YOUR Dupree, a vaudeville actress who reg- CHOICE istered at a hotel as^ "Betty Daily," of Remnants' of Eponge Blue $30.00 New York, committed suicide late last night by taking poison after she had Remnants of Shepherd Checks left a note address to George Le Maire, an actor, to call up the room on Remnants of Wool Crepes ...... , '...... P. S -We'Close at Noon Thanksgiving. Close your desk, leave word the telephone. The police said today they believed the young woman had Remnants of Wide Wales ....;...'. - for the folks, take your good coat and go—that's comfort, mind and body. been infatuated with Le Maire. The 47c authorities said they believed she was Remnants of Ratines '. • • :- • • the daughter of a New York physician. a Yard. When Le Maire received the note he tried to get the woman's room on the Not a yard sold before 8:30 a. m. telephone i and an investigation re- sulted in finding her unconscious on the floor with a poison bottle at her Take the first car for this sale TODAY—you'll see no more this season side. She died in a hospital . , Geo. Muse Clothing Co. Le Maire told the police he met the girl seven .months ago In a niusical hall in London and-had never heard of . M. High . M. High

{NEWSPAPER! EWSFAPESl M.qKWWCWi -" ' 5» Page .Four. THE CONSTITUTION, ATLANTA, GA.. WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 26, 1913. - Is ...I- -. HATE OIL, PRICE OF AUTO TIRES Many Methodist Churches CALOMEL AND PILLS TAKES A SUDDEN In Charge of New Pastors Men and Religion Bulletin No. 85

"California Syrup of Figs" Best Announcement Is Made by H. for Tender Stomach, A. Price, Manager of the Liver, Bowels. Goodrich Company.

Look back at your childhood days "While it makes a great fleal of dif- Remernber the clobe ' mother insisted fcrencp to the ordinary man that the on — castor oil calomel, cathartics price of ftrfffa has ag-aln soared and while it hits Borne of us square In the Flow jou b.itort them io\v % ou fought pockttboolfi to lea.ni tha.t * fresh west- against taHin-c t'lein (rii mea,ts' lia\e "gone south" again, With our ohildr^n it's different still-therp is some succulence to know Mothers wno elms to tlie old form of that lutomobile tires have taken a drop n pi ice Dhjsic MmpK d«n t rr ilizo what they This information was made public do. The children-- revolt Is well- "FOLLOW ME Tuesdaj bj H \ Price manager of the found"d Then tfndfr little "insidei ' "The reduction at thifa time comes are injured bj them Goodnchc company in Atlanta If \ou: child H vtomich Itvei and as a pleasant surprise to the motorist" onlj. deli- sild Mr Pi it i 'It was not thought that how P!B need rledii-»inff, ^i\ thPrf would he a cut in pi ices until i 1011-5 • falitorni i ^vrui ot 1 i^c^ If? print; This action is characteristic ictlon Is posmvi but ^fnt Millions of th<- fJoodi n h company s policj of ol mothers kt i \i thiu h.uuiliss fiuit ^i\irij? tht KtfatfSt possible serXice and maintaining its, Had>"rship laxxtlvi ' h uid\ lht> knj.v chldien ]t is out policy to deserve and hold lo-v to t ike it th it it lie t (alls tc» tlic < onfuU-nc f- of our customers b> al- cK an thf H r in 1 bouels ami sw<*ctrrt v. i\s <=li irinp with them the benefits €€ the •stornarH tud that i ti tvpoonful (It i\yd fiom Improved methods of man aiven todav •-, L\ s *i Mck child !o uiutun J.nd changed conditions in l am the good shepherd: , the lubbpi and other markets \t this time a lowetins in the cost Ask jour diusg foi L d l(Iit hot of $11 es rtt^auH a lot to the usei It lie of i fijifoini i \iu] o£ PW- m< ins use of operating his car the good shepherd layeth > hlldi c n f ! I i s an I >t prow n Ihc pile* reduction Is consideiable r on ' h 1'ot tli T <" u ire of ind oseij m.xn v ho has to bu> tires is I P*i plt' 'lj '' Lcomg to apprefi ite it A pru e reduc- i oilnt< rfeits s'Ti t otiu Unil with titiibic \alu>- Cvti> tue user knows that 111 i •x tM v Cjoodticli tire theie is < onteinpt loity-foui \edis of tvpericnce ui rub- REV LUKU JOHNSON REV A H S BTTGK5. hei m inuta.ctuie—and all tho reputa- Succeeds late Ui J B Robins at Trin tion and n sponsibilit} such a record ity church Pastot of Epworth church He that is a hireling me ins Tin f ict that the lower prices l.tffpit Ooodtich Saf> U Tiead Tn es I shows that this it. no half-way meas- j lire fleeth."—John 10-11:12. DR. WHITE ADDRESSES BAPTISTS OF VIRGINIA

Ijyrichbure, Vi, November 25—The nineteenth innual convention of the Biptist Reneral association of Virginia adjouin^J toiuffht after sessions last- ing slnne last Thursday, with strong a.ddi and J W Kmch- t loe were recommended for vacancies "Send me to any place—only put me where I can reach and help on the tiOciiu" ot trustees of the Rich- mond \Vomans college the nethermost." New officeis appointed today for the The state Baptist Young People's Union Chief Beavers closed Atlanta's houses of shame. President, "W T Clai ke, of Parkeley. Help was offered the fallen; Belle Sommers was saved; she gave Stacy Adams Shoe iLto'dMiK bfcretarj, B Norfleet, of Franklin ti easurer. G F Reynolds, of money to found a home for them. Finest Vici Kid Richmond corresponding secretao, Joseph T Watts, of Richmond vice Miss Appleyard came to give her life. This Is the Footlorm Last spe- picsident O H Dooley of Roanoke. cially patterned to Insure comfort II T Hititon of Chase City, and T A REV L.OVICK TV RIVERS, REV A T SEARS She left Agnes Scott College. , and ease for the man who walks Hall, of \Vmte btone Comes f i om Athens IJistrlct to Bonnie or standsagremtdeal. This shape New pastor of the Hapeville chur> Brae. She became matron of Martha's Home. rmlts the ball of your foot to flat down on the bottom with She went into the hells of earth to save her sisters. m•uftlclent expansion to prevent She lived with them. the least pressure on any joint. NERVOUS DYSPEPSIA, AT THE THEATERS G-od alone knew the strain. The wearer does not MAY ASK GOVERNMENT For few helped. Many hindered. suffer from cramped GAS OR Rose Stahl, "Maggie Pepper." Christian people, not understanding, tried to close this refuge for TO CHEAPEN GASOLINE t (At the Atlanta ) toes, corns or bunions Thur =da> afternoon Rose Stahl -will opon the hopeless. The Police Board classified it as a nuisance. A great her special Thanksgiving enRagreinent at the Call In and try on a pair and AtMnta with a m-iunee performance of paper termed it "a disorderly house." "Pape's Diapepsin" Settles Dealer Claims Atlanta Pays 11 ife^i* leppor the department store play MC for yourself that your feet can bj < harles Klein This Is the first and only Miss Appleyard never complained. fee comfortable. Sour, Upset Stomachs in ai>pc ir in e of IMss fat ihl in Atlanta In this Two and a Half Cents More pi i\ though she his been appearing In it Without rest, without ceasing, day in, day out, sho served. Five Minutes. in the bis cities for three seasons It Is one Than Knoxville. ol the real big hits of theaterdom and is a pi o with an appeal which hita home with She found only happiness in the work. with a featurdcty matinee beats are soui, s?ass\ or out-of-ord>r stomach v. ill be asked to takt, a hind in the m,u on v iio for tha n\o performances She was bringing order out of chaos. feui elv within fn.o minutes supervision of g~aboline pru t s bccnis 9 The way was becoming clear. Jf \oui me tls don t fit comfortablv, cert un according: to the statement of International "Ben-Hm* * 01 w>hat ^ e 11 e it lies like a lump of It ad m \oui stomach, ui if \o i ha\e I K O< \\inner, of the Johnson Utwin <\t th« Atlantic) ' But self had been forgotten; sickness came. hiartburn that ib a sisfn of indigestion net rompiny, who on TueMlij receiver! u m >rning at 9 o clock seats will Oct fiuni \oui pharm ic ist v fift% A number of rt plies to tht < Irrulai be ji! on. t- vie at the Atlanta for the en- Years ago a man had sinned. ^p-nifnt 'f the international production of cent < ase of! Pape s l>iap< psm and take \vluch he mailed out on \JondM askimc fn Hur ulikh \\ill b« Riven six nisht and A woman was infected. a dusr just as soon as \ou (an Theie co o pei at ion in fighting' a thrf *"* ont •> ui ninppia next -\\ tt k 13 en Hur is big-ger will >>< no soui iisnifei, no be-Idling of rai^e in the prit e ] £,rt iti,r than ever this year the pro- It its the time to order U!iclic.ested loocl mi toil -with acid 110 < tiun being1 that made especially for Lon- No one knows how many lives have suffered for their shame—inno- stomach BIS 01 hetitlmin fullness 01 Vtlinta is getting" hei gasoline at n Twelve hrrses are Ubed In the ch.ariot '- I he iv\ feeling in tin stomach nausei 1 fi rents today," he said, "T\ hi le- ICnox- c Instead of eight as in former years cent lives have been sacrificed for their sin. Engraved I cheap gasoline is an> She brought their curse. Christmas. I>vdubi\ e de- iitf it!i with nauseous odoi s othei citv except foi tho arb tr^r\ id Keith Vaudeville. Papi s Dnperism is a certain cui1 e \ i n< e plated upon it by the deileis tnd ( U the rors>t|i > A man had put it upon her. Order iio\\ and foi out oj ordc?r stomachs because it \ liftter laugh -ainiilnB bill than the of- t ikes hold of T. our food and diRestt, it niji 11 utactu i (is If the pie-sent pHn^ reiitiK this Mipk at the Torsyth has never It found the lips of Miss Appleyard, who by love was trying to bring will delner at once and ju-~t the s ime as if \oui stomach of tliese people g-o through Atlanta iKfn rressnttci hero Nicks Bkating girls 1 w asn t thei e will be paving- 19 cents poi gallon be- •-nstun heidline honors In a perfect fashion the girl back to life. Charge to \ oiu account in Rilirt in fi\e minutes from all atorn- fore the first of the \ ear As foi m>- Tho sextette of pretty misses are cortatnly ach nnserj is wtitinf? foi you at any clever In their work A hip special mat is Miss Appleyard is dead. ciiuf, store self, and any who will stick v\lth me usrc) to c>ver the Torsj th stajre floor and December. in the flgrht, I do not intend to stand th« skateis perform feats that hold interest Ihoso lari?e f if t%-cent cases contain Princes l>ool< > the nut comedian with Science fought for her life. E. H. CONE, Inc., orioiiKh '*Pape s Diapepsin" to keep for any buch hiffh handed business th* inishtv valuable aid of pretty '"^orlnne tho entire f imiH free from stomach \tlanta has never \ et had to stand lor ^ dcs iiRlstois i hit that will stand a long Men and women prayed that she might stay. riisonlers iiui indigestion for many any such outrage, ind she will not time lilt fun maker does not attempt any- 60 Wlu'tphflli St.. Atlanta. months it 1 tlon^s in vonr home thing impossible lie ,jets acquainted with But God called. He had work elsewhere for her. this time if the automobile de ilerb his ludi'mt and T s in tin Ir delightful sketch l^ti Moil Kim the Chinese \oralist, and tinue to bi ing grasoline as good as Is \\tliiinib and \\olfus all register splendidly For weeks—months, unable to use her tongue, she has written her on the maiket—pa^oline with a specific thoughts. Each note has radiated joy and hope, although she knew that Aidxiti of not less thin 64—at a rate "The Bachelor's Baby." of 16 cents per g-allon And if this death was daily drawing nearer. tan be done w hx ut us put up with an ( M the 1^ r!c ) NO I nit r holiday attraction could have jiici ease of three cents naoi e on the I < n •- kcttd foi the Lyric than Francis Asked if she had a message to send the students of Agnes Scott, she LT illon Wilsons i cumiing sin cesa The Bachelor's E ask ill automobile deal* rs 01 I l iabi an 1 the geod wholesome comedy wrote:— n\\ ners w ho want gasoline it the old \\I11 ctitnnl> prove a nne digrestei after the u a low ei pi K P to i om mil nit ate with 1 h inks^h ing dinner The special Thinks- "I do thank my Savior that He has permitted me just a glimpse of THE SCENIC WAY *t one** Just t > show th it publicifv tlvln,; in tiiiee whkh will be siven Thurs- is having its eft€ ( t, one oil com.t inv d t\ Tltiinr in it th, IMI promises to draw this His great work and I hope that it may be their work too." rtpttsentative < un* to see nio toda3 one ot the biggest audiences of the season WITH DINING CARS 1 | n hill the rumpmv plaiiiiff this neek at tnd in xd* a, littt* t one cfasion the Ijric Is at popular prices and indications are Their work—their wonderful opportunity. th it the I_i>iin will set more tha.i it-j share of the business this week Our work—our wonderful opportunity. Jewell Kelly Stock. Your work—your wonderful opportunity—before you are gone. < \t the Bijou.) Her last conscious expression was a note to this Committee. She Thi capit itj ot the Hijou is being" tested ni^litlj nui the Je\\ell Kelley company haa added inr ther ^utcp1-1* to Jts Jon*, Hat of "said— ChamberHn-Johnson-DuBose Co. pl>vs in tht production of the western ntelo- Urania A Cowbov e Girl The locale of "All the Executive Committee—My love. Tell them how grateful I the pliy v\hkh is on a ranch In Arizona, i Atlanta Ne\v York Pans near tho Me\i~ •" ^— J"- -** -' ' am to have been counted worthy to share in the great work. May God . overrule all mistakes." "His great work." Jesus said: Today Is Home of the "Feed my lambs—tend my sheep—Follow Me." "I am the good shepherd; the good shepherd layeth down his life for Friendless Day the sheep. He that is a hireling fleeth." "In Old Mexico." "If any man will come after Me, let him deny himself, and take up It is our pleasure to announce that, following the ( \t the Columbia.) Two delighted audiences sau 'in Old his cross daily, and follow Me." Mexico at the Columbia theater at matl- custom of several years' standing, the children from m e \e-3terdu ind last night and judffing "Whosoever doth not bear his own cross—cannot be my disciple." from tho appl mse which greeted Charlie the Home of the Friendless will occupy our big display Gramiich and Helena HaJJ and oach chorus numt fei 25—Presi- This Thanksgiving Day, let us go up to God's place of prayer. though it must be called the Home of the Friendless. 1 dent Wilson made these nominations todaj. And there, in the house of our Father we will give thanks for her life. Oeai g-e T feummerlin. Louisiana, Is any appeal necessary? second secretarv of the embassy at But most of P" for her triumphant death. Beilin Htni> F Tennant, consul gen- 'ctal and be._ictar> of legation at San God lead us in the way that she has shown. We think not, once you see tjic tiny tots, and stop Salvadoi Francia M Endicott, secre-- tarv of legation at San Jose, Costa a moment to think. Rica Sheldon Whitehouse, secretary of the Md.na.gua legation, Frederick A Sterling, of Texas, second secretary And it's the day before Thanksgiving. of the Pekin leg-atlon. Life plays strange tricks. . Buy your Thanksgiving Executive Committee of the Men produce from Constitu- Chamb^rlin-Johnson-DuBose Co, tion Advertisers. You'll and Religion Forward Movement get service, satisfaction, quality and courteous at- tention.

I NEWSPAPER! OPage CHAPPELLE WEARS Mystic Number "13" Figured ATTENDED DEATH IN PLUNGE Banquet of Rotary Club ON THE PRICE OF In the While House Wedding DOWN EMBANKMENT Proves Brilliant Occasion UNGIfSMKEStK Arthur Chappelle, professional mo- torcyclist, who is training here for the ~., * Orant, and Algernon C. T\ Sartoris, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Brown Christmas day races in Savannah, was "Rotarlantsm"—a new word has 'been \ English expression in telling of the Cold Storage Dealers Urging thrown down a thirty-foot embank- •coined in Atlanta, "Rotarianlsm"- aims and the purposes of the Rotary Thirteenth Bride^ Thirteen M^mtlv Platt. niece of President and Miss Smith Present. . ment and his machine smashed to •club organization. . Attorney General M6Rey- T-r»vfs "and General Russell Hastings, pieces last night when his front tire new force in the activities of the. Gate K. L. Foreman waxed facetious in formerly ' lieutenant colonel of the Mrs. Lamar Entertains. exploded near the Hapevilie road City has arrived. telling or his experiences in "Early nolds to Give Hearing. in Bridal Party and 13 Twenty-third regiment of Ohio volun- Bridge over the Southern railway The latest : addition to the English bhop-pmg-." His remarks were enter- 1 taining—and then some. te|rrranielsie Folsom8' the president's , Only the fact that he fell clear of language and tihe most recent adjunct i.'. J. Paxon, spo'ke earnestly a few Washington. November 25.—The Letters in Names of the ward, and President Grover Cleveland, Washington, November 25.— (Spe- the machine and landed on the soft to the many activities that are plac- moments on the subject of "Patronizing double-barreled attack upon tlie cold earth at the bottom of the cut saved Home Industries." His little preach- storage dealers of the country by the JU e cial.)—Just ; a few hours before her ing Atlanta well to the forefront of department of justice 'and congress Bride and Groom. Vi tce' Moosevelt, daughter of Presi- ] weddtag-today Miss Jessie Wilson was his' life. He was picked up by his communities in this nation were ment was interesting and timely. dent Roosevelt. and Representative manager. Noon Hudson, and taken to i rank O. Foster's fund of droll sto- brought many letters and telegrams to Nicholas .Lonprworth, February 17, ' the guest at luncheon of Mrs. Joseph his rooms at the Piedmont -where an brought to life last night at a dinner ries proved the humorous hit of the Attorney General McKoynolds' of£u-e 1906. t It. Lamar,' wife of Justice Lamar, of examination showed that painful cuts given by the Rotary clu-b of Atlanta evening:, but,'speaking- in vaudeville today, urgently requesting .that the Washington. November U5.—The mys- Only Four Prenidenia' Daughters. > the United States supreme court. and bruises on his face, limbs and body at the Piedmont banquet hall. language, he was hard up against it dealers be granted a hearing before tic number 13-—to some an evil super- At this last function before her nup- constituted -the extent of his injuries. to beat J. Lee Barnes—the "chicken the department takes the matter into Only four presidents" daughters The motorcycle was literally smashed Men of affairs—men who are mak- the- courts. The department's inquiry stition, but to Prtsident Wilson an have been married in the white house tials, the other guests included Miss ing Atlanta what it Is today and— inspector'-—to a curtain when Mr. to pieces and to complete the wreck Barnes did some of his well < known started Saturday and has progressed omen of goo

quated, motive pbwer will fall »rid trackage ] THE CONSTITUTION facilities ^U shrinfc eveii beyond their f Established 18(83. A Story of ihe Moment Efficient Housekeeping present dangerously inadequate proportions. By WAI/T MASON. , By HENRIETTA ». GRAVEI* THE STANDARD SOUTHERN NEWSPAPER And any or all' of these menaces would be i The fmmonm Proae %Poet. Domestic Science lecturer. - The World's Mysteries calamities to American business. WERE THERE WHITE INDIANS? . . Dafly. Sunday, Tri. Weekly That is why the carriers are appealing NO ENCOURAGEMENT. TURKEY SAUCES. "Somebody In this neighborhood was lift- 1 ' CLARK HOWELL. for authority- to.mabe their incomes stable One of the best measures of a woman's The North American Indians have been vanced, they brought out rolls of parchment and attractive to 'investors. The one and ing up his voice In sons at an early hour ability as a cook is her Ingenuity In serving the subject of numerous popular fallacies, written Ih blue Ink. Captain Stuart said that Editor and General Manager. this morning," remarked the professor, "and the food she has prepared'. It is a. praise- some ' of wfcich have gained worldwide-cur- these white Indians were a bold, hardy, In- W. L. HALSTEAD, only understanding on which such authority, I havs the idea that you are the. guilty party. worthy achievement to rency. One of the most Interesting of these trepid people, very warlike, and their women Such hideous caterwauling I never heard, always be able to send were beautiful compared .with other women. Business Manager. can be forthcoming is that there will be no and If there's any more of it I'll complain stories is that of the \Vhlte or "Welsh Indians. the proper sauce with It is to the effect that the White Indians were About all Information that wrlters'on the more of the old;. disreputable practice of to the police. I get my best sleep In the nirector*: Clark Ho well. Roby Boblnson. various foods. , the descendants of a colony of Welsh found- Indians have to base their authority is the Albert How-ell. Jr.. B. R. Black, H. W. Orady. legalized piracy. The interstate and the early morning, and I don't propose to have ed about A. IX 1170 by Prince Madoc—well statement of the South Caroling captain, al- state commissions, must exact definite guar- It ruined In such a manner." Tou will want craTi- known-from Southey's poem. James Mooney, though there seems to have been a good "That's always the way," complained the berry sauce with the who has made a careful study of the Indian, many accounts concerning the white Indians antees to that; end. That done, we believe low browed man. "Just as sure'as a fellow turkey, but some other traces the development of this story from In circulation about the same period, and tries to live up to the helpful" things he American ' business- men are, as a body, as well will add zest- statements iu an article in "The Turkish one of these stories was Incorporated in reads In the magazines, he gets Into trouble. and, relish to the too dry Spy," published In London about 1730. Charles Beatty's journal, the substance of sufficiently reasonable to protect their own Last evening my Aunt Julia handed me a which; was as follows:— periodical she had been reading, and told me meat of this fowl. One At first these Welsh Indians, who were interests by allowing a reasonable advance. At the foot of the Allegheny Mountains to wade Into It.-and, Improve my mind. She of the most appropriate subsequently described as speaking Welsh, in Pennsylvania, Mr. Beatty stopped at the A feature to be remembered is that said It was the sanest thing she ever saw, sauces is made from the' possessing Welsh Bibles, beads, crucifixes, should these increases be authorized there and would build up my character and make giblets; the neck, heart, etc., are placed near coast and house of a Mr. John Miller, where ho "met with one Benjamin Button, who had been- me a credit to the race. So I read an edito- liver and gizzard are Identified with the Tuscaroras, an Iroquolan will be turned loose in all industrial and tribe, but by 1776 they had retreated inland taken captive by the Indiana, and had been iS rial which explained that the really efficient boiled with a pint of 1 economic channels in this country a sum to the banks "of the Missouri, above St. Louis. In different nations and lived many years I? man enjoys his work. 'If you hear a man i water until they become A few years later they were far up the among them. When he was with the Choc- " estimated at one billion dollars, the amount singing while doing his task.' said the 6dlto- I quite tender. • Chop rial, 'you may be sure that his heart is in it, Red river, continuing as time went on to taws, at the Mississippi river, he went to { an Indian town, a very considerable distance t\ required to modernize America's railroads, and such a man is sure to succeed.' these, but discard the recede farther and farther westward, being And a billion dollars in circulation at this "It was a well written editorial and it / neck, strain the liquor identified' successively with the Mandand, in from New Orleans, whose Inhabitants were made a great impression upon me, and I In the roasting pan and whose language Catlin thought he detected Of different complexion, not so tawny as 1 time means a .prosperity as yet unexampled Entered at the postoffice- at , Atlanta as made-up my mind right there to put some add It to that the gib- a Welsh element; the Moquia P.uehlo tribe, those of the other Indians, and who spOKe second-class mail matter. in America's history; , enthusiasm Into my work thereafter, so when lets boiled In. Return of northeastern Arizona, and the Modocs, of Welsh. He saw a book among them -which s he supposed was a Welsh Bible, which they j;i I went out to milk the 'cows this morning I the chopped meat to southwestern Orego'n, until at last they POSTAGE RATES: beg-an singing Emmett's 'Cuckoo Song.' In vanished over the waters of the Pacific ocean. carefully kept wrapped up in a skin, but |' United .States and Mexico. this and season. Add they could not read it." . ' j£ 10 to lS~pai:e paper*. lc» 13 to 24-i>ae« my younger days I used to be strong on butter and cream and The folio-wing- Is an account of these WffA T, OGLETHORPE MEANS. the 'Cuckoo Song,' especially In the yodeling At Tuscarora Valley air. Beatty claims to (3 papera, 2c; S4 to ;!U-pa«e p.apers, 3oi 36 to thicken a very little. .White Indians as given In a narrative of have met a man by the name of LevJ Hicks, !«'! pase papers, 5c. __^ The sponsors 'for the revival of Ogle- part, and people traveled long distances to Celery is delicious with all fowl and a Captain Isaac Stuart, of the Provincial Cav- hear me, but I've been out of practice a who had been a captive from his youth with )>' thorpe university do not appeal to Atlanta sauce from It Is rich and piquante; slice four alry of South Carolina in March, 1782. "I was the Indians. He said he was once attending !| ATLANTA, GA., November 26, 1913. long time, and the damper in my throat heads of celery In small' pieces and boll taken prisoner about fifty miles-to the west- doesn't work just right. I don't InsistVhat an embassy at ari Indian town on the west js on abstract or sentimental grounds. twenty minutes in salted water. Drain and ward of Fort Pitt about eighteen years ago side of the Mississippi, -where the Inhapi- >;| the singing I did this morning was flrst- put In a clean sauce pan with enough veal and carried to the Wabash with other white SUBSCRIPTION RATES. The,call is to civic pride, prestige, the class, but I was doing my best, and my in- tants spoke Welsh, aa he was told, for tie did f,* or beef broth to cover It. Season with a men. My companions were executed, but I not understand them. By Mall in the United States and Mexico. tentions were the best in the world. I felt (Payable invariably In advance.) pocketbook. blade of mace, salt and pepper and cook- was spared and was taken with an Indian It Is very natural to wonder how these pi- 1 mo. 6 mo. 12 mo. that I could get back to my old form in two until the celery is tender. Make a thin tribe westward, crossing the Mississippi river These slogans should be sufficient to or three mornings If permitted to exercise near the Red river. Indians, though descended from the Welsh, $ Dally and Sunday 60c $3,25 , J6.00 white sauce, with two ounces of 'butter came by books, for It IB well known that the ::•? my larynx in peace, but that sweet ' boon Daily 50c 2.25 4.00, bring response both, from those who origi- and one ounce of flour blended together "Here we caYne to a nation of Indians period at which the Welsh must have come;'; Sunday :... 1-25 2.00 was 'denied me. and mixed smooth with a cup of cream. Mix remarkably white and whose hair was of a i.OOj to America, was long- before printing was t) Tri-Weekly , nally subscribed to the fund and from At- "I was yodeling to beat the band, and in the celery and keep hot until wanted, but reddish color, at least, mostly so. They lived By Carrier. discovered or that any writing assumed the l'ft really enjoying my 'work while doing It, do not let it boll after the sauce Is added. on a small river which emptied into the Red form of books as we now have them. Sf; In Atlanta 55 eents per month or 12 cents lantans who did not then have the oppor- which shows that the sunshine editorial I If any turkey remains after the big dinner river, which they called the River Post. Ac- Major Rogers, In his "Concise Account ofjej per week. Outside of Atlanta 60 cents per tunity to contribute. spoke of was right In theory. But just when companying our party was a "Welshman and. month, or 14 cents per week. it is very good reheated in sauce. One for North America." published In 1765. notices j| I was most Interested In my work a quart dark meat Is called Macedoine sauce; melt much to the man's amazement, he found this What Princeton is to the town of that bottle grazed my head and smashed against the White Indians, but the geography -offi? J. R. HOLL1DAY, Constitution Building, two tablespoons of butter and add one table- white Indian tribe spoke a language very , their country he leaves anywhere on the S> sole Advertising Manager for all territory name, and Harvard to Boston, and Yale to the wall of the cowshed, and when I looked spoon ot floqr. Brown this, but do not let similar to his own." around to see where It came from, I saw old west of the Mississippi, probably never hav- f', outside Atlanta. New Haven, and Cornell to Ithaca, Ogle- it scorch. As browned flour -will thicken Upon inquiry the chief men of the town ing visited them himself. There is very lit- ff Doolittle at his bedroom window. His bed- nothing, dissolve four tablespoons of flour. In informed the Welshman that the forefathers The address of the Washington Bureau Is thorpe will be to Atlanta. room overlooks our back yard, and he had tie real foundation for the story of tha Welsh ;;' No. 1727 S Street, N. W., Mr. John Corrigan. a little milk, stirring It until a smooth bat- of this white Indian tribe had come from a. or White Indians, and one writer sums it 1| a fair shot at mei The next bottle he threw ter results. Add two cups of .meat broth. foreign country and land'ed on the east side Jr.. staff correspondent in charge. On the financial side the accession of was of the soda pop variety. It weighed a up as follows: "Upon the whole, we thinkt-i Heat another pint of the broth to the boiling of the Missouri, does not rest 011 as good au- it may be pretty safely said, that the exist- jr, such an institution means much for the city. pound and it caught me In the ribs. Then 1 Point, add the browned flour and butter to the western coast of Florida, and that, on THE CONSTITUTION IB on sale In New got out of range and for ten minutes that ence of a race of Welsh about the regions!;, York city by 2 p. m. the day after Issue, It It. is estimated that from 800 to 1,000 the batter of flour and rnllk and stir this the Spaniards taking possession of the coun- of the Mississippi does not-rest on as good" au - *:r can be had at Hotaling's Newsstands, Bread- old man was throwing cut glass and Dresden into the boiling broth. If desired, when sea- try, they fled to their "abode west of the Mis- china at me, and when the bombardment thorlty as that which has been adduced, toff way and Korty-siecond street (Times building students will be in attendance. The faculty soning, add a little , onion. Put the cold sissippi, and as a proof of what they ad- establish the existence ot the sea-serpent." < corner). Thirty-eighth street and Broadway was over our yard looked as though a chopped turkey meat in this and cook quick- and Twenty-njnth street and Broadwa,y. _ will be large. Each individual among these wagonload of crockery had been struck by 'ly until the right thickness. Th? usual way will be a spender. The university itself will lightning. of serving this Is with buttered toast. Tho Constitution Is hot responsible for "I've been hearing about that melody ot advance paymentpayme s to out-of-town local car- have a considerable sum monthly to disburse Down Kast Thankse-Iving Dinner Sfenn. CUT OUT THE "T." ICEBERGS. dealers or agents. mine ever since. Even Aunt Julia was mad. riers, among our merchants. and when she came down stairs she told me Clam Chowder By OEORCE MATTHEW ADAMS. By OEOItGK PITCH, that the next time I had an attack of the Pilets of cod Cream sauce Author of "At Good Old Slwach" W. W. FIN LEV. When the revival of Oglethorpe was first colic she hoped I'd take painkiller for It. in- Roast turkey. Stuffed, with oysters stead of shrieking around the back yard like Cranberry jelly The greatest word In all the language News of the death of W. W. Finley, presi- broached the people of Atlanta subscribed Mashed potatoes Succotash An iceberg is a misplaced competitor oi't- an Indian being burned at the stake. Then of Achievement is the little three-letter word the ice trust. Icebergs grow in the polar rc-f? $265,000 toward the project. Technical ob- old Quackenbush came along with a shotgun, Chicken salad, celery, olives C-A-N. A man grows because of what ha dent oil the Southern railway, will be re- Mince pie Doughnuts Pumpkin pie gions where they are of no use at "all and£ stacles only prevented its then consumma- and sa.id he was sure a laughing hyena had feels and knows in his heart and in. his mind drift down into the steamer lanes wheref? ceived with sorrow throughout, the country. escaped from the circus that was in town Mulled cider that he CAN. But the weakest word in all Waldorf Thanksgiving; Dinner they are of still less use if possible. An ice-|' tion. the "way before. He heard the brute howling the language of words is the Invented com- berg consists of from nine to forty-seven^ It is said by those who knew him best that under his window, he said, and if he could Blue Points on half shell bination of words—C-A-N-'T. The great majority of these subscribers Boiled salmon, Hollandaise sauce billion tons of fresh Ice, all of which goesS ho literally worked himself to death. The get one shot at it he'd feel a whole lot bet- When you think that you CAN'T, just cut to dilute the salt water of the ocean andtf still live in Atlanta. The reasons that im- ter. He thought the circus proprietors Celery, relishes, almonds, olives out the "t" and you CAN. ( intense commercial environment of .our age, Roast stuffed turkey, with onion sauce keep it cool enough to use for bathing pur-fj should be prosecuted for letting their pesty People are led by their masters. Some- poses at Atlantic City and elsewhere. Ii,3 pelled them to subscribe then are stronger wild animals run loose. Mashed potatoes Asparagus Moloch-like, demands victims, and President times these masters are Nerves, sometimes the meanwhile the babies of the poor, a fewp- "Several weeks ago T read in one of my •Pineapple sherbet Stomachs, sometimes some Infirmity, some- now. They have the inspiration of the 1 Kinley was one' o£ them. aunt's sunshine papers that wf should al- Lettuce salad, French dressing , Wafers hundred miles away, are dying for want of||, times Imagination. But when a man Is led fresh milk. . ' . V President W. W. Kinley succeeded Sam- plucky fight by which the sppnsors of the ways speak a kind word to people in dis- Plum pudding, Mince pie by the master Will, the only things that he Icebergs are formed by glaciers, which!? uel Spencer as president of the Southern tress. The next day I was going along the Fruit, nuts, raisins, cheese CAN'T do are the things that he decides not university have, without parade or ostenta- street looking for somebody in distress, and Coffee, Ices, small cakes slide gently down to the sea In the frigid^; to do: regions, and In the spring break up at thoj^: at a time when the railways of this country tion, raised a sum total of $300,000. They presently I saw a man's hat blown off. The When you think that you CAN'T, just cut 1 v lower end into vast mountains of Ice. Some:* were confronted by a desperate situation, have before them the example of other man, who was fat and short winded, had the out the "t' and you CAN. of these chunks are half a mile long andlr the joint result of their own folly and the time of his life chasing It. Ho went steam- Look about you. There you see a fellow several hundred feet high. They draw nineff southern cities. They have the spur of the ing along forty miles.an hour, and he nearly FAVORITE RECIPES OF who is going ahead and accomplishing- things conscienceless raids of demagoguery. times as much In feet as their height, sol'4 had it a dozen times, but the blamed hat DISTINGUISHED WOMEN and keeping still about it. After a while he that there Is little chance that an icebersit knowledge that a dozen other cities will would dodge and scoot away in a new direc- won't be where he-is now, but somewhere—• Problems of administration and of BIT MRS. CHARGES «. EDWARDS. will ever get into New York harbor aii(3J?| eagerly take • over the movement if Atlanta tion. Finally he pot It. and then leaned no matter where—in a big place. He knows block navigation. . |? finance confronted the new president. Dur- against a post to mop his brow and get Wife of ReprVNcntatlve Edwards ot falls down. But Atlanta never falls down. Georgia. he CAN and he DOES. He started out by When the Iceberg Is spawned by tlielJ: ing his incumbency the company faced more his wind back, and I stepped up and said cutting out the "t" in CAN'T. glacier It Is seized by the restless .oceans something kind and sympathetic. and he When you think that you CAN'T, just cut than one crisis. .' With rare ability and cour- AH denominations and people outside of current and carried relentlessly southward.f j ii swung Vis right to nry law and lifted me off Next to the plain dry dressing for turkeys out the "t" and- you CAN. age . he handled the situation,' putting 'the 'denominations will partlc'ip ati«i 'in this enter- my "feet, saying He wouldn't stand any jolly- This is exceedingly hard upon the berg. Fpi'f and other poultry, that which Is made with all'its vast size it is delicate of constitution! Ing from a yahoo who wouldn't lend a hand 1 system on a firm foundation and placing it prise. For the institution will be non- oysters is tin most popular, possibly because to stop the infernal runaway hat. I started The Picture Market. and as the hot summer sun Beats upon; It,| among the great railroad systems of the denominational in its matriculation require- In to punch that man's head up so his it is so easy to prepare. becomes exceedingly passe and dejected.'} (From the Milwaukee Wisconsin.) Nothing looks more enduring and BUbstan-| world. .hat would never fit it again, and was doing Oyster DresniitB. The art sales of the first six months of ments and operations. a workmanlike Job when the police came up. tial than a vast Iceberg. But the tourist JJ- His services were render-ed from "love For a sixteen-pound turlcey take twenty- 1913 in London—a period comprising the who engaged passage upon one of these le-1 The city that raised more than $70,000 in So you see, professor, that there isn't much five oysters, 1 tablespoon of butter, 1 quart "season"—and not counting any picture that o,f the day's .work" and pride in a' 'task well encouragement for the man who tries to viathans in Baffin's Bay would discover to I" of stale broad crumbs, 1-2 a small onion, 1 fetched under $4,000,. have totaled over ?2,- to his horror upon reaching the gulf stream f a day for the ghriners «an raise $180,000 in do the rigft't thing:." discharged. He wrought wonderfully well. teaspoon of salt, 1 tablespoon of minced pars- 000,000. It is estimated that the sales of that he was without visible, means of sup- i tor the railroad development of the south' >a ' few days for, Oglethorpe university. ley, and pepper to taste. paintings under $1,000 each have aggregated port. . j and for.ithe larger development of the sec- For 70 Atlantans have already contributed Drain the oysters, add them to the bread $500,60.0. The Steengracht sale in Paris and AH summer long the icebergs swarm down | 1 crumbs and mix in the butter, parsley, salt, other sales on the Continent, realized a total the northern ocean, melting Industriously and I. tion. tjis' vision was, broad and he saw the-' $70,0"00. 'The remainder between that sum LAST ARTICLE WRITTEN pepper and onion. Fill the turkey and bake outside ot England of about $3,000,000. The cooling the atmosphere for miles around in ? destiny' -^aitftig for the grea^ property of ;. and $250,000 will clinch the opportunity. BY PRESIDENT FINLEY in the customary manner. total turnover ,ln London for tapestries and spots where it Is cool enough already for all 1 Chemtnnt DreRalnff. other objects of art so far In 1913 has been practical purposes. Formerly these bergs which We 'was for so long' the guiding Let Atlanta-be prepared to meet more about $1,600,000. The art features were the were treated with quiet contempt by steam- A good chestnut dressing Is made by tapestries of the Murray Scott and the Phil- ship crews, but of late they have been given genius. ' • . " -' " , ..''.- than half-way the 'committee that will soon Probably the. last article written by W. cooking n. quart of the large chestnuts in lips sales and the disposal of the Oppenhelm every consideration and are allowed to roam He wtttjae missed,- not only -by the com- VT. Finley, president of the Southern rail- boiling water until the skins are loosened. inaugurate its campaign under the seasoned- road, who died yesterday, was that which furniture- the ocean in peace. Until governments em- pany over -which he presZaeii with such emi- Remove the brown skins, again put into boll- ploy vessels, however, to round up the generalship of Captain James W. English. appears in the current issue of The Hallway ine: water and cook until tender. While Rembrandt's "Bathsheba." bought on nent success, but by the whole country, and Kecord, a. weekly newspaper. It is entitled June ,9 for $220.000 by the l>uveens at the wandering bergs and hang red and green still hot rub through a coarse sieve or col- lights upon them, no one else will, feel very "Essentials for Success In the Railway lander. Mix with the sifted nuts a few bread Steengracht sale in Paris, was the costliest especially '••by the south. .World." It is as follows: picture of, the present year at auction. Nebct comfortable in their vicinity. ' • ' i crumbs and two tablespoons of melted but- Science Is gradually rolling up Us shirt j SICKNESS AND YOUR WAGE. By W. W. Kinley, President Southern ter. Season with salt and pepper, moisten comes Romney's "Anne. Lady de la P61e," Hallway. bought for $197.000. on June 13; in London sleeves and attacking the great problems of j '-'•- The Child Welfare Exhibit which opens with a little sweet cream and fill the turkey, the day, but It has remained silent and in- i THE RAILROADS SHOWCAUSB,-;- T,he essentials for success in the taking care not to press the dressing in too by the Duv.eens. Rembrandlt's "Portrait of December 1 at the old Leyden house has a railway world may be summed up in His Father" fetched $113,500 at the r>o A -nerv-epoch fdri the nation Is involved .two wdrds^—Intelligent work. I know closely. pocketbook significance to the people of of no" occupation in which advance- Potato Drenslng. N~em.es sale. Fourth was Gainesborou^h's "The Market Cart," bought at the Phillips in the hearing, now in process -before the ment js dependent so much upon merit There Is still another dressing, the potato Atlanta. and so little upon favoritism as in sale for $98,000, by Agnew. interstate commerce commission, over the railway -work. Railway- managements dressing, which is made by mixiner together A large number of children die in At- the following: Fifth was TTobbema'.s "Woody Land- right of the"rajlroads east of $he Mississippi are' constantly striving for increased scape," at tho Oppenheim sale, bought for lanta, each year before reaching the first efTicIi'iicy in all departments. If they Two cups of hot mashed potatoes, yo-llts of $75,000 by Emerson. Sixth w;is lloppiu-r's and north of'tjie Ohio and Potomac rivers anniversary of their birth. Putting out of aro to obtain this it means-the filling two eggs, one tablespoon each of chopped to make a slight increase in their freight of the morp responsible posts by men parsley and butter, one teaspoon eacli of "Mrs. Jflqpprier," sold at Christie's for $4fi,500 consideration human anguish, the economic who have demonstrated superior quali- to C. Davis. fications. onion juice and salt, four tablespoons of tariffs. . . cream and about one-third of a teaspoon of As to tapestries,' the two chiff sales have loss there represented is tremendous. It as InU'IHsrent' work means something been: Four Beauvais panels, pastoral and The other day representatives of the-car- estimated, that nearly or quite a third of muva than the mere discharge of each pepper. Beat well. riers appealed before the commission. They day's task in a perfunctory way. A sporting scenes, solil at the Hurray Sc'ott these deaths can be prevented. It requires mail may discharge his duties so well 1. . sale to Hodgktns for ?90,000: four Hurgun- submitted and still are submitting exhaust- trained intelligence for the work of preven- as irtjvitr to receive the criticism oC . Curious Tales. dian panels, "History of Tsubell,;! the (.Cath- ive data .supporting tlieir contention. Their his superiors and yet may not be quali- olic;" at the Phillips sale, for $.70,000 to But- tion. The welfare exhibit shows the way to fied tor promotion. UK who hopes to (From The Chicago News.) ler. I'-laim is that revenue lias run Car below ex- set ahead must understand his work in mothers and fathers. itK relation to what the other men in Anatole France once agreed to write an The costliest furniture was tho Louis XV penditure, and that the gap is constantly The exhibit also indicates methods for his department and in the other de- essay on Moliere. He repeatedly broke his Beauvais settee and six faiUeuils. Aesop's partments of the company are doing. promise to his publisher, who finally threat- Fables, sold at the Oppenheira sale for $36,- widening. They point to increased operat- early detection of disease and defects in On account of the great variety of work 500, to Stettine. ing expenses, mainly wages. They declare in the operation of a railway its organ- ened him with legal'- proceedings unless a children. It shows how, by spotting the first ization IK necessarily divided into,.de- certain number of pages were delivered The higheat-pricoci pottery was the Chi- that unless they are granted relief, the partments, the functions of ' which within a specified time. France hurried off nese set of two Mazarin-bluo Kunghe bowl.s symptoms of disease, you can forestall • its touch at many points, and it is essen- to his lawyer, who was none other than and covers, Louis XV ormolu mounts, at the safety of life cm the rail will be further tial to thn best results that.all depart- Murray Scott-sale, for SSS.SOO, to the Du- development, and save money in doctors' ments shall work together as smooth- Raymond, Poincare, now president. M. Poin-. "Hang red and BT«-«-II lights on them.' imperilled and traffic the .country over will .care, heard his story and said that the au- veens. bills. If.the juvenile diseases that are pre- ly as the wheels of a watch. If this different regarding the iceberg. In the ice- be penali/.ed. The petition now made is a is to be brought about there must be thor would better comply with the pub- The costliest bronze \vas th^ Cupid Mon- ventable were held in control in Atlanta the acant, by Falconet, sold at the Murray Scott berg fleets of the spring, vast national re- intelligent team work and loyal co- lisher's demand, "Ifs impossible," said renewal of efforts several months ago to a disposal, for $35,000, to Jacques Seligma.ii. sources are going to waste. Let us ' look aggregate saving would be hundreds of thou- operation on the part of the individuals ' France. "But you're a genius." was the re- in each departrnent and each of them • - The screen of largest price was the Louis forward eagerly to the day when young- and similar end, then denied by the commission ply. "Genius Is infinite patience. I can't sands of dollars each year. The pay en- must make the interests of the com- , XV, four-leaf, by Loncret, bought at the inexperienced icebergs will be harpooned by with authority to reopen at a later date. pally his own Interests. My* advice, possibly do it in the time," said France. velope of the average wage-earner would be Oppenhelm sale for $33,000 by the Duveens. daring ice men and sawed into 100-pound therefore, tn the'man in any depart- "Nevertheless begin," replied the advocate, The railroads are now. in embarrassing considerably fatter. ment of railway work, who 'aspires to - bl.icks for the preservation of human com- plight through their own fault. They have advancement. Is that. ' in addition, to x "and we'll see." So Poincare dictated the fort on shore. The primary appeal ot the display is, of performing his duties effjclailtly, he ' first sentence,..."Moliere Is n Parisian." and "When All My Dreams." sown the wind. . They are reaping the whirl- course, to those intimate paternal and 'ma- shall, without interfering in any way added, "Go on from there." France was wind. The, Jhing to be remembered is tha.. with the men in other " depart- complacent, perhaps inspired by the sugges- When all my dreams aro cold Old Breakfast Joys. ternal instincts that want to give the child ments, be always ready to give them tion of the words, and the brilliant piece of Upon .the hearthstone of my heart, • and I, the country is in danger of reaping the such help as may bo in his power; Knowing their fires' fleet futility.- (.From The. Xew York World.) a square deal. But the financial, side is not that he Khali learn everything pos- criticism was easily done in time. ' How dear to my heart aro tho. fond whirlwind along with them, and that steps to be overlooked. sible about the service as a whole, Chance has saved the world some of Its Feel desolate and old, . recollections must be taken accordingly. , The era of rail- and that he shall know thoroughly the most precious books and manuscripts. The As one whose sun ha^ dropped behind tho Of breakfasts I ate as a boy:— The prevention of sickness is only one dutios of the post in his own depart- chief treasure of a museum at St. Peters- wall, . The buckwheat, tlie sirup, the homely road debauchery is one of the most humili- ment immediately ahead of that -which, I wish they ne'er had burned For me at all: confections. of the phases touched by the welfare exhibit. he fills so that, when the time comes burp is the oldest known Greek manuscript That mv childish taste woukl em- ating chapters in the industrial history of. TBvery father and mother, every .citizen of for his promotion, ho shall be in every- of the New Testnment, which -was about to Sweet was their warmth, in sooth, and gold ploy: way qualified to make good in his new he burned by tile monks of a Syrian monas- America. The juggling of railroads as Wall Atlanta has a personal interest in visiting and more important field. their light, The coffee, with sugar and cream street pawns, instead of legitimate transpor- tery, when, by a lucky chance, one of the And lovable the phantoms of their flames served so sweet):.'. the (lisp'ay that opens on the 1st. Farmers Shy of Innovations. priests, struck with the antiquity of the That clustered round me in the muffled night The rich flavored strawberry jam, tation companies; the diversion of the pro- manuscript, interfered in time to. save what And kissed me too—(they did not seem mere And the eggs, white ami ^olderi, ail (From the Tifton Gazette.) had been thought to be valueless. The mag- names)—-, spread out so neatly. ceeds of bond and stock issues; financial 1 Beside the freshly sliced ham. Get ready for the call from Oglethorpe. The statement from Quitman that the na charta, which is carefully guarded In a But they are gone and all the light is dead, pyramiding; ignoring of the, public and first rural mail carrier appointed in the glass case In the British museum, was saved And I must look on ashes iu their atead. Xo breakfasts have- ever been quite glorification of the financial buccaneer. Tb_e United States was J. /E. I?onder, of from destruction by Sir Robert Cotton, who, like the old ones Ordered your Georgia-raised turkey yet? that place, recalls the difficulty experienced so the story goes, one day had entered his Ah! rather had they never burned at all I ate as 'a boy on the farm— counts in the indictment are so familiar that in getting rural mail carriers or in persuad- tailor's shop precisely at the moment when Than they should die and I should bear their A ^tranger, I've sat where the cake* ing people to petition for rural mail routes have beet) coJd ones. it is needless to recount them to a- tired the kniaht of the scissors was about to pall— The jain to "be viewexl with alarm,_ public. The nation's every good wish goes with when they were first established. Mr. Pon- cut up for patterns the ancient looking doc- Than I should spend my little day on earth "Were I real, poet I'd.tune up my meas- Mr. and Mrs, Francis Bowes Sayre. der was a printer and his brother was for ument with its many imposing: seals at- A weeping mourner by an Icy hearth. But the railroad chickens have come. some time employed in the Oazette's mechan- tached. ' - • —HOFF, in New "Fork Evening Sun. So sing" of tlio«e comforts long past ical department. Rural free delivery mail Among the extraordinary frauds .which To give rhythmic sway to the mem'rj home to roost and 'the country generally of pleasures , How -would you Ilbe to have John kind's route, No. 1, at Tifton., was established have been perpetrated was one put' into op- Coal for Panama*. Too dear and too perfect to last. threatens to be the sufferer. State and fed- through the efforts of Congressman Griggs eration by a company of schemers who told eral commissions,'mindful of the past, are expense account? soon after the route was put on at Quitman. a confiding public that many fortunes were (From Power.) Yet why stir regret with so much' aa W. M. Sellars agreed to take the posi- Elaborate plans are being laid down reluctant to grant authority for increase in to be made by Importing Into England com- for the storage and handling of coal we tion as carrier on the Tifton route, but pressed dried grapes front Spain; Italy and at the Panama canal terminals. There Fc!r "bVesslJiea henceforth must tariffs. Investors hold off until they are cer- The cow is still being milked, on the right l) when a petition was circulated, anvong the' elsewhere, then saturating them -with good- will' be two mai1n coaling plants, one Those" buckwh'eu.t« arc vanished, ' tha tain their money will draw reasonable divi- or'left side or both. people along the proposed route, several re- English water and making wine from them, at .Cristobal, and the other at Balboa. The former is to be the larger and not come back; fused to sign it because 'they thought It it was stated in the prospectus that dried will ha-v« a capacity of . 100,OW tons dends. The railroads find it almost impos- would increase their taxes, .awing largely grapes could be Imported at a much cheaper' wifile'Y^e'him That of old was a mor- underwater storage as a. reserve for sel to cherish, ;We ^are now told that the "graft trail to the efforts of. Mr. Sellars the route was nav.a} use, 100,000 tons dry storage 1 sible to tfloat their securities save on terms rate tham wine and that it was possible to 1 For which e'en a princeling might that ^are usurious. And unless money is leads to Tammany."' It has before, but has finally put on and now the people Cannot produce an equal quantity of wlrie as good for canal use and 100,000 tons for get enough free delivery. It is- singular that as that made . abroad. Thousands of. pounds emergency use. At the Balboa plant forthcoming roadbeds .w;ill. still •further de-, .never; been able to put salt on Tammany's* nearly every measure for the convenience of there will be capacity for JOO.OOO tima , Would afford us a joy all too were subscribed by the British public, who' wet storage, 80,000 tons dry storage ithe common people has to be put on over AUiedfwitu" the seven-cent teriotate, rolling stock will become antl- tail'. " : ' ~' I" ''' '' ' ' their protest. firmly believed In the Idea until the scheme and 30..000 tpns for emergency u»«: ,

