LCD!Fiat Panel They Are Built with Solid-State Technology and Th E Combination of a Flat Overlay with a Inspection/ Test/ Repair Have No Moving Parts to Wear Out
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=Off icial Monthly Publication of the Society for Information Display -=-..-. .=: ~ ~..-... -= ~ -~ iiiTUiil1111i----------------- i iUii----- niCDI DU July/August 1995 - -- - - ~ =a=~~=~= = -= = Vol. 11, No. 7&8 ---- - -------~~- _,.- Directory of display industry Projecting with LCDs Touch technology grows up CeBIT '95 review CO\ 'ER: Liquid CI)'Stals ( LCs) can be used for more than = Official Monthly Publication of the Society for Information Display dttctronic information displays. " Painting with Liquid Crystals over Acrylic Strips" by David Makow uses ~ ·siloxane liquid crystals developed by F. H. Kreuzer of '"acker Chemie, Munich. Germany. Th e vertical LC strokes overlay the acrylic red and blue s11·ips to cre(l{e tidditi\'e colors in the intersected areas. For example. the kft green LC stroke over the red acrylic strip produces a JULY/AUGUST 1995 ~1/owis lz area Tlus opens new oppoltwllftesfm pamren , VOL. 11 , NO. 7&8 · Jw are restricted to subtractive colors with traditimwl IIJLdia. In addition. the LC colors shift towards shorter 'A"Clre/engtlzs when viewed from an angle, making the palm in ·s illleraction with the viewer and their shared environ melll more dynamic. This palming, along with other of the 2 Editorial anist 's rwo- and three-dimensional works, was exhibiTed at !he Society for Information Display's Mid·Atlantic Chapter Wrong-Sizing Technology-Based Companies meeting on April 12, held at the Soho branch of the Ken Werner Guggenheim Museum in New York City. Dr. Makow spoke a1 1he meeting to a mixed audience of display professionals and artists. Dr. Makow can be reached Clf Creative The Display Continuum Explorations. 01/awa. Canada: 6 131745·5623. 4 The Wonderful World of Color. Aris Silzars 10 Projecting with LCDs LCD panels and projectors account for a modest but rapidly growing number of liquid-crystal displays. William L. Coggshall 14 Touch Technology Grows Up The need for simpler human interfaces to ever more compli Credit: David Makow cated technological systems is making touch a growth industry. Next Month in Wayne Wehrer Information Display 20 CeBIT '95 SID '95 Review Issue • Overview Under sunny skies, the last seven-day-long CeBIT drew • FPD Review record crowds, while monitor manufacturers muttered darkly • CRT Review of tube shortages. • Manufacturing Review Bryan Norris • FPDs in Europe INFORMA TIO D ISPLAY {ISSN 0362-0972) is publ ished ten 28 Industry Directory times a year for the Society for Inform ation Di splay by Palisades Institute for Research Services. Inc. , 201 Vari ck Street. cw York. ID s ninth annual directory of the display industry. NY 100 14; Dav id Slater. Chief Executi ve Officer; Leonard H. Klein. President: Laura Manganiell o. Secretaryffreasurer. ED ITORI AL Editorial Staff AND BUS INESS OFFICES: Palisades Insti tu te for Research Services. Inc .. 20 1 Varick Street. New York. NY 10014: telephone 2 12/620-337 1. Send manuscripts to the attention of the Ed itor. 10. DISTRICT SALES OFFICES: WEST/MID-WEST - Ted Lu cas. 61 New Products 5428 N.W. Pinery. Newport . OR 97365: telephone 503/265-9 140. EAST - Erika Targum. Pali sades Institute fo r Research Services. Inc .. 201 Varick Street, Suite 1006. New York, Y 10014:212/620- 3375. SID HEADQUARTERS. for correspondence on subscriptions 73 Calendar and me mbers hip : Society for Information Dis play. 1526 Brookholl ow Dri ve. Suite 82. Santa Ana, CA 92705-542 1; telephone 7 14/545-1526: fax 7 14/545-1547. SUBSCRIPTIO S: Informati on Di splay is distributed without charge to those qual ified and to SID 76 SID News me mbe rs as a bene fi t of me mbe rs hip (annua l dues $55.00). Subscriptions to others: U.S. & Canada: $36.00 one year. $5.00 s ingle copy: e lsewhe re: $72.00 o ne year, 56.50 si ng le copy. 84 Index to Advertisers PRI NTED by Sheridan Printing Company, Al pha. NJ 08865. Third class postage paid at Easton. PA. PERMISS IONS : Abstrac ting is permitted with credit to the source. Libraries arc permitted to photocopy beyond the limits of the U.S. copyright law fo r pri vate usc of patrons. providing a fc c o r $2.00 per arti cle is paid to the Copyri ght Clearance Ce nter. 2 1 Congress Street. Salem. MA 0 1970 (reference serial code 0362-0972/95/$1. 00 + $0.00). In structors arc perm itted to pho tocopy iso lated arti c les for no ncommercial classroom usc without fee. This permi ssion docs not apply to any specia l reports or lists published in thi s magazine. For other copying. reprint or repub licati on permission. write to Society fo r ln fon11 ation Display. 