Baseband Video Testing with Digital Phosphor Oscilloscopes
Application Note Baseband Video Testing With Digital Phosphor Oscilloscopes Video signals are complex pose instrument that can pro- This application note demon- waveforms comprised of sig- vide accurate information – strates the use of a Tektronix nals representing a picture as quickly and easily. Finally, to TDS 700D-series Digital well as the timing informa- display all of the video wave- Phosphor Oscilloscope to tion needed to display the form details, a fast acquisi- make a variety of common picture. To capture and mea- tion technology teamed with baseband video measure- sure these complex signals, an intensity-graded display ments and examines some of you need powerful instru- give the confidence and the critical measurement ments tailored for this appli- insight needed to detect and issues. cation. But, because of the diagnose problems with the variety of video standards, signal. you also need a general-pur- Copyright © 1998 Tektronix, Inc. All rights reserved. Video Basics Video signals come from a for SMPTE systems, etc. The active portion of the video number of sources, including three derived component sig- signal. Finally, the synchro- cameras, scanners, and nals can then be distributed nization information is graphics terminals. Typically, for processing. added. Although complex, the baseband video signal Processing this composite signal is a sin- begins as three component gle signal that can be carried analog or digital signals rep- In the processing stage, video on a single coaxial cable. resenting the three primary component signals may be combined to form a single Component Video Signals. color elements – the Red, Component signals have an Green, and Blue (RGB) com- composite video signal (as in NTSC or PAL systems), advantage of simplicity in ponent signals.
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