I iNEWSPA'FERr lEWSFAFERl until mldnig-ht , tonight. Practteally i every city in Geocsfla and many in sur- ; Lays Siege to Home rounding states are represented in the OF ATLANTA TAX RETURNS CONLEYMLBETI CENTERS IN list at competing entries. Dr. deck- Where Mother-in-Law WHOLE DAY SPENT ley. Captain Gary Jones and other Au- gusta poultry fanciers, who have al- ways contributed (to the success of Shut Up His Bride southern poultry shows, have extensive BUILDING NEARLY READY SHOW $19,000,000 JANUARY TERM COMING POULTRY SHOW entries this 'year. The-same is true of lep-ding fanciers In Savannah; Macon, Savannah, Ga.,, November 25.—(Spe- ON SCHOOL Columbus. Roirie and Albany. This is cial.)—To plot for months to overcome one of the reasons why the out-of- Several Floors of Structure From Unofficial Figures In- Negro Factory Sweeper Ap- 'Mrs. Dooley," World Famous town attendance on the show this year parental objections and then be out- will be very large. witted and robbed of his bride by an State Board of Education Have Already Been Leased crease Is $2,OOO,000 More pears in Court in Order to Wyandotte, on Exhibition. In addition to the birds entered for irate mother-in-law an hour after competition, quite a number of very marriage was the experience today of at Good Rentals. Than First Anticipated. Have the Time Set. Scores of Fine Birds. famous birds that have won prizes the Joseph H. Pierce, a young- man of Holds Long Session, but world over will be here for exhibition Dawson, who was wedded to Miss purposes only. One entry .will be "Mrs. Helen Greech, of Savannah. The bride All entries are In and practically all Dooley," the most celebrated fowl on is under lock and key, while the groom Has Not Yet Reached Any The Chamber of Commerce building It was learned yesterday through an Jim Conley, the negro factory sweep- earth. She is a Wyandotte. and is is laying siege to the home of Mrs. R. is 'expected to be ready for tenants unofficial source that Atlanta's tax re- er who was a witness against Leo arrangements have been completed for known as the queen of chickendom. C. Greech, the bride's mother. In hopes Final Decision. some time during the month of Janu- turns for 1913 will show an Increase Frank in his trial for the murder of the great Southern International Poul- Many years ago "Peggy," the famous of recovering' the possession of his ary and several floors have already of approximately $19,000,000. City . of- .Mary Phagan, will.be tried during the try show which will open Monday at White Orpington hen, held the tile as wife so that they can start on their ficials say that the increase is about ' January term of the criminal court of the Auditorium-Armory. Thousands of queen of her kind, but now Mrs. honeymoon. Ho intends to apply to been leased. Dooley reigns supreme. She has been th courts {o get possession of his bride. After a - session lasting from 10 The Atlanta .Chamber of Commerce $2,000,000 more than was anticipated i Fulton county. birds have been entered, and among This was made possible- Tuesday them are some or the most noted sin- seen in all the great poultry shows in o'clock, in thf; morning until nearly takes the second floor, for which it in the final revision of the city budget. the last few years in the United States pays a good round sum. The Atlanta These figures verify the approximate i when Conley, ready for trial, appeared gle birds and fancy breeds in America. and Kurope. FIRST. STRAWBERRIES 7 o'clock in the afternoon, the state freight bureau, the Merchants and estimates published In The Constitu- before Judgre Ben Hill, of the superior It is expected that fully a hundred There will be numerous freak ex- school book commission, ' otherwise Manufacturers' association, the Atlan- tion a little more than three weeks court, and, through his attorney, de- thousand people will see the show, as' hibits, including a queer bird .that is a SHIPPED TO CHICAGO known as the state board of education, ta Credit Men's association and the ago. George Beauchamp, city tax re- j manded trial. interest throughout the whole- south is cross between a guinea .and an ordi- ceiver, said Tuesday that he had not Conley was brought Into court from keener than it has ever been in pre- nary hen. Secretary Poole is also in was scarcely any nearer to selecting adjustment bureau of that association vious years. communication with several ostrich Plant City, Fla.; November 25.—Th« the text books for the public schools have together leased practically all of completed his compilation of the fig- I the prisoners' bullpen, looking smug All entries closed on November 21, farms, with the idea of having an ex- first strawberries of the, season, two 'or the ensuing five yfiars than when the third floor. The convention bu- ures. He has furnished a partial state- and all smiles. So soon as court was except entries for the children's de- hibit of ostriches. The"show will be carloads, left here today for Chicago. they started. It will probably be late reau has taken a suite of 'rooms on ment to Ma,yor Woodward c.nd Charles ofrtcially opened, .Solicitor General Dor- partment, which have been held open open' until December G. The farmers netted 75 cents per quart. .his afternoon before the selections can the fourth floor, and a. large real es- W. Smith, chairman of the tax com- sey called the court's attention to the mittee. Mayor Woodward will not fact that the negro had appeared in be announced. tate lirm has taken quarters on the make the figures known until the The work of selecting bnoks this fourth floor. The directors expect that books are balanced. court once before for trial. i'ear bristles with extraordinary dif- the Ad' Men's club and other commer- According to unofficial information, Judge Hill then said: ticultles because of the fact that tilers cial organizations will follow suit. the tax assessments aggregate $173,- "I Know that the negro is ready for fs to be a selection riot only of. com- The freight bureau. Merchants and 327,427, against $164,327,487 in 1912. such trial as shall be given him, but Manufacturers' association and Credit Real and personalty assessments the court is not. I do not believe—" The Saving of Money non school books, but also of texts amount to. about $159,320,000. About |for the high schools. Men's association will together em- At this point Attorney William Smith. ploy about twenty-five men. with three $14,000,000 represents assessments bhe negro's legal advisor, arose and There is no lack of competition on or four bureaus whose operations ex- against public utility corporations. In- Jthe part of the publishers, ,'l'hirty- tend to nearly 200,000 firms scattered creased assessments on private prop- filed formal demand for trial. erty are said to be near $16,514,672. "Just a minute, Mr. Smith," said the |;igtht different publishers submitted through the southern states. Harry T. State Comptroller General Wrights jids to the board Tuesday of books Moore, secretary of these associations, court. "I appreciate that, your formal will direct the activities. figures show Approximately an increase demand takes the matter of this man's by the use of for which they stand responsible. The presidents of these organiza- pf $2,000,000 in utility corporations. trial out of my hands, but I am still Before the meeting of the c.ommi.s- tions are: W. A. Parker, for the freight Nion; there was a meeting of the' sub- bureau; J. K. ,Orr, for the Merchants of the opinion that the trial should go bornmlssion of educators, ami their ami Manufacturers' association, and H. VOTERS IN CHAMBER over until the Frank retrial motion, respective reports in typewritten form H. rhoate, for the Credit Men's asso-, new before the supreme court, has been vere submitted to the members of tin; elation. The convention bureau is pre- OF COMMERCE QLECT disposed of." Royal Baking Powder |ioard. The members of the sub-com- sided over by Ivan B. Allen as presi- Attorney Smith declared that he did 1 dent, with Fred Houser as secretary not wish to force the negro's trial on lisslon are L., I '. Blrck!, of Jackson in charge fcof the active work. They OFFICERSNOMINA TED fcounty ; E. B. Gresham, of'Burke coun- are ta.arkeff by very strong boards of the court, but that, iii Justice to his ty; G. W. Brindle, of Surrency; Ga.; business men. client, he had filed motion for trial so T. M. Collurn, of' Americus. and .[. F. The chamber of commerce has had that his client would know where he {Scarborough, of Tlfton. a number of inquiries for stores and The choice of the nominating com- stood. is considerable offices, and It is expected that the mittee of ex-presidents was formally In speaking of the work done Tups- Conley will be tried at the next reB- ay, State Superintendent Brittain \vhoje space will be taken in a short approved In the election of new offi- laid: time. The plats are in charge of W. cers and directors of the Atlanta ! ular session of Judge Hill's court, which "I am not at liberty to give out any O. Cooper, secretary, at the chamber Chamber of Commerce, which took opens on January 1. of commerce, 508 Empire building-. place on Tuesday afternoon. The case will resolve itself into a pf the results that we reached at thl e That the nominees would be unani- Jtay's meeting. • We made several t* n- mously elected was a foregone con- legal argument between Attorney Smith lative selections of books, but they arc RAY DIDN'T KNOW NAME clusion, and the list of those elected and Solicitor General Dorsey when the liable to, be chanKed. tomorrow. I was In nowise different from the list case appears for trial, as the negro, Ihould Kay that we are not more than OF WOMAN HE MARRIED of nominees, which is as follows: through the formal demand filed Tues- Royal is economical, because it pos- pne-thlrd done with our work. We President, Mell R, Wilkinson, one-year day, waives right of jury and stands if 111 meet at 9:30 o'clock in the morn- David Ray. a youth of 20, solicited term; first vice president, V. H. KriegKha- I ready to plead to the two indictments rcgr for the completion uf our labors. the aid of recorder's court to learn her, two-year terjn; second vice president. hanging over his head. It will remain "The fact that we have to make an the identity of his wife yesterday aft- Brooks Morgan, two-year term; third vice with the court whether the negrro shall sesses more leavening power and goes Intirely new selection of hijrli school ernoon when she was arraigned beforw president. VV. L*. Peel, one-year term; fourt'h. be sentenced for a misdemeanor or a Jooks this «;ear, of course, adds im- vice president, Albert Howeli, Jr., one-year Judge Broylea. term; fifth vice president, H. <>. Hastings, felony. lensely to our task. I believe that wo Mrs. Hay, a rather pretty girl of 19; one-year term; treasurer, Thomas £>. fill be able to conie to a conclusion had been arrested the night previous Meaflor, two-year term. further. Royal saves also, because it 1 another day's meeting." on a charge of disorderly conduct. Her Directors—'(Two-year term) John ~W. The members of the state hoard of husband 'had also been arrested on Grant, J. Lee Barnes. Ivan E. Allen, George MOTHER RESCUES Iducation are Governor .Slaton and charges which grr-ew from a fight in W. Hanson. B. M. Grant, John S. Owens, Superintendent Brittain, ex-offirio; 1'ront of the Bijou theater. \V. J. Davis, F. E. Kamper. One-year HER CHILD FROM always makes fine, light, sweet food, all IValter K. Steed, of Butler: G. R. Ulciin, . When the young husband was called term) \V. H. White. Jr., C. A. Wickersham, \f Dahlonesa; Albert Moon and T. J - to deliver testimony, his first state- S. A. Kysor, Thomas Egleston. Poofter, of Athens. ment shook the court into surprise: DEATH IN FLAMES •'Judge, I want you to help me. I'd digestible; never wastes EMIL STAHL !S DEAD. like to know Just exactly who my wife WIFE RETURNS FROM is. We've been married for several Cordele, Ga., November 25.—Lillian, months, now, and honest to goodness, THEATER TO FIND the little 4-year-old daughter of Mr. good flour, butter and There is no fis End Causes Postponement your- 'honor, I don't any more know and Mrs. James L. Brown, came near u"ho she is than I know the man in being burned to death when her cloth- baking tho, moon." HER HUSBAND DEAD Ing- caug-ht fire from a lighted match of Turners' Dance. Then tie explained Jthat he had mar- she had dropped upon the floor. She eggs. ried her under the name of "Smith." was severely burned about the body powder so That next day she received letters and lower limbs and at first her life Because of the sudden death of Kinil under the name of Carter, Cifntreli and Dti,blin, Ga., November 25.—(Special.) was despaired of. She is now slowly economical Jtahl, . pioneer ancl prominent German various other cognomens. Tlhe Judge H. P. Shewmake was found dead in his recovering. The child was enveloped More important still Itizeii in Atlanta, early Tuesday niorn- pressed the wife for a revelation, of office here !ate last night by his wife, In flames when her mother heard her lig at his home, 75 Maysort and Turner her identity. who came by for him on her way home ; cries and ran to her rescue, smother- in practical enue, the Atlanta Turn Verein fami- "Until' this man. gets a divorce," she from the theater. The verdict of the ing the flames. dance booked for this evening at answered haughtily, "my name is Ray, coroner's jury that investigated his is the saving in health. he Turn Verein hall. 26 '/i South Pryor and that's all necessary." death was that it came about from Cartersville, Ga., November 25. use, no treet, has been postponed by the on- '{'he jtidge advised Ray to. hire a heart failure. (Special.)—The child of C. T. Knight, prtainmeut committee, Newman Las- detective. Mrs. Khev/makCi with several friends, while alone in a room this afternoon, Royal Baking Powder matter hour r, chairman, until Tuesday evening. had been to the Mieatei-, -leaving Mr. ; was burned to death by playing with lecember 1>. •Shewmake at his store. After the j fire. The mother was badly burned Emil Stahl was r-achins his sixtieth performance they stopped for him and little others car when death came suddenly and JESSE LEE TO STAND Mrs. Shewtaiake went Into- the store for ! in a heroic effort to save the 2-year- adds anti-dyspeptic |nexpecteclly Tuesday morning. He had him and found him on the floor, in- a • old baby. een a resident of Atlanta for nearly ^ PAINFUL OPERATION half-sitting position, dead. A small may cost, jrty years. Associated in business gash in the back of his head had ap- rith Louis .Koch, also f widely known parently been made, when he fell, by PENDLETON TO ADDRESS qualities to the food. as the Royal rnongr Atlanta's German-American Jesse 1-ee. councilman-elect from the striking- some sharp corner of the rail- Itlzens, .Mr. Stahl had made many fifth ward, is a patient in a private ing. Physicians were called, but, al- ATLANTA LAW SCHOOL Fiends in the business world ,-is well ward at Grady hospital, where he will though the body was warm, keep house or act as a companion for information as to Atlanta's hotel ac- were delivered by .Grand Master J. M. wants to hear from every taxicab an elderly person. ' commodations, places of interest and Haynes of Savannah, Grand Secretary >w;ior in the city. Anyone desirous of donating- ar:y ability to take care of the great, con- T. H. Robertson of Gainesville- and The ordinance drawn by Alderman I. clothing or wishing to secure her serv- clave of high Masons which meets here Past Grand Master Walter Coleman of '>, R;ig'sda.Ie to prohibit smoking in ices may communicate with Mrs. L. H. next May. Cedartown. The session was replete theaters will be amended, it i.«-- under- Ru.^.sell, secretary of the circle, , by The Crescent is edited by J. Harry with interest for the Odd Fellows, and stood, so as not to interfere with the- calling Main 3740. Lewis, formerly a newspaper man in. was concluded tonight with a banquet aters catering, to men only. • St. Paul, and is the official organ of tendered by Sumter Lodge, No. 264. tile Thirty-Second degree Masons in the United States. It circulates 'ex- Postal Employees' Banquet. THANKSGIVING SERVICE clusively among Shriners and among Clocks and carriers, substitutes and AT TABERNACLE CHURCH the shrines is looked upon as the last Jregulitrs alike, on Postmaster Jones' word on definite activities in the or- ay roll—something like' ^.",0 strong — der. I'm, Not Afraid of Save, decided to enjoy t'»«- one-half A genuine,' old-time Thanksgiving holiday coming to them tomorrow. service \vill be held at the Tabernacle Thsuik.sg-ivins- dav; with a banquet and Baptist' church on Wednesday^ night. talkfesl at the Thursday Dr. Lincoln AJcOonnell will be present KILLED BY OWN GUN Any Bill of Fare Illight.. The full program for the even"- to help make every bod v g-latl they're ingr h«s not yet been perfected. As a living and thankful for the srood thingrs WHILE CLIMBING FENCE prefare it, lias been determined that of life. Music will swell throughout If You Use a Stuart's Dyspepsia Postmaster Jones will be the honor the p;reat audit or ram. Full chorus, Raleigh. X. C., November 25.—In Re- Tablet After Each Meal You guest of the evening and will conse- <.fuart-«-t, solos a?R* the best that is in noir county today Jack Perry, a young Can Eat What You Like. quently nppear arming the ~peak-t rs. the splendid or gran will • combine to lawyer of Kinston, was accidentally Other features will lie completed -to- nuxko an enjoyable evening?- The serv- shot, according to a statement made It does not make any difference wluit night or tomorrow. • ice will start at 7:^5 o'clock. by his, companion, while hunting. He you eat if you will provide your sys- had placed his sun beside a wire fence tem with the -wherewithal to digest It. over which hi? was climbing", when the Jt'o bill of fare should appall or dls- 1492—1913 weapon discharged, killing him, the gTist a man who wants to eat. There wound severing the carotid artery. is a simple, sure way and that is by carrying a Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablet in r your pocket or purse to be eaten after Columbus in trying to get through A Sensible Suggestion SERVE SPECIAL DINNER each meal. FOR GOLFERS' BENEFIT stuck at the Isthmus. So did many others. For Men Foiks I Announcement has been made by the ' management of the Capital City Coun- try club that a special dinner will be ! served on Thanksgiving; day for the Uncle Sam stuck at nothing. He i-fonvenienc-e - from Constitu- Alaier & B^rkele, Inc. is that he used three notes for per- i sonal affairs when the notes should ' tion Advertisers. You'll Gold-and. Silversmiths have been turned to the Wheeling- , Use tiie coupon which is printed elsewhere in Corrigatins company. Currie is the ' get .service, satisfaction, Established 1887 31-33 Whitehall Street Atlanta, Qa. head of the Georgia-Florida Turpen- tine company. He denies that the quality and courteous at- notes/ belong1 to the corrugations com- today's issue and secure this book at cost price pany and claims that all paper due tention. was delivered to them promptly. *-;* wrf^ir **^-


pomtment. with the pink rose as the decorated with palms and ferns basis ot decoration. The centerpiece banked with a nroluslun of yellow was a foliage green basket of aspara- chrysanthemums. The table in the din- gus fern and Russell roses, ana the ing room had as its centerpiece a bonbons and cakes were passed in a basket of big yellow chrysanthemums •^L* candy basket in pastel shades, gar- and small silver baskets held yellow landed with candy roses The place bonbons Silver candlesticks had yel- «?" caids and details of service were In low shades and -the cakes and other pastel colors details of the pretty table were in i el- Mis Branch wore a three-piece suit low of black broadcloth, her hat of black The table from which punch was veUet and tulle, and Miss Griffith wore served was artistically decorated with a smait black velvet gotvn, her velvet smilax and fruits and the punch bowl hit trimmed with fur and paradise was wreathed with grapes feathers Miss Elizabeth "Westmoreland, Miss Miss Lillian Jones, of Waynesboio, Nina Gentry and Miss Alice Vandtver was another charming ^ Isitor, and she presided at the punch bowl wore a black velvet gown with a black An orchestra statievned in the hall picture hat Miss Isabel K-uhrt wore a played during the reception hours. /ie, IJr. Clay t. Uean, William Ses- becoming: costume in old biue, her cloth The guests were received In the liv- To Visitors. sions Zed . S 8mvfle>. of H Knight, Q Smith and hat Miss Thorn wore a wistaria cloth Her hat was of old blue velvet trimmed foxvn, Md , afterwards there was a Julius McKinrion suit with velvet hat in wistaria shades. in plumes of the same color A co-i- theatei i> n t> at the Atlanta sage bouquet of Parma violets and Costs $10 more than the "humpy- valley lilies completed the costume Afternoon Tea. Thanksgiving Party. Mrs Tancey was lovely in a sown Mrs, ttilltam Oldknow gave a beau- The teachers of the primary and be- lumpy" kind. Lux Y our y Mat- Entre Nous Club Dance. tiful reception vebterdav afternoon at of black uncut velvet trimmed in fur ^! \t fhe F ntro Votis cluh flam P at grlnners' department of the First Bap- and having- the corsage of shadow lace {>i Sddlos Vli>rirl.iv evening those. pic.--- her home tist chinch will entertain their class- veiled with chiffon Her bUok hat to ^L tresses are a dream of comfort and <>nt win. Miss'-, \llie Ramstar, Hlld i es at a Thanksgiving party in the match was trimmed with a paradibe bchdif, fne/ Ho trU, \llie McC'lair. Bible school loom at 3 30 o'clock Wed- aigrette they never* become "lumpy," even after long use. Mj.rie Ultvii He bit Bilker Mane 1TI- Parlor Sale and Lunch. nesday afteinoon Mrs Ralne wore blue charmeuse with incr, Annie T.ou Tenkms, JjOUise Ijoo- V u i loi sale of C hristmas srifts will Ml of the cnildren of tnis depart- °}ack_ velvet hat tiimmed with a para- nus, Alujvru fi'vnoldi Kathleen hi lit lrl todav at the home of Mrs ment, then motheib, the two classes dise bird and Mrs Stuart String-fellow, Pc4ite, I>e* ifntheu s Marion Ti}der, W adu bte\ens, ~>7 l£a'me street, the te entlj- piomoted to the junior de- who assisted in receiving, wore black Satisfying, Refreshing rtuth dn-neliu'* Doioth\ I.tndbev and ladies of Cordon Street Metihodist partment, and the motheis' class have satin charmeuse, the corsage of shadow Jll .iti'l vlrs rip in Uoc.kstadt.1 , uhap- chinch, to be in cti irg~i been invited to be present lace and chiffon and her hat of black e'Mt n< •- 'rtiere will be -vaiioiib Xrnas articles velvet was trimmed m plumes sleep is a Luxury we all may have, whether we are rich or Vlfssis L.el. Jarvis \\ F Fiaser, for hale, donated bj the ladies and <,h

