?^LKs$J:''Pr syi TffX 3THJI VTAHDAKD STANDA9.lt THE ATLANTA CONSTITUTION SOOTBERtf . carrier «cUvery, 13 crmta weekly, Vol. XLVL—No. 164. ATLANTA, GA., WEDNESDAY MQRNIN0, NOVEMBER 26, 1913.—EIGHTEEN PAGES. at «ewm»t«»<J«. B IEMERSON IS STRICKEN LIKE FINLEY Sayre. and White House Bride in Wedding Clothes POISON Photo of wedding couple taken fot- The Constitution by TO KILO FIFTY AND FOLLOWS HIM INTO UNKNOWN special white house photogra- phers. IN FLOUR {President of Atlantic Coast Head of Southern Railway Line Dies in Wilmington, Overcome by Apoplexy Dr. Edgar Everhart Makes N. C., Soon After Reach- Just After He Rose From Report to Dr. W. M. Girt- ing There From Georgia. Bed in Washington Home. man in Alleged Hazlehurst Strychnine Case. President of Monon Believ- 5MERSON BECAME ILL HE FELL UNCONSCIOUS WHOLE FAMILY IS SICK; WHILE NEAR WAYCROSS ed Most Probable Choice INTO ARMS OF HIS WIFE for Southern Head—He Is HUSBAND UNDER ARREST Brother of Burton Harrison Monday Night He Left Finley Had Just Returned As Result of Illness of Jesse Waycross for Wilmington. By .lohn Corrigan, .Jr. From His Country Home TV.isI ington, D C, November 25 — G. Ross, Patrick TJrsery, Reached Wilmington Just c-peflil)—^\ hlle Southern railway o"- to Washington—Succeed- f fialb were too gileved by the totally His Son-in-Law, Is Held in Time to Die at Home. unexpected death of President Finley todaj to even talk of the question as ed Samuel Spencer. for Investigation. _ ^ to who would succeed him, from pei- Wilmington, N C, November 21 — sons outside the service of the South- cin but who are acquainted with Its Washington, November 25.—'William Interest was Increased last night in ihomas -Mai tin Cmetson president it atfairs, it was learned that many signs Wilson Finley, piesident of the South- the case of Patrick Ursery, ^prominent Lhe Atlantic Coast Line railroad com- point to the selection of Fairfax Har- ern railway and a leading figure In resident of Hazlehurst, Gra , jailed, fol- pany, died late tonight at his home in nsoh, loimeilj vice president of the movements for the development of the owing the alleged attempt to poison \his ci,ty, following an attaik of acute buuthern lailway and now president south, died here today, as a result of he family of his wife, by the an- Indigestion j esterdav while on a ti i>> of the Chicago, Indianapolis and a. stroke of apoplexy he suffered a few louncement ot Dr Edgai Hverhart, a Louisville railway, tin3 Monon Route, inspection over the sv stern vvitn hours before lie did not regain con- ot which the Southern is part owner tate chemist, that poison in quanti- §nembers of th** board of duectois Mi Haiii^on is still a director of the sciousness after he was%tiiclven ies sufficient to poison a half hUn- Mr 13merson attendee! In his Plu "Southern jailv.aj company and of a Mr Finlej s famil>, friends and as- dred people had been discovered In lician and fiienels i tic lied \\i1tiina- ntimbei of thp affili ited companies sociates were wholly unprepared foi .he food eaten by the family |on at an earl\ hour thi, morning on lie is a piactical railway man, though his sudden death Scarcely past the 'Hazlehurst officials who wiil piose- special train fiom tin south 'end ,L la"H^ei, and h *s had much experience prime of life, he was vigorous and en- ute the prisoner have been notified 'of in financial atfans Mr Harrison Is i hile it was, announc i rl during Pie day ergetic, and seemingly in the best of he discoveiy. Dr. Everhart stated to a Vnginian lilt, father having been 111,it his condition vvas improved the i' the pin ate secretary of Jefferson Da.- health, until a moment before he was a reporter for The Constitution last |ame a turn for the vv orse ind lie di il \is, thioughout the das s of the con- felled b^ the stroke He passed yester- night that strychnine had been found 11 o'clock tonight ftJfiacy 1'iancis Burton Harrison, day evening quietly with his family, n both the flour and biscuits which 1 Taken Til In <7corKin. for me i .New i'o'-k congressman and and retired apparently in the best Ursery Is suspected of having poi- Mr Emerson was taken ill sundiv ie^ently appointed governor general of physical and mental condition loijed. It Uupont, Ga , while on in HIM t tion the Philippines, is nis brother Fell Into Wi(e>m Arms. Dr W II Girtman, a Hazlehuist loui of the i oacl of which he vv if pi<<- < onpnian a Feasibility. When he arose