Movie Class – 8 (1:04:14 – 1:12:37) ______Main Characters the film’s main character, played by Jesse Eisenberg Mark’s best friend, played by Andrew Garfield Cameron & Tyler twins, Porcellian members that asked Mark to write a website for them, played Winklevoss by Armie Hammer Divya Narendra Porcellian member, Winklevoss’ business partner, played by Max Minghella Sean Parker a young genius entrepreneur who , played by ______Scene 1: The Meeting With Sean Vocabulary a glottal the sound made by blocking airflow in the vocal tract--the throat--the way some stop English speakers pronounce “button” as “bu’on” a gag reflex a reflex contraction of the back of the throat from touching the roof of the mouth a wild card a person that could affect a situation in an unknown or unpredictable way a dot-com a company that does most of its business on the Internet paranoid to be mentally ill and falsely believe that people are trying to harm you

Lines & Phrases - they’re not gonna card us. // They might. // I mean, look around. // It’ll be embarrassing. Ø the US legal drinking age is 21; our characters are underage and might be asked for ID - Unless you’re the ballet theater of Hartford, the purpose of a business is to make a profit. // It isn’t a business yet. // That’s tough for me, cause my job… Ø as CFO of , Eduardo believes that unlike non-profit organizations, companies have to make money to keep functioning - He crashed out of two pretty big Internet companies in spectacular fashion Ø Sean either had to declare bankruptcy or was aggressively fired from both his companies - I didn’t want to spend my 20s as a professional defendant. Who knew? The music industry doesn’t have a sense of humor. Ø Sean was sued by most major music companies in the US, which took illegal music sharing very seriously, and didn’t want to spend years going to trials - We tried to sell the company to pay the 35 million they said we owed in royalties, but I guess to them that was a little like selling a stolen car to pay for the stolen gas. So we said screw it, declared bankruptcy. Ø the music companies didn’t agree to Sean selling Napster to pay their fees, as they considered the service to be illegal, so he declared that Napster couldn’t pay them - he went on to his second business venture, which was an online Rolodex that he got thrown out of by Case Equity. ©2016 - 2017 English Buffet Ø Sean’s second company was an online address book and social networking service Ø An investment firm aggressively removed him from his own company - Whatever it is that’s gonna trip you up, you’ve done already. Private behavior is a relic of a time gone by. And if somehow, someway, you’ve managed to live your life like the Dalai Lama, they’ll make shit up. Ø every mistake we’ve made is now on record and it is very simple for companies to use them against us; if you’ve never made any mistakes, companies will lie instead - they’ll be payback at case. I brought down the record companies with Napster and Case’ll suffer for their sins, too. // Sorry, you didn’t bring down the record companies. // In court. // Yeah. // You wanna buy a Tower Records, Eduardo? Ø Sean says he will get his revenge on the investors that kicked him out of his company Ø he believes that he severely damaged the music companies’ reputation, even though they won against him in court - that’s where you’re headed. A billion-dollar valuation. Unless you take bad advice, in which case you may as well have come up with a chain of very successful yogurt shops. Ø Facebook could end up being worth a billion dollars unless you make a big mistake - You ever walk into a guy’s den and see a picture of him standing next to 14 trout? // No, he’s holding a 3,000-pound marlin. Ø you should set a single hard-to-achieve goal instead of setting many easy ones - I don’t have a dog in this fight. I’ just a fan who came to say hi. Ø I am not on anyone’s side; I just admire the website you created - He owned Mark after that dinner. Ø Sean was so convincing that Mark always listened to his advice after the dinner - There’s gotta be some kind of land speed record for talking. Ø Sean talked very much and very fast; he monopolized the conversation

Scene 2: The Hearings Vocabulary stipulate demand or specify specific requirements as part of an agreement jeopardize put something or someone in danger; expose to danger or risk

Lines & Phrases - I’m going to enter this into the record. Incorporation papers for Facebook, an LLC registered in Florida. Ø she is adding the legal document that made Facebook a company to the hearing files - Mr. Saverin, have you ever done anything that might be considered legitimate grounds for termination? // No. Ø the lawyer is asking if Eduardo has ever done anything that could have given the company a good reason to fire him ©2016 - 2017 English Buffet