her 'parents were dead and that she is located- on the third floor of the / was the nearest relative. A distant High School bulUUng.i The furnish-j relative; Mrs. John Beavers, she said, ings in it cost over $600. Mr. and Mrs. Grant Give Dance ATLANTANSARE lived in Marietta, Ga. Mrs. Kensy claimed th«.body. The funeral will be held Wednesclav at 11 o'clock. Interment will he'in RICE TO GIVE LECTURE Hardeman's cemetery, near Decatur, To Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Draper l 'ON BIRD PROTECTION TO ENTERTAIN Georgia. Advocates of bird .protection" will Mr. and Mrs. John W. Grant enter- the flower, which were La France roses Nearly 600 Homes Are Still COLLEGE PARK TO OPEN rally at the, Piedmont hotel next Fri- tained thirty-four guests at dinner and narcissi, filling cylamen baskets NEW CITY AUDITORIUM**day evening at 8 o'clock to hear an To Dr. and Mrs. Bucknell. in a wistaria color, the handle ornate Needed to Take Care of the address .by James Henry Rice, field Sec- Mr. E. P. M'cBurney entertained a last evening in compliment to Mr. and with bows of French blue ribbon. ,iparty of twelve last evening; at din- Mrs. Jesse Draper, who have returned These baskets -were placed at inter- Corn Club Boys. retary of the National Audubon society, ner in compliment to Doctor and Mrs. from their wedding trip. The dinner vals On the table and were of differ- The formal opening of the 'new city who has recently come to Atlanta for Howard Bucknell. who are hems was followed by a dance and the oc- ent sizes. The .place cards were French auditorium of College Park, which was the purpose of establishing in this city •W'aranly welcomed by thein friends recently turned over to the city by the casion was a riiost enjoyable one. figures, in the colors the flowers show- The total num'ber c?f homes secured the southern headquarters of the Au- after a year's vlsrit In Europe. Miss Grant assisted ther parents in ed, and the silver candelabra and county board of educationfeand was fur- dubon society. . candlesticks ihad white shades painted for Georgia corn club boys coming to nished by the College 1%'rk .Woman's A number of .Atlanta business men doing- the honors of the evening and in designs of. Dresden flowers. Atlanta for two or three days next club, will be observed Thanksgiving; Miss Cobb Reads. the company included an equal num- day with appropriate services. have Joined in the movement for the After dinner, the guest repairing to week, up to last night, was 454. Rev. Chris Rauschenberg will make Miss Caroline Cob-b, of Athens, Ga., ber pf the young married set and those the ball room on the third floor, en- This is still far short, of the number protection of birds, as they realize its organizer for G.i-orfe'ia of tlir Drama unmarried. • - joyed dancing, the decoration here the formal address at the services, economic importance. The Atlanta Boy League of America, rea.d. before tne •being an effective arrangement of needed, although every possible effort which will be conducted by a union of 'Atlanta branrh of the Drama league The dinner was served at two beau- palms and potted ferns. is being made to secure the homes all the denominations represented in Scouts are enthusiastic supporters of yesterday afternoon, at their regular tibully decorated tables, one placed at Mrs. Grant wore a white satin gown needed fc-r the 1.000 boys who are corn- College Park, under the auspices of Mr. Rice, and have pledged that they meeting." •Tlhr self-ction was 'file the end of the dining room across, and with tulle trimmings, and an embroid- ink. the woman's club. will do everything- in their power to Piper " the r>l;iy written 'bv .Josephine in front of the mantel, wnMe the oth- ery of silver. Mrs. Draper was lovely The work must be completed this Students from Georgia Military Acad- protect the birds from other thought- Pteston Peabody, of Cambridge. Mass., er extended the length of the room. in a ball sown of white satin and week, and Atlantans are urged to take emy and from Cox college have been less "vouths. -Many prominent women which won the Shakespeare prixe two , The feature of tihe decorations was tulle. Miss Grant wore a becoming hold of this important work. invited' to be present and a general in- of Atlanta are also interested in the in the exquisite color combination of Following Is an additional list of vitation has been given to all citizens subject. years .a«o. ' dancing gown in apricot colored silk. those who agreed yesterday to provide of the town to be present. The serv- It was i>res* Heaven," and tonight he will admin- Mrs. Joseph Cause, who has been ill ister the ordinance of baptism to fif- over their native hills, for several weeks, is convalescing, teen or twenty candidates who are now are prize Georgia prod- ' *« '! in waiting. Follow the Mrs., Richard P. Brooks is spending The meeting has been a success In Call and Inspect our select ucts. a few days at the Hotel Ansley. every way—a blessing to the church stock of Pianos and Player- They've been petted ' *a* and the means of salvation of many piano*, or write for descriptive \ftNDEKBm HOTEL Mr. <.^harles !..awto!i, of Spartanburs, others, is the declaration of the con- and pleased and han- S. C., is the gu<'st of his parents for a greg-ation. catalogue*. .NEW TiORK. CROWDS Dr. Ridley speaks next Sunday morn- short stay. Our Motto for nearly half • dled ,like royal babies— * * * ing to the city salesman of Atlanta and never allowed to be Mr. .John • Westmoreland, of Mercer their families. Special music by the Century— "An hotel of distinction To our warerooms university, will spend .Thanksgiving large ' chorus and old-time gospel .frightened or worried. with his parents. Mr. and Mrs. George preaching will be the program. "Lowest prices, iargfft sale*" with moderate charges'* daily, eager to make This has not only made Westmoreland. Within five minutes of principal railway terminals. **« $35,OOO Loss by Fire. them fatten evenly but Miss Marie Roberts, of San Antonio, Situation ideal. TAR1FF: a bid on the piano of Tr.xa.s. who is a. student at Hrenau col- Charleston, S. C., November 25—Fire has given the most deli- £TP, U'ill spend tht- Thanksgiving holi- broke out early this morning 'in,, a Single rooms • - • • per day— $3, $4. t5, $6 wooden warehouse back of the Stand- Double rooms ... « " " $S, $6, $7, $8 their selection. - cate, juicy flavor to days with 'Miss Marguerite Gause. Double bedrooms, boudoir **a ard Grocery company's store, in the their meat. Miss I-eake Clarke entertained at a retail district, and a large stock was dressing-room ana bath . " * 98. 910, $12 linen s3\'O'.v-( r yesterday afternoon for ruined-by fire, smoke and water. Par- Suites"—Parloir , bedroom and bath . • tlO, (12, $0 We brought them to illss Fannie .\l;iy Cowan, a bride-elect. tial Insurance covered the damage, to- Bach room frith bath town a week ago. Rest- day estimated at $35,000. Mr. a r.i! .lulian Prade are in ed them up from their Thomasvi);. :i month. journey, stuffed them airs. Kmoi-y Folina'r, of Troy, Ala., on milk and meal—and arrives Thursday, to be the guest of Mrs. Roy Jones in Decatar. Listed Below now their fat is white Buy Now-- Mrs. Richard F. Brooks' luncheon at are samples of values and sweetl the Iloti'l Ansley for the members of We dressed yours for the Piedmont Continental chapter Davison-Paxon-Stokes Co. that are going this naughters of the American Rev.olution. Pay in January you yesterday after- will be a delightful occasion of today, noon,, carefully, cleanly at 1 o'clock. week in our and lightly, never bruis- Mr. ,M. P. Kearney has returned to ing a single spot, using the city, after a visit, to Cincinnati. Mrs. Walter Andrews is in New York, knives ' scientifically and will not return to Atlanta until clean and keen. We after h<>r tour in Europe. Mr. Andrews Prices Are Considerably Lowered CLOSING will join her in a few days. guard your turkey's *** flavor just as carefully Mr. Jacob I'hinizy. of Augusta, is in the city, at the . all the way to your * * * Miss M'arsarpt Pilsen left yesterday SALE door and hand it to you for Washington, 1'. C. On Smart Shoes for Women the very height o£ old ' X: * * Miss Pnssip May Ottley left yester- fashioned food perfec-, day Tor Washington, D. C., where slie Estey— 'will be the grucKt of her cousin, Miss tion. >Ma.ry Howry. Miss Marjorie Brown, Every woman puts forth special effort to appear at her best. It is We copy no other who is in Washington. will be the guest of Miss Howry for the rest of grocery—we design our the week. > the time when mediocrity in dress is not to be considered for a moment. *** Hazleton— OWN, NEW ways to • Mrs. Albert Hpyward, of Worcester, serve you WELL and Mass., is the guest of-her sister, Mrs. Her costume, hat, gloves and shoes must be absolutely beyond reproach. IS L. Sims. She will visit Mrs. George — $65. OO feed you BETTER. Connors in Birmingham before return- If she wears Patrician, they add tenfold to the effect 'of a stylish costume. COME OVER TO ing homo. Steinway — SHEERER, where Mrs. Marvin Underwood is in Athens quality counts, and get for a short stay. *** This season's styles are more charming and graceful than ever be- — $1 88.OO i-oui- Turkey. Jliss Eliza Gary, of Abbeville. S. C., is the pruost of Mrs. F. J. Cooledge, Jr., fore. Embracing the smartest and most pleasing effects in Pumps, Knabe — We Close All and Miss Mary Clopton. 7*5 Colonel Sam T. Harrell. of Quitman, and Smart Button Boots, in all popular leathers and fabrics. « / 9 GA., one. of the- best known young' Bay Thursday lawyers of Brooks county, spent Tues- diircstir dav" in Atlanta. Colonel Harrell, who usually carno to Atlanta to argue a- case before -or Ib. the supreme' court, is a graduate of Women who dress with exclusive elegance insist that their shoes shall conform to the Emory college, and has a number of A few more Celery, white. . tender. ^ friends in Atlanta^^ same standard. That is why so many women of refinement and taste are to be seen wearing H'c and. . 1 2 1'2C Mr and Mrs. .Ned Mclntosh left exceptional Tomat««M. t'rt'sh, Tuesday night for a trip to Chapel PATRICIAN. red. firm, pt*r qt. 25c Hill N C., where thwy Will spend two l.c-ttucf, choice weeks visiting the parents of Mr. Mc- bargains still ! white, crinkly head lntosh. The beauty of the Patrician Shoe is the result of studied care. The manufacturers of - Spr?ns srreen onionM, car- remain on our rot*, osiulifloiver ami the HE PROCURESIUCENSE this most dainty of all feminine footwear make shoes for women exclusively—and they put lie.Nt of fruit.s. TO WED MISS FLETCHER brains into their work. 'None but the best artists and most skillful master shoemakers are wareroom OYSTERS for the $ Washington. November 25.—Sir Li- permitted to have a hand in their making. onel Srnith-Gordpn, of Dublin, Ireland, floors unsold dressing, fat, meaty, is possessed today of richer experience, for he personally went through the formalities at the city hall incident to Besides Patricians, we have other smart and stylish shoes for women, including the pop- solid pack, per quart, procuring a license for his coming marriage with Miss Ellen A. Fletcher, ular RED CROSS—a, shoe of national fame. Standards . . 40c daughter of Senator Fletcher, of Call at Once Selects . . SOc "This is mv first venture of the kind, | rou know," "he informed the marriage license clerk apologetically 'as he Observe This Special Pricing for Today stumbled in his reply to the first ques- \ tioii put tot him. He answered all sue- j Railroad Fares Paid G. SHERRER ceeding ones, however, without hesita- | tion. . . i ' $4 Black Satin Button Boots, with black whipcord tops; special for this 36 Gordon St, The bridegroom gave his age as 24 to Oui-of-Town Pur- and that of the bride-to-be as 25 years. Bell Phones Westl300,1301,1302 sale at $3.15 pair. • CAUGHT BETWEEN CARS, chasers. ADEL MAN IS KILLED Very smart $5 Patent Boots with dull mat or satin tops; priced for this sale , j at $3.85 pair. Adel, Ga.. November 25.— (Special.)—i OPEN UNTIL 9 0'GLQCK I B. G. Riggeps, who worked for the lAdel Lumber'company, was caught be- $4 English Walking Shoes; black or tan; rubber or leather soles, at $3.15 pair. EVERY i¥EHING I tween two cars late yesterday and I ^^3$8**&&&jfZ!?S& " I crushed in such a manner that he died I a few hours later. i $5 high-top Auto Boots; black or tan, priced for today at $3.85 pair. **^%ZWJjjff& ! He -leaves a wif 1 and a father -who lives in Tit'ton. The i EATK- Every Pound at Shcrrcr's Weighs 16 Ounces. (remains were buried today in Tift coua- j ty, i miles, out from Tifton. Beautiful New Colonial Pumps Have Come. j : They are priced at $5—4ind the best value we hav^ ever seen in a slipper at ERHOL Buy your Thanksgiving | YOU MAY AS WELL this price. Choose either patent or dull Md; they have very smartbeaded buckles produce from Constitu- | LOOK YOUNG and the correct-French heels. Piano Co. i Old style things, especially old style glasses, make you feel and look old; tion Advertisers. You'll the old style split, two-piece bifocals, They are going very fast, by reason of their extreme beauty and good style for instance, are the. very ear-marks of get service, satisfaction, advancing age. Why don't you inves- i tigate the new Kryptoks (the invisible —and combined economy. - i '„."-' «x •»• <. -m quality and courteous at- bifocals)^' they're really "young folks' .•• ., •" .-••.•.. Shoe Store, First Floor. glasses." Come in a.nd trv on a pair tention. and let us explain their merits. A. K. Hawkes Go:, Opticians, 14 Whitehall St. . ' ' 1 *

SPAPESJ Page Ten. THE CONSTITUTION, XTLANTAr GA., WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 26, -1913. TOM BROWN TO PUY DETAILS . AGAINST^ SEWANEE f TOURNEY TODAY Vanderbilt Star Fully Recov- Golf Committee for Gentry ered From Injuries Sustain-' Trophy Meets This Morning. ed in the Michigan Game. To Fix Handicaps.

PONALD WILL Nashville, Tenn.,' November 25.— The golf committee, Dick Jemison of YELLOW JACKETS Six G. M. C., Football Players The Constitution, Jack Cohen of The (Special.)—Tom Brown, Vanderbllt's Journal and Bill Farnsworth of Th« veteran tackle, who was hurt in the Georgian,1 appointed by Colonel W. T. Michigan game and who has been out Gentry to work out~ the details of a ever since that game, will be seen In golf tournament for the newspaper LEAD JACKETS action when Vanderbllt and Sewanee mon for the handsomo trophy given by 5T FIGHT Colonel Geiitry.»will me&t at 10 o'clock tie up In their annual game • Thanks- .•- _v this morning. giving. • At this meeting; the final details of Halfback and Punter Seems Final preparations are' being made the tournament, which is exclusively Clemson Tigers Will Prove by Vanderbilt and they will enter the for newspaper men and those affiliated game in the pink of condition. closely with the Fourth Estate, will be Certain to Be Named Cap- worked out. Hard Nut to Crack—The The handicapping will be made, the tain of 1914 Georgia Tech AMERICAS MAKES PLANS pairings announced and all other de- Dope Is Even—The Line- tails gone into. It Is probable that a FOR BASEBALL IN 1914 stroke handicap Instead of a hole Ups Are Uncertain. Football Team. handicap will be tried this time. Americus, Ga., November 25.—(Spe- ! Alfred McDonald, halfback and cial.)—Plans for the coming baseball The Tech Yfjllow Jackets h«.vonald started his career at De- call for a mass meeting in large num- three years at Harvard, according to honor of their Schools as well, the two ;¥ Ga., nineteen years ago. He ber and signified that tihey were be- a local investigator. The period cov- elevens are certain to furnish Atlanta ii-i-e to Tech by way of Donald Fraser. hind the team to win the pennant. It ers one. year on the freshman eleven - was announced -by President Lanier, of and two on . The, total football fans with a fitting i-limax to \: ris he Is familiarly kn'own, is o the Americus club, that two big- league point are divided as follows: 24 touch- a most succt-ssf ul football season^ Inches tall, and weighs 155 teams were negotiating- with the downs for 138 points; 5 goals from A month ago, Tech would have been Americus management in efforts to touchdown for 5 points, and 34 goals picked as- an easy winner. Today, thfre 'i jonald is one of the best punters secure suitable grounds here for train- from field for 102 points. 'Is no fair-minded dopester, unless ho me south, and has been holding his Ing next spring. Ideal training weath- In two years as a varsity player ho er and good artesian water together has kicked 24 goals from field in 1" Is partisan, who would venture an Six members of the Georgia Military college football team who hue ^\^ , .•ivn with the best. Last year, In the with • the fact that Americus boasts out of IS frames and wound up with opinion of the outcome. Sewanee game, he punted so well that an, up to date hotel lias attracted the his high-water mark o£ five against Millede'eville on Thanksgiving Day. The men in the photo, left to right, are: Godwin, liiiison attention of the big leaguers. Yale. Everyone Puzzled. _„, . . t , * -ri •» F 1 1 T—IL *.t T T * < t • T> t . _ 1 _ _ _ _ j Tt * . T J _ 14 J ; 1 ' j. _ .. he overshadowd the efforts of Jenks Captain Tnnnell, Arnold, Bradford and Doc Wilkinson. They may also meet Riverside Military Glllem, regarded then as the greatest The dop'f-ster and the fan is hot the punter In the south. only one who 'is puzzled. Kven the icarlemv in a post-season g-ame. •', The present season, Mac has not players who havi- fought botli elijvfiis been punting as well, by reason of the and r I stilt in the thick of the fray hav.> fact that in the earlier games of the ae-vn the strength and weaknesses ot season Preas was doing the punting. the two elevens can give a defmite But tomorrow, at the flats, the little answer. halfback is going- to be in hfg element. Coaches, experienced football mpn SEWANE CHANGES McDonald will make an Ideal leader. and others who make their livelihood I1EE LINE STARS He Is brainy, a fighter and full of the from this same take tin- same viuw- spirit that goes to make an ideal lead- point as the dopi'.sters. It is the Hard- er. He also knows a lot of football. est same In figure that has been un- corked in recent yours. LINEOP FOR Juxt how the teams will stack up in LOST TO weight height, speed and experience remains to be seen. There is no real dope at hand on these points and it O'Brien, Hitchcock and Storer Ward Will Play Fullback and SOCIETY TO ATTEND the absence of sut-h dope that makes it all the harder to figure out the con- of Championship Eleven Auburn, Ala., November 25.— (Spe- Parker and Thomas at Ends Cigarette of test. . cial.)—At the annual banquet tendered Comparative 'store dope tor ^ this Graduate This Term. thai Auburn football eleven, which won Against the Commodores. game Is poor. Comparing what Clem- the Southern Intercollegiate Athletic ARMY-NAVY FRACAS ° son did a month ago >an.t what she will association championship for the sea- do now Is mm:h like comparing black New York, November 25.—Supremacy son of 1913, H. W. Robinson, the star Sewanee, Tenn., November 25.— (Spe- with white. The same. In a measure, cial.)—The- Sewanee eleven has made applies to the Jackets. among football teams of the Harvard- end of the champions, was elected to President Wilson, Army and V.-il e-Princeton triangle having been the capta.incy of the 1014. team. several changes in its lineup for the Stronsent L.lne-1 p. settled for this year, follows of the Pitts, the great center of this team, Thanksgiving- day grame wi'th 'the Com- Navy Officials to Witness It is one safe bet, however, that the] snort are taking stock of the football modores at Nashville. two elevens will trot out on the Held'. timber tha_ _ t wilf be left for next year. was second in the voting and ran Rob- Big- Parker will go to end, the 'place Gridiron Game Saturday. inson a close race. made vacant by Chapman's injury the best eleven they haw been able! H;Lrvard, this year's champion, will Piedmont stands alone—far above all to muster this season, arid with evei-y | lose three valuuble members of the The banquet was one of the most earlier in the season. Ward, who has man lack of them in the very best of] line—Storer, Hitchcock 'and O'Brien—• brilliant that the school has ever given recovered from his Injuries will go to a team, and the college spirit ran high, full-back. Thomas, one of*- tlie scrubs, New York, November 25.—Bracing- imitators—the highest grade cigarette condition. ,by graduation, but Brickley and other 1 The line-ups of the two teams are stars are all saved for at least another the boys frequently giving yells and is holding down the other end position. weather succeeded the summer condi- ever sold for the price. doubtful. Neither coach seems to bn year. singing their college songs. The back field against the Commo- tions which prevailed here last week, able to make up his mind as to just Jligger inroads will be made by grad- Kirk Newell, who piloted the team to dores will be Tolley at quarter, Ham- holding out prospects auspicic-us for who he will use at the start of the uation at Yale, with the loss of Cap- the championship this year, was given mond and Palmer at halfs and Ward the Army-Navy football game here In quality of tobacco and •workman- tuiii ivetrham, Marting", the star cen- a trip to New York, where he will wit- at full. Barnwell at center, Ma-g-vvood next Saturday. The Jackets will hold a signal drill ter: Talbot, Warren, Pendleton and ness the Army-Navy game. This was a.nd MaeCallum at guards and Dobbins The staging of this gridiron classic ship it is always absolutely uniform— this afternoon. They held one yester- A very.! given Newell as a token of apprecia- and Hamelton at tackles will be the within the arena of the new haseball tion by the student body of Auburn. line. , stadium at the Polo prounds will give always pleasing and satisfying—always day afternoon. Monday they held, then- From the freshman team Princeton it" a more up-to-date setting than the last scrlmmgae. and four Tech r»lay: promises to draw' better material than The Tigers leave the mountain Wed- *rs-—Cobb, Loeb, Means ana .'1 homason will be the case at Harvard and Yale. nesday for Nashville. They will 'hold game has ever had before and from all ripe, rich and mellow. a signal practice on Dudley Field Wed- indications will attract official Wash- — engaged in their final scrimmage on j Most of the Prineeton varsity men will ing-ton and so-ciety generally to an even Grant field. . "''retur ...... n .an d' vb ~o augmente'" d Tb~ y~ ~Driggs, nesday afternoon. The student body Clemson held her last scrimmage the capable fresh fullback and kicker, is confident that the new lineup will greater extent than has been the rule. Is it surprising that Piedmont should Monday afternoon.' Tuesday was de- and Hog:"- from the line- and two likely JOE TINKER LET OUT prove a success. It is announced that practically every- voted to a signal practice. This morn- ends. one of the 41,000 tickets,has been taken be the biggest selling 5c. cigarette in ine the Clemson team 1-eaves Clemson. arid that the demand is still so great They will probably stop off at Augusta that ordinary $3 seats are selling as America? Whole coupon in each for rest before coming on to Atlanta, hish as $50 a pair, while boxes can no and will run through signals there. BY CINCINNATI TEAM longer be obtained at $100. , package. SECOND PLACE RANK The list of box holders on the Army StudentK Coming. side of the field was made public today. The Clemson student body is coming. Cincinnati, November 25.—It was of- President Wilson has engaged his bo'X to the game on a special train that willj ficially announced by the board, of di- on this side and it is understood thot arrive here shortly before . noon on rectors of the Cincinnati Baseball club a reservation o>t~ twenty-seven box Thursday morning. .... late today that Joe Tinker, manager of DOPESeS seats has been made for his ;party, Clemson has made this, her big game the team last season, would not man- which will probably include the presi- this year, and they are going alter the age it during the season of 1914. In- dent's new son-in-law and his bride, Jackets' scalp from the first whistle to ability to come to terms with Tinker Second place honors in the Southern Mr. and Mrs. Francis Sayre. This would probably be the first public ap- S Thirty-two entries will line up at the is given as the reason »or reaching Intercollegiate Athletic association is" The following is the probable line-up this conclusion. worrying the dopesters. pearance of the cou.ple following the of the two teams, subject to eleventh- starting lint- in front of the Auburn The official statement said: The University of Georgia, Vander- wedding festivities in Washington to- hour changes Thursday morning: avenue clubhouse of the Atlanta Ath- "The officers and directors of the fbilt university and Louisiana State uni- day. , CLEMSON. Position. ' TECH^^'" . letic club Thursday morning at 10 Cincinnati Exhibition company desire versity supporters are all claiming the Reservations c'n the Army side have Brown . . 'Bfiird o'clock, to be sent away on the third to announce that they could not eonie honor. It appears a toss inp. also been made lor practically all the or CuHliman. members of the present cabinet, ex- annual road race under the auspices of to a satisfactory agreement with Mr. Vanderbilt supporters claim that Schllletter ..... Rair.ey Tinker to act as playing mana.ger for, they. have a better -claim than... Georgi. a cepting the secretary of .the navy, who ...... Lang that organization. naturally would find his -place on the Bristol ' or Alexander. the Cincinnati team, next year. The | and point to the relative Auburn scores The entry list closed Monday night, question Involved did not pertain to as proof. L. S. U. uses this same plea opposite side of the field. Carson ' • - • and these entries, representing the At- The representatives of the Army will Parker H. O. salary. Mr. Tinker seemed to believe to buck up 'her claim. lanta Athletic club, Marist college, that he was entitled, if be again as- But L. S. U.'s claim is not as good include, in addition to Secretary of C.anuy (Papt..) . K. T. War Garrison, General Leonard Wood, Striding or.MayiU. .K. E. Irish American, club. S. V. D. and Tres sumed the position as playing mana- as either Georgia or Vanderbilt. Mis- Patten General Thomas H. Barry, Colonel C. Jame.s .Mvi.iranl teams. will compete. There ger of the Reds, to usurp all the. au- sissippi A. & M. held them to a 0 to 0 < Oapt. > thority vested by the stockholders in count, while Auburn defeated Missis- P. Townsley, Superintendent of the THROUGH SLEEPERS a few unattached entries. the executive officers and the board of sippi A. & M. 34 to 0. United States Militarv academy and a tit \va.f-r;U vely, and to the no one in sight to take charge of the BE LAID WEDNESDAY Today is the Day the smallest number of team in 11114. Tt is understood that TUG - o m o silver trophy will Tinker will not be given his release BLOOD POISON Constit u outright. Gospo'rt, England, November 25.—The Sporting madf» from in front The "news that .loe Tinker was not lead keel of the Shamrock IV.. which Pimples. spotH on the skin, sores in the Tech Hii,---. is to try to capture the America's cup f^n A ii burn a, ven u e, to be malinger of the Cincinnati team mouth, ulcers, falling hair, bone pains, ca- a von ii'.;. north on for the 1914 season came aw a great next year, is- to be cast here tomorrow. Sir Thomas Lipton, with a few friends, tarrh, etc., are symptoms. Delays are dan- Don't postpone your to I'oii'-e f\f I,eon surprise to the fans of this city. nee rlf- Leon jiven ue No Indication of the new manager will attend the-ceremony. Good prog- gerous. Send at once to Dr. Brown, 935 r, AOU th on Peach - haK been g-jvon by' club directors, but it ress has been made in the preparation Arch St., Philadelphia, for- BROWN'S .Auburn avenue and back is intimated that the release of Fielder of the material for the challenger and B^OOD TREATMENT. Convincing proof In sUi rti ri;r 3 i ii<-. Jones 'by the Oljicugo Americans may after casting- of her keel the advance a $2.00 bottle—lasts a month. Sola In At- •omi'U-t«? list-of entrants, officials have some bear-ing on tho situation.. In construction will be rapid. lanta at the Jacobs' Pharmacy. Tinker SUxpertM to He Traded. Coupon Clipping minor details will \Df. announced constitution1 to morrow morn- OhicaK-o, November 25.—Joe Tinker asserted here tonight he would never coijrse i.s 16 min- be a player on the team from \vhose rrur.dc Wn Her management he was ousted today. Ho of a ronti i Atlanta Athletic club. said liis release ca-me as a surprise and league he had ho plans. Tinker regretted that For All Motors play, but, .si he could not retain the management for ever to th another- year as lie thought he could game could build up the team into a stronger ag- B^H^Hi^H^^^^^^ ^^^f ^«^ ^^^ ™ • —' The sCOUPON gregation. Tinker asserted he was released be- \v e do LOST PRIZE cause, as manager, he refused to be a played \ii* iiff and thc-ir Mtu figurehead. lie said he expected to Save it for a Copy of Townsend and be traded, as he would not play with THE Ulayers tn every Cincinnati. A Perfect Motor Oll- with them that th" senrc • ! the reUulvR atrtmKth ->f U •Incc they made their only .si In Cans or by the Barrel forty secondH of play on a BOUTS AT ATHENS, Struper to Townsend. .after T,•<_•.'] fumbled the bail on tht-dr ov, n :: November 2f>.—Harry SKould we lose to Hi^h n.'hool i ;rht fiuldcr of the Boston Classic City Promoter Has Ar- perfectly \vilUns ' ^ i^mc^dr- t h" faile ryfflcial avbr- published yoKt^rday, it wan Athens, Ga.. November 25.—(Special.') th.it Moiipur liad battcul .l'S!>. Frank Postero, prf.motef .of .boxing Colonel Goethals soys: "Accurate and Dependable" :ontr:tct It. was provided that matches in the Classic City, has ar- 'I relative u bonus i)C 51.000 if ranged a splendid card Thartksgiving i)il">i in rnaKin^ an average for the boxing- fans of Athens. oi- Hotter. The bl;r bout of the day will be one You can now buy Polarine—-the motor between Frank Baker and Mike' Haul. . oil with a perfect body—in cans, by the Maker recently defeated Jack Payno in a great scrap. Baker will be giving barrel, or by the half-barrel. • CITY PREP TITLE. Saul a margin of a. few pounds in weight, but expects his cleverness to Sold wherever you find garages or supply men. Just ask offset this. for Polarine. Boys' High and Tech High] The next in importance to be staged HOW TO GET THIS BOOK will bo one" 'between "Kid" Young, of An oil that gives correct lubricating body to every friction Meet Turkey Day Morning. Atlanta, and Meyer Pries, also of At- On account of the educational value and patriotic appeal of this lanta. Pries recently won Hvc fights point at any motor speed or heat. In minimizing friction it book, The Constitution has arranged to distribute a limited edition in Jacksonville and expects to clean saves repair bills and more than pays for its cost in a year's use. '['Otmiri'ow morning at 10:30, and on lip with Young. 'among its readers for the cost of production and handling. fm-ure out just who would carry off yours. Fifteen cents extra if sent by mail. And Lots of Them at the . lac, Hi&en the bacon when these two tie up. much of the taking down and' putting up of motors—one of the costliest Both teams are in the pink of con- items of tip-keep. The best motors, improperly lubricated, need this OUR GUARANTEE: This is not a money-making scheme. The uition und both teams are intact, that Du-teH Mil I is, p.very one of their star players will I attention too often. Constitution has undertaken the distribution of th^book solely be- be in the buttle. Captain .Tim Parks, ' AVItli a bunch of fifteen pretty If you own a car, you can save money fey. buy ing Polarine by the bar- cause of its educational merit and whatever benefit there is to be de- oC Tech high', might be out of the girls- and an funny comedtnnx a» you rel or half-barrel. Try it oa.your motor—see what it does. Buy your Thanksgiving Kame. as he has been sick for the past ' c-vcr nun', the Dutch Mill la making rived frpm the good will of those who profit from our offer. The Con- two weeks, and was Unable to play Sat- frlenalM of all who enjoy a real cx- stitution will cheerfully refund the price of the book to any purchaser produce from Constitu- urday morning against, Stone ;yioun- travoKnnza. 'I'Ul.i short la irn-ay tain. To lose Parks would be a se- above the average bufleNqiie, in that who is not satisfied with it. ' tion Advertisers. You'll rious blow to Tech higrh, as It wpuld It is distinctive and aft clean nn take, one of their star backdeld men out could be expected. If you are In STANDARD OIL get service, satisfaction, of the struggle. doubt as- to YYhere to so* • try the Incorporated in Kentucky The. line-up of the two teams has Dutch Mill and yon will become a PRESENT SIX COUPONS OF CONSECUTIVE DATES quality and courteous at- not been annpunced as yet. the coaches FIFTEEN CENTS EXTRA, If SENT BY MAIL of the respective elevens waiting- until regular patron* A dollar athovr for tention. the last minute to decide just who they a dime. Reserved seats, SO cents. win put in to start the earn*.


