Nineteen Hundred and Sixty-Nine Pre Ent

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Nineteen Hundred and Sixty-Nine Pre Ent Dunkirk High School Dunkirk, New York Clas of Nineteen Hundred and Sixty-Nine pre ent THE IVY TOWER Our joys and sorrows, our challenges and satisfactions, our successes and failures: by these we live, not in the number of years, but in the number of things we have done. It i not how long we have lived that is important, but how we have lived. A year is unimportant unless something worth remembering happened during it. The tides of these reflections are our , though the deeds are gone and can never be brought back. But through the power of our memory we can experience the feelings of those days forever. If we are rich in nothing else, we are very rich in our reflections. We would be the poorest of the poor if we had none. This ability to reflect is as vast as a wil­ derness, as far reaching as the universe, a powerful as the shining sun, and as irre­ placeable as time itself. Through them we can create roses in December, see happiness where once sorrow was, turn the winter of our dis­ tress into the summer of our joy. All thing pass: time, money, even friends,-nothing is ours--only our memory of things past remain with us throughout all our years. These reflec­ tions are ours alone-to others they mean nothing. No Shakespeare could ever put into words their significance to the individual who possesses them-they are in themselves the perfect novel, the purest poetry. Who could ever express tho e moments of greatness: cor­ ing a touchdown ... acting in the play ... cheering . laughing . a friend . These are our souls and our spirits. They are our link between the past and the present, the link between what we were and what we are. "Our life is like some vast lake that is slowly filling with the stream of our years. As the waters creep surely upward the landmarks of the past are one by one submerged. But there shall always be memory to lift its head above the tide until the lake is overflowing." Alexander . Bt n TABLE OF CONTENTS 4 6 7 8 Administration Board of Education Edward A. Zuchowski, Superintendent of Building . 12 Board of Education Offices Mary Palmeri Alene Kaufman, Carolyn Tere e Beverly Sinko. Jean zwebka Robert L. Cooley uperintendent of chools Superintendent Graduates: rnold Bennett ha said the real tragedy ts the tragedy of the man who never in his life brace him elf for hi one supreme effort, who never stretches to his full capacity, never tands up to hi · full tature. You arc now equipped to make the most of yourself that you po ibly can. II school staff members who have known ecretary to the Superintendent you o er the years desire you to achieve your goals and hope you will be successful in TA 01 G P TO YO R F LL T TUR ~We wi h you wdl. Robert L. Cooley uperintendent of chools M r . Pagano, tenographer. Principal '1: ou \\ho arc graduating will soon discover that your years at Dunkirl.: High <:,chool were happy ones and pas ed b) much too quick!). Dunng this penod you have developed the ability to think. to work with other . to assume leader hip. to hold fast to the fundamental moral and democratic \a lues in the face of pre - sure. se these talents to guide )OUr action in the conviction that Mr Parlato and Mrs. Eleanor 1evert, your future\\ ill indeed be bright. 