Dunkirk High School Dunkirk, New York

Clas of Nineteen Hundred and Sixty-Nine pre ent


Our joys and sorrows, our challenges and satisfactions, our successes and failures: by these we live, not in the number of years, but in the number of things we have done. It i not how long we have lived that is important, but how we have lived. A year is unimportant unless something worth remembering happened during it. The tides of these reflections are our , though the deeds are gone and can never be brought back. But through the power of our memory we can experience the feelings of those days forever. If we are rich in nothing else, we are very rich in our reflections. We would be the poorest of the poor if we had none. This ability to reflect is as vast as a wil­ derness, as far reaching as the universe, a powerful as the shining sun, and as irre­ placeable as time itself. Through them we can create roses in December, see happiness where once sorrow was, turn the winter of our dis­ tress into the summer of our joy. All thing pass: time, money, even friends,-nothing is ours--only our memory of things past remain with us throughout all our years. These reflec­ tions are ours alone-to others they mean nothing. No Shakespeare could ever put into words their significance to the individual who possesses them-they are in themselves the perfect novel, the purest poetry. Who could ever express tho e moments of greatness: cor­ ing a touchdown ... acting in the play ... cheering . . . laughing . . . a friend . . . These are our souls and our spirits. They are our link between the past and the present, the link between what we were and what we are.

"Our life is like some vast lake that is slowly filling with the stream of our years. As the waters creep surely upward the landmarks of the past are one by one submerged. But there shall always be memory to lift its head above the tide until the lake is overflowing."

Alexander . . Bt n TABLE OF CONTENTS


6 7 8


Board of Education

Edward A. Zuchowski, Superintendent of Building .

12 Board of Education Offices

Mary Palmeri

Alene Kaufman, Carolyn Tere e

Beverly Sinko. Jean zwebka Robert L. Cooley uperintendent of chools


Graduates: rnold Bennett ha said the real tragedy ts the tragedy of the man who never in his life brace him elf for hi one supreme effort, who never stretches to his full capacity, never tands up to hi · full tature. You arc now equipped to make the most of yourself that you po ibly can. II school staff members who have known ecretary to the Superintendent you o er the years desire you to achieve your goals and hope you will be successful in TA 01 G P TO YO R F LL T TUR ~We wi h you wdl.

Robert L. Cooley uperintendent of chools

M r . Pagano, tenographer. Principal

'1: ou \\ho arc graduating will soon discover that your years at Dunkirl.: High <:,chool were happy ones and pas ed b) much too quick!). Dunng this penod you have developed the ability to think. to work with other . to assume leader hip. to hold fast to the fundamental moral and democratic \a lues in the face of pre - sure. se these talents to guide )OUr action in the conviction that Mr Parlato and Mrs. Eleanor 1evert, your future\\ ill indeed be bright. 'icLrctary I wi h you succes 111 attaming your goals. good health along your journey and the sati faction that attends a job well done.

Jo eph l . Parlato Director of econdary Education

15 Faculty

William A. Krawczyk English Depart111ent

Catherine A. Morrissey

18 Daniel J. Durkin

Raymond Case

ell eth hap1ro 19 History Department

John J . Mancuso, Chairman

Jerome Gavin

Terry Wolfenden

20 Henry J . Colicchia

Guy J.... . 1evert 21 Language Departtnent

Oscar A. Bixby

Stanley J . Vnuk Art Departtnent

Tere a Schober, hairman Science Department

Arthur Clever Joseph J . Piwowarski

Richard Dudzic Guido Guayasamin, Chairman

Brent Wolford Daniel Anderson Rexford Ingham

Math Department

Marvin Zirkle

Lawrence Keefe Industrial Arts

Earl Hahn

Richard Krug Vincent Keough

Physical Education

Allan Stuhlmiller 27 Edith Osborne. Librarian Business Department

Anthony ont1, Cha1rman

Jack Shubert

Paul Olkowski

Ru ell Taylor


Pupil Personnel

Andrew J. Hawke John E. Ru ka Pupil Per onnel oordinator

Howard D. Brown

Mary Whitney, Thoma~ Victoria Motto Ivory. and I 1 z abet h and Robert huck Welka Student Teachers

R Kopek, Science

S. Goodwyn, Engli h E. Taylor, History

D. Henrich, Science

M. Accetta. Language General School Personnel

Michael Lack, ustodian

32 Cafeteria Staff: Florence Karin. Lolita Halberg. Joan Bruno, ngelina Fedor. leanor l<..ane Seniors

rhomas "v1uzacz Prcsldt:nt

Mary Jane DiPietro Vice-Pre idcnt

Bet} Roman Trea urer

36 Class History

rhlS )'Car's graduating class, the lass of 1969, has nm tie on the Cloud ··. Then on Februar)' I 7. \ve \vere the gue t of had four years of unforgettable and exciting events on \\hich the las· of '68 at the Winter Ball. Mr. pma · band and the we can reflect. From our Freshman year, one of adjustment to fest1vel)' decorated g)'m set the theme of the Ball. "My tical the new social and academic life, to our cnior )'Car. a )Car \1ard1 Gra ". On the follm., ing da)' a now part)' \\a held at tilled with the approach of our graduation, we have stn-ved to John XI II enter in a sadaga. . Y .. where tobaganning learn and to mature 111 order to be able to meet the challenges of and kimg were greatly enjoyed b) tho e who attended. Then. the world that awaits us. in late Februar)'. we received our cia ring . for \\h1ch \\e had fhat tirst year we elected ue \1e)'er. Janet Kuzdalc. long awaited. nd final!), on March 14-15, our cia pia) "You ancy Clarke, and Linda Ardillo as our officers. \\ ith the Can't Take It With You", directed b)' Mr. ase, was pre ented. a i tance of Mr. Krawcz)' k, we planned and earned out the Sue Pupcnbroke. Paul aglionc. Frank Ma lach. and Tom variou activitie ·of our Fre hman )'Car. One of the act!\ ities 1n \1uzacz held the leading roles. which we participated was the annual Homecoming, held in Our cnior year finall)' arrived, and \\e elected Tom ovember, for which \\C cho c uc Meyer a· our Class queen. \1uzacz. Pre ident. Mar)' Jane DiPietro, vice-pre idem, Lavon nother wa our Cia · part)', held in mid-Januaf)'. \\ hich ma) heffield. recording ecretaf)'. all) Hu ch, corre ponding be con idered the highlight of our Freshman year. ecrctar)'. and Bet) Roman, trea urer. The final high- chool In our ophomore year we elected Tom Muzacz. Mari­ homecoming for the emor pro-ved to be the mo t exciting of anne Bender, Mary Jane DiPietro, and athy Petz as our cia s all. with Mar)' Jane DiPietro being elected Homecoming Queen officer . Thi year we cho ·e Linda Kupwa a our homecommg b) the entire tudent bod)'. The enior contribution to the queen. Later in the year, on Februar)' I . our cia· part)' \Va Parade wa a float with the theme of "Whip the Hu k1e ... held, the theme of v.hich was "Japanese Gardens". It wa a quite appropriate ince the Marauder were pia)' i ng the Hu kie ver)' memorable evenmg for all who attended. Iso that)' e

37 Charle Acker Barbara dams

Karen Diane Andrasik

38 Mary Andrew Linda Ardillo Angela Aronone David Banach

Virginia Baran Linda Barnes

Mary Kristina Barne Mark BarLne William Barthold Marianne Bender

Joanne Benenati William Berek

40 Peter Biala zewski John Bielecki John Bongiovanni Linda Borowcz)k.

James Brenecki

41 Rebecca Brook Jerome alii Donald Campe e Frederick Catalano

Arthur Centner Bruce Chrabasz

42 Michael Cieslewicz ancy Iarke Jan lifford Concctta Crino

David Cri cione Gail Darling

43 Maureen DelPopolo Florence De zcz icholas DiCara Charle Dietzen

Margaret Dill April DiLorenzo

Mary Jane DiPietro Linda Doino Dolore Dolan Karen Dorler

Susan Dorler Erick Doyle

Donna Drummond Gerald Drummond Mark Drummond Patricia Dubiel

Diane Dudzic Cindy Dutton

46 Timothy Dyka 1 ames Fafinski Patricia Feser Harley Fink

Martha Fitzer John Fitzgerald

Terry Frazier Cheryl Furnar 47 Robert Garigal Linette Gaura

Jame Gennu o Deborah Giambra

48 Pauline Ginley Rebecca Gitting Gary Glapa Randal Go

teven Gould David Grave

49 Karen Grave Su an Grave Mollie Greder Dennis Grimm

Mary Ann Gullo Bernard Haagen en

50 Jame Hall Michael Halpainy Patricia Hanlon Wayne Heckathorn

Matthew Hodorowicz Denni Hoffman

51 Henry Hube ally Hu h Henr) Jacchino John Jacchino

Timothy J akubiec ancy J clonek

52 Daniel Jopek Rhonda l uhr Carl Kachermeyer Kathryn Kaleta

Ricarda ue Kalfas licia Kamin ki

53 Ralph Kaus Thomas Keppel Dm id Klepan::k. nne Klock.o

Mary nn Kola a Thoma Komada

54 Philip Kordon Larisa Korytko haron Kozlow ki Robert Kr /)lanowic/

Diana Kubasik Edward Kucmierz

Linda Kujawa Barney Kuzara 55 Janet Kuzdale dward Kuziora

hri tine Kuznicki John LaMattina

56 Patricia Lemiszko Bruce Levando ki usan Levandos"-1 Jill Levy

Craig Me lhaney Charle · Madur "-i

57 Michael Mahon Richard Maj"-a Linda Martin Loretta Martin

Charlotte Martinelli Francis Maslach

58 Mark Maslakow ki Bonnie Maternowski Jerome Matyjakow ki Kathleen Mekus

Suzanne Meyer Daniel Miller

59 Jame Miller \\alter Mit\HI \tar) \nn Mlcczk.o \ilarsha \!lore)

Le lie Morgan Suzanne Mourer

60 Robert Mozgawa Jean Mucha Thoma Muzacz Frank alepa

Thoma a lund Mary Ann Oddo

61 David Odebral ki S. Kevin O'Hu k} Carol Organ ynthia Pachol

Jo eph Pagano

62 Thomas Parkman George Rickter M1chele Parlato Donna Parmelee

Mary Ann Par ons Michele Parsons

63 Linda Pawlow ki J arne Pazder ki Mary Ann Pencek Michael Pencek

Frank Penkaty Susan Perry

64 Peter Pett Catherine Petz Steven Pry II Margaret Przybcicn

u an Pupenbrot..e Mcrl Rabb

65 Michael Radloff Paul aglionc Peter S)-n ki Grace Ricotta

lfredo Rio John Rivera

66 Bet y Roman Jo eph Ro otto Richard Rybij Alfred Saletta

Mark Sam Susan Sandhoff

67 Sandra Schmidt Theodore hmitz Arlene Schrantz Margaret Seekings

Karen Seibert William Sell

68 Lavon Sheffield Edda Skrypnik !bert Smtth Diane obczak

William omerfcldt

69 \\aync tolinsk.i \11ichael torcy Daniel Sullivan raig utton

Deborah wierk Mar] Jane Sy el

70 William zary Janice zopin ki Ronald Szopinski Denni Tarnow ki

Janice Tarnowski Judith Tenamore

71 Frank Te ta huron Tibbett Gar:- Tippens Janet T'ofil

Keith Tra k John Tylock

72 Janet Tynan all) baney Rosalind Vacanti l'IJanC)· Valentine

ancy Valone Su an andeVelde

73 Laura Waller Kenneth Warmbrodt Cynthia Wells Roberta We tling

Diane White Gregory Whitney

74 ancy Wicks Joyce Wil on Darla Winder David Vv i niew ki

David Wlodarek Darlene Wolfe

75 Martha Wolfe Mariano Woro z Margaret Wuerstle Thoma Ziehn ki Michael Zimmer

DHS Students Abroad

Michael Gotowka wed en

Kenneth Sage Germany

Neal Rzepkow ki 76 France Valedictorian

1 here i no more fitting a tir>1e to consider tomor­ row than no\\, \\hen the rctlcctions ot } est erda} arc so near at hand. It is these reflectiOns of the past that may sen c as inspiration tor the creation of a better future. a future in \vhich peace. freedom, and the brotherhood of all men arc realities. and not just dreams. I hus. each of us must consider the role which he\\ ill tat...c 111 the world of tomornm. \\ill you be an apathetic per­ son, indifferent to the cries of human it}. dependent upon the state for your livelihood? Or, \VIII you dedi­ cate your life to the betterment of mant...ind. through your choice of a career. and by the manner in which you pursue this career? rhc choice IS your , and may the choice be one so that in years to come you can re­ tlect upon it and be glad it was the chmce you made.

Donna Parmelee

Mary nn Kola a


Graduation -a moment for no talgic retlec­ tion . per onal ati ·factiOn. and anticipatiOn of the future. It i. a beginning that\\ ill reach no end. The foundations upon which the remainder of our live. \\ill be built have been firmly c tabli hed. ur tleeting h1gh chool year , nO\\ but plea ant mcmorie . htn: e afforded to every one of u ample opportunity to prepare oursehe to a ume our immediate role in ·ocict} be it marriage. a a­ reer. or the pur.uit of higher educ.l!Ion. Ithough it may not be po ible for e\ ery graduate to achieve the pinnacle of uc e , let each of u en­ deavor to attain the a pi ration deare. t to him.

77 Fir.1t f

Regents Scholarship

Top Twenty

Fir.\t row: Karen . nne Klocl..o. Jill Lev}. \1ary nn Kolassa. Donna Parmelee. Rosalind Vacanti. Peggy Wuerstle. ancy Jelonel... Second rem· harle cl..er, \!1chael Cieslewicz. Timothy Jal..ub1ec. Ronald zopinsl..1. ind} Dutton. V1rgm1a Baran. !fred aletta. Mollie Greder. Patnc1a Dubiel, D1ane Andrasil.., usan Levandoski, arol Organ.

78 National Merit

\ 1rgmia Baran. Charle d.er. lfred aletta. Donna Parmelee.


It's Academic

First ro11: Mr. an 1iller. Second nm: Mary nn Kolassa. harle cker, Donna Parmelee. Third row: 1r. Ka"" ki . adviser. Senior Superlatives

Mr. and Mr . DH \1ichclc Parlato and \\ illiam Barthold

Most Collegiate Virginia Baran and Ronald zopinsk.i

Most Likely to Succeed Cind:r Dutton and lfred aletta

Most Intelligent 80 Donna Parmelee and Charlc Ack.cr Mo t Dramat1c Susan Pupcnbrokc and Mark am

Mo t Sophi ticated Su an ande eld and Michael Mahon

Per onality Plus Mary Jane DiPietro and Bernard Haagen en

Mo t hool pirit Mo t Dependabl 81 Marianne Bender and Thoma Muzacz Bet:> Roman and David Wi niew ki Be t Dressed Janet Kuzdale and Jerr} alii

Friendlie t Mary Andrews and Davtd Kelparek

Mo t Attractive Linda Kujawa and Craig Me lhane}

haracter Plus Deborah wierk and Frank Pcnkaty

82 Mo t Individualistic Anne Klocko and rick Doyle

Mot Mu ical Mollie Greder and Ted chmitz

Mo t Artistic Jill Levy and Bruce Lcvand ski

Mo t Athletic Be t Dancer Jan lifford and Da id Criscione Maureen DclPopolo and Robert .uigal 83 Mo t Fun-loving Linda Doino and Gary Tippens

Biggest Line Arlene hrantz and Jo eph Pagano

Brighte t Blu her Roberta We tling and William Berek

Biggest Flirt Kathy Meku and Barney Kuzara

8-4 Mo t Talkative Larisa Korytko and Matthew Hodorowicz

Apple Poli her · Mar)' Ann Kola a and Merl Rabb

M t Courteous Sally Hu h and Thoma Komada

Quiete t uzanne Mourer and dward Kuzmierz

85 Senior Class Play

This year Senior Cia s pre ented Guy Bolton's "Three Blind 'vfice" as its cia play. Centered on the ac­ tivitie of three i ter who leave their chicken farm to go to Florida in search of a rich husband for one of them. The play proved to be entertainment for cast and audience alike. Directed by Mr. William Krawczyk, the play ap­ peared on ovember 14 and 15 in the Dunkirk High Auditorium. The main role were played by Peggy Wuer tle, Jill Levy, and Sue Pupenbroke, a the three i ter , who were supported by Bernie Haagensen, Al Saletta, and Gary Tippens in the role of the pro pective hu bands. "You tell 'em!"

"What's going on here?" 87 Senior Memories

88 89 90 91

93 Senior Participation

Charles Acker FS; French Club 3; German Club 1-4, Varsity Basketball 3,4; Track 2; Student Council 1,2; AF , President 2,4, 1cc-Pres1dcnt 3; \ arslty High chool Bowl 3; Ba cball 4; Spanish Club I. rtlculation 3,4; Junior lass Play Cast; It's Academic. Linda Borowczyk- FS; Future Homemakers 4. Barbara dams.--h\ Tov.:cr 4; AF ; FBLA 3,4; Drill Team I; iris ftcr-schoo( ports I ,2. James Brenecki--AFS; lntramurals 1-3.

Karen dams- Ivy Tower, a-Editor; tudent ouncil 2; Rebecca Brooks--AFS; French Club I ,2; FBI .A; Service Honor x:icty 3, ICc-President 4; French Club 1-4; Red Club; ki Club; After chool sport . ro -- Youth, ecretary 4; horus I . Jerry Callis--Track I; FS; German Club l-4; Ski Club Diane ndra ik Ivy Tm1vcr, Co-Feature Editor; Honor o­ I ,3,4; Junior Class Play stage crew. cicty 3,4; Spanish Club 2,3,4; Service Club 4; Varsit) High School Bowl 3 ; Photograph) Club 4 . Donald Campe e-JV Football I ,2; Var ity Football 3; Track 2,3; lntramurals 1-4; AFS, German Club 1,2; Service Club Mary Andrew lvy Tower, o-managmg Editor; Student 3,4; tage Crew 4; enior lass Play stage crew. Council 3; AF ; Citizen 2,3,4; French Club 3,4; Spanish Club 1,2; Red Cro s Youth 3; crvice Club 3,4; Articulation 4; Fred Catalano-AFS; Chadakoin Football I; JV Football I; Junior Ia - Pia) stage crew; enior Class Play stage crew. Var it) Football 2; Intramural 2,3; Auto Mechanics I ,2; BOCES. Linda Ardillo-Intramurals 1-4; Student Council I ,2,3; AFS; Girl D Club 3, argeant at rm - 4; German Club 1-4, Secre­ Arthur Ccntner-lntramurals 1-4; Latin Club; Track 2; AF tary I, Trea urer 2, Student Council Representative 3; Service Club 3,4; Articulation 3,4; Frc hman Cia Treasurer; Junior Bruce Chrabasz-JV Football I; Intramural 1-4; AF . Cia ·s Play tage cre\v; Senior Clas Play Cast. Michael Cieslcwicz-AFS; lntramurals 1-4. Angela Arnone tudcnt Council 1,2; AFS; FBLA 3; Red Cross Youth 2; Future Homemakers I ,2; Service Club I ,2; Nancy Clark tudent Council I, Secretary 2; AFS; Citizen, Drill Team 2; ki Club 3. 2, Bu iness Manager; Feature Editor 3,4; French Club I ,2; Service Club I ,2; Freshman Class Secretary. David Banach-AFS. Jan Clifford wimming 3,4; lntramurals 1-4; AFS; Girl' Virginia Baran tudent Council 3,4; AFS; Honor Society D Club 2-4; FTA 1-4; French Club 3,4; Spanish Club 1; Red 3,4 Sergeant at Arms 3; Girl D Club 3,4; French Club 2,3,4; Cro Youth 2; Future Homemakers I; Service Club 3; Latin lub I ,2; er icc Club 3.4; High School Bowl 3,4; Ski Twirler 2; Photography lub 3,4; Biology Club 2,4; Science Club 3,4; Articulation 3. Club 1-2; Lifeguard 3,4; Art 1-4.

