Demonstration of Physical Separation/Leaching Methods for the Remediation of Heavy Metals Contaminated Soils at Small Arms Ranges

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Demonstration of Physical Separation/Leaching Methods for the Remediation of Heavy Metals Contaminated Soils at Small Arms Ranges 84 4 0 ,;*v , DEMONSTRATION OF PHYSICAL ftsJS1:3«*s SEPARATION/LEACHING METHODS FOR THE REMEDIATION OF HEAVY waBHi METALS CONTAMINATED SOILS AT SMALL ARMS RANGES m &r<&S?GtXl WBTMBUTION BTATEMEHTT Approved for pntfelie r*l«u«*f Dürtrlbattoa UnHmtaKl M£3 SEPTEMBER 1997 19980M 177 flTIC QUALITY DTS^EOTED S This Document Contains Missing Page/s That Are Unavailable In The Original Document AEC Form <t5, 1 Feb 93 replaces THAMA Form <t5 which is obsolete. Form Approved REPORT DOCUMENTATION PAGE OMB No. 0704-0188 Public reporting burden for this collection of information is estimated to average 1 hour per response, including the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information. Send comments regarding this burden estimate or any other aspect of this collection of information, including suggestions for reducing this burden, to Weshington Headquarters Services, Directorate for Information Operations and Reports, 1215 Jefferson Davis Highway, Suite 1204, Arlington, VA 22202-4302, and to the Office of Management and Budget, Paperwork Reduction Project (0704-0188), Washington, DC 20503. 1. AGENCY USE ONLY (Leave blank) REPORT DATE 3. REPORT TYPE AND DATES COVERED September 1997 Technology Demonstration, Nov 1995-Sep 1997 4. TITLE AND SUBTITLE 5. FUNDING NUMBERS Demonstration of Physical Separation/Leaching Methods for the Remediation of Heavy Metals Contaminated Soils at Small Arms Ranges 6. AUTHOR(S) BDM Engineering Services Company 7. PERFORMING ORGANIZATION NAME(S) AND ADDRESS(ES) 8. PERFORMING ORGANIZATION BDM Engineering Services Company REPORT NUMBER 1801 Randolph Road, S.E. Albuquerque, NM 87106 9. SPONSORING / MONITORING AGENCY NAME(S) AND ADDRESS(ES) 10. SPONSORING / MONITORING U.S. Army Environmental Center AGENCY REPORT NUMBER Aberdeen Proving Ground, MD 21010-5401 SFIM-AEC-ET-CR-97047 11. SUPPLEMENTARY NOTES 12a. DISTRIBUTION / AVAILABILITY STATEMENT 12b. DISTRIBUTION CODE Approved for Public Release; distribution is unlimited 13. ABSTRACT (Maximum 200 words) The U.S. Army Environmental Center in partnership with the Naval Facilities Engineering Services Center and the U.S Army Engineer Waterways Experiment Station demonstrated Physical Separation/Leaching methods for the remediation of small arms range soils. The demonstration occurred at Fort Polk, Louisiana. The primary objective was to demonstrate and evaluate the technical capability and document the cost effectiveness of the physical separation/leaching family of technologies. The secondary objective was to identify technology sources, provide implementation guidance and transfer the technology to the user. After conduction a world-wide search, two vendors were selected to demonstrate two variations of the physical separation/leaching technologies. The first using a process based on acetic (weak) acid chemistry and the second based on hydrochloric (strong) acid chemistry. Following completion of the bench treatability studies, each vendor performed a full scale (5-10 tons per hour, 1000 tons total) demonstration of their respective technologies. This report documents the demonstration to include site planning, lessons learned and recommendations for additional developmental work. r 14. SUBJECT TERMS 15. NUMBER OF PAGES Soil Washing