forts of the president, the house and ter to examihe her, but he said !f he the democ-iatic "wi-nff of the senate com- Presie c rsit Thf decision to bring democrats to- BY SEVEN MASKED gether for a party conference w as the BY JEMOCRATS result of talka between the president INTERESTS NATION ^ ^ u™ e y The Worst of and party leaders, in tne senate It was determined tnat before the deoate pro- ITE Widow of Metter Gets War- ceeded lu-ther members of the party should di&euss thi two bill that he would ask the sen- ing Hope That Campaign! Statesboro, Ga , Nc-vember 25.—(Spe- In 5 Minutes ate to «orlc until 6 o clock each night My dear Mr. Jacobs: cial )—Interest was created in States- and to cjnsldcr the eurrenc^ mea&ure boro this morning when it became Wilson Urged Conference at all tim< s wh* n soecial oiders did Will Meet With Success.! Just Eat a Lump of Sugar on Which not prevent I am -very much interested in your known that officers had gone to Metter You Have Put a Few Drop* Penatoi shafroth, one of the demo- to arrest seven prominent white men of Leach'a Virgin Oil of Pine. "vV ibhrntrton November 23>—The cur- crati commute* inernbf rs who helped The eves of the nation are on Atlan- I on warrants sworn out bv Mrs M J rency •"!tu<«turn 1 ) nv in unexpected In the prep ji atlon of the Owen bill, ta te< see how the "Atlanta Spirit' is Rollison well known white woman followed '•cnatoi Hitchcock w'th a campaign for a fund of $250.000 as the local living one m!le fiom Metter, charging Relief Is Waiting for You at the Near- tirin in the hon it< tj'la'. whfn demo- cornpicl-i IISIVP explan ition oi tne pn>l> gmiirf to measure up to the latest e»t Drug Store. Don't Wait. fritu le id< s de c id d to summon a lems fonuontcfl in ti v incr to changi gieat test—the raising of 3250,000 for assault and batterv upon her and her the establishment of Oglethorpe uni- son, who, with his wife, lives In the Go Now. pai t' on'tri-n c it un ( to dispose of the cuir*ru\ s\snm of the countrv bonus for placing Oglethorpe in Atlanta, Most people who have never used the poir ts of diffc i n< and to attempt and an indorsement of the pi in ipl* s vei sitj same house this simple remedy for the cure of to unite: p«itv im i i is r c hind a bill of the Owen l>ul He insist* d that kss V personal " letter fiom President According to Fred Lanier solicitor colds and coijghs, think vou are thin ei^ht leKionxl hanks woul 1 leave Woodrow Wilson conveys some idea of the city court, if one-half the wom- tnat vniill have *i •• rpport of Presi- the countiv without adequate pi otec- I sincerely hope that the campaign will be stretching thp truth when j ou tell dent \\ ilMon tion in f ISP of p inn b»>t aue of the of the national interest in the move an's storv Is true, it is one of the most them that Leach's Virgin Oil of Pine Thi nUreru^ will l>e_?in at 11 Inafilitv of remote rountiv banks to ment The south already has great brutal things that ever happened in will relieve the worst of colds i I > i i M i^r I ut th tt lotkinsc dirp< tonics and larg-ft, combi minimised but this section of the n iti >ns of banks with pnw f i to den\ fetory to the solicitor She says the men the othei immediate suffering it vv ts e \| e t d ("• c le inn i its vv Jiulri or restrict risos tv of the scope and breadth which is | called at the gate \\ hen she arrived of UK bill u I in I u on imcnej planned for Oglethor pe It is tJ be n ' one of the number informed her he was Shnfroth \t«nok» Central Ilnnkfl. the south what Princeton, Harvird mrnts to tho p. liruf u 1! whinn fin Senatoi Shafroth niticised what IIP an officer, giving his name and thev De Lf C f l>te 1 b jj e I If tit xnd ^alt are in the east Wanted to search hei house, to which ttinul the centril taink i< ndcno in It is with the lealization of the 'I In spi, >iir| d i 'tit p in the tin Hitchrocli amendnunts 1 s,hc consented Holding a lamp, she b ^ i c fe> n tie i r \\ ts i t et 1 tor •Kiahie Geiman Hrl^ium. Hol- gieatness of this project tha " all I welcomed the men, but failed to bee tht It lie f ol v > v i t ill l> e 111 h I < 1 ind nd Elnsl mrt he >. nd hi\e cen- clashes of Atlantans are coming to the tr il banks but thev arc within a few the officer named t iv t { n tn t i i » c r K f t i. i e s i t ci i th hoius trav 1 of all pai ts of the tci e-omrnittee of 100 which is to be named iitn\ thi_\ sei v e With but four n- Rev. Thoruvrell Jacobjf said, ' and I told them there was not Ovv f n uicl Hit i k Us 'M n itoi Kional banks In this tountij the todav undei the diiection of Captain a gun on the place My son and his Hire n < i cl I it si i t i rn )i boutlu'n hinkens would hav» to KO Jamtb \\ Jbiiglish will have in itb Oglethorpe University, wife were In the next room and they th i n i n ti , j i vi 11 Y is e e n n s ip 1 100 to l,8fio miles to spcme Ktom membership t epi esentative leadeis of went In there ani f the cl" plan s< n itor bh ifroth sail would df- meeting which his been called to be 1913, President Wilson says: "It was not nece&sary to tell me the hibtory My son and I were taken from the fi it th< purposes of thp Hjfjsluion br- li"ld ii »• e Atlanta Chamber ot Com- of Oglethorpe university The name is as familiar to me, as well as many house and brutally whipped vvith a c ^iise thf banks would not tntei any v buggy trace until I was almost un s sf m undPi which thev wei< for<*d merce this morning at 11 o e-loc 4. ot thp circumstances of the life of the college, as if i twere Princeton itself, able to jjet up Mv son is still in bed. to plate then funds in binks ovel number o£ prominent Atlantanb have because of my uncle's association with it in the early days and the interest "I was on the ground and would no' whiih thcv (oulrl not h ivo < ontiol bun invited l» Captain kngllbh to my father felt in it. I am heartily glad that you are so much encouraged get up They thought they had killed Stops Mill anothfi tuirrnrv pi in A i1 pro- be pn.smt at this conference me One of them remarked, 'Now, we a lob ri t irlav bv Srnitoi NfwIiniiB in a in youi plans for its refounding." have plajed h—1 One of them ran to it solution which he pies< nted and dis Many Subncrlptions Hnile'. the house and got a bucket of water instantly cussed His scheme would n p it< st itc The actual w 01 k of raising this ad and poured it on me On inj failure i i ••€ rve assatiations in which the mt m ditional quarter of a million dollai to get up, thej left me lying there, Foolinh-Kooliah Man—When He Could berbhip of <-tatf ind national b inks subscription fund in \tlafnta his lot and in then hastes, left the piece of an Easily Kid Himself of buch And for Eczema In All Forms, Dan- would he compulsoi , Th'fee assoria vet bcfeun it will begin immeiliitcly trace which I have Jn their commo- iUiaerj. riont. would hold at leibt one tnlrrl of on the appointment of this committee tion they cai ed nothing for mabke, And the wonder of It all is that this druff, Tetter, etc., It's a Wonder the teservts of all of the banks in tnoii isut aJieudy numbeis of voluntary EXILE ZELAYA SOUGHT FIRE ALARM PURCHASE letting them come f i om over thei' faces prepaiation is so absolutely and en- respective stup-* In turn tho would sub cuptions are being furnished th> and 1 recognized every one of them tirely harmless Just a compound of Buy a 26c Bottle Today and Prove It. ili posit one-third of these reserves in Atlanta papei s and prominent among T\ hen I went to the station to come virgin ollfa—as pure as the f i ebh air 1 i fedeial is*io< i Uion at T% ashin jrton tnem are renewals of formei sub to Statesboro one> of them was there of a pine forest Ai~\i' Stop thit \ iol^Mt srr.itchin^ HitcUcook UcfendN Hln 1'Inn. scription, to the old university plan of and said to me If you sa> me and my If you ihave a cold, be sure to get There is nothinc known that will stop nine veais ago The Atlanta Journal BY THE UNITED STATES AND FENCEWW VETOED son wr.e in that whipping you tell a Itching like /A MO Ont ipplication Kenatoi HltLhcoek pomti tl out the has bub-scribed ?2,000 L J Daniel <,' this splendid iemed> Don't 'monkeV irnpoituue rt curiencj leijlblatioii to lie I had not accused him of being with substitutes 01 cheap Imitations stops it in^tantlj. vihethtr thf itchl-ig Darnel Brother b, who gave $200 foi connected with it But he was unable The genuine costs but 50 cents and is In on tho scalp or on any othtr part tlu ountrv Otnei ill> the old university plan, not only le- Former Dicteltor Is Wanted to conceive how such prominent men of the body. r Fiesident \\iKon in m living cur- nt vv ed his subscription but mc-eabed Woodward Refuses to Approve sold at all drug stores Money baelv ie nc v i ef oi m an adm mstr it i jn me as could commit such an act" if It doesn't cure your cold It to $500 General Clifford L, An- in Nicaragua on a Charge $106,000 Alarm System or The solicitor asked Mrs Rollison Look for the signature of the Leach u has meiited and i«ii\ed the cloison has renewed his old ipiOO sul- what kind of life she had been leading ,>i ase of the -whole countu, said he senption William Hura Hilly er has Chemical Co of Cincinnati Ohio—and His wisdom and his couiaj^e in bring of Assassination. Allow Streets Blocked. and If it had been such as to warrant If your druggist won't supply you, lenewed a $100 subscription itev S the treatment to which she replied then order direct inrC this needf ri r* toi m tcj a i>ractical is- L Morris has renewed a ?400 subscrip 'The only trouble I know of was a sue are to be highlv . ommendtd Noth- tion it is confidently expected that settlement of a crop we made with a inB less than presidential influeni e the transfer of these formei subsci ip- \\a.shington November 25—Through Mayor Woodward wrote his two veto land owner Theie was a difference would have made banking: ind cui tlonb to the new list will bung many the department of justice the United r leform possihu toi some time tli usands ol dollars, to the Oglethorpe messages to council yesterdai, one and we submitted to arbitration, which T vield this tribute to the president fund within the next few days States government is bending everv ef- with reference to the permit granted went against me, and I thougnt the a-f- of thi LfnlleJ Stites the more i eadilv Dr Thoinvdl Jaoobs, who has ha.d fort to secure the anest of former to nhe Calhoun estate to erect a tem- i fair was settled My husband died one Buy your Thanksgiving Piesident I Santos Zelaya, of Nica- i j ear a-§jo Sunday, when they entered biiause I ha\ c Hj.nkl> opposed ind activp charge of the piehminarv Ogle- porary fence at Broad and Alabama i mj home He was & traveling man and produce from Constitu- criticised him w hen he urged hast) Ithoipe woik, says that snce Atlanta ragua, wanted by the Nicaraguan gov- streets, and the other relating to the action, which I deemed dangerous hab publicly pledgee! herself to tho 11 nment on a ch irge of absabsma-tion 'we have lived in several different The senator reviewed the difteienceb caube the whole south is not onlv ne-tv $106,000 fire alarm system states and if there was ever aught tion Advertisers. You'll betw pen the bill he presented and that watching the progrebs of the work, and abuse of authority in causing the The mayor asserted that he has ag-ainst me I -did not know It My presented bv Si natoi Owen arid dwelt but is promising support and co- death of two Nicarasruans, Domingo hopes of council getting straight' as life has been a moral one and I can- get service, satisfaction, at length ori the pioviaioii in his draft operation in the movement There are Hoiibio and bixto Pineda, at Masava, not account for such treatment" to the law legulating- the closing of Mrs Rollison called for the sheriff quality and courteous at- to mike the fout regional banks pub- letters from all parts of the southern April 11, 1101 streets and sidewalks His message Tho First Application a? 7T"\IC» Will Stop lic U owned and g-ov ei nment controlled states, fiom merchants manufactur Ordinarily, a government seeking the at 1 o'clock Mondaj morninff and re- Scalp Itching Instantly. It Js Guaranteed* He d ol ired that the houe bill and the erb bankers, ministers of various de- is brief but to the point quested him to come and to bring a tention. extradition of an alleged criminal is doctor She asked a physician at Met- DanclrutT is notb'n^: init scalp ec/eina, Owrn bill were faulty in that thev nominations, all enthusiastic over the expected to secure his airest through Council passed a resolution authoris- foited hanks to grH e up a pai t of their idea of establishing Oglethoipe uni- its own agencies, but theie is an un- ing the contractor to use a part of md tlnvt's why ZSMO stop-! duaflruff ab- present capital for the new s\sttm \eisit\ in Atlanta Atlanta has un solute 1} lei tike awav from those ineliv Idual clei taken a grand work, they say, anel usual provision in the existing extradi- the street, and the mayor promptly For the teiriblo raw fieiy ecrema tion treaty between the United States vetoed the measure, declaring that it that cliivos you ^\ilcl kcep^ > ou av ake banks at one sweep one-tenth of then Atlanta will not fall and Nicaiagua This makes it the duty ntaili all ni«rbt—lor rash. prickly cash capital \v is in rm opinion, a mis- Vnme Committee Today. of the United States government to granted a. special privilege and violat beat tnd all in'lxniftl reddened skin take it was to ageri av ate the es il of endeavoi to procure the provisional ed an ordinance The ordinance cited lack of cirutal which alicaelv existed At the meeting todav in the chamber bj the mayor provides that contractors ITC IN THE SUCTION on balm s or gro^ n ups for itching and still fuither lediue the maj compe- 5-treet Thp mavor also cited the build /;i^MO is not i giia-v ointment or ^t^ionil b inks, inste- id ot hem^r sup tive subcommittees and these will en- tent authouty foi his arrest, and that ing code which specificallj prohibited p£ifcte but a clean antiseptic solution pin 1 bv thp b inks thf msf 1 v ps is tn deavoi to call on all Atlantans in a this wairant witli a piopei i equibition that which council sought to allow applud tt> the skin Try a bottle to- whirlwind campaign within as short a for the surrender of the cuminal is da\—t nd your torture be supplied bv the people of the United The vetoed resolution was redrafted State:S ' possible given time The Idea is with about to be made into an ordinance and in tihat shape .t S'CMO will cure any ease of eczema the aid of the leriowal of subscriptions Zelaya Recently in Washington. was sent to the mayor \sain the If n^ed accorotins" to directions" Dr Senator Hitc-hr>fWfc Kaid that his plan to the old fund and with the aid of ~ H Johnson, yuannah TcTias contempl itt d refrlon il institutions at new subscriptions to raise the whole So when the state department was mayor vetoed it, declaring that tlu Dius^'^ts e\ti>\vhcre sell XI1MO at 'New ~Votk Chicago St Louis and San quirtei million dollars, if possible requebted bv the Nicaraguan legation measure as it now stands, repeals all 2i>c i ( aled bottle 01 s>ent on receipt Francisco within a week or two here to arrest Zelava the department ordinances dealing with stieet ob- ot prii e bv E W Rose Medicine Co., \ttcntioii Is called to the fact that of justice* \\ as promptly called upon to structions St Louis. Mo this, Oglethorpe universitv projec t secure his appieh-ention No one here Set of teeth (whalebone) . ...*S.Ofl camp to the Atlanta public with *300 - knows the wheieabouts of Zelaya at These prices include • M-year Gold crown (2SK) 8.00 -i il u 1 kiLiinttt-cl in Vtlinti b> Judge Miller Leaves OOit alreadv raised and that Atlanta is this time though he recently eame to Killed His Cousin. guarantee. If we hurt yon you need Bridge work ...... SCO Fr u I In I d-.on PIUJJ Co ("oursi j now askeel to do only her just pai t In Washington and unfauccebbfullv sought not pay u> one cent- Gold filling BO \urnn 1 )i utr-.isf~ 1 H Com I'tu^ To Represent Wilson the foundation of a new and great an Interview w ith hec retarv Bivan Bronson, Pla., November 25 —Joe Painless extraction Fr«e I 11%.in Uiiif, (. o , viuntt &. \\ at southern institution The onlv other country which has a Brooks shot and Killed his cousin, Ben li. Is I >i H _ Co In Ecuador Dispute treatv with the United States Brooks, last night in an affray near OE:i>nris-r» Unilar to the one in the Nicaraguan pact, is Mexico, All are prominent citizens •- M. '•"> Allew.d 25 Miles i M icon Ga Nov pmbei 25—(Special ) which not long ago successfully called There Are No Better Tudge and AIi s A r Alillei IPIVO to CLEMENTS FOUND GUILTY upon the state department to cause the meiriow foi New "ie>rk wheie the^v will arrest of former Gov ei nor Brito, of Trains to sail on saturdav fot Colon Fanam i the Alexican state of Campeche, who from which pi tee they will proceed to then was a fugitive from his own coun- Kputdor whole Fn-dgp Miller w 11 serve trv in New Orleans as one of two arbitritois In the dls Solicitoi Folk of the state depart- ptite between the l^cuidorin gov e i n ment said tonight that if the offenses men* arid the North American builders for which extradition of Zelava is ask- Qt the (.iLiivactuil and Quita railway ed ai e political in their natuie extra- Than the Electric ludge \Iiller was appointed by Ft CM Verdict, as in Previous Trial, dition could not be granted This can dent "\\ilson anel goes ab his speci il not he determined until the airival of Lighted, Vestibuled r f pr esen t itiv e Anothei arbitrator has Recommends Penitentiary the papers from Nicaragua been named, by the president of TJcua- It had been thought here that if anv dor and i' thev are unable to agree a For Life. attempt to rctuin Xe lav a to Nicaragua thud aibttiator will be chosen bv the were made it would be for the purpose Dixie Flyer I tw o presidents of prosecuting, him foi 01 deling the AND It ib expected the hearing will con- execution of two Amei leans, Cannon sume several months "^ aldosta, Ga,, November 25—(8pc- and Groce in Nicaragua, In 1909 New Yoik November 25—United fi U ) — \Varren Clements, member of a States Maishal Henkel said today he South Ailanib Limited mil known family in this county, who ha His at erals bagprigp w ib still at the hotel, ID eppear in supeiior couit this moi n- tornevs cai rietl the case to court of uncalled for to-cla\ 8:50 A. M, ing vv hen the cabe In w hich he was ip,iei1s and obtained a new trial on charged with selling Uquoi was called a count of ludge Thomas' alleged NEBRASKA LIQUOR LAW Winter Tourist Rates foi trial A bond of $500 w is foi- fulure to charge the jurv relative to Wishing For Further Particulars feited The bondsman was P S "Bar the rMlfeierit phabes of manslaughter UP TO SUPREME COURT per lecent candidate for alciei man The vcidi t tonight is the same as Ask the Ticket Agent The vagrancy case has riot bee'n the- previous one Tudge Thomas re called for « ved thf verdict at 8 o clock, the "Washington November J)—Associ Jutv having been out less than an ate* iustiee Van Devantei of the su Tha t.your shoes hour prenie couit todav issued directions MILLEDGEVILLE GIN foi the Nebrabka supreme couit to send Central of Georgia up tor revrew a case ui whieh \lrs didn't pinch and hurt DESTROYED BY FIRE Charles rBulger A widow ot Lincoln, ROAD TO WARM SPRINGS vv in $2 7 >0 d images from two baloon- keepei s on allegations that they hael doesn't make them any Milledgeville Ga November 23 — made hei husband a habitual drunkard (Special )—The ginner> of It >* Smith Mis Bulger sued under blocumb law- Fourth National Bank Building was totxltv elestroved b> fire this aft < olumbus Ga, Novembei 25—(Spe ' making saloonkeepers responsible for more comfortable. ernoon at T iO o clock The plant was ci il i— i lie building ot a highway from ' anv injuiy caused by their sales of Ir- Ccr. Feachtree and Marietta in operation at the time the firp w ts < » uml us to A\ arm Spi irigt,, to be ciuor she began her action in her discovered in the cotton The loss is kn \\ n ts the Magnolia route, was husbanel s life time claiming damages But you can minimize Phone iViain 49O $6500 with $1600 insurance Tnlitj pi ( t call\ assured by the geneiotis first for the loss of support and when five tonb of setd and se\eral bales of s i) SLI iptiorii, made at a mass meeting he elied in 1910 from pneumonia con- cotton were also lost • 1 citizens in Waveilv Hall, Hai ns tracted at his mothers grave she the chance of this dis- i H> today This will be practical amended her original complaint by 1 tn 1 ist link in a modern highway charging that elrinktng had made him in letting the eapital of Georgia and unable to i esist the elisease comfort by buying h e ii itai ot Florieia j The two saloonkeepers contend the I he meeting tod 15 was presided ovei Slocumb law ib unconstitutional ancf a pair of 1 lank G Lu'—.pkin, of Columbus, tlit case will be fought out in the su- i 1 V illis K Powell secretarv of the pieme court on the>se grounds Gannymede "76" 1 imbus Board of Trade, was secie i i 1 FIFTH DEATH CAUSED 1 he Columbus Harris County Pine, xl nit tin Road association was form i BY CHESTNUT BLIGHT Famous Shoes for Men. The e money required for building the ill through Harris county — s ' i h is been subscribed Glabtonbuiv, Conn Novembei 25 — Our experienced fitters use tar more than aver- Sanitary WHISKEY M is j_pe Talbot and Merrwether Anothei death attributed to the chest nitre- will also do theii part An- nut blight the tifth in the state this th< i s-ood roads meeting is to be held fall from th it cause occuireei here to- age care in properly fitting your feet. This —a healthful beverage of highest quality <"ic ne\t Tildav nignt ' elav Cverett Hale 30 was taken ill last night after eiting a gray squirrel diligent care and courteous attention to your and richest flavor. The tttendrng phvslcian gave the cause FORT" W M'AFFF of death as ptomaine poisoning due to wants are part and parcel of our service. And your first order we will give a deck rwKl VY. m Are.B, blighted chestnuts which the squlriel J171L £vlltlZ3 TET 17« of handsome, air cushion playing cards. AT HOME IN AMERICUS you can't buy better shoes at $4.00, $5.00 and FKESH WATER DOES WORK $6.00 than we offer, because better shoes can't Ask your dealer for Gann \rmede "76. " If he UFTING CANAL TRAFFIC be made. hasn't it, write us, giving his name. Prices: 1 ' todav aftei a protracted illness l I > deceased was a membei of the Ml this talk one hears about the Pour Full Quarts -[---$ S.OO | Expresa w 11 known McAfee family, for fifty wedding of the waters of the Atlantic Twelve Full Quarts ^ - - $12.00 ( Prepaid \ a is prominently identified with the and the Pacific m the Panama canal upbuilding of southwestern Georgia soundb ridiculous to the man who \ wife two sons and one daughter knows just what the canal is As a MALYERN DISTILLING CO., P. 0. Box 512, CINCINNATI, 0. Mii\i\e him Funeral services will be mattei of fact the only wav the held here tomorrow afternoon. waterb of the two oceans ever e'an get together at Panama will be for some- one to cairv a bucketful from each ocean ind pour it out in Gatun lake Turkey for Negro Boys. The Pacific comes no further across Mille dgeville. Ga November 25 — the Isthmus Lha.J Mhaflores, which is '^peeial)—The colored Masonic lodge onlv a few mile^ inland from -the shore lie re joined by the other colored orders N'oi does the Atlantic go anv further in tho e ity, are preparing to give the inland than Gatun which also is onl> i uloi i d bovs at the State reformatoiv a few m les from the coast line i ins, treat on Thanksgiving dav The other thiity f ve miles df the There aie 108 of these boys In the eanal is i big bo-lv of fiesh water letorniatorv Thev will be brought supplied bv the Chagies river and NCINNATI inio the citv Thursday morning md othei small btr earns Between Gatun c irried to the Odd Fellows hall, where, and Pedro Miguel, some thirty-two FEED S, STEWART CO., TWO FAST TRAINS alter being entertained for an hour miles, the surface of thig water is 85c vv ith an especially arranged program feet above the normal water J,evel la* 25 Whitehall Street. of speeches, they will be given a big: the two oceans. All the watei? for Lr.7:12AML5tlOPM. barbecue dinner. locking ships Is supplied by thi* l»k*. A i i HI iqimi, iiMi;np(i^Mi 'i t n ii ipn i ty\


MQIitunnw «m»" —nm- t • "Ufji Fancy Dressed Turkeys Fresh Pig Hams Royal Sugar Cured Hams — Royal B. Bacon — England &&+ •i.* B. Bacon—All Kinds of Fresh fc&S&u. *-^&*^*^i~.x^.% * «. i v» * A." 1» ?> Meat.Meat. - M&Cf-f ^*>>al Prices for Thanksgiving* ^ ^ / &gg/$J•• ^ r • . ^-^ FW ^J *"^ -•'O' A' /~i-- /!., A Sir ^ ^ Buehler Bros. & v°v <% %*x< •v.%. to" ? /; ft" C?V1N€ OYSTERS ^ ' Norfolk Select* «»d Stei

Buy the Best From FULTON MARKET £0. -

»-«* .nd tin

iea k^ <« "OH- SI*' Day 5^infi McCIure IQc C^ Out THE HOME STORE WESTON . Salad Dressing 22c Delicious Mince Pies and Mayonnaise Thanksgiving Specials Fruit Cakes, Nut Cape Cod Cranberries, quart . . 1 Qc Cakes, Etc., for the Big Dinner : : : : : Florida Crape Frail, each ... 3c Sweet Florida Oranges, each . . 1e Red Jonathan Apples, dozen . . 1 5c t St> WE DELIVER FRUIT ^

D\et® dresse

,t\ofe GOH^ ss^ B Head Lettuce -^ IOC SJflSJ» wfe the oranges ^^^ v B •- — — !ach " .-17 l~3bC We Make a Specialty of Pork Ham, Prices on Fresh and the Laundering Fine d£ Woolens and Poultry ^ Linen* Young, Fat, Tender. The Farm Products Co. Vegetables Full Une Fruits and 129 S. Pryor Street 57 E. Hunter Thi« i» THE place to buy Thanksgiving Turkey. . You'll save 25c on the bird , at this store. R-*^Allan*3 P"p -287*


0iCC * P^±!'FS 1 Nut8 ^^ BUY YOUR tables, Plum . fli! *' « Vege- Pound Calf*, „ Cafee, Thanksgiving Dinner • I ¥ » » Material-•----^«««ns» from a sanitary Meat and Vegetable ML\\ Market. We maintain the lowest pos- sible prices on all pur meats and vege- tables when quality is considered before price. Give us your order today for that Thanksgiving Dinner. f Don '* J3e Foolish—But Eat Happily UNION MEAT MARKET TAKE NUXCARA 15 and 17 W. Alabma Leave indigestion and dyspepsia to Nuxcara | »nd all will be well. Bread, meat (turkey meat), vegetables, fruit, etc., are necessary. Take your mind off your stomach, eat a hearty dinner and TAKE NUXCARA.


on earth an& to causa men to appreciate I There were sixteen young ministers the teaching of the New Testament con- . admitted on trial into our conference cerr.fne the cross of Christ "Whatever may ' last year. However, the smallness of »e Bald of the theater in Its reprehensible PREACHERS PRAISE form—and I ha\e had as much to say aa i the class of this year ma> be pio\i- MOP YIELDS FORTUNE DR. E.G. CRIFFIN IS OFFERING anybodj—there can be no criticism of Ben- NO HOSTILE MOVE i dential as the South Georgia confer- Hur as a moral and religious drama, going ence has received such large classes for so long a period that It has be- about aolng eooa ,.joHN B wmTE!,. come very much crowded, particularly Dr. W llmer'n better. in certain grades of appointments TO RETAIN HER CHILD R**v C B "turner, rector of St Luke a Bishop "W A Candler, ot Atlanta, Special Low Prices Episropi! t hurch ^ rote the follow Ingr iet- will be entertained at the Dempsev during hit, stav here He will formally My dear Mr <5eorffe T am glad to h^ar Mrs. Jacques Bradley Swift, John E. White and C. B. Wil- that B*-n Hur is to be staged Here It is convene the conference session at 9 m> deliberate conviction thdt if minister fa a m tomorrow mer Speak in High Terms U. S. Hasn't Changed Atti- Rev John M Moore, D D, seei e- Former Musical Comedy For the Next 30 Days of tht K )^pp! \vould urge upon C hri«tfan people and upon til people for that matter tary of the board of home missions of the Production. to dlBtinKuitrh between plays that uplift a.nd with headquai ters in Nashville Tenn Star, Forfeits $30,000. pla> H that dr*iK down and urge ever> bod^ tude Towards Huerta—En- delivered an address this evening at to patronize the right kind of theatrical 7 30 o'clock from the timely topic, 'Ag- Back of this offer is a Demi experi- performance^ tne> \vould. do more good \pro«,>os of th -innoinred engage- than the} c in p\pr hope to accomplish by voy Lind Investigating «iessive and Sane Evangelism • Rattier than give up her child, Mrs in lndt« rlinl i tie and wholesale denuncla Jacques Bradley Swift, once the musi- ence of 23 years and an ai ment at the Atiant> tl eat«-r next "veek tlon or the theater of Klaw &. 1 rl ins r s stupendous Hit er> br 1\ kno«s what kind, of a book Conditions in Oil Fields. cal comed> idoi at the Ponce de Leon spectacle 'Pen ITu-- several of At- tVatlace M imnnortal Bt n Hur IB Perhaps 3 BODIES EXHUMED Ca&ino, has forfeited a sum estimated lanta's prominent ir'nisters have taken not f>\cr>on kno\\** th it Its author wit, con at $30 000 By court ordei she has GUARANTEE •verted to < hrlhtlanlt\ although indirf ctlv this opportunitv ID pi use the famous by the late ( f lonrl Robert G Ing-eraoll In- Washington, November 25—President AFTER BEING BURIED been given absolute custody of ih«i religious dnmi w'iich evervbody grrsoll s attack on f hrlstianity made !n i Wilson and members of the cabinet 3-year-old daughter, Lena, and agreed pTsonal rr nv nr^ation "with. General Wallace discussed the Mexjcan situation knows is th< deinP«< in I Sicrgest suc- w{is t,o outrs gfotia that It arouaed the lattei FOR HALF CENTURY in lieu of aJJmony, to accept ?3 000 as cess In the hKtr-rv ->f the st igo from, hi-? Indifference to acti\ *» interest and briefly today and, assurances later a cash settlement of all claims against •o Soreness of Cums These minlmi-h ir if tiers to the Ben Ilur was one expreb^lon of the talth to were gi^en that no change in the atti- her former husband, Charles T Swift $15 Gold- which he cam" tude of the United States toward the management of th" Miexter rlerlare I im on« of those who believe that all Savannah, Ga, November 25 —After Mrs Jacques Bradley Swift -and With Golddust P laies themselves to be < tlr mpatn/ f irnxB * f !I ter iture novels plaj s etc can Huerta provisional government had l>ing for practically a half century in joung Charles T fawlft were married dust Plates with the stige \hfii iff< rs siirn up bf uspd to preach the gospel of Christ and taken place three separate Kiaves in a vacant lot in 1908 At that time iurs Swift was lifting piays 11 T ;i Hu "Inch tnev id Jn f all good causes The modern drama Most Important of the d&y's develop- adjoining No 312 Harris street Kast the much admired star of a. musica' Raj everts gje it p j \' f tn- good In anv ri^In 'ted \lth the < hurch I uish that in the verj heart of the old residential mot her an 3 f laugh tf r might got a little ments from the American standpoint section, the remains of Louis Barie company which had pKved at Ponce $8.00 Set of: community cl^" r togt-ther to th« advantage of both df> Leon Casino The couple apparent- Rev John 13 \\hitf nf r! Jp^ojid Bap was the departure from Vera Cruz of 7S 3 eara of age at his death \\illiam 1> lived happily together until 1910, tist churrh M-|ti- i f ilo s ^ours trul> President Wilsons special cnvoj John H Barie. a boy 5 years of age and an I hHM, n V.P t m n i f r I »ho !i«-> ( B "W LLMkR unnamed infint all of the same fun when it is alleged Swift deseited his Teeth , , re id lew vViiJaoe'i I K H 1Iur < r h I Rector bt I>uk( H Church Lind on the battleship Rhode Island ilv were exhumed on baturdav and wife •) en tt in inim iU7 I f >' rn »h rt <1 ri ! with Real Admiial Fletcher, for Tam- > estei dav re interred in the Cathedral In \pril, 1912 Mrs Swift was granted CROWN A MB confess i dlttlnct I' rs 11 T rnt <-nri i pico and Tuxpan to investigate condi cemetei v a decree of divorce from Swift on tlg-ious inspiration tt- fffct i in nrli tions where the British oil interests JDespite the fact that the deaths of statutorj grounds, At that time an BRIDGE WORK ence and on a c'rnmjilt C H* n Hi r is NEGRO PASTORS ARE the aged man and the children oc arrangement was made by attornevs Made In my oplnl in ^ th r athl, i hrl Man elTrrt have been regarded aa in grave danger 'uried in the eai ly part of the j ear on both sides which gave to the young calculated to prom o th" king i >m of l ,od GIVEN NEW CHARGES; Why land Was Sent. 18">">, the foim of the old gentleman wife ?100 per lonth for the child s Same Day TEETH The sending of Mr Lind Is generally the third ot the trio which was taken c ire until ;t was 12 v ears of age From fiom the ground 3 esterdav moining that time on until the child became of FILLED THANK NEWSPAPERS regarded here as an indication that the was in a i emarkable state of preserve ajre a bum of $125 was to be paid Our Golddust Plates are the United States is eKtremelj desirous to tron the face in fict showing" through monthlj for the little girl s education PAINLESS EXTRACTION 5O« a-veit any hostile move and that a i small thick glass m the metallic c is This sum would have totalled an ex- Strongest and Lightest Made. WordsjrfJPrais e Condole Ha November 2o—(Spe t thorough examination of the situation ket having the appearance of a quiet penditure of SiO 000 in all if the agree- sleeper ment had been carried out ciil )—i he Ma^con, Ga , annual confer ' would be made before any marines j Time had not dealt as Rentlv with But, on Septemfoei II of this year, enct of the African Methortlbt Ppisco- from an American warship were landed I the bo} "William however whose young Swift fil-ed a habeas corpus pro- For Mayr'a Wonderful fal church has closed a laigely at- on Mexican soil Assurances have been death preceded that of the old man bv ceeding:, through his attornev, demand- ti nded session The memorial services given Admiral Fletcher by Osneral a short period for the fl«sh had long ing the custod> of the child since been consumed DR. E. C. GRIFFIN'S Stomach Remedy of the ministers, who had died during Aguilar in command of the revolu- The petition furthei stated that at the j ear, were impressive Resolutions The form of the infant had crum- that time the child was in the care \ H^w t^an t'ul we aro tionist forces in the Tampico territory, bled and returned to mother eai th of Mrs Lena favvift Hunt)ej Its grand- I t 1 were adopted thanking The All uita GATE CITY DENTAL ROOMS to you fo-- f..*'f 'lie a ho 1 of that there will be no inteiferenee with Those who were disinterred today mother, under the best of moral condi- I yo ir \V r >r al Rt i* ly f onstitutlon The Macon Telegraph and \rnerlcan ot other foreign cropertj died before the civil wai and weie in- tionb Judge Bell issued a ten»poiary ' \fv wltf coul 1 nut !i-i o other papers for correct and helpful I feenetaii Bryan state 3 today that teired in the Catholic cemeteiy here lestiamlng order agalnbt Mrs Swift, Whitehall Street. Over Brown & Allen's nd I it a. hh< rt tl n« to d illy reports Some of the important! "When Sherman came tlnougrh Savan- lefusing to allow her to interfere with llui t' 6b*" hii r t t^rtPH Mr Ijind had been authorized to go to nah, the family feared desecration at the child b welfare, and refusing the Telephone M. 1708 Lady Attendant jour W nd^rful Rem 1? ihinoreb and transfeis as read by Tampico and Tuxpan with Admira.1 the hands of the tojdieis and tiie mother a right to take the child out wher n flho did Or r m > * Hishop I E Flipper v ere as follows i Fli> cher b it that ne had been given bodies were secretly i emov ed from of the jurisdiction of the court How o thosi pnrox siri i ali« rcis\th district L H Smith presid | the cemetery and re-tntened in i. lot hhe »i(» hulrg u i 1 no spei lal in«.ti uctions It was pointed adjoining the home ol tho familv i\ei by the agreement reached Tues-, in,? el IPI Macon J strict R Al Kins' out that Mr Lind was li ee to go and dav in supeiio'r couit Mrs Swift hava ir lied hrr 1» lt>i it jr LSidinp; elder \Zille 1f,e\ ille district Here thev tested until now when it i loiibt Now fr-h* Irf free 1 come in Mexico as the developments Tr, tin takeb the custody of her child f e(t 1 Jones presiding eldei Eatonton was decided to disinter them agvin mil ind iccepts in mil payment of alimony f om -ill pti" r thcte seemtd to demand \\ hen the re bury them wheie they had been Grown and Bridge Work froni h^a^t tro j dlbtiKt, \\ C Games prt sidmt, eldt i originally This was dons with the a cash sum of $1 000 The settlement Painless Dentistry fr fom t*iit i Augusta district John Harmon pit, Rhode Island left \cia <^i t - her first approval of the health authorities dlssoKes the injunction against the Nturalela — all ,es and Pastorb—Stewart rh ipel great dea of attention as publicity gots Is possible in the vast ma- ti bt suppli d Milledg-etille < V To Kepp Jn CIOMC Touch. Attorneys Rosier and Brandon act-' \\lnt,fi(lil Sparta r 1 I inton The Louisiana under command of ing for Mrs Swirt refused to be quoted jority of cases, and we make Midlist i A M Jordin Foi =5 th I B I'ear Admiral Boush was reported to- as to the reasons for the settlement I pt >n Pordele W r Ballet night to be at 1 impico while the Ise- Harvest Decorations it a practice in everv i such Transfers—-F R '-'irns to S^innah bi aska commanded bv Captain Wood case to give our jJ^Ltients C ( ( n^ile to Savinnah \1 B Jjixjn is at Tuxj in should untoward con- Given to Orphans for . to l)au =r n ditions develop in this territory the WOODMEN WILL GATHER \ absolute assurance that they ll, Ronnoke. TPT:O«. iction to be taken bv this government e above Inter loi I more Thanksgiving Dinner IN COLUMBUS NOV. 27 need fear no pain. Twenty- than anjthiig we rould ay In tlf is discretionaiy with Admu al Fletchtr iffcrer Savannah Conference Today. and it is believed here Mi Lind has three years in dentistry and \\onderful Stomn^h Reined v gone with the Ameikan vessel so that should try one lo*,p o' thi*, R i 1 — on- tlode II iw kinsi ille Ga No\embe f i -T — There 11 he some good things for the The innual meeting of the south- thoulil conilnri* thorn tint ti v 11 It- n sto** d isp{eial )—Uishop J ^ I llpr r ot At the goveinment net e may be kept in little orphans at the feouthein Chris- vsest Geoigia ' Los Kollmg of the' thousands of satisfied pa- Porcelain or Gold-Faced, to health N irlt at S^oma 1 Ml Ti^nth arn liriti will Oi en the bninnrih confer close touch with conditions and to ti.,ui home in West End, on Thanks "Woodmen of the World will be held tients is our best guarantee. Reinforced by 22-K Gold. i by t*iu ' thf In <• t nal t ra t with en of the A M J church hert, to make reports as soon as possible l?i \ing- rlaj The fatherless boj b and at Columbus Ga, Thuifedaj and Fri po s It became known today that the ru- •jiu rij =11 1 atarrh I a il nuniniv (wo hundred \n 1i sixty fl\t_ gruls who are here cared for h\ the div November 27 and 2S i\ hen se\ i i *Im fs \ ot[ mln steis and delegates irt coming in mor of an intention of the Ameilean < hnstian chutches of the southc istei n pral thousand '\Voodmtn of southwefet commanders to land forces to protect suites will have an d.n ij of choice defineefine;; UK tp ^esve f\s(-m itt N on- town on eveii trim P s R ( Ran 1 Georgia and webtein Alabama will «ierful Stomach Kelned% pn 1 K rtnuve* s >rn rrllt ir of '"hi i^huich TJeview c.1 " the extensive oil Interists at Tampicr viands and delicacies such as thev gather foi then annual rall\ r H*>O a i etloii'j wlliu ut a «ur0i i! op ritljn and Nc« \ 01 k J Frank MXnon tld editor and luxpan was biou^ht to official have not had since last Fourth of July Joseph Cullen Hoot of Omaha, Neb, its ^n on 1 to Colic UtuokB G is^s In th« Stom \\tstpin Christian Kecordei Kansas notice through the Biitish consul at A large part of the children «i ft ist the founder and president of the o« * 11 in I Intestine" an 1 T!! or the u'-ual s% nip Clt\ MIj J X H-irlU i ot The \oice Tampico This officer on account of will come fiom the "Harvest Ifome' der, will be there and delner the an- Protect IP. of ^"tiinarh L(% T an I Intrstfn il Atlmoms of Missions Bible house Now o\ i k f the excitement which the leport caused decorations of the First Chi istian nuii address to the hosts of Chop- V*5 1 \ )itr diuKCl : il out MujrN \Vonderfiil < bimmrns re.prest ntins? Tin Chris In TampHo notifHd Sir Lionel Cardfn church, which won second pri/te in the pers' on ThankspriMns- day Competi- Yourself Sfoniavh Itemed v or pn l to Tto H Mayr t in Etecorder J^hil id( Iphia and J T the British minister in Mexico City dec-nation contest held last Sunday tive drills, by cratk uniform rank com Mft, t homlst 1">4 \\hltiij; SL Chi ig" 111 for %\ lk» t son The Kui'k house H.I e heie who in turn, acquainted Charge Fruits and vegetables in gieat abun panies in the afternoon, with a mon- fr G booklt-t on Stomach MjlnunU an 1 many an 1 will spi ak dn us, the session 1're O bbaughnessy dance were broug-ht from the Spalding ster torih light btiect parade with a Ask for Cratt *ul Iftters froni peoplp «ho hivo b*en ro i line 1 Idiis \\ O bherman J> s Han county fair, at Uriffin, tta, to decoiate score of emblematic floats interspers- tin il i or sale by 7 1 Is Jru, surtb and elms r VI ntrliliiK Juarez Battle. the I irst Christian being iiian^etl ib isl i vcr> «1 ert n ill K M lavloi \* CrriR s A Li Though no official reports reached flowing- fi om a K'ant cornucopia to de- ed with Woodman brass bands One ORIGINAL ^ im( s in J Q i\ ers >n ino* ^^ O thousand cnndidites u c to bi initiated \lesiniir ntll mike renoi ts i>f the the state dep u tment torn the battle pict Geoigias horn of plentj A into the 1VI\stenes of Woodciaft" r,FNIJlNE The Food Drink for all AHCS—Others are'Imitations cot I tic n of tho negio i ace In church between the Mexican fedei al and icbtil committee fioin the First Christian 1 hursdaj night and the prospects are w ( -; foices it Juare? the result of that con- met on Tuesday and assoited the tih it Billj will ha\e to WOIK sev- 1 IK rfport on the state of the coun flict is awaited with keen inttiest fruits and vegetables about half of eral hours o\er time The association TANGO HAS ARRIVED; ti^ h\ r' F furi\ and on educ iti&n by The state depai tment was notified that, the entire amount being- donated to has secured etcursion rates on all rail 1 H s n^Uton on admisbion of i oun^c in inticlp ition of an attack on Las the orphans and the othei half being- i oads M u'i rs b\ J £f I ste and on church Vacas in the state of Coahuila the given to vaiious other need} families AWAY WITH THE CORNS 1 inns b\ l-> A To", nslev These re Aineii an consul at Pagle Pass had sent Nearly all of the bachelor suites, consisting of one or more I ntv ut the most important and will warning to Ame leans to le iv e the ATHENS FIVES START rooms, in the elegant and newly finished T\\<>O Rootw Out *hc « OMI, Dmv* tt i e td belorr the ctnftrencc lArs town xnd cross to Del Hio TVxa= H. H. PROCTOR TO PREACH the K.eruel nnil l>oewn't Passes, it was reported are now being BASKETBALL SEASON \\ \ Fountain J ^ -\In\well ?nd ittiuired by ftdeial authorities trom all THANKSGIVING SERMON Make I oe Sore. M \N Ci ( ' lu ut \vill speak on den rn letsons entering and leaving t iudad i ti n 1 lu iHpn Frldaj nierht \t ny T IITI t.int ch in^es nill no d ml t I PorHrici )>la^ Athens, <3a , I\ ovenibei 25—(Special) There will bo a Th inkH^ivingf seiv- N n >it su i lien and inflamed to s < nisul i xa ula at "Vori Cruz report Udbkctball at thifa timo in Vtluns is KC at the Fust COIIKI cs itional church, located at the corner of and Ponce de Leon avenxle, M M tiusti rtrm^ s thLl nt^ v\ i^t in i It it th b conference *><\ei U b is ed til it the \oi\v t^ian steamer Atlan ooloied it 11 1 in rhui«da\ Kev H to s wIU 1' transfe-iel into dititunt cxKtding1 U popular There ai c two have already been taken by bachelors, couples and families of tfi LTI Lit ci t us V > rn >i * b LD i i^t s r ir ts »r tin stite and t t'urs \\ill ht tis with tvventv five refugees had left It is,"*- * now in operation one at tht il ]'roc tor thp jm^toi will pr^ich t,he stukinf^ to tht stotkir^ tttl jtik d for iralvtston to aiiive on Novembt i Vmierfcity association and out at the s '•ITIOII on Ntw Giounds for Thanlts- social and civic prominence. biOLi^ht to t fit, coiifei tnc to fill tlu i CUing' Ta<-ic will h< m tho ^ore flesh \\ith c\.c1 i u tlacts H I> Stiiison of th \tliiti ^7 It i so \v is itpirtid that LSondro Vtliens Young- "Men s Cliri&ti in msot l i Only a few choice roomb remain, and if you desire to live in itint, agon\ No more rucktri^ and Industiiil college will speik ht i * sit id Mid us Aguilar were imotiR the th n while the Lrtii \ Cobb Normal riuisi jor the o^casjon- and tns trirsp/itil -an the American sciiooJ and Yourifi- \\oniens Christian public is inxil d convenience and elegance, at less than the cost -of "living at home," m i\ slip 01 go too deep and biini? should Be Industrials liained l)\ttleshi,i fiom \ era ( ru^ with the association seem to have gone wild blond biothfis of Fi iru isco Madero over the sramp you should act promptly. J 1 X.NGO is the moat marvelous i em The Athens te*m this > e n trlveu Best L.ump Coal $4.75. Elevators run constantly day and night "di- in the world for corns mil 1 iin o\<-i-> piomibe of beingr the stion^cst ions The first touch ends your suf bttn in jetrs L> i\ p Johnson an 1 lude "Piedmont Coal Co.. 1023." House telephones in every apartment forintf The top doesn t become Buy your Thanksgiving LidcH 11 two cv university sUus u Vacuum cleaning process free to tenants swollen and s&Te as wtth caustic rem pl.t} ing with the Athens team \li<> (_ Excellent family cale on first floor edies TA.1XGO roots ouf the C ORh, oE produce from Constitu- SOHTH GA. CONFERENCE I)i Wed Brown, of Augusta Theie is the curn clean o.s a whistle and le i\ ( 3 a host of old ind new material at hand Roaf garden free to tenants and their guebf- thi skin pinls and htalthv It is th< tion Advertisers. You'll fiom which to select The Athens in in- Each roota accommodates two or more persons ono safe iml painless lemedv the one af,ement had hoped to be able to pei- Rooms may be rented furnished or unfurnished GU-i.KA.Nri.KU remedy Any drufir get service, satisfaction, nuade the Atlanta Vthletic < lub team Maid service supplied at fb* option of tenant " * Slst selling TANGO will i etui n voui AT MACON IODAY to open the basketball season In money if It does not root out the quality and courteous at- Athens The club teim, howeiei did Expert stenographer constantly: available. jv" COKE of the corn palnlesslN .i")C at not seem to want to pla% the game, Houae phones connect with taxicab service. ' ,' all druggists Made and GT7 \R \M tention. II\ Her. \V. A. Brooks. consequently the strong \ugust i team will beffln the Athens season on Cole Bopk and Art Store branch in balding;*v TLED b> Jacobs Pharmacy, Atlanta Ar i on Ga , iMovernbpr 25 —(Special) ThanksKiving- night I he Vupnsti Every part of building absolutely fireproof. Toclf. has marked the dispatch of te iin has a reputation as i fi^htm,; These are but few of the many advantages offered by the Ponce muf h prtliminarv business of the team and will no doubt compel the Use Mi-o-na Tablets the\ are one fortj seventh session of t"he bouth Athenians to step hifeii and fum j tu of the most effective and safe rem- de Leon Apartments, and the regular rates for rooms and meals ( torKia, conference convenes at 0 w in are less than the rates obtaining at many other first-class apart- oclock tomorrow at Mulbeirj Street edies for out-of Older stomachs Be- ments and hotels in Atlanta. church in this citv American Bakers Coming. -ides Quickly stopping the distress The board of missions and tlhe board >U o-na soothes the nritated walls of FOR FLOOR PLANS AND RATES TELEPHONE OR CALL ON of education have held important ses The American Bakers' associ Ulon sions In the Sunday si hool room of the \\ill hold its annual convention at the ihc ttcmach, fctrensthena and builds B. M. GRANT & CO. Pust Pit sbv termi) church while the Hotel Anslev Friday More thin 300 up the digestive organs Do not suf- 1 committees on admission ajppli ation leading" bakers from all ovei the Tjnit- fei another day. get a BOo box from and the classes of the first, second ed States will be In attendance an\ diuggist third and fourth veara have met at Mulberry Street church *\ etv Mansions Created. J Ifi 6 Rock Island Line Tihp meeting of the board of mis- SiSAiR*:"*:** «MB IUHfi |-r-'1J|[~-'mi-iir"~-fin-'l~-"l'" "TTTIiT--|--r^-lfi-l---':—Jil»J.-»Ji»*II»JI,»^.)»fa»limJI.»Jlil»J sions w is o£ special Intel est The fol- SCO© low ins new missions were created by tin loud (jreen b Cut in the Kav an rah distrut Krioxv ille in the Macou district n lie in the Columbus Coi d le Am i H us ind the Thomasville ell-tints Lake Park fat Georse and Foremost Transcontinental 1>U| out missions in tin Valdosta dis tint \\ iv loss city mibsion in the Train 'SN ivcioss distiu t Glenmoie and Hif,K ston^in tin MtRie district and Kite in tlui Dublin district The ic mn end ition for the con WHISKIES tin Mm ¥ mission funds to Sparks a ui I u < 11 provoked somf disc is sion but the bo trd voted unanimous 1 to r ntin n us appropriattem t Highest Quality at Bargain Prices ttiruls to th se two ehurcihes Quite a 'it of unusement was create 1 when i minisui in his enthusi ibm lor the it uion ot i ffitani mission dfrlired \\ h\f \ 11 t hi >n a cor tain d' no nun i We are offering the most select line of whiskies obtainable at very low prices. Our ti r in that spi tlon is jireachiif. that i i m n whisl \ hp ause it makes i The "Golden State Limited trllov< f, t ] so ^,00 J warehouses are full of mellow, aged goods that are famous for their rich flavors and deli- takii is i whole the requests >r th i ^-Klin^ tlil is foi inissic nuv Via Direct Route of Lowest Altitudes i pi ' it uns tod iv fr ) n th 1 u n i cate bouquets. Each brand listed below is at a bargain price-considerably under the mar- f missions foi the ten districts o£ our < nferiMi » w ei c somewhat le-,s th x i m r int vi us showing that Meth ket for such high-class whiskies. Every luxury of modern travel—all-steel draw- odisin is niikinp: lapid stri les m much f tht. rnibsionaiv terntoiv of ing-room sleeping car leaves St. Louis 10:30 out ten 11 nr e We guarantee each order will give full satisfaction or we return your money. p. rn. daily, becoming part of the train at lirilllunt Uct!i>r(K 1I:nlp. GOF4IM WSI-11SKII Kansas City. l"vs I M n Lss Hid \ithnr i \Iojie OAK CREST, A FINE RYE WHISKEY t it ti i npssion nv ev aiiKeli'-ts 1 Qt. 4Qts. rn i It \ 11 nL i r> l s ti)1av to th l Quart, 75c. 4 Quarts, $3.00, prepaid. 12 Quarts, $8,50, prepaid. 1 12Qts. 1 o i 1 tin ssi JMS rl t loi mtr has c >n Mud lick, Distillery bottling, old and 100 proof .$1.00 $375 $ 9.50 Through Tourist Car Daily d i l I thrs veir twelve reviv lib Double Stamp, 100 proof $ .67 $3.00 Pi i liilit, Sj strrruins a.nd itcrivinff ALLWAYS, EASTERN RYE, BLEND $ 8.25 ' u t ssitms to the church whilf tni> 100 proof Special $ .60 $275 $ 765 from Memphis to Los Angeles via the Mem- 1 itti liis lit Id nineteen rnietliiKs I Quart, 90c. 4 Quarts, $350, prepaid. 8 Quarts, $6.50, prepaid. Number 218, 90 proof ... • $ 56 $2.50 $ 7.25 I if bi 1 Oi sermons rueived !jO 12 Quarts, $950, prepaid. Railroad Bill, 80 proof . $ 53 $2.40 $ 6.90 r >ns into the ihunh and witnessed Morris Avenue '$ SO $2.20 phis-California Short Line in connection with ir r i oxim itrlv one thousand conv ei $ 640 l ins 1>. th i v ingelists Bds» inJ Charges paid on four quarts or more the "Californian." Through tourist car daily vl Ji tie becoming rune and moie HIGH RIDGE BONDED, (7 YEARS OLD) s i IP s! il in tht i v 11 f,clistu field from St. Louis to Los Angeles. \nd ti n •- IVHCS arr ]u evii mci i is I Quart, 900r 4 Quarts, S3.75, prepaid. 12 Quarts, $10.00, prepaid. u ^ d mind 1Qt. 4Qts. 12Qts. Make Early Reservations H» v 1 A Hit lifft niissi.iiuaiv American Pride (Bonded-) 5 cents less quart, 4 quarts 10c less, $ 67 $3.00 PV .11^, list ,i tup \ ildosta district 12 quarts 35c leas than High Ridge. Crown, 100 proof and old $ 8.25 inadi tht illowln^ s|)!endid import to Three Star, 100 proof . $ .60 $275 $ 7.65 For detailed information call or write th bond Mt tn s;s hel.I fifteen sei Railroad Bill same as American Pride (Bottled m Bond.) Red Lion $1.00 $4.pO $10.00 nuiris [i nhtd (>oi) idiitions to th 1 Qt. 4Qts 12Qts. Holland (Style) $ ,56 $250 $ 7.25 H. H. HUNT 18 N. Pryor Street chin h in i ofesbi in of faiOh °OS Atlanta, Ga. H s )i ^ani/jpd 4 Prepaid. Prepaid. King Cole Dry Girt (Five's) .$ .65 $3.00 $ 8.25 Dist. Pass'r Agent ' x "-UTS Johnson missionai v Hill & Hill (Bonded) $1.15 $4.25 $12.15 Holland (Type) Geneva .$ .60 $2.75 $ 7.65 i -,. list ot HIP M Uae distil t h is $1.25 $ .53 $2.40 i i -^ i ( ssfnl v < u in Ins work Sunny Brook (Bonded) $5 00 $12.50 Railroad Bill $ 6.90 ' vln^r in the till! i pai t of the -it u Green River (Bonded) $135 $5 85 $14 50 Morris Avenue $ .50 $22Q $ 6.40 !' tuc i i inq-elistii field and the lit Green Brier (Bonded) $1.25 $5.50 $13.00 Charges prepaid on four quarts or more. l i I ut a> pastoi at Li niber f it\ till i S ut the tcim of Rev R M \\eslev vvhi w is fjiced to give up Jus i istoi- Bear in mind that we pay express charges on all shipments of four quarts or more, at these ite n account of ill he lit i < Ja.s* of 4ppliennt<(. prices, and we absolutely guarantee satisfaction or refund your money without question. V i 1 iss of only six vounif in> n were l"toii the committpps tml u loi ad- iiussii n on ti i il into tin i jiuirencc III \ vve-c is folliwh He \ H (jiadv ^•lui use of the Siv inn ib distiict \A 1 \li.ishill of th" Mi on distuct Dun is Mil ne ol thi \miiicus dlS- triii \\illiim Hevwood of the Val- dost L dibti i t A\ T 1 unbeit and A. KSTEIN &. S llowpll of the M( Hae district T his is the smallest class of appli- cants for admifebion that the South 218 WORTH .18th STREET BIRMINGHAM, ALABAMA 2 TRAINS DAILY (.eoigia confpience has had irt recent >eais is tht cla&iefa have been rang- ni(5 fiom twelve to twenty young men