Linda Barnc tudent ouncil I ,2,4; AFS; FBLA I ,2,4; Concetta Crine-Ivy Tower; AFS; FBLA 4. Spanish Club I ,2; Red Cro ·s Youth 2; ervice Club I ,2; Ski Club I ,3; Biology Club 2. David Cri cione-J Football I; Var ity Foot­ ball 2-4; JV Ba ketball I; Varsity Basketball 2-4; Ba eball Mary Kri tina Barnes--Ivy Tower; FBLA 3,4; AFS; Drill 1-4; Student Council 2; AFS; Citizen 4; Boy' D lub 2-4, Team I; Ski Club 1-4; After chool port I ,2. Pre ident 4; Service Club 3,4.

Mark Barone-AF . Gail Darling-AFS; FBLA I.

William Barthold-JV Football I ,2; Varsity Football 3,4; Maureen DeiPopolo-JV Cheerleader 2; Var ity Cheer­ JV Ba ketball 1,2; Track 2,3; Intramural 3; Student Council leader 3,4; Intramurals 1-4; AFS; Ivy Tower; Girl's D Club 3,4, President 4; Boy's D Club 2,3,4; Citizen 4; Latin Club 2-4; Citizen 4; French Club 1,2; Service lub 3; Twirler I; I ,2; crvice Club 4; Junior Class Play cast. Junior Clas Play ca t.

Marianne Bcndcr-JV cheerleader I ,2; Varsity cheerleader Florence De zcz-Red Cros Youth 2; AFS. 3,4; Ivy Tower; tudent Council I ,2,3; AFS; Girl' D Club 4; French Club 3; panish lub I ,2; crvice Club I ,3; Sopho- Nick DiCara-JV Ba ketball 2; Var ity Ba ketball 3,4; Track more Ia Vice-Pre idcnt; Junior Cia icc-Pre ident. 2; Intramural I; Boy' D lub 4; German Club I; ervice Club 4; AFS; Senior Cia s Play stage crew. William Berek-JV Ba ketball I ,2; Var ity Basketball 3,4; Cro ountry; F . Charle Dietzcn-AFS.

Peter Biala zewski-AF . Margaret Mary Dill-Ivy Tower; Red Cross Youth 3,4; AF Future Homemaker 2-4; Drill Team 2-4. John Bielecki- AFS; German Club I ,2,4; Stage Crew 4; Biology Club 3; enior Class Play stage crew; con tructed Mary-Jane DiPietro-AFS; Student Council 1,2; Girl's D 302 Chevy engine in Auto Shop. Club 3,4; French Club 1,2; Service lub 4; Choru 4; Pho­ tography Club 3; Sophomore Cia s ecretary; enior Clas Michael Bonasera-Boy' D Club 1,2; AFS. Vice-Pre ident. John Bongiovanni-JV Basketball, Chadakoin League I ,2; Linda Doino-AFS; Student Council 2; Spani h lub 1,2;

94 French Club 3.4; Red Cross Youth 2,3, Skt Club 4, cnwr Robert Garigai- J Football I ,2; FS. Class Play stage crew; worked wtth Homecomtng 1967, 196R ; Junior Prom and Sophomore Class Party. Ltnctte Gaura- AF ; Future Homemakers 2: crvicc Club 4. Dolores Dolan- AF , Intramurals 2, Ivy Tower; tudent J arne Gcnnuso- AF . Council 4, FBL.A 3,4, Red Cross Youth 2; Future Home­ makers 3; ervice Club 4; Junior Class Play stage crew; Deborah Giambra-AF ; Future Homemakers, President 2. entor Class Play cast and stage crew; Homecoming Com­ mtttec 1967-6R , pirit Day 3,4; cntor Party ommittee. Pauline Gtnlcy-AF ; FBL 3,4.

Karen Dorler- Intramurals I ,2, AF ; Red Cros Youth 2,3; Rebecca Gtttings-AF ; tudent ouncil 2,3; French Club Future Homemakers 2-4. 1-3; Service Club 2-4; cnior Class Play tage ere\\.

usan Dorlcr Ivy Tov,:er; F , German lub I ,2; Future Gary Glapa F ; lntramurals 1-4. Homemaker · I. Randy Go - AFS; lntramurals 1-4; FBLA 4. Eric Doyle- FS; Track 3; Cittzcn. Steven Gould-AFS; J\ Football I ,2; ar ity Football 3,4: Donna Drummond-AF ; FBLA 3,4. Track I ,2; Intramurals 1-4; Boy' D Club, icc-Pre ident; pani h Club I; Service lub 3,4; Band I ,2, Dance Band 2; Jerry Drummond-AFS; JV Football I ,2; Var ity Football Junior Cia Play ca t. 4; Track 4; wimming 4; Tennis 2; Intramural 1-4; Boy's D lub 4; Cititcn; German Club 1-3; FBL 4, Biology lub 2. David Gravcs- AF . Mark Drummond-AFS; JV Football 2; Varsity Football 3; Karen Graves--AFS; FBLA 3; Service Club 4. Intramurals 3,4; Senior Ia Play stage crcv•. Sue Graves-- FS; Ivy Tower; tudent Council 4; FTA 3; Patricia Dubici-AF ; Intramurals 1-4; Ivy Tower; tudent FBLA 3; Future Homemaker 3,4; Photography Club 3. Council 3; Honor Society 3,4; itizen, Bu inc Manager 4; FBLA 3,4; Red Cros · Youth 2,3; Future Homemaker 2: Mollie Gredcr-AFS; FTA 4; Honor Society 3,4; FBLA 3,4, Service Club 4; Drill Team 2; Junior Cia sPlay stage ere\\. Reporter; Red Cro s Youth 2-4; Debate Club 3,4; Band 1-4; Chorus I; Junior Cia · Play cast; Senior Cia s Play ca t; Diane Dudzic-AFS; Intramurals 1-3: Ivy Tower; FBLA NYSSMA Fe tival. 3,4; Red Cros Youth 2,3; Future Homemaker 2,3. Denni Grimm- AF ; rack I ,2. Cindy Dutton-Ivy Tower Co-Editor; AFS; Band 1-4; Future Teachers 1-4; Honor ocicty 3,4: French Club 1-4; Red Mary Ann Gullo--AF ; FBLA 3; Future Homemaker 2. Cro · · Youth, President 2-4; Service Club 4; Debate Club 1-4; Interclass High School Bowl 3; Junior Cia Play tage crew; Bernard Haagen en-J Football I ,2; ar ity Football 3; Fredonia Mu ic Clinic 2,3; NY MA Festival 1-4; VFW J Ba ketball I ,2; AF ; Bowling 3,4; Intramural 2-4; tu­ Voice of Democracy contest 2-4; Red Cros Youth-Manlius dent Council 1-3; German Club 1-3; ervice Club I ,2; Senior Leadership Training Center 2; Early Admi ions Program, Class Play ca t. S Y at Fredonia. J arne Hall- F . Timothy Dykas--JV Football I; Varsity Football, letter 2,3; Michael Halpainy- F ; FBLA 3,4; Red ro Youth 1-4; J Basketball; Track I ,2; Intramural 3,4; AFS; Student Photography lub 2. Council 3; Boy's D Club 2-4; Service Club 3,4; enior Class Play tage crew. Patricia Hanlon-AFS; DECA, Trea urer 4. Jim Fafin ki-JV Basketball 2; Ba eball 1-4; Intramural Wayne Heckathorn-AF ; Citizen 4, reporter; French Club 3; 1,3,4; AFS; Boy' D Club 3,4; Machine Shop Foreman 4. Red ro Youth 4; Photography Club 3.

Patricia Feser-AFS; Intramural 1-4; Ivy Tower; Girl' D Matthew Hodorowicz- F ; Ivy Tower Photography Editor; Club 3,4; French Club 1,2; pani h Club 3; Red Cro Youth Intramural 2: German Club 1-4: D~.:bate Club 1-3, Secretary 3,4; Future Homemaker 4; Service Club 3,4; Drill Team 2; 3; ki Club upcrvi or; Junior Clas Play stage ere\ . Ski Club 3,4; Junior Clas Play tage crew. Dcnni Hoffman- F ; Bowling 3; \\imming 4; Tcnni Harley Fink- FS: Jntramurals 2-4. 3,4; Intramural 3; German Club 1-4, Trca urcr 3: Chc league I; olleyball 1-4. Marty Fitzcr-AFS; lntramurals 1-4; Ivy Tower; tudcnt Council 1-4; irl's D lub 3, Vice-Pre idcnt 4; Citizen 2, Henry Hube-AFS; J Ba ketball I ,2; ar ity Ba ketball 3; cws Editor 3,4; French Club 3,4; pani h Club 1,2: Service Track 4; ros country: Intramural 4: Photography Club 3. Club 3,4; cnior Cia Play tage crew. Sally Husch- FS; J heerlead r I ,2: ar ity heerleadcr John FitzGcrald-AFS; Intramural 2,3; Spani h Club I; 3,4; Student ouncil 1-4; AFS Co-pre ident 4; Girl's D Club, Biology Club 2: lectric hop Foreman 3,4. Trca urer 3, Pre ident 4: French Club 1-3: er icc Club 1,2; cnior Cia orre ponding ecretary; Junior Ia · Play tage Terry Frazier-J Football I ,2; Intramural 1-4: AFS; Auto crew: Senior Cia tage ere\ . Shop Foreman 4. Henry Jacchino--J Football 1.2: Track I; Intramural 3,4: Cheryl Furnar-AFS. F ; French lub I; Biology Club I.

95 John Jacchino-AFS; French Club I. 3,4; Bo\\ling I; Intramurals 1-3, Citizen 4; rench 1,2, ec rctary 3; ervice Club 2,3; k1 Club 3,4; Freshman Class Timothy Jakubiec- ar 1ty Fo tball 4; J Basketball 2; \ icc-President; J unwr lass Play ast; cnwr Class Play Ba eball 1-4; Intramural 1,2,4; FS; Boy's D Club 3,4; stage crew. Honor ociety 4; pani h lub, Pre ident 4; Service Club 4; lntercla High hoot Bowl 3; rticulat10n 3,4; Intramural dward Kuz10ra- F ; lntramurals 2-4. ba ketball I ,3,4. Chri tine Kuzn1cki Ivy Tower; AF ; FBLA, Dnll Team ancy Jelonek-AF ; I y Tower Bu ines ditor; TA; 2,4; fter-school ports 2-4; D CA. Honor ociety 3,4, ecretary 4; Girl' D Club 4; FBLA 3; Drill Team 2,3; Girl's After chool port 2.3; I nterclas John LaMattina- -1 Football 1.2; Var ity Football 3; Track High hoot Bowl 3. 2; Bowling 3,4; Intramural 1-4; AF ; Citizen, Assistant port' ditor 3; German Club I ,2; ervice Club 4; Photog- Dan Jopek-AFS. raphy Club 4; Articulation 3; tage rew 4; emor Clas Play stage crew. Carl Kachermeyer-Track 4; lntramurals 3,4; AFS; Red Cro s Youth 2. Patricia Lemiszko-Ivy Tower; F ; FBLA 3,4; Red Cro Youth 2; Future Homemaker · 4; Drill Team 2.3, Colorguard Kathryn Kaleta-AF ; FBLA 3; Drill Team 2. 4; D CA 3,4; ports 2.

Ricky Kalfas--AFS; Ivy Tower; Intramural 1-4; tudent Bruce Levando ki- F ; Art. Council 1-3; Spani h lub 1-4, Vice-Pre ident 4; Service Club l-3; Junior Cia Play tage crew. Susan Levando ki-AFS; Intramurals l ,2; Honor Society 3,4; FBLA 3,4; Inter-cia High chool Bowl 3; Drill Team 2. Alicia Kamin ki-AF ; FBLA 2. Jill Levy-AFS; Ivy Tower; Honor Society 3,4; tudent Coun­ Ralph Kaus--AFS; Intramural 1-4; Machine Shop Foreman cil 4; Intramural I ,2; German Club, Treasurer I, ice-Presi­ 2,3. dent 2, Secretary 3, tudent ouncil Repre entat1ve 4; rticu­ lation 3,4; Photography Club 4; Ski Club 3,4; Senior Cia s Tom Keppel-AFS; Intramurals 3,4. Play ca t; Junior Cia ·s Play cast.

David Kleparek-J Football I ,2; ar ity Football 3,4; Rhonda Luhr --AF ; Rotary xchange Program 4; Honor Track 3,4; Intramural 1-4; AFS; Boy' D Club 4; FBLA, ociety 4. Pre ident 4; ervice Club 4; DECA 3; All-Conference Center (Football). Charle Madur ki-JV Football I ,2; ar ity Football 3,4; Track I ,4; Intramurals 1-4; Radio Club, Trea urer 4; AFS. Anne Kl ko-AFS; Latin Club 1,2; Tri-Hi-Y I; Choru I; Photography Club l. Michael Mahon wimming 4; Intramural 3; tudent Coun­ cil 4; AFS; Spani h Club 1,2; Biology Club l; Articulation 3; Mary Anne Kola a-AF ; FTA 4; Honor ociety 3,4; udio-Visual lub 3; Winter Ball King 1968. French Club l ,2,4; Ser ice Club 4; ar ity High chool Bowl 3; Drill Team 2. Richard Majka-Var ity Football 4; Intramural 3,4; AFS.

Thomas Komada-AFS; Swimming 4; Intramural 3; Student Linda Martin-AF ; Future Homemakers. Council 4. Loretta Martin-Ivy Tower; tudent Council 1,2; AFS; FTA Philip Kordon-Intramural 3; Swimming 4; AFS. I; Spani h Club I ,2; Red Cro s Youth 3; Future Homemakers 3,4; ervice Club I. Larisa Korytko-AFS; German Club 1-4, Carre ponding Secretary 2; Red Cro Youth 2; Debate Club 2; ki lub harlotte Martinelli tudent Council I ,2; Spanish Club l-3; 2-4; Tri-Hi-Y, President 3,4; Junior Cia s Play stage crew; ervice Club I ; AFS. Senior Cia s Play tage crew. Franci Ma tach-Latin Club 2; Radio Club I; AF ; Junior Sharon Kozlowski-Ivy Tower; AFS; FTA 3, ecretary 4; Clas Play Cast; enior Clas Play Cast. Spani h Club 1,2, Secretary 3; Articulation 4; Tri-Hi-Y 3, ice-Pre ident 4. Mark Maslakow ki wimming 4; AFS.

Robert Krzyzanowicz-AFS; Intramural 2,3; Service Club 4. Bonnie Maternow ki pan ish lub 1-3; AFS.

Diana Kuba ik-AFS; Service Club 3; FBLA 3; Drill Team I. Jerome Matyjakow ki--German lub I ,2; AF .

Edward Kucmierz-AF ; FBLA 3,4; DECA 3; Weight­ raig McEihaney-lvy Tower; Student Council 3; Service lifting 2. Club 3; Photography Club 4; ki lub 2-4; tage rew 4; Senior Class Play Stage crew; AFS. Linda Kujawa-AFS; FBLA 3; Red Cro Youth 2; Future Homemaker 2. Kathy Meku -Intramural I ,2; Student ouncil 4; AF ; French Club 1-3; Red Cross Youth 2; Service Club 4; Junior Barney Kuzara-Track I; Intramurals I ,2; AFS; Spani h Cia sPlay stage crew; Senior Ia Play ca t and tage crew. Club l. Sue Meyer-AFS; Student Council 1,3; French Club 1,2; Janet Kuzdale-AFS; Student Council 1-4; Girl's D Club FBLA 4; Service Club 3; Fre hman Cia Pre ident.

96 Dan Mlller-JV Football I; Intramural 1-4, tudent Coun­ Music Clinic 1; Chautauqua Mu ic Festival 1,2; NY SMA cil I ,2; pan ish Club I ,2, ervice Club 2; Band I; Biology olo ompetition I ,2. Club 4; AF . Mary Ann Par ons-lvy Tower; AF . Jame Miller-Bowling 3; AF . MIchele Par on Itizen 3; AF ; Latin Club 1,2. Walter Mizwa--Track 2, w1mming 4; AFS. Linda Pawlow ki-lvy Tower Copy Editor; Spanish Club Mary Ann Mleczko--AFS; Drill Team 2; After-school sports 1-3; ervice Club 4; Drill Team 2; After- chool ports 2,3; 2; FBLA. Intcrcla s High School Bowl 3; AF . Mar ha Morey· AFS; FBLA 3. James Pazderski-AFS; Intramural 4; BOCES 1,2; BOCES Intramural Ba ketball 2. Leslie Morgan-Future Homemakers; AFS; tudent Council; Chorus; Drill Team. Mary Ann Pencek-AF ; Ivy Tower; Student Council 4; Citizen 2,4, FHA 4; ervice Club 4; pani h Club 1-3; Junior Suzanne Mourer-lvy Tower; AFS; Citizen 4; French Club 1; Cia· Play tage crew; Girl' After- hool ports 1,2; Youth Drill Team 2; fter-school ports 2. Jury 4.

Robert Mozgawa-AFS; Spani h Club I ,2; Science Club Michael Pencek-AFS; B ES 1-3. 1-3; Intramural Bowling Team; Exhibit: Pollution of or­ rounding Fre h water -W Y; South we tern Zone Science Frank Penkaty-Football I; Varsit} Football 3, Co-Captain Congre ·s-Honorable Mention 2. 4; Boy' D Club 3,4; ervice Club 2; AF .