about 7 o'clock this physician, who attended the family of |ent He was take n to Maviioss, da Ilie po^sibilit\ of the elevation of moining, he cabiiallv observed to Mrs. Ursery's father-in-law during their dav night, and snent Monti u 1111- \ite PLCbLdent and General "Vlanager Finlej that he had a feeling of slight mysterious illneis that resulted in the IPI the care oL physiiians in i hospual 1, H Coapman to the oresidency was oppresbion in his head She left the husband's arrest, >came to Atlanta Ibei e Last lUrjht he vv is uipuently albo discussed Mr Coipman has made room for a. moment to obtain some mild Tuesday morning: with the flour and lunch bcttei, and was t ik n ttmud a i splendid refold w^fli the Southern remedy "When she returned he was biscuit's. He held a conference with Ipeeiai ttam tor A\ ilmin^ton \ and is known as one of the best opera- leaning over a dresser with his head Dr. .Everhart, in which he produced ting men in the countrv and the pos- IicUiied rfuise ami T, [jfnsiciin <u urn buried in his hands She attempted to hitherto undisclosed statement from famed linn When he aiitvtd he i e to seb&or of unus til executive ability Sfimo months ar?o it \vab rumored that assist him, but Tie fell into her arms, a Hazlehurst druggist to the effect he u is taken to his nome in an unconscious hat, shortly before the poisoning, Jmbulan r> he uoulcl siucei-J Mr .Tinier as presi- Aid was summoned and the familj Ursery had purchased an amount of Mi n.neisoti v^as ele t< d p si<,I( n E (1( nirffih. (ompanion rumoi having gain- If the- UUuitu Coast Line, < \j,\ • t it s ed IfflKiiLV to the effect that Mr Fln- physician called It was evident that strychnine. \30 le> n it, to letite f i om active work as Mr Finlej was suffeiing fiom a stroke Weir Analysis Today. 1 piesident ami become chairman of the of apoplex}, and everv effort was made Dr Everhart will make a, quantity Of th* Construe* 1\ e 'INpc. board, co that he might ret*ain direc- lie lose to the* picsiilciit v ol oiu of tion of the affairs of the company and to restore him to consc iousnesS At 1 50 analysis some time today in an en- C SOllUlS RleitCSt lallioiil SV sti Ills be relicieil of the strain ol the great o'elock this afternoon he passed awav, deavor to ascertain whether or not lorn the vtiv i inks b\ SIK cessive rnas<; of detailed ~uork which he in- with Mrs. Finley, three of his daugh- ;he amount of poison In the flour and E>s. first as i lei k in the Height of sisted on doing- as president. ters and his son at the bedside food was the same as that purchased pes, latei as chief cleik in the p sre ti- Fust "V ice Piesident A B \ndrews, er office, then £1 ne>i il fiei-cht 0.^1 nt 1 Associates Didn't Know. jy Ureery who it. o\ ei 70 veais of age, is unde -- Until the end, not even Mr Finley s Ursery's odae is attracting state- lid latei, until lulv, I'lO-, gem i j.' stood to have declined tlie presidency Vaffic manigei, being accounted at at the time of Mr .spencer s death and mobt intimate personal and business wide attention Shortly after his mai - |iat timo one of th-e best ti iffic nien to ha\ e used his Influence for the elef- associates knew that he had been riage to a beautiful and attractiv e the entire country lie liter bo- tion ot Hi F'mle'V and not eonsideied stricken Many of his peisonal friends daughter of Jesse G. Ross, a wealthv ime thud vice piesident e>t the svs- nmotig the possibilities, at it is not be- in railroad circles were in the cit^ at- farmer of Hazlehurst, Mr. Ross and his fem in ( hame of ti.iffii, inrl in Nov em- lieved that he T. ould considei at this' lei, 1905, he was elected president to tending rate hearings "before the inter- entire family were taken simultane- time taking up such a buidensome state commerce commission His only ously 111 with poisoning." An Investiga- lucceed the late R G Kiwln, of Sa- task. |annah, G-a son, W. "W. Finley, Jr. connected with tion was started A sack of flour, fi om He was of the constructive tv pe of Other Vames Mentioned. the traffic department of the Penn- the contents of which biscuits were iilwny presidents, iml e ricourafted the \ numbei of othei names hax e been made for the fatal meal, was s>cnt levelopment of the country through sylvania railroad at Newark, N J , was mentioned as possibilities, among them notified of his fathers condition, and to Dr.
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