SPAPLRl WSPAPfcRI Page Fourteen. THE CONSTITUTION, 'ATLANTA, GAl, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 26, 1913. RANGE IN COTTON FUTURES. Ranee In New York Cotton. Range in New Orleans Cotton. Cotton Warehouse Plan I ! t ILaatl T I Pre». • WHEAT MADE |Op»nJHl*h) Low) Sale) Close. Low] Sale! Clost Close._ Nov. 12.70 112.85 Dec. . 13.04 13. OG 12.97 13.01 13.00-02 13.11 Dec.* 12.78-SOH2.93-94 .Ian. 12.95 12. 80 12.91 12.91-92 12.92 Jan. 12.37 13.00-01 13.07-08 For the Southern Cities Fob-. . I2.S7-S8 12.88 Feb. 1.-.-.04-OS 13.09-11 March 13.07 13.13 13.13-14 13.18-19 13.15-18113.20-22 OF ABOUT ONE CENT CLOSEDJT LOSS April 1 i I... .1 12.9«-97'12.91-93 April May . 112.8611 2.99|1 2.81 !l2.94112.94-95,12.93-94 Alay 113.16 13.2813.14 13.20 13.19-20 13.25-26 Commissioner Takes Precau- June . }IS.H4'1 2.34112.94113.9-t 12.91-93112.91-92 1320-23113.28-28 VX. IWati T?v I larging cotton crops, that one place 1 June may &,X- \alone can hardly get, a big enough July . 112.7711 2.86112.7 J 12.82 12.81-82,1 i.S3-S« July J13.17 13.3113.15 13.20 13.23-24113.27 stock of cotton for the needs of the tions to Prevent Swindling But Other Months Made Aug. . 112.4&> 12.50112.48 12.50 12.55- 5S|12.59-61 itt contracts Argentine Crop Will Be Oct. . '11.90i'l 2.9:!;il.93|n.93|tl.94-95111.96-12 tend Its System—Alleged Weights and Measures.* Closed steady ft "It seems, therefore, a sound bus/- Short, Is the Prediction. Gains From One to Five Closed steady. It Would Make v/OttOn ! ness proposition and just to both buyer and sell'er not to add to the cost Europe Accepts Offers of War has been declared on dealers !n Points—Rallies Followed Best Collateral in World. short weights and measures by State BONDS. STOCKS. 'tracts must be shipped to New York Commissioner of Agriculture J. p. Early Loss—Spot Quiet. for certification and delivery there. A. Export From Chicago. Price. In this connection he said yes- V. e. ref. 2s. registered .. . . I New York. November 25. o ~~m solution of this problem is proposed terday : do. coupon .. .. »7 High. Low. Cloae. Close. . » , . . ,.., S° ,' 0" the principle of extending this well V. a. SB, registered ..-.. . ..102% Anial. Copper .... lUfc 69'i T0% 68% j mittee appointed by the New York j tested systern to warehouses in south- Chicago, November 25.—Belie!, that "My attention has been called'to the >'ew York. November 25.—December do. coupon .. fact "that in a number of cases the llquidaHnri unsettled th*- /••ottr-Ti mar- '..102V Afu. Agricultural. , ... 43 ta « j Cotton Exchange to conside--r th"-e- ex—- ern cities which offer the necessary the Argentine crop will be short and do. ^s, registered . Am Beet sugar . . ~sJifc va, 23'/a 23 te I tension of the warehouse systern of facilities of size, safety and avail- people of Georgia, consumers of vari- ket durin-' today's early trading, but do. coupon -.110% American Can ... 20^4 291JJ, ability. that, in consequence, there will be a ous products that are being- shipped rallies £ollow>.-il on covering, with the i Panama. 3s, coupon .. 09 do. pfd 93 Vi 92 92 Vb 91 j the exchange to southern cities re- brisk demand from liurope, sent the into the state, are being deceived with close steady at a nfflt !os,3 of I 1 points i Allis-Chalmers 1st 5» . . Am. f.ar & Foundry 13U 43',i 42%. ported in favor of such a plan today. Boon to Cotton Trade. wheat market soaring today. Prices on December, a-Iulu other months were ' American Agricultural 5s . . | Am. Cotton oil . . 38 ^ 38 If short weigrlits and measures. •?,'„'"' I adopted it will mean that it will no "If this plan can be carried out, and closed firm at 3-4 to llffil 1-8 net high- from I to 5 nointa higher. I American Tel.*& Tel. cv. 4a, ! Am. Ice Securities . 2114 21 "uct | longer be necessary for southern ship- there is not much doubt but that all "I find sacks of bran supposed to Lower cables than experted. «ver- American Tobacco Gs bid . . ; American Fjiiiseed "9vi ners to send to Ne,w York* for grading difficulties can be met and overcome, er. Other grain finished at an ad- wetgih 100 pounds which only weigh nteht advices from thf south, report- , Armour & Co. 4'£s bid .. . Am. Locomotive . .28% 29% vance—corn 3-4 to 7-8 and oats 1-S@ 85 or 90. Sacks? of wheat which should Atchiaon gen. 4s ". A.m. .Smelting and " "• and certification cotton intended for It will prove a great boon to the whole weigh 24 pounds, weigh only, 22 and 1nfr a slack spot demand, and unfavor- I dr>. cv. 4b (I960) Refining . . . . t>3 Vi G.i 62% 63vi delivery on contracts. cotton trade. It will yi event corners 1-4 to 1-8(33-8. In provisions the 23. Koiv, a pounds shortage on wheat a'ol« trade ail vices Deemed to he re.«pon- j do. cv. 5s,, bid ...... flu. pfd 99 U 99 99 US >n "The NPW York Cotton Exchange and manipulations of the market and wind-up was the same as last night sacks would -cheat the people of Geor- Bihip for an opening decline of troln ; Atlantic r-oast Line lat -Is . Am. Sugar Refining. 108 108 107'A 107',i has had for the past twenty years," It will give the owners of the cotton a to a rise of 12 1-2. gia out of hundreds of thousands of 7 to 8 pojn-ts. Weakness in 0<'e*jmber ^ Baltimore & Ohio -fa . . Am. Til. ,t Tel . .119% IIS? 113!s says the committee's report, "a very reliable guarantee of the grad-st,. thus European accentanccs of export of- (.r-ori tracts in NPW Orleans, owinef to the i do...... American Tobacco 226 21! •> complete system of examining, certifi- making it more salable to mills at fers from Chicago pave the whea't bulls dollars per year. eircvilatlon of notlrca In that marK'it. i Brooklyn Transit cv. 4s SSVj Anaconda Aim. Co.. 34^ ;u 33% cating and guaranteeing the grades of home and also for e-sport to any part "I have called fhe attention of a 91V4 assurance. So ' also did Kansas City number of prominent dealers to these tor -1 to unsettle the scattering De-|'>ntral of Georgia 5s Atchlsoil 92% 92% cotton making it safe and available on of the world. It will also make cot- and Duluth telegrams, telling- of activ- ceniber long Interests here and the j Central Leather 6s iio pW 97k 98 the contracts for future delivery and facts and I believe that they w'ill be pake & Ohio ofd. Atlantic Coast Line.lli^ 117 HT'-z 116 More- prloe broke below 13 rents ''or the first 1 eliminating disagreements between rheat east iprom'ptly corrected. It is not Uh« fault do. conv. 4 ,£s, bid Baltimore A: Ohio.. !)o 22 Vu 92% 91 "s buyer and seller as to the grades and of the Georgia dealer, but of the north- time since tho middle of October. cmcaRo & Alton 3 Vis Bftlilehpin Steel . . :!0 29 29% •2K't In years, ern and western manufacturer from Next Friday will be the first Decem- Chicago, B. ac Q. joint 4s . 93 " Brooklyn Kaiii certificated stock here is Chicago. Mil. & St. P. cv. 4%s .. . ID I' Central LeatliiT . . 25'4 "The difficulty, however, has been of the lakes. Strength" "of prfces a't will call his seller's attention to the only a little more than 30,000 bales, Chicago, H. I. & Pac. R. H. col. 4> . 51 T Chesapeake A- Ohio. 07 increasing because of constantly en- wlrkt its market value Buenos Ay res was held to confirm ca- requirements of the Georgia law and there weio rumors that considerable do. rfg. 4h Ch,l Great Western..11 Vi 11'/a 11 bled reports that the Argen-tine harvest .will decline to accept an" but full cotton Is heading tn this direction fc'r Colorado & South, ref. & ext. 4^«t ofd Chi.. Mil. und St. outlook WHS unfavorable. Hensian fly weight shipments, there need be no delivery during thf coming month. I>e!a\\are & Hudson cv. 4s 97 Paul . . . . . 09 V 98% 99'i 9SVi trouble in the future." Denver A; Rio Grande ref. 6s .. . . .• •J951 Cot., and N. Wust- damage, especially in Missouri, count- Offerings were gradually absorbed, Distillers' 5s at 14,'Kin,000 biilen and these £\S- Illinois Central .107 " 107 lOli',3 ! ''^'vM''«y . SI .. 14 '„ 11 11% i White . . $S 00 to bran, hay ancl straw seemed to be { verse is best condensed In the short, covering, r>ai tiftilat ly as advices are do. deb. 4s. ofd . . do. pfd 5s L. 58 V r.SVi CAiiJJAGli,, crate, pound Market Became Stagnant. no check to bullish sentiment. 1 but succint, statement of the weather :J N. Y., N H. £_ Hartford cv. 3 Inter Harvester .111.. '02 101", CKI.KH\, dozen still cominR In to the effect that pick- Norfolk ^: Western l--t con. 4s, bid . 9 ! Oats climbed with other cereals. The bureau chiefs who opine that it will be ins? and irinniriH has been nearly com-, later-Marine pfd 13 \ I.I POTATOES, reds, bushel, new crop. ..51.00 Early Strength Due to clear and cool tod^iy with a possible do. cv. 4n .103 Illlr-rn«itlonul i'utlvr ' 7 it ' While, bushel, new crop .. ..J1.10 advance, however, was restricted ,by plfiti-d in the t,outh. N'orthern Pacific 4«. hid . ,9T. International Pump LK.MONS, bo.v . . . . .$1.0016)4.50 liquidating sales on the part of De- stf.-rm coming fi .- the national Thanks- The south was a moderate seller here do. 3i . . . r> V lyansah cuj Houth'n -M '•» -'4 'i KC,(i PLANT, crate .$2.50Jj,i:.75 London Advances. cember longs. giving day. oarly, and notices with (Jerman con- Oregon Short Line r)'dg 4s . 90 Laclede cl.t.-, . . . .97% 97% 95 96 ro.MATOL'S, faricj.. crate stock .$2,00(0)2.25 Although provisions at the outset Texas is already in the grip of cold nections were anions tlie lieavy sellers Pt*nn. i-v. ;iV,3 (1915,), bid . 97 ' Lehife-li Valley. . .117*4 J46'~ 116'-. 14", V2 Cl'oice «ased off, owing to a decline in the rain. The storm from the Lone Star of July, while much of the demand c.'n do. con. 4s .. . 98 I I^oui.sxillo 4c Naahv 131 '» .53.00 hojr market, a rally ensued. The up- State Is slowly advancing toward the tb<- aifternoon rally was attributed to Rending KCII. 4s ...... Minn . St. P. and S'lt LETTLTli, drum .. @2.50 New York, November 23.—The long- turn was the result of active purchas- Mississippi valley and ' Georgia will Wall -strei-t aritl uptown interests, St. Louis A; San Fran. fg. 4s .. .. St. M ...... 12S 128 SijUASH, yellow . . .?2.00 awaited turn in the stock market came ing, led by stock vard traders. probably prreet the disagreeable ii nlthouprh some of the local spot houses ' do. ,^pn. 5s, bjd . . ' .. Mo. Kan. »S- Texas. 20 20 • 20 ',4. 13" Whlto . . . .«2.l)0 today. Temporarily, at least, (he weather Thursday or Friday. vi f.-t.- alao larce buyers. 1 St. L.ouis H'webtern cori. -Is . . . . Misauurt I'acific . . 27 26 U PEPPER. 6-baslvet crata 51.75 92.00 speculative deadlock was broken, t Seaboard Air J.lne adj. &s ...... Xational Bibcuit ..I'l 120 OKKA, crate, teiidei .$2.00 ChicHco Quotation* There is a chance that the weather Spot cotton quiet, midrtllns uplands, i Southern Pacific R. It. 1st ref.. 4s.. 1 j Quotations advanced definitely and The following- was the rangre of prices on may not turn out as 'bad a% the official 1 ^latiunal Lead ,r POULTHV AN» KGUS. in 10; srulf, in.65. No .sales. do. cv. 4K ; Hens, live, pound 13c top prices showed sains of 2 points the Chicago exchange yesterday: maps proclaim at the present time, but Nufl Kys. of Mexico Prev. I Southern Pacific R. R. 1st reb. 4s 2nd pfd . . . .1214 12'4 Priors., pound '.' I8c in some cases. there is small chance that Atlanta and ( Southern Railway 5s. bid New York Central.. 96 '-, 95-k 05 'i Ducks 26c While trading was considerably more Open. -Hlch. Low. Close. Close. vicinity will, escape the coming atmos- iNew Orleans Cotton. I da. gen. 4s ... . 73% i^KSs, dozen ' active than yesterday, tin-- total of WHEAT— N. y.. Onl., and West- December . . 87 S7Vj 86% 8 6 Vi pheric disturbances entirely. i • opening and the closing. -TliTe \vj.s Nnrtliorn Pacific .,107'A 107 U 107'i nart condition. In spite of the leadl- December 70',4 70% 69% 70>SJi 69% mu l| • hort .'•eMi/ig but the markel. acted V. S. Stee' 2d Bs . 99 5i Pacif;,. jKill . . .24^ Jl Clipped oata .02 is well to take, the little advice given I? t-r->olrt and at timeu the, demand from ' Vlrniiila-Carollna Chemical 5a . 94 5 \Vhlte corn . . . 1.00 ness with which prices responded to May .' . . 70'4 70% 70 70% 69% in the above alleged poem and prepare !-, Pennsylvania . . .109% 10S% 109 10S a moderate increase in buying, no ag- July . . . 09% 70 69% 69% 69 \ho wanted to lako protH-s w.is more \V,ibash IHI and ext. 4s. bid . 4S People's G;tn . . .11714 117 116 Cotton Seed Meal .'...'.. 29.00 for the worst. f th.in the rin^ • ' 'i!d supply. Western Mil. 4s ... . 76 Pitt- . C. C. and St. , No. 3 initialing cotton .. 1.85 gre&sive efforts were made to force OATS— The fej'turf . the Ua> u as the putting \Vpbtlngrhouse Electric c\ . . 89 Louis ...... No. 2 middling cotton ... 1.85 up the list. The day passed without December ,37% 38% 37% 38 37% our t,f about :i,OOI> December notlc-ea, this "\ViHoonhin CenLral t«. ofd. . So-% S3 1.6(1 developments relating to the matters May . . . 41% 42% 41% 42 Pltt.sburg Coal . 1 '.t ~ 191, 1!) 18 Vi July . . . 41% n*'ln^ the first notice day tot that month Pret,.spcl Steel Car 24% 24-4 Brown shorts . .". '.'.'. '.'.'. 1.75 in which the street la most interested, Country Produce. in li-is market. Thla forced much llquida- Tennessee meal 1.85 PORK— Comparative Port Receipts. Pullman Palace Car. 152 ',„ Georgia meal and the rise in prices apparently was January. 20.75 20.90 20.75 New York, November 25.—Butter steady; t n>ii (»i tlu> loiifr MjrJe and added to the of- 1.85 due to the sold-out condition of the 10.178 tubs; creamery extras, 33igJ35; firsts fV hi^s on th«- tirst cull The notices were K^nuh'.ic Iron and May . . . 20.70 20.90 20.70 all Cropped uithutit any delay, chiefly by Ff>llo\vinp \\ere net receipts at the ports market. LARD— 2832; seconds, 24%t(j)27; thirds, 23©24. on Tuesday, November 26, compared u ith Steel 20 The improvement was preceded by November. 10,72 10.72 Cheese steady, unchanged, receipts, 1.378 proniliit'tit i pot housea. according: to the tliose pn the corresponding day last year: do. pfd So 78% (Corrected by Oglesby Giocery Company.) boxes. £({,-. ifi of tluj market. i'iv' " I. Axle Grease—Diamond, $>1.7S, No. 1 Mica, brisk advance in the London -market, (January, 10.85 10.92 10.90 10.90 1313. 1912. Rock Inland Co. . . 3 4 M which determined the tone here at ""Maj . ^ . 11.07 II.IT 11.10 11.12 Eggs firm; receipts, 7.768 cases; fresh Tl.e oju'iiintr 14^va.H steady at a decline of Galveston 39,866 ^.32G do. pfd 22'it "l'-I »'>•-•'• No. 2 lllca, 51.25. athered firsts, 41@42; seconds, 36@40' I (> to Ifi point , on poor cables! and the New Orleans 11,811 - IS.ISl &t Louis ard San " * I Chees,e—Aldemuy, ISc. the opening:. London contributed fur- J SIDES— western gathered whites. 40@53. itmnos. On the* decline the demand from Red Hock (Jlncor Ale—Quarts, $9; pints, - 1 n ary 10.87 11.00 10.87 10.97 10.92 Mobile . 3.009 8.928 Pra». 2nd pfd . . 8 9 ther by buying stocks here, and some M . " 11.07 11.20 11.07 11.17 11.12 Liive poultry tirin; \vestern chickens. 14^4 rivilizin,? short* became very heat y arid thta tfi-.Mnriah 11.63J S. 664 Seaboard Air Line . 16 IB $10. Red Rock Syrup, SI.50 per eallon. Canadian Pacific was taken on direct ; " ' 15; fowjs, 14@35; turkeys, '22. Dresse'd checked the downward movement. Through- Candy—Stick, 5%; mixed, S •& , cnocotates, (.'harleston 3.&11 198 • do prd 4-1 orders from Berlin. Such speculative Receipts tn Chicago. steady: fresh killed western chickens, 12 out the morning the tone improved and in Wilmington 2.7B4 3.4D6 Sloss-Shpfr.eld Sttel , 12c. | buying as was undertaken in this @23; fowls, 12@18Va; turkeys, 10@35. tin f.irly afternoon the most active months Xorfollc 5.360 ' 5,295 & Iron salt— 100-lb bars - lc« cream 50c- Chlcaffo, - November 25.—Butter tin- neit- " to 4 points over yesterday's final Granocrysta, 80o. No barrel_ s market was based on tho assumption Articles. Today. Tomorrow. quotations.. This small net advance called, Xe-.i York 76 Southern Pacific . . 87'i 86 K Arm and 'Hammer""soda—?£OB •'keg soda. ! that a rise was indicated by the "ex- wheat, cars 60 45 changed. out frenh ^-tiort Belling late m the session Boston 237 195 Southern Railway . 21% 21% 2c, Royal Baking powder, 1 Ib., jl.30; 14 j tent of the short interest and the sta- Corn, cars . . .. 188 111 Eggs unchanged; receipts, 2,629 cases. Pacific Coast 1.816 do. pfd 75 i.j 110 Potatoes unchanged, receipts, 40 cars. ami the market closed stf tidy at a net de- Tex.-«s City 8.53G Tennessee Copper .. 28'j , Ib, S5.00; Horsford'HHorsford's. $4.BO. j Good Luck, | bility of the market recently in the Oats, care . , .. 148 Poultry, alive, higher; springs, 13; fowls, « line ol \ to T points. ., Success. 51.80; Hough Rider. $1.80. face of discouraging business news and HOBS, head . ..25,000 81,000 ^pot quiet unchanged, middling, 13 1-16; furious 8.292 Texas &• Pacific . . l.T 1.7 11; turkeys, 17. Union Pacifi ir.i Vi ISO Beans—Lima, 7 140; navy, $3. the Mexican tangle. Kansas City, November 25.—Butter, eggs s:ik", on the H«'t. 2,171 bales, to arrive, . .89.711! 96.396 do. pffl Ink—Per crate, 11.^0. Primary Movement. and poultry unchanged. H.n.lS; l«iw ordinary. 9 fi-lt», nominal, ordin- Total SIS, 81'i Sl't Jelly—3-lb. pails, fl.35; 4-oz., 52.70. Speculation was facilitated by the Wheat—Receipts. 1.620,000, against 2,209,- ary, 10 L.,. nominal, good ordinary, 11%: TJ. S. Realty ':?, Spaghetti—§1 90 availability of cheap money for stock 000 last year. Shipments, 1,392,000 against strict soitd ordinary. E2, low middling, Interior Movement. V. S. Kubber r>4«. r,4i-i r,3 market purposes, but before the end 1913. t" S. Sted . 6634 5.'»4 5fi% 54-M- Ijeatber—IMamond oak, 48c. 2,373,000 last year. Provisions. I'J 7-31> ^titct io\v middling, 12 13-16, mid- r Pepper—Grain, 15c; ground, ISc. of the day the call money market re- ^orn—Receipts, 684,000, against 759,000 (Hint,'. 13 l-lt. strict mlddlins, 13 5-16; good Houston, 23.8(1 do. pfel . , 1 O > VI 104 '•, 104U Flour—Elegant. $7.00; Diamond, 55.85; flected heavy withdrawals recently by laft year. Shipments, 432,000, against 318,- Chicago. November 25.—Pork, $31.00. loi.Mllug 'i:i 9-16. strict good middlmKUK,, i Aufc-usta . . 3.559 . Utah Chopper 4Si- 47% Seir-Rialng. J5.75; Monogram, $5.50, Carna- rising to four per cqnt. For Canada, 000 last year. Lard, 10.VJ. \.\\. iiiMilliiis fair, 14 3-16, nominal Id- | HemphiH , 7.4S9 7 ,'JO- Va -i-nrollin Chemi- tion. 5.T.65. l.'olden Grain, $6.00; Pancake, Rita, [email protected]'5. ti.rf, i st. uouiH ' ,-)6:; cal . . $2,250,000 more gold was engaged to- Cincinnati. November 25.—t,ard easy at j dlinjr r f.itr to fair. 14 9-16, nominal per cabe, $3.00. day, bringing up the total on the II l, ,-H>. nominal, receipts. 14,811, stock, Cincinnati . 2.41 I Wabash .... JLard and Compound—Cottolene. $7.20; Grain. 230,Oir,. L,ittle Rock 1.57:; do. pfd . . . . 10i4 10 Snowdrift, cases, $6.50; Flake White, 9%; movement to $6,250,000. Loss to bhe U'estorn Marv!,)nr] Leaf, 12'ic basis. banks on subtseasury Operations this Chicaeo. Xovember 26.—Casli: Wheat. No. Total . 39,S:9 39,577 Western Union . . 62' Rice—,-,^c to Sc; grits, ?2.20. week was placed at over $6,000,000. 2 red, 96@9fl'i.: No. 2 hard, 88?i©83; No. 2 Rice. Estimated Receipts Wednesday. \VftitlnfrbotiFe Eler . 6 t Sour Gherkins—Per crate. 51.80, kegs, $12 Bonds were firmer. Total sales, par northern. 88 % r£f>90 H: : No. 2 spring. 88*5*89. New Orleans, November 25.—Rice; Rougb Liverpool Cotton. Ualvcston, -'i.,000 to -iS.500, against 1S.1M vVTi -pling and Lako value, $1,390,000. United States bonds Corn. No. 2, "72% ©73; No. 2 white, 73«. TCHo Oil,,; sweet mixed, kegs, $1250; olives, 90c 74; No. 2 yellow, 75'i@i76. Honduras and Japan, strong and active, Liverpool. .Vovernber 25.—Cotton, spot lasf 3 e.tr, 1 414 tr> $.1.50 per iloien. were unchanged on call* clean Honduras and Japan firm. Quote:' I QUlet; prices -steady: midtfline fair. 7.76; New Orleans. IS.jOO to 11.500. against 19,- New TTaven -TS ^ 77U Extracts—lOc Souders, 9Ec per dozen; 25c Oats, No. 2 white, • 40?i @41; standard, 545 last year. Total salep for dav 200.3^0 shares. 40H- Rough Honduras. 2.00®4.75; .Japftc, 2.00O Rood middling. 7.14, middling. 7.2'B, low mid- Souders. $: per dozen. Rye. No. 2, 64. 3.50; clean Honduras. 4(g>6; Japan, 2%®8H. dling. 70lj. eood ordinary. 6.44; ordinary, Sugar—Granulated. $4.SO; light brown, Foreign Finances. Barley, 50@7S. Receipts- Rough, 20,041; clean, 3,ISO ^mill- OMU, Kales. 7.000, including: 6.300 American Stocksr recording- sales of 10.000 and mor*» 45s; dark brown. 4 'A ; domino, S%c. ers, 17,608. Sales, 1.187 sacks rough Hon- and 1,000 for speculation and export. He- Cotton Seed Oil. shares « ere- Berlin. November 25.—Weekly - statement Timothy. $4.00 @ 5.25. Amalgamated Copper 16.700 Bank of Germany; Clover, [email protected]. duras at [email protected]; 415 sacks Japan at 2.50 'ceipts, 74,0,00. including: 65.500 American. New York Xovrinlier 2f,—Cotton seed oil \ ,_ ATLANTA LIVE STOCK. ' Cash Increased 43,385,000 marks. I St. Louis, November 25.- Jash. Wheat, @2.85; 2.033 pockets clean Honduras at' Futures doted quiet and steady. was lo-v.-er under falling of March and May Reiullnr '(By VI . H. White, of tile White Provision 1 1 1 1B-18@6 11-16; 788 pockets Japan at 2 Opening: Prev. T'nion Pacific 32 000 Loans decreased 3.664,000. f I No. 2 red. 91@94. No. 2 hard, 86's @92 .i. fay refiners, the easier tendency of cruile United States Steel 1i Company.) ' Diaoounts decreased 50,776,000. Coin, No. 2, 76: No. 2 white, 77. Range. Close. Close. markets and lack of outside demand. Clos- 44.700 liood to choice ateers, 1,000 to 1,200, $6 00 ' Treasury bills decreased 19,995,000 OatH. No. 2. 40^4 @>41; No. 2 white, 42. November . .7.07 7.04 7 03% ing prices v. ere 10 points lower on Novem- i to $6.50. . j Notes decreased 90,893.000. ! St. Louis. November 25.—Close: Wheat, Nov.-Deo. . .9.93 6.S3 8.89 ber and 1 to 3 lower on the balance of the I (iood steers, 800 to 1.000, $5.76 to $6.00. Deposits increased 74,171,000. 'December, 88"4: May. 92>/i<3|92%. Metals. Dec.-Jan. . .9.90^4 ti.87 6.89 list. Sales, S.OOO barrels SPOT COTTON. i JJedUtm to good, steers, 700 to 850. $5.25 tjold Increased 22,704,000. I Corn, December, 71@71',6; May. 72 %@ New York, November 25.—Copper unset- .fan.-Feb. . .6.90 O.S7 6.87 Prime crude, fi.OO, Hales- Prime summer I to S5 50 . Paris, November 26.-—Rentes. 86 francs 72%. tled; standard spot to January, $14.12(9 Feb.-March .6.90^4 G.87% yellow. [email protected]; November, 7.00. Decem- i Oood to choice beef cows, 800 to 800, $4.75 ' So centimes. Exchange on London 25 1 Oats, December, 10V4; May, -13. 14.62; electrolytic, [email protected]; lake, $15.00 l arch-April .6.9H, ber. 7.07; January. 7.13; February! 7.1(5; Atlanta, November 25.—Cotton stfady ; to $5 50 i francs 30^ centimes. Kansas City, November 25.—Cash: Wheat, 16.6'o, nominal; casting, [email protected]. April-.May . . .6.92 ifarch 7.22; April. 7.26; May, 7.35, July.middling-. j Medium to soo<5 cows, 700 to 800, $4.25 Berlin, NovembeNo ' - r 26.—Exchange on Lon- I No. 2 hard, 8GVi®87lS; No. 2 red, 87<3>8S. Tin steady; spot and December, 939.209 May-June . ., .6.90 6.87 7.45. Prime winter yellow. 7,85 bid; prime don 20 marks 60H pfennigs. Private dis- Corrt, No. S mixed, 74 cents; old; 67®69, 39.50; January. [email protected]. July-August . .6.87W, 6.84 6.84 Vi summer white, 7.30 bid. Futures ranged Macon—Steady; middling. IS'A Uood to choice heifers, 75 to 850, $5.00 to count rate 4 % per cent. new; No. 2 white. 70. Antimony dull; Cookeon'a. J7.EO©7.70. Au^-Sept. . . .6.74 6.71 0.71 as follows: $5,J5. Oats, No. 2 white. 40%@41: No. 2 mixed. 6.49^4 6.47 London, November 26.—Consols lor Iron quiet and unchanged. Sept.-Oct. . .6.SOW Opening. Closing. A thens—Steady , middllns:. 13%. Medium to good heifers, €50 to 750, 94.25 money 73 1-16; consols for account 73 3^16. London markets closed as follows: 31osed quiet but steady. November 7.08©7.16 7.00®'".07 to $1.50. i Bar silver steady at 27 1-lGd. oMney 4V.(?5 Kansas' Oity, November 25.—Wheat, De- Copper firm; spot, tee, 7s, 6d; futWM, December [email protected] 7.07fir>7.08 The above f Port Movement. a rU COUnt W1U 5 three mO th3 cember, 81%; May. 87t&?i87>4. £65. 7s, 6d. January 7.126)7.14 7.13^7.14 Galvesto-i—Quiet, middline: 13^4: net re- Rood q«am/ofTe7f"n a?tle VSf.rlo?^ad2lJ¥,.i?i' 10<3?;>s - ^ ' " Corn. December. 69%; May. 72%. Tin steady, spot, €169; futures, £180. • February 7:1S®7.21 7.1«@7.20 and dairy types selling lower. I -- Baltimore, November 25.—Wheat firmer; Iron. Cleveland warrants, 49s, 3d. Gibert & Clay. March , [email protected] 7.2207.23 ceipts. 39.«6s , gross. 30.S6S: twle"). fist : Mixed to common steers. If fat. 800 to | stock. 317,25 !, exports to Great Britain. 900, $1 r,o to $r,.50. .spot, No. 2 red, 93%; spot. No. 2 red, west- St. Louis. November 26.—Lead, $4,31* New York. November 26.—Unfavorable April 7.2S®7.33 7.25(817.31 14.109: t-o continent. 12,163. London Stock Exchange. I ern. 94. Spelter, $5.0505.10. cables from Liverpool today influenced li- May 7.3607.38 7.36 <3l7.36 Mixed to commnn cows, if fat, 700 tp London, November 25.—Money and dis- Corn, southern white, 72@S1; southern quidation at the opening of the local market, June 7.00; soles, none. selves, topping the market for the week. i Copper and United States Stee! prominent, **toclc, 46.936: exports coast-wise. I 359. Good supply of hogs on market, prices ! owing to Wall street buying. The closin ranging firm to shad" higher. I was steady. John F. Black & Co. Norfolk—Dull, middling, 13>,J; net re- New York, November 25.—The big inter- ceipts. 5.350; gross. 5.350; sales. 637; stock. Treasury Statement.** ests were switching; between months today. 46,379, exports coast\\ise, 1.944. Horses and Mules. December was hammered, and it looked as Bonds for Investment 1 Following- are the current quotations on Washington, November 25.—The condi- if the January shorts \v*>re trying to stir Baltimore —Nomina l ; middliner. 1 3 i • not horses and piule.s- tion of the United States treasury at the up a cloud of dust in an effort to get out of High-grade municipal, receiptbfi none; gro^B, 2,r,00; sains, none; beginning of business was: ,1 commitment«»i»«—«™s —the*y -ar e not in -a *position to stock, 9,90-i ; exports coastwise. 4,600. ! Heavy draft, extra...... Net balance In general fund 5124,268,098. flvuu while the dust is in the air. January is 1 railread and public ser- • H<'avy draft, good to choice 175^200 Total rece:dpt _ s yesterday $1.587,052. tnethe'^ oversoloversoldd montmonthh anand yeycttt IItt closed Tsew York — Quiet, middling, 13.40; net Eastern chunks, extra quality . . ItiOftu'-'Ofl Total payments yesterday 31,434,912. point down today while March was four up. rpcpipts, none; gross, 3.9*9 Hal^s none • KifHern chunks, plain . . ]00f^l3.r> The deficit this fiscaj year is ?£,634,329 December, in which the interest is small. I vice corporation bonds. -stock. -1G.760; exports coast vi HP. 2.719. Southern horses, extra quality . . 12.">r?/>130 against a deficit of $1,5SO,330 last year, ex- was put down eleven points. It was not a ' | southern horses, plain 50©) 75 clusive of Panama canal and public debt bear market. It there should be a revival Boston — Quiet . middling:, 13.40 ; net re- Choice drivers, with speed . . . transactions. of general confidence cotton would advance Send fur List •! Offering* I*' celptH, 237, grofs. 3,310 . sales, none; stock ; Saddlers rapidly.. It is a dangerous market to be 11,948; exports t Oreat Britain, 1.694 I Mules— short of. ^ i 1 | 16 to 16% hands $1(002801 Mining Stocks. Liverpoo l Is due to come aboutt five up on I Philadelphia—Steady; midcliing-. 13.65: i 15 to 15H hands 100c—Net receipts. 8.356: gross, 1 low range, and top prices refer only to extra Ga., November 25.—Turpentine O'*k, 15.734; e±i7ort^ choice, select mules, carefully sorted and Savannah, to continent. j sold out of dealers' hands. Money and Exchange. firm at 43% sales. 793; receipts, 495; ship- Fine Street, Corner William ments. 213;stocks, 30.851. Rooin firm; NEW YOKK New York:. November 25.- — Call money sales, 2,027; receipts, 3,359; shipments, 1.940; Totul receipts Tuesday at all ports, nel. Live Stock. steady at 2 & fl?.P,3; ruling rate, S^i; clclos-. stoclcs, 162.796. A., B., $3.55 to 3.62%: 59,71'! 7 'D, JS., $3.«0 to 2.62%; **., G.. $3.fi5; H., $3.«5 three days at all ports, Chicago. November 23.—Ho£a—Receipts I Time loans firmer; sixty days and ninety to 3.67V. ; I., $3.75, K., $4.45; M., 500; N., net. 202.2Sti. 27.000. lo\»r; bulk of bales [email protected]; i days. 5; six month:-, 4 ^J, 0r>. , SB.00; WG., $6.50; WW., J6.80. Total since September 1 at all porfs, net. lipht $7.00fri 7 ti5. mixed and butchers $7.25 , Prime mercantile paper, 51,i(5r»^4. Wilmington. N. C., November 23.—Spirits .-,.077 03? . Rosin steady at $3.50; receipts. 4 barrels. Total stock at all United •5 tat es ports. Cattle—Rec-oipio 4,500; slow; beeves 36.60 \ Commercial MIli 4.80',i. Tar firm at ?2.50; receipts, 23 barrels. Crude $10 00 Buys Puts or Calls on 10,000 bushela •I I©!".2.). Texas steers ?0.40fi>760, stockcrs ] Bar silver, 5Si£. turpentine nrm at $2.00. $3.00 and $3.00. of wheat. No Further Risk. A movement S)[email protected]. co«s and hejfprs $3.3o©S.25: Mexican dollars, 45. oof S_c- Irom .price (jives you chancy to taKo Interior Movement. cal.e.s 56.50Q10.50. Government bonds steady railroad Jjonds > J600.00; 4c, S400.00. Sc, $300.00, etc. Write Houstim—Quu>t, middling. 13 .T-16- net Sheep—Keceipts 25,000; steady; natives I firm. Sugar and Molasses. eceipts 23.SH. Kr.^t,. 2'i.S41: shipments, $4.00(@5.10. yearlings 55.25 SS6.50; lambs, 'THEPCrENTRAL STOCK AND GKAIN CO.. S.riT; s-alef.. 1,738, htuck, 182.09S native, [email protected]. \ New York. November 25.—Raw Park UltlK- Cleveland, O. St. Louis, November 2r, —Cattle—Re- Coffee. easy; muscovado, 3.14; centrifugal, ceipts 5.900, including 1,100 Texans; higher; molasses sugar, 2.89. Renned quiet. choice to fine steers $S.75©9.15, good to November ;!5.—Dpvember Molasses steady. Groceries. You will want your children to be proud of your home-^— St. Louis, November 25.—Flour quiet. Hay quiet. yon tWU want It to be » monument to yon—yoor taste and New i'ork, November 25.—Flour firm. pood heavy 57.70® 7.80. liighe 3,000. your family's position. St. Louis—Dull; middling. 13%; net re-! Spot steady: No. Rio 9-\; Santos No. 4, coipts, 553. gross, 3.520. shipments, 3,049- I She'ep—^Receipts 2.200; stead-y, muttons STANDARD BRICK sales, none; stuck. 1" 61S j ?3.75©4.50; yearlings $5.00©G.OO; lambs Mild quiet; Conldva, 13%iiJlG. nominal. ' ''Kansas City. NSvember 25.—Hogs—Re- Havre, unchanged to *4 franc lower. Cincinnati -Net receipts. 2.414; gross, , ceipts 22.000; lower; bulk }7.40®7.70; heavy Hamburg, net. • % pfg. lower to Vi higher. to she m»t«rf»l be»t suited to build Southern Hornet 2.414: -, erross, 1,573. shipments, 1900- dressed beef steers $6.75@>8.20; south- Futures ranged as follows: 1.050. n Open. F. W. LAFBENTZ, C. P. A., President. durability «ad beauty. Standard Brick are recognized as es, none, stock, 4t>,513. I ern steers ?5.25<«>7 40; cows, $4.25(0)6.76; January . . . 9,r>7 bid F. 'heifers $5.25 @ 8.65 ; Ktockers $5.50 ©7.50. - February . . . . . 9.68 bid TBEO. COCHVi, 4U-. ' '''SR-i'ScB^S? "standard*' of the world. - , ' Sheep-—Receipts- 8,000; high,er; lajjlbs March ...... 9.X5 bid _L! ^urth Nat. ,'d* Hubbard Bros. & Co. ,' S7 OOSB7.65; yearlings 55.25/ff 6.00; wethers April ...... 9.95010.00 NEW YORK.— Wald .rr-Astorla. $4 50 ©5.10; ewes $4.00 @4.55. May ' ...... 10.10 bid BOSTON—KxcnanBe Buildlne>, . ord, "RATINE" "CHEROKEE RED" "CRAYENETTE' Neu- York, November 25.—Cables this Louisville. Ky.. November 25.—Cattle— June .. . .. 10.180110.22 ViASHINGTOi1"—Colorado BulldtiR. poll* rnominK were not a full response to our im- Receipts 100: about steady; $2.50®8.00. July ...... 10,[email protected] NEW OKi,BANS—Me.lt>on Blancae proes—Receipts 800; weak; ?4.RO(g>7.S5. August. . . Face Brick Face Brick Face Bnck provement yesterday afternoon and our mar- Sheep—Receipts 30: steady: lambs 7o BALTU10R3 -Keyssr Building;. • c.. so ket opened under pressure from the same ! September 10.47 bid Katlona- Bo.ilc LONDON! • BRICK BOOK I*RBEt Tb*» book tells aH about brick and sellers who have been active since the gin- rtpwn: sheep 3 Mi down October 10.52 bid KIGHMONI>—American give* ftfll information how to get carload rates on small ners' report last Friday. In spite of the New York, November 25.—Beeves_ feeling November. volume of this selling, the market failed steady. Calves quiet at &8.00^12.23. j December 9.40 bid orders. Send for It today. to make new low prices, and Improved Sheep steady at [email protected]; lambs, $0.23 President, slowly to the close. A feature of the mar- (77)7 75. C. Amdlt. N«w York. ket was liquidation of December in advance Hogs nominally weak ut [email protected]. Petroleum, Hides and Leather. .I«»»K of notice day. which is next Friday. The N'ew York, November . 25.—Petroleum Standard Brick Co. market took this Unsettled liquidation of Dry Goods. steady. December contracts well, showing again a Hides barely steady. MACON, GA, rather oversold appearance with continued New York, November 25.—Cotton goods Leather firm. « W. E. OUNWODY, President buving by the trade on the early decline. markets wore quiet and barely steady. AUDIT COMPANY OF THE SOUTH Sentiment continues bearish, but on the Yarns were quiet. Foreign men's wear in tiia low grade end is being offered for fall. Linseed. ^ £. J. M*T«, C. P. A, !•«•«•«»». other hand the Bouth are not a free seller <* v TT i- . . ^ K^M A &*«» •. of hedges below 13 cents. 1914 Ribbon manufacturers are warning Duluth. November 25.—Unaueed, $1.39%; .ATLANTA. Liverpool Is due to come 6 to 7 points selling agents of possible lessened produc- December, »1.37";i ",-i May, I1.43H- (27-628 higher in the moraine. tion due to strikes.