Jean Mucha-AFS; transferred from Mindszenty in enior Sue Perry-AFS; Junior Cia Play tage crew. year; Biology Club 4. Pete Pett-JV Football 1,2; ar ity Football 3,4; Track 1-4; Thoma Muzacz-J Football 2; Intramural 2; French Intramural 1-4; F ; Boy' D lub 3,4; Spani h Club 3; lub 1-3; Service Club 3,4; Chorus 2; Junior Ia Play Cast; Service Club 3,4. Sophomore Cia s President; Junior Clas President; Senior Class Pre ident; AFS. Catherine Petz-AF ; Spani h Club 1,2; FHA 4; ophomore Cia trea urer; cience Club I; Girl' port I ,2. rank Nalepa-JV Football 2; ar ity Football 3,4; AF ; JV Ba ketball2; Intramural 4; pani h Club 1; Service Club 4. Steven Pryii-AF ; Intramural 2,3; pani h Club 1; tudent Council 2,3; Biology Club 2; Electrical Trade 1.2; BOCES. Thoma Naslund-JV Football I; Bowling 2-4; Intramurals 1,2;AFS. Margaret Przybycien-AF ; Drill Team 4; DECA 3,4.

Maryann Oddo--AFS; tudent Council 2,3; pani h lub Su an Pupenbroke- F ; ar ity heerleader 3,4; Girl' D 1-3; BO ES. Club; Freoch Club l ,2, Pre ident 3; Junior Cta Play ca t; Senior Cia Pia} ca t; Fa hion how I; Girl' Sp rt 1-3. David debra! ki-AF ; FBLA 4; D A 3,4. Mer! Rabb--lv} Tower, Photographer; German lub 1-3; S. Kevin O'Hu ky-AFS. Photograph} Club 3; ki Club Coordinator, Ski Club 3,4; Junior Cia Pta} a t. ance O'Husky--German Club I ,2; Science Club 2; AF

Carol Organ-AFS; Honor ociety 3,4; Citizen 4; French Mike Radloff-AF ; Intramural 1-4; German Club 1-4; Club 1-4; Service Club 4; Choru I; Drill Team. Citizen 4; Ski Club 1-3, Trea urer.

Cyndi Pachoi-Ivy Tower; tudent Council 4; Girl' D Club Charle Reading-AFS. 4;FBLA;AF ;Junior lass tagecrev•. Charle Richter-Track; FS. Joe Pagano--JV Football 1; Track I ,2; Bowling 1,2; Tennis I ,2; Intramural 1-4; Junior Ia Pia} tage crew; AF . Grace Ricotta-AF ; FH 2; Junior Ia Play tage cre\'<.

David Palmer-AFS. Alfredo Rios-AF .

Tom Parkman-tran fer from ric, Pa.; Intramural 4; AFS; John Rivera wimming 4; AF E change tudent; pani h horu 4, Sectional Chorus, All- tate Choru 4; Senior Cia Club 4; Honor Society 4; Ski Club 4. Play ca t. Bet y Roman-I y To\i er, Co-managing Editor; tudent Michele Parlato--Student Council I ,2, Trea urer 3, Vice­ Council 1-3; AFS; Girl' D lub, Trea urer 4; Citizen 2; Ger­ President 4; Var ity Cheerleader 3,4; JV Cheerleader 2; AFS, man Club 2; Red Cro Youth 3; Ser ice Club 2,4; Drill Team Pre ident 4; Girl' D Club 2-4; French lub 1-3; ervice lub 2; Junior Ia Pia} tage director, Juni r Cia Trea urer; 1,4; Articulation 4; Junior Cia Play ca t; enior Cia Play Senior Cia Trea urer. tage crew; Youth Bureau Recording Secretary. Jo eph Ro otto--Track Donna Parmelee-AFS; FT A I ,2; Honor ociety 3,4; French Club 1-3; Pre ident 4; Latin Club 4; Red Cro Youth 1,2; Richard Rybij-lntramural 3,4; DECA 3,4, Vice-Pre ident ar ity High School Bowl 3; Band 1-4; It' Academic; Summer 3;AF.

97 I fred alctta- lntramurals 3.-l; S; Honor Society 4; Latin D~.:nnis Tarnowski- F o o t b a II; Basketball; Cross-Country; Club 3A; Junior lass Pla:r cat; cmor Clas Play cast; Boy's AF . tate 3; \ FW oice of Democracy Contt:st, second place \\inner, 4. Janice Tarnowski - FBL.A 3; AFS.


uc andhoff Ivy To\\er; tudent Council 3A; 1rl' D Club rank Testa- J Football I ,2; varsity Football 3,4, frack 3,4; FBLA 3,4; German lub I; Drill Team 1-4; Girl's sports 1-4; Intramural · 1-4; Boy's D Club 3,4; Service Club 3,4; 1-4; Junior Class Play stage crew; F . Junior Class Play Stage crew; AF

Sandra Schmidt- AF ; FBLA 4; FHA 4. Sharon Tibbetts--La tin lub I; pan ish Club I ,2; Service Club l;AF. \ 1ck.i Schmidt-lntramurals 1-3; FHA 3; D 3,4, cere- tary 3; AF . Gary Tippens- JV Football I; Tennis 1-4; lntramurals 1-4; tudcnt Council 1-3; AF ; German Club I; enior Class Play Theodore chmitz-AF ; tudent Council I; German Club Cast; Volleyball 1-4. 1,2;Red ro · Youth l-4;Band l-3,Pre ident4;DanceBand 4; k.i Club 4; Debate Club 1-4; Junior Class Play cast. Janet Tofil AFS; French lub I ,2; Service Club 4; Band I ,2.

Arlene chrantz-AF ; lntramurills I ,2,4; FBL 3,4; Red Keith Trask. -AF . ross Youth 3,4; Senior Clas Play tage crew. John Tylock-JV Football 1,2; Var ·it) Football 3; Track I ,2; Margaret eck.ing lntramurals 1-4; AFS; Band I; ervicc lub 3; crman Club I ,2; Dance Band I; Biology Club 2; Intramural High School Karen Seibert-Girl's D Club I; FBLA 3,4; AF ; FHA 1.2; Bowl 3; Volleyball 1-4. Drill Team. Janet Tynan--Ivy Tower; AFS; FBLA 2,3; Red Cro s Youth William ell- AF . 2; FHA 2. Lavon Shcffield-J Cheerleader I ,2; Varsity Cheerleader Sally Ubancy-AFS. 3,-l; lntramurals 1-4; Ivy Tower; tudent ouncil 3; AF ; Girl' D Club 3, ecretary 4; Citiz~:n 4; French Club 1-3; Ju­ Rosalind acanti-Ivy Tower Co-Feature Editor; AFS; FTA nior Cia Play tagecrew;Junior lassSccrctary; eniorCla s 4; Spanish lub 1-4; Red Cro Youth 2; Debate Club 1-4; Recording ecretary. Band I, Sccretary-Trea urcr 2; Junior las Play Stage rcw; Varsity High School Bowl 3; Chautauqua Music Festival I; Edda Sk.ry pnik-AF ; tudent Council 1-4; Scr\icc Club I ,3; YSSMA olo Competition; VFW oice of Democracy on­ Drill Team 2. tc t 3,4. AI Smith- J Football2; ar ity Football 3; lntramurals 1-3; Nancy Valentine-JV Cheerleader I; Var ity Cheerleader Chadakoin Football I ; Bowling; AF . 3,4; Student Council 2,3; AFS; Girl's D Club 2-4; Citizen 3; French Club I ,2; Service Club 2,3; Junior Clas Play tage Diane bczak-FBLA 2; AFS; D CA 2. crew; Senior Class Play stage crew.

William omerfeldt-AFS. Nancy Valone- AF ; FTA 3, Secretary; French Club 1-3; Citizcn3; crviccClub4;FHA4; horu l;JuniorCias Play Bill Stelmach-lntramural 4; AF . tage ere\\.

Wayne Stalin ki-Intramural 1-4; AFS. Su ·an VandeVelde-AF ; French Club 2; Photography Club.

Michael torcy-AFS. Laura Waller-FHA; Chorus; Drill Team; AFS; hccrleading (Mi issippi). Dan ulli an-J Basketball 2; T~:nnis 2-4; Intramural · 1-4; Volleyball 1-4; Service lub 2; AF . Kenneth Warmbrodt-JV Football I; Var ity Football 3,4; Student Council I; AFS; Shop. raig Sutton-Intramural 1-4; F . Debbie Swierk-Ivy Tower; AF ; FBLA 3,4; Service Club I; Cynthia Wells--J Cheerleader I; Ivy Tower; tudent Coun­ cil 2-4; AF ; Citizen 4; French lub 2,3, Vice-Pre idcnt 3; Drill Team I ,2; D A, ecretary 4; Sports 1-3; AFS. Latin Club I; Ser icc lub 2,4; ki Club 3; Articulation 4; Junior Class Play cast. Mary Jane Sysol-AFS. Roberta We tling--Citizen Editor-In-Chief; Ivy Tower; tu­ Bill Szary-AFS. dent Council 2; French Club I ,2; AFS. Janice Szopin ki-Ivy Tower; Service Club 3,4; Drill Team I; After- chool sports I ,2; AFS. Diane White-lntramurals 1-4; Ivy Tower; AFS; FT 4; Girl' D Club 3,4; FHA, Trca urcr 4; Latin Club I; ervice Ronald Szopinski-JV Football 2; Track 3; Intramurals 1-4; Club 4; Drill Team 2,3; ki Club 3,4. Spanish Club I ,3; ro -Country 4; AFS. Gregory Whitney tudent ouncil 4; French Club 2-4; Band Peter Szynsk1-JV Football I; Latin Club I; AFS. I; AFS; Articulation 4.

98 ancy Wicks -lntramurals I ,2; AFS; Girl's D Club; French Mariann Woro z panish Club 1-3; AFS. Club 1-3; horus I ,2; Ski Club 2. Martha Wolfe-AF ; itizen 3; FBLA 4; ervice Club I; Joyce Wil on-FHA 2,4; AFS. Drill Team 2; Girl's After- chool port .

Darla Wmder -AF ; Ivy Tower; French Club 1-3: FH 4; Peggi Wucrstle-AF ; Honor ociety 3, Pre ident 4; Girl' Twirlers 2; Choru I; Senior Cia sPlay cast. D Club 2-4; German Club 1-4, Pre ident 3; Service Club 4; Debate Club I; Photography Club 4; Ski lub 3; rticulation Dave Wisniewski Baseball 2-4; Bowling 2-4; Intramural 3,4; Junior lass Play tage crew; enior las Play ca t. 3,4; Ivy Tower ports Editor; AF ; Boy's D Club; D CA, Pre ident 4. Thoma Zielinski-AFS; BOCES Auto Shop 2-4; Intramural Ba ketball. David Wlodarek-AFS. Michael Zimmer-lntramural 3,4; AF ; German Club I ,2; Darlene Wolfe-D CA I; AFS. Service Club 4; Articulation 4.

99 Underclassmen

President Vice-President


The Clas of '70 began its third year in high school with the election of officers in September. To lead the class through its busiest year yet, the Juniors elected Mark Woods, President; Steven Zie­ linski, Vice-Pre ident; Kathy Lasky, Treasurer; and Judy McKay, Secretary. With the patient help of Mr. Henry Colicchia, class advisor, the Juniors participated in the first school project of the year, Homecoming. Mikey Glenn, escorted by Don Swejbka, was the class rep­ resentative to the Homecoming court. Spirit and hard work succeeded in producing the prize winning float, "Mighty Marauder", which helped the Class of '70 win the Spirit Week contest. In December the Juniors, received their long awaited class rings, another reminder that they are now upperclassmen. January was highlighted by the Junior Play, which was presented January 16 and 17. Hard work by many people made Romanoff and Juliet a great success. June brought the Junior-Senior Prom and the close of a rewarding Junior year. The Class of '70 eagerly looks forward to an even more exciting and rewarding Senior year at Dunkirk High School.

102 Kathy Lasky Trea~urer

First row: Pat Barone, Cruz Bauza, Andrea Beatty. Second row· Barbara Barone, Robert Barlette, John Benedtct. Carmen Alverez. Hector Alvarez. Third row: Michael Addmgton, Christa Babtrad, teven Borowski, George Aile te, Maryanne Bialaszewski, Rtchard Barns, Gar; Banach. Fourth row: Martin Ball, John Bogardu , Rtchard Bartkowiak, Jean Bartela, Linda Sieger, Terry Bender, Robert Albach. First row: lark, Mary Jane Cieplinski. Valerie Champlin. Ameha Crino, Barbara Colicchia. econd row: haron Child . Jeffrey onway, haron Britt, andra Bruno, harle Clark, James a on, Michele ampe e, Gordon ole. Third row: Lynne Calli , Marlene Burgstrom, Paul ybart, Kathleen Briska, Charles Bradley, Paula Brenecki, Robert Budniew ki, Ronald Budniew­ \ki, Jean entner, Michael zekanski.

First row: Joan Daggett, Linda Frodeliu . econd row: Thomas Duncan, Darlene DeGolier, Sue Gerace, lri DeJe us, Mary Ann Ellman, Edith DeJe u , John De mond, haron Frazier, Geraldine Frank, Judith Frank. Third row: Philip DelPopolo, ally Gest­ wicki, Connie Freitas, Gale Dolan, Richard Damico, Allan Etzel, Tim Donnelly, Barbara Dudek, Douglas Mahany, Timothy 10-4 Daniels, Gary Damian. Fourth row: Cathleen Gatto, Marjorie Frankowski. Fint roll'; Linda Kemp. Roseanne Jaccino. ancy Gli\\a, Cathy Graf. Linda Harper. Helen Hofer. Second r<>11 · Charlene Howlett, arol Hanmann, u an Himebaugh. Carol 1\.aufman. usan Gould. Robin 1\.ell. 1\.ann Holzwarth llurd roll'; Robert Golub ki, Patricia Hudson, Cynthia Kalfas. Chnstine Kane, \1ary Ippolito. fourth row · Jame Hyland, ancy Jan­ kowski, Michelene Glenn. Fifth ro11: Paul Kaus. Robert Hyde. Robert Harper. James Gould. Ronald Hamernik, Gary Granata, Richard Halas.

First row: Chri tine Lentz, u an Kryzal, Kathie Lasky, Darlyn Krzyzanowicz, Donna Kujawa, ictoria Kry tofiak, heryl Kulig, Kathleen Ke sler. Second row: Jo ephine Lan ki, hri tine LeGrano, 1arilyn Lazarony. Cynthia Kubera, Kathleen Ko ierb. Marcy Kupiec, u an Kuzdal. Third row: Jo eph Kuchar ki, Raymond Klocek, Robert Layman. Gregory Keppel, 1ichael Kozlowsl..i, Thoma Herdzik. Larry Lazarczyk, Keith Lewetzki, Mike Kubera, David Kuzara, Richard Lugen.

105 First row: Gary 1aternowski. Mary Louise tcGraw, Mary Gail Ma lach, alvatore Mastrelli, Robert Mazurek, Paul Mroc­ zka, Judy McKay, andra Mac ubbin, Joseph Mill ion. Second row: Paul Kaus, Edward Meyer, Patnck Mackowiak, Douglas tahany, Larry Mazur, Thomas 11eczko, Peter Me~~ma, Daniel M izwa. Ed"'ard Morey, Jame~ 1c arthy, John '\.1ackO\\ 1aL Third row: Ann 1eister, Kathy McDonald, Mary Moreland, Mary 1onahan. Fourth row: laud1a Moore, Cheryl Meyers, Linda Meku , Audrey Matyjakowski.

First row: Nilda Rio , Nancy O'Brien, Michele Piwowarski, Shirley Ricotta, Mary Lou Rickey, andy Ro ing. Second row: Debra Reading, Jean Patz, Mary owicki, Nancy Pakulski, Judy Polichetti, Barbara Randall, Kathryn 0' onnell, Joanne Rexford. Georgeannc Orcutt, Sonja Rivera. Third row: Kenneth Przybyla, Thomas Patterson, amuel Ricotta, Charles Orcutt, Daniel Pietrkiewicz, Kenneth Ossman, Lawrence Przy­ byla, James Pietro, Robert Phelka. William Ro~ario, orman Pieszak, David Proper, Michael Powesk1. 106 First row: Bonme Shubert, Barbara mtth, Marilyn chrantz, Marcella Shareno, Kathleen Schha. Vtctona Serafin, Ann Rabb. Second row: Thoma chafer, usan Rus o, ancy nyder, Cindy arek, Juamta prague, Wendy choener, James zot, Linda Trill. William Taft. Third row teven krzypek, James anecki, Anthony Russo, Bruce Trill, Donald Szwejbka,James huler, Robert choener, Rtchard Tarnow ki, Edward Ru ch, Dean Spear, Richard Rzepkow ki, Vincent Rossotto, Michael Sweet.

First row: Carol Wi niewski, Diane Wiedenhofer, Janet Warren. Second row: Barry Wortham. Joanne Ty zko. usan Wojcin kt, haron Woj­ narowskt, Patric1a Vendette, Mary Wroblewski, Karen Wojcinski. Janet Tyszko, William Washington. Third ro11 ·John Ziemba. llan Zurawski, Robert Wawrzyniak, Robert Warren, ugene Wojcinski, William Vacanti, Mark Wood , teven Zielin ki, Robert Wismew ki, Fred Warmbrodt, David Zebracki, Patrick Weaver, John Zambotti.


109 Frank Corsoro President

Sophomore Officers

Richard age Treasurer Patricia Shepherd Secretary

110 Class History • • •

The Sophomore Cia s tarted off their second year at DHS with the election of the officers, who, advi ed by Mr. Clever, planned and helped put into actiOn the cia event . Thi year' officer were Frank Cor oro, Pre ident, Patricia Shepard, Vice-Pre ident; Richard age, Treasurer; and Joan Fedyszyn, Secretary. Homecoming Week proved to be a fun-filled experience, with the ophom res contributmg a float entitled "We've Got the Whole School on Our Side" to the Homecoming parade. Robin Latimer escorted Sarah Warmbrodt to her place a phomore member of the Homecoming court. The ophomore Party, with it theme, "All You eed I Love", was held in early February, and it proved to be an enjoyable evening.

First row: Debra Block, Pearl Buchanan, Ethel Ca e. Second row: Carol Britt, Georgianna Ander on, Joan An on, Mary Carlton, Frank Benamati. Third row: Jean An on, Linda Barone~ indy Bloss. Fourth row: Gregory , Michel Berdyck, Gerald Campe e, Elizabeth Barbknecht, Michael Callahan. Fifth row: John Ada, William Briggs, athan Bell, Gary Anson, Jo eph Andrasik, Keith Ahl trom, Edward Bon , Robert Adamczak, Frederick Bell, David Briska, Anthony Casson, Peter Chimento, Jame Bak.