'icLrctary I wi h you succes 111 attaming your goals. good health along your journey and the sati faction that attends a job well done. Jo eph l . Parlato Director of econdary Education 15 Faculty William A. Krawczyk English Depart111ent Catherine A. Morrissey 18 Daniel J. Durkin Raymond Case ell eth hap1ro 19 History Department John J . Mancuso, Chairman Jerome Gavin Terry Wolfenden 20 Henry J . Colicchia Guy J.... 1evert 21 Language Departtnent Oscar A. Bixby Stanley J . Vnuk Art Departtnent Tere a Schober, hairman Science Department Arthur Clever Joseph J . Piwowarski Richard Dudzic Guido Guayasamin, Chairman Brent Wolford Daniel Anderson Rexford Ingham Math Department Marvin Zirkle Lawrence Keefe Industrial Arts Earl Hahn Richard Krug Vincent Keough Physical Education Allan Stuhlmiller 27 Edith Osborne. Librarian Business Department Anthony ont1, Cha1rman Jack Shubert Paul Olkowski Ru ell Taylor 28 Pupil Personnel Andrew J. Hawke John E. Ru ka Pupil Per onnel oordinator Howard D. Brown Mary Whitney, Thoma~ Victoria Motto Ivory. and I 1 z abet h and Robert huck Welka Student Teachers R Kopek, Science S. Goodwyn, Engli h E. Taylor, History D. Henrich, Science M. Accetta. Language General School Personnel Michael Lack, ustodian 32 Cafeteria Staff: Florence Karin. Lolita Halberg. Joan Bruno, ngelina Fedor. leanor l<..ane Seniors rhomas "v1uzacz Prcsldt:nt Mary Jane DiPietro Vice-Pre idcnt Bet} Roman Trea urer 36 Class History rhlS )'Car's graduating class, the lass of 1969, has nm tie on the Cloud ··. Then on Februar)' I 7. \ve \vere the gue t of had four years of unforgettable and exciting events on \\hich the las· of '68 at the Winter Ball. Mr. pma · band and the we can reflect. From our Freshman year, one of adjustment to fest1vel)' decorated g)'m set the theme of the Ball. "My tical the new social and academic life, to our cnior )'Car. a )Car \1ard1 Gra ". On the follm., ing da)' a now part)' \\a held at tilled with the approach of our graduation, we have stn-ved to John XI II enter in a sadaga. Y .. where tobaganning learn and to mature 111 order to be able to meet the challenges of and kimg were greatly enjoyed b) tho e who attended. Then. the world that awaits us. in late Februar)'. we received our cia ring . for \\h1ch \\e had fhat tirst year we elected ue \1e)'er. Janet Kuzdalc. long awaited. nd final!), on March 14-15, our cia pia) "You ancy Clarke, and Linda Ardillo as our officers. \\ ith the Can't Take It With You", directed b)' Mr. ase, was pre ented. a i tance of Mr. Krawcz)' k, we planned and earned out the Sue Pupcnbroke. Paul aglionc. Frank Ma lach. and Tom variou activitie ·of our Fre hman )'Car. One of the act!\ ities 1n \1uzacz held the leading roles. which we participated was the annual Homecoming, held in Our cnior year finall)' arrived, and \\e elected Tom ovember, for which \\C cho c uc Meyer a· our Class queen. \1uzacz. Pre ident. Mar)' Jane DiPietro, vice-pre idem, Lavon nother wa our Cia · part)', held in mid-Januaf)'. \\ hich ma) heffield. recording ecretaf)'. all) Hu ch, corre ponding be con idered the highlight of our Freshman year. ecrctar)'. and Bet) Roman, trea urer. The final high- chool In our ophomore year we elected Tom Muzacz. Mari­ homecoming for the emor pro-ved to be the mo t exciting of anne Bender, Mary Jane DiPietro, and athy Petz as our cia s all. with Mar)' Jane DiPietro being elected Homecoming Queen officer . Thi year we cho ·e Linda Kupwa a our homecommg b) the entire tudent bod)'. The enior contribution to the queen. Later in the year, on Februar)' I . our cia· part)' \Va Parade wa a float with the theme of "Whip the Hu k1e ... held, the theme of v.hich was "Japanese Gardens". It wa a quite appropriate ince the Marauder were pia)' i ng the Hu kie ver)' memorable evenmg for all who attended. Iso that)' e<lr. of Olean. Later, on ovember 14-15, the n1or Cia· pia) "Moving- p" da)' was held for the tirst time in Dunkirk High. "Three Blind Mice" \\a pre ented, with Jill Lev)'. Peggi For thi event, Mar)' nn Oddo and Craig Me !haney \vere Wuer tie, and Sue Pupenbroke in the main role . The pia)' elected to be our clas queen and king. under the direction of Mr. Krawcz)'k, our cia advi