IN £>V SPA PERI iWSPAPERI L'JOJS A'JELAbTA, '\VJsUMIlflfeiDAY, NOVJfi&fBEU 26, 1913t jfage Jb'

A woman acts on the impulse of the Maner to Lo*n . '. .\; ... . Itt I HELP WANTED—Male RAILROAD SCHEDULES svoment, and think how many momenta . . . ie PROFESSIONS AN1> TRADES. there aro In the day when her hus- .*,... i« , BUILDERS' COURSE BV MAIL,—Construo- Arrival and Departure of Pas«enK«r Jand la away at his office.' JAILED FOR ATTEMPT SCHOOL COMMIM ATLANTA Wear Beer dfcenses. . . . . 16 I tion, Plan Reading, Estimating. Archtcct- Tralna, Atlanta. • ural Drawing, Contracting, 'etc., especially The following schedule figures are Personal ...... IK • prepared lor~contractors. builders, bricklay"- published only, aa Information and are "When a woman's gw-wn appears per- Poultry .....,....*•« is 4 ers. carpenters, plasterers, apprentices. Stu- > not guaranteed: fectly simple It Is probably very srood Public Stenographers . . . , lit ,5 i dents study plans of buildings and macnln- -- . except Sunday. .tnd very dear. When a woman appears TO MAKES REPORT TODAYi FROM DAY TODAY Parebaae Money Xotea ... 16 6 ; ery being actually constructed In Chicago. ! ••Sunday Only. • Homa ^tudy work the same aa in our co.llegre j ! Professional Cards ...... 1ft 5 ; classes. ' Mention which Is ' desired when < i Railroad Schedules ...... 15 7 i writing (or catalogue. Chicago Technical Atlanta- Terminal Station. Man Held in Augusta on Probers Will Tell Board of 3 College, Room 1042, Lake View Building. | \V. T. Downing, the architect, .= Heaneml Estatinmatee foxor Salamee ...... 17 ChlC&KC. Ill Atlanta and West Point Railroad Companr* working on. the plans for the new Real Eatate for Sale or No. Arrive From— .Not Depart To—- , Charges Made by Depot Education What Improve- Presbyterian church, which will be ' a erected at Peaehtree and Seventeenth. change , .... IT BE A BARBER WeatPt... 8:15 am'35 Mew Or... 6:iSam ments Are Needed. Removal Noticed in 5 18 Col-mbuew s 10:S5 am 1» Columbus. '6:4B aiu THIS DAYS Matron. streets. MKN WANTBD to learn barber trado. Easy ?.? j^ <" .Or.,11:50 am 3S Montvoro*y &:10 am "While Mr. Downing; Is not yet ready Restaurants . ... 1« 7 xvork. Mff wages, few weeks completes b} 40 Nfew Or... z.*26 pm 39 New Or... 2:00 pm to make official announcement of the Seed and Pet. Stock IS 4 our method. We teacb. you Quickly, cheap- 34 iiontg'y. 7:10 pm 17 Coiumbuo. 4:06 pm IB 7 'ly, thoroughly and furnish toola. Give you 20 Columbus TN5 pm »7New.Or... l:88pa> Auprusta, Ga., November 25.—, Augusta. .Southern train. The lit- | that the committee has left no stone ' pleted plans for a handsome residence _,.,J Tj_;i. (-..t-" we do good work. • tle tfiri had already been out aboard Wanted—Real Estate. . IT I unturned in its investigation into edu- . for John W. Grant, on Pace's Ferry 15 and Hair Cut Give U3 a ^M.-_ sonta-r^lLm.^. tho' train, which was not tho oue she | cational and hygienic conditions in an J road.- Wanted—Room Mate . I WANTED—-First-class tuner. References 15 . rr!vo"Premie1 ana r Carrier of the South." tle.yf re'.l to take, .but which she had I effort to ascertan just what improve- I Mr. Downing has plans for a num- Wanted—Teachers. . . . required. Permanent position for ri^ht A». Departure Passongar Trains. been led to believe would carry her to j party. Address Chaa. M. Stieft', Char;otte. .. Atlanta. i ments will be necessary to insure a ! ber of other structures which are not h rol htr home. The boy and girl are tho normal rating for the public schools of j yet ready for announcement. i,_T 5 'owinB scnedcle nguros ar» pub- L-hilUr.ui of Mr. and Airs. W. H. Boyd, thin city. LOST AND FOUND WANTED — First-class ad man. •fl'ire or fan teed °" BS lnformatjon an<* °"c Dol; e"»«- of Athpna. These" building plans will not be write Athens Banner, Athens. Ga. The board t{iis afternoon -will con- ready until about the middle of Janu- 'Vrrive From— GRAND Moort; is from Liungley, S. C., and sider the question of whether the No. Depart To — say.s he is a cotton mill operative. He arv," he said, "and I doubt if there SALliSMEZV AND SOLICITORS. ..12:0~ 1 am 36 Now yorjc.!2:15 nm schools .shall be closed Thursday and is any great activity in tho building S6 NBW Vork 6 :00 am 20 Columbus.. 6:20 am is "held by the. pulic« without bond ADVERTISE POUND ABTICL.B3. IF YOU are educated, of good appearance, •13 Wash'ton pending an ' i-nvestifiation. Friday. Heretofore school has dis- line before that time. After the first THE LAW, from Georgia. Decisionn: good talker. ha\-e salesmanship Qualities 5 :^& am ' ., 5:00 ant missed on Thanksgiving, but the chil- of the year, however. I expect to see "A finder ot lost goods who. hav- and want to make $200 per month trav- , .. ti :1: 0 aam 1 Chicago .....6, -20 am The children camo hori-, yesterday dren were compelled to return Friday I- fehr veport. 6 :30 am 1- Richmond. G:&5an. from Avera, (ia., where they have been a renewal'of the building business in, ing means of knowing the rightful eling:, we have what you are looking for! . C vlllo. to finish out the week. Atlanta. I have a number of good owner retains them for the nnder'a Let uw prove that we have the best propo- - " 23 Kan. City. ? :00 am visiting" their grandparents, -jMr. and sition you- ever knew, if .you ever sotd a ?.-£0:. t. id.. .12:06 pm she totd. The attention of the matron The fact that Atlanta may have a while In the finder's poasesaion; land made calendars, faua and leather goods; B9 jk? \ ''*V ' '"" ? 40 Charlotte 12:10pm was attracted and the arrest, just us and he Is legally entitled to be re- Uam new military college some time in the very liberal commisalonw; oldest advertising 2'.SU Si^fi iit.i v..... 12:4, .0X p*"m" 30 Columbus..12:30 pm M'.iore was steering the two youn,^ imbursed for expense. Incurred In house Ju the United .States. The Best Manu- 30 New York. 2 :45 pm near future leaked out ' on Tuesday, 1 properly caring for the goods found ™ hu n - truvt.'lers to the wrong train, followed. factxiring Company. Ne\v Haven, Conn. fSSv, ' 2:30pm 15 Chatta'ga.. 3 :00 pm GOOD CONDITION when it became known that W. H. and may retain them until such 1 39 Uharlotce.. ,3:&G pm 3K B'ham.... 4:10 pm INDICTED BY L,eahy, secretary of the industrial and expense is paid," Constitution "Want WANTKD—Limited offer to &ood aollcltora: -T ^fe Ulle" C^OOpm IS Toccoa 4 :30 pm statistical bureau of the chamber of Ada find lost property or Its owner. money maker; . pleasant work, umons tZS- i- i"- 6:00pm 22 Colum.uua.. 6:10 pm cammorce, is negotiating with several money class; money plentiful in Georgia; N. Y. L'd..'." 6 Clucln'ti... 6 :10 pm prominent realty men for a. aite -for the experience unnecessary; $ 18 to $54 a week. 16 : 28 Ft. Valley. & :20 pm Sheriff Raids Places and'Finds institution. Write me, "B," Conutltutlon. 31 Vc. Valley 8:00 i 10 Macon. . . . ,6:30 pn> GEORGIA POSTOFFICE Jt is understood that this Institution PARTY who was seen taking silver mesh WANTED—Men of neat appeearanco as de- f f Jack'vlllo.. 8:10 25 Heflln ---- & :45 pin Drayload of Whisky in bag from 702 Empire building Tuesday 11 tt chmonri.. 8:15 13 cirfcin'tl... 8:20 pm is now located in another state, and monstrators and siilfHinen; paid $4 to $S ' S:4& pm afternoon wiU avoid further trouble by re- dally. Cumberland Hotel, Room 10, beAveyn " " 44 sh ton.. is one of the oldest military colleges so.. . 6:55 pm Z Jaok'villa 10:06 pm One of Them. turning same to address above. You aro 8 and 9:30 a. m. Cable in the country. known. 24 Jack'vlllo 10:30 pm Klre Companies ISxeinpt. CAN use few i.lglt-elaaa salesmen -on liberal „.,". 11 Shr'vpor't..ll:10 pm DYNAMITED BY YEGGS LOST—Gentleman's nurse Friday aftecnoon basis, sell Fernwood lots, on easy payment nclna'i .11:30 pm 14 Jack'vllle ll:40pm President Harris Gr White, of the between 118 W. Baker and Rhodes' wagon B. J. Witt, care Glover _Realty Co._ All trains run dally. Central time. Macon. Ga., November '-5.—(Special.) Atlanta Keal Estate. Board, issued a yard, containing $20 to ?30 and receipt to __Cj_ty Ticket_ Office. _No^_l_Peachtreo 6t. ATLANTA The. Bibb grand jury today indicted statement on Tuesday to the effect H. A. Morgan. Return to H. A. Morgan, &alea?ueci to uell BUbdlVAdloa Thieves Rob Safe at Douglas- that tire insurance companies are not Deca.tur,_Route__J. Reward. lots; good contract. Hush J. Lynch. 30& Arrival and Departure of Pasaenger proprietors df twenty-two more near Walton building. Trains, AHar.ta. beer saloons for violation of the prohi- considered in the plans launched at LOST—^Last Thursday, Masonic watch fob; ville and Escape Without the last meeting- of the board for edu- name engraved on same; value on account WANTED—Salesman in every county of the The following; schedule flijfure* ar» bition law and ail of the places were cating the public ae to what compa- of gift; reward. J. O. Heamans, 513 At- * state. Write The Crinio Carbon. Kemovor pubnsheii only aa information and arc Leaving Clue. raided by the sheriff, whisky being nies should be patronized for the pur- anta National Bank building. Co., 39 Luckio St., Atlanta, Ga. not guaranteed: *iJail> except Sunday. found concealed, at-two places. • pose of securing more insurance loans STRAYED OR STOLEN—One fawn-colored A FEW first-class salesmen for a first-class **Sunrt4iy Only. DoiiKlasvill^. LJa., November 25.— At R. K. Hartley's place a whole in Georgia for building purposes. cow from Hemphlll avenue pumpins sta- real estate specialty. Apply 10 to 12 iSpe-'ial.)— ilur^-lars blnw open the safe drayload of whisky was confiscated "Several fire', insurance men have tion; weight about 700 pounds; dehorned. forenoon. ' 031 Candler bldg. Union Passenger Station. Buster Brown in the postoffice ht'ro this morning been to me," he said, "to explain that Phone Atlanta 337. Bell Ivy 7238. Reward. j and at \V. T. W&'mock's place a basket- they are not allowed to lend on build- LOST—A lady's gold watch and chain, C MISCELLANKOCS. Atianta, UJrmintlmm and Atlantic. al'Out 1 o'clock. Tho safe was corn- ful of half-pint 'bottles oJ! whisky was engraved on front lid; •%-karat diamond .WANTED—If you want position as flre,mai». pl.etcly destroyed' and .a Kre;xt dea'l of ing propositions, Inasmuch as their brakeman, electric rnotornian. conductor, Jiffecttve aept. 28. sviz^d. money is liable to be drawn upon in- In back; lady's picture in face of watch; Brunawick. Vt'aycroa iJ;imu.Ke was done to the bui'ldinu, but This makes twenty-five of the local lost between Ashby and parganL^JW. J!4. colored train or sleeping car porter, first- Camera $2.00 stantly in largo sums in distant parts class Atlanta rdadu, $ti& to $163 month, &nd 1 iiotnatf V1110 «:SOnm 7:30 am the burglars tH:60 pm orn«r S. Pryor and Hunter STB.. Atlanta. G« \Va're. years, t Washington. D. C. '_ A. H. »\vton et al. v. T. Z. & P. V. E>an- .possession of the federal lines of com- DENTISTRY Knoxviue via iiiuo Kidge. .7 :3j am [>:12pm MONTHLY FOR TUITION ifl: from -Jenkins. munication and, transportation to Chi- THE GEORGIA DENTAL PAKLOR3. MEN 18 to 85, become government railway Kno(xviiie via Cartersvitle. .7 :12 am !>:60pm Gloat room* • quipped witii evory ] .f. 11. Jiurch v. J. A, King et al.; from Whitehall street, corner Mitchell, offer the clerks; saraplo examination questions frae. KnoxvillO' via Carteravllle. .5:10 pm 11 ;66 am huahua City. Franklin Institute, Dept. 47-H. Rochester. liluo Hidge accommodaUon 4:05 pm J.O :05 am 510 modern convaalenco. \Vitcox, i Aftoi- iaiilngr those reports General INDEX TO WANT following prices for a few days: INSTRUCTION vlvon by th» j M*. I-r. Toinploa v. Central of Georgia I Se' of teeth *B.OO N. V. , - Seaboard Air Line Kailwajr. -opri«tor> in oeraon. Catalotrue Fro*. i Hfitlwiiy r'ompany; from Douqrherty. Villa's chief of staff, Colonel Juan N. 22-K. Gold Crown 43.00 BE A DETECTIVE—Earn ?150 to $300 rer Effective April 2). 1818. j t leurjsjia. Florida and A labama Hallway Medina, asserted the federals would be AOVERTISEHENTS Bridgework $3.00 month; travel over the world. Write Su- I Company v. R. D. Spivey; f rum 'biiirly. "White Crowns $3.00 No. Arrive From— ,No. Depart To- prisoners iti J uarea before nightfall to- perintendent Ludwig, 604 Weatover Bldtf., ll New York. 0.20 cm 11 Bir'ham... e.SOam j Singleton &. Co. v. Planters Oil Mill; from PnB<-. Col. Silver or Amalgam Fillings.... oOo Kansas City, BIo.__ 11 Norfolk... «:20 am " tt;il I. morrow. Gold Fillings $1.00 11 Waah'ton.. e .20 am 6 New Yorl£.lZ:60 pm ! i*. S. Krev^s v. O. S. f Jo war; t r,om "Walton. The tsxajct result of the action a*out Bring thla coupon. It will entitle you to WANTED—Barbers to know \ve carry full 11 PortalI'tn. 6:30 am SO Monroe . 7;00aro ; Williams 'Wsitjon Workfi v. Frank Gunn; Auetiou Males . . r. . . .' 1<> 5 a discount. line fixtures and supplies fn Block In At- 17 Abb'e.a.C.. 8:60 am 6 Wash-ton..12:60 pm • I'n.ni I Imislon. Zaraigosa, whe.re Inez Salazar was re- AiatomobHes 18 5 lanta. Write for , catalogue. Matthews & BEACON SHOES ! 6 Memphis. .12:40 pm 6 Norfolk... 12:60 pm yout hum Hallway Co. v. J. A. Adams; ported to be surrounded by rebels and INSIST ON GARDNER'S Lively, Atlanta. Ga. ' C Bir'ham.. .12'.40 pm 6 Portt>m'th.l2:60 pn> | from Hull.. Darter and Bxohangre. ... IB O ftfrhtirig: an artillery duel, was still in Bonrd and Roomn 1O ~ POUND AND FRUIT CAKE, RAILWAY mall clerk examinations every 12 Bir ham...12:10 pit, 23 Bir'ham... '4:16 pm i Heil\vin« Brothers v. J. B. Jarrell, sher- doubt tonight. where soon. ?7S month? Schedule anfi sam- 6 New York. 4:&S pm 5 Btr'ham... 6:0& jfm ! iff; from Meriwethor. Business Opportunities . . 16 O ple questions free. Franklin institute. Desk t Wa&b'ton.. 4:&5 pm 6 Memphis.. fi:05 pm J. 4j. Glnii v. Z. X. Cari triers; from Eloert. The fiphtin'gr, which began at 4:30 300 AND 3Sc PER POUND 7 6 Norfolk... 4:5fi <>m IX Abbe'e.a.C. 4:00p>n Western it nil All antic Kail road Company Bustnem and Mall Order 3. Rochester. N. Y. . J this morning, had 'been wa^ed by 3 FOR SALE BY ALL GRO- & Portsm'tb. 4:5&]tn 12 New York. 8:65 pm .v. K. I... £ GHton ; from Whit tie Ul. Directory 1O 1. WANTED—Partner in a well-established 12 Bir'ham... 8:36 pm 12 Norfolk... 8:6Bpm II. Hill v. Armour Fertf lixf-r Works: from o'clock this afternoon over nearly Cast-Off Clothing Itt S CERS. paying manufacturing busin^se, good sal- 28 Monroe.... 8:00 pm 12 Portsm'th. 8:GS pra Turner. twenty" miles of desert, according to Cleaners, Pressers. Etc. . . Ill 5 ary to rlfiht party; very 'little capital re- Ticket OtflM. M FetkCbtrea St. R. L. 7.. Bridg-es v. Southern Bell Tole- reports. At 3 o'clock federal shells COMPOUND OXYGEN—Made dally for ca- quired. Apply 130 Mi Foa.cb.tree s^.. Room 7. phone and Telegraph Company; from, £>e- Dressmaking and Seiriaer. . "• - and Atlantic Railroad. catur. 1 were falling, around a rebel hospital Educational IB 7 tarrh, deafness, diseases of nose arid DRY GOODS CLERKS—$100 monthly. Quali- throat and ears. This 13 tho aeaaon to be fy by mail. Commercial Instructors. Ad- No. Arrive From— No. Depart To— train moving towar-1 Juarez and Gen- For Sale—Miscellaneous. . 10 S cured. Special reduced rates. I>r. George dress Box 718. Atlanta. . • , t Nashville.. 7:10 nm »4 Chicago... 1:00 am eral Villa's forces seemed to be falling For Sole—Live Stock. . . 16 4 Brown. 312-14 Austell bulldlnff, 78— Rom e -10:1- --0 am i 2 njashvllle. 8:35 am —18 to 35. wishing to be railway mall >S Nashville..11:45 urn • 2 Nashvll)*.. 1:»0 #n TWO WIVES TO FACE back upon Juarez. For Rent—Apartments. . . 17 1 MATERNITY SANITARIUM—Private, re- clerks, $7£ month, apply Cor Information 1'Nashville.. 7:30 pm 72 Rome..... &:1S pr* fined, home-like; limited number of pa- F-748. care Constitution. 4 Nashvlll*.. 8:GOnm CHARLES SMITH TODAY Drlvine Federals South. For Rent—Desk Space. . . 17 '£ • tten tn cared for. Homes provided for in- 85 Chicago.,.. 7:60 pm In the morning: news from the front, For Rent—Houses 17 2 fants. Infanta for aUoptlon. Mrs. M. T. EXPERIENCED wool alcohol distiller, cap- For Itent—Miscellaneous. . 17 2 VUchetl. 26 Windsor t-treet. able ot" assuming chargre of plant. Acme General Villa was credited with driv- Business Agency, 10IS Century building. The trial of Charles Randolph Smith, ing the federals south to Samalayuca, For Itent—Offices 17 2 TAXrCABS alias C. R. Smith, accused of bigamy. For Rent—Rooms IT 1 SPIRELLA CORSETS. EXPERIENCED white hotel houseman; is Kt't for this morning in the criminal 32 miles from Juarez, while a battle FITTED In your own home by *m export must have proper references. ioia Cen- division of the superior court before for .the possession of the water supply For Kent—Housekeeping corseUere. Phone Ivy 3G90. tury building^ Jtitig-G Kill. at Rancho I^lores was 'beingr waged 12 IloomM 17 1 WANT El." A colored man' for work In TAXICABS Two alleged living" wives, the alleged miles from Juarez. For Rent—Stores 17 2 FLOWER SHOP boarding house. 132 S. Pry or. ministers who performed both ceremo- For Rent—Typewriters. . . 17 2 WANTED—A competent butler, 1467 Peach- nies, one in Alabama and one in C Jeer- The fig-lit about Zarag-osa was re- III WHIT EH A LI* 4 doora from corner of Belle Isle ported over by noon, after a morning- Help Wanted—Mil If 3 Si 5 Mitchell. Flowers, hulba. treea and ylantr%. tree road. s'i a, and two marriji K~B certifioat.es are Help Wanted—Female ... I 1C O some. oi..." th..e_ evidenc. .. . . e which.. ,. i.t. is under__ - of heavy cannonading-, but the fate of TEN bpecials In human hair switches at 510 Help. Wanted—Male and Fe- each. Ordera taken for more expensive stoodci,, will !»(! offeree! against tlio al- Salazat- and his federals was not i ones. \Ve have cheaper ones In stock. S. A. IVY 5190. ATLANTA 1598. legecd bisramist, who is represented by known although it was reported at 51 male 15 O Clayton Company, 36 Vii Whitehall street. Attoirney i.ponard .7. (.rUDSsnuui. _____ L,^,^.. tha f«s • -' ' Horxex and Vehicles . . . 1« 4 STOKES AND OKFJCBS. The imlirtniunt shows that S. M. "Wil- o'clock the federals were retreating. FIFTEEN real human hair switches, well WANTED—Young women ana girls desiring: son, a prominent Atlanta bondsman Juarez Is practically empty of ammu- ! Hotels . . , 1« 7 made, color guaranteed to match, $15. Or- attractive positions. Welfare of operators TAXICABS. KNIGHT Household Goods ..... 16 4 ders taken for more expensive onea. S. A. and clerks ciosety supervised by the compa- Tvy 1000. Ivy 4061. and father-in-law of thu defendant, is nition and supplies. Every cartridge j Clayton Company, 36 Vfr Whitehall.__ __ the original prosecutor. though the has been sent to the front with Gen- ' Lefgal Advertisements ... 16 0 ^ " ny; their conduct on the premises carefully prosecution of the case now rests with I,oNt and Found 15 6 ewTrof your" Christmas gift. guarded by matron, women supervisors and Solicitor General Hugh. JL>orsey, oral Orteg-n, who with 300 reinforce- ! Telephone your order for hand-made chief operator, who have complete control WA NT E D—Teachera mints' left for General Villa's camp Medical 1O B ROSE BEADS, beautiful designs. West over the retiring and operating room. Two. 1186. weeks' training course for Uioso inexperi- EASY enrollment plan until Deo. 1; direct this evening- Continued In Next Column. calls; best service. South Atlantic Teach- F.M.HOTTSIIOECO.,WaJUrf. Hudeita. N. H. SMOKE EE-M Tobacco for Catarrh. Bron- enced, salary being paid while learning. Sal- YOUNG FARMER CHARGED Co.lonel Meaina, of the rebel forces. chitis. Asthma and Colds. lOc bags. Your ary Increased at the end of two weeks and, ers' Agency, 1125 Atlanta National Bank Mils afternoon appealed to the Ameri- druggist or EE-M CO.. Atlanta, Ua. those becoming efficient* increased building, Atlanta, Ga. ___„ ' WITH WRONGING GIRL " ' they become worthy with opportunities for A~CM~E TEACHERS' AGENCY; most UbSraf can Red Cross, thro-ug-h the local presi- LADIES—L buy combings lie, in good con- i' ultimate advtincement to $76 per' month. BEACON SHOE STORE dent, Dr. C. F. Braden, for aid In treat- • dition. ISc to 30c an ounce. J. M. Hart, terms. 422 Atl. Nat'l Bk. bldg.. Atlanta. 112 Richardson St. References proving the standing of tho appli- 17 Peaehtree St., Atlanta, Ga. Rome, Ga.. November 25. — (Special.) | iuK the Juarr-z wounded. Dr. Bradpn Buy your Thanksgiving cant essential. Those having educational ud- Lawrence Kerue a wealthy VOUIIK- , wh-ed Washington for permission to LADIBb—I buy combings and cut hair; vantages 'preferred. Lunch room and com- SITUATION WANTED—Male tarmer, teels that he lias small CUUHU : , , , , „ t. . _ produce from Constitu- highest prices paid. Joseph M. Hart. No. fortable retiring rooma provided, with sev- UNION S for Thankss-ivinK this year, for on j send altl a-cross the river. 113, Richardson street. eral hundred Carneglo library books for the SPJSCIAJL rates for situations wanted ads. Thursday mprnitig lie will have a pre- Second Day of Conflict. tion Advertisers. You'll •WJi: m LiL« switches trom combine^.' A-443, cara Constitution. office of W. A. Edwards. Architect, in At- hall. Passports Asked of Amerlqana. lanta, Ga. Edge wood ave,nue. Passports were demanded today from ' The Board reserv.es the right to reject EXPERIENCED hotel night clerk; $85 per j FABM OVERSEER—^Position wanted month, room and board; give age and '. oversfter.of• farm b .n who knows how all Americans who appeared on the any or ail bids. Bida may be submitted sep- B. t trade . arately for different articles or In bulk. reference. "Hotel," Box BO. Constitution. «**>' B abor Vaise good cropa. Kef- streets of Juarez. Street car traffic By order of the Board of County Commls- excHanged, Write, stating salary, across the international bridge was cinueru of Sumter County, Florida. Continued in Next Column. D. H. BAKER, no.t stopped, but persons having no Chairman Board County Commissioners. dressmaking es —__ ! EXP15RIENCED double entry business in Juarez were hustled bach PrJcea reasonable. Ideal 'School t>t M W. N, POTTER. Clerk and Auditor. Vnery. 100% Whltenall. cor. Mitchell sU i' : office rnAn " and typist comli to Kl Paso by rebel guards. AU hotels WANT AD RATES ] eiices. Bookkeeper, Main 277T or address in Juarez were cleared during the A LADY to teach two, children In private !; A-421,'. cart- Constitution. nisht by the rebpls for use_as hos- GEORGIA. FULTON COUNT*—To the Su- 1 lBii«riloa lOc • line faintly on the farm; niuat. bo able to j; BOOKKEEPER, now employed, would i>it:ils. Manv wounded were reported perior Court of Paid County: teach seventh grade pupils; \vould prefer !i , 3 Insertlona He • Hn« ono that could teach music. Address Box change-;. Ijeat, city references as to ox- left on the .ffeld. The petition of JVIyera Furniture Company 7 Insertions Sc a line perlenco, ability and trustworthiness. Ad- A nlachihe- gun platoon anil Troop C, respectfully shown: 102, Cuthbert. Ga.^ dress A-442. care Constitution. 1. That heietofore. to-wlt: On the l£th Mo advertisement accepted for lens ACTIVE Intelligent woman over 2&, perma- of the Thirteenth United States cav- ; alry, -under Captain John H, Lewis, day of October, 1913, It was Incorporated by thi.n two lines. Count six ordinary nent wnrk, expensets guaranteed, requlrea A-l TiOOKKEEPKR. with hank and foreign were reported en route from Colum- proper order of this court under the name words to each lin*. traveling' good opportunity tor adv&nco- exchange eriverience wants position. Ad- bu.s, N. AL, to reinforce the border of "Myers Furniture Company." . m-nt. Apply 1120 Candler building. drfws A-4.19, caro Constitution. 2. That since «aid Incorporation Andrew Discontinuance of advertising The lowest-priced, most economical closed patrol. The machine {run platoon was i wniTETBUV~~w;tnts a job as chauffeur; will to reinfore Troop D, Thirteenth cav- , J. Miller has become a stockholder In said must be In writing. It will not be GOVIiRN'MENT positions . open to women, .work reasonable; A-l references. Write rar on the market. Six-passenger—4-cylin- company, and a't a meeting- o* its stock- accepted by pbone. This protects J75 month. Write Immediately for free alry, at the international bridge. Trooi holders held in the City of Atlanta on your Interests as well na our*. list. Franklin Institute. Dept. BOO-H. Ro- Jj. p. W., Ill Walton street. der—20-horsepower. Price Includes two 6- C being stationed at the "El Paso November 4. 1913. the following resolution cheat^r. N. V. foundry. Troop I;,, Thirteenth cavalry. , was MR. FARMER, do you want a man -who Lnch gas lamps, generator, three oil lamps. WA.N*'i*i£I>—GiriB and women to solicit or- will work? Address .A-445, care Constitu- Captain W. H. Clopton, en route from That the Attorney dor?. Apply between 4 and 6 p. m* 407 tion. htirn and tools, including jack—f. o. b. De- Koria, N. Al., was to be stationed at for this Company, Lewis W. Thomas, be, Gould biliiainc. tlie El Paso smelter. and he i.s hereby authorized and directed to troit. Get particulars from Ford Motor apply to Fulton Superior Court for .an WANTED — Good, reliable cook; fair wages, , sl 'company, 311 Peaehtree Street, Atlanta, or amendment to be granted to the charter good room and fuel on premises. Apply j IH^II2!^^J^55rz£S!!l*!5^ REBEL OFFICER SHOT u{ this corporation chang-ing- its name from AL rat,es for situations wanted ady. direct from Detroit Factory. *Myern Furniture Company' to 'Myers-Miller ! 3 UneB one tljne, 10 ceuta; 3 ttraes, 15 FOR KILLING HACKMAN Furniture Company.' " OB ATLANTA cation; live on premises; small ' cents. To get'these rates ads must be. paid WHEREFORE, premises considered, peti- Call 328 Myrtle street. In advance and delivered at. The Constitu- Douglas, Arizona, November 23. — ioner prayes.that this court will pass an order COOK WANTED; eood wages to reliable tion office. f Standing against an adobe wall chipped changing Its name from "Myers Furniture -woman. 91 East N1nth_«treet.i by the bullets which luive ended scores Company" to "Myers-Miller Furniture Com- WANTED—Experienced ,cook; good wages: i YOUNG J,ADV STK.VUGRAPHER desires pany." anft that said corporation may have room on lot." Apply 351 Gordon street. I .position at once. \V111 commence on mod- of other lives, Lieutenant Jose Castro, all of the powers granted to It in Its original erate salary. Addre.ss A-444," care Constitu- of the Agua Frieta garrison, was shot charter heretofore granted it by this coart. ' tion. ____ , ______, _ _ to death today in view of the entire LKWIS W. THOMAS, Attorney for Myers Furniture Company. Iff You Can't Bring or HELP WANTED—Male and Female A CAPABLE young lady stenographer Courteous operators, thoroughly ?. O. 410. Atlanta.__ __ , jmilliano Montavo, a former wealthy TON. familiar with rates, rules and clas- WOMEN —Ge t government Jobs, jso Mexican land holder but reduced by the I^, Arnol______d Broyles______, ______Clerk o__f th___e Superior eificationa, will give you complete Female | fortunes of war to necessity of driving ' Court"of~Fulton "County. Georgia, "do" "hereby Information. And, if you wish, they hack. He was killed in a dispute certify that the foregoing Is a true and cor- will assist you in wording your Pept. Sl-H. B.ochester;_N._Y._ rect copy of Application for Charter Amend- want ad to make it most eK«otiy«. us assist you in securing- a hlghclafis STENOGRAPHERS over the fare he charged Castro. ment in tho matter of "Myers Furniture We ask that you do not unwit- position. 9end 2fic for full particulars. Captain Gil Saminiofjo, with a force Company" as the same appears of tile In tingly abuse this phone service. Ac- Commercial Business Agency. P. O. Box 637, IF YOU ARE IK: NEED OP A FIRST- of about 100 men, who have been I thYs "office. my official signature d , counts are opened for ads by phone , CLASS .STENOGRAPHED ford Model T Town Car—$750. guarding Ojitas Pass, left today to WITNESS t solely to accommodate you. Make court> thia th h dny ot payments promptly after publica- __WANTEP—•ROOM Mate CALL MISS LYNCH, IVY. 1949, Enforce ViUa ut Juarez. Constitution? ' ° " tion or when bills are presented by alist agents were busy recruiting 1,000 . I? L. C. SMITH & BRO.-TYPE-' ARNOLD BROYLBS. mail or solicitor ana yuu «cconuao- large front room, separate beds. $2 Au- new men to send to the rebel army at clerk Superior Court, Fulton County, O u*. burn av*. ""1 WRITER .CO.'. Chihuahua. ' sia. \ . . " iNEWSPA'FERr NEWSPAPER! Own Coins Want Ads aed SaveJ EveryCy Homes Easier Try It,