111 First row: arolyn Cole, Phyllis Crino, Diane Corsoro, Patric1a Cor 1, Deborah ybart, Denise Iarke, Ro emary Donald on. 'iecond row: John Danforth, Lynette Drummond, Audrey Drozdiel, Debbie Deszcz, Charlene Dralle, Pat Drummond. Sug10 DeJesus, Renita Drave • Frank or oro. Third row: Louis D1Palma, Owen Davidson, Donna tevens, Edward rocket!, Mark zekanski, Joseph zarnecki, Thoma 1e lewicz, Dean Cornelio, Kevin ollins.

First row: Bonnie Dutton, Kathleen Franklin, Cathleen Garigal. Second row: Cindy Ippolito, Linda Dziduch, Diane Galardo, arol Feurtado, Mary ue Glow kl, Joan edyszyn, Yalene Etzel, laudia Graves. Third ro1•·: Linda GormldeWICZ, 1\.athleen Ge1ben. andra Enck, Susan Feser, Gregory Farnham. Frederick. Dudel.., Kevin Glapa, f1mothy Graminskl, Jeffrey Gossett. Fourth ro11' Thomas Franl..le­ wicz, Wilham Gloff, David Graf, John Formanowicz, Ronald Frazita. Howard Gloss, William Graff, Daniel Elfman, John Giacchino, Leonard Graves. First row: Deborah Heiden, Mary Hutchinson. Second row. David Koehler, Franklin Jourdani , Rita Klocek, Jani Kaufman, Marcia King, Jean Hamernik, Angela Koczwara. Third row: Mary Hart, Joanne Koczwara, Linda Kau , Patricia Kai er, Robert Habich. Fourth row: Gail Hou eman, Richard Kalfas, Cynthia Ju ko, Robert Kachermeyer, Frederick Hud on, Robert Horey, Andrew Hooten, Chri tian Kern. Fifth ro1.-.· Donald Jaggie, John Jakubow ki, Patricia Kirst, Roberta Howe, Henry Hochstine, 1ark Kani , tanley Jozwiak, Bruce Kau . Sixth ro11 Gerald Hallqui t, John Jasin ki.

First row: Sally Lundin, Jacqueline Kupiec, Edith Kozlow ki, Bernice Lanski, Su an Krzyzanowicz, Kathy Li i, Cindy Logano. econd row: Mary Long, Patricia LaBarbara, Karen Levandow ki, John Lawrence, Robert Lanski, Jo eph Krzakala, Karl Kreb , Elaine Laskey, Kathy Kuzara, Bar­ bara Ko ierb. Third row: Mark Kutner, Kenneth Kuwik, Paul Kolas a, Daniel Kuzdale, Donald Kujawa, Robin Latimer, Jame Lajew ki, Paul 113 Lancaster, Lawrence Korzeniew ki, Jerome Korytko, orman Kondziel ki, Douglas Kozlow ki, Ronald Korbas. First row: Donna 1artell, Barbara 1a\trelli, usan Majecki, Marge 1aslach, linda 1iga, Dtane 1artell, Lynn Ogden. Second row: Debra 0 born, Paula 1ekus, Patricia Martell, Jean Martell, Patricia Medley, Linda Nasland, Marty Maurer, Kathleen Maternow ki, Carol 1och, Joan Murphy. Third row: Robert awodzin ki, Kenneth Maze, Charles 1ancino, Ronald Majecki, Robin Latimer, Dante! Kuzdale, Edward Meku , Thoma Monahan, Ronald Mleczko, teven Nikitas, Thoma Matyjakow ki, Louts Maldanado, Craig ewman, Charle Militello.

First row: Marilyn Pulawsk.i, Leslie Roman, Linda Romanik., Linda Palmatier, Patricia Quigley, Bonnie Roman, Debra Redline, arol anecki. econd row: Lesley Palmer, usan Pierce, Barbara Polechetti, u an Paprocki, acima am, Linda Reading, Dawn Parnell, usan Patz, Donna Rancka, Deborah Ran om. Third row: John Polowy, James Reading, John Pleszewski, Richard Panasci. 114 Richard age, Patrick Reilly, Richard Purol, Allen Powe ki, Philip Ricotta, Howard Ruge, Vincent Piglowski, Harold Rusch. Eugene Pincoski. First row: haron Wdowiasz, Denita Tenamore, Mirna Valentin, ndrea Zeplowitz, arab Warmbrodt, Marilyn Wick , Ingrid VanLuin. Second row: Irene Wroblew ki, Theresa Zam­ botti, Deborah Whitney, Carol Wright, heila Widgay, Diane Turner, hirley Weakley, Yo­ landa Tavano. Third row: Michael Wise, Ross Winkleman, Jon Washburn, Angelo Zappie, John Vendette, David Wallace, Carl Waclaw­ ski, Gregory Wi niewski, Ronald Waclawski, Robert Wojcin ki, John Thomas, Donald Ziemba. 116 117 Freshmen

Thi year the Freshman class under the direc­ tion of Mr. Richard Dudztc ha elected Mary Ellen Raczek, Pre ident; Allan Stuhlmiller, Vice-President; orman Karin, Secretary; and Carol Pinkow ki, Trea urer, a their cia officer . Although thi wa our fir t year at Dunkirk High, we started off on the right foot with Home­ coming and the A.F.S. Magazine dnvc being big ucce es. The theme for our tloat was "Marauder-King of Football." It wa portrayed by a tately Marauder dre ed a- a king. Thank to the wonderful ale man hip of our cia member , the Fre hman class won the 200 fir t place prize in the A.F .. Magazine drive. Another big success wa our February Fre hman party.

First row: Sue Adams, Pamela Aniszewski, John Allessi, Maria Messina. econd row: Joan Barri , Sheryl Barone, Paul Arntz, Rita Barone, Theresa Barone. Third row: Deborah Anders, usan Anzalone, Joan Bartela, herry Balser, Joan Bal er. Fourth row: Jame Barabasz, Nelson Arcoraci, Ronald Cavender, David Bartelo, Robert Abramowicz, Robert Bak, Andrew Balzer, Ru ell Barone, Peter Babirad, Ru s~ell Anzlone.

118 Fir t row: Nancy Bielat, Linda Barthold, Michell Bryant, Roberta Brook , Robin Blo , Debbie Rei hoff, Susan Brown, John Boner. Second row: David Buck, Patricia Biela ka, Janet Braciszew ki, Jame Buckrei . Ronald Bialaszewski. Clara Bialaszewski. Third row: Anna Bernstein, Kathy Bohn, Mark Bidwell, Kenneth Bera, Jame Borowcyk, James Brenecki, Eugene Berek, Robert Bartkowiak, Thomas Bender, icholas Byczynskl, Dante! Bonasera, Edward Beatty.

119 Fir t row: Georgian atalano, Lydia ruz, indy ampese, haron ampese, Heidi ollard. econd row: Judy Controna, athy lark, arol arlton, Rebecca Byer , Donald Dragon. Thtrd row Wendy Dew, hel­ ley Damian, hirley Drozd1el, nna Cruz, Bonme Drummond, Gary Dolce, Edmund atalano, Allen Carru , Wayne Campbell, Thomas omello, Frederick Di Palma, M1chael haffie, Robert Cain, N1cholas Di Lorenzo, G a r y Damico. Fourth row: Bruce Ca e, David DeMonte, Janet D o r I e r, Laura C a s e, Daniel Drozdiel, John rocket.

First row: Eileen Ginley, Beverly Grie e, Joan Franklin, Kathy Durr, Marganta Echevarria, Dave Gould. Second row: Dan Glapa, Ri ha Granto, Alex Dudek, Gerald Feniello, Philip Floramo, Dave Giambra, Lynn Gilebarto, Bob Gregoreski, Mary Fedzszyn, Charles Gillette. Third row· Dave Glapa, Joe Frabritius, teve Gromola. John Glapa, Ron Eppilito, Alan Gould, Dan Dudek, Jim Felt, Dan Farmanow1cz, Joe Gardner, Randy Go s, Keith Frankiewicz.

120 First row Lynn Heinemon, P at Katulskt, Nancy Herdzik, Deborah Kaleta, Jamce Kawski. Second row: Je sie Heid, Deborah Harnngton, Cynthia Honmann, ylvia Hooten, P au I a Jawor ki, "usan Heinold. Third row: Barbara Katta, Richard Jankow kt, Thoma Jourdanai , Rob­ ert Jagoda, 1tchael Kry tofiak, Ron­ ald Hallqut t, Lonme Kin ey, Janet Hube, Dawn Juul, Cheryl Harrison, Le lie Hender on, Hedi Haynes, Al­ bert Keppel, Patrica Hall. Fourth row: Norman Karin, Cheryl Kane, Thomas Howlett, L y n n Klaybor, Maureen Hayes.

First row: Frederick Lan ki, Richard Kozlow kt, 1 a r y Kulpa, Karin K u z i o r a, Nancy K o c z war a, John Lakas. econd row. Linda Lentz, Katherine Kucmierz, Jo eph Kulig, Shelia Kline­ felter, Connie Krzanowskt, Donna Kordon. Third ro1~: Danial Kry tofiak, Micheal K o r d o n. u an Komada, Colin Kowreli , Judy Ku­ jawa, Carol Kommer, helta Lauten Iaker, Fredrick Kroll. Fourth row: Gerald Kubasik, Keven Kundla, Damal Le­ jew ki, R o b e r t Lampert, R o b e r t Lograno, Rebecca K o r z e n i e w k i, Ronald Kucmierz, u an Knight.

121 First row: ngela orman, Pamela 1artinelli, Patnc1a 1IIIer, u an 1c ro~key, Judy ietupsk1. econd ro11: L i n d a Levando ki, Edward Long, 1ary Michalak, Joseph 1ijka, llan Mazana. Third row: Patricia !\ltirth, Lou1 e 1ekus, Jerome ie­ tupski. Donna McKay, Dennise Mas­ lak.ow k1, nn Maze, Germaine Ma - lack., Carla 1aslakowsk1, K e v i n Mitchell, nn McCarthy. Fourth row: William Maslakowski, Debroah Meyer , Linda 1angu~. Paul Miehl, Carol 1eyers.

First row: Debbie Rose, Elaine Privateer, James Pelletter, arol Pencek. Second row: Cynthia Parlato, Betty Roe ler, David Przybyla, Mary Ellen Raczek. Third row: John Pokay, arol Pinkowski, Zenon Panfil, Judith Pizzolanti, Fernando Topez. Fourth row: Carol Racino, Carol Rodeiguez, Jennie Plaza, Barbara osal, Nancy Palmer, Sandra Pawlowski, Maria Ramos, James Pinkowski, Gary Parnell, teven Purol, Leonard Phillips, Anthony Ricotta, William Patti, Patrick Reilly, Raymond Ro ario.

122 First row: Debbie Schmalz, Diane Scroke, Kathy Shreve, Judy Sedota, Detore ipp, Jane Scott, Gayle Shubert, u an mith, Marcia Salgado. Second row: Debbie Schrantz, Claudia ell, Kathy Sam, William Rybij, Jo eph Sheedy, Robert Rybij, Carmen Russo. Michael Schultz, Carol Schnur, Libby Sidey, Bonnte Ruzycki. Third row: Joseph Russo, Dominic yracuse, James iebert, John Kubis. tanley liwa, John Sell, Anthoney yracuse, Donald Rozumalski, Joseph Sciarrino, Robert Scott.

First roll lien zoptn ki, Ro alin Tenamore, Gladys Wegner, P au I Velzy, Jo~ephine Stybor ki, amuel zyn l..i. econd roll . ancy um- merfelt, Robtn Tilley. Ramon ega, Evelyn Va quez, 1ilta aJentine, Ken n e t h Tarnow ki. Third ro1c Michael Tofil. Debra Tofil, usan Va anti, usan nn mith. llan tuhlmiller, Maryann Trumuta, Allen bczal... Michael zocl..i, K andy ega, John need,

123 First row: Kathy Waller, Robin Zentz, Theresa Wroblewski, Debbie Wick , Robin Zielin ki, Dale Zurowski. Second row: Jim Zimmer, arl Westling, usan Wojcie zyn, Becky Weaver, Karen Zuchowski, Patty Welka, Bill Zajas. Third row: David Zielinski, Jean Whitmer, Daniel Wilemski. Patrick Zagorski, Stephen Wright, John Zielinske, Gary Ward, Daniel York, Steve Wisniew ki, Gerry Walla , Joseph.



Editorial Staff-First row: Betsy Ro­ man, Rosalind Vacanti, Cindy Dutton, Karen Adams, Mary Andrews, Nancy Jelonek. Second row: Mr. Durkin, Merl Rabb, Matt Hodorowicz, Dave Wisniewski, Linda Pawlowski, D i an e Andrasik.

Yearbook Salesmen--First row: Karen Adams, Nancy Valentine, Lavon Sheffield, Donna Drummond, Linda Ardillo, Loretta Martin, Susan Graves, Concetta Crino. Second row: Diane Andrasik, Mary Andrew , Sharon Kozlowski, Diane White, Pat Fe er, Mary Barnes, Cindy Pachol. Barb Adam , Mary Ann Pencek, Roberta Westling, Linda Pawlowski, Peggy Dill, Christine Kuznicki, Betsy Roman, Pat Lemi zko, Jan Clifford.


Advisor ...... Daniel J. Durkin Co-Editors ...... Karen Adams, Cindy Dutton Business Manager ...... Nancy J elonek Feature Editors ..... Diane Andrasik, Rosalind Vacanti Copy Editor ...... Diane Andrasik Asst. Copy Editor ...... Linda Pawlowski Managing Editors ...... Mary Andrews, Betsy Roman Sports Editor ...... David Wisniewski Photography Editors ..... Merl Rabb, Matt Hodorowicz Art Editors ...... Jill Levy, Craig McElhaney Photographers ...... Varden Studios, Lamar Schnur Robert Will

Advertising Staff: Marty Fitzer, Kri Barnes, Mary Ann Parsons, Loretta Martin, Ricky Kalfas, Roberta Westling, Mary Andrews, Nancy Clarke, Betsy Roman, Debbie Swierk, Karen Adams, Cindy Dutton, Diane Andrasik, Linda Pawlowski, Nancy Jelonek.

Sales Staff: Karen Adams, Nancy Valentine, Lavon Sheffield, Concetta Crino, Donna Drummond, Linda Ardillo, Loretta Martin, Susan Graves, Diane Andrasik, Mary Andrews, Sharon Kozlowski, Diane White, Pat Feser, Mary Barnes, Cindy Pachol, Barb Adams, Mary Ann Pencek, Roberta Westling, Linda Pawlow­ ski, Peggy Dill, Chris Kuznicki, Betsy Roman, Pat Lemiszko, Jan Clifford, Nancy Jelonek.

Senior Portrait Committee: Roberta Westling, Marianne Bender, Mary Andrews, Betsy Roman, Karen Adams, Mary Ann Pencek, Marty Fitzer, Linda Pawlowski, Diane Andrasik, Michele Parsons, Cindy Dutton, Nancy Jelonek, Pat Dubiel, Kris Barnes, Steve Gould.

Typists: Diane Andrasik, Rosalind Vacanti, Roberta Westling, Janice Szopinski, Marty Fitzer, Sue Perry, Linda Pawlowski.

A Message from the Staff. • •

The 1969 Ivy Tower yearbook was produced, as it always is, by hard work, sacrifice, and dedication on the part of the editors, staff, and advisor. All those who helped create this book can leave Dunkirk High with a feeling of satisfaction and accomplishment because of it. A year­ book is alive with the collection of our memories, and long after our school years are over we will be able to look at it and relive the many experiences of those years. The very fact that stu­ dents will be able to feel and remember those moments through this book is worth the hard work put into its creation. It is therefore the hope of this staff that this book will be enjoyed by all the students.


Honor Society

Under the leader hip of Mr. Guido Guayasamin, the Theta P i Omnicron Chapter of the National Honor Society, who e member hip i based on scholarship, leadership, character, and service, on November 21 inducted new mem­ ber in a ceremony conducted at the Vineyard Re taurant. To timulate intere t in community affair , the Honor Society thi year began a erie of monthly appearance of community leader , who spoke to the member and di - cussed various question with them. Again thi year the Society earned money for it ac­ tivitie by eUing calling card to Senior , pon oring dance , and holding pizza ale . The fund rai ed made it po ible for the Society' activitie to be carried out. At the end of the year the Pearl Reed Scholar hip was pre ented to a de- erving Senior member of the Society.

Guido Guayasamin Advisor

First row: Peggy Wuerstle, Pre ident; Judy McKay, Sergeant at Arms; Karen Adams, Vice­ Pre ident. Second row: Nancy Jelonek, Secretary; Richard Rzepkow ki, Trea urer.

132 Senior members--Fir t row: Carol Organ, Jill Levy, usan Levandowski, AI aletta, D1ane Andra ik. Second row: Tim Jakub1ec, Molly Greder, Patty Dubiel, Cindy Dutton, Mary Ann Kola a, John Rivera.

Junior members--First row: Wendy Schoener, Mary Monahan, Judy Franks. Second row: Carol Kaufman, Mary Lou Ricky, Jean Patz, Ann Mei ter. Third row: Thoma Dunkan, Anthony Ru o. Fourth row: Charles Orcutt, Mark Wood , John Bogardu , Robert Schafer, Robert Schoener, Robert Barkowiak, Joesph Million, Thomas Patter­ son, Cathy Graf. Student Council

Dunkirk High Sch I' Student Council completed the e activit1e by cia smates on the Student Council. Few another year of fine ervice to the hool and of spreading the tudents, for example, realize the care put mto the preparation good reputation of DHS in the community. Council officer of the student handbook di tributed thi year. or i every William Barthold, Michele Parlato, Lawrence Przbybla, and student aware of the coordination and plannmg on the part of Deborah b rn- togethcr with their advi ·cr, Mr. J arne the Student Council which made this year' Homecoming Will-kept the homeroom chairmen and co-chairmen busy such a resounding succe . Another worthwhile endeavor with activitie which varied from the joyous preparations for undertaken by the Student Council wa the collection and homecoming to the amber ta k of in cribing a plaque at the di tribution of canned good · to needy families in the com­ Junior High School building with the name · of DHS alumni munity at Christma · time. who have given their Jive in battle. Certainly thi year' tudent ouncil can be ju tifiably The moothne s with which tudent ouncil activitic proud a they reflect on the work done for and in behalf of are carried out often obscures the time and energ)- pent on DHS.

