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=Official Monthly Publication of th~ Society for Information Display = -.-. -= ~ .-........... = .-.. ----- --~-- - ---,_ ____ --------- Iii Uiii1iit IIUii July/August 1994 AICDI- -- - - DU..._, Vol. 1 0, No. 7 &8 - -- -- - -- ---~~-----. ------._. --._.- ---- Directory of display industry Optics for HMDs CeBIT '94 Cover: Photonics' 30-in. ac-plasma display :: Official Monthly Publication of the Society for Information Display panel - which was exhibited at SID '94 in June - has 1024 x 768full-color pixels on a display area of 24 x 18 in. for a full-color 111TUn1•1n I lUll pixel pitch of 0.59 mm. This panel has the largest number offull -color pixels of any emissive flat-panel display made to date. The JULY/AUGUST 1994 niCDI DU average white-area luminance is 30 JL, there VOL. 10, NO. 7&8 -- are 64 gray levels per color primary, and the frame rate is 60 frame sis, progressively scanned. 2 Editorial 4 The Display Continuum Just Imagine ... Aris Silzars 12 Optics for Head-Mounted Displays No matter how good the display, it takes a well-designed optical system to get the image to the _eye. Robert E. Fischer Photonics Systems, Inc./Photonics Imaging, Inc. 17 CeBIT '94 Germany's annual March extravaganza is the world's largest information-technology trade show. Next Month in Information Display Bryan Norris Monitor Issue • Microprocessor-controlled monitors 21 Industry Directory • Where are CRT monitors made? !D's eighth Annual Directory of the display industry con • European monitor market scene tinues to grow with over 750 entries. • The Way to San Jose Editorial Staff INFORMATION DISPLAY (ISSN 0362-0972) is publi shed ten 52 Letters times a year for the Society for In formati on Display by Pali sades Insti tute fo r Research Services, Inc. , 201 Varick Street, New York, NY 10014; David Slater, Chief Exec uti ve Officer; Leonard H. Klein, President; Laura Manganiello, Secretaryffreasurer. ED ITORIAL AND BUSINESS OFFICES: Palisades Inst itute for Research 54 New Products Services. Inc .. 20 1 Varick Street, New York, NY 1001 4; telephone 2 12/620-337 1. Send manusc ri pts to the attention of the Editor, TO. DISTRICT SALES OFFICES: WEST/MID-WEST - Ted Lucas. 5428 N.W. Pinery, Newpon, OR 97365; telephone 503/265-9140. EAST - Jay Morreale, Palisades In stitute fo r Research Services, Inc., 72 Index to Advertisers 201 Varick Street, Suite 1006, New York, NY 10014; 2 12/620-337 1. SID HEADQUARTERS, for correspondence on subscriptions and membership: Society for Informat ion Display, 1526 Brookhollow Drive, Suite 82, Santa Ana, CA 92705-5421; telephone 7 14/545- 1526; fax 7 14/545·1547. SUBSCRIPTIONS: Information Display is distributed without charge to those quali fied and to SID members as a benefit of membership (annu al dues $55.00). Subscri ptions to others: U.S. & Canada: $36.00 o ne year, $5 .00 single copy; e lsewhe re: $72.00 one year, $6.50 sing le copy. PRI NTED by Sheridan Pri nting Company. Alpha, NJ 08865. Third-class postage paid at Phi lli psburg, NJ. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Society for Info nnation Di splay, 1526 Brookhollow Drive, Suite 82, Santa Ana, CA 92705-542 1. PERMISSIONS: Abstracti ng is permitted with credit to th e source. Librari es are permitted to phorocopy beyond the limits of the U.S. copyright law fo r private use of patrons, providing a fee of $2.00 per arti cle is paid to the Copyri ght Clearance Center, 2 1 Congress Street, Salem, MA 01970 (reference serial code 0362-0972192/$2.00 + $0.00). Instructors are permitted to photocopy isolated artic les for noncommercial classroom usc without fcc. This permission does not apply to any special reports or lists published in this magazine. For other copying, reprint or republication pennission, write to Society for lnfonnation Di spl ay, 1526 Brookhollow Dri ve, Suite 82, Santa Ana, CA 92705· Information Display 7&8194 I 542 1. Copyright © 1994 Society fo r Information Di splay. All rights reserved. := OffiCial Monthly Pubhcat•on of the Soc 1ety for lnlormatton D•splay iilruniilfi i iuil ntliPll!~ Editor: Kenneth I. Werner Polizei for the Infobahn Managing Editor: Jay Morreale Administrative Editor: Ralph Nadell In his "Display Continuum" column this month, Aris Departments Editor: Joan Gorman Silzars points out that the Information Superhighway Editorial Assistant: Dian Mecca - now being called the "infobahn" as the original Contributing Editors: Howard L. Funk, moniker dies from overuse- is not the ideal conduit Alan Sobel, Ken Compton, Aris Silzars, for all kinds of information, and that it is not always Bryan Norris best for us to receive only the information we think to Advertising Manager: Jay Morreale ask for. There are benefits, Aris shows us, in allow District Sales Managers: Ted Lucas ing a third party to assemble the information we (West/Mid-West), Erika Suresky (East/Canada) receive, to make that information more accessible, and to surprise us with the selections. There is a name for that third party. The name is "editor." Editors serve a variety of functions, but one of the most important is quality control. Reviewers and critics stand guard over editors and control - or at least Regional Associate Editors comment upon- the quality of editors' efforts. In the world of scholarly pub Conrad A. Maxwell (Americas) lishing, whlch includes technical journals such as the Journal of the SID and VLSI Technology technical books, an elaborate peer-review process usually weeds out the utter Tempe, Arizona nonsense. Shigeo Mikoshiba (Asia) The fairly high quality of "gatekeeping" that has grown up with print media University of Electro-Communications over the last five centuries has not yet developed for electronic media. The Tokyo, Japan problem is least serious where there is no pretense of gatekeeping. If you put Alan Mosley (Europe) your dipper into the information sewage on the Internet, CompuServe, or any GEC Hirst Research Centre other largely unregulated network, you may find some diamonds in the brown Wembley, Middlesex, U.K. sludge you scoop up, but you know darn well that sludge is not beef bour Advisory Editors guignon. Let's leave my unfortunate metaphor in the sludge where it belongs Den ni s Bechis and simply say that you will have to make up your own mind as to the quality of David Sarnoff Research Center the information in your dipper. Princeton, New Jersey The problem is far more serious when your source is a glossily produced com Ken Compton mercial product that looks enough like its print analog that you think printerly Clinton Electronics Corp. standards apply. One unfortunate example that has come my way is Microsoft's Rockford, Illinois beautifully produced Encarta™ multimedia encyclopedia. Peter Pleshko New print encyclopedias (and new revisions) are carefully reviewed in publi PEMM Services cations aimed at professional librarians -and sometimes in more general publi Kingston, New York cations. As a result, most reference librarians have a hierarchy of major ency Andras I. Lakatos clopedias (and other reference works) in their heads. This hierarchy includes Xerox Corp. intended readership (grade school, hlgh school, literate adult, illiterate adult, Webster, New York etc.), clarity, accuracy and reliability, and whether the work is up to date. If you William C. Schneider look very hard at Encarta's documentation, you will find (but only on the copy Vice President right page) that it is based on the Funk & Wagnalls New Encyclopedia. This is MRS Technology, Inc. the encyclopedia that is sold in supermarkets, rarely appears on library shelves, Chelmsford, Massachusetts and spent some time as a national joke during the heyday of Rowan and Mar tin's old "Laugh-In" television show. The extremely successful Encarta is not a worthless product, but it is danger ous because Microsoft's skillful product packagers have put a very high gloss on an unreliable basic source. One example: the article on quantum theory, which is signed by the eminent George Gamow, has a final paragraph that refers to developments that occurred after Gamow died. Gamow's judgments in this field are second to none, but who added the post-Gamow material? Furthermore, since I'm now justifiably suspicious of Encarta's scholarly standards in general, has Encarta (or Funk & Wagnalls) modified the material Gamow wrote and continued on page 61 2 Information Display 7&8/94 SID Executive Committee President: A. I. Lakatos President Elect: W. E. Howard Regional VP, Americas: T. J. Nelson Regional VP, Asia: C. Suzuki Regional VP, Europe: J. N. Perbet Treasurer: A. C. Lowe Just Imagine ... Secretary: A. Silzars Past President: P. M. Heyman by Aris Silzars Directors Bay Area: H. Sherman Just imagine. It is a few years from now and the Beijing: S. Ding Canada: V. Angelo "Information Superhighway" is mostly in place. It is Delaware Valley: J. W. Parker ill early morning and the start of what you expect to be a France: F. Maurice typical work day. As usual, there is just barely Greater Dayton: R. Holmes Japan: A. Iwamoto enough time to enjoy a quick bowl of your favorite Korea: C. Lee J cereal and a second cup of coffee. As every morning, Los Angeles: D. Pinsky you do a little "parallel processing" and catch up on the latest world, business, Metropolitan Detroit: Z. Yaniv Mid-Atlantic: D. Ketchum and technology news. Life is so much more efficient now with the personalized Mid-Europe: E. Lueder newspaper flashing up on the computer screen in front of you. The articles have Minneapolis/St. Paul: V. Born been selected from the interest profile you provided and you get exactly the New England: W. Hamilton San Diego: R. Ruff news you said you wanted at a cost per article that seems a little steep, but then Taipei: C.