1526 Brookhollow Drive. Suite 82. Santa Ana. CA 92705- Information Display 7&8195 1 542 1. Copyright © 1995 Society for In fo rmati on Display. All rights reserved. = Ollicial Mont hl y Publ ication of the Soc •ety tor Information Display ifirunPJEiTiOD n1c;P1=='!!!!!§"" =-= 1111 = Editor: Kenneth I. Werner Wrong -Sizing Technology-Based Managing Editor: Jay Morreale Companies Administrative Editor: Ralph Nadell Departments Editor: Joan Gorman The "right-sizing"- meaning "down-sizing"- of Assistant Editor: Dian Mecca companies has become part of the politically correct Contributing Editors: Howard L. Funk, manager's conventional wisdom. As part of today's Alan Sobel, Ken Compton, Aris Silzars, managerial religion, right-sizing is as inviolate as Bryan Norris, Renee Mello-Robinett, baseball and apple pie used to be in the United States. Joe Hallett But baseball isn't what it used to be, and I've had Advertising Manager: Jay Morreale Director of Sales: Erika Targum some pretty poor slices of apple pie recently. It's District Sales Managers: Ted Lucas time to take another look at what the right size for a company - particularly a (West/Mid-West), Erika Targum technology-based company- really is. (East/International) Has a company been pruned to its "right size" when skilled and (one hopes) well-paid technical, marketing, and managerial employees must spend hours providing their own support services -from sorting through voice mail to doing Regional Associate Editors routine bench work and writing product documentation? When new products take longer to get to market because skilled personnel are not allowed to spend Conrad A. Maxwell (Americas) most of their time getting them out the door? Has a company been "right-sized" VLSI Technology when important callers can not reach a live person and call-backs are sometimes Tempe, Arizona delayed for days? When support functions are outsourced, but in-house profes Shigeo Mikoshiba (Asia) sionals and managers do not have enough time to adequately coordinate the out University of Electro-Communications side suppliers? Has a company been slashed to its "right size" when crisis-type Tokyo, Japan work schedules become institutionalized, depriving employees of necessary per Alan Mosley (Europe) sonal time, of time to think about what they do, of the decompression time GEC Hirst Research Centre needed to avoid burn-out? Wembley, Middlesex, U.K. These are signs of "wrong-sizing" rather than "right-sizing," and the examples Advisory Editors are not imaginary. Information Display 's staff has encountered all of them in Dennis Bechis our dealings with companies and individuals. When a company exhibits any of David Sarnoff Research Center these signs, it indicates that its infrastructure has been so decimated that it is Princeton, New Jersey positioning itself for a less-competitive future. What is insidious about the con Ken Compton dition, though, is that expenses are often down. And since income is being Clinton Electronics Corp. derived from the products produced by the adequate- and, to be sure, often Rockford, Illinois bloated- staffs of the past, the bottom line looks good. But spending too little Peter Pleshko on infrastructure is like spending too little on R&D: it makes you look good now PEMM Services but it kills you in the long run. Kingston, New York In this age of fierce international competition, many companies have long Andras I. Lakatos since cut away their fat. They are now carving the flesh and even whittling Xerox Corp. away on the bone. To change metaphors, it's time we stop trying to squeeze Webster, New York ever more blood from ever smaller stones. We need to analyze missions and William C. Schneider task requirements, and rationally staff departments to perform those tasks and Vice President fulfill those missions. And in many cases today, this kind of rational right-siz MRS Technology, Inc. ing will mean growth. Chelmsford, Massachusetts -Ken Werner SOCIETY OF NATIONAL ASSOCIA>TION PUBLICATIONS 2 Information Display 7& 8195 SID Executive Committee President: A. l. Lakatos President Elect: W. E. Howard Regional VP, Americas: T. J. Nelson Regional VP, Asia: C. Suzuki Regional VP, Europe: J. N. Perbet Treasurer: A. C. Lowe The Wonderful World of Color ... Secretary: A. Silzars Past President: P. M. Heyman Directors by Aris Silzars Bay Area: H. Sherman Beijing: S. Ding "Up to 1280 x 1024 resolution in 16.7 MILLION Belarus: A. Smirnov COLORS," proclaimed the ad for the 64-bit graphics Canada: V. Angelo Delaware Valley: J. W. Parker ill accelerator. Wow, that's a lot of colors, thought I to France: F. Mauri ce myself. Let's see, if I want to create some computer Greater Dayton: R. Holmes art, how should I go about it? Perhaps I could do the Japan: A. Iwamoto Korea: C. Lee J sky in a nice shade of 14,233,142 or should it be Los Angeles: P. Baron 14,233,141? Then, maybe I'll do a few strokes of 8,444,677 for every third Metropolitan Detroit: Z.