or. wa an Under the ad\i ·or hip of Mr. ua)a amin. our Junior over-\\helming succe . urther excitement wa pro-vided b) )'Car included many 1ntcre ting and worth-while acti\ itie . Fol­ the \\inter Ball and the ent1re \\inter\\ eekcnd. \\hich proved lowing the election of om Muzacz, Marianne Bender. Lavon to be as unforgettable a that of the pre\ iou year. heffield, and Bets)' Roman a our ofticers, we were invohed Our final event in which \\C took part while in high­ in the excitement of Homecoming weekend. Sue Graves. our ·chool. the June Prom, and then graduation, were the mo t queen, and here cort Mike Gotowka. rode on our float, " a - exciting and memorable of all. 37 Charle Acker Barbara dams Karen Adam Diane Andrasik 38 Mary Andrew Linda Ardillo Angela Aronone David Banach Virginia Baran Linda Barnes Mary Kristina Barne Mark BarLne William Barthold Marianne Bender Joanne Benenati William Berek 40 Peter Biala zewski John Bielecki John Bongiovanni Linda Borowcz)k. James Brenecki 41 Rebecca Brook Jerome alii Donald Campe e Frederick Catalano Arthur Centner Bruce Chrabasz 42 Michael Cieslewicz ancy Iarke Jan lifford Concctta Crino David Cri cione Gail Darling 43 Maureen DelPopolo Florence De zcz icholas DiCara Charle Dietzen Margaret Dill April DiLorenzo Mary Jane DiPietro Linda Doino Dolore Dolan Karen Dorler Susan Dorler Erick Doyle Donna Drummond Gerald Drummond Mark Drummond Patricia Dubiel Diane Dudzic Cindy Dutton 46 Timothy Dyka 1 ames Fafinski Patricia Feser Harley Fink Martha Fitzer John Fitzgerald Terry Frazier Cheryl Furnar 47 Robert Garigal Linette Gaura Jame Gennu o Deborah Giambra 48 Pauline Ginley Rebecca Gitting Gary Glapa Randal Go teven Gould David Grave 49 Karen Grave Su an Grave Mollie Greder Dennis Grimm Mary Ann Gullo Bernard Haagen en 50 Jame Hall Michael Halpainy Patricia Hanlon Wayne Heckathorn Matthew Hodorowicz Denni Hoffman 51 Henry Hube ally Hu h Henr) Jacchino John Jacchino Timothy J akubiec ancy J clonek 52 Daniel Jopek Rhonda l uhr Carl Kachermeyer Kathryn Kaleta Ricarda ue Kalfas licia Kamin ki 53 Ralph Kaus Thomas Keppel Dm id Klepan::k.
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    PHYSICAL REVIEW B, VOLUME 68, NUMBER 15 Cumulative Author Index All authors of papers published so far in the current volume are listed alphabetically with the issue and page numbers following the dash. A more complete index, with the full title listed with each first author’s name and subsequent authors cross-referenced, is published in the last issue of the volume. A cumulative author and subject index covering Physical Review A through E, Physical Review Letters, and Reviews of Modern Physics is published annually under separate cover. Abanov, A. G.—͑14͒ 144422 Alavi, Ali—͑3͒ 039901͑E͒ Anders, Frithjof B.—͑4͒ 041311; Abanov, Ar.—͑2͒ 024504 Al-Barakaty, A.—͑1͒ 014114 ͑15͒ 155301 ͑ ͒ ͑ ͒ ͑ ͒ Abe, Hideki— 6 064512 Albrecht, J.— 5 054508 Andersen, Brian Mo”ller— 9 094518 Abe, K.—͑5͒ 052101 Albrecht, J. D.—͑3͒ 035340 Andersen, N. H.—͑10͒ 104515 Abe, Masatoshi—͑4͒ 041405͑R͒ Albuquerque, E. L.—͑3͒ 033307 Anderson, J. R.—͑6͒ 060502͑R͒ Abernathy, C. R.—͑8͒ 085210 Aldana, Jose—͑12͒ 125318 Anderson, N. E., Jr.—͑10͒ 104417 Abolfath, M.—͑15͒ 155318 Aleiner, I. L.—͑12͒ 121301͑R͒ Anderson, T. J.—͑5͒ 054108 Abrahams, Elihu—͑9͒ 094502 Alemany, M. M. G.—͑2͒ 024110; Ando, T.—͑3͒ 033310; ͑4͒ 041401 Abrikosov, I. A.—͑4͒ 045411; ͑6͒ 064409 ͑5͒ 054206 Ando, Yoichi—͑5͒ 052511; ͑9͒ 094506 Abrosimov, N. V.—͑4͒ 045204 Alfe`, Dario—͑6͒ 064423 Ando, Yoshinori—͑12͒ 125413 Abstreiter, G.—͑12͒ 125302 Alff, L.—͑14͒ 144431 Andrade, R. F. S.—͑10͒ 104523 Achiba, Yohji—͑4͒ 041405͑R͒ Alfonso, Dominic R.—͑15͒ 155411 Andre´, G.—͑6͒ 060401͑R͒ Adachi, S.—͑3͒ 033205 Algarabel, P.
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