DeepVista: 16K Panoramic Cinema on Your Mobile Device Wenxiao Zhang∗ Feng Qian Bo Han Pan Hui HKUST University of Minnesota George Mason University HKUST
[email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] ABSTRACT small fraction (15% to 20% pixel-wise) of the panoramic frame that In this paper, we design, implement, and evaluate DeepVista, which is usually delivered and decoded. is to our knowledge the first consumer-class system that streams In this study, we set an ambitious goal of streaming pristine- panoramic videos far beyond the ultra high-definition resolution resolution 360° panoramic videos that are far beyond the ultra high- (up to 16K) to mobile devices, offering truly immersive experiences. definition (UHD) quality on commodity mobile devices such as smart- Such an immense resolution makes streaming video-on-demand phones and untethered virtual reality (VR) headsets. To this end, (VoD) content extremely resource-demanding. To tackle this chal- we propose DeepVista, a system offering video-on-demand (VoD) lenge, DeepVista introduces a novel framework that leverages an content that has up to 16K resolution for matching the perception edge server to perform efficient, intelligent, and quality-guaranteed limit of human eyes (§2). Having a panoramic resolution of 16K×8K content transcoding, by extracting from panoramic frames the view- pixels, 16K videos offer 16× and 64× pixel density compared to 4K port stream that will be delivered to the client. To support real-time and 1080p ones, respectively, which provide flawless, cinematic transcoding of 16K content, DeepVista employs several key mecha- pictures and truly immersive experience.