Seated: Deborah 0 born, Secretary; 1ichele Parlato, Y1ce-Pre ident; Lawrence Przybyla, Treasurer. Standing: Mr. Jame Will, advi er; William Barthold, Pre ident. First row: Wendy Dew, Sharon Wdowiasz, Daniel Bonasera, Clara Bialaszew ki, Michelle Campe e, Sally Husch, Gail Schubert, Su an Sm1th, Kathy Meku , Martha Fitzer, Candy Rosing, Su an Gould, Michael Schultz, Charle M1htello, Su an Graves, Karen Levandow k1, Manlyn Pulawski. Second row: Eugene Berek, Carol Kommer, Jean Patz, Dolore Dolan, Marjone Frankow ki, Nancy Jankowski, Carol Fertato, Joan Barre , Wendy Schoener, Ann Mei ter, Lynne Calli , Nancy Valentine, Jill Levy, Janet Kuzdale, Robm Zelien k1, Cindy Parlato, 1ary nn Thomas, Frank Vega. Third row: Germaine Maslack, Valerie Champlin, Audrey Drozdiel, Andrea Zeplowitz, Judy Tenamore, Mary Hart, Carolyn Cole, Diane White, Daniel Formanowicz, Mark Wood , Dougla Mahany, Richard Lugen, Marcia King, Tony Ru o, Patricia Quigley, Joan Fedy zyn, Lizabeth Barbknecht, Patty Medley, Carla Maslakow ki. Fourth row: Nel on Arcoraci, Andrea Beatty, Su an Wojcm ki, Kathy Maternow ki, Donna Steven , Maryanne Pencek, Patty Shepard, Virginia Baran, Thomas Komada, Robert Alback, Gregory Whitney, Allan tuhlmiller, Pat Fe er, Cindy Kalfas, Cindy Pachol, Michelene Glen, Mary Loui e McGraw, Linda Trill, u an Sandhoff, Jim Pelleter.

tudent ouncil Pre ident Bill Barthold, lend a helping hand to representatives Kathy Meku and Michele Parlato.


The clziefest action for a man of great spirit is ne~ · er to be out of action. John Webster

Homecoming '68 took place on Friday, ovember I, consi ted of Freshman Hedi Haynes, escorted by Joe Russo, and It wa a great finale to a week of enthusiasm on the part of ophomore Sarah Warmbrodt, e corted by Robm Latimer and the entire tudent body. Prior to the big day, the Senior Cia s Jumor Mickey Glenn, e carted by Don Swejbka. A dance wa cho e three candidates for the title of Homecommg Queen, held after the game to celebrate the Marauder ' triumph over who wa then chosen by the student body. Voting wa ba ed the Olean Huskie . At the dance the Cia. s of '70 received on the an wer given by the girl t question · asked of them 50 for displaying the mo t pirit during Homecoming Week. at a pep a sembly on Friday afternoon. The queen candidates Other unforgettable events of that week were the burnmg and their e. cort were C i n d y Pachal and Tim D y k a s, of a huge bonfire on Thur day mght, the crowning of the Linda KuJawa and Craig M c E I haney, and \11 a r y Jane coach a "Kmg Keough" by the Semor Class at the pep a - DiPietro and Bernie Haagen en. Dunng half time at the game sembl], and a parade of the cia s float and the tudent It wa announced that Mary Jane DIPietro wa the students' Friday after school. choice, and she was crowned queen by Mr. Parlato. Her court 139 First row: Maureen DelPopolo, Lavon Sheffield, Bonnie Shubert, Jill Levy, Kathy Mekus, Nancy Valentine, Martha Fitzer, Virginia Baran, Nancy Jelonek, Ro alind Vacanti, Jan Clifford. Second row: Cindy Parlato, Peter Pett, Dave Wisniewski, Nancy Jankow ki, Cindy Kalfa , Mary Loui e McGraw, Mary Ann Kolassa, Mary Wroblew ki, Karen Wojcinski, Marge Frankow ki. Third row: Patty Medly, Thoma Komada, Tim Jakubiec, Jim McCarthy, Tim Donnelly, John Rivera, Andrea Zeplowitz, Karen Levandowski, Judy Frank , Carol Kaufman, Ann Meister. Fourth row: Mary Hart, AI tuhlmiller, Phil Kordon, Jerry Drummond, Marlene Burgstrom, David Kleparek, Kathy Gatto, Judy McKay, Kathy Lasky, Fred Warmbrodt. Fifth row: Mr. Mancuso, Robin Zielinski, Sally Lundin, Deni e Clarke, Carolyn Cole, Donna Steven , Linda Naslund, Phylli So in ki, Linda Trill, Susan Wojcinski, Cathy Ko ierb.

American Field Service

The American Field Service, organized to foster goodwill kowski journeyed to France, and Kenneth Sage tayed a year and understanding among countries by mean of the inter­ in Germany. The enthusiasm of the Dunkirk tudent body change of idea among high chool tudents from various re ulted in a total sum of $7000 rai ed in less than a month. lands, enjoyed another busy year of activity. The presiding Mr. Mancuso then arranged a very successful victory dance to officer , advi ed by Mr. John Mancuso, were Michele Parlato, celebrate thi great achievement. A.F.S. al o took part in the Pre ident; Sally Husch, Vice-Pre ident; Marjorie Frankow ki, exchange program of foreign tudent among area schools. Secretary; Cathy Graf, Trea urer. In addition to the regular Kum Kum Bhavnana, an area exchange student from England, meeting , a magazine drive and a victory dance were spon­ lived with Virginia Baran at her Dunkirk home for a week. sored by the A.F.S. The magazine drive was one of the most Dunkirk's John Rivera spent a week in Springville. These succe ful event sponsored thi year. The quota was $6700, event have proven the succes of the A.F.S. program at Dun­ which was to pay for the pon or hip of three exchange stu­ kirk High, due in large part to the efforts and support of the dents. John Rivera, from Peru, attended D.H.S. thi year, and entire tudent body. Dunkirk wa able to end two tudent abroad. Neil Rzep-

140 First row: Janet Kuzdale, Linda Ardillo, Cindy Pachol, Dolores Dolan, Edith Kozlowski, Linda Mangus, Patty Shepard, Joan Fedy zyn, Michele Campe e, Mark Sam. Second row: Mary Andrew , Liz Barbknecht, Marilyn Pawlow ki, Sue Pierce, Kathy Maternow ki, Debbie Block, Le ley Palmer, Amelia Crino, Mollie Greeder, Cathy Graf, Jan Clifford. Third row: Bob Barlette, Patty Quigley, Janice Kaufman, Sharon Wdowiasz, Audry Drozdiel, Marcia King, Jean Patz, Wendy Schoener, Candy Rosing, Andrea Beatty, Fred Warmbrodt, Steve Zielinski, Michelene Glen, Doug Mahaney, Dave Cri cione, Richard Rzepkow ki, Mark Wood , Sue Grave , John Bongiovanne, Steve Gould, Bill Barthold. Fourth row: Mr. Mancuso, Jerry Frank , Sally Gestwickt, Karen Holz­ warth, Sue Gould, Valerie Champlain, Carol Kommer, John LaMattina, Larry Przybyla.

First row: Mr. John Mancu o, advi or; Sally Hu ch, Vice-Pre ident; Marjorie Frankow kt, Secretary; Mi­ chele Parlato, Pre ident. Exchange Students

Australia's Rhonda Luhrs (Rotary Club) and Peru' Juan Rivera (AF )

142 Citizen

F~rH row: Joan Daggett, Lavon heffield, ue 1ourer, Chn~ta Babirad. arol Hammond, ·ancy Pakulski. Candy Rosing, Liz Barbnecht, Carol Organ. Second row Cindy Wells, Janet Kuzdale, .\-farty Fitzer, Bobbt We tling .. 1r. Yalvo--advi or. Don zebjka, ancy Clarke, Mary ndrews, ancy nyder. Third row: Marlene Burgstrum. Pat Hudson, \1aureen DelPopolo, Bob hoener, m.e Radloff. William Barthold, Wayne Heckathorn, Jerry Drummond, Dave Criscione, Pat Dubiel, Mary nn Pencek, Judy McKay. Darlyn Krzyzanowicz.

Service Club

First row: Dianne Andrasik, Becky Gttttng , mdy Well , Dianne Whtte, Pat Fe er. econd ro.,.. 1ary 1onahan, Martha Fitzer. Carol Organ, Linda Pawlowski, Linda Ardillo, Dolore Dolan. Peggt Wuerstle. Third row: Mary Lou Rtckey, Sylvta Hooten. Carol 1och, Janet Tofil. Jud} McKay, Bet y Roman, Mary Jane DiPietro, Mary Ann Pencek, Jams Kaufman, Andrea Beatty. Fourth ro11 1r.. 1ancu o. Tim Jakubiec, 1ary Ann Kolassa, Cindy Dutton, Jerry Drummond, Steve Gould, Dave Criscione, Frank Penkaty, Peter Pett.

143 First row: Germaine Maslach, Pat Kaiser, Mary Kolassa, Joan Bartella, Cindy Jusko, Amelia Crino, Cheri Smith, Carol Organ, Judy Nietup ki, Carol Kommer, Georgianna Catalano, Jessie Heid. Second row: Carol Moch, Judy Pizzolanti, Sue Knight, Bonnie Ruzychi, Cindy Dutton, Andrea Beatty, Marlene Burgstrom, Mike Szocki, Mark Kaniza, Doug Kowlowski, Ken Lajewski, Frank Corsoro. Third row: Pam Anizewski, Mary Andrews, Donna McKay, Jan Clifford, Marty Fitzer, Bonnie Dutton, Margie Maslach, Greg Farnham, Debbie Anders, Karen Adams, Debbie Cybart. French Club

First row: Michele Campese, Student Council Representative; Dennise Masla­ kow ki, Secretary; Mlle. Maruzza Accetta. Second row: Donna Parmelee, Pre ident; Kathy Graf, Vice-Pre ident; Richard Sage, Treasurer; Oscar A. Bixby, Advisor.

,.... Stanley Vnuk, Advi or; Nancy Jankowski, Treasurer; Ricky Kalfas, Vice-Pre ident; Tim Jacubiec. President. Spanish Club

First row: Patty Miller, Deborah Kaleta. Mary Michalak, Jean Wh1tmer. Mary Ellen Raczek. Elaine l ask)' . \tar)' ue GloY. ki. Jean Centner. Michele Piwowar ki, Kathy 1aternow ki, 1aureen Hayes, Leslie Roman, Marilyn chrantz. nn tiester. Juanita prague, haron WdOY.Iasz. Second row: Diane Andrasik, Ro alind Vacanti, Becky Korzeniew k1. Kathy Gato. Valerie haplin. Cathy Gangal, Judy Frank. usan Angalone, ally Luden, There a Barone, Denise Clarke. Rita Barone, Karen WoJcinski. ue Pierce. Cind)' Epolito. Third row: Joe Krzakale, John Farrell. Joel Scott, Howard Glos , Robert Golubski, Ed Crockett, John Bogardu , Juan R1vara, Tom Duncan, Richard Lugen. Tony Ru. o. Bill Taft. First row: Carol Kaufman, ecretary; Carla Maslakowski, treasurer. Second row: Paul lancaster, Vice-Pre ident, 1r. Horlak, dv1 or; harle Acker, Pre ident.

German Club

First row: Anabelle Maze. econd row: Joseph Million, Linda Lentz, Lmda Frodelles, andy Ro ing, Elizabeth Barknecht, Peggy Wuerstle, Linda Ardillo, Jill Levy, Lari a Korytko, Mary Ellen Fedyszyn, Linda Frodelius, orman Kondziel ki. Third row· Denni Hoffman, David Bri ka, Gary Granata. Daniel Formanowicz, John Rakas, Nelson Arcoraci, Allan Gould, Patrick Zagorski, Bruce Trill. First row: Karen Levandow kt, Pro-Consul; Mark Wood . Consul. 'iecond ro11: Charles Militello. Tribune: Allan Zurawski, Aedtle: Cathy Graf. Quaestor: Doris Dimpfl. Consultor: \lary Louise :\lcGraw. nba: lesley Palmer. Censor. SPQR (Latin Club)

f'int rem: Debra zopmskt. arol hur, Barb Barone, Edith Kozlowskt. mdy ampe e. aria Maslakowskt. Debbte Bloch. Jackte 1\.uptec, 1ary Hutchenson, Yalene Etzel. Jane Scott. econd ro11· · Ed Long, Robert Bak. Lynn 1\.laybor, arol anecki, hirley Weakle)'. Allen obczak, Dave Przybyla, Donna Parmelee, Resha Granto, Dan Drozdiel. 1\.evin 1itchell, Robert Clark, I aletta. First row: Candie Ro ing, Marlene Burg trum, Mary Ippolito, haron Kozlow ki. Second row: Amelia Crino, Bonnie Dutton, Kathy Lasky. Leslie Roman. Wendy cheoner. Debbte Ander . Karen Holz~orth. ancy Jando~ ki. L tz Barbknecht. .\1r. Palermo. Third ro11 Jan lifford. L tnda rrodeliu~. Judy '\1cKay, '\1ollte Greder. Judy Frank, tndy Dutton. Pat Hudson. ancy Jelonek. ,\1ar:r nn Kola~ a. Liz Haye~. Denise \1a la­ ko~skt. FTA


First row: Pat Lemt zko, Cathy McDonald, Chri Barnes. ue Meyers, Barb mith, Concetta Crino, Donna Drummond, Barb Randall. econd rm<: Altcta Kamin ki, Sue Levendow ki. Arlene hrantz. haron Childs. 1anlyn Lazarony. Ltnda Kemp. Judy Tenamore. Florence Deszcz. Gail D Ian. Third ro11. 1olly Greder, Jean Patz. Jan Clifford, Barb Adam . L inda Trill, l inda Begier. 1artha Wolfe, l\.1ichelene Glenn. Fourth row: Ed Kucmterz. Randy Go ~. Dave Wisniew~ki . John Bongiovannt. Rtchard Damtco. John Zambotti. 148 \1ichael Halpatny. Jerr:r Drummond. Dave Kleparek. First rOIL' Carol Wallace. Carl Kachermeyer. Jacqueline krzypek. Gary faternow~ki, Sharon Houser. Kathleen Keppel. Second roll' teven ran e. \1al) -\nn Gullo. ancy Drev. nial... Ann \1ane 1\.orba~. 1\.athleen f'errug.a. Ymcent Ro\sotto. f hire/ ro11 I inda 1\.uJav..a. Angela Arnone. ally Ru~~o. fourth ro11: Thoma\ \1atyjal..owsi..J. \1ar\ha \1orey, James Buchrie\, 1\.athleen 1\.aleta. I Bradley. D1ana Kubasik. Jo\eph Kucharski. Barbara Adams. John Lawrence, John erafin. William Briggs. Fi}ih rcJI\ Dan1el Elf­ man. 11chael Addmgton. ferry Ternll. Andrev. prague. Robert W1~niev.ski. Robert Hyde. Edv.ard \1orcy. John B1eleck1 John Jakubow~ki. Peter B1alaszewsi..J. teven Shuart. James Hylan.

Seared: \1ichael Pcncek. Grace Ricotta. Franl.. 'alcpa, Behy Roman. \\'illiam St lmach. R1chard ,\1ajka. Maryann Oddo. Janice zopin~ki. tunduzJ:: Hector Alvarez, Jame\ f'afinski. T1mothy Danieh, John htzgerald. f-red Catalano, Thomas Keppel. William Szary Paul Kau\, l av..rence I a.rarc.ryl.., Ralph Kau , Mark Maslakowsk1, Thomas Zielin ki, James Breneck1, Kevm O'Husky. BOCES Red Cross Youth

Fir.\t rem: 1rs. Marvin, dv1sor; mdy Dutton. President; Ted chmidt, Vice-President, Karen dams. ecretary. £'ccmd roll': Peggy Dill, Debo­ rah Block, Deborah ybart, Carol anecki. Jack1e Kup1ec. l eslle Roman. R1sha Granto. Third roiL leslie Palmer. Debbie Anders, Bonnie Out ton. 1ollie Greder, Mary Hutchinson. Edith Kozlowski. Shirley Weakley. Biology Club

\l1ss D1ane Henrich. Mr. nder. on. Adv1sor. ~tr Wolford, Adv1 or. Mark Kaw1a, John Formanow1cz. orman 1\.ondzielski, Roger Fiazlta. Dav1d Bri ka. Roberta Howe, \farc1a King, Le lie Palmer, u an P1erce, Carol Wnght, Edith Kozlow k1, indy Epolito.

150 Debate Club

Fir trow: Deborah Ander . econd row: Ann Bernstein, Leslie Roman. Leslie Palmer. Third row: !\.1r. Palermo, 1r. ase. Mr. Hutchin on. visors: John Bogardus, 1ollie Gredcr, Theodore hmidt. Rosalind Vacanti, ind> Dutton. Bonnie Dutton. Debbie Block.


First rem: Mrs. Marvin. dvi or; at h y Kos1erb, ue Wozcen ki, Pat Fe er. Margaret Dill. h a ron Woinarow ki, Gail Dolan. Babara mith. Second ro11 · Diane White. athy Gatto.

151 First row: Bill Washington, Allan Zurawski, Pat Reily, Jim Fafinski, Mike Poweski, Jerry Hallqui t, Peter Pett. Second row: Tom l\1leczko, Bob Barlette. Fntz Hudson, hed Warmbrodt, Bob choener, Paul ybart. Dave Kleparek, Frank Testa, Jerry Drummond, Tim Dykas. Ihird row: Bill Berek, f-rank Penkaty, Paul Lancaster, Bill Barthold, Dennis Tarnoo,~.ski, Larry Przybyla. Steve Dziduch. Dave Graf. Steve Borowski, Don wejbka. Boy's D Club

Dave Wisniewski, Treasurer; Dave Criscione, President; Angelo J. Pagano, Advisor; teve Gould, Vice-Pr sident: teve Ziehn k1, ecre­ tary. Fint row Betsy Roman, Tre~urer. ecvnd row: Marty Fitzer, Ytce-Prestdent; ally Hush, President, Lavon heffield, ecretary; Ltnda Ardillo, ergeant at Arms; ancy Parlato. d­ vtsor. Third row: usan hufeld, Advtsor.

Girl's D Club

First row: Wendy hoener, Janet KuLdale, 1ary Monahan, Jan Clifford. econd rem. indy Pachol. ancy Jelonek. Diane White, ancy Jankowskt, Mtchele Parlato, Peggy Wuer tie, ancy Valentine. Third r011: Cathy Graf. Maureen DeiPopolo, Cindy Kalfas, Judy Franks, Gerry Frank , Carol Kaufman, Patty Feser, Sandy Bruno.