FOR SALE—Miscellaneous „ . SAjLE_.Mtscellaneou8^ CAST-OFF CLOTHING MUSilCA|__^ EDUCATIONAL I BUSINESS AND MAIL BUSINESS AND MAIL CAJRlIo2j5~;r(TRKBYS for"dealers at lowest DROP a card; we'll brine cash for shoes BALDWIN~BARGAINS ORDER DIRECTORY SECONB-HAMD PRINTING MATERIAL. prices. Swift & Co. and clothing. The Vestiare. 16ti Decatur st. FOR MONDAY. ATLANTA SCHOOL OF FOl SALE CttEAP. INSTANTANEOUS heater, baby sate, One New Mahogany Piano, exquisite PRACTICAL MILLINER! cabinet. Call at H. Lucltle street. CLJEANERS—PRESSERS^ ETC. TEACHES full course millinery In si- 250 California cost 75c, sale price 20c. ON SIGNS signifies best quality design, with stool and scarf. ..$169 weeks. Our rates are lower for what w" mapa, pat- So e r s ;wa caseB> sUe> cost 50c: Kent Sign Co., 130% Peachtree st. WANTED—Your press\ne and cleaning. sive you than any other reputable school -,. lettering. t.ra«~me» DUN AWAY BROS. ; il* ~ 1j.; ' '."" , —— Simmons Dry Cleaning Co.. IBS IrwlB. One second-hand Piano, standard Now is the time to start M> you fini&h fo Ur.tw Ingt, pitiiit* anU o-ft a p r SELLS BARGAINS IX Fur. make, in good condition $97 ^03 IliHyer Trust Bids. j EXPERT watch repairing: satisfaction Gallej rack, holding ten ^alleys, up to three 'WARREN .M4 Peters St. Main 1735. Prices reasonable Ivy J541. fall season. Investigate, Miss Rainwater guaranteed, o Walton at.. Just off JVeacu- ( columns, ?3. t Terms to suit l 40 V» Whitehall st. ___ * tree. . i 10 v.oodev. ooden "doubldoublee framesframes,. cost $8.60: sale' 'TACCO" Is varnish, not polish, and is in a prile S_.T5. class by itself For sale by all dealers. MEDICAL THE BALDWIN PIANO CO. SPANISH! SPANISH! - SKBVJCE. 12 double iron frames, holding 12 cases, cost Manufacturers. I WILJj teach you Spanish a.s it la spoke ATLANTA $17 50 pale price $10. DR. El5MONDSOrr& Tansy Pennyroyal and In On still a. Spain, at reasonable tarms. Quick. Reliable One proof prd'-s, will take a three-column WANTED—Miscellaneous Cotton Root Pills, a safe and reliable 40 West, Alabama Street. j w 111 a-lao do translation \ery reasonable. Ad Messensers. galley, ^af4 e price $10. treatment for irrocularltles. Trial box by 1 dress to Professor Campoamor, No. 25 B SBRVICS. 1v,o stone * and one stand to hold them. mall 50 cents. Frank Edmondbon & Broa., WHEN in doubt where to purchase your . Ellis street. about S feet long. t,ale price 510. Manufacturing Chemists. 11 North Broad piano, fro to the \\jholesale warehouse of On** wooden case rack, holds 30 full-size WE BUY and steam clean -feathers. Mead- street. Atlanta. Ga. The Baldwin Piano co-iipariy. 40 West Ala- FRENCH cases, coat $10, Sd.le price $4. ows & Rogers Company. Phones Main bama street, Atlanta. CONVERSATION nnd lessons taught hy office fti- KILLED This material will be sold Jn lots to suit. 4840. Atlanta 1176- P- O- Box 5. KOR SALE—Kranich & Bach piano, grood graduate Frenchman, Kd. May. 7G7 Cdg .iTTTTET u ENVELOPES ADDK. Pay your own freight. Address WE PAY highest cash prices for anything. AUCTION SiALES condition, reasonable. Ivy 705S-J. wood avenue. Ivy 27S-J. and in fact everythlrie y° want. EAGL.E MULTIGRAPHING CO. Pianos, household goods., furniture and of- ' CO. THE CONSTITUTION. THE SOUTHERN AUOU1ON AND SAT*- PIANO BARGAINS—Clevelana-Mannins Pi- [\LOBS AUCTION 8 North Forsytb^bt. Phone Main fice fixtures a specialty. Jacobs Auction VAGE COMPANY -it 90 South Prj or, \\ill ano Co. SO North. Pryor street. 61 DBCATl-R ST. Atlanta, Ga. Company, 61 .Decatur street. Atlanta 22S6. buy or sell your furnituie, household goods i"- f'imbalt Bell phono 1434; At- lCAi.____ .__ . Bell 1434. or piano. Phone Bell Main 2300. nta .1215. disease JACOBS' AUCTION CO. will buy anything MUSIC AND DANCING CAFETERIA . ,..A.\TA TITLE GUARANTEE CO relieved and cured by Styp-Stritgant. SOLID CARLOAD OF In the way of household goods. We pay the 64 MARIETTA ST-. W. S. Dobbins. Prop (..round Floor £.yultabl« Building. Bell 60 at druuslsts. Parutl post 80c. Lawrence prica. Call Atlanta phone 2286, REMOVAL NOTICE PROFESSOR MAHLER'S private dancing modern and up-to-date place for tuncneo '.ijno Miln 5420 Drug Company, Atlanta. ^___ TURKEYS, GEESE AND!fa^&S Th« Tally" Stock yu.rds haw moved to 375 school, 891 Peachtree Bt. Ivy 9129; pri- for business men and ladles. Ca 11 an Peters street, near Leotard Rt. Take Walker vate and class lesbons; children and adults. eee us. _iNEW _ .____„ -, CHICKENS; POSITIVE- =" "~— to Wes,t View car. Milch cows, beef cattle CLASSES are now open for vocal and in- M 3229. and Jersey male. Bell phone W. 1351. At- strumental music at -32 Spring street. BOYD CAFETERIA earner- ripM »i^S.rSI Ly THE LOWEST PRICES [iryi used furniture and household lanti 558. Mrs. Therena Grant-Hoffman. HOME cooking at all hours. 41 Sout goods rugs stoveo or anything you have Pryor street, across from new Courthouwr BJRICK^IV OKK. ______IN ATLANTA; DRESSED to sell. Call Main 502b. rs~C"nT" liCTniP H~« cave enougn left BRING your diamonds to ue, we pay high- ADDRESSING, mailing, stenographic work EXCHANGE JHOTELS^ --L to fcjiiti a braall store! special price B U. J3ARNW't,LL; JR., 217 Kiser bldg. FRESH ON PREMISES. est price. Tobias Jewelry Co., 1201 At- .iultk trade 'I. 'i fierce, ill LaFrance lanta National Bank building. promptly and accurately done. Best work 5x7 CENTURY CAMERA and outfit. In per- Fancy paper shell pecans. Bell phono M. and most reasonable prices in city, also fect condition, almobt new, coat JGO \vlll HILBLK'N HOTEL F-h jnc Ivy 707JJ-J. _ ____ . SEWELL COMMISSION WANTED—Light spring delivery top wagon multlgraph work. The stenographic Service sell at reduction or exchange for something 10 AND 12 WALTON STREET. CUNCKLXi, MtOUUCXh; and glawj-front grocery ice boi. Main Co Atlanta phone 4477. 115 Auburn aive. of same value Ivy 50T8 or Mrs. T., 190 FOR GENTLEMEN only, center of city, net Ivy street. new postoffice. Rates, 60c. 7Bc and $1. bLUTlJ aijthjiie In curicreu, ir - CO., 113-115 WHITEHALL 6307-J. ATTENTION, traveling menPspeclalty dic- wn va-e tj nn ipartment hou-ie. C. F. BINDER & SON WANTED—One roll-top desk, must be bar- tation to typewriter. Phone It 8399-J. 421 TH tT best of them"~stop at the Isal Hott i., a spuUaily L>> l»=i(ia Syotem concrete STREET AND 164 DE- gain N._w__Turner_Main_205». Kiser bide- 42 to 52 Decatur street, center of citi ilS AJ»t 11 MAMJFACTtJriJii.& or Clgn-grade paints, __JPJJRCHASE_MONEY NOTES 25c and up a day. $1.50 and up per weal white lea.il o.r.ti creobote aia.lnp. We maKn CATUR STREET. WANTED— Radiant Home heater, hard Atlanta phone 2616. re^dy mixed paints to order. Corner L.» coal burner, self-feed. West fa5-J MISS HATTIE FLEXNER $50,000 FOR 1st and 2d mortgage notes; --~ France and Lo^ry btreeta. Bell plu/ne Ivy WE~buy and sell furniture daily. Southern 419 EMPIRE BLDG. Circular letters by new money In bank, no delay. Piedmont In- UUiua Carpet Cleaning Co 58-j*; J. Atlanta. *ja. ^_ ^ .. . Wreckage Co.. 114 S. Forsyth st. process a specialty. Main 3168. vestment Co.. P. O. Box (H4. Atlanta. OR, -7 W ALEXANDER. IVY 4186. BO A R DAN 13 ROOMS your nouae painted and tinted. , ,! ui

    oir holiday cears the city or to points reached bj the Hub- COLE—foredoor. Remember the date. Mrs. w. Hall. ,hii ^r.- mi.l. In vt'.*nt.t Atlanta phone urban ISxpre-as. LITTLE—foredoor. BUREAU OF INFORMATIO1 -h.'ll >utet Red Comb Mash Feed, J2.SE per 100 Ibs., COU RIE R—foredoor epalnted •ti.l I. --t Ulilt' High Grade BUICK ;:ODBL. 30. 10 Iba 25 cents. 259 CANDLER ANNEX Red Comb Scratch Feed, 52 35 per 100 Ibs.. Ivy 84 24. Atlanta 59 JELLICO COAL TOURING CARS BAD DEBTS CONVERTED INFORMATION FREE. .\IAD1JOX (S: \\TLLiAi\lb CO. 10 Ib3 25 cents OAKLAND—repainted. i L. r L b build that new wagcn ur repair the Red Comb Pigeon Feed. $2.60 per 100 Ibs., O\ URLAND—foredoor—repainted bPCClAL attention elveii to overhauling, For Cash. 8 Ibs. 25 cents INTO CASH. heating ami piumbliiE work. *iS Lucille E-M-F—foredoor MR. BUSINESS MAN "Would you pay ?G WE ARE now in our new offices and °- MA;N 3714. Red Comb Baby Chick Feed, $2.50 per 100 BUICK MODEL 31—repainted per year for a system that equips you to LUMP $4.75 Ibs , 8 Ibs 25 eentfa. ready to render the public any as- , .v>i> STUDEBAKER—7-pasbenger—repainted. make your own collections, anywhere ? Sold slstanco in helping to locate a desir- y altering.' cleaning. __ Aunt Patsy Mash Feed. $2.76 per 100 Ibs, If you want a erood used car it will pay under absolute gruarantee of money back if it able boarding place, furnished or un- ^j Marietta Atlanta reparu all kinds roofinij u. BURNWELL JELLICO COAL & Ibs 25 cents. on to call on us. falls to collect. Highest bank reference. furnished rooms and furnished apart- T N \VHI)U--ii opecia.ty. !<. monthb' guar- COMPANY, Lay or Bust Mash Feed, $2.60 per 100 Ibs. Continental Collection Co., Kiser building, inentH, as we have Hie best placeb oiV Keaaonable rates._ _iv y HO... _ __ 8 Ibfa. J5 cents BUICK MOTOR COMPANY Atlanta. all streets In the city of Atlanta KI.MJfa JVUM-IHB Membership cards Alfalfa Mea! 52 25 per 100 Ibs, 7 Ibs. 25 cts. 241 Peachtree Street, AtltJita, Ga, listed ivlth us. $1 CJ.1I M Jin 31M. Atlanta UOSb-il. D. iJHl!. KOUF JVIA.N 427 Decatur St. Fancy Clipped Oats. 70 cents a bushel IP YOU have from $10 to $600 which you This office is no longer located at ' iioori-. -b- \\ in ' hall ttreet. ,__ _w^s,i_ x Pure Wheat Bran, $1.70 per 100 Ibs., 10 Ibs. ELECTRIC COUPE, Rauch & wlah to safely Invest to net you 25 to 30 4 North Pryor street, and is in no Bell Phone Main 2961, Atl. 1996. 25 cents' per cent per year, write mo Cor full details. way represented there. i'RYOR L'KKSSIXG CLUB K001~ L,liAKt. call Koor excellent condition, This is no "Get-RIch-Qulck" scheme, but a \V. if ijarnett. Mt Meat Scraps. $3 26 per 100 Ibs., 7 Ibs. 25 Ota. Lang, in I conservative, business proposition, fully se- of <_t palling and. dyelnp Chicken Wheat. Si.50 per bushal. 10 Ibs. ^-.mijli.U avgnue. Ivy^_i^- Address A-424. Constitution. L SALE TO key's and Lee's poultry remedies, drinking Forsych, for demonstration Phone Mam U'KRO riTZPVTRICK KEYS FOR founts. srit and shell boxes, dry food hop- BEAUTIFULLY FURNISHE, rfplas.ter.-d ail the -91. SECRETARY WANTED—Position of secre- PKCSSIXG CLUB •>• pers, in fact, everything for the poultry tary 1 n G eorgla corporation Is open to .v Wallier Mtrtct school. All work DEALERS. 1912 Q'VERJLAND, 35-h. p , Ei-passenger ROOMS, WITH EXCE1 1 I i i! VIKil-!<: I'RIl'SMNfJ CLUB eu Plione mo >oui troubles,. ivy •ard. capable party who can Invest |2,000, Rea- US vl ii 11 1'hone llam 1187. louring cur, tully equipped. Just overhaul- sonable salary will be paid, whllu your In- LENT BOARD; VERY RE/" Main I'M. Bell Phone Main 3076. Atlanta Phone 593. ed and repainted, J.11 Uiet. new, will aell to vestment should earn twenty per cent per uaiantce Dry Cleaning Co. SAFES (ARCH—AND—BOB) quick buyer at $6oO, part cuah and. note. annum. For full particulars and private SONABLE; FOUR BLOCK BOUGHT, sold and exchanged. Bank Plione Ivi B46b-j. interview, address P. O. Bos 84. i -, / \i [I\U'. Pr,,p \\f clean and MCMILLAN BROS SEED COMPANY. FROM CANDLER BLDG. NO iUKW\jO.D AVENUE. 1,\i changed. 12 South Broad Street, Atlanta, _Ua. nishings of one of the beat private board- 226 IVY ST. TABLE BOAR! .lii AT GWINN'S faHO-i: SHOP. 6 Luckle street, L.ARGEaT dcu.iera o£ ubed cara iri uie south. ing houses on Peach tree; house filled with onuoslte PloJmont hotel. Both phones. In M\RK^W7"JOHNSON SEED CO., 36 South Watch our list of ut>ed i*axs in \hit> paper. boarders, completely furnished and fitted ERS WANTED ALSO; RE/ ' r,\I 1 VI5 1AILORINU COMPANY. TV. Taxlcab comp my for auto ' i'.jk»- Mer lallonns clea'ilne press- a hill i y' Call BANKERS' SAFE AND Pryor street, offer good things. Rhubarb, FOR SALE—Z Speeds ull cara. In good con- with all modern conveniences, Including: in.1 d>Mtt^ &u'li, niade to order. 146 rent .trvlce. asparagus and horseradish roots, fruit trees, dition, 1 7-pj.ac, and 1 j-pass. Will sell steam, heat. Address C-116, care Constitu- SONABLE. Bhade trees, sweet poas, poppy and pansy \L-NEIL. & HrXTER—Shoe repairing -\\ork VAULT CO. cheap £ur cdba. Da,y '! kinds. All w ork pnaranteed. DEALERS. and ' in splendta condition. welBhs 1.000 chaiigo new Hartman piano and pay dif- winter bought within 60 days; will exchange pounds, also her 8-raonths-old fllly, sirod by ference if any. AUcireaa A -t^U, Constitution. for Georgia farm, Grossman's Cloak; & Suit OPEN December 1 to few select boarde. Hoyal Doctor See Brastow. 659 Candler one of the mott ideal homes in Atlant fp YOU wany.iur btoves and ranges re- Co., Atlanta. Ga. This location 1« on Peachtree, grounds cov~ I. IIOLOCFl TONTR \CTOR. 801 EM- paired and e-i" itove moved and connected, SWIFT AND COMPANY Annex. Atlanta. AC* ESSOI11ES. one entire block, from Fourth to Plf4 Pi RF i.irn BLP<;. I^-Y c. ATLANTA I W4.NT L good milch cow. fresh in mlllc. BA VE your auto and motorcycle Urea b> STOCK COMPANTES INCORPORATED call Blankeiiship. 224 Mj Peters st. Atlanta Wf bid to offer entire allotments of stocks .streets, rooms are large, comfortable av iTMonTn.ivn AND REPAIRING p hone 1.&78 .^ _. ARE RECEIVING TO- Ap'p'y - B Hardln, College Park. Phone using Auto I'unoture Cure. Heals valv« homelike. \\ y 46.__ T r\ tM'OMPf ATTFNTION East Point 27G-J. aKa aud aii punctures up to iO-penny or bondn tor corporations. J. N. Sechrest & epike automatically at once, prefervea the Co ,___In\e_stmeat Bankers, Buffalo, N. Y. lul'd you a home on eaiy terma $100 REWARD OFFERED DAY A CAR OF FANCY rubber, preventa tube from uticklntf to c»a- THE" PATTEN I; r t ry^hfre In the city United FOR any stove or ran^e that we cannct re- tns aaves 35 per cent of tlr* oxpeuae, oO per 11 CONE ST. IVY 6491-L. •. KU C. TXILLY — Let build your H. M. Nell. ZOS'a Lee ?t.. West 1381. 25c, flve meala for 81.00. }' TITIO Ei4 Mel' avenue. Company. 99 Plum St. Ivy 4424. R L. KEYS FOR SALE TO SOl5D™l]A~RirOAI)~~OF Wurren Jflace Uarayo, ^& Warren place. Barber,, Manager, formerly with Southern AULO Juncture Co.. Atlanta. Ga. BELLEVUE INN ? \\HTZN In need ot carpenter work call J. A. Stove and Supply, better known as 'Dan, DEALERS. NICELY furnished single or double room? Jnhr^on ^^ rst liS'i-J estimates on all job the Fixer." TURKEYS, GEESE AND HIGH-CLASS AUTO REPAIRING and all MONEY TO LOAN •wr-' pr'cc<: i ea^on ilile PURE FOOD from producer to consumer; 50 classes of mechanical work, uutovenous steam heated, with or -without meals, t pounds unpolished, whole rice correctly CHICKENS; POSITIVE- we Iding carbon burned out by skilled me- Bast Third. Ivy 1598-L. CHINESE LAI N'lJRY. milled, with all the heart left on. and six chanics ; axela reaet, springs repaired. ~BX3~1 0 K. Laundry. 1-eallon cans pure home-made ribbon cane LY THE LOWEST PRICES tramep straightened and welded when LOANS $25.00 AND UP 477 PEACHTREE ST. \ street BERT work reasonable pricea. 209 Mariet- Kvrup. with all the sugar loft in, delivered oroken. The bebt equipped and only tlre- BEAUTIFULLY furnished front room, wit, ta at. Main 5276-J. Atl. 2127. All work prepaid to your railroad station, $6.86. Rice IN ATLANTA; DRESSED prool garage in the buuth. i^ree air, oil, On Furniture, Pianos ' private bath and board In private famUg! guaranteed. ant! syrup guaranteed to reach you in good freu.se, gaaoiinq 17c. i personally iook after tv,y 70IU. j. condition please remit "by money order ill repairs.. Koacoe Cartien, 43-45-47 Arin- or Indorsed Notes. i r. v\* r \ ITOSPTTAT TKANSFB-R or bank dratt. J. ISdw. Cabanlsa, Box 22, FRESH ON PREMISES. BtrotiK. one block from indite wood, be l \veen AT RATES permitted by the laws of th» 15 CURRIER ST. I mended All parts furnished 110 ^r- • Ivaty, Texas. ' fc-ieumont and iiutler. Bell Ivy 5^72. state. Our easy payment plan allows you • --treet GLAbb SEWELL COMMISSION . pay us back to suit your income, we NICELY furnished rooms, close in; all con* fclso protect you from publicity and extend venieuces. * " ' •98 Walton street. CONTRACTOR'S PLANT Carbon in Your Cylinders ? every courtesy to make the carrying: of a FLRNITCKB REPAIR ING AND UP- FOR SALE—All tho equipment uaed in tho CO., 113-115 WHITEHALL HOL^TEIUNG. construction of Hulp s Bai lock and dam. oan satisfactory to you in every way. 513 PEACHTREE ST. at Guild, Tcnn. Plant con.slsts of steam- RiBDELL BKOS. BOOMS. MEAL HOURS, 7 to 9. la to 3. ti^i iUt/H furniture upholstered and re- STREET AND 164 DE- WILL, remove it without dlituroins any ad- to T o'clock. paired no\v before the fall rush. See met, boats, dredget,. barRpB, boilers, engines, GUARANTEE LOAN CO., SOLID CARLOAD OF pumps, air compressors, concrete miters, Jluatmenta, and at a low price. Coma and -, I call for. deliver and guarantee my CATUR STREET. ™,. . ,.v\'/ H^IVT MKTiiODnit I.TTI u*\r^. 16-Ita iXu Kluai.._..-t t»rk U. Wellon, 41 Auburn avenue. lv> derricks, etc Write for Hats and descrip- eeo tbo new tion _Jacobs & DKvic-a. Inc , Guild, Tenn. Mitchell Bt. Room 318 Atlanta National Bank 53 WEST BAKER TURKEYS, GEESE AND EXCELLENT table, very desirable rooms BARC3AIXS in library bureau. fllTrTff cabl- SWIFT AND COMPANY Bldg. Bell Phone Main 440. steam heat. Ivy 7689-J. FVRN^CK ANIJ REPAIRING. CHICKENS; POSITIVE- neta, having taken over one agent's stock, AUTOGENOUS WELDING. LARGE front room with board for couple o V\ e Charge Less. best we will dispose of same at prices 20 to 50 MACHINE parts ot all kinds accurately re- ounu men, excellent meals served, ev Tha best , LY THE LOWEST PRICES per cent discount. Here are real bargains ARE RECEIVING TO- stored and guaranteed, also oxy-decarbon- erything first-class, very reasonable. Ir: 493l>. in the world's best illmgr cabinets. Library lnf of all Baa enelnes. A trial will cos- MONEY TO LOAN Atlanta Co., 73 St. Bureau. 1B26 Hurt buildine. Telephone Ivy DAY A CAR OF FANCY 30b3-J. IN ATLANTA; DRESSED 8U41. mC8 514 PEACHTREE—Delightful room, adjoin METAL WELDING CO. PLENTY of 6 and 7 per ceixt inc bath, with sleeping porch, suitable fo For the Original Moncrief CO A F, f-T WHOLESALE for factories, THANKSGIVING TUR- pnona iloncrlef Furnaco Com- FRESH ON PREMISES. V /V CL 1 86 Uarnett St. Phone Main 3013. threw young men, southern exposure, excel - '- - -' furnace and erates; also fertil- money to lend on improved lent table board. Ivy 1499-J. pany. 139" South Poor street. Main 286. izer material. W. H. McCalla, Manufactur- KEYS FOR SALE TO Call tor S P Aioncnel or J. B. Lee. SEWELL COMMISSION BOARD and large upstair-* room with dress-Ji er,,' Aeent, Atlanta. 415 Atlanta National AUTOMOBILES property, either straight or Ing room attached, for two ladies ori- DEALERS. couple. Ivy 2241 ANDERSON BROS, & RICH, CO., 113-115 WHITEHALL Christmas gifts order The Confed- REPAINTED. monthly plan. Also for pur- J, ; erate Soldier in the civil War and Camp TOPS recovered and repaired. Wheels. axl«a FURNACU-HEATBD front room, large clo» j STREET AND 164 DE- Fires of the Confederacy Both compiled SWIFT AND COMPANY and spring:-- repaired. High-grade work chase money notes. Foster et, excellent table * private family. Junipe: by Ben jLaBree. \Vrlle for prices Courier- fct reasonable prices. street. Ivy 6675. jKUItjNlTbltE repairing and CATUR STREI T. J^urna^Jpb^J^rintin^^Co.^ Louisville, Ky. JOHN M. SMITH. TWO lovely roomi>, private bath, excellent! ARE RECEIVING TO- 120-122-1^4 AUBURN AVB. & Robson, 11 Edgewood ave. fcoutHern Kurnituro and FOR SALE—Heavy wall Torlf~aafe, InsTd* board, steam heat. Ivy 1499-J. 614 Peach- Skolton. measurement, 25 Inches high, 18 wide, 18 DAY A CAR OF FANCY tree. SWIFT AND COMPANY deep, in uee uijc months, cost, now S136 Atlanta Electric Garage Co. SPECIAL HOME FUNDS FOR RENT—Large, well-furnished room.' Will sell cheap for caah. T. G C cara 84-36 JAMES ST. Phono Ivy 1821-J. C. A. TO LEND on Atlanta home or buulnega with private bath, ateam heat, excellent ARE RECEIVING TO- Constitution. THANKSGIVING TUR- EtliridBe and J. K. Uray. Props. Storage property, at lowest rate. Money advanced table board. 279 Peachtree street. Ivy »40. batteries rebuilt, repaired, and charged. to bullderil. Writs or call. MRb. GEORGE L. CANTRELL, formerly 111 DAY A CAR OF FANCY MEAL—MEAL KEYS FOR SALE TO 8park battery work a specialty. General Walton street, now 62 Houston, nice rooms EUectric Auto repairs. Washing and pollab.- S. W. CARSON, FOR home-made country cornmeal call DEALERS. and board. lyy 6826-J. THANKSGIVING TUR- DeKalb HHIinB Co., Decatur. ua. U.s 24 SOUTH BROAD STREET. 361. PEACHTREE—Fine location, near In; Fresh Aleatt, Fish and Oys- phone Decatur 111. "VV E DELIVER TUB GOODS large rooms, steam heat; first-class tabl* Auburri aye. -Both phones. KEYS FOR SALE TO THE SOUTHERN RADIATOR WE LOAN other people's money on first board Transients bolicitod. Ivy 6668»J FOR SALE—Larse heavy -nail Hall'h safe, HORSES AN D VE HICLE8 Noi North Prior Htreet Gookin Bank largo sound work horse, $96, 6-year-old bay ers and windshields. 112 Piedmont ave., SOLID CARLOAD OF and Office Rqulpment Company mare, $90, several tine brood mares, weight Atlanta. Ga. IX>VBLY~roomi excellent board, furnaca 6 PER CENT on Atlanta business propertypery, UKO.L,heat, *nalii U-UUVCJJJKUVITOconveniences,, ttwo ^coupleUUVjD,, ^2 j.ladie^ s All Kmai) ot domestfc FOR SALE}—Meiltum-tl/^d. HetrTng^Hall- 1.000 Ibs, to J.250, also several cheap mules. $5,000 to ?50,000. Two sums ot ?600 each, j or gentlemen liiman Park. Ivy 7036-J. ^ livo gee-^e Jtsat.lit.rd wpeslalty, write TURKEYS, GEESE AND Marvln safe, heavy wall, insids 20 inches "We have a load ot fine brood rnares and AUTOMOBILE'S REPAINTED nd $1.0(1. 0 8 per eent,, on Atlanta .o. r subur- i RooSTamTboiiralor young man, north s phono toi sanip ^ti and pricea. It. £». hin-li, 15 Vb inches ^ide. 14 y. deep with In- hordes coming. Vittur s Stables, 169 Ma- TOPS and cushions dressed $20.00 and up. ban. Dunson &. Gay. 409 i-qmtablo Bldg. ROOM and board for young man, north s!d£ liroaii it , Atlanta. Cia. tide door Cheap for cash if taken at once rietta street. 1 private home, leaaoaabie. Ivy 4+14-L. u.tnKi . v -_ t-.utn CHICKENS; POSITIVE- L T ,__care_ Constitution Give me a trial. John D. Foster, 24 El- liott street. Main 3619-J. Under Georgia FARM LOANS—VVe place loans In an; KISN'T—Beautiful!} fur. room witii LY THE LOWEST PRICES SETOND-HANU safes, all sizes, home i,afesT Auto Top Company. amount on Improved larm lands in Geor- board. Ivy 7636-J . $15 up Hall 3 bank and burglar-proof 04a The Southern Mortgage Company, IF VOU want good rooms and board, call saie^ vault doors C J Daniel. 41b Fourth Lould building. at 130 Ivy St. near Houston. Ivy 41SS-J. !•. 0\!A THE BEST IN ATLANTA: DRESSED CATHCART STORAGE & TRANSFER CO. AUTO SUPPLIES CHEAP. Opposite Piedmont Hutel. We move, etore, pack and whip household « PER CENT LOANS on Atlanta property. T\V'O nice rooms, \\ith board to FRESH ON, PREMISES. goods exclusively. 0 and 8 Madison avenue. GREATLY reduced prices on automobile J. R. Nutting & Co., 801-4 Cmpirp Life or couple, close In. Ivy 76/t6-J. EMPIRE FISH MARKET Main 1460-3310. Atlanta 142 supplies and acoesst,ries. at 216 Peachtree. building . FISH DAILY 11J Whitehall Street. corner Cain. Georgia Motor Supplies Com- N1CI1 steam-heate i room, good board; jfen- SEWELL COMMISSION I pany, Bldg. Ivy 4400. MONEY to loan on farms and city proper- tlemen. busine'-. sirl. close in. Ivy IQjq. ..nirrois ui J SJtl DAILY 112 Whitehall Street. ty. Lindsey H9pklns. 313 Candler uldg".. At- Loyd, ilain lJ-7 11 S. For- CO., 113-115 WHITEHALL FOR hALK—Georgia S.t< Ings bank stocii- HOUSEHOLDI GOODS ty NICE room.,, good n.eals, reasonable ^ i h street. \\ urk one or two shares Nainft best ca-sh price EDGAR VERNON GARAGE lantn. modern con\i.'nU'nee« Ivy 745grj. Address Savings Bank Stock" care Con- STORAGE. REPAIRS AND SUPPLIES. MONEY to lend ou ImproveH24 real estate. C. NICE front room, PirsL-cla^b table board, at STREET AND 164 DE- stitution. SIMPLY to enlarge our circle of customers OPEN ALL NIGHT. 14-18 W. HARRIS, C. McGehee. Jjj^ f>5A_^9ji_ Bmpjre_blde.___ _ teu'-onablo rates* 29 E. Harris Ivy 374I-L. For. SALE—Big Four gas and oil tractors, we will* sell and deliver in city or f. o. b OPPOSITE ENTRANCE CAPITAL CITY nicely furnished front 'room, with IIAT RL.NOVATORS CATUR STREET. Atlanta, a six-eye nickel-trimmed range FOR real estate loans see W. E. Smith. 70» and gents Uats cleaned and re^ manufactured in thr^e sizes. Write or see CLCB. IVT 1371. Fourth National Bank building. board Ivy 5589-J 22 E. Harris. us for Information Milsby Company, 438- with warming clot,et and large oven, guaran- ' ^naped. Late ^tylea, best work. Mall or- IBUJSK8, BAGS A?fl> SUITCASES KE- teed a good baiter for $22.99. ROOSI and board. Peachtree street, highest 440 Marietta strTt, Atlanta, Ga. references required. Ivy 778-jL. deia ol*<-" prompt attention. Acme " -• TAILEB A>I> Motor Car Service Co. r btreet. MCDONALD FURNITURE co REPAIRS, overhauling, rebuilding and re- LARGE front room, vvith board. 766 Peach- ATLANTA SAFE CO. 110 and 112 W. Mitchell St.. Atlanta. pnintlns ball-benrlng repairs a specialty. _^_trec. Ivy 11774-J. • O.LD RO UNTREE 'S, Bargains In Ne\\ and Second-Hand Safes otorage 3.JO to 336 Edge\\ood ave. Ivy 2071. WE can Invest your money for you on llrst OTTO HAT CO. MAUIS NEW. Phones' Bell, Main 1576, Atlanta 1654. Rea.1 L.ock Experts Safe Artists. Main 4601 mortsaee. high-class improved property. ROOMS with private bath and board at 21 50c and up. WE PAY highest cash prices for householc It will net you 7 and 8 pel cent. U. Linden St Ivy 152. Miss Annie Dennis. Whitehall St.. Room No. s. WALL PAPER. goode, pianos and of nee furniture; cash TURMAN. BLACK i- CAI.HOUN. STEWART & HUNT E. H. ODOM BRO. CO. Second rioor Empire^ _ PL.UMB.ERS 53 EAST HUNTSR__ST advanced on consignment. Central Auction SOVTH SIDE. 50 AN Dioc \VALL PAPER. Company. 12 East Mitchell btreet. HAVE your automobile repaired THE 167 WHITEHALL, our lOc wall paper equal POR SAL.R CHEAP—One pa7r~Fairb^ik9 phono Main £42>1. RIGHT - WIllL~KEIjL $5 000 note, amply secured, due 358 Whitehall St. i>lain 1357-!- WITiiROWS CANDY to the best 25c kind. Let us show you. At- nooi- ie Quarter begin- Wood and Iron Novelty Works. 386 Marietta . large graa FOR SALE—Contents of a 12-room board ning January 1. 1911, and ending March 31. BOARD. COMPANY. St. W E. Williams, Algr Main 1394-J. ran.?6 ^rocervman's ie£rlger«itor Bell In fj_ houae. ^43^ _fc»pr i n S_jstr eo t. r*T o^j IN . prices reasonable. Can accommo- phone Main 4700. 2206. GUARANTEE AUTO REPAIR 1914 will be awarded December 17. 1013. a;' \DINl. and U-avy haulms of all kinds. FURNITURE and i i\gs at lowest prices Printed lists J>f supplies to be purchased date^ table- boarders. 7 castleborry street. \\eit 1-5S-J may be had upon application to the under- Coal—Jelhco $5.00 Cash. Hobison Furniture Co.. 27 B. Hunter. CO. \v A ^ i'Hl>—bLUdsuts, must tive reforencar ; ______J M WILSON, artistic window 'sta-nce Telephone 302S, 5024. and j >rassmaller S7 a t Co. to Deajln*. Caldwell & ^oj K««p*otfol- on Next lage. .Continued m Mext Coiuma.> 5*«tttteBU" * - * " Continued in Next Column. 54 cents »OS5. Atlanta, Ga. ly, Oearing, CaldweU * (So, , > ' 1' THE CONSTITUTION, ATLANTA, GA., WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 26, 1913. Page Seventeen.