Heavy Metals Recycling 247 Physical Separation Small Arms Ranges Technology Demonstration Acid Leaching Lead Remediation 16. PRICE CODE 17. SECURITY CLASSIFICATION 18. SECURITY CLASSIFICATION 19. SECURITY CLASSIFICATION 20. LIMITATION OF ABSTRACT OF REPORT OF THIS PAGE OF ABSTRACT Unclassified Unclassified Unclassified UL NSN 7540-01-280-5500 Standard Form 298 (Rev. 2-89) Prescribed by ANSI Std. Z39-18 298-102 USAPPC V1.00 Final Report U.S. Army Environmental Center Demonstration of Physical Separation/Leaching Methods for the Remediation of Heavy Metals Contaminated Soils at Small Arms Ranges September 1997 This report was prepared for the United States Department of Defense by BDM. The data reported and interpretations made are based on the rules of good science, and are reported here in good faith. However, in no case will either the Department of Defense nor BDM and its subcontractors have any responsibility or liability for any consequences of its use, misuse, inability to use, or reliance on the information in this report, nor does either warrant or otherwise represent in any way the accuracy, adequacy, or applicability of these contents. Bum TABLE OF CONTENTS SECTION PAGE EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ES-1 1.0 INTRODUCTION 1.1 STATEMENT OF THE PROBLEM WITHIN DOD 2 1.2 BACKGROUND 2 1.3 CURRENT SOLUTIONS AVARABLE 3 1.4 POTENTIAL IMPACTS OF BRAC 4 1.5 IMPORTANCE OF COST EFFECTIVENESS 4 2.0 SCOPE OF WORK 2.1 OBJECTIVES 6 2.2 EVALUATION CRITERIA 10 3.0 WORLDWIDE SEARCH 11 3.1 OBJECTIVE 11 3.2 SEARCH PARAMETERS 11 3.3 SEARCH LOCATIONS 11 3.4 TECHNOLOGIES FOUND 11 3.5 RESULTING PRODUCT 13 4.0 DEMONSTRATION BACKGROUND 14 4.1 SHE CHARACTERIZATION 14 4.2 TECHNOLOGIES CHOSEN 17 4.3 PERFORMANCE STANDARDS 17 4.4 VENDOR SELECTION 19 4.5 TECHNICAL PEER REVIEW 20 5.0 ENVIRONMENTAL PLANNING 21 5.1 COMMUNICATIONS WITH STAKEHOLDERS 21 5.2 REGULATORY DRIVERS 21 5.3 PERMTTS AND LICENSES 27 5.4 NEPA/ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT 28 5.5 OTHER LESSONS LEARNED 28 6.0 HEALTH AND SAFETY 30 6.1 BASELINE HEALTH AND SAFETY PLAN 30 6.2 CONSOLIDATED DOCUMENT (SPCC AND SWPP) 30 6.3 VENDOR SUPPLEMENTS 31 6.4 TRAFFIC MANAGEMENT IN ZONES 31 6.5 PERSONAL PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT (PPE) 31 6.6 LEAD HEALTH IMPACTS 33 BDM/ABQ-97-0063-TR Final Report September 1997 11 Bam TABLE OF CONTENTS (Continued) SECTION PAGE 6.7 RESULTS OF AIR MONITORING 34 6.8 INCIDENTS 34 7.0 SITE PLANNING 36 7.1 SPLIT OPERATING SITES - PROS AND CONS 36 7.2 SITE B-4700 PRIOR USES 36 7.3 BACKGROUND LEVELS OF LEAD 36 7.4 PLANNING ELEMENTS NEEDING TO BE ADDRESSED 39 7.5 SOLUTIONS UTILIZED 39 7.6 PRECONSTRUCnON CONFERENCE 40 7.7 SOIL STAGING AND STOCKPILING 41 8.0 SITE PREPARATION 42 8.1 BLOCK 4700 SITE DESCRIPTION OVERVIEW 42 8.2 SECURITY FENCING 42 8.3 OPERATIONS PAD 42 8.4 STORM WATER HOLDING POND 45 8.5 SOIL STORAGE BINS 46 8.6 ELECTRIC UTILITY SERVICE AND METERING 48 8.7 WATER SERVICE 49 8.8 WIND SOCK 50 8.9 SILT TRAP 50 8.10 BATTELLE SAMPLE PREPARATION AREA 50 8.11 RANGE 5 EXCAVATION PLAN 51 8.12 COMPONENTS THAT NEEDED MAINTENANCE, REPAIR AND REPLACEMENT 51 8.13 SUMMARY 54 9.0 PROCESS CLEANUP STANDARDS 55 9.1 CONTRACTUAL OPTIONS FOR VENDORS TO BID AGAINST 55 9.2 IMPACT OF IMPOSING TCLP CRITERIA 56 9.3 RISK-BASED APPROACH 57 9.4 CORRELATION OF HELD VERSUS ANALYTICALLY GENERATED DATA 58 9.5 ON-SITE LABORATORY CONSIDERATIONS 61 9.6 SUMMARY 61 10.0 CONCEPT OF OPERATIONS 62 10.1 CONCEPTUAL PROCESS 62 10.2 MOBILE VERSUS REGIONAL/FIXED SYSTEMS 64 10.3 SPATGLE VERSUS SPLIT-SITE OPERATIONS 65 10.4 SUMMARY 