153 DECA

First rem: ancy O'Brien. 1arilyn Lazarony. Barbara Randall. Chn tine l<..uzmc­ kt. Patricia Lem1sko. Sec­ ond row: Mr. h a r I e ~ Conti. Advisor; Dave Wi - niewsk1. Robert Wawrzy­ niak. R1chard D a m 1 c o. John Z am bot t 1, Dan Mizwa. Peter Me ina.

ESEA- Photography Course

First row: Rita Barone, Audrey Drozdiel, Terry Bender, Anne Klocko. Second row: Barbara Barone. Paul Miehl, Mary Long. ue VandeVelde, There a Bar­ one. Craig McElhaney, Diane Andra ik. Mr. Robert Will, Ad­ VI or. First row· Gail Maslach, indy Dutton, Mollie Greder, Donna Parmalee. Mary Ellen Raczek Michele Campese. Wendy Dew, Anna Bernstein. ermame Maslach, Joan Bartello. Second row: Debra Anders. Jame Gould. Josephine Lanske. Joan Barris, Jame zot, Anthony Ru so. teven Dziduch. Rtchard Barris. John Formnowicz. Jame~ Reading. hank Benamati. Bonnie Dutton. lltird rem Marcia "-.uptec, orman Kondzteltn ki, ebon coraci, Beverly Gnese. Patricta Vandette. indy Campe e. Paul rntz. Tony Casson. Robert Habiach, Mtchael Kozlov. kt, Keith Frank. James Pelleter. orman Karen. Fourth ro•• Je e Hetd. Robert Jagoda. Patrick Zagorski. Robert Kackemeyer. Edv.ard 1eyer . amuel Ricotta, Douglas _>.,.tahaney, Fdward atalano. Thomas hatTer. regory Farnham. Theodore Schmidt, Rtchard Lugan, ndrev. hn tina, band director: Lesley Palmer. Concert Band

The Dunkirk High hool Band i one of the most active organizations at Dunkirk High School. The band i · actively engaged in more functions than any other organization at D.H .. throughout the year. The band' performance , in and out ot school. are numerou and varied. fhe first three month of the chool )'Car are pent pre­ paring and performing half time hO\v at all home football games. The D. H .. Band i one of two band in Chautauqua county that perform half time how . long with the drill team and twirlers, our band ha performed for every home game in the past everal years. The band al perform for all pep a·- cmblic and the Halloween parade in the fall. The band' ac­ tivitie for the fir t emester are concluded with the annual hristma -Pop concert in December. The fir t everal month of the econd eme ter are pent preparing ome difficult concert music. The band then pre­ ·ent a pring Concert in March. In the pa t we have hared our program with other group and have had gue t conductor . very ·pring the band ha taken a pring trip and performed at out ide chools. This i the completion of an exchange pro­ gram. I o in the pring all band member perform in oio and/ or en emble competition at a .Y ... M. . mu ic fe ti al. The tudent prepare the mu i by them elve for competition. The Ia t band function ~ r the year i the Memorial Day parade on May 30. In the afternoon the band ha a picnic to complete the )'Car.

155 TRL \1PET '-f1oor: Anthony a s o n, nthony Ru o, Richard Barri , Jame zot. Stwrs: Keith F-rank­ Iewicz, Doug Kozlowski, Robert H a b i c k. teven Dz1duch, orman Karin.

CLARI:"'ET First row: 1ary Gail Maslach, mdy Dutton, Mollie Greder, Donna Parmelee. ec nd row: Joan Barn , Josephine Lan k1, Ed­ mund Gould, Deborah Anders. Third ro". Marcy Kup1ec, orman Kondziel k1, el on Arcoraci, Pat endette, Cindy Campe e, Beverly Griese.

156 J\1r. Andre"' Chri\tina

SAXOPHONE \ . D BA CLARI-.;ET: Jame Reading. Bonme Dutton. Fran" Benenati, John For­ mano\\-icz.

157 FLl TES \ D 080 ' F1r.1t row: Joan Bar­ tel Ia. Ann Bern tem. Second row. 1ichele ampese. Germain Maslach, Mary Ellen Rac­ zek. Wendy Dew.

PERC 10 ~ First row: Jessie Heid, Bob Kachermeyer. Pat Za­ gor kt, Leslie Palmer. econd row: Bob Jagoda, Ed Meyer.

158 BRAS· Fir.lf row: rom Schafer Sam Ricot­ ta. Greg Farnham, Paul Arntz. Ted hmitz, Rick Lugen. Second m~< Doug . 1ahany, Ed atalano.


First row: Le lie Palmer, Karen Levandow ki, Ed1th Kozlow ki, Deborah Block, Le he 1organ. Le he Roman, Laura Waller, harlene Drahle, Michele Damin. Second row . Darlene DeGolier, 1ary Jane DiPietro, u an mith. John need, Thomas omello, Dav.n 1ar­ telli, Deborah Ander , Joan Bartella, \1i hoeber. Third row. 1arcy 1\.up!ec, Deborah (}.,borne, Linda Fardilevu . Michael Parson . llan arrus, Thoma Parkman, Mary Hart, l inda Reading, Joan Barn . 159 Athletics

- - -

First rmc teve Gould, Bill Barthold, Dave nc10ne, Dave Kleparek, Jerry Drummond, Tim Jakubiec. econd row: Tom C.e lew1cz. Tom 11eczko, W .. e Poweskl. Pat Barone, Frank Penkaty, Frank alepa, Frank Testa, Pete Pett, Ken Warmbrodt, Ed Rusch, Bob Barlette, Bruce Kau . Top ro11· · ndy Hooten, Greg Farnham, Keith AI trom, Gary chulenberg, Fritz Hudson, Paul Lancaster, Pat Reilly, teve Zielinski, Dick Purol, Larry Przybyla, Dave Graf, Phil DeiPopolo, Paul Cybart, Fred Warmbrodt.

oaches: Guy ievert, Offen e; incent Keough. Head oach; John Mancuso, Backfield; Don Rozumal ki, Defense.

To the houts of "We're umber One", the Maroon \11arauders, under the leader hip of our new head coach, Vince Keough. fought to a tough 6 and 2 sea on. ine mem­ ber of the squad, led b) captain, Frank Pen kat), were e­ lected for the uthwe tern League II- tar team. In ad­ dition to Penkaty there were five other enior -Dave Kle­ parek, teve Gould, Dave ri ·cione, rank Te ta, and Frank alepa and three junior - tevc Zielinski, Fred Warmbrodt, and Bob Barlcttc. Because of their hard work and de ire, they brought home our fir t outhwe tern League Champion hip in eleven year .

162 HOM I: OPPO"'\ f< '\ TS

Dunkirk 13 J ame!'>ltm n I ' Dunkirk 32 Fredonia 7 Dunkirk 13 alamanca 6 Dunkirk 32 F-alconer 0 Dunkirk 1-+ outh\\ estern 0 Dunkirk 26 nion High 6 Dunkirk I, Olean 7 Dunkirk 13 '\tlindszcnt) 20 Tim Jakubiec

Bill Barthold

Frank Penkaty

Fred Warmbrodt Frank festa


Jerry Drummond

Peter Pett First rene Gerald Kubasik, Tom amelo, Don Rozumal ki, AI tuhlimiller, Ronald Hallquist, Len pilito, Gary hulenberg. Second roll': Lonie Kmz1e, Dan Kuzdale. Fritz Hudson, Greg Farnham, Paul Lancaster. Tom Cieslewicz, Dave Bartello. Third rcJII. John lapa, Michael haffie, Pat R1ely. Dick Purol. orm Kann, John rokett. Andy Balzer. J.V. Football

Cross Country

Fir~t row: Jo~eph 1\.rzakala. R1chard Barns, tcve ek1tos. 1ck D1Cara. Ron zopm k1. Bill Wa hmgton, Denms Tarnowski, Bill Berek, ugene Wojcin 1..1. Dean Cornelio. Second ro••: Robm l.at1mer. llan Zurawski. John Danforth, Jim Putro, Bob Horey, Don zwejbka. Jim Bal.., teve Borowski, Don 1\.ujawa, John Bogardos. First row. Rick l.ugen. Greg Farnham. Juan R1vera. Carl Waclaw~ki. John Glapa ecom/ row: Joe zarnecki. Ron Korb~. ~11ke Powe­ ski. Ed trauser. Kevm \1•tchell. Third rtm: Tim Graminsk•. Dan York. Bob Kachermeyer. teve krypek. Dennis Hoffman. Paul ybart. Dave Propei. Ron Mleczko. Tom Komada. oach Vmce Keough. Fourth row: 1ary Gran- ata. I Powesk1. Dick age. Jim Lajew ki. lark Kutner.

Swimming Team Fir t row: Jim Cas n, Bill Washington. Second row: Mr. Stuhmiller. Mr. Pagano, David Criscione. Bob Barlette. Fred Warmbrodt, Bill Berek. ick DiCara. Denni Tarnow kl. teve Dziduch. Jim Pietro. teve Zielmski. teve Borow J...i . Don zwebjka.

Varsity Basketball

The varsity ba ketball team under oach tuhmiller' direction got off to a quick tart and continued to a winning ca on. Leading the way for the Marauder were c -captains Bill Berek and Da e Cri cione. Pro iding the reb unding power for the team were enior ick Di ara and junior Steve Borowski and Don wejbka. The team wa al o upported b)' a trong re erve team including teve Zielin ki , Jim Pietro and T m Duncan. Highlight of the ea on were our econd con ecutive "Little Three" champion hip and a clo ely fought battle with ilver r e e k and Mind zenty.

enior : Bill Berek. ick D• ara, Dave ri cione. and 168 Dennis Tarnow ki.

J.V. Basketball

The Junior Varsit) hasJ...etball team tinished another hard fought cason under Co a c h Charles Ketb · able direction. Good ball con­ trol b) Don Kujawa and fine rebounding b) Dave Graf along with a well balanced defense led the team to their successful cason.

First row: Robert Adamczak, Paul Lancaster, Greg Wi niewski, Keith Alstrom, Don Kujawa, Dave Graf. econd row: Coach harles Keib, Richard Purol, Pat Reilly, Bob Horey, John Danforth, Jim Bak, Frank Benamati, Frank Corsoro. Jerry Campese. Freshman Basketball

First row: arl We tling, Don Rozumalski, oach; Jim Kubasik, Manager; Dan Glapa. Second row: Jerome Bernecki, Tom Bender, Andy Balzer. 170 orm Karen. Lonnie Km~ey , John Crocket. tan liwa, Tim Felt, AI tuhmiller. Mtke haffie. Jim Pelletier. Don Rozumalski. 171 First row· Dave Mleczko, Manager; Coach AI Stuhmiller, Dave Cri cione, Bob Fafin ki, Dave Grabias, Ed Ko ierb, Tom Mleczko, Manager. Sec­ ond rem 1\.lr. Francis Geiben. Acting Princtpal, Dave Kuzara. Rtd, Bartkowiak, Steve Dztduch, Dave Wtsntewski, Tim Jakubtec. Jim Fafinskt. Thtrd roll'· John , Vtncent Piglowski, Don KuJawa, hank Corsoro, John Vendette. Dave Wallace, Tom Monohan. Baseball First row: Angelo J. Pagano, Athletic Director; Bob Barlette, Paul Gill, Terry Centner, John Scott, Bernard Barris, Frank Te ta. Steven Lis. Terry Terrill, Ken !strom. ecom/ row Franci Geiben. Acting Principal; Glen Ahrens. Jeri] Halqutst. Bill Washington. ndreY. Hooten. Greg Farnham. Paul Cubart. Pete Pelt. Pat Barone. tike PoY.e~ki, fred Warmbrodt. Coach Vincent Keough. Third ro" Dave Kleparek, Rtchard Barris. John Glapa. Jim Pietro. Dave Graf. John Dean. Dan Kuzdale. Bill Barthold. teve Zielinski. Jame allahan. Track

173 Golf

First ro11 · John Polo\.1-y, Tony Rus\O. Riel.. Lugen. Jame Gould. Douglas '\taHaney Second row: t e v e Borowsl-.i. Tom Duncan. Riel- Tarno\.1-ski. R o be r t Golubski. tr. Jack hubert. Coach.


Fir1t row: Gary Tippens. Bob hoener. Second row: Dan ul­ livan, Ken age, Dennis Hoff­ man. John Parker. Mr. Guy ievert, Coach. Varsity Cheerleaders

Maureen Del Popolo ancy Valentine

Bonme hubert

Michele Parlato

ally Hu ch J.V. Cheerleaders

First row: Lynne Klaybor, Debra Osborn. 5econd row· Robm Ztehnski. Patty LaBarbera. Third ro» Carolyn Cole, Pattie ~1edley. ~1ary Hart. Cindy Parlato.


Fir.\t row. ylvta Hooten, Georgi­ an atalano, Donna McKay. !:wc­ ond row: Leshe Roman, ue Va­ canti. l mda Kaus, Debbte Rose, arol hnur, laudta elL Pam Anizewski, Carol Pinkowski.


178 Farewell

/he year i.\ clowd. the record made; /he lmt deed done, the last II'Ord .wid. !he me11101}' alone remain\ of all it~jo _n, it\ grief\, in gai/1\, And with purpose jitfl and clear I turn to meet another year.

Robert Broll'nin~

179 Business Patrons

Burgett Enterprizes Town & Country-Dunkirk & Fredonia Walt's Sporting Goods Store Dunkirk Theaters, Inc. Burn Building Supply

Dunkirk Ice Cream Co.

Dunkirk Independent Insurance Agents Association Members Richard Fitzer Agency Julian Opacinch Agency Monroe Agency Gerald Schwartz Agency Heppell-Robinson, Inc. Leroy Goldhardt Agency W. L. Putnam Agency, Inc. Glenn-J ankowski Agency Joan Dean Dunkirk Radiator Corporation

Dunkirk Savings and Loan Association

Fred Koch Brewery

Marauders' Booster Club

McMachan's Paint, Wallpaper and Glass

Northern Chautauqua Clearing House Manufacturer's and Traders Trust Co. Liberty National Bank and Trust Co. Marine Midland Chautauqua National Bank


180 A.C.K. Auto Parts Brigg's Dairy Compliments of a friend Decorator Kitchens by Smith D & F Window Cleaners Dunkirk Lingerie Dunkirk Motel Epsilon Omega Chi Sorority Evening Observer Feser's Plumbing and Heating First Ward Falcon Club Five Star Window Cleaners Garden Gate Florist W. T. Grant Co. Halas Restaurant Jim's Dry Cleaners Dave Graf Kendall Lake Shore Savings and Loan Association Lucky Lanes Ludlum's Variety Store John A. Mackowiak & Son, Funeral Directors Mark's Drive In Larry Space Pontiac Red Barn Rue-Kert's Sales Schlichter's Service Hardware Co. Service Print, Inc. Sherwin-Williams Company Sidey's, Inc. Tederous Liquor Store Tofil's Block House Torrey Delivery, Inc. Valone's Foods, Inc. Vineyard Motel WDOERadio Wheeler Motor Expre , Inc. M. Wile & Co., Inc.

18 1 lpha Beta \lpha f· raternit; .S. Kresge Co. \lpha Omega "-.appa hatcrnit; I akc <)horc Pharmacy Bcntle) & Rcnd.cns Dair). Inc. Lake Shore \\all paper<.\: Paint Co. Beta Zeta Alpha Fratcrnit) 1 ecd's Credit Jewelers Book ook 1 udcs Brothers Florish Boothtes Margaret nthony '\iurstng Home P.H . Carlyon. Inc. \1cGr:m 's Funeral Home Carm ·s Beaut) \don 'vlillcr\ Furniture Cease Commissar) cn.icc. Inc. Miller's Oftice l:.qutpmcnt & upply Co. Central Car \\ash 'vtorgan l incn Supply . Inc. 'cntral Lanes actzker Bros. Clat rc · Beauty alon e\\ 'r ork tore Costello Music. Inc. Orcutt f-uneral Sen tcc Cych 's Grocer) Park A H:nue Service Danny's Restaurant Park Shoe tore Dcc·s Bridal hop Parmelee's f:gg Room Dengler Chc\. Inc. Qual it) Bakery Dunkirk \iation Flight chool Geo. Ra;. Inc. Dunkirk Diner RF E-xprcs Dunkirk Veterans of \\orld \\ar I I. Inc. Ken Reimann Cadillac Oldsmobile l:.hlcrs Furniture Rosing\ f:llman·s Garage \ . am & ons Supermarket Fisher Dunkirk Taxi. Inc. 366 3200 hearer\ Glabcrman·s Furniture Co .. Inc. onny ax Orchc tra 366-2353 Haber's Tm\n <.'-Country Restaurant Hch.. ig·s hsh 'vtarkct \\etss Hardv.-are Hou c of Charm \\hitc E-agle Baker) f"om Kinney's en icc \\ olos1y n Printery Ko ciuszko Club

182 Patrons

Bob bramov, icz Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Lajev.ski Mr and Mrs. rthur damctak Mr. and 1\ilr . William I emistko Mr and Mrs. rthur ndcr<; Mr. and Mrs. Richard Le\andov.ski Arthur D. nders Mr. and Mr . Henry Maslakov,skt Mr. and Mrs. John Andrews Mr. and Mrs. Richard Mekus Mary ndrev,<; Dorothy P. Mlcczko Mr. and Mrs. d\\ard Banach Mr. and Mrs. Frank Mleczko \llr. and Mrs. John Baran Mr. and Mr . Richard \llourcr \1 r. and \1 rs . Henry J Barne-. Mr. and Mr . Chester Organ \1r. and \1rs. orv.·ood Barris Mr. and \1r . Aloy ius Pawltm ki \1r and \llrs. Braciszewski \llr.. John Pencek Mr. and "vfrs. Earl Brook'> 1\1r. and \llrs. Donald Rctlly Mr. and Mr-.. Russell Catalano "vfr. and Mrs. Leo Roman Mr. and Mrs. L. Drozdiel Mr. and Mrs. Leonard J . Roman Mr. and Mrs. M. Drozdiel Mr. and Mrs. J. Robert chlia Mr. and Mr . Anthony Dubiel Mr . f:.leanor ie\ert Mr. and Mr ·. Daniel J. Durkin "vfrs. Bernice M . \\ierk Mr. and Mrs. Elvin Dutton "vfr. and \1rs. Ed\\ 111 wpinski German I -1969 \llr . fheodore zopin ki Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Gramin ki \1r. and Mr. Joseph J . acanti Mr. and Mrs. dward J. Greder, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Jo eph J . \acanti Growth's Auto Supply Mr. and Mr . Donald elzy Mr. and Mrs. Edward Hayes Mr. and Mr . Carmine endette Mr. and Mrs. George Hutchinson Mr. and Mr . Edward \Vi . niewski Mr. and Mrs. Harold P. Jclonek Mr ·. Henry Wolfe Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Kalfasur Mr. and Mr . John Woods Mr. and Mrs. Harry Kleparek Mr. Hyman Zeplowitz Mr. and Mrs. J. Kozlowski Mr. and Mr . Frank Zielin ki Mr. and Mrs. Francis Kuznicki

