TFM 327 / 627 Syllabus v2.0 TFM 327 - FILM AND VIDEO EDITING / AUDIO PRODUCTION Instructor: Greg Penetrante OFFICE HOURS: By appointment – I’m almost always around in the evenings. E-MAIL:
[email protected] (recommended) or PHONE : (619) 985-7715 TEXT: Modern Post Workflows and Techniques – Scott Arundale & Tashi Trieu – Focal Press Highly Recommended but Not Required: The Film Editing Room Handbook, Hollyn, Norman, Peachpit Press COURSE PREREQUISITES: TFM 314 or similar COURSE OBJECTIVES: You will study classical examples of editing techniques by means of video clips as well as selected readings and active lab assignments. You will also will be able to describe and demonstrate modern post-production practices which consist of the Digital Loader/Digital Imaging Technician (DIT), data management and digital dailies. You will comprehend, analyze and apply advanced practices in offline editing, online/conforming and color grading. You will be able to demonstrate proficiency in using non-linear editing software by editing individually assigned commercials, short narrative scenes and skill-based exercises. You will identify and analyze past, present and future trends in post-production. Students will also learn how to identify historically significant figures and their techniques as related to defining techniques and trends in post-production practices of television and film and distill your accumulated knowledge of post-production techniques by assembling a final master project. COURSE DESCRIPTION: Film editing evolved from the process of physically cutting and taping together pieces of film, using a viewer such as a Moviola or Steenbeck to look at the results. This course approaches the concept of editing holistically as a process of artistic synthesis rather than strictly as a specialized technical skill.