European Commerce, Shewing New and Secure Channels of Trade with the Continent of Europe: Detailing the Produce, Manufactures, A
-^^. v..,> / '^1 i^t^trif Sn^jJW. A s;KO;i:CCc-sa:t; \ jfi-" -.J-, me Robert E. Gross Collection A Memorial to the Founder of the ' ' Business Administration Library « Los Angeles ymtmmimmmjtMi^imatMmim : EUROPEAN COMMERCE, SHEWING NEW AND SECURE CHANNELS OF TRADE WITH THE CONTINENT OF EUROPE ' PETAILINGTIIE PRODUCE, MANUFACTURES, AND COMMERCE^ or RUSSIA, PRUSSIA, SWEDEN, DENMARK, AND GERMANY 5 AS WELL AS THE TRADE OF THE RIVERS ELBE, TVESER, AND EMS-, WITH A REN'ERAL VIEW OF TRE Trade, Navigation, Produce, atid Manufactures, of the UNITED KINGDOM ofGREAT BRITAIN 5C IRELAND. BY J. JEPSON ODDY, MEMBER OF THE RUSSIAN AND TURKEY OR LEVANT COMPANIES. IN TWO VOLUMES. VOL. II. PHILADELPHIA; PRINTED AND SOLD BY JAMES HUMPHREYS, CHANGE WALK, Thp Corner of Second and Walnut-streets. 1807. CONTENTS. BOOK IV, CHAPTER I. OF Stoeden in general. Its boundaries and seas i its mines of iron, copper, gold, silver, and lead; its production in tar, pitch and timber. Fishery, ma- nufactures, lakes, and canals. 9 CHAPTER II. Distinction betzveen the old aiid the neto staple towns of Sweden specified. Of Stockholm ; its localities, ma- nufactures, exchange, and exports in 1803 6C 1804,- its 7nonies, zoeights, and measures. Gothenburg ; its trade, exports,, fishery, Greenland company, station for British packets. Gefie; its trade and exports. The same of Abo. Szoedish Po?nera?iia. Stralsund, a newly inade free port. Grypszvald. Wolgast. Barth. Rugen. Aggregate shipping of Sweden. 21 CHAPTER III. Public institutions and bodies for the purposes of trade in Sweden ; the Bank, East India company. West India company, college of commerce, trade, marine rine society, company for diving and salvage^, re- marks on national debt, trade of Szveden, imports and exports, trade and ^mvigation, 8(c.
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