183 Student Index

feser. Patric1a 47. 13~. 143. 153. 128. 151 l emiszko. Patricia ~6. 148. 128. 154 Seniors rink. Harley 47 l evandoski, Bruce 56, 83 Fitzer. 1artha 47. 135. 140. 143. 144, 153 l evando ki, Susan 57, 133, 148. 78 levy, Jill 57. 83. 133, 135. 140. 146. 78 A Fitzgerald. John 47. 149 ha1ier. Terry 47 l uhrs, Rhonda 52. 142 Furnar, Cheryl 47 Acker, Charles 38. 79. 80. 146, 78 M Adam\. Barbara 38. 148. 149. 128 Adams. Karen 38. 132. 144. 150. 128. 78 G Madursk1, Charles 57 Andmsik. D1ane 38. 133. 143. 145. 128, 78, Garigal. Robert 48. tD Mahon. 1ichael 57, 81. 78 154 Gaura. Linette 48 Majka. Richard 57, 149 Andrews. 1ary 3 . 82. 141. 143. 144. 128 Gennuso. James 48 1artin, Linda 58 Ardillo. linda 38. 141. 143. 146. 153. 128 Giambm, Debomh 48 1artin, Loretta 58. 128 Arnone. -\ngela 39, 149 Ginley. Paulene 48 Martinelli, Charlotte 58 Gitting , Rebecca 48. 143 Maslach. Francis 58 8 Glapa. Gary 49 Maslakowsk1, Mark ~8. 149 Goss. Rand} 49. 148 Maternowsk1. Bonnie ~8 Banach. Da> 1d 39 Gotowka. Michael 76 Matyjakowski. Jerome 59 Baran. v1rgmia 39, 79. 80. 135. 140. 78 Gould, teven 49. 141. 143. 152. 162, 164 McElhaney, Craig 57, 82, 154 Barnes. l mda 39 Graves. Karen 49 Mekus, Kathleen 59, 84, 135, 140 Barnes. Mary 39. 148. 128 Graves. Dav1d 49 Meyer, uzanne 59. 148 Barthold. William 40, 80. 134, 135, 141, 143, Graves, usan 49. 14 I. 135. 128 Miller, Daniel 59 152, 162. 164. 173 Greder. Molhe ~0. 83. 133. 141. 148. 150, Miller, James 59 Barone, Mark 39 15), 156.78. 151 Mizwa. Walter 59 Bender, 1ananne 40. 81 Grimm. Dennis 50 Mleczko. Mary Ann 60 Benenau.Joanne 40 Gullo. 1ary Ann 50. 149 !\1orey. Marsha 60. 149 Berek, William 40, 4. 152. 166. 168 1organ. Leslie 60. 159 B1alaszewski, Peter 40, 149 H Mourer. uzanne 60. 85. 141 B1eleck1, John 40, 149 Mozgawa, Robert 60 Bongiovanni, John 4 I. 141, 148 Haagen en, Bernard 50, 81 Mucha, Jean 60 Borowczyk, Linda 41 Hall. James ~0 Muzacz. Thomas 36. 61. 81 Brenecki. James 41, 149 Halpainy, Michael 50, 148 Brooks. Rebecca 41 Hanlon, Patricia 51 N Heckathorn, Wayne 5 I. 143 Hodorowicz. Matthew 51. 85. 128 alepa. frank 6 I. 149, 162, 164 Hoffman. Denms 51. 146, 167. 174 aslund. Thomas 61 Callis, Jerome 41, 82, 78 Hube, Henry 51 Campese. Donald 42 Husch, Sally 36, 51. 85, 135, 141. 153, 174 0 Catalano. Frederick 42, 149 Centner, rthur 42 J Oddo, 1ary Ann 61. 149 Chrabasz. Bruce 42 Odebralski, David 61 Cieslewicz. Michael 42. 78 Jacchmo, Henry 52 O'Husky, Kevm 61, 149 Clark, ancy 42. 143. 148 Jacchino, John 52 O'Husky. Vance Clifford, Jan 43, 83, 140, 141, 144. 148, 153. Jakubiec. Timothy 52. 133, 140, 143, 145, Organ, Carol 62. 133. 143. 144. 78 128 162, 164, 172, 78 Crino, oncetta 43, 128, 148 Jelonek, ancy 52, 128. 132. 140, 148. 153. p Criscione, David 43, 83, 141, 143, 152, 162, 78 164. 168. 172 Jopek, Daniel 52 Pachol. Cynthia 62. 135, 141. 153, 128 Pagano. Joseph 62.84 D K Palmer, David 62 Parkman. Thomas 62. 159 Darling, Gail 43 Kachermeyer. Carl 53, 149 Parlato. Michele 63, 80. 134. 141, 153. 174 DeiPopolo, Maureen 43, 83, 140, 143, 153, Kaleta, Kathryn 53, 149 Parmelee, Donna 63, 77. 79, 80. 144, 147, 177 Kalfas. R1carda Sue 53, 145, 128 155, 156 Deszcz, Florence 43, 148 Kaminski, Alicia 53, 148 Parsons. Mary Ann 63 DiCara, icholas 44, 166, 168 Kaus, Ralph 53, 149 Parsons. Michele 63 D1etzen, Charles 44 Keppel, Thomas 53. 149 Pawlowski, Linda 63, 128, 143 Dill, Margaret 44. 150, 151 Kleparek. David 54, 82. 140. 148, 152. 162, Pazdersk1. James 63 DiLorenzo. April 44 164, 173 Pencek. !\1ar> Ann 64. 143. 135, 128 Pencek. Michael 64. 149 DiPietro, Mary Jane 36. 44, 81, 143. 159 Klocko, Anne 54, 83, 78. 154 Penkaty, !-rank 64, 82, 143, 152, 162, 164 Doino, Linda 44, 84 Kolassa, Mary Ann 54, 77, 79, 85, 133, 140, Perry. usan 64 Dolan, Dolores 45, 135. 141, 143. 148 143, 144. 148. 78 Pett. Peter 64. 140. 143, 152. 162. 164, 173 Dorler, Karen 45 Komada, Thomas 54, 85, 135, 140. 167 Petz. Cathenne 64 Dorler, usan 45 Kordon, Philip 54, 140 Pryll. teven 65 Doyle, Erick 45, 183 Korytko. Lari a 54, 85. 146 Przybycien, Margaret 65 Drummond, Donna 45, 148, 128 Kozlowski, haron 55, 148, 128 Pupenbroke. usan 6'i, 81 Drummond, Gerald 45. 140, 143. 148, 152. Krzyzanowicz, Robert 55 162, 164 Kubasik, Diana 55, 149 R Drummond, Mark 46 Kucmierz, Edward 55, 85, 148 Dubiel, Patricia 46, 133, 143, 78 Kujawa, Linda 55, 82, 149 Dudzic, Diane 46 Kuzara, Barney 55, 84 Rabb, Merl 65, 85. 128 Radloff. M1chael 65. 143 Dutton, Cindy 46, 80, 133, 143. 144, 14 Ku1dale.Janet 56.82, R1cotta. (,race 66. 149 150, 155, 156. 128.78, 151 Kuziora, Edward 56 Rios, Alfredo 66 Dyka . Timothy 46, 152 Kuznicki, Christme 56, 128, 154 Rivera,John 66, 133. 140. 142, 145, 167 Roman, Betsy 36. 66, 81. 128, 143, 149, 153 F L Rickter. George 62 Rossotto. Joseph 66 Fafinski, James 46, 149, 152, 172 LaMattina, John 56, 141 Ryb1j, R1chard 67

184 Rzepkow~ki, eal 76 Junior F s Farrell, John 145 A F errugia, Kathy 149 Sage Kenneth 76. 174 Frank, Judith 104, 133. 140. 145, 153 Saletta, Alfred 67. 79. 80. 133. 147. 78 Fr.ankowsk1. Marjorie 104, 135, 140. 141 ddmgton. Michael 103. 149 Sam, Mark 67. 81, 141 Frank, Geraldme 104, 141, 148, 153 Albach, Robert 103. 135 SandhofT. usan 67, 135 Frazier, Sharon 104 Alles~•. George 103 Scaglione. Paul 65 Freitas, on stance 104 Alvarez, Carmen 103 S~:hmidt, Sandra 67 Frodeliu , Linda 104, 146, 14 , 159 Schmidtz. Theodore 67. 83. 150. 155. 159. Alvarez. Hector 103. 149 I~ I G c.hrantz. rlene 68. 84, 148 B Seet...ings. Margaret 68 Siebert, Karen 68 Gatto, Kathy I 04, 140, 145, 15 1 Babimd. hnsta 103. 143 Gerace, u an 104 ell. William 68 Ball. Martm 103 heffield. Lavon 36, 68. 128, 140, 143. I 51, Gestwicki, ally 104. 141 Banach, Gary 103 Glenn, Michelene 105, 135, 141. 148 177 Barlette, Robert 103, 141. 152. 162. 168. 173 Skrypnik. Fdda 68 Ghwa, ancy 105 Barone. Barbara 103, 154 Golub ki, Robert 105, 145, 174 Smith. Albert 69 Barone, Patrick 103, 162, 173 obczak. Diane 69 Gould, James 105, 155, 156, 174 Barn • Richard I 03. 156. 166. 173 omerfeldt, William 69 Gould, usan 105, 135, 141 Bartel a, Jean I 03 telmach. Wilham 69. 149 Graf, Cathy 105. 133, 141, 144, 147, 153 Bartkowiat.... Richard 103, 133, 172 tolinsk1, Wayne 69 Granata, Gary 105, 146, 167 torey, Michael 69 Bauza. ruz 103 Beatty, Andrea 103, 135, 141. 143, 144 ullivan. Daniel 70, 174 H Sutton, Craig 70 Begier, L mda 103. 148 wierk. Deborah 70. 82 Bender. Terrence 103, 154 Halas. Richard 105 ysol. Mary Jane 70 Benedict, John 103 Hamemick. Ronald 105 zary, William 70. 49 Bialaszew ki. Mary Ann 103 Hanmann. Carol 105. 143 zopmsk1. Janice 70. 149 Bogardus. John 103. 133. 145, 166. 151 Harper, Robert 105 zopinski, Ronald 71, 80, 166, 78 Borowski, teven 103. 152. 166. 16 . 174 zynski, Peter 66 Bradley. AI 149 Harper, Linda 105 Bradley. Charle 104 Herdzik, Thoma 105 Breneck1. Paula 104 Himebaugh, usan 105 T Briska. Kathleen I 04 Hofer. Helen 105 Britt. haron I 04 Holzworth, Karin 105, 141. 148 Tarnowski, Dennis 71. 152. 166. 168 Bruno. andra 104. 153 Hou er, haron 149 Tarnowski, Janice 71 Budniewski, Ronald 104 Howlett, harlene 105 Tenamore. Judith 71, 135. 148 Burg trom, Marlene 104. 140. 143, 144, 148 Hudson, Patricia 105, 143, 148 Testa, Frank 71. 152, 162, 164. 173 Hyde, Robert 105, 149 Tibbetts. Sharon 71 Hyland, James 105, 149 Tippens, Gary 72. 84, 174 c Tofil. Janet 72, 143 Tra k, Keith 72 Callis, Lynne 104, 135 Tylock, Jack 72 Campese, Michele 104, 135. 141 Ippolito, Mary 105. 148 Tynan. Janet 72 Casson. James I 04, I 68 entner. Jean 104, 145 u Champlin. Valerie 104. 135. 141, 145 J Child , haron 104, 14 Jackino. Ro e Ann 105 Ubaney, ally 72 Cieplinski, Mary 104 lark, harte 104 Jankow ki, anq 105, 135, 140. 145, 14 Clark, harlotte 104 153 v Clark, Robert 147 Cole, Gordon 104 K Vacanti, Ro alind 73, 128. 140, 145, 78, 151 olicchia. Barbara 104 Valentine, ancy 73, 135, 140, 153, 177 onway, Jeffrey 104 Kalfas. Cynthia 105, 135, 150, 153 Valone, ancy 73 Crino, Amelia 104, 141, 144, 148 Kane, Chri tine 105 VandeVelde, usan 73. 81, 78. 154 Cybart, Paul 104, 152, 162, 167, 173 Kaufman, arol 105, 133, 140, 146. 153 Czekanski, Michael 104 Kaus, Paul 105. 149 w Kell, Robin 105 D Kemp, Linda 105, 148 Waller. Laura 73. 159 Keppel, Gregory 105. 149 Warmbrodt, Kenneth 73, 162, 164 Daggett, Joan 104, 143 Kessler, Kathy 105 Wells. ynthia 74. 143 Damian, Gary 104 Klocek, Raymond I 05 Westling, Roberta 74, 84, 143, 128 Damico, Richard 104, 148, 154 Korba , Ann 149 White, D1ane 74. 135, 143, 153, 128. 151 Daniels, Timothy 104. 149 Kosierb, Kathleen 105, 140, 151 Whitney, Gregory 74, 135. 78 DeGolier, Darlene I 04, 159 Kozlow ki, Michael 105, 155 Wicks. ancy 74. 78 DeJesu , Edith 104 Krzal, u an 105 Wilson, Joyce 74 DeJesus, lri 104 Kry tofiak, ictoria 105 Winder. Darla 75 DelPopolo, Philip 104. 162 Krzyzanowicz, Darlyn 105, 143 Wisn1ew~kl, Dav1d 75, 81. 128, 140, 148, 152. Desmond. John 104 Kubera, ynthia 105 172. 154 Dolan, Gail 104, 151 Kubera, Michael 105 Wlodarek. David 75 Donnelly, Timothy 104, 140 Kuchar ki, Jo eph 105, 149 Wolfe. Darleen 75 Drewniak, Nancy 149 Kujawa, Donna 105 Wolfe, Martha 75. 148 Dudek, Barbara 104 Kulig, Cheryl 105 Woro z. Marianne 75 Duncan, Thoma 104, 133, 145, 174 Kupiec, Marcy 105. 155, 156 Wuerstle, Margaret 76, 132, 143, 146, 153. 78 Dziduch, tephen 152, 156, 168, 172 Kuzara, David I 05, 172 Kuzdale, usan 105 z E L Zielinski, Thoma 76, 149 Ellman, Mary 104 Zimmer. Michael 76 tzel. lien 104 Lanst...i. Jo ephine 105. 155, 1 6

185 Lasky, Kathryn 10:!. 103. 105. 140, 148 Russo. >\nthony 107, 135, 145, 156. 174, 133 Adamcntk, Gregory Ill Ill, 170 Layman, Robert 105 Russo. ')all; 149 Adamc/alo.. Robert Lazarczyk, Larry 105, 149 Russo, 'iu1anne 107 Adamov.1~1. John 17:.! Lazarony, \tanlyn 105. 148, 154 Rzepkowsk1, Richard 107. 13:!. 141 Ahlstrom. Keith Ill. 16:!. 170 Lentz. Christme 105 Anderson, (,corgiann Ill Le\\etzki, Keith I O'i Andin, Anna LeGrano, Chn tine 105 \ndin. James Lugen. Richard IO'i, 135. 155, 159. 167. 174 Sanecki, James 107 Andra\ik. Joseph Ill arelo., Cynthia 107 \nson. Gar; Ill M chafer. Thomas 107, 133. 155. 159 Anson. Jean II I chlia. Kathleen 107 Anson. Joan Ill choener, Robert 107. 133, 143. I 5:!, 174 McCarthy, James 106, 140 Schoener. Wend; 107. ID. D'i, 141. 148. B 1cDonald. Kathy 106. 148 153 \tcGraw, Mary Loul\e 106, 135. 140. 147 Schrantz, tanlyn 107. 145 !\.tcKay, Judy 106. 10:!. 13:!, 140, 143, 148 Bak. James Ill. 166. 170 erafin. Y1ctoria 107 \tacCubbm. andra I 06 Barbknccht. flimbeth Ill. 135, 141, 143. Shareno. '\1.trcella 107 '\tackowiak, John 106 146. 148 hubert, Bonnie I 07, 140. 177 Barone. l mda I I I 1ack0\~iak, Patrick I 06 Shuler. James 107 1ahany, Douglas 106, 135. 141. 155. 159. Bell. hedericlo. Ill Skrypek, Jacqueline 149 174 Bell, athan Ill Skrypek,. teven 107. 167 Maslach, Mary Gatl 106. 155. 156 Benamatt. Frank Ill. 15 5, 157, 170 Smith, Barbara I 07, 148. 151 Mastrell1, alvatore 106 Berdyck, 1ichele Ill Snyder, ancy I 07, 143 Matemowski, Audrey 106 Block. Deborah Ill, 141. 147. 150. 151. 159 Spear, Dean 107 Mazur. Larry I 06 Bloss. ( ; nthia I I I prague. Andre\\ 149 \tazurek, Robert 106 Bores. f·d\\ard Ill prague, Juanita I 07, 145 Me1ster, Ann 106. 133. 135. 140. 145 Bnggs. \l illiam II I. 149 Sweet, Mk1e 107 \tekus. Lmda 106 Bnska, Da\ id I I I. 146. 150 Szot, James I 07, 155, 156 Messina, Peter I 06. 154 Brill, Carol I I I zwejbka, Donald 107. 143, I 52, 166. 168 Meyer. Edward 106. 155, 158 Buchanan. Pearlie Ill Meyers. heryl 106 Million, Joseph 106. 133 T c Mizwa, daniel 106. 154 tleczko, Thomas 106, 15:!, 16:!. 167, 17:.! Taft. W1lltam 107, 145 Callahan, James Ill. 173 '\1onahan, 1\.tary 106, 133, 143, 153 Tarnowski, R1chard 107. 174 Campese. Gerald Ill. 170 1oore, Claud1a I 06 Terrill, Terry 149. 173 Carlton. \tary Lou Ill \1oreland, '\1ary Lane 106 Trill, Ed\\ard I 07 Ca\e, F.thel I I I \torey. Edward 106, 149 Trill. Linda 107. 135. 140. 148 Casson. Anthony Ill. I 55. 156 1 roczka, Paul I 06 Tyszko, Janet 107 Ca\e, Byron Tyszko, Joanne I 07 Chimento, Peter I I I N Christopher. Raymond v Ciesle\\tC/, Thomas 112, 16:!. 166 owicki, Mary 106 Clarke, Denise I 12 , 140, 145 Vacanti, Willtam 107 Cole, Carolyn II:.!, 135. 140, 178 Yandette, Patric1a 107. 155, I 'i6 Collins. Kevm II:.! 0 Cornelio. Dean I 12. 166 w Corsi. Patncta II:! O'Brien, ancy 106, 154 Corsoro. Dianne II:! O'Connell, Katherine 106 Corsoro. f-rank 110. 112. 144. 170. 17:.! Wallace, arol 149 Orcutt, Charles 106. 133 Cortes. Carmen Warmbrodt, Fredenck 107. 140, 141. 15:!. Orcutt, Georgianna 106 Crane. teven 149 162. 168. 171 Ossman, Keith I 06 Crino, Phyllis 112 Warren, Janet I 07 Crockett. rdward I 12 Warren, Robert I 07 p Cybart, Deborah I 12. 144. 150 Washington. William 107, 15:! , 166. 168. 173 Czarnecki.Joseph II:!, 167 Wawrzyniak, Robert I 07, 154 C 1ekanski. 1ark I I:.! Pakulski. ancy 106. 143 Weaver, Patrick I 07 Patter on, Thomas I 06, 133 Wiedenhofer, D1ana 107 Patz, Jean 106, 133, 135. 141 , 148 Wisniewski, Carol I 07 D Phelka, Robert 106 Wi niewsk1, Robert I 07, 149 Pieszak, orman 106 Wojcinsk1, Fugene I 07, 166 Danforth. John I 12. 166. 170 Pietrkiew1cz, Daniel I 06 Wojcinskt, Karen 107. 140, 145 Davtdson, Owen I 12 Pietro, James I 06, 166, 168, 173 Wojcinski, usan 107,135,140,151 DeJesus. Sergie I 12 Piwowarski, Michele 106, 145 Wojnarowski, haron I 07, 15 I Deszcz. Dianne I I:! Polichetti, Judith I 06 Woods. Mark 102. 107, 133. 135. 141. 147 DiPalma. louts II:.! Powe ki, Michael 106. 152, 162. 167. 173 Wroblewslo.i, Mary 107, 140 Dolce. John Proper, David 106, 167 Wortham, Marry I 07 Dolce. 1ark Przybyla, Kenneth 106 Donaldson. Rosemary I I:.! Przybyla. Lawrence 106, 134, 141. 15:!. 16:.! z Dorler, L yle Dralle, Charlene 112. I 59 R Draves. Renna I I:.! Zambotti, John 107, 148. 154 Dro7diel, Audrey II:!. 115. 141. l'i4 Zebraski, David 107 Rabb, Ann 107 Drummond, l ynette I 12 Zielinski, teven 10:!, 107, 141. 15:!. 16:!, Randall, Barbara 106, 148, 154 Drummond. Patricia 112 168, 173 Reading, Debra 106 Dudek. f-rederick II:.! Ziemba. John I 07 Rexford, Joanne I 06 Dutton. Bonnie II:!, 144, 148. 150. 155. 157. Zura\\ski, Allan 107. 147. 15:!, 166 Rickey, MaryLou 106, 159, 133 151 Ricotta, hirley I 06 DLiduch. Linda I 12 Rios, elda 106 Rivera, om a I 06 Sophomore Rosario, Willtam I 06 Rosing, andyce 106, 135, 141, 143, 146, 148 A Rossotto, incent 149 Elfman. Daniel 112 Rusch, Edward 107. 133, 16:.! Ada. John Ill Epolito. ( indy II:!, 145. 150