66 BDM/ABQ-97-0063-TR Final Report September 1997 111 Bam TABLE OF CONTENTS (Continued) SECTION PAGE 11.0 LEACHING ALTERNATIVES UTILIZED 67 11.1 DISSOCIATION CHEMISTRY 67 11.2 PROCESS RANGE 69 11.3 SUITABILITY BY SOIL TYPE 71 11.4 ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACTS OF ACIDS 72 11.5 UNIT COSTS OF ACIDS 74 12.0 PROCESS METHODS 76 12.1 INTRODUCTION 76 12.2 VENDOR 1 PROCESSES 77 12.3 VENDOR 2 PROCESSES 81 12.4 PROCESS LPNE ALTERNATIVES 83 12.5 BENCHSCALE TREATABILITY TESTING SCALE-UP 84 12.6 PEER GROUP OBSERVATIONS 86 12.7 SUMMARY 87 13.0 EQUIPMENT RELIABILITY AND EFFECTIVENESS 89 13.1 FEED HOPPERS 89 13.2 ATTRITION SCRUBBERS 90 13.3 LOG WASHERS 90 13.4 JIGS 90 13.5 SAND SCREWS 91 13.6 BELT PRESSES 91 13.7 FILTER PRESSES 91 13.8 LEACHING TANKS 93 13.9 PRECIPITATION TANKS 93 13.10 CLARIFIERS 93 13.11 CENTRIFUGES 95 13.12 SUMMARY 95 14.0 ANALYTICAL METHODS 97 15.0 PROCESS CONTROL 98 15.1 INTRODUCTION 98 15.2 VENDOR 1 PROCESS CONTROLS 99 15.3 VENDOR 2 PROCESS CONTROLS 101 15.4 QUANTITY OF CHEMICALS CONSUMED 101 15.5 OPPORTUNITIES FOR SYSTEM OPTIMIZATION 102 15.6 SUMMARY 102 BDM/ABQ-97-U063-TR Fmal Report September 1997 mm TABLE OF CONTENTS (Concluded) SECTION PAGE 16.0 RESULTS 103 16.1 ACETIC ACID LEACHING 103 16.2 HYDROCHLORIC ACID LEACHING 105 16.3 FATE OF OTHER METALS 107 16.4 SUMMARY 112 17.0 DEMOBILIZATION 114 17.1 HOST EVALUATION OF BLOCK-4700 SITE IMPROVEMENTS AND DISPOSITION 114 17.2 IMPACT OF WEATHER 114 17.3 RANGE 5 BERM RECONSTTTUTTON 114 17.4 DISPOSAL OF HAZARDOUS WASTE 115 17.5 DEMOBILIZATION AND DECONTAMINATION STRATEGY 116 17.6 DISPOSITION OF RECLAMABLE METALS 116 17.7 IMPLEMENTATION OF D&D STRATEGY 117 17.8 ACCOUNTABILITY AND FINAL DISPOSITION OF GFE 118 18.0 PUBLIC ACCEPTANCE 121 18.1 WHY THIS IS PMPORTANT 121 18.2 GERMANE OBSERVATIONS MADE IN THE FIELD 121 18.3 POTENTIAL IMPACTS 122 18.4 SUMMARY 123 19.0 COSTS 124 19.1 ENVIRONMENTAL PLANMNG COSTS 124 19.2 SITE CHARACTERIZATION 125 19.3 SITE PLANNING COSTS 125 19.4 SITE PREPARATION COSTS 125 19.5 UTILITY CONSUMPTION COSTS 127 19.6 CHEMICAL CONSUMPTION COSTS 128 19.7 DISPOSAL OF HAZARDOUS WASTES COSTS 129 19.8 ANALYTICAL LABORATORY SERVICES COSTS 129 19.9 RECLAMATION OF METALS COSTS 129 19.10 SITE DEMOBILIZATION COSTS 130 19.11 VENDOR COSTS REPORTED 130 20.0 LESSONS LEARNED 135 21.0 SUMMARY 138 22.0 CONCLUSIONS 140 BDM,' ABQ-97-00ÖS-TR Fmol Report September 1997 mm TABLE OF CONTENTS (Concluded) SECTION PAGE 23.0 RECOMMENDATIONS FOR FUTURE APPLICATIONS 141 23.1 COMPLETE RANGE PROTOTYPE CLEANUP 141 23.2 POLLUTION PREVENTION AND PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE 141 24.0 RECOMMENDATIONS FOR ADDITIONAL DEVELOPMENTAL WORK 143 24.1 FINAL VERSION OF THE RANGE RULE 143 24.2 ACETIC ACID DEMONSTRATION 143 24.3 RATE OF OXIDATION TO METAL SALTS 143 24.4 POLYMER PNTEGRATION 143 24.5 REVEGETATION 144 24.6 FATE OF OTHER METALS 144 24.7 RECLAMATION COSTS 144 APPENDICES A GENERIC ASSESSMENT CONSIDERATIONS B EPA'S FINAL MILITARY MUNITIONS RULE C ANALYTICAL DATA SETS D VENDOR 1 FINAL REPORT E VENDOR 2 FINAL REPORT F ACRONYMS G GLOSSARY H CONVERSION FACTORS, NON-SI UNITS OF MEASUREMENT BDM/ABQ-97-0063-TR Final Report vi September 1997 Bnm LIST OF FIGURES FIGURE PAGE 1 Demonstration Program Plan 8 2 Range 5 Pop-up Target Coffins 15 3 Soil Washing Process Flow Diagram 22 4 Hazardous Materials Storage and Consumption Vendor 2 Hydrochloric Acid Demonstration 23 5 Estimated Runoff Pond Volume Acetic Acid Demonstration 30 6 Estimated Runoff Pond Volume Hydrochloric Acid Demonstration...
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