ELLEFONTAINE XAMINER B E Vol. 130 Friday, May 7, 2021 No. 122 AVAILABLE DAILY ONLINE @ examiner.org County commission begins twice weekly public forums ground equipment will Come Play at the Lake begin in the next month. Pending construction or weather delays, the park playground project could potentially open by the end of July. subject of first session “We’ve had some BY MANDY LOEHR weather delays this year, forum to present to the but we’re happy to be able EXAMINER STAFF WRITER commission updates to the
[email protected] to work on site now,” he Come Play at the Lake said. “This is another won- accessible playground that derful community effort In light of recent tough is currently taking shape at that follows the Come Play times and with community Fox Island. at the Peak playground members experiencing diffi- The commissioners project at Mary Rutan Park TOP: Logan County Board of Developmental Disabilities Superintendent Saul Bauer, culty receiving in-person encourage community resi- that opened in the fall of left, presents information about the Come Play at the Lake project Thursday morning assistance during pandem- dents to participate in the 2019.” during a new open forum session offered twice weekly with the Logan County ic-related office closures, upcoming open forum days. Bauer said the ILDC has Commissioners, pictured from the left, Paul Benedetti, Mark Robinson and Joe Antram. the Logan County “Citizen’s participation is been an instrumental part- (EXAMINER PHOTO | MANDY LOEHR) BOTTOM: Earth-moving has begun at the site for the Come Commissioners are renew- critical to the success of ner in helping to plan and Play at the Lake, Fox Island, project, and installation of the playground equipment is ing a commitment to citizen local government,” conduct fundraisers for expected to take place this summer, with this drawing showing projected plans for the access to their local govern- Benedetti said during the inclusive playground.