    TlrarsdayOF Will' B• e a Fltie-Da^ • Oy^ to Sho, w Rea. l Estate. • Get Inquiries'I•**• n Want Ads, Get'Your Copy in Early Today, Make Dates Tomorrow; Sell ©it FQR RENT—Apartments BOARD AND ROOMS REAL E8TATE~For Sale REAL ESTATE—For Sale REAL ESTATE—For Sale FOR RENT—Houses REAL ESTATE—For Sale ITjrFKBNISHED. TJNFTJRNISHBD room-i In the newly-finished SOCTH SIDE. Ponco de lieon Apartment?, corner Peach- RESIDENCE DISTRICT. 'rooma, with uleepjns porch, electric tree Btreet and Ponce de Leon 'avenue, may HrhtB, hot .water, good meals. 193 Wash- be obtained with or without bath for $20 IF YOU HAVE THE CASH THANKSGIVING W. A. FOSTER & RAYMOND ROSSON. ington. MaJn 6527-J. _ per month, upward, including hot and cold Ball Phones 1031-1032. 11 EDGEWOOD AVE. Atlanta Phone 1881. KICK roojns, wtth or without board; close water and steam' heat; eacb room large SEE THIS AT ONCE; In. 98 Capitol ave. M. 4413-J. enough for couple or family of two. Excel- lent cafe In building. B. M. Grant A Co. CLOSE-IN INVESTMENT. WEST END. FREE — EXCURSION — FREE FOR RENT. FOR SALE IN private family, large, bright furnished OAKHURST, GA. room; every convenience; furnace Ue-at; FOR RENT—47 E. CAIN ST. RENTS $30 PER MONTH; IN OAKHURST. on the East Lake drive, ON THE NORTH SIDE, near North Boul«- board It .desired. West 552-J. 130 Green- FIVE rooma, flrst-claas repair; references . wo have this magnificent 11-room homo, varcit a beautiful home ot she rooms and wich avenue. Wfist Knd. required; Apply Owner, G09 Atlanta Na- CAN SELL FOR $2,300. 10:30 a. m. — THURSDAY — 10:30 a. m. carrying ail the modern conveniences, situ- bath, reduced from 80,000 to $5.500. R«a- 1 tional Bank building. ated in an immense shady prove of several 'front ^oom, i?xr:eMent board; In A. J. MAYFIELD, acres. This is not a renting house, but a terms. See Mr. Radford. private home; to ^ suntlemen or business 4-ROOM apart. In the Hell, corner North gentleman's • home in every respect; has Kirls. Hot water. Rr,a*nnablo._ W-_ 4'j9-.T. Boulevard and. Fonce de Leon avenue. Rent Agt. 49 S. Pryor St. OVER GEORGIA RAILWAY servant's house, large barn and' «table, ONB .nlceiy"~fufiili.heil front upstairs room Apply CharleK P. Glover Realty Company, garden, In fact every thins that could pos- SIX-ROOM BUNGALOW on Kennosaw »ve- for business m»in or Uviietj; board if de- 2% Walton street. sibly be thought of to make a home com- nue, on nice, largo, elevated lot; cast sired. Phono West 1220-J, IF YOU want to rent apartments or business BUNGALOW AT A SACRIFICE. plete. A home IlUa this is only offered front. >Vin trade for a nice 3 or 9-rooin LOVEI-iY front room, excellent board; In property, eeo B. M. Grant <£= Co.. Grant blag. COST ?2,250 TO BUILD, ON A LOT ALTOLOMA once iij a great while, and will not laat suburban home. Prefer Decatur, Ua., con- private hcmi": to '2 gentlemen or business 60x150. WATER, SEWER, BATH long at the price we are asking for it. To venient to car lino?. Let me know what you girls. Hot water. Kfaaoniible. Vf. •105-J. MEET MY AGENTS an A-l tenant this can bo rented elegantly have. See Mr. Martin or Mr. Bradshaw. WANTED—Apartments AND ELECTRICITY, AT $2,250, ON furnished for J7D.OO, or will rent un- furnished. Fl'KNISHJCU. TERMS OP $150 CASH, BALANCE WANTED—Board—Roornsr WANTED—Furnished house or apartment $20 PER MONTH. G. ft. MOORE & AT THE TICKET WINDOW 28 BOtlLPVARD DRIVK. FIVE-ROOM BUNGALOW on throe acres. WAN'rinJ^^^:"Tn^^"'TiTd~by"'yi>une man on the north aide for two or three CO. SEE MR. HANKINSON. SITUATED in Kirkwood at the above num- Just four blocks of College Park car line. In private family, on nurth aide. Give full months. P. O. Box 1443. OLD UNION STATION—OPP. ber on Boulevard drive we have this beau- Just the place for your chickens, cow, gar- particulars us to !oral,io» iind price. Ad- 116 LOBBY CANDLER BLDG. tiful two-story home. This is situated on den, etc. $5.000, or win trade for smaller dress A-43S, oar'i Constitution.' CNFUBNI8JIBD. IVY 4978. a beautiful lot, with a large front lawn, house in the city. See Mr. White. COUPLE deTsirt-.s room and board in a WANTED—Four or five-room apartment, 10:30 A. M. —THURSDAY—10:30 A. M. with plenty'of shade. Thia house IH thor- Htrictly prlvam family, heat preferred: north side or In man Park sections, with NEW 7-room California bungalow, close to oughly modern with the exception of Ras, Kive terms, address, utc.. in writing ,to \% . modern convenience^; references exchanged. Agnes Scott, beat schools and car, best and furnace heat, has one' acre of ground, LARGE LOTS and small tracts on and naa? C. C.. 4 Peac.htri;? .si. Address A-4 40, care Constitution. section of Deoatur. One of the handsomest WE WILL RETURN YOU IN if more land is needed can be gotten. Thia Ctairmont avenue, in Decatur. For price! homes in this fine high-class suburb; eaat is a beautiful homo with a good drive Into; and terms, see Mr. Evo. COUPLE with "baby d.'Kiru board in private front, elevated, furnace, oak floors, richly the city, and very close to the car line. family; near in. AddruH-s A 1-18, ConaUtu- FOR RENT—Houses finished and decorated, birch doors, cedar AMPLE TIME FOR TURKEY DINNER Price. $50.00. tion. roof, a regular $6,000 place. Price only IP YOU are looking for a 12 pep cent In* J4.950; $750 cash or will take some trade. CLKBURNB AVENUB. MAN, wife anil ilauuhttjr (il) dc.ilrp tn-o FCRNI8UBD SITUATED in the beautiful residence sec- vestment in white property, we have » rooms and board. Htu.t<- terms and partic- WIL.L rent tor three montha, furnished bun- M'. H. S. Hamilton, owner. Decatur, Ga. ulars. Address A 452. ron.stttutlon. Phone Decatur 413. tion of Inman Park, between Euclid and place rented for §20 per month that we cam gralow, located on Peach tree Circle, one- W. P. COLE, Manager Highland avenues, we have this exQuisite, eell for ?2,000A Easy terms. See Mr. Cohen. half block from. Peachtree; has living room, COLQUITT AVENUE HOME two-story brick residence; is on a beautiful, dining room, bedroom, nursery, bath and A 6-ROOM .buagraltnv, elevated lot and in the shaded lot of 75 by 250 feet: has steam FORREST AVE., 2-ntory double apartments, FOR RENT—Rooms kitchen on first floor and three bed rooms very best of neighborhoods, strictly up-to- 1408 CANDLER BLDG. PHONES, IVY 432; ATL. 953. heat, hot and cold water, electric lishts, SIOB. on second; lias , all modern con veniujicea. date. Tile bath, hardwood floors, beam ceil- gas, two baths, cabinet mantels, tll« hearths, which row rent for $75 per month. Prlc»M Price. $50 per month. Phone Bungalow, ing, and. iu fact, MODERN. Will sell or ex- servant's house, garage. Tills Is convenient $7,500. This Is 12 per cent, and it is fully Main 1061. change my equity of about $2.500 for renting to two car lines, also to schools and worth the price. See Mr. Martin or Mr. THE ALTALOMA APT. property. Price $5,260. Address Owner, care churches. Price, $75.00.. BradBhaw. 136 IVY STREET, MODERN, well furnished 6-room house, with. of the Procter Coal Co., city. IS the place to go for newly-furnished rooms, all conveniences;' in best residence section. GEO. P. MOORE steam heat and all modern conveniences^ 83 West End avenue. West 1334. - •' NEW HOMES. references required. Flione.ivy 4113, FURNISHED house, 7 rooms, north side; all WE BUT any lot you select. Build you REAL ESTATE AND RENTING REAL ESTATE—For Sale REAL ESTATE—For Sale modism conveniences; $-10 per month. home. Terms like rent. See us. unite FAIRLE1GH APARTMENTS HeferenceH. _ Call jit 9 Kennenaw avenue. J_ _ Building Co., 400-1-2-3-4 Temple Court bids 10 AUBURN AVENUE. 133-517 SPRING St. Phone Ivy &(.OS-J. li'ur- IDS "CREW. 5-room cottage; excellent neigh- Wain 4188. - nished rooma and furnished 3-room aprts. borhood; clone in. Ivy &5^1 after 6 p. m. FOU SAL.E—c-room cottage in best resi- BURDETTE REALTY COMPANY .Steam heat, electric tight uu.il janitor serv- . dence district. Price $3,090; bargain; NEGRO PROPERTY which is well located and rents for $1.3.20 413-14 HMPIRK BUILDING. PHONES 2099. ice. . • FOR RENT —Nort h aide bungalow, choice small cash payment, J26 per month. Ad- location, 99 West 12tfa between West dress 447, care Constitution. per month. Price $1,050 cash. THE. PICKWICK p. ea.tjhtr.ee and Spring streets ; possession at CALIFORNIA bungalow to your idea, 100 PLASTER'S BRIDGE ROAD, lot 125x900, covered with shade and branch on NEW 10-story and fireproof. once. Owner, 409__Eq_ultable__bidg. plans; $500 cash, 925 monthly. Common- back of lot. Close to the car line. This lot lies perfect in every way. W* Steam-heated rooms with connecting baths. GET our Weekly Rent Buletin. We move wealth Home Builders, S30 Equitable. M. NEAR THE CHOICE PART OF PEACHTREE ST., and on one can't tell you all the advantages in the ad. Next year you can double your Convenient shower batha on each floor. tenants renting $1^.60 and up FREE. See <78«. money. Oglethorpe is a certainty. You know what that means for this section. 77 FaJrlie St., near Carnegie library. notice. John J. Woodslde, the renting •WELL ELEVATED lot on Pace's Ferry of the cross streets, ideal apartment site for $2,250. Size 50x136. Agent. 12 Auburn avenue. road. 200x1,080 ft. deep; a bargain It PONCE DE LEON AVENUE BUNGALOW, located near North Boulevard. Prac- PKACHTRER, In highest cla.su apart- sold at once; no agent. Phone owner 3261 Terms. ment, one nicety furnished room with, all Ivy. tically new 6-room bung-alow on desirable elevated lot 49x300 feet to 20-foot convenience^ prlvatu family; reference re- FOR. RENT—Houses, stores and apartments. alley. Best buy on this street for $8,500. Terms. fjufretl^ Phono Ivy_ 8U<>3-I-- _ Call, write or phone for our Bulletin, Bell WE have two nice cottages for sale In West 2 BEAUTIFULLY"fur." front room*; fur- phone I. 2326. Atlanta 5^08. George P. End. Will take a lot worth J500 to $1,000 INMAN PARK, 5-room cottage with all conveniences and on paved NORTH SIDE HOME at a sacrifice price. S-room house with slate roof and all nace heat, electric lights, hot water; dose Moore. 10 Auburn avenue. as part payment. Holmes & Luckle Realty conveniences. Located near Ponce de Leon avenue, on large east front cor- in; to business i;«ople; references. Ivy CAIjL. write or phone for our Rent Bulletin. Co., 34 N. Forsyth at. street, for $2,500; $150 cash, balance like rent. ner lot, 54x150 feet, to alley. The lot is level and has beautiful shade. An 8170-J. • Edwin P. Ansley Rent r)ept.. 78 North For- NORTH SIDE^-Analey Park lot, 100 faet opportunity to buy a real bargain at $6,500. Terms $1,500 cash. FOH UENV—Two rooma en suite for two or syth street. Ivy, 1000;_ Atlanta,_863. front, overlooking clubhouse, tennis courts, more young men; ateam heut, hot water, EIGHT-ROOM, 2-story house, modern con- swimming pool and golf courts. Charles J. GLENN STREET, just off of Washington, dandy 7-room house, on I t 1 ta 358 lchtr s t vy 23 veniences, 35 Sells ave., West End, $27.50. Meta, 627-628 Candler building. • 5£. !i9_ ?*£> -_ .jP°J .5*_ - r ^ ~! -- C H. Leilfurd. Phone W. lfiQ,-J. NOTICE—TWould you be interested in a level shaded lot. Price $4,250, on terms. FURNISHED' front "room." pentieinen pre- bung-alow on gx>od north side street for ferred; alao roo HIM complete for house- CALL, write or phone for 6ur rent bulletin. 12,000; terms to suit purchaser? Ivy 4833. EDWIN L. MARLING kceping. _S"_Auburn^aven^ue. We carry a targe list of houses for rent. REAL ESTATE. 32 EAST ALABAMA ST. BOTH PHONES 1287. ^ _ 8-ROOM HOUSE!, on River oar line. J1.100, RIGHT NEAR the junction of Ponce de Leon and Highland ave- FOH 'RENT—Two niceiy' furnished front Ralph" O. Cochran. 74-7t> Peach tree $15 a month, no cash payments. John SPRING STREET LOT—Close In on Spring street -we have a lot 50x125 with a 7-room rooms, close in, all conveniences. 26 Hast OCJR "weekly rent list glvea full description Carey, 2 Whitehall street. nues, 5-ropm cottage with all conveniences. No loan. Small , cottage that we offer for 57,500. Tlris cottage is never vacant at $300 per year. Harris- of anything for rent. Call for one or Zet This is your last call at this price. If not sold before the end of this week, price goes WAN T B£>—aoommato for i.tce fur. room us mall it to you. Forrest & George Adalr. LIST your property with us for quick re- cash payment, balance $22 per month.- Price only $3,250. with younff man. in walking UJat. 188 W. sults. H. W. Railey & Co.. 1130 Candler to $200 per front foot., We will take an part payment a smaller piece of renting Peachtreo otre*u building. Ivy 4833. property. Get busy if you are in the market for a piece of property that will make WANTED— Houses LIST your property with us for quick and you money. TWO nicely Stir, rooma; gentlemen or couple satisfactory results. Fischer & Cook, Main TECH SCHOOL VICINITY, 5-room cottage. No loan. Situated GRANT PARK COTTAGE—-On Ormono!' street, near Grant Park, we have one of the without cpildren. All conveniences 13 3'SSO. Wejit North avenue. . on level corner lot, for $2,700. most complete 6-room cottages on the street that we will well for $3,000; $200 W ANTED — Four or flve-room moclern bun- LIST your property with me: gre•«t results. cash. $25 per month for the haiuuce, with no Joan, Look at this place and you -will NICELY furnished rooms for eentlemen. All galow or cottage, in Inman Park or north Hush J. Lynch, 309 Walton bldg. quit paying rent at our price and terms. conveniences. Terms reasonable, 9S wood- side sections; must have conveniences and M'DANIKL STREET LOT—On McDaniel street, near the Southern railroad, we have a ward a,venue. be well located. Address A-441, care Con- BUSINESS DISTRICT. corner lot, 78x150, with a modern, 6-room cottage, that we will sell for $2,500; 28 TWO first floor furnished rooms, newly pa stitution. IP IT Is real estate you want to buy or sell. feet on. the corner is vacant, which leaves room for two more houses. At our price pered and furnished, close in; reasonabler. It will pay you to see me. A. Graves, 24 J. N. RENFROE & COMPANY It Is one of the best buys In the city. Look at It and _make__us _an__otTer. 173 Luckie; Atlanta. 3025-A. Cast Hunter street. NORTH SIDE RESIDENCE—In the Druid Hills section we offer an 8-room, two-story, TWO nicely furnished rooms, furnace heat, FOR RENT—TYPEWRITERS 401 GOULD BLDG. PHONE MAIN 324. slate roof, brick residence for $6,500. ThiM has never been occupied, has s,olfd oak for couple or gentlemen. 10 East Alex- SUBURBAN. floors, furnace heat, large sleeping porch and one of the prettiest lots on the north a. rider. i__ TYPEWRITERS RENTED side. If you have ?500 cash and can pay $50 per month, it will pay you to see FOR" RKNT^—I 'nicely"fur.1 room, adjoining 4 MONTHS FOR $5 AND UP. us' at once. bfith, convenient to three car lines; electric Rebuilt Typewriters J23 to $75. NEAR the corner of West Peachtree and Fifth streets we have an lights; hot water. Ivy 8::S!>-J. . AMERICAN WRITING MACHINE CO., STEAM-HEATED room, north side private 48 North Pryor St. Pfcone Main 2526. FERNWOOD unusually well-built 8-room, 2-story house; hardwood floors, home; all • conveniences and electricity. YES. We rent practically brand-new, splen- combination lighting- fixtures, sleeping porch, etc. House is brand- FURNACE-HEATED BUNGALOW did Oliver visible typewriters, three THE EYES of all Atlanta are turned to- - ______— _ months only $4, and apply on purchase, ward this section. Fernwood is the center new, never been occupied. Price, $7,000. Terms. NICE . ROOMS, also housekeeping -apart- easy terms; expert stenographers furnished $250 CASH ments. Private family. Close Ui. 151 Spring on short notice. Oliver Typewriter Agency. of the activity. Pernwood lots are being WE OFFER in best part of Inman Park, a cozy 6-room bungalow, just 150 street. No. 54 Auburn avenue. sold on a basis of acreage prices, though PEACHTREE CIRCLE, just off Peachtree strtet, new,brick veneer feet from a 10-minute car line. Has hardwood floors, exposed beams, THE FELTON. 107 Ivy street, nicely fur. giving y6u as small investment as you care built-in bookcases and buffets; large bath and closets. The furnace room is rooms, elnNe .in. ul! conveniences. 9-room house. $11,250. 30x40 feet, built of stone and concrete. Equipped with a small economical LOVELY front room, ulao ru«jrn with ai«ej»- to make. Our plan ,of putting in improve- porch: oteam heal ;_meiiJji nen.r. jyy *>"SJ_; _ ments ia co-operative. Let us explain H to furnace, burningr Jess coal than two grates. Has hot water coil (for baths THREE connecting corner ofllces in. the you. "We have explained it to the satisfac- and kitchen) inside furnace. Must be sold at, once—$4,750. Only $260 cash DKKIRABLlif front " room, .private family, Moore building, corner Walton a-iid Spring: and balance $35 month. north Mldo. Ivy 5073-J". atreets, for rent; long lease, low rental; con- tion of fifteen customers since the announce- LAKG13 front room in north side residence. solidation of business reason for giving them ment of Oglethorpe. 10 per cent cash, 2% HERE THEY ARE furnace healed. for young men. Ivy_S^32. up; well lighted; individual wash bowls, per cent monthly without interest or taxes. WILSON BROS. steam heat and Janitor service. Address 50 ACftES for subdivision at East Point; water ana lights; 5,000 people; 25 PHONE MAIN 4411. NIGHT. IVY 867. . FOR KENT—Two nicely furnished rooma, Lessee, Box 9?6. City. You are going to be sorry if you don't take factories; cut four lots to acre. Sell, now, for $200 to $300 per lot, on install- close In. 1-4 Courtlaiid street. advantage of this opportunity, for no matter ments, rapidly. $200 per acre; $2,000 cash, one, two and three years. No better DESK SPACE or half of office for rent, 315 where you now live, a few years from now Investment. UNFURN1.3HKI)—NORTH SIDE. Empire bidg.. Immediately in front of ele- THREE BRICK STORES—All rented, with two 5-ig>orn apartments upstairs, O WNEU OK HoME, nice nortb Hide sec- vator ; fronts Broad Kt.; use brvth phones; you will want to live in this section. SPRING STREET RESIDENCE LOT , tion, will rent to acceptable couple or nothing better in Atlanta. Cali 314 Em- on N. Boulevard, $13,500; ?5,000 cash, one, two and three years for balance. ( small family atlults, 5 rooms (entire second pire building. In the heart of the north side, cost $14,800, new. Fine renting property for floor) ; arranged for housekeeping. Refer- Income. No better. NEAR TWELFTH STREET, PRICE $2,750. ij ences required. Phone Ivy

    iNEWSPAPER »-;"'*,•*«"«--'/",- ^ If v- f " *rrna?"

    Page Eighteen. THE CONSTITUTION, 3O32CNTA, COE. TTEUXNESDAY, 3STOVEMBBB 26, 1913. versal language, is now spoKen ,in .ai.niip of glad approval from that fine fra- tare: Mrs. H. k.-Bass and Miss Corne- every clime under the sun, arid a num- I terrilty. He was a member of the Scottsn ! lia Orr, of Atlanta. The funeral will ber' of Atlanta people hare decided Rite bodies of Atlanta, naving taken tbe ; oe , held "Wednesday from the Central they will not be behind in the march of J LODGE NOTICES degree with the John -R. Wilkinson class In // You Don't Want to Laugh, > Presbyterian church at 3 o'clock. In- civilization but will master the new November. 191,0. , . - terment will be In West View ceme- language, which Is said to be Very, eas- RESTS The brightest Jewels- that flashed from ily arrd quickly learned. All members of W. D his Heart were a robust charity that saw Luckie Lodge, No. 89, F. the divine in man. and an intelligent pa- & A. M., are requested to tience that nought to bring it into life. Keep Away From Atlanta Today i R. T. Buffington, Hartwell. FIGHT ON DR. BLAKE It is therefore resolved by the members or be present, at the lodge the John R. Wilkinson class: That. In the ' Hartwell. Ga.. November. 25.— (Spe- room today (Wednesday), death of our brother, Dr. John Bradley i cia1-)—R- T. Buftlngton, one of Hart CONTINUED BY WIFE November 26, at 1:30 o'clock OF WIFE Robins, we have sustained an irreparable to attend the funeral ser- county s prominent farmers, died Sun- loss, and have given to the grand lodge There were men and women laugh- you of it and she laughs and shakes like a bowl of jelly as she does so. ! day. He was burled Monday at Ce- New Tork, November 25.—'Application I vices of our late Worshipful Brother above one of our most valuable, best be- ing In last night's audience of the At- ; dar Creek Baptist church. He was ; Malvern Hill to 'be held at the resi- loved antl loyal members, it is further re- "Widow by Proxy" is all May Irwin. for the appointment of a referee to Great Congregation Gath- lanta theater who had not so much as 'Without her the play would be about about 80 years old. W. Y. Buffington,, hear the testimony in the suit for sep- i dence, IS Kuhn street, at 2.;30 o'clock. aolved. That we extend to the members of ; his son, survives. aration brought by Mrs. Catherine 1C I Members finding it impossible to meet I the bereaved family our profoundest sympa- smiled since the panic of 1907. • There as funny as a crutch. With her you Blake against Dr. Joseph A. Blaka, at lodge room at 1:30 will meet .it thy and best love; that a copy of these res- were few moments when the entire find yourself forgetting all about ers at Trinity Church to , olutions be furnished them, as well as e?.en everything but the star. "Widow by Charles F. Coker. the surgeon, was made today by coun- West View cemetery gate at 4 o'clock. t of the daily papers of Atlanta, and also be audience was not convulsed with mer- Proxy" is a typical May Irwin play- sel for both parties before Justice Sea- I By order of ' - kept as a permanent record for the class. riment. And when these moments written for her luid around her. There »*CharLes F- Coke>% 2-year-old son of bury in the supreme court. The recent ! JOHN R. BYIiN-GTON, Pay Last Mark of Respect FRKDERIC J. PAXOX. President . : came it was because some one had are few moments when she is not on tMr. and Mrs. Eugene Colcer, of No. 90 withdrawal of the suit brought by Mrs. ; Worshipful Master, W. O. STAJJPS. Secretary. i J. M. HUNMICUTT, Secretary. laughed so much he was hysterical the stagre and there is no single time ; Kirkwood avenue, died Tuesday aft- Blake against Mrs. Clarence H. Mackay. ernoon at 5 o'clock. The funeral will wife of the head of the Postal Tele- to Late Pastor of Church. ' and others were momentarily still In when she is not doing or saying some- thing that causes you to giggle and be conducted from the residence Wed- .graph-Cable company, for $1,000,000 A special conclave of SUPREME COURT OF GA. order that they might learn tlie cause guffaw and rock with laughter by nesday afternoon at 2 o'clock. Inter- damages for alleged alienation of the Atlanta Commandery. j of the trouble. turns. ment will be in Gre.enwood cemetery. affections of Dr. Blake, lent color to No. 9, K. T.. will be held Trinity church yesterday morning i And no wonder. She is a wonderful woman. -She car- rumors that the separation suit would in its1 asylum, corner • liclcl it.7> lartffjst «iudien6e wince its dcdi- be settled out of court, but the appli- William Duncan v. State; frnm Hous- j May Irwin—not because she hud a ries her years as lightly as a feather. f Mrs. Mattie Chase. cation today for a referee indicated Peachtree and Cain rution, prominent representatives- of ton. J.- B. Hall v. State; from TIft. Re- | particularly good part or an extraordi- One forgets that she was famous streets, .this (Wednes- twenty-five years ago; that she was a, that both Mrs. Blake's petition and Dr. every religious cr^ed having a home hearing denied in each caae. ! riarily funny play, but for the reason j Mrs. JCattie A. Chase, ?,9, died at her Blake's answer are to be heard in court. , day) afternoon, at 2 o'clock sharp, for pioneer among the singers of coon j residence on Third avenue. East Knd. } the purpose of forming an escort and in Atlanta oon^r*: gating at 10 o'clock j that she was just May Irwin—was irre- songs; that-she has grown sons out of to pny a tost and deeply loving tribute" COCKT OF APPEALS OF GEORGIA. jluesday at 3 o'clock. She is survived •attending- thr, John Bradley Robins, late pastor Judgments Affirmed. living—so in love with life—that one Peninsular Naval Stores Company v. ! pore or pound of her ample form; and children. Puneral arrangements will Bryan Goes to Lynchburg. I Hill, from his late residence, 3>Jo. 18 of that eh.i;-'-h, who died as h*j finished Parrish: from city court of Nashville—• i if you have over seen Miss Irwin you can never conceive of her as old. [ be announced later. j Kuhn street, at 2:30 o'clock. All sir his la.st r-ermon to more than a thou- Judge Christian. Denmark & Griffin. Lov- 'need no additional details. For, be It And still with all this I have told AVashington. November 25.—Secre- ! knights of Atlanta and Couer de Lion ! you nothing of the play itself. Nor tary Bryan left here tonight for Lynch- sand internslod hfarnrB hi the KIberton i ett it Murray, for plaintiff in error. Knight, known of all men. Miss Irwin is by no ' commanderfes are urged to attend in i means cypress—slender—a fact of shall I. Just pay over your $2—it's ! burg, Va., where he will address two .Methodist, churoh at the annual session! Chastaln Jt Gaskins, .T. '/.. &. JI. L.. Jackson. i George M. Key. 1 uniform, especially the past cojnma.nd- ; which she is not at all ashamed. She worth every penny of it—and forget • public meetings tomorrow. The secre- i ers of the two commanderies. Courte- of the JVIethodifit Episcopal church, Atkinson et al.. receivers, v. Yarborpugh; i alludes to it. constantly. She glories all about the play. You will not re- j The funeral of George ir. Key, 6- I tary goes at the invitation of Repre- ! ously. p. L. BLACKSH'BA-R, south. • , from city court of Fitzgerald—Judge firif- iin her plumpness as some women gret it. j year-old son of Mrs. Jessie G. Key, of 'sentative Carter Glass, of Virginia, fin presiding. Boiling Whltneld, Blkins & chairman of the house banking and | Eminent Commander. Great banks of choicest flowers . plume themselves on their sylph-like There will be a matinee this after- j Xo. 65 Currier street, who died Tues- Wall, for plaintiffs in error. McDonald & figures. If for a moment you are on noon and the concluding performance day morning, will be held from the currency committee. \ woven into every design had been Gf-antham, contra. 1 the point of forgetting it, she reminds tonight. SIDNEY ORMOND. 1 residence Wednesday morning- at 10 There 'will be a regular placed about the caalcet, and in front Youmans v. Puder; from city co-urt of communication of Capital Baxley—Judge Sellers. W. W. Bennett, for I o'clock. Interment will be in West of tliw altar so high and so deep were plaintiff In error. Parker '& Highsmith, j View cemetery. Kdward H. Carman, City Lodpre, No. 64-2, ' F. they that those taking part in the ex- contra. ; Christian ricience church, will officiate. NEW EYE-GLASSES & A. M.. U. D., this (Wed- A new style Finger-piece mounting nesday) evening, November. ercises could bo seen only when stand- Smith v. Hilton & Dodge Cumber Com- pany; from city court of Dublin—J. K. ! in place of your old style one makes -0, 1913, .at 7:30 o'clock, at ing. . • Burch. Judge pro hac vice. T. E. High- Children in Show Windows your eye glasses right up-to-date. _ tho hall, 430% Marietta "Crossing the Bar" was the initial [ to\ver, for plaintiff in errop-. CLASS IN ESPERANTO Then, ot" course, you'll want to know street. Work in tho Masters' Degree. rendition by the sextet choir, after Rev. Ambrose v. Barber; from city court of | HOLDS FIRST MEETING about the new Toric (curved) lenses; Candidates will present themselves Dr. W. P. Lovejoy, presiding- eider, had ! they're better than the old flat style. early. All duly qualified brethren cor- Come in and we will be glad to show dially invited to attend. By order of invoked the divine bh-ssJng. . i contra., Will Prove Need of Charity A small band of interested people ! you these .new optical things. A. K. the worshipful master. 1 I Hawkes Co., Opticians, 14 Whitehall St. Many MlhlMtern Present. courier Balnbrldg^-judsa" Spooned Al - 1 met Tuesday night for the first class ot JESSE M. WOOD, W. M. bert H- Russell, for plaintiff in error. John K;:neranto ever held in Atlanta. They ' W. X. MARTIN, Secretary. In chairs behind the. great mass of gathered in the office of Dr. Cecil flowers' sat a half dozen ministers, R- ^So' T^vfartln city court of R n ; from Bright and happy' faces of children, appetite was satisfied, are to be seen Stockard. the newly appointed delegate Atlanta Turn Vercln. representing as many different ri-- Elackuhear—Judee McDonald presiding, which always sug-g-est a happy fireside, at the Ohamberlin-Johnson-DuBose ; of the Universal Esperanto association. fDirection to write off attorney's fees.) company and at thrt Iving" Hardware I being bi-ought tog-ether as a result of Attention Turners! „ ligrious denominations, r-very one prom- r with father and mother ever attentive Buy your Thanksgiving Y~ou are requested to meet at your ; inent in his own denominational work. I company. the article in The Constitution of last '"* '" """' to the thousand and one childish No childish laugh comes through tlie Sunday which told of the launching of hall, 26i,i. South Pry or street, today at J: Many times within recent" years Dr. •Scarborough et. al. .v. Varborough: from the work under Dr. Stockard and the produce from Constitu- 2 p. m. to attend the funeral r. Qui II ian. Nashville—J udge C'ranford presiding. J. W. dence, No. 364 St. Charles avenue, at Tou will find at 375 Edgewoocl Avenue, near Jackson Street, a 2-story the son of Mrs. Jessie G. Key. today A.s tht- i-hoi r , rr n do red ''Homo, Sweet Powell, Lovett »Jt Murray,, for plaintiff In Jnckson' v. State, from Tattnall superior 13:20 o'clock Tuesday morning. She (Wednesday), Nor ember 26, ]91.'i, at 10 1 error. Knight. Chaplain & Gaskint*. contra. brick building, with store room and basement about 24x70 feet, with five 3 toiii'. ," the audience moved slowly rourt—Judge Sheppard. J. V. Kelley. for Is survived by three sons and two a. m., from the chapel of H. M. Patter- Metropolitan Life Insurance Company v plaintiff in error. N. J. Norman, solicitor daughters. The sons are: Judg-e Edpar tldwn an H isle to .view for the last Lewia; from city court of Atlanta—Judge living- rooms on the second floor, has gas, water, closet, etc. Rent $35 per month. son & Son. Interment at West View tinip th«i fiu-c of tho late pu.stor. general, contra. H. Orr and A. E. Orr, of Atlanta, and cemetery. Jleid. Smith,, Hammond & Smith, for Brown v. State, from city court of Ca- G. J. Orr, of .Savannah. The daughters fn separate -bodies the Scottish Kite. plaintiff In error. Paul jL. Lindsay, conltra. milla—Judge Bush. K. E. Cox, R. L. Cox, jo^s-jP»J .> j. AASOODSIDE: tin- Sliricop-. tin' t'uity club, the min- McXUIt'y v. .Dennard,; from Terrell su- J. M. Mayor, Jr., for plaintiff m error. W. perior court—:Ju liis oarly lif'' he grave hi,?; tline and city court of Dublin—'Judge Hicks. Davis pursuit and final discovery of the bird on Purser will officiate. The following talents to ' tho - study ami practice of law, & Sturgls, for, plaintiff in error. Evans & the Thanksgiving- table gives opportunity York, on Broadway at 29th named gentlemen will act as pallbear- Barrett, contra. for many mirthful situations In add t on iiful just asv the fickle ^oiidesy Siiccess had tho planning and printing of advertising literature. ers: Mr. B. F. Bennett, Jr., Mr. H. b&lfuti to \-\ ait upon him, there came to him Smith v. "\Vii tson. form city court of to this coroedv there Is an Indian British St., is not a small hotel, yet L. Culberson, Mr. Roy M. A'bernatlhy. the impression of the hiplier - obligation lie Dublin—Judge Hicks. Davis & Sturgis. for army drama in" 2-reel Kalem picture entitled o\v** Buy your Thanksgiving Buy your Thanksgiving loiS: CHBONJC DISEASKS'my pa- Hciits »re cured In, less time, quickly; Prices are $2.00 and $3XX) for six pairs of women's and $2.00 for produce from Constitu- produce from Constitu- i and I "«e the '»*««* Improved meth- ois conaultntlon and advice TBEB. six pairs of children's. They are the biggest value obtainable. ,.",'i ii-rHe. Hour*; t *, m. to « tion Advertisers. You'll tion Advertisers. You'll f or Learn what this hosiery really is—come in and see it for yourself Queen Mantel & Tile c «.; SUNDATa » to 1. get service, satisfaction, get service,, satisfaction, J] DR. HUOHU, SfMatalM today. quality and courteous at- quality and courteous at- . / 56 West Mitchell Street. He Third NutloMl Buk, tention. Broad Mreet, Atlanta, Ckfc RICH & BROS. tention. I