186 Frick, Sandra 112 Kolassa, Paul I 11 Parnell. Da"' n I 14 Fuel. Valene 112, 147 Kondtiehki. orman 113, 146, I ~0. 155. 156 Patt, Fhtabeth 114 Korbas, Ronald I 13, 167 Pierce. Susan 114. 141. 145, 150 Korytko, Jerome I 13 Piglo\\.ski. Vincent 114. 172 F Kosierb, Barham I 13 Pincosk1 fugene I 14 Kozlo\\.ski, Douglas 113,144, 156 Ple\/e\\.ski, John 114 Farnham, Gregory 112, 144. 155, 159. 162. Kozlo\\.ski. E:dith 113. 141. 147, 150. 159 Polechetti, Barbara 114 166. 17J Krebs, Carl 113 Polowy, John 114, 172 foed;vyn,Joan 110,112,135,141 Krzakala, Joseph 113, 14S, 166 Powesk1, Allen 114, 167 h!dy\/yn. Mary 146 Krzyzanow1c.z, Susan 113 Prentis, Deborah reser, Susan 112 Kujawa, Donald 113, 166, 170. 172 Pulawski, Marilyn 114.135,141 Feurtado, Carol 112, 135 Kupiec, Jacqueline 113, 147. 150 Purol. Richard 114, 162, 166. 170 f-ormanowicz, John 112, 13~. 146, 150, 155, Kutner, Mark 113, 167 157 Ku"' 1k, Kenneth I 13 Frankiew1cz. Thomas I 12 KuL

H MaJeCkl, Ronald 114 age, R1chard 110.114,144.167 1ajeckt, usan 114 Sam. ac1ma 114 1aldonado. Lui 114 Habich, Robert 113, 155, 156 am. Ronald Hallquist, Gerald 113, 152, 173 Mancino, Charles 114 aneck1, Carol 114, 147, 150 Hart, Mary 113, 135, 140, 159, 178 Martell. Dianne 114 chulenbcrg. Gary 115. 162. 166 1artell, Donna 114 Heiden, Deborah I 13 chwertfager. Terri 1artell, Jean 114 Hoch~tine, Henry 113 colt. Joel I 15 \1artell, Patncia 114 Hollin~. 1arta eekings. Marvin 115 \1aslach, \1argaret 114, 144 Hooten, ndre"' 113,162.173 ek. Kenneth I 15 Mastrelh, Barbara I 14 Horey, Robert 113, 166. 170 eralin. D1anne I I: 1aterno\\.skl, Kathleen 114, 135. 141. 145 Houseman, Gail I 13 eralin. John 115. 149 Matyjako"'ski, Thoma 114, 149 Howe, Roberta 113, 150 heed;. John Maurer. Martha 114 Hudson, f-rederick I 13, 152, 162, 166 hepard. Patnc1a 110. 115. 135. 141 Maze, Kenneth I 14 Hutchinson, Mary 113, 147, 150 huart. teven 115, 149 Medley, Patricia 114. 135, 140, 178 1evert. Fllen I 15 1ekus, rd\\.ard 114 ikorsk1. 1 eslie 1ekus. Paula 114 Slominski. Philip I 15 M1ga, Lmda 114 mith. heryl 115. 144 Ippolito. Cmdy 112, 150 Militello. Charle 114. 135. 147 Sneed. Belle 115 Mleczko, Ronald 114 need. 1:-nc II S J Moch, arol 114, 143. 144 need. hter I 15 1onahan. Thoma 114, 172 n;der. Damel 115 Jaggie, Donald 113 Murphy,Joan 114 ob1l0. Joseph I 15 Jakubowski, John I 13, 149 omerfeldt. arole I 15 Jasinski. John 113 N o~inski. Phyllis 115. 140 Jourdanis, Franklin 113 tevens. Donna 115. 115. 140 Jo1"'iak. tanley 113 aslund. lmda I 14. 140 trauser. hh\ard 115. 167 Jusko. ( ;nthia 113. 144 a"'odzinsk1, Robert 114 t;borsk1. William 115 ev\man, ra1g 114 ull1~an. Fleanor 115 K ik1tas. teven I 14. 166 utton, Carol 115 Lalktm k1. Jame 115 0 zczerback1, \r nold 115 Kachermeyer, Robert 113. 155, 158. 167 zopmsk1, Deborah 115. 147 Katser, Patricia 113. 144 Ogden, Lynn I 14 Stopinsk1. Kathleen 115 Kalfas, Richard 113 Szwejbka. 'tephen 115 Kama, Mark I 13. 144, 150 Osborn, Debbie 114, 134, 159. 178 Kaufman. Janis 113, 141, 143 Kaus. Bruce I 13, 162 p T Kern. Chri~tian 113 King, \1arcia 113. 135. 141. 150 Palmat1er. Linda I 14 Tarnov\ sk1. Fugene I 15 Kirst. Patncia I 13 Palmer, Janice 114 Tenamore. Donita 115 Klocek, Rna I 13 Palmer, Leslie 114. 141. 147, 150. 155. 158. Thoma . John 115 Koczwara. ngela I 13 159, 151 Thomas, Mar:r Ann 135 Koczwara, Joanne 113 Panasc1, R1chard 114 Tovano, Yolanda 115 Koehler, David I 13 Paprocki, Susan 114 Turner, Dianne I 15

187 v Borowczyk, Jame 119 Gregore ki, Robert 120 Braciszewski, Janet 119 Gnese, Beverly 120 Gromala, teven 120 alentin, Mirna 115 Brenecki, Jerome 119 Van Luin, Ingrid 115 Brook , Roberta 119 Vendette, John 115, 172 Brown, usan 119 H Bryant. Michelle 119 w Buck, David 119 Hall, Patnc1a 121 Buckrei , James I 19 Hallqmst, Ronald 121, 166 Byczynski, Nichola 119 Hanmann, Cynthia 121 Waclaw k1, art 115, 167 Byers, Rebecca 120 Harrington, Deborah 121 Waclaw ki, Ronald 115 Harrison, Cheryl 121 Wallace, David 115, 172 Hayes, Maureen 121. 145 Warmbrodt, arah I 15 c Haynes, Hed1 121 Wa hburn,Jon I 15 Heid,Jessie 121,144,155,158 Wdowiasz, haron 115, 135, 141, 145 am, Robert 120 Heinemann, Lynn 121 Weakley, Shirley 115, 147, 150 Campbell, Wayne 120 Heinold, usan 121 Whitney, Deborah I 15 ampese, Cynthia 120, 156, 147 Henderson, Le lie 121 Wicks, Marilyn 115 ampese, haron 120 Herdzik, ancy 121 Widgay, heila 115 arlton, Carol 120 Hooten, ylv1a 121, 143. 178 Winkleman, Ro 115 Carru • Allen 120, 159 Howlett, Thomas 121 Wise, 1 ichael 115 Case, Bruce 120 Wi mew ki, Gregory 115, 170 ase, Laura 120 Hube, Janet 121 Wojcinski, Robert 115 Catalano, Edmund 120, 155, 159 Woloszyn, James atalano, Georgian 120, 144, 178 J Wright, Carol I I , 150 avender, Ronald 118 Wroblew ki, Irene 115 Chaffie, Michael 120, 166 Jagoda, Robert 121,155. 158 lark 120 Jankow ki, Richard 121 z Collard, Heidi 120 Jawor ki, Paula 121 Cornelio, Thomas 120, 159, 166 Jourdanai , Thoma 12 I ontrona, Judy 120 Zambotti, There a I 15 Juul, Dawn 121 Zappie, Angelo 115 Crockett, John 120, 166 Zeplowitz, Andrea 115, 135, 140 Cruz, Anna 120 K Cruz, Lydia 120 Ziemba, Donald I 15 Kane, Cheryl 12 I D Kaleta, Deborah 121, 145 Freshmen Karin, Norman 119, 121, 155, 156, 166 Damian, helly 120, 159 Katta, Barbara 12 I Damico, Gary 120 Katul ki, Patncia 121 A DeMonte, David 120 Kawski, Janice 12 I Dew, Wendy 120, 135, 155, 158 Keppel, Albert 121 Abramowitz, Robert 118 DiLorenzo, icholas 120 Kinsey, Lonnie 12 I, 166 Adams, Su an 118 DiPalma, Fred 120 Klaybor, Lynn 121, 147, 178 Allessi, John 118 Dolce, Gary 120 Klinefelter, Sheila 121 Ander, Deborah 118, 144, 148, 150, 155, Dorler, Janet 120 Knight, u an 156, 159, 151 Dragon, Donald 120 Koczwara, Nancy 121 Aniszew ki, Pamela 118, 144, 178 Drozdiel, Daniel 120, 147 Komada, usan 121 Anzalone, Rus ell 118 Drozdiel, Shirley 120 Kommer, Carol 121, 135, 141, 144 Anzalone, usan 118, 145 Drummond, Bonnie 120 Kordon, Donna 121 Arcoraci, el on 118, 135, 146, 156 Dudek, Alexander 120 Kordon, Michael 121 Arntz, Peter 118, 155 Dudek, Daniel 120 Korzeniewski, Rebecca 121, 145 Durr, Kathleen 120 Kourelis, Colin 121 B Kozlowski, Richard 121 E Kroll, Frederick 121 Kry tofiak, Daniel 12 I Babirad, Peter 118 Kristofiak, Michael 121 Bak, Robert 118, 147 Echevarria, Margarita 120 polito, Ronald 120, 166 Krzyzanowicz, Connie 121 Bal er, Joan 118 Kubasik. Gerald 121, 166 Bal er, herry 118 Kubis, John 123 Balzer, Andrew 118, 166 F Kucmierz, Cathleen 121 Baraba z, Jame 118 Kucmierz, Ronald 12 I Barone, Rita 118, 145, 154 Fabritius, Jo eph 120 Kujawa, Judith 121 Barone, Ru sell I 18 Fedy zyn, Mary 120, 146 Kulig, Jo eph 121 Barone, heryl I 18 Felt, James 120 Kulpa, Mary 121 Barone, There a 118, 145, 154 Feniello, Gerard 120 Kundla, Kevin 121 Barris, Joan II , 135, 155, 156, 159 Floramo, Philip 120 Kuziora, Karen 12 I Bartela, Joan 118, 144, 155, 158, 159 Formanowicz, Daniel 120, 135, 146 Bartelo, David 118, 166 Frankiewicz, Keith 120, 156 L Barthold, Linda I 19 Franklin, Joan 120 Bartkowiak, Robert 119 Beatty, Edward 119 Lajewski, Daniel 121, 144 Bender, Thomas 119 G Lampert, Robert 121 Bera, Kenneth I 19 Lanski, Frederick 121 Berek, Eugene 119, 135 Gardner, Jo eph 120 Lakas, John 12 I Bern tein,Anna 119,155,158,151 Giambra, David 120 Lautenslaker, heila 121 Biala zew ki, Clara 119, 135 Gilebarto, Lynn 120 Lentz, Linda 121, 146 Bialaszewski, Ronald 119 Gillette, Charle 120 Lograno, Robert 121 Bidwell, Mark 119 Ginley, Eileen 120 Long, Edward 122, 147 Bielaszka, Patricia 119 G1apa, Daniel 120 Levando ki, Linda 122 Bielat, ancy 119 Glapa, David 120 Blo , Robin 119 Glapa, John 120, 167, 173 M Bohn, Katherine 119 Gould, Alan 120, 146 Bona era, Daniel 119, 135 Gould, David 120 Mangu , Linda 122, 141 Boner, John 119 Granto, Ri ha 120, 147, 150 Martinelli, Pamela 122

188 1aslach, Germain 122, 135, 144, 155, 158 Ramo , Mana 122 T Maslakowsk1, Carla 122, 135, 146 Reilly, Thomas 122 Maslakowsk1, Dennise 122, 144, 148 Re1shoff, Debbie I 19 Tarnow ki, Kenneth 123 Maslakowsk1, William 122 RICOtta, Anthony 122 Tenamore, Rosalind 123 Mazany, Alan 122 Rodnguez, arol 122 Tilley, Robin 123 Maze, Annabelle 122, 146 Roesler, Elizabeth 122 Tofil, Deborah 123 McCarthy, Ann 122 Rosario, Raymond 122 Tofll, M1chael 123 McCrosky, u an 122 Rose, Debra 122, 178 Topez, Fernando 122 1cKay, Donna 122, 144, 178 Rozumal ki, Donald 123, 166 Tramuta, Mary Ann 123 Meku , Loui e 122 Russo, Carmen 123 Messina, Maria I 18 Russo,Joseph 123,144 y Meyer , Carol 122 Ruzycki, Bonnie 123, 144 Meyers, Deborah 122 R1bij, Robert 123 Michalak, Mary 122, 145 RlbiJ, William 123 Vacanti, Susan 123, 178 Michl, Paul 122, I 54 Valentin, Milta 123 Mijka, Joseph 122 s Vasquez, Evelyn 123 Miller, Patricia 122, 145 Vega, Aida 123 Mirth, Patricia 122 Vega, Ramon 123, 135 algado, Mana 123 Mitchell, Kevin 122, 147, 167 Velzy, Paul 123 am, Kathleen 123 chmatz, Deborah 123 w N chnur, Carol 123, 147, 178 chrantz, Debbie 123 Wagner, Glady 123 ietupski, Jerome 122 chrantz, Janet 123 Wallace, Jerry 124 ietupski, Judith 122, 144 chultz, Michael 123, 135 Waller, Katherine 124 Normand, Angela 122 c1arnno, Jo eph 123 Ward, Gary 124 osal, Barbara 122 cott,Jane 123,147 Weaver, Rebecca 124 cott, Robert 123 Welka, Patricia 124 p croke, Dianne 123 Westling, Carl 124 edota, Judy 123 Whitmer, Jean 124, 145 Palmer, Nancy 122 eibert, James 123 Wick , Deborah 124 Panfil, Zenon 122 ell, Claudia 123, 178 Wilemski, Daniel 124 Parlato, Cynthia 122, 135, 140, 178 ell,John 123 Wi niewski, Steve 124 Parnell, Gary 122 heedy,Joseph 123 Wozcieszyn, u an 124 Par ons, M1chael 159 breve, Katherine 123 Wright, tephen 124 Patti, William 122 hubert, Gayle 123 Wroble ki, There a 124 Pawlo ki, andra 122 idey, Elizabeth 123 Pelletter, James 122, 155 ipp, Dolore 123 y Pencek, Carol 122 iracuse, Anthony 123 Phillip , Leonard 122 1racuse, Domonick 123 Pinkow ki, Carol 119, 122, 178 liwa, Stanley 123 York, Daniel 124, 167 Pinkowski, James 122 mith, ue 123 Pizzolanti, Judy Ann 122, 144 mith, u an Ann 123, 135, 159 z Plaza, Jennie 122 need, John 123, 159 Pokoj, John 122 obczak, Allen 123, 147 Zagorski, Patrick 124, 146, 158 Privateer, Elaine 122 omerfeldt, ancy 123 Zaja , William 124 Przybyla, David 122, 147 tuhlmiller, Allan 119, 123, 135, 140, 166 Zentz, Robin 124 Purol, teven 122 tyborski, Jo ephine 123 Zielin ki, David 124 Sweet, Kandy 123 Zielinski, John 124 R zocki, Michael 123, 144 Zielin ki, Robin 124, 135, 140, 17 zopin ki, Alan 123 Zimmer, Jame 124 Racino, Carol 122 zukala, Jo eph 123 Zuchow ki, Karen 124 Raczek, Mary 122, 145, 155, 158 zynski, Samuel 123 Zuraw ki, Dale 124